

NOT NEWS BOT NEWS • Dr. Reid White on Oolds-Land­ New K. A. Bo~~.~&-Th&nkqlvtq volrt Writes Worda to Swtnr­ naoee.-Football For 1986. m r ling-tum t That Duke Game. By the Students, For the Students

VOL. XXXIX WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1935 NUMBER 5 Army, DukeiWally Davies Tu~ns Explorer; Rueger Sets New Kappa Alpha House Kappa Alpha and Kentucky Spends Summ~r m N_onhland Cotillion Club To Build New Goes on Expedition To D D t T 0 PiaY W •L Greenland With Capt. ance .a eS Brick House Bob Bartlett Next Season Will Be Held Friday And By BOB WEINSTEIN Next Summer To most Washington and Saturday, November men, the problem of the summer All Dates Are Filled Except -was to escape the beat, but Wally 29 and 30 Same Location Used; Ar­ For Opening Davies spent hla time during the chitecture Will Resemble hot months trying to escape en­ SOPHOMORE DRIVE One raaed walruses, palar bears, and Faculty Homes collisions w}tb icebergs. FOR DUES STARTS On June 25th, Davies went GENERAlS TO FACE aboard tl}e schooner "Morrisaey .'' COMPLETION SET Band Not Yet Selected, TOUGH OPPONENTS commanded by Capt. Bob Bart­ FOR SEPTEMBER lett, as an ordinary seaman sign­ Depends on Campaign ed uJ) for the sclentlflc expedition Schedule Is Only Tentative to Greenland and the surround­ For Funds Alumni Gifts And Univer­ Ing waters. The purpose of the Tbe arehltect'a ooneepUon ol the new Kappa Alpha houe to Captain Dick Smith voyaae was to bring back speci­ Tbankaglving dance set, spon- be buUt nen summer a& r. coat of '15,000. Con&ribu&iona fJ'OID alam­ sity Loan to Pay For States mens for the Smithsonian Insti­ sored by the Cotillion Club and nl and a lOIUl from the UD1nnit7 Board of Trustees wtu be used $ 15,000 Structure tute and the Field Museum in the sophomore claas, will be held _to__ m_ ee_t_eo~_t._o_r _co_ ut_nacU__on. ______Chlcaao. Friday and SaturdaY. November ArtnY.-Kentucky and Duke will "To me, the most exciting In- 29 and 30, Wllllam Rueger, pres­ A new Kappa Alpha house, to be head-liners on the 1936 grid cident of the trip," related Dav­ Ident of the Coti111on Club an­ tWee Willie' Grover Triumphs; replace the present one damaaed proaram. R. A. Smlth, graduate ies, "was the attack of a wound· nounced today. by fire last spring, will be com­ manager of athletics, revealed to- ed bull walrus upan the ca.noe Despite the fact that the V. M. pleted by next September, mem­ day in announcloi the tentative. from which I shot him. TWo sall­ I. tall dances wiD come the same Is Elected Freshman President bers of the fraternity announced Washiniton and Lee football ors and myself had set out In a Wallace Davies at the llelm ol week-end, the Waablngton and today. The new house w111 be schedule for next year. ama.11 canoe lookln ator a walrus. the 'Morrfuey' beaded for Green­ Lee dances wlll be held as usual ------· constructed o.n the same site as The aame with the University We ailhted one on an iceberg and land. Davies aecompaaled Captaba on the Friday aad Saturday tol­ New Deal For Frosh, Says the present K. A. house. of Kentucky will be played here I fired at him. AB the animal slid Bob Bartlett on the cnabre wbJeb lowina Thanltsa1Yinr. Last year Powell Selects Four times within a period of on October 17. The Generals will into the water, we paddled tow­ was sponsored by the Explorers' the dates of the dance set were Prexy In Blaze Of two days last Aprll, the Lexington meet the Army eleven at West a.rds him to get the carcass be­ Club of New York. · llhitted because of a cont)lct with Oratory fire department was called to the Point, October 3, and wU1 pla.y fore lt sank. However, be was not Keydet dances. Committee To K. A. bouse. The cause of the Duke In Richmond on October 31. dead, for be suddenly lunged sey" was cauabt In a storm ott The sophomore claas wU1 spon­ series of fires wa.s finally estab­ The team that will face the against the canoe. almost upset­ the coast of Newfoundland, ln sor the dance on Prtday niabt and A "New Deal" for the treabma.n lished as defective wiring. Blc Blue in the openina game of ting us. The sailors with me be· which several fl.sbina bo&ts were the Cotllllon Club the Saturday tT ame' Frosh class was promised by Wllilam Temporary repairs were made the 1936 season bas not yet been gan to paddle frantically, and we wrecked. Durlng the gale, Davies nllht dance. There wU1 also be a Wesley "Wee Willie" Grover, Jr., to the present house after plans selected, but Capt. Diet said that barely aot away. It was a narrow was at the wheel for th,ree hours, da.nsant on SatW'day afternoon. of Norfolk, Va., who was elected for building a new house before the opener wU1 be played on Wll- escape." As he said this, Davies and they were the longest three The band tor t.be dance set baa Five Ch01en to Hear Com­ president of his cla8S last nllht the opening of school this year son field ne.xt year. ruefully looked up at the bare hours he has ever spent. One not yet been selected, according plaints; Co-Operation in Lee chapel, to the tumultous were abandoned. The present The second game ·ot the season wall in his room where be almost wave which swept the declts burl­ to Rueaer. accla.im of his fellow freshmen. house will be used the remainder wlll be with Army. On the follow- huna a walrus' head. However, be ed Capt. Bartlett the length of The annual campatsn for pay­ Entreated Prank McNichol, overcome by of this year. ina week-end the Generals wm dld shoot a palar bear in Melville the deck, arid threw Davies ment of sophomore clau dues It all, was elected vice-president The new house wU1 be built on meet West Virginia university in Bay. against the wheel with such will beain this week, officers of and absented himself from the the foundations of th.e present the traditional battle at Charles- Further north the expedition force that he was considerablY The final selection of members Chapel before he was called upan the class said. 'l1le outcome of of the Freshman Aa81m11atlon one. Plans call tor two stories on ton. was presented with a narwhal by bruised. But a true seaman by thla drive for du• w111 laraelY de­ to make a speech. G. Murray the street level, and a game room, Pollowina the Kentucky aame some Eskimoes. a.nd the crew had then, he clung to the wheel. committee was completed last Smith got himself elected secre­ termine the quallty of orchestra night, AniUS Powell announced dining room, kitchen, and chap­ here, the Bll Blue wlll Journey to to skin the animal and clean the Finally, after more than two that can be •cured for the tary-treasurer, James McClure, ter room In the basement. The Charlottesville to play the Uni· bones. Whenever he thinks of months away from home, the today. The tlve me.mbers compos­ sartorially replete wlth a red tte, Thanltsilvlni daocee, Rue1er de- ina the committee are AniUS upper fioor wlll contain etaht continued 00 pace four that Job, Davies saya, his stomach "Morrissey" sailed Into New York clared. · became historian, and Robert double bedrooms and a larae rises and falls with the tide. The harbor on SepternJ)er first. Powell, chairman, Ken Lane, J. Newell was chosen by the fresh­ 'nle budget for the Tbanksaiv­ B. Douglass, Bllly Schuble and bath. On the lower floor will be expedition brouaht back the skins "It's an experience that I would ina dance set Ia beilll prepared men for the position of executive two bedrooms, a large lounge run­ and bones of three narwhals, not have miMed for the world," Bob Brickhouse. The last two r.nd will be ~~ to the Dance committeeman. ning the full width of the bouse, 8 o z e Is Elected which wU1 be stuffed for the said Daviee about ~e trip, .. but members ~e hea4 cowicnors tn Lite a pare from an Horatio Control bclifd' tJU week. DeflnJte the dormitories; the others are a card room, and a suite of rooms Field Museum. They brought back one that I wouldn't care to ao plans tor the dAnces await the Alger classic reads the rise of tor the housemother. Two porches tor the Smithsonian Institute through again." members of the executive com­ "Wee Willie" Grover, who was To Lead Figure board's approval o( the budaet. mittee. wiU face the campus. some meteoric ore from Disco is· Recently a picture of Davies announced as a blood brother of The aeneral architecture of the land, the only place where this and several other members of the In announclnr the choice of the Emperor of Ethiopia. For­ men for the committee, Powell house will be the same as the five At Senior Dance particular ore can be found. party appeared in various Sunday merly sergeant of the schoolboy faculty houses on either side of On the trip home, the "Moris- rotogravw·e sec~iona . New Directory reiterated hls former plea tor the patrol at a Norfolk Junior hlgh co-operation of upperclaslmen in Washington college. Four larae school, Grover 1a accustomed to white pillars will face Letcher Big Clique "Clicks" enforcing the freshman rules. He politics. Freeman Will Make Printed Today also requested that any infrac­ avenue, and the brick wlll har­ Aa Chemist to Talk "My chief aim, now that I'm monize with the other colleae Senion, Lawyers tion of the three baste freshman elected," said the blushina presi­ Dedicatory Address rules be reported promptly to the buildings. Name Officers dent, "18 to design the social ac­ The new house is estimated to l Here Tomorrow At Lee's Birthplace Students Urpd by Regis­ assimilation commlttee.- tivity of the freshman class. cost $15,000, and the money wU1 trar Mattingly to Report In an effort to bring to the at­ We've got to work together. Put With Ita political machine run­ tention ot the student body the be supplied by gifts from the nina smoothly. the Big Clique that down a thousand times; U alumni and by a loan from the Dr. Douglas S. Freeman, editor Any Erron work the committee is doing, the It wiU do any good, it's worth lt. met with onlY scant and ineflec­ Famous Research Chemist ot The Richmond News-Leader members plan to publish In The Board of Trustees. Clark and tual opposition in the election of On the co-operation of the fresh­ Crow of Lynchburg a.re the archl­ Will Address V. M. I., and author of "R. E. Lee." w111 Comlna off the presses today, Ring-tum Phi the name of any man class depends the success of oftlcers tor the eenlor and the make the dedicatory address at freshman who 1a hailed before·the tects, and C. W. Barger of Lex­ copies of the student directory the new deal. Whether on the Ington Is the contractor. The new freshman law clau last nllht. W. and L. Students Strat.tord ball, birthplace of Lee, will be available at the reJI.Strar's committee. football field or on the stormy Edward Boze of Richmond, Vlr­ next Saturday, October 12, it was commenting on the plans of building will be occupied by the o(tlce tomorrow. students are paths of life, Washinaton and opening of school next year, and glnla, was elected leader of the Dr. Arthur W. Dox, Chief Re· learned today. uraed by Reatatrar MattinalY to the committee, Powell said, "We senior ball. Election of thla office Lee freshmen must stick toaether. work on It wiU begin not later search Chemist of Parke, Davis, In maklna this announcement, report any errora ln the directory have been aiven almost unlimited "Notwlthstandina. I believe the usually takes place in the aprinc. than the first of June. and Co.. will open a series of Mrs. Orton B. Brown, cba.lnnan to his office immediately. power by the Executive Commit· class ot 1939 is the cream ot the but was shifted in order to per­ joint chemical lectures to Wash­ or the Lee Memorial foundation, Two promotl0111 In the faculty tee, and we intend to do every­ crop.'' mit tbe leader to take part in the ington and Lee and v . M. I. stu­ which is sponsorlnc the exercises, have been made alnce laat June, thin~ in our pawer to enforce the He was Immediately balled by Southern CollegianS dance control board. dents, when be speaka on "The said: the directory abows. Allen W. rules this year. We hope that no Continued on page four The combined claasea chose History and Development of freshman will be forced to leave "It is especially fitting that the Morer, former lnatructor in hla­ -----<01------Dance Band Promises Fletcher Maynard and Kenneth Sleep-Producina Oruis" in the the student body, but we will take dedication address should be de­ tory, has been made an aasistant To Be Best in Yean Lane to represent them as execu­ aeolOIY lecture room Wednesday professor; and Donald P. Martin this extreme action 1f lt Is neces­ tive committeemen. Maynard is livered by Dr. Freeman on thl8 sary. Most cases, however, will Alumni Canvass niaht at. B o'clock. most significant occasion in the baa been promoted from inatruc­ from Clarkedale, M188.. and Lane Dr. Dox received his B. S. de­ tor to aaalatant profeaao.r of eco­ not necessitate such drastic ac­ Indications are that Washi~­ 1a from West Newton, Maas. history of the Lee foundation. tion, we belleve." ton and Lee will have Its best gree at the University of Penn­ For on this day the rreat house nomics. Pleases Young Ottlcers of the senior academic sYlvania, his A. M. at Columbia Althouah not Included In the Several freshmen are still ap­ dance orchestra In several years, claaa are Edward ~. Richmond, which was the home of patriots pearing on the campus without since the organization of the University and his Ph. D. from ot the American Revolution wlll directory, the President's office president ; Howard Melton. Okla­ Yale. He served five years as re­ announced today the appointment tres})man cape, according to Pow­ new Southern Collegians. homa City, Okla., vice president; be formally opened to the publlc Sum Is Lower Than Last search chemist of the U. S. De· of F. E. Lund, aa Instructor ell. He also warned freshmen to Charlie Steinhoff Is dlrectJna John Vandale, Am&rillo, Tex., as a debt-tree memorial and con­ ·a•. remember to speak to every stu­ Year Because of Law the band whlcb started practice partment of Agriculture. was secrated to the memory of the ln the paUUcal science depart­ secretary-treasurer; and Charley chief chemist of the Iowa Agri­ ment, and formal assumption dent whom they meet. several weelts ago ,and the or­ Wllkenon, Vlckabura, Mlaa., his­ areat military leader, our beloved Only three rules have been re­ School Donationt chestra has already played a cultural Experiment station ten General Lee, the atatellst man yeeterd&J by L. 0 . Tennla whose torian. years, and bu held his present. appolntment wu announced last tained under the "New Deal" for dance spanaored by the Mono­ The eenlor commerce class ot all our time." freshmen this year: freshmen Although the annual alumni gram club. position for the past fifteen week, of b.la duties as Instructor canvass for the periOd ended Ia.st chose the touo.pn, officers: John years. He has aiven many lec­ Governor George C. Peery, In the romance lai\IUaJe depart­ must wear caps, must speak to all Included in the personnel of the Renken. Monsey, N. Y ., president; Washlncton and Lee '97, wUl be students. and must wear conven­ Finals netted an amount some­ band are OlUe Oleyas, playinJ tures to college students throuah­ ment. what below the figures tor 1933 Wllllam HoofstlUer, Sterlln&, lli., out the country, and ls editor or present at the ceremonies not The publication reveals that al­ tional dre811. the trombone, formerly with Del vice president; Stu~ut lt{lller, only as executive head of the "Violations ot any of these and 1934, the alumni board was Regis: Ranny Rouse. saxophonist ''Chemical AbstrBcta." In hla lec­ though there la an increase In en­ gratltled with the response, es­ Aqua, Va., secretary-treasurer, ture Dr. Dox wUl dlacuss the state, but also as a member of rollment of 17, only one more rules should be reported to the for Bob J ones' Southerners; Jack and Rowland Thomas, Baltimore. the advisory board of the Poun­ aa,slmllatlon committee," Powell pecially In view of the tact that Ambert. who played saxapbone for strictly synthetic sleep-producing state is represented this year than the campaign for funds tor the Md., historian. druas rather than the habit­ dat.ion. The colorful Richmond last. Students from 35 states, the declared. "Above all, we will not Bert Block In New York; and Al The aenlor science cla.ss elected Blues wtll act as guard of honor tolerate any conduct on the part law school wu in progress at the Douglas, another sax player. wbo forming narcotics derived from District o( Columbia. two terri­ same Ume, according to Harry K. the followlnc officers: John Tay­ opium. to lhe governor. tories, and two foreign countries of a freshman that is not becom­ fonnerly wielded a baton himself. lor, Lextncton, va.. preatdent; Lna ot a gentleman," he said. " Cy" Youna. alumni secretary. The trumpet secLlon l.a compos­ Other lectures for the coming On the day of the dedication, brinJ the total realstered u of Frank Crew. Drexel Hill, Pa., Lhls h1stor1c mansion, wltJi lt.a VIolations of the freshman The total receipts for the past ed of Earl Wells and Jack Martin, season are as follows : October 1, 193&. to 940. At the year were $3,440.05 from 645 con­ vtce president: Arthur Hauck, village or outbuildlnas, and the same time lMt year a total of 853 rules may be reported to mem­ the former having played with the Brooklyn, N. Y., eecretary-treaa­ November lG-Dr. c. J . Brock­ entire plantation from Indian bers of the commttttee by phone. tributors. Mr. Young said. V. M. I . Comm&nders, and who 111, man. University of Georgia: sub­ students were reaistered from 34 The contributions are purely urer. and Jim Johnaon. Lexinl­ Tree on the Kina's Hlahway to states, the Dlatrlct of Columbia, The phone numbers of the com­ Incidentally, the lone sophomore Ject. Electro-Chemistry. voluntary, it was pointed out. In­ ton, Va., hlatorlan. the Potomac river wiU be thrown two territories and two toreiJD mittee-members are as follows: In the orchestra. Llndie Roth, who Officers of the freshman la.w December 18-Dr. A. Lowy, Un­ open tree to the public. Anaus Powell, 430, Ken Lane. 508, stead or membership In the asso­ was formerly with Angelo hrdl· countries. ciation being contingent upon class are Lanidon Skarda, Clovis, Iversity of Pittsburgh: subJect. TwenLy Washington and Lee Vlralnla. a1aln leads the list J . B. Doualau and Billy Bchuhle, nando, will take up h is duties as New Mexico, president; Bill Kar­ Dlsablln1 Organic Chemicals Used 412, Bob Brickhouse, •79. annual dues. 9.8 was lbe arranJe­ pianist, while Bill Latus will work students will act as ushers at the wtth 197 men enrolled, and New m.en t prior to 1933, each alumnus raker. Lou1svllle. Ky., vice pres­ In Law Enforcement&. . an organization of class aaenls, done no grea.t amount of prac­ also be represented by its board of V. M. I. And Lexington Meeting on Taxation one tor each class. These agents The only hotly contested elec­ January 9- Dr. Edward Mack, trustees, who will hold Its annual ticin g, lhe men a.cquiU.ed them­ Uon was for president ot the sen­ ma.lntaln correspondence with selves well on thelr !lrst Job, University of North Carollna.; fall meeting at Stral!ord. Get PWA Grant Dr. Robert H . Tucker, dean of members of their class by meana lor commerce cl&~~ . In the ballot subject, Chem.lslry of Rubber, or which was a dance at the Robert Renkln received thirteen votes the University. and profeasor of of an "annual round of letters." E. Lee hotel Friday night. They Orannlc Molecular s tructure. A prorram that calls tor the economics and business adminis­ The alumni are requested to en­ wblle Richard Scully had nine February 13- Dr. Gustav Ea· complete fireproofing of v . M. I., wtll play for a house dance at the votes. All the other officers were Miss McCrum Speaks tration, will be In Richmond on close some contribution, no mat­ Phi Oamma Della house Satur­ lotf. Universal Oil Co.; subJect, and a water works ayslem tor the Thursday and P'rlday of this ter how small, In their letters to elected by acclamation except the Recent Petroleum Development. town of Lexington will soon be day nJght from nine until twelve, senior dance leader and the To College Librarians week to attend a meetlna of the demonstrate th eir Interest In thei r and they have been booked for Ma•·ch 12- Dr. A. C. Fleldner, under way here throuah a PWA Committee on Taxation o! the alma mater. freshman law class historian. Bureau of Mines: subJect. Recent arant. engagements with several other State Chamber of Commerce. Not only has th is new system­ frnt.ernltles on the campu.a. Developments In the UtUizatlon MlM Blanche McCrum, head II · The project, which wUl put Well-known a.s an authority on adopted after an exhaustive sur­ Blll Dyer, former stalwart of Coal. brarlan of the university, Q.ttend­ hundreds of men here to work, taxation as well as county aovem­ vey of methods used by alunini - - o-- - auard on the Big Blue football In addi tion. two other lectures ed a meettn1 of the . will be completed In ten months. ment, Dr. Tucker was chalnnn.n aroups In other colleges and uni­ Beat Duke! Heat Duke! team, and cartoonist tor the Rlni· may be given by Dr. N. B. TUcke1· LlbrarlatU' AMoclatlon at Wer­ For the v. M. I. works, a rrant ot the committee tor ma.ny years, versities comparable to Washlna­ z ack Kramer ho.s alreBd.Y open­ tum Phi for three yeal·a. Is now or Proctor and Gamble and by nersviLle, Pa., on October 3, • · and of 1121.092 Ia made, and a loan reslgnlnr because of the press of ton and Le&- been successful In Pd his campaign to "Beat Duke" chief cartoonist and sports writer Dr. Edward Lyons of Parke, Da­ 5 a.s a. auest speaker, it was learn­ of •148,000 Is given for lhe com­ other duties. He is contlnulna. securing funds, but In malnt.aln­ next year when WP play them in for the Knoxville Newa-sentlnal. via and Co. ed today, pletion of the project. however, to serve a.s a member. inr interesL and contacts as well. Richmond aaaln. P age T wo THE RING-TUM P HI

does not know, begin to und.ntand, or desire to wqe iRing-tum Jilt appreciate; for acting on the preconceived pre­ • • • After Office Hours ••• AMPUS G\ judice of oth~ rs, he has built a barrier to defend -BETWEEN­ WASHINGTON and LEE UNIVERSITY his own ignorance and his satisfaction in a static n.aTCIIEB JAMitS IABN&8 D- Bom 1n Parksley, Vtrg1nla, COMMENT SEMI -WEEKLY mind. SHEETS ~Uon 828 .. . .Attalded elementary and grammar school there .. I£ our esthetic sense does not at first respond Played plano 1n htah school orchestra . . . Went to William and News from Richmond tel18 ua Entered at the Lexington, VIrginia, Post Office as By BILL HIJOOINS to these "cultural" subjects-the expression of Mary, and waa editor of the annual and the literary magazine and that PeeWee McNew, wblle walk­ second-class maU matter. Published every Tuesday on the staff of the newspaper . . . Also president of senior class . . . ing down tbe street with two 1a18, and Frldny or the collegiate year. the esthetic sense o£ the men who created them­ A freshman at Randolph Ma­ Mem~r ot 0. D. K ., 8. P. E., Kappa Phi Kappa, Sigma Upallon. and stuck the end of his swarrer it should not lessen our interest in the minds of con Woman's COHere in Lynch­ severa\ otber aoclettes .. . Worked tor a year with a college annual stick into a man hole and ln ex­ Subscription $3.10 per year, in advance the creators as facts of human nature. Certait1 ly burg asked last week lt pledl(e company, "and visited almost every hl&h school and college from tricating It, busted the end off. OFFICE AT DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM work pertained to sororities . . . Chlcar• to the East" .. . Studied at Harvard and North Carolina (Which Is awfully bad grammar!) Editorial rooms, Phone 737 the subjects which merited the life-interest of Three Washington and Lee Delta and has an M. A. degree !rom William and Mary . . . Goes to the And we've been wanting to sug­ the greatest minds o£ our civilization do not merit Tau Deltas were at the slater In­ movies occasioDallY and dlsllkes Oreta Garbo, gangster and terror gest tor a long time that there be PARKE S. ROUSE, JR., '37A ...... Editor the scorn of college undergraduates. stitution durinll fomal rushm. pictures . . . Llltes W. C. Fields and most costume pictures ... Doesn't a course given to Senior Lawyen FRANK D. CREW, '368 ...... Bu siness Manager and returned to Lextnaton wear­ lllten to the radio very much because the things that he likea are teacblni them the art or carry­ [t is necessary to realize that, though these tog Cbl Omesa pledl(e pins. One never on when be wanta them . . . Favorite hobbles are gardening lni a cane. Rltlht now a rood AN ATIITUDE INIMICAL subjects are no more a part of culture than any ot the re(lulrementa after pleda'­ and antiques . . . Chief sports are bull sessions and def~ndlnr the manylawyen look as thOUih they oi the other branches of knowledge, to exclude lng Is to k.lss all of the sisters. New Deal ... 'lbe latter activity occupies most of hls tlm~ ... Con­ were out for tbe position of drum TO SCHOLARSHIP alden himself one or the few remalninr Americans who absolutely maJor tor the V. M. I. band. The allvanta~t·:> of a "mall l'nrolhnent, ~m all them entirely is to stop short of a mature mind, doee not play bridae or drive a car . . . Best-llked spectator SPOrt la One collegian has compared a das~c-., ,md per..;unal contact hl'lwcen ~tuclcn t and to lea,·c an unbalanced conception of mind-value football and wrestUnr . .. Has no use for baseball ... Has no apectal At last, after our earnest plead­ blind date to a bee-eltber you llkee ln food , but the bis problem 1.s rettlng enough of everrtblnl ... and finally to defeat the purpose of education­ get stung or you •et a honey . . . tnr for months last year, tbere teacher arc among the :-t rong~t claims that this Reade "Tbne" and the "Readers' Digest" . . . Does not collect ex­ are a couple of studenta Uvtnr in institution makes to l'tlucational superiorit). It i:. the appreciatiou of life. While Knut.e Rockne waa at Notre penalve plpea, but 1a content with com-cobs and clays ... Recently Dame, the football team won one the \JPper end of town who peddle cited in t: uivc1 :,ity Lullt•tin , a'•cmblr addre ·scs, acquired an euct model of the pipe smoked by John Smith and bicycles bac.k and forth to work. hundred and five p.mes, lost Pocahontu, made from the same clay used tn the orlglnal.-RCW The only worm tn the apple 18 and numt·rous pamphll't ... to pro~pec t ive students. IT DON'T MEAN A THING, twelve, and tied flye . . . Bicycles ba.ve become a fad at Vauar, and tb&t they are freshmen, ao we Yet w h~:n put to the tc~t, the truth of the·e claims IF IT AIN'T GOT THAT SWING cannot claim to b&ve converted By TIM LANDVOJGT the faculty bas devised a set of i~ rather doubtful, due to an absurd attituue on traffic rules. Each clasl baa a li­ them t.bro'-h 1ut year's column Recently the editor o£ this scintilating adver­ New Words for the ~ swing· but DIAl we conaratulate them on the part of the stuuenl body which labels any cense plate of a different color. their Idea? contacts between student and teacher out ide of tising journal heroically broached the subject 111 TIM LANDVOIGT ' class as "tubing." that perhaps the "Swing," national anthem of ev­ Professor Welch of Bowdoin Shor t sbote: The bact of Pee· ery hick high school from here to Pago-Pago, college declares: "baminatlona Wee McNew's head stlc~ out 11ore thau one student, !>pecially interested in are as harmful to the intellect a~ Deplorln1 the terrib le number profane. and entirely unbeflttilll was a bit oltl fashioned. He was wrong, my of "Guys from Cholley" that find ot a Newcomb H all window . . some topic or opinion brought out hy a professor liquor and women." . .. The ag­ to the vocabulary of a Wasbinr­ Snow on the mountain tn back of friends, he was wrong. Everybody is still whist­ ricultural department at the Uni­ their way into our fair school, we ton and Lee gentleman. & a re­ in class, has been prcYented [rom any discussion have attempted to show wbat wUl Buena VIsta on Saturday mom . versity of Wisconsin ia trylnr to sult. they ba ve hired the RJrht Dr. Morton waa the flnt spelled with lhc professor through fear of public opin· ling "Rock of Ages,'' ''Glory, Glory, H allelu­ happen to our beloved "Swing" Reverend Percy P. Twlttleberry of find out whether an intoxicated 1n bee jah," and "Onward Christian Soldiers," so why If thiS milbty pollution does not down the spelllnl held In io11. More than one friendship of lasting pleas­ hen can lay more errs than a so­ Devonshire to write new words to town aome tlme qo. He spelled soon atop. tbe "Swlna." ure and benefit has been fo regunc by the reluc­ should we not sing the "Swing"? ber ben . . . Cab Calloway will "accommodate" wltb an "a" in­ play for the homecornlni dance tance of the tudenl to IJra,·c the cries of "tuber'' Seriously, however, there are a few lines in it Da Neo aa..-, When Washlnaton and Lee's 80111 stead. of an "o," but, as he aatdr­ at Tula.ne on November 2 ••• The s-. lt Ia to that ju t don't seem right. 'l'ak~ tl1at line, ''When rlrd their loln.a, aomewbat more dltflcult or the more colorful epithets used to deride any affair will follow the Collate-Tu­ When Wuhlnrton and Lee's IUYS And In lood clean aport witb their spell sta.ndi.nl ln front of a crowd stutlent \\ ho di~pla) s more than a classroom in­ Washington and Lee's men fal l in line ... " Now lane game and will cost the stu­ starts ta fllht, foe enJoins; than lt Ia to write •em out . .. The we all know this creates a poor impression be­ dents only one dollar and forty­ We're sonna Uck doze mu•s and For W. and L . we'll wave our ll1Y 1001 Une waitlna to see "Top tere~t in a ~ubjcct. It i~ a situation which breeds Clve cents each. smear 'em ript. cause people wi ll envision hordes of semi.stewed flq, Hal" ... OUr man Friday lett ua narrow.mindednc!'s and superficiality and which Por W. and L. we'll slug and slua. And for the college dear let not flat th1a time . . . Did you m you destroys much of the value, often questionable at W. and L. gentlemen stumbling into classes when Princeton bas made cla.aa at­ aw. cheese! our studies Ia•. were tn town> ever see anytblnl they hear that word "fall." As far as ''line" goes, tendance voluntary aa 1001 aa the And for da Unlvol8lty we'll k111 With perspicacity we'll croea tbe more deserted than Main street best, of formal education. da. referees. the only line a W. and L. gentleman will fall into students do a rea.aonable amount yard. on Sunday mornlnl? .. . Mary Facts and f 1gures can be learned from book:,. of class work. Formerly each atu­ We're lOin& ta use our brass And taa the e-ne-my a blow quite Baldwin Collele had aort of an It is the influence of the minds and pcrsonalitie:. is a "line of bull" or the bread line. But this is d.ent was allowed et1hteen ab ­ nuck.s on doze mut. hard, open bouse 1aat Saturday. aettlnl not all. sences during the year . . . The And show doze dirty lo\.Lifll we rot As rracefully we trip across the the Younser set introduced to new o( able teache rs which makes college worth the rut.. Look at tho e words, ''We're going to win an­ bulldlniJs and grounds at Colum­ sod, men. Tbey picked a bad week­ di ( ference in time and money. Yet our students, bia. a.re valued. at $55.000,000. And if ya don't think we'll win, Tallyhoo! Tralaa! Huzzah! end . . . A Platrue on tbe worm prevented by an attitude of childish egoism from other time." Sich grammar I You ask yourself Those at Harvard are worth you are nuts. you are nuts, who awlped a New York Tlmee Rah! Rah! Rahl OUr present Swinr Is too com­ associating with their professors, are often de­ when we're going to win and the song says not $125,000,000, while Yale's campus not belongtnr to him from the ts valued at flOO,OOO,OOO. pro.rnlalng. It either ou•bt to be table at MCCrum •a on SUnday at­ prived of this benefit. Until this attitude is re­ this time but another time and what is more, we're Then, too, tbere IS always the purified as Rev. Twlttleberry sur- temoon .. . Splnich to Wee WUlte placed l.>y a more normal one, r eal scholar hip not going to win until we all fall in line. At that -- menace of school adminlatratlona rests. or strenathened by the act- Grover on his campatp for rate, we'll never win a ball game. out-tbroatlng seems to be th e who have the combined broad- dltlon of some lood old New Freahman Preaident. wi ll remain at a premium on this campus. vogue at V. M. I. One Keydet in- mindedneu of tbelr dia~lshed Cholsey verbiage. It 1a a queatlon And those words, "For W. and L., I yell, I vited his best girl to Lexinrton anceaton, the W. c. T. u., the for you. my fellow students, to Some of these IUYS who are tor the opening bops, while an- Puritans, and the Tennessee an- decide : THE OLD STORY­ yell, 1 yell, I yell." Well, you know what people out for reforma OUi ht to SUIIelt thought o£ Gertrude Stein for saying "A rose is other inmate asked h1s beat 1lrl ti-evolutloniats. It seems tbat Will you bide with the profane tbat the Univeralty buy comfort­ POLITICS AGAIN for home-comJng. She happena to theae antique officials believe the gana, or Joln the dalay chain able chairs tor profeaaora. Wblle The wcll·oilcd machine is still working, and a rose is a rose is a rose," and there isn't much be the same rtrl, and 1t has Iince words to the "SwlntJ" uncouth, rana? some or the profs stand up to lec­ more smoothly than ever, to outward appearance difference. F urthcnnore, we are supposed to be been decided to combine the two ------~------ture, as Martin, Hoyt, Blnton and dances .• May man win. tlon pictures. with the Pulitzer PloUJ'DOJ. there are a number anyway. Another group of of ficcrs has been elect­ gentlemen, and a gentleman would never yell. H e ~t I _I PREVIEWS prize wlnnlna story of aocia1 llke Bean, Crenabaw and L. P. ed and all is again quiet in political circles. might cry out ··Huzzah, huzzah !"-or even shout Paul Tulane. a ITe&t. rreat ...... ______snobbery ln a small mid-wen Smith and the rest who prefer to Every democracy that C\"er existeu sooner or "Bra,·o, lads!" But yell ? Never! grand-nephew of tbe founder of town. Pathos marks the COUJ'1Ie of be seated. It's bad enoUJ)l for the Then "We fight, fight, fight for every yard." Tulane UnlveraUy, entered th e 'fte New tbe picture. atudente to be uncomfortably later acquired factions and parties and bosses and eeated wblle llatenlna' to a lec­ E\'er) body knows boxing has been abolished at New Orleans Institution thJa fall. Wednesday : Top Bat-Thia 1s cliques. The \\'a. hington and Lee tudent go,·­ Newapapers featured the story, Ita laat nlaht; and 1t you havm't Lnlc ture. but that 11 no reason why ernrnent b no exception, in fact it has run the \V. and L. and we're still going to have three but they overlooked the fact that already seen It once or twtce, be Wednesday : No More Ladles­ tbe profNeOI'I should be compell­ fights for e\'ery yard we gain. According to Par­ the boy Is bavlni to wort bla sure to ro. n Ia hlrhlY entertain­ ed to lit in uncomfortable cane­ whole gamut a.nd i now in the final stage, the eta~ Robert. Montaomery and bottomed stra.l8bt back chain. agraph A, Article 1, Section 2, Rule 10 for Con­ way through the same university ina wtth much hllartous comedy. Joan Crawford who make a dull iron-bound machine, run by the few. which bJs .-reat uncle eadond. Especially 1ood 1s Helen B roder­ and tiresome attem,pt at maklq Subject for theata: J!tfect of Un­ And after all, why shouldn't it be ? If we stand duct of Player , "Any player striking an oppo­ Ick, who appears as Edward Ev­ comfortable Chairs on tbe Amount a sophisticated picture. The only of Work Demanded by Profeuo1s. nent with his fists, locked hands, or elbow will Lee and Grant are room-mt.tea erett Horton's wlle. The openlniJ rood part of the picture 1s the for it it i'l bccau e of one o£ two reasons, either at collere. Two freshmen were be ejected from the game and his team penalized scene tn the club room dance too laq, of cour~e there i~ no excuse. And i( you latter Is the great rrandaon of a Thunday and Prlday: Alice Richard Hannay. This week's ac­ band that we've heard for a lonr arc one of the impotrut minority, it seems to be ha\'e no team left. And yet a bunch of howling cousin or the northern •eneral. ~Katherine Hepburn re­ tion picture. woven around a time. and had everytblng from a Instates aopblatlcated acttna 1n just your bad luck. 'l'hc only (llution in sight is baboons wail to " fight, fight, fight for every Botb live ln Wuhlngton. mystery story lnvolvln• a ranr of bouncy, white-suited leader to a the New, after two weeka of ac- spies. warbler who lovtnrly embraced to get riel nf this t) pc of democracy where the yard." Oxford Unlveratty offlclala have tbe mike Ulte a profeulonal. Their rule of the majority b the rule of all. In fact, Our own "Tex" Tilson, who has established removed pnctteally all restrlc· r------­ playlnr waa clean-cut and their the c clecttons can he an cxcelll·nt lc ... son in ap­ him elf as a pretty fair teacher of football ta.c· tiona ap.tn.st women studente. All arraoaements were pleutnc. They tic , teaches his boys to hit and hit hard. 'The derrees at the Entllsh Institution THE EASY CHAIR outht to do pretty well lt they plied dtmocrac) a-. It ac;tually e.xish wluch we are now open to men and women stick. tocether. but mo.t oru might do well to rcmt•mher in later years. self- ame boys then are urged to "Roll old U ni· allke ... The human race baa By COWL RIDER don't for any lenath of tim•. In­ \Cr ity of Cali fornia at Los Angeles upon the arown two inches In averap cidentally. tbey had a IUM yo­ ~ belrht durin( the past century ....______. od, upon the sod." It's no wonder if they get deller there for a number or two NEW FIELDS TO CONQUER, accordln1 to Dr. Edith Boyd, of Collete catalocuea are wonder- Most art rallerlet have walla and he aounded oke. We beard NEW IDEAS TO ACQUIRE confused. the University of MlnnetOta, who ful tblnla. They are tbe atudent'a which set off the patntin(a wblch that he once vocaUied with Ted As the word "culture" ha appeared sporad- " Halt! Rah I Rah I" I give up. ha.s made extensive resea.rchn. Bible, they tell him that he l&c:kl bane upon them, the color of the Lewla. 80 many quality or quantity cred- walla dependJnr UPOn the whim ically in the column of cont<•mporary college I II Twenty fre-ahm- .-en at Mount Ita, they have all the COili'MI tab- of the owner. One thlna they all Tarun. about orcheatru-wu publicatium. '" 1thuut rou ~i ng mentionable di cus- I "r HE F 0 R U M Holyoke wUI be allowed to take ulated and numbered. Their have in common : they are Uaht. !.bat tbe Southern cone.ww or sion on tlw pan of the student body we arc dis- only two courses thJa year under drawback 11 ln that tbeJ do not The palntln•s In our 1allery llaq wun•t lt? 8eema to ua that Jlm point out the "crip'' couraea, they forlornly upon a dirty wall llke lO'<·d to nuc.,tion the avcnure tullent's concep- •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.l rules set down for a unique edu- Alters and MVen.l other mullcllera l ., ·-e • catlonal experlment tbere . . . are aometlmea milleacllna 1n their a lot of little boys peek.tnr shame­ were to c&I1'J on for lut year'a lion of it. ~1 uch millig"ncd, "Culture" has heen HOW TO T REAT A COLD Three unlveraltlea In Chlcaro are few worcla about a counte, and facedly from amud(ec:t tacea. A b&nd and of coune 10 under the erroniou ly intcrJ>rclcd a ~ analogo1h lo long hair, spOnsoring a university on the air they are prone to el&8rerate. Th1a 11•bter wall would name that they used lalt r•r­ H.'\' DR. I?B/JJ W IJJTE, Un i'l!ersity Ph)'Sicion to be b d t fl 1 1 lalt 11 our concern, and' we Wlk be far more cheery and practical. tbe Southern Collqlana. But In­ fO IJJ>i h cl res.,, aud tul abnormal pnsl!ion for Bach · roa cas over ve oca statlom. An extensive four-year baclt Into the J:aay Ch&lr to con- Tbe 11oom now there may pre­ stead another band. compoeed Fugues and l' lcn"~u·s uhstrnction . This is unfor- The common cold is probably the most crip. course 18 beln• planned for t hla alder lt. serve the paint but (may we I&Y mainly of freahmen, appeared on tunntc as it f.Civc ~ ri 'le to a prejudice \\ hich fure- piing ailment with which the student has to con· novel university. In the Waahinaton t.nd Lee lt ?l does not preserve the aeathe­ the scene ulln8 the name that catalOI'Ue on pace thirty-four are tic balance. Alten wu to use, u we under­ c•• ,...... a "n·at clt·al that t'l worth while and hinde r ~ tend, ninety per cent of our admis ions to the -- .., " Hanard and Yale students will some remaru about tbe art lal· Perhape, from thla ~~ea t 1n the stood lt. Gentlemen. renUemen, an iml'lligl•n t cumprchcn .,.iun of the purpose of ho:.pitnl being due to it. The active treatment of meet In an annual "Intellectual" lery ln tbe Library. It aaya: "On l!:aay Chair we have overlooked a Ia that ethical? a ''liiH:ral (·fl u(·auon " the col to inllow the ,uh jtct in hi:. prof c""ion. in food, and cunMipation are the four main rea- bam inatltutlon. mean anythlna; we take It to workl whose value mlsht be cauea­ el(ht-reel t.a1lllna picture deplct­ But a for tht• majurity uf facts that we cram "nn fur the ind1vidual being made su ceptible to --~o--- mean that the 1allery Ia adequate- Uoned . but a list of the paint­ lnl the rlae of man from aavacerr ly ll(lhted. Like most atudente lnp Is not now available. thourh temporarily intu our n1incl and corral h1 )tflrl} tlw culd, to \\luch he i con-.tantly exposed. Every Biaclc Widow Spiden to clvlllzaUon. at the LJrlc t.hea­ hould rest at le~t nine hours out of Running Wild in Domu had never rtven the art rallery 'I'hla dlac uulon or tho bltk­ procnm Ia belnl sponaored by lln'tncular. \\'h,tt n·tn:tin!l (fur the n ·nll) ... tnou tht• twt•nt} four ; exercise bhould be taken at lea!lt much thouaht, belna occupied 1r ound tor the pictures m.ay seem the ChrtaUan council. Freshmen In Leea and Oraham with more practical tbinaa. eo we like ~ waddle. bu~ It Ia not. A atone The CouncU 1a payln.r the reo­ stwlt-nt) i~ a •lr<'tiCr knuwlt·d~c· of the human thrct• tinw-. n wt.•(' k ; heavy eating of starchy food had a look at lL and wondered may be made or ruined by ita let­ donnitorles don't ~llev• In the tal fee tor the fllm . and the man­ 111111d in ib many pha ,.,, nn Ul•Jmciatlon of life. ancl irrq;ular tilting !-hould he avoided ; and con­ old sayln• "An apple a da y keeps with more pracUcal thlnp , 80 ttnri llkewt. e may a P&Jntlnr. aaement of tbe Lyrlo baa offered hudt a .. tall' t•an IW\'t·r hl• :u:hit•\ t•tl hy the stmknt ~II patton should ht• properly clealt with. the doctor away," since the cap­ we had a loolt at It and wondered Let no reader think. that au the use ot the theater without at the wor& "suitablY ll•hted." th is ta the produc~ of a soured who, can·fully .t' otlling cnur~t" that 111ight ltc When S} 111ptomll of n cold begin to appear, n. ture last week of two Black WI· char1e for the ahowlnr. Student.. dow spiders which are believed The rallery is, In a way. a de- brain l(l(lklna aome 1ubJect for will thus be admitted free to tbe CUII.,Icll'rt'IJ ", iM!i)" ( lllllt'!\' ht l'Clll'\iclt•rl\ thCtll lU diet llttlinl y of fruit juice '!hould be initiated for to havr come from tho crates of preasinr alaht. It is dine and condemnation, tor that Ia not the picture. Freshman attendance wUl ht• crip!o), chuo~e u ft·w "rc~p<•t·t,tlllt·" unci IKh· (\\ ent) fnur huurs; bi carhunatt.· of soda should apples which are belna sold In the duaty. So many of the palntlnaa pui'J)()Se or this colum n. Some­ be compulsory at the tum as one whose value once hlDied on auo- times th tn ~ra can be repai red by sihly t·outnlt'r~.ially \Uluahle ~:our"b awl carefully ht· tnkl'n three or four times a day; a saline pur­ two bulldlnaa. ot the serlet of orientation meet­ No harm wa.a done, h owever, clatlom have lona since lost tbelr gentle aur~rstton and con.struc­ lnrs. loci tlte111 into l'pMalc wntct · tit::ht COIIIJ),1rl· "ntin• ~hould lw takc.•n 1111<1 c.•xt ra re!t should he and the spide rs were captured aaociatloOI for younaer 1enera- tlve criticism rather th an by bel­ "The Human Adven&ure" waa 11111ll uf hi llllnt l, ne\t'r I){'(Ulat in~ un their H'· l·c.·urc:cl. 'l'hc pati(•nt should keep away from alive by 1tuden te who Intend to tiona and could be placed et.- lowed curses. and to POint out. produced by t.he Orlenlal llllll· lation ,., nne nnot Ita or tn tht• whnle of human cruwcl and uvcrhratcd homes a much as is po · stve them to the blolon depart­ where to fnl.lte room tor more au ne~~t and crlttcb.e .. the pur­ tute or the Untveratty of Chlcaco ment. One or them was caurht In worthy exhlblta. The wor kl of poae or thla Wh tle th u may be under the aupervlalon or Or. kntm kd~,tl' , In ~~ ,,Julnu ly t xducling "cultural" ihle. He hould a\uid t'xerci!le ince ''sweating Lees and the other In Oraham, value could be cleaned and per- written by a lazy correspondPnt Jamew H. Breasted, archeolotlat, ic, nrt, ell'.) hn itt part cleft•ntl'd out till' cold" i n fullacy. If the colcl progres C'l and althouah there hu been no hape the t ramea could be rejuve- It II not meant for the- Ia.,- rtad- h.latorlan. and director or the In­ ,f hi c.o;lumtiun, IIi picture of the nud tl wrc url· chill and fe,er, he then become a report of any othtra runn lna er. alnre the man too lind t.o aUtute. Dlrec:Uon and narration of loose. freahmen are caref ully ln­ nated For tnatance, there 11 a read thll wlll be much too tired the film 11 by hla aon, Charles. ,f the life tit •rl in i"' incon1pl tc and luq>itnl patitllt n11d hould go there without de· spectlnt t heir be wblcll 11 to wa lk upatalra to aee anybodY'• executive secretary of the INti­ rc nrc \\hnl~ fil'hl ut lift• that he lay. fore retlrlna. too aood to blu.ah unseen. art aallei'J, Pax voblscum. lute. ) THE RING-TUM PHI Page Three

lnterfrat Council Coach Cy Young will addreaa Powerful Dukej Nearly Scores SC MayTake I the meeting, Dr. Farrar said. Grid Machine Following the BIG BLUE In New Schools By ZACH KRAMER • I I Smashes W & L ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.:.t Eight Colleges Are Under In Crucial T i l t Duke W• the Better Team in Every Department, But Consideration By WasWigton and Lee Wat Not Outfought.- Officials Brilliant Aerial Attack And Idle Thoughts Offensive Plays Are Duke was the better team. the outstanding' end on the Shown by Duke They blocked more effectively, field, and he deserves mention they tackled more severely and for be carried out every one of Rent-A-Car - Drive-It-Yourself their offense was more power­ his manifold duties successfully. BIG BLUE THREATENS ful. Wasbln~n and Lee was Captain Jack Bailey played hls Chauffeurless ·Taxi Co. beaten In evb department Df usual fine game, making at one TWICE IN CONTEST the game, anaed the Generals. also penalized 85 yards that On the other hand Wallace tended to add more to our of­ Tennis Team Engaged Coach Forrest Fletcher Is put­ Come to see us.. Wade's aggregation made the Yes, the Blue Devils were the fensive. In Numerous Practices ting his cross country team In most of every opportunity given shape for thei.r first meet of the them, and when they were liven better team, but they were not 26 po!Ats better. The handwrit­ IDLE THOUGHTS - Tubby season which Is with the Univer­ no breaks, they made their own. OWings has returned to school, Although no Intercollegiate sity of North Carolina at Chapel J. Ed. Deaver and Sons Clarence Parker was the keystone Ing wa.a written on the wall when Arnold cUpped Liana early In and m.lght prove the added Im­ matches are scheduled before Hill the latter part of thls month. Clothiers and Furnisben of their attack, and his kicking, the first quarter, and the Blue petus that we seem to lack at Aprtl, members of the tennis team The varsity covered the entire passing and running netted his have engaged in numerous prac­ Devl1e took the ball on our ten­ present ... The Generals' Jun­ course for the first time on Wed­ Main Steet, Lexington, Virginia team three touchdowns and pre­ El­ Ior Varsity take a nice trip this tice sessions during the past sev­ nesday. No official time was tak­ vented Washington and Lee from yard Une. Up to that point lia' n1lllant klckl.nl · and Ar­ Saturday when they play the eral weeks. en but Coach Fletcher was en­ scoring. nolcfs nice run were making us NaVY B SQU&d at Anfiapolls ... In addition to the varsity, a couraged by the result...... EIIJJ Punta Brilliantly more than hold our own with Russ Peters visited u.s last Fri­ freshman team will be organized There are several good pros­ Parker's well-placed kicks forc­ our k>ugh opponent. On a re­ day, and he Is looking better thla year. The team will meet the The.re are several promising pros­ ed Ellis to k1ck constantly from than ever . . . Billy Kltchcock, varsity aggregation In a practice pects among the first-year men behind hls own goal line. Ellis verse, Parker made the entire distance and the score stood 8-0. former Staunton M. A. star, was match sometime in October. All including Ha'fold Harvey of Fish­ MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE kicked brilliantly. throughout the the big gun In Auburn't victory freshmen who wish to try out for burne, who had a brilliant prep contest, but beautiful blocking en­ Even then the Generals stm over Tulane ... The V. M. I. the team are as.ked to see Coach sehool record and of whom much abled ParJcer and the other Blue had a chance, for only a few Cadets cleaned up on the Duke Crenshaw as soon as possible. is expected. Devil secondary men to run h1a game ... Eddie Parka Davis was Lexington Billiard Parlor kicka back for a tremendous minutes later Berry and Bonino blocked Parker's punt, and An­ back In town . . . Can we beat AND THE ANNEX amDunt of yardage. Centre and West Virginia on two For Kramer's Intormatlon:­ Ward thrilled the crowd with a deriiOil recovered. An offside Compliments of penalty helped us to & first successive Saturdays? Duke 26, Washington and Lee 0. 58-yard run through the entire BEER AND WINE - WE DELIVER Washington and Lee team, tear­ down. and we were only seven­ Myen Hadware Store teen yards from the last white Ing himself away from Joe Ar­ Call 88 nold at the goal line. Smith alao stripe. Two tries at the llne net­ Fall Sports Schedule Lexington, V a. u. Phone .. made a long run for a touch­ ted six yarda, and Arnold called a pass for the next play. Here, down, but he was called back a lot of us grandstand quarter­ when the referee penalized Duke October 11-F~ Football, V. P. I.- Here ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: for holding. backa might differ with Joe's October 12-JayVee Pootball, Navy-There CORRECT COLLEGIATE stratqy, but It Ia so easy to say Duke's nnt Score October 19-Varsity Football, Centre.-Loulsvllle VLOTHES Washington and Lee started what should have been done af­ October 19-Frosh Football. Weat Virglnta.-Becltley --&t.- ter the game Is over, especially i Advice to Students I the contest hlttl.ng on all cylin­ October 21-JayVee Football, V. P. I.-There · ARTBUB SILVER 'S ders, but Arnold unintentionally alnce you already know what October 26--Varslty Football, V. P. I .-There B. E. Lee Hotel Blclr. i § clipped lJana as the latter was shouldn't have been tried. October 26--Varsity Cross Country, North Carolina.-Tbere ==- You had better write your girl a letter. ==-== touching down one of Parker's October 28-JayVee Football, Vlrglniar--Here We have the paper--don' t put it off later. The pass settled right Into kicka. and the Blue DevUs receiv­ November 1-Frosh Pootball, Virglnlar--There :- Get a box today-and don,t delay. Spe88U'd's banda, as he stood November 2-Varslty Football, West Vlrginla.-charleston ed the ball on the Bill Blue's ten­ on the five-yard line, but Bob Everythlng for the Hunter = yard line, A few playa later Duke November 4-Ja.yVee Football, VIrginia-There 5 = scored on a reverse with Parker was roughed considerably and it November 8-Varslty Cross Country, Richmond- There Guns Rented = carrying the ball. was Impossible to hold the ball. November 9-Varsity Football, Vlrglnla-Here i RICE'S DRUG STORE i During the entire game the Again on the laat down, Arnold November 11-J&yVee Football, V. P. I.-Here TOLLEY'S encountered a llttle Interference i- uThe Friendly Store" -§ Generals were found miserably as be went out for the pass, but November 18--State Cross Country Meet, varsity and Ptosh- Hardware Company weak In their pass defense and Charlottesvllle §II- rlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll- their defense against reversea. the Bll Blue had lost its chance November 18-Varsity Pootball, Maryland- There F. However, Bonino, Anderson and to score. Duke then opened Ita November 18-Fr06h Pootball, Maryland- Here Berry played great games In the paas attack for the first time, November 28-Varsltj Football, South Carolina-There line, and BaUey and Sample and before the halt was over, January 10-Varslty Basketball, Maryland- Here showed up well in the backfield. the lead waa extended to 111-0. January 11-Varslty Basketball. North carolina-Here A· REVOLUTION IN WRITING AND The W. and L. defenae a,aalnat Ellis featured the Generals' play passes was sloppy despite the January 13--Varslty Wrestling, Duke.-Here with a areat all-around perform­ fact that It looked so good in January 16--Varsity Basketball, Wllllam and Mary- Here ance. practice. Parker's lateral play January 25-Varslty and Froah Basketball, v. P. I.-Here January ~5-Varsity and Proab Wrestling, P . I.-Here The Generals will have a vaca­ around end, and Alexander and v. tion tbls week-end but will meet Ward on reverses rave the Gen­ February 4--Varslty Basketball, North Carolina State-Here FILLING by Clernson~Here SHEAFFE~ the strong Centre eleven on Oc­ erals no end of trouble. February 6--Varslty Basketball, tober 19, and a week later they Pebruary 8-Varslty and Froab Basketball, v. P. I.-There will play th eir traditional rival. It Washinston and Lee had February 8-Vars1ty Wrestllnl. North Carollna.-There Start the school year Virginia Tech, at Bluefield. • February 11- Va.rsity Basketball, Maryland- There with only cUclted, IIWlY of those February 12--Varslty Basketball, Navy- There Sheaffer's which are aupreme paases and runa would have been February 14- Varslty Wrestllna. Navy- There Vigorous Enforcement stopped. The tacklllll was slop­ In quality and performance py, the blocklna was raw, and February 17- Varslty Ba.sketbaH. North Carolina.-'I11ere • Of Traffic Regulatiom February 21- Varslty Basketball, Richmond- There and coat no more but last yet e6me of the Bil Blue played February 22- Vars!ty Basketball, William and Mary- There Announced by Mayor the beat I &me& of their career. longer.AIISheaffer's fill,empty, Anderson, Berry, Bonino, Mar­ February 22-Varslty Wrestlina, Mlchlaan State-There chant. Braaher and Sample Pebruary 24--Varslty Wreatllq, MichJ1an Univ.-There clean with one stroke and Vigorous enforcement of traf[le played 1rtat l&mes. Ellis was February 28-Varstty Basketball, Dub- There rules was announced by Mayor Pebruary 28-Proah Swimmlnr. Virainla-- take in over 400% more Skrip 0 . A. Rhodes u Lexinaton's poUcy Pebruary 29-Varslty Wreatllna. North Carolina State-Here per stroke than multiple-stroke for the coming year. AI usual, · February 29-Varsity Swi.Jnmlnc, Johns Hopkins--There '~ studenta wUl be obliaed to Fres hm en Down All dates must be considered tentative. All schedules. ln- pens. Visibility is kept perma­ have town Ucenaes for their auto­ cludina football, may yet be changed. nent by a patented vacuum mobUes. 'nleae licenses will be rood throulh the nine montha school JayVee Eleven r======:;:::=:======:; disc. The two-tone Feather­ year. while those puroh&aed last touch0polntthatonly5heaffer's April will be valid until next April. The followinr rerulatlona must Bripdien Noee Out jWt­ have makes two-way writing be strictly obeerved by all drivers, ior Vanity, 7·6, In A perfect. All these wonderful accord ina to the mayor: McCRUM'S m North and SOuth bound Regulation Game features combined with the traftlc hu rlrht-of-way over East Incorporated Lifetime0 Guarantee make and West, unleaa otherwile Indi­ After their a-o defeat at the cated. hands of Richmond Jl'rtd&y, the Sheaffer's the world's most (2) Double parking iB prohibited. Waahlnaton and Lee freshmen FOOTBALL FORECAST economical pens. See all <3> Double atopptn1 Is prohibi­ came back with force yesterday ted, except momentarily for the to down the Ja.y Vee's 7-8 In a gradesofSheaffer'sfrom$2.25 pui'J)OIIe of loading or unloadlna. full-time 1ame. $10 Prize to the Winner up at your dealer' 1. SHEAFFER It Ia a violation of the law to stop The Jay Vee's scored first when a car and w< store service. Williams Intercepted a paaa tn DEALERS• WRIT£ IMMEDIATELY FOR Motorlatll must continue to drive Football Games, October 12 the second quarter. A try for the INFORMATION ON THE WON­ around the block or must $)ark extra J)Oin~ waa no good, however. within six Inches of the curb. DERFUL DRY-PROOF DESK SET. 1n the third quarter a lolliJ pa.sa V. M. I. vs. RICHMOND Drive on the rtaht, park on extra poJnt to make the final KENTUCKY VI. GEORGLA TECH the rtaht, at all Urnes. score 7-8. MARYLAND VJ. N . CAROLINA In a meet1n1 today Coach Bo­ NEBRASKA vs. MINNESOTA Danem. CluiMll &Mumed len named Shack Parish captain VI. , ' PITTSBURGH W. VIRGINIA Mrs. "Cy" Youna announced ror the encounter with V. P. I. SHEAFFER PINS, today that she will a1aln con­ next Friday afternoon. TULANE vs. 1211 to •10 duct danclng claases for f resh- WISCONSIN VI. NOTRE DAME men. These classes. which have Swimmlfll' Notice been hllhly successful In prev- Candidates tor both the varsity SHEAFFER loua years, will be held two eve- and the freshman awlmrnlna P•• SU" l utL 011 A aeries of ei1Jhl le~n.~ wlLI be day afternoon In the gym. The in another o n a plain sheet of paper. Total your scores. lo uolntu ••cord• .,.,,.d., lu woh U c 11ven tor $5.00. As yet Mrs. Ifres hrn.an team will practice on Drop your forecast in the box before 3 p. m. Saturday. Youna has not decided UPOn the Monday, Wednesday and Thurs­ tlme or place for the first cla.ss. day thla year, Free Pencil-Skrip succEssoR-TO-LEADs See Your Dealer Page Four THE RING-TUM PHI

.,_--...,_- -~- _.,_.__ New Directory IGi'liam Crormed King General Chang W.-L. To Play Kentucky, Miss Mason to Speak Gf Lexin.gton Spellers Army, D uke Next Year Here on Social Security HAMRIC and SMITII In Contest of Words Printed Today Visits Campus Continued from page one Miss Lucy Muon, who spoke on Jewelers Fountain !ens-Favors-Leather Dean Frank J. Gllllam was verslty or VIrginia on October 24. the Federal Becllrlty program Goods Continued from page one rowned as Lexington's champion The game with Duke wUl com­ here laat spring, will speak next Famou s Chinese Christian plete the schedule for October. -..-....-----·---·--· Is next, ns has been t.he case for peller last night In the an­ Friday evening at 7:30 in New­ :!11111111111111111111111111111 tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll&: the pa.st several years. nual spelling bee conducted by the Officer Interviews The Homecoming game will be played with VIrginia Tech No­ comb Hall. She will describe the - - Although Iowa and Malne. rep­ sponsors of the local Children's Fletcher - resented last. year. have no stu­ Clinic. vember 7 In Lexlnaton. On No­ progress this act has made since = = dents In school this ses,sion, their Held in the Ann Smith Acad­ vember 14. Washington and Lee It was passed by the recent ses­ ~ The NEW CORNER STORE I Invades Kentucky to play Cen­ - loss Is more than offset by the emy, lhe contest was featured by Genero.l Chang, famous Chinese sion of Congress. Miss Mason Is :- Incorporated -i ~rc. addlllon of Colol'lldO, NebrRka, the presence of most of the local Christian general, was a visitor the secretary of the National Con­ and Wyoming. There are no stu­ "best spellers." Including a num­ of Washington and Lee Monday. The season will close Thanks­ = = giving Day, November 26, with a sumers' league. - - dents rrom Greece this year. but ber of professors from both Wash­ and was shown about the cam­ -= -= one ls registered from Peru. ington and Lee nnd V. M . I. pus, showing great interest in the game against' the University of After the speecb, which ev­ - - Maryland to be played in Wash­ = COLLE,GE NEWS POSTED DAILY := Following is a cla.ssillcatlon or The list or words was compiled Unlversl ty. eryone may attend, there wUl be - Ington. Baltimore, or POSSibly 1n :- -I students by residence: by Col. Dixon of v. M . I. and Dr. AJJ the general speaks no Eng­ a dlscusalon of the program witb : Tobaccos, Candy, Beer, Sbelley of the University ancient lish, he was accompanied by his College Park. Sodas, Lunch : Alabama ...... 23 language department. winner and interpreter, one Mr. Pen, and In­ The tentative scbedule Is as M1sa Mason by the members of E Paper and Magazines 5 Arkansas ...... 16 runner-up respectively or last terviewed by Forest Fletcher, phy­ follows: the faculty. All students and - - Cnlltonua ...... 3 September 2~pen. - - year's contest. They also acted as sical director. to tlnd out what townspeople are lnvited to attend. -51111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ- Colorado ...... 1 Judges. The words were given out program In physical education Is October 3- Army, at West Point. connecllcut ...... 16 by Dr. Gaines. being used here. The general is October lO-West Viralnla. at Delaware ...... 1 Charleston...... + Station-to·station rates on long distance calla are reduced at The contestants were dJvlded In America to study systems of Dtstrict. of Columbia ...... 18 October 17-Kentuclcy, here. + into two teams captamed by Col. physical education. and to deliv­ 7 p.m. with a still greater reduction at 7:30 p. m. Penon­ Florida...... 18 Read of V. M. I . and Dr. Howe. er addresses on the proness of October 24- Virglnla, at Char- Compliments : Georg1a ...... 13 Although the captains were the Christian ef!ort In China. He lottesville. · --of- • to-person rates are the same all houn. IllinoiS ...... 29 October 31- 0uke, at Rich­ among the early "missers," the SPOke at the Presbyterian church BOLEY'S teams fought on, and It was 11- Monday night. mond. f I November 7- V. P. I ., here LEXINGTON TELEPHONE COMPANY ~(\~ .::::::::::::::::::::: ~ nally Dr. Howe's team which won. Although greatly impressed by Kentucky ...... 61 Runner-up In the contest was ! Homecoming)...... Louisiana ...... 10 his interview with Pletcher, Gen­ Ml'S. L. P. Smith, wl!e of the era.! Chang showed h1s keenest November 14-Centre, there. Maryland ...... 37 bead of the romance language November 26--Maryland. there. Massachusetts ...... 19 Interest in the small tree In front STONEWALL JACKSON CAFE Michigan ...... 18 depart.,ment at Washington and of the dJnlng haU, which was +-··--MI •• • 1111 .. ---· The Southern Inn Lee. given to Washington and Lee by Comer of Main and Nelson Sts. Minnesota ...... 2 JACKSON BARBER SHOP For good food at reasonable rates Invites You to Try One of Their Delicious Meala Misslsslppl ...... 19 Both amusing and pitiful were Ll Hung Chang, the great Chinese the words on whicb some of the statesman and friend of Amer ­ Special Rates for Students Reasonable Prices Mlssoun ...... 18 contestants went down. Dr. De­ If it was good enouah for Gen. Fountain Senice Nebraska ...... 1 Ica. The general stated through sha was eliminated on tbe word his Interpreter that Li Hung Robert E. Lee, lt must be i?Od New Jersey ...... 60 enough for you. New Mexico ...... 1 "Imminent" and Dr. Morton on Chang Is held In high esteem in •·accomodate," whlle Dr. Bean .,__.._11 __.. __.. ______•• -· + New York ...... 93 CWna, and he himself bas a spec­ + North Carolina ...... 17 went down swinging at "analo· Ial Interest Ln the university For Good and Fancy Food gous." Prof. John A. Graham left which Li Hung Chang had admir­ Ohio ...... 37 tbe contest with "malteasance." HIGGINS and IRVINE Oklahoma ...... 5 ed. come to Suoscribers! Pennsylvania ...... 61 Lumber and Builder's South Carolin.a ...... 15 Freshmen Name Grover There was a meeting of the • Supplies McCOY'S GROCERY Tennessee ...... 19 Publications Board thiS afternoon Phooe 439 Get All the University News Texas ...... 32 President at Meeting at 5:00 o'clock in Newcomb ball. Verrnont ...... 2 Vlfi].nla ...... 197 continued from page one ~=lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllll~:_~====~· w est Virginia ...... 56 bls constituents as "Lucky" Gro- We are specialists in Enclosed fine my checlt for $3.10 to renew my Wisconsin ...... 7 ver. Have Your LAUNDRY Washed At The Wyoming ...... 1 A triumphant march through Ford Service but we re- subscription to The Ring-tum Phi. canal zone ...... 1 town on the sturdy shoulders of R kb .d S L dry Bav.'llll ...... 1 hls supporters climaxed the cele- oc rt ge team aun pair all makes of cars. Mexico ...... 1 bratlon in "Wee Willie's" honor. =_-:_ =====- Peru ...... 1 Grover made elght speeches. He Our prices are low and Name stopped wherever he found peo- which also solicits the Cleaning and Pressing of your ple whom be though might listen Moreland Announces the work is guaranteed. Address to him. The flow of oratory from ~====: Suits- the Zoric, Odorless Cleaning Method is used. :=====_ Names of Contributors the balcony of the Robert E. Lei! hotel caused a trattlc Jam on To Law School Building Main street. Two hundred and FREE DELIVERY SERVICE-CALL 18.5 flfty people answered Grover ROBEY'S Address aU subscriptions to FRANK CREW, bus- when be raised his right hand in 5UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'F. Largely by means of liberal ap- t GARAGE iness manager. propriaUons by the Board of lrus- a ~~:~u ~~mce through town. ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g tees but supplemented by gifts with Grover on the shoulders of S S (Ford) from alumni and friends of the Umverslty, the law school has Ws subjects. and a final speech S f 0 llOW t he ArrOW :- been able to assemble a working that ended when the beaming or- : S Buena Vista, Va. lnqr ling-tum JI)Jt llbrary of abouL s.ooo volumes to ator went hoarse, ended the eve- : TO- : replace in a measure the library ning'sGrover festivities. claims to be a keen stu- := - := =~======::!J ~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ losL In last December's fll·e, ac- 1dent of public affairs. He likes : T Q L L E Y ' S T Q G G E R Y S ...... + ..... +++++++++++++++ ..++++++++++++++tt+++++ cord ina lo Dean W · H . Moreland. certain features of the national : 5 Among the donors or books to Igovernment. buL reels that Roose- : : the law Ubrary are lhe follow- velt Is "materially sllpplna." E § COLLEGE TAILOR SHOP lng: When questioned about the : SEE THOSE : Mr. John Randolpb Tucker, Italo-Ethioplan War Grover said: : : Welcomes Students to Its New Location Near the Comer Store Richmond; Mr. George W. Cha- "Mussolmt will find worse than : A R R Q W E + ney, Roanoke: Mr. A. D. Ltps- he expected and the League wUl : S THE BEST CUSTOM TAILOR IN TOWN comb. Beaumont, Tex&8; Mr. be either made or broken by this : : FRANK Robert B. Tunstall, Rlc~ond ; Istruggle." . : SHIRTS, SHORTS, TIES AND : REMODELING - ALTERING Mr. L. J. Boxley, Roanoke, Hon. 1n emulation of President : E: New Fall S uits - Overcoats - Formal Apparel - Mess J adcets John W. Eggleston, Judge of the Roosevelt despite the fact that 5 HANDKERCHIEFS MORSE Supreme Court of Appeals; Mr: the chief' executive Is "slipplni." I§ §_ Guaranteed Work Which Will Save You Money Allan R. Campbell, New York, Grover's first o!flclal act was the = Phone .572 Mr. Robert M. Hughes, Norfolk; establishment of a brain trust to S 5 Prot. L. L . Campbell, Cambridge, officiate In an advisory capacity. : SEE US FOR THAT TUXE DO OR TAIL §=====- ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·-·~·-·-~·-·-·-·-·~·-·-·-·~·-·--·~·········· ...... Mass.; Mr. Walles Hank, Nor- He plans to announce details S COAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY .. folk; Mr. Douglas E. Brady, Olas- of his New Deal within the next : - iOW; through the efforts ot Mr. few days. : James R. Cask.le, a portion of the : A BRAIN HARASSED BY A PEN library or the late Judge H. c . = GET THAT TOP COAT WHILE OUR McDowell ; Mr. George E. Far- Barnes, S tudent to Attend § 5 THAT RUNS DRY, LOSES ITS rand, Los Anaeles : Mr. James Interfraternity Meeting : SELECTIONS .ARE COMPLETE S Kay Thomas, Charleston; Mr. C. . : 5 L. Claunch, ChallanQ08a: Mrs. As W .-L. Representatives l lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr. Library,Herbert JUniversity. Taylor, Staunton; or Michlaan: Law washlnaton-- and Lee's represen- ~~~~~~~~~~-~--·-;;••••;•• iS.u~tUuu:e ... l>th4Je/l. ... tuul &JIU"Une law finn of Hunton, W Ullams, Itallves to the National Intcrfro­ Hence Parker Created 102" More Ink •lid Vlllllel.. l111111tr Anderson, O.y and Moore. Rich- ternity conference wUI be Prores- , CllplcltJ mond ; Mr. Henry W. Anden;on, sor James F . Barnes and a stu· Richmond; family of the late dent to be selectrd by the Inter­ Judae J. P. Hobson of Kentucky; rrntemlty council. The 1935 In- I Vlralnla State Bar A.ssoclatlon. terfratemlty conCerence wlll be -- - held at the Roosevelt hotel In New York cU.y on November 29. 1 For the firllt time in the his­ tory of the conference the arad· tr·E···w uate and underaradunte sections Will combine In one large assem­ Today and Wednesday II bly. Prof. Bnrnes declared. II Among the prominent speakers See It .Again with whom neaottntlons nre now being made lo address lho con­ trJence Is Dr. Nicholas Murray TOP HAT Butlc.>r. president of Columbia un­ I verslty. The general h ue:s which will Thurlday-Frlday II be discussed at the meetlna are problems nffecllnt frutemlllc Katherine and their relations lo collraes. Increa~ tmollment. In a ma­ Jority or American collrae" lhla HEPBURN year will probably re ull In a 1cc­ ord-breaklna attendance an lhr ALICE .ADAMS conference. accordlna to Prof. Bamc . LYIUC'-Toda) !i 0 Ralph Bellamy Lexington May H ave I' Tala Birell Aviation School Soon The po.-,., lbllllY thnl U'xinllton "You can't haw fun lilce this with shim that shrink,. AIR HAWKS may soon ha\·e un av1allon eehool wus reVNlled today by Dnvld • Undergrat.luotca in 35 lending uuivcr· II LYRIO- WC'dn rsday II Pht'lj)ll, sophomore. or London, I *From Harvard to Southern fAUfornla Ohio. 11it ics ognio acclaim ARROW mar thrlr ·wanted by ~fore Stude nt~ That'• why thm••Gntlllnhtudrnuaro too pump like other Ncletll peu­ "It Joan Crawford four or tlvt• atudents will popular favorite. Jteuson ('nou~h - rtj tl llrlnj! th l'l fl tr•.,..•n ll "'"• ~lth thiurv. unthlnS to rf' ndrr it ui4'1C'M latl'f oo. fllPniCy their lnttnllon ot tnktna Tl uu~ All Otlaer Standard o lutinnory nt·w P 11 rl..t·r V»c·umiHillwith Tbat'11 why it. Ia auarantMd mHhant. Robert M ontgomery A•·row'e cxclusivr pall!'rn!l, cxtwrt tnilor­ lc'l.'>Ons " f.ald Ph(•lJ)'I. "I can gel Brateds Combined ~.·hlblu inl l lltJjll)' and Ill.!% more of it. l'all)' ll«'rftet. <'.o to any aood ttore n lrnnsporl. pllut to cotnll h(•re ing antl ca reful tyling. All rrow hirtt 'R r ltnltlinv tiJ ill m ir· lt'lhn.: (W'IIll anti try It yourwll. The NO MORE LADIES u.nd brhlll a hlp," a d~ ~ rilrr to lh" llj!h t, Parkrr l )t'D Company,]aoetYille, Wll. ore unforizctl laru n~ Evt'ry time tbat you The rniNI for the compll'!o In· write, your Train o£ th!')' un "o tb!' in!. It· H I II LYRJC'- Frldav II tnJctlon course. ll<"<'Otdlng to Thou ght (l u het along - tl'fl !I·•Y• oh~11cl If l t 'l Phelps, will bo vt>ry 1 casonllblt>. rail" nlllr('; drlit•a to t huo nmnlng lo"'. It ia lanu· Robert Donat A nt'w Taylor Cub all phnc, 11ald jltOUi m t'r. And evNy nutrtl hulh ut• rin s lln110f81lCI"-('VC'f1 Ur'ftO rlnJ n( hlmmrrin& ?arler SIIIRTS JM'lly Made line Carroll to bfl the besl type of Instruction ARROW J>r.rl antl J,.t •mart, , I~CUMATI~ tli•lrlll tion cauMd. b) a p lan~" , \\Ill b n\uihtiJ l~". ~11 a11d TIE ~~h .. e. lil..,., wholly C'J[• -AAIYIII MtUIMICAUf Hafttf I"'" I h11 t aldpt anti run 'I Phelps learn d Ul fly this sum­ dry in ltudy ptriod•, du~hl'. Jw"l.,, iJ1 • ,.,.clio, U 10, TIIIRTY-NINE o..r.s.... ••o "jO, •~4 u mr• ln n 1'n)lor plnuc. lie Is now rl•••,.•· or exama, oh­ It l"l•ntairl!l no n1bl""r STEPS 1n comnmnlcallon with a pilot atrUflJ tbo trad ud de· Ill' (uuntl in .loll'•l"fH' •ANtletm11-Rou , .Htfol StrtiCI lllfHY who ts lnLctP tr.d In comlna to raU. &he ttalo. wnMOW ~ pena- oo ..quirt•IWI (MI· ~ "SIIu ,...,•• , •....,._.. Lexington, h s ys.