KEEP YOUR WATCH CLOCK EYES and RIGHT JEWELLERY Repairs a Speciality 41 DUBLIN WEEKL/ At Reasonable Prices DIXON REGISTERED AT THE G.P.O. AS A NEWSPAPER HEMPENSTAI.L COPYRIGHT CARON Ill GRAFTON ST. Vol. 2--No. 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1955 PRICE 3d. 40 GRAFTON ST. BLACK MAGIC "’Persuasive"--# convinces us IN BAY Vice Condemned ERTAIN alarming occurrences take place regularly in the areas C around the G.M.B. and Botany Bay, ,districts which might be described in Dr. Skeffington’s words as the " slummier haunts of residential Trinity." It is a fact that in the upper storeys of the G.M.B. a group of undergraduates hold regular meetings at dead of night which are enlivened by weird tribal chants, drumbeats and incantatians. It is not known whether the purpose : These anti-social activities are not of these meetings is religious or political, but they are a constant cause of disturb- confined to the pious. Revels of a more ance bo othe~ inhabitants of this area. It frivolous nature also ’occur regularly in is understood that complaints are being the Bay. Under the cover of a heavy made to the Junior Dean. nicotine smokescreen, the " Greek Syndi- INSOMNIA cate " of Trinity organise large-scale Mr. R. Granleese, Captain of the Boat gambling. Many a green young Freshman Club, when interviewed, complained finds himself in strained financial cir- about the outrageous impropriety ~f cumstances after a few lessons from those who had no respect for other these practised continental gamblers. people’s sleep. In his official capacity These, however, are, by necessity, he is in constant training and in need much more discreet in their activities of adequate rep~)se. " Late last night," than the "wild party" rouees, whose disturbances begin with their arrival he said, "I. was woken by loud bang- back from the " bona-tides " in noisy ings. This is becoming an all too fre- quent occurrence. It is not that I object sports cars around 1.30 in the morning. to religious practices, but I think they The orgies s~on get under way, and the should be confined to more civilised night is made hideous by the cacophony of bibulous choruses, breaking glass, and hours." the crash of missiles projected from third-storey windows. Any attempt to remonstrate with these rowdies i,s met by insulting gibes and even occasional EASTMANS violence, which is only terminated by the belated arrival of the College LTD. porters. On one occasion a quiet and inoffensive student returning from a From the spring collection of Sybil Connolly meeting of the Mission had a bucket of PURVEYORS OF stale stout emptied over him. (See exclusive article on page 2) HIGH-CLASS MEAT DRUNKEN OUTRAGES All too frequently the neighbouring to make regular visits to the Bay to on the conduct of the individual student, streets are roused by adolescent students interview the usual suspects. and it is to be hoped that the zeal, It is with great reluctance that engendered by the good work of the returning home over the railings in an Missioners will have a restraining in- Suppliers to Trinity College alcoholic condition, bearing ill-gotten " Trinity News " finds it necessary to troph’es belonging to the Corpvration. rep,ort these unhappy incidents. The fluence on the wilder elements in The Garda Siochanna find it necessary good name of the College is dependent College. -...- . ¯ ...... TRINITY CRITICS ARE -Me e t ANSWERED 1’ / at the The Pastoral letter for the diocese of Although Trinity was originally the Dublin is but one incident in a cold war product of Empire, it is now Irish and that has been waged against Trinity for feels it should be given a grant in many years. This smear campaign accordance wkh its national status. The brands Trinity as anti-Irish, anti- Government could well afford to do this METROPOLE Catholic, anti-social and anti everythiflg if they can spend £250,000 on a horse. else. Worst of all, College admits Every petty .act ~)f vandalism by a Centre of the City’s Englishmen. Trinity student is made an excuse to But the British element in College is damn Trinity outright. For example, quiet and well behaved--quite nauseat- the Bowl of Fire incident, committed Entertainment ingly so. They would rather fail Littlego solely for aesthetic reas’ons, caused a than cause a disturbance. Even 9n torrent of abuse in letters to the Press ¯ Coronation day, when English student;s which described it as " wilful destruc- LUXURIOUS BALLROOM had their rooms ransacked for Union Jacks, they didn’t raise a finger in pro- tion," " those Trinity students again," ¯ POPULAR RESTAURANT " anti-Irish activity," and so on. Some test. Quite apart from the immaculate people even believed a British student behaviour of Englishmen in College, was responsible. ¯ SILVER GRILL ¯ LONG BAR foreigners are to be found in all univer- s’ties to-day, U.C.D. included, and pro- Considering Trinity is practically the vided they are all as servile as their bread and butter of this city, patronis- __Smartest English counterparts, there should be ing as it does so many of its noble in- no cause for alarm. As there are stitutions, i.e., Jammet’s, Lincoln’s Inn fashion numerous Africans in College to-day, and the Four Provinces Ballroom, in for the it is as absurd to call College an out- addition to being the leading attraction post of British Imperialism as it is to to An TSstal visitors, one feels a more College Girl call it an outpost of Mau Mau. liberal attitude should be adopted. Raincoats... super Egyptian Cotton Gaberdine, Lined throughout with all wool tartan. In serviceable olive Est. 1908 shade . .. price ................................. 7 GUINEAS Two piece Suits . hand tailored for your immediate wear, in genuine Irish Thornproof Tweeds. A complete range of fittings and colours await your inspection.. , Gentlemen’s Tailors and Outfitters price ............................................. 15 GUINEAS 18 & 19 YVicklow Street, Dulbin February 24, 1955 2 TRINITY NEWS A FEW FASHION HINTS Bj~ Sybil Connolg To many women, money spent on fashion is a guilty matter. The possession of a good wardrobe is re- garded as a sign of frivolity. They tend TRINITY NEWS to th nk of clothes’ money as what is SOCIAL CIRCULAR left over after the housekeeping bills The wedding between Mr. Guy Chairman -- D. OWEN-FLOOD have been paid. They refuse to accept D’Olier and Heather Fitzgerald has Secretary -- MISS R. LEWIS the fact that they must spend a certain taken place. Also between Mr. FrarLk amount of money to be well dressed, McGuinness and Miss Catherine Ellis. Editors : just as they must spend money to be H. HARMSWORTH, R. SOUTHCOMBE well read. They may enjoy and admire Business Managers : fashion intensively, but they .%n’t reel The following have honoured College C. TITE, L. A. RUBEN, M. STEIN it’s for them. " Too expensive," "I could with a visit:- The Editorial Board do not accept any responsi- never wear that," are just two of the The Rev. Michael Fisher, S.S.F. bility for views expressed by correspondents. reasons they give themselves. Miss Miggsy Martin in a bobbetty Trinity News welcomes news items, correspon- They long to be well dressed--what cap. dence and articles, which should be sent to ~voman doesn’t -- but they will not Mr. Scan McBride, T.D., S.C. TRINITY NEWS. 3 TRINITY COLLEGE. All realise that it takes a little effort to achieve that well-dressed look. A little Dr. Dudley Edwards. such items should be typed, or written legibly, on The McIlhagga of the McIlhaggas. one side of the paper only. effort to study and plan their wardrobe, For advertising space in this newspaper apply so that the first day of spring sunshine the Advertising Manager- TRINITY NEWS, 3 doesn’t find them bushing out to buy a Beelzebub has left College on a TRINITY COLLEGE. new suit, or c~at, without any pre- mission. conceived ideas of what they are looking Mr. Jonathan Taylor still gets into for; what is going to suit them best, College parties. Vol. 2 TRINITY NEWS No. 10 and, consequently, taking the first or THURSDAY, 24TH FF~BRUARY, 1955 Mr. William G. Fuge, like the other second garment they try on because they --Photo courtesy of Evening Mail. sinners, is very busy. " cannot be bothered " or they have left Mr. Hakim T. Adamjee received only PROGRESS ? it to the last moment, and the spring This week "Trinity News" h~s one Valentine. " T~ pleasure in presenting Miss Sybil O at long last Cambridge has will be here and gone if they don’t take Miss Paddy Gold has been seen in dead,’ this one here and now. Connolly as guest contributer. Sybil Messrs. Switzers. Miss . S ’followed in the footsteps of the No, to be well dressed one. must invest Connolly has created for herself a intere " Liz." In the very tavern where it’s in fashion, not just a little money, unique position in the international its m but a good deal o£ thought and careful w o r ld of fashion. She is the J.D. AGAIN stead3 male protagonist originated, a Cam- planning. foremost dress designer in Dublin. By num’b~ brid ge Women’s Union has been brought The middle of February must have her courage and conviction in Irish " Iris Oigifuil " announces that Dr. societ: to light. This in its way i,s going to be seen you studying the fashion maga- fashion and fabrics, Ireland is now one Fitzroy Pyle has been re-appointed to must zines, which have been giving the of the leaders in the design of women’s the Censorship of Publications Appeal itself a wonderful institution.
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