Falkland Islands Newsletter PPublishedublished bbyy TThehe FFalklandalkland IIslandsslands AAssociationssociation wwww.ww.fi aassociation.comssociation.com NNoo 111313 OctoberOctober 22017017 ppeopleeople eeventsvents ppoliticsolitics iindustriesndustries ssportport nnewsews Falkland Islands editorial Association Newsletter by FIA Chairman Alan Huckle Published by: The Falkland Islands Association, lections are in the air. In the Falkland interests. That said, Macri has not given Falkland House, Islands, elections are likely to be held up on sovereignty negotiations; he has London Eon 9 November. Several Members merely put them on the longer fi nger. SW1H OBH of Legislative Assembly have already It was signifi cant, however, that the indicated that they will be standing down; Prime Minister made public her letter Tel 020 3764 0824 so, with the arrival of Governor Phillips in to Members of the Falkland Islands honseci
[email protected] September, it will be a new team to take Legislative Assembly on 14 August, the ISSN 0262-9399 the Falkland Islands forward into what day after the Argentine primaries. In this, we hope will be an even more confi dent she reiterated her Government’s ‘strong Edited by: political and economic future, particularly if and wholehearted support for [the Falkland Sharon Jaf ray oil production plans are confi rmed. Islanders’] right to self-determination’. She Stanley In Argentina, mid-term elections will be noted also that the UK Government was Falkland Islands held on 22 October, when about half the seeking ‘a more productive relationship Tel 00 500 52739 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and a with the Government of Argentina’ but
[email protected] third of Senate seats will be in contention warned that this would ‘not fulfi l its full (none of the Provincial Governorships potential until the Government of Argentina Editorial Committee will be affected and the elections for the meets the public commitments it made in Ms Cindy Buxton (Chair) Presidency will not be held until 2019).