GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST I will make you into a great nation. into a great I will make you famous, and make you I will bless you will be a blessing to others. and you and curse I will bless those who bless you with contempt. you those who treat the families on earth will be blessed All you. through in His own own in His human beings created So God created He the image of God image. In them. he created them; male and female JAN–FEB 2021 JAN–FEB

Buriat People in Inner Mongolia, Buriat People in Inner in Inner Mongolia, China

3 2 Pray that today’s people group will find their sense people Pray that today’s in God’s of dignity and worth in being created image. people group to Pray for many leaders in today’s blessings, which He intended to seek and find God’s give to them since the beginning of time. Ask God to send loving, bold ambassadors of ChristAsk God to send loving, bold ambassadors the Buriats and other peoples in this their identityPlease ask God to help the Buriats find and in Him. May the believers become effective stories withfruitful in sharing and discussing Bible their own and other families. Pray for Daur believers to have a deep burden to see a movement among their people. Pray that this people group will be in awe of the will be in awe of this people group Pray that and realize that He is the onlyLord for His creation and devotion. one worthy of worship • • • 12:2-3 Gen but their There used to be as many as 300,000 Daur, numbers have dwindled as a result of disease and assimilation. Daur people hold their shamans in high esteem; they consult the shamans for weddings, burials, journeys, and other important decisions. They are also Buddhist. In the 1990s, the Daur were shown the JESUS Film, and more than 1,000 put their faith in Christ. There are portions of the Bible in Daur. • • 1:27 Gen be descended from either a greyThe Buriat claim to therefore their folk culturebull or a white swan; other animals.features dancers imitating swans and customs withThey share many common traits and the shaman isMongols. They are Buddhist, though culture.a highly regarded member in their

51 New Living New ) digital prayer UOTD) digital prayer In the beginning God created the heavens heavens the created the beginning God In and the earth. is fully merged with Joshua Project’s Project’s Joshua with merged fully is GPD

offers readers the reasons why we need readers the reasons MF offers Hindu Mochi People ) readers. As of (GPD) readers. As of Global Prayer Digest 1

Ask for Disciple Making Movements to begin in Mochi communities. Pray that these different movements spread throughout South Asia to bring great blessings upon all the Mochi subgroups of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Who would think of shoemakers observing a marriage ritual by walking around sacred fire? The low-status Mochi caste members typically work as cobblers, fashioning leather into shoes, saddles, and other goods. They are almost 100 percent Hindu, worshipping their gods and following rituals of Hinduism. • Gen 1:1 Gen JANUARY Note: Scripture references are from the from are references Scripture Note: We are officially in a new decade and a new era in a new decade and are officially We for today, Day’sUnreached of the ( have a shortened printed form tools, but we also publication, Mission Frontiers within our sister (MF). prayer materials and we offer movements to Christ, to Christ among specific people for movements perfect combination or what? groups. Is this a UOTD editor, Pray on this decade!—Keith Carey, unless otherwise indicated. (NLT) Translation Dear Praying Friends, Dear Praying Global Prayer Digest Prayer Global JAN/FEB 2021 JAN/FEB Global Prayer Digest Prayer Global Who is like you among the gods, Who is like you in in holiness, awesome O Lord—glorious wonders? performing great splendor, is my strength and my song; and my is my strength The Lord God, is my This me victory. given has He God, father’s Him—my praise and I will and I will exalt Him! Mongols of Inner Mongolia, China of Inner Mongolia, Mongols Oroqen Mongolians Inner Mongolia, China 6 Oroqen 5 Pray that today’s people group will understand that Pray that today’s holiness, and power come only from our Lord glory, and king. Pray that today’s people group will accept His people Pray that today’s withstrength and victory over sin, and respond fervent praise! Testament Pray for at least one gospel of the New to be translated into their language and widely distributed. Pray for spiritual hunger that will lead to Jesus Christ. Pray for a Church Planting Movement to grow in this remote region. Pray for a strong Church Planting Movement toPray for a strong Church especially inrapidly increase the Mongol church, to turn torural areas. Pray for the Mongol peoples that of theirthe power of the Holy Spirit rather than shamans.

2020 MAR/APRIL • • 15:11 Ex MongoliansThere are only about 9,000 Oroqen area inspread over a vast mountain range excellentnortheast Inner Mongolia. They are raise reindeer. hunters and fishermen, and some so they canThey have an 84 percent literacy rate, they however, be reached with printed materials; have no scripture. • Ex 15:2 Ex Mongolia survive bitter wintersMongols in Inner lived in yurts (tents). Fromand have traditionally children learn to ride and feela very young age There might be as manyat home on the saddle. Shamanism is a spiritualas 60 Mongol subgroups! to be overcome by faithfulobstacle that needs prayer. •

52 FRONTIERS MISSION took Abram outside and outside took Abram Then the Lord up into the sky and said to him, “Look many how can. That’s count the stars if you Abram And will have!” descendants you counted the and Lord the Lord, believed him as righteous because of his faith. Ewenki, Solon People, Inner Mongolia, China Ewenki, Solon People,

4 Pray for economic survival for the Ewenki, as thePray for economic survival for the Ewenki, of thereindeer population is dwindling. Portions Pray thatBible are available in the Ewenki language. appropriatethese verses will be put to culturally music and shared in Ewenki settlements. people group will Pray that members of today’s holy of God’s understand that they can become part family and experience His goodness.

• • Reindeer are friends of the Ewenki people, theirReindeer are friends of the Ewenki and are“ships of the forest.” They raise reindeer harshest the last hunting tribe in some of China’s transportablelands. They live nomadically in easily andyurts. The Ewenki worship their ancestors, some still even worship bears. Gen 15:5-6 Gen



7 Torgut Mongolians in Inner Mongolia, China 9 Waxiang Han People, Hunan Province, China

Torgut Mongolians live in a fertile verdant area of The Waxiang live scattered throughout the beautiful grasslands which receive ample rainfall. Folk dancing Hunan Province in southeastern China. Though they is their favorite pastime. They claim to be Tibetan are a mixture of several ethnic groups, officially the Buddhists. They also practice shamanism. Dancing that Waxiang are considered to be part of the majority tells the story of the gospel message might be a way to nationality. This people group believes catch the attention of these people who love dancing. in ghosts and spirits. As far as we know there are 500 I know now that the Lord is greater than followers of Christ among the Waxiang Han Chinese, but they are too scattered to form their own church all other gods, because he rescued his Ex 18:11 fellowship. people from the oppression of the proud Egyptians. You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and • Pray that non-believers among this people group will be water, and I will protect you from illness. convinced to follow the Lord because of His miracles. Ex 23:25-26 There will be no miscarriages or infertility • Pray for the Lord to raise up people who can use dance in your land, and I will give you long, and music to reach the Torgut people. Pray for the full lives. Holy Spirit to be preparing the hearts of the Torgut people to receive the good news with rejoicing. • Pray that many from this people group will serve the Lord and receive His abundant blessings. • Pray that these believers will be empowered by

the Holy Spirit to take Christ to every Waxiang Han GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST Chinese community.

10 , Hunan Province, China

The Iu Mien people have historically been engaged in conflict with the Chinese, especially over the opium trade, and they lost these battles. They escaped to the mountains where they now live. They worship Pan Hu, their patron ancestor deity and other ancestors and spirits. Their geography makes contact difficult. Due to mutual suspicion, it is best that non-Han Chinese reach them. Look, I have specifically chosen Bezalel son 8 Xiang Han People in Hunan Province, China of Uri, grandson of Hur, of the tribe of Ex 31:2–3 Did you know there is a people group in China that Judah. I have filled him with the Spirit of has a writing system that is only understood by their God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and women? They call themselves the Xiang, one of the expertise in all kinds of crafts. Han Chinese peoples. The Xiang worship the spirits • Pray that as members of this people group become of dead communist leaders that once ruled China. part of God’s holy family that they will also find His The Xiang take great pride in their fighting abilities. purposes for them. They are independent to the point of rejecting outside • Pray that the Iu Mien people will open up to ideas, including those coming from Christ’s followers. outsiders, that they will be open to reconciliation Ex 20:3 You must not have any other god but me. with the Han Chinese. Pray they would access all • Pray for this people group to understand and obey Scriptures available in their language. this essential and central command. • Ask God to show them that Jesus Christ is the only one who is worthy of worship. • Pray for spiritual openness and a hunger for true righteousness that will lead to a movement to Christ in the 2020s.

53 JAN/FEB 2021 JAN/FEB Global Prayer Digest Prayer Global bless you and protect and protect bless you the Lord May and be smile on you the Lord May you. you show the Lord May to you. gracious his peace. you and give his favor “Give “Give also said to Moses, The Lord instructions to the entire the following must be holy You community of Israel. am holy. God, your because I, the Lord Mozhihei People in Hunan Province, China Mozhihei People in Hunan Province, Western Ghao-Xong People, Hunan Prov. Ghao-Xong People, Western

14 13

Pray for many Holy Spirit directed workers to go to the fields. Pray for creativity in reaching the Mazhihei people. Pray that they would hear of Christ and that their hearts would be moved to pursue Him as a group. Pray for the Western Ghao-Xong 4,000 believers Ghao-Xong Pray for the Western freedom ofto persevere in spiritual battle for the their elderstheir unbelieving neighbors. Pray that hero, andwill recognize Jesus as their true battle gospel willto gather to praise Him. Pray that the motherbe quickly translated into the Ghao-Xong victory will spread tongue, and the hope of Jesus’s into a movement of Christ-worshippers. people group. Pray this blessing on today’s Pray that new believers among this people groupPray that new believers allowing the Holy Spirit towill seek holiness by the inside out. transform them from

2020 MAR/APRIL • • are one ofWhen does one become two? The Mazhihei who have their roots in a migration peoples two Tujia years ago.that happened between 2200 and 1800 also they grow a wide variety of crops, and are Today and fishing. quite proficient in hunting, trapping, 6:24-26 Num • The Western Ghao-Xong remain resistant to outside remain resistant Ghao-Xong The Western They worship to years of oppression. ideas due inaccessible mountain powers in their many spiritual homeland. Lev 19:1-2 •

54 FRONTIERS MISSION Moses immediately threw himself to the threw immediately Moses he said, and worshiped. And ground if it is true found that I have “O Lord, with then please travel with you, favor this is a stubborn and rebellious Yes, us. our iniquity and people, but please forgive special own our sins. Claim us as your possession.” Eastern China Ghao-Xong People, Tujia People of Hunan Province, China People of Hunan Province, Tujia


11 Pray that members of this people group will soon have as rich an understanding of the need for God’s presence as Moses did. Pray for the spiritual eyes of the Eastern Ghao-Xong to be opened to see the power and authority of the Holy Spirit above their traditional spirits. Pray for a movement to Christ to cause mountaintop churches to flourish among the Eastern Ghao-Xong. Pray that they will be overwhelmed by the Holy SpiritPray that they will be overwhelmed by Makingto yield to Jesus Christ. Pray for a Disciple this decade. Movement to flourish among them

• • Ex 34:8-9 Ex Eastern Ghao-Xong villages are on mountaintops whereEastern Ghao-Xong villages are on mountaintops of Hunan Province.they seek privacy in the eastern part have helpedTheir remote location and ancient ways animistic them to thrive under threat. Traditional life as they worshipreligion holds a central role in Ghao sacrifice. many deities, some whom require blood The Tujia people have significantly assimilated with people have significantly The Tujia so the surrounding peoples since the 16th-century, speak Tujia. that today only three percent actually Mandarin or aThus, it is necessary to reach them via need to benearby tribal language. These materials a way that theypresented as songs and skits in such do not appear foreign. •



Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be Josh 1:8 sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. • Pray that many from this people group will not only study but apply what God teaches through His word. • Pray for the good shepherd to “find” these Himalayan lost “sheep.” May Bakkarwal people understand how much God cares for them. May they soon heed the call of God and begin a movement to Christ.

17 Balti in Jammu & Kashmir, India

Do you like bulgur wheat and apricots? So do the Balti people who farm these crops. Balti people are a scheduled tribe living in perilous mountains near the Pakistan border. Continual friction is a part of their lives because of tension between India and Pakistan. 15 Kashmiris in Jammu & Kashmir, India He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the Lord’s hand Snow and glaciers in India? That’s Kashmir, home Josh 4:24 GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST is powerful, and so you might fear of the Muslim Kashmiris. Kashmir is a popular tourist destination during the hot summer months. the Lord your God forever. Unfortunately, Jammu & Kashmir remains highly • Pray that the “nation” we are praying for today will disputed between India, Pakistan, and China and there know that the Lord’s hand is powerful and will give is sporadic fighting. Most Kashmiris are devout Sunni Him praise. Muslims. Their civilization has been heavily influenced • Pray that Christ followers will produce radio by Muslim mystics and Persian culture. programs that will point the way to Lord Jesus. He alone is your God, the only one who Pray that a movement of the Holy Spirit will sweep is worthy of your praise, the one who has through all Balti villages from one family to another. Deut 10:21 done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes. • Pray that many from this people group will make the Lord their only God, and thank Him for His miracles. • Pray for a movement of God’s Holy Spirit among families causing many to seek their loving Savior who died for them.

16 Bakkarwals in Jammu & Kashmir, India

Bakkarwals live is a confusing world of tensions between traditional vs. modern, rural vs. urban, and Hindu vs. Sunni Muslim. They are considered a backward caste, meaning they are looked down upon by many communities in India.


JAN/FEB 2021 JAN/FEB Global Prayer Digest Prayer Global David replied to the Philistine, “You come “You to the Philistine, replied David but and javelin, spear, to me with sword, of in the name of the Lord I come to you of the armies of God Armies—the Heaven’s defied. have whom you Israel, But the next morning the same thingBut fallen face down had happened—Dagon again. This time of the Lord the Ark before were off and broken his head and hands had the trunk Only of his lying in the doorway. body was left intact. Gujjars in Jammu & Kashmir, India Gujjars in Jammu & Kashmir, Sudhan People in Jammu & Kashmir, India & Kashmir, in Jammu Sudhan People

21 20

Pray that the nations will know that they cannot defy the Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine like a brilliant sun among Gujjar believers, leading others to seek Him. Ask the Lord to send workers who are willing to live with them, sharing their burdens and extending God’s love in practical ways, such as their need for education and medical care. Pray that many from this people group will understandPray that many from never fails! that their gods have failed them, but God voice. Ask Him toAsk the Lord to open their ears to His the Sudhanbring a church planting movement among a hunger forpeople. Pray for Him to give their leaders to know Him. and a desire His Word

2020 MAR/APRIL Nomadism poses a true challenge to those seeking toNomadism poses a true challenge to In addition to their share the gospel with the Gujjar. impermanent camps and seasonal roaming habits, most are Sunni Muslims. 17:45 1 Sam • • National borders don’t always define who people always define borders don’t National Sudhan are an excellent they value. The are or what India, they see themselves While they live in example. are chief. They of a brave Afghan as descendants an orthodox form ofWahabism, by heavily influenced sect have turned to Christ. few from that Islam. Very 5:4 1 Sam • •

56 FRONTIERS MISSION Lord! There is no There one is holy like the Lord! No like our is no Rock there one besides you; God. Lord, the God of Israel, under of Israel, the God the Lord, May come to take refuge, have whose wings you done. have fully for what you you reward Makhmi People in Jammu & Kashmir, India Makhmi People in Jammu & Kashmir, Kumhiar People in Jammu & Kashmir, India Jammu & Kashmir, Kumhiar People in

19 18

Pray for the Makhmi community to be blessed in every way by Almighty God. Pray for Makhmi decision- makers to have a Holy Spirit-led hunger for spiritual truth that drives them to help start movements to Christ. Pray For workers to take Christ to the Makhmi people no matter what the cost may be. Pray for influential members of this people group to understand that there is no solid rock like our God! Pray for the Lord’s lovingkindness to reach the Kumhiar Pray for the Lord’s andpeople in such a way that they will understand toembrace it as a people. Pray for new opportunities this decade. take Christ to Kashmir to come about Pray for today’s people group to seek and find Pray for today’s refuge with the Lord and be rewarded.

• • 1 Sam 2:2 1 Sam The Makhmi people live in the high mountains ofThe Makhmi people live in the high brought inKashmir where outside ideas are seldom a work of Godand almost never accepted. It will take to penetrate their hearts for Christ. • Ruth 2:12 Ruth • Islam, the religion of the Kumhiar people, is both aIslam, the religion a bridge in that Muslims bridge and an obstacle. It’s God of Creationunderstand that they answer to the in an obstacle and Jesus is an important prophet. It’s only way the that they do not believe that Jesus offers to find a right relationship with God.



• Pray that they will hold strong in their faith. • Pray that they would cast their eyes on Jesus and share that He holds life’s answers.

24 Kayastha Karan in West Bengal, India

The Kayashta Karan people are among the great scholars of eastern India and Nepal. Traditionally they were the well-educated scribes and administrators. Today many are land-owners. They have high status throughout South Asia. When Solomon finished praying, fire flashed 22 Varenedra Brahmans in West Bengal, India down from heaven and burned up the burnt Like other Brahman peoples, the Varendras feel that offerings and sacrifices, and the glorious turning their allegiance to another religious system will presence of the Lord filled the Temple. The jeopardize their status. For this reason, they are very 2 Chron 7:1-2 priests could not enter the Temple of reluctant to give their allegiance to Jesus Christ, believing the Lord because the glorious presence of the this is tantamount to joining a different religious system. Lord filled the Temple. The priests could not As far as we know, there are no Brahmans from the enter the Temple of the Lord because the Varendra community that follows the King of kings. glorious presence of the Lord filled it. Then Elijah stood in front of them and

• Pray for today’s people group to be in absolute awe of GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST said, “How much longer will you waver, the Lord when they hear of His glorious presence. hobbling between two opinions? If 1 Kings 18:21 the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is • Pray for the Holy Spirit to penetrate the hearts of Kayastha Karan elders so that they in turn can open God, then follow him!” But the people were the spiritual doors for others to follow Jesus. Pray for completely silent. them to be blessed spiritually and materially. Pray for • Pray that today’s people group will indeed see the vast Kayastha Karan leaders to begin the process of starting difference between the Lord and any other deity. Pray a Church Planting Movement. that they will follow Him. 25 Gandha Banik Bania in West Bengal, India • Pray for Christ to reveal Himself to Varendra Brahman leaders. Pray for a Disciple Making Movement to The sweet fragrances of jasmine, roses, and other emerge among every Brahman community. beautiful flowers have long been associated with the Bania Gandha Banik people whose name means 23 Aguri People of West Bengal, India “merchants of fragrance.” From centuries past to the From the villages, the Aguri people are often moving present they have been successful businesspeople to cities like Kolkotta, or even New York! As Kshatriyas, especially in the areas of importing, banking, and the they have favorable status. manufacturing of perfume, jewelry, pencils, textiles, guns, and medicines. Many Gandha Banik live in The Aguri have access to the JESUS Film, so pray beautiful homes in West Bengal and place great that those who watch it will share with their larger emphasis on education. communities leading to Discovery Bible Studies. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive Approximately 550 Aguri follow Christ. 2 Chron 7:15 to every prayer made in this place. And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground • Pray that you will be encouraged to pray, knowing that 1 Kings 18:39 the Lord will hear your prayers that are in accordance and cried out, “The Lord—he is God! with His will. Yes, the Lord is God!” • Pray the Lord will bring true followers of Christ to have • Pray that today’s people group will understand the vast contact with the Bania Gandha in the areas of business, power and goodness of the Lord. banking, and education. • Pray for a movement to Christ among the Aguri people this decade.


JAN/FEB 2021 JAN/FEB Global Prayer Digest Prayer Global Then all the people gathered as one man at Then all the people gathered Gate. Water of the the open space in front the writer to bring the Ezra They asked which the Lord book of the Law of Moses to Israel. had given All the people saw Ezra open the book, for the people saw Ezra All And all of them. he was standing above when he opened it.all the people stood up to the honor and thanks gave Ezra Then all the people And God. the great Lord while lifting up “Let it be so!” answered, and down their hands. Then they bowed with their faces to the worshiped the Lord ground. Loba People in Nepal Xiang Han Chinese People in China Chinese People Xiang Han

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Pray for an eagerness to hear and heed God’s word Pray for an eagerness to hear and heed God’s among this people group. Pray the Loba will be given a knowledge of their Pray for a disciple making sin and need for a savior. movement among the Loba people this decade. May this people group have Holy Spirit reverence forMay this people group have Holy Spirit the Lord when they hear His word. the ShaozhouPray for a spiritual hunger that will lead people to the only Savior. to spread far andPray for a Disciple Making Movement wide among them this decade.

2020 MAR/APRIL Neh 8:1 Neh Some Lobas practice polyandry, where one woman Some Lobas practice polyandry, husbands arehas more than one husband, and her she is less likelyusually brothers. They do this because husbands. Almostto become a widow if she has many all Loba are zealous believers in Tibetan and reflected by their many temples than worldview Buddhism teaches a very different thinking in one’s that of the Bible. Much readjustment is necessary to begin to understand and believe. • • Many of these nearly one million Xiang Han Chinese nearly one million Many of these trade route the primary in Guangzhou City, people live language is very China. Their spoken to mainland Han Chinese peoples. There than that of other different peoples who have many Christare other Han Chinese be able to get through to thefollowers. They might people. resistant Shaozhou 8:5-6 Neh • • •

58 FRONTIERS MISSION The king asked, “Well, how can I help how The king asked, “Well, of heaven to the God a prayer With you?” … … listen to my prayer! Look down and see Look down … listen to my prayer! people your night and day for me praying sinned against have I confess that we Israel. family and I have my own even Yes, you. sinned! Jhalo Malo in West Bengal, India Jhalo Malo in West Subarna Banik Bania in West Bengal, India SubarnaBanik Bania in West

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Pray that the few believers among the Jhalo Malo will become Holy Spirit-anointed fishers of men. Pray for a powerful movement to Christ among the Jhalo Malo that will spread to other fishing communities. Pray that you will not pass up the chance for short, but prayers when you intercede for the nations. effective Pray for the Lord to raise up believers from amongPray for the Lord to raise up believers people group that will faithfully and fervently today’s pray for their people. for believersPray for God to provide opportunities so theyto develop relationships with the Subarna can meanwill see what the power of the Risen Christ them toin their lives. Pray the Holy Spirit will help positivelyknow how being a follower of Christ could influence their lives.

• • Neh 2:4 Neh Modern methods of fishing have decreased the Jhalo ability to make a living, and many have Malo people’s become landless farmers or seek low paying labor jobs. The Indian government is providing them help in the areas of education. Believers with the gift of story- telling and song-writing can go to them and share the gospel using these popular venues. • • Neh 1:6 Neh Historically to the present the Subarna Banik Banias areHistorically to the present business skills as money-lenders,envied for their amazing in internationalsavvy business traders, and participants in their carefultrading. Their discipline nature is seen skills. details to accounting and bookkeeping




Dear Praying Friends, The Buddhist World Prayer Guide begins in February, so we will join them in prayer for Buddhist peoples for the first two weeks. After that, we will pray each 30 Dolpa People in Nepal day for an Unreached People Group from highly unreached provinces. These provinces were selected Buddhism and the ancient shamanistic Bon religion by Justin Long, who has also written an excellent blend harmoniously side by side among the Dolpo article on pp. 44-47. Imagine what the Lord can do if people in Nepal. Their remote location makes it hard these people groups have been penetrated with the for them to find and follow the only savior. Gospel recordings are available in their language. Perhaps DNA of the Holy Spirit! Please pray faithfully each Nepali believers will be led to take these recordings day this month. to the Dolpos and start a fellowship. In recent years, a 1 Tai Lue few Dolpos have become followers of Christ. They read from the book of the Law of The live in four countries as well as China! Believers from similar people groups can Neh 8:8 God, telling the meaning of it so that they develop culturally-appropriate songs and skits to understood what was read. spread the name of Jesus Christ in Tai Lue villages. • Pray for this people group to understand God’s word In the early 1920s, persecution against new believers

when they hear it. forced them to construct their own village which GLOBAL PRAYER DIGEST • Pray their faith will be strengthened. Ask God to remains Christian today. deliver families and communities within the Dolpa You alone are the Lord. You made the people from fears that hinder them from embracing heavens, the heaven of heavens with all Christ’s blessings. their angels. You have made the earth and Neh 9:6 31 Bodh People in India all that is on it, and the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them, and The Bodh people live in a region where it is very difficult the angels of heaven bow down to You. to grow enough crops or support livestock. But their • May the hearing of God’s word lead to this people spiritual lives are even more challenging. They depend group understanding who God is and the fact that He on shamans to take care of their spiritual needs, and the gave them life. spirits demands a price. The Bodh people live without a God of love and mercy. • Pray for an abundance of teachers to help the Tai Lue people to begin their own movement to Christ. While they stood in their place, they read from the book of the Law of the Lord • Pray that thousands will soon line up along the Mekong River having their sins washed away and their Neh 9:3 their God for a fourth of the day. And for another fourth they told their sins and lives refreshed by Christ for eternity. worshiped the Lord their God. • Pray that hearing the word will lead to deep repentance. • Pray for believers in India to carry the message of Christ to the Bod people. • Pray for a disciple making movement among the Bodh people that will shake the foundations of their spiritual lives and bless them for eternity.