ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Birkenwald. Forest of Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the ruins of crematory V in the background. In German, Birkenau means “stand of birch trees.” Ethel Buisson took this photograph as she followed in the footsteps of her grandfather, Srul Ruger, who died in Auschwitz in 1942. Her trip was published in 2014 in the journal Tenou’a. 1

An in-depth work that is more essential than ever

Currently, Europe is experiencing a resurgence of anti-Semitism. This disturbing reality is due to an increasingly violent and vociferous minority. The association of disparate movements under the banner of anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories should be a warning. Ridiculed and even denied, the Shoah has been exploited with this hate speech, which shamelessly tramples on the memory of the victims. This dangerous excess is unacceptable; fortunately, it has been widely condemned by public authorities and society at large.

Faced with this reality, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah intends to pursue the in-depth work it began 13 years ago: education, based on a knowledge of history and action that refuses any “competing memories,” combined with public vigilance. Schools are crucial to this work, and I would like to congratulate the many teachers who, with their students, pursue productive pedagogical initiatives every year.

The year 2013 was also marked by two projects, which the Foundation is particularly proud to have supported. The first is the memory site inaugurated in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, a place that presents the history of the Vivarais Plateau, whose residents sheltered hundreds of Jews fleeing the persecutions of the war. The second major project, Claude Lanzmann’s The Last of the Unjust, is a remarkable film by the director of Shoah featuring the complex figure of , who was the last president of the Jewish Council in the ghetto- camp of Theresienstadt. These two projects examine the concepts of responsibility and courage, each in their own way. It did indeed require courage to hide Jews in one’s own home or stand up to Adolf Eichmann. And we need courage today to assess the dangers we face and to act together to defend the Republican value of fraternity.

David de Rothschild, President of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah 2

The way forward

Keenly aware of its responsibilities, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah remains firmly attached to its guiding principles: staying attentive to and supportive of new projects, managing its endowment in the best possible way and examining requests fairly and professionally; the expertise and a spirit of collegiality guarantee its impartiality.

The statutory renewal that we undertook in 2013 contributed to this essential plurality, and I would like to pay special tribute to all those who, in the past as well as the present, work on a voluntary basis with our governing bodies and our committees. Their expertise and commitment are the lifeblood of our organization. I would also like to congratulate the work of the Foundation’s permanent staff and welcome Rachel Matalon, who joined us as communications officer.

As a place of discussion and reflection, the Foundation is far more than a mere financial institution; it is a place open to new ideas and new projects. We strive to maintain this spirit by reaching out to people in the field, observing on site the quality of their initiatives, and remaining attentive to their projects. The Foundation’s staff traveled to the Camp des Milles Memorial Site, where we were warmly received. We also went to Lyon to present our activities, and there again, we were able to see the dynamism and commitment of the people who are working every day to transmit this history and memory. And there are many of them—in museums, schools and associations; witnesses, researchers and professors. In these troubled times, meeting them lifts our spirits and gives us the energy to continue moving forward.

Philippe Allouche, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah 3 The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah

The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah was created in 2000 in recognition of the French government’s responsibility in the Shoah.

The FMS is a private and public-interest foundation. The initial endowment of €393 million came from the restitution by the government and certain financial institutions of dormant accounts from expropriated Jews living in who were killed during .

With the funds generated by this endowment, the Foundation subsidizes the Shoah Memorial (in and in ); supports projects expanding knowledge about the Shoah; provides assistance to survivors in need; and encourages the transmission of Jewish culture.

3 4 Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah

More than 2,700 projects financed

Since its creation, the Foundation The Financial Committee, chaired for the Memory of the Shoah by a magistrate from the French has financed more than 2,700 Court of Auditors, ensures the projects. preservation of the endowment and monitors the use of funds. All projects submitted to the Foundation are evaluated independently, then examined by five thematic committees Support, listening, guidance

(Solidarity, History of anti-Semitism › and the Shoah, Memory and Transmission, Shoah Education Examination of the project › and Jewish Culture) made up of volunteer experts. Independent expertise ›

Projects recommended by the Committee’s opinion

committees are submitted to the › Foundation’s Executive Board and the Decision to allocate funds

Board of Directors, which determine › which projects will be supported as well as the assistance to be provided. Project follow-up and assessment

Number of projects handled by the Foundation Projects accepted Projects accepted Projects rejected or not followed up Projects accepted Projects rejected or not followed up Projects rejected or not followed up

217 243 232

86 85 69

2011: 303 2012: 328 2013: 301 217 243 232 217 243 232 86 85 69 86 85 69 8 3088 308 543 543 243243 euroseuros projetsprojets


Over €22 million9 940 9 allocated940 044 044 243243 euroseuros in 2013 projetsprojets

More than €12 million went to in Drancy was inaugurated 232 projects in 2013, representing in September 2012 by the French 56 percent of the Foundation’s president. The Foundation finances funding budget (see details on the investment and operations for pp. 6 and 7). this site, which is run by the Shoah Memorial staff. The Foundation is the primary source The year 2013 was the first full year of funding for the Shoah Memorial. of operation for the Drancy Memorial; It covers nearly 808 308 percent 543 of its its share243 of the Foundation’s budget 8 308 543 243 operating and investmenteuros budget. thereforeprojets also increased. euros In 2013, this representedprojets €6.7 million. Additional financing was provided In addition, the Foundation for specific projects such as pursues a policy of keeping cataloguing and digitizing the operating costs under control; Memorial’s archives and for the these represent less than 10 percent program of7 211school7 211 620 620trips to Auschwitz. 7of 100 7its 100 000total 000 budget, the12,679,090 same12,679,090 amount as in previous years. 56 %%56 % 35 %%35 % 8 3088 308 543 543 46 %%46 % 6,783,5166,783,516 13 51813 518 371 371 9 940 044 9 940 044 243 Created on an initiative from the 54%54% 243 65 %%65 % euros 30 %%30 % Foundation, theeuros Shoah Memorial projets 3,243,2283,243,228projets 14 %%14 %

Evolution in the Foundation’s funding

SubsidiesSubsidies ShoahShoah Memorial Memorial in Paris in Paris ShoahShoah Memorial Memorial in Drancy in Drancy for forprojects projects (operation(operation and and investments) investments) (operation(operation and and investments) investments)

7,211,620 7 7,211100 620,000 9,940,0447 100 000 12,679,090 56 % 35 % 3546 % % 53 % 46 % 13,518,371 13 8,518308 371,543 8 308 543 7,100,000 6,783,516 54% 65 % 65 54% % 38 % 30 % 1,770,000 3,243,228 9 % 14 %

2011: €15,408,543 2012: €18,810,044 2013: €22,705,834

Montant des subventions Engagements accordées au budget Subsidies sur les Shoahprojets Memorial in Paris Shoah Memorial in Drancy de fonctionnement for projects (operation and investments) (operation and investments) et d’équipement Budget de fonctionnement du Mémorial de la Shoah et d’équipement du Mémorial de la Shoah

Montant des Fonctionnement subventions consacrées et investissement à des projets pour le site de Drancy 6 Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah

Breakdown of projects supported

Breakdown of projects per committee

Solidarity Shoah 27 projects Education 12% 58 projects 25%

History of anti-Semitism Jewish and12,679,090 the Shoah 232 Culture* 40 projects 56 projects euros projects 17% 24%

Memory and Transmission Other 46 projects 5 projects 20% 2%

Breakdown of funds per committee

Solidarity Shoah €3,046,700 Education 24% €885,922 7% History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah Jewish €1,197,298 Culture* 9.5% €3,838,852 30%

Memory and Other Transmission €2,143,200 €1,567,118 17% 12.5%

* Including the FMS’s participation in the projects financed by the Gordin Foundation. 7

The Foundation’s work concerning This year, the Shoah Education Solidarity with Shoah survivors Committee supported numerous represents nearly one-quarter of the school trips to memory sites. The funds attributed to projects in 2013. travel program, coordinated by the From an accounting viewpoint, the Shoah Memorial, represents more commitments are lower than in 2012, than half of the funds allocated. which can be explained by the pursuance of multiannual projects By pooling the FMS’s participation that had been previously supported. with that of the Gordin Foundation The largest sums were allocated as (see p. 13), the funds allocated part of ongoing projects undertaken by the Jewish Culture Committee by the FSJU (United Jewish Social this year represent 30 percent of the Fund)—Passerelles and Emergency overall funds granted. The renewal Funds—and the CASIP-COJASOR of the agreement with the Central (social action, caretakers and Consistory and a major real-estate complementary health insurance). project overseen by the Alliance Israélite Universelle accounted for a The History of anti-Semitism substantial share of the committee’s and Shoah Committee continues engagements. to support research (grants and conferences) and provides funding The Foundation also contributes for the publication of reference funds to other projects. In 2013, materials. In 2013, it also supported it continued its support for the SPCJ the major project of indexing and (Jewish Community Protection digitizing the Shoah Memorial Service) and renewed its three-year archives. agreement with the CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish For the Memory and Transmission Institutions) for initiatives concerning Committee, the year was marked by memory and the fight against renewed support for the anti-Semitism. It also supported Institute for the gathering of names certain targeted initiatives conducted of Shoah victims in and by the France- Foundation Hungary. In addition to support for and the Aladdin Project. films, books, plays and exhibitions, it continues to help the Camp des Milles Memorial Site, the CERCIL (Research and Study Center for the internment camps of the Loiret) in Orléans and the French Committee for Yad Vashem. 8 Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah


Honorary President Representatives from Isabelle Yeni Joël Mergui Simone Veil public authorities Inspector General for President of the social affairs, Ministry Central Consistory EXECUTIVE BOARD Jacques Andréani of Social Affairs and Health French ambassador, Richard Prasquier President Honorary President David de Rothschild Ministry of Foreign Representatives from of the CRIF Affairs and International Jewish institutions in Vice Presidents Development France Éric de Rothschild Raphaël Esrail Thomas Andrieu President of the Richard Prasquier Roger Cukierman Director of Civil Liberties Shoah Memorial Treasurer President of the and Legal Affairs, Roger Cukierman Representative Council of Qualified personalities Ministry of the Interior Jewish Institutions in Secretary General François Bernard France (CRIF) Claire Andrieu Alice Tajchman Historian, university Honorary Conseiller Marc Eisenberg Éric de Rothschild professor d’État, Ministry President of the Alliance Advisor of Justice Israélite Universelle Raphaël Hadas-Lebel to the President Gilles Braun Raphaël Esrail Honorary Serge Klarsfeld Inspector General President of the Conseiller d’État for national education, Auschwitz Survivors’ Simone Ministry of National Union Halberstadt Harari BOARD Education, of Higher Ariel Goldmann Producer OF DIRECTORS Education and Research President of the United David de Rothschild Honorary members Norbert Engel Jewish Social Fund President of Inspector General (FSJU) Claude Lanzmann Rothschild & Cie for cultural affairs, Filmmaker, author Jean-François Alice Tajchman Ministry of Culture Guthmann Honorary university Samuel Pisar and Communication Œuvre de Secours aux UNESCO Honorary lecturer Renaud Ferrand Enfants (OSE) Ambassador Annette Wieviorka Assistant director Jean-Raphaël Hirsch Historian, Paul Schaffer responsible for memory President of the CNRS research director Honorary President and educational initiatives, French Committee for of the French Committee Ministry of Defense Yad Vashem for Yad Vashem Pierre Lubek Serge Klarsfeld Ady Steg Honorary financial President of the Honorary President inspector, Association of Sons and of the Alliance Israélite Ministry of the Daughters of Jews Universelle Economy and Finances Deported from France

ADMINISTRATION Program associates “Testimonies of the Yanique Mervius Shoah” series Administration, Solidarity Directors Philippe Weyl Shoah Education David Amar (through Executive Director February 2014) then Communication Joëlle Sebbah Philippe Rachel Rimmer Pierre Marquis Accounts Allouche Rachel Rimmer History of anti- Régine Socquet (through January 2014) Deputy director Semitism and the History of anti-Semitism Rachel Matalon Gabrielle Shoah, Shoah and the Shoah, (since March 2014) Rochmann Education Memory and Transmission Dominique Trimbur Director, Assistants Gladys Sroussi Jewish Culture, administration Memory and Transmission Audrey Mayer Gordin Foundation and finances Judith Cytrynowicz Administration, logistics, Patrick Jewish Culture external relations, Benarouch Isabelle Cohen Solidarity 9 The Shoah Memorial and institutional partnerships 10 The Shoah Memorial and institutional partnerships

Permanent support for the Shoah Memorial

The Shoah Memorial is the Museums in France.” In conjunction Foundation for the Memory of the with these exhibitions, the Memorial Shoah’s leading partner. Thanks has organized an extensive cultural to the permanent support of the program (films, conferences, Foundation, the Memorial has symposia, etc.). been able to develop and host an increasing number of visitors The historical expertise of its (individuals, school groups, staff and the quality of the researchers, etc.). educational activities have made the Shoah Memorial an essential Financial support from the FMS also institution. It has forged multiple funded the renovation and expansion partnerships at regional, national of the Memorial, the construction of and international levels. the Wall of Names bearing the names of the 76,000 Jews deported from France, and that of the Wall of the Righteous. The Shoah Memorial has an exceptional archival collection that is constantly growing and is available to researchers.

The Memorial is also an educational and training site recognized by the Ministry of National Education. It hosts many groups of schoolchildren, organizes study trips to Shoah sites and offers training sessions for teachers. Other professionals (police officers, judges, etc.) can also follow specific training programs.

The Memorial has a permanent exhibition and high-quality temporary Key figures 2013 exhibitions. In 2013, two temporary 202,000 visitors shows were held: “The Spoliation to the Shoah Memorial in Paris of Jews: a State Policy (1940-1944)” and 17,000 in Drancy and “Scenes From the Ghetto.” 50,000 visits by schoolchildren Three additional exhibitions were also created: “The CDJC, 1943-2013. 5,300 people trained, including Documenting the Shoah”; “Salonica 3,800 teachers and the Deportation of Jews from The traveling exhibitions hosted Greece”; and “The New Memorial- 100,000 visitors in 72 places 11

La cité HLM de la Muette © P.Maribond

A group of high school students at the Shoah Memorial in Paris. 12 The Shoah Memorial and institutional partnerships

L’ouverture du Mémorial de la Shoah Drancy

View of the Cité de la Muette from the exhibition room of the Shoah Memorial in Drancy.

The Shoah Memorial schoolchildren and the public in Drancy at large can better understand the crucial role played by the Constructed on the initiative camp in the exclusion of the of and with funds from the Jews in France during World War II Foundation for the Memory and the implementation of the of the Shoah, the Drancy Memorial “final solution” by the Nazis, is located opposite the Cité de with the complicity of the Vichy la Muette, where the Drancy government. internment camp was located— Built on land donated by the town it was the antechamber of death of Drancy, this memorial was for 63,000 of the 76,000 Jews designed by the Swiss architect deported from France. Roger Diener. It has a permanent exhibition space, a documentation The Drancy Memorial is a center, a conference room and counterpart to the Paris Shoah classrooms equipped for groups. Memorial, a place of mediation between the former camp It is run by staff from the Shoah and the public, a site of history Memorial and financed by the and transmission where both Foundation. 13

Institutional partnerships

The Foundation for the Memory institutions. Since 2008, the of the Shoah supports the three Foundation for the Memory major federative institutions of of the Shoah has housed and French Judaism—the Unified participated in the Rachel and Jewish Social Fund (FSJU), Jacob Gordin Foundation, which the Representative Council of funds real estate projects for French Jewish Institutions (CRIF) Jewish schools (see below). and the Central Consistory, as part of a multiannual project The FMS is a partner in the framework. National Competition on the Resistance and Deportation The agreement with the FSJU (CNRD), along with the Ministry includes both social and cultural of National Education, the Ministry aspects (financing of the online of Defense and four other Akadem campus). The agreement major foundations that focus with the CRIF focuses on the on the memory of World War II. particular issue of combating Since 1961, the CNRD has brought anti-Semitism, whereas the together 40,000 middle school agreement with the Consistory and first-year high school students deals with education, the every year. development of programs for youth and the improvement of The Foundation is a member rabbinical training. of the French delegation of the International Holocaust In addition, the Foundation is one Remembrance Alliance. of the main contributors to the This intergovernmental institution Jewish Community Protection includes 31 member countries Service (SPCJ), which, in close and 5 observer states. cooperation with public authorities, It promotes research, education oversees security in Jewish schools, and memorial initiatives concerning religious sites and community the Shoah.

The Gordin Foundation The Rachel and Jacob Gordin Foundation was created in 2008 to help finance building projects for Jewish schools. Housed by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, the Gordin Foundation brings together the FSJU (Unified Jewish Social Fund), the Harevim Fund, the Rothschild Foundation, the Sacta-Rachi Foundation and the FMS. Every establishment seeking funds must approve a charter by which it agrees to follow the principles of rigorous management and to provide education that respects the values of both the French Republic and Judaism (see the list of projects, p. 47). Post-war tract signed by various organizations and leading figures, denouncing the resurgence of anti-Semitic slogans. In this case, “Front national” refers to the Resistance movement created on the initiative of the Communist Party in 1941. 15

Combating anti-Semitism

The Foundation for the Memory The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah is particularly of the Shoah maintains an ongoing attentive to the issue of dialogue with the primary actors contemporary anti-Semitism. in the fight against anti-Semitism and racism. It has initiated reflection Anti-Semitic hate is fueled by on ways of effectively fighting this ignorance; education and disturbing phenomenon. transmission of historical knowledge therefore remain the primary tools adopted by the Foundation to counter it. By supporting the Shoah Memorial’s educational activities and the many school trips to memorial sites, and by funding initiatives promoting intercultural dialogue, like the Aladdin Project in the Arab and Muslim world, it contributes to the fight against prejudice and dangerous attempts to conflate different issues.

It is also important to identify and to try to understand anti-Semitism and its recent developments. The Foundation has supported research and several books on this issue. Since 2008, it has provided funds to the MEMRI Institute, which does a remarkable job of monitoring and translating reports so as to follow the phenomenon in Middle Eastern media.

This fundamental work, however necessary it may be, is not enough. The virulence and violence of contemporary anti-Semitism have made the issue of security particularly acute. This is why the Foundation substantially supports the SPCJ (Jewish Community Protection Service). It also provides funds to the CRIF, whose political role on these issues is crucial. 16 L’action de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah

16 Mrs. Alalof received homecare assistance from Logivitae, with support from the Foundation.La cité HLM de Born la Muette in Turkey, © P.Maribond she and her husband were hidden during the Occupation of France, while most of their family was deported. When Mrs. Alalof died, she was at home, with her daughter and her husband at her side. Mr. Alalof still receives this homecare assistance. 17 Committee Solidarity

President Anne-Carole Bensadon

Committee members Jean-Jacques Arvieu Gérard Brami Andrée Katz Régine Lippe Francis Neher Serge Reingewirtz Olivier Saint-Jean Nathalie Zajde

Program associate David Amar, then Rachel Rimmer 18 Solidarity

Support for survivors

Solidarity toward Shoah survivors In 2011, a widespread survey and those who suffered anti- among survivor groups and social Semitic persecutions is one workers identified other needs. of the primary priorities of the The Foundation has notably expanded Foundation for the Memory its activities to combat isolation, of the Shoah. by supporting associations that offer group activities and cultural events The Foundation finances programs for survivors. established by social and medical institutions run by the Jewish The Foundation for the Memory of community. These programs aim to the Shoah provides assistance for meet the needs of Shoah survivors survivors in Israel and Eastern by offering specific services: listening, Europe, particularly for those in the orientation, psychological support, most critical situations, via programs financial assistance for people in set up by charitable organizations. need, homecare services, support services for individuals with Alzheimer’s, assisted-living residences. Approximately 3,000 Shoah survivors have benefited from these specific services.

During Passover (the Jewish Easter celebration), the Israeli association Latet organizes meals bringing together Shoah survivors and volunteers. In 2013, 250 survivors participated. The Foundation has been supporting Latet’s initiatives since 2008. 19

Listening to survivors to best meet their needs Since its creation, the Foundation has been involved with improving the well-being of Shoah survivors, in conjunction with efforts by public authorities. It has forged partnerships with community health centers and provides long-term support for the programs they have established for survivors. It has budgeted and will continue to budget funds to pursue these initiatives.

The Solidarity Committee, which listens to survivors, caregivers and the professionals working and caring for these survivors, is aware of the fact that their needs are constantly changing over time. It has already stepped forward by expanding its support for associations whose activities contribute to maintaining social connections. It is also aware that the generation of “hidden children” is now facing increasing needs, notably due to the growing loss of autonomy.

With its partners, it intends to pursue discussions on adapting its actions to the needs of survivors and to improve the services they can receive. While funds for homecare services and assistance for individuals in specialized establishments remain key areas of intervention, the committee is open to new projects. It will examine them, keeping in mind the requirement for high standards and professionalism that has also been a guiding principle.

With consistency, pragmatism and determination, the Foundation will continue to make every effort to provide the most effective assistance to Shoah survivors, because this is far more than a priority; it is a moral duty.

Anne-Carole Bensadon, President of the Solidarity Committee 20 Solidarity

Projects supported

Listening, and social Caretakers at EHPAD Welfare Center Hesed Avraham, and psychological and geriatric services Saint-Petersburg support Caretakers at the Résidence In cooperation with the American Joint Distribution Amea platform des Oliviers and Alzheimer’s Committee and Café des Délices outpatient care CASIM CASIM Social and medical support in retirement homes Social action for Shoah “Kecher” program Jewish community of Sofia, survivors CASIP-COJASOR Bulgaria CASIP-COJASOR Alzheimer’s platform Support for social services Passerelles. OSE Jewish community of Greece National platform of listening, support and guidance Construction Additional social services FSJU and equipment Jewish community of Latvia Psychotherapeutic Building renovation, facilities facilities improvement OSE Jewish home in Metz “Listening, memory Health insurance and and history” service OSE emergency assistance Complementary health Social activities insurance CASIP-COJASOR Program of social events Association of former members Emergency fund and supporters of the OSE for Shoah survivors Program of activities FSJU Medem - Arbeter Ring Center Support for survivors Program of activities in Israel Cercle Bernard Lazare Support of survivors “Beautiful summer” program suffering from dementia FSJU Amuta Nini Czopp Café des Psaumes Supply of eyeglasses OSE for survivors in need Program of social events Foundation for the Benefit USJF-Farband of Holocaust Victims

Homecare services Support for survivors Homecare and a network in Europe of home visitors Social support for survivors CASIM suffering from Alzheimer’s

The OSE Café des Psaumes, a place of exchange and dialogue on the Rue des Rosiers in Paris. 21 Committee History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah

President Annette Wieviorka

Committee members Patrick Cabanel Denis Charbit Catherine Coquio Anny Dayan-Rosenman Laurent Joly Monique Leblois-Péchon Michael Marrus Stefan Martens Wolfgang Seibel Claude Singer Claire Zalc

Program associate Dominique Trimbur 22 History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah

Support for research

The Foundation supports research Finally, it participates in the on anti-Semitic persecution, the conservation and exploitation of Shoah and other genocides. It archives. As a result, the Shoah supports historical work and Memorial’s archives received extra research into other disciplines such support in 2013. as literature, sociology, philosophy, art history, political science and law.

The Foundation awards doctoral and postdoctoral grants and provides funding for research trips and conferences. The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah also contributes to the dissemination of knowledge via funding for publications and translations.

Conferences at the Coordinated by Anny Dayan Collège de France Rosenman, a lecturer at Paris VII University and a member of the History Committee at the In November 2013, the Foundation Foundation, these conferences organized a series of three can be accessed online at www. conferences at the Collège de France on the theme of “Literature and the Shoah, in the large collection of the Catastrophe.” At these public events, academic specialists provided their analyses on the “writings of disaster.” A number of writers then spoke, including Amir Gutfreund, Jean-Claude Grumberg, Fabrice Humbert, Ivan Jablonka and Marianne Rubinstein. These events also included readings of texts by Michèle Tauber Reading by Denis Podalydès. and Denis Podalydès. 23

New perspectives In December 2013, a seminar held in Paris brought together some 30 European researchers who received support from the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. This event provided an opportunity for productive exchanges, which once again demonstrated to us the diversity and quality of the work supported by the FMS.

Over the last 13 years, the Foundation has been able to help nearly 150 researchers. Under the chairmanship of Jacques Andréani, followed by André Kaspi, the History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah Committee has supported recent trends in research: the development of microhistoric approaches, remembrance issues and literary studies about the Shoah. While major historical works on the Shoah come from Anglo-Saxon and German universities, these new research paths present promising opportunities. The Foundation also supports researchers in multiple disciplines working on the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda, including Hélène Dumas, Violaine Baraduc and Nathan Réra, as well as others, like Sidi N’Diaye, who have opted for a comparative approach. I would like to commend this new generation of promising researchers.

As the archives are essential to the work of historians, the conservation and exploitation of these archives remains one of our committee’s important responsibilities. This task is particularly important to the committee members and myself. Concurrently, the Foundation will continue its policy of editorial support, as funding for publications and translations helps to disseminate knowledge to the public at large. In this domain, as in others, we intend to remain open to ambitious and innovative projects.

Annette Wieviorka, President of the History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah Committee 24 History of anti-Semitism and the Shoah

Projects supported

Doctoral grants Eliezer Schilt Postdoctoral grants Ben-Gurion University and research “Friends of the Jews.” of the Negev, Beersheba Collective biography of In the footsteps of Convoy 73 rescuers of Jews in Nazi From the condemnation Vincent Bloch of anti-Judaism to the EHESS Susanne Beer inter-religious solidarity Marc Bloch Center, Berlin against Nazi anti-Semitism. Collection of documents The Synagogue and concerning the Holocaust Testimony, resilience, memory: and Turkey the work of deported artists the Christian churches in and response to it in France France during the age of Corry Guttstadt (1945-1995) emancipation (1806-1939) Serge Doubrovsky: Julie Constant Joël Sebban his work and life. Dialogue, Bordeaux III University Paris I University trauma and transmission. Raw legacy. Fictionalization Exploring the Memory Placing testimony of historical accounts. of the Nazi Genocide within history. Primo Levi, Aharon Appelfeld, of Roma in Hungary Nurit Levy Philip Roth Anna Szász Paris VII University Guido Furci Eötvös Lóránd University, Historical imagination Paris III University Budapest and nearby massacres in the Does Jewishness matter? The role of the theater genocide of the Tutsi in Jews before the Judge arts in the transmission Rwanda and the Jews in (1780-1814). An analysis of of memory in Rwanda, Poland: a comparative trial proceedings from the after the genocide of the viewpoint criminal court of the Christian Tutsi Sidi N’Diaye authorities of Frankfurt Ariane Zaytzeff Paris X University am Main New York University Free France and the Jews Vera Kallenberg Space as a tool of power Maxime Pellier Technische Universität Paris I University Darmstadt / Marc Bloch and weapon of survival: Center, Berlin a study of spatial tactics Polish-Jewish used by Jews during the Nazi Relations in Germany History without Memory. occupation of Warsaw during the Immediate Testimonies of traumatized (1939-1945) Post-War Years Holocaust Survivors Ian Zdanowicz Katarzyna Person and their meaning for Paris VIII University University of London historical Holocaust research Sonja Knopp Free University of Berlin The Literature of the Shoah in the USSR and in post-Soviet Russia Ksenia Kovrigina Paris VII University The art market during the Occupation. An inventory of auction sales in Paris (1930s-1940s) Emmanuelle Polack INHA The perception of the Shoah and the lessons learned by the people participating in the Judeo-Christian Photographs of victims of the Tutsi genocide, exhibited at the dialogue in France Gisozi Memorial (Kigali). after 1945 25

Perception of Jews Hitler et les races. Collaboration in Eastern and Judaism L’anthropologie Europe during World War II in contemporary Islamic nationale-socialiste and the Holocaust thought: the genesis Anne Quinchon-Caudal Wiesenthal Institute for and outlines of Éditions Berg International Holocaust Studies an anti-Semitic/ Symposia, seminars 1942: The attitude Judeophobic discourse of various sectors of French Haoues Seniguer and conferences society toward the Lyon Institute of Charlotte Delbo deportation of Jews Political Science (1913-1985). Commitment, LICRA Publications, the concentration camp History and memory environment, work translations of the concentration camps. Rennes II University / Stigmatization, Litérature en suspens. Les amis de Charlotte Delbo marginalization Hurbn. Théories, Assocation and persecution textes, témoignages Varian Fry in Marseille, University of Hamburg Catherine Coquio European culture in exile The work and message Éditions L’Arachnéen (1940-1942) of Elie Wiesel. Memory, Les discriminés. Varian Fry Association, Midrash and Song: Les Juifs russes Marseille the strategies of the survivor de 1945 à nos jours Imre Kertész: Hebrew University of Sarah Fainberg ethics of the narrative Éditions Fayard and form of existence Testimonies on the Shoah L’antijudéo-maçonnisme Collège de France in the USSR Paris VIII University de 1870 à 1900 Seminar - Emmanuel Kreiss History of historiography Archives Éditions du Cerf of the Shoah EHESS Indexation of the digitized Vichy, la pègre archives of refugees et les nazis. Conferences in France during World War II La traque des Juifs Literature and Shoah. French Office for the en Provence In the large collection Protection of Refugees and Isaac Levendel of the Catastrophe Stateless Persons and Bernard Weisz Foundation for the Memory Processing and digitizing Nouveau Monde éditions of the Shoah the documents at the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation Shoah Memorial Support for housing and the transcription of accounts of persecuted children Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Shoah Memorial archives. In 2013, a restored and digital version of Claude Lanzmann’s filmShoah was released. The Foundation supported this project. 27 Committee Memory and Transmission

President Serge Klarsfeld

Committee members Audrey Azoulay Claude Bochurberg Henri Borlant Tal Bruttmann Colette Cohen Alexandre Doulut Agnès Hirtz Esther Hoffenberg Olivier Lalieu Max Polonovski Laurent Veyssière

Program associate Judith Cytrynowicz 28 Memory and Transmission

Memorial sites and transmission

Remembering the history of the which presents the history of the Shoah and its implications is a internment camps of Pithiviers, priority for the Foundation for the Beaune-la-Rolande and Jargeau. Memory of the Shoah. It also participated in the renovation of exhibitions at the Caen Memorial It therefore supports memorial and the Resistance and Deportation initiatives (commemorations, plaques, History Center in Lyon. Finally, memorial stones) and projects that it supported the creation of a transmit this history, including those memorial site inaugurated in that illuminate little-known aspects; Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in 2013. these include books, films, exhibitions, plays and audiovisual testimonies. The The Foundation also contributes to Foundation also supports most of the the conservation and transmission major museum projects concerning of witness accounts. Since 2004, the internment, deportation and it has been publishing a series of rescue of Jews in France. Shoah testimonies (see p. 33). It also supports the activities of the In addition to the Shoah Memorials Auschwitz Survivors’ Union and the in Paris and Drancy, the Foundation French Committee for co-financed the Camp des Milles Yad Vashem, which produce essential Memorial Site, housed in a former work on memory and education. tile-making factory near Aix-en- Provence that was used as an internment camp. In Orléans, it supports the activities of the CERCIL Memorial Museum for the children of the Vel d’Hiv Roundup,

The memorial site of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon. 29

Clear-sighted support for project developers

The history of the Shoah still attracts considerable interest from the general public. There are countless books, films and plays that deal with this painful subject. Memorial initiatives have flourished everywhere throughout France, from the placement of a commemorative plaque to the construction of a museum. These multiple projects could never have been developed without the tireless work of associations and individuals concerned with recalling the tragic destinies of families; without the knowledge acquired from historical research; and without the talent of dedicated writers, directors and artists. The support of committed producers, publishers and local elected officers is essential, as is that of institutions like the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

Our assistance comes in the way of funding and is also intended to be a guarantee of quality and respect for historical veracity. Our committee tackles this work by examining the form and content of projects that are submitted to us. Our role is to provide meaningful support for project developers, by offering timely notification of any possible errors, while respecting their freedom to create. This is particularly true for documentary films, which are highly effective ways of transmitting information. Based on archive images (some of which have never before been used), they can reach a wide audience, especially as the quality of these works has improved over the years. Nevertheless, we must be careful about overly ambitious projects whose innovative approach may be less so on completion. Our committee will fully support any original initiative, in every field of expression, provided that it is based on serious historical work and that the project has a sufficiently strong financial footing.

The Foundation participated in the creation of several memorial sites, which are also educational sites (Camp des Milles Memorial Site, CERCIL, etc.). We continue to support them as they develop their activities for the public. In the same vein, in 2013, we renewed our support for Yad Vashem and its research program concerning the names of Shoah victims in Hungary and Poland.

Serge Klarsfeld, President of the Memory and Transmission Committee 30 Memory and Transmission

Projects supported

Audiovisual DVD set – The FTP-MOI Journal Tenou’a. Yom Paris- (1942-1944): HaShoah 2013 productions No work, no family, Special issue The Young Heroes no homeland and Retired MJLF of the “Terrorists” Berthe My Love Chochana Boukhobza Mosco Levi Boucault Paul Zuchermann Zek SARL Paris Barcelone Films Éditions du Retour The Rediscovered Recording of public readings Heritage of Charlotte Delbo’s book Theater Pierre Goetschel Auschwitz and After, Clara’s Story Letimotiv Production for the visually impaired Marc-Olivier Dupin GIAA (Association of Blind The Yatzkan Musical or Amblyopic Intellectuals) Anna-Célia Kendall Tsipka Dripka Idéale Audience Publications The Voice in the Closet The Heirs Written by Raymond Federman, The Little Tree of Birkenau Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar directed by Sarah Oppenheim Maurice Benroubi Loma Nasha Films MC93 Bobigny Éditions Albin Michel Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac. Just a Hiding Place? The Convoy of the Mothers A Republican in the Century Madeline Fouquet Rolande Causse Timothy Miller Association L’Entracte Capelain and Gilles Rapaport Lufilms CERCIL I’m Lucky Patrick Haggiag Sam and Jacky The Graffiti En Votre Compagnie Jean-Christophe Riff in the Drancy Camp. Those Who Stay Voir Media Productions Names on the Walls David Lescot The Heirs Mélanie Curdy, Denis Compagnie du Kaïros Ruth Zylberman Peschanski, Benoît Pouvreau Rosebud Productions and Thierry Zimmer, So We Never Forget. Snoeck éditions / Conseil A Caravan for Memory DVD - The Seven Doors général de Seine-Saint-Denis Performances in and by Shelomo Selinger Theresienstadt of the play Alain Braun and Alain Dassé 1942, Convoy 8 Association Memoris Translation, subtitled in Jean-Claude and David

Hebrew and English Moscovici Zejde Voulu et porté par le Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis, cet ouvrage a été Les auteurs publié avec le concours de la Région Île-de-France, des Archives nationales, de la Mémoire du Judaïsme New edition Félix Pruvost Direction de la mémoire, du patrimoine et des archives du Ministère de la Défense, Mélanie Curdy est restauratrice diplômée de l’Institut national du patri- de la Direction régionale des Affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France, de la Fondation moine, spécialisée dans la restauration des peintures de chevalet et des en France Éditions du Retour Compagnie Idéal Deux Neuf pour la mémoire de la Shoah et en partenariat avec le Mémorial de la Shoah. peintures murales. Elle travaille au sein de son atelier parisien ou sur site, pour des institutions publiques et privées (musées nationaux, monuments remerciements historiques, collectivités locales, collectionneurs privés…), en France et

à l’étranger. La Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France – ministère de la Culture et de la Communication ; Après l’exposition « Des noms sur des murs. Les graffiti du camp Grâce aux archives du Mémorial de la Shoah et celles du Service La Direction des archives de France – ministère de la Culture et de la Communication ; Denis Peschanski est directeur de recherche au CNRS (Centre d’histoire de Drancy », le Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis a souhaité historique de la Défense, l’ensemble des informations collectées sur Le Département des restaurateurs de l’Institut national du patrimoine, le Laboratoire sociale du xxe siècle de l’Université Paris I). Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages prolonger son engagement par la publication d’un ouvrage à la fois les auteurs de ces graffiti a été rassemblé dans cet ouvrage. Enfants, de recherche des Monuments historiques et le Centre de recherche et de restauration des Musées sur la France des années noires et il est aussi l’auteur de films docu- de France – ministère de la Culture et de la Communication ; ambitieux et exhaustif. femmes et hommes seuls, familles, tous ont voulu laisser une trace mentaires. Il est le responsable de l’équipement d’excellence « Matrice » La Direction de la mémoire, du patrimoine et des archives et le Bureau des archives personnelle, leur nom, un poème, un dessin « pour mémoire ». qui vise à mieux comprendre l’articulation entre mémoire individuelle des victimes des conflits contemporains du Service historique de la Défense – ministère de la Outre les 76 carreaux de plâtre avec graffiti découverts en 2009, il À travers leurs parcours particuliers et souvent exemplaires, c’est Défense ; et mémoire collective dans une approche résolument transdisciplinaire. a semblé important de présenter l’ensemble des graffiti connus du la singularité mais aussi la diversité des 63 000 victimes dépor- La Région Île-de-France ; Il préside les conseils scientifiques du Mémorial de Caen et du Mémorial des noms sur murs camp de Drancy. Encore conservés au sein de la cité de la Muette tées depuis le camp de Drancy qui sont ici restituées, à rebours L’Office public d’habitat de Seine-Saint-Denis ; du camp de Rivesaltes. Depuis 2011, il conseille le président du Conseil ou seulement connus par des photographies prises après-guerre, ces du projet nazi qui voulait leur extermination et l’oubli même de La Ville de Drancy ; général de la Seine-Saint-Denis sur les questions d’histoire et de mémoire graffiti sont tous ici réunis et, dans la mesure du possible, documentés. leur existence. Le Mémorial de la Shoah ; de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah ; Le Conservatoire historique du camp de Drancy et l’Association pour la Fondation Mémoire Benoît Pouvreau est docteur en histoire de l’architecture, chercheur au d’Auschwitz ; service du patrimoine culturel du Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis. L’entreprise Vulcain et ses employés ; Mélanie Curdy, Géraldine Fray et Cécile Bringuier, restauratrices d’œuvres d’art ; Il y travaille à l’inventaire et à la valorisation du patrimoine du logement Nikki Halphern, traductrice indépendante ; social. Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire du logement, le patrimoine du Denis Peschanski, directeur de recherches au CNRS, conseiller historique xxe siècle et les lieux de mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. « Lonker Otton / Lonker Mindel / du Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis pour les lieux d’histoire et de mémoire de la Déportation et la Seconde Guerre mondiale ; Thomas Fontaine, historien ; Jean-Bernard Vialles est photographe au Service patrimoines et inven- déportés le 11 février 1943 / Jean-Yves Legrand et Laurence Bazin, réalisateurs, Pirouette Films ; taire de la Région Île-de-France. Il a contribué à de nombreux ouvrages sur Les graffiti du camp de drancy & le patrimoine francilien. Il est l’auteur de l’ensemble des photographies destination inconnue / Claire Pessin-Garric et l’ensemble des descendants de la famille Eskénazi, Adolfo contemporaines, sauf mention contraire. et Sarah Kaminsky, Maurice Cling, Madeleine et Alain Koiransky, Claire Fuchs, Serge Klarsfeld, Vive la France » Raphaël Chemouni, Lucien Tinader, Alain Kremenetzky, Anne Bourgon, Jean-Patrick Lebel, Jean-Bernard Vialles, Krzysztof Sukiennik, Karen Taïeb, Lior Smajda-Lalieu, Jacques Fredj, Nikki Thierry Zimmer est conservateur général du patrimoine, spécialité Halphern, Bertrand Dicale, Philippe Meyer, Jean-Pierre Hugueniot, Marc Révillion, Amar Berrah, Monuments historiques. Titulaire d’un doctorat de troisième cycle en égyp- Dominique Trouillard, Sofiane Gracham, Alain Alexandra, Antoinette Sinigaglia, Véronique Verges-Belmin, Bianca Jackson, Michel Menu, Vincent Detalle, Mikaël Guiavarc’h, Julien Labaune, tologie et d’un doctorat en histoire de l’art, il se consacre depuis plusieurs Marie-France Gleizes, Bruno Mengoli, Serge Pitiot, Daniel Lefèvre, Anne Gondolo, Hicham e années à l’étude de la peinture religieuse du xix siècle et à la publica- Zerouali, Akim Amghar, Agnès Magnien, Sylvie Zaidman, Joël Clesse, Maxime Courban, Catherine tion d’œuvres des régions dont il a eu la charge (Limousin, Auvergne, Tordeux, Malika Jafri, Natalie William, Damien Simsen, Olivier Meyer, Magali Malochet, Corinne Mordier, Patricia Peltier, Nicolas Styczynski ; Île-de-France). 978-94-6161-124-6 € 30,00 Le service du Patrimoine culturel et tous les agents du Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis qui ont apporté aide et soutien à ce projet. 31

Festival Voix étouffées, Exhibition “The commitment Commemorations 6th year of foreign Jews in the French Forum Voix étouffées - Army during World War I and 70th anniversary of the CEMUT, Strasbourg World War II” roundups in Bordeaux Association of Jewish war and the surrounding region Jewish Cultural Association Exhibitions veterans and volunteer of the Gironde and cultural events veterans Trip by descendents of the Exhibition “Anna Langfus. “Roma, Gypsies and Righteous Among the Nations Three novels Travelers” Festival to Israel during Yom HaShoah for transmission” Douarnenez Film Festival Fondation France-Israël Association Ethnologues “Moissac, Forgotten City of en herbe Memorial sites the Righteous” Encounters and associations Comrade Artur Association Moissac, ville Tribute to Szmuel Zygielbojm de Justes oubliée Support for activities in 2014 Centre Medem - Arbeter Ring CERCIL Participation in the “Moissac, Exhibition “Maryan, 1927- Forgotten City of the Initiatives to promote the 1977” Righteous” Encounters example of the Righteous Museum of Art and Jewish Jewish Guides and Scouts French Committee for History, Paris of France Yad Vashem Restoration of the Camp des Milles site Additional investment Fondation for the Camp des Milles - Memory and Education

Archives Transfer to DVD of the rushes from the documentary Français pour 42 sous by Roger Viry-Babel Jewish Cultural Association of Nancy Gathering the names of Jewish victims of the Shoah in Poland Yad Vashem Institute, Jerusalem Gathering the names of Jewish victims of the Shoah in Hungary Yad Vashem Institute, Jerusalem 32 L’action de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah 33

“Testimonies of the Shoah” series

The “Testimonies of the Shoah” series Published by Le Manuscrit, the publishes the accounts of victims of testimonies are available in a selection persecution perpetuated against Jews of libraries and on the Internet, in by the Nazis and their collaborators. paper or digital format. The series Whether they were deported, now has more than 65 works. interned or hidden during the war, the authors recount their personal Reading committee experiences, thereby continuing to illuminate us on various aspects of the President unprecedented crime of the Shoah. Serge Klarsfeld The series provides the public with Members of the reading committee texts that have not been published Henri Borlant, Isabelle Choko, before or that have become Olivier Coquard, Katy Hazan, unavailable. Each testimony is Dominique Missika, Denis Peschanski, examined by a reading committee Paul Schaffer, Annette Zaidman chaired by Serge Klarsfeld, which Director of the series includes Shoah witnesses and Philippe Weyl historians.

Michel (Mietek) Pachter holding the portrait of his elder brother, Vilek, with whom he survived throughout World War II, Davos (Switzerland), 1947. His story is published in the “Testimonies of the Shoah” series.

Opposite page: Portraits of authors in the “Testimonies of the Shoah” series. 34 L’action de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah

Books published in 2013

Destiny exceptional in more ways than one. Mietek—who was only 16 at the start of a miraculous survivor of the war—experienced the ghetto, extermination camp and forced labor Henri Zonus camp. Alongside his brother Vilek, he managed to survive these horrific ordeals. In this dense text, he provides a balanced and accurate account of the evolution Born in Czestochowa, Poland, Henri Zonus and diversity of the persecutions and suffered from anti-Semitic persecutions means of extermination used by the Nazis and the horrendous living conditions to annihilate the Jews. He also discusses of the ghetto. As opposed to his family, the forms of resistance and solidarity he escaped deportation to Treblinka and that he and his comrades used to survive death. At the age of 14, Henri was forced the sadism of their torturers and to work in one of the deadliest Nazi the dehumanization that pervaded munitions factories, the Werk C, in the the concentration camp system. Skarzysko forced labor camp. Here, Jews were working with picric powder, a toxic April 2013 - 564 pages, 69 illustrations explosive for which this part of the camp, operating under military secrecy, was I was born May 8, named “yellow hell.” 1945 Taken away to be shot with other prisoners who had become “unusable,” he Isidore Rosenbaum escaped unharmed from the mass grave into which he had fallen, unconscious. He had no other choice but to reintegrate the camp, where he managed to survive. Isidore Rosenbaum was born in Paris Preface by Willy Fogel into a very modest family of Polish February 2013 - 226 pages, 28 illustrations immigrants. He was treated poorly by his mother, who beat him, and he ran Warsaw, Treblinka, away several times as a young boy. He became a delinquent and was Majdanek, Skarzysko, imprisoned, where he lived under the Czestochowa discipline and violence of a prison camp for minors, until he was freed in 1938. The circumstances of the war were Michel Pachter conducive to the independence of this young Parisian street kid. Unaware of the danger, he was captured by the Nazis as he tried to cross the demarcation line into Written just after the end of the war, the “free zone” illegally. He was interned Michel (Mietek) Pachter’s testimony is in the Pithiviers camp and then deported 35

to Auschwitz in September of 1942. My leap to freedom. He spent 31 months in the hell of the Nazi Fragments camps. The day the Germans surrendered, Isidore was back in Paris. It was a rebirth: free and a legal adult, he could finally Odette Spingarn start a new life. June 2013 - 180 pages, 29 illustrations

Ozarow. Arrested with her parents on March 31, Memories of a Jewish 1944, in a village in the Corrèze region, Odette Spingarn was taken to the town, now gone barracks in Périgueux, then to before being deported Hillel Adler to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, where her mother died. Assigned to Kanada, a sub-camp where prisoners sorted the personal belongings of assassinated deportees, she was One of the rare survivors of Ozarow, transferred in early October 1944 to the Hillel Adler, born in 1920, depicts life in his Zschopau labor camp in Germany. As the village with emotion and love. He has Allies approached in April 1945, the women created a realistic and heartwarming forced laborers were packed into a train portrayal of Jewish life in his Polish shtetl, heading to a death camp. With her friends, which was destroyed by the Nazis. Odette took fate into her own hands and He brings to life the residents, their escaped by jumping from the train. After traditions, the celebrations and the events a long odyssey, she was finally saved of everyday life in Ozarow. He lucidly by a German woman. portrays the poverty, anti-Semitism, Translated into English spirituality, political debates and by Glenn Naumovitz Jewish solidarity. He describes, from the viewpoint of the child and adolescent that June 2013 - he was, his family, his neighbors and his 206 pages, 59 illustrations friends, who disappeared in the disaster. Preface to this edition by Renée Adler-Fischler Preface to the original issue by Roger Cukierman November 2013 - 378 pages, 34 illustrations Drawing by Gilles Rapaport from the book Le Convoi des mères by Rolande Causse, published by the CERCIL. 37 Committee Shoah Education

President Alice Tajchman

Committee members Françoise Aït-Hadi Alexandre Bande Georges Benguigui Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat Claude Dumond Christine Guimonnet Françoise Janier-Dubry Philippe Joutard Yvette Levy Iannis Roder

Program associate Dominique Trimbur 38 Shoah Education

Shoah Education

The Foundation encourages professors to share their experiences the transmission of the Shoah concerning the organization of the history to schoolchildren. trips and pedagogical practices. It finances many school trips and teacher trips to memorial sites, either A sociological study aimed at directly or via the Shoah Memorial. assessing the impact of these trips was initiated, with the support The Foundation’s funds are also of the Foundation. Conducted by used to develop teaching materials sociologist Ygal Fijalkow, a lecturer and to organize training sessions at the Jean-François Champollion for professors. University Center in Albi, this study was launched at the start of the Special care is taken in the 2012-2013 school year. It will follow preparation of the trips supported classes over a three-year period and the reports produced afterward. to assess the long-term effect Discussions are held regularly with of the trips to Auschwitz.

Henri Borlant, a former deportee, talking to students from the Lycée Bergson in Angers, at the Shoah Memorial.

Students from the Lycée Bergson visiting Auschwitz. 39

Emotion must never outweigh reflection

While occasional problems may arise in teaching the history of the Shoah, we must keep a measured view vis-à-vis the news as reported by the media. Far from being a taboo or systematically problematic subject, the Shoah is, overall, well taught in France. The period from 1939 to 1945 is included in the curriculum for students in the fifth grade, ninth grade and twelfth grade (at approximately ages 11, 15 and 18). Teachers are encouraged to discuss the extermination of European Jews, obviously adapting the courses to the age and sensitivities of the students.

The Foundation, via the pedagogical projects it supports, aims to promote an educational approach based on historical knowledge, in which emotion must never outweigh reflection. Fear is sterile, while knowledge is useful. The Shoah Education Committee defines its action with this perspective in mind, by encouraging the creation of new teaching resources and by supporting numerous study trips to memorial sites.

As part of this close partnership, some of the trips it finances are coordinated by the Shoah Memorial, an institution whose historical and pedagogical expertise is recognized by the Ministry of National Education and which, over the years, has forged links with many academies and local authorities.

The Foundation, which also supports several memorial and educational sites in France, places a priority on visits to these institutions, notably for ninth-grade students. It is also working with the Canopé network (the former CNDP) to republish the Auschwitz Album, as part of a multimedia project (book, DVD and web-documentary), to be released late 2014— so that it can be used for the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Nazi camps, in January 2015.

Alice Tajchman, President of the Shoah Education Committee 40 Shoah Education

Projects supported

Audiovisual productions Operas composed at Association for the memory Theresienstadt, ARCAL, of deported Jewish children, Internment Camps in the Compagnie Nationale de Ivry-sur-Seine South of France: Between Théâtre Lyrique et Musical History and Memory They Were Children (1939-1944) The Line Adaptation of an exhibition DVD - Association Mémoires. Sarah Kaminsky as a workshop Les Juifs dans la Résistance Association Mémoire vir(e)tuelle, Yad Layeled France Théâtre Label Etoile Susi’s Notebook A Privileged Little Girl Study trips and DVD - Documentary seminars for students by Guillaume Ribot and Compagnie TRAC and teachers educational resources Educational projects Association Strange Fruit, Teaching the Shoah CRDP Grenoble In Living Memory for medical ethics Association Mata-Malam Teaching the History Study trip of the Shoah 1942-2014 in the 93. Association of Jewish Doctors DVD, Collège André Malraux From the Shoah in France de Paron, Yonne to Ordinary Racism Seminar for teachers Association Médina 23 x who organized trips Theater Corniche / Lycée Paul Éluard, in 2012-2013 Saint-Denis The Emperor of Atlantis Foundation for the Memory by and Support of the performance of the Shoah Brundibar by Adolf of a play with ninth-grade Hoffmeister students Memory and transmission. History of Jewish communities Study trip Beth Rivkah University Institute for Teaching Training, Yerres, Essonne Promoting the teaching of the Shoah history and of the genocides in sub-Saharan Africa Seminar UNESCO/Shoah Memorial School trips Teaching training and school trips: 2013-2014 campaign Shoah Memorial Trip to Auschwitz Aumônerie Israélite des Armées Visit to the Camp des Milles Memorial Site Collège Paul Langevin Alfortville, Val-de-Marne History and memory Susi Feldsberg was 11 in 1942 when she was deported and assassinated with her family at Auschwitz. Inspired by her of the Shoah school notebook, photographer Guillaume Ribot followed and the Resistance her story and made a film about this young girl. Lycée Henri Bergson Angers, Maine-et-Loire

Contact presse :

Jérôme Escalon T 04 76 74 74 04 M 06 21 40 61 97 F 04 76 74 74 61 [email protected]


Jewish life School trip to Krakow From anti-Semitic prejudice and the Shoah in Poland and Auschwitz to the Shoah, stages and Lycée Saint-Martin / Lycée Institution Notre Dame mechanisms général et technologique Urbain des Minimes - Lyon, Rhône Association Déportation, Mongazon persécution, mémoire From destruction to rebirth Angers, Maine-et-Loire Ris-Orangis, Essonne March of the Living, France School trip Prague- Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône The Shoah Theresienstadt-Auschwitz- Établissement régional Deportation, Resistance Krakow d’enseignement adapté Robert and memorial sites Lycée Cantau Doisneau - Saint-Lô, Manche Lycée Fustel de Coulanges Anglet, Pyrénées-Atlantiques Massy, Essonne Following Jewish life and the World War II, Resistance and policies of extermination From the Nuremberg laws to the Shoah. Comparative in Eastern Europe the industrialization of death study, France-Italy Lycée polyvalent Ella Fitzgerald Lycée Victor Duruy Collège du Bugey Saint-Romain-en-Gal, Rhône Belley, Ain Mont-de-Marsan, Landes Judaism and Jews At the Shoah memorial sites Krakow-Auschwitz- in France in the 20th century: Lycée ORT Birkenau-Krakow deportation, liberation, Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis Lycée Guy de Maupassant transmission Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine In response to persecutions: Institution La Doctrine From Auschwitz to the Righteous in the Gard chrétienne Srebrenica: compare and during World War II Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin Collège Révolution differentiate, from the Shoah Being a Jewish child, Nîmes, Gard in the Balkans to the war in adolescent during the former Yugoslavia Deportations and World War II Lycée Lebrun exterminations. Lycée professionnel Les Bressis Coutances, Manche In the footsteps of the Shoah Seynod, Haute-Savoie Lycée Jean Macé Teachers and educators The Resistance in Turin Niort, Deux-Sèvres of the Shoah today: during World War II, intergenerational relay History and memory the Jewish community: Lycées Ozar Hatorah Lycée Paul Painlevé from deportation to the Créteil, Val-de-Marne - Oyonnax, Ain Resistance Paris - Sarcelles, Val-d’Oise Lycée de la Versoie Trip to Poland Thonon-les-Bains, History, memory Association Hashomer Hatzaïr Haute-Savoie and transmission Paris Lycées Ozar Hatorah Memory trip History and memory of the Créteil, Val-de-Marne - to Auschwitz-Birkenau Shoah and the Resistance Paris - Sarcelles, Val-d’Oise Collège-lycée Le Mont Chatelet Collège Jean-Baptiste Clément Varzy, Nièvre The Shoah and the Paris concentration camps: an The duty of memory Up againt the wall. A look at essential memory today through the study of a ghetto in Prague and Lycée Charles de Gaulle World War I and World War II Theresienstadt Dijon, Côte-d’Or Lycée Gustave Eiffel Lycée professionnel René Europe, from war to peace Varennes-sur-Seine, Cassin, Paris Lycée Anna de Noailles Seine-et-Marne Sharing views. The witness, Évian-les-Bains, Haute-Savoie School trip to Poland the author, the historian Science and wars Lycée ORT Lycée Georges Leven, Paris Lycée Louis Aragon Villiers-le-Bel, Val-d’Oise School trip to Poland Givors, Rhône The extermination Institutions Sinaï, Paris Studies and memory at of the Polish Jews: Auschwitz-Birkenau Following European Jews memory and transmission Département du Rhône in Poland Lycée Beth Rivkah Lyon, Rhône Lycée Yabne, Paris Yerres, Essonne Mrs. Mallah, 1905, Salonica. Portrait on the poster for the Judeo-Spanish summer university session, Latetorganized in 2013 by the Aki Estamos association. 43 Committee Jewish Culture

President Laurence Sigal

Committee members Michaël Bar-Zvi Miriam Barkaï Nelly Hansson Olivier Kaufmann Bernard Maruani Évelyne Oliel-Grausz Perrine Simon-Nahum Charles Tenenbaum Nathan Weinstock

Program associate Isabelle Cohen 44 Jewish Culture

Transmission of Jewish culture

From the very start, the On a broader level, the Foundation Foundation has been committed also helps to promote Jewish to transmitting and making the culture in society by funding cultural best possible use of the thousand- events and series of classes and year-old legacy of Judaism— conferences for the general public. entire segments of which were It is especially attuned to initiatives annihilated during the Shoah. that promote Yiddish and Judeo- Spanish cultures and languages. It supports all the diverse aspects of Judaism, with a special emphasis Finally, it supports Jewish studies on education, to ensure the through research grants and transmission of Jewish culture from by encouraging the translation generation to generation. It also of major Jewish texts. supports training programs for teachers, directors of youth movements, and pedagogical projects for Jewish and Talmud Torah schools.

Students from the Lycée Lucien de Hirsch (Paris). 45

Education and diversity Under the chairmanship of Ady Steg, then Raphaël Hadas-Lebel, the Jewish Culture Committee has accomplished remarkable work. The new committee, whose membership was partially renewed and which I have the honor of chairing, will continue its ongoing efforts while placing a priority on education.

Like our predecessors, we are aware of the challenges posed by the current demographic and social developments. This is why we still stress the transmission of Judaism and an in-depth approach to Jewish culture, while supporting structural projects for young people, whether through Jewish schools or youth movements.

Similarly, the committee is also consulted concerning real estate projects submitted to the Gordin Foundation (see p. 13).

As Jewish culture is essentially pluralistic, we are dedicated to supporting Judaism in all its diversity, and to promoting its multiple facets to a wide public, both Jewish and non-Jewish. At the same time, we will continue to support Jewish studies, to nurture contemporary thought in general, and Jewish thought in particular.

In addition to the renewal of the three-year agreements signed with Jewish community institutions (Consistory, FSJU), the committee seeks to encourage innovative initiatives from new and diverse horizons.

Laurence Sigal, President of the Jewish Culture Committee 46 Jewish Culture

Projects supported

Grants and research The shtetl, Echoes DIgitization and creation of of a Lost Jewish World the online Judeo-Spanish Committee for doctoral grants Sholem Aleykhem, library (2014-2016) Itshè-Mayer Weissenberg Library of the Alliance Israélite Foundation for the Memory of Stories translated from Yiddish, Universelle the Shoah - Foundation for annotated and introduced by French Judaism Conservation and digitization Nathan Weinstock of the musical archives Emeric Deutsch doctoral Éditions Garnier of the Metz synagogue grant Forced Baptisms. European Institute of Jewish Socio-economic History of Jews, Christians Music transformation in the Western and the Converted in Rome IT migration Sephardic communities in the Under Papal Rule of the Rachel network Atlantic area, at the start of Marina Caffiero European network of Judaica the modern era: the case of Éditions Honoré Champion and Hebraica libraries Jewish communities of The Guardians of the Places Bayonne and its region, from Baptiste Cogitore Training, education 1723 to 1790 Exhibition and publication Ninth national educational day Nimrod Gaatone Éditions Rodéo d’âme Association of directors of University of Bar-Ilan, Jewish schools in France Ramat-Gan, Israel Palestine 1948 Yoav Gelbert Hé training program for Sophie Kessler-Mesguich Éditions Les Provinciales teachers of Jewish education doctoral grant André and Rina Neher Institute La Clepsydre Yiddish culture in the Baltic Sylvie Anne Goldberg Virtual educational platform states (1918-1940): Translation into English for teachers of Jewish culture the region of Yiddishland Stanford University Press and history Akvile Grigoraviciute ORT France Paris IV-Sorbonne University Commentary on the Houlin treatise Leadership training programs Musical theory of medieval Jonathan de Lunel 2013-2014 Judaism, from Hebrew and Mahon HaTalmud Hashalem Union of Jewish students of Judeo-Arab manuscripts France (9th-15th centuries) Dictionary of Jewish artists Doctoral research trip from the School of Paris Building the future. Pilot Alexandre Cerveux (1905-1939) project for informal education Nadine Nieszauer Beth Loubavitch, Day-long seminar for Éditions Somogy Boulogne-Billancourt French-speaking doctoral Jewish education students of Jewish studies Ordinary Jews. for women — Development (2014-2016) The destruction of Jewish Beit Midrash Lenashim, Paris Société des études juives Warsaw, 4580 Yehoshue Perle Development of the Beit Prize for the French doctoral Éditions Classiques Garnier Midrash Fleg thesis in Jewish studies Centre Edmond Fleg, Paris (2014-2016) Breaking the tables. Jewish Société des études juives theology after the Shoah Development 2014 David Weiss-Halivni École juive moderne, Paris Publications, Institut Wolfowicz Guesher. Encounters with translations Yiddish notebooks isolated communities Jews of Berlin (eds. Laurence Launch of an online edition Jewish scouts Guillon and Heidi Knörzer) Cercle Bernard Lazare and guides of France Distance and Debt Archives Teaching Jewish subjects (ed. Marie-Anne Lescourret) in CLIS and ULIS classes Memorial Laws Development of the digital (children with physical (dir. Myriam Bienenstock) library or mental disabilities) Bibliothèque des Fondations Library of the Alliance Israélite Établissement Éditions de l’Éclat Universelle Ozar Hatorah, Paris 47

Hillel Campus. Homes for Symposia Real estate projects Jewish students and conferences supported by the Preparatory study Gordin Foundation Réseau Solidarité Avenir Secularism: an opportunity Jeunesse Étudiant of challenge for religions? Bringing building into Symposium of the International compliance with standards Renewal of the framework Conference of Jews and agreement Christians École Daniel, Levallois Support for the Jewish Amitié judéo-chrétienne École Lévinas, Paris seminary, Hazak program, de France support for the Talmud Torah École Ganenou, of small Jewish communities Limoud conference 2013 Paris Central Consistory Association Limoud Rachi school complex, Study day: “Overview Paris Associative of Judaism in France” and cultural activities GSRL-CNRS, Joelle Allouche- École juive moderne, Paris Judeo-Spanish summer Benayoun university, 2013 Beth Hannah, Strasbourg Aki Estamos Combating anti- Semitism and support Gan Chlomo Arrouas, Thiais Purim Shpil at UNESCO. for intercultural Beth Menahem, Villeurbanne Presentation at the Paris dialogue Hôtel de Ville Expansion of the facilities Centre Medem - Arbeter Ring / Training and initiatives for École Maïmonide Rambam Collectif Pourim Shpil UNESCO Jewish and Muslim facilitators school, Boulogne-Billancourt Amitié judéo-musulmane Sixth Yiddish de France Établissement Georges Leven summer university at Alliance Israélite Universelle, Strasbourg Conference - The Paris Théâtre en l’Air - Der LufTeater contemporary sources of anti-Semitism Support for activities Bureau de vigilance contre Rachel network, conservation l’antisémitisme of archives, support for small communities, symposium Renewal of the framework on the Grand Rabbi agreement Joseph-David Sintzheim (2014-2016) Central Consistory CRIF Media monitoring of anti-Semitism MEMRI Students against anti- Semitism on the Internet in the French-speaking world National Union Israel Students Trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Committee of Women Aladdin Project Support for activities 2014 SPCJ A leading figure in education, Janusz Korczak was deported with the orphans under his care in the Warsaw ghetto. Image from Andrzej Wajda’s film Korczak. 49

Financial Committee

President Hervé-Adrien Metzger

Committee members Anton Brender Dominique Chesneau Marc El Nouchi Jean-François Guthmann Jean-Claude Hirel Nelly Léonhardt André Levy-Lang Marcel Nicolaï 50 Financial Committee

Meeting current needs without compromising the future The origins of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah’s endowment and the importance of its missions place a serious responsibility on the Financial Committee. Our mission is to provide the Foundation with the means to meet current funding requirements without compromising its ability to act in the future.

We therefore work to maintain a delicate balance among financial performance, risk management and preservation of the endowment. To do so, I am honored to be surrounded by highly talented people who, together, define the FMS’s financial strategy. The Foundation’s staff ensures the daily management of the fund, with the support of qualified consultants. This method has demonstrated its effectiveness and has enabled the Foundation to allocate more than €200 million in subsidies since its creation.

The Financial Committee also controls the use of funds by ensuring that the Foundation’s budgetary choices are coherent with its missions. The committee gives its opinion on the most important projects, notably those, like the Shoah Memorial in Paris and in Drancy, which entail a long-term commitment on the part of the Foundation.

We are also concerned about keeping the FMS operating expenditures under control. And in this, we are pleased with the fact that they currently represent, as in the past, less than 10 percent of the total budget.

Hervé-Adrien Metzger, President of the Financial Committee 51

The Foundation on the radio ... Broadcast every Sunday from 1pm to 1:30pm on RCJ (94.8 FM in Paris), the “Mémoires Vives” program is prepared by Rachel Rimmer and anchored alternately by Kristel Le Pollotec and Eve Szeftel. It showcases the projects supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah and the subjects related to its missions. All broadcasts can be heard on the radio’s website (www.memoiresvives. net), or by signing up to the podcast on iTunes.

...and the Internet In 2013, the Foundation’s website was consulted by 105,000 visitors, a 7 percent increase over 2012. The FMS facebook page has more than 5,600 members, and its Twitter account is followed by over 2,600 people. The Foundation also has a Google+ page and a Dailymotion page that presents the trailers for films it has supported.

Birkenau, site of the “family camps” or the “Czechs of Theresienstadt camp,” February 2013. Image from Christophe Cognet’s film Because I Was a Painter. 52

Roger Cahn lives in Westhoffen in the Bas-Rhin. A Shoah survivor, he often gives tours of the former synagogue in his village. Photograph from Les Gardiens des lieux, a book by Baptiste Cogitore and Pascal Koenig.

Editorial director p. 18 - Latet p. 37 - Gilles Rapaport, Philippe Allouche p. 20 - Mauricio CERCIL publications Mondselewski, OSE Editor p. 38 - Lycée Henri p. 22 - Pierre Marquis, Pierre Marquis Bergson, Angers Foundation for the p. 41 - National Archives Translator Memory of the Shoah of Belgium Lisa Davidson p. 24 - Shoah Memorial p. 25 - Vincent Pfrunner, p. 42 - Aki Estamos, Art director Shoah Memorial Enrico Isacco’s les designers anonymes p. 26 - Les Films Aleph Sephardic photo Photo credits: p. 28 - Jean-Marc collection, Faraggi Demars, Le Chambon- collection Cover sur-Lignon memorial site p. 44 - Lycée Lucien Ethel Buisson p. 30 - Éditions Snoeck de Hirsch, Paris p. 11 - Michel Isaac, p. 31 - Douarnenez p. 47 - Dariusz Jarzdzyk, Shoah Memorial Festival Pourim Shpil collective, p. 12 - Vincent Pfrunner, p. 32 - Private UNESCO Shoah Memorial collections p. 14 - Shoah Memorial p. 33 - Michel Pachter’s p. 48 - Shoah Memorial p. 16 - Philippe Truquin, private archives p. 51 - La Huit “I’ll Return Tomorrow” pp. 34-35 - Production series Private collections p. 52 - Pascal Koenig

10, avenue Percier 75008 Paris Tel: +33 (0)1 53 42 63 10 Fax: +33 (0)1 53 42 63 11