Collective Violence and the Agrarian Origins of South African Apartheid, 1900–1948 John Higginson Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04648-1 - Collective Violence and the Agrarian Origins of South African Apartheid, 1900–1948 John Higginson Index More information Index aankoord , 40 and 1914 Rebellion, 345 African agriculture, 6 and Afrikaner youth, 354 African irregulars and the “shirt” movements, 26 , 346 African soldiers fi ghting under British or apartheid government of 1948, 137 their own leaders during South African Apartheid Manifesto, 341 War, 33 , 37 , 46 , 49 , 50 , 59 , 61 , 65 , 66 , 74 , as a “network of rackets,” 351 77 , 96 , 99 , 101 , 114 , 350 “grand apartheid,” 20 African peasant smallholders, 31 , 37 , 58 , 102 protracted demise, 358 African peasants arme blankedom . See bywoners: during 1914 Rebellion, 164 poor whites during aftermath of South African War, Armeburgersfonds Applikasie Boek 84 , 101 Poor Burgher Relief, 44 during South African War, 62 , 65 , 67 , 68 Atkins, Keletso, 4 African protest, 4 Afrikaanse Ekonomiese Boere Verbond , 185 Baden-Powell, R. S. S. General, 52 , 53 , 55 , 57 , Afrikaanse Nasionale Studentbond , 321 58 , 97 , 319 Alberts, Sarel Francois formation of South African captured at Swartsruggens in December Constabulary, 68 1914, 173 speculation on future of South African early planner of 1914 Rebellion, 165 Constabulary, 97 fl ight to rebel stronghold Steenbokfontein, Bailey, Abe Sir, 294 November 1914, 172 bangziekte or “shell shock,” 46 leader of 1914 Rebellion, 161 Barnard, Willem, 65 Nationalist M. P. from Magaliesberg in adolescent guerrilla soldier and murderer of 1932, 291 African transport rider Franz, December on trial with Grobler and van Broekhuizen 1900, 63 in 1915, 180 Barnato, Barney, 36 sold farm in Thabazimbi, June 1905, 92 Barrett, E.
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