Re-Imagining Water in Western Sydney Western Sydney Regional Master Plan
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Re-imagining water in Western Sydney Western Sydney Regional Master Plan March 2020 This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. Foreword Acknowledgment A message from Paul Plowman Sydney Water acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands It is an eciting and proud moment to release the rst ever Western that include the Western Sydney Region and the living culture of the Sydney Regional Master Plan – Re-imagining water in Western Sydney, traditional custodians of these lands. Sydney Water recognises that developed in partnership with ke stakeholders in the region the traditional owners have occupied and cared for this Country over nprecedented investment in Western Sdne is driving an eciting countless generations and celebrates their continuing contribution to transformation centred around reater Sdnes new second international airport B Western Sdnes population is the life of Western Sydney. forecast to double reaching a total population of million he Western Sdne Regional Master Plan proect has been a collaborative effort between Sdne Water Re-valuing the vast volumes of stormwater and wastewater ensuring Aecom Aurecon oint enture AA and Marsden acob Associates ever drop of water is being put to its best use will help us ensure we have enough resources to service a growing Sdne Sdne Water would also like to thank the following organisations who have participated in the development of this Master Plan Without sufcient water the Western Parkland Cit the reater Sdne Commissions vision for a cit centred on the Western Sdne Airport • Blacktown Cit Council • awkesbur Cit Council is hard to imagine coming to fruition in what is the hottest and driest part of Sdne We forecast that between and percent more • Camden Council • he ills Shire Council water will be needed • Campbelltown Cit Council • Infrastructure SW So right now we must ask ourselves as Sdnes landscape changes • Department of Infrastructure Transport • Landcom and resources become scarcer due to climate change: what can we Cities and Regional Development do differently? • iverpool Cit Council • Department of Planning Industr and Re-imagining water in Western Sydney outlines the choices we have nvironment DPI • Penrith Cit Council toda and tomorrow to follow the path towards an integrated water future to keep water in the landscape and bring about whole-of- • nvironment Protection Authorit • Water SW communit benets • aireld Cit Council • Western Sdne Airport Co I look forward to continuing this work with the communit to ensure the • Western Sdne Parklands rust right services are delivered at the right time ensuring our customers • ormer fce of nvironmental eritage eno affordable and resilient water services that will help shape a now part of DPI • Western Sdne Regional rganisation greener cooler and dnamic new cit • ormer Department of Primar Industries of Councils now part of DPI • Wollondill Shire Council • overnment Architect SW • reater Sdne Commission Paul Plowman General Manager, iveable Cities Solutions Data disclaimer: the analsis in this report is based on data This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. Sydney Water is re-imagining water in Western Sydney through its Western Sydney Regional Master Plan, a first for Sydney. It supports Sydney Water’s vision to create a better life with world class water services and also supports the NSW Government’s vision of the Western Parkland City.1 What is the Western he Master Plan does this b looking at the urban water ccle as a whole eploring the broader value of water for communit benet and setting long term direction to positivel respond to future challenges and opportunities It goes beond essential water servicing to consider integrate and understand the Sydney Regional economic value of water for shaping building greening and cooling a new Western Cit he Master Plan guides Sdne Waters net steps in planning and delivering for Western Sdne ngagement with government stakeholders has been central to the development of the Master Plan Master Plan? Stakeholders from a number of ederal and SW government agencies and Western Sdne local councils have been involved in workshops to help Sdne Water shape the Master Plan at ke stages he stakeholders broadl ranged from planning infrastructure environment resource and land management and development sectors he Master Plans vision developed in collaboration with our stakeholders is “Our customers enjoy aordable and essential water services, healthy waterways and vibrant, cool and green places.” SW / Sdne Water All rights reserved An artist impression of the Western Parkland Cit centred around South Creek Wianamatta where integrated planning delivers a cit which reimagines liveabilit he master plan considers four alternative servicing pathwas and highlights the important role water plas in delivering a more liveable Western Parkland Cit he master plan sets a new direction for servicing Western Sdne nding that an adaptable and integrated water ccle management approach delivers the greatest economic value for the region over a conventional servicing approach 1 reater Sdne Commission reater Sdne Region Plan https//wwwgreatersdne/metropolis-of-three-cities South Creek Wianamatta is a dual name creek that forms part of the awkesbur-epean catchment Wianamatta from the Dharug language means Mother Place 1 This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. North West Growth Area Metro North West Corridor Greater Penrith to Eastern Creek Urban Investigation Area Penrith a a t t t t a a m m a he Master Plan stud area focuses on the SW overnments n a growth areas across Western Sdne from the orth West i Parramatta W Western Sydney rowth Area the new Aerotropolis rowth Area to the South – – Employment Area k k West rowth Area in the south A maor tributar of the e e e e awkesbur epean River South Creek Wianamatta is the r r C C Sydney connecting spine linking the growth areas It is worth noting a h h t t CBD u u lot of work across overnment is happening across Western o o S S Sdne he gure above highlights the boundaries for the Master Plan in relation to the reater Sdne Commissions SC district plan and SW overnments South Creek Sector Review denoted b the South Creek Wianamatta Western Catchment Boundar Sydney Airpo Western Sydney Legend Aerotropolis Liverpool Western Sdne Parklands rowth and mploment areas South West Growth Area Western Sdne Regional Master Plan Stud Area SC Collaboration areas South Creek Wianamatta Catchment Boundar Campbelltown SC Western Sdne District Boundar Sdne Water Area of peration 2 3 This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. This report has been prepared for planning and discussion purposes only. No decisions have been made. Why Western Sydney? The NSW Government through the Greater Sydney Commission envisages Greater Sydney as a metropolis of three cities; the Western Parkland City, the Central River City, and the Eastern Harbour City founded on the principles of liveability, productivity and sustainability.3 Challenges and opportunities in Western Sdne present a case to manage water differentl Re-imagining and dening the was in which water is valued used and managed and how water services are provided will be vital to delivering the Western Parkland Cit Along with servicing growth the Master Plan takes an adaptive approach to respond to multiple opportunities, challenges and complexities including: Climate Unprecedented Pressures on Urban planning Environmental Water security Western Sdne is a hot infrastructure waterway health Western Sdnes population regulation Australia is in the grip of one of dr place with a temperature is forecast to double b the most crippling droughts in increase of -C during investment here will be more pressure reaching a total population of Minimising nutrients and recent histor ong dr spells on the sensitive waterwas of managing ows in the etreme heat events compared he Australian and SW million Much of this growth are likel to increase as the to Sdnes east coast In the awkesbur-epean River will occur in currentl rural awkesbur-epean effects of climate change make overnments have partnered sstem including South Creek South Creek Wianamatta Sdnes west eperienced to deliver the Western Sdne or semi-rural areas his will themselves felt with increased das over C and even Wianamatta as the cits urban make the shift in current and tributaries will be important likelihood and duration of drought Cit Deal with over billion in footprint continues to expand as more stringent nutrient loads hotter and drier conditions are investment committed for the land-use planning a must to conditions his threat affects the epected in the coming decades and demand for public access maimise integrated water are set under environment resilience of Western Sdnes construction of Western Sdne to waterwas increases protection licences over time Airport and other cataltic ccle management principles water suppl which currentl infrastructure that will unlock depends on adequate rainfall in opportunities in education, the Warragamba Dam catchment business and emploment reater Sdne Commission reater Sdne Region Plan https//wwwgreatersdne/metropolis-of-three-cities 4 5 This report has been prepared for planning and