TUESDAYS TWJCK-A-WEKK THE CHELSEA TRIBUNE AND FRIDAYS TWELFTH YEAH—NO. 91 Ci I ELSE At MICHIGAN. TUESHAY. JULY '9. 1919. S1.00 THE TEAR ago, before Circuit Court Commiss­ CEMENT COMPANY NEIGHBORHOOD ITEMS uimmmumiimiiiitmiimiiiiiiimuiimiimiitiiiiiimmmiiiBMitiiimitmmmuiu ioner Frank C. Cole^and at the time □ Preserves FILES ITS ANSWER the defendants uttered io produce any !□ Brevities of Interest to Tribune Read- such information as the attorney fur rr? From Nearby Towns Says Milieu inturuslH Art* Trying To the p!ainti!Vs wished, if such informa­ and Localities. Force N. S. Potter uml Company tion would and tin* accounting, to ‘ MANCHESTER—Mrs. Marie SchiJI I A FRIEND) to “Buy Them Out.’* which attorney Freeman is alleged to has filed u suit for divorce from Os-cnr have agreed. The answer recites that ScliiH of Manchester township. The Michigan Portland Cement later, however, attorney Freeman | W ORTH - W HILE J company uml N. S. Potter, Sr., yester­ sent a demand for copter of all bboks ANN ARBOR—The I>. J. & C. rail­ day filet! Uieir answer in the suit ye- of the company, which the defendants way is double-tracking hi* line on ccnlly startl'd by Homer C. <ind Mi’s. say was impossible of fulfillment. Packard and Main streets in this city. 1 A bank account has fre- f May Milieu, am! *oihers. Potter & The accounting was then abandoned, YPSJLANT1—Another Indian bury­ H quently been likened to a friend in need 1 Del.and ami \V. S. Cobb, of Jackson, ing ground has been found in the Clark it is said, and the second suit begun. | —and rightly so. 3 represent the defendants. Denial is made to the charge that gravel pit near the U. S. Pressed Steel A flat denial is made of most of the the alleged $200,000 mortgage or con­ plant. Nearly every day workmen charges shown in the Milieu's.bill of tract for mortgage is illegal or intend­ uncover new graves, seven skeletons 1 The possession of a strong financial re- I complaint in which A, C. Thompson ed to defeat the rights of the Milieus. having been uncovered within the oast I serve vitalizes and energizes—fills with - § of Lidysmith, Wisconsin, enters the A simiiiar claim is made in reference few days. The skeletons are in sit­ = a sense of independence—gives success- § case as iniervenor. The defendants to the $lf»0,OOG, which the Millens al­ ting posture and faced to the cast. = compelling power. 1 claim that the intervention of the Wis­ lege was never paid for stock issued --Record. consin man in the case is without to the members of the Potter family. WAMPLER LAKE—Though Mr. | When there is unusual opportunity to § authority under the statutes govern­ N'o false or unwarranted reports on floagland of Newport, Kentucky, and ing such cases. annual business were filed a t lainring, Mr. Ruck of Morenei have been pretty I be grasped or unexpected hardship to § In the preliminary paragraphs of the answer further states, and it asks lucky in capturing members of the fio- | • be averted, the benefits of a bank ac- 5 the answer, the Jackson attorneys of the court to dismiss the action. n.v tribe, they evidently did not wish = count are most keenly felt. 3 the defendants suite that “these de­ to depopulate Wampler and surround­ fendants, now and at all times reserv- LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS. ing lakes too early in the season, so Don’t delay longer—start that account §* ■ ‘ng to themselves all exceptions which with others have been driving north of Herbert J. McKune Post No. 31 n o w ! : § cun or may he taken to the uncertain­ Chelssa ami through Bridgewater this American Legion elected officers fast ties, imperfections and confusing — --------------------------------------------- J CIIAUTAFOl'A AUGUST 24-29. week to collect piscatorial specimens. evening as follows: Statements contained in said supple­ SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 I! Tiu* Chelsea Chautauqua will beheld, ANN ARBOR—When her right Post commander—A. A. Palmer. ! i this year. August 21-20, inclusive, m»d mentary petition, out.” make answer hand became wedged between two 1 THE KEMPF COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK ( Vice commander—Geo. Walworth. Beginning August 1, 1919, the i will be » part of circuit No. 3 of the to the bill of complaint. heavy steel rolls at the Ann Arbor AdJutant—Clare H. Fenu.- subscription price of the Chelsea i Lincoln Chautauqua system. The at- Claims are made that a full account­ Stamp <£ Metal company, North Main Financial officer—Vance Ogden. [ traction.* for the several days will be Chelsea, Michigan * I ing of the business of the Michigan Twice-a-week Tribune will be street. Mrs. Otillie Sieinkc, of 807 Historian—Ernest Wagner. as follows: Portland Cement company has already $1.50 the year. North Main sireet, sustained inJuries Chaplain—Hansom Armstrong. First day—The Ionian Se-rauadcrs been made, despite the demands of the which caused the amputation of parts Up until midnight, July 31. and lectures by Use platform superin­ Millens that such has not been had. of three fingers. All hooks ami papers‘asked for by the Yes. we5givc n receipt for each sub­ 1919. the price will remain at tendent. Member Federal Reserve Bank YPStLANTI—Because she alleges .Plaintiff, the defendants claim, were scription when paid. Have you got $1.00, and subscriptions will be Second day-—Warwick Mule Quar­ hroduced at the hearing several years yours? tette. lectures by John Howard Dick- that the Ypsilanti Screw company has received at that rate, but there­ ason. failed to make an accounting with her niiinmiiimiiimiinuimmiiiiiiiiimimimimimMiiimuiimiimiimmimimiium after the increased subscription Third dpy—Smith-Spiing-IIoImes for 90 shares of stock assigned on a price will maintain. company. Prof. Walter K irk lan d deal with William H. Roberts, one of Green. the original promoters of the com­ Fourth day—Miss Marylise Ross, pany. Cora K. Knight of Detroit has HARDWARE pianist, lecture, Martha K. Abt, Louis begun suit in circuit court to compel PRIMARY SCHOOL MONEY Kreidler company in grand opera sel­ an accounting. We are at your service with a complete line of Hard­ ections. Mll.AN—I.. B. Johnson, for several Chicago Foot Total or $92,600 Will Be Distributed Fifth day—Daddy Grobeoker's Yod- years past owner of the Milan Leader, ware and all associate lines. in Washtenaw County. lers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rucker Adams, died Sunday following an illness of several months. His widow ami a Washtenaw county’s share of the General Mcsrop Ncvton Ar.gapetian. Specialist is primary school money this year totals Sixth day—Dixie Duo, lecture by daughter survive. $U2,600. Total distribution for the Red Cross nurse. Miss Isabel Byrne, pageant, “Columbia in Fairyland." state is $7,001,000 and the rate per WANT AND FOR SALE ADS FURNITURE capita for each of the 915,375 school Robert 0. Bowman, charter portray­ Coming Here children of the state is 57.70, The rate als. Five cents per line first time, 2 cents New stock arriving every day. We have a com­ last.year was $.7 9.2 smdua i017.it wasJ per Hue each consecutive time. At considerable expense and trouble, we have ar­ plete stock of quality goods in our Furniture De­ $7.20. - ' J NEWSPAPER POSTAGE VP. Minimum dtarge IS cents. ranged for a foot expert to be at this store The allotment to the counties, for TRY A LINER AD partment at prices always consistent with the quali­ distribution to townships and school While the postage rate on letters when yuu have a want, or districts, was made July 15. The ap­ and post cards dropped on July 1 the something for sale, to rent, lost, Saturday, August 9th ty offered. proximate amounts to l>e paid prin­ rate to publishers of newspapers and found, etc. The cost is trifling. cipal lower Michigan counties arc as magazines outside of county circulat­ for the convenience of foot sufferers. # follows: Wayne, $1,712,300; Kent, ion was raised considerably. This is FOR SALK—Two iron beds, springs? $303,400; Buy, $169,600; Genesee, the second increase. within the last and mattraJiscs. this week only. Examination and Advice Free $176,400; Hillsdale, $60,000; Huron, year. The increase will continue on a May be seen a fte r 6:30 p. m. at 238 PAINTS AND OILS $58,100; Monroe, $79,800; Oakland. sliding scale l?o that in 1921 published Jefferson St. 9112 513S.100: Saginaw, $220,S00; St. Clair, wiii lie paying an 800 per cent increase LOST—Friday evening. 34x4 automo­ We have Carter’s Pure White Lead and Metz­ 115,400; Washtenaw, $92,600. in postage in certain zones. This is only one of many reasons bile tire, Miller brand, on rim. Mrs. J why it has been found necessary to Bert McClain.-phone 129-J. 9Jtl ger’s. Pure Linseed Oil for that painting job. Boy- TIDINESS AN/SSKT. raise the subscription price of publi­ CREAM WANTED—©SB* per lb butter dell Bros’. Ready-Mixed Pure Paints in all shades Nothing else of the same cost adds cations throughout the country. fat for delivery on Saturday, Aug. for the user of mixed paints. We Carry the best i much to the attractiveness of a 2. before 2:30 p. nt. E. I’. Steiner, town, nothing else gives such an air of agent for Detroit Creamery Com­ prosperity and thrift, of comfort and MRS. MARTHA E ABT pany. Sieinbadi Blk. 91t2 • quality Roofing Paints for Rubberoid or Tin roofs. content, as the good repair and neat appearance of building and walks and ONE OF CHICAGO’S 8EST KNOWN FOR SALK—Base-burner, high chair generally well kept up premises.
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