CHAPTER 35 PLANNING GUIDE Struggles for Democracy, 1945–Present


ESSENTIAL QUESTION In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Interactive Online Edition SE Chapter Assessment, pp. 1066–1067 How did and nations in • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 TOS ExamView® Assessment Suite (English/Spanish) Formal Assessment Latin America, Africa, and the Chapters in Brief (English/Spanish) TOS CalendarPlanner • Chapter Tests, Forms A, B, and C, former Soviet bloc struggle for Block Schedule Pacing Guide pp. 581–592 Power Presentations with Media Gallery democracy? Voices from the Past CD TOS ExamView® Assessment Suite (English/Spanish) Electronic Library of Primary Sources Strategies for Test Preparation Video: Tiananmen Square Focus on the Essential Question Podcast

SECTION 1 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 World Art and Cultures Transparencies SE Section 1 Assessment, p. 1039 Democracy—Case Study: • Guided Reading, p. 50 • AT76 The Family Formal Assessment • Geography Application, p. 57 • Section Quiz, p. 576 Latin American Democracies • Literature: from Brazil, p. 63 Test Practice Transparencies, TT136 MAIN IDEA In Latin America, • History Makers: Juan and Eva Perón, p. 66 economic problems and • Reteaching Activity, p. 69 authoritarian rule delayed Case Studies 7 and 8, pp. 86 and 100 democracy. Guided Reading Workbook • Section 1

SECTION 2 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 World Art and Cultures Transparencies SE Section 2 Assessment, p. 1045 The Challenge of Democracy • Guided Reading, p. 51 • AT77 Multiple-Mask Headdress Formal Assessment • Primary Sources, pp. 59, 60 Electronic Library of Primary Sources • Section Quiz, p. 577 in Africa • History Makers: , p. 67 • from “Masakhane–Let Us Build Together” Test Practice Transparencies, TT137 MAIN IDEA As the recent histories • Reteaching Activity, p. 70 of Nigeria and show, Case Studies 4 and 8, pp. 44 and 100 ethnic and racial conflicts can hinder Guided Reading Workbook democracy. • Section 2

SECTION 3 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 SE Section 3 Assessment, p. 1051 The Collapse of the Soviet • Guided Reading, p. 52 Formal Assessment • Primary Source: Political Cartoon, p. 61 • Section Quiz, p. 578 Union • Reteaching Activity, p. 71 Test Practice Transparencies, TT138 MAIN IDEA Democratic reforms Case Studies 2 and 3, pp. 16 and 30 brought important changes to the Guided Reading Workbook . • Section 3

SECTION 4 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Geography Transparencies SE Section 4 Assessment, p. 1058 Changes in Central and • Guided Reading, p. 53 • GT35 Germany, Post-World War I–Present Formal Assessment • Primary Source: The Road to Marjacˇa, p. 62 World Art and Cultures Transparencies • Section Quiz, p. 579 Eastern Europe • Connections Across Time/Cultures, p. 68 • AT78 Burning Rods Test Practice Transparencies, TT139 MAIN IDEA Changes in the Soviet • Reteaching Activity, p. 72 Electronic Library of Primary Sources Union led to changes throughout Case Study 3, p. 30 • Destruction of the Central and Eastern Europe. Guided Reading Workbook • “Will I Ever Go Home Again?” • Section 4

SECTION 5 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Critical Thinking Transparencies SE Section 5 Assessment, p. 1063 China: Reform and Reaction • Guided Reading, p. 54 • CT35 Democratic Struggles Formal Assessment • Skillbuilder Practice, p. 56 • CT71 Chapter 35 Visual Summary • Section Quiz, p. 580 MAIN IDEA In response to contact • Reteaching Activity, p. 73 Electronic Library of Primary Sources Test Practice Transparencies, TT140 with the West, China’s Guided Reading Workbook • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Square” • Section 5 has experimented with capitalism Video: Tiananmen Square but has rejected calls for democracy.

1029A Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835PG.indd 2 7/16/10 10:50:00 AM Chart Key: CHAPTER 35 PLANNING GUIDE SE Student Edition Block Scheduling DVD/CD-ROM TE Teacher’s Edition TOS Teacher One Stop MP3 Audio Struggles for Democracy, 1945–Present Printable Resource Presentation Resource HISTORY™


In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Interactive Online Edition SE Chapter Assessment, pp. 1066–1067 • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 TOS ExamView® Assessment Suite (English/Spanish) Formal Assessment Supporting Resources Chapters in Brief (English/Spanish) TOS CalendarPlanner • Chapter Tests, Forms A, B, and C, pp. 581–592 Block Schedule Pacing Guide TOS ExamView® Assessment Suite (English/Spanish) Power Presentations with Media Gallery Voices from the Past CD Integrated Assessment Book Electronic Library of Primary Sources Strategies for Test Preparation Video: Tiananmen Square

SECTION 1 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 World Art and Cultures Transparencies SE Section 1 Assessment, p. 1039 • Multimedia Classroom Global History Series Democracy—Case Study: • Guided Reading, p. 50 • AT76 The Family Formal Assessment • Global History Teacher’s Guide • Geography Application, p. 57 • Section Quiz, p. 576 Latin American Democracies • Literature: from Brazil, p. 63 GUIDE PLANNING 35 CHAPTER Test Practice Transparencies, TT136 MAIN IDEA In Latin America, • History Makers: Juan and Eva Perón, p. 66 Social Studies Trade Library Collections • Reteaching Activity, p. 69 economic problems and • Modern World History Trade Collection authoritarian rule delayed Case Studies 7 and 8, pp. 86 and 100 democracy. Guided Reading Workbook Fast Track to a 5 • Section 1 • AP test preparation for World History provides students with test-taking SECTION 2 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 World Art and Cultures Transparencies SE Section 2 Assessment, p. 1045 strategies, review, and practice exams. The Challenge of Democracy • Guided Reading, p. 51 • AT77 Multiple-Mask Headdress Formal Assessment • Primary Sources, pp. 59, 60 Electronic Library of Primary Sources • Section Quiz, p. 577 in Africa • History Makers: Nelson Mandela, p. 67 • from “Masakhane–Let Us Build Together” Test Practice Transparencies, TT137 For more information or to purchase these resources, MAIN IDEA As the recent histories • Reteaching Activity, p. 70 go to of Nigeria and South Africa show, Case Studies 4 and 8, pp. 44 and 100 ethnic and racial conflicts can hinder Guided Reading Workbook democracy. • Section 2 Power Presentations with Media Gallery SECTION 3 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 SE Section 3 Assessment, p. 1051 are visual presentations of each chapter’s The Collapse of the Soviet • Guided Reading, p. 52 Formal Assessment main ideas. Presentations can be customized • Primary Source: Political Cartoon, p. 61 • Section Quiz, p. 578 Union • Reteaching Activity, p. 71 by including Quick Facts charts, images from Test Practice Transparencies, TT138 MAIN IDEA Democratic reforms Case Studies 2 and 3, pp. 16 and 30 the text, and video clips. brought important changes to the Guided Reading Workbook Soviet Union. • Section 3

SECTION 4 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Geography Transparencies SE Section 4 Assessment, p. 1058 Changes in Central and • Guided Reading, p. 53 • GT35 Germany, Post-World War I–Present Formal Assessment Enrichment Activities • Primary Source: The Road to Marjacˇa, p. 62 World Art and Cultures Transparencies • Section Quiz, p. 579 Eastern Europe • Connections Across Time/Cultures, p. 68 • AT78 Burning Rods Test Practice Transparencies, TT139 SE Student Edition, pp. 1030–1067 MAIN IDEA Changes in the Soviet • Reteaching Activity, p. 72 Electronic Library of Primary Sources • Interact with History, p. 1032 • Interactive Map: Latin America, Union led to changes throughout Case Study 3, p. 30 • Destruction of the Berlin Wall • Latin America, 2003 Map, p. 1035 1945–present, p. 1034 Central and Eastern Europe. Guided Reading Workbook • “Will I Ever Go Home Again?” • History in Depth: Ethnic Groups in • Section 4 the Former Yugoslavia, p. 1057 • History through Art: SECTION 5 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Critical Thinking Transparencies SE Section 5 Assessment, p. 1063 Photojournalism, pp. 1064–1065 China: Reform and Reaction • Guided Reading, p. 54 • CT35 Democratic Struggles Formal Assessment • Skillbuilder Practice, p. 56 • CT71 Chapter 35 Visual Summary • Section Quiz, p. 580 MAIN IDEA In response to contact • Reteaching Activity, p. 73 Electronic Library of Primary Sources Test Practice Transparencies, TT140 with the West, China’s government Guided Reading Workbook • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Square” • Section 5 has experimented with capitalism Video: Tiananmen Square but has rejected calls for democracy.

Teacher’s Edition 1029B

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835PG.indd 3 7/16/10 10:55:19 AM Differentiated Instruction Planning Guide

ENGLISH LEARNERS: Resources in Spanish

In-Depth Resources in ExamView® Test Generator Name Date

CHAPTER Activities in the l 35 GUIDED READING The Collapse of the Spanish on Teacher One Stop Soviet Union Section 3 Teacher’s Edition for

A. Percepción de causa y efecto Al leer esta sección, explica la respuesta de los dirigentes comunistas ante cada problema o crisis. English Learners • Guided Reading l • Chapter Test, Form A Problemas/Crisis Respuestas 1. El crecimiento de la sociedad soviética se detuvo como resultado de políticas totalitarias que prohibían la disidencia • Skillbuilder Practice: Analyzing política. 2. La economía soviética era ineficaz Plus e improductiva. • Obstacles to Democracy, Primary and Secondary Sources 3. La carrera armamentista de la Unión p. 1034 Soviética y Estados Unidos era muy Modified Lesson Plans for costosa. • Geography Application: 4. En 1988, los trabajadores polacos se English Learners lanzaron a la huelga y demandaron la • Creating a South Africa Democracy in Central and legalización de su sindicato. 5. Estallan enormes manifestaciones en Glossary, p. 1043 South America toda Alemania oriental. Multi-Language Glossary of 6. Los checoslovacos protestan y exigen el fin del gobierno comunista. • Charting Gorbachev’s Reforms, Social Studies Terms Chapters in Brief 7. Los rumanos se levantan en armas por p. 1047 la matanza en Timisoara. ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc.

B. Uso de claves de contexto Al reverso de esta hoja, define los siguientes términos: • Writing Mini-Biographies, Spanish/English glasnost perestroika reunificación Struggles for Democracy 355 p. 1053 Guided Reading Workbook • Sections 1–5


In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Chapters in Brief • Guided Reading Name Date Activities in the Guided Reading Workbook l CHAPTER SKILLBUILDER PRACTICE Analyzing Primary and 35 Secondary Sources Section 5 • Building Vocabulary A primary source is one that was written by an observer or a participant in a histor- Teacher’s Edition for ical event. Primary sources include letters, journals, speeches, and policy state- ments. The excerpt below is from an official policy statement in which the Central • Sections 1–5 Committee of the Communist Party led by sets forth the Four Modernizations. As you read, try to identify the Committee’s position on economic development in China. (See Skillbuilder Handbook) Struggling Readers • Skillbuilder Practice: ow is an appropriate time . . . to shift the which stand in the way of such growth. Socialist Nemphasis of our Party’s work and the attention modernization is therefore a profound and exten- of the people of the whole country to socialist sive revolution. . . . modernization. This is of major significance for ful- The session points out that one of the serious Analyzing Primary and Formal Assessment fillment of the three-year and eight-year programs shortcomings in the structure of economic manage- for the development of the national economy and ment in our country is the overconcentration of the outline for 23 years, for the modernization of authority, and it is necessary boldly to shift it under guidance from the leadership to lower levels, . . . • Change in Mexico, p. 1038 agriculture, industry, national defense and science Secondary Sources l and technology. . . . Whether or not we can carry to institute a division of responsibilities among this general task to completion, speed socialist different levels, . . . increase the authority and • Chapter Test, Form A modernization and . . . improve the people’s living responsibility of administrative bodies and mana- standards significantly and strengthen national gerial personnel, reduce the number of meetings defense—this is a major issue which is of paramount and amount of paper work to raise work efficiency, • South African Leaders, p. 1044 concern to all our people and of great significance and conscientiously adopt the practices of examina- • Geography Application: to the cause of world peace and progress. Carrying tion, reward and punishment, promotion and out the four modernizations requires . . . changes in demotion. . . . all methods of management, actions and thinking Source: The Peking Review, July 28, 1978 Democracy in Central and 1. According to the policy statement, what were the long-term goals for China? ______• Russia Under , ______

South America 2. According to the policy statement, what was wrong with previous economic programs? ______p. 1050 ______3. How did the Committee view its plans for the modernization of China? ______• Analyzing a Political • Reteaching Activities ______Cartoon, p. 1054 4. If you were writing an explanation of the Four Modernizations for a world history textbook, ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. what words or phrases might you quote from the policy statement? ______


______• Causes and Effects of Chinese

56 Unit 8, Chapter 35 Reforms, p. 1060


In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Electronic Library of Primary • Primary Sources: from Boy; Sources Name Date

CHAPTER Activities in the Teacher’s l PRIMARY SOURCE Political Cartoon 35 This political cartoon illustrates the democratic revolutions that took place in Mandela’s Inaugural Address; • from “Masakhane–Let Us October 1989 in which Communist in Poland, Hungary, and East Section 3 Germany were overthrown and in which the Baltic republics of the Soviet Edition for Gifted and Union—Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia—moved toward independence. According to the cartoonist, what was the outcome of ’s encouragement Political Cartoon l; The Road Build Together” of social, political, and economic reforms in the Soviet Union? Talented Students to Marjaˇca • Destruction of the Berlin Wall • Literature: from Brazil • “Will I Ever Go Home Again?” • Writing About Episodes in Mexico’s History, p. 1037 • History Makers: Juan and Eva • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Perón; ” • Politics in Nigeria, p. 1042 • Connections Across Time and • Creating a Biography of Boris

Copyright © 1989 Chip Beck/Political Graphics Service. Cultures: The Breakup of Two Formal Assessment Activity Options Yeltsin, p. 1049 1. Determining Main Ideas With a small group 2. Analyzing Political Cartoons Draw your own of classmates, analyze this political cartoon. political cartoon about one of the struggles for Which European countries and Soviet republics democracy that you have read about in Chapter are represented as trick or treaters? 35. Study this political cartoon and those on Empires • Chapter Test, Form C What do these countries and republics want pages 1037 and 1047 of your textbook to stimu- • International Criminal Tribunal, from the Soviet Union? Why do you think the late ideas. Then display your cartoon in the ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. cartoonist used the theme of Halloween for the classroom. cartoon? p. 1056

Struggles for Democracy 61 • Writing a Poem, p. 1062

1029C Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835PG.indd 4 7/16/10 10:57:33 AM ENGLISH LEARNERS: Resources in Spanish CHAPTER 35: TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM

Activities in the Teacher’s Edition for English Learners SPREADSHEET: DEMOCRACY IN THE

• Obstacles to Democracy, Popular spreadsheet software lets students collect data on a wide range of variables p. 1034 and organize the data in different ways to look for trends. • Creating a South Africa Glossary, p. 1043

ACTIVITY OUTLINE GUIDE PLANNING INSTRUCTION DIFFERENTIATED • Charting Gorbachev’s Reforms, p. 1047 Class Time Two class periods • Writing Mini-Biographies, p. 1053 Task Creating a spreadsheet to compare democratic and undemocratic countries in terms of various demographic characteristics Purpose To help students explore similarities and differences among more and less democratic countries STRUGGLING READERS DIRECTIONS

Activities in the 1. Search the Internet for a Web site that ranks countries in terms of their level of Teacher’s Edition for democracy. Direct students to one of these sites and let them choose five highly Struggling Readers democratic countries and five highly undemocratic countries from diverse parts of the globe. • Change in Mexico, p. 1038 • South African Leaders, p. 1044 2. Tell students to select five or more demographic characteristics that they can use • Russia Under Boris Yeltsin, to compare these countries. Point to widely available statistics, such as per capita p. 1050 income, ethnic diversity, religion, birth rate, life expectancy, and literacy rate. • Analyzing a Political 3. Have students create a spreadsheet in which the countries appear in the Cartoon, p. 1054 left-hand column and the characteristics they have chosen appear as headings for • Causes and Effects of Chinese the remaining columns. Have students research their countries using books and the Reforms, p. 1060 Internet and then fill in the spreadsheet with the appropriate information.

4. Have students sort their spreadsheets using the various column headings and try to identify common characteristics of the more democratic countries as well as GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS characteristics shared by the less democratic countries.

TECHNOLOGY TIPS Activities in the Teacher’s Edition for Gifted and • Have students begin by going online at to research relevant Talented Students Web links. • Democracy rankings, either in table or map form, are available online from many • Writing About Episodes in organizations, including the World Audit and Freedom House. Some of these sites Mexico’s History, p. 1037 also provide some demographic data. • Politics in Nigeria, p. 1042 • UNICEF, the Human Development report, and the each • Creating a Biography of Boris provide extensive online demographic data by country. Yeltsin, p. 1049 • The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s online World Factbook provides profiles of • International Criminal Tribunal, p. 1056 every country in the world, including population and economic data. • Writing a Poem, p. 1062

Teacher’s Edition 1029D

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835PG.indd 5 7/5/10 9:31:42 PM CHAPTER 35 • INTRODUCTION CHAPTER StrugglesStruggles forfor Introducing the Essential Question • Discuss with students why democracy Democracy,Democracy, 19451945––PresentPresent might be a goal toward which nations 35 struggle. • Talk about some of the specific circumstances that have made democracy an elusive goal in Africa. Essential Question Previewing Themes • Remind students that the collapse of How did China and nations in Latin ECONOMICS Many nations, such as Brazil, Poland, Russia, and the Soviet Union led many nations America, Africa, and the former Soviet bloc struggle for democracy? China, discovered that economic stability is important for democratic to attempt to establish democratic progress. governments. What You Will Learn Geography Which type of government seems to predominate in the Western Hemisphere? In this chapter you will learn about the strug- gles for change in Latin America, Africa, the REVOLUTION In 1989, revolutions overthrew Communist former Soviet bloc, and China. Previewing Themes governments in the Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. In Tell students to begin thinking about SECTION 1 Democracy China, the Communist government and the army put down a Case Study: Latin American student calling for democracy. what defines a democracy. Then ask Democracies Geography Which two countries in the Eastern Hemisphere are still Tiananmen Square them to consider ways in which countries In Latin America, economic problems and authoritarian rule delayed democracy. Communist? with authoritarian governments might SECTION 2 The Challenge of transform themselves into democracies. Democracy in Africa CULTURAL INTERACTION Chinese students imported democratic (Possible Answers: allow multiple politi- As the recent histories of Nigeria and ideas from the West. Democratic reforms spread across Central and South Africa show, ethnic and racial conflicts Eastern Europe, causing Communist governments to fall. cal parties, hold free elections) Ask them can hinder democracy. Geography Which type of government predominates in the labeled to examine the implications of both SECTION 3 The Collapse of the countries of Europe? Soviet Union incremental and revolutionary change. Democratic reforms brought (Possible Answer: Revolutionary change important changes to the Soviet Union. comes quickly but can include violence.) SECTION 4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Accessing Prior Knowledge Changes in the Soviet Union led to changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Have students think about the SECTION 5 China: Reform and Reaction involvement of the United States in In response to contact with the conflicts in Southwest Asia. Ask students West, China's government has experimented with capitalism but has rejected calls for how successful the United States has democracy. been in establishing democratic govern- ments and institutions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Geography Answers

ECONOMICS Republics and federal republics seem to predominate.

REVOLUTION China and North Korea remain Communist.

CULTURAL INTERACTION Parliamentary democracy predominates in the labeled countries of Europe. 1030 1031


9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CO.indd 1030 6/29/10 10:04:49 AM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CO.indd 1031 6/18/10 9:42:51 AM Point out to students that the time line covers a 1. How many years did the policy of 3. Why is 1959 a significant year in the history of Books for the Teacher period of unprecedented change in Europe and last before it was revoked? (46 years—from ? (That is the year in which Berry, Ian. Living Apart: South Africa Under South Africa. For the first time, many nations had 1948 to 1994) seized power.) Apartheid. London: Phaidon, 1996. the opportunity to elect their own officials and 2. Who was the U.S. president when South 4. When did Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping Winn, Peter. Americas: The Changing Face of choose their own economic systems. Africa established apartheid? (Harry Truman) initiate economic reforms? (1978) Latin America and the Caribbean. Berkeley: Who was U.S. president when the policy was 5. During the 1960s, what conflict was the U of California P, 1999. dismantled? () United States involved in? (the war in Vietnam)

1030 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1031

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835CO.indd 1030 7/6/10 2:12:01 PM Chapter 35 CHAPTER StrugglesStruggles forfor 35 Democracy,Democracy, 19451945––PresentPresent History from Visuals Interpreting the Map Tell students that, as they study Chapter 35, they will learn more about many Essential Question Previewing Themes of the countries highlighted on the map. How did China and nations in Latin Then explain that the colors of the coun­ America, Africa, and the former Soviet ECONOMICS Many nations, such as Brazil, Poland, Russia, and bloc struggle for democracy? China, discovered that economic stability is important for democratic tries correspond to the different types of progress. governments defined in the key. Ask stu­ What You Will Learn Geography Which type of government seems to predominate in dents which countries highlighted on the the Western Hemisphere? In this chapter you will learn about the strug- map are communist states. (Cuba, China, gles for change in Latin America, Africa, the REVOLUTION In 1989, revolutions overthrew Communist North Korea) Which types of ­government former Soviet bloc, and China. governments in the Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. In prevail in the United States and Canada? SECTION 1 Democracy Case Study: China, the Communist government and the army put down a (United States—Federal republic; Latin American Democracies student protest calling for democracy. In Latin America, economic problems Canada—Parliamentary democracy) and authoritarian rule delayed democracy. Geography Which two countries in the Eastern Hemisphere are still Tiananmen Square Communist? SECTION 2 The Challenge of Democracy Extension Ask students to locate and in Africa examine a map that shows the different As the recent histories of Nigeria and CULTURAL INTERACTION Chinese students imported democratic South Africa show, ethnic and racial conflicts ideas from the West. Democratic reforms spread across Central and administrative divisions in the Russian can hinder democracy. Eastern Europe, causing Communist governments to fall. Federation. Have them make a list of SECTION 3 The Collapse of the Soviet Geography Which type of government predominates in the labeled the different types of divisions and the Union countries of Europe? Democratic reforms brought number of territories within each type. important changes to the Soviet Union. SECTION 4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Changes in the Soviet Union led to changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe. SECTION 5 China: Reform and Reaction In response to contact with the West, China's government has experimented with capitalism but has rejected calls for democracy.

1030 1031


9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CO.indd 1030 6/18/10 9:34:04 AM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CO.indd 1031 6/18/10 9:42:51 AM 3. Why is 1959 a significant year in the history of Books for the Teacher Books for the Student memoir, Mathabane shows Cuba? (That is the year in which Fidel Castro Berry, Ian. Living Apart: South Africa Under Holt McDougal Literature how the human spirit seized power.) Apartheid. London: Phaidon, 1996. Connections. Head, Bessie. endures even in the face of apartheid. 4. When did Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping Winn, Peter. Americas: The Changing Face of When Rain Clouds Gather initiate economic reforms? (1978) Latin America and the Caribbean. Berkeley: (with related readings). Videos and Software 5. During the 1960s, what conflict was the U of California P, 1999. 1997. In this novel, Conversations with United States involved in? (the war in Makhaya flees South Africa Gorbachev. VHS and DVD. Vietnam) for Botswana in the Films for the Humanities mid-1960s. & Sciences, 1994. Holt McDougal Literature 800-257-5126. Connections. Mathabane, Mark. Kaffir Boy The Last Days of Apartheid. CD-ROM. Society (with related readings). 1998. In this powerful for Visual Education, 1996. 800-829-1900. 1030 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1031

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835CO.indd 1031 6/24/10 4:17:58 PM Chapter 35 • Interact Why do so many people want democracy? Interact with History Your grandparents came to the United States because they wanted to live in a democracy. Although that was more than 50 years ago, you know that people in Objectives many parts of the world still seek democracy today. On the news, you watch • Consider reasons for the popularity of stories about protesters, who are demanding more democracy and freedom. Their demonstrations are often led by students and sometimes help to bring democratic forms of government. about democratic reform. • Describe the institutions, rights, and One evening you and a friend are watching a news story about a leader who practices that define a democracy. has promised his people greater democracy. What might you answer when your friend asks why so many people want democracy? EXAMINING the ISSUES

Possible Answers • Students might consider the rights guar- anteed to American citizens in the U.S. Constitution, particularly in the Bill of Rights. • Students may mention voting, running for office, and volunteering for political campaigns. Government classes in schools and public-service announcements in the media may encourage participation.

Discussion Ask students to think about what they learned when they studied ancient Greece. How was the democracy of ancient Greece different from most modern democracies? (Ancient Greece had a direct democracy. In other words, citizens ruled directly rather than through elected representatives. However, the Protesters march in Caracas, Venezuela, in favor of democracy. democracy of ancient Greece excluded many people, including women and EXAMINING the ISSUES enslaved persons.) • What rights and institutions are necessary for a government to be democratic? • How do citizens participate in a democracy? How can participation be encouraged? Discuss these questions in class and list important points on the board. For your discussion, consider what you know about democracy in ancient Greece and in the United States. As you read this chapter, think about the challenges many countries face in trying to develop democratic systems. 1032 Chapter 35

Why Study Struggles for Democracy?

9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835IH.indd• Democracies are 1032 more likely than many other • Democratic movements in Africa should interest5/22/10 10:38:25 AM forms of government to take an active role in anyone who hopes to see an end to the tremen- protecting the environment. Anyone interested in dous human suffering caused by warfare and environmental issues is likely to be concerned disease on that continent. with democratic stability in nations, such as • The prospects for democratic reform in the for- Brazil, that are home to invaluable ecosystems. mer Soviet republics will be significant to anyone • The United States makes economic con- worried about the nuclear and biological tributions to many nations, both directly and ­weapons that remain in that region. indirectly—through the International Monetary • Those interested in political change will be curi- Fund, for example. The benefits of such aid are ous to see how U.S. leaders’ decision to engage likely to be much greater when administered by rather than isolate communist China will affect democratic institutions. the speed and scope of political reform there.

1032 Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835IH.indd 1032 6/24/10 4:20:30 PM LESSON PLAN 1 OBJECTIVES • Identify key features of democracy. Democracy • Describe Brazil’s and Mexico’s efforts CASE STUDY: Latin American Democracies to build democracy. • Describe key events in postwar MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES Argentina.

ECONOMICS In Latin America, By the mid-, almost all • Brasília • recession economic problems and Latin American nations had • • PRI FOCUS & MOTIVATE authoritarian rule delayed democratic governments. • standard of democracy. living In what ways is U.S. democracy a “work in progress”? (Possible Answers: concerns over civil , the influence SETTING THE STAGE By definition, democracy is government by the people. Direct democracy, in which all citizens meet to , is not practical for of lobbyists, campaign funding, and nations. Therefore, democratic nations developed indirect democracies, or ) republics, in which citizens elect representatives to make laws for them. For example, the United States is a republic. But democracy is more than a form of INSTRUCT government. It is also a way of life and an ideal goal. A democratic way of life includes practices such as free and open elections. Democracy As a Goal

Democracy As a Goal Critical Thinking The chart below lists four practices in a democracy, together with conditions that • Can one nation force another to help these democratic practices succeed. Many nations follow these practices to TAKING NOTES become a democracy? (No—Democrati- Use the graphic organizer a large degree. However, establishing democracy is a process that takes years. zation is an organic process. Yes—With Even in the United States, the establishment of democracy has taken time. online to take notes on the steps Brazil, Mexico, enough financial and human resources, Although the principle of equality is part of the Constitution, many Americans and Argentina have taken it would be possible.) have struggled for equal rights. To cite one example, women did not receive the toward democracy. right to vote until 1920. Democracy is always a “work in progress.” • Do a nation’s wealthiest citizens have more at stake in their nation’s future Making Democracy Work than the poor? (Yes—They have more possessions and freedoms to lose. Common Conditions That Foster Those Practices No—Everyone in a nation has the same • Free elections • Having more than one political party • —all adult citizens can vote stake in the future.)

• Citizen • High levels of education and literacy In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 participation • Economic security • Freedoms of speech, press, and assembly • Guided Reading, p. 50 (also in Spanish)

, • All citizens equal before the law minority rights • Shared national identity • Protection of such individual rights as freedom of religion • Representatives elected by citizens to carry out their will

• Constitutional • Clear body of traditions and laws on which government government is-based • Widespread education about how government works • National acceptance of majority decisions • Shared belief that no one is above the law



9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1033 6/29/10 10:07:13 AM ALL STUDENTS Spanish/English Guided Reading Workbook GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 • Section 1 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 • Guided Reading, p. 50 • Literature: from Brazil, p. 63 STRUGGLING READERS • Geography Application: Democracy in Central and South America, p. 57 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY • History Makers: Juan and Eva Perón, p. 66 • Guided Reading, p. 50 Student One Stop Formal Assessment • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 Voices from the Past Audio • Section Quiz, p. 575 • Geography Application: Democracy in Central and Teacher One Stop South America, p. 57 • Power Presentations ENGLISH LEARNERS • Reteaching Activity, p. 69 World Art and Cultures Transparencies Guided Reading Workbook In-Depth Resources in Spanish • AT76 The Family • Guided Reading, p. 248 • Section 1 • Geography Application: Democracy in Central and South America, p. 254 Teacher’s Edition 1033

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1033 7/6/10 2:17:00 PM 80 n W 80 ° W Chapter 35 • Section 1 Democratic institutions may not ensure stable, civilian government if other condi- LatinLatin America, America, 2003 2003 40 n W 40 ° W tions are not present. The participation of a nation’s citizens in government is essen- tial to democracy. Education and literacy—the ability to read and write—give citizens the tools they need to make political decisions. Also, a stable economy with UNITEDUNITED STATES STATES Making 120 n W 120 ° W a strong middle class and opportunities for advancement helps democracy. It does so Inferences Rio Rio G G Tip for Gifted and Talented by giving citizens a stake in the future of their nation. r r Why would a a n n d d Other conditions advance democracy. First, a firm belief in the rights of the indi- democracy suffer if e e Students GulfGulf of of citizens didn’t BAHAMASBAHAMAS vidual promotes the fair and equal treatment of citizens. Second, rule by law helps MexicoMexico Tell students that Thomas Jefferson once participate? W W prevent leaders from abusing power without fear of punishment. Third, a sense of TropicTropic of Cancer of Cancer E SE TS T DOMINICANDOMINICAN A. Possible Answer REPUBLIC REPUBLIC remarked that “Eternal vigilance is the CUBACUBA national identity helps encourage citizens to work together for the good of the nation. If a low percentage MEXICOMEXICO HAITIHAITI I I price of .” Ask them to explain what of the citizens N N The struggle to establish democracy continued into the 21st century as many D D voted, then a MexicoMexico City City Jefferson meant by this remark. (Possible nations abandoned authoritarian rule for democratic institutions. However, a I I minority would BELIZEBELIZE E E JAMAICAJAMAICA ATLANTICATLANTIC Answer: People must pay attention to United Nations study released in July 2002 warned that the spread of democracy end up making S S HONDURASHONDURAS OCEANOCEAN decisions, which GUATEMALAGUATEMALA what government does so that freedoms around the world could be derailed if free elections in poor countries are not fol- CaribbeanCaribbean Sea Sea lowed by economic growth. The UN Development Program’s annual report warned contradicts majority EL SALVADOREL SALVADOR NICARAGUANICARAGUA are not taken away.) rule. particularly about Latin America. COSTACOSTA GUYANAGUYANA RICARICA o R. o R. noc noc ri ri SURINAMESURINAME CASE STUDY: Brazil O O PANAMAPANAMA VENEZUELAVENEZUELA FRENCHFRENCH and Democracy GUIANAGUIANA

Dictators and Democracy COLOMBIACOLOMBIA A

Critical Thinking Many Latin American nations won their independence from Spain and Portugal in A N INTERACTIVE the early 1800s. However, three centuries of colonial rule left many problems. These 0n Equator0° Equator N • What are the potential benefits and River R iver azon azon

MAP included powerful militaries, economies that were too dependent on a single crop, ECUADORECUADOR Am Am D drawbacks of the foreign investment PACIFICPACIFIC D Learn about and large gaps between rich and poor. These patterns persisted in the modern era. OCEANOCEAN encouraged by Kubitschek and his suc- the turmoil in After gaining independence from Portugal in 1822, Brazil became a monarchy. E E Latin America, cessors? (Benefit—It would allow Brazil BRAZILBRAZIL from 1945 to This lasted until 1889, when Brazilians established a republican government, which S S to pursue projects it could not finance the present. a wealthy elite controlled. Then, in the 1930s, Getulio Vargas became . PERU PERU Vargas suppressed political opposition. At the same time, however, he promoted itself. Drawback—Brazil might have M M economic growth and helped turn Brazil into a modern industrial nation. BrasíliaBrasília to surrender some control over its O O Kubitschek’s Ambitious Program After Vargas, three popularly elected presi- domestic affairs to foreign investors.) 0 0 1,000 Miles1,000 Miles U U dents tried to steer Brazil toward democracy. Juscelino Kubitschek BOLIVIABOLIVIA • What factors would you consider before r r 0 0 2,000 Kilometers2,000 Kilometers N N e e v v (zhoo•suh•LEE•nuh-KOO•bih•chehk), who governed from 1956 to 1961, contin- B. Possible Answer i i R R introducing land reform? (Possible

They feared that á á

T T n n ued to develop Brazil’s economy. Kubitschek encouraged foreign investment to a a land reform would r r Answers: fairness, how to persuade a a

help pay for development projects. He built a new capital city, P P A Brasília take away their TropicTropic of Capricorn of Capricorn A

landowners, how to ensure cooperation (bruh•ZIHL•yuh), in the country’s interior. Kubitschek’s dream proved expensive. property and PARAGUAYPARAGUAY I of the military and police) believed the army I

The nation’s foreign debt soared and inflation shot up. would protect their CHILECHILE N

• Why is it significant that Cardoso, a Kubitschek’s successors proposed reforms to ease economic and social problems. property rights. N

S promoter of free markets, was trained Conservatives resisted this strongly. They especially opposed the plan for land S

as a Marxist scholar? (Possible Answer: reform—breaking up large estates and distributing that land to peasants. In 1964, Analyzing Motives

URUGUAYURUGUAY with the blessing of wealthy Brazilians, the army seized power in a military coup. Why might the Marxists see markets as a way for BuenosBuenos Aires Aires wealthy have pre- Military Dictators For two decades military dictators ruled Brazil. Emphasizing capitalists to take advantage of ferred military rule ARGENTINAARGENTINA their wealth.) economic growth, the generals fostered foreign investment. They began huge devel- to land reform? opment projects in the Amazon jungle. The economy boomed. 40nS 40°S World Art and Cultures Transparencies The boom had a downside, though. The government froze wages and cut back on • AT76 The Family social programs. This caused a decline in the standard of living, or level of material comfort, which is judged by the amount of goods people have. When Brazilians protested, the government imposed censorship. It also jailed, tortured, and sometimes killed government critics. Nevertheless, opposition to military rule continued to grow. GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps 1. Location Which country—Argentina, Brazil, or Mexico—spans the The Road to Democracy By the early 1980s, a recession, or slowdown in the equator? FALKLANDFALKLAND IS. IS. (Br.) (Br.) economy, gripped Brazil. At that point, the generals decided to open up the politi- 2. Region Which one of the three countries has a coast on the cal system. They allowed direct elections of local, state, and national officials. Caribbean Sea?

1034 Chapter 35 Case study 1035

Differentiating Instruction: english Learners learning

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1034 6/30/10 7:48:21 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1035 6/16/10 10:01:50 AM Obstacles to Democracy Designing an Interactive Map of Latin America Class Time 20 minutes Citizen participation Class Time 40 minutes Task Rewording a chart • Few people can read or go to school. TaskAntarctic CreatingAntarctic Circle Circle a design for an interactive map Purpose To have students review information in a chart • People don’t know if they will have in the future. Purpose To increase students’ knowledge about the nations of Latin America Instructions Divide students into small groups. Tell students to read • People are not allowed to say what they think to others, in news- “Democracy As a Goal” on pages 1033–1034. Then ask them to redraw papers or magazines, on television or radio, or in public places. Instructions Divide the class into heterogeneous groups. Explain to stu- the chart on page 1033. Have groups replace the second column heading dents that they are going to create a design for an interactive map based with “Conditions That Stop Those Practices” and rewrite the entries to Majority rule, minority rights on the map on this page. Have them use the textbook to find information reflect the new heading. Point out that simply changing words to their • Some citizens have few or no rights. about some of the countries on the map. opposite will not always result in a logical entry. Examples from rows two • People don’t think of themselves as one nation. and three follow. • Individual rights, such as freedom of religion, are not respected. • Citizens have few or no elected representatives in the government. 1034 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1035

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1034 7/6/10 2:19:36 PM 80 n W 80 n W Democratic institutions may not ensure stable, civilian government if other condi- LatinLatin America, America, 2003 2003 40 n W 40 n W Chapter 35 • Section 1 tions are not present. The participation of a nation’s citizens in government is essen- tial to democracy. Education and literacy—the ability to read and write—give citizens the tools they need to make political decisions. Also, a stable economy with UNITEDUNITED STATES STATES

Making 120 n W 120 n W a strong middle class and opportunities for advancement helps democracy. It does so Inferences Rio Rio

Why would G G History from Visuals by giving citizens a stake in the future of their nation. r r a a n n democracy suffer if d d Other conditions advance democracy. First, a firm belief in the rights of the indi- e e GulfGulf of of citizens didn’t BAHAMASBAHAMAS Interpreting the Map vidual promotes the fair and equal treatment of citizens. Second, rule by law helps participate? MexicoMexico W W prevent leaders from abusing power without fear of punishment. Third, a sense of TropicTropic of Cancer of Cancer E SE TS T DOMINICANDOMINICAN Point out that Latin America is A. Possible Answer REPUBLIC REPUBLIC MEXICOMEXICO CUBACUBA national identity helps encourage citizens to work together for the good of the nation. If a low percentage HAITIHAITI I I made up of South America, Mexico, The struggle to establish democracy continued into the 21st century as many of the citizens N N voted, then a MexicoMexico City City D D Central America, and the West Indies. nations abandoned authoritarian rule for democratic institutions. However, a minority would I I BELIZEBELIZE E E Ask students to list the countries of JAMAICAJAMAICA ATLANTICATLANTIC United Nations study released in July 2002 warned that the spread of democracy end up making S S HONDURASHONDURAS OCEANOCEAN Central America. (Guatemala, El Salvador, around the world could be derailed if free elections in poor countries are not fol- decisions, which GUATEMALAGUATEMALA contradicts majority CaribbeanCaribbean Sea Sea NICARAGUANICARAGUA Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, lowed by economic growth. The UN Development Program’s annual report warned rule. EL SALVADOREL SALVADOR particularly about Latin America. Panama, Belize) COSTACOSTA GUYANAGUYANA RICARICA o R. o R. noc noc Extension Ask students to review their ri ri SURINAMESURINAME CASE STUDY: Brazil O O PANAMAPANAMA VENEZUELAVENEZUELA FRENCHFRENCH textbook or use other resources to find GUIANAGUIANA out which colonial powers are associated

Dictators and Democracy COLOMBIACOLOMBIA A

Many Latin American nations won their independence from Spain and Portugal in A with the following countries: Mexico, N INTERACTIVE the early 1800s. However, three centuries of colonial rule left many problems. These 0n Equator0n Equator N Belize, Haiti, Suriname, and Brazil. River R iver azon azon

MAP included powerful militaries, economies that were too dependent on a single crop, ECUADORECUADOR Am Am (Mexico—Spain; Belize—Britain; D PACIFICPACIFIC D Learn about and large gaps between rich and poor. These patterns persisted in the modern era. OCEANOCEAN Haiti—France; Suriname—Netherlands; the turmoil in After gaining independence from Portugal in 1822, Brazil became a monarchy. E E Latin America, Brazil—Portugal) BRAZILBRAZIL from 1945 to This lasted until 1889, when Brazilians established a republican government, which S S the present. a wealthy elite controlled. Then, in the 1930s, Getulio Vargas became dictator. PERU PERU Skillbuilder Answers Vargas suppressed political opposition. At the same time, however, he promoted M M economic growth and helped turn Brazil into a modern industrial nation. BrasíliaBrasília 1. Location Brazil O O Kubitschek’s Ambitious Program After Vargas, three popularly elected presi- 2. Region Mexico 0 0 1,000 Miles1,000 Miles U U dents tried to steer Brazil toward democracy. Juscelino Kubitschek BOLIVIABOLIVIA r r 0 0 2,000 Kilometers2,000 Kilometers N N e e B. Possible Answer v v (zhoo•suh•LEE•nuh-KOO•bih•chehk), who governed from 1956 to 1961, contin- i i R R They feared that

á á

T T n n ued to develop Brazil’s economy. Kubitschek encouraged foreign investment to land reform would a a r r More About . . . a a

help pay for development projects. He built a new capital city, take away their P P A Brasília TropicTropic of Capricorn of Capricorn A (bruh•ZIHL•yuh), in the country’s interior. Kubitschek’s dream proved expensive. property and PARAGUAYPARAGUAY

believed the army Latin American Languages I I

The nation’s foreign debt soared and inflation shot up. would protect their CHILECHILE N Kubitschek’s successors proposed reforms to ease economic and social problems. property rights. N In 1989, several prominent publications

attributed this remark to Vice President

S Conservatives resisted this strongly. They especially opposed the plan for land S

reform—breaking up large estates and distributing that land to peasants. In 1964, Analyzing Motives Dan Quayle: “I was recently on a tour of

URUGUAYURUGUAY with the blessing of wealthy Brazilians, the army seized power in a military coup. Why might the Latin America, and the only regret I have wealthy have pre- BuenosBuenos Aires Aires Military Dictators For two decades military dictators ruled Brazil. Emphasizing ferred military rule ARGENTINAARGENTINA was that I didn’t study Latin harder in economic growth, the generals fostered foreign investment. They began huge devel- to land reform? school so I could converse with those opment projects in the Amazon jungle. The economy boomed. 40nS 40nS people.” The quotation turned out to be a The boom had a downside, though. The government froze wages and cut back on fabrication, but many people believed it social programs. This caused a decline in the , or level of material standard of living because of the vice president’s reputation comfort, which is judged by the amount of goods people have. When Brazilians protested, the government imposed censorship. It also jailed, tortured, and sometimes as a poor public speaker. Of course, the killed government critics. Nevertheless, opposition to military rule continued to grow. GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps people of Latin America do not speak 1. Location Which country—Argentina, Brazil, or Mexico—spans the The Road to Democracy By the early 1980s, a recession, or slowdown in the Latin, but rather languages derived from equator? FALKLANDFALKLAND IS. IS. (Br.) (Br.) Latin—Romance languages such as economy, gripped Brazil. At that point, the generals decided to open up the politi- 2. Region Which one of the three countries has a coast on the cal system. They allowed direct elections of local, state, and national officials. Caribbean Sea? Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

1034 Chapter 35 Case study 1035

cooperative learning

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1034 6/16/10 9:59:52 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1035 6/16/10 10:01:50 AM Obstacles to Democracy Designing an Interactive Map of Latin America Citizen participation Class Time 40 minutes After students have compiled their data, have them create a design that • Few people can read or go to school. TaskAntarctic CreatingAntarctic Circle Circle a design for an interactive map describes how their maps will look and how users will interact with the map. Encourage students to be creative with their designs. Students might • People don’t know if they will have money in the future. Purpose To increase students’ knowledge about the nations of Latin America want to tailor the visual aspects of their maps to the types of information • People are not allowed to say what they think to others, in news- they have chosen. For example, if they feature economic information, they Instructions Divide the class into heterogeneous groups. Explain to stu- papers or magazines, on television or radio, or in public places. could incorporate clickable icons shaped like coins. Also, to access the data dents that they are going to create a design for an interactive map based they have collected, students could have users click on a country’s name, Majority rule, minority rights on the map on this page. Have them use the textbook to find information answer a multiple-choice question from a pull-down menu, or drag items • Some citizens have few or no rights. about some of the countries on the map. from a data list to the country with which the data corresponds. • People don’t think of themselves as one nation. • Individual rights, such as freedom of religion, are not respected. • Citizens have few or no elected representatives in the government. 1034 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1035

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1035 6/24/10 4:24:25 PM Chapter 35 • Section 1 Brazilian Economy, 1955–2000 From 1934 to 1940, President Lázaro Cárdenas (KAHR•day•nahs) tried to improve life for peasants and workers. He carried out land reform and promoted Debt Inflation labor rights. He nationalized the Mexican oil industry, kicking out foreign oil com­ panies and creating a state­run oil industry. After Cárdenas, however, a series of 250 1,500 more conservative presidents turned away from reform. History from Visuals 200 1,200 The Party Becomes the PRI In 1946, the main political party changed its name to the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. In the half­century that followed, 150 900 Interpreting the Graphs the PRI became the main force for political stability in Mexico. 100 Tell students that line graphs show Inflation 600 Although stable, the government was an imperfect democracy. The PRI con­ (percentage) changes in quantities over time. Ask them Debt Foreign trolled the congress and won every presidential election. The government allowed 50 300

to look at the debt/inflation figures for (in billions of U.S. dollars) opposition parties to compete, but fraud and corruption tainted the elections. 0 0 Even as the Mexican economy rapidly developed, Mexico continued to suffer each year listed. In what five-year period 1955 1970 1985 2000 1955 1970 1985 2000 severe economic problems. Lacking land and jobs, millions of Mexicans struggled did the debt go up and the inflation rate Source: The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development for survival. In addition, a huge foreign debt forced the government to spend go down? (1965–1970) SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Graphs money on interest payments. Two episodes highlighted Mexico’s growing difficul­ Extension Ask students what political 1. Clarifying By how much did Brazil’s foreign debt increase from 1955 to 2000? D. Answer If ties. In the late 1960s, students and workers began calling for economic and polit­ event corresponds to the most precipi- 2. Comparing Of the years shown on the line graph, which was the worst year for inflation? prices for that ical change. On October 2, 1968, protesters gathered at the site of an ancient Aztec product drop, tous drop in Brazil’s rate of inflation. the economy is market in Mexico City. Soldiers hidden in the ruins opened fire on the protesters. (the election of Fernando Henrique In 1985, a new civilian president, José Sarney (zhoh•ZAY SAHR•nay), took severely damaged. The massacre claimed several hundred lives. A second critical episode occurred during the early 1980s. By that time, huge Cardoso in 1994) office. Sarney inherited a country in crisis because of foreign debt and inflation. He proved unable to solve the country’s problems and lost support. The next Analyzing Issues Recognizing new oil and natural gas reserves had been discovered in Mexico. The economy had become dependent on oil and gas exports. In 1981, world oil prices fell, cutting elected president fared even worse. He resigned because of corruption charges. In your opinion, Effects Skillbuilder Answers which of the prob- In 1994 and again in 1998, Brazilians elected Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who Why does over- Mexico’s oil and gas revenues in half. Mexico went into an economic decline. 1. Clarifying about $230 billion achieved some success in tackling the nation’s economic and political problems. lems faced by reliance on one Sarney was worse? Economic and Political Crises The 1980s and 1990s saw Mexico facing various 2. Comparing 1990 Although trained as a Marxist scholar, Cardoso became a strong advocate of free product weaken an Explain. economy? crises. In 1988, opposition parties challenged the PRI in national elections. The markets. One of his main concerns was the widening income gap in Brazil. He C. Possible PRI candidate, Carlos Salinas, won the presidency. Even so, opposition parties won embarked on a program to promote economic reform. Answers seats in the congress and began to force a gradual opening of the political system. the foreign debt, The 2002 Presidential Election In the presidential election of October 2002, because it put Cardoso’s handpicked successor to lead his centrist coalition was José Serra. Serra Brazil under the faced two candidates who proposed a sharp break with Cardoso’s pro-business power of other nations; inflation, policies. These candidates included Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a candidate of the because no one leftist Workers Party. could get ahead Military Rule and Democracy One-Party Rule An economic crisis hit many countries in South America, including Brazil, in Throughout the 20th century, many Latin American countries were ruled by 2002. Because of stalled economic growth, rising unemployment, and poverty, military dictators or political bosses. Critical Thinking there was a backlash against free-market economic policies. This made the election of Most typically, the dictator’s support • What benefits and drawbacks might 2002 a close contest. Da Silva, the leftist candidate, won the hotly disputed elec tion, came from the wealthy and the military. defeating the ruling party candidate, Serra. Da Silva, who was reelected in 2006, has But sometimes the dictator’s support Cárdenas have considered before proved a more mod erate president than his supporters and opponents had expected. came from the people. nationalizing Mexico’s oil industry? Although Brazil faces many challenges, it continues on the path of democracy. (Possible Answers: Benefit—More revenue for Mexican government. CASE STUDY: Mexico Drawback—Animosity and potential military action of foreign powers One-Party Rule SKILLBUILDER: divested of property.) Unlike Brazil, Mexico enjoyed relative political stability for most of the 20th cen- tury. Following the Mexican Revolution, the government passed the Constitution Interpreting Visual Sources • Why would President Fox concern 1. Drawing Conclusions Do dictators of 1917. The new constitution outlined a democracy and promised reforms. himself with the legal status of Mexican typically take into account the opinions of Beginnings of One-Party Domination From 1920 to 1934, Mexico elected sev- the people they rule? immigrants in the United States? eral generals as president. However, these men did not rule as military dictators. 2. Making Inferences What does this (Possible Answer: The money that cartoon suggest about the dictator’s They did create a ruling party—the National Revolutionary Party, which domi- attitude toward the opinion of the people immigrants send to their families may nated Mexico under various names for the rest of the 20th century. he rules? contribute to the economic well-being of Mexico.) 1036 Chapter 35 Case study 1037

Name Date

CHAPTER LITERATURE SELECTION from Brazil 35 by John Updike connections to literature Section 1 In this novel, American author John Updike traces the political, economic, and Differentiating Instruction: Gifted and Talented Students social changes that took place in Brazil from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s through the eyes of Tristão Reposo, a child of the Rio slums, and his wife Isabel Leme, who grew up in the upper class. What does this excerpt reveal about Brazil’s economic and political development? 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1036 6/29/10 10:14:53 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1037 6/29/10 10:16:47 AM es, they lived happily then, in São Paulo, first in clattered, repeating the shedding, the picking, and Yan apartment in Higienopolis, and then in a the beating-in with a merciless speed that yet did house in the Jardim América district, off the Rua not snap threads: there was no resistance in the Groenlândia, for a dozen years in all. The Leme material universe to an inhuman acceleration. The Discussing John Updike’s Brazil human attendants of the machines, indeed, looked Writing About Episodes in Mexico’s History brothers succeeded in obtaining for Tristão a posi- tion in middle management, not at the fusca plant grotesquely lackadaisical and soft, like wet clay where he had tightened engine-mounting bolts dropped here and there, idle spectators who would opposite gap-toothed Oscar—for fuscas were no suddenly spring into action at the depletion of a longer made—but at a textile mill in São Bernardo, bright-colored cone or glistening heavy shuttle. The one of the so-called ABCD cities, industrial satel- workers, mostly women, wore kerchiefs to keep Class Time 40 minutes length. The notes should contain observations, criticisms, their long hair from becoming entangled with the Class Time 40 minutes lites of São Paulo. The mill was a single vast room where giant machines, which in a flicker of mindless operation looms kept up a clatter which pressed on Tristão’s would pull their scalps loose from their skulls. ears with a million small concussions; each noise was Some of these women had Indian blood; others had explanations, questions, or anything else that reflects smaller than the clashes of metal on metal in the come with the Japanese immigration, or the Italian Task Exchanging notes or e-mails fusca factory, but there were many more of them. At before it, or among those varied Middle Eastern Task Writing a magazine article first, he tried to understand the peoples lumped as turcos, Turks. intricacies—the warp, the weft, the And then there was another batten and its beating-in, the ways The mill was a sin- giant room of the factory, in which students’ engagement with the text. The student’s partner in which twill differed from plain gle vast room where the altogether different operation Purpose To explore John Updike’s Brazil weave, or tabby, and how variations giant looms kept up of knitting was carried on by Purpose To learn more about 20th-century Mexico in lifting the threads of the warp machines built on quite different with the heddles produced satin a clatter which principles, needles being the fun- would then respond before the pair moved on to the and damask, warp-pile velvet and pressed on Tristão’s damental unit, ingeniously bent weft-pile corduroy, and the truly needles of two types: spring beard dizzying operation whereby many ears with a million and latch, the latch having a tiny Instructions Divide students into pairs and have them spinning cones of thread, drawn by small concussions. pivot closing the needle’s loop and Instructions Have students read “One-Party Rule” on pages 1036–1038. a mechanical drawboy controlled permitting the stitch to be cast off. next paragraph. After they have exchanged notes on each by punched cards, could be woven The needles in a variety of gauges to make elaborately figured fabrics. ranging from the size of a pencil to that of a mouse read the selection from Brazil in In-Depth Resources: The shuttle, that carried the weft threads back whisker were arrayed in bars or circles, cylinders or After they have finished reading, tell students to use facts and details and forth under the lifted warps that formed the plates, controlled by moving cams that imitated the shed, was the basic awkwardness, he perceived, for motion of knitting over and over and over, gnashing paragraph in the passage, discuss the selection as a class. like piranhas, producing sheets or tubes of knitted at the heart of the weaving there must be this moment of suspension when the shuttle flies, or its fabric as coarse as ski sweaters or as seductively filmy as pantyhose. Tristão’s attempt at understand- Unit 8. Explain to students that they will be exchanging ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. flying is imitated by rapiers, by dummy-shuttles, from the text to write a magazine article about an event described in the and even by jets of air or water that propel the ing the details of manufacture gave him terrible, Ask, How is Brazil changing during the time covered thread from one edge, called a selvage, of the cloth million-toothed dreams and lasted but a few weeks; to the other, making a “pick.” Just so, at the heart then he perceived that his role was to understand of our lives lies a supernatural leap, an oscillating merely his relation to the men above him in the short notes or e-mails in which they will discuss Updike’s management chain, and those below him, and to fit passage—for example, of the Mexican oil industry or the in the excerpt? (Possible Answer: It is becoming unlikelihood. Miraculously, the looms clanked and work paragraph by paragraph. Tell students that their Struggles for Democracy 63 massacre at the Aztec ruins. Tell them to pick an event and to choose a more democratic.) notes should be informal and just a few sentences in In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 magazine for which they wish to write. Before they begin their essay,

1036 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1037

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1036 7/6/10 2:23:23 PM Brazilian Economy, 1955–2000 From 1934 to 1940, President Lázaro Cárdenas (KAHR•day•nahs) tried to CHAPTER 35 • Section 1 improve life for peasants and workers. He carried out land reform and promoted Debt Inflation labor rights. He nationalized the Mexican oil industry, kicking out foreign oil com­ panies and creating a state­run oil industry. After Cárdenas, however, a series of 250 1,500 more conservative presidents turned away from reform. 200 1,200 The Party Becomes the PRI In 1946, the main political party changed its name More About . . . to the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. In the half­century that followed, 150 900 the PRI became the main force for political stability in Mexico. Massacre at Tlatelolco 100 Inflation 600 Although stable, the government was an imperfect democracy. The PRI con­ The protest at the ancient Aztec market (percentage) Foreign Debt Foreign trolled the congress and won every presidential election. The government allowed of Tlatelolco took place at a time of 50 300

(in billions of U.S. dollars) opposition parties to compete, but fraud and corruption tainted the elections. worldwide student . It also 0 0 Even as the Mexican economy rapidly developed, Mexico continued to suffer 1955 1970 1985 2000 occurred on the eve of the Mexico City 1955 1970 1985 2000 severe economic problems. Lacking land and jobs, millions of Mexicans struggled Olympics, when Mexico was eager to Source: The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development for survival. In addition, a huge foreign debt forced the government to spend present a positive image to the world. SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Graphs money on interest payments. Two episodes highlighted Mexico’s growing difficul­ But the events at Tlatelolco were not the 1. Clarifying By how much did Brazil’s foreign debt increase from 1955 to 2000? D. Answer If ties. In the late 1960s, students and workers began calling for economic and polit­ 2. Comparing Of the years shown on the line graph, which was the worst year for inflation? prices for that ical change. On October 2, 1968, protesters gathered at the site of an ancient Aztec only manifestation of unrest at the 1968 product drop, the economy is market in Mexico City. Soldiers hidden in the ruins opened fire on the protesters. Olympics. As the U.S. flag rose at a In 1985, a new civilian president, José Sarney (zhoh•ZAY SAHR•nay), took severely damaged. The massacre claimed several hundred lives. medal ceremony for the winners of . Sarney inherited a country in crisis because of foreign debt and inflation. A second critical episode occurred during the early 1980s. By that time, huge 200-meter race, African-American sprint- new oil and natural gas reserves had been discovered in Mexico. The economy had He proved unable to solve the country’s problems and lost support. The next Analyzing Issues Recognizing ers and stood become dependent on oil and gas exports. In 1981, world oil prices fell, cutting elected president fared even worse. He resigned because of corruption charges. In your opinion, Effects which of the prob- on the medal podium with heads bowed In 1994 and again in 1998, Brazilians elected Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who Why does over- Mexico’s oil and gas revenues in half. Mexico went into an economic decline. achieved some success in tackling the nation’s economic and political problems. lems faced by reliance on one and fists raised in a controversial protest Sarney was worse? Economic and Political Crises The 1980s and 1990s saw Mexico facing various Although trained as a Marxist scholar, Cardoso became a strong advocate of free product weaken an against racism in the United States. Explain. economy? crises. In 1988, opposition parties challenged the PRI in national elections. The markets. One of his main concerns was the widening income gap in Brazil. He C. Possible PRI candidate, Carlos Salinas, won the presidency. Even so, opposition parties won embarked on a program to promote economic reform. Answers seats in the congress and began to force a gradual opening of the political system. the foreign debt, The 2002 Presidential Election In the presidential election of October 2002, because it put Cardoso’s handpicked successor to lead his centrist coalition was José Serra. Serra Brazil under the Analyzing Political Cartoons faced two candidates who proposed a sharp break with Cardoso’s pro-business power of other nations; inflation, policies. These candidates included Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a candidate of the because no one Military Rule and Democracy leftist Workers Party. could get ahead Military Rule and Democracy An economic crisis hit many countries in South America, including Brazil, in Throughout the 20th century, many Latin Ask what visual clues the cartoonist used American countries were ruled by 2002. Because of stalled economic growth, rising unemployment, and poverty, to show that the speaker is a dictator. military dictators or political bosses. there was a backlash against free-market economic policies. This made the election of Most typically, the dictator’s support (Possible Answers: in an elaborate 2002 a close contest. Da Silva, the leftist candidate, won the hotly disputed elec tion, came from the wealthy and the military. military uniform, standing on a balcony defeating the ruling party candidate, Serra. Da Silva, who was reelected in 2006, has But sometimes the dictator’s support above a crowd) proved a more mod erate president than his supporters and opponents had expected. came from the people. Although Brazil faces many challenges, it continues on the path of democracy. SKILLBUILDER Answers CASE STUDY: Mexico 1. Drawing Conclusions Dictators typically do not concern themselves One-Party Rule with the opinions of their subjects. SKILLBUILDER: Unlike Brazil, Mexico enjoyed relative political stability for most of the 20th cen- 2. Making Inferences It suggests that tury. Following the Mexican Revolution, the government passed the Constitution Interpreting Visual Sources 1. Drawing Conclusions Do dictators he is ruled by the wishes of the of 1917. The new constitution outlined a democracy and promised reforms. typically take into account the opinions of people, which is one source of the Beginnings of One-Party Domination From 1920 to 1934, Mexico elected sev- the people they rule? cartoon’s humor. eral generals as president. However, these men did not rule as military dictators. 2. Making Inferences What does this cartoon suggest about the dictator’s They did create a ruling party—the National Revolutionary Party, which domi- attitude toward the opinion of the people nated Mexico under various names for the rest of the 20th century. he rules?

1036 Chapter 35 Case study 1037

Name Date

CHAPTER LITERATURE SELECTION from Brazil 35 by John Updike Section 1 In this novel, American author John Updike traces the political, economic, and DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION: GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS social changes that took place in Brazil from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s through the eyes of Tristão Reposo, a child of the Rio slums, and his wife Isabel Leme, who grew up in the upper class. What does this excerpt reveal about Brazil’s economic and political development? 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1036 6/29/10 10:14:53 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1037 6/29/10 10:16:47 AM es, they lived happily then, in São Paulo, first in clattered, repeating the shedding, the picking, and Yan apartment in Higienopolis, and then in a the beating-in with a merciless speed that yet did house in the Jardim América district, off the Rua not snap threads: there was no resistance in the Groenlândia, for a dozen years in all. The Leme material universe to an inhuman acceleration. The Discussing John Updike’s Brazil human attendants of the machines, indeed, looked Writing About Episodes in Mexico’s History brothers succeeded in obtaining for Tristão a posi- tion in middle management, not at the fusca plant grotesquely lackadaisical and soft, like wet clay where he had tightened engine-mounting bolts dropped here and there, idle spectators who would opposite gap-toothed Oscar—for fuscas were no suddenly spring into action at the depletion of a longer made—but at a textile mill in São Bernardo, bright-colored cone or glistening heavy shuttle. The one of the so-called ABCD cities, industrial satel- workers, mostly women, wore kerchiefs to keep their long hair from becoming entangled with the Class Time 40 minutes students should identify the magazine’s readership. Are readers younger or lites of São Paulo. The mill was a single vast room where giant machines, which in a flicker of mindless operation looms kept up a clatter which pressed on Tristão’s would pull their scalps loose from their skulls. ears with a million small concussions; each noise was Some of these women had Indian blood; others had smaller than the clashes of metal on metal in the come with the Japanese immigration, or the Italian older, more or less educated, progressive or conservative, wealthy or less fusca factory, but there were many more of them. At before it, or among those varied Middle Eastern Task Writing a magazine article first, he tried to understand the peoples lumped as turcos, Turks. intricacies—the warp, the weft, the And then there was another batten and its beating-in, the ways The mill was a sin- giant room of the factory, in which in which twill differed from plain gle vast room where the altogether different operation well off? Tell students to keep this audience in mind as they write their weave, or tabby, and how variations giant looms kept up of knitting was carried on by Purpose To learn more about 20th-century Mexico in lifting the threads of the warp machines built on quite different with the heddles produced satin a clatter which principles, needles being the fun- and damask, warp-pile velvet and pressed on Tristão’s damental unit, ingeniously bent articles. After they have completed their articles, have students add a weft-pile corduroy, and the truly needles of two types: spring beard dizzying operation whereby many ears with a million and latch, the latch having a tiny spinning cones of thread, drawn by small concussions. pivot closing the needle’s loop and Instructions Have students read “One-Party Rule” on pages 1036–1038. a mechanical drawboy controlled permitting the stitch to be cast off. by punched cards, could be woven The needles in a variety of gauges paragraph at the head of their article that describes the readership. At the to make elaborately figured fabrics. ranging from the size of a pencil to that of a mouse The shuttle, that carried the weft threads back whisker were arrayed in bars or circles, cylinders or After they have finished reading, tell students to use facts and details and forth under the lifted warps that formed the plates, controlled by moving cams that imitated the shed, was the basic awkwardness, he perceived, for motion of knitting over and over and over, gnashing like piranhas, producing sheets or tubes of knitted end of the article, ask them to write a paragraph that describes how their at the heart of the weaving there must be this moment of suspension when the shuttle flies, or its fabric as coarse as ski sweaters or as seductively filmy as pantyhose. Tristão’s attempt at understand- ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. flying is imitated by rapiers, by dummy-shuttles, from the text to write a magazine article about an event described in the and even by jets of air or water that propel the ing the details of manufacture gave him terrible, thread from one edge, called a selvage, of the cloth million-toothed dreams and lasted but a few weeks; essay was tailored or not tailored to this readership. (Students might opt to to the other, making a “pick.” Just so, at the heart then he perceived that his role was to understand of our lives lies a supernatural leap, an oscillating merely his relation to the men above him in the management chain, and those below him, and to fit passage—for example, nationalization of the Mexican oil industry or the unlikelihood. Miraculously, the looms clanked and challenge the magazine’s readers—at least to an extent allowed by the Struggles for Democracy 63 massacre at the Aztec ruins. Tell them to pick an event and to choose a magazine’s editors.) In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 magazine for which they wish to write. Before they begin their essay,

1036 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1037

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1037 7/6/10 2:24:01 PM Latin Americans Living in Poverty, 2006–2007 Chapter 35 • Section 1 Perón did not rule alone. He received critical support from his wife, Eva— 70 Vocabulary known as Evita to the millions of Argentines who idolized her. Together, the Peróns : a gov- created a welfare state. The state offered social programs with broad popular 60 ernment that tries appeal but limited freedoms. After Eva’s death in 1952, Perón’s popularity declined 50 to provide for all and his enemies—the military and the Catholic Church—moved against him. In 40 its citizens’ needs— History from Visuals including health, 1955, the military ousted Perón and drove him into exile. 30 education, and Percentage Repression in Argentina For many years, the military essentially controlled 20 Interpreting the Graph employment Argentine politics. Perón returned to power once more, in 1973, but ruled for only 10 Ask students which of the nations a year before dying in office. By the mid-1970s, Argentina was in chaos. 0 E. Answer The ParaguayBolivia Peru Ecuador Mexico Brazil VenezuelaArgentinaUruguay Chile In 1976, the generals seized power again. They established a brutal dictatorship represented is not a South American military govern- country. (Mexico) ment lost a and hunted down political opponents. For several years, torture and were humiliating war everyday events. By the early 1980s, several thousand Argentines had simply dis- Source: Social Panorama of Latin America, 2009 ▲ Eva Perón and had to turn the appeared, kidnapped by their own government. Skillbuilder Answers government over to SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Graphs civilians. Democracy and the Economy In 1982, the military government went to war with 1. Comparing Argentina, Chile, Uruguay 1. Comparing In which three countries of Latin America is the percentage of people living in Britain over the nearby Falkland Islands and suffered a defeat. Disgraced, the gen- 2. Comparing Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru poverty the lowest? 2. Comparing In which three countries is the poverty rate highest? Analyzing Causes erals agreed to step down. In 1983, Argentines elected Raúl Alfonsín What finally (ahl•fohn•SEEN) president in the country’s first free election in 37 years. caused military rule During the 1980s, Alfonsín worked to rebuild democracy and the economy. to end in During his presidency, Salinas signed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Argentina? Carlos Menem gained the presidency in 1989 and continued the process. He Agreement. NAFTA removed trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, attempted to stabilize the currency and privatize industry. By the late 1990s, how- and Canada. In early 1994, peasant rebels in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas ever, economic problems intensified as the country lived beyond its means. (chee•AH•pahs) staged a major uprising. Shortly afterward, a gunman assassinated A Growing Crisis In December 2001, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI presidential candidate for the upcoming election. refused to provide financial aid to Argentina. Then President Fernando de la Rua The PRI Loses Control After these events, Mexicans grew increasingly con- resigned in the face of protests over the economy. He was succeeded by Eduardo cerned about the prospects for democratic stability. Nevertheless, the elections of Duhalde, who tried to deal with the economic and social crisis. In 2002, Argentina 1994 went ahead. The new PRI candidate, (zuh•DEE•yoh), won. had an unemployment rate of about 24 percent. The country defaulted on $132 bil- Political and Economic Opposition parties continued to challenge the PRI. lion in debt, the largest debt default in history, and devalued its currency. In 2003, Disorder In 1997, two opposition parties each won a large number of congressional seats, under then president Nestor Kirchner, the nation renegotiated its debt with the IMF. denying the PRI control of congress. Then, in 2000, Mexican voters ended 71 years In 2006, Argentina successfully repaid its debt. of PRI rule by electing center-right candidate Vicente Fox as president. Critical Thinking Fox’s agenda was very ambitious. He advocated • How might the Catholic Church New Policies and Programs reforming the police, rooting out political corruption, ending the rebellion in have become an enemy of President SECTION ASSESSMENT Chiapas, and opening up Mexico’s economy to free-market forces. 1 Juan Perón? (Possible Answer: Perón Fox also argued that the United States should legalize the status of millions of TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. may have initiated policies that illegal Mexican immigrant workers. Fox hoped that a negotiated agreement • Brasília • land reform • standard of living • recession • PRI offended Church officials or harmed between the United States and Mexico would provide amnesty for these undocu- Church interests.) mented Mexican workers in the United States. After Felipe Calderon, a conserva- USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING • Why might the Argentine military have tive, was elected president in 2006, he continued many of Fox’s policies. However, 2. Which country do you think 3. What role did the military play 6. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING Compare and contrast tensions between the Mexican and U.S. governments grew over Washington’s plan has made the most progress? in shaping the economy of the roles of the military in the governments of Brazil, attacked the Falkland Islands? (Possible hswh12fs_c35s01001 Explain. Brazil? Mexico, and Argentina. to build a fence along the two countries’ border. 2nd pass 4. What were some of the 7. SYNTHESIZING What have been some of the obstacles to Answers: They may have believed that 5-11-10 ▲ Former Nation Steps toward positive benefits of one-party democracy in Latin America? the United Kingdom would be unwilling LKell democracy president CASE STUDY: Argentina rule in Mexico? 8. DEVELOPING HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE What are some of to defend such a distant and relatively Vicente Fox Brazil 5. What effect did the Falklands the attributes of democracy? of Mexico insignificant territory. Undertaking such Political and Economic Disorder Mexico war have on the military 9. WRITING ACTIVITY ECONOMICS What might be the effect government in Argentina? of a welfare state (such as that created in Argentina by a campaign may have been perceived Mexico and Brazil were not the only Latin American countries where democracy had Argentina the Peróns) on a nation’s economy? Support your as a way to unite Argentines behind made progress. By the late 1990s, most of Latin America was under democratic rule. opinions in a two-paragraph essay. their military rulers.) Perón Rules Argentina Argentina had struggled to establish democracy. It was a major exporter of grain and beef. It was also an industrial nation with a large work- CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING A GRAPH ing class. In 1946, Argentine workers supported an army officer, Juan Perón, who In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Research the economies of Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina to determine which is doing the won the presidency and then established a dictatorship. best. Present your findings in a graph. • Geography Application: Democracy in Central and South America, p. 57 1038 Chapter 35 CASE STUDY 1039

Differentiating Instruction: STRuggling readers ANSWERS

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1038 6/16/10 10:03:47 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1039 5/27/10 1:45:01 PM Tracing Change in Mexico 1910 1917 Government passes constitution. 1. Brasília, p. 1034 • land reform, p. 1034 • standard of living, p. 1034 • recession, p. 1034 • PRI, p. 1037 Class Time 30 minutes 1920 1920–1934 Several generals serve as president. 2. Sample Answer: Brazil—Direct elections; Mexico—Democratic constitution; , Task Creating a time line 1930 , Argentina—Civilian government. Most prog- Purpose To use a visual aid to help students understand the order of 1934–1940 President Lazaro Cardenas 1940 – ress—Mexico, because of economy recent political history of Mexico 1940 1946 Series of conservative presidents 1950 and multiple parties. Instructions Pair students. Explain that creating a time line can improve 3. It emphasized economic growth and opened students’ understanding of the material and can be helpful to review 1960 1968 Massacre at Aztec market ruins Brazil to foreign investment. before a test. Ask pairs to review “One-Party Rule” on pages 1036–1038 1970 1981 Oil prices fall. 4. political stability, civilian rule and write down significant events and dates. Then have students order the 5. It led to the end of military rule. events on a time line. A sample time line is shown. 1980 1994 NAFTA goes into effect/Chiapas uprising PRI candidate Ernesto Zedillo wins. 1990 1994 1997 Opposition parties win more places in government. 2000 2000 Non-PRI candidate Vicente Fox becomes president. 1038 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1039

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1038 6/23/10 12:33:28 PM Latin Americans Living in Poverty, 2006–2007 Perón did not rule alone. He received critical support from his wife, Eva— CHAPTER 35 • Section 1 70 Vocabulary known as Evita to the millions of Argentines who idolized her. Together, the Peróns welfare state: a gov- created a welfare state. The state offered social programs with broad popular 60 ernment that tries appeal but limited freedoms. After Eva’s death in 1952, Perón’s popularity declined 50 to provide for all and his enemies—the military and the Catholic Church—moved against him. In 40 its citizens’ needs— Vocabulary Note: including health, 1955, the military ousted Perón and drove him into exile. 30 education, and Academic Vocabulary Percentage Repression in Argentina For many years, the military essentially controlled 20 employment Argentine politics. Perón returned to power once more, in 1973, but ruled for only Some students may misunderstand 10 a year before dying in office. By the mid-1970s, Argentina was in chaos. the term welfare state because of 0 ParaguayBolivia Peru Ecuador Mexico Brazil VenezuelaArgentinaUruguay Chile E. Answer The In 1976, the generals seized power again. They established a brutal dictatorship the negative connotations associated military govern- ment lost a and hunted down political opponents. For several years, torture and murder were with the term welfare. Help students humiliating war everyday events. By the early 1980s, several thousand Argentines had simply dis- Source: Social Panorama of Latin America, 2009 s Eva Perón understand the broader meaning of and had to turn the appeared, kidnapped by their own government. government over to welfare state by explaining more about SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Graphs civilians. Democracy and the Economy In 1982, the military government went to war with 1. Comparing In which three countries of Latin America is the percentage of people living in its historical background, such as public Britain over the nearby Falkland Islands and suffered a defeat. Disgraced, the gen- poverty the lowest? provision of basic education. 2. Comparing In which three countries is the poverty rate highest? Analyzing Causes erals agreed to step down. In 1983, Argentines elected Raúl Alfonsín What finally (ahl•fohn•SEEN) president in the country’s first free election in 37 years. caused military rule During the 1980s, Alfonsín worked to rebuild democracy and the economy. During his presidency, Salinas signed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade to end in Carlos Menem gained the presidency in 1989 and continued the process. He Argentina? More About . . . Agreement. NAFTA removed trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, attempted to stabilize the currency and privatize industry. By the late 1990s, how- and Canada. In early 1994, peasant rebels in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas ever, economic problems intensified as the country lived beyond its means. Eva Perón (chee•AH•pahs) staged a major uprising. Shortly afterward, a gunman assassinated A Growing Crisis In December 2001, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI presidential candidate for the upcoming election. refused to provide financial aid to Argentina. Then President Fernando de la Rua and lyricist Tim Rice based their hit The PRI Loses Control After these events, Mexicans grew increasingly con- resigned in the face of protests over the economy. He was succeeded by Eduardo Broadway musical Evita (1978) on the cerned about the prospects for democratic stability. Nevertheless, the elections of Duhalde, who tried to deal with the economic and social crisis. In 2002, Argentina life of Eva Perón. In 1996, the musical 1994 went ahead. The new PRI candidate, Ernesto Zedillo (zuh•DEE•yoh), won. had an unemployment rate of about 24 percent. The country defaulted on $132 bil- Opposition parties continued to challenge the PRI. lion in debt, the largest debt default in history, and devalued its currency. In 2003, was made into a movie starring Madonna In 1997, two opposition parties each won a large number of congressional seats, under then president Nestor Kirchner, the nation renegotiated its debt with the IMF. and Antonio Banderas. denying the PRI control of congress. Then, in 2000, Mexican voters ended 71 years In 2006, Argentina successfully repaid its debt. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 of PRI rule by electing center-right candidate Vicente Fox as president. • History Makers: Juan and Eva Perón, p. 66 New Policies and Programs Fox’s agenda was very ambitious. He advocated reforming the police, rooting out political corruption, ending the rebellion in SECTION ASSESSMENT Chiapas, and opening up Mexico’s economy to free-market forces. 1 Fox also argued that the United States should legalize the status of millions of TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. ASSESS illegal Mexican immigrant workers. Fox hoped that a negotiated agreement • Brasília • land reform • standard of living • recession • PRI between the United States and Mexico would provide amnesty for these undocu- SECTION 1 ASSESSMENT mented Mexican workers in the United States. After Felipe Calderon, a conserva- USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING tive, was elected president in 2006, he continued many of Fox’s policies. However, 2. Which country do you think 3. What role did the military play 6. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING Compare and contrast Have students work in pairs to tensions between the Mexican and U.S. governments grew over Washington’s plan has made the most progress? in shaping the economy of the roles of the military in the governments of Brazil, hswh12fs_c35s01001 Explain. Brazil? Mexico, and Argentina. answer the questions and then share to build a fence along the two countries’ border. 2nd pass 4. What were some of the 7. SYNTHESIZING What have been some of the obstacles to their answers with other pairs. 5-11-10 ▲ Former Nation Steps toward positive benefits of one-party democracy in Latin America? LKell democracy Formal Assessment president CASE STUDY: Argentina rule in Mexico? 8. DEVELOPING HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE What are some of Vicente Fox Brazil 5. What effect did the Falklands the attributes of democracy? • Section Quiz, p. 575 of Mexico Political and Economic Disorder Mexico war have on the military 9. WRITING ACTIVITY ECONOMICS What might be the effect government in Argentina? of a welfare state (such as that created in Argentina by Mexico and Brazil were not the only Latin American countries where democracy had Argentina the Peróns) on a nation’s economy? Support your RETEACH made progress. By the late 1990s, most of Latin America was under democratic rule. opinions in a two-paragraph essay. Have students write at least three Perón Rules Argentina Argentina had struggled to establish democracy. It was a statements about each country’s quest major exporter of grain and beef. It was also an industrial nation with a large work- CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING A GRAPH for democracy. ing class. In 1946, Argentine workers supported an army officer, Juan Perón, who Research the economies of Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina to determine which is doing the won the presidency and then established a dictatorship. best. Present your findings in a graph. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 • Guided Reading, p. 50 1038 Chapter 35 CASE STUDY 1039 • Reteaching Activity, p. 69


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1038 6/16/10 10:03:47 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083501.indd 1039 6/30/10 7:47:25 PM Tracing Change in Mexico 1917 Government passes constitution. 1. Brasília, p. 1034 • land reform, p. 1034 • standard of living, p. 1034 • recession, p. 1034 • PRI, p. 1037 1920–1934 Several generals serve as president. 2. Sample Answer: Brazil—Direct elections; 6. In Brazil and Argentina, the military overthrew 9. Rubric Essays should discuss Mexico—Democratic constitution; civilian governments but were eventually • the reasons for social programs. 1934–1940 President Lazaro Cardenas Argentina—Civilian government. Most forced to yield power and allow free elections. • the strain on a weak or developing economy 1940–1946 Series of conservative presidents progress—Mexico, because of economy In Mexico, the military has never directly of social programs. and multiple parties. controlled the government. CONNECT TO TODAY 3. It emphasized economic growth and opened 7. Possible Answers: powerful militaries; Rubric Graphs should 1968 Massacre at Aztec market ruins Brazil to foreign investment. rule of law weak • use a standard economic indicator, such 4. political stability, civilian rule 8. Possible Answers: free elections; 1981 Oil prices fall. as GDP. 5. It led to the end of military rule. citizen participation 1994 NAFTA goes into effect/Chiapas uprising • cite sources. 1994 PRI candidate Ernesto Zedillo wins. 1997 Opposition parties win more places in government. 2000 Non-PRI candidate Vicente Fox becomes president. 1038 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1039

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083501.indd 1039 7/6/10 2:25:00 PM Africa, 1967 TUNISIA MOROCCO LESSON PLAN UNITED ALGERIA LIBYA ARAB SPANISH REPUBLIC SAHARA 2 Tropic of Cancer () Regions of Nigeria, 1967 NIGER CHAD

E OBJECTIVES NIGER ° CHAD SENEGAL UPPER SUDAN FRENCH 10 GAMBIA VOLTA SOMALILAND • Explain Africa’s legacy of colonialism. Lake PORT. Chad GUINEA NIGERIA CENTRAL AFRICAN ETHIOPIA • Describe Nigeria’s civil war and events The Challenge of Democracy GUINEA REPUBLIC SIERRA CAMEROON LEONE TOGO DAHOMEY in Nigeria since 1970. IVORY NIGERIA Gombe LIBERIA CONGO UGANDA COAST KENYA 10 0° Equator EQ. GABON °N GUINEA REP. OF • Trace the history of white rule in South in Africa THE RWANDA Nig Abuja . INDIAN er R CONGO R ue Africa and the change to democracy. . n ATLANTIC CABINDA OCEAN e (ANGOLA)


MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES TOGO OCEAN MALAWI Auchi CAMEROON ANGOLA REVOLUTION As the recent In 1996, as Nigeria struggled • federal • apartheid Lagos FOCUS & MOTIVATE ZAMBIA histories of Nigeria and South with democracy, South Africa system • Nelson Benin Enugu City 0 1,000 Miles RHODESIA Ask students when legal segregation Africa show, ethnic and racial adopted a bill of rights that • Mandela SOUTH- 0 2,000 Kilometers WEST MADAGASCAR conflicts can hinder democracy. promotes racial equality. • dissident ATLANTIC Port BOTSWANA ended in the United States. (Some Tropic of Capricorn AFRICA OCEAN Harcourt students will cite the passage of the BIOKO SWAZILAND (EQ. GUINEA) SETTING THE STAGE Beginning in the late 1950s, dozens of European Pictured Above: SOUTH 1964 Civil Rights Act.) 0 ° AFRICA colonies in Africa gained their independence and became nations. As in Latin (L) A man chis- America, the establishment of democracy in Africa proved difficult. In many els a piece of 40 ° E INSTRUCT cases, the newly independent nations faced a host of problems that slowed their the Berlin Wall progress toward democracy. The main reason for Africa’s difficulties was the for a souvenir Colonial Rule Limits negative impact of colonial rule. Euro pean powers had done little to prepare their just after the fall of African colonies for independence. Democracy in East Germany; Critical Thinking Colonial Rule Limits Democracy (R) Soldiers of • Do you think colonial powers The lingering effects of colonialism undermined efforts to build stable, demo- the Chinese TAKING NOTES People’s deliberately ignored ethnic and cratic economies and states. This can be seen throughout Africa. Use the graphic organizer Liberation European Policies Cause Problems When the Europeans established colonial cultural divisions when they established online to take notes on Army in Hong boundaries, they ignored existing ethnic or cultural divisions. New borders boundaries? (No—Competition with the political events in Kong, 1998 Nigeria and South Africa. divided peoples of the same background or threw different—often rival—groups rival powers determined such decisions. together. Because of this, a sense of national identity was difficult to develop. Yes—Such divisions made colonies After independence, the old colonial boundaries became the borders of the newly easier to manage.) independent states. As a result, ethnic and cultural conflicts remained. • Why didn’t colonial powers encourage Other problems had an economic basis. European powers had viewed colonies the production of a range of products? as sources of wealth for the home country. The colonial powers encouraged the (Possible Answer: They were primarily export of one or two cash crops, such as coffee or rubber, rather than the pro- interested in economic gain.) duction of a range of products to serve local needs. Europeans developed plan- tations and mines but few factories. Manufactured goods were imported from In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 European countries. These policies left new African nations with unbalanced • Guided Reading, p. 51 (also in Spanish) economies and a small middle class. Such economic problems lessened their chances to create democratic stability. European rule also disrupted African family and community life. In some cases, colonial powers moved Africans far from their families and villages to work in mines or on plantations. In addition, most newly independent nations still lacked a skilled, literate work force that could take on the task of building a new nation. Short-Lived Democracies When Britain and France gave up their colonies, they left fragile democratic governments in place. Soon problems threatened those gov- ernments. Rival ethnic groups often fought for power. Strong militaries became tools for ambitious leaders. In many cases, a military dictatorship replaced democracy. 1040 Chapter 35


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1040 5/28/10 3:30:27 PM ALL STUDENTS STRUGGLING READERS INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Student One Stop • Guided Reading, p. 51 • Guided Reading, p. 51 Teacher One Stop • History Makers: Nelson Mandela, p. 67 • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 • Power Presentations Formal Assessment • Reteaching Activity, p. 70 World Art and Cultures Transparencies • Section Quiz, p. 576 Guided Reading Workbook • AT77 Multiple-Mask Headdress • Section 2 Electronic Library of Primary Sources ENGLISH LEARNERS • from “Masakhane—Let Us Build Together” In-Depth Resources in Spanish GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS • Guided Reading, p. 249 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Spanish/English Guided Reading Workbook • Primary Sources: from Kaffir Boy, p. 59; Mandela’s Inaugural Address, p. 60 • Section 2 Electronic Library of Primary Sources 1040 Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1040 6/23/10 2:49:25 PM Africa, 1967 TUNISIA Chapter 35 • Section 2 MOROCCO


Regions of Nigeria, 1967 MAURITANIA MALI NIGER CHAD History from Visuals


NIGER ° CHAD SENEGAL UPPER SUDAN FRENCH 10 0 250 Miles GAMBIA VOLTA SOMALILAND Lake PORT. Interpreting the Map Chad GUINEA NIGERIA CENTRAL 0 500 Kilometers GHANA AFRICAN ETHIOPIA GUINEA REPUBLIC Have students identify Nigeria and its SIERRA CAMEROON LEONE TOGO DAHOMEY SOMALIA IVORY major cities. Point out the inset map and NIGERIA Gombe LIBERIA CONGO UGANDA COAST KENYA 10 N 0° Equator EQ. GABON ° GUINEA REP. OF help students understand how it relates THE RWANDA Nig Abuja . INDIAN er R CONGO R ue to the larger map. . n ATLANTIC CABINDA BURUNDI TANZANIA OCEAN e (ANGOLA)

DAHOMEY B TOGO OCEAN MALAWI Extension Have students compare this Auchi CAMEROON ANGOLA Lagos ZAMBIA MOZAMBIQUE map with the political and physical maps Benin Enugu City 0 1,000 Miles of Africa in the textbook atlas. How do Eastern Region RHODESIA SOUTH- Midwestern Region 0 2,000 Kilometers WEST MADAGASCAR Nigeria’s geography and size make it one ATLANTIC Port BOTSWANA Northern Region Tropic of Capricorn AFRICA OCEAN Harcourt of the more important nations in Africa? Western Region BIOKO SWAZILAND (EQ. GUINEA) (It is one of the larger countries and has SOUTH LESOTHO 0 ° AFRICA access to the sea.) 40 ° E GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps 1. Region Describe the Eastern Region, which seceded as Biafra. Describe its size and Skillbuilder Answers location compared to the rest of Nigeria. 2. Location In which region is Lagos, Nigeria’s capital in 1967? 1. Region Biafra is in the southeastern part of Nigeria and is small, though comparable in size to the Civil War in Nigeria Western Region. Nigeria, a former British colony, won its independence peacefully in 1960. Nigeria 2. Location the Western Region is Africa’s most populous country and one of its richest. However, the country was ethnically divided. This soon created problems that led to war. A Land of Many Peoples Three major ethnic groups live within Nigeria’s bor- ders. In the north are the Hausa-Fulani, who are mostly Muslim. In the south are the Yoruba and the Igbo (also called Ibo), who are mostly Christians, Muslims, or Civil War in Nigeria animists, who believe that spirits are present in animals, plants, and natural objects. The Yoruba, a farming people with a tradition of kings, live to the west. The Igbo, Critical Thinking a farming people who have a democratic tradition, live to the east. • Why might ethnic identity in Nigeria be After independence, Nigeria adopted a federal system. In a federal system, more important than national identity? power is shared between state governments and a central authority. The Nigerians set (Possible Answer: The nation is based up three states, one for each region and ethnic group, with a political party in each. on artificial colonial borders.) War with Biafra Although one group dominated each state, the states also had • Based on the events in Biafra, how ethnic minorities. In the Western Region, non-Yoruba minorities began to resent significant was Igbo representation in Yoruba control. In 1963, they tried to break away and form their own region. This led to fighting. In January 1966, a group of army officers, most of them Igbo, the federal government? (Possible A. Answer They were forced to seized power in city of Lagos. These officers abolished the regional gov- Answer: It was probably weak. If the rejoin Nigeria; a ernments and declared martial law, or temporary military rule. Igbo had been well-represented at the million died. The Hausa-Fulani, who did not trust the Igbo, launched an attack from the north. federal level, they might have sought They persecuted and killed many Igbo. The survivors fled east. In 1967, the Eastern a political resolution to their dispute Recognizing Region seceded from Nigeria, declaring itself the new nation of Biafra (bee•AF•ruh). Effects with the Yoruba.) The Nigerian government then went to war to reunite the country. The Igbo were What was the World Art and Cultures Transparencies effect of the war on badly outnumbered and outgunned. In 1970, Biafra surrendered. Nigeria was the Igbo? reunited, but perhaps more than a million Igbo died, most from starvation. • AT77 Multiple-Mask Headdress Struggles for Democracy 1041

cooperative learning

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1041 6/29/10 10:24:12 AM Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Class Time 15 minutes Ethnic Group Location Culture Task Creating a chart of Nigeria’s ethnic groups Hausa-Fulani north mostly Muslim Purpose To familiarize students with characteristics of Nigeria’s major ethnic groups Yoruba south Christian, Muslim, and animist; Instructions Divide students into small groups. Ask each group to create farming people with tradition a table with four columns. Then have students read “Civil War in Nigeria” of kings on this page. Ask them to fill in their tables as they read the passage. Igbo/Ibo south Christian, Muslim, and animist; An example follows. Discuss what conflicts are likely to occur between farming people with democratic such groups. (Possible Answer: differences over religion and preferred type of government) traditions

Teacher’s Edition 1041

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1041 7/6/10 2:29:55 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 2 Nigeria’s Nation-Building Civilian Presidents Obasanjo was an ethnic Yoruba from southwest Nigeria. As a critic of Nigerian military regimes, he had spent three years in jail (1995–1998) After the war, Nigerians returned to the process of nation-building. “When the war under . As a former general, Obasanjo had the support of the military. ended,” noted one officer, “it was like a referee blowing a whistle in a football Obasanjo worked for a strong, unified Nigeria. He made some progress in his game. People just put down their guns and went back to the business of living.” The battle against corruption. He also attempted to draw the attention of the world to Nigerian government did not punish the Igbo. It used federal money to rebuild the Nigeria’s Nation-Building the need for debt relief for Nigeria. Obasanjo saw debt relief as essential to the Igbo region. relief of hunger and the future of democracy in Africa. Critical Thinking Federal Government Restored The military governed Nigeria for most of the The controversial 2007 elections brought President Umaru Yar’Adua to power. 1970s. During this time, Nigerian leaders tried to create a more stable federal sys- • Why do you think the Nigerian govern- Like his mentor Mr. Obasanjo, President Yar’Adua faced a variety of problems. tem, with a strong central government and a number of regional units. The gov- ment paid to rebuild the rebellious Igbo These included war, violence, corruption, poverty, pollution, and hunger. In addi- ernment also tried to build a more modern economy, based on oil income. tion, militant groups are threatening Nigeria’s oil exports and economic growth. region? (Possible Answer: wanted to In 1979, the military handed power back to civilian rulers. Nigerians were reunite the country rather than cheered by to democracy. Some people, however, remained concerned South Africa Under Apartheid punish rebellion) about ethnic divisions in the nation. Nigerian democracy was short-lived. In 1983, In South Africa, racial conflict was the result of colonial rule. From its beginnings • Is canceling debts incurred by the military overthrew the civilian government, charging it with corruption. A new military regime, dominated by the Hausa-Fulani, took charge. under Dutch and British control, South Africa was racially divided. A small white nations such as Nigeria a good idea? minority ruled a large black majority. In 1910, South Africa gained self-rule as a A Return to Civilian Rule In the years that followed, the military governed Nigeria, (Good—It would allow governments dominion of the . In 1931, it became an independent member of the while promising to bring back civilian rule. The army held elections in 1993, which to devote more resources to public British Commonwealth. Although South Africa had a constitutional government, resulted in the victory of popular leader Moshood Abiola. However, officers health and education. Bad—It would the constitution gave whites power and denied the black majority its rights. declared the results invalid, and a dictator, General Sani Abacha, took control. hurt lenders and send the message General Abacha banned political activity and jailed dissidents, or government Apartheid Segregates Society In 1948, the National Party came to power in to borrowers that there are no opponents. Upon Abacha’s death in 1998, General Abdulsalami Abubakar seized South Africa. This party promoted Afrikaner, or Dutch South African, . repercussions for financial power and promised to end military rule. He kept his word. In 1999, Nigerians It also instituted a policy of apartheid, complete separation of the races. The mismanagement.) elected their first civilian president, , in nearly 20 years. In minority government banned social contacts between whites and blacks. It estab- 2003, Obasanjo was reelected. lished segregated schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods. In 1959, the minority government set up reserves, called homelands, for the coun- ▼ A young South try’s major black groups. Blacks were forbidden to live in white areas unless they African poll worked as servants or laborers for whites. The homelands policy was totally unbal- worker helps an elderly man to Analyzing Primary Sources Making anced. Although blacks made up about 75 percent of the population, the government vote in the first Ken Saro-Wiwa Inferences set aside only 13 percent of the land for them. Whites kept the best land. election open to How did the citizens of all Ken Saro-Wiwa On November 10, 1995, Nigeria hanged Blacks Protest The blacks of South Africa resisted the controls imposed by the white Injustice stalks the land like a tiger on the prowl. To be at policy of apartheid races. nine political prisoners—all critics of the minority. In 1912, they formed the Ask students to read the primary source the mercy of buffoons [fools] is the ultimate insult. To find strengthen whites’ military government. Many around the the instruments of state power reducing hold on power? African National Congress (ANC) from Ken Saro-Wiwa. Then lead students world believed the nine were convicted on you to dust is . . . . to fight for their rights. The ANC false charges to silence them. One of the B. Possible in a discussion focused on determining It is also very important that we have nine was Ken Saro-Wiwa, a noted Answers It kept organized strikes and boycotts to which tactic is more difficult for people chosen the path of non-violent struggle. the races separate; and activist. Shortly before his death, Saro- protest racist policies. The govern- Our opponents are given to violence and forced blacks to use who are resisting an oppressive Wiwa smuggled several manuscripts out of ment banned the ANC and impris- we cannot meet them on their turf, even segregated, inferior prison. regime— or violence. if we wanted to. Non-violent struggle facilities; and gave oned many of its members. One was whites the best offers weak people the strength which ANC leader Nelson Mandela Extension Ask students to use the library DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONS land. they otherwise would not have. The spirit (man•DEHL•uh). or the Internet to find out where Nigeria’s 1. Drawing Conclusions What do Saro-Wiwa’s becomes important, and no gun can The troubles continued. In 1976, Ogoni people live. (in the south, in the imprisonment and execution suggest about the government of the military dictator, silence that. I am aware, though, that riots over school policies out Niger River delta area) General Sani Abacha? non-violent struggle occasions in the black of , more death than armed struggle. And 2. Making Inferences What seems to be Saro- leaving about 600 students dead. In Answers to Document-Based Questions Wiwa’s attitude toward his persecutors? that remains a cause for worry at all 1977, police beat popular protest 1. Drawing Conclusions government times. Whether the Ogoni people will be able to withstand the rigors of the leader Stephen Biko to death while was ruthless and murderous struggle is yet to be seen. Again, their ability to do so will he was in custody. As protests 2. Making Inferences He seems point the way of peaceful struggle to other peoples on the mounted, the government declared African continent. It is therefore not to be underrated. contemptuous of their power; though a nationwide state of emergency KEN SARO-WIWA, A Month and a Day: A Detention Diary they have the power to execute him, in 1986. they are fools.

1042 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1043


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1042 5/28/10 3:32:29 PM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1043 5/28/10 3:50:24 PM Politics and Oil in Nigeria Creating a South Africa Glossary Class Time 30 minutes After they have finished their research, ask students to use their findings to Class Time 20 minutes Task Delivering a television news report create and deliver a brief news report. Tell students they will be reporting Task Creating a glossary Purpose To learn about current events in Nigeria for a major news network and that their story will target viewers who Purpose To familiarize students with difficult words know little or nothing about Nigeria. Explain that, because they are report- Instructions After students have read “Civil War in Nigeria” and “Nigeria’s Instructions Have students read “South Africa Under Apartheid” on ing for a major network, they will be expected to be objective. After they Nation-Building” on pages 1041–1042, have them use the Internet or the this page. Then have them use the text and a dictionary to create a complete the project, have students discuss how they made their reports library to search for information about Nigeria’s oil industry. Tell students glossary of challenging words in the passage. Tell students that words objective and what they might have added if they had been allowed to to focus on the oil industry’s impact on Nigeria’s economy and politics. should be in alphabetical order and that students should note the number express a subjective point of view. of the paragraph in which the word appears. A sample glossary follows.

1042 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1043

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1042 6/23/10 2:51:59 PM Nigeria’s Nation-Building Civilian Presidents Obasanjo was an ethnic Yoruba from southwest Nigeria. As a Chapter 35 • Section 2 critic of Nigerian military regimes, he had spent three years in jail (1995–1998) After the war, Nigerians returned to the process of nation-building. “When the war under Sani Abacha. As a former general, Obasanjo had the support of the military. ended,” noted one officer, “it was like a referee blowing a whistle in a football Obasanjo worked for a strong, unified Nigeria. He made some progress in his game. People just put down their guns and went back to the business of living.” The battle against corruption. He also attempted to draw the attention of the world to Nigerian government did not punish the Igbo. It used federal money to rebuild the the need for debt relief for Nigeria. Obasanjo saw debt relief as essential to the South Africa Under Apartheid Igbo region. relief of hunger and the future of democracy in Africa. Federal Government Restored The military governed Nigeria for most of the The controversial 2007 elections brought President Umaru Yar’Adua to power. Critical Thinking 1970s. During this time, Nigerian leaders tried to create a more stable federal sys- Like his mentor Mr. Obasanjo, President Yar’Adua faced a variety of problems. • Why didn’t South Africa’s black majority tem, with a strong central government and a number of regional units. The gov- These included war, violence, corruption, poverty, pollution, and hunger. In addi- use its greater numbers to overpower ernment also tried to build a more modern economy, based on oil income. tion, militant groups are threatening Nigeria’s oil exports and economic growth. In 1979, the military handed power back to civilian rulers. Nigerians were the white minority? (Possible Answers: cheered by the return to democracy. Some people, however, remained concerned South Africa Under Apartheid Whites had greater military strength. about ethnic divisions in the nation. Nigerian democracy was short-lived. In 1983, Poverty may have made it difficult to In South Africa, racial conflict was the result of colonial rule. From its beginnings the military overthrew the civilian government, charging it with corruption. A new organize resistance.) military regime, dominated by the Hausa-Fulani, took charge. under Dutch and British control, South Africa was racially divided. A small white minority ruled a large black majority. In 1910, South Africa gained self-rule as a • Ask students if the United States had A Return to Civilian Rule In the years that followed, the military governed Nigeria, dominion of the British Empire. In 1931, it became an independent member of the anything comparable to South Africa’s while promising to bring back civilian rule. The army held elections in 1993, which British Commonwealth. Although South Africa had a constitutional government, “homelands.” (Possible Answers: Some resulted in the victory of popular leader Moshood Abiola. However, officers the constitution gave whites power and denied the black majority its rights. students might argue that reservations declared the results invalid, and a dictator, General Sani Abacha, took control. General Abacha banned political activity and jailed dissidents, or government Apartheid Segregates Society In 1948, the National Party came to power in for Native Americans are similar. Others opponents. Upon Abacha’s death in 1998, General Abdulsalami Abubakar seized South Africa. This party promoted Afrikaner, or Dutch South African, nationalism. may note that discriminatory policies, power and promised to end military rule. He kept his word. In 1999, Nigerians It also instituted a policy of apartheid, complete separation of the races. The such as “redlining”—refusing to offer elected their first civilian president, Olusegun Obasanjo, in nearly 20 years. In minority government banned social contacts between whites and blacks. It estab- home mortgages or home insurance lished segregated schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods. 2003, Obasanjo was reelected. to certain areas because of the race In 1959, the minority government set up reserves, called homelands, for the coun- ▼ A young South try’s major black groups. Blacks were forbidden to live in white areas unless they African poll or income of the residents—contributed worked as servants or laborers for whites. The homelands policy was totally unbal- worker helps an to the formation of ghettos.) Making elderly man to Inferences anced. Although blacks made up about 75 percent of the population, the government vote in the first In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Ken Saro-Wiwa How did the set aside only 13 percent of the land for them. Whites kept the best land. election open to • Primary Source: from Kaffir Boy, p. 59 policy of apartheid citizens of all On November 10, 1995, Nigeria hanged Blacks Protest The blacks of South Africa resisted the controls imposed by the white Injustice stalks the land like a tiger on the prowl. To be at strengthen whites’ races. nine political prisoners—all critics of the minority. In 1912, they formed the the mercy of buffoons [fools] is the ultimate insult. To find hold on power? military government. Many around the the instruments of state power reducing African National Congress (ANC) world believed the nine were convicted on B. Possible you to dust is the injury. . . . to fight for their rights. The ANC Tip for Gifted and Talented false charges to silence them. One of the Answers It kept It is also very important that we have the races separate; nine was Ken Saro-Wiwa, a noted writer organized strikes and boycotts to Students chosen the path of non-violent struggle. forced blacks to use and activist. Shortly before his death, Saro- protest racist policies. The govern- Our opponents are given to violence and segregated, inferior As the former colonies of the British Wiwa smuggled several manuscripts out of facilities; and gave ment banned the ANC and impris- we cannot meet them on their turf, even prison. whites the best oned many of its members. One was Empire gained independence, they if we wanted to. Non-violent struggle land. offers weak people the strength which ANC leader Nelson Mandela decided to join Britain in a free, voluntary DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONS they otherwise would not have. The spirit (man•DEHL•uh). association called the British 1. Drawing Conclusions What do Saro-Wiwa’s imprisonment and execution suggest about becomes important, and no gun can The troubles continued. In 1976, Commonwealth. The members have silence that. I am aware, though, that the government of the military dictator, riots over school policies broke out no legal or formal obligation to one General Sani Abacha? non-violent struggle occasions in the black township of Soweto, more death than armed struggle. And another, but rather are held together 2. Making Inferences What seems to be Saro- leaving about 600 students dead. In Wiwa’s attitude toward his persecutors? that remains a cause for worry at all by shared traditions and institutions, times. Whether the Ogoni people will 1977, police beat popular protest be able to withstand the rigors of the leader Stephen Biko to death while as well as by economic self-interest. struggle is yet to be seen. Again, their ability to do so will he was in custody. As protests Today, there are more than 50 members point the way of peaceful struggle to other peoples on the mounted, the government declared in the Commonwealth. (In 1946, African continent. It is therefore not to be underrated. a nationwide state of emergency the word British was dropped from the KEN SARO-WIWA, A Month and a Day: A Detention Diary in 1986. organization’s title.)

1042 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1043

Differentiating Instruction: eNGlish Learners

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1042 5/28/10 3:32:29 PM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1043 6/29/10 10:26:37 AM Politics and Oil in Nigeria Creating a South Africa Glossary After they have finished their research, ask students to use their findings to Class Time 20 minutes African National Congress organization that wanted to end create and deliver a brief news report. Tell students they will be reporting Task Creating a glossary apartheid (4) for a major news network and that their story will target viewers who Purpose To familiarize students with difficult words know little or nothing about Nigeria. Explain that, because they are report- Afrikaner a Dutch South African (2) Instructions Have students read “South Africa Under Apartheid” on ing for a major network, they will be expected to be objective. After they this page. Then have them use the text and a dictionary to create a apartheid complete separation of races (2) complete the project, have students discuss how they made their reports glossary of challenging words in the passage. Tell students that words objective and what they might have added if they had been allowed to homelands poor-quality land set aside for South Africa’s major should be in alphabetical order and that students should note the number express a subjective point of view. black groups (3) of the paragraph in which the word appears. A sample glossary follows. Nelson Mandela African National Congress leader (4) Stephen Biko popular protest leader killed by police (5) 1042 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1043

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1043 7/6/10 2:31:15 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 2 Struggle for Democracy South Africa, 1948–Present By the late 1980s, South Africa was under great pressure to change. For years, a black South African bishop, , had led an economic campaign against 19591959 19621962 19891989 19961996 19991999 BlackBlack NelsonNelson F. W.F. de W. Klerkde Klerk NewNew ANCANC candidate candidate apartheid. He asked foreign nations not to do business with South Africa. In homelandshomelands MandelaMandela electedelected constitutionconstitution ThaboThabo Mbeki Mbeki response, many nations imposed trade restrictions. They also isolated South Africa establishedestablished jailedjailed presidentpresident adoptedadopted electedelected Struggle for Democracy Recognizing presidentpresident in other ways, for example, by banning South Africa from the Olympic Games. (In Effects 1984, Tutu won the for his nonviolent methods.) How did Critical Thinking Desmond Tutu help The First Steps In 1989, elected a new president, F. W. de 19481948 19761976 19901990 19941994 20092009 • Do you think economic sanctions can force South Africa Klerk. His goal was to transform South Africa and end its isolation. In February NationalNational Party Party comes comes 600600 black black ANCANC legalized legalized ANCANC wins wins 63% 63% of of ANCANC candidate candidate help eliminate racism? (No—Sanctions to end apartheid? to power,to power, passes passes studentsstudents killed killed andand Mandela Mandela the thevote; vote; Mandela Mandela JacobJacob Zuma Zuma 1990, he legalized the ANC and also released Nelson Mandela from prison. C. Answer He con- apartheidapartheid laws laws duringduring Soweto Soweto releasedreleased electedelected president president electedelected do not change the way people think. These dramatic actions marked the begin- vinced the world protestprotest presidentpresident Yes—Sanctions gradually contribute to ning of a new era in South Africa. Over the next to bring economic pressure on South a shift in people’s beliefs.) 18 months, the South African parliament Africa. rape and murder rates were among the highest in the world. Unemployment stood at • Why would the New York Times assert repealed apartheid laws that had segregated about 40 percent among South Africa’s blacks, and about 60 percent lived below the that Mbeki’s views on AIDS might Nelson Mandela public facili ties and restricted land ownership by poverty level. In addition, an economic downturn discouraged foreign investment. 1918– blacks. World leaders welcomed these changes Mbeki promoted a free-market economic policy to repair South Africa’s infra - undermine “all his good work”? Nelson Mandela has said and began to ease restrictions on South Africa. ▲ This was structure and to encourage foreign investors. In 2002, South Africa was engaged in ▲ South Africa (Possible Answer: believed that Mbeki’s that he first grew Although some legal barriers had fallen, oth- South Africa’s negotiations to establish free-trade agreements with a number of countries around adopted this flag interested in politics when statements called into question his ers would remain until a new constitution was in flag from 1927 in 1994. he heard elders in his the world, including those of the as well as Japan, Canada, and the to 1994. suitability for public office) village describe how freely place. First, the country needed to form a mul- United States. This was an attempt at opening the South African economy to for- Electronic Library of Primary Sources his people lived before tiracial government. After lengthy negotiations, eign competition and investment, and promoting growth and employment. whites came. Inspired to President de Klerk agreed to hold South Africa’s • from “Masakhane—Let Us Build Together” One of the biggest problems facing South Africa was the AIDS epidemic. Some help his people regain first universal elections, in which people of all estimates concluded that 6 million South Africans were likely to die of AIDS by that freedom, Mandela races could vote, in April 1994. 2010. Mbeki disputed that AIDS was caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency trained as a lawyer and became a top official in the ANC. Convinced Majority Rule Among the candidates for presi- virus). His opinion put South Africa at odds with the scientific consensus through- History Makers that apartheid would never end peacefully, he dent were F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela. out the world. However, in 2009, South African president broadened joined the armed struggle against white rule. During the campaign, the Inkatha Freedom the country’s AIDS policy. Nelson Mandela and For this, he was imprisoned for 27 years. Party—a rival party to the ANC—threatened to In Section 3, you will read how democratic ideas changed another part of the F. W. de Klerk After his presidential victory, Mandela disrupt the process. Nevertheless, the vote went world, the Communist Soviet Union. continued to work to heal his country. Ask students why legal training might be smoothly. South Africans of all races peacefully waited at the polls in long lines. To no one’s sur- useful to political leaders such as Nelson F. W. de Klerk prise, the ANC won 63 percent of the vote. They Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. (Possible 1936– SECTION ASSESSMENT won 252 of 400 seats in the National Assembly 2 Answer: would be indispensable to Like Mandela, Frederik W. de Klerk also trained as a (the larger of the two houses in Parliament). TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. leaders seeking to end discrimination) lawyer. Born to an Mandela was elected president. Mandela • federal system • martial law • dissident • apartheid • Nelson Mandela Both were called Afrikaner family with close stepped down in 1999, but the nation’s demo- links to the National Party, traitors by some members of their own cratic government continued. USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING de Klerk was elected to 2. Which country is more 3. What effect did old colonial 6. IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS What do you think is the main A New Constitution In 1996, after much parties. Some whites believed that black Parliament in 1972. democratic? Explain. boundaries have on newly problem that Nigeria must overcome before it can rule would destroy South Africa, while A firm party loyalist, debate, South African lawmakers passed a new, independent African states? establish a democratic government? de Klerk backed apartheid more democratic constitution. It guaranteed some members of the ANC wanted to 4. What was the outcome of the 7. ANALYZING ISSUES What are some of the important but was also open to equal rights for all citizens. The constitution war between Nigeria and issues facing South Africa today? rid South Africa of all whites. Moderate Nigeria reform. Friends say that his flexibility on racial included a bill of rights modeled on the U.S. Bill Biafra? 8. RECOGNIZING EFFECTS What were the main negative issues stemmed from his relatively liberal both voices won out, and both races are of Rights. The political changes that South 5. What were the homelands in effects of the economic policies of European colonizers? religious background. South Africa? working together. Africa had achieved gave other peoples around South Africa 9. WRITING ACTIVITY REVOLUTION Working in small teams, In 1993, de Klerk and Mandela were jointly write biographies of South African leaders who were the world great for the future of democracy. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts instrumental in the revolutionary overturn of apartheid. to bring democracy to South Africa. In 1999, ANC official Include pictures if possible. • Primary Source: Mandela’s Inaugural South Africa Today won election as president in a Address, p. 60 peaceful transition of power. As Mbeki assumed • History Makers: Nelson Mandela, p. 67 CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING AN ORAL REPORT RESEARCH WEB LINKS Go online for more on office, he faced a number of serious challenges. Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk. Do research on the current policy of Jacob Zuma and the South African government on HIV These included high crime rates—South Africa’s and AIDS in South Africa. Report your findings in an oral report to the class.

1044 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1045


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1044 6/30/10 7:56:36 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1045 6/16/10 10:15:13 AM South African Leaders 1. federal system, p. 1041 • martial law, p. 1041 • dissident, p. 1042 • apartheid, p. 1043 • Nelson Mandela, p. 1043 Class Time 15 minutes Nelson Mandela F. W. de Klerk 2. Sample Answer: Nigeria—Civil war when Both Biafra seceded; South Africa—Passage of Task Creating a Venn diagram born in 1918; black; born in 1936; white apartheid; Both—Former British colonies. Purpose To help students learn about the backgrounds of Nelson Mandela inspired by elders’ trained as lawyers; Afrikaner; served in South Africa’s institutions make it and F. W. de Klerk stories of former presidents of South Parliament; backed more democratic. Instructions Ask students to draw a Venn diagram in their notebooks. freedoms; top official Africa; sought to apartheid but open 3. dividing people of similar backgrounds or Then ask them to read the History Makers feature on this page and fill in in ANC; joined violent bring democracy to to reform; liberal throwing rival groups together the diagram. An example follows. struggle against South Africa; won religious background 4. Nigeria defeated and reabsorbed Biafra. apartheid; Nobel Peace imprisoned 27 years Prize

1044 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1045

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1044 7/6/10 2:34:16 PM Struggle for Democracy South Africa, 1948–Present CHAPTER 35 • Section 2 By the late 1980s, South Africa was under great pressure to change. For years, a black South African bishop, Desmond Tutu, had led an economic campaign against 19591959 19621962 19891989 19961996 19991999 BlackBlack NelsonNelson F. W.F. de W. Klerkde Klerk NewNew ANCANC candidate candidate apartheid. He asked foreign nations not to do business with South Africa. In homelandshomelands MandelaMandela electedelected constitutionconstitution ThaboThabo Mbeki Mbeki response, many nations imposed trade restrictions. They also isolated South Africa Recognizing establishedestablished jailedjailed presidentpresident adoptedadopted electedelected presidentpresident More About . . . in other ways, for example, by banning South Africa from the Olympic Games. (In Effects 1984, Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent methods.) How did Thabo Mbeki Desmond Tutu help In 1989, white South Africans elected a new president, F. W. de The First Steps force South Africa 19481948 19761976 19901990 19941994 20092009 NationalNational Party Party comes comes 600600 black black ANCANC legalized legalized ANCANC wins wins 63% 63% of of ANCANC candidate candidate South African President Thabo Mbeki’s Klerk. His goal was to transform South Africa and end its isolation. In February to end apartheid? to power,to power, passes passes studentsstudents killed killed andand Mandela Mandela the thevote; vote; Mandela Mandela JacobJacob Zuma Zuma controversial statements have not been 1990, he legalized the ANC and also released Nelson Mandela from prison. C. Answer He con- apartheidapartheid laws laws duringduring Soweto Soweto releasedreleased electedelected president president electedelected These dramatic actions marked the begin- vinced the world protestprotest presidentpresident restricted to AIDS. About the 2003 war in ning of a new era in South Africa. Over the next to bring economic Iraq, Mbeki remarked that “The prospect pressure on South 18 months, the South African parliament Africa. rape and murder rates were among the highest in the world. Unemployment stood at facing the people of Iraq should serve repealed apartheid laws that had segregated about 40 percent among South Africa’s blacks, and about 60 percent lived below the as sufficient warning that in [the] future Nelson Mandela public facili ties and restricted land ownership by poverty level. In addition, an economic downturn discouraged foreign investment. we too might have others descend on 1918– blacks. World leaders welcomed these changes Mbeki promoted a free-market economic policy to repair South Africa’s infra - us, guns in hand to force-feed us [with Nelson Mandela has said and began to ease restrictions on South Africa. ▲ This was structure and to encourage foreign investors. In 2002, South Africa was engaged in ▲ South Africa that he first grew their democracy].” Mbeki insisted that Although some legal barriers had fallen, oth- South Africa’s negotiations to establish free-trade agreements with a number of countries around adopted this flag interested in politics when ers would remain until a new constitution was in flag from 1927 in 1994. democracy had to be homegrown and he heard elders in his the world, including those of the European Union as well as Japan, Canada, and the to 1994. practiced within a country’s social village describe how freely place. First, the country needed to form a mul- United States. This was an attempt at opening the South African economy to for- his people lived before tiracial government. After lengthy negotiations, eign competition and investment, and promoting growth and employment. context, not imported. whites came. Inspired to President de Klerk agreed to hold South Africa’s One of the biggest problems facing South Africa was the AIDS epidemic. Some help his people regain first universal elections, in which people of all estimates concluded that 6 million South Africans were likely to die of AIDS by that freedom, Mandela races could vote, in April 1994. 2010. Mbeki disputed that AIDS was caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency trained as a lawyer and became a top official in the ANC. Convinced Majority Rule Among the candidates for presi- virus). His opinion put South Africa at odds with the scientific consensus through- that apartheid would never end peacefully, he dent were F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela. out the world. However, in 2009, South African president Jacob Zuma broadened joined the armed struggle against white rule. During the campaign, the Inkatha Freedom the country’s AIDS policy. For this, he was imprisoned for 27 years. Party—a rival party to the ANC—threatened to In Section 3, you will read how democratic ideas changed another part of the After his presidential victory, Mandela disrupt the process. Nevertheless, the vote went world, the Communist Soviet Union. continued to work to heal his country. smoothly. South Africans of all races peacefully ASSESS waited at the polls in long lines. To no one’s sur- F. W. de Klerk prise, the ANC won 63 percent of the vote. They SECTION 2 ASSESSMENT 1936– SECTION ASSESSMENT won 252 of 400 seats in the National Assembly 2 Like Mandela, Frederik W. Have students answer the questions de Klerk also trained as a (the larger of the two houses in Parliament). TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. and then discuss their answers to items Mandela was elected president. Mandela lawyer. Born to an • federal system • martial law • dissident • apartheid • Nelson Mandela 6 and 7 in class. Afrikaner family with close stepped down in 1999, but the nation’s demo- links to the National Party, cratic government continued. USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING Formal Assessment de Klerk was elected to 2. Which country is more 3. What effect did old colonial 6. IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS What do you think is the main A New Constitution In 1996, after much • Section Quiz, p. 576 Parliament in 1972. democratic? Explain. boundaries have on newly problem that Nigeria must overcome before it can A firm party loyalist, debate, South African lawmakers passed a new, independent African states? establish a democratic government? de Klerk backed apartheid more democratic constitution. It guaranteed 4. What was the outcome of the 7. ANALYZING ISSUES What are some of the important RETEACH but was also open to equal rights for all citizens. The constitution Nigeria war between Nigeria and issues facing South Africa today? reform. Friends say that his flexibility on racial included a bill of rights modeled on the U.S. Bill Biafra? 8. RECOGNIZING EFFECTS What were the main negative Have students make a time line issues stemmed from his relatively liberal both of Rights. The political changes that South 5. What were the homelands in effects of the economic policies of European colonizers? (similar to the one on this page) religious background. South Africa? Africa had achieved gave other peoples around South Africa 9. WRITING ACTIVITY REVOLUTION Working in small teams, showing important events in Nigeria’s In 1993, de Klerk and Mandela were jointly write biographies of South African leaders who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts the world great hope for the future of democracy. instrumental in the revolutionary overturn of apartheid. struggle for democracy. Discuss why to bring democracy to South Africa. South Africa Today In 1999, ANC official Include pictures if possible. Nigeria has had a difficult time Thabo Mbeki won election as president in a achieving self-government. peaceful transition of power. As Mbeki assumed CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING AN ORAL REPORT RESEARCH WEB LINKS In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Go online for more on office, he faced a number of serious challenges. Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk. Do research on the current policy of Jacob Zuma and the South African government on HIV These included high crime rates—South Africa’s and AIDS in South Africa. Report your findings in an oral report to the class. • Guided Reading, p. 51 (also in Spanish) • Reteaching Activity, p. 70 1044 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1045


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1044 5/28/10 3:36:19 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083502.indd 1045 6/16/10 10:15:13 AM South African Leaders 1. federal system, p. 1041 • martial law, p. 1041 • dissident, p. 1042 • apartheid, p. 1043 • Nelson Mandela, p. 1043 2. Sample Answer: Nigeria—Civil war when 5. reserves set up by the minority white 9. Rubric Biographies should born in 1936; white Biafra seceded; South Africa—Passage of government for major black groups • describe important events in a person’s life. Afrikaner; served in apartheid; Both—Former British colonies. 6. Possible Answer: Leaders must end • explain how the person helped overturn Parliament; backed South Africa’s institutions make it corruption and see that Nigeria’s people apartheid. more democratic. benefit from its resource wealth. CONNECT TO TODAY apartheid but open 3. dividing people of similar backgrounds or 7. high crime rates, unemployment, economic Rubric Oral reports should to reform; liberal throwing rival groups together downturn, AIDS epidemic • explain the government’s policy. religious background 4. Nigeria defeated and reabsorbed Biafra. 8. Possible Answers: border issues; economic • be well researched and clearly presented. dependence on one or two products

1044 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1045

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083502.indd 1045 6/23/10 2:48:41 PM LESSON PLAN 3 OBJECTIVES • Discuss Mikhail Gorbachev and his reforms. • Identify events leading to the breakup The Collapse of the Soviet Union of the Soviet Union. • Describe Russia under Boris Yeltsin. MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES

• Describe Russia under . REVOLUTION Democratic Russia continues to struggle to • Politburo • Boris Yeltsin reforms brought important establish democracy. • Mikhail • CIS changes to the Soviet Union. Gorbachev • “shock FOCUS & MOTIVATE • glasnost therapy” • perestroika Ask students to describe what happens when a government collapses. SETTING THE STAGE After World War II, the Soviet Union and the United Pictured (Possible Answers: confusion, violence, States engaged in a , which you read about in Chapter 33. Each tried Above: (L) A man chisels a economic disruption) to increase its worldwide influence. The Soviet Union extended its power over much of Eastern Europe. By the 1960s, it appeared that communism was per- piece of the manently established in the region. During the 1960s and 1970s, the Soviet Berlin Wall for INSTRUCT Union’s Communist leadership kept tight control over the Soviet people. But big a souvenir just after the fall of changes, including democratic reforms, were on the horizon. Gorbachev Moves Toward communism in Democracy East Germany; Gorbachev Moves Toward Democracy (R) Soldiers of Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev and the Politburo—the ruling committee of the Chinese Critical Thinking TAKING NOTES the Communist Party—crushed all political disagreement. Censors decided what People’s • Why might youth alone have made Use the graphic organizer could publish. The Communist Party also restricted freedom of speech Liberation Mikhail Gorbachev more willing to online to take notes on and worship. After Brezhnev’s death in 1982, the aging leadership of the Soviet Army in Hong significant events in the Kong, 1998 pursue new ideas? (Possible Answer: Soviet Union and Russia. Union tried to hold on to power. However, each of Brezhnev’s two successors Communist ideology seemed less died after only about a year in office. Who would succeed them? sacred to Gorbachev than it did to A Younger Leader To answer that question, the Politburo debated between two previous generations.) men. One was Mikhail Gorbachev (mih•KYL-GAWR•buh•chawf). Gorbachev’s • Why did it take so long for Soviet lead- supporters praised his youth, energy, and political skills. With their backing, Gorbachev became the party’s new general secretary. In choosing him, Politburo ers to reform their system? (Possible members did not realize they were unleashing another Russian Revolution. Answers: They were blinded by political The Soviet people welcomed Gorbachev’s election. At 54, he was the ideology; they were interested in their youngest Soviet leader since Stalin. Gorbachev was only a child during Stalin’s own power and wealth, not the state’s.) ruthless purge of independent-minded party members. Unlike other Soviet lead- In Depth Resources: Unit 8 ers, Gorbachev decided to pursue new ideas. • Guided Reading, p. 52 (also in Spanish) Glasnost Promotes Openness Past Soviet leaders had created a totalitarian state. It rewarded silence and discouraged individuals from acting on their own. As a result, Soviet society rarely changed, and the Soviet economy stagnated. Gorbachev realized that economic and social reforms could not occur without a free flow of ideas and information. In 1985, he announced a policy known as glasnost (GLAHS•nuhst), or openness. Glasnost brought remarkable changes. The government allowed churches to open. It released dissidents from prison and allowed the pub lication of books by pre- viously banned authors. Reporters investigated problems and criticized officials. 1046 Chapter 35


ALL STUDENTS 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.inddSTRUGGLING 1046READERS INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY 7/9/10 5:59:16 PM In Depth Resources: Unit 8 In Depth Resources: Unit 8 Student One Stop • Guided Reading, p. 52 • Guided Reading, p. 52 Teacher One Stop Formal Assessment • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 • Power Presentations • Section Quiz, p. 577 • Reteaching Activity, p. 71 Guided Reading Workbook ENGLISH LEARNERS • Section 3 In Depth Resources in Spanish • Guided Reading, p. 250 GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS Spanish/English Guided Reading Workbook In Depth Resources: Unit 8 • Section 3 • Primary Source: Political Cartoon, p. 61

1046 Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1046 7/14/10 4:59:13 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 3

Glasnost Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of glasnost and perestroika shook up the traditional way of doing things Analyzing Political Cartoons in the Soviet economy and in the society at large. Glasnost Ask students if they are familiar with the reference to “Toto” in the cartoon bubble. (a play on the famous line in the movie SKILLBUILDER: The Wizard of Oz, in which Dorothy says Interpreting Visual Sources to her dog, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not 1. Making Inferences One arrow points down the road toward stagnation. in Kansas anymore.”) Where is the other arrow, pointing in Extension Ask students if they can the opposite direction, likely to lead? 2. Drawing Conclusions Why might the think of any Russian words that have Soviet Union look different to the entered English as loanwords. (Possible figure in the cartoon? Answers: beluga, mammoth, steppe, babushka)

Reforming the Economy and Politics SKILLBUILDER Answers The new openness allowed Soviet citizens to complain about economic problems. 1. Making Inferences away from Consumers protested that they had to stand in lines to buy food and other basics. stagnation to a dynamic new society Economic Restructuring Gorbachev blamed these problems on the Soviet Union’s and economy inefficient system of central planning. Under central planning, party officials told 2. Drawing Conclusions because farm and factory managers how much to produce. They also told them what wages Making Gorbachev’s policies were so different Inferences to pay and what prices to charge. Because individuals could not increase their pay Why would it by producing more, they had little motive to improve efficiency. be inefficient for In 1985, Gorbachev introduced the idea of perestroika (pehr•ih•STROY•kuh), the central govern- or economic restructuring. In 1986, he made changes to revive the Soviet economy. ment to decide what should be Local managers gained greater authority over their farms and factories, and people Reforming the Economy produced all over were allowed to open small private businesses. Gorbachev’s goal was not to throw the country? out communism, but to make the economic system more efficient and productive. and Politics A. Possible Answer Democratization Opens the Political System Gorbachev also knew that for the because the central Critical Thinking government would economy to improve, the Communist Party would have to loosen its grip on Soviet not understand local society and politics. In 1987, he unveiled a third new policy, called democratiza- • Why might Gorbachev have conditions, needs, or tion. This would be a gradual opening of the political system. chosen to allow private businesses problems The plan called for the election of a new legislative body. In the past, voters had only on a small scale? (Possible merely approved candidates who were handpicked by the Communist Party. Now, Answer: He believed that broader voters could choose from a list of candidates for each office. The election produced reforms would have harmed the many surprises. In several places, voters chose lesser-known candidates and interests of powerful people to whom reformers over powerful party bosses. he was politically vulnerable.) Soviet foreign policy also changed. To compete militarily with the Foreign Policy • Why might people have voted for Soviet Union, President had begun the most expensive military buildup in peacetime history, costing more than $2 trillion. Under pressure from powerful party bosses rather than for U.S. military spending, Gorbachev realized that the Soviet economy could not candidates who advocated change? afford the costly arms race. Arms control became one of Gorbachev’s top priorities. (Possible Answer: They may not In December 1987, he and Reagan signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces have dared to risk the anger of the (INF) Treaty. This treaty banned nuclear missiles with ranges of 300 to 3,400 miles. powerful bosses.) Struggles for Democracy 1047


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1047 6/29/10 10:44:50 AM Charting Gorbachev’s Reforms glasnost perestroika democratization Class Time 20 minutes • = “openness” • = “economic • Gradual opening of Task Creating a table • Churches opened restructuring” the political system Purpose To familiarize students with Gorbachev’s three major • Political prisoners • Managers of farms and • Election of a new reform policies released factories could make group of lawmakers • • Instructions Have students read pages 1046–1047 and create Banned authors more decisions Communist Party a three-column list like the one shown. Students who need allowed to on their own no longer chose more help should complete the Guided Reading Workbook publish books • People could open all candidates activity for this lesson (also available in Spanish). • Okay for reporters small private businesses to criticize officials • Tried to preserve communism

Teacher’s Edition 1047

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1047 7/6/10 2:48:04 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 3 The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil TheThe Breakup Breakup of ofthe the Soviet Soviet Union, Union, 1991 1991 120 ° E 120 ° E

Gorbachev’s new thinking led him to support movements for change in both the eco­ 80 ° E 80 ° E ARCTICARCTIC OCEAN OCEAN nomic and political systems within the Soviet Union. Powerful forces for democracy 40 ° E 40 ° E were building in the country, and Gorbachev decided not to oppose reform. The Soviet Union Glasnost, perestroika, and democratization were all means to reform the system. ArcticArctic Circle Circle However, the move to reform the Soviet Union ultimately led to its breakup. Faces Turmoil Various nationalities in the Soviet Union began to call for their freedom. More than RUSSIARUSSIA 100 ethnic groups lived in the Soviet Union. Russians were the largest, most powerful Ob RO. b R. Y Y e e Critical Thinking group. However, non­Russians formed a majority TallinnTallinn n n i i ESTONIAESTONIA s s e e . . a a y y R R • Based on Gorbachev’s use of force in the 14 Soviet republics other than Russia. e e I I R R a a S S Riga Riga rt rt en en LATVIALATVIA ys ys . . L L c c h h ti ti R R Ethnic tensions brewed beneath the surface of l l MoscowMoscow . . in Lithuania in 1991, what were his a a B VilniusB Vilnius MinskMinsk Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet society. As reforms loosened central con­ BELARUSBELARUS views on the future of the Soviet Am Am . . u u RUSSIARUSSIA R R r r trols, unrest spread across the country. 1931– Kiev Kiev a a LakeLake R R Union at that time? (Possible Answer: LITHUANIALITHUANIA g g . . l l BaikalBaikal Nationalist groups in Georgia, Ukraine, and o o Mikhail Gorbachev’s V V He probably had faith in the survival UKRAINEUKRAINE background shaped the KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTAN LakeLake Moldavia (now Moldova) demanded self­rule. BalkhashBalkhash of the Union, otherwise he would role he would play in ChisinauChisinau The Muslim peoples of Soviet Central Asia GEORGIAGEORGIA AralAral 0 0 1,000 Miles1,000 Miles MOLDOVAMOLDOVA C C Sea Sea history. Both of his a a AlmatyAlmaty not have ordered the attack on called for religious freedom. s s p p 0 0 2,000 Kilometers2,000 Kilometers lack lack TbilisiTbilisii i grandfathers were arrested B B Sea Sea a a unarmed civilians.) n n TashkentTashkent BishkekBishkek during Stalin’s purges. Lithuania Defies Gorbachev The first chal­

Baku Baku ARMENIAARMENIA KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTAN • Why might Soviet military leaders have Both were eventually YerevanYerevan S S 40°N 40°N lenge came from the Baltic nations of Lithuania, e e AshgabatAshgabat DushanbeDushanbe a a ignored orders to attack the parliament? freed. However, Gorbachev Estonia, and Latvia. These republics had been TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTAN BorderBorder of the of Soviet the Soviet Union Union never forgot his grandfathers’ stories. M M AZERBAIJANAZERBAIJAN independent states between the two world wars, ed ed (Possible Answer: probably believed iter iter UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTAN After working on a state farm, Gorbachev ranerane TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTAN until the Soviets annexed them in 1940. Fifty an Saen Se that the military would fare better studied law in Moscow and joined the a a years later, in March 1990, Lithuania declared GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps under reformers) Communist Party. As an official in a farming 1. Place What are the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union? region, Gorbachev learned much about the its independence. To try to force it back into the • Why might the August coup have 2. Region Which republic received the largest percentage of the former Soviet Union’s Soviet system and its problems. Soviet Union, Gorbachev ordered an economic territory? accelerated the breakup of the Soviet He advanced quickly in the party. When he blockade of the republic. Union? (central authority too weak to became general secretary in 1985, he was the Although Gorbachev was reluctant to use youngest Politburo member and a man who The August Coup On August 18, 1991, the hardliners detained Gorbachev at his prevent secessions) wanted to bring change. He succeeded. stronger measures, he feared that Lithuania’s vacation home on the Black Sea. They demanded his resignation as Soviet presi- In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Although he pursued reform to save the Soviet example might encourage other republics to Union, ultimately he triggered its breakup. secede. In January 1991, Soviet troops attacked dent. Early the next day, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles rolled into • Primary Source: Political Cartoon, p. 61 unarmed civilians in Lithuania’s capital. The Moscow. However, the Soviet people had lost their fear of the party. They were Boris Yeltsin army killed 14 and wounded hundreds. willing to defend their freedoms. Protesters gathered at the Russian parliament 1931–2007 building, where Yeltsin had his office. Yeltsin Denounces Gorbachev The assault in Boris Yeltsin was raised Lithuania and the lack of economic progress Around midday, Yeltsin emerged and climbed atop one of the tanks. As his sup- Makers in poverty. For 10 years, History damaged Gorbachev’s popularity. People looked porters cheered, Yeltsin declared, “We proclaim all decisions and decrees of this his family lived in a committee to be illegal. . . . We appeal to the citizens of Russia to . . . demand a single room. for leadership to Boris Yeltsin. He was a mem­ Mikhail Gorbachev and return of the country to normal constitutional developments.” As a youth, Yeltsin ber of parliament and former mayor of Moscow. Boris Yeltsin earned good grades but Yeltsin criticized the crackdown in Lithuania On August 20, the hardliners ordered troops to attack the parliament building, Ask students to describe the differences behaved badly. Mikhail and the slow pace of reforms. In June 1991, vot­ Analyzing Motives but they refused. Their refusal turned the tide. On August 21, the military withdrew Gorbachev named him its forces from Moscow. That night, Gorbachev returned to Moscow. ers chose Yeltsin to become the Russian Why do you between the characters of Gorbachev party boss and mayor of think the Soviet End of the Soviet Union The coup attempt sparked anger against the Communist and Yeltsin. (Possible Answer: Gorbachev Moscow in 1985. Yeltsin’s outspokenness got Federation’s first directly elected president. troops refused Party. Gorbachev resigned as general secretary of the party. The Soviet parliament seems more deliberative and diplomatic, him into trouble. At one meeting, he launched In spite of their rivalry, Yeltsin and Gorbachev the order to attack into a bitter speech criticizing conservatives for faced a common enemy in the old guard of the parliament voted to stop all party activities. Having first seized power in 1917 in a coup that while Yeltsin appears impulsive.) working against perestroika. Gorbachev fired Communist officials. Hard­liners—conserva­ building? succeeded, the Communist Party now collapsed because of a coup that failed. Gorbachev brought a new sense of him for the sake of party unity. tives who opposed reform—were furious that B. Possible The coup also played a decisive role in accelerating the breakup of the Soviet energy and style to official life in the Yeltsin made a dramatic comeback and won Answers They were Union. Estonia and Latvia quickly declared their independence. Other republics a seat in parliament in 1989. Parliament Gorbachev had given up the Soviet Union’s role inspired by Yeltsin’s soon followed. Although Gorbachev pleaded for unity, no one was listening. By Soviet Union. He even walked through elected him president of Russia in 1990, and as the dominant force in Eastern Europe. They courage, they were voters re elected him in 1991. Due at least in also feared losing their power and privileges. sick of Communist early December, all 15 republics had declared independence. crowds, shaking hands like an American rule, or they were part to his failing health (heart problems), Yeltsin met with the leaders of other republics to chart a new course. They politician, a custom unheard of in These officials vowed to overthrow Gorbachev unwilling to gun Yeltsin resigned in 1999. and undo his reforms. down civilians. agreed to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS, a loose federa- Soviet politics. tion of former Soviet territories. Only the Baltic republics and Georgia declined to 1048 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1049


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1048 7/9/10 6:01:35 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1049 6/29/10 10:52:33 AM Creating a Travel Guide Creating a Biography of Boris Yeltsin Class Time 35 minutes Lithuania’s government, economy, and people; and brief descriptions of its Class Time 40 minutes Task Creating a travel brochure languages and religions. Students can also choose to include additional Task Writing a biography of Boris Yeltsin Purpose To familiarize students with a former Soviet republic information, such as the current average cost of airfare; an outline of the Purpose To learn more about a Soviet leader country’s arts; maps and other visuals; and details about Lithuania’s Instructions Divide students into pairs and tell them that they will be Instructions Tell students that they will be writing a biography about Boris currency, major newspapers and magazines, places to stay and eat, and assembling a travel guide booklet for Lithuania. Explain that they are to Yeltsin for young readers. Explain that readers will be about ten years old, the best spots to shop or be entertained. Encourage students to think use the library or the Internet to gather information. Tell each group that so the books need to be written at a level that such an audience can carefully about how to order their information and to be creative in they will need to allocate responsibility for each section of their booklet understand. Before students begin their research, ask them to create a designing their guides. before they begin their research. Each booklet should include a short preliminary design for their books. Have them decide on a number of historical essay; details about geography and climate; concise outlines of chapters or sections. These might include chapters about Yeltsin’s

1048 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1049

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1048 7/14/10 5:03:24 PM The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil TheThe Breakup Breakup of ofthe the Soviet Soviet Union, Union, 1991 1991 Chapter 35 • Section 3 120 ° E 120 ° E

Gorbachev’s new thinking led him to support movements for change in both the eco­ 80 ° E 80 ° E ARCTICARCTIC OCEAN OCEAN nomic and political systems within the Soviet Union. Powerful forces for democracy 40 ° E 40 ° E were building in the country, and Gorbachev decided not to oppose reform. Glasnost, perestroika, and democratization were all means to reform the system. ArcticArctic Circle Circle History from Visuals However, the move to reform the Soviet Union ultimately led to its breakup. Various nationalities in the Soviet Union began to call for their freedom. More than RUSSIARUSSIA Interpreting the Map 100 ethnic groups lived in the Soviet Union. Russians were the largest, most powerful Ob RO. b R. Y Y e e List the former Soviet republics that do group. However, non­Russians formed a majority TallinnTallinn n n i i ESTONIAESTONIA s s e e . . a a y y R R e e not share a border with Russia. (Moldova, in the 14 Soviet republics other than Russia. I I R R a a S S Riga Riga rt rt en en LATVIALATVIA ys ys . . L L c c h h ti ti R R Ethnic tensions brewed beneath the surface of l l MoscowMoscow . . Armenia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, a a B VilniusB Vilnius MinskMinsk Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet society. As reforms loosened central con­ BELARUSBELARUS Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan) Am Am . . u u RUSSIARUSSIA R R r r trols, unrest spread across the country. 1931– Kiev Kiev a a LakeLake R R LITHUANIALITHUANIA g g . . Extension Which of the former Soviet l l BaikalBaikal Nationalist groups in Georgia, Ukraine, and o o Mikhail Gorbachev’s V V UKRAINEUKRAINE republics do you think have the best background shaped the KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTAN LakeLake Moldavia (now Moldova) demanded self­rule. BalkhashBalkhash role he would play in ChisinauChisinau prospects for economic and political The Muslim peoples of Soviet Central Asia GEORGIAGEORGIA AralAral 0 0 1,000 Miles1,000 Miles MOLDOVAMOLDOVA C C Sea Sea history. Both of his a a AlmatyAlmaty called for religious freedom. s s success? (Possible Answer: Estonia, p p 0 0 2,000 Kilometers2,000 Kilometers lack lack TbilisiTbilisii i grandfathers were arrested B B Sea Sea a a n n Latvia, and Lithuania, because of their TashkentTashkent BishkekBishkek during Stalin’s purges. Lithuania Defies Gorbachev The first chal­

Baku Baku ARMENIAARMENIA KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTAN Both were eventually YerevanYerevan S S 40°N 40°N proximity to Europe and access to the lenge came from the Baltic nations of Lithuania, e e AshgabatAshgabat DushanbeDushanbe a a freed. However, Gorbachev Estonia, and Latvia. These republics had been TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTAN BorderBorder of the of Soviet the Soviet Union Union Baltic Sea) never forgot his grandfathers’ stories. M M AZERBAIJANAZERBAIJAN independent states between the two world wars, ed ed iter iter UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTAN After working on a state farm, Gorbachev ranerane TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTAN until the Soviets annexed them in 1940. Fifty an Saen Se studied law in Moscow and joined the a a Skillbuilder Answers years later, in March 1990, Lithuania declared GEOGRAPHY SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Maps Communist Party. As an official in a farming 1. Place What are the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union? 1. Place Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, region, Gorbachev learned much about the its independence. To try to force it back into the 2. Region Which republic received the largest percentage of the former Soviet Union’s Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, , Soviet system and its problems. Soviet Union, Gorbachev ordered an economic territory? He advanced quickly in the party. When he blockade of the republic. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, became general secretary in 1985, he was the Although Gorbachev was reluctant to use Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, youngest Politburo member and a man who The August Coup On August 18, 1991, the hardliners detained Gorbachev at his wanted to bring change. He succeeded. stronger measures, he feared that Lithuania’s Moldova, Armenia vacation home on the Black Sea. They demanded his resignation as Soviet presi- Although he pursued reform to save the Soviet example might encourage other republics to 2. Region Russia Union, ultimately he triggered its breakup. secede. In January 1991, Soviet troops attacked dent. Early the next day, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles rolled into unarmed civilians in Lithuania’s capital. The Moscow. However, the Soviet people had lost their fear of the party. They were Boris Yeltsin army killed 14 and wounded hundreds. willing to defend their freedoms. Protesters gathered at the Russian parliament 1931– building, where Yeltsin had his office. Yeltsin Denounces Gorbachev The assault in More About . . . Boris Yeltsin was raised Lithuania and the lack of economic progress Around midday, Yeltsin emerged and climbed atop one of the tanks. As his sup- in poverty. For 10 years, damaged Gorbachev’s popularity. People looked porters cheered, Yeltsin declared, “We proclaim all decisions and decrees of this The August Coup his family lived in a committee to be illegal. . . . We appeal to the citizens of Russia to . . . demand a single room. for leadership to Boris Yeltsin. He was a mem­ The coup attempt hurt Gorbachev return of the country to normal constitutional developments.” As a youth, Yeltsin ber of parliament and former mayor of Moscow. politically by making it appear that he On August 20, the hardliners ordered troops to attack the parliament building, earned good grades but Yeltsin criticized the crackdown in Lithuania lacked control. Yeltsin, on the other behaved badly. Mikhail and the slow pace of reforms. In June 1991, vot­ Analyzing Motives but they refused. Their refusal turned the tide. On August 21, the military withdrew Gorbachev named him Why do you hand, emerged as a triumphant figure. ers chose Yeltsin to become the Russian its forces from Moscow. That night, Gorbachev returned to Moscow. party boss and mayor of think the Soviet To many Soviets, Gorbachev seemed Federation’s first directly elected president. End of the Soviet Union The coup attempt sparked anger against the Communist Moscow in 1985. Yeltsin’s outspokenness got troops refused to represent the past, and Yeltsin him into trouble. At one meeting, he launched In spite of their rivalry, Yeltsin and Gorbachev the order to attack Party. Gorbachev resigned as general secretary of the party. The Soviet parliament into a bitter speech criticizing conservatives for faced a common enemy in the old guard of the parliament voted to stop all party activities. Having first seized power in 1917 in a coup that symbolized the future. working against perestroika. Gorbachev fired Communist officials. Hard­liners—conserva­ building? succeeded, the Communist Party now collapsed because of a coup that failed. him for the sake of party unity. tives who opposed reform—were furious that B. Possible The coup also played a decisive role in accelerating the breakup of the Soviet Yeltsin made a dramatic comeback and won Answers They were Union. Estonia and Latvia quickly declared their independence. Other republics a seat in parliament in 1989. Parliament Gorbachev had given up the Soviet Union’s role inspired by Yeltsin’s Vocabulary Note: Word Origins soon followed. Although Gorbachev pleaded for unity, no one was listening. By elected him president of Russia in 1990, and as the dominant force in Eastern Europe. They courage, they were sick of Communist The U.S. state of Georgia is named for voters re elected him in 1991. Due at least in also feared losing their power and privileges. early December, all 15 republics had declared independence. rule, or they were England’s King George II. The name for part to his failing health (heart problems), These officials vowed to overthrow Gorbachev unwilling to gun Yeltsin met with the leaders of other republics to chart a new course. They Yeltsin resigned in 1999. and undo his reforms. down civilians. agreed to form the Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS, a loose federa- the Republic of Georgia is said to derive tion of former Soviet territories. Only the Baltic republics and Georgia declined to from gurj—a Persian name for the region’s inhabitants. 1048 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1049

Differentiating Instruction: gIfted and Talented Students

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1048 5/27/10 1:23:59 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1049 5/28/10 7:50:47 PM Creating a Travel Guide Creating a Biography of Boris Yeltsin Lithuania’s government, economy, and people; and brief descriptions of its Class Time 40 minutes childhood and education, his work experience and involvement with the languages and religions. Students can also choose to include additional Task Writing a biography of Boris Yeltsin Communist Party, his family life, Yeltsin’s presidency, and his retirement. information, such as the current average cost of airfare; an outline of the Purpose To learn more about a Soviet leader Suggest to students that they include a glossary at the end of their books country’s arts; maps and other visuals; and details about Lithuania’s so that readers can look up difficult terms, such as Communist Party. Ask Instructions Tell students that they will be writing a biography about Boris currency, major newspapers and magazines, places to stay and eat, and students to think hard about how to enliven the text for young readers. Yeltsin for young readers. Explain that readers will be about ten years old, the best spots to shop or be entertained. Encourage students to think Encourage them to think of ways to connect the information to readers’ so the books need to be written at a level that such an audience can carefully about how to order their information and to be creative in lives and to incorporate lots of interesting pictures and other visuals—maps understand. Before students begin their research, ask them to create a designing their guides. and illustrated time lines, for example. preliminary design for their books. Have them decide on a number of chapters or sections. These might include chapters about Yeltsin’s

1048 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1049

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1049 6/23/10 4:41:25 PM Chapter 35 • Section 3 join. The formation of the CIS meant the death of the Soviet Union. On Christmas Russia Under Vladimir Putin Day 1991, Gorbachev announced his resignation as president of the Soviet Union, Putin forcefully dealt with the rebellion in Chechnya—a a country that ceased to exist. popular move that helped him win the presidential election in 2000. Nonetheless, violence in the region continues. Russia Under Boris Yeltsin Russia Under Boris Yeltsin Putin Struggles with Chechnya Putin’s war in Chechnya As president of the large Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin was now the most pow­ helped draw into the Russian capital itself. In erful figure in the CIS. He would face many problems, including an ailing econ­ Critical Thinking October 2002, Chechens seized a theater in Moscow, and omy, tough political opposition, and an unpopular war. more than 150 people died in the rescue attempt by • What consequences might result Yeltsin Faces Problems One of Yeltsin’s goals was to reform the Russian econ­ Russian forces. from 800-percent inflation? (Possible omy. He adopted a bold plan known as “shock therapy,” an abrupt shift to free­ As the war in Chechnya dragged on, Russian popular Answers: development of a black market economics. Yeltsin lowered trade barriers, removed price controls, and Vocabulary support faded, and Putin moved to suppress his critics. The Vladimir Putin market; widespread poverty; increase ended subsidies to state­owned industries. subsidies: govern- 2005 Chechen elections helped restore order, and as of 2010, 1952– in crime) Initially, the plan produced more shock than therapy. Prices soared; from 1992 ment funds given in under current Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, the Vladimir Putin worked for 15 years as support of industries an intelligence officer in the KGB to 1994, the inflation rate averaged 800 percent. Many factories dependent on gov­ rebels had been largely quieted. But rebellion still simmers. • How might Yeltsin’s response to (Committee for State Security). Six of ernment money had to cut production or shut down entirely. This forced thousands Chechnya’s declaration of independ­ Economic, Political, and Social Problems Since the coll- those years were spent in East of people out of work. By 1993, most Russians were suffering economic hardship: ence parallel Gorbachev’s reaction apse of the Soviet Union, Russia has seen growth in home- Germany. In 1990, at the age of 38, lessness, domestic violence, and unemployment, and a he retired from the KGB with the to Lithuania’s? (Possible Answer: PRIMARY SOURCE decrease in life expectancy. Some observers have wondered rank of lieutenant colonel. Yeltsin may have felt that using A visitor to Moscow cannot escape the feeling of a society in collapse. Child beggars In 1996, he moved to Moscow, whether Russian democracy could survive. Putin’s presi- force in Chechnya would discourage accost foreigners on the street. . . . Children ask why they should stay in school when where he joined the presidential staff. educated professionals do not make enough money to survive. . . . A garment worker dency has not settled the question. Russia has been moving Eventually, Boris Yeltsin appointed other regions of the Russian Republic complains that now her wages do not cover even the food bills, while fear of growing towards greater participation in world trade by modernizing Putin prime minister. When Yeltsin from seceding.) crime makes her dread leaving home. banking, insurance, and tax codes. At the same time, attacks resigned at the end of 1999, he DAvID M. KOtz, “The Cure That Could Kill” on democratic institutions such as a free press have not built appointed Putin acting president. In 2000 and 2004, Putin won election as the world’s confidence. Economic problems fueled a political crisis. In October 1993, legislators opposed president. In 2008, he took the post of The histories of Russia and its European neighbors to Yeltsin’s policies shut themselves inside the parliament building. Yeltsin ordered prime minister. Evaluating have always been intertwined. Unrest in the Soviet Union troops to bombard the building, forcing hundreds of rebel legislators to surrender. More About . . . Decisions had an enormous impact on Central and Eastern Europe, as Many were killed. Opponents accused Yeltsin of acting like a dictator. Compare you will read in the next section. Yeltsin’s action here RESEARCH WEB LINKS Go online Boris Yeltsin’s Retirement Chechnya Rebels Yeltsin’s troubles included war in Chechnya (CHEHCH•nee•uh), to his actions dur- for more on Vladimir Putin. Yeltsin announced his retirement on a largely Muslim area in southwestern Russia. In 1991, Chechnya declared its inde­ ing the August pendence, but Yeltsin denied the region’s right to secede. In 1994, he ordered 40,000 New Year’s Eve of 2000. During his Coup. Which were Russian troops into the breakaway republic. Russian forces reduced the capital city more supportive of speech to the Russian people, he democracy? SECTION ASSESSMENT ▼ A Russian of Grozny (GROHZ•nee) to rubble. News of the death and destruction sparked anger 3 expressed remorse for the hardship his soldier throws throughout Russia. C. Possible Answer He was more TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. policies had caused, saying, “I want to away a spent With an election coming, Yeltsin sought to end the war. In August 1996, the two supportive of • Politburo • Mikhail Gorbachev • glasnost • perestroika • Boris Yeltsin • CIS • “shock therapy” ask you for forgiveness, because many of shell case near sides signed a cease­fire. That year, Yeltsin won reelection. War soon broke out democracy during the Chechnyan again between Russia and Chechnya, however. In 1999, as the fighting raged, the August Coup, our hopes have not come true, because capital of because he defied USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING what we thought would be easy turned Grozny. Yeltsin resigned and named Vladimir Putin as acting president. a military takeover. 2. In what year did the Soviet 3. What are some of the changes 6. SYNTHESIZING How did Gorbachev’s reforms help to Union break apart? that Gorbachev made to the move the Soviet Union toward democracy? out to be painfully difficult. I ask [you] to Here he used the military to stay in Soviet economy? 7. ANALYZING ISSUES What were some of the problems that forgive me for not fulfilling some hopes power. 4. After the breakup of the Soviet faced President Vladimir Putin in Russia? Union, what problems did 8. COMPARING In what ways were the policies of of those people who believed that we Moscow RUSSIA 1985 2002 Yeltsin face as the president of Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin similar? would be able to jump from the grey, the Russian Federation? Grozny 9. WRITING ACTIVITY REVOLUTION It has been said that stagnating, totalitarian past into a bright, 5. How did Putin deal with Gorbachev’s reforms led to another Russian Revolution. rich and civilized future in one go. I Chechnya? In your opinion, what did this revolution overthrow? Support your opinion in a two-paragraph essay. myself believed in this. But it could not be done in one fell swoop. In some

respects I was too naive. Some of the MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY CREATING A POSTER problems were too complex.” Use the Internet to research the situation in Chechnya today. Make a INTERNET KEYWORD poster that includes a time line of the conflict, the leaders of the two Chechnya sides, and war images. 1050 Struggles for Democracy 1051

Name Date

CHAPTER 35 GUIDED READING The Collapse of the Soviet Union Differentiating Instruction: Struggling Readers Section 3 ANSWERS

A. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects As you read this section, explain how Communist leaders responded to each problem or crisis.

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1050 Problems/Crises Responses 6/29/10 10:54:23 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1051 6/29/10 11:07:10 AM 1. Soviet society had stopped growing as a result of totalitarian policies banning 1. Politburo, p. 1046 • Mikhail Gorbachev, p. 1046 • glasnost, p. 1046 • perestroika, p. 1047 • Boris Yeltsin, p. 1048 • CIS, p. 1049 Russia Under Boris Yeltsin political dissent. 2. The Soviet economy was inefficient • “shock therapy,” p. 1050 Class Time 25 minutes Yeltsin Has a Rough Time and unproductive. 3. The Soviet-U.S. arms race had become too costly. 2. Sample Answer: 1985 to 1987—Gorbachev Task Rewriting passages in students’ own words One thing Yeltsin wanted to do was to bring free 4. In August 1991, hard-liners staged a introduces glasnost; 1991—coup attempt; Purpose To help students understand the text by having coup against Gorbachev. markets to Russia. He didn’t want to take his time 5. The Soviet Union broke up. 1992—Yeltsin’s “shock therapy” begins; them rephrase passages 6. The Russian economy under Boris 1994—Russian forces destroy Chechen capital;­ about it, so he just plowed right ahead with his Yeltsin was ailing. Instructions Tell students to pick two paragraphs 2000—Putin elected president. The Soviet 7. In 1991, Chechnya declared its plans. He made it easier for other nations to trade independence.

from “Russia Under Boris Yeltsin” and paraphrase ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. Union collapsed in 1991. them. Make the activity more enjoyable for students by with Russia by charging them less. He told the B. Clarifying On the back of this paper, define the following terms: glasnost perestroika CIS 3. gave local managers more authority, encouraging them to use informal language. A sample government to stop deciding what prices people 52 Unit 8, Chapter 35 encouraged establishment of small businesses paragraph follows. had to sell stuff for. And he stopped giving money In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 4. economic reform, political opposition, Students who need more help should complete the to industries that were owned by the government. rebellion in Chechnya Guided Reading activity for this section. 1050 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1051

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1050 7/6/10 3:03:13 PM join. The formation of the CIS meant the death of the Soviet Union. On Christmas Russia Under Vladimir Putin CHAPTER 35 • Section 3 Day 1991, Gorbachev announced his resignation as president of the Soviet Union, Putin forcefully dealt with the rebellion in Chechnya—a a country that ceased to exist. popular move that helped him win the presidential election in 2000. Nonetheless, violence in the region continues. Russia Under Boris Yeltsin Putin Struggles with Chechnya Putin’s war in Chechnya Russia Under Vladimir Putin As president of the large Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin was now the most pow­ helped draw terrorism into the Russian capital itself. In erful figure in the CIS. He would face many problems, including an ailing econ­ October 2002, Chechens seized a theater in Moscow, and Critical Thinking omy, tough political opposition, and an unpopular war. more than 150 people died in the rescue attempt by • How might Russians have felt about Yeltsin Faces Problems One of Yeltsin’s goals was to reform the Russian econ­ Russian forces. omy. He adopted a bold plan known as “shock therapy,” an abrupt shift to free­ As the war in Chechnya dragged on, Russian popular Yeltsin appointing Putin instead of market economics. Yeltsin lowered trade barriers, removed price controls, and Vocabulary support faded, and Putin moved to suppress his critics. The Vladimir Putin calling an early election? (Possible ended subsidies to state­owned industries. subsidies: govern- 2005 Chechen elections helped restore order, and as of 2010, 1952– Answers: Some may have seen the Initially, the plan produced more shock than therapy. Prices soared; from 1992 ment funds given in under current Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, the Vladimir Putin worked for 15 years as move as a setback for democratic support of industries an intelligence officer in the KGB to 1994, the inflation rate averaged 800 percent. Many factories dependent on gov­ rebels had been largely quieted. But rebellion still simmers. (Committee for State Security). Six of reform. Others may have seen the ernment money had to cut production or shut down entirely. This forced thousands Economic, Political, and Social Problems Since the coll- those years were spent in East appointment as a wise move that of people out of work. By 1993, most Russians were suffering economic hardship: apse of the Soviet Union, Russia has seen growth in home- Germany. In 1990, at the age of 38, would help maintain stability.) lessness, domestic violence, and unemployment, and a he retired from the KGB with the • Ask students what they think will PRIMARY SOURCE decrease in life expectancy. Some observers have wondered rank of lieutenant colonel. A visitor to Moscow cannot escape the feeling of a society in collapse. Child beggars In 1996, he moved to Moscow, happen to the Russian Republic if the whether Russian democracy could survive. Putin’s presi- accost foreigners on the street. . . . Children ask why they should stay in school when where he joined the presidential staff. current economic trend continues. educated professionals do not make enough money to survive. . . . A garment worker dency has not settled the question. Russia has been moving Eventually, Boris Yeltsin appointed complains that now her wages do not cover even the food bills, while fear of growing towards greater participation in world trade by modernizing Putin prime minister. When Yeltsin (Possible Answers: regional secession crime makes her dread leaving home. banking, insurance, and tax codes. At the same time, attacks resigned at the end of 1999, he movements, a military coup) DAvID M. KOtz, “The Cure That Could Kill” on democratic institutions such as a free press have not built appointed Putin acting president. In 2000 and 2004, Putin won election as the world’s confidence. Economic problems fueled a political crisis. In October 1993, legislators opposed president. In 2008, he took the post of The histories of Russia and its European neighbors to Yeltsin’s policies shut themselves inside the parliament building. Yeltsin ordered prime minister. Evaluating have always been intertwined. Unrest in the Soviet Union History Makers troops to bombard the building, forcing hundreds of rebel legislators to surrender. Decisions had an enormous impact on Central and Eastern Europe, as Many were killed. Opponents accused Yeltsin of acting like a dictator. Compare Vladimir Putin you will read in the next section. Yeltsin’s action here RESEARCH WEB LINKS Go online Chechnya Rebels Yeltsin’s troubles included war in Chechnya (CHEHCH•nee•uh), Why might Yeltsin have chosen Putin as to his actions dur- for more on Vladimir Putin. a largely Muslim area in southwestern Russia. In 1991, Chechnya declared its inde­ ing the August his successor? (Possible Answer: Yeltsin pendence, but Yeltsin denied the region’s right to secede. In 1994, he ordered 40,000 Coup. Which were felt he could trust Putin to carry out the Russian troops into the breakaway republic. Russian forces reduced the capital city more supportive of democracy? SECTION ASSESSMENT reforms he had initiated.) ▼ A Russian of Grozny (GROHZ•nee) to rubble. News of the death and destruction sparked anger 3 soldier throws throughout Russia. C. Possible Answer He was more TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. away a spent With an election coming, Yeltsin sought to end the war. In August 1996, the two supportive of • Politburo • Mikhail Gorbachev • glasnost • perestroika • Boris Yeltsin • CIS • “shock therapy” shell case near sides signed a cease­fire. That year, Yeltsin won reelection. War soon broke out democracy during the Chechnyan again between Russia and Chechnya, however. In 1999, as the fighting raged, the August Coup, ASSESS capital of because he defied USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING Grozny. Yeltsin resigned and named Vladimir Putin as acting president. a military takeover. 2. In what year did the Soviet 3. What are some of the changes 6. SYNTHESIZING How did Gorbachev’s reforms help to Here he used the Union break apart? that Gorbachev made to the move the Soviet Union toward democracy? SECTION 3 ASSESSMENT Soviet economy? military to stay in 7. ANALYZING ISSUES What were some of the problems that Have students work in small groups to power. 4. After the breakup of the Soviet faced President Vladimir Putin in Russia? discuss the questions. Union, what problems did 8. COMPARING In what ways were the policies of Moscow RUSSIA 1985 2002 Yeltsin face as the president of Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin similar? the Russian Federation? Formal Assessment Grozny 9. WRITING ACTIVITY REVOLUTION It has been said that 5. How did Putin deal with Gorbachev’s reforms led to another Russian Revolution. • Section Quiz, p. 577 Chechnya? In your opinion, what did this revolution overthrow? Support your opinion in a two-paragraph essay. RETEACH Have students use the Guided Reading MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY CREATING A POSTER activity to review main ideas. Use the Internet to research the situation in Chechnya today. Make a INTERNET KEYWORD poster that includes a time line of the conflict, the leaders of the two Chechnya In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 sides, and war images. • Guided Reading, p. 52 (also in Spanish) 1050 Struggles for Democracy 1051 • Reteaching Activity, p. 71

Name Date

CHAPTER 35 GUIDED READING The Collapse of the Soviet Union Section 3 ANSWERS

A. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects As you read this section, explain how Communist leaders responded to each problem or crisis. 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1050 Problems/Crises Responses 6/29/10 10:54:23 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083503.indd 1051 8/2/10 11:38:32 AM 1. Soviet society had stopped growing as a result of totalitarian policies banning 1. Politburo, p. 1046 • Mikhail Gorbachev, p. 1046 • glasnost, p. 1046 • perestroika, p. 1047 • Boris Yeltsin, p. 1048 • CIS, p. 1049 Russia Under Boris Yeltsin political dissent. 2. The Soviet economy was inefficient • “shock therapy,” p. 1050 and unproductive.

3. The Soviet-U.S. arms race had become too costly. 2. Sample Answer: 1985 to 1987—Gorbachev 5. He took a hard line, gaining popularity with 9. Rubric Essays should mention

4. In August 1991, hard-liners staged a introduces glasnost; 1991—coup attempt; Russian voters. • the breakup of the Soviet Union. coup against Gorbachev.

5. The Soviet Union broke up. 1992—Yeltsin’s “shock therapy” begins; 6. by initiating glasnost and perestroika, which • that authoritarian rule was replaced by more

6. The Russian economy under Boris 1994—Russian forces destroy Chechen capital; promoted civic and economic liberalization democratic practices. Yeltsin was ailing. 2000—Putin elected president. The Soviet 7. rebellion in Chechnya, economic problems, • that conservative Communists lost power. 7. In 1991, Chechnya declared its independence.

©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. Union collapsed in 1991. social upheaval

B. Clarifying On the back of this paper, define the following terms: glasnost perestroika CIS 3. gave local managers more authority, 8. All supported glasnost and perestroika; all MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY

52 Unit 8, Chapter 35 encouraged establishment of small businesses favored economic reform; all favored greater Rubric Posters should In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 4. economic reform, political opposition, democratization. • reflect current information on the conflict. rebellion in Chechnya • use appropriate visuals.

1050 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1051

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083503.indd 1051 8/11/10 4:45:11 PM LESSON PLAN 4 OBJECTIVES • Explain reforms in Poland and Hungary. • Summarize changes in Germany. Changes in Central • Describe democratic change in Czechoslovakia and Romania. and Eastern Europe • Explain the conflict in the MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES former Yugoslavia. CULTURAL INTERACTION Many Eastern European nations • Solidarity • ethnic Changes in the Soviet Union led that overthrew Communist • Lech Walesa cleansing FOCUS & MOTIVATE to changes throughout Central governments are still struggling • reunification and Eastern Europe. with reform. Ask students how living in a communist country might change SETTING THE STAGE The Soviet reforms of the late 1980s brought high hopes Pictured Above: their lives. (Possible Answers: limits on to the people of Central and Eastern Europe. For the first time in decades, they (L) A man chis- speech and worship, fewer consumer were free to make choices about the economic and political systems governing els a piece of goods available) their lives. However, they soon discovered that increased freedom sometimes chal- the Berlin Wall lenges the social order. Mikhail Gorbachev’s new thinking in the Soviet Union led for a souvenir him to urge Central and Eastern European leaders to open up their economic and just after the INSTRUCT fall of com- political systems. munism in East Poland and Hungary Reform Germany; Poland and Hungary Reform (R) Soldiers of Critical Thinking The aging Communist rulers of Europe resisted reform. However, powerful the Chinese • What does the early success of TAKING NOTES forces for democracy were building in their countries. In the past, the threat of People’s Use the graphic organizer Liberation Army Solidarity suggest about Poland’s Soviet intervention had kept such forces in check. Now, Gorbachev was saying online to take notes on that the Soviet Union would not oppose reform. in Hong Kong, Communist Party? (Possible Answer: not the reasons that nations Poland and Hungary were among the first countries in Eastern Europe to 1998 as ruthless as other Communist states in Central and Eastern Europe broke apart. embrace the spirit of change. In 1980, Polish workers at the Gdansk shipyard went in crushing opposition) on strike, demanding government recognition of their union, Solidarity. When mil- • Why might Hungary’s Communist Party lions of Poles supported the action, the government gave in to the union’s demands. have voted itself out of existence? Union leader Lech Walesa (lehk-vah•WEHN•sah) became a national . (Possible Answer: Communism had Solidarity Defeats Communists The next year, however, the Polish government a bad reputation, so party members banned Solidarity again and declared martial law. The Communist Party discov- may have wished to regroup under a ered that military rule could not revive Poland’s failing economy. In the 1980s, different name.) industrial production declined, while foreign debt rose to more than $40 billion. Public discontent deepened as the economic crisis worsened. In August 1988, In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 defiant workers walked off their jobs. They demanded raises and the legalization of • Guided Reading, p. 53 (also in Spanish) Solidarity. The military leader, General Jaruzelski (YAH •roo•ZEHL•skee), agreed to hold talks with Solidarity leaders. In April 1989, Jaruzelski legalized Solidarity and agreed to hold Poland’s first free election since the Communists took power. In elections during 1989 and 1990, Polish voters voted against Communists and overwhelmingly chose Solidarity candidates. They elected Lech Walesa president. Poland Votes Out Walesa After becoming president in 1990, Lech Walesa tried to revive Poland’s bankrupt economy. Like Boris Yeltsin, he adopted a strategy of shock therapy to move Poland toward a free-. As in Russia, infla- tion and unemployment shot up. By the mid-1990s, the economy was improving. 1052 Chapter 35


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1052 6/29/10 11:30:02 AM ALL STUDENTS STRUGGLING READERS INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Student One Stop • Guided Reading, p. 53 • Guided Reading, p. 53 Teacher One Stop Formal Assessment • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 • Power Presentations • Section Quiz, p. 578 • Reteaching Activity, p. 72 Geography Transparencies Guided Reading Workbook • GT35 Germany, Post World War I–Present ENGLISH LEARNERS • Section 4 World Art and Cultures Transparencies In-Depth Resources in Spanish • AT78 Burning Rods • Guided Reading, p. 251 GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Electronic Library of Primary Sources Spanish/English Guided Reading Workbook • “Destruction of the Berlin Wall” • Section 4 • Primary Source: from The Road to Manjaˇca, p. 62 • Connections Across Time and Cultures, p. 68 • “Will I Ever Go Home Again?” Electronic Library of Primary Sources 1052 Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1052 7/6/10 3:09:52 PM Nevertheless, many Poles remained unhappy with the pace of economic Chapter 35 • Section 4 progress. In the elections of 1995, they turned Walesa out of office in favor of a former Communist, Aleksander Kwasniewski (kfahs•N’YEHF•skee). Poland Under Kwasniewski President Kwasniewski led Poland in its drive to become part of a broader European community. In 1999, Poland became a full member of NATO. As a NATO member, Poland provided strong support in the war More About . . . against terrorism after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. Lech Walesa In 2005 Lech Kaczynski of the conservative Law and Justice Party won the pres­ When Lech Walesa was 18 months old, idency. The following year Kaczynski’s twin brother Jaroslaw became prime min­ his father died. Before dying, he ister. The Kaczynskis have fought Poland’s pervasive corruption, opposed rapid predicted that his wife would be proud reforms of the free market, and supported the American­led campaign in Iraq. of Lech someday. Hungarian Communists Disband Inspired by the changes in Poland, Hungarian At 24, Walesa began to work at the leaders launched a sweeping reform program. To stimulate economic growth, shipyard in Gdansk, Poland. He took up reformers encouraged private enterprise and allowed a small stock market to operate. A new constitution permitted a multiparty system with free elections. the struggle for free trade unions after Vocabulary The pace of change grew faster when radical reformers took over a Communist seeing police shoot protesters. During the deposed: removed Party congress in October 1989. The radicals deposed the party’s leaders and then 1980 strike, Walesa and others locked from power dissolved the party itself. Here was another first: a European Communist Party had themselves inside the shipyard. This voted itself out of existence. A year later, in national elections, the nation’s voters attracted the attention of the world to put a non­Communist government in power. their demands for a legally recognized In 1994, a —largely made up of former Communists—won a union and the right to strike. majority of seats in Hungary’s parliament. The socialist party and a democratic party formed a coalition, or alliance, to rule. The government granted these demands In parliamentary elections in 1998, a liberal party won the most seats in the but later outlawed Solidarity and jailed National Assembly. In 1999, Hungary joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Walesa and other leaders. After his as a full member. In the year 2001, there was a general economic downtown in ▼ The fall of the release, Walesa won both the Berlin Wall, Hungary. This was due to weak exports, decline in foreign investment, and excessive and his country’s presidency. spending on state pensions and increased minimum wages. November 10, 1989 Germany Reunifies Germany Reunifies While Poland and Hungary were moving toward reform, East Germany’s 77-year-old Critical Thinking party boss, Erich Honecker, • Why did Hungary and Austria allow East dismissed reforms as unneces­ Germans to cross their borders? (to A. Answer The gov- ernment of Hungary sary. Then, in 1989, Hungary pressure East German leaders into gave East Germans allowed vacationing East initiating reforms) access to Hungary as an escape route German tourists to cross the • How might West Germans’ views about border into Austria. From to Austria and West reunification have changed over time? Germany. there they could travel to West Germany. Thousands of East (Possible Answer: At first, they were overjoyed to be reunited. Later, they Analyzing Causes Germans took this new escape worried about economic sacrifices.) How did the fall route to the west. of communism in Fall of the Berlin Wall In Hungary contribute Electronic Library of Primary Sources to turmoil in East response, the East German gov- • “Destruction of the Berlin Wall” Germany? ernment closed its borders entirely. By October 1989, huge Geography Transparencies demonstrations had broken out • GT35 Germany, Post World War I–Present


Differentiating Instruction: english Learners

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1053 6/29/10 11:31:36 AM Writing Mini-Biographies Class Time 15 minutes Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet reformer who encouraged Central and Task Writing short biographies Eastern Europe to change economic and political systems Purpose To familiarize students with important individuals from the recent Lech Walesa A leader of Poland’s Solidarity union who became history of Poland president of Poland in 1990 Instructions Ask students to read “Poland and Hungary Reform” on pages General Jaruzelski Poland’s military leader who agreed to hold 1052–1053, listing the people mentioned in the text as they read. Then free elections have students write down information next to each individual’s name that describes why they are relevant to the passage. Boris Yeltsin Russian president who introduced economic “shock therapy” Students who need more help should complete the Guided Reading Workbook activity for this section (also available in Spanish). Aleksander Kwasniewski Former communist who became president of Poland in 1995 Teacher’s Edition 1053

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1053 7/6/10 3:11:46 PM Chapter 35 • Section 4 in cities across East Germany. The protesters demanded the right to travel freely, and Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia later added the demand for free elections. Honecker lost his authority with the party Changes in East Germany affected other European countries, including and resigned on October 18. Czechoslovakia and Romania. In June 1987, President Reagan had stood before the Berlin Wall and demanded: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Two years later, the wall was indeed about Czechoslovakia Reforms While huge crowds were demanding democracy in More About . . . to come down. The new East German leader, Egon Krenz, boldly gambled that he East Germany, neighboring Czechoslovakia remained quiet. A conservative could restore stability by allowing people to leave East Germany. On November 9, government led by Milos Jakes resisted all change. In 1989, the police arrested sev- Germany’s Challenges 1989, he opened the Berlin Wall. The long-divided city of Berlin erupted in joyous eral dissidents. Among these was the Czech playwright Václav Havel (VAH•tslahv HAH•vehl), a popular critic of the government. After communism fell, refugees flooded celebration. Krenz’s dramatic gamble to save communism did not work. By the end of 1989, the East German Communist Party had ceased to exist. On October 28, 1989, about 10,000 people gathered in Wenceslas Square in the into Germany from the poorer countries center of Prague. They demanded democracy and freedom. Hundreds were With the fall of Communism in East Germany, many Germans of Eastern Europe. This angered many Reunification arrested. Three weeks later, about 25,000 students inspired by the fall of the Berlin began to speak of —the merging of the two Germanys. However, the Germans, who accused foreigners of reunification Wall gathered in Prague to demand reform. Following orders from the government, movement for reunification worried many people, who feared a united Germany. stealing jobs by working for cheap wages. the police brutally attacked the demonstrators and injured hundreds. The West German chancellor, , assured world leaders that Germans Thousands of angry young people joined The government crackdown angered the Czech people. Huge crowds gathered in had learned from the past. They were now committed to democracy and human Wenceslas Square. They demanded an end to Communist rule. On November 25, neo-Nazi groups, which began to carry rights. Kohl’s assurances helped persuade other European nations to accept Clarifying about 500,000 protesters crowded into downtown Prague. Within hours, Milos Jakes out violent actions against foreigners. In German reunification. Germany was officially reunited on October 3, 1990. Why would and his entire Politburo resigned. One month later, a new parliament elected Václav Europeans fear the May 1993, five Turkish immigrants died Germany’s Challenges The newly united Germany faced serious problems. More reunification of Havel president of Czechoslovakia. when their house was set on fire. than 40 years of Communist rule had left eastern Ger many in ruins. Its railroads, Germany? Czechoslovakia Breaks Up In Czechoslovakia, reformers also launched an eco- highways, and telephone system had not been modernized since World War II. East Attacks such as this revived the ugly B. Possible Answer nomic program based on “shock therapy.” The program caused a sharp rise in German industries produced goods that could not compete in the global market. A reunified Germany memories of Nazi violence in the 1930s. unemployment. It especially hurt Slovakia, the republic occupying the eastern third Rebuilding eastern Germany’s bankrupt economy was going to be a difficult, would be larger and By the 1990s, however, Germany had stronger than the two of Czechoslovakia. costly process. To pay these costs, Kohl raised taxes. As taxpayers tightened their deep democratic roots, and millions of separate Germanys— Unable to agree on economic policy, the country’s two belts, workers in eastern Germany faced a second problem—unemployment. and could once again Germans spoke out against racism and parts—Slovakia and the Czech Republic—drifted apart. In Inefficient factories closed, depriving millions of workers of their jobs. be a military threat antiforeign violence. as Nazi Germany had spite of President Václav Havel’s pleas for unity, a movement been. Economic Challenges In 1998, to split the nation gained support among the people. Havel The Romanian Language voters turned Kohl out of office resigned because of this. Czechoslovakia split into two coun- The Romanians are the only people Major Industries and elected a new chancellor, tries on January 1, 1993. in Eastern Europe whose ancestry of Germany, 2003 Gerhard Schroeder, of the Havel was elected president of the Czech Republic. He and language go back to the ancient History from Visuals Socialist Democratic Party won reelection in 1998. Then, in 2003, Havel stepped down Romans. Romanian is the only W

° Eastern European language that W

° (SDP). Schroeder started out as a

16 8 as president, in part because of ill health. The Czech parlia- Kiel market reformer, but slow eco- developed from Latin. For this reason, Interpreting the Map National capital ment chose Václav Klaus, a right-wing economist and for- Romanian is very different from the Hamburg Other city nomic growth made the task of mer prime minister, to succeed him. The economy of the Have students look over the major Bremen other languages spoken in the region. Major business center reform difficult. Although Czech Republic has steadily improved in the face of some seri- Today’s Romanians are descended Major highway German industries listed in the key. Hannover Germany had the world’s third from the Dacians (the original people Berlin Chemicals ous problems, aided by its becoming a full member of the in the region), the Romans, and Ask if they know of any products from Mülheim Dortmund Electronics largest economy, it had sunk to European Union (EU) in 2004. Engineering tribes that arrived later, such as the these industries that are exported to Düsseldorf GERMANY fifth by 2005. Germany’s unem- Slovakia, too, proceeded on a reformist, pro-Western Leipzig Optics Goths, Huns, and Slavs. Cologne Dresden ployment rate was among the the United States. (Possible Answer: Research & development path. It experienced one of the highest economic growth Romanian remains the official Shipbuilding highest in Europe, and rising rates in the region in 2002. In 2004 it elected Ivan language today. Minority groups Mercedes-Benz cars) Frankfurt Vehicle assembly inflation was a problem. Gasparovic president and joined both NATO and the EU. within Romania (such as Hungarians, 50°N Wine However, in 2006, a year after Germans, Gypsies, Jews, Turks, and Skillbuilder Answers Nürnberg Ukrainians) sometimes speak their Stuttgart of the Christian Overthrow in Romania 1. Location They are near borders Democrats (CDU) was elected own ethnic languages among By late 1989, only Romania seemed unmoved by the calls for themselves. Nonetheless, almost all and ports, which makes international chancellor, unemployment fell Munich the people speak Romanian as well. 0 200 Miles reform. Romania’s ruthless Communist dictator Nicolae trade easier. below 4 million, and Germany’s Ceausescu (chow•SHES•koo) maintained a firm grip on 0 400 Kilometers budget deficit was kept to within 2. Movement They are near rivers and power. His secret police enforced his orders brutally. EU limits. the sea, which provide a way to ship GEOGRAPHY SkillbuildER: Interpreting Maps Nevertheless, Romanians were aware of the reforms in other INTERNET ACTIVITY Go online to 1. location What is the relative location of business centers? Give Reunification has also forced create a poster on all the Romance goods around the world. countries. They began a protest movement of their own. possible reasons. Germany—as Central Europe’s languages that developed from Latin. 2. Movement Why might Hamburg and Kiel be shipbuilding centers, largest country—to rethink its A Popular Uprising In December, Ceausescu ordered the and what does this suggest about the movement of goods? role in international affairs. army to fire on demonstrators in the city of Timisoara

1054 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1055

Name Date

CHAPTER PRIMARY SOURCE Political Cartoon 35 This political cartoon illustrates the democratic revolutions that took place in October 1989 in which Communist governments in Poland, Hungary, and East Differentiating Instruction: struggling Readers Section 3 Germany were overthrown and in which the Baltic republics of the Soviet cooperative learning Union—Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia—moved toward independence. According to the cartoonist, what was the outcome of Mikhail Gorbachev’s encouragement of social, political, and economic reforms in the Soviet Union?

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1054 6/29/10 3:20:53 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1055 6/29/10 11:34:10 AM Analyzing a Political Cartoon Debating the Merits of Economic “Shock Therapy” Class Time 25 minutes After they have studied the cartoon, ask students what Class Time 45 minutes Task Analyzing a political cartoon has taken the place of trick or treat. (reform, freedom) Task Preparing for and holding a debate Purpose To have students think more about the events What does USSR stand for, and what is the symbol on Purpose To improve understanding of historical events and hone that shook communist Europe in October 1989 the bear’s apron? (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; persuasive speaking skills

Copyright © 1989 Chip Beck/Political Graphics Service. hammer and sickle—which represented the alliance Activity Options 1. Determining Main Ideas With a small group 2. Analyzing Political Cartoons Draw your own Instructions Have students study the political cartoon of classmates, analyze this political cartoon. political cartoon about one of the struggles for Instructions Divide students into small groups. Remind students that they Which European countries and Soviet republics democracy that you have read about in Chapter of Soviet workers and peasants) Why is the USSR repre­ are represented as Halloween trick or treaters? 35. Study this political cartoon and those on What do these countries and republics want pages 1037 and 1047 of your textbook to stimu- from the Soviet Union? Why do you think the late ideas. Then display your cartoon in the in In-Depth Resources: Unit 8. If students are having ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. learned in Section 3 that Boris Yeltsin’s plan of economic “shock therapy” cartoonist used the theme of Halloween for the classroom. sented as a bear? (The bear is a national symbol of cartoon? difficulty understanding the cartoon, encourage them to initially produced more shock than therapy. Have groups review Sections 3 Russia.) After students have answered these questions, review “The Soviet Union Faces Turmoil” (pp. 1048–1050), Struggles for Democracy 61 and 4 so that they are able to describe the following in their own words: have them complete the activity options. “Poland and Hungary Reform” (pp. 1052–1053), and In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 “Germany Reunifies” (pp. 1053–1054).

1054 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1055

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1054 7/6/10 3:13:32 PM in cities across East Germany. The protesters demanded the right to travel freely, and Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia CHAPTER 35 • Section 4 later added the demand for free elections. Honecker lost his authority with the party Changes in East Germany affected other European countries, including and resigned on October 18. Czechoslovakia and Romania. In June 1987, President Reagan had stood before the Berlin Wall and demanded: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Two years later, the wall was indeed about Czechoslovakia Reforms While huge crowds were demanding democracy in to come down. The new East German leader, Egon Krenz, boldly gambled that he East Germany, neighboring Czechoslovakia remained quiet. A conservative Democracy Spreads in could restore stability by allowing people to leave East Germany. On November 9, government led by Milos Jakes resisted all change. In 1989, the police arrested sev- Czechoslovakia 1989, he opened the Berlin Wall. The long-divided city of Berlin erupted in joyous eral dissidents. Among these was the Czech playwright Václav Havel (VAH•tslahv HAH•vehl), a popular critic of the government. celebration. Krenz’s dramatic gamble to save communism did not work. By the end Critical Thinking of 1989, the East German Communist Party had ceased to exist. On October 28, 1989, about 10,000 people gathered in Wenceslas Square in the center of Prague. They demanded democracy and freedom. Hundreds were • Why is the fall of communism in With the fall of Communism in East Germany, many Germans Reunification arrested. Three weeks later, about 25,000 students inspired by the fall of the Berlin Czechoslovakia sometimes called the began to speak of reunification—the merging of the two Germanys. However, the Wall gathered in Prague to demand reform. Following orders from the government, “Velvet Revolution”? (Possible Answer: movement for reunification worried many people, who feared a united Germany. the police brutally attacked the demonstrators and injured hundreds. The West German chancellor, Helmut Kohl, assured world leaders that Germans happened relatively smoothly) The government crackdown angered the Czech people. Huge crowds gathered in had learned from the past. They were now committed to democracy and human • What, in addition to economic Wenceslas Square. They demanded an end to Communist rule. On November 25, rights. Kohl’s assurances helped persuade other European nations to accept differences, may have led to the Clarifying about 500,000 protesters crowded into downtown Prague. Within hours, Milos Jakes German reunification. Germany was officially reunited on October 3, 1990. Why would and his entire Politburo resigned. One month later, a new parliament elected Václav division of Czechoslovakia? (Possible Europeans fear the Germany’s Challenges The newly united Germany faced serious problems. More Answer: ethnic differences) reunification of Havel president of Czechoslovakia. than 40 years of Communist rule had left eastern Ger many in ruins. Its railroads, Germany? Czechoslovakia Breaks Up In Czechoslovakia, reformers also launched an eco- highways, and telephone system had not been modernized since World War II. East B. Possible Answer nomic program based on “shock therapy.” The program caused a sharp rise in German industries produced goods that could not compete in the global market. A reunified Germany Overthrow in Romania unemployment. It especially hurt Slovakia, the republic occupying the eastern third Rebuilding eastern Germany’s bankrupt economy was going to be a difficult, would be larger and stronger than the two of Czechoslovakia. costly process. To pay these costs, Kohl raised taxes. As taxpayers tightened their separate Germanys— Unable to agree on economic policy, the country’s two Critical Thinking belts, workers in eastern Germany faced a second problem—unemployment. and could once again parts—Slovakia and the Czech Republic—drifted apart. In • How could Ceausescu have been Inefficient factories closed, depriving millions of workers of their jobs. be a military threat as Nazi Germany had spite of President Václav Havel’s pleas for unity, a movement shocked by the sudden collapse of his been. Economic Challenges In 1998, to split the nation gained support among the people. Havel The Romanian Language power? (Possible Answer: He may have voters turned Kohl out of office resigned because of this. Czechoslovakia split into two coun- The Romanians are the only people mistaken fear of his power for loyalty.) Major Industries and elected a new chancellor, tries on January 1, 1993. in Eastern Europe whose ancestry • What factors might predispose some of Germany, 2003 Gerhard Schroeder, of the Havel was elected president of the Czech Republic. He and language go back to the ancient post-Communist states to corruption? Socialist Democratic Party won reelection in 1998. Then, in 2003, Havel stepped down Romans. Romanian is the only


° Eastern European language that W (Possible Answers: antiquated ° (SDP). Schroeder started out as a

16 8 as president, in part because of ill health. The Czech parlia- Kiel market reformer, but slow eco- developed from Latin. For this reason, infrastructures; greater distance from National capital ment chose Václav Klaus, a right-wing economist and for- Romanian is very different from the Hamburg nomic growth made the task of Bremen Other city mer prime minister, to succeed him. The economy of the other languages spoken in the region. democratic countries) Major business center reform difficult. Although Czech Republic has steadily improved in the face of some seri- Today’s Romanians are descended Major highway Hannover Germany had the world’s third from the Dacians (the original people Berlin Chemicals ous problems, aided by its becoming a full member of the in the region), the Romans, and Mülheim Dortmund Electronics largest economy, it had sunk to European Union (EU) in 2004. Engineering tribes that arrived later, such as the Social History Düsseldorf GERMANY fifth by 2005. Germany’s unem- Slovakia, too, proceeded on a reformist, pro-Western Leipzig Optics Goths, Huns, and Slavs. Cologne Dresden ployment rate was among the path. It experienced one of the highest economic growth Research & development Romanian remains the official The Romanian Language Shipbuilding highest in Europe, and rising rates in the region in 2002. In 2004 it elected Ivan language today. Minority groups Frankfurt Vehicle assembly inflation was a problem. Gasparovic president and joined both NATO and the EU. within Romania (such as Hungarians, Isolation of Romanian from other 50°N Wine However, in 2006, a year after Germans, Gypsies, Jews, Turks, and Romance tongues and close contact with Nürnberg Ukrainians) sometimes speak their Stuttgart Angela Merkel of the Christian Overthrow in Romania Slavic languages and Hungarian caused Democrats (CDU) was elected own ethnic languages among By late 1989, only Romania seemed unmoved by the calls for themselves. Nonetheless, almost all Romanian phonology and grammar to chancellor, unemployment fell Munich the people speak Romanian as well. 0 200 Miles reform. Romania’s ruthless Communist dictator Nicolae below 4 million, and Germany’s develop differently. Ceausescu (chow•SHES•koo) maintained a firm grip on 0 400 Kilometers budget deficit was kept to within power. His secret police enforced his orders brutally. EU limits. GEOGRAPHY SkillbuildER: Interpreting Maps Nevertheless, Romanians were aware of the reforms in other INTERNET ACTIVITY Go online to 1. location What is the relative location of business centers? Give Reunification has also forced create a poster on all the Romance countries. They began a protest movement of their own. possible reasons. Germany—as Central Europe’s languages that developed from Latin. Rubric Posters should 2. Movement Why might Hamburg and Kiel be shipbuilding centers, largest country—to rethink its A Popular Uprising In December, Ceausescu ordered the • identify the different languages. and what does this suggest about the movement of goods? role in international affairs. army to fire on demonstrators in the city of Timisoara • use appropriate visuals.

1054 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1055

Name Date

CHAPTER PRIMARY SOURCE Political Cartoon 35 This political cartoon illustrates the democratic revolutions that took place in October 1989 in which Communist governments in Poland, Hungary, and East Section 3 Germany were overthrown and in which the Baltic republics of the Soviet COOPERATIVE LEARNING Union—Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia—moved toward independence. According to the cartoonist, what was the outcome of Mikhail Gorbachev’s encouragement of social, political, and economic reforms in the Soviet Union?

9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1054 6/29/10 3:20:53 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1055 6/29/10 11:34:10 AM Analyzing a Political Cartoon Debating the Merits of Economic “Shock Therapy” Class Time 45 minutes • what economic “shock therapy” is Task Preparing for and holding a debate • which governments have tried it Purpose To improve understanding of historical events and hone • what the results have been persuasive speaking skills Have half the groups gather information that shows positive results of this

Copyright © 1989 Chip Beck/Political Graphics Service. Activity Options 1. Determining Main Ideas With a small group 2. Analyzing Political Cartoons Draw your own of classmates, analyze this political cartoon. political cartoon about one of the struggles for Instructions Divide students into small groups. Remind students that they type of economic change. The other groups should look for negative Which European countries and Soviet republics democracy that you have read about in Chapter are represented as Halloween trick or treaters? 35. Study this political cartoon and those on What do these countries and republics want pages 1037 and 1047 of your textbook to stimu- from the Soviet Union? Why do you think the late ideas. Then display your cartoon in the ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. learned in Section 3 that Boris Yeltsin’s plan of economic “shock therapy” results. As a class, discuss whether the positive results of economic shock cartoonist used the theme of Halloween for the classroom. cartoon? initially produced more shock than therapy. Have groups review Sections 3 therapy are worth the disruption it causes. Struggles for Democracy 61 and 4 so that they are able to describe the following in their own words: In-Depth Resources: Unit 8

1054 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1055

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1055 7/6/10 3:14:51 PM Chapter 35 • Section 4 (tee•mee•SHWAH•rah). The army killed and wounded hundreds of people. The massacre in Timisoara ignited a popular uprising against Ceausescu. Within days, the army joined the people. Shocked by the collapse of his power, Ceausescu and his wife attempted to flee. They were captured, however, and then tried and executed Ethnic Groups in the Former Yugoslavia Many ethnic and religious groups lived within Yugoslavia, which was on Christmas Day, 1989. Elections have been held regularly since then. In 2004 Contrasting The Breakup of Yugoslavia a federation of six republics. The map shows how the ethnic groups Traian Basescu was elected president. Contrast the democratic were distributed. Some of those groups held ancient grudges against The Romanian Economy Throughout the 1990s, Romania struggled with corrup- revolutions in one another. The chart summarizes some of the cultural differences Critical Thinking tion and crime as it tried to salvage its economy. In 2001, overall production was still Czechoslovakia among the groups. • Why might it have been easier for only 75 percent of what it had been in 1989, the year of Ceausescu’s overthrow. In and Romania. Slovenia and Croatia to win independ­ the first years of the 21st century, two-thirds of the economy was still state owned. C. Answer In


° E 20 ence than ? However, the government made economic reforms to introduce elements of cap- Czechoslovakia, the italism. The government also began to reduce the layers of bureaucracy in order to Communist gov- Ethnic Groups in the (Possible Answers: stronger militarily; ernment resigned encourage foreign investors. In 2007 Romania joined the European Union, as the without violence. In Former Yugoslavia, 1992 ethnically more homogeneous) 0 100 Miles Romanian government began to move away from a state controlled economy. Romania, the govern- • Why might Muslims make up a large ment used violence, AUSTRIA 0 200 Kilometers and the victorious percentage of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s protesters executed HUNGARY The Breakup of Yugoslavia 46°N and Kosovo’s populations? (These Ceausescu. Ljubljana Ethnic conflict plagued Yugoslavia. This country, formed after World War I, had SLOVENIA regions were once part of the Muslim Zagreb eight major ethnic groups—Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Slovenes, Macedonians, ROMANIA Ottoman Empire.) CROATIA Albanians, Hungarians, and Montenegrins. Ethnic and religious differences dating Vojvodina • Why was Milosevic extradited instead back centuries caused these groups to view one another with suspicion. After of being tried in ? (Possible World War II, Yugoslavia became a federation of six republics. Each republic had BOSNIA Belgrade Answer: Many Serbians continued to a mixed population. ITALY AND HERZEGOVINA support him.) A Bloody Breakup Josip Tito, who led Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980, held the A country together. After Tito’s death, ethnic resentments boiled over. Serbian leader d r SERBIA i Sarajevo ▼ A view of Slobodan Milosevic (mee•LOH•sheh•vihch) asserted leadership over Yugoslavia. Albanian Slovene a t Croat No majority present i downtown Many Serbs opposed Milosevic and his policies and fled the country. c Sarajevo through Hungarian Two republics, Slovenia and Croatia, declared independence. In June 1991, the S a bullet-shattered Macedonian Former Yugoslavia e Montenegrin Borders of 1992 a More About . . . window Serbian-led Yugoslav army invaded both republics. After months of bloody fighting, MONTENEGRO both republics freed themselves from Muslim Republic boundaries Serb Provincial boundaries Podgorica Kosovo BULGARIA Ethnic Differences Serbian rule. Early in 1992, Bosnia- 42°N Herzegovina joined Slovenia and Most Serbs are Orthodox Christians, Differences Among the Ethnic Groups Skopje Croatia in declaring independence. (In unlike Croats, who are primarily Roman Group Language Religion April, Serbia and Montenegro formed MACEDONIA (slavic unless noted) Catholic, and Muslims, who follow Islam. a new Yugoslavia.) Bosnia’s population In the past, Croats and Muslims have included Muslims (44 percent), Serbs Albanians Albanian (not Slavic) mostly Muslim dominated Serbs. Muslim Turks ruled ALBANIA (31 percent), and Croats (17 percent). Croats dialect of Serbo-Croatian* mostly Roman Catholic GREECE Serbia for 400 years. During World War II, While Bosnia’s Muslims and Croats Croats joined forces with the Nazis in backed independence, Bosnian Serbs Hungarians Magyar (not Slavic) many types of Christians ­persecuting Serbs. strongly opposed it. Supported by Macedonians Macedonian mostly Eastern Orthodox Serbia, the Bosnian Serbs launched a SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Visuals Montenegrins mostly Eastern Orthodox war in March 1992. dialect of Serbo-Croatian* 1. Analyzing Issues Use the chart to find out information about the various groups that lived During the war, Serbian military Muslims dialect of Serbo-Croatian* Muslim (converted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (as shown on the Tip for English Learners forces used violence and forced emi- under Ottoman rule) map). What were some of the differences among gration against Bosnian Muslims living Explain to students that a broker is Serbs dialect of Serbo-Croatian* mostly Eastern Orthodox those groups? in Serb-held lands. Called ethnic 2. Contrasting Kosovo was a province within somebody who acts as an ­intermediary, cleansing, this policy was intended to Slovenes Slovenian mostly Roman Catholic Serbia. What group was in the majority there, or go-between. A broker negotiates rid Bosnia of its Muslim population. By 1995, the Serbian military controlled 70 and how did it differ from Serbs? agreements between different people percent of Bosnia. In December of that year, leaders of the three factions involved * Since Yugoslavia broke apart, many residents of the former republics have started to refer to their dialects as separate languages: Croatian for Croats, Bosnian for or groups. in the war signed a UN- and U.S.-brokered peace treaty. In September 1996, Muslims, Serbian for Serbs and Montenegrins. Bosnians elected a three-person presidency, one leader from each ethnic group. By

1056 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1057

Name Date

CHAPTER PRIMARY SOURCE from The Road to Manjacˇa 35 by Orhan Bosnevi´c Differentiating Instruction: gIFTED and Talented Students Section 4 In 1992 a Bosnian Muslim was arrested by soldiers from the Serbian-led Yugoslav Skillbuilder: Answers army and sent to Manjacˇa, a concentration camp located in Serb-held Bosnia- Herzegovina. He uses a pseudonym—Orhan Bosnevi´c—to protect family mem- bers who still live in Bosnia-Herzegovina. As you read this account of his ordeal, think about the brutal conditions he was forced to endure. 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1056 6/29/10 11:35:59 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1057 5/27/10 2:48:01 PM ogor Manjacˇa, a concentration camp for problems were lack of fresh air, water, and hygiene. LMuslims and Croats from all over Bosnia- Suffocation and thirst had already killed some of Herzegovina, lies on the Manjacˇa plateau just us. As for hygiene, it was virtually non-existent. Our above Banja Luka. Once a Yugoslav army farm, its heads were shaved immediately on arrival, and I 1. Analyzing Issues International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia six animal sheds housed about four thousand men— had two baths of two or three minutes each during if the inmates of a concentration camp may be my whole imprisonment. Our last bath—by cour- called men. tesy of the army, who ran the camp—was on If only we had been treated as well as the cattle August 18th; the first inmates left Manjacˇa on and sheep that the sheds had been built for! Six to November 14th, in a state that is perhaps better There were three major religions practiced there (Catholicism, Orthodox seven hundred of us, ranging from high school left to the imagination. . . . Class Time 20 minutes crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia. Tell students pupils to men in their eighties, were crammed like W e did our washing at the back of the sheds, sardines into each seventy-by-twelve-meter build- next to the minefield. Once, when I was inside the ing. At night we slept on the bare concrete or on shed, there was a massive explosion, followed a few seconds later by the thud of something black hit- Christianity, and Islam); three different dialects were spoken. fern leaves. In the day we were allowed to move a that they will be using their research to prepare an oral meter to the right of our sleeping position, a meter ting one of the transparent roof panels. A murmur Task Delivering a speech summarizing the work of the to the left, and to go to the latrine—in columns of went round the shed: “Another man gone.” ten men at a time. When it was hot outside, condi- A prisoner—Ramadan Skoric´ from Kotor tions were unbearable; when it was cold, they were V a ros—had stepped on a mine. Screaming, blood worse. pouring from the jagged stumps of flesh and bone report summarizing the work of the tribunal, which they In this camp of fear and horror, where the next where his feet had been, he dragged himself to International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia moment might summon us to our deaths, we had safety. None of us dared help him. two “meals” a day. Breakfast was a cup of a warm, from Orhan Bosnevi´c, The Road to Manjacˇa, Francis R. colored liquid they called tea, a slice of bread (we Jones, trans. Reprinted in Rabia Ali and Lawrence were given one loaf between twenty-two to thirty of Lifschultz, eds., Why Bosnia? (Stony Creek, Connecticut: will deliver to the class. Encourage students to include Pamphleteer’s Press, 1993), 107–109. us), and a piece of bacon the size of a boiled sweet. Purpose To familiarize students with efforts to bring war For lunch, a third of a bowl of unsalted potato or bean soup, with or without a small piece of bread. Research Options On this grand diet we all lost ten, twenty, thirty 1. Comparing and Contrasting Refer to pages information about the location and structure of the kilos or more, and we were light-headed with 937–939 in your textbook and to firsthand hunger. . . . accounts by Nazi concentration camp survivors criminals to justice At first, all movement was restricted to the such as (In-Depth Resources: Unit 7). shed. After two months, groups of twenty men at a Then work with classmates to make a Venn dia- time from each shed were allowed twenty minutes’ gram in which you compare Nazi concentration tribunal; important indictments, trials, and appeals fresh air in turn. With six to seven hundred prison- camps in World War II with the Serbian concen- ers in each shed—or “pavilion,” as we were forced tration camp described in this excerpt. to call them, probably because it sounded pleasan- Instructions Ask students to use the library or the ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. 2. Using Research in Writing Find recent news- ter—it is not too hard to calculate how much fresh paper or magazine articles about Bosnia. Then air we actually got. Some of us never went out at all. (such as the trial of former Yugoslav president Slobodan write a brief summary about the current political After the beatings and the hunger, our biggest Internet to learn about the work of the International situation there and share it with classmates. Milosevic); and efforts to arrest top fugitives, such as Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTFY). 62 Unit 8, Chapter 35 Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. Students may use the Explain that the ICTFY was established by a May 1993 UN primary source activity from In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Security Council resolution for the prosecution of war for background information.

1056 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1057

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1056 7/6/10 3:17:34 PM (tee•mee•SHWAH•rah). The army killed and wounded hundreds of people. The Chapter 35 • Section 4 massacre in Timisoara ignited a popular uprising against Ceausescu. Within days, the army joined the people. Shocked by the collapse of his power, Ceausescu and his wife attempted to flee. They were captured, however, and then tried and executed Ethnic Groups in the Former Yugoslavia Many ethnic and religious groups lived within Yugoslavia, which was on Christmas Day, 1989. Elections have been held regularly since then. In 2004 Contrasting a federation of six republics. The map shows how the ethnic groups Traian Basescu was elected president. Contrast the History in Depth democratic were distributed. Some of those groups held ancient grudges against The Romanian Economy Throughout the 1990s, Romania struggled with corrup- revolutions in one another. The chart summarizes some of the cultural differences tion and crime as it tried to salvage its economy. In 2001, overall production was still Czechoslovakia among the groups. only 75 percent of what it had been in 1989, the year of Ceausescu’s overthrow. In and Romania. Objective the first years of the 21st century, two-thirds of the economy was still state owned. C. Answer In • Identify linguistic, ethnic, and religious


° E 20 However, the government made economic reforms to introduce elements of cap- Czechoslovakia, the differences in the former Yugoslavia. italism. The government also began to reduce the layers of bureaucracy in order to Communist gov- Ethnic Groups in the ernment resigned encourage foreign investors. In 2007 Romania joined the European Union, as the Former Yugoslavia, 1992 without violence. In 0 100 Miles Romanian government began to move away from a state controlled economy. Romania, the govern- Instruct ment used violence, AUSTRIA 0 200 Kilometers and the victorious Explain that the map shows ethnic protesters executed HUNGARY The Breakup of Yugoslavia 46°N Ceausescu. Ljubljana groups in the former Yugoslavia and the Ethnic conflict plagued Yugoslavia. This country, formed after World War I, had SLOVENIA chart identifies linguistic and religious eight major ethnic groups—Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Slovenes, Macedonians, Zagreb ROMANIA differences. Point out that the distinction Albanians, Hungarians, and Montenegrins. Ethnic and religious differences dating CROATIA Vojvodina between ethnic and religious identity is back centuries caused these groups to view one another with suspicion. After World War II, Yugoslavia became a federation of six republics. Each republic had complex and that the two sometimes BOSNIA Belgrade overlap. Have students identify evidence a mixed population. ITALY AND HERZEGOVINA A Bloody Breakup Josip Tito, who led Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980, held the of this overlap in the feature. (Muslim A country together. After Tito’s death, ethnic resentments boiled over. Serbian leader d is listed as an ethnic group in the r SERBIA i Sarajevo ▼ A view of Slobodan Milosevic (mee•LOH•sheh•vihch) asserted leadership over Yugoslavia. Albanian Slovene a map key.) t Croat No majority present i downtown Many Serbs opposed Milosevic and his policies and fled the country. c Hungarian Sarajevo through In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Two republics, Slovenia and Croatia, declared independence. In June 1991, the S a bullet-shattered Macedonian Former Yugoslavia e Montenegrin Borders of 1992 a • Primary Source: from The Road to Manjaˇca, window Serbian-led Yugoslav army invaded both republics. After months of bloody fighting, MONTENEGRO both republics freed themselves from Muslim Republic boundaries p. 62 Serb Provincial boundaries Podgorica Kosovo BULGARIA Serbian rule. Early in 1992, Bosnia- 42°N Electronic Library of Primary Sources Herzegovina joined Slovenia and Differences Among the Ethnic Groups Skopje • “Will I Ever Go Home Again?” Croatia in declaring independence. (In Group Language Religion April, Serbia and Montenegro formed MACEDONIA (slavic unless noted) a new Yugoslavia.) Bosnia’s population included Muslims (44 percent), Serbs Albanians Albanian (not Slavic) mostly Muslim ALBANIA (31 percent), and Croats (17 percent). Croats dialect of Serbo-Croatian* mostly Roman Catholic GREECE More About . . . While Bosnia’s Muslims and Croats backed independence, Bosnian Serbs Hungarians Magyar (not Slavic) many types of Christians Serbo-Croatian strongly opposed it. Supported by Macedonians Macedonian mostly Eastern Orthodox Vocabulary and pronunciation differences Serbia, the Bosnian Serbs launched a SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Visuals Montenegrins mostly Eastern Orthodox war in March 1992. dialect of Serbo-Croatian* 1. Analyzing Issues Use the chart to find out exist among the Croatian, Bosnian, and information about the various groups that lived During the war, Serbian military Muslims dialect of Serbo-Croatian* Muslim (converted Serbian dialects, but these differences in Bosnia and Herzegovina (as shown on the forces used violence and forced emi- under Ottoman rule) are no real obstacle to verbal communi- map). What were some of the differences among gration against Bosnian Muslims living cation. The Croats and Bosnians use the Serbs dialect of Serbo-Croatian* mostly Eastern Orthodox those groups? in Serb-held lands. Called ethnic 2. Contrasting Kosovo was a province within Roman, or Latin, alphabet. The Serbs and Serbia. What group was in the majority there, cleansing, this policy was intended to Slovenes Slovenian mostly Roman Catholic Montenegrins use the Cyrillic alphabet. rid Bosnia of its Muslim population. By 1995, the Serbian military controlled 70 and how did it differ from Serbs? percent of Bosnia. In December of that year, leaders of the three factions involved * Since Yugoslavia broke apart, many residents of the former republics have started to refer to their dialects as separate languages: Croatian for Croats, Bosnian for in the war signed a UN- and U.S.-brokered peace treaty. In September 1996, Muslims, Serbian for Serbs and Montenegrins. Bosnians elected a three-person presidency, one leader from each ethnic group. By

1056 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1057

Name Date

CHAPTER PRIMARY SOURCE from The Road to Manjacˇa 35 by Orhan Bosnevi´c Section 4 In 1992 a Bosnian Muslim was arrested by soldiers from the Serbian-led Yugoslav Skillbuilder: Answers army and sent to Manjacˇa, a concentration camp located in Serb-held Bosnia- Herzegovina. He uses a pseudonym—Orhan Bosnevi´c—to protect family mem- bers who still live in Bosnia-Herzegovina. As you read this account of his ordeal, think about the brutal conditions he was forced to endure. 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1056 6/29/10 11:35:59 AM ogor Manjacˇa, a concentration camp for problems were lack of fresh air, water, and hygiene. 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1057 8/1/10 5:13:05 PM LMuslims and Croats from all over Bosnia- Suffocation and thirst had already killed some of Herzegovina, lies on the Manjacˇa plateau just us. As for hygiene, it was virtually non-existent. Our above Banja Luka. Once a Yugoslav army farm, its heads were shaved immediately on arrival, and I 1. Analyzing Issues 2. Contrasting International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia six animal sheds housed about four thousand men— had two baths of two or three minutes each during if the inmates of a concentration camp may be my whole imprisonment. Our last bath—by cour- called men. tesy of the army, who ran the camp—was on If only we had been treated as well as the cattle August 18th; the first inmates left Manjacˇa on and sheep that the sheds had been built for! Six to November 14th, in a state that is perhaps better There were three major religions practiced there (Catholicism, Orthodox The Albanians were the majority; they were not Slavic, and they were seven hundred of us, ranging from high school left to the imagination. . . . pupils to men in their eighties, were crammed like W e did our washing at the back of the sheds, sardines into each seventy-by-twelve-meter build- next to the minefield. Once, when I was inside the ing. At night we slept on the bare concrete or on shed, there was a massive explosion, followed a few seconds later by the thud of something black hit- Christianity, and Islam); three different dialects were spoken. Muslim, not Christian. fern leaves. In the day we were allowed to move a meter to the right of our sleeping position, a meter ting one of the transparent roof panels. A murmur to the left, and to go to the latrine—in columns of went round the shed: “Another man gone.” ten men at a time. When it was hot outside, condi- A prisoner—Ramadan Skoric´ from Kotor tions were unbearable; when it was cold, they were V a ros—had stepped on a mine. Screaming, blood worse. pouring from the jagged stumps of flesh and bone In this camp of fear and horror, where the next where his feet had been, he dragged himself to moment might summon us to our deaths, we had safety. None of us dared help him. two “meals” a day. Breakfast was a cup of a warm, from Orhan Bosnevi´c, The Road to Manjacˇa, Francis R. colored liquid they called tea, a slice of bread (we Jones, trans. Reprinted in Rabia Ali and Lawrence were given one loaf between twenty-two to thirty of Lifschultz, eds., Why Bosnia? (Stony Creek, Connecticut: us), and a piece of bacon the size of a boiled sweet. Pamphleteer’s Press, 1993), 107–109. For lunch, a third of a bowl of unsalted potato or bean soup, with or without a small piece of bread. Research Options On this grand diet we all lost ten, twenty, thirty 1. Comparing and Contrasting Refer to pages kilos or more, and we were light-headed with 937–939 in your textbook and to firsthand hunger. . . . accounts by Nazi concentration camp survivors At first, all movement was restricted to the such as Elie Wiesel (In-Depth Resources: Unit 7). shed. After two months, groups of twenty men at a Then work with classmates to make a Venn dia- time from each shed were allowed twenty minutes’ gram in which you compare Nazi concentration fresh air in turn. With six to seven hundred prison- camps in World War II with the Serbian concen- ers in each shed—or “pavilion,” as we were forced tration camp described in this excerpt. to call them, probably because it sounded pleasan- 2. Using Research in Writing Find recent news- ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. ter—it is not too hard to calculate how much fresh paper or magazine articles about Bosnia. Then air we actually got. Some of us never went out at all. write a brief summary about the current political After the beatings and the hunger, our biggest situation there and share it with classmates.

62 Unit 8, Chapter 35

In-Depth Resources: Unit 8

1056 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1057

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1057 8/11/10 4:48:24 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 4 2001, Bosnia and Herzegovina began to stand on its own without as much need for supervision by the international community. Identifying Problems Rebellion in Kosovo The Balkan region descended into violence and bloodshed Why did again in 1998, this time in Kosovo, a province in southern Serbia made up almost Bosnia’s mixed entirely of ethnic Albanians. As an independence movement in Kosovo grew population cause a More About . . . increasingly violent, Serbian military forces invaded the province. In response to problem after growing reports of atrocities—and the failure of diplomacy to bring peace—NATO Bosnia declared Macedonia began a bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999. After endur- independence? Macedonia escaped much of the ethnic ing more than two months of sustained bombing, Yugoslav leaders finally withdrew D. Answer Bosnia’s Serbs did not want violence that plagued Yugoslavia after it their troops from Kosovo. In 2007, talks continued over the status of Kosovo. to lose their ties to began to disintegrate in the early 1990s. The Region Faces Its Problems In the early years of the 21st century, there were Serbia, while Croats and Muslims did. Even so, it came close to civil war a conflicting signs in Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic was extradited to stand trial for decade after declaring independence. war crimes but died in 2006, while his trial was continuing. A large portion of the In early 2001, ethnic Albanian rebels country’s foreign debt was erased. Despite an independence movement in Kosovo, parliamentary elections under UN supervision took place in November 2001 with- staged an uprising. After months of skir- out violence. mishes, the EU and NATO were able to In Montenegro (which together with Serbia made up Yugoslavia), an indepen- broker a peace deal under which dence referendum in May 2006 revealed that most voters wanted to separate from Albanian fighters laid down their arms in Serbia. As the Montenegrins declared independence in 2006, Serbia accepted the return for greater recognition of their new situation peacefully. In 2007 Serbia held a parliamentary election in which the rights. In late 2001, this agreement was ultra-nationalist Radical Party made some gains, but could not win enough seats to formalized in a new constitution. form a new government. The nations of Central and Eastern Europe made many gains in the early years of the 21st century. Even so, they continued to face serious obstacles to democracy. Resolving ethnic conflicts remained crucial, as did economic progress. If the nations of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union can improve their standard of living, democracy may have a better chance to grow. Meanwhile, economic reforms in Communist China sparked demands for political reforms, as ASSESS you will read in the next section. SECTION 4 ASSESSMENT As a class, discuss the answer to SECTION ASSESSMENT question 2. 4 Formal Assessment TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. • Solidarity • Lech Walesa • reunification • ethnic cleansing • Section Quiz, p. 578 USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING RETEACH 2. Which nation seems to have 3. How did Solidarity affect 6. ANALYZING CAUSES Why did ethnic tension become such done best since the breakup? Communist rule in Poland? a severe problem in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia? Arrange small groups of students in Explain. 4. What effect did reunification 7. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS What are some of the problems have on Germany’s inter- faced in Central and Eastern Europe in the 21st century? the classroom to mimic the geographic Former Reasons national role? 8. RECOGNIZING EFFECTS What effect did economic reform locations of the countries discussed in nations for breakup 5. What was the main cause of have on Slovakia? this section. Tell each group which the breakup of Czechoslovakia? 9. WRITING ACTIVITY CULTURAL INTERACTION Yugoslavia With a partner, country they represent and have them create a cause-and-effect diagram to show how Czecho- democratic reform spread through Central and Eastern explain who they are, who the prominent slovakia Europe. The diagram should show the order in which people in their country are, and what is reform happened and which countries influenced others. currently going on in their country. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING A PIE GRAPH Research the size of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe countries mentioned in • Guided Reading, p. 53 (also in Spanish) this section. Construct a pie graph showing the comparative sizes of the populations. • Reteaching Activity, p. 72 1058 Chapter 35


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083504.indd 1058 6/30/10 8:03:58 PM 1. Solidarity, p. 1052 • Lech Walesa, p. 1052 • reunification, p. 1054 • ethnic cleansing, p. 1056 2. Sample Answer: Yugoslavia—Ethnic tensions, 5. disagreements over economic policy 9. Rubric Diagrams should loss of Tito’s authority, Serbian aggression. 6. In the past, Communist leaders had • include only important events. Czechoslovakia—Economic problems. suppressed nationalism. With the spread of • show how each event led to the next. Best—Slovakia had one of the best economic democratic reforms, many ethnic groups • show how various nations influenced growth rates in the area. demanded self-rule. one another. It undermined Communist rule. ethnic conflict, economic slowdown, and the 3. 7. CONNECT TO TODAY 4. It made Germany the largest country in need for political reform Rubric Pie graphs should show that Central Europe, and with that came new 8. Economic reform caused a sharp rise in • Germany and Poland are the most populous. international responsibilities. unemployment in Slovakia, which undermined • the countries created by the breakup of Czechoslovakian unity. Yugoslavia are among the least populous.

1058 Chapter 35

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083504.indd 1058 7/6/10 3:18:41 PM LESSON PLAN 5 OBJECTIVES • Summarize ’s rule. • Explain changes under Deng Xiaoping. China: Reform and Reaction • Describe China’s democracy movement. • Discuss the relationship between eco- MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES nomic and political change in China.

CULTURAL INTERACTION In After the 1997 death of Chinese • Zhou Enlai • Tiananmen response to contact with the leader Deng Xiaoping, President • Deng Xiaoping Square FOCUS & MOTIVATE West, China’s government has Jiang Zemin seemed to be • Four • Hong Kong experimented with capitalism but continuing Deng’s policies. Modernizations In this section, students will read about has rejected calls for democracy. the Tiananmen Square massacre. Ask Pictured Above: SETTING THE STAGE The trend toward democracy around the world also students if they can think of a similar (L) A man affected China to a limited degree. A political reform movement arose in the late crackdown in U.S. history. (Some students chisels a piece 1980s. It built on economic reforms begun earlier in the decade. However, might mention the Boston Massacre.) of the Berlin although the leadership of the Communist Party in China generally supported Wall for a economic reform, it opposed political reform. China’s Communist government souvenir just clamped down on the political reformers. At the same time, it maintained a firm INSTRUCT after the fall of grip on power in the country. communism in The Legacy of Mao East Germany; (R) Soldiers of The Legacy of Mao Critical Thinking the Chinese After the Communists came to power in China in 1949, Mao Zedong set out to • Do you think Chinese peasants People’s transform China. Mao believed that peasant equality, revolutionary spirit, and TAKING NOTES Liberation hard work were all that was needed to improve the Chinese economy. Use the graphic organizer favored a Communist takeover of Army in Hong However, lack of modern technology damaged Chinese efforts to increase online to take notes on China? (Yes—Communism promised Kong, 1998 the events leading up equality. No—Mao’s policies were unfa- agricultural and industrial output. In addition, Mao’s policies stifled economic to the demonstration in growth. He eliminated incentives for higher production. He tried to replace fam- Tiananmen Square. vorable to family life and made work ily life with life in the communes. These policies took away the peasants’ motive less rewarding.) to work for the good of themselves and their families. • What might Mao have hoped to Facing economic disaster, some Chinese Communists talked of modernizing achieve by replacing family life with the economy. Accusing them of “taking the capitalist road,” Mao began the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to cleanse China of antirevolutionary influences. communes? (Possible Answer: focus people on the good of the state rather Mao’s Attempts to Change China than families or individuals)

Mao’s Programs Program Results In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 • Guided Reading, p. 54 (also in Spanish) First Five-Year Plan • Industry grew 15 percent a year. 1953–1957 • Agricultural output grew very slowly.

Great Leap • China suffered economic disaster—industrial 1958–1961 declines and food shortages. • Mao lost influence.

Cultural Revolution • Mao regained influence by backing radicals. 1966–1976 • Purges and conflicts among leaders created economic, social, and political chaos.

Struggles for Democracy 1059


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1059 6/29/10 11:42:12 AM ALL STUDENTS STRUGGLING READERS INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Student One Stop • Guided Reading, p. 54 • Guided Reading, p. 54 Teacher One Stop • Skillbuilder Practice, p. 56 • Building Vocabulary, p. 55 • Power Presentations Formal Assessment • Skillbuilder Practice, p. 56 Critical Thinking Transparencies • Section Quiz, p. 579 • Reteaching Activity, p. 73 • CT35 Democratic Struggles Around the Globe Guided Reading Workbook • CT71 Chapter 35 Visual Summary ENGLISH LEARNERS • Section 5 Electronic Library of Primary Sources In-Depth Resources in Spanish • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Square” • Guided Reading, p. 252 GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS • Skillbuilder Practice, p. 253 Electronic Library of Primary Sources Spanish/English Guided Reading Workbook • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Square” • Section 5 Teacher’s Edition 1059

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1059 7/6/10 3:21:53 PM Chapter 35 • Section 5 Massacre in Tiananmen Square Deng’s economic reforms produced a number of unexpected problems. As living standards improved, the gap between the rich and poor widened. Increasingly, the public believed that party officials profited from their positions. China and the West Furthermore, the new policies admitted not only Western investments and tourists but also Western political ideas. Increasing numbers of Chinese students studied abroad and learned about the West. In Deng’s view, the benefits of opening VIDEO Critical Thinking Tiananmen Square Analyzing Causes the economy exceeded the risks. Nevertheless, as Chinese students learned more • Why might Zhou have chosen to invite How did eco- about democracy, they began to question China’s lack of political freedom. ▲ nomic reform intro- a U.S. table-tennis team to China? Zhou Enlai, a Students Demand Democracy In 1989, students sparked a popular uprising that Instead of saving radical communism, however, the Cultural Revolution turned duce new political (Possible Answer: politically neutral translator, Mao stunned China’s leaders. Beginning in April of that year, more than 100,000 stu- Zedong, President many people against it. In the early 1970s, China entered another moderate period Recognizing ideas to China? way to open relations with the West) Nixon, and Henry under Zhou Enlai (joh ehn•ly). Zhou had been premier since 1949. During the Effects B. Answer dents occupied Tiananmen (tyahn•ahn•mehn) Square, a huge public space in the Kissinger meet in Western busi- heart of Beijing. The students mounted a protest for democracy. (See photograph • Ask students if Deng’s Four Cultural Revolution, he had tried to restrain the radicals. What was the Modernizations are consistent with Beijing in 1972. ultimate result nesses and tourists on page 1064.) of Mao’s radical brought Western The student protest won widespread popular support. When thousands of stu- communism. (Possible Answer: China and the West Communist policies? ideas into the country, and dents began a hunger strike to highlight their cause, people poured into Tiananmen No—Motivation by profit and private Throughout the Cultural Revolution, China played almost no role in world affairs. A. Answer The students went to Square to support them. Many students called for Deng Xiaoping to resign. enterprise are practices that commu- In the early 1960s, China had split with the Soviet Union over the leadership of destructiveness school overseas for economic reasons Deng Orders a Crackdown Instead of considering political reform, Deng nism was supposed to eliminate.) world communism. In addition, China displayed hostility toward the United States of the Cultural Revolution turned but learned about declared martial law. He ordered about 100,000 troops to surround Beijing. because of U.S. support for the government on . democracy. many Chinese peo- Although many students left the square after martial law was declared, about 5,000 China Opened Its Doors China’s isolation worried Zhou. He began to send out ple away from radi- cal communism. chose to remain and continue their protest. The students revived their spirits by signals that he was willing to form ties to the West. In 1971, Zhou startled the defiantly erecting a 33-foot statue that they named the “Goddess of Democracy.” More About . . . world by inviting an American table-tennis team to tour China. It was the first visit On June 4, 1989, the standoff came to an end. Thousands of heavily armed sol- by an American group to China since 1949. diers stormed Tiananmen Square. Tanks smashed through barricades and crushed Deng Xiaoping The visit began a new era in Chinese-American relations. In 1971, the United the Goddess of Democracy. Soldiers sprayed gunfire into crowds of frightened stu- Deng Xiaoping embraced economic States reversed its policy and endorsed UN membership for the People’s Republic of dents. They also attacked protesters elsewhere in Beijing. The assault killed hun- China. The next year, President Nixon made a to China. He met with Mao pragmatism—he was interested in results, dreds and wounded thousands. not communist theory. He summed up and Zhou. The three leaders agreed to begin cultural exchanges and a limited amount his views by saying, “It doesn’t matter of trade. In 1979, the United States and China established diplomatic relations. whether a cat is black or white, so long Economic Reform Both Mao and Zhou died in 1976. Shortly afterward, moder- ates took control of the Communist Party. They jailed several of the radicals who as it catches mice.” A key figure in world had led the Cultural Revolution. By 1980, Deng Xiaoping (duhng show•pihng) history, Deng is remembered for opening Training the Chinese Army had emerged as the most powerful leader in China. He was the last of the “old rev- After the massacre in Tiananmen Square, Xiao Ye (a former up China’s economy while maintaining olutionaries” who had ruled China since 1949. Chinese soldier living in the United States) explained how strict communist rule. Although a lifelong Communist, Deng boldly supported moderate economic Chinese soldiers are trained to obey orders without policies. Unlike Mao, he was willing to use capitalist ideas to help China’s econ- complaint. omy. He embraced a set of goals known as the Four Modernizations. These called PRIMARY SOURCE Tip for Gifted and Talented for progress in agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology. Deng launched an ambitious program of economic reforms. We usually developed bleeding blisters on our feet after Students First, Deng eliminated Mao’s communes and leased the land to individual farm- a few days of . . . hiking. Our feet were a mass of soggy ers. The farmers paid rent by delivering a fixed quota of food to the government. peeling flesh and blood, and the pain was almost Students may be mystified about what unbearable. . . . We considered the physical challenge a They could then grow crops and sell them for a profit. Under this system, food pro- exactly defines communism. Explain that means of tempering [hardening] ourselves for the sake duction increased by 50 percent in the years 1978 to 1984. their confusion is warranted. In fact, not of the Party. . . . No one wanted to look bad. . . . Deng extended his program to industry. The government permitted private busi- And during the days in Tiananmen, once again the long before his death in 1883, , nesses to operate. It gave the managers of state-owned industries more freedom to soldiers did not complain. They obediently drove author of The Communist Manifesto, set production goals. Deng also welcomed foreign technology and investment. forward, aimed, and opened fire on command. In light of their training, how could it have been otherwise? DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONS remarked to his son-in-law, “One thing Deng’s economic policies produced striking changes in Chinese life. As 1. Making Inferences For whom did the soldiers seem to believe XIAO YE, “Tiananmen Square: A Soldier’s Story” I am certain of; that is that I myself am incomes increased, people began to buy appliances and televisions. Chinese youths they were making their physical sacrifices? not a Marxist.” now wore stylish clothes and listened to Western music. Gleaming hotels filled 2. Drawing Conclusions What attitude toward obeying orders did with foreign tourists symbolized China’s new policy of openness. their training seem to encourage in the soldiers?

1060 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1061

Name Date

CHAPTER 35 GUIDED READING China: Reform and Reaction Differentiating Instruction: Struggling Readers Section 5 Skillbuilder Practice: analyzing Primary and Secondary SOURCES

A. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects As you read about Communist China, fill in the chart by noting the goals and outcomes of each action listed. 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1060 6/29/10 11:44:02 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1061 6/29/10 11:45:26 AM Goals Actions Outcomes 1. Mao begins the Cultural Causes and Effects of Chinese Reforms Revolution. Analyzing Primary and Secondary Sources

2. Zhou Enlai invites American Class Time 30 minutes Reform Effect table tennis team to tour China. Class Time 20 minutes Task Making a diagram Task Comparing primary and secondary sources 3. Deng Xiaoping launches a bold Farmers given more control Food production went up. program of economic reforms. Purpose To help readers understand Deng Xiaoping’s Purpose To help students understand the difference

4. Students stage an uprising in “Four Modernizations” Private businesses and Incomes increased. Tiananmen Square. between the two types of sources foreign investment allowed, 5. Britain hands Hong Kong over Instructions After students have read the material on to China. Instructions Explain that primary sources provide industry managers given

pages 1060–1061, have them create a simple cause-effect ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. firsthand evidence of historical events. They can include

more control. B. Determining Main Ideas On the back of this paper, identify the Four chart about Deng Xiaoping’s Four Modernizations. Modernizations and evaluate Deng’s success in meeting these goals. manuscripts, photographs, maps, artifacts, audio and A sample chart is shown. Point out that an effect (such Incomes increased. Gap between rich and 54 Unit 8, Chapter 35 video recordings, oral histories, postcards, and posters. as incomes increasing) can in turn become a cause. poor got wider. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Secondary sources are materials, such as textbooks, Students who need more help should complete the that synthesize and interpret primary materials. Guided Reading activity for this section. Students demanded political Deng Xiaoping sent in reforms. soldiers. 1060 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1061

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1060 7/6/10 3:26:50 PM Massacre in Tiananmen Square CHAPTER 35 • Section 5 Deng’s economic reforms produced a number of unexpected problems. As living standards improved, the gap between the rich and poor widened. Increasingly, the public believed that party officials profited from their positions. Furthermore, the new policies admitted not only Western investments and Massacre in tourists but also Western political ideas. Increasing numbers of Chinese students studied abroad and learned about the West. In Deng’s view, the benefits of opening VIDEO Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square Analyzing Causes the economy exceeded the risks. Nevertheless, as Chinese students learned more Critical Thinking How did eco- about democracy, they began to question China’s lack of political freedom. ▲ nomic reform intro- Zhou Enlai, a Students Demand Democracy In 1989, students sparked a popular uprising that • Why might Deng have been successful Instead of saving radical communism, however, the Cultural Revolution turned duce new political translator, Mao stunned China’s leaders. Beginning in April of that year, more than 100,000 stu- in crushing dissent when so many Zedong, President many people against it. In the early 1970s, China entered another moderate period Recognizing ideas to China? Nixon, and Henry under Zhou Enlai (joh ehn•ly). Zhou had been premier since 1949. During the Effects B. Answer dents occupied Tiananmen (tyahn•ahn•mehn) Square, a huge public space in the Eastern European leaders had failed? Kissinger meet in Western busi- heart of Beijing. The students mounted a protest for democracy. (See photograph Cultural Revolution, he had tried to restrain the radicals. What was the (Possible Answers: He controlled the Beijing in 1972. nesses and tourists ultimate result on page 1064.) media. He had made efforts to reform of Mao’s radical brought Western The student protest won widespread popular support. When thousands of stu- China and the West Communist policies? ideas into the Chinese communism.) country, and dents began a hunger strike to highlight their cause, people poured into Tiananmen Throughout the Cultural Revolution, China played almost no role in world affairs. A. Answer The students went to Square to support them. Many students called for Deng Xiaoping to resign. • Why are students so often involved In the early 1960s, China had split with the Soviet Union over the leadership of destructiveness school overseas for in protest movements? (Possible world communism. In addition, China displayed hostility toward the United States of the Cultural economic reasons Deng Orders a Crackdown Instead of considering political reform, Deng Revolution turned but learned about declared martial law. He ordered about 100,000 troops to surround Beijing. Answers: youthful idealism; they have because of U.S. support for the government on Taiwan. democracy. many Chinese peo- Although many students left the square after martial law was declared, about 5,000 the time to protest) China Opened Its Doors China’s isolation worried Zhou. He began to send out ple away from radi- cal communism. chose to remain and continue their protest. The students revived their spirits by signals that he was willing to form ties to the West. In 1971, Zhou startled the Electronic Library of Primary Sources defiantly erecting a 33-foot statue that they named the “Goddess of Democracy.” world by inviting an American table-tennis team to tour China. It was the first visit • “The Massacre in Tiananmen Square” On June 4, 1989, the standoff came to an end. Thousands of heavily armed sol- by an American group to China since 1949. diers stormed Tiananmen Square. Tanks smashed through barricades and crushed The visit began a new era in Chinese-American relations. In 1971, the United the Goddess of Democracy. Soldiers sprayed gunfire into crowds of frightened stu- States reversed its policy and endorsed UN membership for the People’s Republic of dents. They also attacked protesters elsewhere in Beijing. The assault killed hun- China. The next year, President Nixon made a state visit to China. He met with Mao dreds and wounded thousands. and Zhou. The three leaders agreed to begin cultural exchanges and a limited amount Analyzing Primary Sources of trade. In 1979, the United States and China established diplomatic relations. Training the Chinese Army Economic Reform Both Mao and Zhou died in 1976. Shortly afterward, moder- ates took control of the Communist Party. They jailed several of the radicals who Ask students how the training and atti- had led the Cultural Revolution. By 1980, Deng Xiaoping (duhng show•pihng) Training the Chinese Army tude of U.S. soldiers might be different had emerged as the most powerful leader in China. He was the last of the “old rev- After the massacre in Tiananmen Square, Xiao Ye (a former from Xiao Ye’s. (Some students might olutionaries” who had ruled China since 1949. Chinese soldier living in the United States) explained how argue that the training is similar, but that Although a lifelong Communist, Deng boldly supported moderate economic Chinese soldiers are trained to obey orders without most U.S. soldiers would be unlikely to policies. Unlike Mao, he was willing to use capitalist ideas to help China’s econ- complaint. fire on peaceful protesters, even if they omy. He embraced a set of goals known as the Four Modernizations. These called for progress in agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology. Deng PRIMARY SOURCE were ordered to do so.) launched an ambitious program of economic reforms. We usually developed bleeding blisters on our feet after Extension Ask interested students to First, Deng eliminated Mao’s communes and leased the land to individual farm- a few days of . . . hiking. Our feet were a mass of soggy find out if any formal rules exist regarding ers. The farmers paid rent by delivering a fixed quota of food to the government. peeling flesh and blood, and the pain was almost unbearable. . . . We considered the physical challenge a when a U.S. soldier should disobey They could then grow crops and sell them for a profit. Under this system, food pro- means of tempering [hardening] ourselves for the sake the direct orders of a superior officer. duction increased by 50 percent in the years 1978 to 1984. of the Party. . . . No one wanted to look bad. . . . Students might begin with the Uniform Deng extended his program to industry. The government permitted private busi- And during the days in Tiananmen, once again the nesses to operate. It gave the managers of state-owned industries more freedom to soldiers did not complain. They obediently drove Code of Military Justice. set production goals. Deng also welcomed foreign technology and investment. forward, aimed, and opened fire on command. In light Answers to Document-Based Questions of their training, how could it have been otherwise? DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTIONS Deng’s economic policies produced striking changes in Chinese life. As 1. Making Inferences For whom did the soldiers seem to believe XIAO YE, “Tiananmen Square: A Soldier’s Story” 1. Making Inferences the incomes increased, people began to buy appliances and televisions. Chinese youths they were making their physical sacrifices? Communist Party now wore stylish clothes and listened to Western music. Gleaming hotels filled 2. Drawing Conclusions What attitude toward obeying orders did with foreign tourists symbolized China’s new policy of openness. their training seem to encourage in the soldiers? 2. Drawing Conclusions to follow orders blindly

1060 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1061

Name Date Name Date

CHAPTER CHAPTER SKILLBUILDER PRACTICE Analyzing Primary and 35 GUIDED READING China: Reform and Reaction 35 Secondary Sources Section 5 Section 5 SKILLBUILDER PRACTICE: ANALYZING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES A primary source is one that was written by an observer or a participant in a histor- ical event. Primary sources include letters, journals, speeches, and policy state- ments. The excerpt below is from an official policy statement in which the Central A. Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects As you read about Communist Committee of the Communist Party led by Deng Xiaoping sets forth the Four China, fill in the chart by noting the goals and outcomes of each action listed. Modernizations. As you read, try to identify the Committee’s position on economic 9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1060 6/29/10 11:44:02 AM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1061 6/29/10 11:45:26 AM development in China. (See Skillbuilder Handbook) Goals Actions Outcomes ow is an appropriate time . . . to shift the which stand in the way of such growth. Socialist modernization is therefore a profound and exten- 1. Mao begins the Cultural Nemphasis of our Party’s work and the attention sive revolution. . . . Revolution. of the people of the whole country to socialist Causes and Effects of Chinese Reforms Analyzing Primary and Secondary Sources modernization. This is of major significance for ful- The session points out that one of the serious fillment of the three-year and eight-year programs shortcomings in the structure of economic manage- for the development of the national economy and ment in our country is the overconcentration of the outline for 23 years, for the modernization of authority, and it is necessary boldly to shift it under agriculture, industry, national defense and science guidance from the leadership to lower levels, . . . 2. Zhou Enlai invites American and technology. . . . Whether or not we can carry to institute a division of responsibilities among Class Time 20 minutes Have students read “Massacre in Tiananmen Square” this general task to completion, speed socialist different levels, . . . increase the authority and table tennis team to tour China. modernization and . . . improve the people’s living responsibility of administrative bodies and mana- standards significantly and strengthen national gerial personnel, reduce the number of meetings defense—this is a major issue which is of paramount and amount of paper work to raise work efficiency, and the “Analyzing Primary Sources” feature on this page. concern to all our people and of great significance and conscientiously adopt the practices of examina- Task Comparing primary and secondary sources to the cause of world peace and progress. Carrying tion, reward and punishment, promotion and 3. Deng Xiaoping launches a bold out the four modernizations requires . . . changes in demotion. . . . program of economic reforms. all methods of management, actions and thinking Source: The Peking Review, July 28, 1978 Purpose To help students understand the difference Lead a class discussion that focuses on how reading the 1. According to the policy statement, what were the long-term goals for China? ______4. Students stage an uprising in Tiananmen Square. between the two types of sources primary source—the excerpt from Xiao Ye’s “Tiananmen 2. According to the policy statement, what was wrong with previous economic programs? ______

Square: A Soldier’s Story”—changes, or does not change, 3. How did the Committee view its plans for the modernization of China? ______5. Britain hands Hong Kong over ______to China. Instructions Explain that primary sources provide the impression of the massacre that they received from ______4. If you were writing an explanation of the Four Modernizations for a world history textbook,

©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. firsthand evidence of historical events. They can include ©All rights reserved. McDougal Littell Inc. the secondary source (the textbook). what words or phrases might you quote from the policy statement? ______B. Determining Main Ideas On the back of this paper, identify the Four Modernizations and evaluate Deng’s success in meeting these goals. manuscripts, photographs, maps, artifacts, audio and ______For more practice, have students complete the Skillbuilder 54 Unit 8, Chapter 35 video recordings, oral histories, postcards, and posters. 56 Unit 8, Chapter 35 activity for this chapter. In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 Secondary sources are materials, such as textbooks, In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 that synthesize and interpret primary materials.

1060 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1061

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1061 7/6/10 3:27:56 PM CHAPTER 35 • Section 5 The attack on Tiananmen Square marked the beginning of a massive govern­ heritage. In the first four or five years after ment campaign to stamp out protest. Police arrested thousands of people. The state the transfer, the control of mainland China used the media to announce that reports of a massacre were untrue. Officials over Hong Kong tightened. claimed that a small group of criminals had plotted against the government. Television news, however, had already broadcast the truth to the world. China Enters the China Beyond 2000 The case of China demonstrates that the cre- New Millennium China Enters the New Millennium ation of democracy can be a slow, fitful, and The brutal repression of the prodemocracy movement left Deng firmly in control incomplete process. Liberal reforms in one Critical Thinking of China. During the final years of his life, Deng continued his program of eco­ area, such as the economy, may not lead • Why might U.S. leaders pressure China nomic reforms. immediately to political reforms. to improve its human rights record? Although Deng moved out of the limelight in 1995, he remained China’s leader. Economics and Politics In China, there has (Possible Answers: concern about the In February 1997, after a long illness, Deng died. Communist Party General been a dramatic reduction in poverty. Some Secretary Jiang Zemin (jee•ahng zeh•meen) assumed the presidency. way the Chinese government treats its experts argue that China managed to reform citizens; human rights record might China Under Jiang Many questions arose after Deng’s death. What kind of leader its economy and reduce poverty because it would Jiang be? Would he be able to hold on to power and ensure political stabil­ adopted a gradual approach to selling off interfere with the economic relationship ity? A highly intelligent and educated man, Jiang had served as mayor of Shanghai. state industries and privatizing the economy between the United States and China) He was considered skilled, flexible, and practical. However, he had no military rather than a more abrupt approach. China’s • Why might China have promised to experience. Therefore, Jiang had few allies among the generals. He also faced chal­ strategy has paid off: by 2007, the country had the world’s fourth largest economy, ▲ People respect Hong Kong’s economic system lenges from rivals, including hard­line officials who favored after the United States, Japan, and Germany. Cheap consumer goods from China celebrate in Tiananmen and political liberties for 50 years? a shift away from Deng’s economic policies. are filling shops and department stores worldwide. Square after (Possible Answer: It saw Hong Kong as Other questions following Deng’s death had to do with But China’s economic strength has come with a cost. The wealth gap between Beijing won the bid for the 2008 a potential revenue stream. China China’s poor human rights record, its occupation of Tibet, urban and rural areas has widened, with inequality leading to social unrest. In addi- and relations with the United States. During the 1990s, the tion, rapid industrialization has caused pollution and severe environmental problems. Olympic Games. neither wanted to disturb the economic United States pressured China to release political prisoners As countries are increasingly linked through technology and trade, they will have system nor to cause the emigration and ensure basic rights for political opponents. China more opportunity to influence each other politically. When the U.S. Congress voted of the people who managed and remained hostile to such pressure. Its government continued to normalize trade with China, supporters of such a move argued that the best way to sustained it.) to repress the prodemocracy movement. Nevertheless, the prompt political change in China is through greater engagement rather than isolation. desire for freedom still ran through Chinese society. If Another sign of China’s increasing engagement with the world was its successful China remained economically open but politically closed, hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. tensions seemed bound to surface. In late 1997, Jiang paid a state visit to the United States. Jiang Zemin History Makers During his visit, U.S. protesters demanded more democracy 1926– in China. Jiang admitted that China had made some mistakes SECTION 5 ASSESSMENT Jiang Zemin Jiang Zemin was trained as an engineer. After working as an but refused to promise that China’s policies would change. TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. Ask students why Jiang Zemin might have engineer, heading several President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji • Zhou Enlai • Deng Xiaoping • Four Modernizations • Tiananmen Square • Hong Kong been chosen to succeed Deng Xiaoping technological institutes, and serving announced their retirement in late 2002. Jiang’s successor as minister of the electronics as president. (Communist Party officials was Hu Jintao. However, Jiang was expected to wield influ­ USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING industry, he moved up in politics. ence over his successor behind the scenes. Hu became pres­ 2. Other than the demonstration 3. What effect did Mao’s policies 6. SUPPORTING OPINIONS Judging from what you have may have seen his administrative In 1982, he joined the Central ident of the country and general secretary of the Communist in Tiananmen Square, which of have on economic growth? read about the Chinese government, do you think Hong competence and industrial background Committee of the Communist Party these events was most 4. What were some of Deng Kong will keep its freedoms under Chinese rule? Explain. in China. He became mayor of Party. Jiang remained political leader of the military. Both as useful skills in a time of economic important? Explain. Xiaoping’s economic reforms? 7. FOLLOWING CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER What were some Shanghai in 1985, in which post he supported China’s move to a market economy. of the events that followed the demonstration in transition.) proved to be an effective 5. How would you describe Transfer of Hong Kong Another major issue for China event China’s record on human Tiananmen Square? administrator. In 1989, he became In an October 1995 speech at the UN, was the status of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was a thriving rights? 8. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING Has there been greater general secretary of the Chinese progress in political or economic reform in China? Jiang Zemin asserted that “Certain Communist Party. This promotion business center and British colony on the southeastern coast 9. WRITING ACTIVITY CULTURAL INTERACTION Imagine that big powers, often under the cover of was largely due to his support for the of China. On July 1, 1997, Great Britain handed Hong Kong event Tiananmen Square you are a Chinese student visiting the West. Write a letter government’s putdown of the pro- over to China, ending 155 years of colonial rule. As part of ‘freedom,’ ‘democracy,’ and ‘human home in which you explain what you have seen abroad. democracy demonstrations in that rights,’ set out to encroach upon the the transfer, China promised to respect Hong Kong’s eco­ year. In 1993, he became president. nomic system and political liberties for 50 years. sovereignty of other countries.” In 2003, he stepped down and was Many of Hong Kong’s citizens worried about Chinese CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING A POSTER replaced by Hu Jintao; however, Jiang rule and feared the loss of their freedoms. Others, however, China will be hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Research the efforts that China is retained power behind the scenes. making to prepare the city for the festivities and present your findings in a poster. saw the transfer as a way to reconnect with their Chinese 1062 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1063


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1062 6/29/10 3:42:28 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1063 5/28/10 4:11:37 PM Writing a Poem About Human Rights 1. Zhou Enlai, p. 1060 • Deng Xiaoping, p. 1060 • Four Modernizations, p. 1060 • Tiananmen Square, p. 1061 • Hong Kong, p. 1062 Class Time 20 minutes carefully about the statement that “Supporters of [the normalization of 2. Sample Answer: 1971—Zhou opens China to West. 1980s—Four Modernizations (most Task Writing a poem trade with China] argue that the best way to prompt political change in important because changed economy). Purpose To encourage students to think deeply about human rights issues China is through greater engagement rather than isolation.” Tell students to use these passages as a springboard for creating a poem about human 3. They undermined economic growth. Instructions Tell students to read “China Enters the New Millennium” rights issues in today’s global society. 4. limited sales for profit; privatization of and “China Beyond 2000” on pages 1062–1063. Ask them to pay close some businesses Encourage volunteers to read their poems in front of the class. attention to the passages that address human rights issues and to think 5. relatively poor 6. It is difficult to predict, but so far Hong Kong has been given some freedom.

1062 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1063

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1062 7/6/10 3:29:32 PM The attack on Tiananmen Square marked the beginning of a massive govern­ heritage. In the first four or five years after CHAPTER 35 • Section 5 ment campaign to stamp out protest. Police arrested thousands of people. The state the transfer, the control of mainland China used the media to announce that reports of a massacre were untrue. Officials over Hong Kong tightened. claimed that a small group of criminals had plotted against the government. Television news, however, had already broadcast the truth to the world. China Beyond 2000 China Beyond 2000 The case of China demonstrates that the cre- China Enters the New Millennium ation of democracy can be a slow, fitful, and The brutal repression of the prodemocracy movement left Deng firmly in control incomplete process. Liberal reforms in one Critical Thinking of China. During the final years of his life, Deng continued his program of eco­ area, such as the economy, may not lead • What might have happened if China’s nomic reforms. immediately to political reforms. leaders had adopted a “shock therapy” Although Deng moved out of the limelight in 1995, he remained China’s leader. Economics and Politics In China, there has economic policy? (Possible Answer: It In February 1997, after a long illness, Deng died. Communist Party General been a dramatic reduction in poverty. Some might have caused economic upheaval Secretary Jiang Zemin (jee•ahng zeh•meen) assumed the presidency. experts argue that China managed to reform and widespread popular discontent, China Under Jiang Many questions arose after Deng’s death. What kind of leader its economy and reduce poverty because it perhaps even leading to overthrow would Jiang be? Would he be able to hold on to power and ensure political stabil­ adopted a gradual approach to selling off of the regime.) ity? A highly intelligent and educated man, Jiang had served as mayor of Shanghai. state industries and privatizing the economy • Do you think the best way to prompt He was considered skilled, flexible, and practical. However, he had no military rather than a more abrupt approach. China’s experience. Therefore, Jiang had few allies among the generals. He also faced chal­ strategy has paid off: by 2007, the country had the world’s fourth largest economy, ▲ People political change in China is through lenges from rivals, including hard­line officials who favored after the United States, Japan, and Germany. Cheap consumer goods from China celebrate in greater engagement, not isolation? Tiananmen a shift away from Deng’s economic policies. are filling shops and department stores worldwide. Square after (Yes—The United States is unlikely to Other questions following Deng’s death had to do with But China’s economic strength has come with a cost. The wealth gap between Beijing won the change the human rights situation in China’s poor human rights record, its occupation of Tibet, urban and rural areas has widened, with inequality leading to social unrest. In addi- bid for the 2008 China through a boycott. China would Olympic Games. and relations with the United States. During the 1990s, the tion, rapid industrialization has caused pollution and severe environmental problems. simply seek economic and political United States pressured China to release political prisoners As countries are increasingly linked through technology and trade, they will have relationships with other nations. and ensure basic rights for political opponents. China more opportunity to influence each other politically. When the U.S. Congress voted remained hostile to such pressure. Its government continued to normalize trade with China, supporters of such a move argued that the best way to No—Abuse of human rights should to repress the prodemocracy movement. Nevertheless, the prompt political change in China is through greater engagement rather than isolation. not be tolerated.) desire for freedom still ran through Chinese society. If Another sign of China’s increasing engagement with the world was its successful China remained economically open but politically closed, hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. tensions seemed bound to surface. In late 1997, Jiang paid a state visit to the United States. Jiang Zemin During his visit, U.S. protesters demanded more democracy 1926– ASSESS in China. Jiang admitted that China had made some mistakes SECTION ASSESSMENT Jiang Zemin was trained as an 5 engineer. After working as an but refused to promise that China’s policies would change. SECTION 5 ASSESSMENT TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. engineer, heading several President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji • Zhou Enlai • Deng Xiaoping • Four Modernizations • Tiananmen Square • Hong Kong technological institutes, and serving announced their retirement in late 2002. Jiang’s successor Divide questions among groups. Have as minister of the electronics them present answers orally. was Hu Jintao. However, Jiang was expected to wield influ­ USING YOUR NOTES MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING & WRITING industry, he moved up in politics. ence over his successor behind the scenes. Hu became pres­ 2. Other than the demonstration 3. What effect did Mao’s policies 6. SUPPORTING OPINIONS Judging from what you have In 1982, he joined the Central Formal Assessment ident of the country and general secretary of the Communist in Tiananmen Square, which of have on economic growth? read about the Chinese government, do you think Hong Committee of the Communist Party • Section Quiz, p. 579 these events was most 4. What were some of Deng Kong will keep its freedoms under Chinese rule? Explain. in China. He became mayor of Party. Jiang remained political leader of the military. Both important? Explain. Xiaoping’s economic reforms? 7. FOLLOWING CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER What were some Shanghai in 1985, in which post he supported China’s move to a market economy. of the events that followed the demonstration in proved to be an effective 5. How would you describe RETEACH Transfer of Hong Kong Another major issue for China event China’s record on human Tiananmen Square? administrator. In 1989, he became was the status of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was a thriving rights? 8. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING Has there been greater Use CT35 and the Visual Summary to general secretary of the Chinese progress in political or economic reform in China? Communist Party. This promotion business center and British colony on the southeastern coast review this section and chapter. 9. WRITING ACTIVITY CULTURAL INTERACTION Imagine that was largely due to his support for the of China. On July 1, 1997, Great Britain handed Hong Kong event Tiananmen Square you are a Chinese student visiting the West. Write a letter Critical Thinking Transparencies government’s putdown of the pro- over to China, ending 155 years of colonial rule. As part of home in which you explain what you have seen abroad. democracy demonstrations in that the transfer, China promised to respect Hong Kong’s eco­ • CT35 Democratic Struggles Around the Globe year. In 1993, he became president. nomic system and political liberties for 50 years. • CT71 Chapter 35 Visual Summary In 2003, he stepped down and was Many of Hong Kong’s citizens worried about Chinese CONNECT TO TODAY MAKING A POSTER replaced by Hu Jintao; however, Jiang In-Depth Resources: Unit 8 rule and feared the loss of their freedoms. Others, however, China will be hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Research the efforts that China is retained power behind the scenes. making to prepare the city for the festivities and present your findings in a poster. • Reteaching Activity, p. 73 saw the transfer as a way to reconnect with their Chinese 1062 Chapter 35 Struggles for Democracy 1063


9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1062 5/28/10 3:59:31 PM9-12_SNLAESE491127_083505.indd 1063 5/28/10 4:11:37 PM Writing a Poem About Human Rights 1. Zhou Enlai, p. 1060 • Deng Xiaoping, p. 1060 • Four Modernizations, p. 1060 • Tiananmen Square, p. 1061 • Hong Kong, p. 1062 2. Sample Answer: 1971—Zhou opens China to 7. Chinese government massacred protesters carefully about the statement that “Supporters of [the normalization of CONNECT TO TODAY trade with China] argue that the best way to prompt political change in West. 1980s—Four Modernizations (most and repressed the pro-democracy movement. Rubric Posters should include China is through greater engagement rather than isolation.” Tell students to important because changed economy). 8. economic reform • information about new sports and use these passages as a springboard for creating a poem about human 3. They undermined economic growth. 9. Rubric Letters should visitor facilities. rights issues in today’s global society. 4. limited sales for profit; privatization of • mention characteristics of Western democracy some businesses such as free elections, majority rule, minority • effective visuals. Encourage volunteers to read their poems in front of the class. 5. relatively poor rights, and citizen participation. 6. It is difficult to predict, but so far Hong Kong • use standard grammar and punctuation. has been given some freedom.

1062 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1063

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1063 6/23/10 2:30:48 PM Chapter 35

Fall of the Wall ▼ Photojournalism When the East German government opened the Berlin Wall From the earliest days of photography, magazines and newspapers have in November 1989, a huge celebration broke out. Some History through Art people began to use pickaxes to demolish the wall entirely. used photographs to convey the news. Photojournalists must respond Others danced on top of the wall. (See also the image on quickly to recognize a history-making moment and to record that page 1053.) Objectives moment before it passes. As the photographs on this page demonstrate, photojournalists have captured many of the democratic struggles that • Describe the relationship between have occurred in the last few decades. In some cases, news photographs photography and journalism. have helped protesters or oppressed people gain the support of the world. • Explain how the work of photojournal- ists could be used politically. RESEARCH WEB LINKS Go online for more on photojournalism. Focus & Motivate ▼ Make a list on the board of the most Flight from Srebrenica During the conflicts in Bosnia and ▲ powerful photojournalistic images stu- Herzegovina, the United Nations declared Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo From 1976 to 1983, the military government of Argentina tortured the city of Srebrenica a safe area. Even so, dents have seen in the last 12 months. and killed thousands of political dissidents and sometimes stole their the Bosnian Serb army invaded in July 1995 Then have students vote for the most children. In this demonstration in December 1979, the Abuelas de Plaza and expelled more than 20,000 Muslims— de Mayo (Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo) demanded to know the powerful image of those listed. Students nearly all of them women, children, or fate of their relatives. The banner they carried reads “Disappeared elderly people. In addition, the soldiers held should explain which elements of the Children.” image make it the most powerful. more than 7,000 men and boys prisoner and over a five-day period massacred them. instruct ▼ Man Defying Tanks Critical Thinking A single Chinese man blocked tanks on • How might journalism have been differ- their way to crush pro democracy protests Voting Line When South Africa held its first all-race ent before the advent of photography? in Tiananmen Square in June 1989. No one knows for sure what happened to the election in April 1994, people were so (Possible Answer: Journalists may man afterward—or even who he was. Even eager to vote that they stood in lines have had to use much more descriptive so, this image has become one of the that sometimes stretched nearly a kilometer (0.62 mile). language to give readers a picture of enduring photographs of the 20th century; it has come to stand for one man’s an event or person.) courage in defying tyranny. • Can photojournalism be biased? (Yes—Photographers can influence the perception of an event by what they

choose to photograph and the way in 1. Forming and Supporting Opinions which they photograph it. Editors, by Which of these photographs do you choosing which photographs to include think has the greatest impact on the viewer? Explain why. with a story, can also influence the See Skillbuilder Handbook, page R20. way in which readers perceive a story. 2. Forming and Supporting Opinions No—Pictures do not lie.) Using Internet or library resources, find a news photograph that you think effectively shows a recent historic event. Bring a copy of the photograph to class, and explain orally or in writing what it conveys about the event. 1064 1065

Recommended Resources Connect to Today: answers

9-12_SNLAESE491127_0435HA.indd 1064 5/27/10 3:42:48 PM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0435HA.indd 1065 5/27/10 3:02:49 PM Books Video 1. Forming and Supporting Opinions Agence France-Presse and Mathew Giles, Photography: Making Art and Recording Life. Some students may choose the photo of the grandmothers of the eds. Facing the World: Great Moments in VHS and DVD. Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Plaza de Mayo because it effectively shows the anger and outrage of Photojournalism. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001. Describes a number of genres in photo- the women. 2001. graphic art, including photojournalism. Horton, Brian. Associated Press Guide to Photojournalism. New York: McGraw-Hill/ Contemporary Books, 2000. An analysis of what constitutes a successful news photo, supported by more than 100 photos from the AP archives.

1064 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1065

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1064 8/11/10 5:52:44 PM Chapter 35

Fall of the Wall ▼ Photojournalism When the East German government opened the Berlin Wall From the earliest days of photography, magazines and newspapers have in November 1989, a huge celebration broke out. Some people began to use pickaxes to demolish the wall entirely. More About . . . used photographs to convey the news. Photojournalists must respond Others danced on top of the wall. (See also the image on quickly to recognize a history-making moment and to record that page 1053.) Srebrenica moment before it passes. As the photographs on this page demonstrate, In August 2001, the International Criminal photojournalists have captured many of the democratic struggles that Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia sen- have occurred in the last few decades. In some cases, news photographs have helped protesters or oppressed people gain the support of the world. tenced Radislav Krstic to 46 years in prison for his actions at Srebrenica. Krstic, 53, was found guilty of genocide, RESEARCH WEB LINKS Go online for extermination, murder, persecution, and more on photojournalism. forced transfer of civilians. General Krstic

▼ is the highest-ranking Bosnian Serb to be Flight from Srebrenica tried by the tribunal and the first to be During the conflicts in Bosnia and Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo ▲ Herzegovina, the United Nations declared found guilty of genocide. “In July 1995 From 1976 to 1983, the military government of Argentina tortured the city of Srebrenica a safe area. Even so, and killed thousands of political dissidents and sometimes stole their General Krstic, individually you agreed the Bosnian Serb army invaded in July 1995 children. In this demonstration in December 1979, the Abuelas de Plaza and expelled more than 20,000 Muslims— to evil. And this is why today this trial de Mayo (Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo) demanded to know the nearly all of them women, children, or chamber convicts you and sentences fate of their relatives. The banner they carried reads “Disappeared elderly people. In addition, the soldiers held Children.” you to 46 years in prison,” said Judge more than 7,000 men and boys prisoner and over a five-day period massacred them. Almiro Rodrigues.

▼ Man Defying Tanks A single Chinese man blocked tanks on More About . . . their way to crush pro democracy protests Voting Line in Tiananmen Square in June 1989. No When South Africa held its first all-race Argentine Military Government election in April 1994, people were so one knows for sure what happened to the In July 2003, a Spanish judge issued man afterward—or even who he was. Even eager to vote that they stood in lines so, this image has become one of the that sometimes stretched nearly a international arrest warrants against enduring photographs of the 20th century; kilometer (0.62 mile). 46 former members of the Argentine it has come to stand for one man’s armed forces. They were accused of the courage in defying tyranny. genocide and torture of Spanish nationals between 1976 and 1983. Backers of the judge are hopeful that the Argentine government will annul a law that shields 1. Forming and Supporting Opinions Which of these photographs do you former military officers from extradition think has the greatest impact on the for alleged human rights violations. As viewer? Explain why. many as 30,000 people were “disap- See Skillbuilder Handbook, page R20. peared” in the Argentine military’s 2. Forming and Supporting Opinions campaign against political dissidents. Using Internet or library resources, find a news photograph that you think effectively shows a recent historic event. Bring a copy of the photograph to class, and explain orally or in writing what it conveys about the event. 1064 1065

Recommended Resources Connect to Today: Answers

9-12_SNLAESE491127_0435HA.indd 1064 5/27/10 3:42:48 PM 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0435HA.indd 1065 5/27/10 3:02:49 PM Video 1. Forming and Supporting Opinions 2. Forming and Supporting Opinions Photography: Making Art and Recording Life. Some students may choose the photo of the grandmothers of the Students should choose news photos of significant historic events, such VHS and DVD. Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Plaza de Mayo because it effectively shows the anger and outrage of as recent terrorist attacks or wars. Their explanation should describe 2001. Describes a number of genres in photo- the women. what aspect of the historic event the photograph conveys. graphic art, including photojournalism.

1064 Chapter 35 Teacher’s Edition 1065

9-12_SNLAETE491264_083505.indd 1065 8/11/10 4:51:10 PM Chapter 35 assessment Chapter 35 Assessment

Terms & Names TERMS & NAMES Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Section 4 For each term or name below, briefly explain its connection to (pages 1052–1058) 1. PRI, p. 1037 5. glasnost, p. 1046 the democratic movements that took place from 1945 to the 15. Which nations overthrew Communist governments in 1989? 2. apartheid, 6. Lech Walesa, present. 16. What led to the breakup of Yugoslavia? 1. PRI 5. glasnost p. 1043 p. 1052 China: Reform and Reaction Section 5 (pages 1059–1065) 2. apartheid 6. Lech Walesa 3. Nelson Mandela, 7. Deng Xiaoping, 17. What changes took place in China during the 1970s? 3. Nelson Mandela 7. Deng Xiaoping p. 1043 p. 1060 18. How did the Chinese government react to demands for 4. Mikhail Gorbachev 8. Tiananmen Square 4. Mikhail 8. Tiananmen democratic reform? Gorbachev, Square, p. 1061 p. 1046 MAIN IDEAS CRITICAL THINKING Case Study: Latin American Democracies Section 1 Leader Nation Positive 1. USING YOUR NOTES Action Main Ideas (pages 1033–1039) List several leaders who helped their Answers will vary. 9. What are four common democratic practices? nations make democratic progress. 10. What group held up democratic progress in both Brazil For each, cite one positive action. 9. free elections, citizen participation, and Argentina until the 1980s? 2. ANALYZING ISSUES majority rule, constitutional The Challenge of Democracy in Africa Section 2 CULTURAL INTERACTION What are some examples from this government (pages 1040–1045) chapter in which the negative impact of one culture on another blocked democratic progress? 10. the military 11. What brought about the civil war in Nigeria? 12. What were three significant steps toward democracy taken 3. SYNTHESIZING 11. Ethnic conflict between the Igbo on by South Africa in the 1990s? Consider what conditions helped democratic movements succeed and what conditions caused difficulties for them. one side and the Hausa-Fulani and The Collapse of the Soviet Union Section 3 What do you think were their hardest challenges? Yoruba on the other led the Igbo (pages 1046–1051) region to secede. The government 13. What were the main reforms promoted by Soviet leader 4. DRAWING CONCLUSIONS went to war to reunify the country. Mikhail Gorbachev? ECONOMICS How does a nation’s economy affect its 14. What was the August Coup and how did it end? democratic progress? 12. legalization of the ANC, holding of 5. SUMMARIZING all-race (universal) elections, writing What were Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms for China? of a new constitution and bill of rights 13. glasnost, perestroika, democratization 14. an attempt in 1991 by hardline Communists to force Gorbachev to 18 Years of Democratic Struggles 1989 resign and to undo his reforms; failed PROGRESS TOWARD DEMOCRACY Poland Legalizes Solidarity trade because the people would not go union; agrees to free elections Germany Opens Berlin Wall and 2000 Mexico Ends along with it starts reunification process 71 years of PRI rule 1991 Soviet Union 15. Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Hungary Disbands Communist Party Breaks up peacefully 1999 Nigeria Czechoslovakia Holds free elections into 15 republics Holds free elections Czechoslovakia, and Romania Romania Overthrows a dictator 1996 South Africa 16. The loss of Tito’s leadership allowed 1985 Brazil 1986 Soviet Union Adopts new constitution 2000 1983 Argentina Elects civilian Begins economic ethnic conflicts to rise to the ­surface; Holds first free government reforms 1995 when Serbia tried to dominate the election in 37 years 1990 1980 1985 other republics, several of them 1990 1983 Nigeria declared independence. Military overthrows 1989 China 1995 civilian rule Government massacres 17. Zhou Enlai made overtures to the protesters calling for democracy 1993 Russia 2000 Yeltsin orders troops United States, and Deng Xiaoping 1991 Yugoslavia SETBACKS TO to attack opponents in Ethnic conflicts lead to breakup parliament building initiated economic reforms. DEMOCRACY of country; years of war follow 18. It massacred demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, publicly lied 1066 Chapter 35 about what had happened, and continued to repress the pro-democracy movement. CRITICAL THINKING 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CA.indd 1066 5/28/10 4:04:29 PM Answers will vary. 3. Advantages—Increasing literacy rates and ­quality 1. Raúl Alfonsín—Reformed democracy and econ- of life; worldwide media. Difficulties—Colonial omy; Nelson Mandela—Protested apartheid and legacy, ethnic and racial conflicts, oppressive gov- called for economic reform and reconciliation; ernments, centrally controlled economies. Most Mikhail Gorbachev—Initiated reforms. challenging—Ethnic and racial conflicts. 2. The legacy of colonialism hindered democratic 4. A floundering economy can make political reform progress in Africa; ethnic clashes in Eastern difficult. Likewise, political chaos can make it Europe led to civil war. difficult to achieve economic reform. 5. Deng initiated economic reforms, including the lease of land to individual farmers, encourage- ment of small business and foreign investment, and a partial return to the profit motive.

1066 Chapter 35


Use the quotation and your knowledge of world history to Use this political cartoon and your knowledge of world answer questions 1 and 2. history to answer question 3.

STANDARDS-BASED ASSESSMENT Whatever else you can say about the new Hong Kong, it will be more Chinese. Liu Heung-shing, the editor of the new Hong Kong magazine The Chinese, says that “for any 1. The correct answer is letter B. Letter meaningful art and culture to take off here, Hong Kong A is incorrect because it is Hong Kong must find somewhere to anchor itself. To find that anchor, people will have to go north [to mainland China].” . . . rather than China that is seeking a Increasing numbers of Hong Kong’s Cantonese speakers new cultural inspiration after Britain are studying mainland Mandarin. . . . At the same time that returned it to the control of China. [Hong Kong] must resist China to retain Britain’s legacy of Leader Nation Positive rule of law, it knows that the most logical place for it to Letter C is incorrect because Hong Action turn for commerce and culture is China. Kong needs to replace the Western ORVILLE SCHELL, “The Coming of Mao Zedong Chic” influence of Britain, Europe, and America with the nearby Chinese 1. What is the main change that is taking place in Hong Kong’s 3. What is the cartoon saying about the state of communism in culture. Letter D is incorrect because culture? Poland, China, and the Soviet Union? as an island community, Hong Kong A. China is looking to Hong Kong for cultural inspiration. A. Communism is thriving. is dependent upon others for its B. Hong Kong is turning to China for cultural inspiration. B. Communism is helping nations gain economic health. livelihood and vitality. C. Hong Kong is turning to the West for cultural inspiration. C. Communism is failing around the world. D. Hong Kong is turning inward. D. Communism is sick but will recover. 2. Letter A is the correct answer. Letter B 2. What point of view might a Hong Kong politician have about is incorrect because people who have this change? experienced relative freedom and inde- A. may fear China will restrict the city’s freedoms pendence would be unlikely to favor B. may welcome tighter controls from China For additional test practice, go online for: tighter controls. Letter C is incorrect C. may threaten military action against China • Diagnostic tests because Hong Kong is a small island • Tutorials D. may vow never to cooperate with mainland China with no military. Letter D is incorrect • Strategies because it is in Hong Kong’s interests as an island business-oriented commu- nity to get along with its neighbors. 18 Years of Democratic Struggles MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY 3. Letter C is the correct answer. Letter A PROGRESS TOWARD 1989 DEMOCRACY Poland Legalizes Solidarity trade REVOLUTION On page 1032, you considered why so many Creating a Virtual Field Trip is incorrect because communism is union; agrees to free elections people want democracy. Now that you’ve read the chapter, With two other classmates, plan a two-week virtual field trip failing around the world. Letter B is Germany Opens Berlin Wall and 2000 Mexico Ends have your explanations changed? Would you add anything to to explore the sights in China, including the Forbidden City starts reunification process 71 years of PRI rule what you said before? Would you change anything you said incorrect because Communist econo- 1991 Soviet Union and the sites of the 2008 Summer Olympics. After selecting Hungary Disbands Communist Party Breaks up peacefully 1999 Nigeria before? mies are being replaced around the Czechoslovakia Holds free elections into 15 republics Holds free elections and researching the sites you’d like to visit, use maps to Romania Overthrows a dictator determine your itinerary. Consider visiting these places and world by market economies. Letter D is 1996 South Africa enjoying these excursions: 1985 Brazil 1986 Soviet Union Adopts new constitution 2000 FOCUS ON WRITING incorrect because democratic govern- 1983 Argentina Elects civilian Begins economic • Sites of the 2008 Summer Olympic games 1995 ments and free-market economies are Holds first free government reforms A government official has asked you for suggestions on how to • Sites around Beijing election in 37 years 1990 replacing Communist governments and move a Communist economy to a free-market economy. Go • Great Wall 1980 1985 through the chapter and compile a “Things to Do” report based economies around the world. 1990 • A cruise along the Chang Jiang or Huang He rivers 1983 Nigeria on actions that other governments have taken. Consider the Military overthrows 1989 China 1995 following issues: • Three Gorges Dam Government massacres civilian rule • unemployment • Shanghai protesters calling for democracy 1993 Russia 2000 Formal Assessment Yeltsin orders troops • inflation For each place or excursion, give one reason why it is an 1991 Yugoslavia SETBACKS TO to attack opponents in important destination on a field trip to China. Include pictures • Chapter Test, Forms A, B, and C, pp. 580–591 Ethnic conflicts lead to breakup parliament building • political effects DEMOCRACY of country; years of war follow and sound in your presentation. • social upheaval ExamView® Test Generator on the Teacher One Stop Struggles for Democracy 1067 • Form A in Spanish

FOCUS ON WRITING MULTIMEDIA ACTIVITY 9-12_SNLAESE491127_0835CA.indd 1067 6/16/10 11:20:21 AM Ask students to list the explanations they Rubric Reports should mention Rubric Virtual field trips should would add, delete, or change. Most will • granting individual farmers ownership of the • list a number of interesting sites to visit. probably note that everyone wants those rights land they work. • provide informative details about each site. and privileges that democracy supports, such • restoring the profit motive to the economy. • give persuasive reasons for visiting as freedom of speech and worship and the • allowing foreign investment. each destination. right to pursue economic opportunity. • making state-owned industries more efficient, or perhaps privatizing them. • include relevant pictures and sound. • gradually allowing greater freedoms.

Teacher’s Edition 1067

9-12_SNLAETE491264_0835CA.indd 1067 7/15/10 8:48:02 AM