NEVILLE AND ADOLF IN MUNICH – A ONE ACT MUSICAL EVENT By Phillip W. Weiss Phil’s Literary Works LLC 19 West 34th Street Penthouse New York, NY 10001 (212) 388-8690
[email protected] Contents Copyright © Phillip W. Weiss i This play is loosely based on an historical event, the Munich Conference of September 1938, but is a work of fiction. The dialogue has been invented. Furthermore, the persons and characters portrayed bear absolutely no resemblance whatever to the persons who were actually involved in the events described in this play. ii Synopsis of NEVILLE AND ADOLF IN MUNICH – A ONE ACT MUSICAL EVENT In September 1938, an angry and surly British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain meets Adolf Hitler in Munich, Germany, to discuss Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland. Pandemonium ensues as Chamberlain confronts an evil dictator. iii CAST OF CHARACTERS NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN – Prime Minister of Great Britain. JOACHIM VON RIBBENTROP – Foreign Minister of Germany. ADOLF HITLER – Fuhrer of Germany. EVA BRAUN – Hitler’s mistress. HERMAN GOERING – Reichmarshall of Germany. CHAMBERLAIN’S ENTOURAGE. THE TIME: September, 1938 This is a One-Act play: SCENE ONE – Heathrow Airport, London SCENE TWO – Munich Airport, Germany SCENE THREE – Adolf Hitler’s office, Munich, Germany 1 SCENE ONE At center stage is a billboard-size photograph of a smiling British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, standing at a microphone with a piece of paper in his hand. Otherwise, the stage is empty. VOICE (offstage, bombastic) The time: September, 1938. The place: London’s Heathrow Airport. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain has just returned from Munich, Germany, and, sporting a broad smile on his face and clutching a paper he is waving in his hand, triumphantly declares that he has reached an agreement with Adolf Hitler over Czechoslovakia and that war has been averted.