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Taxonomic Index Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72945-1 - Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution Louis P. Ronse de Craene Index More information Taxonomic index Abuta, 135 Adoxa, 43, 337–338 Alismatales, 88–90, 91, 93, Abutilon, 227 Adoxaceae, 334, 95, 144, 355, 356 Abutilon megapotamicum, 227 337–338 alismatids, 23, 46 Acaena, 288 Aegiceras, 304 Alliaceae, 60, 98, 103 Acalyphoideae, 257 Aegicerataceae, 307 Allium, 46, 103 Acanthaceae, 34, 324, Aegilitis, 175 Alnus, 281 330–331, 342 Aegle, 230 Aloe, 100 Acanthus, 331 Aegopodium podagraria, 341 Aloe elgonica, 100 Accacia, 276 Aesculus, 228 Alopecurus, 121 Acer, 5, 228, 230 Aextoxicaceae, 24, 152, Alpinia, 126 Acer griseum, 228 153–154 Alpinieae, 125 Aceraceae, 228 Aextoxicon, 24, 153–154 Alsinoideae, 179, 181 Achariaceae, 245, 256 Aextoxicon punctatum, 153 Althaea officinalis, 223 Achillea, 346 Afzelia, 24, 274, 278 Alzateaceae, 209 Achlys, 29, 136 Afzelia quanzensis, 276 Amaranthaceae, 43, 176, 177, Aconitum,21,42,137, Agave,46 178, 181–182, 359 139, 140 Agrimonia, 25, 217, 285, Amaranthus, 181 Aconitum lycoctonum, 137 287, 288 Amaryllidaceae, 42, 98 Acoraceae, 90, 91–92 Aizoaceae, 176, 177, 178, Ambavia,73 Acorales, 88 184, 359 Amborella, 11, 29, 64, 69, 353 Acorus, 46, 88, 89, 90, 91, Aizoaceae-clade, 182 Amborella trichopoda,63,64 92, 356 Aizooideae, 184 Amborellaceae, 64–65 Acorus calamus,91 Akania, 233 Amborellales, 64, 353 Acridocarpus, 248 Akaniaceae, 233 Amelanchier, 288 Actaea, 137, 139 Akebia, 134 Amentiferae, 281 Actinidia,18 Albizia, 276 Amherstia, 276, 278 Actinidiaceae, 299 Alchemilla, 288 Amphipterygium, 232 Adansonia digitata, 221 Alisma,95 Anacampseros, 191 Adenogramma, 184 Alismataceae, 18, 90, Anacardiaceae, 17, 227, 228, Adonis, 139 94–96, 356 232–233 414 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72945-1 - Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution Louis P. Ronse de Craene Index More information Taxonomic index 415 Anacardium, 233 Araceae, 84, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96, Astrantia, 341 Anacardium occidentale, 233 97, 144 Atherosperma,81 Anagalis, 307 Aragoa, 328 Atherospermataceae, ANA-grade, 63, 353 Aralia, 340 80–81, 82 Ancistrocladaceae, 164 Aralia elata, 340 Aulax, 142 Androsace, 305 Araliaceae, 18, 31, 45, 338, Austrobaileyaceae, 7, 68, Anemone, 137, 354 339, 340–341, 361, 69, 354 Anemopsis,86 362, 363 Austrobaileyales, 68, angiosperms, 3, 5, 11, 13, 22, Archaefructus,62 353, 354 25, 31, 48, 49, 59, 60, 61, Archidendron, 274 Averrhoa, 268 62, 63, 71, 85, 92, 99, Ardisiandra,60 Averrhoa carambola, 268 110, 137, 142, 149, 193, Arecaceae, 112–113, 356 Azara, 257 223, 287, 298, 351, 353, Arecales, 112 Azara microphylla, 257 359, 360, 361, 364 Arenaria tmolea, 179 Azara serrata, 256 Anigozanthos, 114 Aristolochia,83–85 Anigozanthos flavidus, 114 Aristolochiaceae, 33, 82–87, Backea, 214 Anisadenia, 252 105, 354 Baldellia,95 Anisophyllaceae, 57 Aristotelia, 13, 267 Balsaminaceae, 37, 298, Annona,47,73 Aristotelia fruticosa, 267 299–301, 361 Annona montana,75 Armeria, 174 Bambusoideae, 121 Annonaceae, 8, 13, 16, 32, 47, Artabotrys hexapetalus,73 Barbacenia, 111 70, 73–75, 95, 354 Aruncus, 288 Barberetta, 114 Anomochloa, 122 Asarum,83–85 Barbeyaceae, 290 Anthoxanthum, 121 Asarum caudatum,83 Barnadesia, 347 Anthoxanthum odoratum, 120 Asarum europaeum,84 Barneoudia, 137 Anthriscus, 341 Asclepiadaceae, 34, 320 Barringtonia, 308, 309 Antirrhinum, 49, 50, 328 Asclepias, 322 Barteria, 253 Aphanes arvensis, 288 Asclepioideae, 322 basal angiosperms, 6, 7, 8, 16, Aphanocalyx, 278 Askidiosperma, 119 19, 29, 30, 31, 33, 49, 60, Apiaceae, 29, 43, 338, 339, Asparagales, 61, 98, 100, 61, 62, 63, 65, 69, 76, 83, 341, 361, 362, 363 101, 105 86, 88, 90, 91, 129, 144, Apiales, 338, 339, 340, 363 higher, 98 172, 352, 353, 354, 355, Aploleia, 117 lower, 98 356, 358 Apocynaceae, 33, 42, 318, Asphodelaceae, 100 basal asterids, 292 320–322 Asphodelus, 100 basal core eudicots, 146, 149 Apodostigma, 360 Aspicarpa, 248 basal eudicots, 29, 30, 60, 63, Aponogetonaceae, 88–90, 98 Asteraceae, 5, 7, 8, 33, 43, 129, 142, 353, 354, Apostasia, 100 336, 343, 346–347, 356, 357 Apostasioideae, 100 362, 363 Basellaceae, 190, 191 Aptenia, 185 Asterales, 342–343, 363 Bassia, 302 Aquifoliales, 62, 333 asterids, 43, 60, 62, 152, 159, Bataceae, 233, 234 Aquilegia,10,21,42, 201, 292, 298, 339, 358, Bataceae-clade, 233 137, 139 361, 362 Bauera, 201 Arabidopsis,49,85 Asteroideae, 347 Baueraceae, 265 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72945-1 - Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution Louis P. Ronse de Craene Index More information 416 Taxonomic index Bauhinia, 26, 48, 278 Bonnetiaceae, 245, 310 Caesalpinia, 276 Bauhinia divaricata, 276, 278 Boraginaceae, 42, 315–316 Caesalpinioideae, 27, 274, Bauhinia galpinii, 278 Boscia, 239 275, 276, 280 Bauhinia malabarica, 276 Bougainvillea, 177, 187 Cajophora, 296, 297, 298 Begonia, 272 Bougainvillea spectabilis,185 Cajophora hibiscifolia, 296 Begonia albo-picta, 271, 272 Bourreria, 315 Calandrinia, 191 Begonia argenteomarginata,272 Brachychiton, 227 Calceolaria, 326 Begonia bogneri, 272 Brasenia,67 Calceolariaceae, 322, 324, Begonia ferruginea, 272 Brasenia schreberi,66 325–326 Begonia galinata, 272 Brassicaceae, 17, 25, 29, 48, Caldcluvia paniculata, 265 Begonia heracleifolia, 271 57, 61, 234, 238, 240–242 Caldesia,95 Begonia incana, 272 Brassicaceae sensu lato, 241 Caldesia parnassifolia,95 Begoniaceae, 269, 270, Brassicales, 26, 61, 203, 228, Calla,96 271–272 233–234 Calliandra, 275, 276 Berberidaceae, 8, 132, Bretschneidera, 228, 233 Calliandra 135–137, 142 Brexia, 43, 264, 265 haematocephala, 275 Berberidopsidaceae, 24, Brexia madagascariensis, 262 Calligonum, 170, 174 152–153 Brexiaceae, 262 Callisia, 117 Berberidopsidales, Bromeliaceae, 118 Callisia navicularis, 117 152–154, 357 Broussaissia, 296 Callisia warscewicziana, 116 Berberidopsis, 152, 153, 154 Browallia, 317 Callistemon, 23, 212, 214 Berberidopsis corallina, Brunelliaceae, 265 Callistemon citrinus, 51, 212 152, 153 Brunoniaceae, 343, 363 Callitrichaceae, 26, 326 Berberis, 43, 136 Buddleja, 329 Callitriche, 328 Bergenia, 194 Buddlejaceae, 328 Calochortus, 105 Bersama, 38, 208 Burmanniaceae, 103, 104 Calycanthaceae, 7, 70, 75, Besseya, 328, 361 Burseraceae, 9, 227 76–77, 354, 355 Betula, 281 Butomaceae, 14, 93 Calycanthus,10,77 Betulaceae, 44, 280, 281 Buxaceae, 5, 146, 147–148, Calycanthus floridus,76 Bignoniaceae, 324, 329, 152, 354, 357 Calyceraceae, 343, 345, 362, 363 Buxales, 129, 147, 149, 357 347, 363 Bixaceae, 217 Buxus,44,147 Camellia, 310, 311 Bixalean clade, 217 Buxus sempervirens, 147 Campanula, 344 Blackstonia, 319 Byttnerioideae, 8, 221, Campanulaceae, 35, 342, Blumenbachia, 298 224–225 343, 363 Blutaparon vermiculare, 181 Campanulids, 292, 333, 352, Bocagea,73,75 Cabomba, 66, 67, 354, 355 361, 363 Bocconia, 132 Cabombaceae, 13, 65, Campanuloideae, 343, 344 Boenninghausenia, 230 66–67, 355 Cananga,16 Boenninghausenia Caccinia, 315 Canellaceae, 71 albiflora, 230 Cactaceae, 178, 190, 191, Canellales, 62 Boerhaavia, 187 192, 359 Canna, 127 Bombacaceae, 220, 227 Cadia, 280 Canna edulis, 127, 128 Bombacoideae, 221 Cadia purpurea,50 Canna indica, 128 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72945-1 - Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution Louis P. Ronse de Craene Index More information Taxonomic index 417 Cannabaceae, 285 Cathedra, 156 Clematis, 137, 139 Cannaceae, 27, 123, 127–128 Ceanothus, 290 Cleomaceae, 61, 234, 241, 242 Canotiaceae, 262 Ceanothus dentatus, 289 Cleome, 241, 242 Canscora, 320 Cecrocarpus, 287 Cleome isomeris, 241 Caperonia, 259 Ceiba pentandra, 221 Cleomoideae, 61, 238 Capparaceae, 20, 27, 46, 61, Celastraceae, 43, 262–265, 360 Clermontia, 344 234, 238–239, 240, 241, Celastrales, 243, 262 Clerodendrum, 331, 333 242, 276 Centranthus, 336, 337 Clerodendrum petasites, 331 Capparis, 238, 239, 242 Centrospermae, 163 Cleyera, 312 Capparis Cephalotaceae, 265 Cleyera japonica, 311 cynophallophora, 238 Ceratonia, 276, 278 Clidemia, 215 Capparis yco,47 Ceratophyllaceae, 62, 63, 88 Cliffortia, 285, 288 Caprifoliaceae, 7, 25, 27, 28, Ceratostigma minus, 174 Clusia, 248, 248, 251 60, 330, 334–337, 363 Cercidiphyllum,23,29 Clusia gundlachii, 251 Caprifolieae, 336 Cercis, 278 Clusiaceae, 29, 245, Cardiandra, 296 Cestrum parqui, 316 248–251, 264 Cardiospermum, 228 Chaetonychia cymosa, 179 Clusiaceae sensu lato, 248 Carica,44 Chamaelaucium, 214 Clusioideae, 248, 251 Carica papaya, 235 Chelyocarpus, 113 Clutia, 257, 259 Caricaceae, 8, 44, 233, 234, Chenopodiaceae, 181 Cneorum, 230 235–237, 361 Chenopodium, 182 Cnidoscolus, 259 Cariniana micrantha, 309 Chimonanthus, 355 Coccoloba, 170, 174 Carpenteria, 296 Chionanthus, 325 Cocculus, 135 Carpinus, 281 Chiranthodendron, 220 Cocculus laurifolius, 134 Carpinus betulus, 281 Chloranthaceae, 26, 62, 63, 88 Cochliostema, 117 Caryophyllaceae, 16, 20, 42, Chloranthales, 62 Codiaeum, 259 170, 175, 176, 177, 178, Chrysobalanaceae, 15, 42, Cola, 227 179–181, 182 245–247 Colletia, 290 Caryophyllaceae-clade, 179 Chrysobalanaceae sensu Colobanthus, 181 Caryophyllales, 13, 21, 159, lato, 245 Colubrina, 290 163, 167, 170, 172, Chrysobalanus, 245 Comandra, 159 175–178, 190, 191, 359 Chrysobalanus icaco, 245 Combretaceae, 209, 215 Caryophyllales sensu lato, 163 Chrysosplenium, 194, 203 Combretum, 216, 217 caryophyllids, 33, 60, 152, Cichorioideae, 347 COM-clade,

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