40 Strategic Goal: Establishing Quality Standards for pitch quality and maintenance (EQS)

~ Starl End Targets and Specific Action Responsibility Date Date Measures - __ ~~ EQS 1. Establish an Edinburgh Quality June Ongoing Pitch Quality Group A model for Standard for both pitches and changing 05 assessing pitch and changing facility facilities and apply this to all the pitches in the City quality. A database of all pitches assessed using the Edinburgh Standard for Pitches ~__ .___ - EQS 2. Create a Pitch Quality Group with Sept Ongoing Culture and Leisure, Children and Pitch Quality Group representatives from all relevant 05 Families, Environmental and Consumer established to organisations to oversee the Services and Edinburgh Leisure oversee implementation of the Edinburgh implementation Standard for Pitches ~~ ~ __ EQS 3. Develop and agree a detailed Nov Pitch Quality Group Pitch maintenance pitch maintenance specification based on D5 specification agreed the Edinburgh Standard for Pitches

~ ______~ __ ~ EQS. 4 Agree mechanisms with Nov Ingoing Pitch Quality Group Environmental and Consumer Services for 35 the delivery of the new specifications

~ ~-.

41 Strategic Goal: Building an Investment Programme to deliver real improvements for pitch provision in Edinburgh (IEP)

start End Targets and Specific Action Responsibility Resources Date Date Measures I IEP 1. Create a 3 year programme to Pitch Management Group Cost of provision Investment construct 12 informal multisport courts programme throughout the City linked to the established implementation of the Parks and Gardens Strategy ___~ __- .- IEP 2. Develop a 3 year investment Mar 08 Pitch Management Group Costs of upgrades plus Investment programme to ensure that the majority of new maintenance programme Edinburgh's publicly bookable pitches are specifications established at least category C and that there is no category I11 changing accommodation left in the City

IEP 3. Establish a network of 6 major Aug Mar Pitch Management Group Costs of upgrades plus Investment pitch venues to meet the needs of the 05 2010 new maintenance programme growth and development of pitch sports specifications ~ established __ IEP 4. Monitor levels of provision and lulO5 3ngoing 'itch Management Group Cost of replacing Monitoring system demand and develop longer-term synthetic and long-term investment programme to maintain the investment quality of provision to include in particular programme in place the replacement of synthetic carpets

42 Strategic Goal: Integrating pitch policy considerationsinto wider Planning Policy (PP) __ start End Targets and Specific Action Responsibility Resources Date Date Measures ___- __~~- PP 1. Prepare supplementary planning July Jan 06 Planning Division Staff time New guidance guidance and integrate this when 05 established and appropriate into relevant local plans integrated into local plans

____~ ~~ that the Open Space Pitch Management Group Staff time Open Space Framework takes full account of the Framework needs of pitches as part of the open established, taking space of the City into account the needs of pitches

~ PP 3. Produce an agreed database on GIs July Aug 06 Pitch Management Group Staff time Pitches data on 05 napping framework ____ PP 4. Build the requirement for mapping Ongoin! Pitch Management Group Staff time 'itch stock recorded the Council's pitch stock into the in the City-wide GIS development plans for the City-wide GIs jaatabase database development

43 Strategic Goal: Creating Effective Partnerships built on improved management and booking practices--- (EP) End Targetsand Start Responsibility Resources -7 Specific Action Date Date Measures Staff time EP 1. Create Management Group to: kP Ongoin Pitch Management Group 05 Establish and maintain common practices Develop a linked database and integrated booking procedure Agree a common pricing policy Develop a protocol for improved customer care including the r strengthening of consultative mechanisms

~ ~~ -~ ~ EP 2. Ensure future Smart School's *P Jun 06 Pitch Management Group, Children and Initiative contracts deliver and maintain 05 Families Department new pitches to the Edinburgh Standard for Pitches, Grade A and existing pitches to Edinburgh Standard for Pitches, Grade B and all changing to category I standard ____ - - EP 3. Link Smart School's Initiative *P Dec 06 Pitch Management Group, Children and All Smart School's provision into the integrated booking 05 Families Department Initiative provision system linked into integrate booking system

~~~ EP 4. Review all leasing arrangements SeP Dec 05 Pitch Management Group Staff time and develop a standard approach 05

EP 5. Develop and promote new *P Ongoinl Pitch Management Group Staff time partnership arrangements with clubs 05

~ ~ ~ ___- EP 6. Provide partnership funding to Ongoini Ditch Management Group Revenue/ca pital grai encourage club-led development of facilities in line with the suggestions in the INVESTMENT SECTION above

~~ -_ ..____


45 The Edinburgh Standard for Pitches The Edinburgh Standard for Pitches assesses the quality of sports pitches and the quality of changing facilities separately, The quality of sports pitches is assessed based on the following criteria:

0 Construction

0 Maintenance Grass Investment Topography Type and Level of Use Control Equipment A four-standard model is used under which pitch quality is graded as A, B, C or D, plus non-graded pitches.

Category A Pitches Criteria Definition 1 Construction Specially constructed pitches

marking, aeration/rolling, fertilising and ' weeding, after game reinstatement and use of a fallow period Coverage species; Perennial Rye Grass 98-99% ~ ! InvestmentVertical drainage/sand spread every 3 years

I Use 4 games per week, depending on the season 1 Control ' NO informal/casual use I ~~ ~ Equipment I 3 year cycle of renewal, regular maintenance and portable equipment if possible

46 LC

13, sv I

spaaM snld a6e~a~o3%OL-O~ sseJ3 The quality of changing facilities is assessed based on the following criteria: e Sufficient individual team changing plus referee facilities

e Showers

0 Toilets

e Storage

e Security/Su pervision

e Condition

e Maintenance Social Area

0 Car Parking

e Investment A three-standard model is used under which changing facilities are graded as I, I1 or I11 or N where no facilities existed.

Grade I Criteria 1 Definition Individual team changing plus Sufficient men, women and referee referee changing facilities provided Showers Hot Toilets , Provided Storage Provided Security/Supervision Staff on site/cameras 1 Condition 1 Good I Maintenance Regular (cleaned after each booking) Social Area Desirable

~ Car Parking Provided

48 Grade I1 Criteria Definition t Individual team changing plus Adequate/Multi teams referee changing Showers 1 Hot Toilets 1 Sufficient i

- ~~ I 1 Maintenance I Restricted-cleaned weekly Social Area ! None - Car Parking 1 None I Investment I Reactive (minimal planned e,g. painting) I

Grade 111 1 Criteria 1 Definition Individual team changing plus i Insufficient referee changing I

~~ Showers Cold or none I Toilets Very Limited I I I -Storase i None I

Condition Poor -~ Maintenance As I1 or worse Social Area None r 1 Car Parkina None Investment 1 Only reactive

The Edinburgh Standard for Pitches produces the following matrix by which to assess pitch and changing quality:


49 Based on the Edinburgh Standard for Pitches, the best quality sports pitch would be graded AI and the worst quality pitch would be graded DIII. To support the new pitch assessment model, the Edinburgh Standard for Pitches, maintenance has been defined which specifies two different levels of maintenance, a baseline and premium pitch maintenance specification. Baseline Pitch Maintenance Specification The minimum baseline specification is equivalent to maintaining a pitch at a category C level,

In addition to what already exists in the maintenance specification for Parks (points 3.2,A-3.2.C), the following will be added: Pitch Surface - white line service provided once a week Cutting -will cut the pitch on a performance basis-this is detailed in the information itself Fertiliser and Weed Control - annual fertiliser and weed control Slit tine and roll - both done twice a year, at the same time Re-seeding - all bare patches (e.g. holes in the goal mouth) to be filled in at the end of the season Equipment - goalposts painted annually Between game maintenance - at designated sites of heavy use Annual review of the pitch

Premium Pitch Maintenance Specification Slit tineing and rolling - upgrade once a month during the season Fertiliser and weed control -twice a year (Spring/Autumn) Re-seeding - end of season returfing/seeding of goal mouths, plus watering if necessary Vertical draining of sand pitches - every three years Reinstatement - four times a week

Specific maintenance requirements have been identified for cricket and synthetic pitches and floodlighting .

Cricket Pitches The above baseline specification is applicable for the outfield and boundary. For the cricket table, the specification changes and an A standard is required: The pitches are marked out, cut and rolled the Friday before each game, End of season reinstatement - lifting of ends and levelling of square For artificial wickets: Weekly brushing to keep the surface clean Properly checked at the end of the season

50 Synthetic Pitches Weekly sweeping Keep weeds of the outskirts Re-sanding when looking bare, complete re-sanding once a year

Floodlighting Regular annual inspection by competent electrician to examine lighting and pillars Light replacement on demand


52 LW AREA CODES: W - West; E ~ East; S- South; C - Central; P - Pentland; NEL - North Edinburgh Leith

STATUS: J - project Completed UD - Project Under Development

-~ ~ Proposed LDC Present Present Proposed Pitch lime Cost status Name Comment Changing Area Pitch Changing _.____.~ W Allison Park C I1 Redundant ___ f50k refurbishn NEL B I11 I1 Y3 - in conjundion wil Field Club Partnership

~~ Army Headquarter! P

____ ~ Balerno/Malleny Drainage Y3 f2Ok P ~- ___ Bangholm Playing B Floodlit (I) New changing Big Lottery f1.3rv NEL Fields Hdey rooms including f700k Synthetic Council contributi Project ongoing Bingham Park C I11 B-Pitch being done Put in 2 portacabins Y2 f 40 k for two E portacabins in

conjunction with 1 Partnership C N As is P __~ Broom house PPPl W J Primary School Synthetic Grass Broughton C I1 Smart Add changing W UD Secondary School School's Initiative, at Planning Stage Burgess Park C N Y3 f10k W

t- t- 53 ____.~ LDC Pre Present Proposed Status Name Comment Proposed Pitch Time A- Pit< Changing Changing ~. __ - ~___ --- E Cairntows D I11 Disposal Craigmillar Park Compen- sation P Campbell Park B I1 As is - ~__~~__~ Cargilfield School C 11 W ~_____- - ~ S Carlton Cricket A I1 As is

Pitch ~

~~ ~~ Carrick-Knowe C N W School ~ _- Castle View Synl PPPl Plans for E J Primary School- con 60 x 40 floodlighting same as Ferniesidt ~ ___ ~~ - Castlebrae High C I1 New School at E School Planning Stage

City Park Football B 111 Y1 f500k ( ;t plan being NEL Ground establis d at present for corn zte relocation & devel lment of these f; lities in conjunc m with Club Partner ip Civil Service Sport! I3 I1 W Council

~ Clermiston Park C I11 B I1 Y2 f2OK pi ies, f 150k W changin in conjunc In with Club ~. Partner! 'p ___ ~~ Clerrniston School C N W Clifton Hall School B - ~~ I1 - -~ W

54 ~~ Present Proposed LDC Present Comment proposed Pitch cost Name Pitch Changing Changing Area ~ Clovenstone B N As is P Playing Field Clovenstone C N As is P Primary School - ~- __--- ___- -- - P UD Colinton Mains C 111 Quality A I f525k (f225k secured Park Venue by developer) Corniston Primary Linked to School Hunters Tryst Smart School's Initiative Corstorphine Park C I1 Vandalism f 20K in conjunction (Union Park) with Club Partnership Craigentinny & B E Seafield Park ~- Craigmount High PPPl W J School Grass & Floodlit Synthetic Craigroyston High 6 I1 Smart NEL UD School School's Initiative New School including Floodlit Synthetic & Grass at Planning Stage


55 Proposed LDC Name Comment proposed Pitch Cost Status Changing Changing Area Craigroyston Smart Synth 7's 60 x 40 NEL J Primary School School's Initiative __ ___ - Cramond Campus New facilities in the process- of being deve ped by Private Sector W C B f7k P

~ Curriehill Primary C N Smart As is School School's Initiative Amalgama- tion with Riccarton ____ ~__ Dalrneny School C N As is

~ Daniel Stewarts & B Yelville ~- lavidsons Mains B Provide Portacabin f25k in conjunction 'ark with Club Partnership -__ ~ ~ _____ )avidson's Mains C As is Jrimary School __ lean Park Primary C As is P School

~__~~ - ___ hnaldson's Schoo C or The Deaf C humbrae Park B W __ humbrae Primary 4s is khool W

56 E"

m .E .E 8- 22 2 +


ll U m u 0 m m -__ __ -- LDC Present Pres PrOpOSed status Comment Proposed Pitch Area Name Pitch Cham Changing - __ E Edinburgh B I Synthetic University Sports Ground ___- NEL Edinburgh's Telford C N College - North Campus - -- ~~ S Fernieside Park B I11 Replace Y2 portacabins _____ ~~ ~- W J Ferryhill Primary C N School -____ B I1 NEL ~ - A I PPP 1 As is Y2 P UD Linked to Oxgangs Synthetic Primary Floodlit Pitches & 3 New Grass in construction- various sizes

~__ ~ Forrester High B 1-11 Smart Planned W UD School School's Initiative New School planned with New Grass & Synthetic Pitches at Planning ._ Fort School D N Kickabout As is Y3 f22k area Smart School's Initiative


58 - __- LDC Present Present Proposed Time cost Area Pitch Changing Changing D Y2 f 12k ~__N D I1

B I1

P B I1

~~~ ~~___ ~~ - Gilmerton Park C N B-in hand S ____- _~___- ~~~ ~ Glasgow Road C N W Recreation Ground __ ~ ____ Gracemount High A I PPP 1 Completed S School Synthetic Floodlit Pitch - Grange Cricket & A I NEL Sports Ground Gyle Park & Playing A I Quality Y1 f 1.2m W Fields Venue Harrison Park C N Y2 f20K in conjunction C

-_ - with Club Partnership Heriot Watt A I W

Hewlett - Packard B W Sports & Social Club

Hillwood Primary As is School W I-I

59 ~ ~~ - Present Present Proposed Name Comment Proposed Pitch Time cost LDC 1 status Pitch Changing Changing Area - ___ C N Smart (B) Drainage Y2 f20k School's Initiative ____ ~ ___~ Inch Park C B I1 Y2 Changing €500k, f150k pitches ___~___- Inverleith Park B I1 Quality A Y2 f4m Venue ~ C 1-11 Quality A Y1 f413k Venue I1

Jewel Park C B Y3 f 10k ~__ King George V Park C I1 B Y1 f5k in conjunction (Currie) with Club Partnership

P Kingsknowe Park L I1 B-Started Y1 f25K Kirkliston Primary N 4s is School __ ~ .- Kirkliston Sports I [mprove irrigation Y1 f 10k Centre 3t 7's __ 4 I 4s is Leith Battalion of I1 Boys Brigade

~~ NEL Leith Links Playing -~~ I 3 1 Fields Y2 L300k New build 6 units in conjunction - with Club Partnership High 3 I1 4s is

60 ______Proposed LDC Present Present Time c< t Name Proposed Pitch Changing Area Pitch Changing ~~~~ __~ S Liberton Playing B I11 I Y3 f4 lk New build 8 Fields (Double un ;

Hedges) - - -- ~ __-- ~__-~ -~~~ Y3 . pitches, f40k S Liberton Public C 111 B Put in 2 portacabins E2 ch ging in Park co Jnction with Club Pa wrship ______~~ - E Lismore Primary D N B Y3 E2

School - ~ .~ ~ Lochend Park C N B Y3 El in conjunction E wii Club Partnership

-~ - ~~~ Longstone School C 111 As is (11) Put in 2 Y1 E4 P Portacabins -~ -- Lothian & Borders B I NEL Police HQ Mary Erskine B C Recreation Ground __~ _. - - Meadows, The C Replace changing Y1 €3, k C (6 units) Meadowbank A E Sports Centre __ .~~~

~ Meggetland Playing A New Pitches P Fields including Changing Rooms & Floodlit Synthetic Currently under

__~~- construction Merchiston Castle B [I School P

61 LDC Present Proposed Present Comment proposed Pitch cost Area Name Pitch Changing Changing _____~ ~-__ W Moray House A N DeV (Cramond Campus) proposals being considered

Morgan Playing Dev Fields proposals being

considered ~ ~~ ____- - ~. f25k in conjunction Muirhouse Park 6 N Put in a portacabin with Club Partnershik ~ C Murrayfield Rugby A Stadiums Newcraighall Park B As is E ~___~ NEL North Crewe Road New facilities in the process of being del ped by Private Sector. - -__ Northfield & B I1 Community E Willowbrae Centre Community Centre

- ~~ Oxgangs Primary PPP 1 Synthetic Floodlit & P UD School Grass Pitches under Part of Firhi construction. Various sizes

~ Paties Road 6 I1 Improve two 7’s (11) Improve Y f12k for 7’s, f50k foi P Recreation Ground changing changing ~ Pilrig Park C N B-Upgrade for (I) Put portacabins Y f2Ok Pitches, f40k NEL pitches in Changing in conjunction with Clul - __- Partnership -~ Pilton West Playing 11 (Neighbourt NEL Fields ood)

62 ~- __~ Proposed LDC Present Present proposed Pitch Cost Name Comment Changing Area Pitch Changing - __- __- W Pinkhill Playing Redundant Disposal

Fields Compensation ~ NEL Pirniehall Primary Synth PPP 1 School 60x40 Soccer 7's size - completed __ __ Y2 17k E POrtObellO C B E Recreation Park - P Power League, Synth Sighthill ~~__~___ Power League, Synth Five-a-side E Portobello kick about area ~~ _~ __ ~- Field Playing C Unused Consider relocation W as part of local plan y1__ discussions Ratho Station Park No pitch Unused Consider relocation W Football Pitch on the site as part of local plan discussions ___ Redford Recreation C N 6-as part of P Firrhill/Col.Mains proposals __ B I1 P -. ~ C N Smart As is W School School's Initiative _____ .~-. . -~ __.. Roseburn Park C I11 New pavilion (4 Y2 f200k new pav, flOk C units) pitches


63 ~

Proposed Pitch p,.-mmi Present Comment 7 Status Changing Pitch ~___ J PPP 1- Playing Fields Synthetic Small - Completed - - ______- __~~_ Y3 f2( k-i w build 4 IW Royal High School B I1 PPP 1- Extend changing Synthetic uni I Upgrade & Grass Pitches Corn pleted - ~ ~~ ~-______-__ ~~ Sandys Boys Club C 11 B Y3 fll in mjunction Pitch wit CIi Partnership Saughton B I1 Quality A Y2 fl. 'rn Enclosure linked Venue with Saughton Park __~~ Saughton Park C I Quality A Venue Scottish Gas Board DEV-NPPG Social Club 11 __ Sighthill Park C I11 B New5 units Y3 €2.' fo )itch, f250k W (Napier) For iat ing in cor inc In with Club

~ Pat er . -_ iP Sighthill Primary C N P School -_ Silverknowes Park C I1 Summer B-Summer Pitcl Y3 El! W Venue c_- South Queensferry C 11 B As is High School Y1 -~

64 ~ __ ~~ LDC Present Present proposed status Comment Proposed Pitch Time cost Area Name Pitch Changing Changing - __~~ W UD St Augustine's RC B 1-11 Plans being Y2 High School prepared through Smart School's Initiative Programme __ ___-- ~ C St Cuthbert's C N As is Primary School - ~~ ~ E St Francis RC N As is School

~ ~~ ~ St Georges School C 11 C for Girls ______~ - ~~____-- St Josephs RC PPP 7 Synthetic Grass W School - St Margaret's Redundant- S School NPPG 11 St Mark's Park [I St Marks Primary N 4s is School

St Mary's Primary r-L N 9s is NEL School (Leith)

Stewark-Melville B NEL Eollege Grounds

Talloaks (Gyle) r-L N Y2 E50K ir onjunction W

~ with CII PartnershiD rynecastle B Xstillers Pitch C


65 __- Presc Present Proposed Name Comment Proposed Pitch Tim4 LDC status Pitch Changing Changing Area ____ Tynecastle High Plans being C UD School prepared through Smart School's Initiative Programme ~__- ___ Victoria Park Synth Kick pitch NEL __ _- Wardie Playing B I11 'itch levelling (I) Refurbish Y c for pitches, NEL Fields pavilion and build f for new and b is Ik new units ( changing Wardie Primary C N b is NEL School ___ ~____.- _- Warriston Playing B [I1 Soccer 7's k is (I) New build Y )k for 8 units NEL Field __ Wester Hailes C [I is is 3 Education Centre rc

66 Appendix 5 Local Pitch Improvement Programme

67 Local Pitch Improvement Programme

~ ' Name Time cost Bang holm Smart School's Initiative Proposals & Council contribution Broughton Secondary School 1 Smart School's Initiative Proposals 1 City Park Football Ground 1 f500k Cost plan being established at present for complete relocation & development of these facilities

~ Colinton Mains Park f 300k Currie High School 1 f7k I East Pilton Park 1 1 Put in a portacabin f25k I King George V Park (Currie) 1 f5k Kingsknowe Park 1 f25K I Kirkliston Sports Centre I 1 j fiok I Lochend Park 3 flOk Cost plan being established at present for complete relocation & development of these

I facilities Longstone School 1 f40k Meadows, The 1 f300k 1 Muirhouse Park 1 ' f25k I Paties Road Recreation Ground 1 f12k for 73, f50k for changing South Queensferry High School 1 f7k Wardie Playing Fields 1 f10k for pitches, f300k for new and f25k changing

Warriston Playing Field 1 f400k for 8 units I 1 Sub Total Year 1 I 1 f2.051 million I I 1 Bingham Park 2 f40k for two portacabins

~ Clermiston Park 2 f20K pitches, f150k changing

~ Corstorphine Park (Union Park) 2 f20K Davidsons Mains Park 2 f25k ~ + Duddingston Playina Fields 21 1 Fernieside Park I 2 I f2Ok I 1 Fox Covert School 2 1 f12k 1 1 Harrison Park 2 f20K

~ Hunters Tryst School 2 f20k Inch Park 2 Changing f500k, f150k pitches Leith Links Playing Fields 2 f300k New build 6 units 1 Portobello Recreation Park 1 2 ' f17k I 68 1 Name 1 Time I cost , I 1 Roseburn Park I 2 1 f2OOk new pav, f10k pitches I St Augustine’s R C High School 2 Smart School’s Initiative Proposals , Talloaks (Gyle) 2 f50K I Wester Hailes Education Centre 2 ’ f450k Sub Total Year 2 €2.154 million

~ 1 Arboretum Playinq Field I 3 1 f50k - refurbishment I Balerno/Malleny 3 f2Ok 1 Burgess Park 3 f10k Fort School 3 f22k Jewel Park 3 flOk 1 Liberton Playing Fields (Double Hedges) 1 3 I f400k New build 8 units I Liberton Public Park 3 f20k pitches, f40k changing I 1 Lismore Primary School 1 3 f22k i

~~ ~ 1 Pilrig Park 3 1 f20k Pitches, f40k Changing Royal High School 3 1 f2OOk-new build 4 units Sandy’s Boys Club Pitch I 3 flOk

~~ 1 Silverknowes Park I 3 1 f15k I 1 1 Sub Total Year 3 , 1 f 1,154million I 1 Total (All three years)


70 Six Quality Venues Proposals

The features of a quality venue include: One semi-finaI/final pitch At least three A or B quality supporting pitches At least two 7-a-side pitches At least one floodlit synthetic grass full size pitch, with an extra area for 5 or 7-a-side play Grade I Changing facilities "Field Turf" synthetic surfaces where appropriate Facilities fully open to public use Social facilities

Jack Kane Centre The existing artificial pitch to be replaced by 1 1/2 pitch - not using sports turf at this venue because of the hockey played there (€300k) Floodlights already exist Pitches: Alteration of existing pitches (13) - gravel banding, re-orientating to some extent (€50k), invest in equipment e,g, anti-vandal goals (f13k) * Update changing facilities (€50k)

Total Costs f413k

The Gyle At present 5 pitches plus 1 rugby, but want 4 winter football, 1 summer football, 4 soccer sevens, artificial cricket, leased 7's plus 9's Development: Synthetic pitch-1 1/2 sports turf (f900k) and floodlighting Increase changing facilities (€200k), social facilities (€look)

Total Costs €1.2m

Inverleith Inverleith represents one of Edinburgh's Premier Parks which requires holistic development for the needs of the 2lStcentury, Options for its development have been worked up by a local landscape architect firm, They include the creation of a Sports Hub and an Events area. The Steering Group's preference is for the sports facilities to be created on the flat area of the park * The proposals include enhancement of the tree stock and improvement to the entrance points NB: Inverleith no flat land * f8 million is present quote for upgrading entire park; need to add for synthetic pitch

Total Costs: €4 million for the Pitches Strategy

71 Saughton

0 At present 5 football, 1full sized synthetic, 2 7's and athletics track o Need to improve drainage and upgrade grass pitch (f50k drainage, f20k gravel etc) 0 f900k 1 1/2 sports turf Car park upgrade - tarmac (f40-50k) Social facilities and changing (f250k)

Total Costs f 1.27m

Meggetland Playing Fields

0 4 soccer 7's

0 3 rugby including 1 floodlit and grandstand 2 football, including 1 floodlit 1 synthetic hockey - floodlit

0 1cricket table

Funded through Planning Agreement

Craigroyston High School

0 1synthetic floodlit pitch 2 A grade pitches Funded by Smart School's Initiative Programme


I Name I cost I Saughton Enclosure linked with 1 f1,27m Saughton Park 1 i Jack Kane SDOI~SCentre 1 f413k I

~ Gyle Park & Playing Fields fl.2m Meggetland Playing Fields Funded through Planning

I Craigroyston High School Funded by Smart School's Initiative proqramme 1 Total f 6,883 million

72 Agenda item:

Report title: A Capital Commitment to Sport - Pitch Strategy for the City of Edinburgh

In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the contents of this report have been noted by the appropriate Executive Member.

Without prejudice to the integrity of the report, and the recommendations contained within it, the Executive Member expresses hidher own views as follows:

Signed: E4

~ ~~

For information - Standing Order 57(1) states:

“Heads of Department will prepare reports, with professional advice and recommendations, on matters requiring decisions by the Executive:

> a report seeking decisions on matters of corporate strategy, corporate policy and corporate projects will be submitted direct to the Executive

k a report seeking decisions on matters relating to the special responsibilities allocated to an individual member of the Executive will be submitted, in the first instance, to that member. The member will add his or her own recommendation to it before submission to the Executive. Where the Executive member disagrees with the advice and the recommendation of the officers, the Executive member will also state his or her reasons.”