Courier Gazette : March 27, 1888
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TH E COURIER-(». .ZETTE. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1R48. I i TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE: ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. | &bt $rcss is IIh ^rfbimfbcan £cbcr that globes tbe &0lorlt> at frbio dollars a $ « a r 1 SINGLE CGI IKS PRICE FIVE CENTS. Vol. 7.—New Series. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MARCH 27 1888. N umber 1 1 . M AIN-:- STREET FOR PROTECTION. The Courier-Gazette By PORTER !t JOKES. 2 3 9 IS THE PLACE 2 3 9 Our Lime Manufacturers Plead far a Hair Goods Emporium GENTLEMEN —TO 1HJY LADIES* AND GENTS’— Square Deal. H E R B E R T M. LORD, E i .it o b . —OF— Mr. Dingley has presented to the House nnd A MODERN PAPER. — IN NEED OI' AN — had referred to the committee on ways and MRS. W. P. CLARK, WATCHES! means, the remonstrance of all the limo man Jorty-flrst year.......... of ttMTTttoekfamd Oaaette /.V GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER AND Fourteenth yenr............. or the . Rockland Courier Removed From 276 Main Street ufacturers of Knox County, without distinct — TO— NICKLE CASES. ion of party, protesting agninst the proposition OVERCOAT, ULSTER, Two dnllnrs a year in advance—(2.50 if paid at to place lime on the free list, and asking that end of year; (1 for six montha;50 cents for three months’ trial trip. SPOFFORD B iO C K ."",1;™ ;? ,,,,. CLOCKS! the sntnc duty (20 per cent,) may be placed on ROCKLAND, MAINE. lime imported from Canada that Canada places —all kinds or— Suit of Cloths, OF ALL KINDS FROM FIFTY CENTS TO Entered as second class mail matter. FIFTY DOLLARS. on our lime. The memorial states that about $3,000,000 Is invested in lime manufacturing MARINE MENTIONINGS. and quarries in Knox County, nnd about A FINE HAT, SOME UNDERWEAR JEWELRY! 2,000.000 casks of lime^nrc made per annum, of nil Styles in Gold. Gold Plate and Silver. The valued nt nearly as rnanv dollars in the mar Late Happenings, Arrivals and Depart Largest Assortment of ket. ures of Vessels Known to Us. Nearly the whole cost of making this lime is Bark S. I). Carleton, Freeman, sailed from Gloves or a Leather Jacket, AUNT PEGGY SAYS SILVER ware labor, i. c . Including cost of wood, casks and Singapore Feb. 11th tor New York. : transportation. Tills labor, says the memorial, For themselves or hoys, will find one in Knox County, which will be sold at Prices which costs only #1.12 1-2 cents per day in New That in onr new city governmeit arc nine Scb. J. il. Bodwell, Metcalf, cleared from "cannot be duplicated, Philadelphia the 19th for Boothhuy. of the Brunswick, and $2.00 in Rockland, Thomas Masons, nine Grand Army men, eight Odd ton and Camden. At the present time this Fellows and several Injuns, and Sell. G. M. Brainerd, Mullen, arrived in New -A LAKOK LINE OK- York tlie 19th from this port with liinc. makes the cost of making a cask of lime In That there are 3(1 mectin’s of secret soeitics Knox County about 23 cents more than it costs in this city weekly, nnd Ship Win. A. Campbell, Hatboro, sailed SPECTACIES AND EVE GLASSES to make a cask of lime on the St. John river That congress hail better add one or two from San Diego tlie 12th inst for Puget Sound. The Most Difficult Colors of Hair from 25 cents to 12 dot lara per pair. Special atten in New Brunswick. tion given to the tlttlng of Gluten to all kind, of more days to the week for the benefit of Rock Sch. Ringleader, Thomas, from Thomaston Easily Matched. eye". Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. The duty now Js only 10 per cent., which land. for New York, put into Salem 19th with cargo AWPrivute Rooms for Rhumponing Ladtoa' Hair. All kinds of with the undervaluation of imported lime and Tlial when they get a new tire alarm it’ll he of lime on fire. The vessel has been scaled up Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Spectacle exclusion of cost of casks from the valualioA and will remain nt Salem until the lire is out. according to the decision of the Treasury De the kind that teii3 exactly where tlie lire is. Repairing Scb. Martha Innis, Hunt, from this port for REASONABLE PRICES partment, leaves now practically only about 1 That tlie Limcrock It. II. Co. should run a done in a thorough, workmanlike manner and New York, was in contact with sch F. II. or cents protection on each cask, when it was passenger car to and from the Meadows. WARRANTED. Odiorne at Vincynrd Haven 19th, nnd broke In the State at My prices on everything will He* found as low as equal to about 10 cents nt the time the duty was That site is glad the girls had a elianre to see the lowest. Remember that goods bought of me originally fixed. foretopmnst and jibboom, nnd tore flying jib. are engraved in an artistic manner wi bout extra how nice and expensive it is to come the hack One of the crew bad a leg broken. charge. Give me a call before buy ing elsewhere. In addition to this, the New Brunswick pco- business on a rainy and muddy night, and BREAD PREPARATION No trouble to show goods. Sell. Flora Woodhousc, Hall, from I.aguna plc.have withinja few years,under the invitation The Healthful and Nutrition* That she hopes hereafter they'll he more ap for New York has arrived with loss of sails, caused by n practical reduction of duty, gone preciative of the efforts of tlie young men to etc., and two men. The balance of the crew into the business extensively, and will soon BAKING POWDER, THOS. DERMOT, plensc them. were frostbitten. She was overdue nnd consid drive cur lime manufacturers out of our mar That the shirt factories are a great blessing erable anxiety bad been felt about her. Restores to t he flour the health-giving kets unless the duty Is made at least 20 per Our Coats, Ulsters, Keefers, Leath 239 Main Street, Rockland, Me. to our unemployed girls. Arrived in New York Tuesday sehs. Chase, cent, or 15 cents per eask. With the lime on phosphates that are removed with the Charlie Willie, Richard. Denham, E Arcu- er .Jackets, arc finely made and war -U'^Special inducements to out of town paities the free list, we should be ut once swamped un That the Loan & Building Association is a Particular attention given to the repair and adjust larius, Fred Jackson, St. Elmo, Racehorse, bran, and which are required by the ranted in every respect. ment of Chronometers and CompuFses. less our labor should be reduced to the New nice tiling, mid Martini Innis, M. J. Lee mil Nautilus from A«rT. S. I have secured the services of M R. G. Brunswick standard. That there should lie a shoe factory to keep system. No other baking powder E .N O L IN , formerly with 8HRKVE, CRUMP N Rockland; sailed from New York the same LOW, Boston. Mr. Nolin is an experienced jew it company. day; schs. George Bird, Gray, St. Thomas; does this. It costs less and is strong eler, in every line, and has given special attention That she thinks there ought to be a receiving -sir STOCK OF- to engraving and fitting of eye glasses. 8 ONE COUNTY SOCIETY Cutawamteak, Perry, Cayenne. tomb somewhere In the city remote from her er and more wholesome than any hnme, and The Morse Transportation Company of Bath Which Should Own Its Buildings and will build a tug the coming summer. The new other powder. That she can’t imagine why people are so G rounds. boat will be 10 feet longer than the B. W, Furnishing Goods reluctant to have it built in their neighborhood. A prosperous West Camden farmer, and one Morse, owned by tbt suite company. Work Was never larger, and prices as low who lias the best interests of our county far on the new boat will lie commenced in about as the lowest. CHEESE! mers at heart, writes us a9 follows: THOMASTON BOYS six weeks. The company will also have u "The qtfestlon of having a Grange Agricul wrecking barge built die coming summer to be CHEWFOREE’S tural and Horticultural Fair in the near future Who are Carving Out Honorable Posi used on Long Island Sound. FUR CAPS, SCOTCH CAPS, is being agitated in the several Granges in this tions for Themselves. Very Nice Plain Cheese, Fancy Sage county. There is some objection for holding Charles Tobey is cashier of a bank in New BRIEFLETS. NEW AND FRESH. such a fair this fall, because the two societies Cuba, Kansas, and recently wedded a very Cheese, Neufchate! Cheese. now in vogue have already made preparations pleasant Kansas lady. t ^ ’See my stock and get my pri —Tlie famous savings bank ease has been de lor their fairs, elected their officers and revised John Wallace is one of Thomaston's able cided by tlie United States supreme court. ces before you spend your money. their premium lists. There are a few facts that young representatives. He hails now from —A report that Gen. Banks is to be made gov cannot lie controverted—First, that there San Francisco nnd is mate of ship Belle ernor A" the Soldiers’ Home at Togus is dis should be but one agricultural society in the O’Brien. credited at Washington. — DON’T YOU FORGET THAT— H O M E M A D E county, and that a good one; secondly, that Joshua Rice has tieen in Windsor, Vt., for —The supreme court at Washington decides We know thaf finer leaf anti sweetening than is the society should tie located centrally, and used in Foree’a Rainbow does not ex inf.