Supplement ißo. 2. to Œbe arcb, 1934.



IN VIRTUE of the powers conferred on me by Article 27 (2) of the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927, I hereby certify that by a special and temporary authorisation permission has been granted for the flight within the limits of Palestine and Trans- (including the territorial waters adjacent thereto) of the following aircraft of Swiss nationality:—

Type of Aircraft Registration Mark

Fokker, F VII, 3m (fitted C. H. 192. with three engines)

This permission is limited to the period from the 1st February, 1934, to the 1st March, 1934, inclusive and is granted subject to the following conditions:—

(a) The aircraft and its crew and passengers shall be liable to all the legal obligations which arise from general legislation, from Customs legislation and import and export regulations and any regulations which may be laid down for public safety.

(6) The occupants of the aeroplane shall deposit with the local Police Authority all firearms in their possession at the time of their first arrival in Palestine, to be held in custody by the Police until the final departure of the aeroplane from Palestine. — 458 —

(c) During such time as the aeroplane shall remain in Palestine or Trans- Jordan it shall make no !lights save with the prior approval of the High Commissioner.

(d) Permission to land at any aerodrome and landing ground controlled by the Royal Air Force is given on the understanding that the occupants of the aeroplane will observe any conditions which may be imposed by the Royal Air Force Authorities in regard to the carriage or use of cameras in aircraft. The conditions in force until further notice provide that no photographs shall be taken of any buildings, works or defences occupied by armed forces of His Majesty.

The Authorisation dated the 44th December, 4933, and published in Gazette No. 408 of the 28th December, 4933, is hereby cancelled.

A. G. WAUCHOPE 14th February, 1934. High Commissioner for Palestine and Trans-Jordan. (D/109/33)



I, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner for Palestine, hereby certify that the construction of water works for Hebron, is an undertaking of public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1932.

A copy of the plan is deposited at the offices of the Director, Department, of Public Works, the District Officer, Hebron, and the Director, Department of Lands, .

A. G. WAUCHOPE 20th February, 1934. High Commissioner. (G/8/34) — 159 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by paragraphs (p) and (s) of section 14 of the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, No. 23 of 1929. as enacted in section 4 of the Road Transport (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933, the High Commissioner has made the following No. 20 of 1933. regulations:—

1. These regulations may be cited as the Road Transport Citation. (Routes and Tariffs) Regulations, 1934.

2. In these regulations :— Interpretation.

"Local licensing authority" shall mean the superior police officer appointed from time to time to take charge of the Jerusalem, Northern, Southern and Nablus Districts and the Gaza Division or the poJice officer in charge of the Licensing Office at Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus and Gaza.

"Owner" shall mean the person in whose name the licence for the omnibus has been granted by the local licensing authority. Provided that in !he case of an omnibus which is the subject of a hire purchase agreement, the term shall mean the person in possession of the omnibus under that agreement.

"Omnibus" shall mean any public vehicle licensed to carry seven or more passengers and plying or standing for hire by or used to carry passengers at separate fares to, from or in any part of Palestine.

"Passenger road service" shall mean a service of one or more omnibuses as set out in the schedules to these regulations.

"Special road service" shall mean a service of one or more omnibuses other than a service as set out in the schedules to these regulations.

3. Save as provided in regulation 10 of these regulations, no Omnibus routes, omnibus shall ply for hire on any route save the routes set out in the schedules to these regulations.

4. —(a) The owner of an omnibus who desires to operate a Grant of er road־§passenger road service shall apply to the local licensing authority Pass.en ׳for a permit to do so. serv,ce Permits — 160 -

(I) The local licensing authority may, subject always to the maxima prescribed in the third columns respectively of the schedules to these regulations, grant to the owner of any omnibus permission to ply such omnibus for hire on any of the routes set out in the second columns respectively of such schedules and such permission shall be deemed to have been granted only when a passenger road service permit shall have been granted by the local licensing authority setting out the route for which permission has been granted.

Conditions of 5. Whenever a local licensing authority grants a passenger passenger road roa(j service permit he may attach to such permit such condi- service permi s. tjons as \ie s})a]] deem fit and in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power the local licensing authority shall specify in such permit conditions in respect of all or any of the following matters:—

such service including the variations '־a) the frequency o) of such frequency on different days, or at different periods of each day;

(b) the daily duration of such service ; (c) the type of omnibus to be used on such service; (d) appointing or restricting the distinctive marks and numbers on or the colours of the omnibuses used on such service ;

(e) the publication of the time tables of, and the charges in respect of such service, and the display of such time tables and charges in the omnibuses employed on such service in such places as may be specified.

Period of 6. Passenger road service permits shall be valid for the same passenger road period as that for which the omnibus is licensed and may service permi s. su}3ject t0 the provisions of regulation 8 of these regulations be renewed by the local licensing authority if and when the licence for the omnibus is renewed.

Tariffs. 7. No fare higher than the maximum fare chargeable per passenger set out in the fourth columns respectively of the schedules to these regulations shall be charged by the holder of a passenger road service permit.

Renewals, revo­ 8.—(1) The local licensing authority may at his discretion cation and refuse any application for renewal of a passenger road service suspension of road service permit on one or more of the following grounds:— permits. (a) if during the currency of any such permit the passenger- road service to which the permit relates has not in the — 461 —

opinion of the local licensing authority been carried out with efficiency and with due regard to the requirements of the public;

(b) if during the currency of any such permit there has been a breach of, or failure to comply with one or more of the conditions attached to any such permit whereby in the opinion of the local licensing authority the efficiency of the service has been materially impaired;

(c) if during (he currency of any such permit the holder thereof or any person employed by the holder to drive an omnibus in the passenger road service to which the permit relates has been convicted of an offence under the Road Transport Ordinanance, 1929, or any other Ordinance in relation to the service of any omnibus used therein.

(2) Whenever the local licensing authority giants a renewal of a pasfenger road service permit, the local licensing authority may at his discretion amend the conditions attached to any such permit in accordance with regulation 5 of these regulations.

(3) The local licensing authority may at any time during the currency of a passenger road service permit revoke or suspend for such period as he may deem fit, any such permit on any of the grounds on which he is empowered to refuse an appli­ cation for renewal of any such permit under paragraph (1) of this regulation.

(4) Any person aggrieved by the decision of a local licensing authority under this regulation may appeal to the High Commissioner-in-Council whose decision shall be final. 9. A passenger road service permit or special road service Permits not permit, shall not be transferable by the holder thereof to any transferable. other person and shall be delivered to the local licensing authority on expiry.

10. —(1) The owner of an omnibus who desires to operate a Conditions of special road service shall apply to the local licensing authority sPec.ial road ,.r •tii " service permits״ for a permit to do so. r

(2) The local licensing authority may at his discretion grant the owner of any omnibus permission to operate a special road service and such permission shall be deemed to have been granted only when a special road service permit shall have been granted by the local licensing authority.

(3) Whenever a local licensing authority grants a special road service permit he may attach to such permit such conditions as he may deem fit. — 162 —

(4) A special road service permit shall be valid for such period as shall be prescribed therein by the local licensing authority.

(5) Every omnibus shall, while using such special permit carry a board marked "Special" fixed over the route numbers prescribed under section 16, Part V, of the regulations under the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, published in the Gazette of the fifth day of May, 1931.

(6) The board shall be black and the letters white and the dimensions of the letters on the board shall not be less than the measurements prescribed hereunder:—

Height of letters 7.8 cms. Width of letters except the letter "I" 4.5 cms. Height of letters 5.2 cms. Space between letters 1.5 cms. Width of strokes in letters 1.0 cm.

Permit to be 11. Any permit issued under these regulations shall be carried on carried on the omnibus at all times and shall be produced by omnibus. the driver thereof for inspection by any police officer on demand.

Revocation. 12. The Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Regulations, 1933, published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 375, of the seven• teenth day of July, 1933, are hereby revoked. — 163 —




These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

JERUSALEM MUNICIPAL AREA INTERNAL OMNIBUS SERVICE 1 Mahane Yehuda Square—Jaffa (a) Entire circuit —15 mils Gate. (b) Any 10 stops —10 mils (c) Any 7 stops and under 10 la Mahane Yehuda Square—Rail• — 7 mils way Station. (d) Any 6 stops and under lb . — 5 mils

2 Mea She'arim—Jaffa Gate. (a) Entire circuit —12 mils (b) Any 7 stops — 7 mils (c) Under 7 stops — 5 mils

5 2a Mea She'arim—Railway Station. ! (a) Entire circuit —25 mils (b) Terminus to Railway Station —15 mils (c) Railway Station to Terminus —15 mils (d) to Railway Station—10 mils (e) Railway Station to Eged Omnibus Station—10 mils (f) Other stops as for Service No. 2.

3 Bukharia—Jaffa Gate. o (a) Entire circuit —15 mils (b) Any 10 stops — 7 mils (c) Any 9 stops or under — 5 mils (d) Over 10 stops and under 14 —10 mils

(*) 50 omnibuses in respect of routes Nos. 1, la, lb, 3, 3a, 3b, 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. (*) 50omnibuse s inrespectofrouteNos.1 , lalb33a3b55a7 , 81112and13. 3b 5 5a 4 6 Number of Route Meqor Barukh—MamillahRoad. Baqaa—Jaffa Gate. Keren Ibrahim—MamillahRoad —Jaffa Gate. Road. Kiryat Shemuel—Mamillah —Mamillah Road. Description ofRoute C) C) o C) 5

8 Maximum No. of Omnibuses authorised to ply (c) JaffaGatetoTerminu s (d) Tocoverany6stops or (a) Entirecircuit— 15 mils (a) Entirecircuit—15mils (b) Over10stopsandunde (6) TerminustoJaffaGat e (c) Any40stops—7mil (d) Any9stopsorunde (c) Any40stops—7mil (c) Any7stopsandunder40 (a) Entirecircuit—20mils (d) Under6stops—5mil (c) Over6stopsandunde40 {b) Any40stops—4mil (a) Entirecircuit--20mils (b) Over40andunde1stops (a) Entirecircuit—15mils (d) Under7stops—5mil (6) Any4stopsandover10 (d) Any9stopsorunde (b) Any40stops—1mil (d) Any9stopsandunder (c) Any10stops—7mil (a) Entirecircuit—45mils Maxirmtm FarechargeableperPassenger 14 stops—0mils under— 5mil s — 8mils —40 mils — 5mils — 7mils — 8mils —10 mils — 5mils — 8mils — 5mils — 165 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised topiy

7 Talpioth—Russian Buildings. o (a) Entire circuit —15 mils (bj Terminus to Russian Build• ings or vice versa —10 mils (c) Any 8 stops — 7 mils (d) 6 stops or under — 5 mils

8 Meqor Haiyim— Russian o (a) Entire circuit —20 mils Buildings. (b) Meqor Haiyim to Russian Buildings or return—10 mils (c) To cover any 4 stops— 5 mils (d) To cover any over 4 and up to 8-10 mils

9 Hebrew University—Storrs 3 (a) Entire circuit —20 mils Avenue (b) Any 5 stops or under—10 mils

10 ,—Russian Buildings. 5 (a) Entire circuit —40 mils (b) 'Ein Karem to Russian Buildings—20 mils (c) 'Ein Karem to Bayit Vegan —10 mils (d) 'Ein Karem to Mahane Yehuda—15 mils (e) Bayit Vegan to Russian Buildings—10 mils (/') Russian Buildings to 'Ein Karem—20 mils (g) Russian Buildings to Mahane Yehuda or Sha'are Tsedek Hospital— 5 mils (A) Russian Buildings to Bayit Vegan—10 mils (i) Mahane Yehuda to 'Ein Karem—15 mils (j) Mahane Yehuda to Bayit Vegan— 5 mils (k) Bayit Vegan to 'Ein Karem —10 mils

(*) 50 omnibuses in respect of routes Nos. 1, la, lb, 3, 3a, 3b, 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, 12 und 13. — 166 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

11 Giv'at Shaul—Mea She'arim n (a) Entire circuit —20 mils Post Office. (b) Any 9 stops —10 mils (c) Any 7 stops — 7 mils (d) Under 7 stops — 5 mils

12 Bayit Vegan—King George's o (a) Bayit Vegan to King George's Avenue. Avenue or return —20 mils (b) Beit Hakerem to King Geor• ge's Avenue and return —16 mils (c) New Montefiore to King George's Avenue and return —14 mils (d) Bayit Vegan to King George's Avenue—10 mils (e) Beit Hakerem to King George's Avenue— 8 mils (/) New Montefiore to King George's Avenue— 7 mils (g) Bayit Vegan to Mahane Yehuda— 7 mils (h) Beit Hakerem to Mahane Yehuda— 6 mils (i) New Montefiore to Mahane Yehuda— 5 mils (j) Any 4 stops — 5 mils

13 —Mahane Yehuda. o 5 mils per single journey

14 ET TUR—JERUSALEM (Damascus ! 15 mils per single journey. Gate).

15 —JERUSALEM ! 10 mils per single journey. (Damascus Gate).

(*) 50 omnibuses in respect of routes Nos. 1, la, lb, 3, 3a, 3b, 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. — 467 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

16 NEVE YA'AQOV—JERUSALEM 1 10 mils per single journey (Mea-She'arim Post Office).

47 '—JERUSALEM (Mea- 1 15 mils per single journey She'arim Street).

48 RAMALLAAH—AL BIRA— 6 20 mils per single journey JERUSALEM (Damascus Gate).

19 BIR ZEIT—JERUSALEM 4 (a) Bir Zeit—Ramallah—20 mils (Damascus Gate). (b) Ramallah - Jerusalem —20 mils (c) Bir Zeit—Jerusalem—40 mils

20 TAYIBA—AL BIRA—RAMALLAH. 1 Taiyiba—Ramallah —25 mils

21 BEIT JALA—JERUSALEM (Jaffa 2 Beit Jala—Jerusalem —20 mils Gate).

22 BETHLEHEM—JERUSALEM (Jaffa 4 Bethlehem—Jerusalem—20 mils Gate).

23 HEBRON—JERUSALEM (Jaffa 12 Hebron—Jerusalem —50 mils Gate).

24 HEBRON—BEIT JIBRIN. 1 Hebron—Beit Jibrin —50 mils

25 MOTSA—JERUSALEM (Mahane 2 (a) Motsa—Jerusalem —20 mils Yehuda). \b) Jerusalem—Motsa —15 mils

26 KIRYAT 'ANAVIM—JERUSALEM 1 Kiriat 'Anavim—Jerusalem (Mahane Yehuda). —30 mils

27 JERUSALEM (Damascus Gate)— 10 75 mils per single journey DEAD SEA (Kallia).

28 JERUSALEM (Damascus Gate)— 2 75 mils per single journey JERICHO. — 168 —

(b) INTER — DISTRICT ROUTES. These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

Description of Route J C o Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger C־J 8. Number

of Route pO o £a o s e 1

A.l JERUSALEM—'ENAB—RAMLE— 30 (a) Jerusalem—'Enab— 35 mils JAFFA. (b) 'Enab—Ramie — 55 mils (c) 'Enab—Jaffa — 75 toils (d) Jerusalem—Ramie — 80 mils (e) Jerusalem—Jaffa —100 mils

A.3 JERUSALEM —ARTUF—. 1 (a) Jerusalem—Artuf — 45 mils (b) Artuf—Tel Aviv — 55 mils (c) Jerusalem—Tel Aviv —100 mils

A.4 HEBRON—REIT JIBRIN— BAB EL 2 (a) Hebron —Beit Jibrin WAD—JAFFA. — 50 mils (b) Beit Jibrin—Bab el Wad — 40 mils (c) Beit Jibrin—Jaffa — 80 mils (rf) Hebron—Bab el Wad 1 — 80 mils (e) Bab el Wad—Jaffa— 40 mils Hebron -Jaffa —120 mils (־/)

A.5 JERUSALEM—NABLUS—JENIN— 12 (a) Jerusalem—Nablus HAIFA. -100 mils (b) Jerusalem—Jenin —175 mils (c) Nablus—Jenin — 80 mils (d) Nablus—Haifa —175 mils (c) Jenin—Haifa — 80 mils (f) .lerusalem—Haifa —250 mils

A.6 JERUSALEM—NABLUS—JENIN— 1 {a) Jerusalem—Nablus NAZARETH—TIBERIAS. —100 mils (b) Jerusalem—Jenin—175 mils (c) Jerusalem—Nazareth - 210 mils (d) Nablus—Jenin — 80 mils (e) Nablus—Nazareth—120 mils

(Continued) — 169 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

(f) Nablus—Tiberias —175 mils (g) Jenin—Nazareth — 50 mils (h) Jenin—Tiberias — 80 mils (i) Jerusalem—Tiberias —250 mils

A.l JERUSALEM—NABLUS—JENIN— 2 (a) Jerusalem-Nablus—100 mils NAZARETH—TIBERIAS—SAFAD. (b) Jerusalem—Jenin —175 mils (c) Jerusalem—Nazareth —210 mils (d) Jerusalem— Tiberias —250 mils (e) Nablus—Jenin — 80 mils If) Nablus—Nazareth—120 mils (g) Nablus—Tiberias —175 mils (A) Nablus—Safad —225 mils (i) Jenin—Nazareth — 50 mils (j) Jenin—Tiberias — 80 mils (k) Jenin-Safad —130 mils (I) Nazareth—Tiberias — 50 mils (m) Nazareth—Safad —100 mils (ft) Tiberias—Safad — 50 mils (o) Jerusalem—Safad —300 mils

A.8 JAFFA—JERUSALEM —HAIFA. 2 (a) Jaffa—Haifa —350 mils (b) Intermediate fares as speci• fied for routes A.l and A.5

A.9 TEL AVIV—JERUSALEM—HAIFA. 5 (a) Tel Aviv—Haifa —350 mils (b) Intermediate fares as speci• fied for routes A.l and A.5

A.10 JAFFA—JERUSALEM—TIBERIAS. 1 (a) Jaffa—Tiberias —350 mils (b) Intermediate fares as speci• fied for routes A.l and A.6

A.ll JERUSALEM—NABLUS. 4 (a) Jerusalem—Nablus —100 mils — 170 —

*¡42 "p Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger

A.12 HEBRON—DAHARIYA— 2 (a) Hebron—Dahariya —30 mils JBEERSHEBA. (b) Dahariya Beersheba —60 mils (c) Hebron—Beersheba —70 mils

A.2 HEBRON—BEERSHEBA—GAZA. 1 (a) Hebron - Beesheba —70 mils (b) Beersheba—Gaza —60 mils — -171 —


(a) ROUTES WITHIN THE NORTHERN DISTRICT. These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

^42 8 •S W Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger of Omni Maximun authorised HAIFA MUNICIPAL AREA INTERNAL OMNIBUS SERVICE.

1 Main Police Station—Kingsway 18 Main Police Station to Nazareth —Ard el Yahud—Nazareth Road Road— 5 mils single to Yajur and return via Station Main Police Station to Road, East Extension and Station — 15 mils single Road.

2 Neve Shaanan—Nazareth Road 4 Business Centre to Neve —I.C.I. Road—Station Road— Shaanan—17 mils single Kingsway—Stop at Old Business Neve Shaanan to Business Centre Centre and return. — 8 mils single

3 Kefar Hassidim—Nahalat 2 20 mils per single journey Ya'aqov—Nazareth Road—I.C.I. Road—Station Road—Kingsway —Palmer's Gate and return.

4 Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel— 9 Main Post Office—Kingsway to Mount Carmel—Mountain Street Mount Carmel Hotel—20 mils — New Commercial Centre— single, 30 mils return Jaffa Road—Silesian Approach Main Post Office—Kingsway to Road to Kingsway—Post Office Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel— and return via New Commercial 22 mils single, 33 mils return Centre Approach Road—Jaffa Main Post Office—Kingsway to Road—Carmel Avenue—Allenby Mafhara Quarter —10 mils Street—Mount Carmel. single, 15 mils return

5 Carmel Station—Jaffa Road— 29 5 mils per single journey Silesian Approach Road—Kings- way—Railway Station and return, via New Commercial Centre Approach Road to Carmel Station.

6 Hadar Hacarmel—Burj — Stanton 25 New Commercial Centre to Hadar Street—Maronite Street—Kham- Hacarmel or Herzliya ra Square—Jaffa Road—New —7 mils single Commercial Centre and return Hadar Hacarmel or Herzliya to via Allenby and Stanton Streets. New Commercial Centre —5 mils single — 172 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of •Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

7 Bat Galim —Jaffa Road—Silesian 10 6 mils per single journey Approach Road — Kingsway — Railway Station, return via New Commercial Centre Approach Road to Jaffa Road and Bat Galim.

8 Meshek Yajur—Nesher — Naza• 4 Palmer's Gate—Yajur—15 mils reth Road—l.C.I. Road—Station single Road — Kingsway — Palmer's Workmen's tickets—11.5 mils Gate and return. Residents' tickets—12.5 mils

8a Haifa Main Railway Station — 2 6 mils per single journey Stanton Street—Allenby Street— Carmel Avenue—Jaffa Road and return via New Commercial Centre.

9 HAIFA (Main Police Station)— 4 25 mils per single journey Tira.

10 HAIFA (Railway Station)—Acre 4 20 mils per single journey

11 HAIFA (Allenby Square) — 6 40 mils per single journey Shefa 'Amr.

12 HAIFA—Khayat Beach 10 mils per single journey (Arranged for by Licensing Authority by extension of routes in summer time).

13 HAIFA—Tiberias. 5 Haifa—Tiberias—80 mils per single journey

14 HAIFA—Shekhunat Kiryat 2 10 mils per single journey Haiyim. 10 tickets—75 mils

15 HAIFA—Zikhron Ya'aqov. 6 60 mils per single journey

16 ZIKHRON YA'AQOV—Zikhron Ya'• 2 20 mils per single journey aqov Railway Station. --- 173 —

Description of Route Maximum !,'are chargeable per Passenger Number of Rouie of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply il HAIFA—Nahalal—'A fful a—Beit 2 Haifa—'Affula— Alfa. 70 mils per single journey 130 mils per return journey 'Affula—Beit .Alfa— 50 mils per single journey 80 mils per return journey

18 KARKUR—Hadera. 3 75 mils per return journey 50 mils per single journey

19 HAIFA—Hadera. 3 80 mils per single journey

20 HAIFA—Nazareth—Tiberias. 4 Haifa — Nazareth— 40 mils per single journey Nazareth—Tiberias — 40 mils per single journey

21 HAIFA—N azareth—Saffu riy a— 3 Hai fa—N azareth— Tiberias. 40 mils per single journey Nazareth—Saffuriya— 15 mils per single journey Nazareth—Tiberias— 40 mils per single journey

22 SAFAD—Acre—Haifa. 3 Safad—Acre— 80 mils per single journey Safad—Haifa— 90 mils per single journey Acre—Haifa— 20 mils per single journey

23 SAFAD—Rosh Pinna—Tiberias. 3 Safad—Rosh Pinna— 25 mils per single journey Safad —Tiberias— 50 mils per single journey Rosh Pinna—Tiberias— 40 mils per single journey

24 HAIFA—Jaba 'Ein Ghazal. 1 24 mils per single journey

25 HAIFA—Igzim. 2 50 mils per single journey — 174 —

C2 Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger §8־ J* of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

26 HAIFA—Jaba'. 1 40 mils per single journey

27 HAIFA—Samakh. 2 100 mils per single journey

28 HAIFA—Nazareth. 1 40 mils per single journey

29 HAIFA—Migdal. 1 70 mils per single journey

30 PARDESS HANNA—Binyamina— 1 Pardess Hanna—Hadera— Hadera. 30 mils per single journey Pardess Hanna—Binyamina— 30 mils per single journey

31 ACRE—Er Rama. 2 80 mils per single journey

32 ACRE—Tarshiha. 3 60 mils per single journey

33 ACRE—El Bassa. 3 60 mils per single journey

EL-FAHM—Haifa. 1 50 mils per single journey־UM 34

35 TIBERIAS—Kiryat Samuel— 10 Tiberias—Kiryat Samuel— Samakh. 5 mils per single journey Tiberias—Samakh— 15 mils per single journey

36 TIBERIAS—Hot Springs— 6 Tiberias—Hot Springs— Yavneel—Samakh. 5 mils per single journey Tiberias—Yavneel— 35 mils per single journey Tiberias—Samakh 15 mils per single journey

37 TIBERIAS—Migdal—Metulla. 1 Tiberias—Migdal— 10 mils per single journey Tiberias—Khalisa— 60 mils per single journey

38 HAIFA—Tiberias—Damascus. 3 Haifa—Tiberias— 80 mils per single journey Tiberias—Damascus— 250 mils per single journey — 175 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

39 HAIFA — Jenin—Nablus. 1 100 mils per single journey

40 HAIFA—Al —Jenin. 2 Haifa—Al Lajjun— 25 mils per single journey Al Lajjun—Jenin— 25 mils per single journey

41 HAIFA—Jish—Safad. 2 Haifa—Jish— 125 mils per single journey Jish—Safad— 40 mils per single journey

(b) INTER-DISTRICT ROUTES These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

N.l HAIFA— Jenin—Jerusalem—Tel 5 Haifa—Jerusalem— Aviv. 200 mils single 370 mils return Haifa-Tel Aviv— 200 mils single 360 mils return

N.2 HAIFA—Jenin—Jerusalem— 5 Haifa—Jerusalem— Jaffa. 200 mils single 370 mils return Haifa—Jaffa —200 mils single 360 mils return

N.3 HADERA—Tulkarm—Petah 1 Hadera—Tulkarm— Tiqva—Tel Aviv. 50 mils single Tulkarm—Petah Tiqva— 25 mils single Petah Tiqva—Tel Aviv— 25 mils single Hadera—Tel Aviv— 100 mils single

N.4 NABLUS—Ramallah— 15 Nablus—Ramallah — 40 mils Jerusalem. Ramallah—Jerusalem — 20 mils Nablus—Jerusalem —60 mils — 476 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Fassenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

N.5 NABLUS—Ramallah—Bethlehem 2 Nablus—Bethlehem — 70 mils —Jerusalem—Hebron. Bethlehem—Hebron — 20 mils Nablus—Hebron — 90 mils

N.6 NABLUS—Tulkarm—Jaffa. 6 Nablus—Tulkarm — 30 mils Tulkarm—Jaffa — 60 mils Nablus—Jaffa — 80 mils

N.7 TULKARM—Nablus—Ramallah— 1 Tulkarm—Ramallah — 60 mils Jerusalem. Tulkarm—Jerusalem — 80 mils

N.8 TULKARM - Jaffa. 6 Tulkarm—Jaffa — 60 mils

N.9 BAKA GHARBIYA—Jaffa. 2 Baka Gharbiya—Jaffa — 90 mils

N.40 TEL AVIV—Tulkarm—Tiberias. 4 Tel Aviv—Tiberias— 250 mils single 440 mils return Tel Aviv—Tulkarm — 400 mils single

N.44 HAIFA—Beirut. 6 Haifa—Beirut —250 mils single Beirut—Haifa —250 mils single Return tickets valid for 44 days —450 mils

N.42 HAIFA—Jerusalem. 4 2ii5 mils per single journey

N.43 TIBERIAS—Tulkarm—Tel Aviv 4 Tiberias—Tulkarm —450 mils —Jaffa. Tulkarm—Tel Aviv—Jaffa — 400 mils Tiberias—Jaffa —250 mils

N.14 HAIFA—Damascus. 3 Haifa—Damascus —275 mils Haifa—Nazareth — 40 mils Nazareth—Tiberias — 40 mils Tiberias—Damascus —225 mils

Omnibuses other than those plying for hire solely within the Municipal Area of Haifa and plying for hire on routes that terminate or pass through Haifa shall proceed to terminal points or pass through Haifa along routes prescribed by the Licensing Authority and endorsed on permits. — 477 —



(a) ROUTES WITHIN THE- SOUTHERN DISTRICT. These routes and the stops tbereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Fassenger Number of Boute of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply


J.l King George Avenue— 10 From or to King George 'Ajami—Municipal Hospital— Avenue—Municipal Hospital Quarantine Station. —10 mils From or to King George Avenue—Quarantine Station —10 mils Between King George Avenue and Aractinji Corner — 5 mils Between Aractinji Corner and Quarantine Station — 5 mils Between Quarantine Station and Mantura House — 5 mils Between Mantura House and King George Avenue — 5 mils

J.2 King George Avenue— 12 Between King George Avenue Manshiya. and Jaffa—Tel-Aviv Boundary 5 mils Between Jaffa—Tel-Aviv Boundary and King George Avenue — 5 mils

J.3 King George Avenue—Boustros 4 5 mils per single journey Street—'Ajami Road—Apollo Cinema—King George Avenue. — 178 —

v 42 Description of Boute Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger of Omni Maximvn authorised


T.l Kefar Gil'adi Street—Casino 5 mils per single journey Crescent.

T.2 Yehuda Halevy Street—Sea 5 mils per single journey Shore.

T.3 Herzl Street—King George's 5 mils per single journey. Avenue.

T.4 Gedera Street —Tel Aviv Railway 5 mils from Gedera Street to Station. junction of Allenby Road with Jaffa—Tel Aviv Road and vice versa 5 mils from junction of Allenby Street to Railway Station and vice versa 10 mils from Gedera Street to Railway Station and vice versa T. l t o T.I O inclusive .

T.5 Kefar Gil'adi Street—Shpak 5 mils per single journey Quarter. f route s T.6 Hagalil Street—Municipal 10 mils per single journey Slaughter House. 5 mils for a distance equivalent to half single journey respec t o

T.7 Sheinkin Street— Shekhunat .£ 5 mils per single journey Hapo'alim. CM 00

T.8 Bilu Street—Casino Crescent. 5 mils per single journey

T.9 Maccabi Football Ground— 5 mils per single journey Casino Crescent.

T.IO Sheinkin Street—Sea Baths— 5 mils per single journey Hassan Bey Street. — 179 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

S.l Tel Aviv—Petah Tiqva. 35 20 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.2 Tel Aviv— Petah Tiqva—Mahane 3 20 mils per single journey, and Yehuda. at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.3 Tel Aviv—Petah Tiqva—Kefar 1 20 mils per single journey, and Gannim—Gat Rimmon. at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.4 Tel Aviv—Ramatayim — 13 40 mils from or to Tel-Aviv— Magdiel—Kefar Saba—Gan Ramatayim, Tel Aviv—Magdiel, Haiyim—Tel Mond. Tel Aviv—Kefar Saba. 70 mils from or to Tel Aviv—Gan Haiyim, Tel Aviv—Tel Mond

S.5 Tel Aviv—Ra'anana—Herzliya. 7 55 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceeding 6 kilometres

S.6 Tel Aviv—Rehovot— 30 50 mils per single journey, and Sha'arayim—'. at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceeding 6 kilometres.

S.7 Tel Aviv—Ras el 'Ein. 5 50 mils per single journey

S.8 Jaffa—Ras el 'Ein. 1 50 mils per single journey

S.9 Jaffa—Ramie. 20 30 mils per single journey — 180 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

S.40 Jaffa—Gaza. 5 450 mils per single journey, at the rate of 40 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.44 Jaffa—. 3 75 mils per single journey

S.12 Jaffa—Selmeh Yehudeh. 3 40 mils per single journey

S.13 Jaffa—Willie] ma. 1 50 mils per single journey

S.14 Tel Aviv—'Eqron. 1 50 mils per single journey

S.15 Tel Aviv—Gedera. 3 75 mils per single journey

S.16 Tel Aviv—Beer Tuviya. 9 420 mils per single journey

S.47 Tel Aviv—Ben Shemen. 2 45 mils per single journey

S.18 Tel Aviv-Tel Sur. 2 80 mils per single journey

S.19 Tel Aviv—Miqve Yisrael. 1 45 mils per single journey

S.20 Tel Aviv—Montefiore. 5 5 mils per single journey

S.21 Tel Aviv—Bayit Vegan. 2 45 mils per single journey

S.22 Tel Aviv—Sheikh Muwannes— 2 50 mils per single journey Ramat Hasharon.

S.23 Jafta— Yebna. 2 50 mils per single journey

S.24 Jaffa—Esdud. 1 420 mils per single journey — 181 —


These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

-S II Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger of Omnibuses Maximum No. atithorised to ply

G.l Gaza—Khan Yunis. 5 50 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

G.2 Khan Yunis—Gaza—Jaffa. 1 200 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 0 kilometres

G.3 Gaza—Beersheba. 3 100 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

G.4 Gaza—Beersheba—Hebron. 1 200 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

G.5 Beersheba—Gaza—Jaffa. 1 220 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

G.6 Gaza—Masmiya—Jaffa. 1 150 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

G.7 Gaza—Jaffa. 14(*) 150 mils per single journey, and at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

(*) One omnibus for carriage of passengers and goods. — 182׳ —

(c) INTER-DISTRICT ROUTES. These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the Permit.

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

S.25 Jaffa—Tel Aviv—Tulkarm— 15 From or to Jaffa or Tel Aviv— Haita. Haifa—200 mils

S.26 Tel Aviv—Jaffa—Ramie— 50 From or to Jaffa or Tel Aviv— Jerusalem. Jerusalem—100 mils From or to Jaffa or Tel Aviv— Ramie— 40 mils From or to Ramie—Jerusalem — 60 mils

S.27 Jaffa—Tulkarm. 5 From or to Jaffa Tulkarm —100 mils

S.28 Jaffa—Ran tis—Majdal—'Abud— 4 75 mils per single journey Jifna.

S.29 Tel Aviv—Wadi Hawareth. 1 100 mils per single journey

S.30 Tel Aviv—Nathania. 2 100 mils per single journey

S.31 Tel Aviv—Gan Yavne. 1 120 mils per single journey

S.32 Herzliya—Sea Shore - Sidna'Ali. 2 15 mils per single journey

S.33 Jaffa—Qubeiba. 2 40 mils per single journey

S.34 Jaffa—Lydda Station-Lydda. 25 40 mils per single journey

S.35 Lydda —Ramie. 5 10 mils per single jonrney

S.36 Jaffa—Beit Dejan. 1 15 mils per single journey

S.37 Jaffa—Beit Deras. 1 120 mils per single journey

S.38 Tel Aviv— Beer-Ya'aqov. 1 40 mils per single journey — 183 —

Description of Route Maximum Fare chargeable per Passenger Number of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No. authorised to ply

S.39 Gaza—Jaffa via Nejid, Summeil, 2 200 mils per single journey and Bureir, Faluja, Jaladiya and at the rate of 10 mils for any . portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.40 Tel Aviv -Sheikh Muwannes— 4 55 mils per single journey and Herzliya. at the rate of 10 mils for any portion of the route not exceed• ing 6 kilometres

S.41 Tel Aviv—Bilu Settlement. 1(*) 50 mils per single journey

S.42 Tel Aviv—Beit-'Oved Settlement. 1(*) 40 mils per single journey

S.43 Tel Aviv—Tel Litwinsky. in 20 mils per single journey

(*) For carriage of passengers and goods.

By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 28th February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (0/314/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraphs (d) of section 13 of the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, the No. 23 of 1929. Municipal Council of Nazareth with the consent of the District Commissioner, Northern District and the Licensing Authority have made the following by-laws.—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Nazareth Municipal Citation. (Licensing of Bicycles and Tricycles) By-Laws, 1933. — 484 —

Licensing of 2. From and after the first day of January, 1934, no person bicycles and residing within the area of the Municipality of Nazareth shall tricycles. ride a bicycle or tricycle on any road within such area unless such bicycle or tricycle has been licensed in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws and bears a number-plate issued in respect thereof and attached thereto in such manner as may be required by the Municipality of Nazareth.

Issue of licences. 3. Every person residing within the area of the Municipality of Nazareth who desires a licence and number-plate in respect of a bicycle or tricycle shall make application therefor to the Municipality of Nazareth and the Municipality of Nazareth shall issue to such person such licence and number-plate upon pay• ment of the fees set out in by-Jaw 4 of these by-laws.

Fees. 4. The fee to be paid to the Municipality of Nazareth in respect of each licence and number-plate for a bicycle or tricycle issued by them shall be two hundred and fifty mils:—

Provided that if any licence or number-plate is issued on or after the first day of July, in any year, one hundred and twenty- five mils shall be paid in respect thereof.

Validity of 5. All licences issued under these by-laws shall expire on the licences. thirty-first day of December next following the date of issue thereof.

Validity of 6. Number plates shall be used only during the year for number-plates. which they are issued.

SEL1M BISHARA Mayor of Nazareth.


E. KEITH-ROACH 41th February, 1934. District Commissioner, Northern District, (0/270/31) DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1926.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by paragraph (f) of section 19 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has made the following rules:—

1. These rules may be cited as the Prohibition of Importation Citation, of Cattle (Poland) Rules, 1934.

2. No cattle for slaughter in quarantine shall be imported Prohibition, from Poland until further notice.

3. Paragraph '0' of fhe schedule to the Animal Quarantine Amendment of (Amendment) Rules, 1933, shall cease to apply to cattle until Schedule to the a further notice. Quarantine Rules, 1931. By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 17th February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (A/17/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has declared that the encampment of 'Arab el Heib el 'Eitha in the Sub-District of Safad, and the lands belonging thereto, are an infected area for the purpose of the said Ordinance, so far as sheep and goats are concerned, on account of the existence of sheep and goat pox therein.

By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 22nd February, 1934. Chief Secretary^ (A/139/32) — 186 -



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 33 of the Land Settle• ment Ordinances, 1928-1933, the High Commissioner has ordered that within the boundaries of the village of Danyal in the Settlement Area of the Ramie Sub-District, no registration of land in respect of any claimant shall be effected where the area or the breadth of a parcel or the area represented by the share of an undivided parcel or of village masha' claimed by any one claimant is less than the following minima:—


Shares in parcels Parcels of land or village masha' Area represented by Category Area Breadth share dunums metres dunums (a) Arable land not included in any of the following categories 1 5

(6) Orchards 7. 5

(c) Gardens and enclosures for the custody of animals in the vicinity of a village site within an area to be defined by the Settlement Officer 27• It

2. Registration of the following may be effected without regard to the minima of the area or breadth of a parcel or of the area represented by a share:—

Buildings. The site on which a building is erected or which is reserved for a building. Private or party roads. The yard appurtenant to a house. Wells and land appurtenant to wells. Private streams and irrigation channels. Private threshing-floors. Private quarries. — 487 —

3. Where the breadth of a parcel is less, but the area is not less than any of the prescribed minima, the Settlement Officer may at his discretion order the adjustment of a parcel or parcels with the boundaries of an adjoining parcel or parcels by the exchange of land of equal value.

4. —(i) A fragment of land which under the terms of this Order may not be registered, shall be added to the land of an adjoining owner who shall pay to the owner of the fragment compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer.

(ii) A share which under the terms of this Order may not be registered shall be added to the share of a co-owner in the same parcel who shall pay to the owner of the share compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer.

In default of payment or of other mutually satisfactory arrangements by the parties concerned, the Settlement Officer shall enter the amount of compensation or the unpaid portion thereof on the Schedule of Rights or the Schedule of Partition as a charge against the land in favour of any person or persons to whom any such compensation may be due.

(iii) Where there are two or more adjoining owners, or two or more additional co-owners, the addition of the fragment or of the share shall be effected by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways:—

(a) where only one adjoining owner or co-owner desires the transfer to him of the fragment or share, it shall be added to his parcel or share;

(//) where more • than one of the adjoining owners or co-owners desire the transfer to them of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as may be decided by lot;

(c) where none of the adjoining owners or co-owners desires the transfer of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as the Settlement Officer may direct.

Provided that no fragment or share shall be added to any parcel or share unless the parcel or share resulting from such addition is capable of registration under the terms of this Order.

(iv) —(a) Where two or more adjacent fragments of land are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of fragments to form a parcel which is capable of registration under the terms hereof.

(b) Where two or more shares are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of shares, to form a share the total area represented by which would enable registration of the combined share. — 188 —

The person in whose name the parcel or share resulting from such addition shall be registered, shall be decided by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways :—]

(i) where only one of the owners of the fragments or only one of the co-owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in his name;

(ii) where more than one of the owners of the fragments or more than one of the co-owners desire the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such owner or co-owner as may be decided by lot ;

(iii) where none of the owners of the fragments or none of the co- owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such one of the owners or co-owners as the Settlement Officer may direct.

5. The High Commissioner has further authorized MR. 'ADD AL QADIR AL HUSSEINI, Assistant Settlement Officer, to act for the Settlement Officer for the purpose of exercising the powers vested in and discharging the duties laid upon the Settlement Officer by paragraph 4 (iii) (a) and (b) of this Order.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. HATHORN HALL 20th February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (L/12/34)



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that Schedules of Claims to land in the villages and Settlement Areas scheduled• hereunder have been posted in the office of the Assistant Settlement Officer in the villages concerned, in the office of the Settlement Officer of the Settlement Area and in the office of the District Officer of the Sub-District in which the villages are situated, in accordance with section 24 of the principal Ordinance. — 189 —

Persons having any interest in the lands of the said villages should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Officer.

Settlement Officer Village Sub-District District of the Area {Office at)

Danyal Ramie Ramie Jaffa Ramie Ramie Jaffa

A. ABRAMSON 17th February, 1934. Commissioner of Lands. (L/3/34)



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land in the village scheduled hereunder is about to commence. Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said village or in the lands of adjoining villages which abut on the boundaries of the village mentioned in the schedule hereto, should act in the manner prescribed in the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933. The notices issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following places:— Office of the Settlement Officer, Central Office, Jaffa. Office of the Settlement Officer of the Area. Office of the District Commissioner. Office of the District Officer of the Sub-District. In the village.

Settlement Officer of Village Sub-District District the Area {Office at)

Binyamina Haifa Northern Haifa

A. ABRAMSON 16th February, 1934. Commissioner of Lands. (L/3/34) — 190 -




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 23 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, I hereby give notice that I have approved and accepted the sub-division of lands held in individual shares in the village of Bani Suhaila, with the exemption of the built-on area, in the Sub-District of Gaza, whether such lands are or are not registered as held in individual shares.

Any person claiming an interest in the said lands in the village of Bani Suhaila should submit his claim in accordance with the provisions of the Land Settlement Ordinances, if he has not already done so.

G. F. READING 16th February, 1934. Settlement Officer, Gaza Settlement Area. (L/3/34)




IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 23 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, I hereby give notice that I have approved and accepted the sub-division of lands held in individual shares in the village of Dair Al Balah in the Sub-District of Gaza, whether such lands are or are not registered as held in individual shares.

Any person claiming an interest in the said lands in the village of Dair Al Balah should submit his claim in accordance with the provisions of the Land Settlement Ordinances, if he has not already done so.

G. F. READING 16th February, 1934 Settlement Officer, Gaza Settlement Area. (L/3/34) — 191 —




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded its valuation of properties in the undermentioned Blocks situated in the under• mentioned Quarters of the Urban Area of Haifa, the Supplementary Valuation Lists have been deposited for inspection at the office of the District Officer, Haifa, on the 22nd February, 1934.

OBJECTIONS may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from the District Offices) with the Revision Committee at the District Offices, Haifa within a period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this Notice in the Palestine Gazette.

Dated this 21st day ol February, 1934.

No. of No. oí Name of Quarter Name of Quarter Block Block

5 Bawabet el Deir 47 Nazareth Road 14 Mount Carmel 48 Ard el Yahud 25 Ard el Haya 49 ) 50 Ard el Balan 37 Stanton and Burj 51 J 39 \ Old Town 52 ) 40 / 53 / Wadi es Salib 41 El Burj 56 El Shawafneh 42 ) 57 Wadi el Ñusnas 44 Station Street

45 73 x 74 J El Sharqieh

E. KEITH-ROACH District Commissioner, Northern District. - 192 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 2 of the Customs Duties Exemption Ordinances, 1924, the High Commissioner-in-Council has made the following amendments and additions to the first schedule to the Ordinance as ,Council־enacted in the notice by the Officer Administering the Government-in dated the twenty-seventh day of July, 1929, and published in the Gazette dated the first day of September, 1929: —

(a) The second proviso to paragraph 7 shall be deleted and the following substituted therefor :—

"And provided that where a person lias entered Palestine as a traveller and subsequently received permission to settle as an immigrant he may import or clear from bond, as the case may be, the effects included in sub-sections («), (6), (c) and (d) of this clause on condition that the intended importation or clearance of the effects shall be declared not later than fourteen days after the issue to him of an Immigration Certificate and shall take place within a period of ninety days after the date of such Certificate and that a declaration shall be made by him that the effects are not intended for sale."

shall be deleted and the following substituted 13׳ b) Rem 64 in paragraph) therefor: —

"Paper for packing oranges:—

(a) In rolls of not less than 3000 square metres each;

(b) In sheets of 45 x 60 cms."

(c) The following additions shall be made to paragraph 13:—

Pig iron. Brass ingots. Copper ingots. Tarpaulins. Alpacca. Gold in grain. Platinum, including sponge platinum. Crates and packets for fruit packing Celluloid:— — 493 —

(a) In sheets of not less than 0.50 m2; (6) In rods and half rods of not less than 50 cms. in length; (c) In wire or single strand of not less than 4 metre in length. Artificial Horn:— (a) In sheets of not less than 0.20 m2; (b) In bars, rods and tubes of not less than 30 cms. in length; (c) In raw slabs of not less than 2 kilos, each.

S. MOODY 22th February, 1934. Clerk to the Executive Council,.

(C/l67/33) (C/81/33) (C/381/33) (G/14/33) (C/306/33) (C/l 57/33) (C/305/33) (C/210/33).



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Customs Tariff (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4), 1933, the Director of Customs, Excise and Trade has determined that the values of the commodities mentioned hereunder,, for the purpose of the assessment of the duties prescribed in section 2 of that Ordinance, in respect of the month of March, 1934, shall be as follows :—

Value per ton FLOUR OF WHEAT : LP. Mils (a) Grade I. Such as the "North-King", 4'Northern-Gold", "ThreeMisses", "Britain's-Queen", "GoldMedal", "Tower", "Nelson", "Westminster". ''Great West", "Red Dragon" and "Lion" brands and other flour of wheat of like quality 10.290

(b) Grade II. Such as the "Brilliant", "Novelty", "Silver Crown", "Harrison", "Pearless", "Dingo", "Henko", "Eclipse" and "Charlick" brands and other flour of wheat of like quality - - 7.375• 194

Value per ton LP. Mils (c) Grade III. Such as the "Stella No. 1" and "Farine Special Extra", "00 Granular Flour", "0 Stellato Flour" brands and other flour of wheat of like quality 6.650

(d) Grade IV. Such as the "B-3", "000" and "G-D Extra Fleur"

brands and other flour of wheat of like quality 5.035


(a) Grade I. "Cream of Rye" brand and other flour of rye of ־ like quality 12.250 (6) Grade II. Other flour of rye except "Straight Mill" rye flour 6.000 (c) Grade III. "Straight Mill" rye flour - - 5.500 CRUSHED OR GROUND WHEAT:—

־ All Grades 8.000


(a) Grade I. Such as the "SSSG" brands and other semolina ־ - or semoule of like quality 8.000 (b) Grade II. Such as the "SSSF" and "SSSE" brands and

־ other semolina or semoule of like quality 7.380


־ ־ - ־ All Grades 4.330


(a) Hard wheat - 6.335

־ b) Soft wheat 6.125)

K. W. STEAD 22nd February, 1934. Director of Customs, Excise and Trade. (G/158/32) — 495 —



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 76, has been granted on the 9th day of February, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. AHARON FRIDMAN, residing at Maza Street, Tel Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 31, Hashuk Street, Tel Aviv, and known as as the "Shelomi" Printing Press.

J. HATHORN HALL 23rd February, 1934. Chief Secretary. (K/64/33)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 13 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem and as enumerated in the schedule hereto, have been provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission and deposited, together with the relative plans, at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land affected by the Schemes may lodge an objection thereto at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months of the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette. SCHEDULE.

1. A scheme known as the Panellation Scheme of Fahmi Nashashibi-Nebi Samuel Road. Boundaries : North: By Road No. 30 in the Beit Israel Town Planning Scheme No. 11. East: by Road No. 154 in the Beit Israel Town Planning Scheme No. 11. South: by Road No. 2 in the Beit Israel Town Planning Scheme No. 11. West: by Road No. 9 in the Beit Israel Town Planning (z/229/33) Scheme No 11. "\. — 196 —

2. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Mr. A. Eliachar — Kerem Abraham.

Bowidaries : North: by the Schneller property. West: by the Schneller property. South: by the parcellation scheme of Mr. Agassi. East: by the Road on the Western boundary of the Keren! (Z/176/33) Abraham Scheme.

3. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Mr. Agassi — Kerem Abraham.

Boundaries: North: by the Parcellation Scheme of Mr. A. Eliachar. West: by the Schneller property. South: by the Schneller property and the Quarter. East: by the Road on the Western Boundary of the Kerem -(Z/173/33) Abraham Scheme.

G. R. P. WITTS 12th February, 1934•. Secretary, Central Town Planning Commission. (Z/4 20/33)