3 Ed itorial Editorial on th e TelfedMove The Face of Telfed South African Zionist Federation (Israel) 19 Schwartz Street, Ra‘anana 43212 “He may not have made th e covers of Tim e, Rolling Stone or 4 Focus on Telfed Tel.:(09)790-7800; Fax: (09)744-6112 Huisgenoot, but Sid Shapiro has done far better - h e is on th e
[email protected]; www.telfed.org.il www.facebook.com/telfed cover of this issue of Telfed Magazine!” 10 New Arrivals his is the first moved into the “Ra’anana Sun” time Telfed Merkaz Klitah in 1987. Announcement 12 Noticeboard MagazineT has de- As has been pointed out, TELFED AWARDS FOR voted its cover en- one of Sid’s most stunning VOLUNTEERISM tirely to one per- achievements was in having Contents Later this year - date still to be finalized - son, but where in served - some might say - “sur- Telfed’s illustrious Telfed will salute the dedicated volunteers vived” under 13 chairmen, no in the Southern African community who 64 year history, has one individual Feature - Madiba 14 mean feat! have given of their time and/or expertise 7 so devoted over four decades of his As Chairman of Telfed (1999- freely in the service of their community life so entirely to Telfed? As former 2002), I worked with Sid on and/or Israeli society. Should you wish Telfed chairman, Hertzel Katz, re- to nominate a worthy candidate, please many varied and innovative Keren Telfed 18 marked in his address at the func- complete the form inserted in this magazine projects, but the most chal- tion celebrating Sidney Shapiro’s 70th or which appears on