City of Council Communities and Families Department

Early Learning and Childcare Information Booklet for Early Learning and Childcare Settings

Session 2019-20

Early Years Edinburgh A braw place to be – giving children the best start in life Contents

Introduction P3

Early Years Team contact details P4

CEC additional useful contacts P5

EY Voluntary Organisations in receipt of CEC Grant Funding P6 – 7

Links to Support Parental Engagement P7

Expansion of ELC and Forest Kindergarten P8-9

Supporting Quality – The Golden Thread P10-12

Graffiti Walls P13-16

Support and Challenge P17-18

Resources to Support Early Learning and Childcare Settings P19

Links to National Guidance to Support ELC P20-21

Edinburgh Early Learning & Childcare Academy P22

Booking through CPD P23

CPD Opportunities 2019/20 P24-25

North East Locality P26

North West Locality P27

South East Locality P28

South West Locality P29

Early Learning and Childcare Contact Details P30-37

Childminders in Partnership P38

Information for CEC ELC Settings P39 – 40

Early Years Calendar 2019-20 P41

Commitment to Sustainability P42 2


Within City of Edinburgh Early Years Team we have a clear vision: - “To ensure all our children have the best start in life. They are happy, well cared for and have quality opportunities to have fun, play and learn.”

We have four principal aims each with a number of specified actions which we believe, if they are realised will provide for the needs and aspirations of all children and their families at this crucial developmental stage.

Aim 1 – Place To develop flexible, affordable, accessible early learning and childcare provision and services for all children and families.

Aim 2 - People To develop a highly skilled and motivated workforce to deliver a high quality Early Years’ service.

Aim 3 - People To strengthen and develop integrated partnership working to provide support for all children and families.

Aim 4 – Practice To develop high quality play and learning opportunities and active learning as integral parts of the Early Years’ service.

Our Early Years Team will continue to offer a wide range of support and challenge to all City of Edinburgh Council providers of Early Learning and Childcare.

This document outlines the key support and challenge available from the early Years central team and provides a ‘one stop shop’ for current information and current contact details. I hope you will find this booklet helpful.

Lynn Paterson – Senior Education Manager – Early Years


Early Years Team

Senior Education Manager – Early Years Lynn Paterson: 0131 469 3131 Early Years and Childcare Team [email protected] general enquiries email address:

Quality Improvement Education Officers & Early Learning and Childcare Manager Donna Murray 0131 529 2104 [email protected] Isla Finlayson-Crawshaw 0131 469 3175 [email protected] Gillian O’Rourke 0131 469 3686 gillian.o'[email protected] Paula Dennis 0131 529 2979 [email protected] Bex Carter 0131 529 6243 [email protected] Tracey Shaw 0131 469 3030 [email protected] Paula Greenhill 0131 469 2991 [email protected]

Strategic Development Officers Joanna Martin 0131 529 2106 [email protected] Eilish Guy 0131 529 2414 [email protected] Amanda Godsell 0131 621 8320 [email protected] Lisi Black 0131 529 2413 [email protected] Greta Milloy 0131 621 8320 [email protected]

Operational Support Officer Georgina Cronin 0131 529 2206 [email protected]

Early Years Development Officers Kerry Blair 0131 469 3969 [email protected] Mandy Crosbie 0131 469 3308 [email protected]

Peripatetic Teachers Raquel Miro [email protected] Dawn O’Donnell dawn. o’[email protected]

Business Support Officer Stuart Wilson 0131 469 3406 [email protected]


City of Edinburgh Council - Additional Useful Contacts

NAMS Kerry Blair 0131 469 3969 [email protected] Mandy Crosbie 0131 469 3308 [email protected]

Psychological Services – Partner Provider contacts only South East Team [email protected] Cathie Rowan 0131 469 2800

Educational Psychologist North East Team Kirsty Mackay, Depute 0131 469 2800 [email protected] Principal Psychologist North West Team Heather Gorton, Depute 0131 469 2800 [email protected] Principal Psychologist South West Team Kirsty Colquhoun 0131 469 2800 [email protected] Educational Psychologist

Psychological Services – all CEC Early Years Settings 0131 469 2800

Additional Support for Learning Kirsty Spence, HT ASL 0131 469 2850 [email protected]

Early Years contacts Hayley McMurray, ASL 0131 469 2983 [email protected] Service Leader Sheena Lowes, ASL link 0131 469 2980 [email protected] for Partner Providers

English as an Additional Language Tessa Humby, ASL 0131 469 2893 [email protected]

Speech and Language Therapy Alison Sinclair, Service 0131 672 9454/536 6467 Lead Carolyn Hawkes, Service 0131 537 7119 Lead [email protected] Digital Learning Team 0131 469 2989 Information and 0131 469 2960 Peffer Place, Edinburgh Learning Resource


Early Years Voluntary Sector Organisations in receipt of City of Edinburgh Council Grant Funding.

Organisation Contact Details Phone contact

Paula Swanston Home Link – Volunteer Unit 1 Newington Business Centre, 0131 661 0890 Dalkeith Road Mews, Edinburgh, EH16 5GA

Crossreach-Perinatal Depression Joyce Linklater Services Lothian Wallace House, 3 Boswall Road, 0131 538 7288 Edinburgh, EH5 3RJ

First Hand Lothian Beverley Read Strathmore Business Centre, Hopetoun Gate, 0131 523 1322 8b McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4LZ

Home-Start and North East Anne Nixon Edinburgh 247 Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH6 8NY 0131 553 7819

Home-Start West and South West Margot MacKenzie Room S3 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, 0131 446 7028 EH5 2FF Multi-Cultural Family Base Marise Gowenlock 50 Coburg Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6HE 0131 467 7052

One Parent Families Brock Luek 13 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh, EH1 3NX 0131 557 7892

Oxgangs Sure Start Project Sue Christie Mains Community Education Centre, 0131 441 7318 Loan, Edinburgh EH13 9EJ

Stepping Stones for Young Morag Wilson Parents 9A Pilton Drive North Edinburgh EH5 1LY 0131 551 1632


Dr Bells Family Centre Anna Templeton Community Crèche 15 Junction Place, 0131 553 0107 Edinburgh, EH6 5JA

Craigmillar Books for Babies Kara Whelan Castlebrae Community High School, 2A Rd, 0131 621 2621 Edinburgh, EH16 4DP

Smart Play Network Lesley Fox 16 Constitution Street, 0131 554 2620 Edinburgh, EH6 7BT

Men in Childcare Derek Thomson Norton Park 57 Albion Road, 0131 475 2333 Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

The Yard – Early Years Jenny MacDonald 22 Eyre Place Lane, 0131 476 4506 Edinburgh, EH3 5EH

Links to Support Parental Engagement

Programmes, Activities and Groups for parents and carers: Download locality booklets from or signpost parents and carers to

Family Support Organisations signpost to Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC) website

FREE parenting helpline, email and web-chat service: for anyone caring for or concerned about a child – open until 9pm Monday to Friday. 08000 28 22 33 [email protected]

Parenting website: access FREE parent resources, support networks and parent help lines on a range of topics.

For further information and signposting within your locality. Please contact your Lifelong Learning Development Officer for Parent and Carer Support. North West: [email protected] North East: [email protected] South East: [email protected] South West: [email protected]


Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare

The Scottish Government document A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in sets out the requirement to increase funded ELC entitlement from 600 to 1140 hours by 2020. This requires us to make significant changes to the provision of ELC in Edinburgh, whilst ensuring we continue to provide a high-quality service for children and their families that offers greater flexibility, accessibility and affordability to parents.

Edinburgh has approximately 11,000 children who are eligible for funded Early Learning and Childcare. We are making positive progress and leading the way in meeting the additional hours for ELC in Scotland by 2020. Our request for £87.5m funding has been fully met by the Scottish Government which will help us recruit the additional staff that are needed and build the new early years facilities.

Our expansion plan has seen us delivering the additional 1140 hours since August 2017. By August 2019 we will have achieved the following

• 47 Local Authority and 79 Partner Provider settings delivering 1140 hour places • 23 Childminders in partnership • 6 Forest Kindergartens • 390 new staff recruited to the local authority • 7 new build nurseries completed and another 5 new builds started.

Our expansion plan has been developed which will provide a variety of delivery models to meet the flexibility required by families and carers to ensure all children will have access to a place in their own locality.

We are excited and looking forward to this great opportunity to provide excellent learning and teaching for our youngest learners to ensure they have the best possible start in life at the same time as enabling parents to access the world of work.


Forest Kindergarten

As part of the 1140 expansion plan we will have developed six sites for session 2019-20 for children to access their funded ELC 1140 hours.

Six Forest Kindergartens at:

Lauriston Castle – children from and Primary Schools will attend a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten.

Cammo Estate - children from East Craig’s and Craigroyston Primary Schools will attend a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten.

Clifton Hall - children from Primary School will attend a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten.

Newbattle Abbey - children from Spinney Lane Nursery and Gracemount Primary School will attend a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten.

Craigmillar Woods - children from Moffat Early Years Campus will attend a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten.

Pentland - children from Cowgate Under 5s have accessed this site for Forest Kindergarten for a number of years. Children from Bonaly Primary School nursery class will join them and have a blended approach of Early Learning and Childcare within a nursery class and a forest kindergarten this session.

In total there will be 220 children across Edinburgh accessing forest kindergarten supported by our wonderful forest staff team.


Supporting Quality - The Golden Thread

High quality provision and experiences for children are at the top of our agenda. In our plans towards expansion of Early learning and Childcare within the City of Edinburgh we focus on Quality being the ‘Golden thread’ and will take account of the priorities set out in the National Improvement Framework including; • Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy • Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children • Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing • Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people. We have a central Early Years Team consisting of: Quality Improvement Education Officers, Early Years Managers, Development Officers, and Peripatetic Teachers who provide support within our four localities. The Early Years team have a strategic plan identifying key focused area for improvement based on the national documentation: How good is our Early Learning and Childcare and Building the Ambition.

Early Years Focused Self-Evaluation August 2017-June 2019

Support and Challenge Year 1

Block 1 Block 2 September 2017 - March 2018 March 2018 – September 2018

What do children need? Early Learning Pedagogy HGIOELC – HGIOELC – QI 1.3 Leadership of change QI 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment BtA - 6.4.1 / 6.5.1 • Learning and engagement ELC- What do children need? • Quality of Interactions 2.2 Curriculum • Visible Pedagogy o VISION, VALUES & AIMS o ETHOS o ENVIRONMENT BtA 7.5.3 - Putting Pedagogy into Practice o CHILDREN’S VOICE o COMMUNICATION o ENGAGEMENT o CHILDREN’S VOICE o DIFFERENTIATION o STAFF KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING o QUALITY INTERACTIONS


Support and Challenge Year 2

Block 1 Block 2 September 2018 - February 2019 February 2019 – September 2019 Giving children rich and exciting play and Planning and securing children’s progress learning opportunities HGIOELC – HGIOELC – QI 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment QI 2.2 Curriculum • Planning Tracking and Monitoring • Rationale and Design • Effective use of Assessment • Learning and Development QI 3.2 Securing children’s progress • Pedagogy and Play o Progress in communication, language, • Skills for life and learning Maths and Health and Wellbeing QI 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing equality and inclusion o Children’s progress over time • Wellbeing o Overall quality if children’s BtA 7.5.1 Wellbeing achievements o ENGAGEMENT o Ensuring equity for all children o ENVIRONMENT BtA 7.5.2 Communication o CHILDREN’S VOICE o ENGAGEMENT o INCLUSION o ENVIRONMENT o CHILDREN’S VOICE o INCLUSION How are we closing the gap?

Support and Challenge Year 3

Block 1 Block 2 September 2019 - February 2020 February 2020 – August 2020

Literacy and Communication through: Numeracy and Mathematics through: HGIOELC - HGIOELC - QIs: 1.2 Leadership of Learning QIs: 1.2 Leadership of Learning • Children leading learning • Children leading learning 2.2 Curriculum 2.2 Curriculum • Skills for life and learning • Skills for life and learning 3.2 Securing Children’s Progress 3.2 Securing Children’s Progress • Progress in Communication and Early • Progress in Numeracy and Mathematics Language Building the Ambition; Building the Ambition; o Experiences which o Experiences which o Adults who o Adults who o An environment which o An environment which

Within each of the four localities we regularly bring together Nursery Classes, Nursery Schools, Early Years Centres, Partner Providers including private nurseries, playgroups and childminders.


Within each session there are locality events where central themes for improvement are shared and developed in line with national guidance linked to our Early Years Focused Self- Evaluation Plan.

Proportionate ‘Support and Challenge’ visits to settings run alongside these events focusing on the central themes from our strategic plan, auditing practice and developing action for improvements.

Within each locality, we are developing small network groups called ‘ELIPs’ (Early Learning Improvement Partnerships) to support and develop a self-improving system within our early years settings across the city.

Within Year 3 we are building on this by developing ‘LLPs’ (Leadership Learning Partnership Groups). The groups will be established at the first Leading the Strategy meeting in September. The purpose of the LLPs is to establish and develop collaborative working across all Early Learning and Childcare and to allow leaders time to have professional dialogue. There will be an opportunity for the groups to meet again on a further two occasions at the Leading the Strategy meetings within the year. Further collaboration within the partnerships will be encouraged across the session.


We have developed four Graffiti Walls linked to the Early Years Focused Self-Evaluation Plan. They share the key expectations linked to the Quality Indicators that have been the focus within the self-evaluation plan. Individual copies of these graffiti walls can be found on the Early Ye



. Curriculum rationale based Ambitious, Practitioners understand Develops a positive Practitioners are committed on shared values and beliefs demonstrating the importance of play, attitude to learning to developing their about how young children high expectations and their role in and builds skills for professional knowledge and learn, taking account of our for all children supporting quality play life and work working collegiately context experiences Focused on developing skills in A breadth of rich opportunities communication, literacy and for curiosity, inquiry and numeracy through rich ‘What does a high- creativity supported by skilled experiences across learning quality curriculum practitioners look like? 2.2 Creates opportunities for Our curriculum Effective partnerships children to be active framework fits our with families and our participants in their context and meets community promote community the needs of all our positive outcomes for children children Underpinned by children’s Based on an image of Children are empowered to Builds on prior and rights, including the right to the child as a lead their own learning, taking continuous learning of play competent, active forwards their own ideas and children, and involves learner interests families in supporting learning Progression of learning is Wellbeing is Children experience a sense of Children enjoy challenge, and Flexible and highly planned for, and at the heart achievement and have real-life through skilled interventions, responsive planning transitions support this of practice opportunities to apply their practitioners effectively extend approaches ensure developing skills their thinking, promote creativity sustained progress and and widen skills supports developing skills


Choices and access Open ended resources Planning processes Staff understanding of High quality observations for all children to ‘focus on problem including responsive progression of focused on significant developmentally solving and creativity’ plans to support learning supports learning for individuals appropriate materials progression and positive outcomes for children and resources outcomes.

Depth and Challenge within Assessment is an integral part provision, planning and learning of planning supporting well conversations timed interventions for 3.2 Securing children Children’s Clear focus on Literacy, Progress Real life and Processes support children Numeracy and Health and imaginary contexts to extend learning through Wellbeing in provision and for learning effective next steps being practice identified

Organised approach to Ready access for children Children being listened to Children’s voices captured collection of evidence eg. to evidence of their own and encouraged to talk for all aspects of nursery drawings every term. learning about their own learning life

Interactions with children Sharing evidence of Differentiation provides all Children demonstrate Leadership role for include effective use of learning with whole team children with support and high levels of children in Nursery life praise- focussing on and families to get a wider challenge confidence, motivation effort view and engagement


Support and Challenge: Early Learning and Childcare

Locality support and events Pre-birth – 3 Annual conference Eligible 2’s

Joint support with Career Long partnership Professional services Support and Learning Challenge From the Central EY Team

Support and Inspection challenge support: Pre and visits post Standards, Quality & Resources Improvement Planning Development and implementation

Support and Challenge Visits Officers will: • Visit settings to share in learning and teaching and to monitor provision and progress • Share playroom experience to identify strengths and areas for improvement linked to the focused self-evaluation calendar • Engage in professional dialogue

Supported Self-Evaluation The purpose of Supported Self-Evaluation is to work in partnership with settings to: • Validate and moderate the settings own self-evaluation • Provide critical feedback for improvement • Gather information on the capacity for improve • Provide valuable professional learning for staff

Locality Support and Events • A range of opportunities are provided within localities to deliver key messages for local and national priorities. This also extends the opportunities for cluster consultation, engagement, networking and sharing good practice. • Locality events will be delivered on a termly basis. • Settings should ensure that a senior member of staff attends the Leading the Strategy meetings and practitioners attend the Quality Matters events.


Dates for Senior Staff: Leading the Strategy Locality Meetings 2019-20

Locality and code Dates Venue and time North West and 3.9.19 9.00-3.30 Faith Mission for all North East 28.1.20 meetings CF2731 28.4.20 South East and 5.9.19 9.00-3.30 Faith Mission for all South West 30.1.20 meetings CF2732 30.4.20

Dates for Practitioners: Quality Matters- CF 2564 These sessions are designed for practitioners and have a focus on delivering high quality learning environments, experiences and interactions.

• Monday 21st October 2019: AM and PM sessions at the Faith Mission • Friday 13th March 2020: AM and PM sessions at the Faith Mission

The Early Years Conference for all staff is on: Tuesday 7th January 2020 at Dynamic Earth this event will run as 2 sessions 9-12 and 1-4. This year’s key note speaker will Di Chilvers- Children leading their own learning.

Standards, Quality and Improvement Planning • Support is provided for the formulation and implementation of Standards, Quality and Improvement Planning to support the improvement agenda

Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) • Opportunities to support learning and teaching of children 0 – 5 and support to staff to fulfil their statutory requirements are promoted throughout the year • A varied programme of CPD is available throughout the year. Details on booking through CPD are available within this booklet.

Joint Support with Partnership Services • Liaison with Psychological Services, Additional Support for Learning and English as an Additional Language services • Joint working with partnership services

Inspection Support • Support for Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland inspections and action plans

Pre-birth – 3 and Eligible 2 Year Olds • Strategic Development Officers provide support to settings who offer early learning and childcare for children aged 0 – 3 years • Training is advertised in the CPD bulletin and resources are shared through the early years’ blog


Resources to Support Early Learning and Childcare Settings

City of Edinburgh Council Early Years Blog There is a wide range of support materials and guidance to support high quality Early Learning and Childcare available on the

Edinburgh Early Years’ Blog:

*Recently key guidance for Planning with Children has been developed and uploaded onto the blog. A number of training sessions have been delivered alongside this guidance and there are further events planned for this session.

*Recent guidance including the Developmental Milestones and Learning Overview (DMLO) to support tracking childrens progress has been uploaded onto the bog.

The blog is updated regularly with guidance and materials which have been shared at locality events.

SSSC: The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have launched new learning resources to support early learning and childcare workers releases/new-learning-resources-to-support-early-learning-workforce

Observing children This online practice simulator allows workers to observe children at play while in different workplace settings to help them develop observation and recording skills, which play a key role in early learning and childcare. Child development This app is an essential reference for early years practitioners in Scotland containing important aspects of national guidance and a mix of information and real-world activities to support practice. Mentoring for early learning and childcare services This app will help you implement a mentoring programme in your early learning and childcare service.

Scottish Government: Induction Resource for Early Learning and Childcare

A new induction pack has been launched for people working in Early Learning and Childcare


Links to Key National Guidance to support Early Learning and Childcare

Education Scotland: Care Inspectorate:

National Improvement Hub:

Curriculum for Excellence Principles and Practice papers / experiences and outcomes

Building the Ambition dingtheambition/index.asp

Pre-Birth to Three irthtothree/nationalguidance/index.asp

How good is our early learning and childcare? NIHeditSelf-evaluationHGIELC/HGIOELC020316Revised.pdf

Health and Social Care Standards:

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. The Standards are built upon five principles; dignity and respect, compassion, be included, responsive care and support and wellbeing

Funding Follows the Child and the National Standard for Early Learning and Childcare Providers: principles and practice childcare-providers-principles-practice/

My World Outdoors _early_years_good_practice_2016.pdf


My Creative Journey combined.pdf

Food Matters-nurturing happy healthy children programmes-and-publications/food-matters/

Space to Grow

Gender Equal Play programmes-and-publications/gender-equal-play-in-early-learning-and-childcare/

Setting the Table: Nutritional Guidance and Food Standards:

Education Endowment Foundation: Early Years Toolkit

2019 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan for Scottish Education http:/

Loose Parts Toolkit- second edition

My Childminding Experience-Care Inspectorate ence.pdf

Your Childminding Journey: A Learning and Development Resource-Care Inspectorate

Children in Scotland: Improving Children and Young People’s Understanding of their Wellbeing


Edinburgh Early Learning and Childcare Academy EELCA provides funding to support staff in Aim Statement working towards the following qualifications: Building the Ambition to give all our The Edinburgh Early Learning and Childcare • Social Services Children and Young children the best start in life. Academy will provide training to develop a People SCQF Level 6 & 7 highly qualified, skilled and effective • BA early Childhood studies workforce, committed to lifelong learning • PDA Early Childhood Studies and ensuring the very best outcomes for our • Froebel in Early Education children and families.

EELCA Contacts

Social Services Children and Young People Tracey Shaw Support for Parents Group Paula Greenhill SCQF Level 6 & 7 for Trainees and Modern Apprentice Early Years Practitioners SVQ Assessors Group Amanda Godsell Early Learning Improvement Bex Carter & Paula Greenhill Partnerships Funded Qualifications Group Donna Murray ELC Aspiring Leaders Gillian O’Rourke

Forest Kindergarten Tracey Shaw Excellence & Equity Leads- Gillian O’Rourke SEYIO Outdoor Play Louise Caldwell CLPL Events Isla Finlayson-Crawshaw


Booking through CPD

Council Staff

Council staff should book on via the MyHR system, or via their CPD Coordinators/managers, who can book staff on via the MyPeople system. Supply staff should book on by phoning Tel 469 3227, (Monday-Thursday 2-4pm, and Friday 2-3.15pm), or by emailing [email protected].

Please note you won’t receive an immediate booking confirmation - Joining Instructions are automatically emailed to all delegates with authorised bookings, 13 days before the event. If your booking is still ‘awaiting authorisation’, you won’t receive the Joining Instructions, so please ensure your CPD coordinator/manager authorises your booking request. Please ensure your email inbox isn’t full, or you won’t receive the email. Council staff can view all the courses they are booked on by looking at their Training Log on the myHR system, or by asking their CPD coordinator/manager, who can view all details on the myPeople system).

Non Council Staff

To book a place please phone the Workforce Learning & Development booking line 469 3227 (Monday-Thursday 2-4pm and Friday 2–3.15pm) or email. [email protected]

Please note you may not receive an immediate booking confirmation. Joining Instructions will be automatically emailed to all delegates 13 days before the event.


City of Edinburgh Council Early Years CPD Opportunities 2019/20 currently available to book. Other opportunities will be available throughout the year which will be emailed out to ELC settings.

Name Booking Code Time Date Venue Tutor Early Literacy: Developing Early CF2754 AM 9.00 -12.00 20.9.19 City of Edinburgh Lynda Keith Phonological Awareness in ELC. or or Methodist Church, PM 1.00 – 4.00 23.9.19 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BX

Leading the Strategy North for SENIOR CF2731 3.9.19 Faith Mission EY team LEADERS 9.00 – 3.00 28.1.20 28.4.20 Leading the Strategy South for CF2732 5.9.19 Faith Mission EY team SENIOR LEADERS 9.00 – 3.00 30.1.20 30.4.20 0 – 3’s Conference TBC Faith Mission 9.00 -3.00 5.11.19 EY team and speakers

Quality Matters for CF2564 AM 9.00 -12.00 21.10.19 and Faith Mission EY team and speakers LEADERS OF LEARNING or 13/3/20 PM 1.00 – 4.00 Early Years Conference Booking online AM 9.00 -12.00 7.1.20 Dynamic Earth Di Chilvers - Keynote ‘Quality: Leading Learning’ not yet open or ALL STAFF PM 1.00 – 4.00 Moving to Learn CF2592 12.30 – 3.00 10/9/19 TBC Raquel Ribes Miro

Planning with Children CF2730 9.00 – 11.00 22/10/19 TBC EY team 4.00 – 6 .00 21/11/19 WHEC EY


Hanen Learning Language and Loving It CF2741 1.30 – 5.00 5 sessions 12/9/19 – 14/11/19 WHEC EY Hanen team 5 sessions 16/1/20 – 19/3/20 Hanen Teacher Talk CF2740 1.00 – 4.30 2 sessions 29/8/19 and 5/9/19 WHEC EY Hanen team 2 sessions 8/11/19 and 15/11/19 2-year olds as capable, confident learners 1 CF2523 2.00 – 4.30 2 sessions 26/9/19 Faith Mission Jackie Gillan and 2 and 24/10/19

Family Learning in an ELC setting for staff CF2521 3.30 – 6.00 4/10/19 Faith Mission Jackie Gillan working with 0-5s 2.00 – 4.30 12/11/19

Exploratory Play indoors and outdoors [0- TBC 4.00- 6.00 18/9/19 and TBC Nicola Crerar 3] 2/10/19 19/2/20 and 26/2/20 22/4/20 and 29/4/20 17/6/20 and 24/6/20 Julie Fisher Booking online AM 9.00 -12.00 4/3/20 Faith Mission Julie Fisher Interacting or Interfering workshops not yet open or 5/3/20 PM 1.00 – 4.00 New to SQIP CF2693 AM 10.00 -12.00 15/5/20 WHEC EY EY team or PM 1.00 – 3.00


North East Locality

EY Quality Improvement Education Officer (QIEO): Isla Finlayson-Crawshaw Early Learning and Childcare Manager - Tracey Shaw

Cluster Local Authority School Partner Providers and Early Years settings Castlebrae High Castleview NC NC Niddrie Mill PS Craigmillar EYC Greendykes EYC Moffat EYC Greengables NS St Francis PS – no nursery. Drummond Community NC Bright Horizons - Annandale High Broughton NC Bright Horizons - Elsie Inglis Leith Walk NC Busy Bees - Edinburgh Broughton Busy St Mary’s RC (Edin) Bees - Heriot Hill Children’s nursery

Leith Academy NC Forbes - Claremont Hermitage Park NC Headstart – Leith Leith NC Leith St Andrews Playgroup Lorne NC Stanwell NS Craigentinny EYC Leith & Drummond St Ninian’s RC St Mary’s RC (Leith)

Portobello High NC Brighton Nursery NC Cherrytrees Nursery Parsons Green NC Cosy Cottage Nursery The Royal High NC Highland Fling Nursery Towerbank NC Kidzcare Portobello St John’s RC Rocking Horse Nursery Seabeach Nursery Northfield/Willowbrae Playgroup


North West Locality

EY Quality Improvement Education Officer (QIEO) – Bex Carter Early Learning and Childcare Manager - Tracey Shaw

Cluster Local Authority School and Early Years settings Partner Providers Broughton High Ferry Hill NC Arbor Green Nursery Flora Stevenson NC Crewe Road Nursery Granton NC Doune Terrace Nursery Stockbridge NC Early Days Nursery Melville Street Nursery New Town Nursery New Town Nursery Too Walker Street Craigmount High NC Bright Horizons – Gogarburn NC Busy Bees – Fox Covert PS & EYC Claylands Children’s Nursery St Andrew’s Fox Covert RC Clifton Hall Hillwood NC Corstorphine Nursery NC ESMS Junior Jigsaw Childcare Montessori NS St Georges Wee Gems Wester Coates NS Craigroyston Craigroyston NC North Edinburgh Childcare Community High Craigroyston EYC Waterfront Nurseries Forthview NC Granton EYC Oaklands Special School Nursery Class Pirniehall NC St David’s RC Forrester High Broomhouse NC Edinburgh Day Nursery (Asquith) NC Gylemuir NC Murrayburn PS & EYC St Cuthbert’s RC no nursery St Joseph’s RC Queensferry High NC Leaps and Bounds – Echline NC Little Flyers Kirkliston NC Nippers - Queensferry Queensferry NC Nippers - Kirkliston Queensferry EYC Orchard Nursery – Kirkliston St Margaret’s RC Tom Thumb Nursery The Royal High Blackhall PS Blackhall Nursery Cramond NC Bright Horizons - Cramond Cargilfield Davidson’s Mains NC Flying Colours Nursery Leaps and Bounds - Barnton Little Monkeys Cramond Peek-a-Boo Nursery School Bright Sparks Nursery – Blackhall Trinity Trinity PS Bonnington House Academy Victoria PS Busy Bees Wardie NC Edzell Nursery Fort EYC Orchard - Holycross RC Summerside Kindergarten Trinity Tots Nursery Victoria Quay


South East Locality

EY Quality Improvement Education Officer (QIEO) - Gillian O’Rourke Early Learning and Childcare Manager – Paula Greenhill

Cluster Local Authority School and Early Partner Providers Years settings

Boroughmuir High PS Bright Horizons -Bruntsfield Buckstone NC Bruntsfield Community Nursery S Morningside NC Childsplay Nurseries St Peter’s RC Corner House - Gillsland Corner House - Spylaw Cranley Buckstone Edinburgh Steiner Forbes - Bruntsfield Forbes - Greenhill Forbes – Bruntsfield Place George Watson Greenbank Preschool Community Playgroup Morningside Children’s Nursery James Gillespie’s James Gillespie’s NC Busy Bees - Port Hamilton Preston St PS George Heriots Royal Mile NC Kidzcare – Grange Loan PS Kidzcare - Norwood House Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce NC Meadows Nursery Tollcross PS & EYC Priestfield House Cowgate Under 5’s Rainbow Kindergarten Hope Cottage NS Stepping Stones St Leonard’s NS Strawberry Hill Nursery Viewforth EYC St Margaret’s Nursery Little Monkeys – Kilmaurs Òganan Dhùn Èideann Newington Nursery

Gracemount High Gracemount NC Little Learners Nursery ONE -Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh Liberton High Park NC Arcadia Nursery Liberton NC Blossom Tree Nursery NC Carebears Nursery Spinney Lane Chapter One Kirk Brae Liberton NS Edinburgh Montessori Arts School Prestonfield NC Pinocchio’s – Gilmerton Gilmerton EYC Start Bright- Gilmerton Cameron House NS St Catherine’s RC St John Vianney RC


South West Locality

EY Quality Improvement Education Officer (QIEO) – Paula Dennis Early Learning and Childcare Manager – Paula Greenhill

Cluster Local Authority School and Partner Providers Early Years settings

Balerno Community Dean Park NC Jigsaw Nurseries High Ratho NC Pinocchio’s Nursery (Heriot Watt) Compass Playgroup High Currie NC Cranley Lanark Road NC Currie Children’s Nursery Nether Currie PS Lanark Road Nursery Currie Playgroup Bees Knees Nursery Firrhill High Bonaly NC Bright Horizons -Morton Mains Colinton NC City Nursery Longstone NC Colinton Nursery NC Cranley Colinton Pentland NC Cranley St Mark’s RC Fairmile House Nursery Braidburn Special School NC Dreghorn Pre-school

Tynecastle High PS Bright Sparks - Craiglockhart NC Melville House Nursery Dalry NC Murrayfield Nursery Stenhouse NC Little Monkeys - Craiglockhart Balgreen NS Tynecastle NS Stenhouse EYC Canal View NC Smilechildcare Education Centre NC Sighthill NC Hailesland EYC Sighthill EYC

Red = Primary school with no nursery class Green = RC allocated to a local cluster Blue = Voluntary sector Playgroup


Early Learning and Childcare Contact Details

Geographical NURSERY SCHOOLS Address Tel No Locality Balgreen Nursery School 175 Balgreen Road, Edinburgh EH11 3AT 337 1454 SW Cameron House Nursery School Cameron House Avenue, Edinburgh EH16 5LF 667 5117 SE Greengables Nursery School 8A Niddrie House Gardens, Edinburgh EH16 4UR 669 9083 NE Hope Cottage Nursery School Cowans Close, East Crosscauseway, Edinburgh EH8 9HF 667 5795 SE Liberton Nursery School Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh EH16 6JQ 664 3155 SE St Leonard’s Nursery School 6 West Adam Street, Edinburgh EH8 9SY 667 4674 SE Stanwell Nursery School Junction Place, Edinburgh EH6 5JA 554 1309 NE Tynecastle Nursery School McLeod Street, Edinburgh EH11 2NL 337 5461 SW The Spinney Lane Nursery School 13a The Spinney, Edinburgh EG17 7LD 664 9102 SE

Geographical NURSERY CLASSES IN PRIMARY Address Tel No Locality SCHOOLS Abbeyhill Primary School Abbey Street, Edinburgh EH7 5SJ 661 3054 NE Bonaly Primary School 57 Bonaly Road, Edinburgh EH13 0FJ 441 7211 SW Broomhouse Primary School Road, Edinburgh EH11 3RQ 443 3783 NW Broughton Primary School Broughton Road, Edinburgh EH7 4LD 556 7028 NE Brunstane Primary School Magdalene Drive, Edinburgh EH15 3BE 669 4498 NE Buckstone Primary School Buckstone Loan East, Edinburgh EH10 6UY 445 4545 SE Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pairce 139B Bonnington Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5NQ 553 5856 SE Canal View Primary School 4 Hailesland Place, Edinburgh, EH14 2SL 442 3894 SW Carrick Knowe Primary School Lampacre Road, Edinburgh EH12 7HU 334 4505 NW Castleview Primary School 2D Greendykes Road, Edinburgh EH16 4DP 661 6429 NE Clermiston Primary School Place, Edinburgh EH4 7NP 336 3361 NW Clovenstone Primary School 54 Clovenstone Park, Edinburgh EH14 3EY 453 4242 SW Colinton Primary School Redford Place, Edinburgh EH13 0AL 441 1946 SW Corstorphine Primary School Corstorphine High Street, Edinburgh EH12 7SY 334 3865 NW


Craigentinny Primary School 4 Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh EH7 6LR 661 2749 NE Craiglockhart Primary School Ashley Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 1RG 337 1407 SW Craigour Park Primary School Park Road, Edinburgh EH17 7HL 664 7594 SE Craigroyston Primary School Place West, Edinburgh EH4 4PX 343 6465 NW Cramond Primary School Cramond Crescent, Edinburgh EH4 6PG 312 6450 NW Currie Primary School 59 Road, Currie EH14 5PU 449 3359 SW Dalmeny Primary School Carlowrie Crescent, Dalmeny EH30 9TZ 331 1447 NW Dalry Primary School Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2JB 337 6086 SW Davidson’s Mains Primary School Corbiehill Road, Edinburgh EH4 5DZ 336 1184 NW Dean Park Primary School 31 Marchbank Gardens, EH14 7ET 449 4529 SW Duddingston Primary School Duddingston Road, Edinburgh EH15 1SW 669 5092 NE East Craigs Primary School 79 Craigmount Brae, Edinburgh EH12 8XF 339 7115 NW Echline Primary School Bo’ness Road, EH30 9XJ 331 3397 NW Ferryhill Primary School Groathill Road North, Edinburgh EH4 2SQ 538 7382 NW Flora Stevenson Primary School , Edinburgh EH4 1BG 332 1604 NW Forthview Primary School West Pilton Place, Edinburgh EH4 4DF 332 2468 NW Gracemount Primary School Lasswade Road, Edinburgh EH16 6UA 664 2331 SE Granton Primary School Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh EH5 2DA 552 3987 NW Gylemuir Primary School Place, Edinburgh EH12 7RT 334 7138 NW Hermitage Park Primary School Hermitage Park, Edinburgh EH6 8HD 554 2952 NE Hillwood Primary School Station Road, EH28 8PT 333 1210 NW Holy Cross RC Primary School Craighall Road, Edinburgh EH6 4RE 552 1972 NW James Gillespie’s Primary School Whitehouse Loan, Edinburgh EH9 1BD 447 1014 SE Juniper Green Primary School 20 Mains Wynd, Edinburgh EH14 3EE 442 2121 SW Kirkliston Primary School Queensferry Road, Kirkliston EH29 9AQ 333 2336 NW Leith Primary School St Andrew’s Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EG 554 4844 NE Leith Walk Primary School Brunswick Road, Edinburgh EH7 5NG 556 3873 NE Liberton Primary School 229 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH16 5UD 664 2337 SE Longstone Primary School Redhall Grove, Edinburgh EH14 2DU 443 4743 SW Lorne Primary School Lorne Street, Edinburgh EH6 8QS 554 2308 NE Murrayburn Primary School Sighthill Loan, Edinburgh EH11 4NP 453 5339 NW


Newcraighall Primary School Whitehill Street, Newcraighall EH21 8QZ 669 3598 NE Oxgangs Primary School 60 Oxgangs Road North, Edinburgh EH13 9DS 441 3649 SW Parson’s Green Primary School Meadowfield Drive, Edinburgh EH8 7LU 661 4459 NE Pentland Primary School Oxgangs Green, Edinburgh EH13 9JE 445 1510 SW Pirniehall Primary School West Pilton Crescent, Edinburgh EH4 4HP 332 5256 NW Prestonfield Primary School Peffermill Road, Edinburgh EH16 5LJ 667 1336 SE Queensferry Primary School Burgess Road, South Queensferry EH30 9NX 331 1349 NW Ratho Primary School 1 School Wynd, Ratho EH28 8TT 333 1293 SW Roseburn Primary School 64 Roseburn Street, Edinburgh EH12 5PL 337 6096 NW Royal Mile Primary School 86 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BZ 556 3347 SE St Catherine’s RC Primary School 30 Gracemount Drive, Edinburgh EH16 6RN 664 4257 SE St David’s RC Primary School 4 West Pilton Crescent, Edinburgh EH4 4HP 332 3500 NW St John’s RC Primary School 10 Duddingston Road, Edinburgh EH15 1NF 669 1363 NE St John Vianney Primary School 17 Ivanhoe Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 6AU 664 1742 SE St Joseph’s RC Primary School 39 Saughton Road, Edinburgh EH11 3RQ 443 4591 NW St Mark’s RC Primary School 63 Firrhill Crescent, Edinburgh EH13 9EE 441 2948 SW St Mary’s RC (Leith) Primary School 30 Links Gardens, Edinburgh EH6 7JG 554 7291 NE St Ninian’s RC Primary School 150 Road South, Edinburgh EH7 6JA 661 3431 NE St Peter’s RC Primary School 10 Falcon Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4AH 447 5742 SE Sighthill Primary School 1 Calder Park, Edinburgh EH11 4NF 453 2464 SW South Morningside Primary School 116 Road, Edinburgh EH10 5QN 447 5446 SE Stenhouse Primary School 4 Saughton Mains Street, Edinburgh EH11 3HH 443 1255 SW Stockbridge Primary School 17a Hamilton Place, Edinburgh EH3 5BA 332 6109 NW The Royal High Primary School 61 Northfield Broadway, Edinburgh EH8 7RX 669 3200 NE Towerbank Primary School Figgate Bank, Edinburgh EH15 1HX 669 1551 NE Wardie Primary School Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 3NJ 552 3896 NW NURSERY CLASSES IN SPECIAL Address Tel No Locality SCHOOLS Braidburn Special School 107 Oxgangs Road North, Edinburgh EH14 1ED 312 2320 SW Oaklands Special School 750 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH4 4PQ 315 8100 NW


Geographical CEC EARLY YEARS CENTRES Address Tel No Locality Cowgate Under 5s Centre 172 High Street, 7 Assembly Close, Edinburgh EH1 1QX 225 7251 SE Craigentinny Early Years Centre 4 Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh, EH7 6LR 661 8593 NE Craigmillar Early Years Centre 6 Craigmillar Castle Gardens, Edinburgh EH16 4BR 661 3126 NE Craigroyston Early Years Centre 67 Pennywell Road, Edinburgh EH4 4NL 332 3855 NW Drummond Community Nursery 41 Bellevue Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4BS 661 8593 NE Fort Early Years Centre North Fort Street, Edinburgh EH6 4HF 554 4077 NW Fox Covert Early Years Centre c/o Fox Covert Primary School, Clerwood Terrace, EH12 8PG 339 8625 NW Gilmerton Early Years Centre 66 Gilmerton Dykes Street, Edinburgh EH17 8PL 664 1202 SE Granton Early Years Centre 10 Wardieburn Road, Edinburgh EH5 1LY 552 4808 NW Greendykes Early Years Centre 205 Craigmillar Castle Avenue, Edinburgh EH16 4DZ 661 3109 NE Hailesland Early Years Centre 23 Hailesland Place, Edinburgh EH14 2SL 442 2163 SW Leith Community Nursery 20 Academy Park, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ 661 8593 NE Moffat Early Years Campus 30 Wauchope Terrace,Edinburgh, EH16 4NU 661 1401 NE Murrayburn Early Years Campus Wester Hailes Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4NG 453 5754 NW Queensferry Early Years Centre c/o Queensferry PS, Burgess Road, South Queensferry EH30 9NX 331 3594 NW Sighthill Early Years Centre 12 Calder Gardens, Edinburgh EH11 4JD 442 2018 SW Stenhouse Early Years Centre 43 Ford’s Road, Edinburgh EH11 3HS 443 1207 SW Tollcross Early Years Campus 117 , Edinburgh EH3 9QG 229 7743 SE Viewforth Early Years Centre 18 Viewforth Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 4LH 229 6667 SE


PRIVATE DAY NURSERIES Address Tel No Locality Arbor Green Nursery 22 Arboretum Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 1HP 343 2345 NW Arcadia Nursery Arcadia @ Kings Buildings, Max Born Crescent, EH9 3BF 650 7007 SE Bees Knees Nursery 280 Lanark Road West, Edinburgh EH14 5RU 07770060373 SW Blossom Tree Nursery 2 Newtoft Street, Edinburgh EH17 8RE 664 4944 SE Bonnington House Nursery 159 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 4QA 555 4140 NW Bright Horizons Annandale Annandale, Annandale St Lane, Edinburgh EH7 4LS 557 5567 NE Bright Horizons Bruntsfield Bruntsfield, 7 Blantyre Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 5AD 447 9797 SE Bright Horizons Cramond Cramond, 26 Whitehouse Road, Edinburgh EH4 6PH 336 3222 NW Bright Horizons - Edinburgh David Lloyd Centre, Gyle Park, Edinburgh EH12 8LH 334 8055 NW Bright Horizons Elsie Inglis Elsie Inglis, 1 Waverley Park, Spring Gardens, Edinburgh EH8 8EW 661 8551 NE Bright Horizons Morton Mains Morton Mains Farmhouse, 37 Winton Loan, Edinburgh EH10 5AW 445 4450 SW Bright Horizons Gogarburn (RBS) RBS Gogarburn, PO Box 1000, Edinburgh EH12 1HQ 626 4200 NW Bright Sparks Nursery 58 Saughton Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5SP 313 1280 NW Bright Sparks Nursery – Blackhall 65 Telford Road, Edinburgh, EH4 2AX 315 3214 NW Brighton Nursery 9c Bellfield Lane, Edinburgh EH15 2BL 308 8589 NE Busy Bees Nursery 20 Valleyfield Street, Edinburgh EH3 9LR 229 7889 SE Busy Bees - Edinburgh Broughton 129, Broughton Rd, Edinburgh EH7 4JH 557 5675 NE Busy Bees – Edinburgh Park 1 Lochside Place, Edinburgh EH12 9DF 339 1245 NW Busy Bees - Heriot Hill 34 Heriot Hill Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 4DY 557 9907 NE Busy Bees – Newhaven Next Generation Centre, Newhaven Place, Edinburgh EH6 4LX 467 4647 NW Busy Bees – New Town 12 Dean Terrace, Edinburgh, EH4 1ND 332 5920 NW Busy Bees – New Town Too 4 Forres Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6BJ 226 5692 SE Busy Bees – Port Hamilton 69 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8BD 228 1221 SE Carebears Nursery 55 Liberton Gardens, Edinburgh, EH16 6JT 672 1911 SE Chapter One – Kirk Brae 50 Kirk Brae, Edinburgh EH16 6HT 664 3031 SE Cherrytrees Nursery 1c Duddingston Park, Edinburgh EH15 1JN 669 0405 NE Childsplay Nurseries 8 Falcon Road, Edinburgh EH10 4AH 447 0077 SE City Nursery 47–48 Greenbank Drive, Edinburgh EH10 5SA 446 0088 SW Claylands Children’s Nursery Claylands Road, Near Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8LZ 333 4701 NW


Colinton Private Nursery 22 Dreghorn Loan, Edinburgh EH13 0DE 477 7330 SW Corner House Day Nursery Gillsland 2 South Gillsland Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DE 447 4050 SE Corner House Day Nursery Spylaw 2 Spylaw Road, Edinburgh EH10 5BN 229 1500 SE Corstorphine Nursery 24 Featherhall Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 7UN 334 8787 NW Cranley Colinton Paties Road Pavilion, Katesmill Road, Edinburgh EH14 1JF 441 3804 SW Cranley Buckstone 226 Braid Road, Edinburgh EH10 6NZ 445 2227 SE Cosy Cottage Nursery 59 Northfield Broadway, Edinburgh EH8 7RX 285 6855 NE Cranley Craiglockhart 38 Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 1LT 444 0880 SW Cranley Lanark Road 438 Lanark Road, Edinburgh EH13 0NT 441 2200 SW Crewe Road Nursery 122 Crewe Road South, Edinburgh EH4 2NY 332 8392 NW Currie Children’s Nursery 79 Riccarton Mains Road, Currie EH14 5NB 07852 463004 SW Early Days Nursery - Doune Terrace 9c Doune Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 6DY 225 3805 SE Early Days Nursery – Manor Place 32 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EB 226 6184 SE Early Days Nursery - Melville Street 57 Melville Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7HL 226 6184 SE Early Days Nursery – Walker Street 17 Walker Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NE 220 2699 SE Fairmile House Nursery 2a Oxgangs Road, Edinburgh EH10 7AU 445 1566 SW Flying Colours Nursery 534 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh EH4 6EE 574 2679 NW Forbes Childrens Nursery- Bruntsfield 5 Forbes Road, Edinburgh EH10 4EF 229 5511 SE Forbes Childrens Nursery – Bruntsfield 46 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh EH10 4HQ 229 1970 SE Place Forbes Childrens Nursery - Claremont 12 Claremont Park, Edinburgh EH6 7PJ 553 5068 NE Forbes Childrens Nursery - Greenhill 7 Bruntsfield Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 4EX 228 4513 SE Headstart Nursery School Leith 16 Queen Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH6 6AT 555 0700 NE Highland Fling Nursery 11 East Brighton Crescent, Edinburgh, EH15 1LR 468 3456 NE Jigsaw Childcare 40 Road,Edinburgh, EH12 8LX 339 5557 NW Jigsaw Nurseries 5 Main Street, Balerno EH14 7EQ 449 4516 SW Kidzcare Norwood House Nursery 9 Kilgraston Road, Edinburgh EH9 2DX 668 2792 SE Kidzcare Grange Loan Preschool Nursery 133 Grange Loan, Edinburgh EH9 2HB 668 4674 SE Kidzcare Portobello 2 Windsor Place, Portobello, Edinburgh EH15 2AA 669 5040 NE Lanark Road Nursery 305 Lanark Road, Edinburgh EH14 2LL 441 5678 SW Leaps and Bounds Nursery 56A Drum Brae North, Edinburgh EH4 8AZ 339 1490 NW


Leaps and Bounds Nursery - Kirkliston 15 Main Street, Kirkliston EH29 9AE 333 2679 NW Little Flyers 4a Road, Edinburgh EH28 8AU 335 3679 NW Little Learners Nursery 98 Lasswade Road, Edinburgh EH16 6SU 664 3434 SE Little Monkeys - Kilmaurs 28 Kilmaurs Road, Edinburgh EH16 5DP 667 5544 SE Little Monkeys - Craiglockhart 1 Craiglockhart Terrace, Edinburgh EH14 1AJ 443 8701 SW Little Monkeys - Cramond Cramond House, Kirk Cramond, Edinburgh EH4 6HZ 336 3089 NW Meadows Nursery 5 Millerfield Place, Edinburgh EH9 1LW 667 5316 SE Melville House Nursery 41 Polworth Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 1 NL 313 0111 SE Morningside Children’s Nursery 1 Nile Grove,Edinburgh EH10 4RE 629 2770 SE Murrayfield Private Nursery 52 Saughton Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5SP 346 4459 NW Nippers Nursery Dalmeny Verdun Villa, 18/19 Main Street, Dalmeny EH30 9TU 319 1778 NW Nippers Nursery Kirkliston The Glebe, Kirkliston, EH29 9AS 333 3348 NW Oganan Dhun Eideann 139b Bonnington Road, Edinburgh EH6 5NG 07939160067 NE ONE-Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh 50 Howden Hall Road, Edinburgh EH16 6PJ 620 4380 SE Orchard Nursery Inverleith 29 Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5QH 552 5000 NW Orchard Nursery Kirkliston 24 Newliston Road, Kirkliston EH29 9EA 333 4621 NW Peek-A-Boo Nursery School 12 Parkgrove Loan, Edinburgh EH4 7QX 339 9161 NW Pilrig Childrens Nursery 102 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5AY 629 2500 NE Pinocchio’s Nursery (Gilmerton) 6 Road, Edinburgh EH17 7AB 664 3276 SE Pinocchio’s Nursery (Heriot Watt) Gait One, Riccarton Campus, EH14 4AS 451 5236 SW Priestfield House Nursery 89 Priestfield Road, EH16 5JD 620 2379 SE Rainbow Kindergarten 72 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9NX 228 1668 SE Rocking Horse Nursery 60a Duddingston Road, Edinburgh EH15 1 SG 669 0819 NE Seabeach Nursery 27 Straiton Place, Edinburgh EH15 2BA 657 3249 NE Start Bright Nursery 449 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 7JG 629 4948 SE Stepping Stones Nursery 1 Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh EH9 1TW 667 9697 SE Strawberry Hill Nursery 13 Minto Street, Edinburgh EH9 1RG 668 3300 SE St Margaret’s Nursery 10 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh EH16 5NE 667 0778 SE Summerside Kindergarten 1 Summerside Street, EH6 4NT 554 6560 NW Trinity Tots Nursery 9 Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 3QJ 551 3020 NW North Edinburgh Childcare - Victoria Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ 244 0784 NE


Quay Nursery Waterfront Nurseries Edinburgh College, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1QE 559 4080 NW Wee Gems Corstorphine Nursery 6a Featherhall Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 7TQ 334 2960 NW

TERM-TIME PARTNER PROVIDER & VOLUNTARY SECTOR PLAYGROUPS Address Tel No Locality Blackhall Nursery Park Pavilion, Road, Edinburgh EH4 3RU 332 8296 NW Bruntsfield Community Nursery 12 Montpelier, Edinburgh EH10 4NA 228 1526 SE Compass Playgroup 1 Main Street, Edinburgh EH14 5RU 449 4530 SW Currie Playgroup Guide Hut, 15a Lanark Road West, Edinburgh, EH14 5NY 07756 691813 SW Dreghorn Pre-school Group 25/27 Dreghorn Gardens, Edinburgh EH13 9NW 441 5974 SW Edinburgh Montessori Arts School Mill House, Tower Mains, 18 N Liberton Brae, Edinburgh, EH16 6AE 446 0777 SE Edzell Nursery Class St James Church Hall, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5PX 07909 672377 NW Greenbank Preschool Greenbank Parish Church, Braidburn Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 6ES 447 8068 SE Holy Corner Community Playgroup Christ Church Hall, Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4DD 07519 123815 SE Leith St Andrews Playgroup 410-412 , Edinburgh, EH6 8HT 07578 772771 NE Montessori Nursery School Church of Good Shepherd, Murrayfield Avenue, Edin. EH12 6AU 346 8921 NW Newington Nursery Mayfield Salisbury Parish Church Hall, 18 West Mayfield, EH9 1TQ 07719 931 592 SE Northfield/Willowbrae Playgroup Northfield/Willowbrae Community Centre, 10 Northfield Road, EH8 7PP 661 5723 NE Tom Thumb Nursery The Vennel Hall, Smithsland, South Queensferry EH30 9HU 331 4273 NW Wester Coates Nursery School 13 Wester Coates Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5LR 346 7398 NW

Address Tel No Locality COMMUNITY CHILDCARE CENTRES North Edinburgh Childcare 18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL 332 8001 NW Smilechildcare 17 Calder Grove, Edinburgh EH11 7LZ 476 7800 SW

INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Address Tel No Locality Cargilfield Nursery School 37 Barnton Avenue West, Edinburgh EH4 6HU 336 2207 NW Newbridge EH28 8LQ 333 1359 NW Edinburgh Academy Prep School 10 Arboretum Road, Edinburgh EH3 5PL 624 4971 NW Edinburgh Steiner School 60 Spylaw Road, Edinburgh EH10 5BR 337 3410 SE


ESMS Nursery (Mary Erskine & Stewart’s Melville) Ravelston Dykes, Edinburgh EH4 3NT 347 5777 NW George Heriot’s School Nursery Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EQ 229 7263 SE George Watson’s College Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5EG 446 6000 SE St George’s School for Girls Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6BG 311 8000 NW


Childminders in Partnership

As part of the expansion of Early Learning and Childcare within the City of Edinburgh we are working in partnership with Childminders and have now welcomed 23 childminders into partnership. This is allowing children and families to access the increase of funded provision through a blended model as part of the phasing in of 1140 hours.

Please see below the childminders who are in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council and the locality and cluster they are within:

Name of childminder Locality Cluster Email addresses

Rachael Penpraze NW Queensferry [email protected] Laura Innes NW Queensferry [email protected] Ruth Ritchie NW Queensferry [email protected] Maria Campbell NW Queensferry [email protected] Lisa Corbett NW Queensferry [email protected] Dawn MacNamara NW Queensferry [email protected] Elaine Wallace NW Queensferry [email protected] -Pink and Blue SQ Childminding Gillian Lane NW Queensferry [email protected] Donna Thomline Childminding NW Broughton [email protected] Service Aileen Storrie NW Broughton [email protected] Michelle Gibb NW Broughton [email protected] Angela McKellican NW Royal High [email protected] -Proven Childcare Childminding Katy Watt NW Royal High [email protected] Punma Munasinghe NW Royal High [email protected] Hakima D’Souli NW Trinity [email protected] Karen Wringe NW Craigmount [email protected] -Lennymuir Childminding Louise McMahon NW Forrester [email protected] Heather Gray NE Portobello [email protected] Shannon Lindsey NE Leith [email protected] Academy Roisin Kibble NE Castlebrae [email protected] Debbie Ann Rutherford SW Currie [email protected] -Honey Bunny Childcare Angela Cassidy SW Tynecastle [email protected] Sarah Askew SE Liberton [email protected] -Rowenberry Mini Kindy



NURSERY PLACES - INTAKE OF CHILDREN The phasing in of children into their nursery places in the autumn term should be completed by 3rd September 2019.. If your nursery is unable to fulfil this timescale, please contact the early years team asap.

EARLY LEARNING and CHILDCARE ADMISSIONS POLICY Please familiarise yourself with this document and flow chart, it is available on the Orb.

ELIGIBILITY DATES FOR A PRE-SCHOOL PLACE Pre-school year – Children born between 1/3/15 and 28/2/16 will be accessing their pre- school year and should start nursery at the beginning of the autumn term in August.

Ante pre-school year – please refer to table below to find out when child’s entitlement begins:-

Date of Birth Eligible from August 2019 1 March 2016 – 31 August 2016 (Autumn Term) January 2020 1 September 2016 – 31 December 2016 (Spring Term) April 2020 1 January 2017 – 29 February 2017 (Summer Term)

Remember – children born in March & April 2017 are NOT eligible until August 2020.

DELAYED ENTRY TO PRIMARY SCHOOL FOR SESSION 2019/2020 Children born between 15/8/14 and 28/2/15 who have been granted a delayed entry to primary school should start nursery at the beginning of the autumn term in August. Please ensure that an additional funded year has been granted BEFORE ANY OFFER OF A PLACE IS MADE TO A CHILD BORN BETWEEN THESE DATES. You can check this with the Early Years team.

NURSERY FEES FOR SELLING ADDITIONAL HOURS 2019/20 The current fee for selling additional hours is £5.10 per hour. Please refer to the Admissions Policy for more information about selling additional hours.



Intake term During the week of Spring Term – January 2020 Monday 7th October – Friday 11th October 2019

Summer Term – April 2020 Monday 3rd February – Friday 7th February 2020

Autumn Term – August 2020 Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April 2020

ELIGIBLE 2s – Early Learning and Childcare A number of ELC centres offer funded places for children aged 2 years whose families meet the criteria set by the Government. Families should be directed to the Council website for information.

NAMS As you are aware, the NAMS system is used by our partner provider centres to calculate early learning and childcare funding for their children. Priority for funding is always allocated to Council nursery schools and classes so it is crucial that all NAMS records are kept up to date, especially in respect of hours attended within your setting.

If you get the following message when processing an application – ‘accepting this record will create a split placement’ - this will probably be because a child is already attending another nursery. You MUST check whether or not the child will remain at the other nursery or if they will be leaving BEFORE you accept the record - otherwise it will create an incorrect split placement. Please also remember that private nurseries should NOT be added as 2nd or 3rd choices – parents/carers should be advised to contact them directly.

SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT CENSUS – (SCOTxED) It is a requirement that all centres accurately complete the annual census which will be emailed to centres by the Government. The information collected from the census is used to determine the levels of funding allocated to CEC for the provision of early learning and childcare. Any enquiries about the census should be directed to Sanjeev Paul on 469 3200.

CARE INSPECTORATE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Please check that the details on your registration certificate are up to date with the correct manager’s name and the maximum number of children at each session. If changes need to be made, The Care Inspectorate will need to be notified asap of any variations. If ANY variation is required, please discuss first with your Early Years Manager/QIEO.

CAPACITIES AUDIT Information from the NAMS and Click and Go systems will be downloaded by the early years team at the end of September 2019, January 2020 and May 2020. This will be used to assess the demand for nursery places across the city as a whole and the staffing requirements specific to your nursery school or class for the academic year 2020/21. Please ensure that the data for your establishment is up to date at these times. Please ask if you need assistance with this process.


Early Years Calendar 2019-2020

September 2nd September - all children should have started in nursery

27th September – central download of information from NAMS and Click + Go for capacity audit. Make sure both systems are up to date.

Monday 7th October – Friday 11th October 2019 October - send out letters to offer places for spring term intake

Publicity campaign regarding nursery and primary enrolment. Notify November parents/carers of enrolment processes.

January Delayed entry to Primary school information sent out at beginning of term 31st January – central download of information from NAMS and Click + Go for capacity audit. Make sure both systems are up to date.

Monday 3rd February – Friday 7th February 2020 February - send out letters to offer places for summer term intake

March 2nd March – last submission date for Early Admission to PS requests. 31st March – last submission date for all deferral applications

Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April 2020 - send out letters to offer places for autumn term intake REMEMBERING that April all children should be started in nursery before 31st August 2020

June 26th June - End of term.


Commitment to Sustainability

Early Years in Edinburgh are committed to doing our bit to work towards sustainability. This is a key part of giving our bairns the best start in life and keeping Edinburgh a braw place to be! Edinburgh City has set an ambitious goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. This sits against a backdrop of increasing climate uncertainty, devastating volumes of plastic and waste in our seas and a recognition that we are using resources at an ever more unsustainable rate. In February of this year, the council committee recognised our situation as a Climate Emergency, and in May 2019, the committee agreed “the importance of sustainability and climate change to the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the city of Edinburgh and its current and future citizens” Each meeting at the Faith Mission generates enormous waste through single use coffee and water cups. We send over 300 coffee cups to landfill and around 150 plastic water cups. For all localities to attend, we emit approximately half a ton of CO2 in car travel. It’s not all bad news! Luckily, there are some simple things that we can do to tackle these issues.

Travel to and from the Faith Mission for CLPL eg. Leading the Strategy and Quality Matters

First, please consider using public transport to attend, Faith_Mission_Bookshops_Scotland-Scotland-site_67507146-402 Google maps will also offer a full and real-time route, including your bus, tram and rail options. If it is not possible to reach the Faith Mission by public transport, please car-share where possible, and consider making links with your cluster and those who live nearby. It is possible to cycle to the Faith Mission and there is bicycle parking however there are no protected cycle lanes, so we do not advise this mode of transport unless you are a confident cyclist.

Reusable cups The Faith Mission are pleased to accept your own reusable cups. There are a lot on the market and they can ensure that your tea and coffee stay hot. Please also bring your own re-usable water bottle.

Thank you for your support.


People, Practice, Place “Play is the child’s means of living and of understanding life” Susan Isaacs - Psychologist and Psychoanalyst

Edinburgh Early Years blog 44