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PI BETA PHI &<.Jio'aii ~--.~ .. THEARROW OF . PI BETA PHI &<.JiO'AIi THE ARROW Official Pu6lication oj th~ Pi B~ta Phi Frat~rnit, VOLUKlt XXVII NUKBEII. 1 MAllY BAllTOL THEISS, Editor Table of Contents THE NEW OFJl'JeERS 7 PHr BnA KApPAS OF 1910. • . • . • 17 l' THE INSTALLATIONS OF OXLAHOMA ALPHA, WYOMING ALPHA AND OU[O GAMMA . '3 • THE UNIVERSITY OP OKLAHOMA . • . • • I!fI 31 HISTORY OF PSI DELTA GAWKA, NOW OKLABOKA ALPHA 33 TirE UNlVEJlSITY OF WYOIlING . • • • 35 HlSTORl" OF ALPHA OK£GA, Now WYOMING ALPHA 39 THE UNiVERSITY 0' WOOSTER • • • • 41 HISTORY OF ALPHA DELTA PSI, Now OUIO GAMMA • • 4J SAlt,AB G. POMEROY, PI BETA PBI GRADUATE FELLOW FOil 1910 45 NEW YOIllt ALPHA SoPHOMORE'S HOUSE PAltTY THr: \VIFE . GIPSY BLOOD • • ~ A Tnp OP INVESTIGATION • • • • • 49 Tar: PI BETA PBI FEu.owSBlP FOR GRADUATE STUDY WHAT A FRATERNITY GlR.L THINKS • ~ Michigan Beta in Y. W. C. A. Work. 56 The Chapter Letter . 56 Binding TUE Anow is now Required 57 The Scholarship Rule at Barnard Illinois Delta's Guest Book . California Alpha's Guest Book. Iowa Gamma's Guest Room ~ Texas Alpha's House Shower . 59 Nebraska Beta's House Shower . 59 Wisconsin Alpha's Sewing Bees for the Chapter House . 59 How New York Alpha's Freshmen Stand. Meetings for Indiana Beta Pledges ~ Illinois Epsilon's Pledge Meetings 60 Joint Chapter Celebration . 60 A Christmas Suggestion . 6, Building Up a Chapter Library. 6, Missouri Beta's Initiates' Gift to the Chapter Rooms 61 Some Colorado Alpha's Customs . 61 How Michigan Alpha's Pledges Entertain 62 Indiana Alpha's "Pledge Spread" 62 Ohio Beta "Spreads" . 62 Iowa Alpha's Alumnz Reception. 6. Iowa Zeta's Hospitality . 63 How Indiana Gamma Pledges are Trained 63 IN MEJl.OIlAM EDiTOIUAL • ~ ALUMNAE PUSONALS 6g CHAPTD LETTD.S 100 ExCHANGES 131 All manUKripta .hould be addreHed to the Editor. Mary Bartol TbeiM (MI'L LewiI E..). '30 Wat Ilith St.• New York Ci"". Material intended fO!' publication mUit reach the editor b7 tho tenth day 01 tho _OtItht 01 Octo- ber. Dece_ber. March. and Juae. • . Tlta Aa.ow is publilhed the fifteenth of NOftmbcr. Jul1U7. Apnl and JIlIy at 16t;-I6,- MaiD Sue.t, Menuha. Wis.. b,. Georce Banta, ?flicia1 ~ter and pUbli&ber for the fn.cemit7. Sub­ scription price '1 .00 pel' ,.ear; '5 ecnu for 1lG&'le COPIes. Entered .. KCOnd-daM .atter ()c:t.ob.r 2D. 1901. at the postOfIice at; MflIuh.. W...... under the Act of C_sretI of March lo 1879. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Maggie Camp~I. ....... .. • •. .••........ Thyne Institute, Chase City, Va. Libbie Brook·caddis ...... ........... •.. .. ..... .... ........... Avon, Ill. Ada Bruen-Grier . ...... .. ....•...• •. ..... .. .. ......... .Bellevue, Pa. Clua Brownlee-Hutchinson ........• . ... ... ... ............. Monmouth, Ill. Emma Drownlee-Kilgore ......... .. .. •. .. .. .. '" ......... Monmouth, IU. Fannie Whltenac.k·Libby .. .• .. .. .. ....................... Red Wing, Minn. ROla Moore .. .. ........... .... .. .. ... 59 East :Jut St., New York City Jennie Nicol. M. D. (deceased). Ina Smith·Soule ....... ........... ...... 6::111 South K St., Tacoma, Wash. Jennie Horne·Turnbull .... ..... .. ........ 2510 N. 3:Jd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fannie Thompson (deceased). Naner Black-Wallace ..... .. .................... ..... .... Glensborne, Pa. GRAND COUNCIL PUSIDINT-May L. Keller, 1822 Linden Ave., Baltimore, Md. VICI-PRESIDINT-Anna Jackson Branson (Mrs. Charles F.), Lansdowne, Pa. SICUTAIlY-Julia E. Rogers, 340 Rahway Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. TUASuRu-C'leste Janvier. I44S Webster St.. New Orlean., La. EDITOR.-Mary Bartol Theiss (Mrs. Lewi. E.). :130 West Iluh St .• New York City. HISTORIAN Kate King Bostwick (Mrs. Hubert 0.), Chardon, Ohio. CATALOGUER Kate McLaughlin Bourne (Mrs. Harry S.), Lewi.burg, Pa. Co,ninTU ON GRADUATB FILLowsHIp....-(jrand Council. CoW:KITr'&& ON' UNDIlGl.ADUATI LoAN FUN~Bo.ton Alumnae Club. S&CUTAJ.Y or NATIONAL PAN-HILUN'IC CONnUNo-Marguerite B. Lake. Delta Gamma., Crannol', Foreltrille, Md. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALPHA PROVINCE PUSW.lNT-AOD& Robinson NickersoD (Mrs. Darid D.), 74 Rockland An., Malden, MUI. VnxO~T ALPHA-Middlebury Colle,e. Thelma Gertrude Haven., IS South Pleasant St., Middlebury, Vt. VU)(ONT BETA-University of Vermont, Alta H . Gri.mer, 2S Buell St., Bur­ lington, Vt. MASSACHUSBTTI ALPHA-Boston Univenity. Gertrude JacksoD, 141 Draper St., Dorchester, Ma ... ONTARIO ALPHA-University of Toronto, babel MaslOn, 7 Queen. Park, To­ ronto, Ontario. Canada. N&w YORK ALPHA-Syracuse University, Katharine Buter, Pi Beta Phi HOUle, 112 Waverly A"e., Syracuse, N. Y. NEW YOIJt DITA-Barnard CoUeee. Edith Valet. Itl Welt U7th St., New York City. PBNNSYLVANIA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Eleanor Rittenhouse, Swarth­ more, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA BBTA-Bucknell Univerrity, Flonnce M. Clum, I.ewisburc. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA-Dickinson CoUege. Miriam Blair. 118 South Han­ over St.. Carlisle. Pa. MARYLAND ALPHA~oucher College. Uona C. Buchwald. Goucher Collea:e, Baltimore, Md. CoLUM8l.A ALPHA~eoree Wuhinaton University. Eleanor Jones, 426 Lunay Place, N. W .• Washington, D. C. BETA PROVINCE PUSIDENT-Kate 'Valker Johnson (Mrs. Ben. W.), 665 Lincoln Ave., Toledo, Ohio. OHIO ALPHA-Ohio University. R. Doris Ludlow. Boyd Hall, Athens, Ohio. OHIO BETA-Ohio State University, Marjorie Beebe, 121 East 14th Ave., Col­ umbus, Ohio. OHIO CuntA-University of Wooster, Helen E. Colville, Holden Hall, Woos­ ter, Ohio. INDIANA ALPHA-Franklin CoUeit, Katharine S. Kenny, Franklin, Ind. INDIANA BITA-University of Indiana. Ruth Shauman, Pi Beta Phi House. Bloomineton, Ind. INDIANA GAMMA-Butler College, Mildred Moorehead. JS6 Ohmer Ave .. Ir­ vington. IndianApolis, Ind. ILLINOIS BETA-Lombard CoHea-e, Lilian MacHale. 1062 East Main St., Gales­ bura-, III. IUlNOIS DILTA-Knox College. Helen Margaret Ryan, sn South Cedar St., Calesburg, 111. ILLINOIS EPSILON-Northwestern Univu.ity, Hele.n M. Spencer, Willard Han. Evaoston, Ill. ILLINOIS ZETA-University of Illinois, Verna Louise Brown, Pi Beta Phi House, 80, South Third St., Champaign, Ill. MICHIGAN AI,PHA-Hillsdale College, Leithe.l Patton, Eut HaU, Hillsdale, Mich. MICHIGAN BITA-University of Michigan. Marguerite E. Reed, Pi Beta Phi House. 836 Tappan Road, Ann Arbor. Mich. WISCONSIN ALPHA-University of Wisconsin, Helen C. Tyrrell, Pi Beta Phi Hoose, 233 Langdon St., Madison. Wis. GAMMA PROVINCE PRumaNT-AnDe Stuart, 1C}06 D St.. Lincoln, Neb. MINNSSOTA ALPHA-Univer.ity of Minnesota. EIther Pettit, Pi Beta Phi House. 406 11th Ave., S. E., Minneapoli" Minn. IOWA ALPHA-Iowa Wesleyan University, Grace McKee. Elliabeth Hershey Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. IOWA BnA-Simpson College. Maide Baker. 207 West Clinton An., Indian· ola, IowL IOWA GAIULA-lowa State CoUtee. Alice R. Howe. Pi Beta Pbi Hoase, Ames, Iowa. IOWA ZETA-Iowa State University, Mabel Nicol, Pi Beta Phi House, Iowa City, Iowa. MISSOURI AI,PHA-University of Missouri, Marie O'Day, Columbia. Mo. MISSOURI HITA-Washington University, Mary de Garmo, 5900 Clemens Ave .• St. Louis, Mo. MlCAH8AS ALPHA-University of Arkansas, Jenny Morton, Carnall Hall, Fayetteville, Ark. LoUISIANA ALpHA-Newcomb CoUere. Elise Rosa1ys Urquhart, 343 Broadway, New Orleans, La. NnusKA BETA-University of Nebraska, Florence Hostetler, Pi Beta Phi House, 345 North 13th St., Lincoln, Neb. KANSAS ALPHA-University of Kansas, Gertrude Blackmar, 1115 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kas. OKLAHOMA ALPHA-University of Oklahoma, Eva Lee, Norman, Okla. TEXAS AI.PHA-Vniversity of Texas, Louise K. Perkins, Woman's Building, Austin, Texas. DELTA PROVINCE PalslDINT-Gertrude Fiu·Randolph Currens (Mrs. J . Wilson), 973 14th St., Boulder, Colo. \VVOMING ALPHA-University of Wyoming, Dorothy Worthington, Laramie, Wyo. CoLORADO ALPHA-University of Colorado, Gertrude H . Thielen, Pi Beta Phi House, 1229 13th St., Boulder, Colo. CoLORADO BUA-University of Denver, Viola Tyson Pillsbury, 94S Clarkson St., Denver, Colo. CALIPORNIA ALPHA-Leland Stanford Jr. University, Julia E. Moore, Pi Beta Phi House, Stanford University, Cal. CALIPORNIA BnA-University of California, Alice Hiestand, 2640 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. WASHINGTON ALPHA-State University of Washington, Bertha L. Bigelow, Pi Beta Pi House, 4551 17th Ave., N. E ., Seattle, Wash. ALUMNAE DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY VICE·PkISIDENT-Anna Jackson Bran.on (Mrs. Charles F .) Lansdowne, P&. ALUMNAE EDrTOR-Sophie Parson. Woodman, 478 West IS9th St., New York C;ty. S&CUTAkV FOR. FoallCN CoUNnus-Grand Vice· President. CoH){ITTU ON SElTlZMINT HousJt.-Emma Harper Turner, chairman. 12 Iowa Circle. Washington, D. C. Lillie B. Huetton. secretary, 38th and Woodley Rd .• Wuhington. D . C. Augusta Pettigrew Shute (Mr•. D. K.), treasurer, 1719 De Sales St., Washinrton, O . C. ALPHA PROVINCE SZCUTAl.v-Efuabeth Shepard Lough (Mr•. William H.), 2293 Sedgwick An., New York City. VD.1(ONT-Mary E. Colburn. Union Village, Vt. MAaYLUrfD AND THI SoUTHIAST-M". Alice Wood, CheltDut and Fint An... Baltimore, Mel hNNSYLVANU-Grace S. Woodard, Bradford, Pa. • Nrw YOklt-Lanra Sinlle Merry (Mrs. G. H.), 12.4 E. Newell St., Syracue, N. Y. MASlACH UIaTr5-Elizabeth A. Coats, 242 West Adams St., Phoenix, Am. BETA PROVINCE SZCUTAav-Fanny Miner, 3915 North Pennlylvania St.. Indianapolil, Ind. OHIO-Ruth Houseman Belknap (Mrs. H. S.), Painenille, Ohio. lLUNors-Katha.rine M. Ba,by, RUlhville, Ill. INDIAl(A-Ruth Ehtun Curtil (Mrs. H . C.), 1940 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Iod. WISCONIIN-Iva A. Welsh, .16 N. Livinglton St., Madison, Wit. MICHIGAN-Mary L. Soule, 112 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. GAMMA PROVINCE SECUTAJ.y-Francel M . DODnin" Bedford, Iowa. IowA-Sara Eikenberry Siller (Mrs. Carl), 103 Welt Ashland An., Indian-
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