CultureTalk Video Transcripts: Regulations on TV Broadcasting

Indonesian transcript:

Pewawancara: Kalau tadi kan di tingkat keluarga Mas wawan, kalau di tingkat Negara sendiri, nasional, apakah ada badan yang mengatur, memilah tayangan televisi mana yang boleh ditayangkan, mana yang tidak?

Wawan: Ada, itu badan sensor nasional. Badan sensor nasional tidak hanya mengatur tayangan televisi juga tay ... film-film yang masuk ke Indonesia. Yang jelas apa yang sudah masuk televisi maksudnya di Indonesia itu katanya sudah melalui badan sensor. Dan biasanya kalau ada program TV suka ada tulisan bahwa program ini eh ... tidak bagus untuk anak-anak, bahwa program ini dikhususkan untuk orang dewasa, bahwa program ini eh ... sudah melalui eee...sensor tertentu.

Pewawancara: Untuk mas wawan sendiri acara favorite-nya apa?

Wawan: Saya suka Republik Mimpi.

Pewawancara: Tadi disebutkan mengenai film-film di Indonesia, apakah ada cerita yang umum diketahui oleh anak-anak Indonesia seperti “bawang merah bawang putih” atau legenda?

Wawan: Sepertinya menurun cerita legenda daerah di Indonesia itu popularitasnya di antara anak-anak. Anak-anak lebih menyukai eh ... film-film dari luar seperti film-film animasi Jepang, film-film animasi Amerika,terutama daripada film-film eh ... legenda sendiri yang kurang dipopularitaskan oleh televisi. Mungkin televisi atau perfilm-an kurang eh ... mempopulerkan itu karena masyarakat Indonesia pun kurang begitu tertarik dengan film legendaris. Waktu saya kecil di ... saya tahu tentang dongeng Sangkuriang, dongeng Bawang Putih Bawang Merah.

Pewawancara: Sangkuriang dari Jawa Barat?

Wawan: Sangkuriang dari Jawa Barat, iya.

Pewawancara : Bisa diceritakan ceritanya tentang apa?

Wawan: eh ... Sangkuriang itu? angkuriang itu cerita legenda terjadinya gunung tangkuban perahu. Gunung tangkuban perahu itu gunung yang eh ... ada kawahnya di tengah-tangah dan menjadi objek wisata saat ini berlokasi di bagian utara , perbatasan antara kabupaten Bandung dan Kabupaten subang di Jawa Barat. Ceritanya, waktu dulu ada anak muda yang bernama Sangkuriang, yang sudah lama jauh dari ibunya karena sesuatu hal terjadi. Waktu muda dia dipertemukan dengan ibunya. Eh... dia... dia tidak tahu bahwa itu ibunya, jadi dia mencintai ibunya, tapi ibunya tahu karena melihat tanda di tubuh anaknya, bahwa itu adalah anaknya. Ibunya walaupun memaksa Sangkuriang untuk mengakui bahwa dia itu ibunya, Sangkuriangpun tidak percaya bahwa dia ibunya. Bagaimana caranya agar dia tidak jadi mencintainya, menikahi ibunya sendiri. Maka ia mensyaratkan ke Sangkuriang itu untuk membuat perahu dalam waktu satu malam. Nah ceritanya perahu itu sudah ... sudah dibikin oleh Sangkuriang dalam waktu satu ... satu malam. Tapi karena eh .. karena dia kecewa dengan keputusan ibunya, perahu itu ditendang jadinya gunung tangkubang perahu. Heh ... gitu ceritanya, kurang lebih.

English translation:

Interviewer: Just now you mentioned about television programs for Mas Wawan 1’s family. In terms of the national level, is there a censorship institution that regulates and manages the television programs? …Which ones should be broadcasted, which ones shouldn’t?

Wawan: Yes, there is a national censorship institution. The institution regulates not only TV shows, but also the movies to be played on television. What I heard is that all of the TV programs have gone through some inspection by the censorship institution, usually prior to the show time of television programs. The information that “This program is especially good for children, adults ” or that the programs … uh…“…have gone through the inspection” would appear before the show.

Interviewer: For Mas Wawan yourself, what is your favorite television show?

Wawan: I like Republik Mimpi.2

Interviewer: You previously mentioned Indonesian movies. Are there any folktales commonly known by Indonesian children, such as the legends of Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih 3 (red onion and garlic), or any other legendary stories?

Wawan: It seems that folklores or legends are less favored by children nowadays. Indonesian children prefer animated Japanese or American series. The folklores or legends themselves are less popularized by television because the producers also know that Indonesians are not really interested in watching movies about legends on folklores. When I was a child, I knew the stories of Sangkuriang , Bawang Merah Bawang Putih.

Interviewer: Sangkuriang is from West , isn’t it?

Wawan: Sangkuriang is from . That’s correct.

Interviewer: Can you tell us what the story is about?

1 Mas: a title before a male name commonly used for greetings 2 Republik Mimpi : a reality show that makes fun of the government or politicians or celebrities. 3 Bawang Putih Bawang Merah : the title of famous folktale in Indonesia Wawan: Sangkuriang ? Sangkuriang is a legend about the emergence of the Tangkuban Perahu 1 Mountain. Tangkuban Perahu is a mountain that has a crater on the top middle part and it has becomes a famous tourist attraction. It is located in the northern part of Bandung 2, on the border between Bandung and Subang 3 in West Java. Once upon a time there was a young boy named Sangkuriang who had been away from his family for years due to an incident. When he was young he met his mother. Uh ... he didn’t know that it was his mother, and then he fell in love with his mother. However, his mother recognized that he was her child because she found a mark on his body. Sangkuriang didn’t believe that the woman he was in love with was his mother, although she tried to convince him. The woman tried hard to find a way that made his son stop loving her and wanting to marry her. She set a condition that Sangkuriang had to build a ship in one night. And he succeeded. He built a ship in one night. However, the woman didn’t keep her word. Sangkuriang was unhappy with her decision, then he kicked the ship and the ship turned to a mountain, which is called Tangkuban Perahu. Um... that’s the story, more or less.

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1 Tangkuban Perahu: a mountain in the northern part of Bandung. 2 Bandung: the capital city of West Java province. 3 Subang: the name of district in West Java.