Meflowrate [M3/S] 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 Avtotalpressure [Pa] 1042610,71 1067482,10 958725,13 1155812,86 Avtemperature (Fluid) [K] 239,15 236,77 231,99 240,43

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Meflowrate [M3/S] 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 Avtotalpressure [Pa] 1042610,71 1067482,10 958725,13 1155812,86 Avtemperature (Fluid) [K] 239,15 236,77 231,99 240,43 CONTENTS Nr.1/2017 Pag. 1. Senai YALCINKAYA - CORROSION AND SURFACE PROTECTION IN MACHINE MATERIALS FRICTION HAVE DIFFERENT SURFACE PAIRS EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS 3 2. Stefan GHIMISI - ANALYSIS OF POINT CONTACTS USING THE COMBINED BOUSSINESQ-CERRUTI PROBLEM 13 3. Liliana LUCA - STUDY OF A PROBLEM OF GRAPHIC ENGINEERING 19 4. Ion BULAC - THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONSTRUCTIVE PARAMETERS ON THE VIBRATION INHERENT FREQUENCIES AT BENDING FROM TWO-SHAFTS TRANSMISSION 26 5. Minodora PASĂRE - PRACTICAL METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE DYNAMIC COEFFICIENT 31 6. Gheorghe DRĂGUŢ - CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF THE TORQUE TORSION TORQUE OF MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS WITH WHEEL WRENCHES 36 7. Răzvan Bogdan ITU, Vilhelm ITU - ANALYSIS OF COMPENSATING CABLE CONNECTING DEVICES FOR WINDING INSTALLATION VESSELS 44 8. Răzvan Bogdan ITU, Vilhelm ITU - DIAGNOSIS OF THE WINDING MACHINE IN THE OLD SHAFT WITH SKIP IN LONEA MINING PLANT 51 9. Marius STAN - OPERATING THE OIL PRODUCTION FACILITY WITH SOLAR AND WIND GENERATOR 60 10. Marius STAN - MODELLING OF THE GAS DIFFUSION IN FLEXIBLE PIPELINES FOR OIL & GAS PRODUCTION 67 11. Alin STĂNCIOIU - THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION „INDUSTRY 4.0‖ 74 12. Constanţa RĂDULESCU, Marius Liviu CÎRŢÎNĂ - ASPECTS CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING THE COLUMNS DIAMETERS OF GUIDING A PRESE - (Part I) 79 13. Constanţa RĂDULESCU - ASPECTS CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING THE COLUMNS DIAMETERS OF GUIDING A PRESE - (Part II) 84 14. Florin CIOFU, Alin NIOAŢĂ - RESEARCH ON DEGRADATION CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT OF SOME STEELS USED IN MANUFACTURING MINING EQUIPMENT. MECHANICAL TESTS 89 15. Florin CIOFU, Alin NIOAŢĂ - RESEARCH ON DEGRADATION CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT OF SOME STEELS USED IN MANUFACTURING MINING EQUIPMENT. MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS 96 16. Cătălina IANĂŞI - GLASS FIBERS – MODERN METHOD IN THE WOOD BEAMS REINFORCEMENT 102 17. Cristina IONICI - CONSIDERATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE OF SINTERIZED MATERIALS FOR AUTOLUBRIFICANT HYDRODYMNIC WASTE 108 18. Alin NIOAŢĂ, Florin CIOFU - PARAMETERS AND FACTORS OF PROCESSING THROUGH COMPLEX EROSION 113 19. Alin NIOAŢĂ, Florin CIOFU - PROCESSING OPERATIONS OF METALLIC CARBIDES THROUGH COMPLEX EROSION 119 20. Adrian Stere PARIS - A SHORT ANALYSIS OF THE OF THE SMARTPHONES RELIABILITY 126 21. Adrian Stere PARIS, Constantin TÂRCOLEA - QUALITY LOSS FUNCTION FOR MACHINING PROCESS ACCURACY 131 22. Dan SAVESCU - THE IMPORTANCE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION IN TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER. SOME ASPECTS 135 23. Dan SAVESCU - ASPECTS ABOUT BUILDING MODELS IN INNOVATION 142 24. C. MIHAI, R. N. DOBRESCU, N. POPA - THE COROSION OF THE WELDED JOINTS ON METALAL PIPES 149 25. Оlеg KLЕNОV, Grygoriy NOVIKOV - EFFICIENT DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF MECHANICAL PROCESSING OF MATERIALS 156 26. Valentin SHKURUPY - INFLUENCE OF MACHINING ON QUALITY PARAMETERS OF OPTICAL METAL PRODUCTS 163 27. Monica BÂLDEA, Ancuţa BĂLTEANU, Mihaela ISTRATE - ON THE QUALITY CONTROL OF THE FUEL FILLER FLAP LINING MARK 171 28. Ancuţa BĂLTEANU, Monica BÂLDEA - IMPROVEMENT FOR AN ASSEMBLY FLOW FOR A GIVEN COMPONENT (1) 178 29. Yaroslav GARASHCHENKO - EVALUATION OF GEOMETRICAL COMPLEXITY OF PRODUCTS BASED ON THE ANALYSIS OF TRIANGULATED MODELS 184 1 Fiabilitate si Durabilitate - Fiability & Durability No 1/ 2017 Editura “Academica Brâncuşi” , Târgu Jiu, ISSN 1844 – 640X 30. Cătălin IANCU - ABOUT FEATURES OF SIMULATION MODULE IN SOLIDWORKS 191 31. Cătălin IANCU - ABOUT OPTIMIZATION DESIGN STUDY ON SOLIDWORKS 199 32. Oana CHIVU, , Claudiu BABIS, Andrei DIMITRESCU, Dan Florin NIŢOI - THE DETERMINATION AND APPRECIATION OF PROFESSIONAL MICROCLIMATE AT A WORKPLACE 206 33. Oana CHIVU, , Claudiu BABIS, Andrei DIMITRESCU - THE DETERMINATION AND APPRECIATION OF OCCUPATIONAL TOXICITY AT WORK 214 34. Andrei DIMITRESCU, Claudiu BABIS, Oana CHIVU - FACTOR ANALYSIS OF QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS 222 35. Andrei DIMITRESCU, Claudiu BABIS, Oana CHIVU - METHOD OF ANALYSIS OF VALUE OF USE 228 36. Nicoleta-Maria MIHUT - DETERMINING THE RAISONAL LIMITS OF THE TISMANA CAREER AND ITS MAXIMUM ECONOMIC DEPTH 235 37. Ramona Violeta CAZALBAȘU, Camelia CĂPĂŢÎNĂ - STUDIES ON WASTE MANAGEMENT IN PESTISANI COMMUNE, GORJ COUNTY 239 38. Ramona Violeta CAZALBAŞU, Camelia CĂPĂŢÎNĂ, Cîrţînă DANIELA - STUDY ON WATER QUALITY INDICATORS AT TAIA TREATMENT PLANT HUNDEDOARA COUNTY 243 39. Liliana LUCA, Minodora Pasare, Alin STANCIOIU - STUDY TO DETERMINE A NEW MODEL OF THE ISHIKAWA DIAGRAM FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 249 40. Delia NICA BADEA - EMISSION IMPACT ASSESSMENT FROM TURCENI POWER PLANT ON THE HEAVY METAL POLLUTION OF THE SOIL 255 41. Ramona PECINGINĂ - STUDY ON THE BATS SPECIES IN THE CAVES PROTECTED NATURAL OF NORTH WEST GORJ 262 42. Irina Ramona PECINGINĂ, Roxana Gabriela POPA - FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 269 43. Asterios KOSMARAS, Dimitrios TZETZIS - OXYGEN PRESSURE REGULATOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS THROUGH FINITE ELEMENT MODELING 274 44. Feodor NOVIKOV, Vladimir POLYANSKY, Yury GUTSALENKO, Vladislav IVKIN - ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION OF CONDITIONS FOR PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT OF DIAMOND GRINDING 280 45. Roman PROTASOV, Sergey ANDRIENKO, Alexander USTINENKO, Alexey BONDARENKO, Nicholay MATUSHENKO - GEOMETRY MODELING OF GEAR AND CHAIN DRIVE WITH EVOLUTE PROFILE AND RESEARCH OF ITS CONTACT STRESS 287 46. Igor RYABENKOV, Yury GUTSALENKO, Cătălin IANCU, Feodor NOVIKOV - ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION OF CONDITIONS FOR SURFACE ROUGHNESS REDUCTION IN DIAMOND GRINDING 294 47. Mădălina Roxana BUNECI - A GROUPOID FRAMEWORK FOR STUDY ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF A DISCRETE SYSTEM 301 48. Iuliana Carmen BĂRBĂCIORU- CARDINALITY AND ENTROPY FORINTUITIONISTIC FUZZY SETS 308 49. Constantin POPESCU, Gabi ROȘCA-FÂRTAT, Nicolae PANĂ - DETAILS OF OPERATIONS PERFORMED BY THE REMOTE CONTROL ROBOT (CONCEPT) TO THE HORIZONTAL FUEL CHANNEL DURING DECOMMISSIONING PHASE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR CALANDRIA STRUCTURE. PART I: OUTSIDE OPERATIONS 316 50. Constantin POPESCU, Gabi ROȘCA-FÂRTAT, Nicolae PANĂ - DETAILS OF OPERATIONS PERFORMED BY THE REMOTE CONTROL ROBOT (CONCEPT) TO THE HORIZONTAL FUEL CHANNEL DURING DECOMMISSIONING PHASE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR CALANDRIA STRUCTURE. PART II: INSIDE OPERATIONS 324 51. Tudor BURLAN-ROTAR, Gabriel Dumitru, Alina Ioana PRELIPCEANU - CONSIDERATIONS ON CONTACTLESS ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY IN PEDOLOGY 332 52. Tudor BURLAN-ROTAR, Gabriel Dumitru, Alina Ioana PRELIPCEANU - CONSIDERATIONS ON CONTACTLESS MEASUREMENTS IN HYDROGEOLOGY USING VERY LOW FREQUENCY 341 ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNIQUES 53. Slavov STOYAN - A CONTERPORARYAPPROACH FOR OBTAINING REGULARLY SHAPED ROUGHNESS BY BALL-BURNISHING PROCESS CARIED OUT USINGCNC CONTROLEDMILLING MACHINES 349 2 Fiabilitate si Durabilitate - Fiability & Durability No 1/ 2017 Editura “Academica Brâncuşi” , Târgu Jiu, ISSN 1844 – 640X CORROSION AND SURFACE PROTECTION IN MACHINE MATERIALS FRICTION HAVE DIFFERENT SURFACE PAIRS EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS Senai YALCINKAYA DepartmentofMechanical Engineering, Facultyof Technology,Marmara University,Kadikoy,34722Istanbul, Turkey,Tel: +905324727900 Abstract: Friction force, normal force, linear change. The normal force varies with the loads on the friction object. In order to determine the friction force and the friction coefficient, the friction object and the friction speed are used. The experimental work was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the effect of normal force on the friction force was studied. In the second step, the friction force of the friction surface area is influenced. The effect of the change of the shear rate in step 3 on the friction force was investigated. At the last stage, the experimental study of the effect of the material selection on the friction force was made and it was seen that the aluminum / brass surface pair had the smallest friction coefficient as a result of the opening. The greatest coefficient of friction is found in the pair of glass / felt objects. Key words: Friction coefficient, friction force, linear change, object surface pair 1. Introduction While in statics, we study idealized bodies excluding frictional forces, in the study of static and kinetic friction, we investigate realsolid bodies. Friction occurs in all solid bodies that are in contact and that are moved against each other. The cause of the occurringforces is, among other things, the surface roughness, which causes the surfaces to interlock.[1].Friction is defined as the resistance they exhibit against two materials movements that are in contact with each other and tend to make or move relative to each other. There is a counter force against the force which wants to bring the relative movement between the two bodies, which is defined as the friction force, which prevents movement between the contact surfaces of the bodies[2].If there is no relative movement between surfaces touching each other, static friction is mentioned. If the relative motion exists between the surfaces of two bodies, the friction in this case is called dynamic or kinetic friction. Friction force is not constant. The friction force depends on the coefficient of friction and the friction force changes with the change of this coefficient. Relative movement of objects moving relative to each other, in the sense that no lubricant is placed between the surfaces; Fig. 1.The body adheres to its under-layer, FG weight, FH force of static friction, FN normal force,F external force, v velocity 3 Fiabilitate si Durabilitate - Fiability & Durability No 1/ 2017 Editura “Academica Brâncuşi”
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