

Philosophy :

Makovec, Dejan, Shapiro, Stewart (Eds.) Friedrich Waismann The Open Texture of Analytic Philosophy

Introduces readers to hitherto neglected areas in Waismann’s oeuvre Explores the notion of open texture and its applicability in varied fields from law and linguistics to logic Offers a much needed starting point for systematic scholarly Waismann studies This edited collection covers Friedrich Waismann's most influential contributions to twentieth- century philosophy of language: his concepts of open texture and language strata, his early criticism of and the analytic-synthetic distinction, as well as their significance for experimental and legal philosophy. In addition, Waismann's original papers in ethics, metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of mathematics are here evaluated. They Palgrave Macmillan introduce Waismann's theory of action along with his groundbreaking work on fiction, proper 1st ed. 2019, XIX, 343 p. 2 names and Kafka's Trial. Waismann is known as the voice of in the 1st illus. edition Circle. At the same time we find in his works a determined critic of and ordinary language philosophy, who anticipated much later developments in the analytic tradition and devised his very own vision for its future.

Printed book Order online at springer.com/booksellers Hardcover Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Printed book 233 Spring Street Hardcover New York, NY 10013 ISBN 978-3-030-25007-2 USA T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE $ 139,99 (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Available [email protected] Discount group Palgrave Standard US (P5) Product category Contributed volume Series History of Analytic Philosophy Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-25010-2 Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-25009-6

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