Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 2

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Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 2 '· ,.; I ;J S i g m ARCH Kapp :TRIANGLE~ 9 3 5 1,9 \1. Official Publication of Sigma K~ppa 'Board CONTENTS Mrs. Hall's Memory Will Ever Be Bright in Our Hearts . .. of ·- .. •. .... .. ... ..... Mary Agnes Brown, Zeta 3 "Take My Love to All the Chapters" . Patty Marshall Brenner 5 The Last Months of Our Founder. .Alice Hersey Wick, Rho 6 editors Hold Memorial Service in Washington .. ... .. ... 7 By All Means Visit Iceland .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. Svanhuit Jo hannesson, Beta Gamma 9 Editor-in-Chief P.anhellenic Asso£]f1tion Sponsors Conte~ t .. .. ... .. 11 Restaurant Industry Offers Varied Opportunities for Women FRANCES WARREN BAKER ... : . .............. Gladys Leeper, Theta 12 (Mrs. James Stannard Baker) Jane Greer, Psi, Sigma Kappa Granddaughter, Is Beauty 6856 East End Avenue Queen ....... .. ..... .. ... ... · · · · · · · · 14 Chicago, Ill. Introducing More "Field Officers" .. .. .... ... ... ... 15 N~w Englanders Gather in Bostoo, for Convention . .. Nellie Birkenhead Mansfield, Omicron 16 Cleveland Alumnre Entertain Region V ... ...... .. .. .. 17 College Editor Region IV's Convention to be Held in Tallahassee, Florida, ERDENE GAGE in April. ..... .... .. .. .. Miriam Terrell, Omega 18 Which Books to Choose? ...... .. Clara Ellene Bradford, Xi 19 177 Arnold Avenue Alpha Tau and Beta Gamma Tie for Scholarship Cup...... 22 Edgewood, R.I. Ohio Wesleyan Greek Conclave . Margaret Hazlett Taggart 22 Send in Your Poems for Sigma Kappa Anthology of Verse . 24 Library Tour Took Me from Ancient to Modern Civilization Alumnee Editor . ...... Hortense Balderston Campbell, Alpha Gamma 25 Indianapolis Alumnre Help American Settlement Nursery .. RUTH NORTON DONNELLY . .... .. .. .. ... .. Pat Slayback Shaffer, Tau 29 (Mrs. Bernard Donnelly) Our Christmas Gifts Were Genuinely Appreciated by Island- 2454 Virginia Street ers ..... .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... 30 Berkeley, Calif. Sunshine Club Brings Cheer to Maine Seacoast Folk ... .. 31 "Mathematics" Prove Worth of Our Mission Work and Need for Money ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 31 Exchange Editor Cited for Interest. .. .. .. .. 32 Milestones ... .. .. .... .. ... .. ... .. .. 34 MARIAN SE CHEVERELL With Sigmas Everywhere ... .. .. ... .. .. 39 HEMINGWAY Pledges ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 (Mrs. J. Rene Hemingway) Initiates . ... .. .. .. .. ... ... 49 With Our College Chapters .. ... .. .. ....... 50 461 Melrose With Our Alumnre Chapters .. ... ... ... 60 Chicago, Ill. With Our Alumnre Clubs . .. ... .. .. ..... 70 Directory .... ... .. .. ..... .... ... .. ... 71 Philanthropy Editor NELLIE B. MANSFIELD SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLB is published in March, June, October, and De­ cember, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publishing 56 Hillside Avenue Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. Everett, Mass. Entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 13, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Price $2.00 per annum. Single copies Executive Secretary 50 cents. Life subswption $15.00. Chapters, College and Alumn~ must send manuscriJ:lt in time to reach RUTH E. LITCHEN their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and September. 1630 Alabama All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent to Miss Litchen Lawrence, Kan. at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 1630 Alabama, Lawrence, Kan. National Panhellenic House, New York City New Beekman Tower Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol. 29 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.1 / Mrs• . Hall's Memory Will Ever Be Bright in Our Hearts By MARY AGNES BROWN, Zeta, fo rmer Grand Secretary T CAN be said without contradiction that Mrs. Hall ever since the first day he met her, the lives of all who knew our Sigma and has · shown his appreciation of her help­ I Kappa Founder, Frances Mann Hall, fulness in many ways throughout the years were enriched by that knowledge and that since he sat under her teachings at Central the influence which she exerted will be felt High School. throughout future generations in many parts Later Mr.. and Mrs. Hall entered the .field of the earth. of private education and conducted for some Mrs. Hall and her young lawyer-husband years one of the finest preparatory schools left their native State of Maine a few years in the country. Many successful candidates after their graduation from Colby College, for the academies at West Point and Annap­ and came to the Nation's Capital to spend olis have been able to enter those institutions their adult lives. Being of the pioneer type because of the thorough and painstaking she was not content to be merely a loving training, the interest and encouragement wife and capable housekeeper, but sought to which they received from Mrs. Hall. carry on in a constructive way in the world at One might think that she would find little large. Thus we find her as a teacher of Latin time for her sorority, but such was far from in one of the Washington High Schools true. She was overjoyed when a charter was where for some years she gave of her youth, granted to the petitioning group at George her keen intellect and fine personality in the Washington University which, in 1906, was education of hundreds of boys and girls who formally installed as Zeta chapter. Several still remember her as one of the finest ex· years later, February of 1910, the sorority amples of womanhood. Among her pupils held its convention in Washington with was a young lad recently arrived from China, young Zeta chapter as hostess. It was a great Sao-Ke Alfred Sze, who knew little English disappointment to Sister Hall that illness con­ but who made a brilliant record, and who fined her to her home and prevented her after his graduation from Cornell University from attending the sessions. Her disappoint­ entered upon a notable career of public ment was no less keen than that of our be­ service for his nation, culminating in his ap­ loved sister and former Grand President, the pointment as Minister to the United States late Grace Coburn Smith, who waited upon from China, a position which he now holds. Mrs. Hall and kept her informed of the prog­ Dr. Sze has been a friend and admirer of ress of the convention. Finally, on the last SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 3 day of the conference Mrs. Hall was able to She had the highest regard and affection for go to the window of her home to wave a these colleagues who formed Sigma Kappa, greeting to the delegates who had come to and it was apparent that this feeling of re­ Washington from the handful of chapters spect and admiration had not dimmed a that then formed Sigma's chain, and who particle during the long years of physical gathered outside the house at an hour fixed separation. She had felt unable to make the by Mrs. Smith. So great was Mrs. Hall's en­ long trip to Maine for this Jubilee Conven­ thusiasm that, sweeping caution aside and tion but her husband's urgent insistence fi­ enveloping herself in a large woolen shawl, nally resulted in her presence, for he knew she braved the wintry winds and came out­ how much it would mean to her. When she side the house in order to have closer contact expressed extreme gratification that he had with the girls whom she loved, while they made that glorious experience possible I stood by in the snow that was piled high in could not help but feel how deeply grateful drifts and gave her enthusiastic cheers. Mrs. were the hundreds of Sigma Kappas whose Hall laughingly recalled this incident at a joy would have been incomplete if she had Founders' Day dinner last November in com­ not been at that memorable homecoming! menting upon the number. of Sigma Kappas it had been her pleasure to meet and know since that far-off date when, she said with a Her Interest Was Eager chuckle, it was a wonder she hadn't caught Apparently she had given up all thought pneumonia! of ever attending another convention but Mrs. Hall's married life was most happy. when Grand Council urgently invited her to She was modestly proud of the fact that she come in 1933 she finally saw her way clear, was the first Sigma Kappa to be married. and together we journeyed to Saranac Inn. This event was a disappointment to her The delegates to that convention will recall mother who felt that she was too young to how eagerly she particip~ted in all the activ­ undertake the responsibilities of marriage ities and how keen was her interest in the which included, in her case, leaving home modern college girl. Her presence at the and going with her husband to a new en­ banquet following initiation and the scholarly vironment, among strangers, to seek their remarks she made in responding to a toast fortune. But "Fannie," as she was known to will remain an inspiration to all who were her family, with her logical mind, convinced fortunate enough to be in attendance. them that the path she had chosen was the This remarkable woman led an active life proper one, and she never regretted that until the time of her last illness. She attended choice. When her husband died, about five personally to her business affairs and could years ago, she felt that the greatest part of often be seen in the business district of her life was over. This, however, did not Washington as she performed these duties. prevent her from "carrying on," though it is Her home was in the downtown section near believed that she looked forward to the time the Court House, and she deeply resented when she would join him in the world beyond the march of "progress" which gradually and continue their perfect companionship. changed the character of her neighborhood from that of a fashionable residential district to one primarily of commerce, and which A Glorious Reunion eventually led to architectural changes at the In the latter part of June, 1933, it was my front of her property in order to widen the privilege to accompany Sister Hall from street.
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