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Waste Paper Collection ■ w . "h : U AftY CHENEY U P f> A R v 8ATUBDAT, OCtOBEK 9«, U 4I f A Q Z F O U B T E E M jKanrb^atvr lEbrttfhs U m lb \ ■ ATsng* IMfly N«t stamps to buy and avoided a dis­ 111 Cedar street and the telephone appointment. New Y Director GOP Workers munbere there for transportation FENDER AND BODY r, IN S A bout Town Here are some aidelinas on wiU be 2-4449 and 2-4461. Heard Along Main Street The dietrict headquartere for the stamps that will prove how greet WORK 9,594 The AriQlBttce banquet is the hobby as figured in Ameri­ Discuss Plans Third District, of which Bsrold. tkfa for the membera o f Anderaon* And on Some ojf MancheUer*s Side Streetsf Too can doilars. Osgood end Baris Caton ars chair­ Shea Poat, VJ*.W, will be pre- men, will be at the American Le­ SoHiiipne kfid FlafUt, Ibc. Our late President Roosevelt gion Home on Leonard atreet, end paored under the direction of the Memorial Issue netted over 83,000,- Complete Details . of SS4 Uentet Street Manchekter^A City o f VUlago Charm auxlUajTi-and served at the Poet There is the story of the local <S>6rst Another thing, if the people the telephone, numbera there wUI 000. Perhaps you have seen the be 2-1182 end 2-1342. rooms, November 10, at 6:80. man with .the changing arms. wait uhtil the next show starts rainbow-hued Hungarian stamps Campaign; Big Rally Baked ham will be the piece de re- then they are too late getting out. The district hea^uartera for tS) MANCHESTER, CQNN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1948 (FOURTEBN PAUB8) PRICE FOUR G B K » Ao we hear It this fellow' had con-' featuring President Roosevelt end the Fourth District Will be In VOL. ULVIL, NO. SM eiatance. Priende o f the poat mem* tlnual trouble with the length of ’!Two weeks ago people started red, white and blue U. 8. flag. To Be Held Tomorrow bsra may secure tickets by calling paying an additional five cenU charge of Judge Raymond R. Bow­ his coatslecves. One week they They sold at $6.00 a set in the U. ers and Mrs. Vbna Jonea. These Mrs. Margot Brown of 125 would be too long and the next making it a total of sixty cents to 8. but their original cost had been A large number of Republican CHRYSANTHEMUMS Walker attSrt. or Mrs. John Buch­ get into the movies. So guess what headquarters are' located at the couple of weeks they would ap­ four florins, 40 flUes or abopt 38 workers turned out for the meet­ Whlton Auditorium adjoining the Smog in Donora anan o f 176 Woodland street. The parently shorten, then become too happened! Previews of “Rope” cents! ing last night night in the Munici­ reservations will close November were shown one week, and the y.M.C.A. and the telephone num­ Bouquet short. 'The owner of the arms and “Since President Roosevelt’s pal building to complete plana for bera there will be 2-4307 and 2- 50 c Presidential Rivals Chinese Planes Bomb next w e^ when everyone went to coat went to a tailor for the neces­ own collection went for $250,000 the election on Tuesday. 1793. sary adjustments. see the so-called “good adver­ Aido Pagani, the Chairman of 40 Kensington Street Troop 10, dirl ScotiU, held a at an auction in New York two The Elections Committee of the After the fourth visit, the tailor tised” picture, there wasn’t- any years ago, F. D. R. stamps have the committee arranging for the Hallowe’en party under the direc­ sign o f the parth in the previews Republican Town Committee has asked him If he was dieting. been issued from dosens of other Republican Rally to be held at the been very much pleased at the ic is io n s tion of Miss Catherine Graham “I have been, but 'that’s got in the picture Itself. What hap­ Italian-Americah Club on Eldridger and Mrs.' Gcrrie Hoyt in St nations and have been sold out. number of volunteers who have of­ nothing to do with the length of pened? Did.some o f the film get The secret of philately is volume. street, Sunday afternoon at 4 Mukden; Occupation James’s school ’Thursday night fered their services in connection my arms,” the man protested. lost or did someone get tired of It is estimated that $45,000,000 a o’clock, reported the final plans EiSch Scout brought a guest with showing the same thing? It with’ the work to be done on ‘That’s where you're wrong,” year goes for stamps of all kinds. for the meeting, ‘ election day. her. The program began with a the tailor replied. “ It looks as if doesn’t seem sensible to increase “The turnover of our. Post Office Deputy Attorney General Nicho^ British- Of People at Polls '•scavenger hunt,, after which they you don’t stick by your diet reg­ pHces and then proceed to cut pic­ Department Stamp Agency set rbWmed to the auditorium for re- laa Rago, who is well known to ularly. Your stomach gets fat and tures. record, last year, of $3,331,291. Manchester people, has accept^ frethmenta of cider and dough- Does anyone know for sure American Club Completed by Reds slim by turns. I’ll tell you some­ Stamps are not only a hobby an invitation to attend and will nuts.^'^aunes were played with thing,” the tailor confided. “The just what la going on? but do well in the way of helping prises for the winners and all re­ address the rally on behalf o f the Truman and Dewey at sise of your stomach and the financial difficulties. Did you know Chosen Today port a most enjoyable time. ;• WUUain L. Stearns Republican ticket In addition, Jt NOW amount of it your coat has to This week The Herald told the that a Belgian series helped to fur­ is hoped that State Treasurer Fork in Trail Today; Many Eaqplosions, In­ cover has a lot to do with the story of the destruction of _ ther Auguste Piccard’s epoch- William L. Stearns, new director Joseph Adorno will be able to atop is the time to get those BINGO ' S t John’s'Xhrtunatic society will fullness of the arms of your coat.” making balloon ascents into the rooms finished upstairs, or Tomorrow People Will As Patriarch Seek Cause Death Blamed have a re h e a rd at the church, on shack on Congress atreet, used at of the Manchester Y. M. C. A. has in during the course of the after­ cluding Several Within Ctolway street tomorrow after­ Maybe the^same goes for the times as a haven by down-and- Stratosphere and a Norwegian is­ an Interesting background. noon, State (Comptroller Fred Zel­ to get that ggrage for the Beckon One; Upwards pants. sue backed Roald Amundsen’s at­ Two BltMdis of United noon at 1:30. They plan to pre­ outs. We have heard an additional He was bom in New London and ler and Congressman Miller have car before ^nter . or TONIGHT On 4 Russians bit of Information which affected tempted flight to the North Pole? aerved in the Na'vy in World War both agreed to be present, an'd Of 50,000,000 Are American Archbishop Of- Malady; sent n play in the Polish langu^e It was a good way to raise funds. what have you in carpen­ Stitfm Conanlate; in the near future under the direc­ From a correspondent: either this, or a nearby shelter. He graduated from Springfield Senator Charles S. House, candi­ “Let’s take a vote! Just how “Not so long ago the United ter work?; ExpecU^ to Vote Elevated to Be Head tion of Rev. Stephen Stryjewskl. A man was found dead In the college and taught physical educa­ date for Judge of Probate John GMnialtieB and Dam - many people are there in the to'wn Nations officials believed that they tion and coaahed football and Wallett, and Representatives Low­ ORANGE HALL 2 0 Deaths American Official in Vi­ shack one day, and the word got could raise $6,000,000 from an is­ For Estimates Call Of Ordiodox Church of Manchester that approve of the around to a newspaperman who track In Scranton, Pa., for two ers and (Crawford, will also attend Ogp Not Known; Chi- new theater system? I’m talking sue of its own postage sta^mpe. By The Assodsted Presa enna Bludgeoned; Giri promptly set out to cover . the years. He served as secretary of the rally. about the 6:30 plan of starting Because there was objection from Mr. Barry Harry S. Truman wid . Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 1.— (JT ■Bg Says Nation EAGLE-PICHER story. Arriving. found that he the Dalton Y. M. C. A. for ten Special InvUattohs Chemists Study Test Companion Is Beaten the mo'vies nights and the 1:30 outside nothing has been heard of A special invitation has been is­ BIG PRIZES! Thomas Edmund Dehrey came Archbishop Spyrou Athenagbraa Aluminum Windows and Doors was evidenUy too late. The body it since. years and was director of the Dal­ / : TeL 4022 Must Continue Fight plan to start them afternoons. It ton Community House and the rec­ sued to voters of Italian ancestry to the fork in the presiden­ of New York, primate of the Tubes as Mysterious Home Insulation was bad enough before when the had been removed, and the offi­ Street Hghta on.the — feaeliMee section of Donora.
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