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Photo: Marit Stadheim Marit Photo: Øydvin Asle Photo: Øydvin Asle Photo: nature and being considerate towards landowners and other visitors. visitors. other and landowners towards considerate being and nature This right to roam and camp freely is subject to acting reasonably, respecting respecting reasonably, acting to subject is freely camp and roam to right This lakes. You can pick berries, mushrooms and fl owers or fi sh for free in the fjord. fjord. the in free for sh fi or owers fl and mushrooms berries, pick can You lakes. nature. That applies to the forest, in the mountains and by the fjord, rivers and and rivers fjord, the by and mountains the in forest, the to applies That nature. Members of the public are allowed to roam and camp freely in the Norwegian Norwegian the in freely camp and roam to allowed are public the of Members Public rights of way – “Allemannsretten” – way of rights Public laid stone on stone to build the paths through the valleys, valleys, the through paths the build to stone on stone laid “Statsallmenningen”. You are allowed to harvest as much as you want from from want you as much as harvest to allowed are You “Statsallmenningen”. behalf of private landowners. landowners. private of behalf mountains: Simadal, Hjølmadalen and Måbødalen. Our ancestors ancestors Our Måbødalen. and Hjølmadalen Simadal, mountains: of blueberries, cranberries and black crowberries on the state-owned areas areas state-owned the on crowberries black and cranberries blueberries, of Some mountain lodges provide fi shing and hunting licences on on licences hunting and shing fi provide lodges mountain Some We have 3 valleys in Eidfjord leading from the fjord to the the to fjord the from leading Eidfjord in valleys 3 have We www.inatur.no. plant species. In autumn, the cloudberry turns yellow. There are also plenty plenty also are There yellow. turns cloudberry the autumn, In species. plant on or lodges mountain the at ce, offi tourist Hiking at your own pace own your at Hiking southernmost territory for the mountain fox and other arctic animal and and animal arctic other and fox mountain the for territory southernmost spot you have to walk a bit. You can obtain a fi shing licence at the the at licence shing fi a obtain can You bit. a walk to have you spot reindeer in Europe lives on the Harangervidda. It also represents the the represents also It Harangervidda. the on lives Europe in reindeer Lots of places for fi shing are easy to reach. To get to a more “secret” “secret” more a to get To reach. to easy are shing fi for places of Lots www.hardangerviddanatursenter.no 53674000, +47 Tel. and abundant fl ora and fauna. The southernmost and largest herd of wild wild of herd largest and southernmost The fauna. and ora fl abundant and trout. The rivers Bjoreio and Veig are also popular fi shing rivers for trout. trout. for rivers shing fi popular also are Veig and Bjoreio rivers The trout. 7 km from the centre of Eidfjord. Eidfjord. of centre the from km 7 The Hardangervidda offers great diversity, good fi shing in lakes and rivers, rivers, and lakes in shing fi good diversity, great offers Hardangervidda The taste. In Eidfjord alone there are more than 400 places to fi sh for mountain mountain for sh fi to places 400 than more are there alone Eidfjord In taste. of this region. The Nature Centre is located on route 7 in Øvre Eidfjord, Eidfjord, Øvre in 7 route on located is Centre Nature The region. this of Flora and Fauna and Flora The Hardangervidda offers good fi shing and hunting opportunities for every every for opportunities hunting and shing fi good offers Hardangervidda The fi lm about the Hardangervidda, the Hardangerfjord and the waterfalls waterfalls the and Hardangerfjord the Hardangervidda, the about lm fi Fishing and hunting and Fishing fi lm maker Ivo Caprino and shows a 225 degrees panoramic panoramic degrees 225 a shows and Caprino Ivo maker lm fi these roads before you start the tour. the start you before roads these forget – a modern auditorium was built in collaboration with the Norwegian Norwegian the with collaboration in built was auditorium modern a – forget Ask at the tourist offi ce for the condition and state of state and condition the for ce offi tourist the at Ask enjoy fresh air, pure water, lots of space and tranquility! and space of lots water, pure air, fresh enjoy Norwegian nature, climate and environment. 20 minutes you will never never will you minutes 20 environment. and climate nature, Norwegian more popular. Please leave as few traces as possible in Mother Nature. Mother in possible as traces few as leave Please popular. more single human being. It’s only you and the open landscape. Here you can can you Here landscape. open the and you only It’s being. human single park centre for the Hardangervidda and a modern experience centre for for centre experience modern a and Hardangervidda the for centre park up to the Hjølmadalen valley (10 km). Mountain bikes are getting more and and more getting are bikes Mountain km). (10 valley Hjølmadalen the to up Hardangervidda is unique – here you can walk for days without meeting a a meeting without days for walk can you here – unique is Hardangervidda The Hardangervidda Nature Centre in Eidfjord is an authorised national national authorised an is Eidfjord in Centre Nature Hardangervidda The you should try the old road 7 through the Måbødal valley (5 km) or the road road the or km) (5 valley Måbødal the through 7 road old the try should you Eidfjord an Eldorado of nature experiences and outdoor activities. The The activities. outdoor and experiences nature of Eldorado an Eidfjord Hardangervidda Nature Centre Eidfjord Centre Nature Hardangervidda is a popular alternative. If you like a demanding and challenging ride then then ride challenging and demanding a like you If alternative. popular a is Deep fjords, steep mountains, the vast plateau and a powerful glacier make make glacier powerful a and plateau vast the mountains, steep fjords, Deep Wilderness “Byen” are altogether 15 km long. The gravel road into the Isdalen valley valley Isdalen the into road gravel The long. km 15 altogether are “Byen” www.halne.no 53665712, +47 Tel. the boat. boat. the nature. The gravel road Tinnhølvegen at Lake Tinnhølen and the path to to path the and Tinnhølen Lake at Tinnhølvegen road gravel The nature. borderline of the Hardangervidda national park. You can sit inside or outside outside or inside sit can You park. national Hardangervidda the of borderline Riding bikes is very popular on the Hardangervidda. You are very close to to close very are You Hardangervidda. the on popular very is bikes Riding especially in the breeding season (June-July). season breeding the in especially mountain lake Halnefjorden, from Halne to Skaupa/Sleipa up to the the to up Skaupa/Sleipa to Halne from Halnefjorden, lake mountain Biking trips close to nature to close trips Biking on us showing responsibility. Never touch a nest or disturb the birds, birds, the disturb or nest a touch Never responsibility. showing us on The boat has 32 seats and takes you in 30 minutes over the 13 km long long km 13 the over minutes 30 in you takes and seats 32 has boat The Please walk carefully when you hike in nature. Thousands of lives depend depend lives of Thousands nature. in hike you when carefully walk Please Halnekongen Halnekongen This will enhance your “Wanderlust” and your experience. your and “Wanderlust” your enhance will This nests. If you are interested in birds, then it’s worth taking a tour there. there. tour a taking worth it’s then birds, in interested are you If nests. map and read about the Hardangervidda before you start your hiking tour. tour. hiking your start you before Hardangervidda the about read and map season. In the Bjoreidalen nature reserve, many rare bird species make their their make species bird rare many reserve, nature Bjoreidalen the In season. www.hardangervidda-aktiv.no 92258498, +47 Tel. experience the tranquility of nature. We recommend that you buy a detailed detailed a buy you that recommend We nature. of tranquility the experience mountain birds that can be seen the whole year round, even in the coldest coldest the in even round, year whole the seen be can that birds mountain your own Icelandic horse for a riding lesson and lots more. more. lots and lesson riding a for horse Icelandic own your taste. Please use this leafl et to plan a longer tour. We guarantee that you will will you that guarantee We tour. longer a plan to et leafl this use Please taste. The Hardangervidda is blessed with a rich bird life. The grouse is one of the the of one is grouse The life. bird rich a with blessed is Hardangervidda The mountain guide, cooking courses for the preparation of fi sh and game, bring bring game, and sh fi of preparation the for courses cooking guide, mountain Bird life Bird fl at terrain, to challenging summit tours, we offer something for everyone’s everyone’s for something offer we tours, summit challenging to terrain, at fl offers genuine experiences in the mountains, e.g. hiking and fi shing with a a with shing fi and hiking e.g. mountains, the in experiences genuine offers friendly mountain tours and hikes from mountain lodge to mountain lodge in in lodge mountain to lodge mountain from hikes and tours mountain friendly Hardangervidda Aktiv Aktiv Hardangervidda most incredible places.