X Lists of Ministries, Ministers and Parties Israeli Coalition Governments 1950-1952 (1st Government: Feb. 1949 – Oct. 1950; 2nd Government: Nov. 1950 – Oct. 1951; 3rd Government: Oct. 1951 – Dec. 1952) Minister Ministry Party Government David Ben Gurion Prime Minister; Defense 1-3 Health 3 Ben- Dinur Education and Culture Mapai 3 Finance Mapai 3 Finance, Trade and Industry Mapai 1-3 Agriculture/Without Portfolio Mapai 2-3 Yitzhak Meir Levin Welfare United Religious Front 1-3 Later: Religions and War Victims United Religious Front 1-2 Labor and Social Security Mapai 1-3 Economic Coordination Mapai 3 David Zvi Pinkas Transportation Hamizrachi 3 Transportation Mapai 1-2 Pinhas Rosen Justice Progressive Party 1-2 Moshe Shapira Interior, Immigration and Health United Religious Front 1-3 Later: Interior and Religion Later: Agudat Yisrael Moshe Sharett Foreign Affairs Mapai 1-3 Education and Culture Mapai 1 Bechor Sheetrit Police Oriental Communities 1-3 Agriculture and Supply Mapai 1-3 Later: Transportation, Justice Main Political Parties in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd (Following General Elections of Jan. 1949; June 1951) Party No. of Seats Political Ideology 1949 1951 Agudat Yisrael - 3 Ultra Religious, Non-Zionist Democratic List For Israeli Arabs 3 3 Pro-Mapai 7 20 Conservative Hapoel Hamizrachi - 8 Moderate Religious, Zionist 14 8 Right-Nationalist Israeli Communist Party (ICP) 4 5 Communist, Soviet Oriented Mapai ( Labor Party) 46 45 Social Democrat (United Labor Party) 19 15 Marxist, Pro-Soviet Progressive Party 5 4 Liberal United Religious Front 16 - Religious Others 6 9

DOI 10.1515/9783110255386.X, , published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.