Universiteit Leiden

Annual Report Institute for History Matulessy, E.P. Meel, P.J.J.


Doelensteeg 16, 2311 VL Leiden Institute for History Annual Report 2014


© Institute for History, 2015 www.hum.leiden.edu/history


Table of contents Page

1. Introduction 3 2. Boards and Committees 6 3. The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD) 7 4. Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1000-1800 22 5. Political Culture and National Identities 48 6. Colonial and Global History 85 7. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 122 8. Research Master Programme 157 9. PhD Programme 157 10. Graduate Seminars 158 11. Members 160


1. Introduction

Introduction In 2014, the Institute for History took effort to effectively promote the Horizon 2020 programme among its members. Although the staff of the Institute is familiar with several of the funding schemes covered by this programme they have less experience with some of the new instruments that have recently been introduced. A workshop was organized to acquaint the staff more thoroughly with the opportunities connected to these instruments.

A follow-up to the investigation carried out last year the Institute developed a new didactical course for PhD candidates in close consultation with staff members and representatives of the PhD’s. Starting in 2015 the new course will be offered to all PhD candidates employed by the Institute.

In terms of research funding in 2014 the Institute was less successful in obtaining grants compared to the number and size of the subsidies awarded to the Institute’s staff in previous years. Aiming at a yearly two million euros external funding it was clear that in the past year this target had not been met. Whether a temporary dip in income or not the management team is confident that many of its colleagues will successfully participate in upcoming funding competitions.

Horizon 2020 For the Institute for History NWO is still a major player in the field of research funding. Although it is not to be expected that this will change in the near future, in the course of the years EU funding has become increasingly important. Staff members have managed to benefit from subsidies awarded in the context of the Marie Curie Fellowship programme and the ERC starting and advanced grant schemes. These opportunities are prolonged within the Horizon 2020 programme under the heading Excellent Science. A new component of this programme consists of the possibility to submit collaborative projects. Labelled as Societal Challenges researchers are invited to address questions connected to a number of much debated issues. For historians two challenges seem to be of particular interest: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, and Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.

Together with LURIS the Institute on 31 January organized a meeting to discuss the Societal challenges component of Horizon 2020. Proposals were presented by staff members and commented upon by colleagues. Background information was provided and practicalities were explained by LURIS. A number of aspects were considered: the possibility to match curiosity driven research with policy oriented outcomes meaningful for European societies; the amount of funding to be gained in relation to the time and energy invested in the preparation of a proposal and the management of a project; the success rate of proposals submitted in EU-wide competitions and the need to optimize chances and reduce transaction costs. All attendants agreed that the Societal Challenges window offers interesting opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across Europe in a fruitful way. There was consensus on departing from existing networks when building consortia, taking a deliberate decision if one is invited to participate in a collaborative project and considering carefully the role one wishes to take up in such a project (f.e. that of principal investigator).

Didactical course for PhD candidates Based of insights and experiences of staff members and PhD’s and following lengthy discussions a new in-house didactical course for PhD candidates was designed. The aim of this course is to provide PhD’s with a short introduction to the Leiden University history programme, the type of courses that are offered and the way the programme is structured. Moreover, the course is meant to acquaint PhD’s with the practice of teaching by way of reading literature, making assignments and being involved in a co-teaching series. The latter implies that PhD’s will be teamed up with senior lecturers and will accompany them while teaching a class over the course of one semester. The PhD’s will teach at least two sessions in this series. The learning outcome and final attainment level of the didactical course is that PhD candidates who have successfully completed the course are capable of independently teaching a class at the BA-level. The didactical course is a compulsory part of the PhD training programme and will be taught by senior lecturers of the Institute from 2015.


Appointments and awards Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, research fellow at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main Stefano Bellucci, appointed senior lecturer in African History Nele Beyens, winner of the G.A. Lindeboom award for medical history

Research funding The research proposals that obtained funding from outside Leiden University are listed below:

NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen Tristan Mostert (supervisors: Ben Schoenmaker and Jos Gommans) The wars between VOC and Makassar (1634-1669): A study in integrative global military history € 200.000

NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen Jaap Ligthart (supervisor: Peter Hoppenbrouwers) The demise of the domain € 200.000

Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde (RDO) Balije van Utrecht Jerem van Duijl (supervisors: Peter Hoppenbrouwers and Hans Mol) Bezitsgeschiedenis van het Duitse Huis en de Balije van Utrecht, 1231-1619 € 169.000

Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie (NIMH) Frank Bethlehem (supervisor: Ben Schoenmaker) Geschiedschrijving grensbewaking € 180.000

Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie (NIMH) Johan van de Worp (supervisor: Ben Schoenmaker) Uitgevoerde grensbeveiliging en bewakingstaken 1830-2014 € 180.000

NWO Zwaartekracht (Anchoring Innovation: A research agenda leading to a Gravitation proposal in 2016) Luuk de Ligt and Ineke Sluiter (LUCAS) Rodrigo Ferrari Nunes (postdoctoral researcher for one year; supervisor Frits Naerebout) Culture contact: a social science critique of recent work in ancient history and classical archaeology € 60.000

NWO Free Competition Programme Judith Pollmann and Henk te Velde The persistence of civic identities in the , 1747-1848 € 678.304

Total € 1.667.304

In addition the Institute for History could organize a free competition for PhD candidates by itself. Following a careful selection process the Institute was able to award two junior scholars an AIO- position. Following a similar procedure four postdoctoral researchers were offered a contract for six months to prepare a grant proposal.

Research output Out of the many scholarly publications that came out this year a number of monographs stood out

Bos, D., Bloed en barricaden. De Parijse Commune herdacht. : Wereldbibliotheek. A critical inquiry into the memory formation by generations of socialists, communists and anarchists with regard to the Paris Commune


Dassen, P.G.C., Sprong in het duister. Duitsland en de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam: Van Oorschot. Carefully written and myth-busting study about Germany and the First World War covering the 1910- 1923 period

Heijden, M.P.C. van der, Misdadige vrouwen. Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker Thought provoking examination of early modern female criminals in Holland paying particular attention to their lives, deeds and convictions

Meel, P.J.J., Man van het moment. Een politieke biografie van Henck Arron. Amsterdam: Prometheus/Bert Bakker Biography of a prolific politician and driving force behind Suriname’s independence based on a plethora of new data sources

Pargas, D.A., Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South. New York: Cambridge University Press Scrupulous review of domestic forced migration of American-born slaves in the South between 1820 and 1860 and their adaptation to their new homes

Singor, H.W., Constantijn en de christelijke revolutie in het Romeinse Rijk. Amsterdam: Ambo-Anthos. Elaborate study of Constantine the Great and the revolution he started turning classic Greek-Roman culture into Christian culture and founding Constantinople as the new capital of the Roman empire

Stein, R., De hertog en zijn Staten. De eenwording van de Bourgondische Nederlanden, ca. 1380-ca. 1480. Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen no. 146. Hilversum: Verloren A thorough analysis of the process of unification and political renewal of the Netherlands as instigated by the Dukes of Burgundy

Touwen, L.J., Coordination in Transition. The Netherlands and the World Economy, 1950-2010. Brill, Library of Economic History no. 5. Leiden: Brill A comprehensive investigation into the evolution of the complex institutional structure of the Dutch political economy since 1950

Dr. P.J.J. Meel Director of Research


2. Board and Committees Board Institute for History

Till September 15, 2014 Prof. Dr. L.A.C.J. Lucassen (chair) Dr. J.A. Augusteijn (director of education) Dr. P.J.J. Meel (director of research) Ms. R.J. Wensma (institute manager)

From September 15, 2014 Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt (chair) Dr. J.A. Augusteijn (director of education) Dr. P.J.J. Meel (director of research) Ms. R.J. Wensma (institute manager)

Advisory Council Prof. Dr. J.F.J. Duindam Prof. Dr. A. Fairclough Prof. Dr. A.W.M. Gerrits Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt Dr. F.G. Naerebout Prof. Dr. J.S. Pollmann Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross Prof. Dr. M.L.J.C. Schrover Prof. Dr. P. Silva Prof. Dr. H. te Velde Ms. E.P.M. Zwinkels MA (PhD member)

Institute Council The Institute Council comprises all members of the Institute

PhD Council Ms. J.M. Kamp, MA, chair (till September 15, 2014) J.J.S. van den Tol, chair (from September 15, 2014) Members: all PhD students and external PhD students

Office R.C. de Jong Ms. P.Z. de Groot Ms. E.P. Matulessy Ms. M.C.E. van Wissen-van Staden


3. The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD) Description Antiquity, stretching from the end of Prehistory up to and including the appearance of religions with universal aspirations – such as, for instance, Christianity – was the first period in world history to witness the development of inter-local and later inter-regional networks of interaction. This occurred in the first instance in Mesopotamia and Egypt, and later also on the Indian subcontinent and in China. Later still, this phenomenon became visible in the Mediterranean Region. The Leiden section specializing in Ancient History concentrates on the study of Graeco-Roman cultures within the Mediterranian Region, which culminated in the great empires of Alexander the Great and his successors. The appearance of these empires led to the development of an interaction network that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean in the West to Afghanistan in the East. Shortly afterwards, these Greek empires were incorporated into the Roman Empire, the first (and last) pan- Mediterranean empire in world history. These processes of interaction and expansion brought along with them numerous transformations at local and regional level. As a result, all parties involved, including the conquerors, were forced to find a new equilibrium in the political, social, economic, ideological and religious domains. Many of these developments have parallels in the modern world. The results of modern globalization may well be new and unique, but the process as such can easily be compared with the integration and homogenization processes taking place in the Greek and Roman world.

Themes such as local particularism versus uniformity, the economic effects of the appearance of ‘world empires’ and the tensions between cultural imperialism and the resistance to it, have direct counterparts in the modern era. This does not mean that we can simply project our modern relations, concepts and problems onto the antique world. Rather, a detailed study of the Greek monarchies and the Roman Empire reveals a number of differences compared to later periods that are at least as interesting as the similarities. It is undeniably true that the empires to be studied displayed a number of ‘modern’ features, such as a close network of cities, a complex social structure, a lively inter-regional trade, an advanced legal system and, particularly in Late Antiquity, a developing bureaucracy. In contrast to this, other features are less recognizably modern, for instance the great importance accorded to the accumulation of money and goods using political means, patronage networks and the high degree of freedom for local elites to appropriate for themselves primarily agrarian surpluses. If we consider the administrative aspects of the great Mediterranean empires, we find an intriguing mix of ambitious ideological claims and limited practical objectives. On the one hand, the rulers of ancient empires revered the ideal of an unlimited, universal dominion. On the other hand, in these empires, the exercise of power was based to a large extent on collaboration with local elites, who were granted a high degree of administrative freedom. Partially due to this fact, these empires provided room for a multitude of local laws, cultures and religions. From a modern perspective, the Roman exercise of power can thus be termed ‘extensive’. The economic, social and cultural transformation set in motion as a result of the interaction and integration processes mentioned earlier cannot be understood adequately unless we take into consideration these and other essential characteristics of ancient empires. Incidentally, the lack of a central administrative style in the great Graeco-Roman empires was also ‘abnormal’ from the perspective of some other pre-industrial empires. For instance, the Chinese empire of the Han dynasty, a contemporary of the Roman empire, has a much larger, centralised bureaucratic system which left much less opportunity for any form of local or regional self- government. Curiously, almost no research has so far been carried out into the origins and historical implications of these types of contrasts. The choice in favour of the research profile sketched above takes into consideration a number of methodological and technical assumptions that have contributed to the recent success of the Leiden Ancient History section. One of these assumptions is that the study of ancient societies must to a large extent be based on the comparative method. Secondly, the Ancient History section aims to study the ‘unification of the Mediterranean Region’ by making extensive use of inscriptions, papyri and legal texts. The Leiden expertise in this area is unique from a national perspective, and very rare, to say the least, worldwide. A third assumption is that in the study of the Graeco-Roman world, unilateral approaches, either solely from the social-economic perspective, or from the perspective of the history of mentality must be avoided. In order to make the research programme outlined above more concrete, a number of research areas have been defined, which will

7 play a central role in future research. First of all, research will focus on the transformation of economic life in the Mediterranean Region – including motherland Italy – as a result of the development and continued existence of a pan-Mediterranean Roman Empire. A clear example of this research area is the VICI project on Peasants, citizens and soldiers: the effects of demographic growth in Roman Republican Italy (201-88 BC) began in 2004. A second important area for research focuses on the transformation of urban life and urban culture in the great Mediterranean empires. In line with the previously mentioned assumptions, research in this area will focus primarily on those areas for which a large number of documentary sources are available. A good example is the research on the cities of Asian Minor from the conquests of Alexander the Great to the ‘Third Century Crisis’. Finally, attention will be given to the transformation of religion, mentality and cultural identity. Research in this field will focus on unifying tendencies within religion. A concrete example is the emergence of so-called ‘universalistic cults’ from the 4th century BC onwards. In addition, attention will clearly be paid to the expansion of Christianity, a process that led to an unprecedented religious homogenization of the Mediterranean Region in the course of the 4th century AD. Although the Ancient History section aims to include a broad spectrum of social phenomena in its research, the focus on the political unification of the Mediterranean Region and the attendant processes of change guarantees a high degree of coherence. In addition, this ensures the creation of a research profile that is attractive on a national and international level, as well as being specifically recognizable as a Leiden product. Finally, this choice of research focus creates a solid basis for collaboration between the Ancient History section and fellow historians in the Leiden History Department, since much research carried out in other sections focuses on closely related problems, such as political, economic and cultural expansion, migration and globalization.


Ms. Dr. K. Beerden Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance April 3 : Colloquium ‘L’alimentation et le temps qu’il fait’. Title of presented paper: ‘The Anthesteria and intercalation: a possible proxy-indicator?’, Paris, France

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Staff member editorial board of Leidschrift

Membership of boards and committees Board member Dutch Future Society Exam committee History Leiden University (until 15 October 2014) OLC History Leiden University OLC GLTC Leiden University (until 15 October 2014) OLC OCMW Leiden University (until 15 October 2014)

Advisory and coordinating activities MA-coordinator Ancient History BA-coordinator Ancient History Secretary Ancient History

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Shanshan Wen, Leiden University, co-promoter, Title: ‘Communal Dining in the Roman West’

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May 28: Interview in article Theo Toebosch, NRC Handelsblad June 1: Interview Tros Nieuwsshow Radio 1


Coordinator (with Stefan Penders) of Ancient History Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/AncientHistoryLeiden Use of Twitter: KimBeerden Blogs about teaching and ICT on my website www.kimbeerden.nl June: Column Ifthenisnow.nl ‘Vetgemeste hap bij de Romeinen: slakken en relmuizen’

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 5: Talk Student Society Prometheus: ‘Ancient oracles’, Leiden February 11: Talk LAPP-TOP: ‘Innovation in religion: Asclepius’, Leiden March 2: Talk Museum Jeugd Universiteit (MJU): ‘How did you celebrate your birthday in antiquity?’, Leiden March 10: Talk for ‘Kennis op straat: ‘Lieve goden, wat moet ik doen?’, May: Talk on Asclepius for St. Maartenscollege, Voorburg May 31: Talk on divination for Student Society Pleyte, Leiden June 1: Talk at Romeinenfestival 2014: ‘Fattening animals in ancient Rome’, Nijmegen October: Member Essayjury VeerStichting Symposium Bevrijd van Zekerheid, Leiden October 9: Workshop ‘Dealing with Uncertainty’, VeerStichting Symposium Bevrijd van Zekerheid, Leiden November 10: Talk on ‘Life of Brian’ for student society HSVL, Leiden November 15: Workshop Zandvlietcollege Den Haag: ‘What did the ancient Greeks and Romans eat?’

Awards Nominated for Carla Musterd prize for teaching

Publications Beerden, K. Ancient Greek futures: Diminishing uncertainties by means of divination, Futures 60: 23-29 Beerden, K. [Review of : Georgoudi S., Koch Piettre R., Schmidt F. (2012) La Raison des signes. Présages, rites, destin dans les sociétés de la Méditerranée ancienne.] The Journal of Hellenic Studies 134 Beerden, K. [review: Laes, C. e.a. ed. (2013), Disabilities in Roman antiquity. Disparate bodies a capite ad calcem] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(1): 137-138

Other activities June: Short interview on use of social media as part of Blended Learning, FGW.nu, special ‘prestatieafspraken Leiden University’ November 14: Talk (with Wouter Linmans) about the use of Facebook for didactic purposes for faculty meeting about teaching With Anna Tijsseling and Henk Kern: development of course ‘Didactical Skills for PhD students in History’

Ms. Dr. L.M.G.F.E. Claes Research 0.6 fte till June 0.7 fte from June till December

Conference attendance May 16: CRASIS Ancient World Seminar, RU Groningen. Title of presented paper: ‘Emperors and Ancestors: the creation of an imperial image’

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. May 9: Respondent OIKOS at the PhD/ResMa day, University of Utrecht, for Leike Meulenbroek: ‘The Parthian shot – The cause and effect of the coinage of Mithradates I of Parthia’ Anonymous referee for the Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie 160 (2014) for the article of Alex Imrie


Publications Claes, L.M.G.F.E. ‘A note on the coin type selection by the a rationibus’ in Latomus: Revue d'Etudes Latines 73(1): 163-173 Claes, L.M.G.F.E. Review van L. Claes (2013), ‘Kinship and Coins. Ancestors and Family on Roman Imperial Coinage under the Principate’ in Mnemosyne 67 Claes, L.M.G.F.E. ‘Romeinse munten in de antieke literatuur’ in Maandblad voor Numismatiek (2014) 101-106; 136-141; 170-176 Hekster, O., Claes, L., Manders, L., Slootjes, D., Klaassen, Y. & Haan, N. de ‘Nero’s Ancestry and the Construction of Imperial Ideology in the Early Empire. A Methodological Case Study’, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 1(4): 7-21

Dr. D. Donev Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance May: Mediterranean Survey Workshop; CORES, ancient demography. Title of presented paper: ‘Determining settlement size from secondary sources’ Vienna, Austria November: Mediterranean Survey Workshop; CORES, ancient demography. Title of presented paper: ‘The urban population of the western Balkans during the Principate’, Leiden

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Skopje, Macedonia and Sofia, Bulgary Purpose of trip: library studies abroad Period: January and May, 3 weeks each

Publications Donev, D. Campus Argestaeus: The chronology, extent and organization of settlement in the survey area. Haemus II: 89-111; Donev, D. A few examples of open Late Antique settlements from the Middle Vardar. In ed. M. Panov, Days of Justinian I (an international symposium). Skopje: Euro Balkan Date of defence: 24 September 2014 Thesis: ‘Rural Landscaped along the Vardar valley’, Archeology, Promotor: Prof.dr. J. L. Bintliff

Dr. M. Flohr Research 0.75 fte

Conference attendance September 22-24: Convegno internazionale su Ostia Antica, Rome, Accademia Belgica. Title of presented paper ‘Building tabernae along Ostia’s western decumanus’ November 7-8: Public and Private in the Roman House, Institutum Finlandiae, Rome. Title of presented paper ‘Shops, workshops and the commercialisation of private space: the case of Pompeii’

Conference organization Preparatory work for a conference 'Urbanizing Environments in the Roman World - Italy and Beyond' that will take place in June 2015

Research leave, home and abroad


Destination: Central Italy Purpose of trip: field trip, visited: Norba, Minturnae, Paestum, Grumentum, Venosa, Herdonia, Saepinum, Pietrabbondante, Iuvanum, Alba Fucens, Fregellae, Lucus Feroniae, Carsulae, Bolsena, Rusellae, Cosa, Vulci Length of stay: seventeen days Period: May 31-June 16

Destination: Central Italy Purpose of trip: fieldwork at Pompeii and Herculaneum Length of stay: seventeen days Period: July 11-27

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May: launch project blog: buildingtabernae.org

Written seven blogs: May 20: Starting a project blog, why? May 27: Moving beyond Pompeii and Ostia June 2: The City with No Shops June 10: Does this field trip make sense? September 7: Micro-Urbanism? On the towns of Roman Italy September 22: Costruire Tabernae November 28: Piketty in Pompeii Some of these posts were rather well-read Weekly column on ThePostOnline.nl, but it often deals with issues not related to my research at all, though I have occasionally discussed aspects of university policy/research funding/humanities: June 25: Absurdistisch overheidsbeleid nekt academische opleidingen September 10: Laat NWO meer kleine beurzen uitdelen October 29: Schaf die postdoctorale lerarenopleidingen maar gewoon af November 5: Uitgevers als Elsevier moeten langzaam uit de wetenschap verdwijnen November 26: Kabinet moet niet tornen aan onafhankelijkheid wetenschap Twitter: personal account (@mikoflohr; mainly Dutch) with 3025 followers professional account (@drflohr; English) with 360 followers. I discuss (and disseminate) my work via both channels

Publications Scholarly Flohr, M. ‘Towards an Economic History of Textile Manufacturing and Trade in the Roman World’. In: Dross- Krüpe, K. (Ed.) Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz

Popularising Flohr, M. Costruire tabernae: l'investimento commerciale nelle città dell'Italia romana, Forma Urbis (19.9): 42- 44 Flohr, M. De Economie van Romeins Italië. In: Hupperetz, W., Karper, O., Versluys, M.J., Naerebout, F.G. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins. 48-52

Other output Flohr, M. [Review of: Tran N. (2013) Dominus Tabernae. Le statut de travail des artisans et des commerçans de l'occident romain, Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome] Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014(10.09) Flohr, M. [Review of: Esposito A., Sanidas G. (2012) Quartiers artisanaux en Grèce ancienne. Une perspective méditerranéenne] The Journal of Hellenic Studies 134


Flohr, M. [Review of: Temin P. (2012) The Roman Market Economy, The Princeton Economic History of the Western World] Mnemosyne 67(4): 688-691 Flohr, M. Economy, Roman. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Heidelberg: Springer [entry in reference work] Flohr, M. [Review of: Hofmann-Salz J. (2011) Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria, Historia. Einzelschriften.] Gnomon : Kritische Zeitschrift fuer die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft 86(2): 151-155

Dr. M.S. Hobson Research 1.0 fte

Publications Hobson, M.S. A historiography of the study of the Roman economy: economic growth, development, and neoliberalism. In: Platts H., Pearce J., Barron C., Lundock J., Yoo J. (red.) TRAC 2013. Proceedings of the twenty-third theoretical Roman archaeology conference, King's College, London 2013. Oxford: Oxbow, 11-26

Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt Research 0.3 fte

Conference attendance April: IEMA Conference, ‘Inequality during the Roman Republic', Buffalo, U.S.A. May: 'Economic development and urban growth in Regio Decima', Venice, Italy November: 'Urbanisation and demographic growth North Italy during the early Empire', Rome, Italy

Publications Ligt, L. de ‘De bevolking van Romeins Italië’, W. Hupperz et al. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins (Amsterdam 2014), 26-30 Ligt, L. de ‘Livy 27.38 and the vacatio militiae of the maritime colonies’, in: T. Stek & J. Pelgrom (eds), Roman republican colonization. New perspectives from archaeology and ancient history (Rome 2014), 105- 119 Ligt, L. de Review: R.V. Lapyrionok, Der Kampf um die Lex Sempronia Agraria. Vom Zensus 125/124 v.Chr. bis zum Agrarprogramm des Gaius Gracchus, Bonn 2012, in: Latomus 2014 Ligt, L. de ‘Production, consumption and trade in the Roman Republic’, in D. Hammer (ed.), A Companion to Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic (Oxford 2014), 368-385 Ligt, L. de, Houten, P.H.A. & Willet, R. ‘An empire of 2000 cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire’, TMA jaargang 26, no. 52, 64

Dr. F.G. Naerebout Research 1.0 fte


Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editor of book series Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, published by Brill, Leiden

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad van het Nederlands Instituut te Athene

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Supervisor for three PhD candidates in the VIDI Research Group ‘Cultural Innovation in a Globalising Society: Egypt in the Roman World’, led by M.J. Versluys (Archaeology, Leiden University) M. Leemreize, Roman Perceptions of Egypt: the Literary Discourse E.M. Mol, The experience of Egypt in Roman domestic contexts M.E.J.J. van Aerde, Egypt and the Augustan Cultural Revolution: an interpretative archaeological overview

Co-promotor Stefan Penders, PhD candidate, History Department

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May 21: Talk in the National Museum of Antiquities. ‘Praestiti omnibus dignitate. Augustus: de eerste keizer en zijn imago’

Publications Scholarly Naerebout, F.G. Cuis regio, eius religio? Rulers and religious change in Greco-Roman Egypt. In: Briacult L., Versluys M.J. (Eds.) Power, politics and the cults of Isis. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Isis Studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, October 13-15, 2011 Religions in the Graeco-Roman world no. 180. Leiden: Brill, 36-61

Professional Naerebout, F.G. & Singor, H.W. Antiquity. Greeks and Romans in Context. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell Naerebout, F.G. & Singor, H.W. De Oudheid. Grieken en Romeinen in de context van de wereldgeschiedenis, 19de druk. Amsterdam: Ambo|Anthos

Popularising Kaper, O.E. & Naerebout, F.G. De gebouwde omgeving: de behuizing van mensen en goden in Egypte. In: Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F.G., Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) ‘Van Rome naar Romeins’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 123-128 Naerebout, F.G. Veel meer dan brood en spelen: vermaak en vrije tijd in Romeins Italië. In: Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F.G., Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) ‘Van Rome naar Romeins’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 156-162 Naerebout, F.G. & Versluys, M.J. Van Rome naar Romeins: de diversiteit van het Romeinse rijk. In: Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F.G., Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) ‘Van Rome naar Romeins’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 9-21 Kaper, O.E. & Naerebout, F.G. The houses of people and gods in Egypt. In: Hupperetz, W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F., Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) Keys to Rome. 123-127 Naerebout, F.G. & Versluys, M.J. Inleidingen. In: Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F.G., Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) ‘Van Rome naar Romeins’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 25, 47, 67, 91, 113, 135, 155


Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F. & Versluys, M.J. Keys to Rome Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle: WBooks Naerebout, F.G. More than bread and games: leisure and entertainment in Roman Italy. In: ‘Keys to Rome’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 156-162 Naerebout, F.G. & Versluys, M.J. Introductions. In: ‘Keys to Rome’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 25, 47, 67, 91, 113, 135, 155 Naerebout, F.G. & Versluys, M.J. From Rome to Roman: the diversity of the Roman Empire. In: ‘Keys to Rome’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 9-21

Other output Naerebout, F.G. Review of Joshua Billings, Felix Budelmann, Fiona Macintosh (Eds.), Choruses, Ancient and Modern. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.07.47 [Review of: Billings J., Budelmann F., Macintosh, F. (2013) Choruses, Ancient and Modern] Hupperetz, W., Kaper, O.E., Naerebout, F.G. & Versluys, M.J. (Eds.) ‘Van Rome naar Romeins’, Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum Naerebout, F.G. Review of Carolin Arlt & Martin Andreas Stadler (Eds.), Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.04.26 [Review of: Arlt C., Stadler M.A. (2013) Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike]

Dr. L.E. Tacoma Research 0.75 fte

Conference attendance January: colloquium ‘Moving Romans. Migration in the Roman world’. Introduction. Title of presented paper: ‘Moving Epigrams’ with R.A. Tybout, Rome, Italy

Conference organization January: colloquium ‘Moving Romans. Migration in the Roman world’, Dutch Institute, Rome, Italy. Role: (co-)organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Fellow at Royal Dutch Institute at Rome

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Guided tours for the Dutch community at Rome (Epigraphical Museum, Isola Sacra, S. Agnese)

Publications Oerlemans, A.P.A. and Tacoma, L.E. ‘Three great killers. Infectious diseases and patterns of mortality in imperial Rome’, Ancient Society 44

Scholarly Tacoma, L.E. Migrants quarters at Rome?. In: Kleijn G. de, Benoist S. (Eds.) Integration in Rome and the Roman world. Leiden - Boston: Brill. 127-146


Dr. R.A. Tybout Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January: colloquium ‘Moving Romans. Migration in the Roman world’. Introduction. Title of presented paper: ‘Moving Epigrams’ with L.E. Tacoma, Rome, Italy

Dr. R. Willet Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance April 24: (lectures serie 4 x 4 @ 4) ‘The cities of Roman Asia Minor or: How I learned to stop worrying and love disparate data’, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Conference organization May 3: International Mediterranean Survey Workshop 2014, ‘Tracing outlines in disparate data - the cities of Roman Asia Minor’, Ephesus Museum in Vienna (S. Groh), Austria. Role: organizer November 13: workshop ‘Population trends in ancient Asia Minor’ as part of the international CORES (Comparing regionality and sustainability in Pisidia, Boetia, Picenum and NW Gaul between Iron and Middle Ages (1000 BC - AD 1000)), Leiden University. Role: organizer

Publications Willet, R. ‘Experiments with diachronic data distribution methods applied to Eastern Sigillata A in the eastern Mediterranean’, HEROM - Journal on Hellenistic and Roman material culture 3: 39-69 Willet, R. ‘Trends in Tableware: an overview of the Roman East in the Theodosian Period’. In: Jacobs, I. (Ed.) Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Period. Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion no. 14. Leuven: Peeters. 273-300 Ligt, L. de, Houten, P.H.A. & Willet, R. ‘An empire of 2000 cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire’, TMA jaargang 26, no. 52, 64

Prof. Dr. J.K. Zangenberg Research 1.0 fte (since September)

Conference attendance November 14-16: Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium ‘Zauber und Magie im antiken Palästina und seiner Umwelt’, Mainz, Germany

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Galilee, Israel Purpose of trip: Preparation for the 2015 summer excavation campaign at Horvat Kur (Galilee) in the context of Kinneret Regional Project (www.kinneret-excavations.org)

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus (book series) Early Christianity (journal) Book series: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision external PhD:


Anneke Berkheij-Dol (self-funded, together with Dr. Stefan Münger, Universiteit Bern): Now You See It - Now You Don't: Notions of Cultic Life in the Iron Age I Southern Levant. Methods, Texts, Material Culture Nick Woods (self-funded): John and Wisdom Literature, promotor Fulco Timmers (self-funded): The Forgiveness of God in Philo of Alexandria, promotor Gea Smit (PThU, self-funded: ‘Het laatste oordeel in het Nieuwe Testament en in de moderne theologie’, promotor, co-promotor Prof. Dr. Gijsbert van den Brink, PThU Catalin Dan Necsa (University Bucharest; self-funded: The Biblical Exegesis of Epiphanius of Salamis, co-promotor, promotor: Prof. Dr. Bas ter Haar Romeny, VU)

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) October 17: ‘Augustus - de Man en de Mythe in de vroegchristelijke literatuur’. Lecture and workshop for Stichting Zenobia at the Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden (RMO) in Leiden November 23: ‘De opgraving als educatief evenement’, lecture because of the bookpresentation ‘Israel verdeeld’ by Jona Lendering at the RMO Leiden

Publications Scholarly Neumann, F., Zangenberg, J.K., Shivtie'el, Y. & Münger, S. (2014), Galilee Blooming. First Palynological and Archaeological Data from an Early Byzantine Cistern at Horvat Kur, Journal of Human Palaeoecology 19: 39-54 Professional Zangenberg, J.K. Am ‘fünften Evangelium’ wird weitergeschrieben. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Galiläaforschung, Das Helige Land 146: 8-14 Zangenberg, J.K. ‘Der letzte Weg des Großen Königs. Herodes im Rampenlicht’, Antike Welt(1): 59-56

PhD Candidates

Ms. M. Groen-Vallinga MPhil Research 1.0 fte

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Royal Dutch Institute (KNIR), Rome, Italy Purpose of trip: examining the ancient evidence (inscriptions etc) firsthand; and for writing the final version of my thesis Length of stay: five days Period: May

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. March: Peer reviewer for the Journal of the Lucas Graduate Conference

P.H.A. Houten MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance March 27: ‘Roman Archaeological Conference/Theoretical Roman Archaeological Conference’. Title of presented paper: ‘The Development of the Roman Empire’s Urban Network’, Reading, U.K.


November 13: Cores-Workshop: Leuven & Leiden University. Title of presented paper: ‘Demographic changes in Galicia: A Historical Approach’, Leiden November 14: Toletum - V Workshop: ‘Spielstätten zwischen Republik und Spätantike’. Title of presented paper: ‘Introducción al proyecto ERC An Empire of 2000 Cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman Empire’, Hamburg, Germany

Research leave, home and abroad All as part of ERC-project ‘An empire of 2000 Cities’:

Destination: Madrid, Spain Purpose of trip: visiting Instituto Arqueológico Alemán Length of stay: 2 weeks Period: March

Destination: Mérida, Spain Purpose of trip: visiting Instituto Arqueológico Mérida Length of stay: 4 days Period: March

Destination: Boeotia, Greece Purpose of trip: archaeological fieldwork Length of stay: 2 weeks Period: May

Publications Ligt, L. de, Houten, P.H.A. & Willet, R. ‘An empire of 2000 cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire’, TMA jaargang 26, no. 52, 64

P. Kloeg MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance March 27-30: seminar at the conference TRAC 2014, Reading, United Kingdom May 2-3: IMS Workshop, Vienna, Austria

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Boeotia, Greece Purpose of trip: fieldwork, geophysical survey at site of Hyettos Period: May 22 – June 1

Ms. K. Pazmany MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. F. Pellegrino MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance March 27-30: conference: RAC/TRAC 2014. Title of presented paper: The Development of the Roman Empire’s Urban Network, University of Reading, United Kingdom


Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Boeotia, Greece Purpose of trip: geophysical survey Period: May 22 – June 3

Destination: Southampton, United Kingdom Purpose of trip: period of research abroad for bibliographical research mainly (Hartley Library, University of Southampton); Period: April 1- 21

Destination: CHEC (Centre d'Histoire Espaces et Cultures) at the Université Blaise Pascal Clermont – Ferrand, France Purpose of trip: period of research abroad - supportive research environment and outstanding research facilities (BCU, Bibliothèque Clermont Université ); Period: September 9 – December 15

S.M.H.J. Penders MA Research 0.8 fte

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Facebook link+: https://www.facebook.com/AncientHistoryLeiden?ref=bookmarks

Regular contributions to the website ‘If then is now’, and part-time editor January 8: ‘Augustus’, http://ifthenisnow.nl/nl/personen/augustus May 29: ‘Multiculti’, http://ifthenisnow.nl/nl/essays/multiculti September 5: ‘Digitaal Geheugenverlies’, http://ifthenisnow.nl/nl/essays/digitaal-geheugenverlies September 12: ‘De Nieuwe Makers’, http://ifthenisnow.nl/nl/essays/de-nieuwe-makers

Other activities Volunteer Communications department at the Romeinenweek, a yearly festival dedicated to promoting Roman heritage in The Netherlands

Ms. C. Tzanetea MA Research 1.0 fte

External PhD Candidates A. Berkheij-Dol M. Jorna G. Smit Z. Wang S. Wen

Externally funded programmes Moving Romans. Urbanisation, migration and labour in the Roman Principate Luuk de Ligt and Rens Tacoma The aim of the Moving Romans project is to study the relationship between urbanisation, migration and labour opportunities in Roman Italy in the first two centuries A.D. The central question is to what extent labour-induced migration was important to the functioning of the towns and cities of Roman Italy. The project starts from the working hypothesis that the dominance of slavery in some sectors of

18 the urban economy, especially in the domestic sector, reduced labour opportunities for free women. If this basic idea is correct, most free migrants must have been men, and cities must have been characterised by a very skewed sex ratio. Since this would have made it impossible for urban populations to reproduce themselves, it would follow that large-scale migration was a vital prerequisite for the continued existence of the Roman cities, even more so than in the case of the towns and cities of later European history, where high levels of urban mortality are commonly identified as the main reason why urban populations depended for their survival on a continuous influx of free migrants. By testing this hypothesis against the ancient evidence the project aims to call attention to the crucial importance of the balance between free and unfree labour as a factor that determined the scale and nature of migration flows in pre-industrial societies. While forced migration of unfree labourers has always been important in studies of agricultural slavery, it has received little attention in studies of migration to towns, for the obvious reason that most of the existing literature on this topic deals with early-modern and modern Europe where almost all migrants were free. In the case of the Roman world, there can be no doubt that the relationships between urbanisation, migration, and labour were complex. During the first two centuries AD the cities of the empire blossomed and had flourishing populations. It is often argued that cities could only maintain their populations thanks to an influx of outsiders. However, who these migrants were and how they were absorbed by the urban labour market are questions, which have hardly been studied. The proposed project aims to fill several gaps simultaneously. The interrelationships between urbanisation, labour opportunities and migration in the Roman world have never been systematically investigated. Moreover, each of these three subjects is in its own right fundamental to the understanding of Roman society. One of the central assumptions is that each of the three constituent elements cannot be studied in the absence of the other two; but also that the interrelationship between the three is in urgent need of conceptualisation.

Participants Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt, urban networks in Roman Italy Dr. L.E. Tacoma, migration to and from Rome Ms. M.J. Groen-Vallinga, MPhil, the labour market of Roman Italy Dr. R. Tybout, epigraphical assistant

Building Tabernae Miko Flohr Building Tabernae is a NWO Veni Project based at the University of Leiden (2013-2017) carried out by Dr. Miko Flohr. The project focuses on urban commercial space in Roman Italy and deals with the impact of economic growth on urban communities in the late Republic and the Imperial period (200 BCE – 300 CE). It will investigate how favourable economic circumstances under the Roman Empire fostered the emergence of new and more ambitious forms of investment in commercial space, and it aims to understand how this transformed the physical and social fabric of the cities of the Italian peninsula. The project will use archaeological and textual evidence and belongs to the field of ancient history as much as it belongs to that of classical archaeology. Thematically, it operates on the interface of social and economic history and explores to which degree economic developments fostered social change. It specifically attempts to connect two highly vibrant debates: the debate about Roman urbanism and that about Roman economic life.

Roman Urbanism Both debates have seen significant development over the last decades. Discourse on Roman urbanism has moved away from the traditional emphasis on (monumental) architecture and urban planning towards studying urban landscapes in a more integrated manner (seminal is Laurence 1994). Discourse on Roman economic life has developed beyond the consumer city debate that dominated the field in the 1990s (e.g. Mattingly 1997; Erdkamp 2001), now focusing more and more on the social and spatial contexts of economic processes (Mouritsen 2001; Robinson 2005; Flohr 2007).

Yet, while these debates play a central role in Roman scholarship and thematically increasingly overlap, they interact only to a limited degree. Consequently, the relation between economic developments and developments in urbanism is not well understood. This significantly impedes our understanding of


Roman history. This project will contribute to filling this gap.

An empire of 2000 cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman Empire John Bintliff and Luuk de Ligt The central aims of this project are to establish the shapes of the various urban hierarchies existing in the provinces of the Roman Empire and (especially) to use the quantitative properties of these hierarchies to shed new light on levels of economic integration. Should we conceptualize the urban system of the Roman world as a collection of cellular modules which were only loosely connected by the imposition of a rudimentary administrative superstructure and by resource flows of limited significance? Or did the creation of an overarching empire favour the emergence of an economically well-integrated urban network or at least the growth of certain nodal points which helped to tie the empire together by mediating resource flows between regions? Key topics to be explored include the physical size of cities, the overall shape of regional urban hierarchies, the role of harbour cities in connecting various parts of the empire, and the economic implications of the emergence and existence of large provincial capitals and other primate cities.

Building on spatial and economic theories from various disciplines, the project starts from the working hypothesis that the urban system of the Roman empire possessed a number of unique features which set it apart from that of the various urban system existing in the same geographical area during the early-modern period. While some of these features (such as the size of Rome) can plausibly be attributed to the fact that the Roman empire was much larger than the empires and emerging nation states of early-modern times, the project aims to demonstrate that the specific configuration of regional urban hierarchies in the Roman world also reflects levels of economic integration which fell dramatically short of those achieved in various parts of early-modern Europe.

Participants: Dr. M.S. Hobson, Dr. R. Willet, Dr. D. Donev, P.H.A. Houten , P. Kloeg, B.L. Noordervliet, K. Pazmany, F. Pellegrino and C. Tzanetea


4. Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Description Recent concerns about cultural identity underline the ongoing political and social importance of the question of how, and with whom, people identify. Changing and conflicting identities were highly relevant for premodern Europe. Paradoxically, the more powerful states became, the more their rulers tended to depend on good relations with their social elites. Since such elites often identified themselves primarily with local communities, regions or other group interests, the creation of (proto-)national loyalties was problematic. Well-advised rulers, therefore, expended considerable energy on creating loyalty through patronage networks increasingly based on their courts. New forms were added to traditional media for delivering political messages, such as pageants and spectacles. The wide circulation of pamphlets and newspapers gradually changed the nature of political communication, creating new forms of religious and political engagement. In the centuries between 1000 and 1800, state borders certainly were not the primary focus of collective identification. On the one hand, regions within composite states continued to compete with one another, whereas, on the other hand, transnational networks often proved to be surprisingly resistant to political division. Even while their rulers were at war, trade networks continued to tie together Spanish, Flemish, and Dutch economic and financial interests. From the fifteenth century onwards the world of Europeans expanded to include the Americas, African and Asian coastal areas. However, at the same time the Mediterranean continued to serve as a conduit for commercial, political and cultural exchanges between Muslim North-Africa and West Asia with Europe. Cultural networks transcended national borders. Until 1520, Europe shared one dominant religion. Soon, the schism in the Roman Church would create transnational interest groups and streams of refugees while it also reinforced new confessional alliances in international politics. Süleyman the Law- abiding watched the rise of Lutheranism with interest; Francis I of France actively sought his alliance, an initiative soon followed by the English and the Dutch. Throughout this period, a recognizably European intellectual culture prevailed, which played an essential role in the fast transfer of knowledge, religious and political ideas. In this world of constantly changing borders, strong local political traditions, profitable transnational trade, and dense networks of international relations, ‘identity’ was never monolithic. The changing relationship between local identities and the centres of royal or imperial power was a key issue everywhere in Europe, from relatively unitary states such as France and England to the composite monarchies ruled by the Habsburgs. It forms an overarching theme in the historical research of the medievalists and early modernists at Leiden University. Currently our research focuses on three dimensions of collective identity. The first touches on relations between subjects and rulers. Research projects study the interdependence between local administrations and supra local/regional elite formation; the tensions caused by attempts at political and administrative centralization; and the intercultural comparison of dynastic empires that rose in Europe, West South-Asia, and East-Asia. The second dimension concerns the operation of trade networks that increasingly were subjected to the realities and requirements of international politics. Cultural identities and cultural transfers are the third dimension. Here, a major focus is on the way in which Europeans engaged with the past, through historical writing, but also through other cultural practices. A major research project on memory and identity formation examines the lasting social, political and cultural impact of civil war on early modern identities.


Prof. Dr. J.F.J. Duindam Research 0.3 fte


Conference attendance January 23: Edmonton, Canada. Public lecture: ‘Vienna and Versailles 1660 and beyond: reputations, reforms, results’ March 31: Dublin, Trinity College, public lecture in Centre for Early Modern History Seminar Series 2013-14: ‘Dynasty: reproduction and succession’ May 16-18: Gerschnialp Engelberg, Switzerland, Kolloquium: ‘Forschungen zur Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit’. Lecture: ‘At Court: Spaces, Groups, Balances‘ November 19: Rome, German Historical Institute. Public keynote lecture opening the conference: A Europe of Courts, a Europe of Factions (November 20-21 2014). Lecture title: ‘Groups of Power at early modern Courts’

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: NIAS Wassenaar NIAS fellowship (full fellowship) Purpose of trip: Writing of: Dynasty. A Global History of Rule 1300-1800. (Cambridge UP 2015) Period: 2nd semester 2013-2014, 1st semester 2014-2015 (with full teaching load)

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. ERC project

Membership of boards and committees Stichting Oostenrijkse Studiën

Advisory and coordinating activities Editorial board European History Quarterly Advisory Board Hungarian Historical Review (published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Virtus, Court Historian Newsletter, Editor Brill Series Rulers & Elites/rule (one volume published in 2014)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Cumhur Bekar (Leiden University) Beatriz Santiago Belmonte (Leiden University) Leonor Álvarez Francés (Leiden University) Kim Ragetli (Radboud University Nijmegen) External PhD: Sebastiaan Derks (Huygens ING) Bert Thissen (Archief Kleve, Duitsland)

Membership PhD committee Two French Habilitation juries: Soutenance HDR Fanny Cosandey (Paris-Est, September 27, 2014) Soutenance HDR Cédric Michon (Sorbonne, December 13, 2014)

Externally acquired funds Ongoing project: Eurasian Empires (NWO-horizon 2011-2017); two fellowships NIAS

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Appearance in radio and/or television programs: June 2: NTR Academie, a radio show broadcasted by Wetenschap 24. See: http://www.npowetenschap.nl/programmas/ntr-academie/radio/2014/juni/2-juni-de-nadelen-van- macht.html

Awards NIAS fellowships, see above


Publications Scholarly Dabringhaus, S. & Duindam, J.F.J. The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces. Agents and Interactions Rulers & Elites. Comparative Studies in Governance no. 5. Leiden and Boston: Brill Duindam, J.F.J. with co-editor Sabine Dabringhaus, Agents and Interactions. The early modern dynastic court and the provinces (Leiden; Boston 2014) Rulers and Elites 5 Duindam, J.F.J. ‘Introduction’, in: Agents and Interactions. The early modern dynastic court and the provinces (Leiden; Boston 2014). 1-9 Duindam, J.F.J. ‘Towards a Comparative Understanding of Rulership: Discourses, Practices’, in: Agents and Interactions. The early modern dynastic court and the provinces (Leiden; Boston 2014) 225-231 Duindam, J.F.J. Review of: Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia (Cambridge, MA 2012) Historian, 76, 3 (2014) 614-616

Dr. M.A. Ebben Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance March 20: Merlin History Lectures, Leiden. Title of presented paper: ‘De eerste biografie van de hertog van Alva’ May 23: Symposium at the conference ‘De Hertog van Alva, Bewondering, Verwondering, Verachting en Nieuwe Inzichten’. Title of presented paper: ‘Alba, General and Servant to the Crown’. A new book about Alva: contents, aim, set-up and new insights June 28: colloquium ‘Cultural Production in the Early Modern Household’, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. Title of presented paper: ‘For the Honour and the Dignity of the State’: An Ambassador Representing the Dutch Republic at the Spanish Court, 1656-1669 October 31: symposium at the conference ‘Year Conference Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis: Vroegmoderne Publieksgeschiedenis’, Antwerp, Belgium December 19: Book presentation at the conference: Nieuwe Geschiedenis van de Premoderne Tijd. Title of presented paper: ‘Wat is nieuwe diplomatieke geschiedenis?’, Leiden

Conference organization March 31: Brown Bag Seminar at the conference: The Dutch on the Canary Islands and their interests in the Middle Atlantic World, 1600-1800, by Prof. Dr. Germán Santana Pérez, Leiden. Role: co- organizer and chair May 23: Symposium at the conference ‘De Hertog van Alva, Bewondering, Verwondering, Verachting en Nieuwe Inzichten’, Leiden. Role: co-organizer and chair December 19: Book presentation at the conference: Nieuwe Geschiedenis van de Premoderne Tijd, Leiden. Role: organizer and chair

Membership of boards and committees Vice-president Board of Examiners History Department Leiden University Member of the editorial staff of the website The Dutch Revolt (http://dutchrevolt.leidenuniv.nl/)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee M. A. van Alphen, Ministry of Defense. Title dissertation ‘Het oorlogsschip als varend bedrijf. Schrijvers, administratie en logistiek aan boord van Nederlandse marineschepen in de 17de en 18de eeuw’. Date of defence: June 19, 2014, Leiden

Publications Scholarly


Ebben, M.A. & Sicking, L.H.J. Nieuwe diplomatieke geschiedenis van de premoderne tijd. Een inleiding, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(4): 541-552 Ebben, M.A. Uwer Hoog Moogenden onderdaenigsten dienaers. Nederlandse consuls en Staatse diplomatie in Spanje, 1648-1661, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(4): 649-672

Professional Ebben, M.A., Velde, H. te & Haks, D. Een wankel evenwicht. Prinsen van Oranje, regenten en burgers in de zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek. In: Velde H. te, Haks D. (Eds.) Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 47-67 Velde, H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen. In: Velde, H. te, Haks, D. (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Dr. R.P. Fagel Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance June 4-5: Conference ‘Congreso de la Fundación española de Historia Moderna’. Title of presented paper : ‘La nación de Andalucía en Flandes: separatismo comercial en el siglo XVI’. September 23: Symposium ‘De Spaanse weg – in het voetspoor van de tercios’. Title of presented paper: ‘Kapitein Julián (Romero) – Vriend & vijand van Willem van Oranje’, Kasteel van Breda

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Paris, France Purpose of trip: Visit of the facing the Enemy project for a meeting with Professor Geoffrey Parker (Ohio State University) Period: November 20-21

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Leuven University press (reviewer) Arte Nuevo. Revista de estudios áureos (reviewer)

Membership of boards and committees Chairman of VOGeL, Vereniging Oud-Geschiedenisstudenten Leiden Committee for the annual lecture on October 3 Editing committee website: http://www.dutchrevolt.leiden.edu

Advisory and coordinating activities November 2014 - January 2015: HOVO Utrecht and Instituto Cervantes Utrecht, Cursus ‘Spaanse passie’ (with Isabel-Clara Lorda Vidal)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Co-promotor, supervisor Beatriz Santiago Belmonte, Leiden University, ‘Facing the Enemy’ Leonor Álvarez Francés, Leiden University, ‘Facing the Enemy’ Member of promotion committee Marianne Eekhout, Leiden University, ‘Material memories of the Dutch Revolt’, November 12

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Live radiobroadcast OVT October 5: Prinsenhof


Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 21: HSVL Lecture De Spaanse kant van het beleg van Leiden, Leiden May 17: Lecture dispuut Merlijn over Filips de Schone, Leiden May 23: Lecture on Julián Romero, Lechner Stichting, Leiden October 24: Lecture on Julián Romero, at the book presentation of Anton van der Lem, De Opstand in de Nederlanden, UB Leiden

Publications Fagel, R.P. Een culturele koppelaar tussen Spanje en de Lage Landen [Bespreking van: Vosters S.A. (2014) De Nederlanden in de Spaanse literatuur (van 1200 tot 1700)] 57(4): 183-185 Fagel, R.P. & Bergsma, W. (ed.) Enege gedenckwerdege geschiedenissen. Kroniek van de Friese militair Poppo van Burmania uit de Tachtigjarige Oorlog [Bespreking van: Bergsma W. (2012) Enege gedenckwerdege geschiedenissen. Kroniek van de Friese militair poppo van Burmania uit de Tachtigjarige Oorlog, Egodocumenten] De Zeventiende Eeuw: Cultuur in de Nederlanden in Interdisciplinair Perspectief 30(1): 131

Scholarly Fagel, R.P., Hortal Muñoz, J.E. & Labrador Arroyo, F. Poner la corte en orden, poner orden en la corte. Los cambios en la casa de de Borgoña alrededor del primer viaje hispánico de Carlos V (1515-7). In: Hortal Muñoz, J.E ; Labrador Arroyo, F. (Eds.) La casa de Borgoña. La casa del rey de España. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 51-72 Fagel, R.P. Het Bourgondische hof van Karel V als koning van Spanje. De hofstaat van 21 juni 1517, Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis 180: 69-137

Professional Fagel, R.P. Que viene el duque de Alba! Los tercios españoles en Flandes y la Leyenda Negra, Desperta ferro número especial 5: 74-77

Ms. Dr. M. Faverau-Doumenjou Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance May 17-18: International conference: ‘Connecting the Silk Road. Trade, People & Social Networks (400-1300 AD)’, organized by Leiden University, Hermitage St.Petersburg and Hermitage Amsterdam. Title of the presented paper: ‘Italian traders in the Golden Horde: Connecting Europe to Central Asia’ October 14-18: International conference (held at Simferopol, Crimea): ‘The question of the study and conservation of the Islamic Heritage in Crimea, organized by the Republic of Crimea, the Crimean Ministry of the Cult, the Crimean University of Industry and Pedagogy, the Crimean Museum of Arts, the Foundation for the support of Islamic science, culture and society. Title of the presented paper: ‘The consequences of the alliance between the khan Berke and the Sultan Baybars’

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: St. Petersburg, Russia Purpose of trip: visiting archives at the Institute of Orientalism, fieldwork in the framework of the Eurasian Empires Project Period: June

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee member at the Franco-American commission (Fulbright) Membership of boards and committees Member of the Jury for the selection of PhDs and researchers (Fulbright)


Externally acquired funds Organizing an international workshop (20 participants) The Golden Horde in a Global Perspective: Imperial Strategies. Role: major applicant and co-applicant (with Dr. Gabrielle van den Berg). Funded by Leiden University (LGI, AMT) and KNAW

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) October: Co-author and expert for a comicbook narrating the historical biography of Gengis-Khan’s life. Comicbook : Filippi D.-P., Garcia M., Favereau M., Gengis Khan. Collection : Ils ont fait l’Histoire. Fayard-Glénat

Publications Favereau-Doumenjou, M. ‘La Horde d’Or. Les héritiers de Gengis Khan’. Text: Marie Favereau, photos: Jacques Raymond. Editions de la Flandonnière Filippi D.P., Garcia M., Favereau M. Gengis Khan. Comicbook, Collection : Ils ont fait l’Histoire. Fayard-Glénat, October

Dr. D. Haks Research 0.3 fte

October 1: Fare well symposium ‘Vaderland en vrede’, Leiden

Publications Professional Velde, H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen. In: Velde, H. te, Haks, D. (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers Research 0.2 fte

Conference attendance April 26: European Social Science History Conference. Discussion paper for Round Table ‘Globalizing Migration History: The Eurasian Experience’, Vienna, Austria May 18: Conference ‘Connecting the Silk Road. Trade, People and Social Networks (400-1300 AD)’. Title of presented paper: ‘Breaking adrift: Nomadic invasions from Inner Eurasia into Central Europe and the Middle East, and their impact on populations and polities’, Amsterdam

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Journal of Medieval History (A), member of editorial board Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (A), member of editorial board The Medieval Countryside (book series, published by Brepols Publishers, Turnhout), member of editorial board

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Board of Supervisors (Raad van Toezicht) Museum Het Muiderslot

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee


Kristof Dombrecht, ‘Plattelandsgemeenschappen, locale elites en ongelijkheid in het Vlaamse kustgebied (14de-16de eeuw)’. Case study: Dudzele ambacht, Ghent University. Date of defence: 16 May 2014 Iva Peša, ‘Moving along the roadside: A social history of the Mwinilunga District, 1870s-1970s’, Leiden University. Date of defence: 23 September 2014 Membership readers committee Jelle Bruning, ‘The rise of a capital: on the development of al-Fustat’s relationship with its hinterland, 18/639-132/750’, Leiden University. Date of defence: 2 April 2014 W. Keesman, ‘De eindeloze stad. Troje en Trojaanse oorsprongsmythen in de (laat)middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden’, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Date of defence: 2 February 2014. Added member of readers committee (cum laude award)

Publications Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Heren die parlementeren. Brabantse diplomatieke bedrijvigheid rond 1400, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(4): 553-578 Blockmans, W.P. & Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300-1500. Second edition. London and New York: Routledge xiv + 491 p

Popularising Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. Van Vikingsaga tot opera: de lotgevallen van het Nibelungenlied, Geschiedenis Magazine (49-3): 45-49 Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. 'De Feodale Revolutie herzien'. Bespreking van Charles West, Reframing the Feudal Revolution. Political and social transformation between Marne and Moselle, c. 800- c. 1100 [Review of: Charles West (2013) Reframing the Feudal Revolution. Political and social transformation between Marne and Moselle, c. 800-c. 1100, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought] 127(3): 505-508

Dr. A. Janse Research 0.3 fte

Ms. Dr. H.M.E.P. Kuijpers Research 0.4 fte

Prof. Dr. J.A. Mol Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance June 6: N.W. Posthumus Conference, Leeuwarden: Title of presented paper: ‘HISGIS: perspectives and usefulness of a parcel based GIS for the Netherlands’ June 12: Sense of Place, 12th symposium of the Waddenacademie, West-Terschelling: Title of presented paper: ‘Monasteries and Landscape in medieval Frisia’ September 17: Das Leben im Ordenshaus, Tagung der Internationalen Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens, Tallinn: Title of presented paper: ‘Alltag im Deutschordenskonvent zu Utrecht im 15. Jahrhundert’ November 7: Dertiende Duits-Nederlandse memoriasymposium, Zutphen: Title of presented paper: ‘Seelenmessen in den friesischen Pfarrkirchen 1530-1550: die Daten aus den überlieferten Testamenten und den ‘Beneficiaalboeken’ von 1543’ November 14: Papenburg, ‘Eems-Dollardregio Historikertreffen’: Title of presented paper: 'Die historische Aktivität im Provinz Friesland’


Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editorial Board The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review Editorial Board Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, Balije van Utrecht Member of editorial staff De Vrije Fries. Jaarboek uitgegeven door het Koninklijke Fries Genootschap voor geschiedenis en cultuur en de Fryske Akademy 94

Membership of boards and committees Internationale Kommission zur Erforschung des Deutschen Ordens Historische Commissie van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, balije van Utrecht Jury van de Professor van Winterprijs

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD M. Gerrits MA, Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden/Leiden University, [with Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers]: ‘Schieringers en Vetkopers. Partijstrijd en vetewezen in Westerlauwers Friesland’ Drs. R. Stapel, Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden/Leiden University: ‘Herfsttij in een ridderorde? De cronike van der Duytscher Oirden’ Drs. P. Schoen, Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden: ‘Edelsmeden in Friesland in de Gouden en Zilveren eeuw’ Drs. Chr. Schrickx, Leiden: ‘Bethlehem in de Bangert. Een historische en archeologische studie naar de verkloostering van een lekenzusterconvent in het buitengebied van Hoorn (1475-1573)’ Ing. D. Worst MA., Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden/Leiden University [with Prof. Dr. Th. Spek and Prof. Dr. G.L. de Langen]: ‘De grootschalige veenontginningen in Zuid-Fryslân en Noordwest- tussen 1000 en 1400’ J. van Duijl, MA, Leiden University [with Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers]: ‘De bezitsgeschiedenis van het Duitse Huis en de Balije van Utrecht, 1231-1619’

External PhD Ing. J. Zomer MA, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen [with Prof. Dr. Th. Spek]: ‘De ontginning en waterbeheersing van de kustvenen in de bekkens van Lauwers-Hunze-Aa en Boorne-Ges-Ee’ A.G.M. Spiekhout MA, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen [with Prof. Dr. Th. Spek]: ‘Medieval castle landscapes in the Oversticht territory (Northeastern Netherlands) between 1050 and 1425 AD’ Ms. drs. M. De Smet (Universiteit Leuven/Kortrijk) [with: Prof. Dr. P. Trio]: ‘Memoriezorg en andere ‘meetbare’ devotie in het middeleeuwse Kortrijk’, member of the promotion committee Drs. Johan Van der Eycken (Universiteit Leuven) [with: Prof. Dr. E. Aerts]: ‘De adel in het graafschap Loon, 1300-1600’, member of the promotion committee Drs. X. Baecke (Universiteit Gent) [with: Prof. Dr. J. Deploige]: ‘The Sacralisation of Knighthood. A study of religious knightly identity in the Southern Low Countries during the High Middle Ages’, member of the promotion committee

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) (Public) lectures January 19: Hindeloopen, Lezingmiddag Museum Hindeloopen: ‘Galg en rad in Fryslân vóór 1515’ April 17: Akkrum, Ledenvergadering Plaatseling Belang Akkrum/Nes: ‘De skiednis van it kleaster Nes’ April 24: Stiens, lezingavond Nederlands Vereniging van Plattelandsvrouwen: ‘Galgen yn Fryslân’ May 5: Huizum, Avond over nieuw verschenen boek: ‘Vaandels, potestaten en vrijheid. Over het Koningsvaandel van Pieter Winsemius’ June 10: Antwerp, Stadsarchief, presentation Gistorical Antwerp: ‘Antwerpen 1834: zoeken en vinden met de HISGIS-viewer’ December 9: Assen, Drents Archief, lezingenavond over HISGIS: ‘HISGIS Drenthe: techniek en gebruiksmogelijkheden’

Workshops March 7: [with ing. J.J. Feikens], Den Haag, workshop ‘GIS voor sociale en economische historici’ for the collegeserie from the N.W. Posthumus institute ‘Keys to the Treasure Trove: Sources and Methods for Social and Economic Historians’


Publications Feikens, J.J. & Mol, J.A. HISGIS Rotterdam 1832/1903 [database], in: www.hisgis.nl. Mol, J.A. Review: Huib J. Zuidervaart, ‘Ridders, priesters en predikanten in Schelluinen. De geschiedenis van een commanderij van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde’ (Hilversum 2013), in: Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11, pp. 189-190 Mol, J.A. & Meer, P. van (ed.) ‘Thema: belang en betekenis van de Beneficiaalboeken van Friesland 1544’, studiebundel van artikelen in: De Vrije Fries 94, pp.129-312 Mol, J.A. & Meer, P. van (ed.) ‘Inleiding’, in: J.A. Mol en P. van der Meer (ed.), ‘Thema: belang en betekenis van de Beneficiaalboeken van Friesland 1542’, De Vrije Fries 94, pp. 129-312, 129-132

Scholarly Mol, J.A. Het inkomen van zielzorgers in Friesland, 1511-1543, De Vrije Fries. Jaarboek uitgegeven door het Koninklijke Fries Genootschap voor geschiedenis en cultuur en de Fryske Akademy 94: 165-174 Mol, J.A. & Meer, P.L.G. van der Belang en betekenis van de Beneficiaalboeken van Friesland 1543. Inleiding, De Vrije Fries. Jaarboek uitgegeven door het Koninklijke Fries Genootschap voor geschiedenis en cultuur en de Fryske Akademy 94: 129-132

Dr. G.A. Noordzij Research 0.2 fte Publications Noordzij, G.A. The Wars of the Lord of Bronkhorst. Territory, Lordship, and the Proliferation of Violence in Fourteenth-Century Guelders, The Medieval Low Countries 1: 61-93 Noordzij, G.A. Personen, grenzen en politieke eenheden. Het hertogdom Gelre en de geschiedenis van internationale betrekkingen, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(4): 579-602

Ms. Prof. Dr. J.S. Pollmann Research 0.75 fte

Conference attendance January 24: symposium ‘Strijd om de herinnering’. Title of presented paper: ‘Oorlogsherinneringen of de kunst van het vergeten’, Leiden April 9-10: conference Transforming Information: Record Keeping in the Early Modern World. Title of presented paper: ‘Chronicling the local in early modern Europe’, British Academy Londen, United Kingdom May 23: workshop ‘Beeldenstorm 1566: new Perspectives on Iconoclasm in the Low Countries’. Title of presented paper: ‘Reimagining Iconoclasm, 1566-2015’, Ghent, Belgium October 31: Discussant in Round Table at Conference Publieksgeschiedenis VNVNG, Antwerp, Belgium

Conference organization January 24: Symposium ‘Strijd om de Herinnering’, Leiden University. Role: organizer

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Member of the advisory board ‘Trajecta’


Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Institute for History Chair of werkgroep 17e eeuw Member of selection committee NWO VICI round 2014 Jury Dirk Veegens Award Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen Jury Jan Kleine Award voor het pre-University college Internationale partner IAP City & Society België

Editorial board: Chair of the Zeven Provinciën Reeks, Verloren Hilversum Member of the ‘Past & Present’

Membership of boards and committees Chair OLC Research Masters Students till 1 May Member Opleidingsbestuur from May 1 Leading Taskforce toetsing Herstelplan BA Geschiedenis Editorial Kritische reflectie ResMA History Selection committee postdocs & PhD students Institute for History, Leiden University Member Council board Institute for History, Leiden University Curator Bibliotheca Thysiana Curator Bijzondere leerstoel geschiedenis van het Nederlands

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Johannes Müller, ‘Exile memories and the reinvention of the Netherlands’. Date of defence: May 14, 2014, University Leiden, promotor Jasper van der Steen, ‘Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700’ Date of defence: June 24 2014, University Leiden, promotor Marianne Eekhout, ‘Material memories of the Dutch Revolt. The urban memory landscape in the Low Countries, 1566-1700’, November 12 2014, University Leiden, promotor Carolien Boender, ‘Civic identity in Haarlem, 1747-1848’, University Leiden, copromotor External Phd Silvia Gaiga, ‘De Educatiereis in de XVIe eeuw tussen Peregrinatio en Grand Tour’, University Leiden, promotor Carolina Lenarduzzi, ‘Katholieke cultuur in de Republiek’, Universty Leiden, promotor Dirk Pfeifer, ‘Arminianism in England and the Dutch Republic’, University Leiden, promotor Cees Reijner ‘Italiaanse Geschiedschrijving over de Nederlandse Opstand’, promotor

Membership PhD committee Joep van Gennip, ‘Controversen in context. Een comparatief onderzoek naar de Nederlandstalige controversepublicaties van de jezuïeten in de zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek’, 21 May 2015, Radboud University Nijmegen Manjusha Kuruppath, ‘Dutch Drama and the Company's Orient’, 4 November 2014, University Leiden Eelco Nagelsmit, ‘Venite et Videte: Art and Architecture in Brussels as Agents of Change during the Counter Reformation’, ca 1609-1659, October 7 2014, University Gent and University Leiden Jaap Geraerts, ‘The Catholic nobility in Utrecht and Guelders’, c 1580-1702, 10 November 2014 University College London Gerd Gielis, ‘Leuvense theologen en hun streven naar geloofseenheid en kerkvernieuwing (1519- 1578)’, 15 december 2014 KU Leuven

Externally acquired funds NWO Vrije Competitie Geesteswetenschappen 2014. ‘The persistence of civic identities in the Netherlands, 1747-1848’, main applicant, co-applicant Prof. Dr. H. te Velde

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) January 25-May 14: Co-organization exhibition ‘Strijd om de herinnering’, UB Leiden

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) January 24: Interview ‘Tegenstrijdige herinneringen aan de Opstand’, Reformatorisch Dagblad


October 5: OVT, VPRO Radio 1, topic: ‘Vriend en vijand in de Tachtigjarige oorlog’ December 7: OVT, VPRO Radio 1, topic: Johan van Oldenbarnevelt

Publications Pollmann, J.S. ‘Memory before and after nationalism. A revision’, in Michael Böss, Conflicted pasts and national identities. Narratives of war and conflict (Aarhus UP, 2014), 31-42 Pollmann, J.S. ‘Schuilen onder de vleugels van Oranje. Over de wortels van het orangisme, 1600-1618’, in H. te Velde en D. Haks (red.) Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje to nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus-Bert Bakker 2014, 27-45 Pollmann, J.S. & Groesen, M. van ‘Inleiding: Het Gelijk van de Gouden Eeuw’, in Michiel van Groesen, Judith Pollmann and Hans Cools red., Het gelijk van de Gouden eeuw. Recht, onrecht en reputatie in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Verloren, Hilversum 2014), 7-13 Pollmann, J.S. ‘Het Utrechtse Tuchthuis of de Grenzen van het Gezag in de Gouden Eeuw’, in Michiel van Groesen, Judith Pollmann and Hans Cools red., Het gelijk van de Gouden eeuw. Recht, onrecht en reputatie in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Verloren, Hilversum 2014), 91-106

Dr. F. Renzi Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance July 7-10: International Congress of the European Middle Ages (300-1500), University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Title of presented paper: Monasticism and Empire in the Iberian medieval peninsula: The case of Alfonso VII of León-Castile and the Cistercian Order October 10-12: II Jornadas de Tomar, Guerra, Iglesia y vida religiosa. El Císter y las Órdenes militares en la Edad Media, Tomar, Spain. Title of presented paper: El monasterio cisterciense de Sobrado y los milites gallegos. Observaciones sobre las relaciones entre monjes blancos y aristocracia laica en los siglos XII y XIII December 3-5: Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Res publica città comuni uomini istituzioni pietre, Centro di Studi Alberti, Mantova, Italy. Title of presented paper: Le reti sociali dei concejos in Galizia tra XII e XIII secolo December 19: Seminar (Leiden University): ‘Frontier Society in Medieval Galicia. Monks, rulers and knights in the northern border of the Spanish Reconquista (XII-XV centuries)’

Externally acquired funds Submission of the Research project ‘Frontier Society in Medieval Galicia. Monks, rulers and knights in the northern border of the Spanish Reconquista (XII-XV centuries)’ for the Dutch VENI Scheme

Publications Renzi, F. ‘La construcción de la memoria en ámbito monástico. Un ejemplo italiano del siglo XII: Santa Maria di Chiaravalle di Fiastra, en Lecturas contemporáneas de fuentes medievales’. Estudios en homenaje del profesor Jorge Estrella, ed. por G. F. RODRÍGUEZ, Mar del Plata, GIEM/UNMdP, Book Chapter accepted by the University of Mar del Plata (Argentina), November 2014 Renzi, F. ‘Monks and knights in medieval Galicia. The example of the Benedictines of Toxos Outos in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries’. Article accepted by the peer-reviewed Journal «Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum» (n. X, 2016)


Ms. Dr. F. Roşu Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance April: international conference ESSHC. Title of presented paper: ‘The Decree of the Country: Constitutional Language and Practices in Early Modern East Central Europe’, Vienna, Austria June: international conference ‘Contact Zones in Turkish-Polish Relations (1414-2014)’ Title of presented paper: ‘Friend or Foe of the Turk? The Fear Factor in Polish-Lithuanian Elections, 1572-1587’, Warsaw, Poland

Conference organization May & December: biannual Research Masters Symposium, Leiden University Role: Organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Vienna, Austria Purpose of trip: archival research Period: April self-arranged, for monograph on Polish elections

Destination: Warsaw, Poland Purpose of trip: archival research Period: June self-arranged, for monograph on Polish elections

Membership of boards and committees Research memberships: Leiden Slavery Studies Association (board member)

Administrative memberships: Exam committee Research Masters OLC

Externally acquired funds Single Project earlymoderndocuments.omeka.net /‘Vincent De Paul, the Congregation of the Mission, and the Papacy: Documents from the Vatican Archives’ (a digital collection of sources). Co-applicant (with Alison Forrestal, Dept. of History, National University of Ireland, Galway). Funded by Depaul University, USA

Publications Roșu, F. Review of: Daniela Prögler (2013) English Students at Leiden University, 1575-1650: ‘Advancing your Abilities in Learning and Bettering your Understanding of the World and State Affairs’, BMGN - The Low Countries historical review 129(4): 88-91

Dr. L.H.J. Sicking Research 0.15 fte

Conference attendance April 10-12: Oxford Naval History Conference, All Souls College May 7-9: Paper presentation at Fourth Mediterranean Maritime History Conference, Barcelona. Title of the presented paper: ‘Islands, pirates and privateers in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean’ May 17: Lecture ‘De sensatie van Mansa Musa, vorst van het Malirijk (ca. 1312-1337)’ at the Conference ‘Onbekende groten’ organised on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Leids historisch

32 dispuut Merlijn June 6: Paper ‘The spritsail revolution and international shipping in the sixteenth century. Government interference and the introduction of new technology at sea’, contactgroep Europe 1300- 1700, Institute of History, Leiden July 28-29: Conference ‘Diplomacy, trade and navigation between medieval Cities of Atlantic Europe’. XIe encuentros internacionales del medievo/11th International Meetings of the Middle Ages Nájera, Spain. Title of the presented paper: ‘Leiden and the Wool Staple of Calais at the End of the Middle Ages. A Case Study in Urban Diplomacy’ November 27-28: International Workshop ‘Entre Mers – Outre-Mer: Spaes, Modes and Agents of Indo-Mediterranean Connectivity (3rd C. BCE – 18th C.), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg December 10-13: 33rd Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society, Law’s Empire or Empire’s Law: Legal Discourses of Colonies and Commonwealths, University of New England, Coffs Harbour, Australia. Title of the presented paper: ‘Funduqs, Feitorias, Factories. The Organization of Overseas Trade or the Globalization of a Concept’

Conference organization May 7-9: Chair of session at Fourth Mediterranean Maritime History Conference, Barcelona, Spain July 28-29: Co-organizer and chair at the conference Diplomacy, trade and navigation between medieval Cities of Atlantic Europe XIe encuentros internacionales del medievo/11th International Meetings of the Middle Ages Nájera, Spain

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee NFWO

Membership of boards and committees Member of the scientific committee of the Encuentros internacionales del medievo at Nájera, Rioja, Spain Member of the scientific committee of the Annales Médiévales de L'Europe Atlantique Associated member of the Revue du Nord Member of the Dutch and French editorial board of the website concerning the Dutch Revolt hosted by the Leiden University Library (http://dutchrevolt.leidenuniv.nl) Member of editorial staff Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(14)

Advisory and coordinating activities Member of the education committee of the Humanities Faculty Member of the jury of the Fruin Price, History Department

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee Marc van Alphen, Leiden University, ‘Het oorlogsschip als varend bedrijf. Schrijvers, administratie en logistiek aan boord van Nederlandse marineschepen in de 17de en 18de eeuw’, June 19, 2014

Wietse Veenstra, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, ‘Tussen gewest en Generaliteit. Staatsvorming en financiering van de oorlog te water in de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden, in het bijzonder Zeeland (1586-1795)’, November 6, 2014

Externally acquired funds Application for Crone fellowship of Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam, single project, major applicant

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) March 15-16: NRC Handelsblad: Louis Sicking, ‘Middeleeuwers zagen de aarde niet als een platte schijf’, NRC Wetenschapsbijlage, p. 9 May 15: Interview by Mare for an article on the conference ‘Onbekende groten’ (see above) December 3: Radio interview on piracy, De Kennis van Nu, NTR (25 minutes) http://www.npo.nl/de-kennis-van-nu/03-12-2014/RBX_NTR_684378

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact)


Member of the ‘werkgroep Vlaardingen en het ontstaan van Holland’ for Museum Vlaardingen for the lay-out of a new permanent exhibition Lecture on the Hansa for Leiden History Students Association HSVL, to prepare participants for their journey to the Baltic, 11 March 2014

Publications Sicking, L.H.J. ‘De piraat en de admiraal’ [Inaugural lecture VU Amsterdam] (Leiden and Boston 2014) 35 p. Sicking, L.H.J. 'Islands and Maritime Connections, Networks and Empires, 1200-1700. Introduction', The International Journal of Maritime History 26 no. 3 (2014) 489-493 (refereed journal) Sicking, L.H.J. 'The Dichtomy of Insularity: Islands between Isolation and Connectivity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, and Beyond', The International Journal of Maritime History 26 no. 3 (2014) 494-511 (refereed journal) Sicking, L.H.J. ‘Islands, Pirates, Privateers and the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean’ in: D. Couto, F. Gunergun en M.P. Pedani Eds., Seapower, Technology and Trade: Studies in Turkish Maritime History (Istanbul 2014) 239-252 Sicking, L.H.J. ‘Les îles, les pirates et l’État à l’est et à l’ouest de l’Eurasie (IXe –XVIe siècle)’ in : M. Battesti ed., La piraterie au fil de l’histoire. Un défi pour l’État. Actes du colloque international, 9-12 mai 2012 Université de La Rochelle – La Corderie royale (Rochefort) (Paris 2014) 283-298 Sicking, L.H.J. ‘Selling and buying protection: Dutch war fleets at the service of Venice, 1617-1667’, Studia Venetia LXVII (2013) 89-106 (appeared in 2014) (refereed journal) Scholarly Sicking, L.H.J. & Ebben, M.A. ‘Nieuwe diplomatieke Geschiedenis van de premoderne tijd. Een inleiding’, Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 127 nr. 4 (2014) 541-552 (refereed journal)

Other activities Inaugural lecture, ‘De piraat en de admiraal’, as Aemilius Papinianus professor in the History of Public International Law at VU University Amsterdam, 14 November 2014

Dr. B.S. van der Steen Research 0.8 fte

Conference organization May 15-17: Conference ‘A European Youth Revolt, 1980/81? European Perspectives of Youth Protest and Social Movements’, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG), Amsterdam. Role: co-organizer

Publications Steen, B.S. van der, Hoogenhuijze, van L. & Katzeff, A. The City is Ours. Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe, 1980-2014. Oakland: PM Press

Dr. R. Stein Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance September 18-19: Workshop ‘Ideologies of Representation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.’


Title of presented paper: ‘Jan van Boendale and the Ideology of the Estates of Brabant’, Leuven, Belgium

Conference organization January 17: Bookpresentation ‘De hertog en zijn staten’, Leiden University

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Antwerp, Belgium Purpose of trip: visiting Antwerp archives Period: July 18, 2014

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee for publication of book on the Flemish revolt for Academia press author: J. Haemers, title: ‘De Vlaamse opstand’

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Kim Ragetli, LeidenUniversity - Radboud University Nijmegen, co-promotor Jaap Ligthart, Leiden University, co-promotor External PhD: Margreet Brandsma, co-promotor

Externally acquired funds Co-applicant in acquisition of PhD-project Jaap Ligthart, subsidized by Institute of History, Leiden University

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Short promotion-film for book De hertog en zijn Staten: https://vimeo.com/84068789

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) September 14: Account of workshop Peter Arnade en Walter Prevenier: https://www.historici.nl/nieuws/verslag-workshop-social-fabric-late-medieval-and-early-modern-city- 19-september-2014 Presentation at the Amsterdams historisch Café at 7 January 2015

Publications Scholarly Stein, R. De hertog en zijn Staten. De eenwording van de Bourgondische Nederlanden, ca. 1380-1480 Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen no. 146. Hilversum: Verloren

Other output Cauchies, J.M. & Stein, R. (Eds.) Regional chronicles in a composite monarchy. In: Cauchies J.-M, Stein R. (Red.) Culture historique: la cour, es pays, les villes dans les anciens Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIe siècles) Publication du Centre Européen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes nr. 54. Turnhout: Brepols. 7-23

Ms. Dr. J.J. Wubs-Mrozewicz Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance April 23-26: European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. Title of presented paper: ‘The late medieval Hanse as an institution of conflict resolution: theory and sources’ May 22-23: Symposium on maritime history, Gdansk, Poland (in Polish). Title of presented paper: ‘Rozwiazywanie splatanych interesow. Konflikty miasta Gdanska i kupcow gdanskich zwiazane z dzialanoscia kaprow w XVI w: prawo i dyplomacja’


June 18-20: Symposium: Foreigners in the heart of medieval and early modern Europe, European University Institute, Fiesole (Florence). Title of presented paper: ‘Conflict resolution with foreigners in the Hanse area in the fifteenth and sixteenth century’ September 1-3: Symposium ‘Historiography and Sources of Commercial Law’, Helsinki, Finland. Title of presented paper: ‘Mercantile conflict resolution in practice: connecting diplomatic and legal sources from Danzig c. 1460-1580’

Conference organization April 23-26: European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. Title of presented paper: ‘The late medieval Hanse as an institution of conflict resolution: theory and sources’. Role: session organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Frankfurt University and Max Planck Institute for Legal History, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Purpose of trip: invited research fellow at the LOEWE Research Focus ‘Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution: case study on neutrality and conflict resolution Period: July

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Co-editor of the peer-reviewed volume ‘The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade Around Europe’, with Wim Blockmans and Mikhail Krom (Routledge, forthcoming 2016) Co-editor (with Bram Van Hofstraeten): The Merchant and the Law: Mind the Gap? (2016, forthcoming) Guest co-editor of a special issue of Continuity and Change (scheduled to appear in 2017)

Membership of boards and committees Member of the editorial board of the Studia z dziejów średniowiecza (Medieval Studies Journal, University of Gdańsk) Board member and from 2014 vice-chair of the association of laureates of the Vernieuwingsimpuls (Innovational Research Incentives Scheme) by NWO (2011-present): organization of symposia on research policy in the Netherlands and discussion with policymakers (NWO and Ministry of Education) Member of the PhD and Postdoc grant commission at the Institute for History, Leiden University Member of Educational Board at the Institute for History, Leiden University

Advisory and coordinating activities Section coordinator of the New Maritime History of the Netherlands (2014-), ed. Henk den Heijer et al

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Pawel Sadlon, Leiden University and University of Gdańsk, Poland; ‘Stosunki gdansko-dunskie w XV i XVI w’; defence in 2015/2016

Externally acquired funds Fellowship at LOEWE Research Focus ‘Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution, Frankfurt University and Max Planck Institute for Legal History (2014): €2000

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May 2014: short interview TV (Gdańsk, local) in the context of an international maritime conference in Gdańsk, Poland Contributor to the permanent exhibition of the newly founded European Hanse Museum in Lübeck NRC article on historical sources for children (2014)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact)


In the context of the association of laureates of the Vernieuwingsimpuls (Innovational Research Incentives Scheme) by NWO (2011-present): organization of symposia on research policy in the Netherlands and discussion with policymakers (NWO and Ministry of Education)

Publications Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Neutrality in early modern conflicts and conflict resolution. The legal and diplomatic perspective in the 1564-67 case of Hollandish salt ships during the Northern Seven Years’ War’ (under review). Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Koopvaardij: actoren, organisaties en netwerken’, in Nieuwe Maritieme Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, ed. Henk den Heijer et al (forthcoming) Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Mercantile conflict resolution in practice: connecting diplomatic and legal sources from Danzig c. 1460-1580’, in Heikki Pihlajamäki ed. Historiography and Sources of Commercial Law (Brill 2015, forthcoming) Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Danzig’, in W. Blockmans, M. Krom and J. Wubs-Mrozewicz (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade Around Europe (2016, Routledge, forthcoming) Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘The late medieval and early modern Hanse: an institution or organization? The conflict resolution perspective’, Continuity and Change (2017, forthcoming) Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Rozwiązywanie splątanych interesów. Konflikty miasta Gdańska i kupców gdańskich związane z działalnością kaprów w XVI wieku: prawo i dyplomacja’, volume ed. B. Możejko (2015, forthcoming) Wubs-Mrozewicz, J.J. ‘Mercantile conflict resolution and the role of the language of trust: a Danzig case in the middle of the sixteenth century’, Historical Journal (2015, forthcoming)

PhD Candidates

Ms. L. Alvarez Frances MA Research 0,8 fte

Conference attendance October 30: Conference: New Trends in eHumanities Meetings. Title of presented paper: Mapping Notes and Nodes in Networks

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Paris, France Purpose of trip: arranged by project ‘Facing the Enemy’. Interview with Geoffrey Parker Period: November 20, 2014

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Blog for the CREATE project at the UvA: ‘General tools in the Digital Humanities’, 23rd December 2014, http://www.create.humanities.uva.nl/2014/12/

Publications Alvarez Frances, L. Juan Rodríguez y los comienzos de la ciudad de Nueva York/Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, Tom Weterings, Leonor Álvarez Francés; Ángel L. Estévez, traductor; Juan Francisco Domínguez Novas, edición. — Santo Domingo, DO: Archivo General de la Nación; New York, NY: CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, 2014. 76, [1] (Archivo General de la Nación; v.226. Research monograph series). ISBN 9789945586206 Alvarez Frances, L. ‘Fascination for the Madritsche Apoll: Lope de Vega in Golden Age Amsterdam’, Arte Nuevo 1 (2014)


Ms. C. Bekar Research 0,8 fte

Duijl, J. van Research 0,167 fte 1 fte (November-December)

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: archives of the Teutonic House, Utrecht Purpose of trip: main archive for my research project about the possessions of this house in de Middle Ages Period: Regularly visits on Mondays

Ms. M.F.D. Eekhout MA Research 0.7 fte

Conference attendance November 14-16: Conference ‘Visualizing Revolt and Punishment in Early Modern Times. Conflict and Contact-Zones between Different Visual Cultures and Policies’. Title of presented paper: ‘The power of media in visualizing the Dutch Revolt’, University of Konstanz, Germany

Externally acquired funds Dr. Ernst Crone fellow, Het Scheepvaartmuseum Project: Material memory culture of the battle at Doggersbank, 1781 Role: applicant Funded by: Het Scheepvaartmuseum

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 20: Lecture ‘Hoezee de Brit ruimt zee! Doggersbankgekte in de Republiek’ August 5: Contribution ‘Herdenking Doggersbank’, published in Kenniscentrum on website Het Scheepvaartmuseum November: Interview in magazine ‘Het Zeemagazijn’

Publications Eekhout, M.F.D. 'Furies in beeld. Herinneringen aan gewelddadige innames van steden tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand op zeventiende-eeuwse schilderijen', De Zeventiende Eeuw 30 (2014) afl 2, 243-266 Eekhout, M.F.D. Review George Sanders, Het present van Staat. De gouden ketens, kettingen en medailles verleend door de Staten-Generaal, 1588-1795 (Hilversum: Verloren, 2013, 682 pp., ISBN 978 90 8704 348 3) in BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 129-3 (2014) Eekhout, M.F.D. Review Els Kloek, Kenau en Magdalena. Vrouwen in de Tachtigjarige Oorlog (Nijmegen: Vantilt, 2014, 344 pp., ISBN 978 94 6004 158 7) in BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review 130 (2015) Other activities Marianne Eekhout, ‘Material memories of the Dutch Revolt’, Date of Defence: November 12, 2014


Ing. J. Ligthart MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance October 24: symposium ‘Mediëvistendag 2014’, Gouda. Title of presented paper: ‘Demise of the domain’ November 28: conference ‘Geldristendag 2014’, Arnhem. Title of presented paper: ‘Verpanding van domeingoederen in het Kwartier van Arnhem door Arnold van Gelre (1423-1473)’

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Koninklijk Archief, The Hague Purpose of trip: ‘Demise of the domain’ Period: October 28

Destination: Archives dependence du Nord, Lille, France Purpose of trip: ‘Demise of the domain’ Period: November (two days)

Destination: Gelders Archief, Arnhem (four days) Purpose of trip: ‘Demise of the domain’ Period: November/December 2014 and January 2015 (four days)

Publications Ligthart, J. ‘Verpanding van domeingoederen in het kwartier van Arnhem door Arnold van Gelre (1423-1473)’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelre CV/105 (2014) 51-80

Ms. B. Santiago Belmonte Research 1.0 fte

Drs. R.J. Stapel Research 0.8 fte Publications Scholarly Stapel, R.J. Priests in the military orders. A prosopographical survey of the priest-brethren in the Utrecht bailiwick of the Teutonic Order (1350-1600). In: Toomaspoeg K. (Ed.) Analecta Theutonica. Studies for the History of the Teutonic Order no. 1. Galatina: Congedo. 99-149

Other output Stapel, R.J. [Review of: Huib J. Zuidervaart (2013) Ridders, priesters en predikanten in Schelluinen. De geschiedenis van een commanderij van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, Balije van Utrecht, Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde, Balije van Utrecht] BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 129(4)

Drs. J.A. van der Steen MA Research 0.8 fte


Conference attendances January 23: ‘Ruzie maken om het verleden’, public lecture during the opening of the exhibition ‘Memory Contested’ at the University Library Leiden September 24: 'Memory Wars: The Political Use of the Past in the Early Seventeenth-Century Low Countries', KAIROS lecture at University College Roosevelt, Middelburg November 7: presentation researchplans at the meeting of the Contactgroep 1300-1700

Other activities ‘Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700’, Date of defence: June 24 2014, University Leiden, promotor: Judith Pollmann

PhD defence Johannes Müller, ‘Exile memories and the reinvention of the Netherlands’. Date of defence: 14 May 2014, University Leiden, promotor Prof. Dr. J.S.J. Pollmann Jasper van der Steen, ‘Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700’. Date of defence: June 24 2014, University Leiden, promotor Prof. Dr. J.S.J. Pollmann Marianne Eekhout, ‘Material memories of the Dutch Revolt. The urban memory landscape in the Low Countries, 1566-1700’. November 12 2014, University Leiden, promotor Prof. Dr. J.S.J. Pollmann

External PhD Candidates L. Alberts J. Besseling D. de Boer S. Derks R. Dijk A. van Doornmalen M. Gerrits P. Johnstone D.J. Jansen H.J.L.C. Koopmanschap I.a.A. Lange-Joppe C. Lenarduzzi D. Pfeifer C. Reijner V. Roelvink O.D.J. Roemeling R. Schats P. Schoen C. Schrickx J. Smit J. Smitshuis A.P.W. van den Steen D. Worst J. Zomer


Externally funded programmes

VICI project: Tales of the Revolt, Memory, Oblivion and Identity in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 Judith Pollmann This research project, which started in September 2008, aims to explore how personal and public memories of the Dutch Revolt in the seventeenth century evolved and interacted to create new political and cultural identities for the societies that eventually were to become the kingdoms of the Netherlands and Belgium. While on both sides of the new border there emerged a body of ‘canonic’ knowledge about the Revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs, this simultaneously involved the conscious eradication of other aspects of the past, meaning that two radically different versions of the same past came to prop up two distinctive ‘national’ identities. The first aim of this project is to investigate how these versions of the past came into being, to what extent they were assimilated by individual Netherlanders, and how they contributed to identity formation. The project builds on the surge of scholarly interest in the phenomenon of ‘collective’ or ‘social’ memory – the way in which societies remember and deploy the past. Research on the twentieth century has shown that individual memories will evolve in response to those of other people, or those that are promulgated in the public domain – thus contributing to the formation of group identity. Few scholars have so far tried to map the interaction between personal and public memory before 1800. The second aim of this project is to show that this is both possible and worthwhile. By exploring storytelling about the Revolt in memoirs, chronicles and many other sources, we will gauge the impact of different ‘memory policies’ on early modern populations that shared the same past but that became politically and confessionally divided. This situation was not unique to the Netherlands, and the project aims to offer insights that can be applied to other parts of Europe, as well as a better understanding of the differences between early modern and modern memory.

Commemoration and Community. Mediating local memories of the Dutch Revolt in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 (PhD project) Marianne Eekhout The subproject Commemoration and Community focuses on local memories of the Dutch Revolt in the Dutch Republic and the Southern Netherlands. Memory cultures varied considerably from town to town. After the Revolt, some towns drew attention to their role as victims of the cruel Dutch or Spanish soldiers whereas others presented themselves as victors, or tried to cover up their part in the Revolt. This project seeks to chart both why and how such memory cultures came into existence, however, and under what conditions they could continue to survive and be deployed to support local identity or local political positions and reputations. There have been claims that local magistrates pursued an active memory policy and engaged in memory ‘management’, but whether they were the most important players is still unclear. Various other actors such as religious groups, families or guilds also had the ability and power to influence the decisions of which memories should be forgotten and which ought to be remembered. These uncertainties provoke other questions related to memory studies and especially to the way in which memories took shape in the seventeenth century. How does a memory culture develop? Is it the result of a contest between factions and individuals? To what extent could versions of the past coexist? Did the population know which groups advocated which memories? Could certain memories be adapted when new stories turned up? All these questions will play an important role in this project. In addition, this project seeks to explore local memory cultures as a multimedia phenomenon. It will be based on literary sources and archival material, but also on commemorative objects including paintings, prints and a wide range of material and immaterial objects – gable stones, tapestries, windows, ceramics, or ‘relics’ of the Revolt years, as well as local rituals, place names and lieux de mémoire. All these media have their own messages and audiences, they will be studied both individually and collectively in order to understand their position and meaning in the memory process.

Exile memories and the reinvention of the Netherlands (PhD project) Johannes M. Müller This research project examines the role of memories of war and exile among Netherlandish refugees and their descendants in the Netherlands, Germany and England from the beginning of the Dutch Revolt until 1700. The main objective is to explain how and in which forms images of the past lived on

41 in the Dutch exile communities and how memories about the war and the lost homeland contributed to the formation of new social identities in the Low Countries and abroad. To meet this objective, this study will focus on a) the social structures and institutions, through which memories were shaped and preserved, b) an analysis of the ‘semantics’ of exile, i.e. the social meanings that were attributed to this phenomenon, and c) the changing topical and intertextual traditions in which exile memories were modelled and articulated. Leaving behind their hometowns and local social networks which were held together by mechanisms of trust and reputation, exiles were forced to redefine themselves and to fashion identities that were acceptable and recognizable in the new society. Especially Southerners, who had fled to the Republic were immensely active in publishing pamphlets and other literature, in which they presented themselves as compatriots of their hosts, ‘Netherlanders’, who sought refuge for the sake of their faith. Whereas the inhabitants of the Low Countries had previously defined themselves by referring to local rather than to national identities, exiles began to appeal to ‘the common fatherland’ of all Netherlanders or to the unity of trans-local religious confessions. So far, the role exile memories played in the formation of new confessional and ‘proto-national’ constructions of Netherlandish identity has scarcely been examined. This study will do so, in the belief that this can offer valuable insights into the development of two distinct Netherlandish states and identities as well as the emergence of new confessional self-images.

The politics of memory in the Low Countries (PhD project) Jasper van der Steen The Dutch Revolt tore apart the seventeen Netherlands and led to the formation of two states that were at war until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Long before 1648, however, it had already become evident that the division between North and South was likely to be permanent. Due to the rift between the two Netherlands, diametrically opposed views on the origin of the Revolt developed. Although there is an extensive literature on the political fissure between North and South, the process by which views on a shared history diverged and led to different interpretations of a common past has received less attention. Comparative studies that include both the Northern and Southern Netherlands are also lacking. This subproject offers a political and transnational perspective on the development and uses of public memories of the Revolt in the seventeenth century. It will supplement the local and individual perspectives studied by other members of the team, and will show how different memory environments influenced identity formation in the Northern and Southern Netherlands. By offering a comparison of public memory formation in a decentralised, Republican polity and a monarchical political system, it should also be able to contribute to a better understanding of the way in which political systems affected early modern memory formation in general. Accordingly, this project seeks to explore how and why different Netherlandish canons of the history of the Revolt came into being, how the contents and (political) uses of these narratives developed in the course of the seventeenth century; and the extent to which these narratives influenced the formation of new and irreconcilable self-images in the northern and southern provinces. How did memory and identity mutually influence one another in this process?

Towards a new history of (early) modern memory Judith Pollmann Most scholars who study memory believe that people in different cultures have different ways of remembering. This implies that it should be possible to write a history of memory. Outlines of such a history can be found in various modern theories of memory, which often contain a macro-historical component. They usually posit an evolution of memory and memory practices away from the organic, local, traditional and collective towards the synthetic, novel and individual. The timeframe in which this development is placed is usually quite unspecific, but broadly ‘premodern’. While the theories can and do refer to what is now really a mountain of evidence on memory practices post 1800, they have considered hardly any evidence for pre modern memory. Yet so far as current macro historical theories are supported with early modern evidence at all, this is usually derived from studies on early modern concepts of memory, and the evidence that has been collected to support other generic narratives of the coming of modernity; the discovery of the self, the rise of the public sphere, the nation and historical theory. What they do not consider is evidence for actual early modern memory practices. In recent years early modernists have been doing quite a lot of interesting work on actual remembering as it was done by early modern people. Modern scholars have transformed the world of custom,

42 community and tradition that Nora so confidently identified as the settings of ‘milieux de mémoire’, into a much more complex and dynamic phenomenon. They have emphasised how early modern culture integrated and domesticated change on the one hand, while at the same time innovating much more radically than itself was willing to admit. This project will attempt to bridge the gap between the macro-historical narratives of the memory theorists, and the evidence for early modern memory practices. The aims are both to improve and rethink the macro-historical narratives, and because it might help early modernists themselves to think more systematically about continuity and change in the shape and uses of memory in this period. To achieve this aim, this project will pursue two routes. The first is a comparison over time, through a study of modern and early modern memory practices, with a focus on those related to civil wars. The second focuses on identifying and explaining changes in memory by departing from the early modern period. The idea here is to exploring a number distinctive features of the ways in which early modern people engaged with the past, and the impact of these on memory practices, before examining the extent to which, and the reasons why, these transformed over time.

Project: Twilight zone: party strife, factionalism, and feuding in the Northern Low Countries. Peter Hoppenbrouwers During the final centuries of the Middle Ages the Low Countries were ridden by violent clashes between what contemporary sources called partes (Middle Dutch: partien/pertien), a word that may be translated as parties or factions, dependent on the extent of their goals, recruitment and activities. Exactly this ambiguous setting, in a twilight zone between the supra-local and the local, as well as between a ‘public’/political and a ‘private’/familial field of action, makes party strife and factionalism attractive subjects of innovative historical research, that can contribute to a better understanding of the often neglected counterweights that were build-up against the slow but relentless rise of the modern state in Western Europe during the late medieval and early modern periods. This project’s aim is to increase our knowledge of party strife and factionalism substantially along two tracks: by extending existing knowledge geographically and thematically, and by looking for completely new angles that join in with international research. In this particular case the theme of party strife and faction quarrels will be linked to four phenomena that are generally considered to have been typical for dealing with political tension in later medieval society: feuding, bastard feudalism, the creation of bargaining networks, and popular revolts. The project consists of three subprojects, in which three quite different variations on the theme of party strife and factionalism are developed for the last three territories in the Northern Low Countries to be formally incorporated into the Burgundian-Habsburg empire: (prince less) Friesland West of the Lauwers, the Prince-bishopric of Utrecht, and the Duchy of Guelders.

Eurasian empires: integration processes and identity formations. A comparative program Jeroen Duindam What holds people together, what makes them willing to fit within larger political structures? Our program looks at answers provided by the practices of dynastic rulership in Eurasian empires ca. 1300- 1800. These loose structures accommodated numerous groups under their rule and some showed remarkable resilience over time. We study patterns of compliance and resistance, mostly from the perspective of the dynastic centre. In the process, we reassess age-old images of Asia and Europe. While we focus on the key question of integration and identity, our project also takes into account the global connections and conjunctures increasingly manifest from the thirteenth century onwards. The Eurasian Empires program, endorsed by NWO in 2009 in the first round of its G or Horizon program, started in June 2011 and will continue until the summer of 2016. It brings together a team of senior researchers based in three Dutch universities: Leiden University (with the principal applicant J. Duindam and J. Gommans, Leiden coordinates the program), Universiteit van Amsterdam (M. van Berkel) and the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (P. Rietbergen). Together these supervisors coach six PhD-researchers and two postdocs. The program’s budget totals ca. two million euros. Each of these eight researchers focuses on a specific project within the program’s overall scope, covering Europe, West-, South- and East Asia (see http://hum.leiden.edu/history/eurasia/). While the projects take shape on the basis of specific language expertise and the study of primary sources, researchers define joint themes and produce joint papers. In this way the program as a whole seeks to bridge the gap between approaches of global history distant from sources and languages and the specialized studies of regional experts.


5. Political Culture and National Identities Description Leiden has its own tradition in the field of political and national history. More than at other Dutch universities, research is conducted into the national, often political history of individual countries in Europe and beyond. Such a focus on national history is no longer common practice within the field.

However, if this focus is problematised, it still remains a fruitful basis for a study of the past. The construction of national identities is not least a question of political action in the broadest sense of the word, and it therefore makes sense to study these matters in their relation to one another. This step seems all the more obvious if, in thinking of politics, we think primarily of political culture: on the one hand, the cultural aspects of the political realm itself, and on the other hand the broad social-cultural and cultural-intellectual embedding of politics. In both respects, political culture has to a large extent developed in national contexts and, conversely, ‘national identity’ is often simply another word for traditions in the field of political culture. Problematising ideas concerning national identity is also closely related to problematising the accepted assumptions about established politics. Leiden University, more than any other university, offers an ideal environment for the study of this complex, due to the presence among its historians of so many country specialists and specialists in the history of the European Union. The parallel presence of these specialisations does not automatically lead to collaboration. Among historians, it has long been a habit to concentrate on one country and to study this country in its unique characteristics (The German Sonderweg, Great-Britain versus the Continent, l’exception française, The Netherlands as an exception to the general human pattern, American exceptionalism, etc.), while the study of the history of Europe and European unification was effected in a separate area of research. In recent decades, an increasing amount of criticism has been voiced concerning the nationally oriented historical tradition, and calls have been made for more comparative research. In practice, however, it proves to be far from easy for a historian (as opposed to, for instance, a sociologist) to study history from a comparative perspective. Comparative history begins with placing a number of national cases side by side, but it is, of course, far more than that. Expertise in the field of national history will probably reach its full potential if, rather than concentrating on separate juxtaposed national cases, historians focus instead on the connections between them. To this end, the German and French history of ideas tradition has developed the concept of ‘culture transfer’, i.e. the adoption of foreign examples and the inspiration of which they engender. This concept can easily be transferred to the political domain, for instance with regard to social movement, parties and parliaments, and the use of symbols and material objects. In the attempt to escape the pressure of the national template in research (whereby national phenomena are automatically understood and explained in terms of national developments), the concept of political transfer is an important heuristic tool. In addition, Europe and international or supra-national organisations, such as those involved in post-War European unification, can then be studied as platforms of political transfer.


Dr. J.C.G. Aguiar Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance Professional conference papers: March 13-15: ‘On Originals, Copies and Pirates: Globalization and Reproduction in Culture’, Conference Stedelijk Museum Collecting Geographies – Global Programming and Museums of Modern Art, Amsterdam March 19-22: ‘Informality as a Resource: Cross-Border Trade and Non-Hegemonic Globalization’, 44th Conference Urban Affairs Association, San Antonio, University of Texas, United States of America


March 24-28: ‘Plazas, Redes, Rutas: los Contornos de la Criminalidad, Piratería e Informalidad en México’, (Locations, Networks, Routes: The Frontiers between Criminality, Piracy and Informality in Mexico), 4th National Congress of Social Sciences, Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO), San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico April 10-11: ‘Reform or Continuation? Debates on the Regulation of Informality in Mexico under Enrique Peña Nieto’, 3rd International Conference of desiguALdades.net Inequalities in Latin America, Berlin, Germany June 18-21: ‘Beyond the Wall? Cultural Hegemony and the Supremacy of Copies in Latin America’, research paper to present at 18th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality: After the Change: 1989 and the Social Sciences in the post-Cold War Era, Berlin, Germany November 20: ‘Santa Muerte: Violence, Death and Popular Culture in Mexico’, International Conference Miracles of Death.The Santa Muerte Cult in Mexico, University of Groningen December 3-7: ‘Globalization from Below: Traders Between Guangzhou and Mexico City’, 113th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, United States of America

Conference organization September 29: kick-off conference ‘The Popular Culture of Illegality: Criminal Authority and the Politics of Aesthetics in Latin America and the Caribbean’, Leiden University. Role: Organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Lima and Quito, Peru Purpose of trip: fieldwork on behalf of Post-doc NOW project ‘The Popular Culture of Illegality’ Period: January

Destination: Mexico Purpose of trip: fieldwork on behalf of Post-doc NOW project ‘The Popular Culture of Illegality’ Period: March-April, September-November

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editorial: Reviewer for the international journals: Crime, Law and Social Change Cultural Anthropology American Ethnologist

Membership of boards and committees Evaluation committee: December 15: Evaluator, scientific output Dr. Laura Roush, Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico

Professional service: Evaluator, Sistema Nacional de Evaluación Científica y Tecnológica (National System for Scientific and Technological Evaluation), Consejo Nacional para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (National Council for Science and Technology), Mexico Councilor, Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Secretary of the Examination Board, Latin American Studies, Leiden University

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD J.C. Narváez Gutiérrez, Leiden University. Title dissertation: ‘Latin-Yorks: inserción, identidad e imaginario transnacional de jóvenes dominicanos y mexicanos en la ciudad de Nueva York’. Role: co- promoter. Defense in spring 2015 (anticipated)

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Use of twitter: @jcgaguiar Professional website and blog: http://www.josecarlosgaguiar.com


Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Invited lectures February 21: ‘Ilegalidad y cultos populares emergentes en América Latina: Sarita Colonia en Perú, y la Santa Muerte en México’ (Illegality and Popular Cults in Latin America: Sarita Colonia in Peru and Santa Muerte in Mexico), Asociación Cultural Española/Centro Hispanoamericano Amersfoort, Amersfoort September 11: ‘¿Culturas de la ilegalidad? Religiosidad popular y el culto a la Santa Muerte en Mexico’ (Cultures of Illegality?, Popular Religiosity and the Cult to Santa Muerte in Mexico), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Pueba (BUAP), Puebla September 23: (with Isabelle Duyvesteyn) ‘Modern Robin Hoods and Non-State Violence’, Research Seminar Political Legitimacy, Leiden University December 3: ‘The Cultural Geographies of a Folk Saint: Popular Religiosity and Criminality in Santa Muerte’, Amherst College, Amherst Organization debate December 11: A Crisis on the Rise? The Impact of Violence and Impunity on Mexican Society, Participants: Activists from Mexico Dolf Hogewoning, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Mexico Genner Llanes Ortiz, CIESAS Mexico Hector Olasolo Alonso, Instituto Iberoamericano de la Haya para la Paz, los Derechos Humanos y la Justicia Internacional Nicole Sprokel, Amnesty International Maarten Jansen, Leiden University José Carlos G. Aguiar, Leiden University

Awards National Researcher, level 1, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (National Register of Researchers), Consejo Nacional para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (National Council for Science and Technology), Mexico

Publications Aguiar, José Carlos G. ’Estados de simulación: Piratería, contrabando, neoliberalismo y el control de la ilegalidad en América Latina’, Perspectivas, Instituto para la Seguridad y Democracia (INSYDE) Aguiar, José Carlos G. [Book Review] ‘Devoted to Death. Santa Muerte. The Skeleton Saint’, by R. Andrew Chesnut. The European Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (94), April, 164-166

Other output Aguiar, José Carlos G. Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint, by R. Andrew Chesnut, Oxford University Press, 2012. [Review of: Andrew Chesnut (2014) Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint] European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 96: 164-166

Dr. J. Augusteijn Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance April 4-5: Conference ‘Women’s History Association of Ireland (WHAI) Annual Conference 2014: Cumann na mBan 100: 1914-2014’. Keynote speech. Title of presented paper: 'The role of women in shaping IRA tactics, 1913-1998. The case of the hunger strike’, Dublin, Ireland September 24-26: lecture at the conference ‘Partitionism, Minorities and Collective Identities in the Construction of a Europe of ‘Small’ Democracies, 1912-2012’. Title of presented paper: ‘Religion and minorities in the construction of the Irish Free State, 1912-1922’ , Cambridge, United Kingdom

Membership of boards and committees


Member editorial board of Perspectives on Terrorism

Advisory and coordinating activities Referee for Manchester University Press Referee for EURIAS Screening Dutch secondary school exams in History

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Some commentary provided for Dutch and Belgian national radio

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) March 13: Master Class about the experiences with terrorism in Ireland for Dutch military officer training in Breda Lecture for Leidschrift symposium ‘De vreemde strijder: Buitenlandse inmenging in burgeroorlogen’ Lecture for GHD Ubbo Emmius in Groningen Lecture for studievereniging Merlijn in Leiden Lecture ‘Het Britse Wereldrijk en de Eerste Wereldoorlog’ voor het Studium Generale Leiden ‘De Eerste Wereldoorlog, 1914-1918’ Lecture for Studentenvereniging B.I.L. Lectures for HOVO in Tilburg

Publications Scholarly Augusteijn, J. ‘Orangisme als internationaal fenomeen’ in: Henk te Velde en Donald Haks (eds), Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu (Amsterdam, 2014), pp 197-220 Augusteijn, J. ‘Zonder bommen is het nog niet meteen vrede’, De Republikein. Tijdschrift voor de ware democraat No.1, Maart 2014, jrg. 10, pp 12-16 Augusteijn, J. Entry on Patrick Pearse for the 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War Augusteijn, J. Book review, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 85, No. 4 Popularising Augusteijn, J. Review article: New work on the Irish Revolution, Irish Historical Studies May 2014

Dr. M. Bader Research 1,0 fte

Conference attendance June 9-10: conference ‘Politicologenetmaal 2014’. Title of presented paper: ‘Is International Election Observation Credible? Evidence from OSCE Missions’, Maastricht July 31-August 2: workshop at the conference: ‘Critical Junctures and the Survival of Autocracies’. Title of presented paper: ‘Crisis Management and Authoritarian Diffusion in Post-Soviet Eurasia’, Berlin, Germany

Conference organization June 9-10: conference ‘Politicologenetmaal 2014’. Title of presented paper: ‘Is International Election Observation Credible? Evidence from OSCE Missions’, Maastricht. Role: Co-organizer

Membership of boards and committees Russian Studies Departmental Committee Russian Studies Board of Examiners BA International Studies Board of Examiners


MA International Studies Board of Examiners

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) TV interviews to RTL4, ICTV (Ukraine) Numerous interviews with journalists about the situation in Ukraine Co-editor and contributor (4 blog posts) to Leiden Rusland Blog: http://leidenruslandblog.nl/ 2 blog posts to the blog European Politics and Society of the London School of Economics and Political Science: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog 1 blog post to the website ‘Stuk Rood Vlees’: http://stukroodvlees.nl

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) External adviser to Inspectie Ontwikkelingsssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs for evaluation of Netherlands human rights policies vis-à-vis Russia; Co-author of report ‘Evaluatie Nederlandse Inzet voor Mensenrechten in de Russische Federatie’ Short-term observer for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe to the presidential elections (25 May 2014) and the parliamentary elections (27 October 2014) Three lectures at Clingendael (4 April, 26 Augustus, 23 September) Two trainings to staff of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (27 June, 13 July) Two trainings to members of EU Police Missions to Ukraine (5 July, 7 August) One training to Central Asian diplomats, Clingendael, 1 July Public lectures: April 8: D66 youth wing May 7: Ministry of Foreign Affairs August 13: MOST November 4: Utrecht University law students Participation in panel discussions: February 4: Humanity House February 19: NGIZ March 6: Clingendael December 10: SIB

Publications Bader, M. & Ham, C. van ‘What explains regional variation in election fraud? Evidence from Russia’, Post-Soviet Affairs ahead of print Bader, M. ‘Democracy Promotion and Authoritarian Diffusion: The Foreign Origins of Post-Soviet Election Laws’, Europe-Asia Studies 66(8) 2014 Bader, M. & Schmeets, H. ‘Is International Election Observation Credible? Evidence from OSCE Missions’, Research and Politics, 2014 1 Bader, M. ‘Rusland en de Terugkeer van de Geopolitiek’, de Republikein, 2014

Dr. D.T. Ballantyne Research 1.0 fte

Conference Attendance December 8: (invited paper) Title of presented paper: ‘Ernest F. Hollings, the War on Hunger, and South Carolina politics’, Wesleyan University College of Social Studies, Middletown, CT, USA

Research leave home and abroad Destination: Baton Rouge and Alexandria, Louisiana Purpose of trip: Visiting university archives in both locations


Length of stay: 3 weeks Period: July

Destination: Washington, D.C. and Boston, Massachusetts Purpose of trip: Visiting National Archives in Washington, and using William Tecumseh Sherman papers and other small collections at the Harvard University libraries Length of stay: 3 weeks Period: October

Other activities December: Revision of PhD project contracted with the University of South Carolina Press for publication as a monograph

Externally acquired funds NOW (small program) ‘Democratization and political terrorism: the formation and destruction of a two-party system in the Red River Valley of Louisiana, 1865-1878’. Dr. David Ballantyne (post-doctoral researcher) with Prof. Dr. Adam Fairclough and Mark de Vries (PhD student)

Ms. Beyens, N.K. Research Fte: 0,8 (since August 1)

Conference organization March 7: Symposium ‘Turning Points in de biografie’, Amsterdam Role: (co-) organizer: This symposium was organised by the Tijdschrift voor Biografie (of which I am an editor) and by the Historisch Documentatiecentrum voor het Protestantisme

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: National Archives Purpose of trip: Biography Els Borst-Eilers: In November 2014, I was granted the right to consult the archives of Els Borst (exclusively) by her heirs. Since these archives were completely unorganised yet, I have since spent quite some time organizing the archives (both at the National Archives, and archives in private possession) and the setup for this new biographical research project Length of stay: month Period: November

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editor of the Tijdschrift voor Biografie

Membership of boards and committees Member of the ‘Werkgroep Biografie’ of the Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde This committee takes initiatives regarding the genre of the historical biography, and functions as the board of the Tijdschrift voor Biografie

Advisory and coordinating activities Member of the advisory committee of the book: Peter Jan Knegtmans, Geld, ijdelheid en hormonen. Ernst Laqueur, hoogleraar en ondernemer (Boom 2014)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Public lectures: April 23 : lecture: ‘Hector Treub, een zoon uit Voorschoten’ at Museum Voorschoten May 28: lunch-lecture: ‘Hector Treub, vrouwenarts in een mannenmaatschappij’, AMC, Amsterdam November 26: Co-organisor of the first Biography café (Groningen)

Awards Winner of the G.A. Lindeboomprijs 2014 (awarded on 11 December 2014)


This prize for special merits in the field of medical history is presented by the Stichting Historia Medicinae and the Stichting Pieter van Foreest, and is awarded once every five years

Publications Beyens, N.K. Discussion-article: ‘Belgian’s political reconstruction after World War II: An exemplary case for the normalization of the post-war Western-European state?’, BMGN, 129-4 (2014) 34-39

Dr. E.F. van de Bilt Research 0.5 fte

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) July 13: NPO Radio 1-OVT about Paul LeRoy Bustill Robeson, black American actor, athlete, singer, writer and political activist

Publications Scholarly Bilt, E.F. van de ‘Aan het volk van Nederland’: Argwaan, Adams en Van der Capellen. In: Dam Peter van, Turpijn Jouke, Mellink Bram (Eds.) Onbehagen in de polder: Nederland in conflict sinds 1795. Amsterdam: AUP (Amsterdam University Press). 43-60 Bilt, E.F. van de ‘Wijs wantrouwen: Thomas Paine, Common Sense en de verkondiging van de wereldrevolutie’. In: Thomas Paine, Gezond verstand. Amsterdam: Mastix Press. 7-27 (Dutch translation of Common Sense), 7-27 Bilt, E.F. van de ‘Amerika gaat overstag’, Geschiedenis magazine, 49 (5), 2014, 24-27

Dr. B.E. van der Boom Research 0.3 fte

Publications Professional Velde , H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. ‘Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen’. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Dr. D. Bos Research 1.0 fte

Publications Bos, D. Bloed en barricaden. De Parijse Commune herdacht. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek, 2014

Ms. Dr. E.C. Braat Research 1.0 fte


Ms. Dr. Carmody, M.F. Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance June 16-18: Conference ‘International Studies Association: Human Rights and Change’. Title of presented paper: ‘never Again!: Human Rights and the Construction of Stable Post- Authoritarian States’, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. E. Cusumano Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance February 18-23: Academic Conference ‘International Studies Association Conference’. Title of presented paper: ‘Varieties of Capitalism and Military Privatization’ Private Military and Security Companies in Liberal Market Economies and Coordinated Market Economies, New Orleans, U.S.A.

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Journal of Conflict Resolution International Political Sociology Armed Forces & Society European Journal of Political Theory Palgrave Macmillan Routledge

Externally acquired funds I was shortlisted for an NWO VENI grant. The final decision will be made in July 2015 (not granted)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 13: Lecture on Private Military and Security Companies at the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

Publications Cusumano, E. ‘The Scope of Military Privatisation. Military Role Conceptions and Contractor Support in the United States and the United Kingdom’, International Relations, DOI 10.1177/0047117814552142 Cusumano, E. ‘Bureaucratic Interests and the Outsourcing of Security. The Privatization of Diplomatic Protection, in the United States and the United Kingdom’, Armed Forces & Society, DOI 10.1177/0095327X14523958, (co-authored with Christopher Kinsey) Cusumano, E. ‘Normative Power Under Contract? Commercial Support to European Crisis Management Operations’, International Peacekeeping vol. 21 no. 1, pp. 37-55 (co-authored with Francesco Giumelli) Cusumano, E. ‘The Drivers and Future of Transatlantic Environmental Governance’, in Bakker C. and Francioni F. (Eds.), The EU, the US and Climate Governance (Farnham: Ashgate), pp. 249-269 2014 – ‘Handing Over Leadership: Transatlantic Environmental Governance as a Functional Relationship’, TransWorld Working Paper 36, http://www.transworld-fp7.eu/?p=1551

Dr. P.G.C. Dassen Research 1.0 fte


Advisory and coordinating activities September-November: Advice to Studium Generale, Leiden University, for the organisation of a series of lectures about World War One

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee Bob van Zijderveld, ‘Een Duitse familie in Nederland (1804-1913). Carrièrisme en netwerken van Hermann Schlegel en zijn zonen Hustav en Leander’. Promotores: Prof. Dr. W. Otterspeer & Prof. Dr. L. Wessels. Promotion on 7 november 2014 in Heerlen (Open University)

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) September 17: Opinion article in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant: ‘Duitsland niet uit op wereldmacht in 1914’ November 14: interview about my book ‘Sprong in het duister. Duitsland en de Eerste Wereldoorlog’, NRC-Handelsblad, Boeken-bijlage(almost two pages) December 10: Radio-interview on Radio Amsterdam FM

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) September 17: Lectures as a result of my book ‘Sprong in het duister. Duitsland en de Eesrte Wereldoorlog’: Studium Generale in Leiden (135 visitors) October 24: ‘Oostblok’ in Amsterdam November 11: The Noord-Hollands Archief, Haarlem November 12: The Rotary IJmond, Velsen-Zuid November 24: lecture in the program ‘De groote oorlog’, Nijmegen University December 17: Historische studievereniging ‘Merlijn’, Leiden

Publications Dassen, P.G.C. ‘Sprong in het duister. Duitsland en de Eerste Wereldoorlog’ (Amsterdam: Van Oorschot); 524 pp. 1st edition September 2014; 2nd edition December 2014

Prof. Dr. H.W. van den Doel Research 0.1 fte

Prof. Dr. A. Fairclough Research 1. 0. fte

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee, History of Education Quarterly Journal of Southern History Louisiana History University of North Carolina Press

Membership of boards and committees International advisory committee, Roosevelt Study Center Member, exam committee, Art and Literature and American Studies

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Mark de Vries, ‘The Politics of Terror: Enforcing Reconstruction in Louisiana’s Red River Valley’, Promotor


Membership PhD committee Farabi Fakih, ‘The Rise of the Managerial State in : Institutional Transition During the Early Independence Period, 1950-1965’. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Leonard Blussé

Externally acquired funds ‘Democratization and political terrorism: the formation and destruction of a two-party system in the Red River Valley of Louisiana, 1865-1878’ NWO (small program) Mark de Vries (PhD student) Dr. David Ballantyne (post-doctoral researcher)

Publications Scholarly Fairclough, A. History or Civil Religion? The Uses of Lincoln’s ‘Last Best Hope of Earth'

Dr. M.J. Frear Research 1.0 fte

Membership of boards and committees Grant Committee for Sustainable Humanities Internship Fund Admissions Committee for MA Russian and Eurasian Studies (MARES)

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) September 26: Contributions to Leiden Rusland Blog i.e. Belarusian Perspectives on the Crisis in Ukraine

Publications Frear, M. J. The Parliamentary Elections in Belarus, September 2012, Electoral Studies 33(1): 350-353

Scholarly Frear, M.J. Belarusian Perspectives on Eurasian Economic Integration, Russian Analytical Digest 2014(146): 10-12 Frear, M. J. The parliamentary elections in Belarus, September 2012, Electoral Studies 33(1): 350-353

Other output Frear, M.J. (26 September 2014) Belarusian Perspectives on the Crisis in Ukraine. Leiden Rusland Blog [blog entry] Frear, M. J. Review: Gender, Politics, and Society in Ukraine [Review of: Hankivsy O., Salnykova A. (2012) Gender, Politics, and Society in Ukraine] Europe-Asia Studies 66(1): 162-163

Prof. Dr. A.W.M. Gerrits Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance February 13: Johns Hopkins, SAIS. Title of presented paper: ‘Democratization, Authoritarianism and the Significance of Nationalism in the Russian Federation’, Bologna, Italy March 24: Symposium: Yad Vashem, ‘Judeo-Bolshevism: The Crystallization of an Antisemitic Political Concept’. Title of presented paper: ‘The ‘Mythistory’ of Jewish Communism’, Jerusalem, Israel


March 27: Symposium: Veer Stichting: ‘De factor onzekerheid in de internationale politiek’, presymposium , Leiden April 8: Studievereniging Machiavelli, University of Amsterdam. Title of presented paper: ‘Putin en het politieke systeem in Rusland’, Amsterdam May 13: Symposium VUGS Ruslandsymposium. ‘Rusland: Machtige natie of rijk in verval?’. Title of presented paper: ‘De Poetin revolutie: Conservatisme, nationalisme en buitenlands beleid’, Utrecht May 28-30: Symposium: WTO and Eurasian Integration. Title of presented paper: ‘European Union and Eurasian Economic Union’, FES and Ivanovo State University, Ples, Ivanovo Region, Russia July 28: Symposium: Border/Frontiere/Grenze/Granitsa: Russian-European Interpretation ‘Borders in Europe: Inclusion and exclusion in EU internal and external relations’, Kazan Federal University and Samara State University, Samara, Russia September 11: Symposium: ‘Europe between Germany and Russia’, Return to Spheres of Influence? Democratisation and Integration in Post-Cold War Europe, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation/Helsinki University, Finland October 19: Symposium: Nascholingsconferentie ‘Koude Oorlog: 1945-1991’ ‘De Koude oorlog – Opkomst en ondergang van een mondiale politieke orde’, Radboud University Nijmegen October 25: Presentation: Academic Forum ‘Poetins Rusland’, Tilburg University, Tilburg

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editor ‘Internationale Spectator’

Supervisor PhD research Membership PhD committee January 10: Laurien Crump, ‘The Warsaw Pact Reconsidered’, University Utrecht May 9: Robin de Bruin, ‘Elastisch Europa. De integratie van Europa en de Nederlandse politiek, 1947- 1968’, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Outreach Two articles and four book reviews in NRC Handelsblad

Interviews at several newschannels: Nieuwsuur; Een Vandaag; Radio 1 Journaal; BNR; VPRO; VPRO Bureau Buitenland

Interviews in several newspapers: Algemeen Dagblad; Trouw; De Morgen; Kleio

Valorisation April 8: Presentation: Studievereniging Machiavelli ‘Putin en het politieke systeem in Rusland’ UvA, Amsterdam October 25: Presentation: Academic Forum ‘Poetins Rusland’, Tilburg University, Tilburg November 10: Lecture: Studium Generale ‘25 years after the fall of the Wall: Is Europe’s past its future?’, Universiteit Maastricht September-November: HOVO Cursus Universiteit Leiden: ‘Europese integratie’ MOOC Leiden University: The Changing Global Order: 1. Russian Foreign Policy; 2. BRIC

Publications Gerrits, A.W.M. ‘Solidarity and the European Union: From the Welfare State to the Eurocrisis’, in: Ernst Hillebrand and Anna Maria Kellner (Eds.), ‘Shaping a Different Europe. Contributions to a Critical Debate’, Bonn: Dietz Verlag, pp.63-71 Gerrits, A.W.M. ‘La crisi ucraina: quali opzioni per la Russia e per l’Occidente’, Le Italianieuropai, April 9, http://www.italianieuropei.it/it/ie-online/item/3313-la-crisi-ucraina-quali-opzioni-per-la-russia-e-per- l-occidente.html


Gerrits, A.W.M. ‘Populismus in Europa: Weshalb die praktizierte Entpolitisierung der europäischen Integration den Populisten in die Hände spielt’, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, April 7 (http://www.ipg- journal.de/schwerpunkt-des-monats/populismus-in-europa/artikel/detail/populismus-in-europa- 338/) Gerrits, A.W.M. ‘L’essor de l’antisionisme en Union Soviétique. Manfred Gerstenfeld interviewe André Gerrits’. JForum, Le Portail Juife Francofone, Mai 14, http://www.jforum.fr/mot/antisionisme-45040 Ukraine: A Mid-crisis Assessment, Queries, 4, 32-33

Professional Gerrits, A.W.M. Solidarity and the European Union: From the Welfare State to the Eurocrisis. In: Hillebrand E., Kellner A.M. (Eds.) Shaping a Different Europe. Contributions to a Critical Debate.. Berlin: Dietz Verlag. 63- 71

Other activities October 26: Lecture: MA Bestuur en Maatschappij: ‘Rusland en de geopolitieke consequenties van MH 17’, Tilburg University, Tilburg November 10: Lecture: Studium Generale, ‘25 years after the fall of the Wall: Is Europe’s past its future?’, Universiteit Maastricht’

Ms. Dr. M.J. Janse Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance January 16-18: International Conference ‘Getting Organized: The Emergence of Political Parties, Clubs and Reform Organizations in the long 19th century’, Leiden University. Title of presented paper: ‘Association is a mighty engine: The early history of political mass organizations, 1825-1840’ June 5-6: Invited panelist N.W. Posthumus Conference, Leeuwarden: ‘A new imperial history? The emergence of an ethical movement in Dutch colonial politics, 1840-1880’ July 3-4: Invited participant KNAW Academy Colloquium ‘Democracy in Europe: A Conceptual History’, Amsterdam

Conference organization January 16-18: International Conference ‘Getting Organized: The Emergence of Political Parties, Clubs and Reform Organizations in the long 19th century’, Leiden University, Co-organizer conference; Organizer session 1 ‘In pursuit of a more effective organization, 1780-1850’ September 4-6: OPG Conference Political History, Leiden: Convenor, chair and comment session ‘Parliamentary, constitutional and extraparliamentary politics’

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee for Trajecta: Religion, Culture, and Society in the Low Countries

Membership of boards and committees Advisory Board Huygens ING Institute Chair Werkgroep Verenigingsgeschiedenis Huizinga Institute for Cultural History

Advisory and coordinating activities Advisory Committee Research Project ‘Keer terug! Keer terug!’ Het succes van de Middernachtzending, by Vilan van de Loo

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Geerten Waling, ‘Associations in the European Revolutions of 1848’, co-promoter


Anne Heyer, ‘The Birth of Mass Political Parties’, co-promoter

Member readers committee Adriaan van Veldhuizen, University Leiden, De Partij: Over het politieke leven in de vroege S.D.A.P.

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) April 18: Radio interview NTR academie on Aprilbeweging

Dr. J.H.C. Kern Research 1.0 fte

Advisory and coordinating activities Member of the essay jury Veerstichting Leiden

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) February 16: Unity FM radio: interview Olympic Games in Sotsji, Russia Several contributions to the Leiden Rusland blog, Opleiding Russische Studies, Leiden (http://leidenruslandblog.nl/) Review of Douglas Smith, Verloren adel in: Openbaar bestuur 24/3 (March 2014) 30-31 Review of Maxim Gorki, Jeugdherinneringen in: Openbaar bestuur 24/3 (March 2014) 32 Review of Marc Jansen, Grensland. Een geschiedenis van Oekraïne in: NRC (April 11 2014) C12

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) January 22: lecture about Russian history, Prometheus, Leiden March 11: lecture about Baltic region, ReiscoHSVL, Leiden May 17: lecture about tsaar Alexander II, Merlijn, Leiden October 1: lecture about World War I and Revolution, HOVO and Studium Generale in Leiden October 15: lecture and discussion about foreign politics of Russia, CDJA, Leiden November 16: introduction about Ukrainian historu, Blinibioscoop, Rotterdam November 23: introduction at the movie ‘Come and See’ for Catena in Leiden December 10: participation paneldiscussion about Poetins’ politics, SIB, Leide

Other activities With Kim Beerden and Anna Tijsseling: development of course ‘Didactical Skills for PhD students in History’

Ms. Dr. A. M. O’ Malley Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance March 7: Seminar ‘Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies’. Title of presented paper: ‘Ghana, India and the Transnational Dynamics of the Congo Crisis at the United Nations’ March 13-15: Symposium ‘The Role of the Neutrals and Non-Aligned in the Global Cold War, 1948- 1989’. Title of presented paper: ‘Ghana, India and the Transnational Dynamics of the Congo Crisis at the United Nations’, Lausanne, Switzerland May 17-18: Colloquium at the conference ‘The UN and the Post-War Global Order: Dumbarton Oaks in Perspective after 70 years’. Title of presented paper: ‘The United Nations, Decolonization and the Reformation of Internationalism 1945-1960’, Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, SOAS, University of London June 19-21: Symposium ‘Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations’ (SHAFR). Title of presented paper: ‘A ‘Controlled Revolution’, Changing conceptions of the UN in US foreign policy from Eisenhower to Johnson’, Lexington, Kentucky


Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Brussels, Belgium Purpose of trip: Research Paper; Ghana, India and the Transnational Dynamics of the Congo Crisis at the United Nations. Subsequently accepted for publication in International History Review 2016; Archival research in Belgian Ministry for Foreign Affairs Period: two weeks

Destination: London, United Kingdom Purpose of trip: Book project ‘Anglo-American Relations at the United Nations during the Congo crisis from 1960-1964.’ (Forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press, 2016); archival research in the National Archives, Kew Period: May: one week

Destination: New York City, United States of America Purpose of trip: Book project ‘Anglo-American Relations at the United Nations during the Congo crisis from 1960-1964.’ (Forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press, 2016); archival research in Columbia library Archives and the Archives of the United Nations Period: June-July: two weeks

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Peer Reviewer, Postdoctoral Applications, FWO, April, 2014 Peer Reviewer, Itinerario, June, 2014

Membership of boards and committees Opleidingscommissie, MA International Studies, chair, (2014-present)

Professional Memberships: Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) Network for the New Diplomatic History MAIS Restructuring Committee, September 2014-Present

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator ISSIS: between MAIS (Leiden) and newly-formed International Studies Society for International Students,September 2014-Present Coordinator with activities of student organization, liaising between association and staff of the MAIS, help with organization of events and official Coordinator between MAIS and Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation; organization and coordination of elective ‘Historical Justice and Reconciliation’ with external lecturers provided by the IHJR; promotion and organization with IHJR of a series of guest lectures and public activities Development of key, shared research projects (in progress)

Externally acquired funds Book project ‘Anglo-American Relations at the United Nations during the Congo crisis from 1960- 1964.’ (Forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press, 2016) Funding: William Appleman Willams Junior Faculty Research Grant, funded by Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). Awarded January 2015 Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) March 31: invited lecture, Utrecht University College. Title: The United Nations and the Changing Nature of Internationalism during the Congo crisis from 1960-1964 May 11: discussant: public Lecture: ‘Advancing Global Justice in a Turbulent World’, by Dr. Abi Williams, Hague Institute for Global Justice

Awards Leiden University, December 2014, Nominee for Carla Musterd Award for Teaching, Institute for History European University Institute (EUI), December 2014, Official Ambassador of the EUI


Publications O’ Malley, A.M. ‘The Dag Factor, how “Quiet Diplomacy” changed the role of the Secretariat during the Congo Crisis, 1960-1961’, in Henning Melber, Carsten Stahn (eds.) Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) O’ Malley, A.M. ‘Tin, Tin in the Congo, Tin Mining in Belgian Congo’, in Mats Ingulstad, Andrew Perchard, Espen Storli (eds.) Tin and Global Capitalism, 1850-2000: A History of “the Devil’s Metal”, (London: Routledge, 2014) O’ Malley, A.M. ‘Gordian Knot, Apartheid and the Unmaking of the Liberal World Order,’ Ryan M. Irwin, The Journal of African History, Vol. 54, Issue 3 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) O’ Malley, A.M. Article Review: Blumenau B., "The Other Battleground of the Cold War: The UN and the Struggle against International Terrorism in the 1970s”, Journal of Cold War Studies, (16)1 (2014) 61-84, (H- Diplo, April 2015)

Dr. J. Oster Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance May 8-9: symposium at the Conference on Freedom of Expression. Title of presented paper: ‘Keynote speech on freedom of the media’, Helsinki, Finland September 10-11: Internet Jurisdiction Symposium. Title of presented paper: ‘Speech without Borders – Speech without Limits?’, Aberystwyth, Wales

Membership of boards and committees External Examiner for EU Law, German Law and Jurisprudence at the University of Exeter, School of Law

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Jacqueline Nwozo, King’s College London. Title dissertation: ‘The corporate entity and privacy protection: To what extent should English Law be developed to accommodate the privacy interests of corporations?’, second supervisor. Date of defence: 4 December 2014

Awards December 18: Carla Musterd Prijs for the best lecturer in 2014, Leiden University, Institute of History

Publications Scholarly Oster, J.S. Grenzen der Privatautonomie im europarechtlich determinierten Privatisierungsfolgenrecht am Beispiel des Telekommunikationssektors. In: Heid, D., Stotz, R., Verny, A. (Eds.) Festschrift für Manfred A. Dauses zum 70. Geburtstag: C.H. Beck. 285-297

Prof. Dr. W. Otterspeer Research 0.1 fte


Dr. H.J. Paul Research 0.25 fte

Conference attendance April 23: ‘Why Epistemic Virtues Require Passion, Love, and Desire: A Nineteenth Century View’, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria May 22: ‘Relations to the Past: A Research Agenda for Historical Theorists’, research master symposium, Leiden University, Institute for History June 5: ‘Contested Visions of Oriental Studies: The Polemical Reception of Reinhart Dozy’s The Israelites in Mecca in the 1860s’, international conference Philological Encounters, Leiden August 22: ‘A Dialogue With the Past: What Historians Can Do With Dialogical Self Theory’, Eighth International Conference on the Dialogical Self, The Hague September 17: ‘Trouw en onpartijdig: het engagement van Georg Waitz en Robert Fruin’, symposium ‘Ongehoord? Geëngageerde geschiedschrijving in Nederland’, Spui 25, Amsterdam September 30: ‘Feeling Rules in Nineteenth-Century Historical Scholarship: The Case of Robert Fruin’, workshop ‘Emotion and Subjectivity, 1300-1900’, NIAS, Wassenaar October 16: ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’, internationale conferentie ‘The Making of the Humanities IV’, KNIR, Rome, Italy November 28: ‘De modellenkast: over personae en performances’, symposium ‘Naar eer en geweten: beroepsethiek en de persona van de historicus’, KNHG, The Hague December 12: ‘Persona and Performance: Repertoires of Scholarly Selfhood’, international workshop ‘Discussing the Scientific Persona as an Analytical Tool’, University of Groningen

Conference organization April 23: Co-organizer, panel ‘The Scholarly Self (II): Epistemic Virtues and Emotional Dispositions’, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria April 23: Discussant, panel ‘The Practical Past’, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria October 16: Organizer, panel ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’, international conference ‘The Making of the Humanities IV’, Rome, Italy November 5-7: Co-organizer, international conference ‘Vienna 1815: The Making of a European Security Culture’, KNAW, The Hague/Amsterdam November 28: Co-organizer, symposium ‘Naar eer en geweten: beroepsethiek en de persona van de historicus’, KNHG, The Hague

Research leave, home and abroad Research in context of NWO Vidi project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editor of Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis Associate editor of History of the Humanities Referee for for Politics, Religion, and Ideology; Text; Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis

Membership of boards and committees Member of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee Ariaan Baan, ‘The Necessity of Witness: Stanley Hauerwas’s Contribution to Systematic Theology,’ Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, February 6, 2014

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Interview: Marcel Metze et al., ‘Ondernemende professoren’, De Groene Amsterdammer (27 November 2014), 20-29 Letter to the editor: ‘Nevenfuncties’, NRC Handelsblad (November 28, 2014)


Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Co-organizer of Gewetenschap, a theater and discussion program on scholarly integrity, with six performances at five Dutch universities in the fall of 2014 Member of a university-wide team of faculty members that developed a course on scholarly integrity for PhD students at Leiden University

Publications Scholarly Paul, H.J. Manuals on Historical Method: A Genre of Polemical Reflection on the Aims of Science. In: Bod L.W.M., Maat J., Weststeijn M.A. (Eds.) The Making of the Humanities, vol. 3. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 171-182 Paul, H.J. What Is a Scholarly Persona? Ten Theses on Virtues, Skills, and Desires, History and Theory 53: 348- 371 Paul, H.J. De erfenis van Wickham: naar een nieuwe fase in het secularisatieonderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127: 107-127 Paul, H.J. What Could It Mean for Historians to Maintain a Dialogue With the Past?, Journal of the Philosophy of History 8: 445-463 Paul, H.J. Il ruolo delle virtù epistemiche nella disciplina storica. In: Bondì D. (Ed.) Teorie del pensiero storico. Milano: Edizioni Unicopli. 119-144 Paul, H.J. Tudo está estremecido: por que a filosofia da história floresce em tempos de crise?, Faces da história 1(2): 73-80 Paul, H.J. Waarheidszin en waarheidsliefde: een vrijzinnige synthese van geloof en wetenschap. In: Dorsman L.J., Knegtmans P.J. (Eds.) Theologie, waarheidsliefde en religiekritiek: over geloof en wetenschap aan de Nederlandse universiteiten sedert 1815. Hilversum: Verloren. 25-43 Heiden, G.J. van der & Paul, H.J. In Dialogue With the Past: Reflections on a Metaphor, Journal of the Philosophy of History 8: 333-342

Professional Paul, H.J. Als het verleden trekt: kernthema's in de geschiedfilosofie. Den Haag: Boom Lemma

Popularising Paul, H.J. Kunst wil tegenspreken: historische gesprekskunst in het Rijksmuseum, De Gids (177 no. 7): 28-30

Ms. Dr. A.I. Richard Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance March 27: Research seminar presentation at the Modern and Contemporary History Seminar. Title of presented paper: ‘The Limits of Solidarity: Europeanism, Anti-Colonialism and Socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa in Puteaux, 1948’, University of Birmingham April 10: Research seminar presentation at the European Memory Research Seminar. Title of presented paper: ‘The Limits of Solidarity: Europeanism, Anti-Colonialism and Socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa in Puteaux, 1948’, University of Amsterdam August 27-28: Workshop ‘France and its Global Histories: State of the Field’. Title of presented paper: ‘The Limits of Solidarity: Europeanism, Anti-Colonialism and Socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa in Puteaux, 1948’, University of St. Andrews


September 4-7: Conference ENUIGH. Title of the presented paper: ‘The Limits of Solidarity: Europeanism, Anti-Colonialism and Socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa in Puteaux, 1948’, ENS Paris

Conference organization October 31: Discussant, Leiden Global, ‘Sebastian Conrad, East Asia in Global History’, Leiden

Publications Richard, A.I. The limits of solidarity. Europeanism, anti-colonialism and socialism at the Congress of the Peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa at Puteaux, 1948, European Review of History 21(4): 519-537 Richard, A.I. In search of a suitable Europe: Paneuropa and the Netherlands in the interwar period. In: Reijnen C., Rensen, M. (Eds.) European Studies: an interdisciplinary series in European culture, history and politics no. 32. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 247-269

Other output Richard, A.I. Wim van Meurs et al., Europa in Alle Staten. Zestig jaar geschiedenis van de Europese integratie [Review of: Wim van Meurs et al. (2013) Europa in Alle Staten. Zestig jaar geschiedenis van de Europese integratie] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis Richard, A.I. Christian Bailey, between yesterday and tomorrow. German visions of Europe, 1926-1950 (Oxford, Berhahn Books, 2013) [Review of: Christian Bailey Between yesterday and tomorrow. German visions of Europe, 1926-1950] German History

Prof. Dr. J.Q.T. Rood Research 0.2 fte

Publications Rood, J.Q.T. Economic interdependence and regional cooperation: the case of Europe/EU. Contribution to the conference ‘Economic interdependence and regional cooperation’. Kyoto, 21-22 February, 2014 Homan, K. & Rood, J.Q.T. De Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek: waar blijft de EU? Clingendael, 26 maart 2014 (webpublicatie) Rood, J.Q.T. Een wankele wereldorde; Clingendael Strategische Monitor 2014. Den Haag: Instituut Clingendael, June 2014 Rood, J.Q.T. ‘Een wankele wereldorde’. In: Jan Rood (ed.), Een wankele wereldorde; Clingendael Strategische Monitor 2014. Den Haag: Instituut Clingendael, juni 2014, p.19-67 Rood, J.Q.T. ‘Nederland op het mondiale schaakbord’. In: Jan Rood (eindred.), Een wankele wereldorde; Clingendael Strategische Monitor 2014. Den Haag: Instituut Clingendael, June 2014, p.239-250 Mourik, L. van & Rood, J.Q.T. The EU and its Southern Neighbourhood: maximizing leverage (Position Paper). Den Haag: Instituut Clingendael, June 18, 2014 Rood, J.Q.T. Transnational governance and democratic legitimacy; The case of the G20 and financial-economic cooperation. The Hague; The Hague Global Institute for Justice, July 2014 (webpublication) Rood, J.Q.T. ‘De Europese Unie in een onzekere wereld’. In: Ernst John Kaars Sijpeseijn (red.), Europa en de wereld. Amsterdam/Den Haag: VDE/EBN, July 2014, p.53-58


Rood, J.Q.T. ‘Een wankele wereldorde; de Clingendael Strategische Monitor 2014’. In: Magazine Nationale Veiligheid en Crisisbeheersing. 12(2014)3, p.6-8 Rood, J.Q.T. ‘Het einde van de Koude Oorlog in Europa en daarna’. In: Internationale Spectator. 68(2014) 9, p.11- 16

Other activities Senior research fellow, Clingendael Institute, The Hague Chief editor of the Internationale Spectator (monthly) Chairman of the Netherlands Society for International Affairs Chairman of the board of the Turkey Institute

Prof. Dr. G. P. Scott-Smith Research 0.6 fte

Conference attendance March: International Conference ‘Modern Literature, Culture, and the Archives of the Secret State’. Title of presented paper: ‘Propaganda or Philosophy? Interdoc, Western Identity, and Transnational Anti-Communism’, Durham University, England May: Symposium: ‘Past as Prelude? Wartime History and the Future United Nations’. Title of presented paper: ‘UN Public Diplomacy: Communicating the Post-National Message’, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, England

Conference organization January: ‘De Amerikaanse Ambassade in Nederland, 1945-2010’, Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg. Role: Co-organiser (with Prof. Duco Hellema, Utrecht University) July: 13th Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association, University of Ghent, Belgium. Role: Chair of the Association, co-organiser of the conference with Prof. Gert Buelens and Prof. Ken Kennard, University of Ghent September: ‘From Free Europe to Free Poland: The Free Europe Committee in the Cold War’, University of Gdansk, Poland. Role: Co-organiser (with Dr. Anna Mazurkiewicz, University of Gdansk, Prof. A. Ross Johnson, Hoover Institution, Stanford, and Katalin Lynn, Helena Press) September: ‘The UN and the Post-War Global Order: Bretton Woods in Perspective’, Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg. Role: Organiser October: ‘The Global Cold War for the Mind: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, its Journals, and its Intellectual Networks’, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich. Role: Co-organiser (with Melvin Lasky Center, Amerikahaus Munich, Charlotte Lerg and Prof. Michael Hochgeschwender, Ludwig- Maximilian University, Munich) December: ‘Exchange Programs in the 20th Century: Education, Circulation, and Transfer’ Location: University of Geneva, Switzerland. Role: Co-organiser (with Prof. Ludovic Tournes, University of Geneva)

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editorial board, Journal of Transatlantic Studies Series editor, Key Studies in Diplomacy, Bloomsbury Press

Membership of boards and committees Chair, Transatlantic Studies Association Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association Netherlands American Studies Association

Advisory and coordinating activities 2014 - International Advisory Committee, Center for International Studies, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon


Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Albertine Bloemendal, ‘A Transatlantic Mediator: Ernst van der Beugel and the Maintenance of an Atlantic Community during the Cold War, Leiden University. Role: Supervisor. Defence: 2015

Membership PhD committee Coreline Bos, ‘Het Leger onder Vuur: De Nederlandse krijgsmacht en haar critici, 1945-1989’ Leiden University Harm Langenkamp, Cosmopolitan Counterpoint: Overt and Covert Musical Warfare in the early Cold War, 1945-1961, Utrecht University

Publications Scott-Smith, G.P. Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities and Networks, Luc van Dongen, Stéphanie Roulin, and Giles Scott-Smith (eds.), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 ‘Private Diplomacy: Making the Citizen Visible’, Special Issue of New Global Studies, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2014 Scott-Smith, G.P. ‘The Free Europe University in Strasbourg: US State-Private Networks and Academic ‘Rollback’’, Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 16 No. 2, 2014 'A Dutch Dartmouth: Ernst van Eeghen's Private Campaign to Defuse the Euromissiles Crisis’, New Global Studies, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2014 (with Marcel Janssen) ‘Holding on to the Monopoly on Violence? Anti-Piracy and the Dutch Approach to PMSCs’, St. Antony’s International Review, Vol. 9 No. 2, 2014 Scott-Smith, G.P. ‘Maintaining Transatlantic Community: US Public Diplomacy, the Ford Foundation, and the Successor Generation Concept in US Foreign Affairs, 1960s-1980s’, Global Society, Vol. 28 No. 1, 2014 ‘The Bush Legacy in the Middle East’, review of Oz Hassan, Constructing America´s Freedom Agenda for the Middle East: Democracy and Domination, London: Routledge, 2013, 229 pages, in Journal of American Studies 48/3, 2014 Scott-Smith, G.P. Review of Alfred A. Reisch, Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program behind the Iron Curtain. Budapest/New York: Central European University Press, 2013, 549 pages, in Militaire Spectator 183/5, 2014

Prof. Dr. P. Silva Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance February 21: PhD Colloquium on Latin American Studies. Titel of presented paper: ‘Technocrats and governability in Latin America’, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France May 2: Lecture at PCNI workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Representatieve versus participatieve democratie in Chili, 1990-2014’, Leiden September 29: Presentation (closing words) at the conference ‘The Popular Culture of Illegality’, Leiden October 9: UDP-Leiden University joint International Conference ‘Transformaciones de la sociedad chilena: los desafíos pendientes’. Title of presented paper ‘El gobierno de la Nueva Mayoría en Chile: Entre el ímpetu fundacional y la necesidad del consenso’, Leiden November 6-7: two guest lectures for the IHW course November 21: discussant of the presentation by Prof. Merilee Grindle, Professor of International Development, Harvard University, ‘Jobs for the Boys: Patronage and the State in Comparative Perspective’, LIAS State and Society Network, Kaageiland December 12: Talk to PhD candidates of the Higher Education Doctorate Programme. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Conference organization October 9: organizer, chair and discussant of the UDP-Leiden University joint International


Conference, ‘Transformaciones de la sociedad chilena: los desafíos pendientes’, Academy Building, Leiden

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Member of the Editorial Board Bulletin of Latin American Research (Blackwell, Oxford) Cedla Latin America Studies series Member of the International Editorial Board Revista de Ciencia Política (Universidad Católica de Chile) Revista Bicentenario (Santiago de Chile) Revista Chilena de Estudios Regionales (Chile) Revista Política y Gobierno (Chile) Revista Temas Sociológicos (Chile)

Membership of boards and committees Chairman of the Department of Latin American Studies, Leiden University President of the Executive Board of the Centre for Study and Documentation for Latin America (CEDLA), Amsterdam Member of the Advisory Board (Raad van Advies), Institute for History, Leiden University Member of the interuniversity scientific board of the Prince Bernhard Scholarship Member of the executive board of the interuniversity Latin American Study Programme (LASP) Chair of the Admission Committee, Master and Research Master of the Latin American Studies Programme

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator of the Research Master course of the Latin American Studies programme ‘Research in Latin America and the Caribbean’.

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Daniel Flores Cáceres, ‘Representación política y democracia en Chile, 2005-2013’. Defence: September 11, 2014, Leiden University. Role: promoter Soledad Valdivia Rivera, ‘Redes políticas y procesos de democratización. La relación Estado- movimientos sociales bajo el gobierno de Evo Morales en Bolivia, 2006-2013’. Defence: September 23, 2014, Leiden University. Role: promoter

Publications Scholarly Silva, P. ‘Nee tegen Pinochet: De film 'No' en de kracht van politieke marketing in Chili’. In: Marc Simon Thomas (Ed.) Latijns Amerika in beeld: Visies op een bewogen regio. Amsterdam: Centre for Latin American Studies and Documentation. 24-32

Other activities I dedicated a large part of 2014 to the accreditation process and to the writing of several versions of the ‘Critical Reflexion’ study on the Research Master on Latin American Studies, which resulted in the report ‘Research Master Latin American Studies: Kritische reflectie 2014’ (34 pp.) June 12: Participation as a staff member in the IS-accreditation process, The Hague August 16-18: Coordinator of official activities at Santiago de Chile, during the visit to Chile of the Rector Magnificus, Prof. Dr. C. Stolker


Dr. B.S. van der Steen Research 0.1 fte

Publications Steen, B.S. van der, Hoogenhuijze, L. van & Katzeff, A. The City is Ours. Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe, 1980-2014. Oakland: PM Press

Dr. H.J. Storm Research 0,25 fte

Conference attendance January 15-17: Conference, III Congreso Ibero-Africano de Hispanistas, ‘La Generación del 98 y Cervantes: La creación de Don Quijote como mito nacional’, Fez, Morocco April 7: Workshop, Honours Class on National and Regional Identities in an Age of Globalization, ‘Tourism and the construction of national and regional identities in Europe’, Tilburg University April 12-13: Workshop European Regions and Boundaries: A conceptual history, ‘European regions in the art historical studies, 1800-2000’, Sofia, Bulgaria June 26-29: Conference, 45th Annual Meeting of the ASPHS, ‘Overcoming methodological nationalism and the study of Spanish nationalism: The case of Toledo’, Modena, Italy December 3: Lecture, Seminario del Grimse, ‘La cultura del regionalismo. La construcción de identidades regionales a través del arte, la arquitectura y exposiciones internacionales (1890-1939)’, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Conference organization January 10-11: Symposium ‘Aliens in Uniform: Colonial Soldiers in Europe (1900-1950)’, Leiden University, co-organizer and chair June 26-29: Conference, 45th Annual Meeting of the ASPHS, ‘Overcoming methodological nationalism and the study of Spanish nationalism: The case of Toledo’, Modena (Italy), co-organizer panel, ‘Nacionalismo español y políticas identitarias en el siglo XX’, chair and discussant

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Madrid, Spain Purpose of trip: Research trip for Spanish research project ‘La Nación desde la raíz. Nacionalismo español y sociedad civil en el siglo XX’ Period: May 6-10

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. External referee for Itinerario

Membership of boards and committees Chair of the Departmental Board History (opleidingsvoorzitter), since February

Advisory and coordinating activities Scientific advisor for documentary ‘Más allá del espacio y del tiempo. El descubrimiento del Greco’, by José Luis López-Linares Secretary of the Section of General History, Institute for History, until September

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Ali al Tuma, Institute for History, Leiden University, ‘Moroccan Troops in Europe (1936-1945)’, supervisor, October 2015?

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience)


May 2: interview on Spanish radio on the Centenary of El Greco, ‘El Marcapáginas’, Gestiona Radio, Madrid October 3: ‘Catalonië moet gewoon bij Spanje blijven’, De Volkskrant November 6: interview by H. Heijt, ‘Vijf vragen over het referendum over een onafhankelijk Catalonië’, nu.nl November 15: ‘Was Catalaans referendum wel zo democratisch’, De Volkskrant

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) January 28: interview for documentary ‘Más allá del espacio y del tiempo. El descubrimiento del Greco’, by José Luis López-Linares, Madrid (Spain) September 19: public lecture Las Lanzas, ‘De herontdekking van El Greco’, Breda November 10: Public Lecture HOVO cursus Spanjes worsteling met de moderniteit, ‘De geschiedenis van Spanje 1874-1936’, Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht

Publications Scholarly Storm, H.J. Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Nationalism Studies: The Impact of Tourism on the Construction and Diffusion of National and Regional Identities, History Compass 12(4): 361-373. Storm, H.J. Nationalismus, Modernisierung und die internationale Wiederentdeckung El Grecos. In: Scholz- Hänsel M., Wismer B. (Eds.) El Greco und der Streit um die Moderne. München: De Gruyter. 80-88 Storm, H.J. Santiago Rusiñol, Ignacio Zuloaga y el redescubrimiento del Greco. Pintor del alma o precursor del arte moderno?. In: Hernández N., Panyella V. (Eds.) El Greco. La mirada de Rusiñol. Barcelona: Fundación Francisco Godia. 46-58

Professional Storm, H.J. Santiago Rusiñol, Ignacio Zuloaga i el redescobriment d'el Greco. Pintor de l'ànima o precursor de l'art modern? In: Hernández N., Panyella, V. (Eds.) El Greco. La mirada de Rusiñol. Barcelona: Fundació Francisco Godia. 46-58

Popularising Storm, H.J. ‘Was Catalaans referendum wel zo democratisch?’, De Volkskrant, Opinie & Debat, November 15, 2014 Storm, H.J. ‘Catalonië moet gewoon bij Spanje blijven’, De Volkskrant, Opinie & Debat: 26, October 3, 2014 Storm, H.J. ‘Between Heaven and Earth’, In: Durán I., Caballero L. (Eds.) Entre el cielo y la tierra. Doce miradas al Greco cuatrocientos años después. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 112-124 Storm, H.J. ‘Entre el cielo y la tierra’, In: Durán I., Caballero L. (Eds.) Entre el cielo y la tierra. Doce miradas al Greco cuatrocientos años después. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 122-124

Other output Heijt, H. Vijf vragen over het referendum over een onafhankelijk Catalonië, interviewed by Hans Heijt for Algemeen Buitenland [interview], November 6, 2014 Storm, H.J. Towards World Heritage: International Origins of the Preservation Movement, 1870–1930 [Review of: Melanie Hall (2011) Towards World Heritage: International Origins of the Preservation Movement, 1870–1930] The English historical review 129(540): 1234-1236 Storm, H.J. The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe, 1600-1815 [Review of: Anthony D. Smith (2013) The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe, 1600-1815] The English historical review 129(539): 981-983


Storm, H.J. [Review of: Patrick Young (2012) Enacting Brittany: Tourism and Culture in Provincial France, 1871- 1939] European History Quarterly 44(2): 388-389

Other activities Participation in international research project European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (prof. dr. Diana Mishkova) and Central European University Budapest (dr. Balazs Trencsenyi), 2012-2014 Participation in international research project La nación desde la raíz. Nacionalismo español y sociedad civil en el siglo XX, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (prof. dr. Javier Moreno Luzón) and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (prof.dr. Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas), 2013-2016. Participation in international research project La imagen artística de Andalucía en Europa (1800- 1929), Universidad de Sevilla (dr. Luis Méndez Rodríguez), 2013-2015

Ms. Dr. A.C.M. Tijsseling Research 0.7 fte

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Facultyboard

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) NTR/VPRO-televisionserie De IJzeren Eeuw, filmopnamen voor de aflevering 'Vrouwen voorwaarts' (uitzendingsdatum voorjaar 2015) 2014 Lecture and debate during ‘Paragraph 175’ about the prosecution of homosexuals in the Third Reich (4 May-event) Criterion, Amsterdam

Other activities December 9: Filmsymposium with MA-studenten "Art Amidst the Ruins. Film in Post-War Europe" Co-ordinator AGC Development of course ‘Didactical Skills for PhD students in History’ with Kim Beerden and Henk Kern Annual Gender-training for junior researchers (Huizinga Institute) Amsterdam (since 2009)

Prof. Dr. H. te Velde Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance June 11-14: Colloquium at the conference ‘Parliaments and Methodology. Anthropological, Discourse- Oriented and Digital Approaches to Parliamentary History’. Title of presented paper: ‘Parliament as a Theatre: Rhetoric, the Public and the Importance of Oral Culture in Nineteenth-Century Parliaments’, Date and location: Helsinki and Jyväskylä, Finland August 29-30: Annual Conference ‘Dansk Historikermode’ (Danish Historians’ Day). Keynote Lecture ‘The History of Political Culture – Thirty Years Later’, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark

Conference organization January 16-18: colloquium at the conference: ‘Getting Organized. The Emergence of Political Parties, Clubs and Reform Organizations in the long 19th century’, Leiden University. Role: (co-)organizer (also chair and discussant) also paper March 5-8: ‘PhD Conference in Political History’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy Role: discussant and roundtable July 2-4: Akademie Colloquium ‘Democracy in Europe: a Conceptual History’, KNAW, Amsterdam. Role: (Co-)organizer (also chair) also paper


September 4-6: ‘International PhD Conference Political History’, Leiden University. Role: (Co-)organizer (also chair and discussant)

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Member editorial board of Journal of Modern European History

Membership of boards and committees Director national Research School Political History Member of the management board of the international Association of Political History Member of the advisory board of Leiden University Press Chair of the Jury of the Prix de Paris Membership of the National Committee 200 Years Kingdom of the Netherlands

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Coreline Boot, ‘Het leger onder vuur. De Koninklijke Landmacht en haar critici, 1945-1989’. Date of defence October 9, 2014. Role: co-promoter

Membership PhD committee Onni Pekonen, Jyväskylä University, ‘Debating “the ABCs of parliamentary life”. The learning of parliamentary rules and practices in the late nineteenth-century Finnish diet and the early Eduskunta’. Date of defence: October 4, 2014. Role: member of promotion committee, member of readers committee and (following Finnish custom) the only opponent during the examination

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Contributions to newspaper and magazines through interviews, opinion articles and/or book reviews: ‘Prinsjesdag is onderdanige vertoning’, NRC Handelsblad 15 September 2014 ‘Partijchagrijn’(recensie van Thijs Niemantsverdriet, De vechtpartij), NRC Handelsblad 13 2014

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Lectures and discussions 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands: Amsterdam (Spui25) 11 February and Breukelen, 9 April; March 27: Presentation De Gids 2014/2 ‘200 jaar Grondwet’, Leiden, 27 March (also contribution to this special issue) March 29: Grondwetfestival, Den Haag, 29 March (co-organization) September 15: Lezing Prinsjesfestival 200 years Prinsjesdag, Nieuwspoort, Den Haag, 15 September September 26: Lezing voor Oud-Senatoren, Eerste Kamer, Den Haag, 26 September Publications Professional Velde, H. te & Haks, D., (eds.) ‘Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker 2014 Velde, H. te & Haks, D., (eds.) Introduction in: ‘Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker 2014, 7-25 Velde, H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. ‘Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen’. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

PhD Candidates

F. Bethlehem MA Research 0.8 fte


Ms. N.A. Bloemendal MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance April 3-6: Presentation and moderator at student workshops at the conference of the European Association for American Studies ‘America: Justice, Conflict’ Presentation: ‘The Unofficial Struggle for Atlantic Unity: Private Transatlantic Conflict Management During the Cold War’ (April 3) Moderator of student workshop ‘US-European relations and Diplomacy’ (April 3) July 9: Presentation ‘Ernst van der Beugel as an Unofficial Diplomat for an Atlantic Community’, at the annual conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association (TSA) at the University of Ghent, Belgium

Conference organization April 3-6: 60TH Anniversary Conference of the European Association for American Studies ‘America: Justice, Conflict War’, The Hague. Role: Co-organizer (with the NASA-board)

Membership of boards and committees Board member at the Netherlands American Studies Association (NASA)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 2014: Contributed three video’s for a webspecial for the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw on the occasion of the exhibition ‘De Tweede Wereldoorlog in 100 voorwerpen’ in de Kunsthal, Rotterdam: ‘De vulpen van Anton de Kom’, ‘De Schoenmakerskist van Julius Gold’ and ‘De vermomming van Gerrit Hoopman’ (http://wo2invoorwerpen.webflow.com/)

Publications Bloemendal, A. ‘Between Dinner Table and Formal Diplomacy: Ernst van der Beugel as an Unofficial Diplomat for an Atlantic Community’, New Global Studies, 8 (1): 103–119

Ms. C. Boender MA Research 0.8 fte

Ms. C.Y.E. Boot MA Research 0.8 fte

Publications Het leger onder vuur. De Koninklijke Landmacht en haar critici, 1945-1989. Date of defence: October 9, 2014. Promotoren: Prof. Dr. B.A. de Graaf, Prof. Dr. J. Hoffenaar and Prof. Dr. H. te Velde

Ms. E.M. Dieterman MA Research 0.8 fte


Conference attendance March 5-8: PhD Conference in Political History, IMT Lucca, Italy. Title of presented paper: ‘Political Legitimacy under debate’ July 3-4: Conference ‘Master Class Democracy in Europe: A Conceptual History’. KNHG/OPG. Title of presented paper: ‘Political Legitimacy. Democracy and authority in the Netherlands, 1880s, 1930s, and 1960s’

Membership of boards and committees PhD-representative at the board of the Research School for Political History/Onderzoekschool Politieke Geschiedenis (RSPH/OPG)

Other output Dieterman, E.M. ‘Schermen met idealen van goed bestuur’ [Review of: Ronald Kroeze (2013) Een kwestie van politieke moraliteit. Politieke corruptieschandalen en goed bestuur in Nederland, 1848-1940] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(3): 533-534

C.A. Engberts MA Research 0.8 fte

Publications Scholarly Engberts, C.A. ‘De deutsche Schule in Rotterdam’. In: Rotterdams Jaarboekje 2014 Rotterdams Jaarboekje. Rotterdam: Stadsarchief Rotterdam. 131-147 Engberts, C.A. ‘The Rise of Associational Activity: Early Twentieth Century German Sailors' Homes and Schools in Antwerp and Rotterdam, Immigrants & Minorities’, Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora 32(3): 293-314 Engberts, C.A. ‘Een eigen huis in de haven. Het Duitse Zeemanshuis in Antwerpen, Brood & Rozen’, Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van sociale bewegingen 19(1)

J. Gijsenbergh MA Research 0.8 fte

Ms. A. Heyer MA Research 0.8 fte

C.W. Hijzen MA Research 0.8 fte

Publications Scholarly Hijzen, C.W. ‘More than a ritual dance. The Dutch practice of parliamentary oversight and control of the intelligence community’, Security and Human Rights 24(3-4): 227-238



Engelen, D. & Hijzen C.W. (2014), Sporen van spionage: een speurtocht door geheim Nederland. Zutphen: Karwansaray Publishers Hijzen, C.W. (8 February 2014), Kamer heeft nu een kans om MIVD, AIVD beter te controleren. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie

Ms. C. Jara Ibarra Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance May: Conference Latin American Studies Association LASA 2014. Title of presented paper: ‘(De-) mobilization of Chilean Civil Society: The Impact of Traumatic Memory on Democracy Reconstruction’, Chicago, USA December: Advanced Graduate Workshop at the International Conference ‘Legitimacy and Collective Action’. Title of presented paper: ‘Trajectories of Mobilization and Demobilization of Chilean Civil Society: The Subsidence Phase of Redemocratization’, Santiago, Chile

Conference organization October: Seminar ‘Transformations of Chilean Society: Challenges’. Title of presented paper: ‘Governability and (de) mobilization during Chilean Democratic Reconstruction’, Leiden, The Netherlands Role: co-organizer together with Prof. Dr. Silva. This seminar was a joint event between Leiden University and Diego Portales University from Chile. The aim of the workshop was to bring together an interdisciplinary panel from both universities in order to stimulate a discussion regarding the current Chilean political process

Research leave, home and abroad/externally acquired funds From 2014 my doctoral thesis is sponsored by the COES (Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies), a Research Centre that brings together a group of academics from multiple disciplines to study social conflict and cohesion in Chile. As part of this sponsorship, I received funding to conduct my fieldwork in Chile during October-December 2014. The latter allowed me to travel within the country (cities in the North, South and the Center of the country) and conduct very relevant interviews to key social leaders from different social movements

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Referee for the Chilean Journal of Political Sciences ‘Enfoques’ of the Central University of Chile Member of the Editorial Board of the Chilean Journal ‘Revista Chilena de Temas Sociologicos’ of the Catholic University Silva Henriquez

Other activities February and March: Andrés Bello Course, Chilean Visitor Chair at the Leiden University: ‘Chile: Political Process, Memory and Social Movements’, by Professor Claudio Fuentes, Director of the School of Political Science at the Diego Portales University

During 2014, I mainly worked in my doctoral thesis ‘Trajectories of Mobilization and Demobilization of Chilean Civil Society: The Subsidence Phase of Redemocratization’. As result of such work, two main chapters from my thesis were written during that period and a first version of them were assessed and approved by my supervisor

Publications Jara Ibarra, C. Democratic Legitimacy under Strain? Declining Political Support and Mass Demonstrations in Chile. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies ERLACS (97), pp.25-52 Jara Ibarra, C. Public Support for Latin American Integration: A Model to Assess Individual and Contextual Factors. Revista Estudios Internacionales Universidad de Chile. 46 (179), pp.35-60


Ms. Drs. M. Kamphuis Research 0.8 fte

Publications Petterson, A.F., Kamphuis, M. & Muurling, Sanne (Eds.) Holland, Historisch Tijdschrift, 3(44)

Ms. L. Lauret MA Research 0.8 fte

Ms. K. Manteufel MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance October 16-18: International conference (Conference series on the comparative History of the Humanities) ‘The Making of the Humanities IV’. Title of presented paper: ‘Of means and ends: two different stories about Adolf von Harnack and his pupils’, Rome, Italy November 27: Masterclass Huizinga Institute ‘Masterclass Gadi Algazi: Taking it personally – applying concepts of selfhood to the history of science’. Title of presented paper: ‘Of fruit trees and weeping willows – Adolf von Harnack and Karl Holl’, Leiden University December 11: Symposium at the conference: SPICE meets The Scholarly Self – Discussing the scientific persona as an analytical tool. Title of presented paper: ‘Of means and ends: a case study - Adolf von Harnack’, Groningen

Conference organization November 27: Masterclass Huizinga Institute ‘Masterclass Gadi Algazi: Taking it personally – applying concepts of selfhood to the history of science’. Title of presented paper: ‘Of fruit trees and weeping willows – Adolf von Harnack and Karl Holl’, Leiden University. Role: co-organizer and discussant November 28: Autumncongress KNHG: Naar eer en geweten – Beroepsethiek en de persona van de historicus, The Hague. Role: discussant and commentator

Research leave, home and abroad For my PhD project ‘Professorial families’ in the humanities (part of the VIDI project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit and Virtue in the Humanities 1860-1930’). Destination: Masterclass Huizinga Institute Science and Religion in Rome, Italy Purpose of trip: research Period: April 28-May 11

Destination: Berlin, Germany Purpose of trip: Archival research Period: October 1 – November 31

Ms. H. Mazepus MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance


March 28-April 4: Fourth LCSR International Workshop ‘Social and Cultural Changes in Cross- National Perspective: Values and Modernization’. XV International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Title of presented paper: ‘Perceived legitimacy of national authorities in comparative perspective: Evaluating political authorities in democratic and mixed regimes’, Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia) April 10-15: The ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Title of presented paper: ‘Presentation’ (as workshop director): Legitimacy: ‘Theoretical underpinnings, concept of legitimacy, and implications for research’. Title of presented paper: ‘Social Contract and Legitimacy: The Case of Putin’s Russia’, (co-authored with Magnus Feldmann), Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Conference organization April 10-15: The ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops Title of conference: ‘Regime Legitimisation through Institutional Reform: Analysing its Dimensions and Effectiveness’, (directing with Magnus Feldmann and Ingrid van Biezen), Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). Role: (co-) organizer, chair, and discussant

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Higher School of Economic, Moscow Purpose of trip: meeting with several professors to arrange data collection; used the Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics for a small pilot study Period: March 25-April 4

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) March 7: Kidsweek/7days, article on ‘Krisis in de Krim’

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) January 16: COVOR, ‘Olympic Games in Sochi: Diagnosis’ February 3: Guest lecture at UTRECHT LAW COLLEGE: Module mensenrechten in Rusland, ‘Human rights in Russia’ February 11: MOST, presentation on ‘Olimpiada Vladimirovna: Diagnosis’ February 26: WDO (Interfacultair Ethnologisch Dispuut) March 16: COVOR, intro talk before a movie about Anna Politkovskaya: ‘Manipulating public opinion. Human rights in Russia: freedom of speech and information’ October 18: COVOR, intro talk before the movie ‘The birth of a nation’, about the history of Ukraine, December 1: MOVIES THAT MATTER DEBATE, movie ‘Children 404’ about the LGBT rights in Russia, Leiden: http://www.leiden.amnesty.nl/index.php/uncategorized/174-children-404-young- russian-lgbt-s-the-love-that-dare-not-speak-its-name December 4: MOVIES THAT MATTER, talk on human rights in Russia, movie ‘Children 404’ about the LGBT rights in Russia, Delft

Publications Mazepus, H. ‘The Development of Civil Society in the Russian Federation’, JASON Magazine, 39, available at http://issuu.com/stichtingjason/docs/stichting_jason_-_rusland_magazine_/3?e=0

Other activities Training February 14-21: Course on Experimental Methods (by Wolfgang Luhan) at the ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques 2014, University of Vienna (Austria), Certificate with Grade 1 (Very good), 2 ECTS July 1: Factorial Survey workshop at The Institute for Political Science, Leiden University (organization by Daniela Stockman)

Other Position of Associate Researcher, Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (led by Ronald Inglehart and Eduard Ponarin), Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)


November 26: Lunch seminar, research presentation at the Institute for Politics, Leiden December 2: Research seminar of the Political Legitimacy Research profile Area, research presentation, Leiden University

Ms. A.F. Petterson MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance September 4-6: International PhD Conference Political History. Title of presented paper: ‘Negotiating the nation. Popular national agency in Amsterdam, 1850-1900’, Leiden

Publications Petterson, A.F. 'En toch viert men feest!!' Amsterdam en de zeventigste verjaardag van koning Willem III. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 177-196

Professional Velde, H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. ‘Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen’. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Other activities Petterson, A.F., Kamphuis, M. & Muurling, Sanne (Eds.) Holland, Historisch Tijdschrift, 3(44)

J.J.L. Saarloos MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance October 16-18: international conference ‘Making of the Humanities IV: Connecting Disciplines’. Title of presented paper: ‘A Walking Encyclopaedia’: scholarly vices and temptations in early twentieth century Britain’, Rome, Italy December 12: symposium at the conference: SPICE meets The Scholarly Self: Discussing the scientific persona as an analytical tool. Title of presented paper: ‘A Walking Encyclopaedia’: scholarly vices and temptations in early twentieth century Britain (version 2), Groningen November 27: masterclass ‘Masterclass Gadi Algazi – Taking it personally: applying concepts of selfhood to the history of science’. Title of presented paper: ‘Habitus, Persona and Lord Acton’, Leiden

Conference organization November 27: conference ‘Masterclass Gadi Algazi – Taking it personally: applying concepts of selfhood to the history of science’, Leiden. Role: practical organisation of the masterclass, distributing papers, communication with keynote-speaker November 28: popular conference KNHG-najaarscongres: ‘Naar eer en geweten. Beroepsethiek en de persona van de historicus’, The Hague. Role: reporter, organiser of masterclass by keynote-speaker

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Rome, Italy Purpose of trip: Masterclass ‘How the Heavens Move: Science and Religion in Rome, 1492-1940’, Researching the commemoration and worldview of Jacob Moleschott, presented two papers. Final paper: ‘Stof, kracht en de wetenschapper. Het materialistisch mensbeeld van Jacob Moleschott’ Period: April 28 – May 12


Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editor for Historisch Tijdschrift Aanzet

Publications Scholarly Saarloos, J.J.L. ‘Psychiaters op den rechtstoel, dat is ’n verkeerde boel’. Forensische psychiatrie, toe-eigening en expertise in de Papendrechtse Strafzaak 1907- 1910, Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 29(2): 145-162 Other output Saarloos, J.J.L. De necrologie als bron voor wetenschapsgeschiedschrijving [Review of: Anna Echterhölter (2012) Schattengefechte. Genealogische Praktiken in Nachrufen auf Naturwissenschaftler (1710-1860)] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(3): 499-501

D.E.J. Smit MA Research 0.8 fte

Advisory and coordinating activities Advisor for the Eerste en Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, in het kader van de viering ‘200 jaar Staten-Generaal’. Involved as author, editor and advisor at the establishment of an (scientific) anniversarybook, website, app and exhibition about two centuries Staten-Generaal. Since 2014- onwards

H.A.S. Solheim Mphil Research 1.0 fte

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Bogotá, Colombia Purpose of trip: carry out interviews, visiting archives, and participatory observation Period: March-April

A. al Tuma MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. S. Valdivia Rivera MPhil Research 0.7 fte

Conference attendance December 1-4: Congress ‘Los movimientos sociales: expresiones Latinoamericanas’, Center of Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies. Title of presented paper: ‘The emergence of ‘network governance’ in Bolivia: ‘political networks’ in the State-social movements relation under the Morales administration’

Other activities ‘Soledad Valdivia Rivera, ‘Redes políticas y procesos de democratización. La relación Estado- movimientos sociales bajo el gobierno de Evo Morales en Bolivia, 2006-2013’. Defence: September 23, 2014, Leiden University. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P. Silva


Drs. A.P. van Veldhuizen Research 0.4 fte

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator of the research profile area Political legitimacy in organizing meetings for staff members of the faculties for Social Sciences, Humanities and Law

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Several lectures for different political parties (D66, PvdA, CDA) on the emergence of political parties in The Netherlands Policy advise during many meetings of the Wiardi Beckman Stichting

Drs. M.L. de Vries MA Research 0.6 fte

Conference attendance April 3-6: Biannual conference of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS), chair and member of the panel ‘From the New Orleans Riot to The Million Hoodie March: Racial Conflict and Racial Justice in the Deep South Since the Civil War’. Title of presented paper: ‘Conservative Intentions, Radical Outcome: The Free Labor Ideology and the Freedmen’s Bureau in Northwestern Louisiana’

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Committee Southern Historical Association

Drs. G. H. Waling MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference organization January 16-18: International conference: ‘Getting Organized’, Leiden Role: Co-organizer and discussant

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Peer reviewed article for the Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis - Journal of Belgian History

Membership of boards and committees Correspondent ‘Historici.nl’

B.J.T. van de Worp MA Research 1.0 fte

PhD Defences Date of defence: September 23, 2014 Valdivia Rivera S. (2014), 'Redes políticas´y procesos de democratización (PhD thesis. Institute for History, Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P. Silva


External PhD Candidates J. Altmann M. Álvarez M.W.B. Asscher O. Blom J.S.M. Boot C.Y.E. Boot E. Blommaert H. van Bree I. Butter V.A. Cabrera Hidalgo D.A. Cáceres D. Casanova-Cruz P. Consten N. Daito C.T. ten Dam F. Diallo A. Domínguez Rascón N.F. Dwiandari J.R. Fernández Abara M.E. Gerona Morales I. Gooskens J. Gysling Caselli R. ‘t Hart T.C.J. van Hengel D. van der Hoek C. Hulshof C. Jara Ibarra J.A. Janssen M.J. Karabinos B. Koopman J.J. León Reyes J.C. Marchant Mayol C. Marcuzzo E. Ntewusu L. Ornstein M.R. Pardo Quiñones M.A. Perry Fauré A. Portegies J.K.T. Postma T. Prasodjo C. Pulido Iparraguirre A. Roosen F.A. Salazar Muñiz M. Sargsyan S. Sayberdieva J. Scharager Goldenberg J. Scheele H.W. Schut D. Seli M.S. Sosa Clavijo I. Veyl Ahumada J. de Vetten M.J. van de Waardt


P. Waldeck P. Wibusilp D. Wolthekker B. Zijderveld

Organizing the Masses: The Contested Nature of Early Irish, British and American Pressure Groups, 1820-1840 Maartje Janse In the early nineteenth century, Irish, British and American pressure groups opposing, for example, slavery or the British Corn Laws, introduced a new type of politics: mass politics. This did not go unnoticed. Some contemporaries expressed enthusiasm about the fact that people who were formally excluded from political life could now engage in politics without breaking the law or making revolution. Others despised the influence an organization could gain by efficient fund raising and the distribution of propaganda, and feared that this development would corrupt the proper functioning of the political system. This project asks why these early pressure groups were so heavily contested. The working hypothesis is that there was much at stake: the debate on pressure groups was essentially a debate over democracy. In the post-revolutionary context, the future of politics was unclear. What was considered good politics, who should participate, and in what way? For contemporaries, this was by no means an academic debate. Their social position was at stake. Those who had little social standing and were excluded from the political process (women, members of the (lower) middle class or ethnic and religious minorities) aspired to be accepted as worthy members of civil society and political life. The members of the social elite who represented the political establishment in turn feared the loss of their privileged position. By making use of biographical sketches and digitized nineteenth-century newspapers, I will be able to reconstruct the debate on the merits and perils of the first pressure groups. Historians have devoted much energy to the study of individual movements, but following the observations of contemporaries, the modern pressure group was a phenomenon in its own right. Exciting and promising, or threatening and unethical - it heralded the advent of mass politics. The VENI-project is closely related to the project ‘The Promise of Organization. Political Associations, 1820-1890, Debate and Practice’ (awarded in the Vrije Competitie Geesteswetenschappen) coordinated by Dr. Maartje Janse and Prof. Dr. Henk te Velde.

The Promise of Organization. Political Associations, 1820-1890, Debate and Practice Henk te Velde, Maartje Janse Political parties have often been seen as obstacles on the road to true democracy, and as instruments of over-ambitious career politicians. And before modern parties even existed, political associations were seen as dangerous ‘machines’, producing ‘oligarchies’. Still, the modern voluntary association was ‘democratic’ because it integrated ordinary men and women into the political process in a disciplined, civilized manner. Without it, many people would never have been able to use the political system. Voluntary organizations could fit into the system of representative government, which rejected unrestrained popular passions, but also be an instrument of mobilizing the common people. The contested machine-like appearance of voluntary organizations and political parties was the nearest one could get to the ideal of respectable democratization. This program will focus on the enthusiasm, arguments and concrete activities of the organizers as well as the criticism offered by opponents of modern political organization. The three projects focus on three waves of associational mania and debate: modern antislavery organizations and other early pressure groups; organizing during the revolutions of 1848; mass political parties during the 1870s and 1880s. Together they give an overview of the introduction of organizations into politics. We will study the separate discussions about the merits and dangers of voluntary associations and political parties as parts of a general debate during the 19th century, and assume that the intensity of the debate was caused by the controversial issue of

78 democratization and the related issue of inclusion and exclusion. By studying the contested nature of modern organizations, and in particular by thick description of the perception and introduction of new forms of organization, by biographical research, and by studying the debate on organizing in particular in (recently digitized) newspapers, the program will elucidate one of the most hotly debated issues of modern politics. Project Coordinators: Prof. Henk te Velde and Dr. Maartje Janse Project 1: Pressure groups: Dr. Maartje Janse (also see VENI-project 'Organizing the Masses') Project 2: Associations in the European Revolutions of 1848: Geerten Waling, MA Project 3: The birth of mass political parties: Anne Heyer, MA

Historicizing Security. Enemies of the state, 1813-present Beatrice de Graaf After 1945, the (re-) construction of parliamentary democracies was paralleled by the development of a national security state: a system of organisations, policy procedures and other instruments directed at promoting national security – as well as the underlying ideology, culture and perceptions. How and why did this happen? Parliamentary democracies entertain an ambivalent relationship with national security. As open societies, they are more vulnerable to external threats, but at the same time they require public legitimacy to adopt security measures – which themselves might contradict democratic values. This project compares national security regimes in three Western democracies (the Netherlands, the U.S. and [West-] Germany) during the 1945-2010 period. It will provide a new view on postwar security history since it firstly rejects the ‘essentialist’ approach to threats and interests undertaken by traditional security studies and does not take for granted balance-of-power explanations for the build-up of military stocks and other security instruments. It rather brings the concept of national security to discussion and investigates why and how certain security threats and interests were perceived and gave rise to security measures (whereas others were overlooked), by exploring the political and social determinants that inform these measures. In the second place it will explore how these interests and threats were contested and how national security regimes transformed over time. Thirdly, it will demonstrate how the national security state became a defining aspect of parliamentary democracies. Through processes of identifying and excluding certain groups as threats to national security, the arena of democratic politics was redefined. The project adds to our understanding of the ‘iron spine’ of parliamentary democracies: the development of a national security state. It will analyze different types of national security regimes, the way they are determined, how ‘enemies of the state’ are constructed and how these regimes transformed through stages of contentious politics. In this project we will ask the following questions: Who were the decision-makers regarding the new national security infrastructures? What were their intentions, what threats did they identify? What factors did propel them to construct these images of national security threats and interests? Did these measures and corresponding threats possess political legitimacy? Did the decision-makers and/or their measures mobilize public and political support? Did the new security instruments change the underlying security regimes and culture, did they create new security and threat images?

In answering these questions, we will learn more about the way national security lies at the heart of modern western democracies, and to what extent national security is intertwined with both the political legitimacy conferred on the government by its citizens and the way governments strive to uphold their position of legitimate power by defining threats and dangers to their order.

PhD-projects The Development of a Secret State. The Intelligence & Security Services and their contribution to the National Security State, 1945-1989 Constant Hijzen How did a professional ‘secret state’, consisting of a system of intelligence & security services, as well as the underlying assumptions on national security threats and interests

79 came into existence after 1945? Which national security measures were carried out (establishment of bureaus, organisations as well as concrete measures such as ‘internment lists’, occupational bans in government institutions), and what where the underlying threat assumptions? Was this process of constructing a secret state made subject to parliamentary or public control? How did parliament, opposition, society react to these security measures?

Military legitimacy during the Cold War: The Dutch army and its criticasters Coreline Boot The onset of the Cold War brought to the fore new international and national threats to the military. On an international level, Moscow and its allies became a permanent military and political danger. Nationally, organizations from inside and outside the army started to criticize the military culture, its national and international security policy (including the Dutch contribution to the NATO), or even doubted the legitimacy of the military institution itself. The VIDI-project already resulted in a number of articles, a special issue of Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (Volume 125, No. 3), a special issue of Historical Social Research (forthcoming), Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming) a website (http://hum.leiden.edu/history/enemies-of-the-state/) and a collaboraty (http://collab.vuw.leidenuniv.nl/sites/enemies-of-the-state/seminar-securitydispositives/ Pages/default.aspx). A Research Network on Securitization was furthermore created in cooperation with social scientist Willem Schinkel that resulted in a series of seminars and an edited volume on securitization (forthcoming).

Democratization and political terrorism: The formation and destruction of the two-party system in the Red River Valley of Louisiana, 1865-1878 Adam Fairclough This project analyzes the failure of Congressional Reconstruction after the American Civil War. It treats Reconstruction as an effort by the Republican party to democratize the states of the former Confederacy on the basis of universal suffrage and equal citizenship By giving voting rights to black men, the Republicans hoped to control the South politically and thereby protect the newfound citizenship of the former slaves. The majority of southern whites, however, refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of black suffrage and the Republican state and local governments that black voters supported. Instead of accepting the new two-party system, they used the Democratic party as a vehicle to reestablish white supremacy by means of destroying the Republican party. The project, which employs two PhD candidates, focuses on the Red River Valley of Louisiana, a region where blacks constituted a majority of the voters, and where the Democratic party used violence, intimidation, and electoral fraud to dislodge the Republicans. This kind of political terrorism exposed the weakness of the federal authorities and postponed the democratization of the southern states for one hundred years. The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930 Herman Paul, Christiaan Engberts , Léjon Saarloos , Katharina Manteufel Why did 'character', 'habit', and 'virtue' serve as key terms in late 19th and early 20th-century scholarly correspondences, biographies, and obituaries? Why did scholars around 1900 display so much interest in the working habits and character traits of what they called the 'scholarly self'? Focusing on the humanities around 1900, this project examines the hypothesis that many of those who laid the foundations of modern disciplinary infrastructures saw 'discipline formation' as a project that not only required professorial chairs and scientific periodicals, but also, and especially, a disciplining of the scholar's body, heart, and mind. Their emphasis on the exercise of scholarly habits (e.g., disciplined time management) and character virtues (e.g., impartiality) is therefore best understood as an attempt to provide emerging humanities disciplines with an appropriate research ethic. If this hypothesis is correct, it will alter our understanding of scholarly discipline formation. It will correct one-sided accounts of discipline formation in institutional and/or methodological terms by drawing attention to a personal dimension, consisting of a disciplining of the scholar's 'self'. Four subprojects examine (1) how 'scholarly selfhood' was envisioned by late 19th and early 20th- century humanities scholars, (2) how these scholars implemented their ideals of scholarly selfhood, (3) how they monitored the observance of these ideals in day-to-day research, and (4) what kind of

80 contexts and conditions enabled these ideals to flourish around 1900. Each of the subprojects focuses on one or more humanities disciplines, in one or more European countries. Their main sources include scholarly letters, (auto) biographies, obituaries, lecture notes, and methodology manuals. Although the project focuses on the humanities, it includes a conference aimed at comparing scholarly selfhood in the humanities with its role in medicine, law, chemistry, and physics, thereby placing its results in a wider framework and paving the way for follow-up research.


6. Colonial and Global History Description One of the central themes of the history of the last five hundred years is the phenomenon currently referred to as the process of globalisation. In this process, a central role has been played in the past by the phenomenon of Western European expansion, the various ways in which other continents responded to this and the developments resulting from this expansion. Globalisation means the emergence of a world economy, worldwide migration flows, the birth of nation states and many other phenomena. Central to this history are the early activities of the chartered trading companies, the rise of colonial empires and enterprises, resistance movements, wars of independence and decolonization, all of which have left us their archives whose unique character stems from the interaction between expanding and contracting Europe and the rest of the world. It is therefore no coincidence that this history has its own historiography and its own journals. Owing to the rich economic, anthropological and political data they contain, ‘colonial’ archives are also of inestimable value in the study of the autochthonous history of non-Western areas, as demonstrated by the success of the TANAP and ENCOMPASS projects which the history department of Leiden University is presently carrying out in close cooperation with academic institutions in Asia and South Africa. The scholarly and societal importance of studying the history of European expansion and global interaction cannot be overemphasized. The history department plays an important role in the study of global history. As early as 1902, Leiden University offered lectures on ‘colonial history’, but from the 1950s onwards turned towards ‘global history’. This concept should not be understood in the sense of the comparative method, but as an approach, which focuses on the study of emerging global connections in history. As the American historian Patrick Manning puts it: ‘Connection conveys the character of world historical analysis better than any other term. It acknowledges locality and uniqueness, yet also invokes broad patterns.’ (Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past 2003). In this context, the history department of Leiden University centres on the study of global interaction processes making use of the wide range of primary sources available in the broad environment of the university. Leiden possesses in this respect a unique infrastructure for the use of both primary and secondary source materials. Not only are the rich archives of the VOC, the WIC and the former Ministry of Colonies in the National Archives in The Hague located at a fifteen minutes distance by public rail system from Leiden, but the Leiden University Library also houses the entire library collection of the former Ministry of Colonies, while the KITLV and Africa Studies Centre have world famous collections on Caribbean, Southeast Asian and African history. In addition, Leiden is home to other libraries and instances which are involved in the study of the world outside Europe and which belong to the largest in their fields in Europe. The Leiden MA and MPhil programmes offer students from within and outside the Netherlands thorough training in the use of these primary sources while they are carrying out their research. A follow-on PhD track is also offered, with a clearly recognizable individual character. In this way, the history department has created a niche for itself in the field of global history focusing on the search for connections and the origins of the migration and transfer of people, beliefs, goods and ideas within and among the continents.


Ms. Dr. C.A.P. Antunes Research 0.2 fte

Conference attendance 10th FEEGI Conference, University of Tulane, New Orleans: ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires,


1500-1750: a Comparative Overview of Free Agents and Informal Empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire’ NW Posthumus Conference, Leeuwarden: ‘VIDI/ERC/Marie Curie: Research, Management and Scientific Contents’ Chair Roundtable Symposium Global History or World History? The Case of the Portuguese Empire, ISCTE, Lisbon International Workshop Cosmopolitanism in the Portuguese-Speaking World, King’s College London: ‘On Cosmopolitanism and Cross-Culturalism: an Enquiry into the Business Practices of the Portuguese Merchants of Amsterdam’ International Conference Early Stuart Politics. The Anglo-Spanish and Anglo-French Marriage Negotiations and their Aftermath c. 1604-1630, University of Kent: ‘Borders and Frontiers of Economic Cooperation between Competing Powers in the first half of the Seventeenth Century: Formal and Informal Mechanisms and Strategies’ Kick-off presentations for ForSeaDiscovery – Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th to 18th centuries), Consejo Superior de Investigación Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘A Inquisição portuguesa. O perfil socio- económico da Inquisição de Lisboa’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Spaces of Understanding: Courts, Law, Litigation and the Creation of Tolerance in Early Modern Europe’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Sources for the Study of Jewish Cross-Cultural Business: the Amsterdam Notaries’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires, 1550-1715 – the Case of the South Atlantic’

Conference organization 12th International Urban History Conference, Lisbon: with Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (main session organizers): Imagined and Imagining Cities: Conquest and Appropriation of Unknown Worlds, 1400- 1850 International Workshop Fighting Monopolies, Building Global Empires, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales International Conference Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires – The Insights of the ERC Advisory Board, Leiden University With Amélia Polónia, 10th Economic and Social Sciences History Conference, University of Vienna: Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires, 1500-1750: a comparative overview of free agents and informal empires in the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific Seabord’

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Editorial Boards Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis e-Journal of Portuguese History International Journal of Maritime History Anais de História de Além Mar Brill-EURO series Leiden University Press Routledge Brill – EURO series Pickering & Chatto Publishers Leiden University Press Palgrave/McMillan Cambridge University Press Journal of Early Modern History Evaluation Boards/Peer Review Pools MacArthur Foundation (MacArthur Fellowships) European Science Foundation European Research Council – Synergy Program NWO (Dutch National Science Foundation) –VENI Commissie FWO (Flemish National Science Foundation)


NW Posthumus Institute FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Portuguese Science Foundation)

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Search and Selection Committee for Universitaire Docent Economische Geschiedenis, Leiden University (2014) Chair Search and Selection Committee PhD Assistant (AIO): ForSeaDiscovery Marie Curie Grant, History Institute, Leiden University, 2014

Advisory and coordinating activities Honors Class Global Challenges, Historical Responses (2013-2015)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor Kate Ekama, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Suing the Monopolies – The Case of the VOC and the WIC’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Joris van den Tol, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Lobbying for Brazil and Taiwan – Lobby Groups to the Companies and the States General’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Erik Odegard, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Serving the East and the West – Strategies in Imperial Career Paths Within the VOC and the WIC’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Kaarle Wirta, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The Scandinavian Empires’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Julie Svalastog, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The British Empire’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Elisabeth Heijmans, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The French Empire’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Edgar Cravo Bertrand Pereira, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The Iberian Empires’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Maria Pereira Bastião, ‘The Island of Mozambique: the formation of a slaving society’ (in progress)

Membership PhD committee Merlijn Olnon, ‘Brought Under the Law of the Land’. The History, Demography and Geography of Crossculturalism in Early Modern Izmir, and the Köprülü Project of 1678, Leiden University, 2014

Publications Scholarly Trivellato F., Halevi L. & Antunes C. (eds.) Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World History, 1000-1900. New York: Oxford University Press Antunes C. 'Keeping up Appearances: Using and Abusing Identities in the Low Countries. The Portuguese Nation of Amsterdam, 1580-1654', Revue du Nord 30: 179-190 Trivellato F., Halevi L. & Antunes C. (Eds.) 'Cross-Cultural Business Cooperation in the Dutch Trading World, 1580-1776. A View from Amsterdam's Notarial Contracts'. In: Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World History, 1000-1900. New York: Oxford University Press. 150-168 Antunes Catia & Silva Filipa Ribeiro da 'Les negociants d'Amsterdam, le commerce ouest-Africain et la traite negriere, 1580-1674'. In: Saupin, Guy (Eds.) Africans et Europeens dans le monde atlantique, XVe-XIXe siecle. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 373-400


Dr. S. Belluci Research 0.2 fte

Prof. Dr. J. L. Blussé van Oud Alblas

Conference attendance April 10: Southeast Asian history lecture series, lecture: Seascapes, Estuaria, and Environmental Factors in the Early Modern History of Southeast Asia. Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations van Seoul National University, South-Korea April 24: European Social Science History Conference, Vienna Early Modern Intercultural Diplomacy:Comparative Approaches vs. East-West(-phalian) Dichotomies, lecture: Asian Diplomacy in Action, the learning curve of the Merchant Prince of Batavia May 19-22: The Chuan Lyu Lectures, St John’s College Cambridge University: 1) Taiwan and its Dutch Early Modern Past: The Dutch source publications and why they do matter 2) Getting to know Formosa: Encounters, Intermediaries and the Discovery of the Kavalan people September 18: International Conference on Chinese Maritime History [海洋史國際學術研討會」 Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Key-note speech:Chasing Rumours: in Search of the Chinese Overseas News Communications in Early Modern Time September 10-11: Conference ‘Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia: Historical precedents, legal foundations, and regional institutions in addressing common security challenges’, University of Cambridge. Lecture: China and its Maritime Frontier: some thoughts upon a historical relationship October 17: IOACS Maritime Conference Ningbo. Keynote Speech in Chinese: 被遗忘的荷兰东印度 公司的中国水手 November 17: Hua Qiao University Xiamen. Honorary Chinese Lecture on 开吧历代史记 Kaibalidai shiji

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor: Pham Van Thuy, Beyond Political Skin: Convergent Paths to an Independen National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam. May 14, 2014. Promotor with Dr. Thomas Lindblad Promotor with Dr. Thomas Lindblad External PhD Guido van Meersbergen, Viva. December 3, 2014, University of London

Other activities Visiting Professor in Southeast Asian History Huaqiao University (Xiamen, China), autumn 2014 (Since 1996) Visiting Professor in Southeast Asian History at the Nanyang Research Institute, Xiamen University, China. Spring 2014

Publications Leonard Blussé, Nie Dening e.a.eds. Gongan bu, Bacheng huaren Gongguan Dangan公案簿, 吧城花 人公馆 档案(Gong An Bu – Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council). 1869-1873) Vol. 13, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 480 pp

Articles ‘John Chinaman Abroad: Chinese sailors in the Service of the VOC’ in Alicia Schrikker and Jeroen Touwen eds, Promises and Predicaments, Trade and Entrepreneurship in Colonial and Independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Singapore: NUS Press 2015. pp. 101-112


‘有臭味的茶叶’(Badly smelling tea) in 广东社会科学 Guangdong Social Science Review),2014-2, pp. 106-113 ‘Of Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water: Leiden University’s Early Sinologists (1854-1911)’ in Wilt L. Idema ed, Chinese Studies in the Netherlands. Past, Present and Future. Leiden: Brill 2014. pp. 27-68 (Revised and updated version)

Nie Dening, Wu Fengbin and Leonard Blussé (Eds.) Gong An Bu (Minutes of the Board Meetings of the Chinese Council) Vol. 13. Xiamen: Xiamen UP 2014. 483 pp.

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.E. de Bruijn Research 0.3 fte

Conference attendance February 13: Global Encounters Special Seminar, MIGRATION, MARGINALISATION AND (IN)VISIBILITY , Roundtable discussion, panel member, VU Amsterdam February 28: ‘Youth, Conflict & Governance in Africa’, Organized by Catherine Panter-Brick, Director of the Conflict, Resilience & Health Program, Yale http://www.yale.edu/macmillan/crh/index.html; Alex de Waal, Director of the World Peace Foundation, Tufts University http://fletcher.tufts.edu Title of presented paper: ‘Youth, communication and political violence’ (see blog) April 22-26: ESSHC European Social Science and History Conference, Vienna; organizer and coordinator region Africa May: Invited lectures at the Conflict and Peace Institute/Tuft University Cambridge USA; Department of Anthropology, University of Leipzig; London Science museum; EU Brussel; May 13: WUR, Seminar: (Social) Media and Political Agency in and from Africa May 16: Symposium ‘Perspectives on ICT4D’ Friday 16 May 2014, 10.00-16.30h, VU University Amsterdam; keynote: Mobile Africa Revisited: Perspectives on ICT and social Change in Africa June 26 & 27: Meeting with EU in Brussels: TCHAD – Atelier d'analyse conflit - July 1-3: conference by Centre For The Study Of Childhood And Youth: ‘RESEARCHING CHILDREN’S EVERYDAY LIVES: SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXTS’. Sheffield. Title of presented paper: ‘Mobile Children and New iCTs in Africa’ (with Imke Gooskens) October 14: lecture at SIB, Utrecht with Catherina Wilson: ‘Duiding van het conflict in CAR: Genocide confronteert Fluiditeit’ August 25-26; Workshop ‘Mobility and resources’ Cologne, Germany October 15-16: ‘Africa Works’; co-organisation with IICD; chair of panel November 12- 13: University of Leipzig, Anthropology: seminar ‘Counter Voices in Connected Authoritarian Africa’ November 26: seminar University of Maastricht: ‘Counter Voices in Connected Authoritarian Africa’ November 27: presentation of Voice4Thought at Leiden Global yearly event; Ethnographic Museum, Leiden; including art presentation by slammeur Didier Lalaye or Croquemort; December 3: seminar in de serie journalistiek Leiden University: title: ‘Connecting in Times of Duress; ICTs and Political Change in Africa’ December 6: ASC: chair at book presentation of Peter Angwafo December 8: lecture/seminar Ibadan Unviersity, Institute for Conflict and Peace studies, ‘Mobility: the anomaly of refugees as a category’ December 8-17: Workshops for the CTD programme: April 2014 and December 2014; both in Buea, Cameroon Several meetings and seminars in the Netherlands, amongst others 2x at the Clingendael Institute (on Mali and terrorism/conflict in the Sahel); organization of Anthropology day at Utrecht University

Conference organization Organising a workshop that will be held in March 2015: Governance and Connections in Africa's Contemporary Conflicts; Workshop organized by the African Studies Centre, Leiden on Thursday 19

86 and Friday 20 March 2015 May 28: Anthropologyday Universiteit Utrecht; organizer and keynote about youth, digital communication and protest in Africa December 8-17: Workshops for the CTD programme: April 2014 and December 2014; both in Buea, Cameroon. Role: Organiser and Director

Research leave home and abroad Destination: Chad-Cameroon Purpose of trip: Research, filming, PhD visits & workshop CTD Period: March 13-April 14

Destination: Congo-Kinshasa – Bangui Purpose of trip: PhD visit, research, filming Period: June 3 -18

Destination: N’djamena-Pala, Chad; Purpose of trip: Follow up Chad research (V4T), documentary/film Period: September 2-16

Destination: Travelling from Lagos to Ibadan to Enugu and further to Cameroon Purpose of trip: PhD research/film/workshop CTD Period: December 3-21

Membership of boards and committees Board member of International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) Member of AIV/COS (Commissie voor Ontwikkelings Samenwerking) Board member of Leiden Global (for 2014) Board member of Langaa Publishing and Research Institute based in Cameroon Board member of CRASH, research center based in N’djamena, Chad Member of the Science Advisory Committee of the Council of IIASA: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee Supervision PhD Boukary Sangaré (2014-2017), The Mali conflict and radicalisation (working title) (LU Leiden) Caroline Hulshof (2014-2018), Music and memory in Zanzibar (working title) (LU Leiden) Pamela Ijeoma (2014-2017), Women entrepreneurship in the Bijlmer and the use of mobile communication (LU Leiden) Inge Ligtvoet (2012-2016), ‘ICT and Protest against Repression: The Case of Anglophone Cameroon (PhD) and a comparison with Nigerian dynamics’, (LU Leiden) Catherina Wilson (2012-2016), ‘Being (dis)connected during war(s): Shaping Urbanity in Chad and CAR’ (LU Leiden) Adamou Ahmadou (2013-2016), ‘Nomadic pastoralists Confronted with Duress and new ICTs’ (LU Leiden) Souleymane Adoum (2013-1016), ‘Histories of Mobility and Communication in Societies under Duress, The Past in the Present, Northern Central Africa’ (LU leiden) Inge Butter, (2011-2015), ‘Arabization and Technologies of Communication in a Post-conflict Situation, Chad’, MaGW/NWO funding (with Prof. M. Mouss, Hum Leiden) Evelyne Ntewusu, in the Volkswagenstiftung programme since 2009; ‘Material Culture, Mobility and Social Change, a Case Study in the Grassfields, Cameroon’ (working title) (with Prof F. Nyamnjoh, UCT, South Africa); (sick) Jonna Both, MagW/NWO funded project that started in 2010, ‘The dynamics of stabilization and youth's social navigation in the post-conflict margins of Yumbe district (West Nile, Uganda)’ (with Prof. R. Reis, AISSR, Amsterdam) will defend in 2015 Imke Gooskens, ICT and Mobility in Angola/South Africa, WOTRO/NWO, Part of Mobile Africa research project (started in 2009)


Fatima Diallo, ‘ICT and Law in Senegal’, WOTRO/NOW (ASC funded, part of the Mobile Africa integrated programme) (with Prof. Kante, Saint Louis; Prof van Dijk, WU & ASC) (started in 2009) (ASC funding) will defend February 2015 Laguerre Dionro Djerandi ‘Le projet pertrolier Tchadien- un nouveau mode de prevention de conflit’, 2006-2010, Volkwagenstiftung, with Dr. Andrea Beherends (University of Halle) and Prof. H. van Dijk (ASC) Ellen Blommaert, ‘AIDS and Youth in Kenya’, University of Amsterdam (2005-2008) (with Prof. A. Hardon, ASSR, defended in March 2014 Nakar Djindil, ‘Food Security in Historical Perspective: Nutritional Status and Physical Development as Indicators of the Long-term Effects of Crisis in the Sahel. The Case of Chad’, 2004-2008, (with Prof. H. van Dijk, Wageningen University WOTRO W 52-1050 NWO funding, will be finalized in 2015) Membership PhD committee Brian Newton GIBSON, Amsterdam University, ‘Rule of Law in Pluri-Legal environment’, date of defence: November 20, 2014 Célestine Kalenga Ngoy, Leiden University, ‘Bunyeka et ses chefs: evolution sociale d’ une ville précoloniale (1870-1992)’, date of defence April 30, 2014 Mary Davies, Leiden University, ‘The Locality of Chieftainship: Territory, Authority and Local Politics in Northern Malawi, 1870-1974’, date of defence May 21, 2014 Theo den Hollander, Utrecht University, ‘Neglected Voices Untold Stories of Gender, Conflict and Transitional Justice in the Great Lakes Region’, date of defence September 27, 2014 Iva Pesa, Leiden University, ‘Moving along the Roadside, a social history of Mwinilunga District, 1870- 1970’; date of defence September 23, 2014

To be defended: Oumou Koultoum DIABY KASSAMBA, Leiden University, Analyse conceptuelle et traductibilité des termes de maladie dioula. Member Promotion Committee Tendai Mangena, Leiden University, Counter discourse in Zimbabwean Literature, member Promotion committee

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Blog: mirjamdebruijn.wordpress.com Presentation of the film ‘Airtime’ at the Museum, London about Information and Communication Technology in Africa. Produced by Mirjam de Bruijn & Sjoerd Sijsma The Information and Communication Technology ‘revolution’ in Africa has been an important force of social and economic change. This film exists of five parts, each part tells a mini story of change in relation to ICT: phone use (mobile communities), credit sales, gender, phone reparation and the historical developments. It is a visual experience and thought story of the appropriation of technology by Africans and how it is transforming lives

Other activities Reception of a guest/artist from Chad, 23 November to 4 December: Didier Lalaye, who is part of the V4T project; Reception of André Shamba, a journalist from Congo, October and November, he was guest of the CTD project; Review of Zed books published ‘Displacement economies in Africa’, edited by A. Hammar Review for Nomadic Peoples; old people and nomadic society Review for development and social change: Peer Mentors, Mobile Phone and the ‘Immutability’ of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment: A case study of Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Review for Politique africaine: Les années écroulées. Vestiges, développement et autonomie à Faya- Largeau, Tchad Review for Refugee studies Review for Communication & Media

Publications Scientific publications De Bruijn, M. E. ‘Connecting in Mobile Communities: an African Case study’, Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 36(3) 319– 335


C.M. Tankou, H.H. de Iongh, G. Persoon, M.E. de Bruijn, G.R. de Snoo ‘Determinants And Impacts Of Human Mobility Dynamics In The Western Highlands Of Cameroon’, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 3, ISSUE 8, AUGUST 2014 ISSN 2277-8616 40 IJSTR©2014 www.ijstr.org De Bruijn, M. E. & W. Gam Nkwi ‘Human Telephone Lines’: ‘Flag Post Mail Relay Runners in British Southern Cameroon (1916–1955) and the Establishment of a Modern Communications Network’, IRSH 59 (2014), Special Issue, pp. 211–235 [doi:10.1017/S0020859014000340; 2014 Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis]

Edited book: Bouju, J. & M. de Bruijn (eds) Ordinary Violence and social Change in Africa’’, Leiden: Brill

Book chapters: Bruijn, M.E. de (with Jacky Bouju) Introduction: Ordinary Violence in Africa. In: Bouju, J. & M. de Bruijn (Eds.) Ordinary Violence and social Change in Africa, Leiden: Brill, pag. 1-12 De Bruijn, M. E. ‘The Itinerant Koranic School: Contested Practice in the History of Religion and Society in Central Chad’. In: Bouju, J. & M. de Bruijn (Eds.) Ordinary Violence and social Change in Africa, Leiden: Brill, pag. 63-84 Bruijn, M.E. de & Walter G. Nkwi ‘Life is so summarised’: Society’s memory in the digital age in Africa’. In: Marion Wallace, Terry Barringer, Jos Damen (Eds.) Dis/Connects. Bruijn, M.E. de ‘Crisis in Mali: lokaal verslag in een transnational conflict’, Geografie, april 2014: 15-20

Publications (LUCRIS) Scholarly Bruijn, M.E. de & Bouju, J. Ordinary Violence in Africa Brill, Africa series. Leiden: Brill Bruijn, M.E. de The Itinerant Koranic School, Contested Practice in the history of society and religion in Central Chad. In: Bouju J., Bruijn M.E. de (Eds.) Ordinary Violence in Africa. Leiden: Brill. 63-84 Gam Nkwi, W. & Bruijn, M.E. de ‘Human Telephone Lines’: Flag Post Mail Relay Runners in British Southern Cameroon (1916–1955) and the Establishment of a Modern Communications Network, International Review of Social History 59: 211–235 Tankou, C.M., Iongh, H.H. de, Persoon, G., Bruijn, M.E. de & Snoo, G.R. de Determinants and Impacts Of Human Mobility Dynamics In The Western Highlands Of Cameroon, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 3(8): 40-50 Tankou, C.M., Iongh, H.H. de, Persoon, G., De Bruijn, M.E. & De Snoo, G.R. Determinants and impacts of human mobility dynamics in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 3(8): 40-50 Bruijn, M.E. de Connecting in Mobile Communities: an African case study, Media Culture and Society 36(3): 319-335 Bruijn, M.E. de, Jeffrey, R. & Doran, A. The Great Indian Phone Book: How Cheap Mobile Phones Change Business, Politics and Daily Life, South Asia, South Asia. Journal of South Asian Studies 36(4): 684-685

Ms. Dr. A.M.C. van Dissel Research 0.2 fte

Referee, advisory committees, editor, etc. Member Editorial Board International Journal of Maritime History Referee International Journal of Maritime History


Book review editor Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis Member of the supervisory committee, refereeWerken van de Linschoten-Vereeniging volume 113 Member of the supervisory editorial board of the series Militaire geschiedenis van Nederland (Netherlands Institute of Military History, Ministry of Defense, The Hague) Member of the supervisory editorial board of the series Nieuwe Maritieme Geschiedenis van Nederland [work in progress]

Membership of boards and committees President Linschoten-Vereeniging (until June 2014) Member of the Board Stichting Schouwenburg Fonds Jury of the Fruin Award (chair), Institute for History, Leiden University

Advisory and coordinating activities Member project group ‘Dutch merchant seamen during WOII’. Editorial board: Dr. A.M.C. van Dissel, Drs. M. Elands (Veterans Institute), Drs. H. Faber and Dr. P. Stolk (DdM) (book published in May 2014) Member advisory panel History of Feadship Royal Dutch Shipyards Member Maritieme Koepel and Het Maritiem Portal

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee Supervisor PhD research Co-promotor: H. Stapel, Koninklijke Nederlandse Reddingsmaatschappij (Leiden University) Co-promotor: G.M.W. Acda, Marineofficier G.F. Tydeman (Leiden University)

Membership PhD committee Readers’ committee and opponent: T.J.C. van Hengel, The Diving Dutchman. Het Marien- Gravimetrisch Onderzoek naar F.A. Vening Meinesz. (1887-1966). Date: 22 October 2014, Leiden University

Valorisation (societal relevance and impact) February 18: Public lecture, HOVO-course University Leiden; ‘Transport van Indische Mekkagangers’ February 28: Public lecture, HSVL, University Leiden; ‘Met stoomvaart op bedevaart. Over zee van Indië naar Mekka (1870-1940)’ April 16: Public lecture, Symposium Citizen soldiers, Veteranen Instituut, Hotel New York, Rotterdam; ‘Een onvergetelijke zeemansgeschiedenis’ May 4: Public lecture, Film na de Dam, Theater De Uitkijk in samenwerking met Comité 4 en 5 mei, Amsterdam; ‘De Slag in de Javazee’ October 18: Public lecture, Nacht van de Geschiedenis, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; ‘De Brielle op de Maas voor Rotterdam 1689’

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) April 18: EO Blauw Bloed, presentation De Nederlandse koopvaardij in oorlogstijd April 25: Interview Pieter Klein Beerninck in De Telegraaf, Vaarkrant October 22: NTR Academie, radio 5, Koopvaardij in oorlogstijd

Publications Dissel, A.M.C., ‘In buitenlandse havens; desertie, opvang en welzijn’ in: Anita van Dissel, Martin Elands, Hylke Faber en Pieter Stolk ed., De Nederlandse koopvaardij in oorlogstijd (Amsterdam 2014) 149-181 Dissel, A.M.C., Elands, M., Faber, H. en Stolk, P. ed., De Nederlandse koopvaardij in oorlogstijd (Amsterdam 2014) Dissel, A.M.C., Heijer, H.J. den ‘Jongens van De Witt of van Oranje? Loyaliteit en opportunisme bij de zeemacht in turbulente tijden 1780-1813’, in: Henk te Velde en Donald Haks, Oranje onder. Populair Orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu (Amsterdam 2014) 115-137 Antunes, C.A.P., Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijveld, W. et.al. ed. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 33-1 (2014) Antunes, C.A.P., Dissel A.M.C. van, Heijveld W. et.al. ed. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 33-2 (2014) Book review:


Michael B. Miller, Europe and the Maritime World: a Twentienth-Century History (Cambridge/New York 2012) in: Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 33-1 (2014) 120-122

Scholarly Bijkerk, R., Dissel, A.M.C. van, Klep, C., Klooster, S.J., Piersma, H., Schaap, D.A., Schoeman, J. & Veen, A. van der (2014), In buitenlandse havens. Desertie, opvang en welzijn. In: Dissel A.M.C. van, Elands M., Faber H., Stolk P. (Eds.) De Nederlandse koopvaardij in oorlogstijd. Amsterdam: Boom. 149-182

Professional Velde, H. te, Haks, D., Ebben, M.A., Boom, B. van den, Dissel, A.M.C. van, Heijer, H.J. den, Honings, R.A.M. & Petterson, A.F. Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Other activities February 21: Discourse Fellowships (Het Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam) May 25: Maritieme Archeologie (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis, BataviaWerf, Lelystad) September 3: 11th North Sea History Conference: Mobility in a Maritime World, working around, across and beyond the North Sea (Het Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam) December 17: Kick-off Rotterdams Centrum voor Moderne Maritieme Geschiedenis (Maritiem Museum Rotterdam)

Prof. Dr. H.W. van den Doel Research 0.1 fte

Dr. K.J. Fatah-Black Research 1.0 fte

Scholarly Fatah-Black, K.J. & Rossum, M.R. van Beyond Profitability: The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade and its Economic Impact, Slavery & Abolition Fatah-Black, K.J. & Zijlstra, S. Introduction: A Dutch Perspective on Interimperial Encounters in the Caribbean, 1660–1680, Journal of Early American History 4(2): 105-112 Fatah-Black, K.J. Paramaribo as Dutch and Atlantic nodal point, 1650-1795. In: Oostindie Gert, Roitman Jessica (Eds.) Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders. Leiden Boston: Brill. 52- 71 Fatah-Black, K.J. A Network to Encourage the Slave Trade? Paramaribo-Middelburg-Amsterdam, 1783-1793. In: Cavaciocchi Simonetta (Eds.) Schiavitù e Servaggio Nell' economia Europea Secc. XI-XVIII no. 45. Firenze: Firenze University Press

Popularising Fatah-Black, K.J. Column: Nationale bladzijde of mondiale geschiedenis, Holland. Historisch Tijdschrift (1)

Prof. Dr. J.B. Gewald Research 0.3 fte


Conference attendance May 8-9: conference ‘From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Mining, History and Heritage’, Leiden University, Leiden, in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Luning (Social Anthropology) and Dr. Alexander Geurds (Archaeology) Gewald organised the two days. Title of the presented paper: ‘Wenela, Katima Mulilo a zone of transit in Barotseland: The development of a holding zone for migrants on the extreme frontier of the South African Empire’ August 6: Graduate History Seminar, ‘To Grahamstown and back: towards a socio-cultural history of Southern Africa’, South Africa, Bloemfontein, University of the Free State September 17-19: organised and chaired the valedictory conference for Prof. Dr. R. Ross, and was assisted in this by Dr. E. Pesa and Mr. T. van der Hoog. This conference was attended by 26 speakers from around the world and will result in the publication of a festschrift for Prof. Ross. Title of the presented paper: ‘Heliography in Southern Africa: The Transfer of Ideas and Technology Between Metropole and Colony October 31: Leiden, Geschiedenisdag: De 19e eeuw: politieke stromingen in Europa en de koloniën, ICLON, Universiteit Leiden, RijksMuseum Voor Volkenkunde, ‘The First Genocide of the 20th Century: Imperial Germany and Africa, a Case-Study in Namibian History’ December 3: ASC CRG 6 Roads to Prosperity writers workshop in preparation for the Brill African Dynamics publication of 2015: ‘Wenela, Katima Mulilo a zone of transit in Barotseland: The development of a holding zone for migrants on the extreme frontier of the South African Empire’ December 12: States, Boundary Making and Mobility Control: a Global Historical perspective Conference, Leiden University, ‘Europe in Africa: Conflicting Border Concepts’

Conference organization May 8-9: in cooperation with Dr. S. Luning (Social Anthropology) and Dr. A. Geurds (Archaeology) the two day conference, ‘From Corporate Paternalism to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Mining, History and Heritage’, Leiden University. Presented paper entitled: ‘Wenela, Katima Mulilo a zone of transit in Barotseland: The development of a holding zone for migrants on the extreme frontier of the South African Empire’ September 17-19: (together with Dr. I. Pesa and Mr. T. van der Hoog) valedictory conference for Prof. Dr. R. Ross. This conference was attended by 26 speakers from around the world and will result in the publication of a festschrift for Prof. Ross. Presented paper entitled: ‘Heliography in Southern Africa: The Transfer of Ideas and Technology Between Metropole and Colony’ December 3: ASC CRG 6 Roads to Prosperity writers workshop in preparation for the Brill African Dynamics publication of 2015

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Ghana Purpose of trip: German Ghana 1880 – 2014: In the context of this research programme, Jan-Bart journeyed to Ghana in July 2014 and together with Dr. Samuel Ntewusu Aniegye he travelled throughout those eastern regions of Ghana that used to be part of German Togoland between 1880 and 1914. Together with Dr. Ntewusu, Jan-Bart interviewed local inhabitants and visited former German settlements and posts in an effort to see what the long-term effects were of German colonial rule in eastern Ghana. In April of 2015 Dr. Ntewusu will travel to the Netherlands on Gewald’s research budget, and together with Gewald the two of them will complete a draft book-length manuscript dealing with the long-term effects of German colonial rule in contemporary Ghana Period: July

Destination: Johannesburg, Bloemfontein and Cape Town, South Africa Purpose of trip: Migrant Labour in Southern Africa: to investigate the history of migrant labour in southern Africa. In these cities Gewald conducted research in both national and private Archives, as well as libraries at research institutions. Migrant labour lies at the basis of Southern Africa’s economy and history, and continues to be of crucial importance in the present and foreseeable future Period: In the latter half of July and early August 2014

Membership of boards and committees Member of the African Studies Centre MA Research Thesis Award Committee


Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Mary Davies, ‘The Locality of Chieftainship: Territory, Authority and Local Politics in Northern Malawi, 1870-1974’, 21 May 2014, co-promoter and supervisor Iva Pesa, ‘Moving along the roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga District, 1870s-1970s’, 23 September 2014, Co-Promoter and Supervisor Matteo Grilli, ‘The Bureau of African Affairs in Nkrumah’s Ghana’. Expected date of thesis defence summer 2015. Co-Promoter Enid Guene, ‘The transition of Hunter-Gatherers to Agriculturalists and Pastoralists in East Africa’, expected thesis defence 2017, Co-supervisor University of Cologne

Membership PhD committee Pierre Kalenga, ‘Bunkeya et ses chefs: évolution sociale d’une ville précoloniale (1870 – 1992)’, 30 April 2014, member of promotion committee and readers committee, Leiden University Omar Gueye, Mai 1978 au Sénégal, Senghor face au movement syndical, 6 May 2014, member of promotion committee and readers committee, Amsterdam University Mary Davies, ‘The Locality of Chieftainship: Territory, Authority and Local Politics in Northern Malawi, 1870-1974’, 21 May 2014, Co-promoter Iva Pesa, ‘Moving along the roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga District, 1870s-1970s’, 23 September 2014, Co-Promoter and Supervisor Terrill Schrock, ‘A grammar of Ik (Icé-tód): Northeast Uganda’s last thriving Kuliak language’, 16 December, member of readers committee

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) June 8: Radio 1, ‘Kennis van Nu’ http://www.radio1.nl/popup/terugluisteren-programma/2471/2014-06-08

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Between 17 and 19 September, Gewald organised and chaired the valedictory conference for Prof. Dr. R. Ross, and was assisted in this by Dr. E. Pesa and Mr. T. van der Hoog. This conference was attended by 26 speakers from around the world and will result in the publication of a festschrift for Prof. Ross. December 3: organised and hosted the CRG 6 Roads to Prosperity writers workshop in preparation for the Brill African Dynamics publication of 2015 March 27: Lunch seminar Dr. Daniel Spence, ‘Dawa ya moto ni moto/fire must be met with fire’: naval development in British East Africa, 1933-1962’ Chair April 3: Research Seminar, Prof. Dr. Luise White, ‘Place, Patria, and Citizenship: National service in Rhodesia 1970-80’, discussant April 11: Film seminar, ‘From Namibia with love, in presence of filmmaker Laura Meriläinen’, discussant October 31: Geschiedenisdag: De 19e eeuw: politieke stromingen in Europa en de koloniën, ICLON, Universiteit Leiden, RijksMuseum Voor Volkekunde, ‘The First Genocide of the 20th Century: Imperial Germany and Africa, a Case-Study in Namibian History’

Publications To Grahamstown and back: towards a socio-cultural history of Southern Africa, Inaugural Lecture, Leiden University, 6th June 2014.

Ms. Dr. M.J. de Goede Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance September 17-18: Research Seminar, ‘Robert Ross Valedictory Workshop’, Africa Studies Centre, Leiden. Panel chair


Conference organization October 16-17: Conference ‘Africa Works!’, Leiden. Co-organizer of the panel ‘After the ICT Revolution: African Youth Shaping their Futures’

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee Pierre Célestine Kalenga Ngoy, Leiden University. Title dissertation: Bunkeya et ses Chefs: évolution sociale d’une ville précoloniale. Role: Opponent, 30 April 2014

Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January 9-10: Invited lecture ‘Civilizing the Eurasian Warrior, ca 1000-1800’ at Conference on ‘The Great War and Global History’ (University of Oxford: Centre for Global History, 9-10 January 2014) May 22-23: Invited participation at Workshop ‘The Future of World and Global History’, Warwick, University of Warwick June 5: Invited participation Roundtable Posthumus Conference: The pre-industrial Low Countries in a world history perspective, Leeuwarden November 26-27: Invited lectures ‘The Indo-Dutch Middleground’ at Workshop ‘Europe and Islamicate Asia: Early Modern Perspectives’; ‘Johannes Hoornbeeck: A Forgotten 17th Century Global Historian’ (European University Institute Florence, Italy December 15-17: Invited lecture ‘The legacy of the Eurasian Warband in Mughal India’ at Conference ‘From Timur to Nadir Shah: Connecting Iran, India and Central Asia’, Cambridge University: Pembroke College

Conference organization June 20-22: First Cosmopolis Conference on the Making of Religious Traditions in the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940), Yogyakarta, Indonesia August 28-29: Together with other leaders of Eurasian Empire Project (see Duindam): Summerschool Eurasian Empires, Leiden

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: ANRI Jakarta Purpose of trip: July: visits for development of Cosmopolis programme: UGM Yogyakarta, UI Jakarta, UNDIP Semarang, ANRI Jakarta, KITLV Jakarta, Royal Dutch Embassy Jakarta, NUFFIC Jakarta, EFEO Jakarta Period: June-August

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editor Sources on South Asia (Manohar Publishers – 2010) Editorial Board Monograph Series Rulers and Elites (Leiden: Brill) Editorial Board Rijksmuseum Bulletin Advisory Board Itinerario

Membership of boards and committees Supervisory Board LUF Chair ‘Nederlandse literatuur in contact met andere culturen’ (Praamstra)

Advisory and coordinating activities Co-leader NWO-Horizon project on Eurasian Empires (since 1 August 2011) Advisory Board Institute for History (LU) President European Association of India Study Centres (EAISC) Coordinator Cosmopolis Programme (since 1 July 2011), including (a)ENCOMPASS-program (OC&W)


(b)LUF (Leiden University Fund)-program The Making of Religious Traditions in Indonesia: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940) (c)Erasmus Mundus-program: IBIES

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor PhD Manjusha Kuruppath, ‘Dutch Drama and the Company’s Orient’, promotor. Date of defence: November 4, 2014

Membership PhD committee Vilan van de Loo, ‘Melati van Java: De dochter van Indië’. Date of defence: January 14, 2014. Promoter: Prof. Dr. O. Praamstra, Leiden University Cis van Vuure, ‘Van Kaikan tot Konik. Feiten en beeldvorming rond het Europese wilde paard’. Date of defence: January 14, 2014. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.J. Boersema and prof. dr C.A. Davids, Vrije Universiteit Pham Van Thuy: ‘Beyond Political Skin – Convergent Paths to an Independent National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam (1930-65)’. Date of defence: May 24, 2014. Promotor Prof.Dr. J.L. Blussé, Leiden University M.A. van Alphen: ‘Het oorlogsschip als varend bedrijf’. Date of defence: June 19, 2014. Promotor prof.dr. J.L. Blussé, Leiden University

Current supervision Encompass: Ariel Lopez, since October 1, 2012 (with David Henley), ‘Social Transformations in the Sangir Archipelago’

Eurasian Empires (NWO-Horizon): Barend Noordam, since August 1, 2011, Leiden University, ‘Barbarians at the Gates? Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou, and the Ming Dynasty’s Frontier Military in the Late Sixteenth Century’ Lennart Bes, since August 1, 2011; Radboud University Nijmegen (with Peter Rietbergen), ‘Empire and Legacy in South India: Court Politics in Vijayanagara and its successor states, 1330-1770’

Erasmus Mundus IBIES: Since September 1, 2013 Archisman Chaudhuri, ‘Warfare and Economy in Mughal India’ Byapti Sur, ‘State and Corruption in the Dutch Republic and Bengal’ Mahmood Kooriadathodi, ‘Circulation of Islamic texts and ideas in the Indian Ocean World’ Abdur Rahoof Oottathingal, ‘Arabi-Malayalam in the Making of Vernacular Islam in Kerala’ Deepshikha Boro, ‘Pere Tachard in Siam: Mission, Diplomacy and Republic of Letters’ Onenkala, ‘Luso-Jesuit Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern South Asia’

LUF-program: Since September 1, 2013: Yulianti, (with Bambang Purwanto (UGM), ‘The Making of New Buddhism in the Early 20th Century Indonesia (1900 -1959)’ Johny Khusyari, (with Bambang Purwanto (UGM), ‘The Formation of Urban Javanese Christian Heritages in Colonial Java’ Since September 1, 2014: Simon Kemper, (with Bambang Purwanto (UGM), ‘War-bands around the Java Sea: The Military Labour Market in the Making of Early Modern Java’ Sander Tetteroo, (with Bambang Purwanto (UGM), ‘Humanitarianism and Religion: Philanthropy in Colonial and Postcolonial Indonesia’

Institute for History: Tristan Mostert, since 1-9-2014 (with Ben Schoenmaker), ‘Makassar and Early Modern Eurasian Warfare’

External (funded):


Pimmamus Wibusilp, since October 1, 2012, ‘Eighteenth-century State-formation in Arcot (South India)’. Funding: Anandamahidol Foundation Thailand Tjahjono Prasodjo, since September 1, 2013 (with Marijke Klokke), ‘Water Management in Brantas River Basin, East Java, Indonesia (10th – 16th Century CE)’. Funding: Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo Norifumi Daito, since September 1, 2013, ‘Trade and Society in the Eighteenth-century Persian Gulf’. Funding: Japan Student Services Association

External (private): Aleksandar Stoyanov, since September 1, 2012, ‘Russia marches South: The Russian Campaigns in Persia’, Bart Westenbroek, since September 1, 2013, ‘Banda: The Making of a Settlement Colony’

Externally acquired funds PhD-research NWO: Tristan Mostert, ‘Makassar and Early Modern Eurasian Warfare’ Yayasan Arsari Djojohadikusumo: Tjahjono Prasodjo, ‘Water Management in Brantas River Basin, East Java, Indonesia (10th – 16th Century CE)’

Archival Research Hirado Project (1609-1641) funded by Alfred Ailion Foundation, €129.000,- period 2014-2017. Project is executed by Mrs. Cynthia Viallé in collaboration with Professor F. Crijns, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto

Visiting scholarships Dr. Ikuko Wada (Kyoto University): October 2013 – January 2014, funded by Alfred Ailion Foundation Samual Ostroff (University of Pennsylvania): November 2013 – June 2014, funded by Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 4: Lecture Probus Haarlem: ‘Haarlemse schilders in de 17e eeuw in Azië’ Consultant Exhibition Amsterdam and Asia, Rijksmuseum Autumn 2014

Awards August 2014: Elected as member of Academia Europaea

Publications Gommans, J.J.L. ‘Review of Sunil S. Amrith, Crossing the Bay of Bengal: The Furies of Nature and the Fortunes of Migrants’, Journal of Global History, 9 (2014), pp. 477-9

Other output Gommans, J.J.L Review [Review of: Amrith S. (2013) Crossing the Bay of Bengal: The Furies of Nature and the Fortunes of Migrants] Journal of Global History Journal of Global History(9): 497-499

Other activities Member Core Group of the Humboldt Foundation Project ‘Comparative Studies in Imperial History’ (with Michal Biran, Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Yuri Pines, Jörg Rüpke) Member Network Application Leverhulm Trust: ‘Global Nodes, Global Orders’ (with Oxford, Princeton, Konstanz, Kolkata, Osaka) August 2014: Promotion Review for College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia)


Prof. Dr. H.J. den Heijer Research 0.2 fte

Publications Professional Velde H. te, Haks D., Ebben M.A., Boom B. van den, Dissel A.M.C. van, Heijer H.J. den, Honings R.A.M. & Petterson A.F. Orangisme als Internationaal fenomeen. In: Velde Henk te, Haks Donald (Eds.) Oranje Onder. Populair orangisme van Willem van Oranje tot nu. Amsterdam: Prometheus Bert Bakker. 197-220

Prof. Dr. K.J.P.F.M. Jeurgens Research 0.4 fte

Conference attendance January 23: symposium at the annual meeting Association of Indonesian Archivists. Title of presented paper: ‘Digital Records Management: challenges and opportunities’, Jakarta, Indonesia January 27: symposium ‘Paradigm shift! Shifting minds and practices in record keeping?’. Title of presented paper: ‘The target keeps moving! Appraisal in a continuum’, The Hague June 16: symposium at the Congres Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland: Big Archives. Title of presented paper: ‘Googling the archive. In de wereld van small data en big data’, Assen June 22: Conference ‘Religious Traditions on the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in a Global Perspective, 1600-1940’. Title of presented paper: ‘Heritagization of religion? Collecting Practices in 19th century Nederlands-Indie’, Jogyakarta, Indonesia July 18: Conference ‘Asia in Motion. Heritage and Transformation’. Title of presented paper: ‘Digitisation of colonial legacy: a growing dilemma between enrichment and impoverishment of Asian’s past’, Singapore Type of conference: Symposium October 14: symposium LeidenGlobal ‘Postcolonial’, panel: Alternative Histories: Co-presence, colonial collections and knowledge exchange. Title of the presented paper: ‘Between ruination and conservation: the anthropology of the colonial archive’, Leiden November 18: Conference DLM Forum - 7th Triennial Conference: Making the information governance landscape in Europe. Title of presented paper: ‘Risk-based appraisal of records: some developments in Dutch appraisal practice’, Lisbon November 28: Jaarcongres Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Informatieprofessionals. Title of presented paper: ‘Waardering en selectie op de helling’, Nieuwegein

Conference organization January 27: international symposium Canada, Australia and The Netherlands. Title of symposium: ‘Paradigm shift! Shifting minds and practices in record keeping?’,The Hague. Role: organizer and presenter July 17-19: Conference ‘Asia in Motion. Heritage and Transformation’, National University of Singapore. Role: organizer panel and presenter October 14: Organizer of panel discussion at the Association for Asian Studies: Panel: ‘Blurring borders. Effects of digitization and popularization of colonial archival legacy for shaping Asian heritage and history’ (panel contributions from the Netherlands, Taiwan and Australia), Leiden

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Referee for NWO grant applications

Membership of boards and committees Member of the scientific board of NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Member of the board of Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap Member of the scientific board of the project ‘Geschiedschrijving van de provincie Zuid-Holland’ Member of the steering committee ‘Mutual Cultural Heritage’ Nationaal Archief Netherlands

Advisory and coordinating activities February 11: Raad voor Cultuur, Expert meeting cultural infrastructure for the future June 23-June 28: DIKTI-Leiden scholarship. Organization of and participation in (with Leo Lucassen and Jos Gommans) information tour at several Indonesian Universities (Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali; Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Sulawesi; Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatra; Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta; Erasmushuis Jakarta). Purpose: spotting and contacting candidates for Leiden-DIKTI scholarship October 20-24: Surinam National Archives, advisor for National Archives Surinam (developing curriculum for archivistics at Anton de Kom Universiteit Paramaribo)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Michael Karabinos, Leiden University, ‘Archives and heritage in postcolonial states: Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore’. Role: supervisor Nadia F. Dwiandari, Leiden University, ‘Archives creation in the Algemene Secretarie in Batavia: 1816- 1890’. Role: supervisor Membership External PhD committee Vincent Robijn, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, ‘Archival aspects of medieval ‘Memorieboeken’. Role: co-promoter with Dick de Boer Hans Waalwijk, ‘…unser Registratur ist ein Hertz, trost unnd schatz…’ Registratuur in procedures van het Duitse Rijk, de Habsburgse gebieden en Württemberg (ca. 1480-ca.1535) en het werk van Jacob Schreiber/Ramminger (ca. 1480-1532) promoter

Membership PhD committee Gerard van Roon, ‘Macht en gewoonte in het Delftse Stadsbestuur (1672-1702)' Date of defence: February 5, 2014, Leiden University Proscovia Svärd, Information and Records Management Systems and the Impact of Information Culture on the Management of Public Information Date of defence: May 28, 2014 (UvA)

Externally acquired funds €7,500 from the Dutch Embassy in Indonesia and €15.000 from Nationaal Archief for funding Cosmopolis candidates from ANRI (for 2014 and 2015)

Other activities January 20-24: Teaching ANRI staff in Jakarta (colonial archives) Lecturer/researcher and master coordinator Archival Science at Amsterdam University (main position until February 1 2014) Adviser National Archives (main position since February 1, 2014) Acting State Archivist of the Netherlands (July 1 2014 – November 1 2014)

Publications Scholarly Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M. The right to know: what, when and for how long. Appraisal and selection in the information age?, Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics 3(2): 6-20 Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M. Risk-based appraisal of records: some developments in Dutch appraisal practice. In: Borbinha J., Szatucsek Z., Ross S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the DLM Forum - 7th Triennial Conference. Making the information governance landscape in Europe. Lisboa: Bibliotheca Nacional de Portugal. 7-11

Professional Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M De archivaris in de wereld van big data, Archievenblad 118(4): 17-19


Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M. Archivwissenschaftliche Ausbildungen im 21. Jahrhundert. In: Archivní Časopis, Výuka Archivnictví Vývoj, Úkoly a Perspektivy. České Budějovice. 233-245 Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M. The target keeps moving! Appraisal in a continuum. Den Haag: Nationaal Archief Jeurgens, K.J.P.F.M. In de schaduw van de ander. Koloniale archieven en collecties in de 21e eeuw, Archievenblad 118(10): 21-23

Dr. J.Th. Lindblad Research 0.5 fte

Conference attendance March 24: workshop on ‘The Eurasian Question’, Leiden. Title of presented paper: ‘Dutch business and Indonesian decolonization’ June 13: launch of a special issue of the journal Masyarakat Indonesia, Indonesian Academy of Science, Jakarta, Indonesia, keynote speech August 23-27: International Association of Historians of Asia, Alor Star (Malaysia). Title of presented paper: ‘Booming business in colonial Indonesia: Corporate strategy and profitability during the 1920s’ December 16-17: international workshop on ‘Foreign capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society’, Leiden. Title of presented paper: ‘Corporate structure and profit in colonial Indonesia, 1920-1930’

Conference organization December 16-17: international workshop on ‘Foreign capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society’, Leiden, (jointly with Frank Ochsendorf and Mark van de Water, LIAS)

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Yogyakarta Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’

Period: late April Destination: Jakarta Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’

Period: mid-June Destination: Malaysia Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ Period: August

Destination: London Metropolitan Archives, London, England Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ Period: June and October

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editing of a special issue of Masyarakat Indonesia [journal published by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences] vol. 39: 2 (dated 2013, in fact appearing in 2014) Anonymous referee for various journals


Membership of boards and committees Treasurer KITLV Treasurer Professor Teeuw Foundation

Advisory and coordinating activities Project coordinator for N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ (until 1 November 2014)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor PhD research Farabi Fakih, ‘The rise of the managerial state in Indonesia. Institutional transition during the early independence period, 1950-1965’. Date of defence: May 14, 2014, Leiden University Pham Van Thuy, ‘Beyond political skin. Convergent paths to an independent national economy in Indonesia and Vietnam’. Date of defence: May 14, 2014, Leiden University

PhD dissertations in preparation: M. van Beurden, On tax haven in the Netherlands Antilles’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. G.J. Oostindie) Frank Ochsendorf on, ‘The impact of foreign investment on society in colonial Indonesia’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. D. Henley) Mark van de Water, ‘On the impact of foreign investment on economic development in colonial Indonesia’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. D. Henley) Xiaodong Xu, ‘On SIJORI (Singapore-Johor-Riau) growth triangle’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. H.J. den Heijer) Esther Zwinkels, ‘On war crime jurisdiction in Indonesia after the Pacific War’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. H.W. van den Doel)

External examiner at the defense of a PhD dissertation at Jacobs University, Bremen, on Dutch- American rivalry in the oil industry in colonial Indonesia. Defence: July 14, 2014

Member of various promotion committees at Leiden University.

Externally acquired funds Continuation of N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ (from 1 November 2014 under responsibility of Prof. Dr. D. Henley, LIAS)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Contribution to exhibition on money in colonial Indonesia, at Bronbeek Museum, Arnhem

Publications Lindblad, J.Th. ‘A Malaysian perspective on decolonization: Lessons for Indonesia?’, Masyarakat Indonesia 39 (2): 341-360 [dated 2013, actually published in 2014] Lindblad, J.Th. (with Thee Kian Wie) ‘A foreword by the guest editors; Professor Anne Booth, eminent and prolific scholar, generous friend and colleague’, Masyarakat Indonesia 39 (2): xiii-xviii [dated 2013, actually published in 2014] Lindblad, J.Th. ‘Mirror images of progress’, in: Kristian Gerner (ed.), The Swedes & the Dutch were made for each other (The Hague: Embassy of Sweden, 2014): 22-38 Lindblad, J.Th. ‘Zuidoost-Azië: Van groeispurt naar crisis en terug’, Groniek 46 (2014): 179-192

Dr. P.J.J. Meel Research 0.2 fte


Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editor of Oso, Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caraïbisch Gebied Editor of Bronnen voor de Studie van Suriname (BSS) (Rozenberg Publishers)

Membership of boards and committees Chair of the Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde Member of the Klankbordgroep Overdracht Surinaamse Archieven van het Nationaal Archief in Den Haag

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) November 22: Presentation Man van het Moment. Een politieke biografie van Henck Arron in the Amsterdam Public Library November 30: Interview about Man van het Moment in radio program OVT, NPO/Radio 1 December 7: Interview about the archives of the 1980 coup d’état in Suriname in radio program Welgeïnformeerd, Radio Tamara

Publications Scholarly Meel P.J.J. Man van het moment. Een politieke biografie van Henck Arron. Amsterdam: Prometheus/Bert Bakker Meel P.J.J. & Klinkers E. Open archief over staatsgreep Suriname. De Volkskrant, Opinie & Debat: 31, (15 November 2014)

Other activities Supervising four MA-students in history at the Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname

Prof. Dr. G.J. Oostindie Research 0.2 fte

Conference attendance Keynote-lecture September 20: ‘After Vienna: the reinvention of the Netherlands as an imperial monarchy’, Vienna, conference ‘The Congress of Vienna and its Global Dimension’, Vienna University

Lectures February 13: ‘Free Blacks and ‘Coloureds’ in the Dutch Atlantic’, workshop ‘Les libres de couleur dans l’espace atlantique’, Nantes, Université de Nantes May 28: ‘The Caribbean. A bird’s eye view’, Utrecht, University College Utrecht September 25: ‘Synthese’, workshop ‘Slavernij in het Nederlandse imperium’, Amsterdam, Trippenhuis KNAW October 14: ‘New futures of (post)colonial collections and research’, Leiden Global (post)colonial symposium’ December 11: (with Ireen Hoogenboom), ‘Dutch war crimes in the Indonesian decolonization war? Evidence from egodocuments’, KITLV seminar ‘Decolonization and the origins of ‘excessive’ violence: Dutch military operations in Indonesia (1945-1950) in comparative perspective’, Leiden, KITLV

Conference organization October 14: (co-)organizer Leiden Global ‘(post)colonial symposium’ December 10: (co-)organizer KITLV symposium ‘Conflict and conscience: the Indonesian decolonization and the uncomfortable past of the Netherlands’, Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde

Research leave, home and abroad Various trips (Indonesia, Antilles), all financed by KITLV


Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editor, New West Indian Guide Editor, Island Studies Member Advisory Board, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies

Membership of boards and committees Member Programmaraad Gemeenschappelijk Cultureel Erfgoed (OCW/BZ) Member stuurgroep Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI) Member begeleidingscommissie militaire geschiedschrijving Suriname (NIMH) Member bestuur Prof. Slicher van Bath Fonds (CEDLA) Member Advisory Board, Nationaal Archeologisch Antropologisch Museum, Curaçao

Advisory and coordinating activities Member Programmaraad Gemeenschappelijk Cultureel Erfgoed (OCW/BZ) Member stuurgroep Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute (CNSI) Member begeleidingscommissie militaire geschiedschrijving Suriname (NIMH) Member bestuur Prof. Slicher van Bath Fonds (CEDLA) Member Advisory Board, Nationaal Archeologisch Antropologisch Museum, Curaçao Member onderzoeksteam Instructietaal Sint Eustatius (ministerie OCW) Member onderzoeksteam Evaluatie Justitiële Rijkswetten (ministerie V&J)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee January 10: Lucy Kortram, EUR, ‘Meer dan een arts alleen. De maatschappelijke betekenis van huisarts Sophie Redmond in laat-koloniaal Suriname’, September 12: Jos de Roo, UvA, ‘Praatjes voor de West. De Wereldomroep en de ontwikkeling van de Antilliaanse en Surinaamse literatuur: 1947-1958’

Externally acquired funds ‘Confronting Caribbean Challenges: Hybrid Identities and Governance in Small-scale Island Jurisdictions’, NWO, 2014-2018, ca. €750.000

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Regular appearance in Dutch and international media (tv, radio, newspapers)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Member onderzoeksteam Instructietaal Sint Eustatius (ministerie OCW) Member onderzoeksteam Evaluatie Justitiële Rijkswetten (ministerie V&J) Public lectures: February 24: ‘Slavenhandel en slavernij: Caribische en Amerikaanse patronen’, Utrecht, Louis Hartloopercomplex March 25: ‘Herdenking en erfenissen van de slavernij’, Leiden, Studium Generale Universiteit Leiden June 5: ‘Colonialism and slavery in Dutch history: legacies and memories’, Amsterdam, Humanity in Action/Anne Frank Huis June 13: ‘Slavenhandel en slavernij in de Nederlandse economie en maatschappij, 1600-1863’, Middelburg, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek June 18: ‘Gedeeld Koninkrijk: Waarom Nederland en de Antillen geen afscheid van elkaar kunnen nemen’, Den Haag, Clingendael/Kabinet van de Gevolmachtigde Minister van Curaçao October 12: ‘De relatie Nederland-Suriname: hoe verder?’, Jagernath Lachmonlezing, Den Haag, Theater Diligentia October 31: ‘Het Nederlandse kolonialisme: macht en tegenstemmen’, Geschiedenisdag ICLON, Leiden, Universiteit Leiden November 20: ‘De Cariben in de Leidse collecties’, Leiden, Studium Generale Universiteit Leiden December 10: ‘De dekolonisatieoorlog: wie bepaalt de Nederlandse onderzoeksagenda?’, Leiden, KITLV symposium ‘Conflict and conscience: the Indonesian decolonization and the uncomfortable past of the Netherlands’, Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde



Oostindie, G.J. ‘De koning en de Cariben’. In: Haan I. de, Hoed P. den, Velde H. te (Red.) Een nieuwe staat. Het begin van het koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker Scholarly

Other output Oostindie G.J. & Roitman J.V. (Eds.) ‘Dutch Atlantic connections, 1680-1800; Linking empires, bridging borders’. Leiden: Brill Ms. Dr. L. Pelckmans Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance January 27: Convenor workshop ‘Moving methodologies in times of conflict and Duress’, Leiden University January 29: Paper ‘Lutter contre l’esclavage: aperçu des mouvements ‘anti-esclavagistes’ contemporains (Niger, Mauritanie, Mali et la diaspora Parisienne)’, in workshop « Formes et aspets de l’esclavage », Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Université Lumière, Lyon, France May 5-6: International Conference ‘Shadows of Slavery in Africa and beyond’, Department of Human Sciences Riccardo Massa, University of Milan-Bicocca. Title of the presented paper: ‘On stereostyles and stereopartners: an interactive approach to post-slavery relations’ May 14: Convenor workshop ‘Africa-Europe: migration and stigmatization’. Paper + vodcast: ‘Mali Crisis, post-slavery and stigma allure’. Leiden University October 25-26: conference ‘Authenticating Religious leadership in the public sphere’. Title of the presented paper: ‘Subversive debates: laic versus religious paths to emancipation for people with slave status’, Cologne university, Germany

Assisted workshops and conferences January 20: Radboud University Nijmegen, ‘State-Building, Intervention, and Warlord Politics Roundtable’ June 13: Workshop ‘Travelling policies’, with Boukary Sangare in Antwerp Attended workshop at Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (CICAM)

Conference organization Destination: Buea, Cameroon Purpose of trip: Co-organisor: CTD team workshop ‘Methodologies under duress’, Presentation: ‘Research in a digital environment Period: March 31-April 4

Research leave home and abroad March-April: Supervision and Fieldvisit Nigeria Cameroon (see report CTD website) August-September: fieldwork Mali (with Boukary Sangare)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Membership PhD committee Jurymember thesis defense Mary Davies, ‘The Locality of Chieftainship: Territory, Authority and Local Politics in Northern Malawi, 1870-1974’, Leiden University, May 2014

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Audiovisual projects Vodcast, title ‘Mali crisis: MBJEN and post-slavery’ Trailer, title: ‘River nomads’. Topic: nomadic migrants on the river Niger, who as strangers encountering xenophobia when on the road

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 6-26: Erasmus exchange teaching Roskilde University


Publications Pelckmans, L. Surnames as passports to social mobility? Renaming practices of Fulɓe slave descendants in Central Mali, in: A. Bellagamba, C. Brown, S. Greene, M. Klein (eds) New Perspectives in the Study of African Slavery and Abolition, Trenton: Africa world Press Pelckmans, L. and Sangare , B. The provision of security in the Sahel, Report Diis Pelckmans, L. & Hardung (eds.) ‘La question de l’esclavage en Afrique: Politisation et mobilisations’, call for special issue, submitted to Politique Africaine Pelckmans, L. ‘West African slavery activists and social remittances from the diaspora: memories of slavery in a transnational setting’, forthcoming in journal Africa. Special issue edited by Rodet & Decclich, Memory and migration in Africa and the Diaspora.

Funding proposals Cooperation with Marie Rodet on project proposal for Heritage Plus. Not obtained

Other actvities Consultancy work in order to finance research by Boukary: - Wrote an application for DDG, on demand of Boukary Sangare. This did not work out in the end - Wrote another Consultancy application for DIIS, did work out New research proposal (connections between both research projects), March 2014 (see CTD website) Setting up special issue Politique Africaine (edited volume) Conflictanalyse voor conflictteller: CAR case. Chair graduate seminar, history department, 11th of June

Teaching Teaching two courses (Media Anthropology/Slavery and Post Slavery in a global Perspective) Obtaining BKO

Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross Research 1.0 fte till 1 July 2014

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Cambridge UP, Journal; of African History, Journal of Southern African Studies, Oxford UP, South African Historical Journal, Kleio et al (more should not be disclosed in the interests of confidentiality)

Advisory and coordinating activities Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Iva Peša, ‘Moving along the Roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga district, 1870s – 1970s’, promotor, date of defence 23 September, 2014 Mary. E. Davies, ‘The Locality of Chiefdomship: territory, authority and local politics in Northern Malawi, 1870 – 1974’, promotor, date of defence 21 May, 2014 Pierre Celestine Kalenga, ‘Bunkeya et ses chefs: evolution sociale d’une ville précoloniale (1870 – 1992)’, promotor, date of defence 30 April, 2014

Other activities Scholarly Ross R.J. The borders of race in colonial South Africa: the Kat River Settlement, 1829 - 1856 no. 128. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Ms. Dr. A.F. Schrikker Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance June 20-22: Conference Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta ‘The Making of Religious Traditions in the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940)’, Panel chair and roundtable discussant September 29-30: Workshop at Perth (Murdoch University), Southeast Asia’s global economy, climate and the impact of natural Hazards from 10th – 21st century. Presentation: ‘Historic sources on Indonesia’s disasters in Dutch colonial collections: problems and possibilities’ December 16-17: International Workshop, Leiden, Foreign capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society, discussant

Conference organization September 4-5: Workshop at Universiteit van Amsterdam/Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, ‘Representing disasters: mediatization and tansnational solidarities’, role: co-organizer and discussant April 8: Ongoing lecture series seminar group colonial law. Co-organizer with Sanne Ravensbergen and Adriaan Bedner (Van Vollenhoven Institute), Institute for History Leiden

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Yogyakarta, Indonesia Purpose of the trip: intensive Indonesian language course Length of stay: One month

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Referee FWO (research grant application) Referee Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (article) Referee The Third World Studies Center (TWSC)/Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies (article) Editor-in-chief: Itinerario, journal on the history of European expansion and global interaction (Cambridge: CUP) Editor (external): Tijdschrift achttiende eeuw (per December 2014) Editor: Dutch Sources on South Asia series (Delhi; Manohar)

Membership of boards and committees FEEGI-in-Europe conference selection committee Humanities lab Kern-commissie (humanities honoursprogram)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Sanne Ravensbergen, ‘Crime and punishment in the Dutch East Indies 1816-1918’. Co-promotor with Adriaan Bedner (VVI) and Wim van den Doel. Defense scheduled winter 2016/17 Nadeera Seneviratne, ‘Negotiating custom. Colonial law making in the Galle landraad’. Co-promotor, with Nira Wickramasinghe (LIAS), defense December 2015 Sander Tetteroo, ‘Humanitarianism and Religion: Philanthropy in Colonial and Postcolonial Indonesia in Response to Calamities (c. 1900‐1965)’. Co-promotor with Bambang Purwanto/Jos Gommans. Defense 2019

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Regular feature in Geschiedenis Magazine as reviewer of publications on ‘non-western history’.

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) September 4-5: The workshop Representing disasters included sessions with workers from the field (Medicines sans Frontieres, UNICEF) at UvA/Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, 4-5 september 2014: mediatization and tansnational solidarities. co-organizer and discussant


Contribution to primary school education on Climate and History in cooperation with the faculty of science and ICLON

Publications Touwen, L.J. & Schrikker, A.F. ‘Building bridges between themes and approaches in Indonesian economic history’. In: Schrikker, A.F., Touwen, L.J. (Eds.) ‘Promises and predicaments. Trade and entrepeneurship in colonial and independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th centuries’. Singapore: Singapore University Press. 3-16 (Festschrift edition) Schrikker, A.F. & Touwen, L.J. (Eds.) ‘Promises and predicaments. trade and entrepeneurship in colonial and independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th centuries’. Singapore: Singapore University Press. 3-16 (Festschrift edition) Pesa, I. & Schrikker, A.F. ‘Lessons from African history. Between the deep ande the shallow ends of social theory and historical empiricism’. Itinerario 38(3): 7-18

Ms. Dr. C.M. Stolte Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance January: Conference: ‘Cultural Heritage: Environment, Ecology and Inter-Asian Interactions’. Title of presented paper: ‘Connected Histories: Mobilizing Heritage in the Forging of New Connections between India and Central Asia, 1920s-1950s’, Nalanda University, Rajgir, India June: Conference ‘The Making of Religious Traditions in the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940)’. Title of presented paper: ‘Closing Roundtable’, Yogyakarta, Indonesia November: Conference ‘Association of Slavic, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies’. Title of presented paper: ‘Soviet Orientalism: A View from India’, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. December: Conference ‘Subversive Networks: Agents of Change in International Organizations, 1920- 1960’. Title of presented paper: ‘Who Speaks for Asia? Trade Union Politics Behind the Asian Representatives at the ILO, 1920-1947’, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Conference organization March: Symposium ‘The Eurasian Question’, Leiden. Role: commentator June 20-22: Conference ‘The Making of Religious Traditions in the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective (1600-1940)’, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Role: organizer, panel chair February: Conference ‘Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction’, New Orleans. Role: Bi- annual Itinerario report; business meeting June: Conference ‘Fighting Women During and After the Second World War’, NIAS, Wassenaar. Role: commentator

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: History Department, Harvard University Purpose: Research; Niels Stensen Fellowship Length of stay: 12 months Period: from August

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Managing editor, Itinerario (Journal, Cambridge University Press) Co-editor, Dutch Sources on South Asia (Book Series, Manohar Press) Referee, Mobility in History (Yearbook, Bergahn Press) Referee, Modern Asian Studies (Journal, Cambridge University Press)

Membership of boards and committees Member, Executive Committee, New England Regional World History Association Member, Financial Committee, KITLV Society


Member, VGN (Dutch Association of History Educators), World History Working Group Member, International Selection Committee, Erasmus Mundus IBIES

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator Encompass (January – August): OCW-funded program for students interested in learning Dutch and working with Dutch sources materials; fully funded for competitively selected students. Coordinator Erasmus Mundus IBIES (January – August) EU-funded program entitled Interdisciplinary Bridges in Indo-European Studies, in which six European and twelve Indian universities take part. Coordinator Cosmopolis Seminar (January – August) Monthly research seminar on Colonial & Global History

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) TROS Nieuwsshow (Dutch National Radio). Interview on the elections in India (April) Radio 1 OVT (Dutch National Radio). Background information on Indian Elections (April)

Publications Scholarly Stolte, C.M. Duitse steun aan Indiase ‘Islamisten’. De Niedermayer-Von Hentig expeditie, 1915-16, Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 29(1): 93-107 Stolte C.M. ‘The Asiatic hour’: New perspectives on the Asian Relations Conference, New Delhi, 1947. In: Miskovic, N., Fischer-Tine, H., Boskovska, N. (Eds.) The Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War: Delhi - Bandung - Belgrade. London: Routledge, 57-75 Stolte, C.M. & Sunderason S. South Asia and the Long 1930s: Appropriations and Afterlives IIAS newsletter

Other output Stolte C.M. [Review of: Satadru Sen (2014) Traces of Empire: India, America, and Postcolonial Cultures] Itinerario, European Journal of Overseas History 38(3): 145-146

PhD students

A. Amadou, MA Research 0.1 fte

D. Boro, MA Research 0.1 fte

A.Chaudhuri, MA Research 0.1 fte

Dissertation project: ‘Warfare and Economy in Mughal India: Aurangzeb’s campaigns in the Deccan and South India (1682-1707) and the Dutch East India Company’


F. Fakih MA Research 1.0 fte

'The Rise of the Managerial State in Indonesia', Date of defence: May 14, 2014 Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas and co-promotor: Prof. Dr. J.T. Lindblad

Ms. Drs. S. Feyder Research 1.0 fte

M. Kooriadathodi MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. M. Kuruppath MA Research 1.0 fte

‘Dutch Drama and the Company's Oriënt’, Date of defence: November 4, 2014 Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans

Ms. I. Ligtvoet MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance March 31-April 5: workshop CTD Workshop, Buea, Cameroon

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Nigeria, Enugu/Calabar/Ibadan Purpose of trip: fieldwork Period: February 10, 2014 – January 24, 2015

Destination: Nigeria, Enugu/Calabar/Ibadan Purpose of trip: field visit Catherina Wilson, Kinshasa, filming & interviewing Catherina about her research Period: August 4-12

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May 16: Funx Radio, interview about Boko Haram Blog: divineconnectivities.tumblr.com (fieldwork blogs)

A.C. Lopez MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance October 8: Graduate Seminar ‘Conversion, Colonialism and Local Elite Politics: The Making of Islam and Christianity in north Sulawesi, c. 1830-1900’ Name: Ariel C. Lopez Supervisors: Prof. J.J.L. Gommans (History) and Prof. D.E.F. Henley (LIAS)


August 23-27: International Association of Historians of Asia Conference, Alor Setar, Malaysia. Title of presented paper: ‘Slavery and globalization in Southeast Asian Historiography: labour demand, status rivalry, and military capability in Sulu slave-raiding, 1750-1900’

Publications Scholarly Lopez, A.C. ‘An exploration into the political background of the Maguindanao ‘piracy’ in the early eighteenth century’, in Piracy and surreptitious activities in the Malay Archipelago and Adjacent Seas, 1600-1840’, edited by Y.H. Teddy Sim (Singapore [etc]: Springer), 2014. [pp. 105-120]

Other output Lopez, A.C. (with Kathryn Anderson Wellen) ‘Traversing the Malay-Indonesian World: An Interview with Leonard Andaya’, Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction 38, no. 1 (2014): 7-12

T. Mostert MA Research 1.0 fte

B. Noordam MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance August, 26-28: Summerschool of Eurasian Empires, ‘Impeded access to the military labour market: Qi Jiguang and the consequences of weisuo marginalization’, Leiden

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: One year visiting scholarship to Academia Sinica, Taiwan, connected to its Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS) Arranged by Academia Sinica; some costs covered by bench fee connected to Eurasian Empires project (flight tickets, obligatory medical examinations, visa application) Purpose of trip: increasing language skills in both Modern Chinese and Classical Chinese; finding, reading and translating primary and secondary sources. For this purpose visiting libraries; building a network of professional contacts with other Chinese and Taiwanese scholars in the field Taipei, Republic of China, Taiwan Period: June 1, 2014-June 30, 2015

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. June 1, 2014-onwards: co-editor and co-translator of E. Jonkers’ ‘Wenyan partikels’ Dutch to English translation project. Aim is to make this Dutch helpful study resource and overview of grammatical particles in classical Chinese available in English and thus to a wider audience of scholars and students around the world. Project undertaken under aegis of Stichting Shilin/Shilin Foundation, which also publishes ‘Shilin: Leiden University Journal of Young Sinology’, biannually November 1, 2011-onwards: Member of advisory committee ‘Raad van Commissarissen’ of the study association of sinology students in Leiden, Studievereniging Sinologie (SVS). The committee consists of former board members of the study association and offers advice to the present board

Membership of boards and committees October 1, 2011-May 30, 2014: Stichting Shilin/Shilin Foundation, board member – treasurer

Publications Bos, J. & Noordam, B. ‘Peeking at the Enemy. Eighteenth Century ‘Spy’ Plan Reveals VOC Military Intelligence’. IIAS: The Newsletter 67 (2014): 4-5


Noordam, B. ‘Military Intelligence and Early Modern Warfare: The Dutch East India Company and China, 1622- 1624’. In Concepts and Institutions in a Transcultural Context, edited by A. Flüchter and J. Schöttli, . Heidelberg: Springer, 2015, 113-135 Noordam, B. ‘Book Review: A Political Life in Ming China: A Grand Secretary and His Times by John W. Dardess’. Shilin: Leiden Journal of Young Sinology Vol. 4 (2014) Nr. 2: 57-61 Noordam, B. ‘Book Review: The Military Collapse of China’s Ming Dynasty, 1618-44 by Kenneth M. Swope’. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Vol 77 (2014) Nr. 3: 634-635 Noordam, B. ‘Book Review: Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China’s First Great Victory over the West by Tonio Andrade’. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review Vol 129 (2014) Nr. 2: review 27 (3 pp.)

Other activities Participated as guest lecturer in ‘Culture and Conquest: The Impact of the Mongols and their descendants’, during one session and gave a lecture on the Chinese Ming (1368-1644) dynasty and its relations with the Mongols

A.R. Othatingal MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. I. Pesa MPhil Research 1.0 fte

Iva Peša, ‘Moving along the Roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga district, 1870s – 1970s’, supervisor Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross, date of defence 23 September, 2014

Publications Scholarly Pesa, I. Moving along the roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga District, 1870s-1970s (PhD thesis. Institute for History, Humanities, Leiden University) (thesis) Pesa, I. & Schrikker, A.F. Lessons from African history. Between the deep ande the shallow ends of social theory and historical empiricism, Itinerario 38(3): 7-18 Pesa, I. 'We have killed this animal together, may I also have a share?' Local-national political dynamics in Mwinilunga District, Zambia, 1950s-1970s, Journal of Southern African Studies 40(5): 925-941

Ms. S. Ravensbergen MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance June 20-22: Workshop at the conference ‘Locating Voices of Marginalised Others’. Role: referent August 29: Cosmopolis-Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Title of conference: The Making of Religious Traditions on the Indonesian Archipelago: History and Heritage in Global Perspective, 1600- 1940. Title of presented paper: ‘Potong Tangan’: the Ritualization of Islamic Legal Advice in Colonial Java, 1807-1918 October 14: Conference Leiden Global. Title of conference: panel ‘Colonial Law: Academic Heritage and Today’s Relevance’. Title of presented paper: ‘The Jaksa in Java and Madura 1819-1918’ October 15: Promovendi-symposium Huizinga Graduate School. Title of presented paper: ‘Potong Tangan’: the Ritualization of Islamic Legal Advice in Colonial Java, 1807-1918


Conference organization April 8: Seminar ‘Colonial Law Talk’, Institute for History, Leiden University. Role: organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Arsip Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia Purpose of trip: archival research Length of stay: 8 weeks Period: May and June

Destination: University Yogyakarta, Indonesia Purpose of trip: language course Length of stay: 2 Period: June

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Public lectures: Volksuniversiteit Arnhem: 'Misdaad en straf in Nederlands-Indië 1816-1918', 23 februari 2014

A.A. Souleymane MA Research 1.0 fte

B. Sur Research 1.0 fte

Ms. A. Van de Veer MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance December 10-12: symposium ‘Decolonization and the origins of ‘excessive’ violence: Dutch military operations in Indonesia (1945-1950) in comparative perspective’. Title of presented paper: Responding to anti-Chinese violence during the Indonesian revolution: the Pao An Tui in Medan’. KITLV, Leiden

Ms. C.M. Wilson MA Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance February 4: Individual Assessment at the N.W. Posthumus Institute, Utrecht March 31-April 5: CTD Workshop, Buea, Cameroon April 27 : Lecture ‘Rumeurs et réfugiés le long des rives de l'Oubangui‘, University of Kinshasa October 14: Lecture with Mirjam de Bruijn ‘Duiding van het conflict in CAR: Genocide confronteert Fluiditeit’ SIB, Utrecht

Conference organization January 27-30: Seminar and Master Class “Hunting Hunters” with Louisa Lombard Leiden University. Role: organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Nigeria and Cameroon Purpose of trip: field visit Inge Ligtvoet and Adamou Ahmadou, filming and interviewing


Period: March 15–April 26

Destination: Kinshasa, Sud-Ubangui (DR Congo) and Bangui (CAR) Purpose of trip: fieldwork Period: April 26, 2014 – February 18, 2015

Destination: Congo Brazzaville Purpose of trip: field visit Souleymane Adoum Period: November 14, 2014 – November 21, 2014

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) February 4: Waarom is er oorlog in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek? In ‘De Correspondent’ February 25: NTR Radio 5 ‘Dichtbij Nederland’ interview Fieldwork blog on Tumblr “Rumours on the Ubangui”: http://rumoursontheubangui.tumblr.com/ Team Twitter page: https://twitter.com/CTDuress

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) February 4: Waarom is er oorlog in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek? In ‘De Correspondent’ February 19: Policy advice: Meeting with Iona Ebben (Ministiry of External Affairs) about Central African Republic, together with Mirjam de Bruijn February 25: NTR Radio 5 ‘Dichtbij Nederland’ interview October 14: Public lecture on Genocide in Central Africa ‘Duiding van het conflict in CAR: Genocide confronteert Fluiditeit’, SIB Utrecht

Publications Wilson, C.M. ‘Changing Definitions of Autochthony and Foreignness in Bangui’ in The Central African Republic (CAR) in a Hot Spot, Cultural Anthropology, June 11 http://www.culanth.org/fieldsights/540- changing-definitions-of-autochthony-and-foreignness-in-bangui

X. Xu MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. E.P.M. Zwinkels MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance June 11-13: Conference, ‘Fighting Women in Asia and Europe During and after World War II’, NIOD, NIAS Wassenaar June 19: Seminar, ‘The Trial Record as a Historical Source’, National Archives, The Hague June 20: Seminar, ‘South East Asia Update’, IISH, Amsterdam October 26-29: Conference ‘Rethinking Justice? Decolonization, Cold War, and Asian War Crimes Trials after 1945’. Title of presented paper: ‘Puppets, profiteers and traitors. Collaborator trials in the Netherlands Indies, 1945-1949’, Universität Heidelberg, Germany Deember 10-12: Conference, ‘Decolonization and the origins of ‘excessive’ violence: Dutch military operations in Indonesia (1945-1950) in comparative perspective’, KITLV, Leiden

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator Encompass OCW-funded program for students interested in learning Dutch and working with Dutch sources materials; fully funded for competitively selected students from Monsoon Asia.

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus IBIES


EU-funded program entitled Interdisciplinary Bridges in Indo-European Studies, in which six European and twelve Indian universities take part. Eight PhD candidates currently work at Leiden as part of IBIES, six of who are at the Institute for History. Aside from them there are several temporary exchange (MA/PhD) students and staff members from Indian universities.

Coordinator Cosmopolis Seminar Monthly seminar for all graduate students and staff connected to Cosmopolis.

Other activities November 3: Workshop ‘How to write a PhD research proposal’, Workshop for Research Masters students, Leiden. Role: organizer and presenter, together with Peter Meel November 28: College Proefstuderen, ‘Debunking myths: representatie en beeldvorming van WOII in Azië’, tutorial for high school students, Leiden. Role: tutor

PhD defences Iva Peša, September 23, 2014 ‘Moving along the Roadside: A social history of Mwinilunga district, 1870s – 1970s’, Promotor: Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross Farabi Fakih, May 14, 2014 'The Rise of the Managerial State in Indonesia' Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas and co-promotor: Prof. Dr. J.T. Lindblad Manusha Kuruppath, November 4, 2014 ‘Dutch Drama and the Company’s Oriënt’, Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans

External PhD Candidates G. Acda S. Aliyu I.M.M. Bartels A. van der Belt E. Blommaert M. Borgas S. Boukary Jonna Both A. van Brakel D.A. Buiskool I. Butter n. Daito F. Diallo N. Djindil J. Dmitrova N. Everts M. Grilli G.M.M. Groenewoud C. Kuiper I. Gooskens C. Hulshof P. Ijeoma L. Ingason P. Kalenga M.J. Karabinos J.A. Khusyairi M. van Koppen Laguerre Dionro Djerandi S. MacDonald H. Ngu Mambo Epse


S.A. Ntewusu K. van Oostrum A.R. Ottathingal L.P. Paine Y. Palemeq Tj. Prasodjo S. Rotmeijer D. Seli A. Stoyanov A.J.M. van Velzen S.J. van der Vliet P. Wibusilp Xu Xiaodong B. Yuhjin Yulianti S.T. Yusuf


Externally funded programmes Dutch connections: the circulation of people, goods and ideas in the Atlantic world, 680-1795 Gert Oostindie, Karel Davids (VU), Femme Gaastra and Henk den Heijer The early modern era witnessed the emergence of an integrated Atlantic world connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas, including the West Indies. These parts of the western hemisphere were connected by the circulation of people, goods and ideas. This integrated Atlantic world disappeared in a few decades after the Revolutionary era due to several causes, particularly the end of the slave trade and the decolonisation of the Americas. In recent years, it has increasingly become clear that Dutch activities in this Atlantic world were of far greater significance than historians hitherto assumed. This project focuses on the Dutch dimension of the integrated Atlantic World between 1680 and 1795. The pivotal and indeed exceptional role of the Dutch in the Atlantic world was not one of empire-builders, but one of middlemen and brokers, who greased the Atlantic economic machine with unrivalled credit facilities and a myriad of commodities and distribution channels. This project aims to analyze how the Dutch networks functioned in this Atlantic world system and to explain to what extent and why these networks changed during this period. The analysis relates to the circulation of people and goods as well as to that of ideas. The project will not only generate more insight into the relevance of the Atlantic dimension to Dutch history, but will also contribute to the rapidly expanding international field of ‘Atlantic history’ at large. The research will focus on four (clusters of) pivotal centres at both sides of the Atlantic (Amsterdam/Rotterdam; Paramaribo; Curaçao/St. Eustatius; Elmina). Each of these centres is considered to be a major junction in the flow of people, goods and ideas connecting the three continents of the Dutch Atlantic and its multinational environment. The project will result in a synthesizing monograph and an edited volume, two monographs, a number of articles in international and national journals, two doctoral dissertations (one of which primarily financed from other sources), a number of papers at international conferences, and digital databases. These publications will be mostly in English in order to contribute to the burgeoning field of Atlantic studies.

Cosmopolis Jos Gommans, Charles Jeurgens, Thomas Lindblad, Alicia Schrikker, Carolien Stolte The Institute for History has long been host to scholarly communities in the field of colonial and global history. Following in the footsteps of the TANAP program (1999-2006) and ENCOMPASS (2006-2012), August 2012 saw the inception of Cosmopolis. Cosmopolis represents a common endeavor of Leiden University and the National Archives at The Hague to extend the accessibility and study of all Dutch sources pertaining to Asia by deepening the cooperation with Asian universities, archives and local cultural institutions. It has grown into a research community with monthly seminars, events, and excursions to archives and places of historical interest. Aside from Encompass, students and researchers from three other programs are also part of Cosmopolis: DIKTI, Erasmus Mundus IBIES and the LUF-funded Leiden-UGM joint degree program. Cosmopolis is managed by Carolien Stolte. Cosmopolis builds directly on the previous ENCOMPASS (Encountering a Common Past in Asia) program. Encompass saw its inception in 2006 as an education program for Asian students (BA3/MA/MPhil). All students started with a conversion year at BA3 level, during which they learned Dutch and started working with primary research materials. After the first year, students joined the MA or MPhil at the Institute for History. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W) made a total of twelve yearly grants available for Asian students for a two or three year stay in Leiden in the period from 2006 to 2011. The last two MPhil students from the fifth and final batch are set to graduate in the Fall of 2013. Since 2009, the Encompass program has also included a PhD track, funded by NWO and LUF. Its aim is to offer the best students the possibility to continue their education in Leiden, and to ensure the continuity and innovation of research on the Modern and Early Modern history of Asia. The emphasis in this research program lies on the use of Dutch colonial sources. Since 2009, five PhD students have been employed in the context of this program. A number of other Encompass alumni have found PhD positions at other universities in the Netherlands and abroad. With the launch of Cosmopolis in 2012, Encompass was continued, and entered a new phase as ENCOMPASS II. The former Encompass conversion year was renamed the Cosmopolis Foundation Year, and the program is now open to qualified students from all over the world. The Ministry of


Education, Culture and Science has made eleven more annual scholarships available annually for a four-year period between 2012-2013 and 2015-2016. For the Encompass scholarships however, only students from Asia are eligible. Depending on the previous education of the participating students, the conversion year, which leads to a BA degree, can now be followed as a pre-MA or pre-PhD track. In the latter case, the conversion year’s final thesis functions as a PhD pilot. Students from outside of Indonesia apply directly to Leiden. The selection of Indonesian students is carried out in close collaboration with the Arsip Nasional and the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta, as well as with the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta. Interviews take place in Yogyakarta before a committee that includes a member of Encompass Leiden. During the conversion year, the students follow intensive Dutch language classes, as well as courses in heuristics, and colonial and global history courses. After the conversion year, students continue with the regular MA program in History, within which they follow either the Colonial and Global History specialization, or Historical Archival Sciences. Funding for continuation in MA, MPhil or PhD programs occurs on a competitive basis. The program offers two annual MA scholarships for the most promising students. Students apply for a number of other scholarships and fellowships, both in the Netherlands and abroad. A memorandum of understanding was conducted with the Arsip Nasional (National Archives) in Jakarta, under which agreement the Arsip contributes fifty per cent in the education costs of their staff members who participate in the Encompass program. In 2012, participating students came from Indonesia, India, Japan, and China. The PhD track currently includes students from the Philippines, China, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

‘State and Economy in Modern Indonesia’s Change of Regimes’ Thomas Lindblad The research programme ‘State and Economy in Modern Indonesia’s Change of Regimes’ examines how changes of regimes in Indonesia between the 1910s and c. 1960 affected the meaning and functioning of the State and its role in the economy. The research programme consists of two PhD projects, entitled ‘State Performance and Political culture in Indonesia’ (Farabi Fakih, MPhil) and ‘The Political Economy of Transition in Indonesia’ (Pham Van Thuy, MPhil). It also provides for an international conference to be held in Leiden in October 2011 that will serve as a basis for a collective volume with a synthesis. The programme is executed in close co-operation with historians in Indonesia. The total research budget is €410,000.

From Muskets to Nokias: Technology, Consumption and Social Change in Central Africa from Pre-Colonial Times to the Present Robert Ross Firearms and mobile phones are fitting examples of the kind of foreign technological innovations that Central African peoples have appropriated and absorbed within their social structures over the course of the past three centuries of their history. The individual research projects that make up ‘From Muskets to Nokias’ together represent an attempt to rewrite the history of the Zambian and Congolese copperbelts and their hinterlands through the lenses of technology and consumption, and their relations to social organization. Adopting an explicitly social historical perspective, all the members of the proposed research team will seek to understand the changing dynamics of African engagement with the products of industrial technology and the impact of the transformation of consumption patterns upon the region’s social structures and related notions of wealth. Set in a much deeper chronological framework than has hitherto been the case, ‘From Muskets to Nokias’ moves away from a teleological narrative of oppression and exploitation with a view to reinstating Africans as independent economic agents. It thereby intends to avoid the obfuscation of the full range of Central African peoples’ social experiences which has so often marred materialist interpretations of the region’s history because they portray rural Africans as mere pawns in the impersonal clash between capital and organized labour. The main planks of this project are, first, the investigation of the history of firearms in history of Central Africa since around 1800, which is the task of the Post-doc within the project, Dr. Giacomo Macola, and secondly, the PhD project of Ms Iva Peša on the social and economic history of Mwinilunga, a district in the far north-west of Zambia, which is concentrating on the changes associated with, first, the ending of the long-distance caravan trade and, secondly, the opening of new labour and product markets in the copperbelts. Her work is based on a combination of archival research in Great Britain and Zambia with extensive fieldwork and the collection of oral history in


Mwinilunga itself. In both cases there has been significant progress. In addition, there are a number of Zambian, Congolese and other scholars associated with the project, who met in Lusaka in July 2009 to discuss the development of the project, as associated researchers.

Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period: Catía Antunes, Kate Ekama, Erik Odegaard, Joris van den Tol How did free agents in the Dutch Republic react to the creation of colonial monopolies (VOC and WIC) by the States General? This project answers this question by looking at the role individuals played in the construction of an informal global empire parallel to the institutional empire devised by the States General and enabled by the chartered monopolies. Free agents came into conflict with the Companies from the very beginning of the monopolies. Their defiance against the state-imposed monopolies – that is to say, the discrepancy between the goals and needs of the state-sponsored monopolies and the interests and objectives of the agents – drove the latter to work against, together with or in name of- the monopolies and, ultimately, the State. Even though the mechanisms of opposition, cooperation and appropriation/representation may be separately identified, they were not necessarily mutually exclusive. The informal empire that resulted from the individual choices of free agents and their networks as a reaction to the State imposed monopolies was, in our view, a borderless, self-organized, often cross- cultural, multi-ethnic, pluri-national and stateless world that can only be characterized as global.

Connecting in Times of Duress: Understanding Communication and Conflict in Middle Africa’s Mobile Margins Mirjam de Bruijn, Inge Ligtvoet, Lotte Pelckmans and Catharina Wilson This research programme seeks to understand the dynamics in the relationship between social media, mobile telephony and the social fabric under duress in Africa’s mobile margins. It combines studies on mobility/migration, conflict and communication in an attempt to uncover these new dynamics, which have been so evident in North Africa and the Middle East in 2011. Societies under duress are characterized by long periods of war or repression that lead to mobilities (forced or economic) and marginality. People who live in such circumstances have to manoeuvre between oppressive structures and possibilities to communicate, which are often informed by violence, fear and poverty. The introduction of new ICT is enhancing information flows and communication between people and this is expected to lead to social change and to influence the social fabric in its (re-)forming of communities and the construction of identity and feelings of belonging, which will increasingly differentiate social groups. The study is situated in northern Middle Africa (Chad, Central African Republic, Cameroon and eastern Nigeria). The proposed methodology is interdisciplinary (anthropology, history, communication studies, conflict studies and social geography), historical-ethnographic and comparative, involving regional sub-projects among diverse mobile populations in urban centres, refugee camps and remote rural areas. Film and photography will also form part of the methodology, acting as a form of communication between researchers, local communities and stakeholders and will result in a documentary. The study contributes to the development of a theory of connections. The findings will enhance our understanding of conflict dynamics and further the debate on the role of social media and ICT in conflict and post-conflict societies. Workshops and conferences in Africa and Europe will guarantee regular exchanges between policy makers and academia.


7. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence Description Our specialisation Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (CMGI) focuses on urbanisation, migration, and economic development in a comparative and global context. The central question that guides our research is: How did individual lives change in the period 1350-2000 by processes of city growth, increasing mobility, and global interaction? Put another way, how did globalisation, industrialisation, and state formation alter urban environments, mobility patterns, gender roles, and mentalities, both at the local and at the global level? The specialisation Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence focuses on processes of urbanisation, mobility, economic development, and the increase in global interaction. It seeks to explain when, how and why these processes changed and how these changes affected the lives of people, and organisational infrastructures (at the group, local, national and international level). How did ordinary people experience major changes of the past? Why did some societies achieve more economic growth than others? Why are some inequalities much more persistent than others? Who had access to power and how did certain groups manage to exclude others from power? When and why did collective action occur? Within our specialisation we look at the movement of people, goods, services, capital, and ideas. We study the means by which actors influence these changes, but also the restrictions they encounter, which can be demographic, physical, spatial, political, institutional, legal, technical, financial, and imagined. In short, our group focuses on the ways that men and women created social, cultural, and economic processes and how these processes affected them. Without losing sight of the value of individual experiences in historical analysis, CMGI attempts to analyse the aggregate or structural level of social groups, networks, and polities, and tries to understand how people are empowered and limited by both formal and informal institutions. CMGI aims at understanding larger processes and mechanisms of change over time, by focusing on: - urban and state institutions and their effects on inclusion and exclusion; - social engineering, criminality and urban subcultures; - changing labour relations in capitalist institutions and their relations to economic development; - the (gendered) interaction between migration and membership regimes in different parts of the world and the effects of societal categorisation in making distinctions between migrants and non- migrants; - development of freedoms and unfreedoms; - cross-cultural commercial networks, cultural exchanges and comparative socio-economic systems in the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial world and Systems of Empires.

We make comparisons over time – 1350-2000 – and space. We combine historical research with methods, theories and insights from the social sciences, archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, and economics. We pay systematic attention to the intersection of categories of analysis such as gender, class, religion, sexuality and race/ethnicity, which are elements of power and equality/inequality, and defining elements of identity (personal, social, legal), social location, opportunity, and experience (see figure below).


What is important for our specialisation are theories on civil society, mobility, agency, intersectionality, orientalism, network formation, governmentality, civilisation, social movements, public sphere, social cohesion, imagined communities, and forms of capital. Our specialisation builds on a long and well-established tradition that dates back to the British tradition of studying (radical) transitions (with authors such as the Webbs, Hobsbawm, E.P. Thompson, Stedman Jones, Patrick O’Brien) and combines this with the more structural approach developed by the French Annales-type of history. There is a range of valuable theories that assist us in analysing these issues, building on the ideas of the great thinkers of our field of expertise such as Weber, Marx, Foucault, Tilly, Braudel, Said, Elias, Gramsci, Kymlicka, Wallerstein, Habermas, Putnam and Bourdieu. There is not one general theory that can explain the complex transformations we study. The interlocking processes need to be approached from different angels and recent authors have argued against the use of one all-embracing general theory, and favour a focus on the contradictions and unintended consequences of social action.1 We adhere to this idea. History has an empirical core and the marriage between theory and evidence is indispensable.


Ms. Dr. C.A.P. Antunes Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance 10th FEEGI Conference, University of Tulane, New Orleans: ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires, 1500-1750: a Comparative Overview of Free Agents and Informal Empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire’ NW Posthumus Conference, Leeuwarden: ‘VIDI/ERC/Marie Curie: Research, Management and Scientific Contents’ Chair Roundtable Symposium Global History or World History? The Case of the Portuguese Empire, ISCTE, Lisbon International Workshop Cosmopolitanismm in the Portuguese-Speaking World, King’s College London: ‘On Cosmopolitanism and Cross-Culturalism: an Enquiry into the Business Practices of the Portuguese Merchants of Amsterdam’ International Conference Early Stuart Politics. The Anglo-Spanish and Anglo-French Marriage Negotiations and their Aftermath c. 1604-1630, University of Kent: ‘Borders and Frontiers of

1 Stephen Castles, ‘Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective’, in: Anna Amelina, Kenneth Horvath, and Bruno Meeus, Migration And Social Transformation In Europe. An International Handbook (In press).


Economic Cooperation between Competing Powers in the first half of the Seventeenth Century: Formal and Informal Mechanisms and Strategies’ Kick-off presentations for ForSeaDiscovery – Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th to 18th centuries), Consejo Superior de Investigación Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘A Inquisição portuguesa. O perfil socio- económico da Inquisição de Lisboa’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Spaces of Understanding: Courts, Law, Litigation and the Creation of Tolerance in Early Modern Europe’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Sources for the Study of Jewish Cross-Cultural Business: the Amsterdam Notaries’ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires, 1550-1715 – the Case of the South Atlantic’

Conference organization 12th International Urban History Conference, Lisbon: with Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (main session organizers): Imagined and Imagining Cities: Conquest and Appropriation of Unknown Worlds, 1400- 1850 International Workshop Fighting Monopolies, Building Global Empires, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales International Conference Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires – The Insights of the ERC Advisory Board, Leiden University With Amélia Polónia, 10th Economic and Social Sciences History Conference, University of Vienna: Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires, 1500-1750: a comparative overview of free agents and informal empires in the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific Seabord’

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editorial Boards Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis e-Journal of Portuguese History International Journal of Maritime History Anais de História de Além Mar Brill-EURO series Leiden University Press Routledge Brill – EURO series Pickering & Chatto Publishers Leiden University Press Palgrave/McMillan Cambridge University Press Journal of Early Modern History

Evaluation Boards/Peer Review Pools MacArthur Foundation (MacArthur Fellowships) European Science Foundation European Research Council – Synergy Program NWO (Dutch National Science Foundation) –VENI Commissie FWO (Flemish National Science Foundation) NW Posthumus Institute FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Portuguese Science Foundation)

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Search and Selection Committee for Universitaire Docent Economische Geschiedenis, Leiden University (2014) Chair Search and Selection Committee PhD Assistant (AIO): ForSeaDiscovery Marie Curie Grant, History Institute, Leiden University, 2014


Advisory and coordinating activities Honors Class Global Challenges, Historical Responses (2013-2015)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor PhD Kate Ekama, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Suing the Monopolies – The Case of the VOC and the WIC’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Joris van den Tol, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Lobbying for Brazil and Taiwan – Lobby Groups to the Companies and the States General’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Erik Odegard, ‘Challenging Monopolies, Building Global Empires in the Early Modern Period – Serving the East and the West – Strategies in Imperial Career Paths Within the VOC and the WIC’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Kaarle Wirta, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The Scandinavian Empires’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Julie Svalastog, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The British Empire’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Elisabeth Heijmans, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The French Empire’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Edgar Cravo Bertrand Pereira, ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empire: The Iberian Empires’, History Institute, Leiden University (in progress) Maria Pereira Bastião, ‘The Island of Mozambique: the formation of a slaving society’ (in progress)

Membership PhD committee Merlijn Olnon, ‘Brought Under the Law of the Land’. The History, Demography and Geography of Crossculturalism in Early Modern Izmir, and the Köprülü Project of 1678, Leiden University, 2014

Publications Scholarly Trivellato F., Halevi L. & Antunes C. (Eds.) Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World History, 1000-1900. New York: Oxford University Press Antunes C. Keeping up Appearances: Using and Abusing Identities in the Low Countries. The Portuguese Nation of Amsterdam, 1580-1654, Revue du Nord 30: 179-190 Trivellato F., Halevi L. & Antunes C. (Eds.) ‘Cross-Cultural Business Cooperation in the Dutch Trading World, 1580-1776. A View from Amsterdam's Notarial Contracts’. In: Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World History, 1000-1900. New York: Oxford University Press. 150-168 Antunes Catia & Silva Filipa Ribeiro da 'Les negociants d'Amsterdam, le commerce ouest-Africain et la traite negriere, 1580-1674'. In: Saupin, Guy (Eds.) Africans et Europeens dans le monde atlantique, XVe-XIXe siecle. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 373-400

Ms. Dr. S.A. Bonjour Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance May 30: lecture at Migration Studies Seminar, Faculty of Sociology. Title of presented paper: ‘Gender, family, and the politics of belonging in Dutch migration policies’, Bern, Switzerland August 28-30: Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference. Title of presented paper: ‘Gendered and ethnicized membership. Reducing citizens’ family migration rights in France, Germany and the Netherlands’, co-authored with Laura Block, London, United Kingdom July 3-5: 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference. Title of presented paper: Ethnicized

121 membership. The decreasing family migration rights of citizens in France, Germany, and the Netherlands’, co-authored with Laura Block, Vienna, Austria June 25-27: Council of European Studies conference. Title of presented paper: ‘When guest workers turn to settlers. Family migration policy-making in Germany (FRG) and the Netherlands, 1975-1985’, Amsterdam February 28: seminar ‘Family Reunification Policies’. Title of presented paper: ‘Reassessing the control gap debate: family migration policies in the Netherlands and Germany’, Nijmegen December 9-10: international conference ‘Stockholm and Beyond, Migration Policy Conference’. Title of presented paper: ‘When Europeanization backfires. The Normalisation of Migration Policies in Europe’, co-authored with Maarten Vink, The Hague

Conference organization September 20: seminar at the Annual Conference Dutch Association for Migration Research, Utrecht. Role: (co-)organizer and discussant

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Archives Nationales, Fontainebleau and Archives Diplomatiques, Paris, France Purpose of trip: archive research in the context of my VENI research project Reassessing the Control Gap Debate Period: January 13-17

Destination: Archives Nationales de Pierrefitte, Paris, France Purpose of trip: archive research in the context of my VENI research project Reassessing the Control Gap Debate Period: October 20-25

Destination: Archives Assemblée Nationale and Archives Diplomatiques, Paris, France Purpose of trip: archive research in the context of my VENI research project Reassessing the Control Gap Debate Period: December 15-18

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. H-Migration Book Review Editor H-Migration is an online discussion network dedicated to enhancing scholarly communication about the global history of migration and migrant integration. H-Migration is part of H-Net, an online scholarly resource for the Humanities and Social Sciences, which reaches over hundred thousand subscribers in more than ninety countries.

Membership of boards and committees Board of Dutch Association for Migration Research DAMR was founded in 2012. It aims to provide a podium for exchange and cooperation of Dutch migration researchers from a broad range of disciplines. DAMR has over a hundred members and organises two conferences each year.

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Radio: ‘De Andere Wereld’ (IKON) on ‘Arbeidsmigratie: toen Turken, nu Polen’, on October 20, 2013 Television: ‘Buitenhof’ (VPRO), debate about EU refugee policies with EU-Parlementarian , 20 October 2013

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Member of the ‘Klankbordgroep’ of the study project ‘Tien jaar gezinsmigratiebeleid: een inbreuk op het recht op gezinsleven’, of the College Mensenrechten (2012 to present) May 13: Presentation on ‘Language requirements in the EU as a basis for integration’, at the EU-Asia Dialogue’s Policy Panel on Promoting Integration of Immigrants in Europe and Asia, Stockholm June 6: Consultant for the organisation of the workshop ‘Migratiebeleid: ambtenaren in gesprek met onderzoekers’, Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, The Hague


November 6: Public debate with members of parliament and a member of the College voor de Rechten van de Mens about asylum policies and border control, organised by Montesquieu Instituut, ProDemos and Nieuwspoort

Publications Bonjour, S.A. & Vink, M. When Europeanization backfires: the normalization of European migration politics. Acta Politica 48(4): 389-407 Block, L. & Bonjour, S.A. Fortress Europe or Europe of Rights? The Europeanisation of family migration policies in France, Germany and the Netherlands. European Journal of Migration and Law 15(2): 203-224 Bonjour, S.A. & Hart, B. de A proper wife, a proper marriage. Constructions of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in Dutch family migration policy. European Journal of Women's Studies 20(1): 61-76 Bonjour, S.A. Governing Diversity. Dutch political parties’ preferences on the role of the state in civic integration policies. Citizenship Studies 17(6-7): 837-851 Bonjour, S.A. Review of: Kraler A., Kofman E. (2011) Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2013.784082 Carina van Eck, , Eddy van Hijum, Saskia Bonjour & Max van Wezel (6 november 2013), Wankelt Fort Europa? Interview at ‘for Democratie in Debat’/Montesquieu Instituut/Pro Demos

Other activities October 20: Buitenhof: Lampedusa en Europese grensbewaking, interview with Marcia Luyten for Buitenhof(VPRO) [interview] October 20: De Andere Wereld: Arbeidsmigratie - toen Turken, nu Polen for De Andere Wereld (IKON) [interview]

Dr. H. Colak Research 0.1 fte

Conference attendance November 17: workshop ‘International Trade, Bureaucracy and Social Formation in the Early Modern Ottoman Greek Orthodox Community’, Leiden University October 7: ‘Intra-communal and inter-communal networks of Orthodox merchants in the early modern Ottoman economy’, 21st CIEPO. Symposium: New Trends in Ottoman Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary September 5: (with Catia Antunes) congress ‘ Free Agency and the Genesis of Global Empires: A Comparative Approach to Empire Building in Western Europe and The Ottoman Empire’, The Fourth European Congress On World And Global History, École normale supérieure, Paris, France July 8: Congress ‘Infidels in blue ironcoats: Representation of European Knights in Early Ottoman Sources’, Leeds International Medieval Congress 2014, University of Leeds, Leeds, England April4, ‘ Byzantine-Ottoman Connection’ Seminar at the Department of History, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam January 20: Workshop ‘Free Agency in Ottoman Economy: potentials of a new field of research Fighting Monopolies’. ‘Les empires coloniaux de l’époque moderne, le système des monopoles et ses contradicteurs’, EHESS, Paris, France

Publications Çolak, H. ‘Fasiliyus, tekfur and kayser: Disdain, negligence and appropriation of Byzantine imperial titulature in the Ottoman world’ in Marios Hadjianastasis (ed.) Frontiers of the Ottoman Imagination: Essays in Honour of Rhoads Murphey (Leiden: Brill, 2014): 5-29


Dr. K.J. Fatah-Black Research 1.0 fte

Scholarly Fatah-Black, K.J. & Rossum, M.R. van Beyond Profitability: The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade and its Economic Impact, Slavery & Abolition Fatah-Black, K.J. & Zijlstra, S. Introduction: A Dutch Perspective on Interimperial Encounters in the Caribbean, 1660–1680, Journal of Early American History 4(2): 105-112 Fatah-Black, K.J. Paramaribo as Dutch and Atlantic nodal point, 1650-1795. In: Oostindie Gert, Roitman Jessica (Eds.) Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders. Leiden Boston: Brill. 52- 71 Fatah-Black, K.J. A Network to Encourage the Slave Trade? Paramaribo-Middelburg-Amsterdam, 1783-1793. In: Cavaciocchi Simonetta (Eds.) Schiavitù e Servaggio Nell' economia Europea Secc. XI-XVIII no. 45. Firenze: Firenze University Press

Popularising Fatah-Black, K.J. Column: Nationale bladzijde of mondiale geschiedenis, Holland. Historisch Tijdschrift (1).

Dr. J. Fynn-Paul Research 0.1 fte

Conference organization May 12: Brought Fabrizio Titone, Universidad del Paiz Vasco, to give a talk on ‘Protesting in medieval Sicily. From disciplined dissent to rebellions in XIII-XV centuries’ October 10: book launch ‘War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean’, (Brill, 2014), History of War 97. This was well attended by many international scholars, including David Parrott, Leiden University

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Named as Series Co-editor, Brill: Studies in Global Slavery. With Damian Pargas: Pargas D.A. & Fynn-Paul J. (Eds.) (2014), Studies in Global Slavery. Leiden & Boston: Brill

Membership of boards and committees Member OLC, International Studies

Advisory and coordinating activities Supervised 9 BA theses, and 3 MA theses

Externally acquired funds Received grant from the Spanish government; it’s a programme in which several projects will occur. Total value normally 60,000 EUR, but due to austerity was cut to only 15,000 EUR in 2014

Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) grant: ‘Policies of disciplined dissent in the western Mediterranean in the 12th to early 16th centuries (HAR2013-44088-P)’. Principal Investigator: Fabrizio Titone (Vittoria). Co-applicants: Barbara Rosenwein (Loyola), William J. Connell (Seton Hall), and Alma Poloni (Pisa)

Publications Scholarly


Fynn-Paul, J. Let’s Talk about Class: Framing an Institutionalist Typology of Class Relations in the Cities of Premodern Europe (c. 1200-c.1800), Urban history 41(4): 582-605 Fynn-Paul, J. Reasons for the Limited Scope and Duration of ‘Renaissance Slavery’ in Southern Europe (ca. 1348-ca. 1750): A New Structuralist Analysis. In: Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Eds.) Schiavitù e servaggio nell'economia europea, secc. XI-XVII • Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy, 11th-18th Centuries. Atti delle ‘Quarantunesima Settimana di Studi’, 14-18 aprile 2013. Ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Atti delle ‘Settimane di Studi’ e altri Convegni, 45; Fondazione IstitutoInternazionale di Storia Economica ‘F. Datini’) no. 45: Florence UP. 337-350 Fynn-Paul, J., Hart M. 't & Vermeesch G. Entrepreneurs, Military Supply, and State Formatio in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods: New Directions. In: Fynn-Paul J. (Eds.) War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800 Fynn-Paul, J. Military Entrepreneurs in the Crown of Aragon during the Castilian-Aragonese War, 1356-1375. In: Fynn-Paul J. (Eds.) War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and teh Mediterranean, 1300-1800 no. 97: Brill. 32-63

Other output Fynn-Paul, J. (Eds.) War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800 Brill History of Warfare no. 97. Leiden: Brill Pargas, D.A. & Fynn-Paul, J. (Eds.) Studies in Global Slavery. Leiden & Boston: Brill

Dr. I. Glynn 1.0 fte (Marie Curie Fellow)

Conference attendance February 17: Brown Bag Seminars. Title of presented paper: ‘Peripheral West European Emigration Compared’, Leiden March 14: Annual International Conference of Europeanists (CES). Title of presented paper: ‘A new trend or a return to past ways? The re-emergence of emigration from peripheral Western Europe’, Washington DC, United States April 5: Seminar ‘Migration and Seminar Series’, Trinity College Dublin. Title of presented paper: ‘Migration or Mobility? Contemporary Movement from the 'PIIGS' Compared’, Dublin, Ireland June 23-24: Conference ‘Boat Refugees’ and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach – Integrating Maritime Security with Human Rights’. Title of presented paper: ‘Attendance only’, University of London, United Kingdom July 8: Symposium ‘Contemporary Irish Migration Symposium’. Title of presented paper: ‘Underexplored features of the Irish migration experience: Comparison, Consequences for the Community, and Class’, St Mary’s University, London, United Kingdom September 2: Conference ‘Crisis, Mobility and New Forms of Migration’. Title of presented paper: ‘Transnational human capital, Target countries and migration Tradition. Explaining variances in youth migration from the ‘PIIGS’, University College Cork, Ireland October 23: Workshop ‘Grant proposal workshop for PhDs’. Title of presented paper: ‘Writing a Marie Curie Proposal’, Leiden November 14: Seminar ‘Leiden Migration Initiative Seminar’. Title of presented paper: ‘Boats, votes and asylum in Australia and Italy since 1989’, Leiden December 9: Workshop ‘Cambridge Social History of Ireland’. Title of presented paper: ‘Immigration, emigration and the cultural impact of the ‘new’ Irish since 1991’, University College Dublin, Ireland December 14: Conference ‘States, Boundary Making and Mobility Control: A Global Historical perspective’. Title of presented paper: ‘Protecting Australia's borders: From historic ‘Asian hordes’ to contemporary boat people’, Leiden


Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Ireland Purpose of trip: Archives in Ireland (Manuscripts Library, Trinity College Dublin and the National Library of Ireland) IIMIGRATI project (Ireland and Italy’s migration experiences since 1945 compared) Period: visited for short periods in April, July and December 2014 that coincided with conference presentations and holiday periods.

Externally acquired funds IIMIGRATI Single Project FP7 (Marie Curie IEF) Major applicant European Commission

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Work cited in the New York Times (‘Ireland’s Rebound is European Blarney’, January 10, 2014) and the Irish Times (‘State needs stronger connection with emigrants, says agency’, October 1, 2014).

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Ireland correspondent for INTERACT Project funded by European Commission examining the integration of third-country nationals in the EU; Publication of report on Ireland's Integration Policies for the INTERACT project (June 2014) Lead author of paper commissioned by the Migration Policy Institute (Washington DC) for its Transatlantic Council on Migration (June 2014), entitled ‘The Reemergence of Emigration from Ireland: New and Old Trends’ Consultant for TV3 (Ireland) documentary about Irish emigration (November 2014)

Awards Runner-up Pfizer-University College Cork Innovation through Teamwork Award, 24 March 2014, for the EMIGRE project on Irish emigration

Publications Glynn, I. ‘An Overview of Ireland's Integration Policies', INTERACT research paper, Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute

Scholarly Glynn, I. Returnees, forgotten foreigners and new immigrants. Tracing migratory movement into Ireland since the late nineteenth century. In: Whelehan Niall (Eds.) Transnational Perspectives in Modern Irish History: Beyond the Island. London: Routledge

Other activities Work on various publications was undertaken in 2014, including two peer-reviewed articles, three book chapters and one monograph, which are forthcoming. I also taught two courses: an MA research seminar course entitled ‘Seeking Asylum: A History’ and a third-year BA course at the LUC entitled ‘The History and Politics of Global Migration’

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.P.C. van der Heijden Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance February 28: Conference Cultuur Wetenschappen, Open Universiteit, Utrecht. Title of presented paper: ‘De criminele stad’


April 23-26: European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. Title of presented paper: 'Leniency versus Toughening? The prosecution of male and female violence in 19th century Holland' November 6-9: 39th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Canada. Title of presented paper: 'Quantifying violence in the Netherlands, 1700-1900' November 21: Studiemiddag Stichting Vrouwengeschiedenis van de Vroegmoderne tijd, Den Haag, Gevangenpoort, lecture ‘Criminele vrouwen’ September 3-6: 12th International Conference on Urban History, Lisbon, Portugal. Title of presented paper: ‘The Uses of Justice in Cities in Comparative and Global Perspective’

Conference organization November 6-9: 39th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Canada. Title of presented paper: 'Quantifying violence in the Netherlands, 1700-1900'. Session on Quantifying and qualifying violence in history, 1600-2000. Role: chair September 3-6: 12th International Conference on Urban History, Lisbon, Portugal. Main Session on The Uses of Justice in Cities in Comparative and Global Perspective. Role: chair April 23-26: Session Crime and Gender in Comparative Perspective 1600-1900, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. Role: chair

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Member editorial board Crime, History & Societies Member editorial board series Crime and Punishment, Amsterdam University Press Member editorial board Flemish-Dutch Journal of Urban History, Stadsgeschiedenis Member editorial board Jaarboek Geschiedenis Leiden Referee of the following journals: Journal of Social History, Social History, History of the Family, Journal of Urban History, Journal of the History of Sexuality, The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History

Membership of boards and committees Member of the Academia Europea Chair and Member NWO (Dutch Scientific Organisation) VIDI committee (ca. 50 proposals) Member Academic Committee Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Member Academic Committee Research Grants, Faculty of Humanities, University of Antwerp, Belgium Member LISF (Travel grants LUF International University Fund), Leiden University Member Sabbatical Committee, History Department, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Member Board Stichting Geschiedenis Leiden

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator Research Profile Global Interactions, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, since September 2014 Member supervisory comity PhD Maja Mechant, Ghent University, Belgium, 2014-2015

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Supervision as promotor of Jeannette Kamp, Leiden University, Crime and Gender in Frankfurt 1600- 1800 Supervision as promotor of Sanne Muurling, Leiden University, Crime and Gender in Bologna, 1600- 1800 Supervision as promotor of Clare Wilkinson, External promovendus, Masculinity and Sex Crime Reporting, 1870-1939

Membership PhD committee Readers committee Marianne Eekhout, 12-11-2014, Leiden University Dissertation committee S.M. Pangat, 16-12-2014, Leiden University

Externally acquired funds NWO funded VICI grant, major applicant, Research Programme Crime and Gender 1600-1900: a

127 comparative perspective, September 2012-2017, €1.500.000 NWO Aspasia grant, September 2012-2017, €130.000 Co-applicant/partner Inter University Attraction Poles, funded by Belspo (Belgian Science Policy Office), Research Programme City and society in the Low Countries c. 1200-1850: The condition urbaine: between resilience and vulnerability, 2012-2017, €30.000

Outreach and valorization(knowledge transfer to a general audience) January 5: Radio 2, Cappuccino, 9h30 January 9: VPRO Radio, Nooit meer slapen, 00.00-01.00 January 10: Nederlands Dagblad over criminele vrouwen January 15: Radio 5, De kennis van nu, 21h00-22h00 January 17: Radio Rijnmond, Interview February 1: Boekbespreking in Trouw Febraury 2: Interview De Mare (http://www.mareonline.nl/archive/2012/02/01/misdadige-vrouwen) February 7: Boekbespreking in NRC February 11: Radio interview Omroep Max, Wekker-Wakker! (http://www.wekkerwakker.nl/home/uitzending/vrouwencriminaliteit) February 22: Book review Reformatorisch Dagblad April 29: NWO Bessensap: 25 wetenschapper, debat en vernieuwing, http://www.nwo.nl/actueel/nieuws/2014/25-wetenschappers-debat-en-verdieping-bij-bessensap- 2014.html September 15: Spui25 debat: Vrouwelijke criminelen: anders dan mannelijke? NWO Case: keerzijde van het VOC verleden: vrouwen in de misdaad (http://www.nwo.nl/onderzoek- en-resultaten/cases/hoge-criminaliteitscijfers-tonen-hard-bestaan-hollandse-vrouwen.html) September 23: Radio 1 over oratie ‘Een stad vol criminele vrouwen? Vragen die Comparative Urban History kan beantwoorden’ September 24: Leids Dagblad, Interview over misdadige stadsvrouwen October: ExperimentNL. Wetenschap in Nederland over Gevaarlijke vrouwen (http://www.nwo.nl/over-nwo/voorlichting-en-communicatie/experiment+nl) December 10: Historisch café Amsterdam, interview over Misdadige vrouwen

Publications Heijden, M.P.C. van der Review of Karine Lambert, Itinéraires féminins de la déviance , Provence 1750-1850 (Aix-en-Provence, 2012), Crime, History & Societies 18:2 (2014) Jan Hein Furnée en Manon van der Heijden, ‘Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften’, Stadsgeschiedenis 8 (2014) Jan Hein Furnée en Manon van der Heijden, ‘Steden: een wereldgeschiedenis’, Stadsgeschiedenis 9 (2014) 43-47. Heijden, M.P.C. van der Een stad vol criminele vrouwen? Vragen die Comparative Urban History kan beantwoorden’ (Oratie Leiden 2014)

Scholarly Heijden, M.P.C. van der Misdadige vrouwen. Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. Boone, M. & Heijden, M.P.C. van der Urban finances and public services in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries. in: Ángel Galán Sánchez and Juan Manuel Carretero Zamora, El alimento del estado y la salud de la Res Publica: orígenes, estructura y desarrolo del gasto public en Europa (Madrid 2013) 41-356

Other output Heijden, M.P.C. van der (26 September 2014), Inaugural lecture: Een stad vol criminele vrouwen? Vragen die Comparative Urban History kan beantwoorden (Lecture) Heijden, M.P.C. van der & Schmidt, A. Crime and Gender 1600-1900: A Comparative Perspective (2877.0). [website]


Heijden, M.P.C. van der Member of editorial staff Heijden, M.P.C. van der & a.o. Crime, History & Societies (Inaugural address)

Dr. M. Lak Research 0.2 fte

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Member editorial board The Journal of Slavic Military Studies

Publications Scholarly Lak, M. ‘De Tweede Wereldoorlog werd aan het Oostfront beslist. Recente geschiedschrijving over WO II in Europa', Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(3): 439-458

Other output Lak M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Karel C. Berkhoff (2012) Motherland in Danger: Soviet Propaganda During World War II] European History Quarterly 44(1): 123-125 Lak, M. Een transnationale geschiedenis van de Koude Oorlog [Review of: Richard H. Immerman en Petra Goedde (2013) The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War, Oxford Handbooks] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(1): 174-175 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Ian Kershaw (2011) The End. Hitler’s Germany, 1944-1945] German History 32(1): 159-160 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Alex J. Kay, Jeff Rurtherford en D. Stahel (2012) Nazi Policy on the Eastern Front, 1941: Total War, Genocide and Radicalization] The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 27(2): 299-301 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: David Stahel (2013) Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941] The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 27(2): 302-304 Lak, M. ‘Yankee vs. Ivan: the United States, the Soviet Union and Europe during the Cold War’ (Lecture). Utrecht Lak, M. ‘Amerikaanse buitenlandse politiek in de twintigste eeuw [Review of: Akira Iriye en Warren I. Cohen (2013) The New Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations. Volume 3. The Globalizing of America, 1913-1945 en The New Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations. Volume 4. Challenges to American Primacy, 1945 to the Present] Atlantisch Perspectief 1(2014): 29-30 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Ben Shepherd (2012) Terror in the Balkans: German Armies and Partisan Warfare] The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 27(2): 296-298 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Julian Lindley-French en Yves Boyer (2012) The Oxford Handbook of War, Oxford Handbooks] Journal of Military History 78(2): 854-855 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Robert M. Neer (2013) Napalm. An American Biography] Journal of Military History 78(1): 337-339 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Michael Dobbs (2012) Six Months in 1945: FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Truman – From World War to Cold War] European History Quarterly 44(4): 727-729 Lak, M.


Een droge en luchtige economische geschiedenis van Duitsland in de twintigste eeuw' [Review of: Mark Spoerer en Jochen Streb (2013) Neue deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 20. Jarhrhunderts] Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 127(4): 731-733 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Edward G. Gray en Jane Kamensky & Stephen A. Smith (2014) The Oxford Handbook of the American Revolution & The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism, Oxford Handbooks] Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11(4): 137-141 Lak, M. Hoe het neoliberalisme alles kapot maakt(e) [Review of: Dan Stone (2014) Goodbye to all that? The Syory of Europe since 1945] Internationale Spectator 68(9): 66-67 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: David E. Nye (2013) America's Assembly Line] Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11(1): 177-179 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Jessica Reinisch (2013) Perils of Peace: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany] German History 32(2): 333-334 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Max Hastings (2013) Catastrophe. Europe Goes to War 1914] Militaire Spectator 183(7): 369-371 Lak, M. Recensieartikel [Review of: Petra Groen, Olaf van Nimwegen, Ronald Prud'Homme van Reine, Louis Sicking en Adrie van Vliet (2013) De Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Van opstand naar geregelde oorlog (1568- 1648)] Mars et Historia 48(2): 34-38 Lak, M. Willem van der Vorm 1873-1957. Zwolle, (Walburg Pers).

Dr. J.Th. Lindblad Research 0.5 fte

Conference attendance March 24: workshop on ‘The Eurasian Question’, Leiden. Title of presented paper: ‘Dutch business and Indonesian decolonization’ June 13: launch of a special issue of the journal Masyarakat Indonesia, Indonesian Academy of Science, Jakarta, Indonesia, keynote speech August 23-27: International Association of Historians of Asia, Alor Star (Malaysia). Title of presented paper: ‘Booming business in colonial Indonesia: Corporate strategy and profitability during the 1920s’ December 16-17: international workshop on ‘Foreign capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society’, Leiden. Title of presented paper: ‘Corporate structure and profit in colonial Indonesia, 1920-1930’

Conference organization December 16-17: international workshop on ‘Foreign capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society’, Leiden, (jointly with Frank Ochsendorf and Mark van de Water, LIAS)

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Yogyakarta, Indonesia Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ Period: late April

Destination: Jakarta, Indonesia Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’

Period: mid-June


Destination: Malaysia Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ Period: August

Destination: London Metropolitan Archives, London, England Purpose of trip: activities undertaken in the context of the N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ Period: June and October

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editing of a special issue of Masyarakat Indonesia [journal published by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences] vol. 39: 2 (dated 2013, in fact appearing in 2014) Anonymous referee for various journals

Membership of boards and committees Treasurer KITLV Treasurer Professor Teeuw Foundation

Advisory and coordinating activities Project coordinator for N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ (until 1 November 2014)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor PhD research Farabi Fakih, ‘The rise of the managerial state in Indonesia. Institutional transition during the early independence period, 1950-1965’. Date of defence: May 14, 2014, Leiden University. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas Pham Van Thuy, ‘Beyond political skin. Convergent paths to an independent national economy in Indonesia and Vietnam’. Date of defence: May 14, 2014, Leiden University. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas

PhD dissertations in preparation: M. van Beurden, On tax haven in the Netherlands Antilles’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. G.J. Oostindie) Frank Ochsendorf on, ‘The impact of foreign investment on society in colonial Indonesia’(jointly with Prof. Dr. D. Henley) Mark van de Water, ‘On the impact of foreign investment on economic development in colonial Indonesia’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. D. Henley) Xiaodong Xu, ‘On SIJORI (Singapore-Johor-Riau) growth triangle’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. H.J. den Heijer) Esther Zwinkels, ‘On war crime jurisdiction in Indonesia after the Pacific War’ (jointly with Prof. Dr. H.W. van den Doel)

External examiner at the defence of a PhD dissertation at Jacobs University, Bremen, on Dutch- American rivalry in the oil industry in colonial Indonesia (Defence: July 14, 2014)

Member of various promotion committees at Leiden University

Externally acquired funds Continuation of N.W.O. research programme ‘Foreign capital and colonial development in Indonesia’ (from 1 November 2014 under responsibility of Prof. Dr. D. Henley, LIAS)

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Contribution to exhibition on money in colonial Indonesia, at Bronbeek Museum, Arnhem

Publications Lindblad, J.Th.


‘A Malaysian perspective on decolonization: Lessons for Indonesia?’, Masyarakat Indonesia 39 (2): 341-360 [dated 2013, actually published in 2014] Lindblad, J.Th. (with Thee Kian Wie) ‘A foreword by the guest editors; Professor Anne Booth, eminent and prolific scholar, generous friend and colleague’, Masyarakat Indonesia 39 (2): xiii-xviii [dated 2013, actually published in 2014]. Lindblad, J.Th. ‘Mirror images of progress’, in: Kristian Gerner (ed.), The Swedes & the Dutch were made for each other (The Hague: Embassy of Sweden, 2014): 22-38 Lindblad, J.Th. ‘Zuidoost-Azië: Van groeispurt naar crisis en terug’, Groniek 46 (2014): 179-192

Prof. Dr. L.A.C.J. Lucassen Research 0.3 fte

Publications Lucassen, L.A.C.J. Gewinner und Verlierer. Fünf Jahrhunderte Immigration – eine nüchterne Bilanz Niederlande-Studien no. 56. Münster and New York: Waxmann Lucassen, Leo & Lucassen, Jan Measuring and quantifying cross-cultural migrations. In: Lucassen, Jan and Leo Lucassen (Eds.) Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries) no. 15. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 3-54 Lucassen, L.A.C.J. Een veelzijdige erfenis. De Groote Oorlog in de migratiegeschiedenis, Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 29(1): 7-22 Lucassen, L.A.C.J. To Amsterdam: migrations past and present’. In: Foner, N, J. Rath, J.W. Duyvendak, R. van Reekum (Eds.) New York and Amsterdam: Immigration and the New Urban Landscape. New York: New York University Press. 52-81 Lucassen, L.A.J.C., Saito, Osamu & Shimada, Ryuto Cross-cultural migrations in Japan in a comparative perspective. In: Lucassen Jan & Lucassen Leo (Ed.) Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries). Leiden and Boston: Brill. 362-412

Other output Lucassen, Leo & Lucassen, Jan (Eds.) Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries) Studies in Global Social History no. 15. Leiden and Boston: Brill

Ms. Dr. S.M. Munch Miranda Research 0.5 fte (from September)

Conference attendance October 16: Academic Conference ‘Networks of Circulation and exchange – Armenian, Portuguese, Jewish and Muslim Communities from the Mediterranean to the South Chia Seas: the Use of Commodities and Paper Instruments’. Title of presented paper: Mobilizing resources for war: taxes, loans, and intra-regional transfers in Portuguese Asia (17th century), Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Portuguese Journal of Social Science (referee) (December) e-Dicionário da Terra e do Território no Império Português, (e-Dictionary of Land and Territory in the Portuguese Empire) (member of editorial staff)


Publications Münch Miranda, S. A missão diplomática de Carlos Ernesto de Waldstein, embaixador do Sacro Império em Portugal (1700-1703). In: Silva A.D., Faria A.L., Reis Miranda T.C.P. dos (Eds.) D. Luís da Cunha da Cunha e as Negociações de Utreque. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. 51-74. (bookchapter) Münch Miranda, S. & Reis Miranda T. A Rainha Arquiduquesa. Maria Ana de Áustria. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores Cardim, P. & Münch Miranda, S.M. A expansão da coroa portuguesa e o estatuto político dos territórios. In: Fragoso J., Gouvêa M.F. (Eds.) O Brasil Colonial. 1580-1720. vol. 2. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira. 51-106. (bookchapter)

Ms. C.M. Nakamura, PhD Research 0.6 fte

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Catalhoyuk Research Project: Konya, Turkey Purpose of trip: figurine, burial goods, database specialist Period: July 3-17

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Journal of Social Anthropology - referee Cambridge Archaeological Journal - referee

Advisory and coordinating activities GI Open Meeting (coordinator) • development and presentation of new agenda for second phase of funding to university researchers, students and staff

Global Asia Scholar Series (GLASS) (co-organizer) • GI and AMT joint initiative • Series that brings out international scholars for public lecture, masterclass and roundtable discussion • biannually

GLASS – Islam (co-organizer) • GI and LUCIS joint initiative (co- coordinator) • Series that brings out international scholars for public lecture, masterclass and roundtable discussion • annually

Gravensteen Lectures (coordinator) • LGI and AMT joint initiative • Series that brings out international scholars for public lecture • monthly

GI Seed and Breed Grants (coordinator) • small grants programme to stimulate cross-disciplinary collaborative research at Leiden • large grants to help the preparation applications for large grants to NWO or ERC (started in Nov 2014) • biannually

GI postdoc (coordinator) • 6-12 month international postdoc to support junior researchers in developing an early career research grant proposal • biannually (starting in Nov 2014)

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision)


Membership PhD committee For each membership: • Marlous van den Akker (FSW, CA-DS) • role: co-promoter • Summer 2015

Externally acquired funds • research project: ‘Mapping Mumbai’s Quiet Histories: critical intersections of the urban poor, historical struggles, and heritage spaces; 5000EUR • role: main applicant • funded by Global Interactions

Publications Scholarly Nakamura, C.M. Mumbai’s quiet histories: Critical intersections of the urban poor, historical struggles, and heritage spaces, Journal of Social Archaeology 14(3): 271-295 Hodder, I. Using ‘Magic’ to think from the material: Tracing distributed agency, revelation and concealment at Catalhöyük [Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society] (translation: Nakamura C. & Pels P.). In: Hodder I. (Ed.) Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society. New York: Cambridge University Press. 187-225 Nakamura, C.M. Non-Place. In: Smith C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. New York: Springer

Other activities Leiden-Stanford Heritage Network (networkedheritage.org), Co-founder and co-administrator Global Interactions Blog, administrator

Dr. D.M. Oude Nijhuis Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance August: European Business History Conference Association, workshop ‘Employers and the welfare state’. Title of presented paper: ‘Incomes policies, welfare state development and the notion of the social wage’, Utrecht April: European Social Science History Association Conference, workshop ‘Employer preferences in the welfare state, 1930-2000’. Title of presented paper: ‘Labor, capital, and the costs of welfare state development’, Vienna, Austria

Conference organization April: European Social Science History Association Conference, workshop ‘Employer preferences in the welfare state, 1930-2000’. Role: co-organizer with Jeroen Touwen

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Anonymous reviewer for two articles that were submitted for publication in the journal Socio- Economic Review. Anonymous reviewer for an article that was submitted for publication in the journal Labor History.

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Public lecture for the HOVO in Tilburg on Margaret Thatcher’s economic policy in the 1980s

Dr. D.A. Pargas Research


1.0 fte

Conference attendance July 17: National Underground Railroad Conference 2014. Theme: ‘’I Resolved Never to Be Conquered’: Women and the Underground Railroad.’ Title of presented paper: ‘Where She Has Relations: Family and Fugitive Slave Women in the Antebellum South.’, Detroit, USA October 2: Seminar ‘Harriet Tubman Speaker Series’. Title of presented paper: ‘Slave Crucibles: Slave Migrants and Social Assimilation in the Antebellum South.’ , Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migration of African Peoples, York University, Toronto, Canada November 6: Social Science History Association Conference. Theme: ‘Inequalities: Politics, Policy, and the Past.’ Title of paper presented: ‘Seeking Freedom in the Midst of Slavery: Slave Refugees in the Antebellum South.’, Toronto, Canada

Conference organization April 6-8: Conference: European Association for American Studies (EAAS) Conference theme: ‘America: Justice, Conflict, War.’, The Hague, The Netherlands

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Research sabbatical Purpose of trip: In the fall semester of 2014 I obtained a research sabbatical from the Management Team of the Institute for History in order to embark upon a new research project entitled ‘Beacons of Freedom: Slave Refugees in North America, 1800-1860.’ During this period I wrote an NWO Vidi grant proposal (which has been submitted and has passed the peer review stage with an A+ and two A’s), as well as an ERC Starting Grant proposal (which I intend to submit next year if I do not get the Vidi). I also presented ideas from my new project at conferences in Detroit and Toronto (see above), and set up a new journal and book series on global slavery (see below). Period: Fall semester

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Book series: ‘Studies in Global Slavery’ Publisher: Brill Position: Series editor

Journal title: Journal of Global Slavery Publisher: Brill Position: Chief Editor

Journal title: Itinerario Publisher: Cambridge University Press Position: Editor

Membership of boards and committees Secretary: Netherlands American Studies Association Staff member: Opleidingsbestuur (Geschiedenis) Secretary: Economic and Social History section (Geschiedenis)

Externally acquired funds Single project (Conference organization for 2015) Title of project: ‘Slaving Zones: Cultural Identities, Ideologies, and Institutions in the Evolution of Global Slavery’ Role: major applicant Funded by: Leiden Global Interactions (€ 3.700)

Publications Scholarly Pargas, D.A. Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South. New York: Cambridge University Press


Pargas, D.A. Seeking Freedom in the Midst of Slavery: Fugitive Slaves in the American South, 1800-1860 Pargas, D.A. Slave Crucibles: The Assimilation of Slave Migrants in the US South, 1800-1860 Pargas, D.A. Where She Has Relations: Family and Fugitive Slave Women in the Antebellum South

Other output Pargas, D.A. Member of editorial staff Itinerario, European Journal of Overseas History Pargas, D.A. & Fynn-Paul, J. (Eds.) Studies in Global Slavery. Leiden & Boston: Brill

Other activities Co-founder: Leiden Slavery Studies Association (LSSA)

Ms. Dr. M. Pluskota Research 1.0 fte

April: European Social Science and History Conference. Title of presented paper: ‘Co-offending in Amsterdam 1897-1902’, Vienna, Austria

Conference organization April: European Social Science and History Conference Theme: Session Crime and Gender 1600-1900 Vienna, Austria. Role: Co-organizer September: European Association of Urban History Conference. Theme: session on Criminality, Space and Gender, Lisbon, Portugal. Role: (co-)organizer and chair November: Social Sciences and History Conference. Session on Quantifying and Qualifying Violence, Toronto, Canada. Role: (co-)organizer and chair

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Bologna, Italy Purpose of trip: Archival research Period: February

Destination: Rouen, France Purpose of trip: Archival research Period: June

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Referee for the Canadian Journal of History (Graduate Paper Prize) Chair of the network Crime, Justice and the Law for the SSHA conference Chair of the network Criminal Justice for the ESSH conference

Advisory and coordinating activities Co-director of the project Crime and Gender, 1600-1900 since January 2015

Dr. C.G. Quispel Research 0.3 fte

Ms. Dr. J.V. Roitman Research 0.1 fte


Conference attendance February 21-22: FEEGI (Forum European Expansion and Global Interaction) Biennial Meeting. Title of presented paper: ‘Adultery Here and There: Crossing Sexual Boundaries in the Dutch Jewish Atlantic’, New Orleans, United States of America March 13-14: ‘Amsterdamse Portugese joden en hun economische netwerken’, Geschichte der Juden in den Niederlanden, Münster, Germany November 16-18: Mapping the Western Sephardic Diaspora. Title of presented paper: ‘Adultery in Jewish Communities in Curacao and Suriname’, Hamburg, Germany

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Peer reviewer for Itinerario and American Jewish Archives Journal

Advisory and coordinating activities History Institute Europaeum MA Programme in European Civilisation and History January – September 2014

Awards Huntington-Clark Summer Institute in Early Modern Studies July 2014 $2000 for Summer School

Publications Roitman, J.V. & Oostindie, G. J. Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders, Leiden: Brill, xii + 440 pp. (peer review)

Articles in journals Peer review Jessica Vance Roitman, ‘Portuguese Jews, Amerindians, and the frontiers of encounter in colonial Suriname’, New West Indian Guide 88: 18-52

Chapters Peer review Jessica Vance Roitman & Gert Oostindie, ‘Introduction’, in: Jessica Vance Roitman and Gert Oostindie, (eds.), Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders, pp.1- 21. Leiden: Brill Chapters in edited volumes: “Adultery Here and There: Crossing Sexual Boundaries in the Dutch Jewish Atlantic” in Jessica Vance Roitman and Gert Oostindie, eds., Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680- 1800 (Leiden: Brill), 185-223

Ms. Dr. A. Schmidt NW Posthumus 0.5 fte

Conference attendance April 23-26: Europaen Social Science History Conference. Title of presented paper: ‘Profiling the female criminal in early modern Holland. Women before the criminal courts in Amsterdam, Leiden, Rotterdam and Gouda, 1600-1810’, Austria, Vienna September 3-6: 12th International Conference on Urban History: Cities in Europe, Cities in the World. Title of presented paper (together with Jeannette Kamp) ‘Going to court: A comparative perspective on illegitimacy and the use of justice in Holland and Germany, 1600-1800’, Lisbon, Portugal September 11-12: Participant/chair, Workshop Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe, Scotland, Glasgow


December 13-14: Discussant, Workshop The Impact of Family and Demography on Labour Relations Worldwide, 1500-2000

Conference organization Organizer panel ‘Crime and Gender in Comparative Perspective 1600-1900’, European Social Science History Conference, Austria, Vienna 23-26 April 2014.

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Editor Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/ Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History.

Membership of boards and committees Education committee, N.W. Posthumus Institute

Advisory and coordinating activities Coordinator MA Europaeum programme European History and Civilisation: Leiden-Oxford-Paris

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Co-supervisor Clare Wilkinson, Leiden University, Newspaper reporting of male violence against women and children between 1870 and 1939: the Dutch case.

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Interview by Nathalie Le Blanc, for book publication Nathalie Le Blanc, Solo. Waarom steeds meer mensen alleen wonen (Antwerp 2014)

Publications Scholarly Schmidt, A. Gelijk hebben, gelijk krijgen? Vrouwen en vertrouwen in het recht in Holland in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. In: Groesen M. van, Pollmann J., Cools H. (Eds.) Het Gelijk van de Gouden Eeuw. Recht, onrecht en reputatie in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden. Hilversum: Verloren. 109-125 Schmidt, A. The profits of unpaid work. ‘Assisting labour’ of women in the early modern urban Dutch economy, History of the Family 19(3): 301-322 DOI:10.1080/1081602X.2014.884509 Nederveen Meerkerk, E.J.V. van & Schmidt, A. Le travail des femmes et des enfants dans une société industrieuse: les Province-Unies (XVIIe-XIXe siècle). In: Maitte C., Terrier D. (Eds.) Les Temps du Travail. Normes, pratiques, évolutions (XIVe- XIXe siècle). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 433-453 Nederveen Meerkerk, E.J.V. van & Schmidt, A.

Other output Schmidt, A. Member of editorial staff Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis Heijden, M.P.C. van der & Schmidt, A. Crime and Gender 1600-1900: A Comparative Perspective (2877.0). [website]

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.L.J.C. Schrover Research 0.8 fte

Conference attendance March 12-15: ‘Continuity and change in EU immigration: policies and practices since 1945.’ invited keynote speaker Conference Rethinking EU immigration Conference, Bucharest, Roumania April 23-25: ‘What is the Problem? An Analysis of Problematisation of Migration Issues 1945-2015.’ ESSHC Vienna, Austria May 22-25: ‘No longer a white problem: the White Slavery debate moves from Europe to Asia.’ Berkshire conference on women’s History, Toronto, Canada


June 5-6: Posthumus conference, Leeuwarden August 27-29: IMISCOE conference Madrid, Spain August, 22-23: Conference NEHA, Utrecht November 6-9: SSHA, ‘The categorisation of migrants and problematisation of migration, illustrated by the case of inter-country adoption 1914-2014’, Toronto, Canada November 6-9: Commentator at the SSHA Toronto, Canada November 17-18: IMISCOE conference, Florence, Italy

Conference organization March 24: The Eurasian Question, Leiden. Speakers included: Alison Blunt (Queen Mary London), Jennifer Yee (Oxford), Elleke Boehmer (Oxford), Jacqueline Knörr (Max Planck Institute) en Vincent Houben (Humboldt University Berlin). Role: co-organiser international conference June 13: Travelling Policies, Antwerp, Belgium. Speakers included: Helena Wray (Middlesex University London), Christof Roos (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Marco Martiniello (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies Liège), Laura Block (European University Institute, Florence), Tesseltje De Lange (UvA), Chris Timmerman (Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) University of Antwerp), Bambi Ceuppens (Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Tervuren) en Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven). Role: co-organiser international conference

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Moderator van H-migration (since 2002) Journal of Migration History, Brill, Editor in Chief Member editorial board IMISCOE book series. AUP and Springer Member editorial board Transkulturelle Perspektiven published by V&R unipress Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, Goettingen Co-editor Plagraves Pivots on Migration History Editor Historische Migratie Studies Uitgeverij Verloren, member editorial committee Member advisory board Immigrants and Minorities

Membership of boards and committees Chair ESG (replacing Leo Lucassen since 2010) Chair Excamencommissie Geschiedenis (since 2012) Member task force toetsing (in kader onderwijsherziening voorjaar 2014) Member Dagelijks bestuur van de Landelijke onderzoeksschool NW Posthumus (2004-heden) Posthumus onderzoeksleider Communities Co-Chair Migration and Ethnicity Network European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) since 2000 Member board ESSHC (since 2010) Member board CGM (Centrum voor Geschiedenis van Migranten) External reviewer AUP, NWO, IMISCOE, FWO Member Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen Member Advisory board Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration in Parijs

Advisory and coordinating activities Scientific coördinator Centrum voor Geschiedenis van Migranten (2002) Organizing Brown Bag Seminars (ESG UL) since 2003 Chair Faculty committee Tweede Geldstroom UL: since 2008 Organizer LIMS (Leiden International Migration Seminar) since 2010

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervision PhD Leen Sterckx (co-promotor Jan Rath) UVA: ‘Trouwen met een vreemdeling. Afstand en nabijheid in de relaties van ‘Turken’ en ‘Marokkanen’ in een gemengd huwelijk’. Amsterdam AMB, 2014. Date of defence: October 7, 2014 Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson UL: ‘The Eurasian Question: The postcolonial options of three colonial mixed-ancestry groups compared’. Since September 2013 Hui-Hsuan Chen (co-promotor Carolien Stolte) UL: ‘Obstetrical Care in the Dutch East Indies’. Since September 2014


Marielle Kleijn: ‘Taboo policies in the Dutch Caribean 1911-2010’. Since september 2013 Wan-Loi Man: ‘Chinese migration to the Netherlands from a comparative perspective’. Since May 2014

Membership PhD committee Marijke van Faassen, ‘Polder en emigratie. Het Nederlandse emigratiebestel in internationaal perspectief 1945-1967’, member of readers committee (Groningen, September 4, 2014) Bob van Zijderveld, ‘Een Duitse familie in Nederland (1804-1913) Carrièrisme en netwerken van Hermann Schlegel en zijn zonen Gustav en Leander’, member of readers committee (Heerlen, November 7, 2014) Wouter Marchand , ‘Onderwijs mogelijk maken. Twee eeuwen invloed van studiefinanciering op de toegankelijkheid van het onderwijs in Nederland (1815-2015)’, member of promotion committee (Groningen, November 13, 2014) Peter Burger, January 28, 2014

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) January 4: Vara’s Nieuwsuur: ‘Syrische vluchtelingen zullen in Nederland blijven’

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) May 19: Gilde, Utrecht July 8: Lunch lecture at the Ministry of Justice, The Hague September 20: Moroccan Dutch Leadership Program, Driebergen October 8: Famillement, Leiden

Publications Scholarly Schrover, M.L.J.C & Schinkel, W. (Eds.) ‘The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Immigration and Integration’, New York Routledge 2014 Schrover, M.L.J.C. ‘Dutch migration research: looking back and moving forward’, TSEG 11: 2 (2014) 199-218 Schrover, M.L.J.C & Schinkel, W. ‘Introduction: the language of inclusions and exclusion in the context of immigration and integration’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 36: 7 (2013) 1123-1141 Schrover, M.L.J.C. ‘Integration and gender’, in: Marco Martiniello & Jan Rath (red.), An Introduction to immigrant Incorporation Studies: European Perspectives (Amsterdam AUP 2014) 117-138 Schrover, M.L.J.C. ‘Migration and Mobility during World War One’, 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War http://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/Migration_and_Mobility

Professional Schrover, M.L.J.C. Een lastige koorddans. De houding van de Nederlanders ten aanzien van Duitse migranten voor, tijdens en na de Eerste Wereldoorlog, Leidschrift. Historisch Tijdschrift 29(1): 109-130

Dr. L.J. Touwen Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance April 23-26 : ESSHC – Paper presentation in and organization of session ‘The political economy of the post-war welfare state’, paper titled ‘Employer’s preferences in the Welfare State, 1920-1940’; also chair in session ‘International Labour Movements and (post-) dictatorship’, and chair in session ‘Patents and technological changes’ May 16: Chair of the Jury at the Annual Conference of the VIML (‘Vereniging Internationaal Management Leiden’). Selection of best paper


June 5-6: NWP Annual Conference. Presentation: Welcome address August 21-23: European Business History Association, paper presentation: ‘Dutch Employer Organizations in the Early Twentieth Century: from Opponents to Consenters?’’, and chair of session ‘Business in and from a colonial setting’ October 14-17: ESTER Research Design Course of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, discussant of three papers, chair of various sessions, general supervision of organization November 5-11: Social Science History Association, Toronto, paper presentation: ‘Why did inequality increase faster in LMEs than in CMEs between 1970 and 2010 and what can we learn from the Netherlands?’ and chair of the session ‘Comparative approaches to institutions and development’ December 16-17: International Workshop ‘Foreign Capital in colonial Southeast Asia: Profits, economic growth and indigenous society’. Discussant: Comments on paper by Prof. Dr. P. van der Eng

Conference organization April 23-26: ESSHC – Economic History network, 16 sessions as network organizer, one session with paper presentation, two sessions as session chair June 5-6: NWP Annual Conference, general supervision of the organization October 14-17: ESTER Research Design Course of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, general supervision of the organization December 17: Farewell Symposium for Thomas Lindblad Session proposal for WEHC 2015 in Kyoto, entitled ‘Business and the Development of the Twentieth Century Welfare State’ (accepted)

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. April 9: Discussant/referent: Comments on paper by Xu Xiaodong in Leiden Graduate Seminar May-June: Member of Selection Committee for UD Economic History July 2014-May 2015: Member of Selection Committee for chair Economic and Social History October 14-17: Discussant/referent: Comments on Gunnar Lantz, Laura Maravall Buckwalter, Ewa Axellsson at ESTER Research Design Course, Frankfurt October 30: Referee for fellowship application: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS), Wassenaar November 27: Discussant/referent, Studiemiddag Utrecht Seminar Political History, over M. Prak en J.L. van Zanden, Nederland en het Poldermodel

Membership of boards and committees Scientific director of the Research School N.W. Posthumus Institute, Interuniversity Research School for Economic and Social History in the Netherlands and Flanders (2010-2015). Taskforce BA Program Revision October 2013 - April 2014 Klankbordgroep Database Management, Faculty of Humanities (since November 2014)

Advisory and coordinating activities Proef-visitatiecommissie Research MA Programmes Faculty Humanities – 14 February 2014 and 3-4 June 2014 Individual Assessment of three PhD students at the N.W. Posthumus Institute (Rick Hölsgens, Catharina Wilson, Inge Ligtvoet), Utrecht, 4 February 2014 Discussant: Feedback as Discussant in PhD Training: 8 May 2014 NWP Seminar II Work in Progress paper by Claire Wilkinson

Supervisor PhD research; membership PhD committee (no BA or MA supervision) Supervisor PhD Mark van de Water (with prof dr. D. Henley and dr. J.Th. Lindblad), UL: Foreign investment and colonial economic growth in Indonesia Membership PhD Van Pham Thuy, 14 May 2014 Leiden University (Pham Van Thuy.: ‘Beyond Political Skin: Convergent Paths to an Independent, National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam’) Readers committee Xu Xiaodong, Genesis of a Growth Triangle in Southeast Asia (UL) December 2014/January 2015. Defence in Spring 2015


Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) May 7: Crash Course on the European Union – HSVL, lecture intended for broad student audience at Leiden University May 31: ‘De Arbeidsmarkt: Jaren 80 en Nu.’ Lecture Jonge Socialisten at ‘Spoedcursus Werk en Werkeloosheid’, Utrecht

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) July 7: ‘The Dutch Coordinated Market Economy: In Three Steps through the 20th Century’ Introduction in the dynamics of the Dutch consultation economy at the Social and Economic Council (SER) in The Hague, for the Japanese Delegation Visit ‘Labour Market & Flexonomics’ organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)

Publications Scholarly Touwen, L.J. & Schrikker A.F. Building bridges between themes and approaches in Indonesian economic history’ . In: Schrikker, A.F., Touwen, L.J. (Eds.) Promises and Predicaments. Trade and entrepreneurship in colonial and independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Singapore: NUS Press. 3-14 Touwen, L.J. (2014), Coordination in Transition. The Netherlands and the World Economy, 1950- 2010 BRILL Library of Economic History no. 5. Leiden: Brill Touwen, L.J. The Hybrid Variety. Lessons In Non-Market Coordination from the Business System in the Netherlands, 1950-2010, Enterprise and Society 15(4): 849-884

Other output Schrikker, A.F. & Touwen, L.J. (Eds.) ‘Promises and Predicaments. Trade and entrepreneurship in colonial and independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries’. Singapore: NUS Press

Ms. Dr. M.L. Wiesebron Research 0.3 fte

Publications Scholarly Wiesebron, M.L. Social Policies during the Lula Administration: The Conditional Cash Transfer Program Bolsa Família. In: Castro F. de, Koonings K., Wiesebron M. (Eds.) Brazil under the Worker's Party: Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 126-149

Professional Wiesebron, M.L. Elections au Brésil en 2014 (2/2): Le deuxième tour , Revue Défense Nationale La Tribune: 5 Wiesebron, M.L. Élections au Brésil en 2014 (1/2): premier tour, Revue Défense Nationale La Tribune (569): 4

Other output Castro, F. de, Koonings, K. & Wiesebron, M.L. (Eds.) Brazil under the Worker's Party. Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Prof. Dr. W.H. Willems


Research 0.2 fte

Publications Wim Willems i Hanneke Verbeek, Sto lat tesknoty. Historia Polaków w Holandii. Wydawnictwo - DiG, Warszawa 2014. 344 pagina's.

Dr. C.J. Zuijderduijn Research 1.0 fte

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. Member of editorial staff Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11(3)

Membership of boards and committees Board member of the Van Geldercommissie

Publications Scholarly Zuijderduijn, C.J. On the home court advantage. Participation of locals and non-residents in a village law court, Continuity and Change 29: 19-48 Zuijderduijn, C.J. & Lucassen, J. Coins, currencies and credit instruments in social and economic history: an introduction, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 11(3): 1-13

Other output Zuijderduijn , C.J. Living la vita apostolica. Life expectancy and mortality of nuns in 15th and 16th century Holland, Working paper series Centre for global economic history Volume 44 Humphries, J., De Moor, T. & Zuijderduijn, J. Introduction, European review of economic history Volume 17, 141-146 De Moor, T., Zuijderduijn, J. Preferences of the poor: market participation and asset management of poor households in sixteenth- century Holland, European review of economic history Volume 17 233-249 Zuijderduijn, J., De Moor, T. Spending, saving, or investing? Risk management in sixteenth-century Dutch households, The economic history review Volume 66 (1) 38-56 De Moor, T., Zuijderduijn, J. The Art of Counting Reconstructing Numeracy of the Middle and Upper Classes on the Basis of Portraits in the Early Modern Low Countries, Historical methods. A journal of quantitative and interdisciplinary history Volume 46 (1) 41-56

PhD Candidates

F. Betlehem MA Research 0.8 fte

Ms. K.J. Ekama Research 0.8 fte


Conference attendance January 20: EHESS Workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Conflicting Concerns: Free agency and opposition to the Dutch East and West India Companies’, EHESS, Paris, France April 25: international conference ESSHC. Title of presented paper (with Erik Odegard): ‘Multiple Geographies: The spatial organisation of Dutch trade activity between the Dutch Republic and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, c. 1590-1650, Vienna, Austria May 12: workshop ERC Advisory Board meeting. Title of presented paper: ‘The Letter of the Law: A legal framework for analysing opposition against the Dutch East and West India Companies’, Leiden, The Netherlands September: international conference ENIUGH. Title of presented paper: ‘Heading for the Hills? Runaway slaves from the eighteenth-century Cape’, Paris, France September: international conference ENIUGH. Title of presented paper: ‘First Things First: Chartering long-distance trade companies in the Republic, c. 1590-1620’, Paris, France September 25: KNAW symposium ‘Slavernij in het Nederlandse Imperium’. Title of presented paper: ‘Slavery in VOC Colombo: The case of Deidamie’s amulet’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands November 17: Team workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Cloves, Conflicts and Company Concerns: The relationship between the Magellan Company and the Dutch East India Company (VOC), c. 1602- 1633’, Leiden, The Netherlands

Conference organization February 14: masterclass for PhDs ‘How to Publish’, Leiden, The Netherlands. Role: co-organizer November 17: workshop ‘Team Workshop’, Leiden, The Netherlands. Role: organizer, chair

Ms. E.A.R. Heijmans MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January 20 : Workshop ‘ Les acteurs oubliés de l’expansion française: le rôle des réseaux informels dans la construction de l’empire français durant la période moderne’ with comments of Claude Markovits (EHESS) and Marc Aymes (EHESS), Paris, France May 8-9 : Posthumus seminar (2) ‘From ports to posts without passing through Versailles: free agents in the French empire building’ with comments from Karel Davids (UvA), Utrecht (University Utrecht) May 12: Biannual evaluation workshop: ‘From ports to posts: Locally organized companies in the French empire building (1500-1750)’ with comments from Silvia Marzagalli (Nice University), Leiden September 4-7: International conference ‘ENIUGH’, Paris, France October 3: Workshop GEMCA (Group for Early Modern Cultural Analysis), ‘ Le projet d'une dévotion à l'échelle mondiale, l'exemple de La Josephina de Grácian de la Madre de Dios (1545-1614)’, Louvain- la-Neuve, France October 17-19: Posthumus seminar (3) ‘Merchant networks in the making of the French expansion: the cases of Goree, Pondichery and New France (1670-1750)’, Frankfurt, Germany November 17: Biannual evaluation workshop ‘Cross-cultural relations in the establishment of the French in Africa and Asia’, Leiden

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Paris, France Purpose of trip: Visiting National Archive Period: October 26 – November 01, 2014

Ms. J.M. Kamp MA Research 1.0 fte


Conference attendance March 24-25: Workshop ‚Handbuch Konfliktlösung‘ Max Planck Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main April 23-26: European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. Title of presented paper: 'Female crime in early modern Frankfurt: a quantitative June 11-13: Kolloquium zu Kriminalität und Strafjustiz in Vormoderne und Moderne, 16, - 20. Jahrhundert, Meißen. Title of presented paper: 'On the margins? The mobility question in gendered crime patterns, a case study: Frankfurt am Main 1600–1806' September 3-6: 12th International Conference on Urban History, Lisbon, Portugal. Title of presented paper (together with Ariadne Schmidt): 'Going to court. A comparative perspective on illegitimacy and the use of justice in Holland and Germany, 1600-1800' September 7: 4th European Congress on World and Global History, Paris, Panel organization: Leaving work across the world: Comparing desertion in early modern globalization, 1600–1800 September 7: 4th European Congress on World and Global History, Paris, France. Title of presented paper: ‘Networks of desertion: The case of Germany and the United Provinces 1600-1800’ December 10: Graduate Seminar, University Leiden, Paper Presentation: ‘Gender, Crime and family control in early modern Frankfurt’

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Frankfurt am Main, Germany Purpose of trip: Visiting Archive Frankfurt am Main Period January-March and August

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. April 2013 – onwards: Review Editor De Zeventiende Eeuw June 2014 – onwards: Editor Holland Historisch Tijdschrift

Publications Kamp, J.M. ‘Crime and Punishment in early modern Germany. Courts and adjudicatory practices in Frankfurt am Main, 1562-1696 door Maria Boes’ Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis 2014 11.3 I. Bertels, J. Haemers, J. Kamp, M. van Dijk, A Vrints ‘Blik op de stad. Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2012)’ Stadsgeschiedenis 2014 9.1

G.J. de Kok MA Research 1.0 fte

Ms. S.T.D. Muurling MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance November 7: presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association Title of presented paper: The (un)usual suspect? Violence and gender in early modern Bologna (1650, 1705), Toronto, Canada

Valorisation (sociétal relevance and impact) Lecture called ‘Ideologische constructie of materiële werkelijkheid ? Hollandse huiselijkheid tussen concept en fenomeen in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw’ for the Studiemiddag Stichting Vrouwengeschiedenis van de vroegmoderne tijd, November 21 2014, Utrecht.


Other activities Petterson, A.F., Kamphuis, M. & Muurling, Sanne (Eds.) Holland, Historisch Tijdschrift, 3(44)

E.L.L. Odegard MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January 20 : workshop EHESS. Title of presented paper: ‘Imperial fortunes and governors’ careers. Two cases from the Early Modern Dutch empire’, Paris, France April 25: colloquium ESSHC. Title of presented paper (with Kate Ekama): Multiple Geographies: The spatial organization of Dutch trade activity between the Dutch Republic and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, c. 1590-1650, Vienna, Austria May 12: workshop at the ERC Advisory Board meeting. Title of presented paper: Careers and the Company-State: Familial state formation in the Dutch East India Company, Leiden September: colloquium at the Urban History Conference Lisbon. Title of presented paper: ‘Fortifications and the Imagination of Colonial Control. The Dutch East India Company in Malabar 1663-1795’, Lisbon, Portugal September 4: colloquium at the ENIUGH conference Paris. Title of presented paper: ‘Global networks of influence: Personal networks and Dutch chartered company policy-making’ (paper co-written with Kaarle Wirta and presented by him), Paris, France November 17: colloquium Team Workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Appointing a stadholder for Brazil: The WIC and the search for a new colonial government for Brazil, September 1634 – September 1636’, Leiden

Publications Scholarly Odegard E.L.L. The sixth admiralty: The Dutch East India Company and the military revolution at sea, c. 1639–1667, International Journal of Maritime History 26(4): 669-684

Other output Odegard E.L.L. , Victor Enthoven, Henk den Heijer en Han Jordaan ed., Geweld in de West: een militaire geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Atlantische wereld, 1600-1800 [Review of: Enthoven V., Heijer H. den, Jordaan H. (2013) Geweld in de West: Een militaire geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Atlantische wereld, 1600-1800, Caribbean Series] 33(2): 75-77 Odegard E.L.L. & Matthias van Rossum. Werkers van de wereld: Globalisering, arbeid en interculturele ontmoetingen tussen Aziatische en Europese zeelieden in dienst van de VOC, 1600-1800, De Zeventiende Eeuw 30:2 (2014) 277-279

Pham Van Thuy MA Research 1.0 fte

May 14, 2014 'Beyond Political Skin: Convergent Paths to an Independent, National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam'. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas / Co-promotor: Dr. J.T. Lindblad

E.F.C.B. Pereira MA Research 1.0 fte


Ms. E.W. Rosen Jacobson MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance November 6-9: Social Science History Association Conference (SSHA). Title of presented paper: ‘”Blacky-whites, cheechees and eight-annas.” The representation of people of mixed ancestry in colonial and postcolonial novels (British, French, and Dutch Empires)’, Toronto, Canada November 14: Dutch Association of Migration Research (DAMR) autumn meeting. Title of presented paper: ‘The Story of our stories. How to assess a decision making process in several sources’, Nijmegen

Conference organization March 22: symposium at the conference 'The Eurasian Question, Staying in the former colony or moving to the motherland?’, History Department, Leiden. Role: co-organizer/presenter

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer (ANOM), Aix-en Provence, France Purpose of trip: French colonial archive to find archival material for the French case of métis in my research Period: March 30 – April 5

Destination: National Archives, The Hague Purpose of trip: For my project The Eurasian Question regular visits to the National Archives in order to consult governmental as well as other archives about Indo-Europeans.

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Contributions to newspaper and magazines through interviews, opinion articles and/or book reviews Editor online history blog ‘Geschiedenis Beleven’, editing, lay out Examples: http://www.geschiedenisbeleven.nl/lou-de-jong/ http://www.geschiedenisbeleven.nl/kasteel-doorwerth/

Publications Scholarly Rosen Jacobson, E.W. ‘A colonial elite in a postcolonial world’ A literary analysis of the identity of the Parsis after decolonisation of the British Indies, Acta Historica : Platform voor beginnende historici 3(1): 13-19

Ms. A.X. Smit MA Research 1.0.fte

Conference attendance March 12: Graduate Seminar 'Slippery concepts, sloppy statistics, or simply stubborn foreigners? Counting highly skilled migrants in postcolonial Jakarta', Leiden (paper presentation) March 22: Symposium ‘The Eurasian Question’, paper ‘It’s Bobby from Bandung’: Reversing the Postcolonial Bonus for Dutch Expatriates in Present-Day Indonesia’, Leiden 2014 April 25: international conference ESSHC Vienna. Title of presented paper (together with Maya Wester, Utrecht University): ‘On the border of the Musi: Dutch expatriates in Indonesia during the process of economic decolonization (1949-1965)’ LIMS Symposium: ‘The Country We Live In: Welcoming Highly Skilled Migrants in The Hague since 1945’, Leiden 2014 (paper presentation)

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Media


January 31: ‘Rapport CBS creëert valse tegenstelling tussen immigranten’. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie & Debat: 10 (contribution in newspaper) November 17: Participatory Archival Research in The Hague and Jakarta. Dissertation Reviews [blog entry]

Ms. J.M. Svalastog MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January 20: Project Workshop, ‘Coexistence or Defiance? Early modern free agent activity and the British Empire’, Paris, France May 12: Project Workshop, ‘Monopoly opposition towards the Chartered Companies of the British Empire 1660-1720’, Leiden May 8-9: Posthumus Conference, ‘Fighting for Existence: Opposition towards the Chartered Monopolies of the British Empire 1660-1720’, Utrecht October 14-17: Ester - Research Design Course, ‘Atlantic Connections: The Role of Trans-national Networks in Britain’s Domains at the End of the 17th Century’, Frankfurt, Germany November: Project Workshop, ‘A Finger in Every Pie Transnational Networks and the Deregulation Debates in the British Transatlantic Trade, 1680-1720’, Leiden Conference organization Planning of international conference, FEEGI, to be held in June 2015

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: United Kingdom Purpose of trip: Archival research in UK, arranged as part of project Period: October 19-November 3 and November 23-December 19

Referee, advisory committees, editor etc. December: Book review for Itinerario

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience) Twitter

J.J.S. van den Tol MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January 20: EHESS workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Think Global, Act Local’, Paris, France April 25: conference ESSHC. Title of presented paper: ‘Empire State of Mind’, Vienna, Austria May 9: conference GRACEH. Title of presented paper: ‘Steering the State’, Florence, Italy May 12: workshop at the conference ERC, Advisory board meeting. Title of presented paper: ‘The permeability of power’,Leiden September 5: conference ENIUGH. Title of presented paper: ‘Free Agents in the peripheral history of empire’, Paris, France October 16: conference Smokkel workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Handel met de vijand’, IISG, Amsterdam November 11: conference: Team workshop. Title of presented paper: ‘Petitions to outside lobby’, Leiden

Membership of boards and committees Chair PhD Council Leiden University

Outreach (knowledge transfer to a general audience)


Twitter: @joritol Instagram: @joritol

Publications Scholarly Tol, J.J.S. van den Hendrick Haecxs: amateuristisch lobbyen door de WIC in de Republiek in 1647. In: Geevers L., Vermeesch G. (Eds.) Politieke belangenbehartiging in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden: de rol van lobby, petities, en officiële delegaties in de politieke besluitvorming. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing. 47- 65

K.H. Wirta MA Research 1.0 fte

Conference attendance January: Workshop, EHESS, Paris: Paper presented: Scandinavian Empires in the Early Modern World: Networks of Free Agents in the Overseas Expansion March: Project presentation, Graduate Seminar, Åbo, Finland. Title of presented paper: Scandinavian Empires in the Early Modern World: Networks of Free Agents in the Overseas Expansion May: Posthumus, Minor Paper, Utrecht, The Netherlands: Title of presented paper: Scandinavian Empires in the Early Modern World: Networks of Free Agents in the Overseas Expansion May: ERC Advisory Board Workshop, Leiden University, Leiden. Title of presented paper: Trans- National and Cross-Cultural Networks in the Scandinavian Overseas Expansion – The Case of Henrich Carloff September 4: ENIUGH, Conference, chair, Ecole Normale Superior, Paris. Title of presented paper (Co-authored paper): Global networks of influence: Personal networks and Dutch chartered company policy-making October 15: Posthumus, ESTHER, research design course, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt. Title of presented paper: Trans-National and Cross-Cultural Networks in the Scandinavian Overseas Expansion – The Case of Henrich Carloff and Willem Leyel November 17: ERC project workshop, Leiden University, Leiden. Title of presented paper: The Uncatchable Entrepreneur – The Early Modern Overseas Career of Henrich Carloff and Willem Leyel

Conference organization November 17: ERC project workshop, Leiden University, Leiden, chair and co-organizer

Research leave, home and abroad Destination: Stockholm, Sweden Purpose of trip: Archival research in Riksarkivet Stockholm as part of my project Period: November 2014

Membership of boards and committees Secretary of the History Institutes PhD Council (AIO) for the academic year 2013-2014

PhD defence Farabi Fakih, May 14, 2014 ‘The rise of the managerial state in Indonesia. Institutional transition during the early independence period, 1950-1965’. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé Oud Alblas / Co-promotor: Dr. J. Th. Lindblad Pham Van Thuy, May 14, 2014 'Beyond Political Skin: Convergent Paths to an Independent, National Economy in Indonesia and Vietnam'. Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas / Co-promotor: Dr. J.T. Lindblad


External PhD Candidates B. Akgül Kovankaya F. E. Baggeler C. Billur A. Engel R. Enthoven J.J.H. Hooiveld M.J. Kleijn W.I. Man J. Pešali P. Puschmann C. den Ridder J. Rotteveel A. Tomic E.C. Wilkinson C. Yüksul

Externally funded programmes Differences That Make All The Difference. Gender and Migration (The Netherlands 1945-2005) Marlou Schrover This N.W.O. Vici project analysed differences in migration between men and women. The project started in 2006 and was concluded in 2013. It generated over 80 scientific publications. Major publications include: Marlou Schrover and Eileen Janes Yeo (red), Gender, migration and the public sphere 1850-2005 (New York Routledge 2010); Marlou Schrover, ‘Pillarization, Multiculturalism and Cultural Freezing, Dutch Migration History and the Enforcement of Essentialist Ideas’, BMGN / LCHR 125:2/3 (2010) 329-354; T. Walaardt, ‘The good old days of the Cold War. Argument used to reject or admit asylum seekers in the Netherlands, 1957-1967’, Continuity and Change, 26: 2 (2011) 271-299; T. Walaardt, ‘Patience and perseverance. The asylum procedure of Tamils and Iranians’, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 8: 3 (2011) 2-30; Charlotte Laarman, ‘Representations of Postcolonial Migrants in discussions on Intermarriage in the Netherlands, 1945-2005’ in: U. Bosma, Post-Colonial Immigrants and Identity Formations in the Netherlands (Amsterdam 2012) 49-67; Tycho Walaardt, Geruisloos inwilligen. Argumentatie en speelruimte in de Nederlandse asielprocedure, 1945-1994 (Hilversum 2012, dissertation); Corrie van Eijl, Tussenland. Illegaal in Nederland 1945-2000 (Hilversum 2012); Nadia Bouras, Het Land van Herkomst. Perspectieven op verbondenheid met Marokko, 1960-2010 (Hilversum 2012, dissertation); Immanuel Ness, Saer Maty Ba, Michael Borgolte, Donna Gabaccia, Dirk Hoerder, Alex Julca, Cecilia Menjivar, Marlou Schrover and Gregory Woolf, The encyclopedia of global human migration Vol. I to V. (Chichester Wiley- Blackwell 2013); Charlotte Laarman, Oude onbekenden. Het politieke en publieke debat over postkoloniale migranten in Nederland, 1945-2005 (Hilversum 2013); Marlou Schrover and Deirdre Moloney, Gender, Migration and categorisation: Making distinctions between migrants in Western countries (1900) 1945-2010 (Amsterdam AUP 2013); Marlou Schrover & Willem Schinkel (red), The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Immigration and Integration (New York Routledge 2014).

Uncovering the Determinants of Labor Union Support for Redistribution: Union Structure and Cross-National Differences in Income Inequality (Rubicon project)Dennie Oude Nijhuis This research project aims to contribute to our understanding of the causes of cross-national differences in income inequality by conducting a comparative analysis of organized labor’s post-war involvement in wage bargaining and the development of redistributive policies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and Sweden. The main purpose of the project is to uncover the determinants of labor union support for wage compression and redistributive government intervention in the labor market. Despite massive attention for the involvement of labor unions in labor market development, this issue has not been addressed in a systematic manner. In much of the literature on income equality and the broader literature on labor market development, labor union support redistribution is simply taken for granted. This project proceeds from the recognition that

150 labor union support for redistribution depends on the organizational structure of labor unions.

Crime and gender 1600-1900: a comparative perspective Manon van der Heijden This project contests the assumption of criminologists that gender differences in recorded crime are static over time and that women are in general less likely to commit a crime than men. We argue that there is discontinuity rather than continuity in the contribution of men and women to criminality. Given the evidence of high female crime rates at times in the past, the need for a long- term historical approach to crime and gender has been stressed. However, so far no scholar has taken up the challenge. This project presents a new dynamic perspective, that of change and variation. It aims at developing an explanatory model of gendered crime patterns by providing a comparative analysis of crime and gender between 1600 and 1900 based on various primary sources. Crime rates defined by public roles The hypothesis is that gender differences in crime rates are strongly determined by the public roles attributed to men and women, which have varied over time and space. Scholars generally assume that women commit fewer and different crimes than men because of the different nature of their public lives. Specific gender roles would also lead to prosecutors and courts treating men and women differently. However, this assumption has never been tested in a long-term comparative perspective. The innovative character of the proposed research lies in the fact that it introduces a conceptual framework of public roles that looks at both ideologies regarding the role of men and women and practices in public life, and their impact on gender differences in recorded crime. This model distinguishes between various public activities of men and women, and links such roles to a set of five determinant factors: 1. Moral and legal norms 2. Urbanisation 3. Family structure 4. Labour participation 5. Living standards. The project combines developments through time with comparisons between different societies, first of all within Europe, but ultimately also globally. By comparing England, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, this project offers both quantitative and qualitative data to test the impact of public roles on gender differences in recorded crime in this part of the world. Such an analysis will be an important step in developing a European and global field of comparative historical studies that will help to explain gender differences in crime linked to the public roles of men and women in various areas of the world.

Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires 1500-1750: a Comparative Overview of Free Agents and Informal Empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire Catia Antunes How did ‘free agents’ (entrepreneurs operating outside of the myriad of interests of the centralized, state-sponsored monopolies) in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire react to the creation of colonial monopolies (royal monopolies and chartered companies) by the central states in the Early Modern period? This proposal will answer this question by looking at the role individuals played in the construction of what I have called ‘informal empires’, understood as a multitude of self-organized networks operating world-wide, whose main goal was safeguarding their personal social and economic advantages, regardless of (and in spite of) state intervention. Self-organized networks challenged royal monopolies held by the Ottoman Sultans, the Iberian and French Kings and the Dutch, the English, Swedish or Danish chartered companies. Free agents, their families and networks operated in the Atlantic or Asia, across geographical borders between empires, went beyond the restrictions imposed by religious differences, ethnic diversity or the interests of the different central states had in Europe, or in their territories in Africa, the Americas and/or Asia, and led to the questioning of loyalties and the redefinition of identities. This informal empire, brought to fruition by the individual choices of free agents and their networks as a reaction to the state-imposed monopolies, was, I hypothesize, a borderless, self-organized, often cross-cultural, multi-ethnic, pluri- national and stateless world that can only be characterized as global. The informal empires resulting from the self-organized networks of free agents operated alongside the institutional empires promoted by the central states and put into place by the monopoly holders. My research question will challenge traditional historiography that privileges the role that institutionalized monopolies played in building empires, while all but ignoring the contribution of free agency to the construction, maintenance and growth of those same empires.


My approach is innovative in that it employs a theoretical grid for the analysis of the instances in which Early Modern monopolies were challenged, mediated, co-opted or quite simply hijacked by free agents. My model delineates actions an re-actions such as illegal activities, cooperative strategies or even extensive collaboration between free agents and central states. Based on the unique comparison between Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, as well as in analyses linking the Atlantic and the Asian expansions of European empires, our proposal will pioneer a new approach to the comparative history of empires between 1500 and 1750.


Research Master Programme The Research Masters Programme in History is founded on fields of research well presented in Leiden. The programme consists of five specialisations each containing a number of specific subjects and possibilities. The five specialisations are: Ancient History, Medieval and Early Modern European History, History of Political Culture and National Identities, History of European Expansion and Globalisation, and History of Migration and Global Interdependence. The individual students’ interests, knowledge, and capabilities determine the ‘specialisation’ ultimately decided upon. Following their examinations the Research Masters students will be able to function as a beginning academic researcher, either in a semi-academic position, or at an university. The student will be well-prepared to conduct PhD research successfully within the time limits set. The components of the Research Masters Programme in the first year include a literature seminar, a research seminar and a seminar on historical theory in the fall semester, and a tutorial, a colloquium on historical controversies and a research seminar in the spring semester. The second year offers students the possibility to take classes in a masters programme of another discipline and at another university (in the Netherlands or abroad) up to 20 ECTS. The remaining part of the second year is focussed on the writing of a substantial research masters thesis based on original source research and in principal worthy of elaboration into a PhD dissertation. The total number of research master students in the Institute for History in 2014: 65.

PhD Programme The PhD programme in history is characterized by a strong international orientation, a broad variety of disciplinary perspectives, a focus on the use of primary sources and an incorporation into a humanities faculty which is the only such faculty in The Netherlands to provide the opportunity to study the languages and cultures of Africa, Asia and America. PhD candidates primarily focus on conducting research and writing their dissertation under the guidance of their supervisor. In addition, they take a range of courses relevant to their field of research, which are offered by the Institute for History and other institutions, including national research schools in the field of history. PhD candidates are also involved in teaching history. To prepare them for these teaching tasks the candidates follow apractical educational course. Finally, the PhD programme provides a timely orientation towards a career after the completion of the PhD. The number of regular PhD candidates currently employed in the Institute for History is 90. Besides, there are more than 100 PhD candidates affiliated to the institute but mostly having their working place elsewhere.


Graduate Seminars 2014

February 12 Chair: Jeff Fynn-Paul Presentation: Sophie Feyder Commentary: Damian Pargas and Ariel Lopez Title: Working with the Ronald Ngilima Photographic Collection: Popular Photography and the Making of a Black South African Urban Culture, Benoni, 1950's-1960's.

March 12 Chair: Wang Zhongxiao Presentation: Aniek Smit Commentary: Saskia Bonjour and Kate Ekama Title: ‘Slippery concepts, sloppy statistics, or simply stubborn foreigners? Counting highly skilled migrants in postcolonial Jakarta’

April 9 Chair: Carrie Nakamura Presentation: Xiaodong Xu Commentary: Jeroen Touwen and Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson Title: The Genesis of a Growth Triangle in Southeast Asia; A Study of Economic Connections between Singapore, Johor and Riau, 1870-1970

May 14 Chair: Marion Pluskota Presentation: Haavar Solheim Commentary: Cátia Antunes and Camila Jara Ibarra Title: Governability, public security and legitimacy: the Inter-institutional relationship between Police and municipal authorities in Bogotá, Colombia, since the mid-1990s

June 11 Chair: Lotte Pelckmans Presentation: Honorata Mazepus Commentary: Matthew Frear and Miriam Groen-Vallinga Title: Perceived legitimacy of authorities in comparative perspective: Evaluating political authorities in democratic and non-democratic regimes

September 10 Chair: Peter Hoppenbrouwers Presentation: Raymond Fagel Commentary: - Title:'Facing the Enemy. The Spanish Army Commanders during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt (1567-1577)'

October 8 Chair: David Ballantyne Presentation: Ariel Lopez Commentary: Edgar Perreira and Anita van Dissel Title: 'Conversion, Colonialism and Local Elite Politics: The Making of Islam and Christianity in north Sulawesi, c. 1830-1900'

November 12 Chair: Irial Glynn Presentation: Erik Odegard Commentary: Christiaan Engberts and Alicia Schrikker Title: 'Appointing a stadholder for Brazil'


December 10 Chair: Jasper van der Steen Presentation: Jeannette Kamp Commentary: Kaarle Wirta and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz Title: ‘Crime and family control in early modern Frankfurt’


Members Ms. Alvarez Francés, L. MA Phd Candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. J.C. G. Aguiar Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

A. Amadou, MA Phd Candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Dr. C.A.P. Antunes Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. J. Augusteijn Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. M. Bader Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. D.T. Ballantyne Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. K. Beerden Lecturer Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Ms. C. Bekar MA Phd Candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. S. Belluci Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

F. Bethlehem MA Phd Candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. N.K. Beyens Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. E.F. van de Bilt Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. N.A. Bloemendal MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities


Prof. Dr. J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. C. Boender MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. S.A. Bonjour Researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. B.E. van der Boom Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. C.Y.E. Boot MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

D. Boro MPhil PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. D. Bos Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. E.C. de Braat Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.E. de Bruijn Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History Theme: Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Dr. M.F. Carmody Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

A. Chaudhuri MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Dr. L.M.G.F.E. Claes Lecturer Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Dr. H. Colak Postdoctoral Researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

E.F. Cravo Bertrand Pereira MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. E. Cusumano


Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. P.G.C. Dassen Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. E.M. Dieterman MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. A.M.C. van Dissel Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. H.W. van den Doel Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. D. Donev Research Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

J.J. van Duijl MA PhD candidate Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Prof. Dr. J.F.J. Duindam Professor Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Dr. M.A. Ebben Lecturer Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800 Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. M.F.D. Eekhout MA PhD candidate Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. K.J. Ekama MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

C.A. Engberts MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities Dr. R.P. Fagel Lecturer Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Prof. Dr. A. Fairclough Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities


F. Fakih MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. K.J. Fatah-Black PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Dr. M.F. Favereau-Doumenjou Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Drs. S. Feyder PhD canditate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. M. Flohr Post-doctoral researcher Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Dr. M. J. Frear Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. J. Fynn-Paul Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. Ms. E.M. Geevers Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Collective identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Prof. Dr. A.W.M. Gerrits Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Prof. Dr. J.B. Gewald Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History

J. Gijsenbergh MA PhD Candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. I.A. Glynn Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Dr. M.J. de Goede Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History


Ms. M.J. Groen-Vallinga MPhil PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Dr. D. Haks Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.P.C. van der Heijden Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. H.J. den Heijer Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. E.A.R. Heijmans MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. A. Heyer MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Drs. C.W. Hijzen PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. M. S. Hobson Post-doctoral researcher Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers Professor Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

P.H.A. Houten MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Dr. A. Janse Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Dr. M.J. Janse Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. C. Jara Ibarra MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Prof. Dr. K.J.P.F.M. Jeurgens Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History


Ms. J.M. Kamp MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Drs. M. Kamphuis PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. J.H.C. Kern Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

P. Kloeg MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

G.J. de Kok MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

M. Kooriadathodi MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Dr. H.M.E.P. Kuijpers Lecturer/post-doctoral researcher Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. M. Kuruppath MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. M. Lak Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. L.B. Lauret MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt Professor Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)

Ing. J. Ligthart MA PhD candidate Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. I. Ligtvoet MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. J.Th. Lindblad Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence


A. C. Lopez MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. L.A.C.J. Lucassen Professor Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. K. Manteufel MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. H. Mazepus MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. P.J.J. Meel Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. J.A. Mol Professor Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

T. Mostert MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Dr. S.M. Munch Miranda Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. S.T.D. Muurling MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. F.G. Naerebout Lecturer Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)

Ms. Dr. C.M. Nakamura Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. D.P.H. Napolitano Researcher Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)

Drs. B. Noordam PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. G.A. Noordzij Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

E. L.L. Odegard MPhil


PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Dr. A.M. O’Malley Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Prof. Dr. G.J. Oostindie Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. J.S. Oster Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

A.R. Othatingal MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. W. Otterspeer Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. D.M. Oude Nijhuis Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. D.A. Pargas Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. H.J. Paul Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. K. Pazmany MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)

Ms. Dr. L. Pelckmans Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. F. Pellegrino MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

S.M.H.J. Penders MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

E.F. C.B. Pereira MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence


Ms. I. Pesa MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. J.I. Petter Lecturer European Union Studies

Ms. A.F. Petterson MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

V.T. Pham MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Dr. M. Pluskota Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Prof. Dr. J. S. Pollmann Professor Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Dr. G.C. Quispel Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. S. Ravensbergen MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

F. Renzi Researcher Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Dr. A.I. Richard Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. J.V. Roitman Researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. J.Q.T. Rood Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. E.W. Rosen Jacobson MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross Professor Theme: Colonial and Global History


Ms. Dr. F. Rosu Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

J.J.L. Saarloos MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. B. Santiago Belmonte MA PhD Candidate Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Dr. A. Schmidt Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. B. Schoenmaker Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. A.F. Schrikker Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. Prof. Dr. M.L.J.C. Schrover Professor Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. G.P. Scott-Smith Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. N.T. Seneviratne MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. L.H.J. Sicking Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Prof. Dr. P. Silva Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. A.X. Smit MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

D.E.J. Smit MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

H.A.S. Solheim MPhil PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

A.A. Souleymane MA PhD candidate


Theme: Colonial and Global History

R. J. Stapel MA PhD candidate Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Dr. B.S. van der Steen Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

J.A. van der Steen MA PhD candidate Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Dr. R. Stein Lecturer Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800

Ms. Dr. C. M. Stolte Lecturer Theme: Colonial and Global History

Dr. H.J. Storm Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. B. Sur MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Ms. J.M. Svalastog MA Researcher Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. L.E. Tacoma Lecturer Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Ms. Dr. A.C.M. Tijsseling Lecturer Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

J.J.S. van den Tol MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. L.J. Touwen Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

A. al Tuma MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Dr. R.A. Tybout Researcher Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)


Ms. C. Tzanatea MA PhD candidate Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD)

Ms. S. Valdivia Rivera MPhil PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. A.L. van der Veer MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. H. te Velde Professor Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Drs. A.P. van Veldhuizen PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Drs. M.L. de Vries MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Drs. G. H. Waling MA PhD candidate Theme: Political Culture and National Identities

Ms. Dr. M.L. Wiesebron Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Prof. Dr. W.H. Willems Professor Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Dr. R. Willet Post-doctoral researcher Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Ms. M.C. Wilson MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

K. H. Wirta MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

B.J.T. van de Worp MA PhD candidate Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. Dr. J.J. Wubs-Mrozewic Post-doctoral researcher Theme: Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Europe, 1000-1800


X. Xu MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History

Prof. Dr. J.K. Zangenberg Professor Theme: The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC- 400 AD)

Dr. C.J. Zuijderduijn Lecturer Theme: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence

Ms. E.P.M. Zwinkels MA PhD candidate Theme: Colonial and Global History