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RTP 19351008.Pdf (4.110Mb) ) .l NOT NEWS BOT NEWS • Dr. Reid White on Oolds-Land­ New K. A. Bo~~.~&-Th&nkqlvtq volrt Writes Worda to Swtnr­ naoee.-Football For 1986. m r ling-tum t That Duke Game. By the Students, For the Students VOL. XXXIX WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1935 NUMBER 5 Army, DukeiWally Davies Tu~ns Explorer; Rueger Sets New Kappa Alpha House Kappa Alpha and Kentucky Spends Summ~r m N_onhland Cotillion Club To Build New Goes on Expedition To D D t T 0 PiaY W •L Greenland With Capt. ance .a eS Brick House Bob Bartlett Next Season Will Be Held Friday And By BOB WEINSTEIN Next Summer To most Washington and Saturday, November men, the problem of the summer All Dates Are Filled Except -was to escape the beat, but Wally 29 and 30 Same Location Used; Ar­ For Opening Davies spent hla time during the chitecture Will Resemble hot months trying to escape en­ SOPHOMORE DRIVE One raaed walruses, palar bears, and Faculty Homes collisions w}tb icebergs. FOR DUES STARTS On June 25th, Davies went GENERAlS TO FACE aboard tl}e schooner "Morrisaey .'' COMPLETION SET Band Not Yet Selected, TOUGH OPPONENTS commanded by Capt. Bob Bart­ FOR SEPTEMBER lett, as an ordinary seaman sign­ Depends on Campaign ed uJ) for the sclentlflc expedition Schedule Is Only Tentative to Greenland and the surround­ For Funds Alumni Gifts And Univer­ Ing waters. The purpose of the Tbe arehltect'a ooneepUon ol the new Kappa Alpha houe to Captain Dick Smith voyaae was to bring back speci­ Tbankaglving dance set, spon- be buUt nen summer a& r. coat of '15,000. Con&ribu&iona fJ'OID alam­ sity Loan to Pay For States mens for the Smithsonian Insti­ sored by the Cotillion Club and nl and a lOIUl from the UD1nnit7 Board of Trustees wtu be used $ 15,000 Structure tute and the Field Museum in the sophomore claas, will be held _to__ m_ ee_t_eo~_t._o_r _co_ ut_nacU__on. _____________ _ Chlcaao. Friday and SaturdaY. November ArtnY.-Kentucky and Duke will "To me, the most exciting In- 29 and 30, Wllllam Rueger, pres­ A new Kappa Alpha house, to be head-liners on the 1936 grid cident of the trip," related Dav­ Ident of the Coti111on Club an­ tWee Willie' Grover Triumphs; replace the present one damaaed proaram. R. A. Smlth, graduate ies, "was the attack of a wound· nounced today. by fire last spring, will be com­ manager of athletics, revealed to- ed bull walrus upan the ca.noe Despite the fact that the V. M. pleted by next September, mem­ day in announcloi the tentative. from which I shot him. TWo sall­ I. tall dances wiD come the same Is Elected Freshman President bers of the fraternity announced Washiniton and Lee football ors and myself had set out In a Wallace Davies at the llelm ol week-end, the Waablngton and today. The new house w111 be schedule for next year. ama.11 canoe lookln ator a walrus. the 'Morrfuey' beaded for Green­ Lee dances wlll be held as usual ----------------------------------------· constructed o.n the same site as The aame with the University We ailhted one on an iceberg and land. Davies aecompaaled Captaba on the Friday aad Saturday tol­ New Deal For Frosh, Says the present K. A. house. of Kentucky will be played here I fired at him. AB the animal slid Bob Bartlett on the cnabre wbJeb lowina Thanltsa1Yinr. Last year Powell Selects Four times within a period of on October 17. The Generals will into the water, we paddled tow­ was sponsored by the Explorers' the dates of the dance set were Prexy In Blaze Of two days last Aprll, the Lexington meet the Army eleven at West a.rds him to get the carcass be­ Club of New York. · llhitted because of a cont)lct with Oratory fire department was called to the Point, October 3, and wU1 pla.y fore lt sank. However, be was not Keydet dances. Committee To K. A. bouse. The cause of the Duke In Richmond on October 31. dead, for be suddenly lunged sey" was cauabt In a storm ott The sophomore claas wU1 spon­ series of fires wa.s finally estab­ The team that will face the against the canoe. almost upset­ the coast of Newfoundland, ln sor the dance on Prtday niabt and A "New Deal" for the treabma.n lished as defective wiring. Blc Blue in the openina game of ting us. The sailors with me be· which several fl.sbina bo&ts were the Cotllllon Club the Saturday tT ame' Frosh class was promised by Wllilam Temporary repairs were made the 1936 season bas not yet been gan to paddle frantically, and we wrecked. Durlng the gale, Davies nllht dance. There wU1 also be a Wesley "Wee Willie" Grover, Jr., to the present house after plans selected, but Capt. Diet said that barely aot away. It was a narrow was at the wheel for th,ree hours, da.nsant on SatW'day afternoon. of Norfolk, Va., who was elected for building a new house before the opener wU1 be played on Wll- escape." As he said this, Davies and they were the longest three The band tor t.be dance set baa Five Ch01en to Hear Com­ president of his cla8S last nllht the opening of school this year son field ne.xt year. ruefully looked up at the bare hours he has ever spent. One not yet been selected, according plaints; Co-Operation in Lee chapel, to the tumultous were abandoned. The present The second game ·ot the season wall in his room where be almost wave which swept the declts burl­ to Rueaer. accla.im of his fellow freshmen. house will be used the remainder wlll be with Army. On the follow- huna a walrus' head. However, be ed Capt. Bartlett the length of The annual campatsn for pay­ Entreated Prank McNichol, overcome by of this year. ina week-end the Generals wm dld shoot a palar bear in Melville the deck, arid threw Davies ment of sophomore clau dues It all, was elected vice-president The new house wU1 be built on meet West Virginia university in Bay. against the wheel with such will beain this week, officers of and absented himself from the the foundations of th.e present the traditional battle at Charles- Further north the expedition force that he was considerablY The final selection of members Chapel before he was called upan the class said. 'l1le outcome of of the Freshman Aa81m11atlon one. Plans call tor two stories on ton. was presented with a narwhal by bruised. But a true seaman by thla drive for du• w111 laraelY de­ to make a speech. G. Murray the street level, and a game room, Pollowina the Kentucky aame some Eskimoes. a.nd the crew had then, he clung to the wheel. committee was completed last Smith got himself elected secre­ termine the quallty of orchestra night, AniUS Powell announced dining room, kitchen, and chap­ here, the Bll Blue wlll Journey to to skin the animal and clean the Finally, after more than two that can be •cured for the tary-treasurer, James McClure, ter room In the basement. The Charlottesville to play the Uni· bones. Whenever he thinks of months away from home, the today. The tlve me.mbers compos­ sartorially replete wlth a red tte, Thanltsilvlni daocee, Rue1er de- ina the committee are AniUS upper fioor wlll contain etaht continued 00 pace four that Job, Davies saya, his stomach "Morrissey" sailed Into New York clared. · became historian, and Robert double bedrooms and a larae rises and falls with the tide. The harbor on SepternJ)er first. Powell, chairman, Ken Lane, J. Newell was chosen by the fresh­ 'nle budget for the Tbanksaiv­ B. Douglass, Bllly Schuble and bath. On the lower floor will be expedition brouaht back the skins "It's an experience that I would ina dance set Ia beilll prepared men for the position of executive two bedrooms, a large lounge run­ and bones of three narwhals, not have miMed for the world," Bob Brickhouse. The last two r.nd will be ~~ to the Dance committeeman. ning the full width of the bouse, 8 o z e Is Elected which wU1 be stuffed for the said Daviee about ~e trip, .. but members ~e hea4 cowicnors tn Lite a pare from an Horatio Control bclifd' tJU week. DeflnJte the dormitories; the others are a card room, and a suite of rooms Field Museum. They brought back one that I wouldn't care to ao plans tor the dAnces await the Alger classic reads the rise of tor the housemother. Two porches tor the Smithsonian Institute through again." members of the executive com­ "Wee Willie" Grover, who was To Lead Figure board's approval o( the budaet. mittee. wiU face the campus. some meteoric ore from Disco is· Recently a picture of Davies announced as a blood brother of The aeneral architecture of the land, the only place where this and several other members of the In announclnr the choice of the Emperor of Ethiopia. For­ men for the committee, Powell house will be the same as the five At Senior Dance particular ore can be found. party appeared in various Sunday merly sergeant of the schoolboy faculty houses on either side of On the trip home, the "Moris- rotogravw·e sec~iona . New Directory reiterated hls former plea tor the patrol at a Norfolk Junior hlgh co-operation of upperclaslmen in Washington college. Four larae school, Grover 1a accustomed to white pillars will face Letcher Big Clique "Clicks" enforcing the freshman rules.
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