LANCE SCHACHTERLE Curriculum Vitae (January 2012) (home) (office) 32 Massachusetts Avenue Salisbury Labs 027 Worcester, MA 0l602-2123 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (508) 752-4564 Worcester, MA 0l609 508) 831-5514; fax 831-5715; email:
[email protected] EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT B.A., Haverford College, l966. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Junior year. Graduated magna cum laude with High Honors in English. Awarded Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for graduate study, l966-67. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, l970. Dissertation topic: "Charles Dickens and the Techniques of the Serial Novel"; adviser, Clyde de L. Ryals. Assistant Professor of Humanities (English), l970. Associate Professor of Humanities (English), l975. Professor of Humanities (English), l98l- Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Division, 1985-1994. Director, London Project Center, 1985-1994. Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, 1990-1995 Assistant Provost for Academic Initiatives, 1993-1996 Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs, 1996-2002 Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, 2002-2009 HONORS Companion (Fellow), Institution of Electrical Engineers (London), 1988. Sterling Olmsted award from the Liberal Education Division of the American Society of Engineering Education (contributions to Liberal Education within Engineering Education), 1995 Member (elected), American Antiquarian Society, 1995. SCHOLARSHIP AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST TEXTUAL EDITING—Editor in Chief, “The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper” (2002-) Since l98l I served on the permanent staff of the Cooper Edition as an associate textual editor reporting to James Franklin Beard (Editor-in-Chief) at Clark University. In 1990, I was appointed to the Editorial Board, chaired by Professor Kay Seymour House, who succeeded Professor Beard. These positions involved advisory responsibilities for volumes presently planned or under way.