CIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Mder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya
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THE CIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published mder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XL.-No. 20 NAIROBI, April 12, 1938 Price 55 Cents Remstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0. Pubkshed every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Notlce No 268-Arrivals, Departures, AppolntmenAs,etc 376 Proclamat~onsNos 28-9-The Dlseases of Anlmals Ord~nance 377 Govt Notice No 269-Appointment 377 ,, 7, ,, 27GThe Justices of the Peace Ordnance-Appo~ntment 378 ,, 72 ), 271-The Publlc Travel and Access Loads Ordinance, 1920-Appo~ntment 378 ,, ,, ,, 272-The Prisons Ordincnce, !'i?S 378 5j ,, ,, 273-The Juven~lesOrdinance, 1934-Appreved School 378 ,, ,, ,, 274-The Liquor Ordlnancs 378 ,, 19 ,, 275-The King's Afrlcan RlAes Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927 378 ), ,, ,, 276-Law Exam~nat~on 379 Govt Notices Nos 277-8-The European Officers' Pens~onsOrdinance, 1927 379 ), ,y ,9 279-81-The Courts Ord~nance,1931 379 ,, ), ,, 282-4---The Farmers Ass~stanceOrd~nance, 1936 380 General Notices Nos 487-525 380 SUPPLEMENT KENYAPROCLAMATIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS (No 15) 376 I H E O FFICIA L G A Z ET TE 1938 G OVERNMENT N olqcs N o 268 A R RIQ ZA LS w am e l '- a--k Flrom Leas e or otn f; satse zov, jsaneav mg smsuaabrek aour on ' oat ex oormabrrawsaa, ! I st wppozu tm ea l M lss M Coates E ducatzon O ffleer 1 . Lt ave 5th M arch, 1938 2nd A przl, 1938. A Lam bze Inspector In Stoek V etcrznaly Departm t nt y , - E A Sadler R eglonsl D lrect T'osta) D ept k 21st Feb 1938 12th M ar # 193% * G H t, Thacker Chlef Omcer, Prlsons Dept l - ,. 1:.IT 5r Chzgnall E xam znlng O m cer, Custom s 1 I D epaztznent I 11th M arch, 1938 ,, ,, R S Thac k er I Pulsne J'udge ' On transfcr from 1 y ,gj ,, ,, ,, M zss M J A llen N urslng Slster, M edleal D ept I 1st Appolntm ent 5th M arch, 1938 - R Cochrane Asst (Isnglneer, K U R & H l Leave ,, 5th M alch, 1938 1 * M arsellles D EPA RT U RES N I On Leave or Tezm tnatzon Rank l of Appomtment Date of Departm'e s H Fazan, c B 's P lovlnclal Com m xsszoner Leave 2nd A przl, 1938 H: s M urftt Supellptendent of Inland R evenue ,, c O Oates A$z zeultural Om eer ,, M lss D E Strange Clezk Audlt D epartm ent , s w Pem berton Technzeal Instrtzctor E ducatlon D ept ., M zss G M acartney Clerk Local Governm enb, Lands and Settlem enï D%' r H%e' wWttt Vmt Senlor PSanthltoa1royg lsItn structor j M zss M M lohnson N - . - - .. .u) smg j 1st e.r..- Aled ' cal wihepartment 1 , M zss E E M aehm Ulel v lniand ltevenue Om ce 1 , M lss 'V' A M avne Clerit Inland R evenue O ë ee ,, S Bloom berg Collector of Custom s (f:12 1:I Facey Asststant E ngzneer P W D Tf A Bock Sentor Asslstant Quantlty Surveyor, Pubiëtz svorks Departm ent ,, ,, R ln D Arm strong Asslstant A ceountant P W D ,, Màss J K M lddleton Clek k, X eterznarv D epaztm ent , L t F R Y' B room head, lt N lt Tug M aster K U R & H i ,, s L Grzm ths Folem an K U R ct H I Leave pendzng term m atzon of I appom tm ent F Cralg 2nd Englneer, K U R & H L eave A R odger Fozem an, Class 11 K U 11 & 11 P K Gradwell rorem an, Class I K U R & H J' T Ferguson Asslstant A ceountant lf U R & H M rs K M M alhtte Shorthand Typlqt 1ç U R & H M lss D A Curtzs Clezk Class I1I K U R & H ,, ,, M rs M D H ynes '1elophonlst Class 1, K U R & .bI A Leem zng Guard, K U R & .E1 A PPO IN T M EN TS G EOFFREY Blusco R IMINGTON to be D lstrlct O K cer, M om basa D lstrlct, Coast Provlnce, wlth esect from the 29th M arch, 1 938 W ILLIAM FREDBRICK PAUL K ELI-Y to be D lstrlct Oë cer (Cadet), Vo1 D lstnct, Coast Provlnce, wlth esect from the 26th M arch, 1938 A NTHOP.N CHARI.ES CHRISTOPHER Sw o x to be D lstrlct Oëcer (Cadet), South N yerl Dlstrlct, Central Provlnce, wlth efect from the 30th M arch, 1938 PRELIM IN A R Y O RA L SW A H ILI EX A M IN A TION PAss R K nowles, H M C ustom s, K enya and U ganda A DB V W A D E, Colonlal Secretary A prtl 12s 1938 TH E O FFIC IA L G A ZE TTE 377 C olony and P rotectorate of 'Cenya PROCLAMATION N o 28 RH E D ISEA SES O F A N IM A LS O RD IN A N CE (Chapter 157 of the Revlsed Edltlon, sectlon 4) M D TH E IN TERPRETA TION A N D G EN ERA L CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE (Chapter 1 o! the Revlsed Edltton, sectlon 13) G ovBltxwœx'r N o-ncE N o 231 or 1919 PROCLAMATION IN EXER CISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare the areas delined ln the Schedule hereto to be Infected wlth East Coast fever, and I hereby flzrther declare the sald areas shall be known as Eqnfected Areas'' for the purposes of Rules under the D lseases of A nlm als Ordlnance Proclam atlon N o 65, dated the 10th day of July, 1935, ls hereby am ended accordlngly G w en under m y hand at K abete thls 6th day of A prll, 1938 E J M U LLIG AN , A ctmg D lrector // Veterlnary Sermces SCH ED U LE Tu R Or Ofher D escr1pflon OWnOP D lstrlct X R'6O Of Com rnence- mOn6 Of Qtlaralntlno L R N o 6365 %T de W lat Esq , R u- Lalklpza 17th M arch, 1938 m urutl L R No 33497 H C Burtt Esq , Lazkzpza 22nd March, 1938 P O 01 Joro Orok L R N o 5602 M essrs Cresswell and A llfree, P O Elm en- tezta N aktu'u 23rd M arch, 1938 PROCLAMATION N o 29 That portlon of Proclam atlon N o 1 , dated the 5th day of January, 1937, declarm g- TH E D ISEA SES OF A N IM ALS O RD IN A N CE L R N o 2878, F P 800th, Esq , P O N anyukl N orth N yerl D lstrlct , qchapter 157 of the Revlsed Edttton, sectlon 4) , M D to be an lnfected area (East Coast fever) TH E IN TF RPRETA TION A N D G EN ER AL CLAU SF.S O RD IN A N CE G lven under m y hand at K abete thls 6th day of (Chapto 1 o.f the Remsed Edttton, sectlon 13) Aprll, 1938 G ovEltxMBx'r N o-flcE N o 231 or 1919 E J M U LLIG A N , PROCLAMATION Actlng D lrector of Veterlnat'y Sermces IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare the followlng aleas to be lnfected areas for the purposes of the sald D lseases of A nlm als O rdm - G ovEltNMsxr N olqcs N o 269 RZ CC - - RINDLRPEST APPOIN TM EN T L R N o 5728, C Roblnson, Esq , P O Lugan, Trans H IS M A JESTY the K lng has been pleased to approve N zola D lstrlct, the appom tm ent of R ansley Sam uel Thacker, Esquire, L R N o 1100, M rs Trench, P O N yerl, N orth N yerl to be a Pulsne Judge of H 1s M alesty's Suprem e Court D lstrlct of K enya A nd further 1 hereby declare the followlng Proclam a- M r Justlce Thacker ln pursuance of the above tlon and portlon of Proclam atlon to be revoked appolntm ent was duly sw orn m on the 4th day of A prll 1938 , That Proclam atlon N o 36, dated the 1st day of June, , at N alrobl 1936 declarlng- N alrobl, L R N o 2426, G C D ry, P O R um urutl, 4th A prll, 1938 Lalklpla D lstrlct, R BR OO K E-POPH AM , to be an lnfected area (East Coast fever) G overnon 378 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETT E A pnl 12, 1938 GovsuxMsx'r N o'ncE N o 270 G OVERNMENT N orncE N o 273 TH E JU ST ICES O F TH E PEACE OR D IN A N CE TH E JU V EN ILES O R D IN A N CE, 1934 A PPOINTMENT A ppltovBo ScHoot, IN PU R SU A N CE of the powers conferred upon m e IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon h1m by by sectlon 2 of the Justlces of the Peace O rdlnance sectton 28 of the Juvenlles Ordlnance, 1934, H 1s Excel- (Cbaoter 21 of the Revlsed Edltlon), 1, H enry Robert lency the G overnor has been pleased to estabhsh, w lth M oore Blooke-popham , K nlght G rand Cross of the elect from the 31st day of M arch, 1938, the Juvenlle 2 oyal V lctorlan O rder, K nlght C om m ander of the M ost W ard ln H M Prlson, N all obl, as a Class IlI Apploved H onourable Order of the Bath, Com panlon of the M ost School D lstlngulshed O ider of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Com panlon of the D lstlngulshed Servlce O rder, upon By Com m and of H ls Excellency the G overnor whom H Is M alesty has been pleased to confer the A lr Force Cross, A lr Chlef M arshal ln the Royal A 1r Force, N alrobl, G overnor and Com m ander-m -chlef of the Colony and Tllls 7th day of A prll, 1938 Frotectorate of K enya, do hereby appom t D octor H enry H em sted to be a Justlce of the Peace for the N alvasha A DE V W A D E, D lstllct, R lft V alley Provlnce Colonlal Secretary G lven under m y hand and the Oflklal Seal at N alrobl thls 2nd day of A prll, 1938 R BR OO K E-POPH A M , Alr CWIë/ M arshal, G OVERNMENT N o'ncB N o 274 G overnor THE LIQUOR ORD INAN CE G OVERNMENT N o'rlcB N o 271 N oTlcE IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon hlm by TH E PU BLIC TRA VEL A N D A CCESS RO A D S sectlon 11 of the Llquor Oldlnance (N o LXII of 1934), O RD IN A N CE, 1920 H 1s Excellency the G overnor has been pleased to A PPOINTMENT OF D ISTRICT ROAD BOARD alm olnt- IN EX ERCISE of the powers confelred upon H ls The D lstrlct Comm lssloner, Nakuru (Chalrman), Excellency the G overnor by the Publlc Travel and M r W Street, o B E , A cccss Roads O rdlnance, 1920, whlch pow er H ls Excel- M r F B Thom as, lency, ln exerclse of the powers conferred upon h1m by the Interpretatlon and G eneral Clauses O rdlnance, Capt E J S Cowl'ng, 1912, has been pleased, by G overnm ent N otlce N o M r Robert H all, 501 of 1925, to delegate to D lstrlct Com m lssloners, 1 D r C C V az, hcreby m ake the followlng appolntm ents to the N orth D r N M Shah, N yen D 'strlct Road Board for the year 1938 - to be m em bers of the Llcenslng Court of the N akuru The D lstrlct Com m lssloner, N orth N yerl, Llquor Llcenslng A rea for the year 1938 Capt K T G ooch, M c , z z' , Capt P S Bent, M c By Com m and of H 1s Excellency tho G overnor L G E Llew elyn, Esq , Capt E' A Evans, N alrobl, Comm ander A H SchoEeld, R N (Retlred) , Thls 7th day of A prll, 1938 J L Theron-Focks, Esq , M alor A H olford-W alker, M c , A oE V W AD E, K M R obertson,