Ruth Erlichman Bride of Hartley Philip Gale

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Ruth Erlichman Bride of Hartley Philip Gale • '. 1 •\ .. ~ ; (' ~ ,.,, , .. }~ • ' .. '; ,:;, ~ ;.. ~ 0-.\.· ,1 . •-~ ~. t · ~~ • ~ ~,. ~- I W i.( V ;. l .:•-=·~·~'=-------------------------------"------T_H_E_I_s_R_A_E_L~IT~E_P_R_E_s_s___ ~,.---....;..----------------,-----__'.Fri:_::"d~!-• A_!~_s'._1955 \Vhat's The Israel Elections Doing ... CAPITOL-· Lo,·e Me or Lene :\le, starL< at 11.50. 2.10, -l.30, 6.55. 9.20. 1a!.l complete show 8.55; adult: l' · A~ in all dermx:ratic elt'(·tions, the citizens of br~el_ in i By MYER SHARZER GARRICK-The Purple !llask, start$ al 12.00, 2.00, A.00, 6.00, thP electioru ;ust held ti1 .. re wished to expreu ~ opm1on 8.00. 10.00, general. on the leader'!!hip of the eountr:·. or a pr ,test agarnst how Well. hen .,,. are back with a the coontn· ha.• l,een governed until now. Concretely what few items of ptt11ortal interest GRAND-:-My , Dear Secretary. starts at 12.00, 3.20. 6.35, 9.55; they wanted to expre!lll with their votes remain~. _however, . gleaned while we were oa bolid•y Second \\ oman, starts at 1.35, 4.55, 8.15, last complete show 8.15; adult. wm.r-thing ahout which there exU\t van,·!ng opm1ons. and · and since. every partr will interpret the re.i;ult m 1t11 own way. lncidenlally, rolleague Yark Sel· · r.-.hen·• column on Winnipeg Buch LYCEUM-Women·s Prison. starts al 1.05. -1.05, 7.00, 10.00; Thev In thi• in11tanl'e, however. there can be no quest10n Rode West, starts at 11.40, 2.40, 5.30, 8.30, last complete show •' that a grent many . of tl:e Israeli citizenry expressed j Hasl week) promplJI me to .add a 8.25: adult. · · through their vot~ diSl!atii<fattion and a trend .tow~rd · footnote about what used to be J _.;ortbern Saskalr.-hewan·• premier more extreme JJOlicies than t~o:,e (:oud!-lcte~ by t_he maJor · ODEON;-Private War. of Major Benson, Charles Heston and '--Jewisb resort"--'-Watrous, oc to be Juhe Adams; general. · parties. headed 1,y the ~~apa1. This d1ssat1sfact_10n, h~w: geographially ~xact, Little Lake CANTOR JACOB LEV e\·er, appear11 to us to de~n·e more ~rom ~he foreign Pohc) Manitou. Spent our couple of of the government than 1t.11. domes~Jc policy. IIEACON-The Sn_ake Pit, Olivio De Ha,·iland, Mark Ste\·ens; j weeks vi.l!iting the folks and family The Golden llh1tress, John Agar and Rosemarie Bowe; adult. Jnte.rnally the country 1s passtng through a ~1:100 of 1there, and enjoyed a good rest and ·CANTOR LEV relative pro,1perity. Externally, hgwever, the i;os1t1on of. , fine aunny weather. COLLEGE-Black Shield of Falworth (color) cintuope drama· has l . the state worsened and it has become increat1ingly But Watrow; mat;t certainly ain't Bowery to Bagdad, comedy; general. ' ' ' iwlated politically, without real friends and 11ubject to wh-11! · it · used to be. The 'beach constant threaL- from itil hostile neighbors. TAKES POST PALACE~alome (color), · drama; It's ·a Small World, comedy; population has declined radically adulL · To s,,me degree the result appears to be 11, protest over the. year1<---and the Jewish again11t the Cnited State11 and its policy (in the Middle proportion even more so. East). The outllpokenly pro-Americ·an (;eneral Zionist AT ·HERZLIA ROXY-Rob Roy (color); drama; Torpedo Alley, drama; Gener~!. Partv 11uffcred the heaviest losses. The party whic):i gained · I gather I be "llew" generation hu found more attractive week- High Holiday aervices at Herzlia TOWER-Naked Jungle (color), drama; Johnny Dark (color) votes at the expense of the General Zionists wa11 the ex­ I Academy will be conducted this drama: genel'al. • . ' treme, right-wing Herut, which demands tllat the state end and v•calioning climate in the "'newer" spots such •• Waskesiu, • fall by Cantor Jacob Lev, Henlia TIME5-:'Masler of Bal!antrae (color), drama; Three Sailors and adopt a more militant stand toward its neighbors and place I• now fairly com·eoient over good officials announced this week. a Girl (color) musical; general. · . : · · · . ·: ·. lellK reliance upon Amerit-a and: th~ other \\'estern coun- . road& i'1 • .modern· car. The new River Heights school, tries which i;eek to "" the Arabs. • , community centre and synagogue, DELl;IXE-wt, Times FJ:i., M~e Haste To L_ive, plus.sangaree. On the other side, the Mapai lost votes to the Achdut On the whole, ho.we,•er, l can now being ·rushed to completion at Sat., There• No Busmess Ltke Show Buamess, cioemascope· A vodah and the Mapam. This, it may be assumed, is also claim (or should it be, "confes•"!l Brock and Fleet, is now accepting general. - ' ' a result of the d,isappointmenlll with American Policy and • that the "meshpocpa" to which l High Holiday seat reservations· at MR. AND MRS. HARTLEY PHIi.iP GALE a trend among aome voterl'l to. a more "left" orientation in belong-the Saskatoon "family" of phones '40-6802, 404322, and 40- international policy-toward neutrality between East and the Goldenbergs, Groppers, Bull• 5050. er•, Sharzers, et al - apparently West, with a considerable turn in the direction of tile East. are satisfied in the main with .the "We are delighted. to be able to ,--------------------------­ present to- our affiliated families On the whole the r.:1::ult of the elections can be con­ tried and true ... and still display IN FARGO ITS so distinguished and admir'i!d a sidered a warning to the U.S. and the other Weiltern their loyalty for Watrous year fo Ruth Erlichman Bride powers that they cannot take Israel for granted. 1f th'ey and year out And this meshpocha cantorial figure ae Cantor Lev,'' will continue their "appeue.ment" of the Arabs, there is a can. swing quite a bit of weight-in said committee members this .MEN'S week. "The warm appeal of . bis chance they will lose the uupport of Jsra!ll. numbers, at hiast-ln 10 far as Sas· JJUl-loQJ'LAbn_ WEAR Of services will limocb Herzlia Acad- katoon ia concerned. At one stage. Hartley Philip Gale THE El:.ECTIONS COMPLICATED THE POLITl{'AL we had about 35 babas, zaidas. emy most· -ausplciousty on its FEATURING THIE SMARTEST AND FINEST situation in the country and made it more difficult for the. career as vital constructive ele­ uncles, aunts, cou1ins, grandchil­ a IN MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS )fapai-atill the only party with significant strength in dren out ;at Watrou1 at one time­ ment in the religiOUB, cultural and the Knea.set.-to form a government. Instead of an oppor­ and at least twice as many more educational life o( the commun­ 219 BROADWAY ST. FARGO, N.D. tunity to,form a government with the help of a workable "'of us" weren't out at the beach ity." coalition aa in the past, the Mapai will now have to con­ at the time. •River Heighbi families were urg­ .. ' _.,, stitute a broader. coalition, made up of more parties, to obtain a majority in the Knesset. (Has Auntie Yetta heard from ed to reserve their seats early, lr---------------------------­ Philip in Jllontreal .yet, Ma?l Noting the size of the growing The Mapai c'ould hav~ had such a majo1·ity before, River Heights community and Make Reservations at Birchwood Cabin- Court.· although a limited one, in a coalition with only the Re­ Ob well, pleaH pardon all this necessarily limited accommoda• DETROIT LAKES, MINN. ligious Bloc or with only the General Zionists. Now it will personal reference. Maybe it's a lions available, Herzlia officials need both of these for a coalition-it is imPossible for the lazy man'.s way of filling a suqt• predicted, on the basis of reserva­ Modern housek~eping cabl:ns, elec. refrig., elec, toasters, good Mapai to form a l'oalition with the extremist Herut, and mer column. tions received to date, that ticket beds. Imen, dashes, •cooking. utensils. showers, flush toilets. !or the time being a coalition with the leftist parties i1 Hope it"s warm at Winnipeg sale& would · be completed within Large dock, good swimming. Overnight accommodations. not likely. ·· Beach this weekend .•• ten days to two weela!. Reasonable rates. · · · It now becomes clearer than ever before ·that the For ReHrvatio.111 Write or CaH Dire,:t pre11ent electoral system, which encourages a multiplicity MR. AND MRS, W, RUGNRUD , • . P,HONI 320 of parties, could bring Israel to political chaos. However, it is now more difficult to change the election laws: there Kastner Case . no longer are the two large parties, the Mapai and the ON YOUR·WAY TO WINNIPEG BEACH General Zionists. who are particularly interested in such a Opens Second ,. <',hange, with the necessarr majority in the Knesset to STOPOFF IN pass such a law, · · , · SELKIRK , · The next coalition will be " up of .a numbei· .of smaller parties. The latter will not perinit a reform of tne .Run ·in, .. Courts ,,. 4t:IQ VISIT .. ·.:. election law which would have a tendency to eliminate i• them. The state, for the time being, will have to rely upon ,ojdiit;s·> the sense of national responsibility of the smaller parties not to bring about, out of party ambitions, continual For Hot. Dogs, governmental crises. · Nips and Chips • "IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" ·. The El .Al Tragedy .-:.'#' When these lines are written we do not know the <'.ause of the shoe-king tragedy that befell the El Al plane !!hot down over Bulgaria with the loss of 58 lives~'>l HA Vf THAT SPECIAL EVENT .RECORDED o• passengers and seven members of the crew. We do not _.
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