290 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, APRIL 2012 A Survey of Communication Sub-systems for Intersatellite Linked Systems and CubeSat Missions Paul Muri, Janise McNair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida P.O. Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Email: pmuri@ufl.edu,
[email protected]fl.edu Abstract— Intersatellite links or crosslinks provide direct section III. In section IV, open research issues such as connectivity between two or more satellites, thus eliminating internet protocol layering, delay tolerant networking lay- the need for intermediate ground stations when sending ering, radio frequency allocation, optical communications, data. Intersatellite links have been considered for satellite constellation missions involving earth observation and com- applications, and orbital properties are analyzed. munications. Historically, a large satellite system has needed an extremely high financial budget. However, the advent of II. INTERSATELLITE LINKING COMMUNICATION the successful CubeSat platform allows for small satellites of less than one kilogram. This low-mass pico-satellite class SUB-SYSTEMS platform could provide financially feasible support for large Intersatellite links have appeared in certain large plat- platform satellite constellations. This article surveys past form satellite constellations for over 30 years. Exam- and planned large intersatellite linking systems. Then, the article chronicles CubeSat communication subsystems used ples of these large communication relay constellations historically and in the near future. Finally, we examine the include TDRSS and Iridium. More recently, CubeSats history of inter-networking protocols in space and open have changed the communication philosophy from long- research issues with the goal of moving towards the next range point-to-point propagations to a multi-hop network generation intersatellite-linking constellation supported by of small orbiting nodes [2].