Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction

Volume 6 Issue 2 The Journal of Mine Action Article 8

August 2002

Humanitarian Mine Action in

Hildegard Scheu Consultant

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structure organisational responses. "7 mid-I 993 a tender process for a $12 mil­ to in tegrate overall development priori­ lion road clearance contract. A consor­ ties in the national plan, IND organises Humanitarian Mine History ofMine Action tium of commercial companies was fi­ inter-ministerial coordination biannually. Mine action in Mozambique started nally contracted in mid-1994. The IND has a regional office in Nampula and in 1993. A preliminary plan of action was United Nations' Accelerated Demining one in Sofala province. developed in January 1993, but approved Programme (ADP) starred irs activities in A National Mine Action Plan, based Action in Mozambique by FRELJMO and RENAMO only in the southern provinces at rhe end of on the results of the Landmine Impact November. Irs emphasis was on clearing 1994. At rhe same rime a demining Survey (LIS), was formulated in Novem­ 11 and South Africa . RENAMO targeted roads to facilitate the UNOMOZ peace school was established. After UNOMOZ ber 200 I . The plan covers a period of Mozambique is a geographically vast country populated by diverse ethnic mission, humanitarian aid delivery and withdrew in December I 994, the United five years (2002-2006), with subsequent and linguistic groups. While most areas are not heavily mined, landmines major in frastructure co weaken t he economy; roads, rai lways and power lines the return of and [ DPs. The fo­ Nations D evelopmen t Programme annual work plans scheduled. UNDP and UXO and still affect a large part of its population. The author discusses the cus on emergency-oriented objectives "re­ (UNDP) rook over the management and the donors hope that the national plan past, present and future of mine action in this country. were heavily mined. Both sides have been accused of having used mines to terrorise sulted in a failure to recognise the need financial support of ADP. will enhance and improve the coordina­ civil ians. for long-term demining in rhc country. tion and prioririsarion of operations. The In addition, lirtle attention was placed on Mine Action Coordination Mine Action Plan recognizes the need for by Dr. Hildegard Scheu, The t raditio nal system of gover­ The Peace Agreement rha tended the rhe needs for comprehensive data gath­ Since the end of the civil war, m ine "aggressive and sustained Mine Risk Edu­ Consulting and Training nance, which the socialist Mozambique civil war was signed in Rome in October eri ng and rhe establishment of sustain­ action operations in Mozambique, be cation and marking campaigns ro be re­ Liberation Front (FRELIMO) govern­ 1992, and a UN peacekeeping force, the able indigenous capacities."8 they humanitarian or commercial, have launched"11 based on rhc Program for rhc Introduction and ment sought to abolish after indepen­ United Nations Operation in The United Nations wanted ro es­ been carried out with a minimum of Prevention of Mine Accidents (PEPAM), Background dence, still operates in many villages, bm Mozambique ( UNOMOZ), was de­ tablish a m ine action unit of its own, ro monitoring, coordination or planning at which was executed by Handicap Inter­ legitimacy, functi ons and power diffe r ployed to oversee rhe two-year transition be converted into a national capacity at the national level. The establishment of national (H l) in cooperation with the T he United Natio ns Institute fo r from place to place. "T he level of respect period until multiparty elections were the termination of the UNOMOZ mis­ relatively independent NCO capacities in government between 1995 and 2001. Disarmament Research, Geneva, com­ given to the traditional versus the gov­ held in 1994. sion. Bur donors did not support this plan Mozambique, which persists today, can The Plan also affirms !NO's coordinat­ missioned three pilot studies on Participa­ ernment leadership seems to vary a great Early estimates of the magnitude of and remained commined ro securing largely be seen as a reaction to the slow ing role "to develop a coherent and coor­ tory Monitoring and Evaluatio n (PM&E) d eal. "~ Therefo re, it is essential ro study the landm ine problem in Mozambique demining contracts for specific non-gov­ United Nations response.10 dinated national Survivor and Victim of Huma nitarian Mine Actio n during and understand the governance systems have been modified as more data has be­ ernmental o rganizations (NGOs) or The National Demining Commis­ Assistance Poli cy and Program tha t 2002. Fact-finding missio ns were under­ in place in a village and the complexities come available, and the landmine prob­ commercial operators. The difference in sion (CND), established in May 1995 adopts an integrated long-term approach taken in Cambodia, N icaragua and of com muniry strucwres if HMA is to lem is now considered to be much less approaches benveen the United Nations with representatives from seven minis­ to the plight of victims and survivors." 11 Mozambique' to assess the general state be effective and make an impact on the severe rhan assessed after the 1992 peace and the major donors is seen as the ma­ tries, was supposed to coordinate opera­ The responsibiliry for urvivor and Vic­ of play in human itaria n mine act ion livel ihood of those affected by m ines. accord. C u rrently, land mines no longer jor obstacle in establishi ng a functioning tions, maintain a national database, de­ tim Assistance is shared between the Min­ programmes and activities, including the figure as one of the main obstacles facing 6 central coordinating mechanism. ~ velop strategic plans and set procedures istry of Health (MJNSAU) and the Min­ current provisio ns fo r victim assistance, The Landmine Situation in the country. Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) was for prioritisarion. CON, however, proved istry for Women and the Coordination and ro explore rhe potencial of applying Mozambique Mo7~1 mbique experienced devastat­ the first organisation to establish a unable ro develop the capacity ro set na­ of Social Action (MMCAS). participatory moniroring and evaluation ing floods in 2000 in rhe sourhern prov­ demining capacity in Mozambique in tional priorities. After the development techniques to humanitarian mine actio n. Mine and UXO Contamination inces of Gaza, Maputo and In ham bane, 1993. Areas for clearance were selected of the "National M ine Clearance Strat­ Mozambique Landmine Impact A compilatio n of the history and recent Land mines were fi rst used by the which killed about 600 people, d isplaced on the basis of expected return; egy Approach" (November 1998), follow­ Survey (2001) develo pments in Humanitarian Mine Portuguese during the liberation war of about 200,000 and affected rhe liveli hood priorities were set by the United Nations ing negotiations among the government The Mozambique Landmine Impact Action in Mozambique is summa rized the FREU MO against the Portuguese of about rwo million people. The coun­ High Commissioner for Refugees of Mozambique, the UNDP and major Survey (M LIS) was performed between here. Colonial Power between 1964 and 1974. t ry also suffered a major flood in 200 I in (UNHCR), which also co-financed the donors, CDN was replaced by a new January 1999 and August 200 I on be­ Mozambique is a huge country with After independence in 1975, FREUMO the central provi nces of Sofa Ia , Manica, clearance operations. body with larger autonomy from minis­ hal f of rhe mine-action authorities of the a la nd su rface of 799,380 squa re formed the government and followed a 1ete and Zambezia. After rhe floods, it The Hazardous Area Life-Support terial control. government of Mozambique. Funding kilometres and a long eastern coastli ne Marxist approach, which was soon vio­ was feared rhar displaced m ines would Organization (HALO) Trust carried our In June I 999, the government of ($2.2 mill ion) was provided by rhe Ca­ of approximately 2,700 kilomet res. T he lently opposed by rhe Mozambique Na­ pose an uncontrollable risk, but fortu­ a first national Level One Survey of rhe Mozambique established the National Jn­ nadian International Development population of about 18 m illion (2002)2 tional Resistance (RENAMO) supported nately, the accident rare did nor increase. mine situation in 1993 under contract srirurc for Demining (IN D) with a man­ Agency (CJDA) as part of the Canadian is composed of different ethnic, linguis­ by Rhodesia and South Africa. T he civi l Mine specialists claimed that mines might for the Unired Nations Office for Hu­ dare to coordinate, supervise and man­ Mine Action Programme in Mozambique. t ic and religious groups. Mozam bique is war benveen 1977 and 1992 caused m il­ have been washed into the river and into manitarian Assistance Coordination age the cost-effective execution of a na­ The principal findings were as fol­ amo ng rhe least developed countries in lions of people to fl ee their villages and the ocean and in some rare cases might (UNOHAC). T he survey did not cover tional mine action p lan. Since March lows:11 the worl d. lt has a gross national product li ve as internally d isplaced persons (IDPs) have floated to other areas, bur in general the whole country and recorded only 981 2000, UNDP has been providing tech­ • Land mines affect all I 0 provinces (GNP) of $230 (U.S.) per capita and a or refugees. this has not grown into a major problem. mined areas ofrhe I ,761 registered in the nical assistance to IND designed to im­ of Mozambique and 123 out of 128 dis­ poverry level of almost 70 percent. l Ac­ Most of the landmines laid down in Most areas arc not heavily mined, National Mine C learance Commission's prove the capaciry of the latter to fulfil triers. cording ro 1999 figures, life expectancy Moza m b ique were emplaced by but the presence-or even assumed pres­ database by early 1999. It also did not irs mandate, which it will continue co do • At least I .5 m illion persons, repre­ is 39.8 years, the adult illiteracy rare is FRE LTM O and RENAMO between ence-of land m ines and UXO remains address the socio-economic impact of until March 2003. A National Demining senting no less than nine percent of rhe 56.8 percent, and rhe primary school 1978 and 1990. The government used a significant obstacle to development. "A land mines. Fund was also established. national population in I 997, are affected enrolment rate is o nly 40 percent. HIV/ landmines mainly to protect important substantial demining capacity will there­ With the Un ited Nations having dif­ IND is a semi-auronomous govern­ by landmines. AIDS is becoming a major problem with in frastructure and st rategic sires. fore be needed for many years to come. ficulties establishing its own mine clear­ mental institute that reports directly to • Ofrhe landmine-affecred commu­ an overall adult prevalence of about 14 M ineflelds were also laid along the bor­ H owever, the priorities will appear less ance capaciry, the organisation began in rhe Minister of rorcign Affairs. In order nities, 768 are classified as rural; however, percent of the populatio n above 15 years." ders with Malawi, Zambia, Z imbabwe pressing, and it will be necessary to re-

• 22 • • 23 • Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2002 1 Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 6, Iss. 2 [2002], Art. 8

23 urban communities, incl uding three mine accidents were fatal because the vic­ Ananda S. Millard from the Assistance cannot be used. If the land cleared is nor cenr yea rs, which can be seen as an indi­ personnel mines, 538 anri-rank mines with more than 30,000 inhabitants a re tims lacked (rapid) access ro health services. to Mine-Affected Communities (AMAC) of viral importance to people, a high level cation that people had identified rhe lo­ and 34,386 UXO were removed and de­ also affected. In 1996, HI began the systematic Project ar rhe I nternarional Peace Re­ of confidence is needed for them ro use cations of mines and VXO and knew to stroyed. • A roral of I ,374 Suspected M ined collecting dara on mine and VXO accidents search Institute of Oslo (PRIO), con­ rhar land. "For agencies, iris essential to avoid those areas. There was no shortage In 2001, four major humanitarian Areas (SMAs) were identified. They cover under its Project of National Coord ina­ ducted an impact srudy in three mine­ know rhe degree to which affected people of cultivable land, and subsistence activi­ organisations were operating in a n estimated 562 square ki lometres. t io n of Educatio nal Activit ies for rhe affected communities in Mozambique in are dependent upon rhe resource that is ties like hunting, fishing or charcoal pro­ Mozambique: ADP, NPA, HALO Trust Some 4 1 percent cover areas of less than Populatio n to Prevent M ine Accidents 2000. 1 ~ being freed through demining."22 duction were not prevented by rhe pres­ and H I. One distinctive feature of mine I ,000 square metres and less than five (PEPAM). 16 Between 1996 and 2000, M ine clearance operators work o n The Capirizanje case srudy illustrates ence of mines. Consequently, none of action in Mozambique has been the ex­ percent are large r tha n o ne squa re 564 victims were recorded, specifically the assumption that rhe phys ical rem oval rhe potentially distorting consequences of these eight villages identified demining tent of commercial involvement. By kilometre. 309 m en, 84 women and 17 1 chil d ren of mines will have an "automatic impact," fa iling ro consider the full impact of a as their chief priority in regards to exter­ 1997, as much as 45 percent of rhe total • Nine years after the end of rhe hos­ under 15 years old. Sixty-seven percent which is not always the case. Also, there clearance. T he inrended objective of rhe na l assistance. Nevertheless, all villages funding had gone to different commer­ 4 ti lities, landmine accidents sti ll occur: at of all accidents occurred in the provinces may sometimes be negative effects. In clearance at Capirizanje was to facilitate expressed rhe wish to hosr a demining cial corn pan ies. ! least 172 ofrhe rota! of2, 145 landmine Maputo, In ham bane and Zambezia, and o rder w analyse the possible impact, op­ rhe return of refugees that would pass agency, because of the positive side effects victims recorded during the MUS had o nly seven percent in the northern prov­ eratOrs have to find answers ro a number through rhe area and to reduce rhe acci­ of hosting an HMA agency, such as the Accelerated Demining Programme come to harm during the two years pre­ inces N ampula, Niassa a n d Cabo of questio ns, such as: How will the re­ dent potential. T he actual result, how­ improvement of roads and transport After the civil war, UNOMOZ ini­ ceding it. Delgado. The majori ty of accidents oc­ sources freed by demini ng affect rhe d is­ ever, was that many returning refugees availability. t iated ADP, and demobilised soldiers • SMAs most frequently impact ag­ curred while rhe victims were engaged in rribution ofwealth in a community? How decided to serde in rhe newly cleared area The community srudy approach has from borh sides were trained as deminers. ricultural land, roads and non-agricul­ subsistence activities. T he fac t rhat men do mines affect power relationships instead of jusr passing through. If the proved to be an important tool for set­ When the peacekeeping mission ended tural land used for hunting, gathering constitute rhe majority of the victims may among the population? W ho will benefi t operators had rried to understand the ring priorities and is particularly relevant in 1995, ADP became a UNDP project. firewood, and other economic and cui­ be explained by rheir greater involvement from demining? perspectives of those being affected by rhe for rhe implememarion phase of Within the UN system, UNDP is respon­ rural purposes. Blocked access w drink­ in economic activities like fa rming, hunt­ Operarors should establish knowl­ operation, this impact could have been demining projects. sible fo r "addressing the socio-economic ing water due to SMAs is less frequent, ing and transportatio n. An additional edge of land rights, land ownership and foreseen. Operators need to be able to As Millard and Harpviken note, "In consequences oflandmine contamination bur ir nonetheless has a serio us impact. hy pothesis is t hat t he re is also an local land tenure systems prior w clear­ identify the impact that an operation will a country like Mozambique, where rhe and for supporting national/local capac­ • Drawing on the Mine Impact underreporring bias in rhe case of women. ance. Simila rly, knowledge and under­ have for rhe local population. majority of tasks have only a micro-level ity building" as well as "for rhe develop­ Score (M IS), 20 commu ni t ies wi t h C hildren become victims mainly either standing of local relations a nd local lead­ In the spring of 200 I, Ananda impact, where the number of accidents ment of integrated, sustainable national 36,000 inhabiranrs are classified as hi gh­ as a res ult of manipulating grenades, ership structures is essential, as local lead­ Millard also carried o ur a pilot srudy in is rarely an accurate indication of impact mine action programmes."25 impact, 164 communities with 393,000 in­ ammunition and orher UXO o r parts ership is not standardised across commu­ Manica province usi ng the community level, and where communities have largely At present, ADP is undergoing habitants are classified as medium-impact, th ereof or when helping with subsistence nities. Respecting the autho ri ty (or au­ srudy approach. T he pilot study used in­ developed alternatives to using mined transformation into an independent na­ and 607 communities with 1.1 mi lli o n in­ tasks such as herding animals, coll ecting tho rities) in the vill age and bui lding re­ formation from the C l DC LIS to iden­ areas, rhe community study approach is tional NGO. UNDP will continue to habi tants are classified as low-impact. firewood, or harvesting and hunting. T he lationships with the com munity is a pre­ tify nine communities as sires for rhe very useful in the identification of pri­ mobilise funds for ADP, bur upon This classi fication is used fo r prior­ study concluded that continued mine risk condition for maximising impact. "The studies. The two high-impact communi­ orities. Moreover, rhe need to ensure that completion of ADP's regisrration as an ity setting fo r Technical Surveys (Survey red uctio n education (MRRE) is impor­ broad issue of community relationships ties and seven medium-impact ones impact materializes also requires a clear NGO, donors may choose to fund the II) and clearance operations in the Five­ tant especially fo r making children aware is closely linked to the more special issue (picked from a larger number of medium­ understanding of how the community programme directly. 1 2 Year Natio nal M ine Action Plan 2002- of the dangers of mines and UX0. ' of confidence in clearance." °Confidence impact communities in Manica province) functions and how operators might best ADP operates in the three southern 2006. Ofrhe 1,729 com munities polled by buildi ng is a process rather than an event. were selected. None of rhese nine com­ adapt their work to suit a particular vil­ provinces of Maputo, Gaza and The M IS is a standardized ranking rhe LIS, 18 791 identified themselves as Millard found that in many cases, the munities had previously undergone a lage. On this basis, rhe community study Inhambane.Irs annual budget is approxi­ instrume nt approved by rhe S urvey m ine-affected. Of these, 429 comm uni­ population did nor use rhe cleared land technical survey. approach seemed an appropriate tool to mately $4 million. ADP employs ap­ Working Group. lt refl ects three aspects ties reported a roral of2, 14 5 victims since immediately. Instead it rakes a long time Ananda M illard fi rst trained I 0 lo­ fulfil NPA's needs."23 proximately 500 Mozambican nationals of rhe mine situation as it affects a given I 964, the start of rhe independence before somebody starts using the area. cal NPA staff in rhe "philosophy" of im­ The study also argues rhat, given the and five international advisors, who are community: struggle. This total must be considered a W hen no accident happens, other people pact assessment and impact maximising, financial constraints for mine clearance responsible for management, operations • The types oflandmines, UXO and minimum, since 3 1 communi ties re­ might follow. It "seems that this is often in rhe use of methodological tools and in in the years to come, iris of crucial impor­ and qualiry assurance. munitions ported "many" victims but could not give I inked to con flde nce in cleara nce. "2 1 clara analysis and report writing. Group tance to consider economic and social The field operations consist of l 0 • The categories of land, infrastruc­ even an approximate estimate. Generally, Clearing a m inefield according w exist­ interviews, open interviews with key lo­ impact in setting priorities for demining manual demining platoons, two indepen­ ture and service areas to which landmines as the number of mine victims is low in ing technical standards is simply nor good cals and surveys were used as the primary and rhar alternatives to rhe removal of dent demining sections for smaller clear­ or UXO are blocking access both absolute and relative terms, their enough. Unless rhe areas are rrusted and methods, complemented by a review of mines also be explored in order to sup­ ance tasks, four survey teams and a mine­ • The numbe r of v ictims o f medical, economical, social and psycho­ taken into use, rhe operatio n has fai led. secondary documents (when available) port the development of communities. detection dog ream. The Finnish Flail land mines o r UXO in rhe two years pre­ logical needs do not figure pro m inently The ul timate objective of humani­ and participatory observations during the Team provides a Mechanically Assisted ceding rhe group interviews of rhe (LI S). 1s in social programmes in Mozambique. tarian mine clearance is making an im­ field work. Three reams were formed and Mine Clearance Mine Clearance capability. The demining pact on people's livelihoods. Millard and each conducted three community stud­ platoons are capable of operating in small Landmine Victim Data The Socio-Economic Impact of Harpviken argue for the necessity to fo l­ ies each. From 1992 to 2000, a total of groups rhar rapidly respond to priority Reliable data on mine victims is nor Mines low-up project areas regularly after project Only one village our of nine, which 200,169,636 square metres was cleared, tasks. The Mine Clearance Training W ing available. Compared w other mine-af­ W hile the victim rate is used as a completion in o rder ro be able to evalu­ was close to a minefiel d ar rhe Zimba­ including 60,821,630 square metres of of ADP runs a DeminingTraining School fected countries, the numbers are com­ m ajo r indicawr of rhe socio-economic ate rhe long-term impact of demini ng. bwean border, had suffered a number of land, 68,323,951 kilometres of road, in Moarnba near Maputo, which supplies paratively low and definitely declining impact of m ines, o ther aspects of impact Many m ine-affected commu nities accidents involving civilians in the recent 68,8 13,455 square metres of power line technical demining training (e.g. the use over rime. A study carried our by HI in have o nly recently begun ro be explored have developed coping strategies ro deal past. Some vi llages reported accidents conductors and 2,260,000 square metres ofspecific mine detectors suited for very 1993 found that 50-60 percent of the in more derail in Mozambique. with rhe situatio n that certain resou rces immediately after rhe war, bur not in re- of railway lines. A total of 7 1,476 anti- highly contaminated soi ls), refresher • 24 • • 25 • 2 Scheu: Humanitarian Mine Action in Mozambique

training, and survey courses for survey Handicap International (HI) ropean Union and the World Bank, have ar rhe request of UNHCR in 1993. Key civic education into all relevanr subjects. building long-term rrusr and confidence ream commanders. Deminers from NPA l n 1997, HI starred irs lnhambane cont racted commercial companies for per~ons from other o rganisations like the HI's proposal has been accepted by rhe between the outside mine action agents, and HALO Trust were also uained here. Mine Clearance Project (IMCP) in clearance casks, like MineTech (Zimba­ Mozambican Red Cross, health person­ National Institute for the Development the development agents and the commu­ lnhambane province. Jr recruited and bwe), Mechem (South Africa), Empresa nel, reachers and local leaders in mine­ of Education. The process of revising the nities. It is also a first step towards com­ Norwegian People's Aid trained four reams of 36 deminers. In Mos:ambicana de Desminagem, Lda, affected villages were trained to spread school curriculum began in 2001, and rhe munity development, as rhe momentum N PA operates in rhe central prov­ 2001, H I employed four reams of 12 (EMD), Afrovira (Mozambique), Lon rho mine awareness messages. Starring from new curriculum is to be introduced in 2003. initiated through mine awareness and inces. N PA employs approximately 570 deminers each, one ream of22 deminers, (Mozambique) and Special Clearance rhe local level in Tete province, HI pro­ community mine action (reponing, keep­ staff and uses both manual demining and one ream of eight people for techni­ Services (Zimbabwe). gressively built a network of 84 GTZ!Mine Tech ing up marking signs, developing coping units (nine) and mine detection dogs cal surveys. It also hires dogs with their The German Development and organisations (public and private) up to GTZ began to collaborate with the strategies where mined areas cannot be (about 30). It has a training fi eld fo r dogs handlers from South Africa when needed. Cooperation Agency (GTZ) has hired rhc national level. HI initiated and coor­ Zimbabwean demining company used for subsistence production, ere.) and Mozambican dog handlers. Efforts are concentrated on those small M ineTech for the demining components dinated the PEPAM National Mine MineTech in 1994, when, on behalf of could easily be transferred to other de­ One objective of the clearance areas rhar are in close proximity to serrle­ of irs integrated developmem projects in Awareness/MRRE Programme from UNHCR, it carried our the demining of velopment activities. project is ro encourage maximum local ments in o rder ro meet rhe needs oflocal, Manica and Sofala provinces. The col­ 1995 until 200 I, when rhe coordination roads in preparation for rhe passage of participation in fighting rhe landmine district and provincial populations. "Prox­ laborative efforr led to rhe developmem was transferred to IND. An evaluation refugees. Minefields were cleared around Cruz Vermelha de Mozambique problem in an environmentally conscious im ity demining" also refers ro the close con­ of rhe Integra t ed H umanitarian of materials developed by PEPAM was villages, schools, health posts and ocher (Mozambican Red Cross) manner. In areas where demining is un­ race mainrained between rhe demining Demining lor Development (!HOD) carried our and published in 1999Y viral infrastructure in the two provinces The Mozambican Red Cross is a dertaken, N PA also cooperates w ith reams and the affected population. app roach and the Community Mine After the floods in February and of Manica and Sofala, where GTZ sup­ cooperating partner in the PEPAM Mozambica n government agencies ro HI selects potential sires for Awareness for Development (CMAD) March 2000, HI, in collaboration with ports rural reconstruction and develop­ programme. It carries our mine aware­ provide community and p ri mary health demining o n the basis of prio ri ty, local concepr. 10 IND carri ed out an intensive awareness ment cooperation projects. GTZ and ness activities in 56 districts. While HI care services. needs, immediate value to local commu­ campaign on the danger of mines from Mine-Tech jointly developed the concept provides training and material, Red Cross NPA cooperated with the AMAC nities, local plans, porenrial rehabilitation Armed Forces ofMozambique March to Ocrober 2000 in rhe southern of! HOD char puts people and their com­ agenrs and community volunteers imple­ project (based at PIUO) in rhe Manica funding, minefield size and input from In 2000, the United Stares Scare provinces. Similar campaigns were car­ munities ar the cenrre. IHDD relies on menr rhe programme. Nowadays, there pilot swdy mentioned earlier. After the other organisations. Priorities are ser in Deparrmenr provided rhe Mozambican ried our in March 200 I in the Zambezi the local population ro gather informa­ is not much emphasis on MRRE, and the AMAC training in the community stud­ collaboration with the provincial and dis­ military (FADM) with demining equip­ valley, which had flooded before. tion about the mined areas and UXO. new priorities are H IV I AIDS prevention ies approach, NPA identified a ream of trict administrations. Close contacts are ment and vehicles as well as funds for HI developed a database of i m ple­ At rhe same rime, !HOD recognises that and disaster preparedness. The Red Cross rhree trainees ro create an impact assess­ established with rhe local commu nities demining. Umil 1999, rhe Mozambican menring partners and activities in since demining is expensive and money also provided Mine Victim Assistance in menr unit. The goal of this unit is "to at demining sites. Department of Defence supported m il i­ MRRE, which operates from IND's of­ available for clearance is limited, many rhe provinces of Niassa, Cabo Delgado provide N PA-Mozambique Mine Action tary training, which also included the fices in MaputO and Nampula. A user's communities have ro live with rhe explo­ and Gaza. Unit with information on socio-eco­ People Against Landmines training of deminers. The military runs a guide ro this database was also developed sive legacy of rhe war for quire some rime. nomic impact at rhe m icro-level."26 (Menschen gegen Minen} demining school in accordance wirh in­ and installed in 200 I. It is rhus imperative to develop means to Survivor Assistance Menschen gegen Minen (MgM) is ternational standards. Though military HI developed a sua regie proposal for enable rhe communities to prevent mine HALO Trust a German NCO that has been working demining units were involved in mine integrating MRRE in to rhe education and UXO accidents. The number of amputees is esti­ HALO Trust operates in the norrh­ in humanitarian mine clearance since clearance along a power line from Sourh system.n The proposal has three major Parr of MineTech's work was gath­ mated at I 0,000 people, which includes ern provinces of Cabo Delgado, N iassa, 2000. After rhe floods at rhe Limpopo Africa to Maputo as well as orher tasks, objectives: ( J) capacity building of reach­ ering information from key informants all forms and reasons for amputation, like Nampula and Zambczia. I n 2000, River in 2000, MgM handled emergency rhey do nor play any major role in hu­ ers and i nsrructors of teachers ar teacher's and giving mine awareness lectures with traffic accidents, work accidenrs, diseases, HALO had 125 employees and a budget tasks. Currently iris working on a mine­ manitarian demining. training colleges, (2) producing and dis­ the help of wooden mine and UXO mod­ landmine accidents, etc. Special of$1,105.426.r suspected area along the railway line in T he military was in charge of rhe seminating didactic material, and (3) els to rhe communities gathered at a cen­ programmes for mine accident survivors Priorities for clearance are set in co­ the Limpopo valley in Gaza province. landmine stockpile destruction in Sep­ technical assistance for rhe implemenra­ tral place. After some rime, rhe limita­ or for the families of mine victims do nor ordination with rhe respective provincial Manual demining reams, rwo dog teams tember 2001, when about 600 ami-per­ rion and institutionalisation of MRRE tions of this top-down approach became exist in Mozambique. Governor, who gives his priority ranking and mechanical equipment are used. The sonnel m ines were destroyed. FADM has wirhin the school sysrem. PEPAJVI and obvious, and a pilot project to develop The responsibility for physical reha­ to a li st w ith surveyed areas given by demining reams also assist rhe local popu­ submirred a detailed workplan and bud­ the Ministry of Education collaborate at new, participative methods was under­ bili tation rests with MINSAU, which HALO, which is rhen compared against lation in clearing singular mines and get to IN D for the destruction of the ex­ different levels: national, provincial taken in Cheringoma district in Sofala runs the nine orrhoprosrheric centres (one HALO's own ranking. A final decision is UXO when called upon. isting 37,500 anti-personnel mines in irs (Dircc<;:ao provincial de Educa<;:iio) and province in 1998.14 The result was the in each provincial capital except for rhe 1 1 made jointly. A socio-economic impact possession through 2003.~ The govern­ local (Direcs;ao Disrriral de Educas:ao). CMAD concepr. ' CMAD is based on Gaza and Manica provinces). In 1995, assessmenr prior ro operations is nor per­ Commercial Companies ment of Mozambique is committed to The technical as well as pedagogical ad­ participatory, inreracrive methods and the programme of physical rehabilitation formed. In 2000, the U.S. Scare Departmenr fulfil rhe obligations ofstockpile destruc­ visors of PEPAM support rhe Ministry aims at mobilising and enabling commu­ of disabled people implemenred by rhe HALO's "simple mission srare­ provided $3.14 m ill ion for demining to tion as per Article Four of rhe Onawa of Educatio n and its deparrmenrs. nities to effectively deal with rhe mine ICRC was taken over by Prosthetics and ment-gerring mines our of rhe ground, RONCO, an American company. The Mine Ban Convention, wh ich In mine affected areas, 403 so-called threat and rake adequate actions. Com­ Orthotics Worldwide Education and now"28 seems to be reflected in the way ir company employs about I 00 Mozambican Mozambique has signed and rarified. zones of pedagogical influence (ZIP) were munity-based awareness raising and Rel ief ( POWER) Mozambique, a operates: establish ing communication, deminers in eight teams with mine de­ formed under the local education au­ learning risk-reduction behaviour are the nationalised NGO scarred by the UK­ creating rapport and building confidence tection dogs. One major cask is rhe clear­ Mine Risk Reduction thorities, each with a coordinator, usu­ most important elements. Community based NGO POWER. In I 999, full re­ with rhe community in proximity of rhe ance of the Sena Railway Line. RONCO Education ally a school director or a teacher-2,065 volunreers are trained as mine awareness sponsibility was transferred ro rhe clearance operation is nor an explicit parr also provides supporr to IND ro train teachers have been trained. facilitatOrs and intermediaries betwee n MINSAU. of their mission.29 their personnel and improve rhe database. Handicap International PEPAM's technical advisors are also rhe local population and the clearance All the orrhoprosrhetic centres carer Humanitarian agencies and donors, H I began Mine Awareness Educa­ involved in revising of the school curricu­ organisation as well as national demining to all disabled, and the percentage of mine including UNHCR, UNICEF, the Eu- tion Programmes for rerurning refugees lum and integrating MRRE as a parr of authorities. It is essentially a process of victims is steadily declining. W hile

Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2002 • 26 • • 27 • 3 Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 6, Iss. 2 [2002], Art. 8

landmine victims accounted for 29 per­ fund mine action activities directly. manirarian Affai rs. New York 1997: p. 18-21. 10. UNOP/GICHD: A Study of Socio-Economic Ap­ • cern of new patienrs in 1997, they ac­ !lro:~c h es ro Mine Ae1ion, Gc:m:va: M.1 rch 200 I: p. I S2 . ll. lnsriruro Naciona\ de Dc:sminagcm (INO): The Five· counted for only nine percenr in 2000. Conclusion Year N::uio n :~l Mine Action Pbn 2002-2006. Mapuro· I ~ Novem­ Community Liaiso n1n ber 2001 (lm p:l/w.. POWER still provides technical support 12. Ibid. p. rsff. to the MINSAU fo r runnin g t he Although most areas in 13. Ibid. p. 20f. 14. Republic of Mozambique: Impact Survey. orrhoprosthetic services. Mozambique affected by landmines and August 200 I : I I. UXO are not heavily mined, the presence 1 S. Ibid. p. 79ff. The Mozambican Red C ross, in co­ 16. H andica p lmernation:tl, "A recolha de d:tdos ~obrc M ine Action: operation with Jaipur Limb Campaign of mines and UXO continues to repre­ :1cidenres com m inas c c n gcnho~ c:xplosivm em Mopmbiquc," PE PAM 19%-2000, Maputo' H I. J ulho 2001. (JLC), established an orthopaedic centre sent an impediment to development. 17. Ibid. p. 36. ~MAG Landmine action in the country is pri­ 18 . Republic of Mozarnbi(jUC: Landmine Impact Survey. Partnerships for Growth in Manjacaze district, Gaza province, in August 2001 : 311T. CLEARS MINES SAVES LIVES BU ILDS FUTURES 2000. Most beneficiaries are victims of marily carried our by a number of for­ 19 . A. S. Millard and K. B. H upvikcn, Reassesessmcnt Unit. lntt"r­ International Standi ng Committee of three people had been injured. tul Draft. Tete, NPA·Moz;unbi(pJe 2001. cired in Ibid . p. 2). Experts (ISCE) meeting in Geneva was policy. But a lo t still has to be done to clear that rhe needs of mine victims are 27. Mozamb ique, l.-1ndm ine Monitor R(·pon 2001, http:!/> for P s;vdopment (CMADl. Brm­ .sd s, 23 and 24 Fcbru;.tr}' 1999. Conft:"rcncc RqKm. Eschborn: GTZ. case, the impact of mines and UXO is help explain how as an alternative means of transport in order Endnotes 38-55. Interne!: hrrp:// most ofren to be considered within a we understand ir. to enhance their mobility and livelihood. Scheu. H lmegrienc hurnanir:ire Emminung die Enrwicklung im la nd lidu:n Mt)Sambik. In: L:mdmincn und dercn L. T ht.: :1111hor mer rcprescm;uivcs of major pbycr) in Mine wider context of economic, social and The G lobal ~· Report Vcrl<~g, June 2000. 52-')3. 1\crion :md im1innions in Moi'.ambiquc [;n 22 Ocw­ 36. Rcpt'iblicJ d t: Mos-;un biqw:, MinisrCrio da Mulher c bcr-3 November 2001. A field rrip was made with H .l!ldic,tp lntcr­ political recovery from conflict. Prioritisarion Impact Survey pro­ Mine Action Funding Coordcnao;:ao d,1 Ac~;iv Soci:tl: Politica par:~ a Pcssoa Ponadora de n:uional (H I) tO two communities wili1 a mine dc:u:IIIL"e progr;~ mmc . cess enables us to Dc ft c iCn..:i:~, Nov. 2000 and appropriate action are therefore ro be 2. lu1 p: //y,ww.ine.gnv.m7/ indicadorc)2/imags/popul::u;:io 37. Moz:unbit(Ue, Landmine Mon itor Report 2001, Im p :// _abso!tna2002.gif Onstinuo Nacion:1l de Es1at ls1ic.t) taken ar rhe same level. Furthermore, the understand the im­ According ro rhe Landmine Moni­ www.icbl.orgllm/2000 /reporr/LM\XIcb-07.php3. p. 4 of 12. 3. World Report No. 20521: Mem(Jrandum of the individuals and groups in rhe equation pact of landmines tor Report 2001 , mine action fu nding presiJc:m ofthe IIH('rnalional Dcvelopmem A~soc i.11ion and the In· lc: r n<~ti on a l Finance Corpor;Hion tO 1he Executive Dirccrors on .1 are not passive and helpless but active parts and UXO on basic totalled some $17 million in 2000. Of Cmumy Assistance S ~r ategy of t he \X'oriJ [lank Croup for the Rc· Contact Information human n eeds and this, $6.6 million was allocated to the public oUvlozambique, June 14, 2000: p. 2. of the process and worthy of respect. 4. UNDP Hum~n Devdopmcm Report 2001 (f;tblc 1 Hu~ In the m id-1 990s, MAG developed on rhe longer-term IND, and $ 10.6 mi ll ion was provided to man Devdopmcnt lndc:x, Table 10 Literacy and Enrolment, Table 7 D r. Hildegard Scheu Leading global he;~ld1 crises .l!ld challenges) the practice of applying a CL model to developmental pro­ mine clearance organisationsY 5. Millard, Anand.t S. & Kristian Berg Harpviken (1/2001): Consulting and Training :1 cess and economy Major donors are rhe UNDP with Community Studies in Practice: lrnplerm.·nting Nc:w Approach to Stedrer Weg 13 mine action situations in Angola. We be­ Landmine lmp:~c1 Assessment with lluustrations from Mozambique. and thus is a factor funds from Canada, Sweden, Denmark, PRIO Report 112001. Oslo: International Peace Research lns1i1ute Germany I Alemanha lieve in working together with all actors (!'RIO ), p. )8 ro find the best solution to problems. The in establishing rhe Switzerland, Germany, and Ireland, as 6 . UNDP/GJCH O : A Stud)'ofSocio-Economic Approaches Tel: +49-(0) 6 172-898235 long-rerm priorities well as the individual countries of w Minc:Acrion, C.enCV;i: March 2001: p. 149 Fax: +49-(0) 6 172-7030 human subjects- the communities rhat 7. Ibid. p. 1 SO. for humanitarian 8. Ibid. p 1 S 1. E-mail: [email protected] live in mined areas or thar have been Canada, Norway, Germany, Austria, the mine action. That • Following clearance, a safe IDP camp has developed in Muachimbo, 9 . F.,,ton er ai: Mozambiq ue: The De,·dopmenc of lnd ig· driven from mined areas and wish to re- Netherlands and rhe United Stares, which r.:nous Mine Action Capacities. United Natiom Department of Hu· outside Luena. A school and health centre have now taken root. being said, the sur- • 28 • 4 • 29 •