CIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Mder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

CIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Mder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE CIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published mder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XL.-No. 20 NAIROBI, April 12, 1938 Price 55 Cents Remstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0. Pubkshed every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Notlce No 268-Arrivals, Departures, AppolntmenAs,etc 376 Proclamat~onsNos 28-9-The Dlseases of Anlmals Ord~nance 377 Govt Notice No 269-Appointment 377 ,, 7, ,, 27GThe Justices of the Peace Ordnance-Appo~ntment 378 ,, 72 ), 271-The Publlc Travel and Access Loads Ordinance, 1920-Appo~ntment 378 ,, ,, ,, 272-The Prisons Ordincnce, !'i?S 378 5j ,, ,, 273-The Juven~lesOrdinance, 1934-Appreved School 378 ,, ,, ,, 274-The Liquor Ordlnancs 378 ,, 19 ,, 275-The King's Afrlcan RlAes Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927 378 ), ,, ,, 276-Law Exam~nat~on 379 Govt Notices Nos 277-8-The European Officers' Pens~onsOrdinance, 1927 379 ), ,y ,9 279-81-The Courts Ord~nance,1931 379 ,, ), ,, 282-4---The Farmers Ass~stanceOrd~nance, 1936 380 General Notices Nos 487-525 380 SUPPLEMENT KENYAPROCLAMATIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS (No 15) 376 I H E O FFICIA L G A Z ET TE 1938 G OVERNMENT N olqcs N o 268 A R RIQ ZA LS w am e l '- a--k Flrom Leas e or otn f; satse zov, jsaneav mg smsuaabrek aour on ' oat ex oormabrrawsaa, ! I st wppozu tm ea l M lss M Coates E ducatzon O ffleer 1 . Lt ave 5th M arch, 1938 2nd A przl, 1938. A Lam bze Inspector In Stoek V etcrznaly Departm t nt y , - E A Sadler R eglonsl D lrect T'osta) D ept k 21st Feb 1938 12th M ar # 193% * G H t, Thacker Chlef Omcer, Prlsons Dept l - ,. 1:.IT 5r Chzgnall E xam znlng O m cer, Custom s 1 I D epaztznent I 11th M arch, 1938 ,, ,, R S Thac k er I Pulsne J'udge ' On transfcr from 1 y ,gj ,, ,, ,, M zss M J A llen N urslng Slster, M edleal D ept I 1st Appolntm ent 5th M arch, 1938 - R Cochrane Asst (Isnglneer, K U R & H l Leave ,, 5th M alch, 1938 1 * M arsellles D EPA RT U RES N I On Leave or Tezm tnatzon Rank l of Appomtment Date of Departm'e s H Fazan, c B 's P lovlnclal Com m xsszoner Leave 2nd A przl, 1938 H: s M urftt Supellptendent of Inland R evenue ,, c O Oates A$z zeultural Om eer ,, M lss D E Strange Clezk Audlt D epartm ent , s w Pem berton Technzeal Instrtzctor E ducatlon D ept ., M zss G M acartney Clerk Local Governm enb, Lands and Settlem enï D%' r H%e' wWttt Vmt Senlor PSanthltoa1royg lsItn structor j M zss M M lohnson N - . - - .. .u) smg j 1st e.r..- Aled ' cal wihepartment 1 , M zss E E M aehm Ulel v lniand ltevenue Om ce 1 , M lss 'V' A M avne Clerit Inland R evenue O ë ee ,, S Bloom berg Collector of Custom s (f:12 1:I Facey Asststant E ngzneer P W D Tf A Bock Sentor Asslstant Quantlty Surveyor, Pubiëtz svorks Departm ent ,, ,, R ln D Arm strong Asslstant A ceountant P W D ,, Màss J K M lddleton Clek k, X eterznarv D epaztm ent , L t F R Y' B room head, lt N lt Tug M aster K U R & H i ,, s L Grzm ths Folem an K U R ct H I Leave pendzng term m atzon of I appom tm ent F Cralg 2nd Englneer, K U R & H L eave A R odger Fozem an, Class 11 K U 11 & 11 P K Gradwell rorem an, Class I K U R & H J' T Ferguson Asslstant A ceountant lf U R & H M rs K M M alhtte Shorthand Typlqt 1ç U R & H M lss D A Curtzs Clezk Class I1I K U R & H ,, ,, M rs M D H ynes '1elophonlst Class 1, K U R & .bI A Leem zng Guard, K U R & .E1 A PPO IN T M EN TS G EOFFREY Blusco R IMINGTON to be D lstrlct O K cer, M om basa D lstrlct, Coast Provlnce, wlth esect from the 29th M arch, 1 938 W ILLIAM FREDBRICK PAUL K ELI-Y to be D lstrlct Oë cer (Cadet), Vo1 D lstnct, Coast Provlnce, wlth esect from the 26th M arch, 1938 A NTHOP.N CHARI.ES CHRISTOPHER Sw o x to be D lstrlct Oëcer (Cadet), South N yerl Dlstrlct, Central Provlnce, wlth efect from the 30th M arch, 1938 PRELIM IN A R Y O RA L SW A H ILI EX A M IN A TION PAss R K nowles, H M C ustom s, K enya and U ganda A DB V W A D E, Colonlal Secretary A prtl 12s 1938 TH E O FFIC IA L G A ZE TTE 377 C olony and P rotectorate of 'Cenya PROCLAMATION N o 28 RH E D ISEA SES O F A N IM A LS O RD IN A N CE (Chapter 157 of the Revlsed Edltlon, sectlon 4) M D TH E IN TERPRETA TION A N D G EN ERA L CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE (Chapter 1 o! the Revlsed Edltton, sectlon 13) G ovBltxwœx'r N o-ncE N o 231 or 1919 PROCLAMATION IN EXER CISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare the areas delined ln the Schedule hereto to be Infected wlth East Coast fever, and I hereby flzrther declare the sald areas shall be known as Eqnfected Areas'' for the purposes of Rules under the D lseases of A nlm als Ordlnance Proclam atlon N o 65, dated the 10th day of July, 1935, ls hereby am ended accordlngly G w en under m y hand at K abete thls 6th day of A prll, 1938 E J M U LLIG AN , A ctmg D lrector // Veterlnary Sermces SCH ED U LE Tu R Or Ofher D escr1pflon OWnOP D lstrlct X R'6O Of Com rnence- mOn6 Of Qtlaralntlno L R N o 6365 %T de W lat Esq , R u- Lalklpza 17th M arch, 1938 m urutl L R No 33497 H C Burtt Esq , Lazkzpza 22nd March, 1938 P O 01 Joro Orok L R N o 5602 M essrs Cresswell and A llfree, P O Elm en- tezta N aktu'u 23rd M arch, 1938 PROCLAMATION N o 29 That portlon of Proclam atlon N o 1 , dated the 5th day of January, 1937, declarm g- TH E D ISEA SES OF A N IM ALS O RD IN A N CE L R N o 2878, F P 800th, Esq , P O N anyukl N orth N yerl D lstrlct , qchapter 157 of the Revlsed Edttton, sectlon 4) , M D to be an lnfected area (East Coast fever) TH E IN TF RPRETA TION A N D G EN ER AL CLAU SF.S O RD IN A N CE G lven under m y hand at K abete thls 6th day of (Chapto 1 o.f the Remsed Edttton, sectlon 13) Aprll, 1938 G ovEltxMBx'r N o-flcE N o 231 or 1919 E J M U LLIG A N , PROCLAMATION Actlng D lrector of Veterlnat'y Sermces IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare the followlng aleas to be lnfected areas for the purposes of the sald D lseases of A nlm als O rdm - G ovEltNMsxr N olqcs N o 269 RZ CC - - RINDLRPEST APPOIN TM EN T L R N o 5728, C Roblnson, Esq , P O Lugan, Trans H IS M A JESTY the K lng has been pleased to approve N zola D lstrlct, the appom tm ent of R ansley Sam uel Thacker, Esquire, L R N o 1100, M rs Trench, P O N yerl, N orth N yerl to be a Pulsne Judge of H 1s M alesty's Suprem e Court D lstrlct of K enya A nd further 1 hereby declare the followlng Proclam a- M r Justlce Thacker ln pursuance of the above tlon and portlon of Proclam atlon to be revoked appolntm ent was duly sw orn m on the 4th day of A prll 1938 , That Proclam atlon N o 36, dated the 1st day of June, , at N alrobl 1936 declarlng- N alrobl, L R N o 2426, G C D ry, P O R um urutl, 4th A prll, 1938 Lalklpla D lstrlct, R BR OO K E-POPH AM , to be an lnfected area (East Coast fever) G overnon 378 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETT E A pnl 12, 1938 GovsuxMsx'r N o'ncE N o 270 G OVERNMENT N orncE N o 273 TH E JU ST ICES O F TH E PEACE OR D IN A N CE TH E JU V EN ILES O R D IN A N CE, 1934 A PPOINTMENT A ppltovBo ScHoot, IN PU R SU A N CE of the powers conferred upon m e IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon h1m by by sectlon 2 of the Justlces of the Peace O rdlnance sectton 28 of the Juvenlles Ordlnance, 1934, H 1s Excel- (Cbaoter 21 of the Revlsed Edltlon), 1, H enry Robert lency the G overnor has been pleased to estabhsh, w lth M oore Blooke-popham , K nlght G rand Cross of the elect from the 31st day of M arch, 1938, the Juvenlle 2 oyal V lctorlan O rder, K nlght C om m ander of the M ost W ard ln H M Prlson, N all obl, as a Class IlI Apploved H onourable Order of the Bath, Com panlon of the M ost School D lstlngulshed O ider of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Com panlon of the D lstlngulshed Servlce O rder, upon By Com m and of H ls Excellency the G overnor whom H Is M alesty has been pleased to confer the A lr Force Cross, A lr Chlef M arshal ln the Royal A 1r Force, N alrobl, G overnor and Com m ander-m -chlef of the Colony and Tllls 7th day of A prll, 1938 Frotectorate of K enya, do hereby appom t D octor H enry H em sted to be a Justlce of the Peace for the N alvasha A DE V W A D E, D lstllct, R lft V alley Provlnce Colonlal Secretary G lven under m y hand and the Oflklal Seal at N alrobl thls 2nd day of A prll, 1938 R BR OO K E-POPH A M , Alr CWIë/ M arshal, G OVERNMENT N o'ncB N o 274 G overnor THE LIQUOR ORD INAN CE G OVERNMENT N o'rlcB N o 271 N oTlcE IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon hlm by TH E PU BLIC TRA VEL A N D A CCESS RO A D S sectlon 11 of the Llquor Oldlnance (N o LXII of 1934), O RD IN A N CE, 1920 H 1s Excellency the G overnor has been pleased to A PPOINTMENT OF D ISTRICT ROAD BOARD alm olnt- IN EX ERCISE of the powers confelred upon H ls The D lstrlct Comm lssloner, Nakuru (Chalrman), Excellency the G overnor by the Publlc Travel and M r W Street, o B E , A cccss Roads O rdlnance, 1920, whlch pow er H ls Excel- M r F B Thom as, lency, ln exerclse of the powers conferred upon h1m by the Interpretatlon and G eneral Clauses O rdlnance, Capt E J S Cowl'ng, 1912, has been pleased, by G overnm ent N otlce N o M r Robert H all, 501 of 1925, to delegate to D lstrlct Com m lssloners, 1 D r C C V az, hcreby m ake the followlng appolntm ents to the N orth D r N M Shah, N yen D 'strlct Road Board for the year 1938 - to be m em bers of the Llcenslng Court of the N akuru The D lstrlct Com m lssloner, N orth N yerl, Llquor Llcenslng A rea for the year 1938 Capt K T G ooch, M c , z z' , Capt P S Bent, M c By Com m and of H 1s Excellency tho G overnor L G E Llew elyn, Esq , Capt E' A Evans, N alrobl, Comm ander A H SchoEeld, R N (Retlred) , Thls 7th day of A prll, 1938 J L Theron-Focks, Esq , M alor A H olford-W alker, M c , A oE V W AD E, K M R obertson,

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