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Mori~pt.~!r:B Powcr Statton Project ES!A 8 vol. 5 Public Disclosure Authorized Appendix 1.I Terms of Reference for ESlA Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized BOTSWANA POWER CORPORATION PROJECT NO. 2006: MORUPULE B POWER STATION TENDER 1050Bl4 INVITATION TO TENDER INCLUDING TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR: APPOINTMENT OF A CONSULTANT TO UNDERTAKE AN ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR THE MORUPULE B POWER STATION PROJECT MARCH 2007 This documenl and, all !he rnJorma~ron i! contains, rs conjidenlial, 11 is !he properp oJ the Botswana Pouser Corporalion whose details are shown below, It musl no1 be disclosed to any third parry witho~r/he wrillen consent oJ the Bolswana Power Corporatron. Motlakase House, Macheng Way, lndus!rial Sites, Plor 1222. Gaborone. Botswana. Tel: (+267) 360 3000 Fax: (+267) 390 86741397 3563. The issuance oJlhis documenl does no1 and shall not in any way be deemed lo imply or convey to arry recipienl erther /ha[ therender specrjied herein will be proceeded wirh or [hat any mvard in respec/ thereofwill be made. Botswana Power Corporation Morupule B Power Stat~on ESlA Study Date: March 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Remark 2. Timetable Instructions to Tenderers General Requirements Requests for Information Amendments to the Invitation to Tender Minor Departures Price and Payments Tenderer's Conditions of Contract Submission of Acknowledgement Letter Submission of Tenders Acceptance of Tenders Joint Ventures Tender AdjudicationlSelection Process Tender Validity Pricing Of Tender Confidentiality Provisions Definitions 4. Agreement 5. Conditions of Services Agreement A. References from Clauses in the General Conditions 6. Amendments To the Clauses In the General Conditions APPENDIX A 6. Terms of Reference 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Location 6.2.1 Political map 6.2.2 Geographical map 7. Detailed Terms of Reference 7.1 General Botswana Power Corporat~on Morupule B Power Station ESlA Study Date: March 2007 Page I1 7.2 Project Boundary Limits and Interfaces 7.3 Scoping & Public Consultation 7.4 Scope of Work 7.4.1 Investigation of applicable policy, legal and administrative framework 7.4.2 Project description 7.4.3 Establishment of baseline conditions 7.4.4 Environmental impact assessment 7.4.5 Air dispersion study and air quality assessment 7.4.6 Archaeological assessment 7.4.7 Economic and socio-economic assessment 7.4.8 Analysis of alternatives 7.4.9 Environmental & social management plan 7.4.10 Structure of ESIA Report 7.5 Milestone Schedule 7.6 Reporting Annex A.l - Location Overview Annex A.2 - Tentative Time Schedule Annex A.3 - Manning Schedule Annex A.4 - Biodata Format Annex A.5 - Record of Authorised AmendmentslClarifications to the Invitation to Tender Annex A.6 - Minor Departures from the Scope of Services by the Tenderer Annex A.7 - Minor Departures from the Conditions of Contract by the Tenderer APPENDIX B SCHEDULE 6.1 - Schedule of Prices SCHEDLILE 6.2 - Payment Chart Botswana Power Corporation Morupule B Power Station ESlA Study Date: March 2007 Page 11 7. Detailed Terms of Reference 7.1 General The Morupule B Power Station includes the construction and operation of a coal-fired power plant with a capacity of 600 MW (4x150 MW) together with any necessary affiliated infrastructure. The international financing process for the Project requires an Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) eligible for the national and international approval and acceptance. Subject of the ESlA shall be the Project as well as any necessary affiliated infrastructure, excluding: - the transmission line - the water supply pipeline - the water wellfield (for supply of raw process water) It is expected that the investigation area for the ESlA and the issues to be considered in the ESlA will cover a radius of approx. 10,000 m. The definition of the investigation area is based on the "German Technical Guideline Air (TA Lufi)". This guideline recommends an investigation area around a single point emission source in a radius of 50 times of the expected stack height. Considering a possible needed stack height of approx. 200 m, an investigation area of 10,000 m around the plant site seems to be appropriate. The ESlA shall be prepared under the consideration of the applicable EIA guidelines of the World Bank and of the Republic of Botswana. The following documents shall be considered: International: - World Bank Operational Policy 4.01 (and annexes), dated January 1999, revised August 2004 - Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook of the WORLD BANK GROUP, dated July 1998 - Equator Principles, dated July 2006 National: - Environmental lm~actAssessment Act 2005 - Guideline for conducting EIA Studies for the Energy Industry under the EIA Act 2005 The following documents will be made ava~lableto the Consultant: Topographical survey (under preparation) Geo-technical investigation (under preparation) Final scoping report, dated 21.12.2004 Review report of final scoping report (under preparation) Existing soil investigation report, Morupule Power Project, Phase 2, Site Investigation Report, Revision November 1985 Groundwater Pollution Monitoring at Morupule Power Station, Annual Report for 2005, Final Plant design criteria document 7.2 Project Boundary Limits and Interfaces Beside the above defined ESlA investigation area, the project will have the following project boundary limits and interfaces: - the transmission line (EIA finalised) - the water wellfield (ESIA under execution) Botswana Power Corporation Morupule B Power Station ESlA Study Date: March 2007 Page 2 1-48 This means, that the impact evaluation of the projects mentioned above will be part of the impact evaluation of the Project, but will be taken from the existing reports and from the report currently under preparation respectively. The mentioned report for the transmission line will be handed-over to the Consultant during the kick-off-meeting. The interim results of the ESlA for the water wellfield will be provided to the Consultant during the kick-off-meeting. The actual status and the status foreseen to be handed-over during the kick-off-meeting will be subject of a clarification to be provided by BPC to all Consultants. 7.3 Scoping & Public Consultation A ESlA scoping exercise was executed in 2004 for the Project. The final scoping report, dated 21.12.2004, will be handed over to the Consultant during the kick-off-meeting. Therefore, a new scoping exercise will not be necessarv to be conducted by the Consultant. The public was informed about the Project approximately 3 years ago. The Consultant is requested to update the project information by conducting public hearings. Two public hearing sessions should be executed: the first hearing session during the initial stage of the project (0-4 weeks) the second meeting after preparation and submission of the final report (date to be agreed between BPC and the Consultant) Subject of the first hearing should be to inform the residents and inhabitants about the technical project components, the environmental baseline conditions and of the agreed scope of work. Subject of the second meeting should be to inform the residents and inhabitants about the final results of the study and about the foreseen mitigation and monitoring measures. The Consultant is requested to outline the lump sum fixed price for the public hearing sessions within the overall lump sum fixed price for the ESIA. The consultation of public authorities should be done during the establishment of baseline conditions. The Consultant is requested to quote for the preparation for the hearings but excluding meeting arrangements as this will be done by BPC. 7.4 Scope of Work The ESlA shall be prepared considering the structure and content as outlined in World Bank Operational Policy OP 4.01 and its annexes and as outlined in the Botswana EIA Act 2005. In case of any discrepancies the World Bank OP 4.01 shall be the main reference document. The scope of work shall consider the following tasks and subjects: 7.4.1 Investigation of applicable policy, legal and administrative framework The Consultant shall investigate, collect and discuss the applicable policy, legal and administrative framework within which the ESlA will be carried out. The task shall consider the applicable national and international requirements and shall identify the relevant international environmental agreements to which the Republic of Botswana is a party. Botswana Power Corporatron Morupule B Power Station ESlA Study Date: March 2007 Page 22-48 The Consultant shall discuss in detail the applicable and relevant national and international (e.g. World Bank, IFC and WHO) environmental limit values and standards and shall highlight the more stringent values which shall apply for the impact assessment. 7.4.2 Project description The Consultant shall concisely describe the Project and the geographic, ecological, social and temporal context, incl. any offsite investments that may be required (e.g. dedicated pipelines, access roads, water supply, housing and product storage facilities. The Consultant shall additionally describe the Project from the technical point of view. The project description shall consider the following issues as a minimum: Energy sources Transmission system General design and extent of electric power transmission General layout of facilities at project related development sites Flow diagrams for facilities, operations design basis, size and capacity Pre-construction activities, construction activities, operation and maintenance