Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 for the Island of Ireland
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 for the Island of Ireland Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide for the Island of Ireland September 2008 Prepared for Sustainable Energy Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland by: CSA Group in association with Byrne Ó Cléirigh, Ireland British Geological Survey, UK Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC), Australia Acknowledgment This report has been prepared through the collaborative team efforts of the following geoscientists and engineers in Ireland, UK and Australia: Dr Deirdre Lewis CSA Group, Ireland (Project Manager) Mr Richard Vernon CSA Group, Ireland Mr Nick O’Neill CSA Group, Ireland Mr Ric Pasquali CSA Group, Ireland Mr Tom Cleary Byrne Ó Cléirigh, Ireland Ms Michelle Bentham British Geological Survey, UK Ms Karen Kirk British Geological Survey, UK Dr Andy Chadwick British Geological Survey, UK Mr David Hilditch CO2CRC, Australia Dr Karsten Michael CO2CRC, CSIRO Australia Dr Guy Allinson CO2CRC, UNSW, Australia Dr Peter Neal CO2CRC, UNSW, Australia Dr Mihn Ho CO2CRC, UNSW, Australia The guiding inputs of the Steering Group to this study are gratefully acknowledged, in particular: Mr Graham Brennan, SEI Mr Bob Hanna, DCENR Mr Peter Croker, PAD Dr John Morris, GSI Mr Garth Earls and Mr Derek Reay, GSNI, Mr Frank McGovern, Mr Michael McGettigan and Ms Maria Martin of EPA Dr Morgan Bazilian, DCENR Considerable consultation took place with many others, whose inputs are also gratefully acknowledged: Mr Tom Reeves, Commissioner for Energy Regulation Mr Fergus Murphy and Mr Kieron Carroll, Marathon (Ireland) Mr.
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