Edinburgh Festivals Inspiring Creativity in Pupils
Edinburgh Festivals Inspiring Creativity in Pupils February 2020 i Credits Written and prepared by David Hicks Photo credits Theatre in Schools Scotland, Colin Hattersley 1 Contents Acknowledgements 3 Executive Summary 4 1. Introduction 5 2. Strategic context for Edinburgh schools 6 3. Overview of Festivals’ approaches 8 4. Schools Engagement Data 10 5. Festivals’ School Programmes 15 6. Case Studies by City Ward: Schools Engagement in 20 Festivals’ Programmes Appendix: Engagement Data by Edinburgh School 24 Figures/Tables Table 1: Number of Edinburgh schools engaged with the Festivals…………………………….. 10 Figure 1: Number of festivals’ school programmes by ward……………………………………….. 10 Figure 2: Pupil engagement by ward………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Table 2: Number of Programmes and Engagements at schools………………………………….. 11 Figure 3: Festivals’ school engagement mapped on Google Maps………………………………. 12 Figure 4: Percentage attendance at Festivals in 2018…………………………………………………. 12 Figure 5: Correlation between audience attendance and schools engagement…………… 13 2 Acknowledgements In the preparation of this report, Festivals Edinburgh gratefully acknowledges the advice and support of its eleven member festivals and the Platforms for Creative Excellence programme partners – Scottish Government, City of Edinburgh Council and Creative Scotland. Note on Methodology This report was prepared using data provided by each of the members of Festivals Edinburgh on their school programmes for the period January 2018 – May 2019, along with desktop research into the wider strategic context for Edinburgh schools. 3 Many festivals offering travel subsidy schemes to help with transport costs Executive Summary Programmes linked to the outcomes of the Curriculum for Excellence The aim of this study is to map the current schools activity of each of the Programmes promoting the goals of creative learning, inspiring creativity members of Festivals Edinburgh, providing insights to help inform the in pupils, developing curiosity, imagination, problem-solving, open- development of future programmes.
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