PDF Version Included on Caln with the Permission of the Author NOTES
Politics in the Streets The origins of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland by Bob Purdie (1990) Originally published by The Blackstaff Press, Belfast PDF version included on CAlN with the permission of the author http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/events/crightslpurdiel NOTES Where the title of a book, article or pamphlet is not given fully, the complete reference will be found in the bibliography. In some cases collections of papers in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland had not been fully catalogued when I consulted them and it has not been possible, therefore, to give a fuller reference than the general accession number. ABBREVIATIONS HC Deb. Westminster House of Commons Debates (Hansard) NIHCD Northern Ireland House of Commons Debates PRONI Public Record Oflice of Northern Ireland UCD University College Dublin Archives Depamnent CHAPTER I Spence told a journalist of how I Belfast Telegraph, 31 October 1962 'frightening' had been reports of 2 For this debate see NIH~52: an IRA plot in 1966. This referred 702-16~30 October 1962 to a ludicrous scare story of the 3 See Bew, Gibbon and Patterson, time about a planned 1916-style 1979, pp. 63-128, for a discussion takeover of the main Belfast post of Unionist 'populism'. office, combined with infiltration 4 Irish Weekly, 17 February 1962 by republicans of, among other 5 Ibid., 29 May 1965 bodies, the Protestant churches, 6 O'Neill, 1969, p. 41 the Salvation Army and the 7 Irish Weekly, 5 September 1964 Freemasons. The reports seem to 8 Rea, 1966, PP. 7-8 have been a highly coloured 9 Bailie, 1964, P.
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