12 13 Somercotes 2016-2017 STANDARD DaisyNathanael Baxter-Rawson Fisher celebrating and sister his excellentAmy celebrate GCSE herresults’. GCSE results. EXCEPTIONAL GCSE RESULTS SomercotesSomercotes AcademyAcademy Principal ExecutiveCaroline Yates Principal ALSO INSIDE: Martin Brown, BA (Hons) DORADO HOUSE RAIN CANNOT Executive Principal BRINGS HOME TROPHY DAMPEN SPIRITS AT ChiefMartin Executive Brown, BA (Hons) David J Hampson, OBE, BSc, BA. EVERYONE AT SPORTS DAY YEAR 11 PROM Tollbar MAT Chief Executive CELEBRATES KeelingDavid J StreetHampson, OBE, BSc, BA. North Somercotes, Louth ON YEAR 11 LincolnshireKeeling Street LN11North 7PN Somercotes, Louth SomercotesSomercotes AcademyAcademy isis partpart ofof thethe LEAVERS DAY Lincolnshire TollbarTollbar Multi-AcademyMulti-Academy TrustTrust Tel:LN11 01507 7PN 358 352 WhilstWhilst the the contents contents of of Somercotes Somercotes Academy Academy Standard Standard are are considered considered correct correct 01507
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