Annual Report Institute for History Matulessy, E.P

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Annual Report Institute for History Matulessy, E.P Universiteit Leiden Annual Report Institute for History Matulessy, E.P. Meel, P.J.J. 2014 Doelensteeg 16, 2311 VL Leiden Institute for History Annual Report 2014 Colophon © Institute for History, 2015 1 Table of contents Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Boards and Committees 6 3. The Unification of the Mediterranean World (400 BC – 400 AD) 7 4. Collective Identities and Transnational Networks in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1000-1800 22 5. Political Culture and National Identities 48 6. Colonial and Global History 85 7. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 122 8. Research Master Programme 157 9. PhD Programme 157 10. Graduate Seminars 158 11. Members 160 2 1. Introduction Introduction In 2014, the Institute for History took effort to effectively promote the Horizon 2020 programme among its members. Although the staff of the Institute is familiar with several of the funding schemes covered by this programme they have less experience with some of the new instruments that have recently been introduced. A workshop was organized to acquaint the staff more thoroughly with the opportunities connected to these instruments. A follow-up to the investigation carried out last year the Institute developed a new didactical course for PhD candidates in close consultation with staff members and representatives of the PhD’s. Starting in 2015 the new course will be offered to all PhD candidates employed by the Institute. In terms of research funding in 2014 the Institute was less successful in obtaining grants compared to the number and size of the subsidies awarded to the Institute’s staff in previous years. Aiming at a yearly two million euros external funding it was clear that in the past year this target had not been met. Whether a temporary dip in income or not the management team is confident that many of its colleagues will successfully participate in upcoming funding competitions. Horizon 2020 For the Institute for History NWO is still a major player in the field of research funding. Although it is not to be expected that this will change in the near future, in the course of the years EU funding has become increasingly important. Staff members have managed to benefit from subsidies awarded in the context of the Marie Curie Fellowship programme and the ERC starting and advanced grant schemes. These opportunities are prolonged within the Horizon 2020 programme under the heading Excellent Science. A new component of this programme consists of the possibility to submit collaborative projects. Labelled as Societal Challenges researchers are invited to address questions connected to a number of much debated issues. For historians two challenges seem to be of particular interest: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, and Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. Together with LURIS the Institute on 31 January organized a meeting to discuss the Societal challenges component of Horizon 2020. Proposals were presented by staff members and commented upon by colleagues. Background information was provided and practicalities were explained by LURIS. A number of aspects were considered: the possibility to match curiosity driven research with policy oriented outcomes meaningful for European societies; the amount of funding to be gained in relation to the time and energy invested in the preparation of a proposal and the management of a project; the success rate of proposals submitted in EU-wide competitions and the need to optimize chances and reduce transaction costs. All attendants agreed that the Societal Challenges window offers interesting opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across Europe in a fruitful way. There was consensus on departing from existing networks when building consortia, taking a deliberate decision if one is invited to participate in a collaborative project and considering carefully the role one wishes to take up in such a project (f.e. that of principal investigator). Didactical course for PhD candidates Based of insights and experiences of staff members and PhD’s and following lengthy discussions a new in-house didactical course for PhD candidates was designed. The aim of this course is to provide PhD’s with a short introduction to the Leiden University history programme, the type of courses that are offered and the way the programme is structured. Moreover, the course is meant to acquaint PhD’s with the practice of teaching by way of reading literature, making assignments and being involved in a co-teaching series. The latter implies that PhD’s will be teamed up with senior lecturers and will accompany them while teaching a class over the course of one semester. The PhD’s will teach at least two sessions in this series. The learning outcome and final attainment level of the didactical course is that PhD candidates who have successfully completed the course are capable of independently teaching a class at the BA-level. The didactical course is a compulsory part of the PhD training programme and will be taught by senior lecturers of the Institute from 2015. 3 Appointments and awards Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, research fellow at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main Stefano Bellucci, appointed senior lecturer in African History Nele Beyens, winner of the G.A. Lindeboom award for medical history Research funding The research proposals that obtained funding from outside Leiden University are listed below: NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen Tristan Mostert (supervisors: Ben Schoenmaker and Jos Gommans) The wars between VOC and Makassar (1634-1669): A study in integrative global military history € 200.000 NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen Jaap Ligthart (supervisor: Peter Hoppenbrouwers) The demise of the domain € 200.000 Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde (RDO) Balije van Utrecht Jerem van Duijl (supervisors: Peter Hoppenbrouwers and Hans Mol) Bezitsgeschiedenis van het Duitse Huis en de Balije van Utrecht, 1231-1619 € 169.000 Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie (NIMH) Frank Bethlehem (supervisor: Ben Schoenmaker) Geschiedschrijving grensbewaking € 180.000 Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie (NIMH) Johan van de Worp (supervisor: Ben Schoenmaker) Uitgevoerde grensbeveiliging en bewakingstaken 1830-2014 € 180.000 NWO Zwaartekracht (Anchoring Innovation: A research agenda leading to a Gravitation proposal in 2016) Luuk de Ligt and Ineke Sluiter (LUCAS) Rodrigo Ferrari Nunes (postdoctoral researcher for one year; supervisor Frits Naerebout) Culture contact: a social science critique of recent work in ancient history and classical archaeology € 60.000 NWO Free Competition Programme Judith Pollmann and Henk te Velde The persistence of civic identities in the Netherlands, 1747-1848 € 678.304 Total € 1.667.304 In addition the Institute for History could organize a free competition for PhD candidates by itself. Following a careful selection process the Institute was able to award two junior scholars an AIO- position. Following a similar procedure four postdoctoral researchers were offered a contract for six months to prepare a grant proposal. Research output Out of the many scholarly publications that came out this year a number of monographs stood out Bos, D., Bloed en barricaden. De Parijse Commune herdacht. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek. A critical inquiry into the memory formation by generations of socialists, communists and anarchists with regard to the Paris Commune 4 Dassen, P.G.C., Sprong in het duister. Duitsland en de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam: Van Oorschot. Carefully written and myth-busting study about Germany and the First World War covering the 1910- 1923 period Heijden, M.P.C. van der, Misdadige vrouwen. Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker Thought provoking examination of early modern female criminals in Holland paying particular attention to their lives, deeds and convictions Meel, P.J.J., Man van het moment. Een politieke biografie van Henck Arron. Amsterdam: Prometheus/Bert Bakker Biography of a prolific politician and driving force behind Suriname’s independence based on a plethora of new data sources Pargas, D.A., Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South. New York: Cambridge University Press Scrupulous review of domestic forced migration of American-born slaves in the South between 1820 and 1860 and their adaptation to their new homes Singor, H.W., Constantijn en de christelijke revolutie in het Romeinse Rijk. Amsterdam: Ambo-Anthos. Elaborate study of Constantine the Great and the revolution he started turning classic Greek-Roman culture into Christian culture and founding Constantinople as the new capital of the Roman empire Stein, R., De hertog en zijn Staten. De eenwording van de Bourgondische Nederlanden, ca. 1380-ca. 1480. Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen no. 146. Hilversum: Verloren A thorough analysis of the process of unification and political renewal of the Netherlands as instigated by the Dukes of Burgundy Touwen, L.J., Coordination in Transition. The Netherlands and the World Economy, 1950-2010. Brill, Library of Economic History no. 5. Leiden: Brill A comprehensive investigation into the evolution of the complex institutional structure of the Dutch political economy since 1950 Dr. P.J.J. Meel Director of Research 5 2. Board and Committees Board Institute for History Till September 15, 2014 Prof. Dr. L.A.C.J. Lucassen (chair) Dr. J.A. Augusteijn (director of education) Dr. P.J.J. Meel (director of research) Ms. R.J. Wensma (institute manager) From September 15, 2014 Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt (chair) Dr. J.A. Augusteijn (director of education) Dr. P.J.J. Meel (director of research) Ms. R.J. Wensma (institute manager) Advisory Council Prof. Dr. J.F.J. Duindam Prof. Dr. A. Fairclough Prof. Dr. A.W.M. Gerrits Prof. Dr. J.J.L. Gommans Prof. Dr. P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers Prof. Dr. L. de Ligt Dr. F.G. Naerebout Prof. Dr. J.S. Pollmann Prof. Dr. R.J. Ross Prof. Dr. M.L.J.C. Schrover Prof. Dr. P. Silva Prof. Dr. H. te Velde Ms. E.P.M.
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