
Reflection of the Ascension of Christ and Pentecost

There are 2 Important dates coming up in our Church.

1. Ascension Thursday The first date is the Christ, which is on Thursday, May 13th. The Ascension is always 40 days after . As we remember, when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead on Easter, He stayed on earth for 40 Days, ministering to the Apostles, and spending time with His Mother, Mary, and His other Disciples before ascending to Heaven. Forty days after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead on Easter Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ ascension into heaven called Ascension Thursday. Jesus ascends into heaven that is, He physically left earth by rising into heaven in the presence of His apostles. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, one of the last things He did was to impart His blessings upon the Apostles and commission the Apostles to spread His Word. Once Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, the Apostles could continue to spread the faith and Word of God after His Ascension. Jesus also reassured the Apostles that He is always with them, all the way to the end, and is now seated at the Right Hand of God, the Father Almighty.

Traditionally, this had been celebrated on Thursday, but in our Archdiocese it is now observed on the next Sunday. You and your parents can read the accounts of Jesus’ ascension in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and :2.

Here is a brief video about the Ascension from Jared Dees@the religion teacher.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVDyGkkyPL0

Here is a video of the Ascension by Catholic Kids Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SpNKkeOAGY

Here is another video about the Ascension you may enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcFw8pLBSIo

2. Pentecost Sunday The 2nd date is Pentecost, which this year will be May 23, 2021. It occurs 10 days after Ascension Thursday and 50 days after Easter. It is known as the ”Birthday” of the Church. It happens to be my favorite celebration. The paragraph below is taken from a book called the , April issue 2021 and will tell you more about Pentecost. See attached for more about Pentecost and the of the Most Holy celebrated on , May 30, 2021.

“When the was poured forth at Pentecost, Christ’s Paschal Mystery was brought to completion, and the Church was fully equipped to carry on his redemptive work in the world. At Pentecost, it is revealed that we remain always intimately united to our heavenly Father, who will shepherd his people home to the glory of heaven, ‘On that day, the Holy Trinity is fully revealed. Since that day, announced by Christ has been open to those who believe in him: in the humility of the flesh and in faith, they already share in the communion of the Holy Trinity. By his coming, which never ceases, the Holy Spirit causes the world to enter into the ‘last days,’ the time of the Church, the Kingdom already inherited though not yet consummated” (CCC 732)

This is a Pentecost video by Jared Dees, “The Religion Teacher.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f0j7nIgquQ

Here is another video that you may enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMQKy1Mx49M