ALUMNI and RUSH WEEK 1 -, "Dcrick ; and Walter Da\Idson, V~Twaukce
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1933 The Sooner Magazine Valley ; Miss Fay Rackley, Purcell ; Mrs. Joe Haight, Mrs. Shannon Hamm, and Miss Floy Grinunitt, of Shawnee; Mrs. O. C. Keegan, Bartlcsville, and Mrs. Curtis F. Bryan, Tulsa. ('In Omega; Mrs. D. L. Rittito, Mrs. Vernon C. Mitchell, Mrs. Junius W. Dyke, Mrs. J . Lloyd Party, Mrs. Robert D. Curran, Mrs. P. Week P. Gibbons, Mrs. A. E. Gray, Mrs. Nesbitt L. Alumni and Rush Cor- Miller, Mrs. Jack Shaffcr, Mrs. Robert S. win, Mrs. James A. Jones, jr ., Mrs. Clifford Loucks, Miss Christine Spalsbury, Miss Eliza- beth Bcarly, Miss Mary Morrison, Miss Louise Garret, Miss Patty Patterson, Miss Enid Cole, garct Pyle, Pauls Valley ; Mrs. Bob Brown and record was estab- Miss Petway, Miss ANEW Mrs. Bill Brown, Duncan ; Mrs. Paul Rice, Miss Virginia Miller, Miss Jack lished in fraternity pledging at fall rush Louise Craddock, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Rob- Cleo Clark, Miss Doris Duncan, Miss Eleanor this year, with a total of 393 students erta Bagby, Mrs. Jack Pugh, Miss Margaret Hansen, and Miss Margaret Eisenbcis, of Ok- dates of men's Moody, Miss Virginia Moody, Miss Catherine lahoma City ; Miss Jessie Lone Clarkson, Miss pledged as a result of first Sin Claire Harnss, and Mrs. Clarence McElroy, Leavitt, Miss Joanna Schaffer, Miss Beryl Bar- fraternities and preferential pledging of of Chickasha; Vernelle Seward, Shawnee ; nett, Mrs. Lester Sharp, Mrs. John Tate Brit- Miss Mrs. women's fraternities . Women pledges tain, Mrs. Elizabeth Steen, Mrs. William Krepps, George Russell and Miss Margaret Stanley, numbered 161 (compared to 150 last Miss Evelyn Boring, Miss Margaret Harrison, of Norman . with 215 Mrs. Ross Hume, Miss Louise Street, Miss Myra Kappa Alpha Theta: Mrs. Roy Johnson, New- year) and men 230 (compared kirk ; Mrs. Phil Kidd, and Mrs. Bennie Owen, Ross, Mrs. Walter Thornton, Mrs. John Lambe, at the end of first dates last year). Norman ; Miss Peggy Stephenson, Mrs. Carl Mrs. George Birdscyc, Mrs. Jim Musgrave, Miss Ford, Mrs Winston Enid ; Miss Mary More alumni returned this year for Mary Louise Stokes and Miss Anne Stinnett, of . Eason, Lee Gribi, ; Marjorie Norris, rush than any previous time, a survey Oklahoma City ; Mrs. T. Jack Foster, Mrs. Jap Chickasha Miss made by The Sooner Magazine shows. Haskell, Mrs. John (able, Mrs. L. N. Morgan, Ada; Mrs. Frederick Shaw, Mrs. Earl Bentley, Mrs. Ed Meacham, Mrs. Jo Richards, and Mrs. Mrs. I-Larry Griffin, Mrs. Paul Klarrow, Mrs. Alumni who returned as reported to the Walter Morgan, Mrs. Claude Monnett, Mrs. Hu ;h McDermott, of Norman. Louie Kneeland, Mrs. C. O. Burnside, Mrs. J. Magazine follow : Kappa Kappa Gamma ; Miss Mary Helen Alpha Xi Delta ; Miss Marian Flinn, Miss J. Bolinger, Mrs. Paul Dudley, Mrs. Lyle Brush, Potter, Miss Betty Evans, Miss Betty Cassidy, Julia Elcy, Miss Margaret Kernodle, Miss Eliza- Miss Mex Rodman, Miss Aleyne Finerty, Miss Mrs. Bjorne Rossebo, Mrs. Don Walker, and beth Norta, Miss Alice Garet, Miss Virginia Mor- Lois Steel, Miss Nell Marie Berry, Miss Har- Miss Leslie Crawford, of Ardmore ; Miss Helen ris, Miss Bonnie Thomas, and Miss Irene Bar- riet Willis, Miss Evelyn Hcfner and Miss Rose Virginia Kelly, Drutnright ; Mrs. John L. Col- bour, of Oklahoma City. Mary Lamb, of Oklahoma City . lins, Bristow ; Mrs. William Stacy, Mrs. L. M. Phi Mu : Mrs. Martin Mars, Dallas, Texas; Delta Delta Delta; Miss Martha Garber, Miss Black, Mrs. Ned Holman, Mrs. Gale Grubbs, Mrs. Lydia Roarein, New York City ; Mrs. Antoinette Martin, Miss Doris McKnight and Miss Elizabeth Crist, Miss Virginia Lester, Miss Phil Gale, San Antonio, Texas; Mrs. Roberta Miss Helen Gottschalk, of Enid ; Mrs. Lee Mor- Phocbc Jo Shull, Mrs. Ralph May and Miss Alden, Tulsa ; Miss Edith Mayes and Miss My- rison, Mrs. Ruth Moore Jones, Mrs. Vernon Clement Cruce, of Oklahoma City ; Mrs. Rob- riam Moyer, Enid ; Mrs. L. K. Anderson, Miss Crook, Miss Virnie Goudlock, and Mrs. Pearl ert Jordan, Mrs. William Berry, Mrs. Christine Doris Taylor, Miss Kathleen Mauck, Miss Eva Concgys, of Oklahoma City ; Mrs. Bill Marrs, Squire Hill and Miss IIylagene Robberson, of Louise Lanire, Mrs. Stella Siler, Mrs. Barney Omega, New Jersey ; Miss Ruth Ray, Bartlesville ; Norman ; Miss Mary Anna Millican and Miss Crawford, Mrs. Raymond West, Mrs. William Miss Mary Robinson, Vernon, Texas; Miss Ann Joyce Cole, of Fort Worth, Texas; Miss Mar- Pretty, Miss Lucille Nash . Holt, Dallas, Texas; Miss Mary Catherine Pierce, garet Holtzendorff and Miss Leta Holtzendorff, Alpha Chi Omega: Mrs. Carl Windsor, Wich- Quanah, Texas. of Claremore; Mrs. J. T. Hann, of McPherson, ita, Kansas ; Mrs. Peyton Wemyss-Smith, Okla- Kappa Sigma: Ralph Brand, Moore; Bill Wil- Kansas ; Miss Martha Ovcrlees, Bartlcsville ; Mrs. homa City ; Miss Mary Bowers, Fort Worth, Tex- liaxns, Hal Williams, Sam Gilstrap, Ardmore; Frank Wymer, Miss Marjorie Hudson, Mrs. Nor- as, Miss Betty Campbell, Anadarko ; Miss Cath- Emerson Price, Miami; Dr . Fred Hood, Short- man Hulings, Miss Mary Lou Niles and Mrs. erine Gurley, Blackwell; Miss Antoinette Hal- grass; William Fogg, Fred Thompson, Watt Seldon Chick, of Tulsa; Mrs. Gus Funk, Mrs. ko, Wcwoka ; Miss Edna Hoffman Newkirk; Richards, Gilbert Richards, El Reno ; Charles Robert Howl and Miss Lillian Aderhold, of El Miss Duane Northup, Miss Margaret Owen, G. Steward, Waurika; Dr. Wagoner, Tonkawa; Reno ; Miss Ruth Champlin, Miss Virginia Enid; Mrs. Clarence King, Miss Helen Baugh- Otho Newman, Rex Spur, Forest Skinner, Shaw- Richardson, Miss Jane hdwards and Miss Vera man, Miss Dorothy Bolend, Mrs. Raymond Boggs nee; Carl Kress, Charles Manochot, Don Nichol- Frances Swiggart, of Enid ; Miss Pansy Love Everest, Mrs. William McKinley Harris, Miss son, Dr. Carl Lindstrom, William H. Witt, and Miss Betty May Love, of Purcell ; Miss Dorothy Forsythe, Mrs. Carleton Wright, Miss Oklahoma City . Virginia Stone and Miss Frances Price of Chick- Margaret Meredith, Mrs. Frank Blackwood, Miss Delta Chi: Tom Wright, Chester Napps, Dick asha . Caroline Pipkin, of Oklahoma City ; Mrs. Kings- Norton, Milton Silverberger, Ferguson Hood, ford Price, Mrs. Lawrence Cullison, Miss Eliza- Beta Sigma Omicron : Mrs. George Swisher, Arnold Britton, John Isenhour, Hatnrnit Hough, beth Halbert, and Mrs. William Bryant, of Nor- Mrs. Stephen King, Mrs. Tom Stevens, Mrs. of Oklahoma City ; Gordon Morrison, Guthrte; man. W. E. Collier, Mrs. Lewis Saeger, Mrs. James Rene Francis, Blanchard ; Ed Jerkey, Carthage, Pi Beta Phi ; Miss Helen Bethel and Miss Shaddock, Miss Jeanette Gordon, Miss Helene Missouri ; Wayne Alge, Nash ; George Geotz, J. Martha Watson, Tulsa; Miss Sue Turner Fitts, McNally, Miss Lucille Robertson, Miss Sue Hay- C. Wickham, Pryor; Hurst Swiggart, Bryant Muskogee ; Miss Trower,Merdee Bartlesville ; den, Miss Rosemary Hamit, Miss Virginia Sam, Swiggart, of Gushing; and Ralph Livingston, Miss Catherine Grant, Miss Helen Lowery, and Miss Ruth Irelan, and Miss Ruth Cooper, of W. S. Livingston, of Seminole . Miss Virginia Bissell, of Oklahoma City ; Mrs. Oklahoma City ; Mrs. Charles Smith a%d Mrs. Phi Kappa Sigma: Clarence Fife, Pat Jarrett, Edward Galt, Mrs. Dan Poland, Mrs. Fred E. L. Barnes, of Norman . Oklahoma City ; Dr. Victor H. Kulp, Prof . Paul Chapman, Miss Cathryn Poland, Miss Ruth Tom Alpha Gamma Delta : Miss Donna Schumaker, Eldridge, and Roscoe Cate, Norman ; Marion Frame, Miss Mardine Cochrin, and Mrs. Mc- Miss Gencise Hughes, Miss Lena McCarrell, Miss Baker, Milton Elliott, of Shawnee. Millan Lambert, of Ardmore; Miss Alice Hyde, Leva McCarrell, Miss Margaret Hammers, Miss Phi Beta Delta : Jack J. Berry, Philip Berry, Mrs. Claudc Servin, Mrs. Donald Bretch, Mrs. Mary Neal, Miss Grace Browning and Mrs. Carl Ravis, Henry Ravis, Joe Merson, Morrie Kay McEldowney, Mrs. Wynn Ledbetter Puiley, Verona Pangburn, of Oklahoma City ; Miss Kirschner, Ben Marks, Harry Pines, and Sid- of Oklahoma City . Elizabeth Halfast, Mu'skogee; Miss Ferral Pru- ney Rudin, of Tulsa ; Said Gordon, Philip Sur- Alpha Phi: Miss Alta Thomas, Miss Frances itt, Anadarko ; Miss Wanda Browning and Miss eck, Victor Jacobson, Gcorgc Sellinger, and Thomas, Mrs. Leo Sanders, Mrs. Charles Dres- Glenn Dunnington, of Lawton . Harry Berry, of Oklahoma City . ser, Mrs. Charles McPherron, Mrs. Horaee Sigma Delta Tau: Miss Gcrtrude White, Delta Tau Delta : Pile Hamilton, Lawton ; Thompson, Miss Frances Flynn, Miss Muriel Prague ; Mrs. Gcrtrude Myers, Kansas City, Mis- George McLaughlin, Tuscan, Arizona; ;Carl Ballard, Mrs. Ray Trosper, Miss Dorothy Gil- souri; Mrs. Lucille Goldsmith-Schwartz, Okla- Loomis, Lawton ; Joyce Coffey, Ardmore; Rob- bert and Mrs. Leah Dennis, Miss Blanche Davis homa City ; Miss Mildred Lapp, Wilburton; and ert Bates, George McKinney, Ronald Johnson, Ratliff, Miss Caroline Mason and Miss Itna Lee Miss Shirley Horberg, Chicago, Illinois . Claude Mathcrs, of Tulsa ; Raymond Grisso, Phillips, of Oklahoma City ; Mrs. L. I-1. Rice, Gamma Phi Beta : Mrs. R. Q. Blakcncy, jr ., Kermit Grisso, Seminole ; Dick Beal, William Kansas City, Missouri ; Mrs. Emma Estill Har- Miss Genevieve Morgan, Mrs. Jack Steve And- McDonald, George Cent, Henry Cent, Harry bour, Edmond ; Mrs. L. R. Lewis and Miss erson, jr ., Miss Lillian White, Miss Pauline Mc- Moran, Oklahoma City ; Ray Bannister, Morris Amy Comstock, Tulsa ; and Miss Irenc Saund- Kinney, Mrs. Howard Suesz, Miss Marcella Hill, Schrader, El Reno ; Martin Coblentz, Quinton ; ers, Blanchard. Mrs. Russell Dozier, Mrs. John A. Brett, Mrs. Donald Atkins, Holdenville; Charles Duffy. Delta Gamma : Miss Pauline Rector, El Reno; James White, Miss Mary Trippidy, Miss Gene