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THIS Atlas is specially intended to be used with the for the tropics, but is useful as indicating the significance Elementary Commercial Geography published by the of the great lowland areas which characterise the tem-

Cambridge University Press, but it is hoped that such perate zones. a series of maps, illustrating the elementary facts of eco- In the tropics, as mentioned, climatic conditions nomic geography, will be of general use to students. The favour the gi'owth of population rather on the highlands

work falls into two broad divisions ; the first containing than the lowlands; but the difficulties of communication maps presenting facts on the world-scale, on which the retard the commercial development of the former areas. teaching of principles may be based ; the second giving a P. 4. In using these maps, it should first be made consistent series of maps for each , sufficiently clear that the temperatures shown are reduced to - detailed, it is hoped, to be of use for regional stud}'. level, and some idea of the effect of altitude on tempera- The object of this Introduction is to indicate a logical ture given—in general terms, that the latter diminishes method of study, by linking facts together in a natural by 1°F. for every 300 feet rise. This fact needs emphasis, order and thus building up a composite picture. For however, when the human geography has to be correlated this purpose only the world-maps have been dealt with, with this map, and should not here be allowed to confuse as the line of reasoning developed may be applied to any the explanation of the hot and cold over the , from the special maps in the second part. For 's surface generally, and the occurrence of monsoon the facts and figures necessary for detailed regional study, regions. the student is referred to the Elementary Gomrtiercial The aim in studying this set of maps, as indeed Geography already mentioned. throughout this Atlas, should be rather to grasp the

P. 1. This map, epitomising the world's political scientific laws which they demonstrate than to memorise development but omitting all the factors of which human the facts without vmderstanding them. The first con- geography is built up, would in a purely logical order ception should be of a torrid zone encircling the earth, figm'e rather at the end than the beginning of an Atlas. moving north and south with the sun's progress. The differential heating water then It will, of com'se, be useful throughout ; and for its use of land and may be as an opening to this work certain general points should explained as the great modifying factor ; how the latter, owing to its greater specific heat, is raised or lowered in be noted ; e.g., the spread of the spheres of influence of temperatm'e slowly than the former. European Powers over the world's surface ; the two great much more The

Eastern races (both situated outside the tropics) being effects of this can be clearly seen from the maps ; how the only ones which have with any success resisted their the land in summer, especially in the interior of conti- advance. Again, the world-wide extension of the British nents, becomes far more heated than the sea in the same

Empire, which may be connected with the number of latitude ; whereas in winter the air over the sea is islands under her flag, both largely due to the warmer than that over the land. initiative of her early navigators and settlers. This The influence of prevailing winds on climate should again is rooted in the facts of Britain's insular situation be pointed out. The clearest illustration of this effect is the westerly region of the and temperate climate ; and thus a chain of cause and wind , effect may be built up between the mere physical en- in which the western coasts of are uniformly vironment of a race, and a world-wide Empire. warmer than the eastern. In the , owing to the different distribution of land, this is not so all geo- P. 2, 3. The physical map is the basis of apparent. Commercial geography, concerned with graphical study. Note. In using these and any other world maps the earth, must necessarily first the activities of men on showing climatic conditions, the terms "summer" and itself as the home of man, favourable consider the earth " winter" should be used only as descriptive of types of to his development in different regions, or unfavourable climate (e.g. a region of winter rains), not as represent- retarding commerce and the migrations encouraging or ing the conditions over the earth's surface in any one rivers, , and of peoples by the distribution of month. barriers. It is therefore essential to obtain the first a sound general knowledge of the earth's surface, to P. 5. These maps also show facts in an arbi- which all other facts can be related. The physical map trary manner for the sake of clearness, and it should be should be used primarily in its relations with the others explained that all pressures shown are reduced to sea- level. reference being constantly made from them to it ; and the far-reaching influence of physical factors upon every The system of high-pressure belts is clearly shown aspect of geography made clear. on the annual map, and the facts as to the distribution It may here be shown, rather as an aid to memory of pressure and the direction of winds can be easily than a burden upon it, how the dense populations of explained when the concept of these belts, and of their the world are settled in its lowland areas, where the seasonal variation with the sun, has been grasped. The conditions as regards climate, soil, and access are on the map should be stvidied collaterally with the elementary rising whole far more favourable. This rule hardly holds good facts of air circulation—the and inflow of air over INTRODUCTION

P. 10. Ocean currents should be studied in relation there are no linguistic obstacles to a to the permanent wind-systems of the globe, and the commercial union of the States, save in the case of general correspondence in their directions grasped. The ; while in the British Empire, a loose political surface counter-currents, which do not follow the direc- federation, areas occur (note specially South and tion of any wind, should be noted, although it must be Eastern ), in which English is by no means the understood that these are small compared with the supreme language. This of course happens elsewhere, little-known deep return currents. In many cases the especially in Central ; and in many cases, owing surface counter-currents have important effects ; e.g. to attempts by the Governments concerned to stamp out the Labrador current, to which may be traced the ice- the languages in question, is the cause of much bitter berg obstructions to navigation during winter in the feeling and administrative friction. North Atlantic, the fogs over the Grand Bank, and (to some extent) the rigorous winter climate of New Pages 11 — 16: The distribution of commodities. England. These will be most conveniently considered in two The map of oceanic drainage basins brings out the groups ; viz. (a) those relating to mineral products not great advantage enjoyed by Atlantic countries over the dependent on climate, in which the facts must be rest of the world, from the aspect of easy communications. memorised, and (6) those showing commodities whose That ocean is surrounded by rivers and enclosed distribution may be connected, on a climatic basis, with giving access into the heart of the land, while the easy the facts already studied. has but five and the Pacific no more rivers {a) Products not dependent on climate. of considerable navigability. The rivers are of little value as highways, although the interior portions Gold and Silver. The precious metals are great of their courses are in many cases important routes. sources of wealth in the countries where they are ex- Areas of inland drainage occur in desert regions, but ploited, and in most cases give a high commercial often develop high civilisations in favoured spots ; e.g. importance to regions which would otherwise be almost the cities of Merv and Samarkand in Central . negligible (e.g. the Yukon and the Western Australian The density of population in anj' area can only be desert). understood after all the geographical facts, and some Iron and Lead. Iron is of world-wide demand, and non-geographical, affecting that area have been grasped its widespread distribution causes it to be worked in outline. Four areas of dense population stand out wherever conditions are favourable, i.e. wherever in- conspicuously on the map ; Central and , dustry is highly enough advanced to cause a demand for , the Indian plain, and Eastern . it. Like the other base metals, however, it occurs almost In each case, save the last, they are regions of long entirely in the form of ore, and requires smelting before history and ancient civilisation ; North America is a it can be used. projection of European race and culture into a new but Industrial regions develop where iron is found in the favourable environment. The geographical conditions neighbourhood of coal or of any other smelting agent should be studied for each region ; in each case will be (e.g. charcoal as in Sweden, or oil as in ). Of the found a lowland area of easy access, with a climate two, however, iron is the more mobile, as it is unprofit- characterised by no extremes of either heat or cold. able to transport coal for smelting purposes.

These conditions hold good for the other smaller areas Coal and Petroleum. Fuel is still overwhelmingly in which dense populations have grown up. From these the greatest source of power as applied to human life, regions the density of habitation diminishes as conditions and is the prime necessity in the development of an till in areas of extreme are less and less favourable ; the industrial region. Petroleum, owing to its greater climate, whether that extreme be cold as in the tundra mobility, is coming more and more into general use, but regions, dry heat as in the deserts, or moist all great centres of industry are at present located on heat as in the , population is scantiest. coalfields, or in proximity to water power for generating

It is essential to consider the distribution as shown electricity, and a useful exercise in this direction is to on the special map for each region, and to work out in connect the coalfields with the regions of densest popu- detail the conditions affecting the distribution of man. lation in different countries. This, however, serves to Even on this general map many instances of regions still illustrate on the other hand the element of human awaiting normal settlement can be clearly seen ; e.g. energy which stands so greatly outside geographic in- Canada (to mention only the largest example). For this fluences. The Chinese coalfields, estimated to be the purpose the map on pp. 8—9 (showing the regions still largest in the world, are still very little developed ; while undeveloped) will be found useful. those in the and , which countries stand second and third respectively as coal- producers, are of small extent when compared to those P. 11. Commercial languages. Language is not a of several other countries. barrier, but often forms an obstacle to the spread of Copper and Tin. Both these metals play important is true in the case of England, commerce. This especially parts in modem life, and are the bases of important merchants often fail to seize openings in foreign whose industries. The United States is the greatest producer owing to the difficulties of speech. markets of copper, while tin is most largely found in the Malay The map should be correlated with that showing the States. Many of the areas shown on the map are pro- political divisions of the world, and the points of con- ducers only on a local scale and have little importance trast noticed. Thus it will be seen that in the case of in world-commerce. INTRODUCTION

Cocoa. The cacao tree, from which cocoa is prepared, (6) Products dependent on climate. requires a tropical climate with abundant moisture. It

Tmiher. The production of timber for export in a is thus confined to the tropics, and even there grown region depends on facilities for water transport, as only only on coastal lowlands and along rivers. The crop by this means can timber be profitably can'ied. The requires less labour to prepare it for export than does map should be carefully compared with that showing coffee or tea, and hence succeeds in regions where the

the vegetation of the globe, and the large areas still others are barred by lack of population. imexploited from lack of communications noted. Wine. The vine is essentially a temperate plant,

Meat. This and the following map may be used to and its distribution is rigidly limited by climatic con- illustrate the dependence of great industrial regions on ditions, the parallel of 53° N. marking its extreme foreign food supplies. The United Kingdom affords the northern growth. , , and are the

clearest example, but all industrial regions, even where largest producers of wines ; although many other regions domestic agriculture is highly protected, exhibit the of smaller production are famous for special brands. tendency. partly of the same The industry is not very mobile ; because Wheat. The importance of this product may be easily fact that wine preparation is a skilled industry, still realised in a wheat-consuming country such as England. more because the demand for wine is highly conser- This cereal is now grown in nearly all regions where the vative. climate is favourable; while the plant itself exhibits a Tobacco. The tobacco plant is of hardy growth, and close adaptation to its conditions of growth. can be cultivated almost anywhere provided that the Of the other cereals, maize needs a warmer climate young plants are protected from frost. Hence the

than wheat, and hence is found towards the equatorial product is of wide distribution, the chief producing limit of cultivation of the latter (e.g. the Southern areas being the United States, , and the Russian United States and the Mediterranean). The hardier Empire. Mast European countries, however, grow the

crops, oats, barley, and rye, correspond largely in distri- leaf for home consumption ; the United Kingdom being

bution with wheat, but repay cultivation on poorer soils. a conspicuous exception.

Sugar. This important commodity is derived, as the Wool. The rearing of sheep is a typical occupation map shows, almost entirely different sources of the temperate regions, and as the products^ both of from two ; the beet plant, grown in temperate regions, and the wool and mutton, can be exported without preparation, sugar-cane, a tropical product. The latter, although no great supply of labour is essential. The greatest easier of culture and more productive, is rapidly losing wool-producing countries are , the Argentine,

ground largely owing to the fact that beet can be grown Russia, and the United States ; but it is interesting to

in close proximity to the areas of its consumption. note that the United Kingdom still exports raw wool,

Germany, , and Russia are the most important although so much is imported for rnanufaotm'e. producers of beet, and the Cotton. The cotton plant is confined to sub-tropical of cane sugar. and tropical regions, and only to those areas characterised Rice. The conditions of growth of rice demand not by bright, rather dry summers. The chief growing areas

only a tropical climate, but also a very abundant supply are the United States, , and India ; although the

of moisture. Hence it is most cultivated along rivers crop is now being developed in many other regions.

and in their deltas. The abundant growth of the plant The United Kingdom is still the greatest manufacturer

(which gives at least two crops annually) enables a very of cotton goods, as of woollens, although the industry is

dense population to subsist upon it ; thus rice-growing steadily growing in the regions of production. The regions are the most densely peopled agricultural areas cotton grown in China is mainly manufactured in that of the world. This fact, however, restricts export trade coimtry. in the commodity, and the European supplies of rice are Rubber. Rubber is derived from the coagulated juice

in fact largely derived from Burma, where the population of various species of trees, all of which, however, grow

is not so dense as in the areas of greater production. only in tropical regions of abundant moisture. Only

Tea and Coffee. Tea is a sub-tropical plant of fairly within recent years has the product become widely used, hardy growth, which flourishes on sloping hillsides. As and the great rise in annual production has been accom- yet it is hardly grown save in Asia; and the need of an panied by an equally striking rise in price, which in turn abundant supply of cheap labour in order to prepare the has led to systematic rubber plantation in new areas. crop for the market hinders its spread. The plant is The Amazon basin is by far the greatest producing area, native to China, but the Indian and Ceylon tea-export the second in importance being West Africa, where now greatly surpasses that from the former region. conditions are almost exactly similar.

Coffee requires a warmer and moister climate for its Silk. The silk of commerce is derived from the growth than tea, and hence is found mainly in the cocoon of a species of caterpillar, which subsists best on

tropics. The most important producing area is Brazil, the leaf of the mulberry tree. The product is thus half which now furnishes more than the world's characteristic of the warmer temperate regions ; and supply. was until recent years confined to the Old World. The two crops require similar soil conditions and are China and are the areas of largest production to an extent interchangeable. In this connection the France and the United States the greatest manu- displacement of coffee by tea in Ceylon is noteworthy. facturers. CONTENTS PAOE INTRODUCTION V GENERAL MAPS

The World—Commercial Highways and European Colonies . . 1

The World in Hemispheres, showing height of the land and depth of the sea I. 3 Isothermal Lines 4 IsoBARic Lines and Winds 5 Rainfall 6 Regional Vegetation 7

The World—Regions commercially developed . B, 9 Ocean Currents, Drainage Basins and Population 10 Commercial Languages and Production of Gold 11

The World's Sources of Supply : Silver and Precious Stones 12 Iron and Lead. Coal and Petroleum 12 Copper and Tin. Timber. Meat 13 Wheat. Sugar. Rice .... 14 Tea and Coffee. Cocoa and Wine. Tobacco 15 Wool. Cotton. Rubber and Silk 16


Atlantic Ocean 17 Europe—Physical. Winter and Summer Climate 18, 19 Europe—Political. Vegetation and Population 20, 21 Central and —Commercial. Density of Population 22, 23 The British Isles: Winter and Summer Climate. Rainfall and Co-Tidal Lines. Vegetation and Distribution of Crops ...... 24 Agriculture, Mining, Fishing. Industries. Physical. Density of Population 25 Asia—Physical. Winter and Summer Climate 26, 27

Asia—Political. Vegetation and Population . 28, 29 Southern Asia—Commercial 30, 31 Africa—Physical 32 Africa—Political 33

Africa—Climate, Vegetation and Population . 34

Central and —Commercial . 35 North America— Physical 36 North America—Political 37 North America—Climate, Vegetation and Population 38 Dominion of Canada—Commercial .... 39 LTnited States, , Central America and West Indies —Commercial, Climate and Population 40, 41 South America—Physical. Climate .... 42 South America— Political. Vegetation and Population 43 South America— Commercial 44 The Commonwealth of Australia .... 45 Dominion of 46

Australasia—Climate, Vegetation and Population . 47 Australasia and —Political and Communications 48 Index b—i^

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ffeorj-'.lfubp S: S.m.L'T^ Th^LanJ^m &eD£^ap}dtal Jnitmiix. RAINFALL


90 75 60 45 30 15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 160

g a II 7 p.m. p.m. p.m. 10 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a lOa.m. a.m. 12 noon I p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4a.m. 6 j.m. 6 p.m. 8 9

T 1



[ I Under £1 rn £1—£2 10s. £2 10s.— £5 £5— £10 S £10— £25 (£25—£50 M Over £50

90 75 60 45 30 15 15 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150


165 180 165 150 135 120 105 90

p.m. l2Biitdiilght I

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Tfio London. Geoffrophioal InatiOjti' 10 OCEAN CURRENTS. DRAINAGE BASINS & POPULATION

•miJ^lp i, &„ i<.- n^ UnUn, ,:,<^.:f.„i.^ i,,,„; COMMERCIAL LANGUAGES & PRODUCTION OF GOLD

Ge^-rfj&Tluhp & SartL'^ Il\^ Londiin htJgraphical In^dtutc .,


SILVER A YEAR'S PRODUCTION (Value in £'» stalini)) Mexico 8,439,]67 Uuited States 6,403,984 Canada 2,644,540 GevmaiiV 1,532,428 843,047 Australia 716.288 Bolivia 479,257 Japan 448,167 Spain 400,000?

DIAMONDS A YEAR'S PRODUCTION (Value in Jo's sterling)

Cape of Good Hope ... 4,419,789 Transvaal 1,580,800 Orange Free State ... 1,288,420 German S.W. Africa ... 1,060,500 Brazil 96,717 Rhodesia 11,000 British Gniana 6,188

IRON A YEAR'S PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON Tons United States 26,981,019 Germany 13,118,764

United Kingdom , 9,e78.804 France 3,591,641 Russia 2,769,000 Austiiii- 1,724,511 1,401,946 Canada 692,068 STEEL United States 24,490,000

Germany ... 12,265,000 United Kingdom 6,040,000 France 3,102,000 Russia 2,694,000 Austria-Hungary 1,984,000 Belgium 1,489,000 LEAD United States 350,586

Germany ... 154,988 Spain 118,712 Mexico 105,444

Australia ... 80,050 Italy 40,395 United Kingdom 22,381

COAL A YEAR'S PRODUCTION 2'oiis Uuited States 433,631,185 United Kingdom 265,403,763 Germany ... 195,904,496 France 36.878,720 Austria-Hungary 25,241,078 Belgium 23,559,750 Russia 21,368,000 Japan 13,353,509 India 11,372,254 Canada 11,056,206 Australia ... 9.700,533 China 8,932,000 PETROLEUM A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Gallons United States 7.144,000,000 Russia 2,641.000,000 An.stria 418,'244,000 Dutch 389,989,000 Rumania 353,020,000 India 224,003,000 COAL & Mexico 136,384,000 Japan 69,880,010 PETROLEUM The ahom tables give the average of the last Jour years available.

ft-.,r„-4jMf ,t,v„„iWD,..I™iWCe.v'-i!ptai.iiii«uM

COPPER A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Tom United States 490.660 Mexico 60,4f.9 Spain anil 51,705 Japan 43,235 Cliile 40,341

Australia ... 39,036 Germany 33,583 Canada 27,865



United States ... 682,830,000

Eiissia in Europe ... 596,700,000

India ... 311,300,000

France ... 295,700,000

Austria-Hungary ... 227,100,000

Argentina ...... 188,700,000

Italy ... 150,-200,000

Germany ...... 138,200,000

Canada ... 122.400,000

Spain ... 115,800.000

Australia ...... 75,700.000

Rumania ...... 64,400,000

United Kingdom ... 59,400,000

SUGAR A YEAR'S PRODUCTION CANE Tons India 2.095,500 1,481, '200 Java 1,009,485 524,631 British West Indies and British Guiana 280 086 Brazil 259.000 Porto Eico 233,880 United States 224,764

Australia ... 211,432 Mauritius 205,784

BEET Tons Germany 2,101,703 Russia 1,126.211 Ausiiia-Hungary. 1.082,160 Fiance 694.225 United States 437,649 Belgium 270.763

RICE A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Tons ' China 24,500,000 India 22.100,000 Java 4,700,000 Japan 4,700,000 French Indo-China 2,200,000 Siam 1,500,000 Italy 786,000 United States 718,000

The above tahleg give the ava-age o.f the last four years a milabie.

';ejrtf.- FiiT^ .£ S^n L"^ ITur LtrnJ^ Gc^pnipliical InstiUjif THE WORLD'S SOURCES OF SUPPLY 15


India .. 254,613,636 China .. 203,183,466 Ceylon .. 183,547,603 Japan .. 66,210,750 Java 26,610,859 * Exports only.

COFFEE A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Lbs. Brazil 2,369,100,000 Guatemala... 90,010,000

Colombia ... . 70,000,000

Dutoli Bast Indies . 69,770,000

Haiti . 64,700,000 Mexico 62,200,000

Salvador ... 60,900.000

Venezuela ... 56,300,000

COCOA A YEAR'S PRODUCTION ans Ecuador ,289 St. Thomas (W. Africa) 593 Brazil 065 Trinidad ;248 British West Africa ,104 Venezuela... 115 Santo Domingo ... 383 Grenada 5,329

WINE A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Gallons France 1, '240,750,000 Italy 835,399,000 Spain 403,119,000 191.339,000 Austria-Hungary 153,826,000

Portugal ... 98.184,000

Germany ... 55,655,000

TOBACCO A YEAR'S CROP Cwts United States 6,575,000 India 5,000,000'; Russia 1,480,000 Dutch East Indies 1.012,000

Anstria-Hungary .. 955,000 Japan 875,000 Germany 571,000 Cuba 407,000


Holland ... 7-5 Belgium 6.6 United States 5.8

Germany ... 35 Canada 2-72

Austria- Hungary . 2 68

Australia ... 2-58 France 2 2

United Kingdom . 2 05

The above tables gioe the auerafje of tfie last four years available.

Oi-.TTcj.^ Buhf.' i- ,'','n L^ Th^' L^nJ..^n ''...'^'rapiiu^U Irh'tiJui.: . 16 THE WORLD'S SOURCES OF SUPPLY

WOOL A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Lbs. Australia 628,506,000 417,723.000 Russia and 360,000,000 United States 313,694,000 New Zealand 184,317,000

United Kingdom ... 140,000,000

A YEAR'S EXPORTS OF MANUFACTURED WOOLLENS £ United Kingdom 33,621,000 Germany 13.924,000 France 12,138,000 Austria Hungary 3,070,000 Belgium 2,472,000

COTTON A YEAR'S PRODUCTION OF RAW COTTON Lbs. United St.ites 5,885.206.000 India 1,583,700 000 Egypt 724,996,000 Ciiina 225,000,000? •Brazil 19,168,000

• KxporU onlif.

CHIEF MANUFACTURING COUNTRIES No. of Spiiidles United Kingdom 56.500,000 United States 29,003,000 Germany 10.480,000 Kussia 8,672,000 France 7,300,000 India 6.136,000

RUBBER A YEAR'S PRODUCTION Tom Brazil 38,100 West Coast of Africa .. 15,500 Further India and E. Indies 11,700 Mexico 9,300 Congo and Sudan 6,200 Bolivia 3,070 Peru 2,750 Ceylon and India 2,700 SILK A YEAR'S PRODUCTION OF RAW SILK Lba. China 13,345,000 Italy 12,755,000 Japan 12,725.000 Asia Minor 3,051 000 India 2,630,000 ? Tongking ... 1.589,000 France 1,380.000 Balkan States 1,200,000

The above tables give the averaije of the last four years available.

{"jjiPhibp £ S^nL^ Thf L

100 ISO 140 130 120 UO 100 90 80 70 SO 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

ZI^Mavn JS.OOOJ'eet eO0O-12X)O0 - 3000 6000 .,

600 - 3000 ,.

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4-b ;7uiy Isotherms —29-8 — ..' Isohaps Summer Rainfall

Under 5 inches 5- to lO-ZO • 20-30 " 30-40 " Oyer 4V -

'^Fliilif,' Ji : on I ''^ I^u- LjTidon Si^^aphicjl Inttu 20 EUROPE

friiKipal Rftilwav.s

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Ihy LjTiJt^n C'^'tiraplujj.jl Im CENTRAL & SOUTHERN

-Sifi— Steamer RmjtRs {Bistmujes ttl' NauticoL Mde.iJ Scale 1:15.000.000 (240 ixriles linch; :UROPE-COMMERCIAL

Coalfields O Iron Ore '^ Gold S Silver - Copper T fin >- Zetid P Fetroleum tries

• CbttoTt H- Woollens m Lijueiv O Silk- "* Leather • Pottery D Glass O OierrdcaLa -^ fr(tn*5teel Si . pbuildjji^

-^,7. •,'C^^i F.-dM^i &, Zt^ Ih^l.'nyl -n J.-,-', y^-la.: loo aoo 300 StntuieMUes ,. 24 BRITISH ISLES-GLIMATE and VEGETATION

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Scale 1:10,000.000 (leOmiles-lincli)




Scale l-30,00a000l480 miles-1 inch) COMMERCIAL

TTje rixOif ifc Sen ZT'' The Lrnd^-'i t}scjr,iphis^ IriAnfui.

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" Bar el Set' iBaniiisCTXS \enfsfilem., S y ^z ctn C-Ghir Desert -. - 30 Shiraz

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\. da, Qinhcb I -fWl

c GowthLfBrJ 40 50 eo lYindpal'JUtihfi^s European. Possessions &c. I

\ A 3riiish 1 I PortUffuAse \IM}^ Spamsh 10 Sast front 20 Grumrich, 30 40 ^ I 1 Frairh I German I I Rohan

ly^'ThQqj Sa SanL'r'Ihi.Landor. Hcogr^IiiccJ. InttiajXa. o_ Scale 1: 40,000,000 ( 640 Bules -1 iiicli) -i5So StatiJteMOes 34 ATTRTrA- rT.TMATE.VRrTETATnOT^ & PQFULATIOJsr

i^^rge riiJif £ St-n L'f^ Tli^ Lijrui.fii '!,-^ffrjphical Irwiuuie- CENTRAL AOT) SOUTH AFRICA- COMMERCIAL 35

Gaol Iron. + Goata iMuhairl ^ Diamintd,s q OatrU^es G Gold iw Wheat. C Capper j^ Cereals S Si/*-**- n Si T Iti R Ibihber L Leady ^'"X Oum. & Opals O Salt T Tobtw-co A CatdjEt & BoT-ses 4 ^Mort SA*^&l*Wi + Coco-TUit ISojUe liidUuh Com orMenhjesj and. Millet lEaffir Corn) are grown, itl many porta Toffofiort yavu^ahlc Ru'trs I r' of S.A^'iai hy the Ncdii'cs. "^^ ^ 30 .EQst frorn. Greenwich ^^ sTnnV. .-ituimervl

'<; Philip d& JiV^ i™ The London C^i^raphioal- In^ytil Scale 1:24,000,000 OeOiniles.linct) 2 522 ^9° ^9° ^° 590f/nf„f„jfi7c3 36 NORTH AMERICA - PHYSICAL

REFERr.BCr, oaiid. Sea Bdii»c aOLVFct ' lOOfddumi eooo uooi) • wo -woo L_j3«w (iww _nnm-20(io |_J 600 3000 l3Sdm'2IW(l ^ - ('7*'

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Scale 1 24,000.000 (380nnles-liii< AND WEST INDIES COMMERCIAL

V '""-d I,t tiDjt,_- ^..0 300 «o 50 statuteMOes


B Bor

C coppn^ "^ TohfLCiuy

DiairLon^s • Coffee M MojT.paTif.b-G + CoctfO-.

R eference to State s 1 JWo Groji^dr djoNnrtje' 2 TiwaJiv'ba 3 FefitJXiifbiJLr.0 4 AJaqoas

•/Fl.ihi:.- .£ ,?t',i //'' iTi/f Linuf^n aoo Sa?gr-aphu:4il InaO-OAi Scale 1: 25 000000 (400 miles-linch) 9 ^QQ aoo *qq 50 statuteMU&s


HdHp ASanJfi' I}u:Limdcn. S^ograpydaatltvititnta. -thjj^- SxiUm'clvs Scaie 1:7.500000 (120 miles-lmch) ?.


With the numbers of the Maps in which they are situated.

By using the foUowiDg list of countries in conjunction with the Index-gazetteer, the particular map in which any required name is located can readily be (ound. Tims if A.ilborg is the required name, a reference to the Index will sliow chat this place is in , while the list below shows that Denmark is included in Ma)i No. 22,

Country. — n E — B INDEX.

7/1/- Intitufifn and linujititdes given are jiriinnviJii it

A.P.I1I1EVIATIONS.— .lir/i., Arc>hi|ii'liino— S., Bay, Bi-lit— «./., llrr^'— AY., British— r,,;,,, {'miiil -('., rinpr— CA., I :|i;lhih1— Co., Ommts'—Llisi.. Di-trirt — ftir . Di vision— 0?/., DucriT— /•'./., rstljliiiis /?, Fn,t— ;'., Firtli— Fiord — /'V.. I'miriL — O,, (iull— (/.v., (IrniLiiii — f/. II.. Ciiniil DiU'liV-'.V,, I iivnt— //./,, Hen. I--//;-., lliirbnur—««., Hu.Klita-/,, I.-liiiid -/....— /s/A,, y^u/'f., A'i"'/., Kinplom - L., L;il

A.\LBUl'J.!, Deinnark W .5ira i) 5."iE Agadcs, 0., Sahara 10 57N 7 UOK Alexillatz, Servia -IS 52iN 21 271! Amu Daria, B., Bokhara 40 ON 02 30E Aalesnliil, (>^ l.SN 6 2£Jli Agartala, Bengal 23 .'.ON 91 25K Alhiril, England 53 17N 11 K Amur, R., Siberia 62 ON 128 OE Aar, R., Switserlaial 47 -US 8 On Agdc, Prance 43 20n 3 27K Alfi-elon, Kiiglan.l 53 7N 1 27W Amwas, Palestiue 31 6lN 34 59E Aarau, 47 23N S SK Agon, France 44 ION 35 1.; Algarve, Prov., Pm-tngal 37 15N 8 Ow An Tealleach, Mt., Scotland 67 4SN 6 lliv x 20^' .l-na, Aiiia 34 42 Aarberp, Switzerland 47 2N 7 l.''il'] .Vgra, Agra and ( ludli 27 ION 77 .52K Alg.'.-iriis, Spain 30 8 5 in 34N OE Aargau, Pruv., owltzeriand -17 '2.'>N R lOl-; Agra and Oudh, Pruv., Imlia 27 ION 80 ui: Algeria, N. Africa 34 Ox 4 01! Auamba Is., Dutch E. Indies S 20x 100 lOK Aarlius, Denmark 56 8N W 1-1 K Agram, Uungarv 45 50X 15 5S|.; Algi.Ts. Ahj.-ria 36 S5N 3 SOK .Incona, Italy 4S 38N 13 32E Ababdc, Tribe, Egypt 23 SON 31 CIB Aguas Calieiite.s| :\fe.\ico 22 5N 102 20\v Alg.;a B., Oa[ie Colony 33 .51 Is 25 I5E .\n.lalusia, Dist., Spain 3/ 40N 5 Ow Abaco I.. W. Indies 26 SUN 77 S\y Aguilas, Spain 37 26N 1 40\v Alg.inia, Oaliaila 46 12N 82 3S\y Andaman Is., 12 ON 92 45E Abann, R., Pale.itine 33 30N 36 lOK Agullias Bank, S. Africa 36 OS 22 Ok A he-ante, Spain S8 2UN SOW Andermatt, Switzerland 46 37N 8 37E It Aburim, Mts. of, Palestine 31 40N S.l 42K Agulhas, C, Cape Colnnv 31 .58s 20 OE Alice .Springs, Australia 23 5i;.s i:::', 5Ji! Anderson Vley, L., Bechuanaland 22 25s 2S Abherley, England 52 18N 2 21iy Ahiiggar I'lat, Sahara 23 ON 5 OE Aligarh, A'gra and Ou.lli 27 5-4X 78 OK , Mts., S. America 30 OS 70 Oiv Abbevilio, Prance 50 7N 1 50is Ahuiadabad, Bombay 23 2N 72 inK Aliwal North, Cape Colony 30 40s 20 38K Andijan, Russian Turkestan 40 54X 72 3Sl! Abbottabad, N.W. Fronti.TProv.3l Ills 73 lOl- Ahniadnagar, Bomiiav 19 6N 74 421! Aliwi.l South, Oalie Colony 31 12s 22 4E An.lorra, Andorra 42 27N 1 SOE Abbotsford, Scitlaml 55 S7N 2 4a\y Aliraura., Agra anil rmdli 25 ON S3 5E Alkniaar, 52 SSN 4 411! Andorra, State, Europe 42 27N 1 30B Abel, Palestine 33 ION 35 S-IE Ahwaz, Persia 31 33N 48 46E AUahahad, Agra and Oudli 25 SOX 81 48K Andover, England 61 12N 1 31\v Abel Shittini, Palestine 31 50N 35 3UK Ai, Palestine SI 54N 35 16E Allan, Bridge of, Seotlanil 50 9N 3 57w Andria, Italy 41 16N 16 16E Abeoknta, Lagos 7 5N 3 S2[.] Aidin, Turkey in Asia 37 50N 28 7E Alius Sir., Uu-ch K. In.lies 8 50S 115 40E Andros, I., 37 50N 24 SOE Alioraerou, Wales 52 13x 4 17w Ailsa Craig, I., Scotland 55 15X 5 0-w A Ile, R., Pru.=jiia .54 27x 21 OE Au.lros, I., W. Indies 24 40N 77 5517 Alieravon, Wales 51 35N 3 46W Aiu, Dept., France 40 4N 6 281! Alleghany Mts., Unit.-.l Stales 39 Ox so 0\y Anethou, Pic d', Mt., France 42 SON 54 B Aberdare, Wales 61 4Sx S 27\y Aintab, Turkey in Asia 37 4N 37 25 k Allegheny, United States 40 SSN .:i 59W Angara, R., Siberia 65 OX 103 OE Aberrleen, Scotland 57 lllN 2 5\y Air, Dist., Sahara 18 ON 7 301! Allen, Bog ..f, 53 15n 7 15w Angernian, R., Sweden 64 ON 17 OE Angers, Aberdeen, Co., Scotlaiai 57 22N 2 SOW Aird, The, I. Scotlaiai 67 45N 18\v Allen, L , Ireland 54 7X S 3W France 47 SON 34-\v Alierdovev, Wales 52 3lN 4 3\v Airdrie, Scotland 65 5Sx 3 69 -\v Allendale, England 54 SOX 2 151V Anglesey, Co., -Wales 53 20N 4 25-n' Aljerfeldv, Scotland 5i; SSN 3 5ny Aire, R., England 53 45N 1 ISw Alli.-iistein, Prussia 53 43 N 20 2UB Angola, Port. W. Africa 12 OS IS OE Alierfoyle, Scotland 56 lUN 4 24\y .\irolu, Switzerland 10 SSN 8 SSK Aller, K., Prussia 52 50N 9 321! Angora, Turkey in Asia 30 ^'}^ 39 27 Abergavenny, England 51 4ilN 3 l^y Aisnc, Dept., France 49 3lN 3 17b Allrssandria, Italy 44 55N 8 351! Angostura, Venezuela 8 IN 03 65iy Abernethy, Scotland 56 20n 3 19^y Aisue, R., France 49 8N 4 50E Allier, Dept., France 46 25N 2 5SE Augoul(:me, France 45 40N 9E Abersyehan, England 61 44N 3 3-\v Aivali, Turkey in Asia 39 20N 20 43k Allier, R., France 45 SN 3 25K Angoumois, Dist., France 45 44N Aberystwith, Wales 52 24N 4 5-\v Aix, France 43 33N 5 20E Alloa, Scotlan.l 56 7N 3 471V Angbrabies Falls, Cape Colony 2S 40s 20 1 IE Ahihi, PaU-stinc 33 33X 36 6B Aix-la-Chaiiclle, Prussia 50 46N 2K Allonhy, England 54 17N 3 27w Angra I'e'iuena, Ger. S.-W, Africa 20 ;iOs 16 lU Ahingilon, 10]iKland 61 39N 1 16^v Ajaccio, Corsica 41 55X 8 SOE Ahuadi'-n, Spain 38 -ION 4 50w Angul, B.:ngal 20 48N 85 5E Abittibi, b., Uaiuula 48 5lN Kd UW Ajalon, Palestine 31 52N 35 IE Almeida, P.u-tugal 40 43N 6 5:iw Angus, Dist., Scotlan.l 56 39N 3 Oiv Abo, Fr. W. Africa 5 42N 6 2UE Ajanta Glials, Berar 20 SOX 76 OK Almeria, Spain 36 6UN 2 SOiy Anhalt. Du., Germany 51 60n 12 OE Anjar, Abo, Russia 60 SUN 22 10k Ajmere, Ajuiere-Merwara 26 SUX 7 I 401: Almond, R., Scotlan.l 55 55N :i 2lw Palestine 33 42x 35 54B Abonie, I'r. W. Africa 7 5N 2 5E Ajmerc-Merwara, Prov., India 20 :i2X 71 UK Almora, Agra and Oli.tli 29 S5N 75 lOi! Anjinad, Travancore 10 5N 77 OE Abor, Tribe, Assam 28 ON 95 OE Ajodhya, Oudh 20 50X 82 lOK Aln. R., England 55 2SN 1 54-lv Anjou, Prov., France 47 ION SOlv Alirantes, Portugal 39 28N 8 llvv Akabah. Turkey in Asia 29 28N SI 55:; Alnwick. Englan.l 55 25N 1 431V Anklam, Prussia 53 51N 14 45 k Abrolhos Is., BrazU 17 56S 38 30W Akasa, 4 30N 5 65E Alost, Belgium 50 5.iN 4 2K Ankor, Slam 13 35N 103 40E .-Vbruzzi and Molise, Prov., Italy 42 ION 14 OK Akashe, Egyptian .Sudan 21 SN 30 42E Alpes, Basses-, Dept., France 44 21 X 17B Annam, St., Indo-China 16 Ox 107 30B Alai, Mt., Rajputana 24 36N 72 42 Akba, B., i'V. W. Africa 7 ION 3 35 \v Alpes, Hantes-, Dept., France 44 42X 6 SfiE Annan, Scotlan.l 65 ON 3 20-w Aim Arisli, Turkey in Asia 16 50.v .13 OE Akerman, Russia 40 IN SO 15B Alpes, Maririmes-, i)e[)t., France 44 4x 6 57E Annaii.lale, Dist., Scotland 55 15N 3 27w Abu Uliabi, Oman 24 32N 64 18E Akhal Tekke, Dist., Turkestan 38 42N 58 21 K Alps, Mts., Europe 46 OX 9 50K Airnapolis, Canada 44 4SN 66 SOW Aim Hable, R., Bgjptian Su-lau 12_30N 31 OE Akka, Turkey in .isia 32 6SN 35 ISE Al[iujarras Mts., Spain 36 62N 3 17iv Annapolis, United States 38 47N 77 61V .^bu Hanied, Egyptian Sudan 19 2/.\ 33 2.SK Akoia, Berar 20 40N 77 OE Alsace, Dist., Germ.iny {see Elsassl Aiinecy, i'rance 45 54N 6 8E

Aliu Haras. Egyptian Sudan 14 25N 3 I 2K Akraliim, Valley, Palestine 31 OX 35 17E Alsb, L., Scotland 57 ION 6 41ir Anuobom, I., Atlantic Oe. 2 0,s 6 lOB Abu Klea, Egyptian Sudan 17 ION 33 3UK Aksii, R., Turkestan 38 ON 74 43 K Alston, Eieglaiid 54 64N 2 271V Ansbacb, Bavaria 49 17N 10 34 B AbyssiiLia, St., Africa 10 ON 40 OB Akyab, Burma 20 ISX 92 45E Alt, R., Hungary 45 4SN 24 52B Anseba, R., Eritrea 16 40X 38 2oB Acapulco, Mexico 16 57N 99 65-\y Ala Shan Mts., Jtoiigolia 39 ON lus ii:: Altai Mts., Asia .50 ON 90 OK Anstruther, Scotland 56 13n 2 411V Acarnania, Prov., Greece 38 42N 21 6]'; Alabama, R., United .States 34 On Si; iiw Altare, Mt., Italy 44 20N 8 121! Antananarivo, JIadagasear 19 OS 47 101! Accra, Gold Coast 5 38x 6w Alatiama, St., Unitc.l States 32 40X si; liu\- Altata, iMexieo 24 43x 108 siy Antequera, Spain 37 5N 4 32-lv Accrington, England 53 3CN 2 25-\y Alagoas, Brazil 9 45s S5 SOW Alt'lorf, Switzerlan.l 46 50X 9 JOE Anti-Libanus. Mts, Palestine 33 45x SO 15e Acliaia, Prov., Greece 38 5N 21 35E Alagoas, St., Brazil 9 17s 37 30\y Alt.''a, Spain 38 35N 2^V Anticosti, I., Canada 49 30N 63 0-w Acbill Hd.. Ireland .53 5SN 10 16w Alai Ra., Russian Turkestan 39 36x 70 01! Altenburg, Germany 51 Ox 12 25E Antigua, I., "W. Indies 17 26x 61 SO-n' Aohill I., Ireland 5S 58N 10 20-\v Alais, France 44 9n- 4 5E Altoua, Gei-mauy 63 32N 9 501! Antilles, Greater, Is., \^. Indies 19 Ox 70 Ow Aobin, Dist., Sumatra 5 ON 96 30K Aland Is., Russia 60 ION 20 OE Altoona, United Stites III UN 78 lOw Antilles, Lesser, Is., W. Indies 15 Sox 01 Ow Aelnierd, Agra aral Oudh 27 ION 77 50E Alautika. Mt., Nigeria 8 30N 10 51 Altrincham, England 53 25N 2 211V Antioch, Turkey in Asia 36 5N 36 66E Acbzib, Palestine 33 2N 35 6E Alaska, Ter., N. America 65 ON 150 OW .Vltstettcn, Switzerland 17 23N 9 S-IK Autipatris, Palestine 32 ON 34 S7B 150 Altvater, Mt.. 50 Is., Paoiflo Acklin I., W. Indies 22 20s 74 lOw Alaska Pen , Alaska 57 Ox av Austria 2N 17 lOK Autipodes Oc. 49 40s 178 SOE Aeoueagua, Mt., Argentina 32 SON 09 S5w Alhacete, Spain 38 58N 1 56w .^Ityu Tagh, Mts., Tibet 39 ON 92 SOE Antivari, Sl.intenegro 42 4N 19 6E Acre, Palestine 32 66.N" 35 4E Albania, Uiv., Turk.-y 41 30N 20 lOE AInta, IL, 44 ox 24 351! Antohigastii, 23 .52s 70 30-w Adali;i, 'L'urkev in Asia 36 57N 30 -lOK Alliauy, Australia Si 5SS 118 01! ,Uva, Scotland 56 9N 3 491V Antrim, Irelan.i 64 42x 6 12-\v Adaniawa, St., Camarons 8 ON 13 OK AllianV, United States -12 40N 7 1 o\y ,\hvanil, Mt., Persia 34 47N 48 OK Antrim, Co., Ireland 54 52N lOw Adalnello, Mt., Austria 46 12X 10 22K Albany, K., Oi'iiiada 51 SOX 83 40«- Alwar, Raiputana 27 SON 70 SOB Antrim, Mts. of, Ireland 66 ON lOW Adam's Briilge, India 9 6K 79 SUE Alhemarie Rd., United Slati'S 36 OX 70 Ow Alyth, S.-otlaud 50 39N 3 15iy .Antwerp, Belgium 51 13N 4 241! .Vdam's Peak, Oevlon 6 4Ss SO SOK Albert, L., Br. E. Africa 1 50x 31 OK, 1.., Australia 24 40s 130 30E Auuradliapnni, Ceylon 8 25N so 22E Ailana, Turkey in Asia 37 8x 35 lOli; Alb.;rt Edward, L., I 'cntral A triea 20s 29 501 .Vmaltl, Italy 40 S7N 11 35E Anycr, Java 6 14S 105 52E Adda, R., Italy 46 SON 9 32B Alberta, Dist., Canii.ia 52 OX 115 On' .'liiiaii.lelbofim. Cape Coloiiv .'.l 21s 2u 5:;k A.imori, .laiian 40 SON 140 35B 2'.i\y Adilis Abeba Aliyssinia 8 57x S'.l 5B Albi, France 43 55N 2 7K Amapala. Salvador 13 15N S7 Aosta, Italy 45-15X7 19E Adelaifle, Australia 34 68s 138 31 K Albion I., Australia SS his 139 55E Aiiiara, Turkey in Asia SI 45n -17 IB Apa, II., Brazil 22 98 57 OW Adelsberg, Austria 45 46N 14 lOK Allior.iii, I., S[iaiii 35 68N 3 Sw Aniarapura, Burma 21 5UN 90 21! Apennine Mts., Italy 43 ON 13 Ob Aden, Arabia 13 ON 45 OE Albufera ile Valencia, I., Spain 39 ION 21w Amiisia, TurKcy in A.sia 4U 45x SO 12E -^penraile, Prussia 55 5N 9 15i! Aden, G. of, Indian Oc. 12 30N 48 OE Altiula P., Switzerland 46 35X 9 4SE Amazon, R., Brazd 4 OS 04 SOW Apia, Is. 14 OS 171 65W Adige, R,, Austria 46 17N 11 lUK Albu.ineniuc, S|iain 39 13N 56W Amazonas, St.. Brazil 5 OS 05 OW Apo, Vol., Philippine Is. 7 Ox 126 01! Adige, R.. Italy 45 12N 11 45K Alhury, Australia 36 IS 110 59E Amha.-a, 2l.llgola 9 12S 15 12B Apostle Is., Unite.l States 46 58n 90 IOi\' Adiruas, R., Turkey in Asia 39 50X 28 5111; Alcala lie Henares, Spain 40 28N 3 22w . .Inihala, Punjab 30 18N 70 ISB Appalachieola, R., United States 29 15x ss o Adironilacks. Mts.,'United States 41 lox 75 O-w Aleamo, Italy 38 ON 12 55E .Imblcsi.le, England 51 24N 2 5Sw Appenzell, Su-itzerland 47 19N 9 27l! Adlun, Palestine 33 24N 35 15K Alcantara, Spain 39 \'-\^ 59\v Ainhoina, I., Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 128 15k Appenzell, Prov.. Switzerlan.l 47 3-lN 9 SOl! Admiralty G., Australia 14 25s 125 5315 Alcazar, Spain 39 24N 3 16-\v Amliovna, I., S. China Sea 7 57x 113 oK -Vppin, Scotland 66 SSN 6 26-\y Adoni, Madras 15 35s 77 20E Alcoy, Spain S9 ION 301V Anibriz, Angola 7 52s 13 lOK Appleby, England 54 S4N 2 28-0" Adour, R., Prance 43 45N 40l\' Aldabra Is., Oc. 9 SOS 47 OK .Vmbnkol, Egyptian Su.lan 18 5x 31 45b Applecross, .Scotland 67 25x 5 ISw Adowa, Abyssinia 14 4SN 38 15E Aldan, R., Siberia 59 ON 128 OE Aiiie and, I., 63 27N 5 151! Apsheron Pen., Russia 40 22x 60 15E Adra, Spain 36 49N 3 4W Aide, P.,, Englan.l 52 ION 1 27 E ;Viiieisfoort, Netlierlands 52 ION 5 23E Apue Falls, Brazil 4 40s 55 541\' Adrar, Fr. W. Africa 21 Ox 11 Ow Aldeburgh, England 52 HN 1 S7K Amliara, Abyssinia 10 SON 3S OE .Apulia, Pr.iv., Italy 41 ON 16 SOE Adraba, Palestine 32 SSN 36 6jo Al.lershot, Engiaii.l 51 14N 45w Amherst, Burma 10 Ox 97 36K Apure, R., Venezuela 7 SN 70 Ow Arlrampet, Madras 10 20N 79 SOK Aleppi, Madras 9 SON 76 24E Amiata, Mr., Italy 43 43N 1121 1! Apnrimac, R., Peru 13 lOS 73 SOlv Adria, Italy 45 3N 12 2B Aleripo, Turkey in Asia 36 SO.v 37 OE Ami. MIS, France -19 5uN 2 ISi: Aipiila, Italy 42 18n 13 28K le. Adrianople, Turkey 41 40N 20 3SK Al.lerney, I., Chaunel Is. 49 45x 2 13w .Iniirante I-., Indiini ( 5 3ns 5:( 15K Aiiuirv, R., Bolivia 10 43s 68 Ow . Mediterranean S.. IS ON 15 OE Aleni-Tejo, Prov., P.irtugal 38 .50.\ 7 .'.Ow .linlucb, Wales 53 27x 1 21 w Ar.ihah, Pah-stine 30 .54N 35 2JK Adula. Mt., Switzerland 40 Sox 9 OK Aleu.-ou, France 48 27N 3l! .Iniinan, Pal.-stine 31 5SX :;5 50K Arabia, Asia 24 ON IS OK Jit., S\yitzerlaiiil 40 K in: .Viniiion, Dist., Palcst'ii.' :12 ;;i; oi: Adullam, Palestine 31 40x S-1_59K Aletsobhorn, 27N on Arabian Desert, Egypt 27 :iOx ;;-j ;iiii,, Is., Pacili.; 5i' ;;ox lo'.i O'v liiiargo.s, 1., SO 5U\ S.-a, Adur, II.. England 51 Ox 2/\v Aleutian Oc. Greece 20 Ul! Arabian Indian Oe. 15 ii.\ 05 UK 69 .liiioy, lis isi: jl^gean Sea, Mediterranean .^.. 43 ox 15 or: Alex-ander I., Anlarctio Oc. OS 72 uw China 21 39X Ara.-aiii, llrazil 10 S5S 37 4iv Alexandria, 31 5.\ 29 45j! Amiitliill, Kllehilid 52 2\ 11 :i| w ^Egina, 1., Greece 37 42N 23 30E Egypt .Vra.all, Brazil I JUS 37 Sllw .Bulls, Dist., Turkey in Asia S9 lox 27 OE Ale.viiidria, ^eotlall.l :i5 59X 4 :;7\v Inii-aoti, Berar 20 51x 77 12B .\|-a.'.;n,i, S]:)ain 37 5:;x 6 S31V :18 .Boon, Palestiue 33 ION 35 26E Ale.xan.lria, Unite. I States 37N 77 15\y Amreli, 21 S5N 71 llll! Ara.l, Hungary JO lux 21 12K .Etolia, Prov.. Greece 38 58N 21 271-: Ale.xandrina, I,., .\iistralia 35 SOS 13;i 20i: .Aniritsar, I'uiijab 31 39N 71 57i; Ani.l, I'lil.'stine 31 17N 35 ok ill 2S 7S Afar, Trilie, Eritrea 14 SON -10 Ok Alexanilropol Russia 41 60N 4S 45 1! Aniroha, Agra and On. 51 N :;ui, Ai-iifiira Sea, F. In. lies 10 os 131 ui,

Alexandrovsk, Russia 69 25N S3 01! .Viiistcrdam, Netlierlands 62 22N I 531! I'rov., Afgliauistou, St., Asia 34 Ox 00 Ok Aragou, Spain 10 40X I iiw (3) w H w I N D E X BAR

Bamangwattj, Tiibc, Bechuanaland 22 40a 26 Aragoii, R., Spain 4:; iJ5N I 35w Asinara 1., Ittily 41 ON 8 16E Azof, S. of, Bu,5sia 46 OS 36 30E Palestine 33 15X 35 35E Araguaya, R., Brazil 7 bOS 50 U\v Aiir, Dist., Turkey in Asia 18 25s 12 3uE Azores, Atlantic Oc. 39 Ox SU Uw Bamas, Bamberg, Bavaria 49 52N 10 56E Ai-akaii, Div., Burma 21 U.v 'J3 Sdi; .Vskabad, Russian Turkestan 38 2N 58 231': Azotus, Palestine 31 45N 34 S9E Baml.urgli, England 55 36x 1 42-W Aral S., Russian Turkestan 4.'i UN Oi.l UE .Vskalan, l'ale,stine 31 39N 31 3SK Azucar, Mt., 1 55N 76 26w 35 Ix 67 56E Aran I., K., Ireland oi rv.lN 8 32\v ,\smara, Eritrea 15 19N 38 5UE Azul, Argentina 36 28S 59 45W Bamian, Bampur, Persia 27 Ox 60 6B Aran Is., Ireland 53 7N t) i2w .Vspiring, Jit., New Zealand 44 25s 168 50E Ireland 53 IlN 7 09iy Aran Mowddwy, Mt., Wales 52 5IJN' 3 33\\- Asproiuoitte, Mt., Italy 38 12X 16 Ul'; BA ULE, R., Fr. W. Africa 12 3Ux 5 lOw Banagher, 45 21 OB Aranjuez, Spain iu 3x 3 42\v Aspropotamos, R., Greece 38 45N 21 SUE Baal Hazor, Palestine 32 IN 35 24E Baiiat, Dist., Hiingarv 26X Ararat, Australia 37 IGS 142 58E Assab, Eritrea 13 5Ux 42 40E Baal Menu, Palestine 31 39N 35 45E Banana, Congo St. 5 5Ss 12 SOB Ararat, Jit., Turkey in Asia 33 4ns 44 15U -V.ssam, Prov., India 26 SOx 94 UE , Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 33 52N 36 7E Ban.anal, R., IJrazil 12 SOS 60 OW 25 04N 70 lOE Aras, K., Russia 3'J 32N 47 20|jl Assaye, Haidarabad 20 15x 75 4lE Bab el JIandeb, Str., , 12 4UX 43 SUE Banas. R., Eajputana Banbriilge, Ireland 54 20N 6 16A\- Arato, R , Columbia 7 SON 7G 50 W" .A-Ssen, Netherlands 52 58N 6 3Sj'; Baba Gura, Jits., Austria 49 40N 20 OE 1 Arauca, R., Venezuela 7 5N tj8 Ow Assiniboia, Dist., Oanatla 50 3UX 1U6 Ow Babarlagh, Romania 44 55N 28 39E Banbury, England 52 3N 21W 2 SOW Arauco, Chile 3ti 52S 73 34^Y .A.ssiniboia, R., Canada 49 3UX 99 3UW Babuyan Is., Philippine Is. 19 SOS 121 40E Banchory, Scotland 57 3N ISB Aravalli Hills, Ilajputsna 24 36N 72 40K Assinie, Fr. \V. Africa 5 4X 2 64\Y Babylon, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 32 UN 44 S5E Banda, Agra and Oudh 20 SON 80 Banila, 7 106 40i: Arbroath, Scotland .3fj 33N 2 3.'n\' Assist, Italy 43 4N 12 S6E Bachan,I., Dutch E. In.lies S5s 127 25B I., Indo-China 07X 40s Oi: Arcachon, Prance 44 38N 1 low Assiut, Egj'pt 27 Ox 32 55E Back R., Canada 64 55N lul SOW Banda Is., Dutcli M. Indies 4 DO Arcadia, Greece 37 16N 21 44 n Assuan, Egypt 24 5X 32 56E Bactip, England 53 45X 2 14\v B inda Sea, Dutch E. Indies 5 1.5s 128 OE 06 12E Arcadia, Prov., Greece 37 2fiN 22 1 1 Assynt. Dist., Scotland 58 lUS 5 Ow Badaioz, Spain 38 6UN 7 2w Bandar, Persia 27 16X Archangel, Russia 64 39X 40 oOli Ass.itit, L., Scotland 58 lUN 5 U\l' Badakshan, Dist., Afghanistan 36 44X 70 OE Baii'lon, Ireland 51 45N 8 44W Archelais, Palestine 32 8N 3.3 30E Asterabad, Persia 36 5UN 54 15E Baden, Austria 48 2N 10 lOE Bandon, JIalay Pen. 9 3N 99 24 E 44W Arcopolis, Palestine 31 IDN 3.!J 43E Asti, Italy 44 52N 8 ISE Bailen, Germany 48 42X 8 16E Bandon, R., Ireland 01 45s 8 Arcot, Madras, 12 5.jN 71) 21E Astorga, .

in Asia 40 27 4se .Vvou, R. ( Warwick). 52 lus 1 50\v Ballarat, Au.stralia Artaki, Turkey 25N Enghmd 37 398 143 59E Baroda, Bombay 22 15x 73 151: P., Mew Zealand 42 52s 171 So;'; Avon, R., Scotland 57 13x 3 23w Ballatci. S..'ntland 57 Arthur's 4N 3 4W Baroloiig. Tribe, S. Africa 26 5iis 23 OB Artois, Prov., France 50 35X 2 OE .\vraiiches, l''rance 48 42s 1 2UW Balleuv Is., Antarctic .30s Oc. 60 103 lOE Barqui^iineto, Venezuela 9 OOX 69 low B. ludics 6 Us 134 20E Awe, L., Stiotland 56 r,lx 5 ISW Australi,! Aru Is., Dutcli Balliua, 28 55S 153 3lE Barra, Brazil 10 68s 43 20w Arun, B., England 50 5UX Sow Awe. R., Scotland 56 23x 5 low Balliua, Ireland 54 9 OS 9W Barra tid., Scotland 56 42N 7 SOW England 50 64N 36 Axe, R., England 61 15x 2 52W Ballinai-loe, Ireland 53 2Ux Arundel, 8 12w Barra I., Scotland 57 2N 7 34-w 551'; R., Congo St. 1 32N 2 1 .Ixe Edge, England .53 13N 1 5:iw Balliurohe, Ireland 53 Aruwimi, 38X 9 12w Barra, Sil. of, Scotland 57 ON 7 Ow 49 8N li) 71') Axholme, England 53 32X U 48 Balliuskelligs III Arva, R., Hungary w B., Ireland 51 48x low Bairackpiir, Bengal 22 5UX 88 25B Russian Turkestan 42 5SS 67 55E Axmitister, Llngland 50 47x 2 59W Ballycastle I, Ireland 51 .\iys, 17s 9 2.;w B.irraiKiuilla, Colombia 10 SOx 74 50W Asaha, Nigeria 6 15N 6 Sei'I Axuiouth, England 50 42X 3 )w Ballycastle (Antrim), Ireland 55 13w 12X B irrels. Is., Ireland 52 9x 6 2IW Asce'ision I., Atlantic ( ic. 7 55s 14 OW Axum, .'Vliyssiuia 14 4UX 37 55E B lUycottin, Ireland 51 50.S 8 Iw B;irien I., Andamtins 12 18x 93 51e A.scoli, Italy 42 51s 13 36E .l\-iLcncho, Peru 12 55s 71 Uw Ballyhoura Hts., Ireland 52 17x K low Barrhead, Scotland 55 4SX 4 26W Ashauti, Gold Coast 8 Us 1 3UW Vyaiuoiite, Spain 37 17x 7 27w U.illyincna. Ireland .54 02X 6 1 6W Harrier Il'.i., Au.stralia 32 Os 1 II lOB Ashhorne, Englauil 53 Is 1 39W .\'vasliui. Jit., -Morocco 32 20s 4 3ue Ballvsliannon, Ireland 04 SUs 8 llw Birrier Ri^f, Gt, Australia 15 us 116 OE Ashhnrton, England bO 32N 3 41w Wlchuiy, I'.uglaud 51 49s r,lW B.ilinoral, Scotland 57 3X 3 I5w Uairuw, C,, Alaska 71 lox 156 2IIW 18 os 13.". oi'; ,52 Ashburtou Ra., Australia Aylshaui, England 46X 1 15E Biilranald, Australia 34 325 1 13 HE B,ii low I., Australia 20 53s lis 2u,s 91: Australia 23 ] 17 UK, -Vyr, Scotland -.5 2Ss I 38w Ashiuirton, R., Balsas, Rio de las, , Jlexico 18 us 1112 R Uw Bariow, li., Ireliind 52 SOX -"'5 52w Ashby-de-la-Zouch, England 52 lis 1 31 H .A.Vr, t!'0.. Scntlaiiil 21s 1 25W Balta, Russia 47 :;0S 29 2UE Burrow Str., Canada 74 lox 96 ow Asliilod, Palestine 31 34 39E .lyr, R,, H'',itlaud 55 3UX -I 25W B:iltic, Euro|ie 57 OX l,s OE B irrow-in Kuniess, England 54 7x 3 14iy Ashford, Euglanil 51 SN 51E A-yre, I't. of, l.^le of Man 5 I 25x 1 27w Bahiliinre, Ireland 51 28\ 9 21 W Barry, AVales 51 24X S low Palestine 31 39s 34 3:'iE Ayutliia. Si, nil 11 22s luu 15e Baltilihii-e, Uiiiteil 39 Ashkelon, Siat-s 35s 7i; :i7w Barsi, B'liubay 18 12S 75 48e .\shntore I., Indian Oc. 12 5s 123 251'; .'Azalngalh, AL'fa and Oudli 26 US S3 12E Baltittan, Kaslunir 35 lus 75 :|5E Billtlr,!. Br, Guiana 6 25s 58 OW Ashtarotli Karnaim, I'alestitic ;i2 i'.is 36 2E Azcriiaijan. Prov., Persia 37 3ux li; UE I'.ducliistaii, St„ Asia 28 us 05 OE Barton, Eiigl.ii.d 5:; 12s u 28w Ashton, England 63 31S 2 8W ,\zincourt, France 5U 29x 2 9E B;illi, Persia, 29 8s 58 18E Barvas, Scotland 58 21 X 6 31 w Ashuradii, Peivsia 36 67s 53 I5E .Azof, Russia 17 6X 39 23B Bamako, Fr. AV. Africa 12 40X 7 53w Barwun, H., Australia 29 10s 118 50E

( i ) K W


Basel, Switzerland 47 3Jn 7 35E Bellaggio, Italv 46 67n 9 15k Br^tlia, 26 4Sx 84 SUk Blacksod B., Ireland 54 4N lU Ow Basel, Prov., Switzerland 7 H 3UN -10n Belle lie, 1., France, 47 isx s 13w lii'tiiwe., Ncthirlnods 51 56x 5 SOK ickwater, Ireland 53 38x 6 21 Baslian, Dist., Palestine 32 4r>N 3lj (In Bcdle Ish' Str., Newfonnillaial 51 Sllx 57 Uw Betwii, H. Cntial India 24 ox 78 OE Blackwater, R., Emdaiid 51 .ION u 42E Basliee B., 32 2,s .5uw Cape Colony ISs 47 H Bellianlen Kcr II ill, An.stralia 17 20s 1 16 UE Beutben, Pi nssia 15 20X IS 51IK Blaekwaier, B. (Cork), Ireland) 53 lux 8

Baslii Oil., Phili]i|iiiK' la. 21 l.'ix 121 Mr. ), Irehind 5S I2X G ISW" BellingliaiM, England 55 7N 2 llw lieverjii . England 5S 52X 27\V Blackwater, B. (Meatli Ba>lii Is., Philippine Is. 20 4IJN 5IIH 50\y 121 Bi'lhnzo Switzerland 111 12X 9 2E Bewdley, England 52 21X 2 20\V ickwater, li. (Tvroiie), Ireland 51 2:iN G Ba.shliir, Russia 53 UN 56 UK BelliUK., Italy 4G lUN 12 I2K Ilex, Switzerland 46 15N 7 IK Blaekwooil, H., Au.stralia S3 15s 117 SUE Basilieata, Prov., Italy .|U 20N IG OB lliflnullet. Inland .14 13x 9 58W llezer, Palestine S3 34x .35 27E Blaiaiavon, England 61 47N 3 5u- Basini, Berar 20 ON 77 12K Bel|ier, England 63 2X 1 SOW Bczicrs, Fiautie 43 22X 3 6K Blair Athol, Sc-otland 56 46x S 52W Basinfjfstoke, En^Mnnd 61 l.^N 1 G"\v Bcltnrbet. Irelauil 61 llx 7 27»' Bezwaila, Madras 10 .SUX KO 35K Blairgowrie, Scotland 50 35x S 2Siy Basle, Hist., Switzerlanil 47 2HN 7 I'n-) Belvoir, Kiiglaud 52 .1SX U 17w Bhagalinir, Bengal 25 12 X 87 OE Blanche, L., Au.stralia 39 17s 139 4UB 30\\' Basque Provs., S])ain 43 ON 2 Belvcnr, Vale of, England 52 55N U 551f Bliaainitlii, li,., Bengal 33 Sllx 88 20E Blanco, C, Argentina 47 3os 66 Ow Basra, Turkey in Asia 3U 2,sx 17 36[': Beuilie, Fr. W. Africa S I5x 15 59K Bhaino, Btinua 21 13N 97 21IE Blanco, C, Tunis 37 UX 10 OE Bass Ktiek, I., Scotlaiiil fili -Ix 2 C., .IliW 3»w , Mt., Seollalal 56 .|9X 1 32w Bhaiahira, (leiitral Prov. 21 GX 79 43 K Blanco AV. Afri.-a 21 ux 16 Bass Str., Australia 40 Us MG OK Ben Attow, Mt., Scotland 57 12X 5 21\y Bhartpur, Haipiitana 27 29N 77 UK Blanco Peak, Mt., Uiiitid .States S8 SON 106 Sow Bassein, liunitiay 11) ISN 72 ISK lieu Avon, Mt., Scotland 57 6N S 19w Bhaunagar, llumbay 21 48N 72 )2E Blandford, England 60 .5.3N 2 low Basseiii, '.11 Buruiii"l7 UN .1'.)l-^ lien Clihreck, Mt., Scotland .18 16X 1 21 \y Bliilsa, Centriil India 23 3UX 77 18E Blant,vre, Br. Central Africa 15 50s 35 15E Bassetlaw, KnKlancI 53 1 22N' 4W Ben Creaidian, Mt., Scotland 50 33X I 37W Bhiini, B, Haidarabad 17 SU X 76 UE Blenheim, Bavtiria (see Blindheini) Bas.-iffuv, Dist., Franee 4K ON 5 UK Ben Crnachn.n, Mt., fscotland 56 20X 5 5W liliiwiiiii, I'unjali 28 ISx 76 13E Bleiilieim, New Zealand 41 SS.s 171 3K Bastar, !5t.. Central Provs. IS lox SI 2U|.: Ben Diarg, Mt., Scotland 57 I7x 4 -isw Bhopal. Central India 23 18N 77 24K -tchley, England 52 ON 45W Bastia, Corsica 42 41N il 271'] Bell Eighe, Mt., Scitlaml 67 37X 5 S2H- Blior, Bolnliay IS GX 73 51 K Blewfleliis, .Xiearagiia 12 OX 83 52W liasiit,. 2'.l 3Us Laad, S. Africa 2S 3UK Ben Fasbven, Mt., ScotlnnI 5S S3X I 5ll«- Bhor Oliat, llouibay 18 5nx 73 30E Blindheim, Bavaria 48 3xn 10 SUB Ilist., Ititak, 8inn:itra 2 2u,s 9S iok Ben Fninne, Mt., Scotland .1S21X 1 5s\v Blinj, Bombay, 23 i2x 69 I8E !lliii-mfoiiteiii,Oi-aii-_'e River Colony 211 3s 26 16E liatiillin, PortUKal 3'J llN S .".Uw Ben llee, Mt., Seotlanil .18 13X 1 lUW llhntiiti, St, Asia 27 SOX 90 Silt; Bloemliof, Orange River Col-iuy 27 Sis 25 S3E Batan Is., Pliilipiiiiic Is. 211 2."iN 121 My, Ben Ho]»', Mt., Scotland .18 26X 1 35W liiafra B., Camerons 4 Ux 8 Sot; Blois, France 47 SON 1 18E

2'.i ll'.l BatauL^ .ISN 421': I » 55 sx 8 15\v China Ben l.awers, Mt., S(»jtlaiiil 5G SIX 19W Biarritz, Frai 43 38X 1 S I Bloody Foreland, Priim.,Irelaiiil

BatauK Hari, K., Slunatra, 1 12s 103 2."iK Ben la'di, Mt., Scotland 56 17N 1 lOW" Bias B., China (iiisen 32 lux 111 40K llloomillgtoii. United States 411 25X 89 ow

Bataui,'a. Caluerons 2 .^ H .5SL: Bcn l.oiM.aal, Mt.. Scotland 56 lUX 1 SSn' Biasca, Switzerland 46 2IIX 8 58E Blue Mts., Australia 3S SOS 150 2UE Batavin, .lava G Us Kill 5sk Ben Louaind, Mt., Ta.-uiaiiia 41 50s 117 50E B.ccstcr, England 51 55X 1 9W Blue Nile, B., Egyptian Sudan 11 ux 31 OE Bateinau B., Australia 3.'i aUS 150 2UK Beii Lui, Mt., Scotland 56 21N 4 IGW Bida, Nigeria 9 OX 6 llE Blue Ridge Mts., United States SG ox 82 0\y Bath, England 51 23N 2 2mv Ben Macdlon, Jit., Scotlauil 67 5X 3 low Bular, Haidarabad 17 54N 77 3GE Bluestack, Mt., Ireland 54 46N 8 2w Bathtjiite, ycothuul 5.1 55N 3 3S\v Ben Mbor, Mt., Scotlanl 57 59N G Slltt' Bideford, Eneland 51 3X 4 12W Bluff Hr., New Zealand 16 4US 168 SOE Bathurst, Australia 32 2Ks 149 SOB Ben MiH-e, Mt. (Mull), Scotlaud 56 35x 6 Uw Biel, Switzerland 47 8X 7 15E Blyth, England 55 GN 1 Sliv -17 Bathnrst, Can, Six Go 41w Bcai More, Mt. (Perth l, Scotland 56 23N 1 30H' Bielefeld, Prussia 52 Ix 8 32E Bobadilla, Spain 37 4x 4 47w Bathurst, CTanibia 13 20X 16 4Uw , Mt. (S. Uist), Scotland 57 15x 7 19W Bielgoroil, Russia .50 28X 30 S8E Bobe, R., Prussia 51 28N 15 38E .IN Bathurst I„ Australia 11 40s 130 15k Ben Mori', Mt. (Sutherlanil ', Scotland 9X 4 53W Biclitz, Austria 49 48X IS 59E Bobruisk, Russia 53 5x 29 Ob Batlaro, Tribe, S. Afri.-a 2G 20s 32 lUE , Mt.. Scotlanil 56 I8X 5 UW Biella, Ilalv 15 S8X 8 SE Bocage, l)i,5t. (Calvados), France IS 19x 54iy Batlev, Bnslaurl 53 44N 1 Saw Ben liinnrs, Mt., Scotlanil 57 23N 3 12W Bielostok, ilnssia 53 15N 23 lUE Bocage. Dist. (Vendee), France 10 65x 1 O^v Baton Rouge, Unitnl States 30 3:JN 30 57«' Ben Screcl. ML, Scotlaud 57 Ux 5 29w Bieu-ho, liido-China IS UN 101 15E Bocbiiia, Austria 19 67X 20 25E Batticaloa, Cevlon 7 4Sx SI 42E Ben Vorlich,Mt. (Argyll), Seothuid 50 16N 4 SOW Biesboscli, Is., Netherlands 51 I5N 4 14K Boi-liragh Mts., Ireland 52 Ox 8 57W Battle, England 5U 55N 2se Ben Vculich, Mt. (Perth). Scotlajal 56 20N 4 lOW Big Chej-cnneR., llnited States 44 25X 102 Bochum, Prussia 61 29N 7 13E Battlelord, Canada .12 45N 1U8 ISIV Bcu Wyvis, Mt., Scotlauil 57 4UX 4 34W Biggleswade, England 52 5X ]8\v Bod, Bengal 20 48x 81 24E Battock, Mt., Scotland 5G 5Sn 2 36"n' Ben y-(4loc, Mt., Scotland 56 49x S 40W Bigha, Tnrkev in Asia 4U lox 27 lOE Bodmin, England 5U 2.8N 4 441T Batnni, Russia 41 33N 41 40E Benares, Agra and Cudh 25 25X ,82 55E Bigliorn Mts., United St,ates 44 25N 107 30 W Bodo. Norway 67 SUN 14 SOB Baugh , Mt., England 54 19X 2 32',\' Benasnuc, Spain 42 32X 3lE Bighorn B., United States 45 ON 108 20w Bfootia, Prov., Greece 38 17N 23 lOE Bauld, C, Newfouncilanil 51 2flx .15 20w B.-ubecula I., Scotland 57 37N 7 18W Bigorre, Dist., France 4S ox OE B.igan, B. Australia 31 US 147 OE Bautzen, Saxony 51 ION 14 221'; Bender, Russia 46 4UX 29 5e Bihach, Bosnia 44 46N 15 5UE Bognor, England 5o J8N 41iy Bavaria, King., G-erniany 4S 4SX 12 UK Bendigo, Australia SG 50s 144 2B Biiiar Mts., Hungary 46 S3N 32 30E Bogong, Mt., Australia 36 53s 140 44E Bavaria, Upper and Lower, Dist., Bavaria Benevcutn, Italy 41 Ux 11 5UK Bilai, Angola 13 US 16 OE Bogota. Columbia 4 38N 74 141V 4S 20n 12 Oe Bengal, B. of, Indian Ocean 18 OX 39 OK Bihe Plat., Angola 12 408 16 OE Bo-_'ra, Bengal 24 64N 89 24E Bavarian Forest, Bavaria 49 UN 13 OE Bengal, Prov., India 24 Ox 87 30E Bijapur, B nibay 16 5UN 76 60E Bohemia, King., Austria 49 50X 14 SOE Bawatin, Dist., Ouiaii 24 lUN 5G 24E Benghazi, Tripoli 33 40N 3U 46K Bijiaiur, Agra and Oudli 29 2.1X 78 lOE Bohemian Forest, Austria 49 25x 13 OE Bay Is., Honduras 17 2UX SG lOW Bengore Hd,. Ireland 55 UlN 6 151V Biknner, Bajlnitana 28 ON 73 24 K Bolitil, I., Philippine Is. 10 OX-124 20E B'lyaziii, Turkey in Asia 39 SUN 43 50K Beuguela, Angola 12 4US IS 5E Biluspur, Ceiitr,d Provs. 22 SOX 82 12E Boisdale. L., Scotland 57 9N 7 VJW Bayenx, France 49 20N 42\v Beui, R., Bolivia 12 SOS 67 5UW , Spain 43 15x 2 54lv Boise Oity, United States 43 50N 116 Ulv Bayonue, France 43 29N 1 2s\v Beni Suef, Egypt 39 UN 30 66E Billitou, I., Dutch B. Inoies 3 Us 107 55E Boktiara, Bokhara 39 45N 61 17E Bavreuth. Bavaria 49 atlN 11 54E Benin, Nigeria 6 SON 6 25E Bilma 0., Sahara 18 6N IS 28E Bokhara, St.. 39 UX 67 SUE Bavuda Steppe, Bgyptinn Suilan 17 SUN 32 30E Benin, B. of, Vf. Africa 6 UN 4 OE Biimara, Sahara 18 Ox IS I8B Bolan P., Baluchistan 29 55X 67 32B Baza, Spain 37 SUN 2 -lHw Benkuleu, Sumatra 3 2Us 1U2 22K Bilston, England 52 S7x 3 9w Bolivar, Venezuela 8 IN 63 55w Bazias, Hungary 44 4SN 21 19M Beninore, (J., Ireland 55 14N 6 6W Bingen. Prussia 49 68N 7 55E Bolivia, St., S. America 15 Us 64 Uw Beachport, Australia 37 3Us IIU 4E Benue, R., Camerons 9 Ox 14 UE Biiigol liagh,Mts.,Turkeyin Asia 39 20N ii Bolkhof, Iiu.ssia 53 SON 36 OE Bcacli\- Hd., Englauil 5U 44N 12W Benue, R., Nigeria 8 25N 9 501') Biopio, R., Oliile 37 6Us 73 UW Bologna, Italy 44 3un 11 22E Bcacoiis, Mts., Wales 51 55x 3 33vr Benwee Hd., Ireland 54 20X 9 52lT Bir All, Arabia 14 Sx 48 15E Bolsena, Italy 42 38N 12 OE Beacousficid, Cape Colony 28 oSs 24 57E Berar, Prov., India 20 S5N 77 OE Bir es Seba. Palestine 31 15X 31 4GE Bolsena, L., Italv 43 3SN 11 58E Beal Ra., Australia 25 2.1s 141 20E Berat, Turkey 4U 40x 19 581-; Bir Murail, Egvintian Sudan 30 52X S3 18E Bolton, England 53 .36N 2 28iy 1 Beamiuster, England 50 4SX 2 iHW Berber, Egyptian ,~uilan 18 ox .34 1 E Bird I., Pacihc Oo. 23 15s 155 .10E B ilus Hd., Irclaud 51 47N 10 22w Bear T., Arctic, Ocean 75 ON 19 OK Berbera, Br. 10 26x 46 OK Bird I., W. Indies 15 S9N 63 47w Bonia, Congo St. 5 5Ss 13 lOB Bear R., United States 42 20N 111 45W Berbice B., Br. Guiana 6 5x 68 34W Birjand, Persia 32 42N 58 531-; Bombay, Bombay 18 54N 72 48e llcarliaven. Ireland 51 S9N 9 56\y Berilicbef, Russia 49 55N 38 58B Birkenfeld, Cermany 49 35x 7 8G Bombay, Prov., India 23 On 73 UK Beam, Dist., France 13 2Un 48W Bereida, Arabia 26 5N 44 IE Birkenhead, England 53 33x 3 2W Bomii, R, Congo St.,5]6x 26 UB Beas, R., Punjab SI Ox 75 5E Berenice, Ruins of, 24 UN 35 1GB Birket el Kermi, Egypt, 211 3ux 3U 40E Bomvana Lund, Cape Colony SI 50s 39 Oe Birmingiiam, Euglauil 1 Beauce, Dist , France 4S ox 1 27F, Berezof, Siberia 63 50N G5 UK 52 28X 52\v Bonaire, I., W. Indies 13 MX 08 2UW , Arctic Regions 74 ON ISO ok Bergama, Turkey in Asia 39 5n 27 23E Bii-minghain, United States, SS 25n 86 oOw Bonar Bridge, Scotland 57 54N 4 21 w Beaufort West, Caoe Colon v 32 22s 22 35 j.; Bergamo, Italy 45 42x 9 41 K Birs, R., Switzerland 47 35N 7 26 k lionavista B,, Newfoundland 48 51x 5S 46iy Beaujolais, Dist., France 46 8x 4 26E Bergen-op-Zoom, Netherlands, 51 3X 4 17K Biscay, Bay of, Europe 45 On 4 Ow Boiiduke, Fi-. W. Africa 7 SOX 2 45w Beauiy, Scotland 57 27N 4 29 1V Bergen, Norway 60 31x 5 2UE Biscay. Prov., Spitiin 43 8N 2 50iy Boness, Scotland 56 IN 3 36w Beauly Firth, Scotland 57 29N 4 2S1\- Bergen, Prussia 54 25N 13 SUE bislia'ri. Tribe, Egypt 24 UX 34 OK Boiii, Dutch E. Indies 4 4Us 120 Re Beanly, Q-lass, Scotlaial 57 22X 4 38w Berharapnr, jMadras 111 ISX 84 48E Bishojl and Clerks, Is., Wales 51 52X 5 24W Bout, G. of, Dutch E. Indies S 5Us 120 35E Beaumaris, Wales 53 16N 4 5\\' , Paciflc Oc. 60 ON 180 OE Bishop Auckland, England 54 37N 1 42\y Bonifacio, Str. of, Cor,-iea 41 18N 9 SE Beauue, France 47 Ux 4 5UK Bering Str., N. America 66 ON 169 Uw Bishop Stortford. England 51 63x U 3E Benin Is., Pacific Oc. 27 ON 143 OE Beauvais. France 49 21X 2 2K Bcris, Egvlit 24 34X 30 42K Bishop's Castle, England 63 3UX S liy Bonn, Prussia 50 13N 7 6E Beaver HiUs, Canada 53 lux 112 43w Berkeley, England 61 43x 2 18w Bi-marck. United States 46 64x lUO 4Ulv Bonny, Nigeria 4 4UX 7 9E Beccles, England 52 27X 1 35].; Berkshire, Co., England 61 SUN 1 28w Bismarck Arch,. Pacific Oc. 2 OS 148 (IE Boothia. G. of, Canada 70 ON 90 Ow Bechnanaland, S. Africa 33 OS 24 UK Berlin, Prussia 52 31N 13 24E Bismarckburg, Togo Land 8 5 ix 16K Boothia, Pen., Cannila 70 Ox 95 UW Bedford, England 53 Sx U SOW Bern, Switzerland 46 6GN 7 28E Bisstrgos Is., Port, txuinea 11 SOX 16 01V Bootle, England 53 29K S Iw Bedfordshire, Co., England 52 Gn 2S\v Bern, Prov., Switzerland 47 Ox 7 SUE Bissau, Port. 12 Ox 15 S5w Borba, Brazil 4 40s 59 40iy Bedlington, England .15 sx 1 201V lieniardino P., Switzerland 4G SUN 9 12E Biskra, Algeria 34 SON 6 30E Bordeaux-, France 44 48n S41V Beechworth, Australia .3G 17s 14G J9E Beruera, I., Scotland 56 J8X 7 3GW Bisley (Surrey), England 61 18N 39W Borgho P„ Hungary 47 ION 24 521-; 58 15N' 7 Oiy Bisley (Gloucester), Beer Berg, ]Mt., Geruiau\' 50 37X 11 UK Bernera, L., Scotland England 51 45n 2 9w Borgu, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 Ox S 0I-; Beersheba, Palestine 31 15x 34 46 E Bernlna P. Switzerland 46 22N 10 UE Bismarck Arcli, Pacific Cle, 2 os 118 UE Bi.rinage, Dist., Belgium 50 22N 4 UE Behar, Bengal 25 12N S5 36E Berrieilalc, Scotland 58 llN 3 SSlV Bistritz, Hungary 47 5x 34 SUB Borkum, I., Germany 5S 36x 6 401-; Beira, Brazil 12 SOS G4 SOW Berseba, (ier. S W. Africa 25 55s 17 41E Bithynia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 41 Ux 30 E Bormio, Italy 40 28N 10 2SB Beira, Port, E. Africa 19 46S 34 5RE Bertraiihboy B., Ireland 63 22N 9 57W Bitlis, Turkey in Asia'sS Six 43 34E Borneo, Br. N., Borneo 5 ON 117 OE Beira. Prov., Portugal 40 SUN 8 Oiv Berry, Prov., France 4G 5UX 2 UE B tolia, Turkey 41 2x 21 18E Borneo, I., E. Indies 1 UN 117 OE , Turkey in Asia 34 Ox 35 3UK Bern, Dist., Borneo 3 ION 117 OE Bitter Lakes, Egypt 30 18x S3 25E Bornliolm, I., Denmark 65 6x 15 Oe Beit Jibrin, Palestine 31 36N 34 6GE Bervie, Scotland 50 61N 2 18w Bitter Root Mts., United States 46 45x 115 Boniu, St., Nigeria 12 Ox IS OK Beitin. Palestine 31 5GN 35 14E Berwick, Co.. Scotland 55 42X 3 SOlv Bizerta, Tunis 37 3UX 9 4UE Borrow-dale, England 64 SOX S 9w 55 2 OH" Bjbrneliorg. Russia Gl Beja, Portugal 3S 2X 7 52W Berwick-upon-Tweed, England 46X 37x 31 S7K Bosliof, Orange River Colony 28 2Ss 25 31]^ Bcja, Tribe (see Bisbari, Egyptl Berwyn Mts., Wales 52 52X 3 241V Black Combe, Mt.. Englau 1 51 16x 3 27w Bosiia, R., Bosnia 44 55x IS 12K Bekes, Hungary 46 44X 21 .IK Besancon, Prance 47 17N 6 OE Black Down, Hill, England 5U 42x 3 SSiy Bosnia, St., Euroix- 44 25n 18 UE 39 Hills, Bekes Csaba, Hungary 46 39x 21 4E Bcslka' B., Turkey in Asia 52N 36 UE Black Down England 60 55x 3 lew- Bosiihorus, Str., Turkey 41 8n 1^9 21-; Bela, Baluchistan 26 5n 66 20E Beskids, Mts., Austria 49 SUN 18 33E Black Forest, Germany 48 25X 8 30 E Bostam, Persia 30 2UN54 55E Belaghat, Ra., Haidarabad 19 ON 76 OE Beskids, Eastern, Mts., Hungary 49 ION 22 OK Black H., England 5S S4N 1 42w Boston, England 53 Ox 31V Belaya, R., Russia 54 UN 5G UK Bessarabia, Dist., Russia 47 ON 28 30K Black Hills United States 44 UN 1U4 Uw BostOD, United States 42 37N 71 01V Belei'n, Brazil 3 OS 47 O^y Bessiu, Dist., Fiance 49 ISx n 43w lUack Isle, Dist., .Scotland 57 33N 4 19W nostra. Palestine S3 SlN 36 SOE Belfast, Ireland 54 3GN 5 56ff Beth Nimralr Palestine 31 64X 35 S7K Black Larg, Mt., Scotland 55 19N 1 4iy Bosworth, England 53 37x 1 2.11V Belfast L., Ireland 54 4UX 5 5Uw Beth Shcan, Palestine S3 39x 35 31 Black Jits., N.-W. Frontier Prov. 35 ox 73 Botany B., Australia SlUs 161 lot; Slicmesb, Palestine 31 34 Black Mts,, United States SO 82 Belfort, France 47 39x 6 53E Beth 44X 59E Ox Ow Bothnia, Dist., Russia 04 ox 25 Ol-l 32 35 .35E Black Mts,, Wales 51 S Belford, England 55 31X 1 SOU' riethabara, Palestine S2X 50X 48w Bothnia, G. of, Baltic S. 04 Ox 22 OE Belgaudo. R., Australia 23 SIS 116 37a Bethany, (ler. ,S.W. Africa 26 45s 16 41B Black River Hills, Ma"ritin» 30 20s 57 S5f Botletle, R., Bcehuanaland 20 Os 21 oe Bethel, Palestine 31 66N 35 14E Black Rock, I., Island 54 4N 10 2UW Beli^anni, Bombay 16 54N 71 36E Botton Hd., Mt., England ,14 21x 1 low Bclgrad, Servia 44 4«x 20 37 E Bethesda, Wales 53 ]3x 4 2W , Europe 43 ON 34 UE Botzeli, Austria 46 27N 11 2ilE Betldidiciu, Palestine 31 tlx S6 16E Blackall, Australia 24 21s 115 21E Belhary, Madras 15 12X 77 SUE Bom-hesalu-Bliiine, Dipt,. France 43 SON 5 34E 53 . Br. Honduras 17 31x SS 28ir Bcthsaida, Palestine S3 5 IX 35 37 E Blackburn, lul ud 36N 3 31iy Bouillon. Belgium 49 5iix 5 2E Bell Rock, Scotland, 56 26X 2 22w Bethulie, Cape Colony SU SIS 35 310-1 Blackpool, England 53 5ux S 4\y Boulers, Belgium 50 57x 3 7K

( 5) E EE E W


Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast 5 2lN 57\v Boulogne, France 50 lix 1 37B Broom, L., Scotland 57 56X 5 20^ Cabrera, I,, Spain 39 3X 2 5SE Cape Colony, S. Africa 32 Os 22 OE Bounty I., riicitic Oc. (inset 01) 4S lis ]7'.1 L'JE Broome, An.sttalia IS 122 35E Cabriel, R.. Sp lin 39 SOX 1 Sow 13s Fear H., United States 34 30N 78 30\y 72 40-W Cape Bonrbonnais, Prov., Frjinco 4IJ :;;ix :; OK Brora, Scotland 58 IN 3 52\y O.ihugaro, Colombia 4 3UX Cape May, United States 38 57N 74 69^y Bolirg, France 46 12N .') llUi Brora, E., Scotland 58 3x 4 10l\' Oabul", Palestine .32 six 35 13E Cape Town, Cape Colony 33 59S 18 25E Bourses France 47 5N 2 2 IE Brosel-y, England 52 36N 2 2nw Oaoeres, Spain 39 28N 6 22W Cape Verde Is., Atlantic Oc. 16 On 23 Ow Bourke, Australia 30 Iss 145 4riE Brougbty Ferry, Scotland 56 28N 2 52\\' Cachar, Dist., Assam 24 SUX 92 50E Cape York Pen., Australia, 12 30s 142 SOE Bourncmontli, Eu^'lau'l fiU 43N 1 fjSw BiOQwershaven. Netherlands 51 44N 3 641-: Ciader Idris, Mt., Wales 52 42N 3 54W Capernaum, Palestine 32 55N 35 32E Bourtang, Netlierlamls S3 Ix 7 10k Brown, Mt., Canada 52 4UN 118 U"\v Cadiz. Spain 36 32X 6 2UW Capitolias, Palestine 32 3SN 35 5lE Bonsay, I., Scotland a',) lix 3 ow Brown Willy, Mt.,Eiiglnnd 50 3.iN 4 31W Caen, France 49 UN 21lT Cappoquill, Ireland 62 9N 7 50w Bouvec Is., Atlantic Oc. .'tl OS 5 0"\r Broye, E., Switzerlanil 46 42X 6 50E Caerleon, England 5132N 2 57 w Capraja I., Italy 4S ON 9 4KE Bow R., Canada 50 58N 113 20TV Bruce, Mt., Australia 22 50s 119 8E Cajsarea (Galilee), Palestine 33 15X 3.i 3._iE^ Caprera L, Italv 41 I3N 9 21E Bowen, Australia 19 593 148 9E Bruck, Austria, 47 27N 15 llE Ca^sarea (Samaria), Pale tine 32 3UX 34 .»4E Capri I., Italy 40 32N 14 12E Bowland Forest, Englaml 54 On 2 35W Bruck, Austria 48 2N 16 47E Oagliari, Italy 39 18N 9 SE Italy 41 7N 14 I9E 9 Oapua, Bowmore, Scotland 55 46X ti 17w Brue, R., England 51 UN 2 52 ff Oaha Mts., Ireland 51 45X WW Oar Nicobar I., Nicobar Is. 9 12N 92 48E Boyano, H., Turkey 42 Ox 19 30B Bruges, Belgium 61 13x 3 13E Caber, Ireland .52 22X 7 SOW Caracas, Venezuela 10 ISN 66 iSw Boyle, Irelanil 53 59X 8 20\y Brunei, Borneo 4 ON 114 57E Cahore Pt.. li-eland 52 3SX 6 llw Caradoc Hills, England 52 32N 2 47w Boyne, E., Ireland 63 28n 6 58w Brunei, State, Borneo 4 3UX 115 20 E Cahors. France 44 27x 1 21 Caroques, Ecuador 403 80 35"W Brabant, 0., Mauritius 20 30s 57 21 E Brunig P., Switzerland 46 45x 8 15E Caicos Is., " est Indies 22 ON 72 OW Oaravellas, Brazil 17 60s 39 I4yr Brabant, N., Prov., Netlierlands 51 38x 5 OE Brdnn, Austria 49 12N 16 37E (!ain, Palestine 31 30N 35 lUE Carcassonne, France 43 13N 2 20E Brabant, S., Prov., Belgium 50 45x 4 .30E Brunswick, Germany 62 15x 10 32E Cairn Gorni, Mt., Scutland 57 8N 8 391V Cardamou Hills, Travancore 9 SON 77 15E Bracadaie, L., Scotland 57 20x 6 29 w Brunswick, Du., Germanv 52 OX 10 iiv. Cairn Table. Mt.. Seotlanil 55 2,-lN 3 5SW 57_ox 3 46W CirdHt, Wales 51 2Sx 3 lOw Bracciauo, Italy 42 7N 12 loic Brussa, Turkey in Asia 40 14x 29 2 1 1; Cairn Toul, Mt., Scotland Cardigan, Wales 52 7X 4 41 Brackley. En^dand 52 3x 1 10\y Brussels, Belginni 50 51x 4 18E Cairns. Australia 17 OS ;45 li E Cardigan B,, Wales 52 SON 4 SOW Bradford, En'jland 51 21x 2 16^y Briister Ort, Prussia 54 55N 19 57E Cairo, Eg\pt 30 4X 31 JOE Cardigan, Co,, Wales, 52 20N 4 OW Bradford, England 53 47N 1 461T Brynmawr, Whales 51 48X 3 lOW Cairo, United States 37 4N 89 20w Cardigan L.-V., Wales 62 23X 5 2w Braemar, Scotland 57 OX 3 24W Biichaii, Dist., Scotland 57 35N 2 3U«' Caistor, England 53 SON 20w Cardona, Spain 41 57N 1 43E Braeriach, Mt., Scotland 57 5N 3 50\y Buchan Ness, Prom., Scotland 57 28X 1 46w CSiitbness, Co., Scotland SS 25N 3 SOW Cardwell, Australia 18 25s 146 6B Braes of Angus, Dist., Scotland 56 .jox 3 0\v Bucharest, Romania 44 25x 26 2E Cajaraarca, Peiu 7 3s 78 26w in Asia 37 20N 28 20E Braila, Romania 45 12K 27 58E Biickeburg, Prussia 52 16X 9 4E Calaljria, Prov., Italy 39 ux 16 25E Caria, Dist,, Turkey Sea, Indies 15 On 73 OiV Brak, Palestirje 33 13N 36 23E Buckie, Scotland 57 40N 2 58 w Calafatu, Romania 43 59x 22 55E W. Mts., 53 121 40W Eraga, Portugal 41 32N 8 28w Buckingham, England 52 Ux 59"W Calais, France 50 57N 1 51E Cariboo Canada 20N Oarinthia, Prov., Austria 46 45N 14 OE Bragau{^e, Portugal 41 5Dn 6 5Qw Buckingham, Co., England 51 52x U 50w Calamian Is., Philippine Is. 11 46N 120 OE Brahmani, K., Orissa 21 ON 86 OE Bncsecs, Mt., Romani.i 45 2UX 25 30E Calcutta, Bengal 22 4UX 88 SOE Carlingford, L., Irelanil S4 2N 6 7iy 54 SSx 2 Brahmaputra, R., Assam 27 Ox 93 OiO Bucuresci, Romania 44 25X 26 2E Calder, R., England 53 40N 1 40W Carlisle, England 56W Oarloforte, 39 8 24E Braioh y Pwll, Wales 52 4«x 4 48w , Hungary 47 3UX 19 32E Oaldera, Chile 27 ISs 70 .5UW Italy ION Braintree, England 51 48x 32E Budaun, Agra and Oudli 28 Ox 79 lOE Caleilon. Cape Ool my 4 28s 19 32e Oarlopago, Hungary 44 S2N 17 3E Brampton, England 54 56N 2 4G"vy Biide, England 5U SON 4 32W Caleilon E., S. Africa 29 US 27 36E Oarlow, Ireland 52 SON 6 55W Oarlow, Co., Irelmd 12 42N 6 4.5W Branco, Rio, R., Brazd 1 SON 60 50n' BuiUveis, Austria 49 ON 14 28|.; Caledonian Can., Scotland 57 6N 4 SOIV Brand Vley., L., Cape Colony 30 3US 20 30e Bueu Aire, I., W. Indies 12 15N 68 2m\- Calf of Man, Isle of Man 54 3X 4 44ff Oarlscrona, Sweden 56 UN 15 40E hraridenburg, Prussia 52 25N 12 30E Buenaventura Colombia 3 5ILN 77 9\\' ("al.'arv. Cauaila 51 OX 113 32W Carlsruhe, Germany 48 57x 8 22E Brandenburg, Prov., Prussia 52 30X 13 Oio Buenos Aires, Argentina 34 48S SS 39w Calient. Madras 11 SN 76 51 Carjuartben, Wales 51 SIN 4 18W 3ll«- 51 4 32W , Ireland 52 17X lu 15\y Buffalo, United Slates 42 3UN 78 5UW Califoi-nia, G. of, Mexico 27 SUX 111 Carmarthen B , Wales 40N Brasna, E., Ireland 63 2lN 7 3T\Y Buffalo R., Natal 28 10s 30 19E Oaliforiiia, St., Unitel States 37 Ox 12U 0\)' Carmarthen, Co., Wales 51 5SN 4 8W Braunsberg, Prussia 54 18x 19 50E Buffels B., Cape Colony 29 34s 32 )5E Calhm, Ireland 52 3.3N 7 23W Carmel, Palestine 31 25N 35 7E Bray, Ireland 63 UN 6 6\\' Bug E., Russia 48 ON 31 lOE Callander, Scotland 56 llx 4 12W Carinel, Mt., Palestine 32 45N 35 OE Bray, Dist., France 49 40N 1 40e Bugi, Tribe Celebest, Dutch E. Indies 2 5„ 121 OE fjallao, Peru 11 Sss 77 Sl\' Oarinen, Mexico 18 45X 91 4SW Brazil. St., S. America 11 OS 5i 0\v Bugo Oh., Japan 32 40N 132 OE Oalne, England 51 2ex 2 l\r Cannu-von, Cape Colony 31 OS 22 8B Brazos, E., United States 32 JN 97 30w Builth, Wales 52 8N 3 24\y Oal]ii', Spain 38 36X 2E Carnarvon, Wales, S3 8N 4 ISW ' Brazza, I., Austria 43 20x 16 4UE Bnkovina, Prov., Austria 48 Ox 25 SUE Oaltagirone, Italy 37 18N 14 3lE Carnarvon B.. Wales 63 4N 4 30w Brazzaville, Fr. Congo 3 56s 15 27E Bulangan, R., Borneo 2 55X 116 40E Oaltanisetta, Italy 37 29x 14 6e Carnarvon, Co., Wales 53 ON 4 20w Breadalban, Dist., Scotland 56 35N 4 2U\\' Bnlawayo, Rhodesia 20 2s 28 S5E Calvados, Dept,, France 49 ux u 19"W Carnarvon L.-V., Whales 53 6N 4 45W Brechin, Scotland 56 45x 2 40W Bul.uidsliahr, Agra and Oudh 28 25x 77 55E Calviuia, Ca|ie Colony 31 32s 19 SoE Carnarvon Ea., Australia 24 81S 148 OE Brecknock, Wale* 51 57N 3 23«' Bnlbarrow, Hill,"Eiiglaud SO 41X 2 2UW Oarn R., England 52'lUX U UE Oarnatic, Madras 16 ON 75 OE Brecknock, Co. Wales 52 ON 3 20w Bulgaria, Prin., Europe 43 2Ux 25 OE Oanjarinr-s, Is.. Philippine Is 13 40N 122 IDE Oarnglas, Mt., Scotland 61 18X 3 .52w Breda, Netherlands 51 35N 4 47E Balloo, R., Australia 28 26S 1 12 50E Oanibay, Bombay 22 28x 73 SUE Carniola, Prov., Austria 45 SUN ]4 SUE Bregenz, Austria 47 27N 9 46E Bunbury, Australia 33 303 115 24E Oainbav, G. of, 21 OX 72 UE Carnlough. Ireland 54 SSX 6 Ow Bremen, Germany 53 4N S 47E Bundaberg, Australia 24 64s 152 20E , C, Indo-China 8 35X 101 5SE Carnedd Llewellyn, Mt., Wales 53 IIX 3 51 ir Bremerhaven, Prussia 53 33X 8 43E Hundelkliand, Dist., Central India 24 4IIX simie Cambodia, State, Indo-Chiua 12 30N 105 OE Carnoustie, Scotland 56 SON 2 43W Brendon Hills, England 61 7N 3 24W Binnlesar, Eajputana 19 54N 83 12E Camborne, England 5U ISN 5 18W Carnsore Pt., Ireland 62 ION 6 21W

Brenner P., Austria 47 Ox 1 1 25 E Buiidi, Eajputana 25 30N 75 42E Oaiobrai, I- ranee 60 ION 3 15E Carntogher Mt., Ireland 54 SON 6 42\y Brentford, England 61 29N 18W Bundoran, Ireland 54 28X 8 17W^ aiiuOriiige. England 62 12x Se Carolina, Brazil 6 40S 47 OW Brescia, Italy 45 32N 10 17E Bunerana, Ireland 55 9N 7 26W, United States 42 25x 71 I2W Caroline Is., Pacific Oc. 9 Ox 150 OE Breslau, Prussia 51 3N 16 58 E Bungay, England .52 26X 1 27E Oainbriilge. Co., EiiglaUil 52 ISX II 15E C.ironi, R., Vatezuela 5 40X 64 20w Bunzlau, 37E Bre-isay, I., Shetland Isles, Scotland ( insetj Pru.ssia 51 15N 15 Cambridge G , Aurtralia 14 Jos 128 16E Carpathian Forest, Austria 48 SOx 24 OE 60 8n 1 5h' Hurdekiu, R., Australia 20 OS 146 ISE Camden. United .Stales 39 54X 75 lUW Carpathians, Eastern, Mts., Hungary 47 8x 25 OE Bresse, Dist., France 46 23x 5 lOE Bare, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 4UN 9 3Uff Ciiinel, E„ England 50 35N 4 43\y Carpathians, Little, Mts., Hungary 48 SSX 17 25E 25 E Brest, France 48 2&N 4 40\v Bure, R., England 62 42N 1 Camerous, Ool,, W. Africa 5 3ux 12 UE Carpathians, Western, Mts. , Hungary 49 5x18 OE Brest-Litovsk, Russia 52 5x 23 26E Burgas, Bnlnaria 42 32N 27 29E (Janierous, Mt., Cameron- 4 2Sx 9 12E Carpentaria, G. of, Australia 15 OS 139 UE , C, Canada 45 55N 59 48 \\' Btirgdorf, Switzerland 47 4X 7 37E Canieroons, Col., W. Africa 5 SUX 12 Ut: Can-a, L., Ireland 53 44x 9 llw Briansk, Eussia 53-22N 34 OE Biirgliersdorp, Cape Colony 31 2S 26 IS].; Oameta, Brazil 2 143 49 SOW Carrara, Italy 44 7N 10 8E Bridgeport, United States 41 12s 73 16\v Burgos, Spain 42 2lN 3 44W Caminha, Portii).'al 41 SOx 8 51w Carriek, Dist., Scotland 55 ION 4 46W Bridgnortli, England 52 31 N 2 26W Burgundy, Prov,, France 46 SON 1 Silt; Campagna, Prov., Italy 41 Ux 11 30e Carrick-on-SbaunoD, Ireland 53 57N 8 5W Bridgewater, England 51 7N 3 Iw Burhaopur, Central Provs, 21 18N 76 ISE Campaspe R., Australia 37 03 114 SUE Carrick-on-Suir, Ireland 52 20N 7 25W Briilgevvater B., England 51 15N 3 12U' Burin, Newfounolaud (inset) 47 26N 55 i'5\v Camp)iell, 0. New Zealand 41 47s 171 201-; Carrickfergus, Ireland 54 43N 5 48w Bri'llington, England 54 6x 12w Burke, Dist., Anstraha 19 Ills HI lil'._ Campbell I., AU'tralasia 53 us 169 2IIE Cai-ril, Spain 42 SSN 8 48w Bridport, England 50 45X 2 46\y Burlington, United States 44 2sn V2 i \v Oatnpbelltown, New Zealand 46 S2s Ills 21 Carron, L., Scotland 57 22X 5 38w India 22 98 llE Brie, Dist , Prance 48 40N 2 50E Burma, Prov., OX Oainjibeltow)!, Seotlanil 55 25x 5 4U\V Carroll, E., Scotland 56 2N 4 OW Bri.-g, Prussia 60 47N 17 30E Burnett, R., Australia 25 20S 151 41B Cainpcche, Mexico 19 55x 9U 2Sw Carrs, The, England .54 13N 36W Brieg, Switzerland 46 20x 8 1 Burnley, England 53 4SN 2 lS"\y Oanipeche, G. of, Mexico 19 2UN 93 Ow Oarse of Gowrie, Dist., Scotland 56 25n S 19W 15"^ Brionz, Switzerlanil 4G 17N .8 IE Burntisland, Scotland 56 3N 3 Oanipidano, Italy 39 4.jX 9 OE Carso, Plat-, Austria 45 SSN 14 OE Diirra 33 52s 139 2oiv Brienz, L., Switzerlantl 46 40N 7 53E Creek, R,, Australia Campina, Plat,, Spain 37 4SX 4 3SW Carstaiis, Scotland .55 42N 3 41W Brigg, England 53 35N 31 w Bnrriana, Spain 39 53N 6W CainpiiieCan.-, Belgium 51 Kin 5 UE Cartagena, Colombia 10 ISN 75 20W Brightlingsea, England 51 48N 1 2E Burrow Hd., Scotland 54 41N 4 21Ty ("lainpo, R., Camerons 2 isx lu OE Cartagena, Spain 37 S6N SOW 1 Uiy Brighton, England 50 49N Sw Burrow Hill, England 52 41 N Campohasso, Italy 41 33N 14 JOE (-artago, Colombia 4 25N 76 155V Briudisi, Italy 40 39N 17 5GE Burslem, England 53 4X 2 13W Oaiiipo.s, Brazil 21 48S 41 32w Cartage, Costa Eica 9 52N S4 55w 1.''2 52 1 3Sw Brisl)aiie, Australia 27 20.S 58 e Bnrton-upon-Trent, England 48x Caujpos, Plat., Spain J2 UN 5 uw Carter Pell, Mt., England 55 19X 2 2.5W 1 llx 103 35E Brisbane E., Australia 27 SS 152 SOE Burn, 0,, straits Settlements Campsie F'ells, Scotland 56 2X 1 29W Cartwright, Labrador 53 SON 57 OW E. Indies 3 203 12li 3UE Caira, Bristol, England 51 26X 2 35\y Burn, 1„ Dutch Palestine 32 45N 35 2UE Casale, Italy 45 4X 8 30E Burujii-d, Persia 33 48 4UE Bristol Ch., England 51 20N 4 Oiv SUN Canada, Dominion of, N. America 60 ON 91 uw Casamnnza, Fr. W. Africa 12 4SN 15 low Biiry, British Central Africa Ool., Africa 12 30a 34 OE England 53 36X 2 14W Canadian R., United Stabs 36 ux 9S 3UW Cascade Pt., New Zealand 43 SIS 169 OE Bury St. Eilnnnals, Euglaml 52 llx 13E Britisli Columbia, Prov., Canada 55 UN 125 u\v Canary Is., Atlantic Oc. 28 ux 16 uw Cascade Ea., Canada SO Ox 123 OW Uu-a, 20E British E, Africa, Africa 2 ON 37 OE Nigeria, 10 13N 4 Candia, Crete 35 ISx 25 UE Cascade Ra., ITnitcd States 45 ON 121 40\y lOisang, Nigeria 10 13X 4 2UE I., British Gniana, Ool., S. America 5 u.\ 5!! 0\v Candia, Mediterrimean S. 35 ON 25 he Casetta Italy 41 Gn 14 19E British Honduras, Col., Central Amcilca Biishire, Persia 29 2X su J2|.: Oaiica, Crete 35 SlN 24 IE Cashel, Irelanil 62 SUN 7 62W Bushman Land, Oaoc Colony 29 45s 19 ui: (Janfranc P., I) 17 30N 88 30 w Sfiain 42 12x Isw Cash™, E., Ireland 52 2Sx 9 2SW Br, Guinea, Australasia (inset) IJnsrah, Palestine 32 31N 36 26E Canigou, Mt., 3u,\' New France 42 2 21E Caspian S., Russia 42 SON 51 OE 7 OS 145 Bnssaco, Portugal 40 23N 8 23\y Canna I,, Scotland 57 OE 4x 6 3lw Oa


Catamarca, Aryi'iitina 28 35s G.') -i.'jW Ohenab, R., Punjab 32 20N 73 OE Citlaltepetl, Mt., Mexico 19 5N 97 4UW Concepciou, Argentina 32 353 58 20-w Oataurliiaiies, Is., T'liiltppine Is. 13 -ir.x 15J ^OK Gheugalpar. Madras 12 ION- 80 (I|5 llittn, Vecchia, 35 52S 14 25E Ooncepcion, Chile 37 29s 73 13W Oataiiia, l.'i Italy o7 :llN 41-1 Ohong-te, Oliiiia 41 Ills US UK City uf Salt, Palestine 31 12N 35 IE Concepciou. Pai-agnay 23 23S 57 18W Oataiizaro, 58^" .Italy 38 Iti 33I-] Chciitahun, Indo-Oliina 12 -ION 1112 20k Clndad Juarez, Mexico 31 31N 1U6 3U\\' Ooncepcion, Pt., United States 31 25X 12U tOw Oatastropbo, Australia 3ri 32«- 0., us ]3ii OK Oliepstow, England 51 37N 2 12 w Oludail Porforio Diaz, Mexico 28 35x lUO 25\\' Concoi-d, United States 43 12N 71 Catawba E... Uniteil ;;.-. Stati's UN 81 llw ("JhequitiidionNa, R., Brazil 17 us 12 OW Cladad, Reid, Spain 38 5SN 3 .58W (Joncordia, Argentina 31 20s 5S lilir t'athcriiio Harlioiir, llusaia IIU I'lx 3:i lUE Oln-r, nepl., France 47 lo.s 2 3(:e Ciuilad lluilrigo, Spain 40 35N 6 36"\y Oondamlne, H., Australia 27 Ks 149 1015 Oatlikiu Peak, Ba^i'itulaml '2\> '20H ^11 3Ul'! (llier, R., France 47 20N 1 32K Civitavcceliia^ Italy 42 7N 11 3215 Coudobolm, Australia 33 3s 147 5E Catoclie, 0., Mexico '21 &UN 87 0\v Cherbourg. France 49 38N 1 37\v Clackmannan, Scotland 56 6K 3 46W Condon, Australia 20 7s 119 13E Oatria, Mt., Italy 43 32s 13 OB Cheremi.s, Russia 56 50N 47 3015 CUickmannan, Co., Scotland 56 ION 3 43W Oondroy, Dist.. Bclgulm 30 22N 3 5E Oatskill, Uniteil States 42 13N 73 SUV Clieribon, Java 6 56s 108 38K Clactcni, England 51 46N 1 9E Cong, Ireland 53 32N 9 13W Oattaro, Austria 42 27N 18 r>Olj; Ohernavoda, Honrania 44 2lN 27 5815 Clanwilllam, Cape Coloiry 32 12s 18 57R Congletoir, England 53 llx 2 14w cauca, 7rt K., Colombia 7 50N U"\Y Ohernigof, Russia 51 30s 31 8l5 Clare (Clare), Ireland 52'50N 8 57W Cougo Dist., Angola 7 OS 15 OE Mts., Russia 42 3UX 44 OR Cherrapungi, As^sam 23 15n 91 30B Clare ( .Mayo), Ireland 53 42N 8 58w Congo R., Congo State 2 20N 20 50E Caura, R., Venezuela 5 40N 64 3U"\y Olierso, I., Austria 44 50N 14 25R Clare, Co., Ireland 52 48N 9 Ow Congo St., Central Africa 3 OS 23 OE Causse, Dist., Frauee 44 4UN 2 Ol} Oherwell, R., England 52 ON 1 13\v Clare I., Ireland 53 49N 10 Ow Coniston Water, England 54 20N 3 9W Oauvery, R., Madras 11 UN 77 fjUl'l Chesapeake, B., United States 38 ox 76 luw Clare, R., Ireland 53 28N 8 44W Conjeyaram Madras 12 50N 79 43E Oawnpur, Agra and Oudti 2C 37\ 80 lUE Cheshire, Co., Bnglanil 63 14N 2 30W Olai-ence R., Austi-alla 29 26S 153 2015 Conn, L., Ireland 64 ON 9 15W Caux, Dist., France 49 4Ux U 3U]jl Chesil Bank, England 50 38N 2 361V Clario Land, Indian Oc. 63 OS 135 OB Connaught, Prov., Ireland 53 38N 9 0-w Oavally, R,, Liberia 7 ON 8 lfi"\y Cheshme, Turkey in Asia 38 19N 26 18B Clear, 0., Ireland 51 26N 9 .30w Connecticut, R., United States 43 Ox 72 25\v Gavan, Ireland 53 I39N 7 22\v Clrcster, Englajid 53 12X 2 36\v Clear I., Ireland 31 26N 9 30W Connecticut. St., United Srates 41 30N 72 30W Oavau, Co., Irilaud 53 56N 7 15\T Ohestertield, England .53 14N 1 26w Cleator Moor, England 54 30N 3 32W Connemara, Dist., Ireland 53 24N 9 35w- Cawdor, Scotland 57 31N 3 54\y Oliesterfleld Inli-t, Canada 63 32N 93 30w Clee Hills, England 52 26N 3 39W Ooiroir, R., Scotland 57 38N 4 40 w Cayagan Sulu, Is., Philippine Is. 6 'iSN 118 lai; Ohcster-lc-Street, England 51 5lN 1 35«' Cleove Cloud. Mt., England 51 56N 1 48w Constance, Baden (S(^e Constanz) Cayambc, Mt., Colouiliia 43N 77 35\v Clietang, Tibet 29 18N 91 48E Olelsh Hill, Scotland 56 8N 3 33\y Constance, L. of, Switzerland 47 35N 9 35E Caj'enne, Fr. Crujana 4 45N 52 40W Cheviot Hills, England 55 20N 2 35AV Clont, Englanil 52 23N 2 4W Cou.stantine, Algeria 36 30N 6 30E 3 20E Ceara, Brazil 52s 38 5U\y Cheviot Peak, England 53 35N 1 43AV Clermont, Australia 22 39g 147 46E CunstantineiRock, Mt., Siberia 68 15N 67 Oeara, Dist., Brazil 4 Us 39 OW Cheviot Ra., Australia 25 20s 144 OE Clermont, Ferrand, France 45 47N 3 4E Constantinople, Turkey 41 IN 28 56E Oedros, I., Mexico 28 20N 115 15W Cheyenne, United States 41 16N 104 55iv Cleve, Prussia 31 48N 6 7e Constanz, Badou 47 40N 9 9E Celebes. I., Dutch B. Indies 2 Us 121 Ok Ohlamdo, Tibet 31 25N 97 30E Cleveland, United States 41 35N 8125 w Constitucion, Chile 35 26S 72 39-1? Celebes Sen, Dutch B. Indies 3 ON 122 0, Ohiana, R., Italy 43 ON 12 OE Cleveland, Dist., England 34 30N 1 15 k Gonwav, Wales 53 18n 3 51W Celle, Prussia 52 35N 10 5l!l Ohiavenna, Italy 46 20N 9 25E Clew B., Ii-eland 53 30N 9 50\v Conway, R., Wales 53 18N 3 50w Central ludia, St., India 24 On 78 3015 Chiba, Japan (inset) 35 36N 140 7 k Clifden, Ireland 63 29N 10 IW Cook Is., Paorflo Co., 20 OS 158 Ow Central Provs., ludia 21 ON 82 Ul<^ Chicago, United States 41 50N 87 :)7>k CUfton, England 51 27N 2 33W Cook, Mt., New Zealand 43 33s 170 12E Cepbalouia, I., Greece 38 17N 2U 3315 Chichester, Engianrl 60 50N 46\V Clinch, R.. United States 36 32s S3 Ow Cook Str., New Zealand 41 OS 174 30E Oeram, I., Dutch B. Indies 3 OS 129 30F. Chicontimi, Canada 48 22N 71 6\v Oiishain, Mt., Scotland 57 39N 6 55W Oooksto-a-n, Ireland 54 39N 6 46W Cerigo, I., Greece 3G 15N 23 OE Obiem L., Bavaria 47 32N 12 25E Clitheroe, England 53 52N 2 25"\v Cooktown, Australia 15 36s 146 15E Cerigotto, I., Greece 35 54N 23 17R Ohieng Hung, China 22 ON 100 .30E Ologher Hd.. Ireland 33 47N 6 13W Ooolgardie, Australia 30 58S 120 39E Cerro de Pasco, Mt., Peru 11 OS 77 35w Chiengmai, Siam 19 3N 99 7E Olonakllty, Ireland 61 37N 8 53W Cooma, Australia 36 17S 149 6E Cetinje, Montenegro 42 28n 18 59E Ohiengsen, Siani 20 13N 100 5J3 Olonard, Ireland 53 28N 7 OW Cooper's Creek, R., Australia 28 OS 139 OE Oette, l<'ranoe 43 25N 3 49E Ohieti, Italy 42 21N 14 12E Cloncurry, Australia 20 42s 140 28E Ooorg, Prov., India 12 15N 75 43E Ceuta, Sp. Morocco 35 56N 5 15w Chifu, China 37 30N 121 15E Cloncurry, R., AustraUa 19 40S 141 OE Coorong Lagoon, AustraUa 36 OS 139 SOB Oeveunes, Mts., France 44 35N 4 OE Chignecto B., Canada 45 50N 64 36"VV Clones, Ti-eland 54 llN 7 14W Copals, L., Greece 38 28N 23 lOE Oeylou, I., Asia 7 30N 80 30 E Ohihuahua, Mexico 28 4SN 106 22 \v Cloumel, Ireland 52 23N 7 42W Copenhagen, Denmai-k 53 40s 12 34E Chablais, Dist., France 46 17N 6 30E Ohika, Mt, Turkey 40 8N 19 37E ClOMie, Ireland 51 52N 8 9W Copiapo, Chile 27 19S 70 25AV Chachapoyas, Peru 6 7S 77 4UW Ohikakol, Madras 18 18N 83 54E Clun, England 52 25N 3 Iw Copper Hr., United States 47 26N 87 58w Ohageh, Baluchistan 29 8N 64 40e Ohikishliar, Russian Turkestan 37 36N 53 45E Clatha, B., New Zealand 46 20s 170 lOE Coquet I., England 55 20s 1 32W 1 Cliagos, Is., Inilian Oc. 6 Us 72 0^v Chile, St., S. America 35 OS 70 0^\- Olwvd, K., Wales 53 13N 3 27W Coquet R , England 55 18N 35W Ohahbar, Persia 23 19N 60 35b Chilianwala, Punjab 32 35N 73 6E Clyde, F. of, Scotland 55 33N 5 Ow Coquimbo, Chile 30 6S 71 45w Ohaibasa, Bengal 22 30N 85 48E Ohllka, L., Madras 19 35N 85 20E Clyde, R., Scotland 53 56N 4 40w , Australasia 18 OS 153 3E Ohalcidice, Dist., Turkey 40 30N 23 16E Chilian, Chile 36 62s 72 lOw Clydesdale, Dist., Scotland 55 30N 3 32\v Corangamlte, L., Australia 38 9s 143 28E Olialcis, Greece 38 30N 23 44E Chlllon, Switzerland 46 25N 6 55E Coalbrookdale, England 52 37N 2 30W Corcublon, Spain 42 65N 9 16W Ohalcis, Palestine 33 42N 35 54E Chlloe, I., Chile 43 OS 73 30w Coast Ra., United States 40 ON 124 Ow Cordova, Argentina 31 30s 64 OW Ohaleurs B., Canada 48 ON 66 Ow Obiltern Hills, England 51 40n 43w Coatbridge, Scotland 55 52N 4 2W Cordova, Spain 37 60N 4 44W Chaion, Prance 46 48N 4 52E Ohlmborazo, Mt,, Ecuador 1 30S 79 Ow Coban, Gu.atemala 16 OS 90 25W Corea, St., Asia 37 SON 127 30E Chalons, France 48 55N 4 30E Cliimbote, Peru 8 50s 78 3-5'\v Cobar, Australia 31 28S 145 55E Corea Str., Asia 33 30N 128 OE Chamalhari Mt., India 27 •54N 89 12E Ohimkent, Russian Turkestan 42 23N 69 35E Cobequid Mts., Canada 43 24N 64 OW Oorfe Castle, England 30 49N 2 2W Chamau, Baluchistan 30 54N 66 36E China, St., Asia 33 ON 110 OE Cobiju, Chile 22 38s 70 18w Corfu, Greece 39 38N 19 57B Corfu, I., 39 19 50E Chamba, : 50 Punjab 32 30N 76 12E China Sea, Fas , Pacifi 30 ON 125 OK Cobleuz, Prussia 20N 7 30E Greece 35N Ohambal R , Central India 26 ON 77 OE China Sea, S., Paciflo Oc. 18 On 115 OE Coburg, Germany 50 14N 11 4E Oorlnga, Madras 10 50N 82 20E Chambery, France 45 34N 5 5415 Ohiiri, Str., New Guineii (iuset) 11 OS 150 40E Coburg Pen., Australia 11 25s 132 2E Corinth, Greece 37 66N 23 3E Cliambesi, R., Rhodesia 11 15S 31 30E Ohinaz. Russian Turkestan 40 48n 6s 45 e Cocanada, Madas 16 54N 82 12E Oorlnth, G. of, Greece 38 ION 22 a3E Cliambord, Prance 47 36N I 28E Ohincha Is., Peru 13 50s 76 50w Cochahamba. Bolivia 17 32s 66 30w Corlnto, Nicaragua 12 38N 87 5w Champagne, Prov., France 48 ON 4 OE Ohlnile, Port, B Africa 18 31s 36 30E Cochin, Madras 9 5GN 76 18E Oorisco B., W. Africa 56N 9 30b L., States 44 73 24w Dist., I., 1 9 27 E Champlain, United ON Chlndvvln, R , Burtna 26 ON 95 30E Cochin China, Indo-China 12 30n 109 .5UE Oorisco Sp. West Africa ON Chanda, Central Provs. 20 ON 79 18 E Chlugtu, China 31 ON 104 6E Cochin China, Lower, Dist., Indo-Olilna Cork, Ireland 31 65N 8 27lV Chandamagar, Bengal 22 48N «8 24E Chlui St., Punjab 31 30N 78 18E 10 On 106 OE Cork, Co., Ireland 52 ON 8 SOW Ohang-chau, China 24 40N 118 20E Ohjnkiang, China 32 ION 119 35B Cocker-mouth, England 54 38N 3 221V Cork Hr., Ireland 51 47N 8 15w Obang-sha, China 28 4N 113 5E Chin-wang-tao, China 39 56N 119 30B Coco Is., India 14 ON 93 4E Corner Inlet, Australia 38 43S 146 22E Channel Is., Bnglan,'* 49 30N 2 20w Ohioggia, Italy 45 ION 12 13E Cocos Is., Indian Oc. 12 8s 96 50E Cornish Creek, R., Australia 22 OS 145 12E Chapala, L., Mexico 20 30N 102 50-\T Chios, I., Turkey in Asia 38 23N 26 OE Cod, C, United States 41 36n 70 Ow Cornwall, Co., England 50 22N 4 40w Cbapra, Bengal 25 48N 84 48E Chippenham, England 51 27N 2 7w Codling Bank, Ireland 53 7N 5 35W Coro, Venezuela 11 9N 69 47W Chard, England 50 53N 2 57W Chippewa R., United States 45 ION 91 12w Cognac, France 45 41N 20w Coromandel, New Zealand 36 36S 175 28B Charente, Dept., France 45 28N OE Chipping Is'onon, England 51 57N 1 33\v Ooimbatore, Madras 11 On 77 OE Coromandel Coast, Imlia 13 ON 81 OE Charente-Interieure, Dept., France 46 4N 50^v Chiquitos, Tribe, Bolivia 17 OS 60 Ow OUimbra, Portugal 40 12s 8 25w Corpus Chrlstl, United States 27 50N 97 20w Chargut, L., Tibet 31 64N 88 OE Ohlriqui L., Columbia 9 ION 82 low Col de Perthus, P., France 42 30N 2 5015 Correntyne, R., Guayana 4 Ox 53 Ow Charjui, Russian Turkestan 39 ON 63 40E Chita, Siberia 52 5N 104 OB Colchester-, England 51 34N 53E Correze, Dept., France 43 38N 2 5E Cliarleroi, Belgium 50 25N 4 27E Ohltaldrug, Mysore 14 ION 76 25E Cold Fell, Mt., England 54 65N 2 36w Oorrlb, L., Ireland 53 26N 9 lOw Charles, C, Labrador 32 40x 66 Ow Chltor, Rajpntaua 24 55N 74 40B Coldstream, Scotland 55 40N 2 14W Corrientes, Argentina 27 42s 38 38w Charles, C, United States 37 8N 75 5Sw Chltral, 35 .54N 71 34E Oolenso, Natal 28 58S 30 OE Corr-ientes, C, Argentina 38 Ss 57 47w Charl ston (S. Carolina), United States Chlttagong, Bengal 22 18N 91 64E Ooleraine, Ireland 55 8n 6 38w Corrientes, C, Mexico 20 19N 103 47W 32 54N 80 OW Chiusl, Italy 43 ON 11 37E Colesberg. Cape Colony 30 44s 23 8E Oorrleyairack P., Scotland 57 4N 4 14W

Chanes-on (W. Virginia), United States Chin-ting, China 29 40N 103 53E Colirna, Mexico 19 24N 103 44W Oorryhabble, Mt , Scotland 37 19N S low 38 17N 81 34W Chompasak, Indo-Ohlna 14 55N 105 45E Coll I., Scotland 56 42N 6 7W Goi-se, Dept., France 42 8N 9 OE Charlevill-, Australia 26 40s 146 6E Ohonos Arch, Chile 44 OS 74 On Collier B., Australia 16 10s 134 22E Coi-sewah Pt., Scotland 55 IN 5 lOW Charleville, Ireland 52 22N 8 41w Ohorazln, Palestine 32 54N 35 3lE Oollingwood, New Zealand 40 39s 172 39E Corsica, I., France 42 ION 9 OE Charlotte, I., Indo-China 7 1.3N 106 46E Ohorley, England 53 40N 2 40w Oolmar, Ger-many 48 5N 7 2lE Corso, 0., Corsica 42 39N 9 20E Charlotte, United States 38 12N 8U 57 w Chrlstrnas I., E. Indies 10 25s 105 25R Collie, England, 53 51N 2 13w Corumba, Brazil 19 8s 57 30"^^ Charlotte Town, Canada 46 ION 63 25ff Christmas I., Pacific Oc. 2 15N 157 40^y Colne, R. (Middlesex), England 51 38x u 25w ftiruna. La, Spain 43 22N 8 32^v Charlottenburg, Prussia 63 SON 13 19E Ohrlstlania, Norway 59 45N 11 015 Colne, R. (Essex), England 51 53x U 44E Corve Dale, England 52 28N 2 42W Charnwood Forest, England 32 40N 1 16W Christiania, Fd., Norway 59 20N 10 30E Cologire, Prussia 6U 56N 6 58E Oorwen, \v ales 52 58N 3 25W Charlottes, France 46 23N 4 13E Ohristiansand, Norway 58 ION 7 5515 Colombia, St., S. America 4 UN 73 Ow Oossack, Australia 20 50s 117 OB Charters Towers, Australia 20 OS 146 15 E Ghristlansund, Norway 63 7n 7 39E Colombo, Ceylon 7 ON 79 45E Costa Rica, St., Centr-al America 10 ON 84 Ow Ohartres, France 48 26N 1 28E Ohrlstchnrch, Euglanu 50 45N 1 46w Colon, Colombia 9 12N 79 53W Cosenza, Italy 39 20N 16 12B OhMeaubriant, Prance 47 42N 1 24W Ohristchurch, New Zealand 43 32s 172 40E Colonsay I., Scotland 56 8N 6 12w Cotabato, Philrpgine Is. 7 3N 124 15E Ohateauroux, France 46 47N 1 36E Chu, R., Asiatic Russia 44 48N 72 15E Oolorado, Rio, R., United States 30 2I1N 97 Ow Cote d'Or, Dept., France 46 39s 4 4lB Ohatellerault, France 46 48N 32E Chubut R., Argentina 43 30s 65 OW Colorado B., United States 34 30n 113 5llw Cote d'Or, Mts., France 47 ION 4 50E Chatham, Canada 47 ON 65 20\V Ohudleigh, 0., Labrador 60 ION 65 OW Colorado, St., Uniteil States 39 UN 1(16 Uw Cotentin, Dist., France 49 15N 1 S5\v Chatham, England 51 23N 32E Ohnng-klng, China 29 38N 106 43E Columbia, Mt., Canada 33 15N 118 SOW Cotes-du-Nord, Dept., France 48 23N 2 50-w

OhathamL, Pacifl.- Oc (inset 51) 43 5Us 1 78 OW Chu-ntu, Burma 24 42N 100 OE Columbia, United States 34 UN 81 4W Cotopaxi, Mt., Ecuador SOS , 78 S4-W Otiatra, Bengal 24 12N 84 34 E Chuqulsaca, Bolivia 19 3S 65 20"\Y Columbia R., United States 46 28N 133 Ow Cotrone. Italy 39 8N 17 6E Chattanooga, United States 35 2N 85 19w Chur, Switzerland 46 50N 9 34E Oohuiibretes, Is., Spain 39 64N O 44b Cotswold Hills, England 51 48N 2 lOw Chaumont, France 48 5N 5 6E Churchill R., Canada 55 35N 102 30w Columbus, United States 39 56N 82 55w Council Bluffs, United States 41 iOs 95 40w Chaves, Portugal 41 45N 7 375V Olmrfirsten, Mt., Switzerland 47 ION 9 13E Ooinacchlo, Italy 44 42N 13 12E Coupar Angus, Scotland 56 33N 3 17w Cheddar, England 51 15N 2 48w Clrusan Is., China 30 15N 122 12E Oombaconum, Madras 11 UN 79 24E Courtmacsherry B., Ireland 51 35N 8 38w Cheduba, I., Burma 18 48N 93 42E Ohutia, Nagpur Div., Bengal 23 ON 85 OE Combln, Mt., Switzerland 45 67s 7 23B Courtrai, Belgium 50 48N 3 15E Ohe-kiang, Prov., China 29 ION 120 OE Clenfuegas, Cuba 22 ION 80 6W Comeragh, Mt., Ireland 52 17s 7 32W- Coventry, England 53 25N 1 32w Oheliabmsk, Russia 53 20N 60 33E Oilician Taurus, Mts., Turkey in Asia Comillah, Bengal 33 3UN 91 lOE Covington, United States 39 4N 84 33W Ohe-lin-pau, China (inset) 30 48N 121 26E 37 30N 34 OE Comlno I., Italy 36 Us 14 12B Cowali, Dist., Scotland 36 ON 3 llw Chelmer, R., England 51 48N 28E OimmaiTon R., United States 37 20N 102 Ow Como, Italy 45 48n 9 12E Cowan Ra., Australia 26 OS 145 OE Chelmsford, England 51 44N 28E Cincinnati, United States 39 ION 84 'Mvr Oomo, L., Italy 46 On 9 20E Oowbridge, Wales 51 34N 3 38w Cheltenham, England 61 54N 2 4W Cinto, Mt., Corsica 42 25N 9 lOE Coraarin, 0., Travancore 8 6N 76 36 E Cowes, England 50 46N 1 17w Chelyuskin, 0., Siberia 78 ON 103 OE Circars, Madras 19 ON 84 OE Comoro Is., Indian Oc. 12 OS 44 3Ue Oowpen, England 65 7N 1 S4W Oliemnitz, Saxony 50 45N 12 35E Clrcello, Mt., Italy 41 12N 13 OE Compass Berg, Mt., Cape Colony 31 lUS 24 5UE Cowra, Australia 43 51s 148 43E Chemulpo, Corea 37 31N 127 OB Cirencester, England 51 44N 1 38"W Complfegne, France 49 24N 2 49E Cracow, Austria 50 4N 19 55E

( 7 ) E E


Oradlij Mt., 20«' R., England 63 26X 1 30w Titsiicuiiu JL' us ] I.". Ini; UallioiisLc, Burma 16 On 91 2Uf: Denbigh, Co., Wales 53 ION 3 Don, -:< 52 39 f'i-iid..rk, C'lL],,; Coluiiy :;l' 7s :;iik Dalkeith, Scotland 55 Six 3 4\v Deneshkin Kanen, Mt., Russia 60 SON 62 30H Don, R., Russia ON OE Criiii,' Kii.. Austriiliu '2\j JDS l.'.l 4UE Dallas, United States 32 59N 96 SiiW Deuham Ra„ Australia S6 SOS 149 SOE Don, R., Scotland 57 20x 2 40w

( )r:iii)V;i, Cossacks, Tribe, Russia 48 SOX 42 SOE Rumaniu 44 iiU\ 23 .">L'I-; Dalmally, Scotland 5C 21N 4 59^^' Deiiia, Siiain .38 49N 4E Don 5 Orauiliugioii. Kiiglanrl 'k', 5n 1 I'.ijw Dalmatia, Prov., Austria 43 SON 16 SOE Detiiliquin, Australia 36 27s 146 oE Donaghadee, Ireland 54 39X 3SW Craiiborue, Engliiiid OlJ 56x 1 -'iSw Dalnaspidal, Scotland 56 SON 4 14W Denison, Australia 29 lOs 114 56E Doncaster, England 53 Six 1 8W 6 8 23E OraDborne Chase, Eogliuitl 5IJ ri8\ 2 4\V Dalui, 39 5x 122 9E Denmark, Australia 36 OS 116 57E Dondra Hd , Ceylon Ox Craven, Dist.. En^dand oi 3n 2 lUW Dairy. Scotland 55 44N 4 43w Denmark, St., Eurojje 61 ON 9 SOE Donegal, Ireland 54 S9X 8 7\y Crcilitnii, Eiiglaiiii 50 3SN 3 3'JW Dalton, England 64 lOx 3 13W Denmark Str,, Arctic Oc. 65 Ox 25 Ow Donegal, B., Ireland 54 32X 8 20w Crciiioiia, Italy 45 ION 10 Oe Dalwhinnie, Scotland 56 57x 4 14w Dent du Midi, Mt., Switzerland 46 lOX 9 57H Douegal, Co., Ireland 54 SSx 8 OW Crete, I., Mediteranean Sea 35 15n 25 OB Daly R,, Australia 14 OS 131 OLi Denver, United States 39 50X 106 6w Donetz, R., Russia 48 SOX 39 SOE Oreua, 0. rte, Spain 42 17N 3 17 H Daman, Bombay 20 20N 72 4UE Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab SO 6N 70 48E Donna Nook, England 63 SOX 1 1 E Oreuse, Dept., Erauce 45 56N 1 50E Dainara Land, Dist. Ger., S.W. Africa 21 OS 17 OE Dera Ismail Khan, N.-W. Frontier 32 ON Donbannt L., Canada 63 SOx 102 Ow Oreiise, H., Erauce 46 3UN 1 lun Damascus, Turkey in Asia 33 S3N 36 I8t; 70 .52E Doon, L., Scotland 55 ISN 4 22w Oreusot, Le, Erauce 46 40N 4 24E Damietta, Egyfit 31 SON 31 35E Derbent, Russia 42 IN 48 IB Doon, E., Scotland 55 21N 4 SOW Crewe, England 53 5n 2 27\y Dammastock, Mt., Switzerlaml 40 39x S 23E Derby, Australia 17 25s 123 35E Doom E., Cape Colony 32 20s 19 SOE Orewkerne, Kngland 50 54N 2 47AV Damoh, Central Prov,, India 23 SUx 79 30E Derby, England 52 SON 1 28W Dora Baltea R., Italy 45 45x 7 SOB Orlccieth, Wales 52 54N 4 14^V" Dampier Arch., Australia 20 30s 116 30E Derby, Co., England 52 I2X 1 32W Dorchester, England 60 S9N 2 26\y Orickhowell, Wales 51 SON 3 8\7 Dampier Land, Dist., Australia 17 SOS 123 OE Uerg, L,, Ireland 52 59N 8 20w Dordogne, Dept., France 44 S9x 28E Crlcklade, England 61 311.N 1 52W Dampier Str,, Dutch E. Indies OS 132 OE Dcrg, E., Ireland 64 42N 7 40W Dordogne, R., France 44 SON 35K Crieff, Scotland 66 22N 3 48w Dan, Palestine 33 15N 35 42E Derryuasaggart Mts., Ireland 61 57N^ 2 20w Doi-drecht, Cape Colony 31 19s 26 49E Oriflel, Mt., Scotland 64 68N 3 4Cw Danakil, Tribe, Eritrea 14 SON 40 OE DerryveagirMts., Irelanri 55 ON 8 0\\' Dordrecht, Netherlands 51 47X 4 40E , Pen., Russia 45 30N 30 015 Danger Pt., Australia 23 -'S 163 40E Derweut, R. (Cumberland), England 54 38N Dore, Dutch E. Inilies 53s 134 lOE Crinan Cau., Scotland 66 3N 5 3u\y Dang-la Mts., Tibet 32 54N 94 OE 3 SOW Dore, Mt,. France 45 2Sx 2 50E Oroagh Patrick, Mt., Ireland 63 43N 3 34W Dangra Turn, L., Tibet 31 ON 86 13E Derweut, R, (Derby), England 63 ON 1 SOW Dorking, England 51 ISX 20W

Croatia, Prov., Huugary 45 30N Ifi iiio Dangs, Bombay 20 Sox 73 4ue Derwent, R. ( Yorks), England 54 12N 38W Dormitor, Mt., Montenegro 43 lOx 19 SOE Crocodile R., Palestine 32 32N 3-i 57 !: Danjaan, Palestine 33 Sx 35 9E Derweut Water, England 64 SSx 3 9W Dornoch, Scotland, 57 52N 4 Sw Crocodile R,, Transvaal 24 20s 26 51 [i Dannemora, Sweden 60 lOx 18 OR Des Moines, Uniteil States 42 2X 93 45W Dornoch, E., Scotland 57 61x 4 OW Cromarty, Scotland 57 40N 4 Iw , R., Austria 46 40x 19 OE Desert et Tih, Egypt 30 Ox 34 OB Dorpat, Russia 58 29N 26 38E Cromarty E., Scotland 57 41N 4 lOW Danube, E., Germany 48 2SX 10 OE Deshnef C. Siberia 66 ON 170 OE Dorset, Co., England 60 48N 2 30w Cromer, England 52 56N 1 18E , Romania 45 ON 29 15E Desna, R,, Russia 62 Ox S3 OE Dorset Hts., England 50 SOX 2 40\y Crooked I., W. Indies 22 40N 74 26W Danville, United States 36 34X 79 27W Despeija Perros, Mts., Spain 38 17N 3 25w Dortmund, Prussia 61 SOx 7 28e Crookliaveu, Ireland 51 27N 9 44W Danzig, Prussia .54 21N IS 39E Despoblado Plat., Bolivia 22 OS 67 Smy Dotlian, Palestine 32 23N 35 16E Cross Eell, Kugland 52 42N 2 40W Danzig, G. of Prussia 54 2Sx 19 OE Despoto Dagh, Mts., Turkey 41 40X 24 OE Donai, France SO 2SN 3 2E Cross R., Nigeria 6 12N 8 lOE Dapsang Mt,, Kashmir 36 6N 76 24 E Dessau, Germany 61 48X" 12 SOB Donbs, Dept., France 47 16N 6 25E Crouch, R., Eugland 51 37N 3GE Dar es, Ger. E. Africa 7 OS 39 lOB Desterro, Brazil 27 42s 48 25w Doubs, E., France 47 6X 6 25li Crow Hd., Ireland 51 35N 10 low Dara, Egyptian Sudan 12 ION 25 lOE Dctmold, Germany 51 66N 8 59E Doubtful Inlet, New Zealand 46 16s 160 58E Crowboro' Beacon, Euglaud 51 3N 2R Darthangah, Bengal 26 12X 85 S4B Detroit, United States 42 5N 83 5w Douglas, Isle of Man 54 9x 4 32 w 46\y Crow's Nest P., Canada 50 ON 114 30 \v Dart el Haj i The Pilgrim's RuadJ, Palestine Dcutsoh Krone, Prussia 53 17N 16 20E Douglas, E., England 63 40N 2 Croydon, Australia 18 309 142 15E 31 l.SN 36 6E Devarkonila, Haidarabad 16 36N 78 48E Douro, E,, Portugal 41 4N 8 36\v Croydon, England 51 22N 6\y Daren t, H., England 51 20N 12E Deventer, Netherlands 52 16N 6 llli Dove, R., England 53 SN 1 38\V Orozet Is., Indian Go. 47 OS 61 OE Darfur, Dist., Egyptian Sudan 12 SON 24 OE Devil's Pit., Mt., Ireland 62 60x 7 51w Dovedale, England 53 ION 1 48w Cruz, C. de, Cuba 19 42N 77 42vy Dargftviile, New Zealand 36 Os 173 5( E Devizes, England 51 21x 1 59W Dover, England 51 7N 1 19E Cuba, I., W. Indies 22 ON 79 30W Dari, R., Afghanistan 31 S5N 65 25 E Devol, R., Turkey 40 SOX 20 23E Dover, United States 39 7N 76 SOW

1 Oucuta, Colombia 7 42N 72 52Tr Daria i Niris, L , Persia 29 SSX 53 36E Devon, Co., England 50 45X 3 S5W Dover, Straits of, England 51 Ox 30E Cuddalore, Madras 11 42N 79 48 E Dariel P., Russia 42 8x 45 OE Devonport, England SO 22N 4 12W Dovey, R., Wales 52 32N 4 low Ouddapah, Madras 14 30N 78 54E Darien, G. of, Colombia 9 Ox 77 Ow Dewsbiiry, England 63 42N 1 40w Douvre Field, Norway 62 SON 10 OB Cue, Australia 27 15s 117 48B Darjiling, Bengal 27 Sx 88 6B Dhar, Central India 23 S.5X 75 23E Dowlais, Wales 51 46X 3 26W Ouenca, Ecuador 3 51s 79 17\v Darling Downs, Australia 27 OS 151 OE Dharm,sala, Punjab 32 ISx 76 24E Down, Co., Ireland 64 20X 6 OW Ouenca, Spain 40 6N 2 5\v Darling Ra,, Australia 32 SOS 116 OE Dharwar, Bombay 15 SOx 75 6E Downham Market, England 52 SSx 23 E Ouillin Hills, Scotland 57 13N 6 Sw Darling R., Australia 31 Os 145 OB Dhaulagiri, Mt., Nepal 28 SOx 83 OE Do^-npatrick, Ireland 54 19x 5 43W OuiUin Sd., Scotland 57 8N 6 24T\' Darlington, Ensjland 54 32X 1 S2W Dbiban, Palestine 31 29x 35 48B Downpatriok Hd., Ireland 54 20X 9 2nr Oujavia, Dist., Prussia 52 SON 18 20E Darmstadt, l.4erman.y 49 52X 8 40E Dim Hcai-teach, Is.. Scotland 56 7n 6 40w Draguignan, France 43 S8N 7 OE Cul Mor, Mt., Scotland 58 IN 5 4vy Daro Mt., Siberia 8 isx 9 OW Dhubri, Assam 26 On 89 57E Drakens Berge, Mts., Natal 27 SOS 29 SUE Ouldaff, Ireland 55 18N 7 7w Daroma, Dist., Palestine 31 ox 35 OE Dbulia, Bombay 21 ON 74 SOB Drama, Turkey 41 8N 24 HE Oulgoa R., Australia 28 03 148 30E Dart, R., England 50 25X 3 4SW Diakevar, Huugary 45 19N 18 25E Drannneu, Norway 69 49N 10 IE Ouiiacan, Mexico 24 48N 107 22\y Dartmoor, England 50 41x 3 68W Diamantina, Brazil 18 14S 43 44W Dranse, R. Switzerland 46 SN 7 ISE OuUen, Scotland 57 43N 2 49"W Dartmouth, England 50 21N 3 S3W Diamantino, Brazil 14 SOS 56 40W Drave, R., Huugary 45 43N 17 36E Culloden, Scotland 57 29N 4 7W Darwaz, Dist., Russian Turkestan 38 SOX 71 1 1 Diamentina If., Australia 26 Os 139 35E Drenthc, Prov., Netherlands 62 60X 6 4ilE Culter Fell, Mt., Scotland 55 36N 3 28w Darwen, Eugland S3 42x 2 29W .Diamond Hr., Bengal 22 ION 88 lOE Dresden, Saxony 51 IN 13 44E Culver OliiJ, England 50 40N 1 5W Dasht, H,, Bidnclustan 25 SON 62 20E Diarbekr, Turkey in Asia 37 SON 40 25E Driii, R., Turkey 41 43N 19 37E

Oulverden, New Zealand 42 45s 173 4E Dasht i Ohul, Desert, Rusnan Turkestan Diiion, Palestine 31 39N 35 48B Drin, Black R., Turkev 41 43N 20 2SE Oumana, Venezuela 10 15N 64 5\y 37 ION 62 SOE Dihrugarb, Assam 27 SON 95 OE Drina, R., Bosnia 44 SON 19 2E Cumberland, United States 39 39N 78 40w Dasbti Lut, Desert, Persia 32 ION 57 15E Di-chn, R., Tibet 37 SON 97 OE Drina, R., Servia 44 SOX 19 12E Oumberlaud, Co., England 54 40N 3 0\v Datia, Central India 25 36N 78 30E Dieppe, France 49 56N 1 lOE Drogheda, Ireland, 63 42x 6 15W Ounjl^erland Plat.. United States 36 i'.lx 81 0\v Datu, 0., Sarawak 2 IN 109 42E Difunda. Congo St. 10 30s 21 62B Droitwich, England 52 16N 2 Sw Oumiierland, K., Unitel States 36 14N 86 Ow Daulatabail, Haidarabad 19 3SN 75 20l': Digne, France 44 6N 6 9B Drume, Dept., France 44 47N 5 7B Cumberland Sd., Canada 64 30N 66 0\\^ Daunt Rock, Ii'elaml 51 43X 8 19w Diliang,E., Tibet 27 18N 95 OE Dromore, Ireland 54 26x 6 8W Cunibre, Mt., Argentina 33 SOS 69 35W Dauphiue, Prov., France 45 35N 5 OE Dijon, France 47 2.5X 6 SB Drum Hs., Ireland 52 4N 7 44W Cumbrian Hills, England 54 30N 3 10 VT Daventry, England 52 15N 1 lUVf Dilam. Persia 29 55N 50 16E Drummond Ra., Australia 23 OS 147 20 E Cumnock, Scotland 55 27K 4 17\y Davis Str., Canada 06 OX 51 Ow Dili, Port. B. Indies 8 40s 125 35B Drumocbt P., Scotland 56 51N 4 I'.iw Ouno, Italy 44 20N 7 36E Davos, Switzerland 46 46X 9 48 E Dilols, L., Angola 11 40s 21 lOE Duala, Camerons 4 15x 9 48 E Cunnamulla, Australia 28 3S 145 40E Davos Valley, Switzerlaml 46 4SX 9 J5E Dime-shk esb Sham, Palestine S3 SOx ,36 19E Dubbo, Australia 32 17s 148 48E Ouuningliaiii, Dist., Scotland 55 40N 4 30\v Dawes Ea,, Australia 24 43S 151 OE Dimotika, Turkey 41 22x 26 27E , Ireland 63 23x 6 15w Ounoue, Mt., Italy 44 15N 11 5E Dawson, Canada 63 56N 139 OW Dinair, Turkey in Asia 38 SN 30 17E Dublin B., Ireland 53 20N 6 5W Cupar, Seotland 56 20N 3 2W Dawson, R., Australia 25 10s ISO lOE Dinajpur, Bengal 25 36x ,88 42B Dublin, Co., Ireland 53 20N 6 20w Oupiea, Colombia 6 4SN 77 15W- Daya,k, Tribe, Borneo OE 115 UE Dinant, Belgium 50 17N 4 55B Dubuque, United States 42 41X 90 46w Curaco R., Argentina 38 Os 66 OlV Dayton, United States 39 4SN 84 SW Dinara, Mt., Bosnia 44 SN 16 SOE Duddon, R., England 54 ION 3 18w Curacoa, I., W, Indies 12 15N 69 lOw Dc Aar, Cape Colony 3U His 23 51E Dinaric Alps, Mts,, Bosnia 44 ON 16 36E Dudley, England .52 .SON 2 4W Curitiba, Brazil 25 SOS 49 50iy De Grey E., Australia 20 US 113 5SB Dinder, R„ Egyptian Sudan 12 SON 36 OE Duero, R., Spain 41 4UN 3 45^y Ourragh, Dist., Ireland 53 8N 44W De Peel, Moor, Netherlands 51 ISN S 32E Diniling, Straits Settlenjents 4 ISN 100 35E Dufferiu, C, Canada 58 SON 79 WW Curtis I., Australia 23 35S 151 5E Dead S,, Turkey in Asia 31 28N 35 32E Dinding-Rajah, Mt,, Malay Pen, 4 2IX 101 6E Dufltowu, Scotland 57 23x 3 7w Curzola, I., Austria 42 57N 16 4SE Deal, England 51 13X 1 21E Dingle, Ireland 52 8N 10 16W Dutile, Congo State 3 38x 31 49E Cuslicmlun. Ireland 55 6N 6 3w Dean, Forest of, Euglaml 51 46X 2 low Uingle B., Ireland 52 4N 10 lOW Duisburg, Prussia 61 25N 6 50E Outch, G. of. Arabian Sea 22 35N 68 30E Dease Str., Canada 68 Sox IDS Ow Dingwell, Scotland 67 S4N 4 28w Diikla P., Austria 49 2i)N 21 3SE Cuteh, St.. Bombay 23 18N 69 4SE Di-ath Vallev Unitel States 37 ON" 116 Sow Diret et Tidul, Palestine S3 ISx 36 SIE Dulce, Gulfo, G., Costa Rico 8 20X 83 20«- Outtack, Bengal 20 20N 86 OK Debcu, H„ England 62 ISx 1 ISE Dirk, Hartog I., Australia 25 50s 112 SOE Dulcigno, Montenegro 41 56N 19 ISh: Cuvier, p., Australia 24 5S 112 20E Debit, Palestine 31 26X 34 S8E oisa, Bomba^ 24 12N 72 12E Duluth, Uniteil States 46 64X 92 14 \V Cuxliaven, Germany 53 52N 8 42E Debreczin, Hungary 47 S2X 21 S9E Disko, I., Greenland 69 40N 6S 30W Dum Dum, Bengal 22 35N 88 SOE 1 Ouyaba, Brazil 15 34s 56 8W Debn L , Er, W. Africa IS ION 6 Iw Diss, England 52 2lN 7E Dumbarton, Scotland 55 S7N 4 S4W Cuyuiu, R., Br. liuiana 6 ON 6 SOW lleccaii, India 17 OX 78 UE Dissentis, Switzerland 46 43x 8 50E Dumbarton, Co., Scotland 56 lOx 4 46W Cuzco, Peru 13 35s 71 55 \y Dcdeagach, Tnrkev 40 SOX 25 56E Ditchling Beacon, England 50 SSx 6w Dumfries, Scotland 65 5X 3 S6w Cyclades, Is, Greece 37 ON 25 OlO Dee. H., Scotland 57 6N 2 42 w Din, Bombay 20 42N 71 OE Dumfries, Co., Scotland 56 12x S SO\y Cypress Hills, Canada 49 35N 110 52\v Doe, R,, Scotland 54 56N 4 Iw Divis, Mt . Ireland 54 39N 6 3w Diinaburg, Russia 55 68x 26 ISE , I., Mediterranean S. 35 ox 33 lOE Dee, R., Wales S3 (IN 3 SUw Diyala, R., Turkev in Asia 34 ON 45 OE Diinany Pt., Ireland 53 SOx 14W Cytliuos, I., Greece 37 25N 24 25li Deel, R., Ireland 53 22X 9 OW Dizak, Persia 27 18N 62 OE Dunayetz. E., Austria 49 40x 20 27E Czegled, Hungary 47 ION 19 41B Dehna, Desert (ice Nefud and Roba el Kali, Dizful, Persia S2 23N 48 SOB Dunbar, Scotland 65 59N 2 31w Ozernowitz, Austria 48 18N 25 59E j\j-aliia) Djunibir, Mt., Hungary 43 S5N 19 20B Dunblane, Scotland 56 UN 3 57w " Debra, Agra and Oudli 30 2nx 78 6E Dnieper, R., Rirssia 624UN 30 30E Duncan Pas., Andaman Is. 11 12x 92 42E DACCA, Bengal 23 40N 90 SOE Deir, Turkey in Asia 36 19x 40 21 Dniester, R., Anstria 49 Ox 25 Ox Duucannon, Ireland 62 13x 6 56w Daghistan, Dist., Russia 42 30N 47 SOE Deil el Kamr, Palestine S3 43X 35 31E Dniester, R., Russia 48 45X 26 lOB Duncansby Hd., Scotland 58 S9X S Iw

Daliira, Dist., Oman 24 5N 55 40E Delagoa B,. Port. E. Africa 21 Os 32 -I (Mi Dohruja, Dist, Romania 44 SOX 28 24B , Ireland 64 ON 6 24w Dahlak Is,, Eritrea IB 5N 40 lOE Delaware, B., United Stites 39 ux 75 ow Doee, Eio, R.. Brazil 19 35s 40 l)w Dundalk B. Ireland 63 SSN 6 20w Dahome-. Uist., Fr. W. Africa 8 SON 2 20E Delaware, St., United States 39 Ux 75 0\v Dodabetta, Mt., Madi-as 11 24N 76 42E Dundee, Scotland 56 27X 2 67w Dainan, Japan 23 12N 120 22E IJclfzvl, Netherlands 53 20x 6 53E Uodingo, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 52x 127 44E Dundrum, Ireland 54 13x 5 52W Dakar, Fr. W. Africa 14 ION 17 OW Delhi, Punjal) 28 .5KN 77 OE Dodraan Pt., England 60 13x 4 47w Dundrmn B., Ireland 64 12N 5 48w Dakota E., United States 43 45N 98 25w Delft, Netherlands 52 IN 4 2lE Dokthol, Dit., libet .3u .SON 83 SOE Dunedin, New Zealand 45 52s 170 32E Dakota, N., St., United States 47 On lllO Ow Delgado, C, Ger. E. Africa 10 41S 40 39E Dolgfclly, Wales 62 45N 3 52W Dunfermline, Scotland 56 5X 3 28W Dakota, S., St., United States 45 Ox 100 Ow Deli', Sumatra 3 38N 98 40B Dollar Law, Mt., Scotland 55 SON 3 14W Dungannou. Ireland 54 SIX 6 47w Dal R., Sweilen 60 26N 16 OB Delos, I., Greece 37 24N 25 13E DoUart, The Sd., Netherlands 63 ISN 7 8E Dungarpur, Rajputana 23 64N 73 42E Dal R., E., Sweden 62 Ox 14 OE Delta of the Nile, Egypt SI IRX 30 45K Dolon No, China 42 2UN 116 2SE Dungarvan, Ireland 62 5N 7 38w Dal H„ W., Sweden 61 UN 14 UE Demavend, Mt.. Persia 35 S9X 53_24E Dombes. Is,, France 46 ON 5 15B Dungeness, 0., England 50 SSx 68E Dalai Nor, L., Mon^'Olia 43 ION 116 26B Demerara, R.. Br. (juiana 6 Ox 5; S5W Dominica, Is., W. Indies 15 ,38N 61 26w Dunkeld, Scotland 66 36N 3 S2w Dalbeattie, Scotland 54 56N 3 SOW Dcmpo, Mt., Sumatra 4 SOS loi OE Domiuiiau Republic, W. Indies 18 SON 70 Ow Dunkery Beacon, Mt., England 51 12N 3 SGw Dalby, Australia 27 263 151 31E Denbigh, Wales 63 lOx 3 26w Domo il'Cs.sola, Italy 46 7N 8 18E Dunkirk, France 51 3N 2 22E


Dniimanus B., Irclaud 51 30N 9 40"W El Kbargch, Egypt 25 ION 30 12E Erz Gebirge, Mts., Saxony (.9^e Ore Mts.) Farsistan, Prov., Persia 28 OS 62 30E Danmanwny, Trc'lanil 51 4ilN 9 6\V El Khulil, Palestine 31 3lN 35 GE Fa-zingyan, Turkey in Asia S9 47K 39 25E Farnkliabad, Agra and Oudh 27 24N 79 36E Ilumuore, Iivtaiiil 52-i)N 7 O^v- El Kuds, Palestine: 31 46N 35 13B Erzeruni, Turkey in Asia 39 49N 11 20B Faslioda, Sudan 9 SSx 31 68E JJuiimore IIil., Irulauil 52 SN 10 SOW Kl Knneitrah, Pali'stlnc 33 8N 35 -IRE BsSidt, Palestine 32 IN 35 1 no Pastnet L. H., Ireland 61 2Sx 9 3SW

Duiiiilow, Eiit,'laiid 51 5oX U lUl-: El Leia, Dist., I'aleatlne 33 ON 30 20E Bs Sanaui- ill, Palcstiue 33 6X 3 • HMO Fatebgarh, Agra and Oudh 27 2Sx 79 40E

Dninict B., Sc-otland 5» 3CX 3 31ln' El Lejjun, Pal-stiuc 32 3-3N 35 9E Bs Sedi-ir, Dist., Arabia 26 30.\ 15 30 10 Fatehpur, Agra ami Oudh 23 SIX 80 48E DiimiKt H(l., Suitljnd 58 40N 3 21W El Mezeirib, Palestine 32 43X 36 210 Bs .Sur, I'alestine 33 lex 35 1210 Fatehpur, Rajpiitana 28 Ox 75 2E Dunoon, Sootlaml 55 5SX 4 yljW El Obeid, Egvptian Bu-lan 13 35x 30 32E Bs Snweidah, Palestine 32 I2X 36 olE Faueilles, Mts., France 48 8N 6 OE Duni-ol)in Castle, Scotland 57 5.SN' 3 57\\' El Ordeh, E-.'vptian Smlan 18 ISN 30 21E Esbjcrg. Denmark 55 28N S 2910 Faulborn, Mt., Switzerland 46 39x 8 OE Duns, Srotland 55 4oN 2 2UW El Pass, Uniteil States 32 Ix 106 25w Eseaut, R,, Belgium 60 51x 3 36E Fanresnuth, Cape Colony 29 45S 25 29E Dunstablf, K]i,L,'land 51 53x 31w El Wej, Tni-kc-y in Asia 26 I5x 36 24E Esdrae on, Palestine 32 3;)X 35 lllF Faversham, England 51 I8N 52E Dunstanhni-^'li Castlo, Eu^^Iand 55 2:iN 1 3Gw Elah, Palestine 31 12.N- 31 -52E I'lsdremadnr-a, Dist., Spain 39 5X 6 low Fayctteville, United States 35 ON 78 63W DunvL-^MU, Canada 5ti OX US low Ellja, 0., Egyptian Sudan 22 lOX 36 52E Escorial, Spain 40 38x 4 tiw Fear, 0., Canada 33 50N 78 6W

Dunve^^au. L., Scotland 57 2Sx (i 38\V Elba, I., Itaiv 42 47N 10 20B Esb Sheriah, R., Palestine 32 I5x 35 S3E Fecamp, Fiauci- 411 47n 20E Dunw'ioli, Kiiglaud 52 17N 1 3Sh; Hlbasau, Turk.-y 41 6N 20 7B Esk, R., (Cumberl.'iuil), England 51 21 x 3 ISw Fehmarn I., (iermanv 54 .30N 11 SE Dui-anco, K., Vranoe -14 25N li (tl'l Elbe, 11., Austria -50 15x 11 40E Esk, R., (Turks.), England 54 25x 50\y Fehrbellin, Prussia 62 43N 12 46E Duraugo, I\I('xicu 24 17x ]05 I'.uv Elbe, R., Pnisai)! 53 ION 11 OB Esk, R., (Edinburgh), Scotland 55 ,48x 3 18w Feldkirch, Austria 47 24N 9 34B Durazzo, Tnrkryll 22N ID :'.Ul'l ElbcrlVId, Prussia 51 MX 7 OB Esk, R., (Dumfries), Scotland 55 9x 3 OW Felcgybiiza, Hungary 46 42N 19 61B Dnrlian, Natal 211 .5.Ss 30 57f. Elbeuf, I'raui-e 19 17N 56K Esk, North, R., Scotland 56 SOX 2 inv Feli.xstowe, EnL'land 51 58N 1 23b Diirliam, En.ulaiid 5t ICx 1 .5,s«- lOlbbig, Prussia 51 SN 19 2610 Esk, South, R,, Seotlanil 56 47x 3 Ow Fens, The, Dist., England 52 45X 20E Durliam, Co., Englaml 54 4(lx 1 3,Sw i:ibruz, Mt., Hu.ssia 43 3llx 12 20B Eski, Zagra, Bulgaria 42 2SX 25 40E Ferghana, Di,st., Russian Turkestan 40 40N Durinisli, l^ist., Scotland 57 25n u 3,s\v Elburz Mts„ Persia 36 25x 52 OE Esla, R., Spain 41 Sll.v 5 SOW 72 OE Durso' f-. Ireland 51 35x 111 12W lOleli.-, Siiain 38 16X 37«' Esmi-raldas, Ecu-ailor S3X 79 491T Fergus, R., Ireland 52 45N 9 Ow'y, England 51 42x 2 23w Elriuhera I., W. hidies 25 Ox 76 lOW Esneh, B-4\pt 25 13X 32 SUE Fermanagh, Co., Ireland 51 20x 7 Sow

DUssLldorf, Prussia 51 13x LI 5li; Elia.s, Mt., Cn ,- 38 34N 26 OE Bs|iicbel, (J., Portugal 38 2SX 9 lilw Fermov, Ireland 62 9X 8 16"W ^^' Bspirito Dutoli Cuiana, Col., S. Auici-ic l 4 55 3U\\' Elie, Seotlan.l -56 I2X 2 49W Santo, St.. Brazil 20 us 10 oW Fernando Po., I., G. of Guinea 3 38x 8 SOB Dvina 1!., Ruswia 115 Ox 311 U'i Elgin, Seotlanil 57 39x 3 20iy Bs-pnmalt, Canada 48 28X 123 15W loerue Is., Englan-l 55 37N 1 39W

2',t Es-eg, Hungary 18 Perraj.i Dvina, R., Russia 55 30x OK Elgin, Co , Scotland 57 39x 3 26ir 45 Six 48E Porto, Italy 42 45X 10 18E Dvina, R., Russia 113 ox 43 2510 Elgon, Mt., Br. E. Africa 45.\- 34 46E Esseu, Prussia 51 28N 7 OE Ferrara, Italy 44 SON 11 40E Dy«^ Ala-ka 50 2',lx 135 35\T Ells, Prov., Grc-ece 37 45x 21 30B Bs,seiiuilio, R,, Br. Guiano 5 Ox 58 lOw Ferrol, Spain 43 29x 8 15w Dylc, R., Bolt'ium 50 68N 4 35B Elizavetpnl, Russia 40 30N 46 25E Essex, Oo., England 51 40x 30io Ferrn, Mt., Itali 40 SN 8 27E Dysai't, t^L'Otland 513 7N 3 7\y Elk Mts., Unitcil Slates 40 30x 110 OW Estland, Dist., Russia SS 5SX 25 SOB Fc-stiniog, Wales 52 58N 3 !i^^7 Ellesuiere, England 52 -54X 2 56\V Esrreito I'lat, Brazil 16 SOs so ow Fctbaland Pt,, ShetlamI Is., -Scotlan-I (iuset) E.iGLE I., Ireland 51 ISN 10 6\y Ellesmere I. ami. Arc-tic America 78 O.N 81 0\y Bstremandiua. Prov,, Portugal 38 ox 8 llw 00 3SN 1 16w Eagle r.. United States 2S 45x 100 l',l«- Elliee Is., Pa.-ilic Oc. 7 OS 178 OE Btawa, Agra and Uudli 26 Sox 79 5e Fetlar, I., Saetland Is., Scotland (inset) E.irn, L., tieotland 511 23N 4 llw Elliclipnr, Berai- 21 12x 77 SB Btive, L., Sc.itland 56 2sx 5 low 60 S5N 50w Earnslaw, Mt, New Zealand 44 37s Ills Si'k Elliott, Mt., .\.iistralia 19 26s 116 OE Etna, Mt., Italy 37 43x IS IE , Mnrocco 33 SON 5 2.5"W" East Angliau Ht.-^., England 52 3ox luu Ellon, Scotland 57 22.N' 2 3W Eton. England 51 29N 36w Fezzan, Tripoli 25 ON 14 OE East 0., New Zealand 37 42s 17,S 3610 Ellore, Madras 16 12x 81 6B Etuso Swamp, Germau S.-W. Africa 18 SOs Fiehtel Gebirge, Mts., Bavaria 50 Ox 12 OE 16 East 0., Bihcria (IB ON 170 OK Elniina, G-olil Coast 5 l:ix 1 15w .30E Fi c, Co., Scotland 50 lox 3 20W East Dereham, England 52 41X 57E Eluiina, United States 12 5x 76 43w lOttrick Pen, Mt, Scotland 55 20x 3 12W Fife Ness, C, Scotland 60 ION 2 35W East India Co.'s Is., -See Bahr el Benat 'Oman Elphin, Irelanil 53 50X 8 Uw Ettrick, H., Scotland 55 30x 3 0\y Fifth Cataact of Nile, Egyptian Sudan 18 15X East Londou, Cape Colony 32 5Ss 27 5210 Elsass, Dist., Germany, 48 30X 7 30E Euliiea, I., Greece 38 SOX 24 OE S3 46E East Main, R., Canada 52'20X 7C (l\y Elton, L., Russia 19 2N 46 30B Eucia Australia 31 40s 128 50E Filik, Eg,\ptian 16 ISN SO 20E East Retford, Euglaiid 53 21X 5SW Elusa, Palestine 31 3X 34 40E Biifemia, ,S., Italy 39 4N 16 12E Figueira, Portugal 40 ION 8 62"W East Riding, England 53 o8N 3S\y Elva.s, Portugal 38 50N 7 10\y Fluplirates, R., Turkey in Asia 33 30x 42 50E Figueras, Spain 42 17x 2 59E East Stoke, England 53 2N 54iy Ely, Englanil -52 21X 16E lOureka, United States 39 40N 116 9w Is., Australasia (ins-jt 51) 18 10s 178 OE Eastbourne, Eugland 50 4GN 18E El.v, Isie of, England 52 24X 1GB Bure, D-pt., France 49 Ox 3410 Filey, England 54 12N 18w .-Vsia lOure-et-Loire, Dept,, France, 2li|0 Findhorn, Ebal, Mt., Palestine 32 16x 35 1510 Emba R , Russia in 48 Ox 57 30E 48 12x 1 Scotland 67 40n 3 SOW Eberswalde, Prussia 52 48x 13 5010 Embrun. France 41 36N' 6 27E Eiirepa, Pehas de, .Mts., Spain 43 10X4 SOW Findhorn, R., Scotland 67 1-5X 4 lOw Ebro, R., Spain 40 42X 50E Bmden, Prussia 53 22X 7 13E Eiiriipa Pt., Spain (inset) 36 8x 5 2uw Findon, Scotland 67 6N 2 5W Ebbw Vale, Wales 51 47x 3 13\y Emerald, jVustj-alai 23 2Ss 148 3E Bvaus P.. United -States 41 ISX 105 ISw Fingo Land, Cape Colony 32 16s 28 20E Eclmca, Australia 30 lOS 111 54E Emilia, Prov., Italy 44 30X 11 OE Evansville, United States 36 5sx 87 33W Finistere, Dept., France 48 12x 4 Ow Ecija, Spain 37 32X 5 low Famine Buruu, C, Bulgaria 42 41^' 27 58E lOverest, Mt, Nepal 28 ox 87 OE Finisterre, C, Spain 42 63N 9 ISW Eck, L,, Scotland 56 5X 5 0\y Em-nen, R, Swdzerlaml 47 4x S 13E Evesham, England 52 SX 1 57W Pinke R., Australia 26 6SS 135 43E Ecuador, St., S. America 2 OS 7G 30\y i:miiientlial, Switzerlan-1 46 52X 7 45E Bviira, Portugal 38 32 N7 SOW , Div,, Russia 62 SON 27 OE Ed, Eritrea 14 On 41 35E Euuni-rieb. Prussia 51 50X 6 14E Evreux, France 49 Ox 1 9E Finland, G. of, Russia 60 ON 27 OE Ell Debbeh, Egyptian Sudan 18 2X 31 510 Ems, I'm-sia 50 19X 7 4810 lllwe, L,. Scotland 57 53x 5 4lAy Fiumark, Dist., Norway 70 ON 25 OE Ewe, Tribe, Ed Deraah, Palestine 32 3SN 3(i (iio Ems, R., Prusia 52 45N 7 20 E Togo 30x SOB Finn, R., Ireland 64 SON 7 48w Edam, Netherlands 52 31x 5 310 Emu, Austi-alia 33 42s 150 35E Exaltaeion Bolivia IS 2S 65 29"W Pinster-aarhorn, Mt., Switzerland 46 SSx 8 8E Edderachylis, Scotland 58 20S 5 8\v En Nasra Palestine 32 42X 35 17E lOxe, R,, Eugland 50 60x 3 SOW Fintry Hill, Scotland 66 4N 4 15W Edderacliylis B., Scotland 58 lux 5 2ny Euard B., -Seotlanil 58 OX 5 22iy Exeter, England 60 44N S 32W Firozpur. Punjab SO 54N 74 36E Eddjstone L.-H. 60 17N 4 17ir Bnare L.. Rnssar 69 Ox 28 OE Exiinau-, England 51 lOX 3 45W First Cataract of Nile, Egypt 24 ON 32 48E Edermid, Turkey in Asia 39 33x' 2U 59E Encounti-r B., Australia 30 OS 13S SOB Exmouth, Englan-1 50 38N 3 26W Firuzabml, Peraia 28 .55x 32 ISE Eden, R., England 54 50N 2 4S\\' Enderbv Laud, Antartic Oc 67 30s 50 OE Exmoutb G., Australia 21 45s 114 22B Fisliguard, Wales 5] 59N 4 S8W Edeu, R., Scotland 66 16N 3 19n' Endor, Palestine 32 37X 35 2410 Bxmourh, .Mt., Australia 31 OS 149 OE Fitful Head, Shetland Is., Scotlr-ud (inset) F:xpedition Eil-e Hill, Eugland 52 7N 1 30l\' Enga-lin, Dist., Switzerland 46 40X 10 ]5io Ba., Australia 25 us 1 19 OB 69 6SN 1 26w Exploits Edinburgh, 6cotla]id 56 57N 3 ilw Bugana O., Plulii.|iine Is., IS -JOx 122 2JE R , Newfoundland (inset) 48 47x 56 0A\" Fitzroy, R,, Australia 23 SOs 148 OE Edinburgh Co., Scotland 55 50X 3 15\y EiLjani>, 1., Dutcli E. lu.lies 5 35s 102 15E Bxunai, I., "\V. Indies 23 30X 75 SOW Fitzroy, R., Australia 18 Os 125 46E Edisbury, England 53 17x 2 42"\y Bugeai, Palestine 31 28x 35 21E Bye, Eugland 52 18N 1 lOB Plume, Hungary 46 20N 14 29E Edmonton, Canada 64 20X 113 SOW England, Kine., Europe 53 Ox 2 Ow lOyemoutli, Scotland 55 S2N 2 5W Flamliorough Hd., England 64 7n 5w Oil Eyuort, L., Scotland 57 ISX 1 Flanders, Edom, Dist., Palestine 30 55N 34 30 E English , Europe 50 OX 2 30\y 18w B., Prov., Belgium 51 ON 4 OE 50 95 Byre L.. Australia 28 SOs 137 20IO Flanders, Ertrei, Palestine 32 38N 36 6B English R , Canada 17N Ow \V., Prov., Belgium 61 Ox 3 OE Eyre's Edwardesabad, N.-W. Frontier Prov. Enklraizen, Netlu-rlands 52 43x 5 16E Creek, R., Australia 24 OS 139 35E Flanuan Is., Scothand 68 18N 7 37w 33 On 70 35 E Enuis, Ireland 52 49X 8 59\v Eyria Pen, Australia 43 40s 135 40E Flat Holme, I., England 61 24N 3 ISw 52 35\y Ez Zib, Palestine 33 Egadi Is., Italy 38 ON 12 I5E Ennisciirthy, Ireland 30X 6 2N 35 OE, L., LInited States 47 56N 111 lOw Eger, Austria 50 6N 12 2lE Enniskillen, Iredan-I 54 21 x 7 38w Fleet, L., Scotland 57 56N 4 2W Egersuial, Norway 68 30x 5 60E Ennistinion, Ireland 52 56x 9 21\y FA-OHAU, China (inset) 23 IN 113 GE Fleetwood, England 63 SSx 3 1"W Eggaii, Nigeria 8 40x 6 ISiO Enns R, Austria 47 30x 14 20E Faenza, Italy 44 ION 11 57 B Fleusburg, Prussia 54 45N 9 28E Eglisau, Switzerland 47 34x S 32E Enos, Turkey 40 4ux 26 3E Fague, Dist, Belgium 50 SN 4 18E Ilesk, R., Ireland 52 ON 9 25w Falitepiu- Eglou, Palestine 31 34S 34 4310 Entebbe, Br, E. Africa 20X 32 22B Sikri, Agra and Oiidli 27 SN 77 42E Flinders I,. 40 OS 148 OE Egraont, Mt., New Zeiland 39 ins 174 lOE Eutlebnch, Switzerland 46 49x 8 4E Fair Hd., Ireland 55 13N s\v Flinders, Ra., Australia 31 20S 138 30E Egremont, England 54 28S 3 34W Entre Rios. St., Argentina 30 OS 5a iiw Faizabad Afghanistan 37 lO.v 70 isio Flinders R., Australia 19 60s 141 SOB Egripo, Greece 38 30X 23 34E Butrecasteaux Is„Britisli New Guinea (inset) Falzabaii, .igra and Oiidh 26 41.\ S2 9E Flint, Wales 63 14x 3 8w Egypt, Africa 27 Ox 27 OE 9 OS 151 OE Fal, R., England 60 17X4 43w Flint, Co., Wales 63 15N 3 12W Faleme, Egyptian Sudan, Africa 13 Ox 31 OE Bnzeli, Persia 37 27N 49 OB R., Fr. W. Africa 12 SON 11 SOW Flodden Field, England 65 S6N 2 8W 34«' Bperies Hungary 48 58N 21 14E Falkirk, Scotland 55i59x 3 46 ^v Florence, Italy 43 11 Ehen, R , Enelaud 54 26x 3 47N 20E Eifcl, ills, Prussia 50 ION 6 30E Bperuay, France 49 3x 3 54E Falkland Is,, S. Atlantic 52 Os 60 OW Plores, I., Dutcli E. Indies 8 28s 121 SOe Eigg I, Sentland 5C 54X 6 U\y Bpbraim, Hills of, Palestine 32 ION 35 20E Fad R., United States 41 34X 71 6w , Dutch E. Indies 6 45s 122 SOE Falls 55 Elf, L., Scotland 56 50X 5 lOw Bpinal, France 18 13X 6 20E of the Clyde, Scotland 40X 3 48W Plores Str., Dutch E. Indies 8 20S 123 OE Bpirus, Dio,, Turkey 39 30N 20 35E l-'ahuouth, Eugland 60 8X 6 2\y Florida, St., Eiiisiedelu, Switzerland 47 8x 8 44E . United States 28 ON 81 SOW

51 False B., Cape Colony 34 i Eipel, R., Hungary 48 4N 19 20E Epping, England 38N 6E 15s IS 3SB Florida Str., uited States 25 ON 79 30w False Orissa Bisbart, L., Scotland 67 Sx 6 OH" Bp,som, England 51 19N low Pt,, 20 2"ox 86 SOB Floro, Norway 61 40N 6 4E Ekron, Palestine 31 51X 34 5010 Erebus, Mt, Antartica 77 30s 165 OB Falster, 1., Denmark 54 SOX 12 OE Flushing, Netherlands 81 26X 3 35B Asia 31 Falterano, Mt,, Italy 44 12 El Aflaj, Dist., Arabia 23 20x 16 OB Bregli, Turke.v in 41 15X SOB Ox OE Fly, R., Br. Keiv Guinea 8 20S 142 5E 11 Falun, Sweden 60 El Arid, Dist., Arabia 24 SOS 46 24E EriLU-t, Prussia 50 59N IE 35N IS 20B Fochabers, Scotland 67 SSN 3 4^ 27 OE Dist., 5 El Artsb, Egypt 31 Ox 33 50E Brgene, R.. Turkey 41 16x Famenue. Belgium 50 ULV 5E Focsani, Romania 44 40N 27 9E Hills, Russia 43 45B Hd., Ireland 56 S9\v El Bek.aa, R., Palestine 33 45N 35 50IO Brgeui 47 OX 17X 7 Fogaras, Hungary 46 48N 24 64E Fan-Cheng, China 32 El Easher, Kgyptian Sudan 13 SOX 26 OB Eriboll, L., Scotland 58 33X 4 38W ION 112 OE Foggia, Italy 41 SIN 16 S2E Sentland 66 49X 4 23W Eanuich, L., Scntlaud 57 S9N 5 El Eayuni, Egypt 29 Ox 30 OE Erieht, L., OW Fo,go, I., Newfoundland (inset) 49 4i).\ 54 ]0w Pacific El Ghar, Palestuie 32 15N 30 6E Brie, Dnited States 42 Sx 80 6W Fanning I., Oc. 4 12x 159 S8W Foi.x, France 42 SSx 1 3GE

Unite, I States 43 76 OW" Fano. Italy 43 SON 13 El Harik, Dist., Arabia 23 30N 47 37E Brie Can., 5x 13E Foja, Egyptian Sudan 13 40x 28 16E 42 ox 81 Fauti, Tribe, Gold Coast 6 1 El Hasa, Dist,, Turkey in Asia 27 OX 48 30lO Brie, L., N. America OW Ox Ow Fokieu, Prov., China 26 ON 117 SOE 6 22"\v Fao, Turkey in Asia So N4S 28 El Hauran, Dist., Palestine 32 45X 36 3nio Erisort, L., Scotland 58 6X e Folden Fd., Norway 64 SON 10 20E 40E Afehanistau El Hauta, Arabia 24 ON 47 37E Eritrea, North-East Africa 14 SOX Farah, 32 lox 6] 5SB Folkestone, England 61 ON 1 1] E SN 44 32B loareham, England "50 S2X 1 El , Dist., Turkev in Asia 21 OX 39 OE Erivan. Russia 40 I2w Fonseca, G. of, S.alvador 13 ISx S7 low 47 56x 20 25E Farewell, Greenland 60 41 ilw El Hisma, Dist., Turkey in Asia 27 30X 37 3O10 Brian. Hungary 0., Ox Fontaiueblean, France 48 2SN 2 42E 49 11 2E Farewell, Zealand El Hofhnt, Turkev in Asia 25 23x 49 3O10 Erlangen, Bavaria S4X 0., New 40 31s 172 40H Forbes, Australia 33 20S 148 SE Ireland 54 29X 7 50W I'argo, Uuiied States 47 96 El .Jebel, Dist., Turkev in A.sia 13 40X 44 OE Erne, L., ox low Foread-is, C, Nigeria 5 17x 6 20E R., Ireland 54 SON 8 6\\- Farina, Au-tralia 30 3s 138 20E El J-ri.l, L., Tunis 33 30X 8 .50E la-ue, Forez, Dist.. France 45 SSx 3 36E L,, Ireland 54 7 31W Farnham, England 51 12X 48 El Jnf, Salaira 20 ON 3 0^y Erne, Upper UN w Forfar, Scotland SO 39N 2 SOW 77 50E Faio, I'oitugal 37 5X 7 SSM' Bl Litb, Turkey in Asia 20 7X 40 28 E Erode. Madras 11 20X Forfar, Co., Scotland 56 40x 2 45W R,., Ireland 53 9 SOW Faro, del, Italv 38 13x IS S9I0 El Kasiro, Dist,, Ar.abia 26 30X 43 36E Bn-i(E, ION a, I'org, Peraia 28 40N 54 50B Ireland 53 8 Farrar, R., Scotland 67 I sow El Katif, Turkey in Asia 26 37N 49 55E En-igal, Mt„ IN 8W 21x Forli, Italy 44 IIN 12 6E Ireland 51 17N 10 OW Farsanls., Turkev in Asia 16 ISn |] El Kawa, Egyptian Sudan 14 5X 33 3E Brris Hd., 5Se Forniby lid,, England 63 S5N 3 9W

t 9 ) E


Gold Ea,, Canada 50 ON 119 OW Formontera, I., Spain 38 .12N 1 30B Fiired, Hungary 46 56N 17 61B Geraldton, Australia 28 453 114 36E Golden B., New Zealand 40 40s 172 SOE Furmosa, I., Japan 24 On 121 OB Furka, Switzerland 46 Gerar, Palestine 31 24N 34 26 P., 33N 8 SOB Golden Vale, Ireland S3 S5N 8 SOW Formosa Str., Japan 24 On 119 OE Furnes, Belgium 51 2 41E Gerasa, Palestine 32 16N 35 54B 4N Golspie, Scotland 57 68N 3 59w Forres, Scotland 57 36N 3 371V Fumcss, Dist., England 54 ION 3 low Gergesa, Palestine 32 49N 35 39B Gomal, R., Afghanistan 32 ON 09 SOB Fort Albany, Canada 62 15N 82 25w Fiisan, Corea 129 4E Gerona, Spain 41 58N 2 47E 35 17N Gomel, Russia 52 25N 31 6E Fort Augustus, Scotlaml 57 9n 4 42(7 Futa Jallon, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 42N 12 OW German E. Africa, Col,, Africa 6 OS 36 OB Gonave I., W. Indies 18 60N 73 lOW Fort Benton, United States 47 57N 110 20w German S.-W. Africa, .Col., Africa 25 OS 17 SOB Fylde, The, E., England 53 50N 3 Ow Gonda, Agra and Ondh 27 6N 82 OB Fort Ohurohill, Canada 58 30N 94 28ff Germany, St., Europe 51 ON 10 OE Gondar, Abyssinia 12 33N 37 29E Fort George, Canada 54 On 79 OW GABES, 6. of, Tunis 34 ON 10 30E Gei-s, Dept., France 43 SIN 20E Good Hope, Cape of. Capo Colony 33 60s 19 UB Fort George, Scotland 67 35N 4 3\v Gabun, B., French Congo 16X 9 SOB Gemnnia I., Ireland 53 I4N 9 46W Goodwin Sands, Englauii 51 15N 1 S5B Fort Monroe, United States 37 12N 76 23W Oadara, Palestine 32 Gettysburg, United States 38 53N 77 21W 41N 35 42B Gcodwood, England 50 53K 44W Fort Orange, Datcli E. Indies (inset) 49N Gacta, Italy 41 14N IS SOB Gevaudan, Dist., France 44 22s 3 25E Goi lie, England 63 43N 54W 127 19E Gaiiiilah, Australia 25 151 40E Ghadames, Tripoli 30 7N 9 35E 40s Goolwa, Australia 35 29S 138 50B Fort Vermilion, Canada .58 20x 110 0«' Gainsborough, 53 25N Ghaggar, E„ Punjab 29 21s 74 OE England 46W Ooondwindi, Australia 28 38S 160 25B Fort Wayne. United States 41 7N 8.J 9W Gairdner, L., .Australia 31 45s 135 5E Ghat, Tripoli 25 15N 10 45E Gooty, Madras 15 6N 77 42E Fort William, Canada 48 23N 89 2i\r Gairloch, L., Scotland 57 43N 5 43W Ghati Hills, Nepal 27 ON 86 OB Gorakhpur, Agra and Oudli 26 42N 83 24E Fort William, Scotland 66 48N 5 bvf Galala, Dutch B. Indies (inset) 44N 127 SOE Gliats, Eastern, India 13 ON 79 Ob Goree L, Fr. W. Africa 14 38N 16 63W Port Worth, United States 33 56N 97 15w Galapagos Is., Pacific Oc. SOs 91 OW Ghats, Western, India 16 ON 74 OE Gorgona I., Italy 43 36N 9 63E Fortaleza, Brazil 3 50s 38 34W Gala.'liiels, Scotland 55 S7N 2 52\Y Ghazipur, Agra and Oudh 25 36N 83 36E Giirlitz, Prussia 51 lOS 15 OB Fortescue R., Australia 21 45s 117 OB Galatia, Dist.. Turkey in Asia 39 SON 32 30l.; Ghaznl, Afghanistan 33 40N 68 SOB Gorontalo, Dutch E. Indies 25x 123 6E Forteviot, Scntland 56 20N 3 S2vf Galatz, Romania 45 25N 28 OE Ghent, Belgium 51 SN S 45E Gort, Ireland 53 4N 8 49W Forth, F. of Scotland 50 8N 2 40w Galdbijpig. Mt., Norway 01 35N 9 OE Ghurian, Afghanistan S3 50s 61 32E Gorz, Austria 45 57N 13 301.; Forth, R., Scotland 50 9N 4 low Galena, United States 42 26N 90 28W Ghuzzeh, Turkey in Asia 31 22s 34 35E Goslar, Pru-ssia 51 55N 10 25B Portrose, Scotland 57 35N 4 Sw Galioia, Prov., Austria 49 SON 23 OE Giamda, Tibet SO 5N 93 OB Can., Sweden 68 SON 15 OE Fortuna, I., Pacific Oc. 14 5S 178 6W Galicia, Prov.. .Spain 42 40N 8 Ow Giant's Causeway, Ireland 65 ]4S" 6 SOW Gota, B., Sweden 68 ON 12 SOE Fortune B., Newfoundland (inset) 47 2GN Galilee, Dist., Palestine S3 ON 35 15E Gibeon, Ger. S,-W. Africa 25 5s 17 42B Gbteborg, Sweden 57 43N 11 56B 55 20w Galilee, S. of, Palestine 32 40N 36 SOE Gibeon, Palestine 31 5lN 35 llE Gotha, Germany SO S5N 10 44E Potheringay, England 62 3lN 26W Galla, Dist., Africa 6 ION 35 OE , Spain SO 7n 6 21W Gothenburg {s/'^ Goteborg) Potuna Is., Australasia 14 lOS 178 lOlv Galle, Ceylon 6 2N 80 12E Gibraltar Pt., England 53 7N I9E Gotland, Div., Sweden 57 ION 14 SOE Ponla, I„ Shetland Is., Scotland (inset) Galley Hd., Ireland 01 30x 8 58W Gibraltar, Str. of, Spain 36 ON 6 OW Gbtland, L, Sweden 57 SON 18 SOE 60 8n 2 7W Gallinas, C, Venezuela 12 3.5N 71 38W Giessen, Germany 50 34s 8 31E Gottingen, Prussia 51 S2N 9 59E Foulness I., England 51 36N 52E Gallipoli, Italy 40 SN 18 IE Gigha I., Scotland 55 41N 44W Gouda, Netherlands 53 IN 4 43E Fuulwind, 0., New Zealand 41 60s 171 63\y Gallipoli, Turkey 40 26N 26 S7E Giguela R., Spain 39 40N 3 lOW Goulburn, Australia 34 46s 149 38E Fourth Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudan Galloper L.V., England 61 45N 1 56B Gijou, Spain 43 S8N 5 44W Goulburn, E., Australia 36 S6s 1 45 28E 18 60N 32 lOB Galloway, Dist., Scotland 54 59N 4 SOW Gila Desert, United States 32 SON 112 30v Gouritz, R., Cape Colony 34 32s 21 62E Poveaux Str., New Zealand 46 30s 168 OE Galloway, Mull of, Scotland 64 38N 4 01 w Gila, R., United States 33 ION 110 Ow Gourock Ea., Australia 35 40s 149 40E Powey, England 50 22N 4 3SW Galloway, Rhinns of, Scotland 54i58N 5 5W Gilan, Prov,, Persia 37 SON 49 OE Gower, Dist., Wales 51 35N 4 8W Fowey R., England 50 29s 4 36w Galo, R., Scotland 55 43N 2 54W Gilbert Is., Pacific Oc. 176 OE Gowua, Mt., Ireland 53 50N 7 38w Pox Ch., Canada 08 On 77 Ow Galty Mts,, Ireland 52 22s 8 lOW Gilbert Ra„ Australia 19 OS 143 45E Goyaz, Brazil 15 20s 50 36W Poxton, New Zealand 4U 32s 175 2lB Galveston, United States 29 32s 96 28W Gilbert E., Australia 1 9 OS 143 25E Goyaz, St., Brazil 15 OS 50 OW Foyers Palls, Scotland 57 14N 4 29W Gal way, Ireland 53 ION 9 Iw Gilboa, Dist., Palestine 32 SON 30 25E Goz Rajeb, Egyptian Sudan 16 ION 35 40E Poyle, L., Ireland 55 5N 7 7w Galway B,, Ireland 53 12N 9 16w , Dist., Palestine 32 15s 30 45E Gozo, I., Malta SO IN 14 15E Poyle, R., Ireland 54 55N 7 30w Galway, Co., Ireland 63 22N 9 Ow Gilgal, Palestine 31 OlN 35 29e CJraaffi Reinet, Cape Colony 32 lis 34 S3E , Ireland 62 37N 9 4w Gama 'Ghats, Bengal 24 ON 85 OE Gilgliit, Kashmir 35 54N 74 24E Graciasa Dios, C, Honduras ] 6 OX 83 Pramlingham, England 52 12N 1 2lE Gama Lama, Vol., Dutch E. Indies (inset) Gilolo, L. Dutch E. Indies 40N 128 OE 5W Gradiska, Austria 45 France, State, Europe 47 ON 3 OE 61N 127 18E Gioia, Italy 40 46N 10 65E 60X 18 SSE Gradiska, Hungary 46 17 Prancevill.., Pr. Congo 1 40s 13 32E Gambaga, Gold Coast 10 29N 36w Gipps Land, Dist., Australia 38 OS 148 OE 18N 23E Grafton, Australia 29 34S 153 Pranche Oonitc Prov., Prance 46 42N 6 Oe Gambia, Col, W. Africa 14 ON 12 SOW Gir Hills, Bombay 21 12N 70 4SE OE Grafton, C. Australia 17 OS 146 Francis Can., Hungary 45 43N ]9 20E Gambia, E., W. Africa 13 On 12 SOW Girdle Ness, C, Scotland 67 8s 2 2W 5E Graham Land, Antarctica 66 OS 60 Prauconia, Prov., Bavaria 49 45N 11 OE Gambler, Mt., Australia 37 38s 140 33E Girdler L.V., England 51 2SN 1 20E OW Grahams Town, Cape Colony S3 20S 20 16E Pranconian Jursi, Mts,, Bavaria 49 ON 11 Ol-i Gamti OS R., (jape Colony 33 08S 20 OE Girgeh, Egypt 20 18N 31 50E Grahamstown, New Zealand 37 6s 175 S2l.: Frankfort, United States 38 16N 84 55«' Gandak, H., Nepal 27 SON 84 OB Girgenti, Italy 37 ION 13 3SJ-; Ijrain Coast, W. Africa 6 10 Frankfurt-on-i\lain, Prussia 50 ION 8 4UE Gandava, Baluchistan 28 SON 67 30E Girishk, Afghanistan 31 57s 64 40E SON Ow Grampians, Mts., Australia 37 25s Frankfurt-on-Oder, Prussia 52 ION 14 30E Gandia, Spain 38 57S 9W Gironde, Dept,, France 44 48s 24 \y 142 lOE Grampians, The, Mts., Scotland Franklin, Dist., Canada 71 ON 90 Ow Gando, Nigeria 12 2SN 4 29E Gironde, R., Prance 44 S5N 1 OW 66 SOX 4 iu^y Gran, Hungary 47 48x 18 43E Franklin Hr., Australia 83 43.S 136 40E Gando, St., W. Africa 12 SON 3 OE Girvan, Scotland 55 15N 4 61w Gran, R., Hungary 48 20x 18 SOB Franklin, Mt., New Zealand 42 8s 172 33E Ganges, B,, India 25 OS 88 OB Gisborne, New Zealand 38 40s 1 78 SB Gran Cbaco, Dist., Prank Josef, Land, Arctic Regions 81 ON 60 OE Ganjam, Madras 19 24N 85 6B Gita, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 2lN 127 37E Argentina 36 OS 62 Ow Gran Sasso d'ltalia, Mt., Italy Praser R., Canada 52 35N 123 Ow Gara, L., Ireland 53 56s 8 26W Giurgiu, Eomania 43 50s 26 OOE 42 S5N IS 45E Granada, Spain 37 17N 3 Praserburg, Cape Colony 31 64s 21 36E Garadicc, L., Ireland 54 IN 7 4SW Ginrgevo, Romania 43 50s 20 05E 40W Grand Bassa Liberia Fraserburgh, Scotland 57 43N 2 Ow Gard, Dept., France 44 4N 4 18E Gizeh, Egypt 30 2s SI ISw 6 57N 10 Sw Grand Bassam, Pr. Frauenfeld, Switzerland 47 34N S 63E Garda, L., Italy 45 46N 10 40E Gladbach, Prussia 51 20N SOE W. Africa 5 12s 3 49W Fray Bentos, Uruguay 33 15s 08 29W Gargano, Mt., Italy 41 50K 16 OE Gladstone, Australia 23 50s 151 SE Grand Canon, E., United States 35 56N 113 30w Pre .ericia, Denmark 55 34N 9 37E Gargayakan Klioi, Mts., Russia 08 ON 60 OE Glamis, Scotland 56 37N Slw Grand Pond, L., Newfoundland (inset) 48 62N Fredericksburg, Uniteil States 38 16N 77 32W (iariep, R., S. Africa 28 40s 16 SOE Glamorgan, Co., Wales 51 35s 3 SOW 67 20W Prederioton, Canada 45 55N 66 40W Garig.ano, R„ Italy 41 I7N 13 64E Glarus, Switzerland 47 SN 9 3E Grand Popo, Fr. W. Africa C 13N 1 42E Frederickshavn, Denmark 67 26N 10 32E Garo Hills, Assam 26 SON 90 18E Glarus, Prov., Switzerland 47 ON 9 6B Grand Rapids, United States 43 4K 85 41w Frederikstad, Norway 69 14N 11 OE (iaronne. Haute, Dept., France 43 SON 1 lOE Gias Maol, Mt., Scotland 66 50x 3 18w Grand E,, Labrador 53 32X 63 OW Freiberg, Saxony 50 55N 13 20ES Garonne, R., France 44 S4N OE Glasgow, Scotland 06 6lN 4 16w Grande, Rio, B., United States and Mexico Freiburg, Germany 48 ON 7 501'j GartoK, Tibet 31 42N 80 24E Glastonbury, England 51 8s: 2 5UW S3 46N 107 SOW Freetown, Sierra Leone 8 19N 13 lOW Gascony, Prov,, France 43 40N OE Glatz, Prussia 60 20N 16 S4E Grande, Hio, R., Brazil 16 OS 61 bOW Freevater, Forest, Scotland 57 61N 4 SOW Gascoyne, R., Australia 24 40s 110 OE Glen Affric, Scotland 67 10s 4 5CW Grande, Bio, 11., Brazil 20 OS 47 30w Premantle, Australia 32 OS 115 51E Caspar Sir,, Dutch E. Indies 3 lOS 107 5E Glen Coe, Scotland 56 42s 5 Ow Grande R., United States 39 50x 108 Ow Premonts Peak, United States 43 18N 109 SOW Gaspc B., Canada 48 34N 04 ISW Glen Garry (Inverness), Scotland 57 4N 5 OW: Cirande de Santiago, Eio, R. 22 ON 104 lOw French Congo, Col., Africa ON 13 UE Gastein, Austria 47 6N 13 4E Glen Garry (Perth), Scotland 56 40s 4 ow Grande del Norte Eio, E., United Slates Jfrencli Guiana, Col., S. America 3 30N 63 OW Gata, C. de, Spain 36 43N 2 12W Glen Lyon, Scotland 56 S5N 4 22w 25 50N 97 12W French Guinea, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 ON Gateshead, England 54 OSx 1 36W Glen Moriston, Scotland 07 8s 5 Ow Grandson, Switzerland 46 49N 6 S8e 12 30w Gaih, Palestine 31 42N 34 51 Glen More, Scotland 57 ION 4 42W Grangemouth, Scotland 66 2N 3 43w French Ivory Coast, Dist., Pr. W. Africa 7 SON Galinais, Dist., France 48 8S 2 OE Glen Orchy 56 27N 4 Slw G-rant Land, Arctic America 82 SOX 75 Ow 6 Ow Gatine, Dist., France 46 46x OW Glen Spcan, Scotland 56 52N 4 41w Grantham, Eng.and 63 56x S8W Fresno, United States 86 35N 119 40W Gatineau E., Canada 47 On 70 40W Glendowan Sits., Ireland 64 OON 8 12W Grautown, Scotland 57 20x 3 38W Fribourg, Switzerland 46 48N7 81.; Gauhati, Assam 20 12N 91 42E Glenclg, Australia 30 OS 38 35E Granville, Br. New Guinea (inset) 23S 147 16il Fribourg, Prov., Switzerland 46 50N 7 8E Gawler Ha., Australia 32 OS ISO OE Glcnelg, Scotland 57 12N 5 36W Granville, France 48 60N 1 40^y Priedrich Wilhelm, Hafen Ger. New Guinea Gaya, Bengal 24 48N 86 OE Glenelg R., Australia 38 2S 141 6E Grao Para, St., Brazil 60s 65 OW (inset) 4 0.5s 146 63B Gaza, Palestine' 31 SIN 34 28E Glengaria, Ireland 51 44X 9 Slw Grasse, France 43 46 N6 46E Friedriohshafen, Wilrtemberg 47 40N 9 HE Gaza Land, Port E. Africa 22 OS 33 SOE Glenluce, Scotland 54 53N 4 Oow Grandenz, Prussia 53 25N 18 45B

Friendly Is., Australasia (inset 61 ) 20 0s 175 Ow Gcba, Port Guinea 12 ON 14 S5w Glogau, Prussia 61 34N 16 6E Graveseuil, England 51 20N 24B Priesland, Pmv., Netherlands 63 IN 5 30E Gedaref, Egyptian Sudan 14 2N 35 42E Glommeii, R., Non\ay 61 35N 11 OB Graz, Austria 47 SN 15 22E Frio, C, Brazil 22 52S 41 44W Gceloug, Australia 38 8s 144 35J': Glossa, 0.. Turkey 4o'25N 19 24E Great Bahama I., W. Inilies 26 SOS 78 Ow Frio, C, German S.W. Africa 18 23S 12 2R Gcelvink B., Dutch B. Indies 2 2,jS 135 SOE Glossop, England 53 27N 1 57w Great Barrier I., New Zealand 30 12S 170 SCK Frisches HaCE, Prussia 64 20N 19 35|.: Gcfle, Sweden 60 44N 17 OE Gloucester, England 51 02N 2 14W Great Basket I., Ireland 52 ss 10 35W Frisian Is,, East Germany 53 36X 7 OB Gelilerland, Prov-, Netherlands 52 ON OE C-ilonccster, Co., England 51 ISs 2 20w Great Bear L., Canada 06 ON 120 Ow Frisian Is., North Germany 64 46N 8 20E Gcllwarc, Sweden 67 18N 20 50E GlUokstadt, Prussia 63 41N 9 SOE Great Belt, Sd., Denmark 66 SON 11 Oe

Frisian Is., W. Netherlands 63 SON 6 OE ( icmlik, Turkey in Asia 40 20N 29 lOB Gmunden, Austria 47 62N 13 47B Great Berg R., Cape Colony S3 16s IS 20E Prinli, Dist., It.alv 40 17N ]3 OE Cemnn P., Switzerland 40 25N 7 39E Gnesen, Prussia 52 3lN 17 S7E Great Cayman, I., W. Indies 19 SON 81 30w Frohisher Sd„ Canada 62 25N 66 OW l-d'Ueva, Switzerland 40 12N 6 8E Goa, Bombay 16 SOS 73 40E Great Cumbrae I., Scotland 55 40N 4 55iy Frome, England 51 13N 2 20w l.icnera, L. of, Switzerland 46 25x 6 Sni.- Goajira Pen., Colombia 11 40s 73 30w Great Driffield, England 64 Is 2Sw Frome L., Australia 30 60S 139 48E (;ienc ^a, Prov,, Switzerland 46 12s 10]^ Goalpara, Assam 20 I2N 90 42E Great Palls, United Stares 47 ION 110 50w Frome, R., England 00 40N 2 25E Gcncvre, Mt., Prance 44 57N 6 42E , Mt., Scotland 55 37N 5 16W Great Fish B,, Angola 16 30s 11 46E Frosinone, Italy 41 43N 13 27E Genii, R., Spain SO 20s 4 4S\V Golialiis, Ger. S.W. Africa 23 2us 19 5e Great Fish U,, Canada 64 55N 104 SOlv Proward, 0., Ciiile 51 .55s 71 15W llcnnargentu, Mt. del, Italy 41 Ills 9 20E Gobi, Desert of, 44 ON 107 OB Great Fish R., Cape Colony 33 SOs 20 621-; Fu-chau, China 20 ION 119 26E litnoa Italy -14 2.5N 8 09E Godalming, England 51 10s SOW Great luagua, I., W. Indies 21 ON 73 SOW Pu-chan, China 29 SON 107 45E Geuoa, G of, Italy 43 15s 9 OE Godavari, E., India 18 42s 80 OE Great Kei E., Capo Colony 32 SOs 3s 25e Fucino, L. di, Italy 42 8N 1 S 4SE Gensan, Corea Sii Is 127 50E Godmanchester, England 62 ]S.\ 9w Great Mario w, England 51 36x 46W Fucgo, Vol., Guatemala 14 -ION 90 46w Geographe B., Australia 33 30s 115 SOlo Godollo, Hungary 47 S8N 19 ISK Great Nama Land Dist., Ger. W. Africa 35 (is Puentorrabia, Spain 43 21N 1 4Sw Geoh Tepe. Rassian Turkestan Ss SON 57 02 E Ciodthaab, Greenland 64 14N 51 Ow 17 30E Pujivama, Vol., .lapan 35 36s 136 48E George, Cape Colony S4 2s 22 lOE Godwin Austen, Mt, Kashmir 30 SOS 70 3(11'] Great Newfoundland Bank, Newfoundland Pniila, Pru.ssia 60 34X 9 4lE George, L,, Australia 35 4S 149 33K Gocsclieiii'ii, Switzerland 4li 39N 8 37E (inset) 40 Ox 04 OW Fiilda, K, Prussia 01 5X 9 3SE George Shoal, United States 41 4SN 07 49\y GoH, L., Scotland 66 7s 4 64\y Great Orme's Hd., Wales 53 32N 3 Olw Fnnily, B. of, Camida 41 SON 06 SOW Georgetown, Br, Guavaua OS 5/ 05W Gogrii, R., India 26 SON 83 OE Great Ouob, B., Ger. S.W. Africa 26 Os 20 OE Vaiun, I., Denmark 09 20x 10 20]-; Georgia, Dist,, Enssia 41 ON 40 OIO Goltclia, L., Russia 40 2.5N 40 OE Great Russia, Div.. Russia 57 Ox 40 OE Filnfkirchen, IIiHa'arv 40 :',s IS lOE Ccorgia I. South, Atliutic Oc. 01 :;ns S'l ilw Golan, Dist., Palestine SS 6s 30 OE Gicat Desert, Persiti 35 OS 05 OE I-'u-uiu-sban, llt<., ridnii 33 .OUN 111 20R Georgia, St., United States ,32 So.\ s:i on Golc la, Haiderabad 17 SOS 7s 2E Great .^alt L., United States 41 20s 112 S.UV Fimi, Tribe, pL'vptiini Suilan 12 20N 31 lUE Georgian B., Canada 40 ON 81 Ow Gol Ilia Coast, India 17 us S4 Uj,-. Great Slave L., Canada 61 25s 115 uw Fiirth, Bavaria 49 2SN 11 "K Gcra, Ocrmaiiv 00 50S 12 SB Gold I 'oast, Col., AW Africa 5 SOS 2 OW Great Wall, China 38 OX 100 OE

f 10) INDEX

Gvcnt Whale E,, Oiiiiiiilii 55 On 75 Ilaigab, Ow E., Cape Colony 27 12s 21 16E ITiiy, Australia 34 26s 1 11 53E Horns, Turkey in Asia 34 5 IN 36 4 IB

(.Uvtit Wlienisidn Mt., ]i:iit!;lniiil 5 1 I ii'AV DN Ihiil, Andiia 27 40n 42'lOB IhiV, Rugliilld 52 I.M 3 7W Ho-nan, China 31 lUN 112 lUK Great Willb^;lbl^^,^ JMI,., Capo Culcmy Ifai-liau, 1., OInila 19 20N 109 I5|.; IhiV It, Aiistnilia 2S 15s 1S6 43E Ho-iaill, I'lijv., China 33 ON IIS OE 32 20s 2() 32H Iliiinaii Str., Oliina20 17N 110 2nK llav R., Aiislralia L'S 4Us 137 6K Honda, Colombia 5 20N 75 5W Great Wiilturliaek, Mt., Oape Coluiiy 33 Ids Ihii-pliimg, Indic-Cbina 20 52.\ IU6 lOB llaz.ara, Afghanistan 35 ON 61 UK Homleklip, Cape Colony .30 123 17 18B 13 2l)li Haiti, St., W. IiHlica 19 On 73 ow lta«ai-ibagh, flciiL'al 21 ON 85 21K Hondo, I,, .lapan 37 ON 139 OB Greece, St., Europe 37 30N 23 nr: llukka Tayn-shan, (}. of. America Ifi SON 83 Ow Mts., IJhilia 21 :10N I 15 OK Hazor, Palestine 33 5N 33 29B, Central Greea Bay, United States -11 25n 87 5t\v lliiknditc, .Japan 41 45N 140 ,"iUB Heard I., Iiulian Oc. 62 03 73 OE Honduras, St., Oaitral America 14 20N 86 SOW Green, G, Australia 37 3-lS 15U 2L1 llala Jits., Sind 2G SON 67 3UK Heart's Content, Newfoundland (inset) 47 55N Honfirair, France 49 25N U ISE Green Mts., United States 44 us 75 0\y Hall, Turkey in Asia 18 65N 41 47E 53 24W Hongkong, Br. Oin'na 22 ICN 114 9E Green E.(Kentncliy), United States 37 1 7M SG Ow 1-Iallierstadt, Prussia 51 5lN 11 3E Hebrides. Inner Is., Scotland 57 ON 6 3RW Honiton, England 5U 43N 3 12-w It. Green (Wyoming), United States 4U ox Halifax, Canada 44 25N 63 55W Hebrides, Outer Is., Scotland 57 SON 7 30^v Honolulu, Hawaiian Is. 21 28N 158 15W noow Halifax, England 53 43N 1 52W Hebron, Laljrailor 57 .30N 02 40W Hook Head, Ireland 52 8N 65 w Greenland, Ter , Arctic America 70 ON 10 Ow Halifax B., Australia 18 50s 146 35K Hebron, Palestine 31 SlN 35 6E Hook of Holland, Prom., Netherlands 51 58N , Arctic Ili'gions 75 UN 5 Oli Halicz, Mt., Austria 49 ON 22 12k Hccia, L, Scotland 56 .'lON 7 36W 4 6b Greenlaw, Scotland 55 40N 2 2Sw Halkirk. Scotland 58 SON 3 SOW Hecla, Mt., Scotland 57 18N 7 19W Hoonawar, Bombay 14 20N 74 SOE Greenock, Scotland 55 5(»n 4 45\y Halladalc, R., Scotland 58 SON 3 57 W Hedon, England 63 51N 13W Hoopstarl, Orange River Colony 27 SOS 25 49 E Greenore, Ireland 54 IN G low Halliun, Dist., England 53 27N 1 3GW Hecrenvei-n, Netherlands 52 5GN 5 57B Hoorn, Netherlands 52 40N 5 4B Greeuore Pt., Ireland 52 MN 6 19\v Halle, Prussia 51 29N 12 OE H'ldelberg, Germany 49 24N 8 47E Hope, Pt., Alaska 68 23N 167 Ow Greenwich, Entrland 51 27N Hallcin, Austria 47 40N IS 2B Heidelberg, Transvaal 26 27s 28 19E Hopedale, Labrador 55 25N GO SOW Gregory, Co., Australia 24 OS 140 OE Hairs Creek, Australia IS 153 127 40E Heilbron, Orange River Colony 27 8s 28 12E Hopetown, Cape Colony 29 12s 24 HE GreifswaJd, Prussia 54 5N 13 17H Hallwyl, Switzerland 47 21N 8 lOE Heilhronn, WLirtembi-ru' 49 8N 9 lIlo Hopkins, R., Australia 38 OS 142 44E GreuaJa, I., W. Indies 12 35n GO 2W Halmala'ra. I., Dutch E. Indies ION 12R OK Hekla, Mt., Iceland 64 ON 19 OW Hori;cn, Switzerland 47 13N S 3CE Grenoble, France 46 13N 5 42E Halui.ihera, Str., Dutcli B. Indies 129 OK Hela, Prussia 54 36N IS 45K Horn Afvan, L., .Sweden 66 2UN 17 SUK Greta, R., En^'land 54 2'.)N 2 OW Halmand, R., Algliauistan SO 25n 63 OE Helbon, Palestine 33 40N 36 12R Horn, C, S, America 65 .59s 67 2UW Gretna, Scotland 55 On 3 6^\' Haliiistail, Sweden 56 42N 12 55B Heliieu', Netherlands 52 57N 4 43E Horn Hd,, Ireland 55 14N 8 Ow Grey Ea., AustraUa 2S Us 142 OE llalstcail, England 51 57N 40E Helena, United States 4G 40N 112 Ow Hornca-tle, England 53 13N U 9W Greymonth, New Zealand 42 21S 171 22E Haltwliistle, England, 54 57N 2 29W Hehaisburg, Scotland 56 In 4 43w Horns- a, England 53 53N U 9W Greytown, New Zealand 41 4s 175 40E Hagnc, The, Netlicrlands 52 4N 4 ISB Helensville, New Zealand 36 57s 174 27E Horsens, Denmark 53 53N 9 48 B Grimsby, England 53 35N 4W Hainaut, Prov., Belgium 50 35N 4 UE Heligoland, I., Germany 54 ION 7 551-; Hor-ham, England 51 SN 20\r Grimsel P., Switzerland 4S 35N 3 20E Hamadan, Persia 34 43N 48 S5 K Heliopolis, Palestine 3S 59N 36 9E Hoshangabad, Central Prov,, India 22 SON Grindelwald, Switzerlanil 46 37N 8 3E Hamah, Turkey in Asia 35 15n 36 42E Hellada, E., Greece 38 50N 22 OE 77 50 b Grinnell Land, Arctic America 79 :iUN 78 Ow Hamar, Norway GO 58N 11 2K Helmsdale, Scotland 58 7N 3 40w Hoshiapur, Punjab 31 30N 78 OK Griqualand E., Dist., S. Africa 30 30S 29 UE Hanihleton Hills, England 34 15N 1 18W Helmsdale, R., Scotland 58 ION 3 50w Hougliton-le-Spring, England 54 SON 1 29W Griqualand W., Dist., S. Africa 28 30s 23 20 B Hamburg, Germany 53 31.N 9 58B Helmsley, England 54 14N 1 4W Hougue, La, France 49 37N 1 12n^ Gris Nez., 0., France 50 6lN 1 33E Hamiln, Prussia 52 8N 9 23E Helsingborg, Sweden 56 2N 12 4SE Houston, United States 29 40N 95 22W Grisocs, Prov., Switzerland 4G 40N 9 20E Hamliiah, Eritrea 14 50N 40 45B Uelsingfors, Russia 60 20N 24 57E Houtman Rock-, Australia 28 20s 114 OE Grodno, Russia 63 48N 23 59E Hamilton, Australia 37 21S 142 OB Helsingiir, Denmark 56 2N 12 28E Howden, England 56 S6N 51W Groninceu, Netherlands 53 14N 6 33E Hamilton, Canada 43 16N 79 52W Helston, England 30 7N 5 18W Howden Edge, Mt,, Engaud 53 29N 1 27W Groote Eylandt, I., Anstralia 14 5s 135 15E Hamilton, New Zealand 37 503 175 16E , Mt., England 54 29N 3 OW Howe of Fife, R,, Scotland 66 19N 3 OW Grossbeeren, Prussia 52 21N 13 221-', Hamilton, Scotland 33 47N 4 Sw Henares, 11., Spain 40 38N 3 Ow Howe, 0., Aus ralia 37 283 150 2E Grosswardein, Hungary 47 3N 21 58E Hamilton Inlet, Labrador 5t ON 59 Ov7 Henley, Enulaud 31 SON 54W Howrah, Bengal 22 40N 88 8E Grosseto, Italy 42 42N 11 GE Hamilton, E., Australia 23 Ss 1 10 OE Henry, C, United States 36 55N 76 Ow Hou th, Ireland 63 2lN 6 3W Gumenjoko, Mt., Gamerons 2 20N 13 5l'; Hammath, Palestine 32 46N 33 32E Henzada Burma 17 SON 95 30 B Hoy, I., Scotland 58 52N 3 19W Grninard B., Scotland 57 55N 5 28W HauHuerfest, Norway 70 40N 23 50E Herat, Afghanistan 34 20N 67 lOE Hoy Sd., Scotland 58 57N 3 20W GrUnberg. PrnSiia 51 52N 15 30E Hampden, New Zealand 45 20S 170 50E Hiirault, Dept., France 43 35N 2 44E Hsu-chau, China 28 SON 104 40E Gruyires, Switzerland 46 36N 7 5E Hampshire, Oo., England 51 ION 1 15W Herbert. R,, Australia 22 OS 138 45B Huallaga, E., Pern 8 OS 76 6W Guacipati, Br. Guiana 7 ION 61 55\T Hanau, Prussia 50 8N 9 OB Hereford England 52 3N 2 41W Huanuco, Peru 9 54S 76 26W Guadalajara, Mexico 21 4N 103 6W" Han- chau, China 30 ISN 120 lOB Hi-reford, Co., England 52 ION 2 42W Huaraz, Peru 9 SOS 77 31W Guadalajara, Spain 40 SON 3 lOW Han-Chung, China 33 ON 107 16E Heri Rud, E., Afghanistan 34 20N 64 OE Hubli, Bombay 15 18N 70 2E Guadalaviar, R., Spain 40 ON 1 12W Han-Chung, China 35 35N 110 22B Herisau, Switzerland 47 22N 9 18E Hu-chan, China 30 45N 120 7E Guadalete, R,, Spain 3G 52N 5 38w Handa, I. Scotland 68 22N 5 12W Hermannstadt, Hungary 45 49N 24 9E Hnddersfleld, England 33 38N 1 48w Guadalquivir, E., Spain 37 25N G 0\r Handak, Egyptian Sudan 18 40N 30 S6E Hermon, Mts., Palestine 33 25N 35 45E Hudiksiall, Sweden 61 45N 16 .S3E Guadalupe, Spain 39 2SN 5 15W Hango, Eussia 59 50N 23 OE Hermopolis. Greece 37 27N 24 51E Hudson B., Canada GO ON 86 Ow Guadeloupe, I., W. Indies 16 20N Gl 45W Han-lio, R., China 33 12N 109 45 E Hermosillo, Mexico 29 ION 110 37W Hudson R., United state 42 SON 73 SOW Guadiana, R., Spain 39 8N 3 Ow Hauik, Bgvptiau Sudan 19 53N 30 8B Hernad, R., Hungary 48 20n 21 Ob Hudson Str., Canada 62 ON 70 OW Gnadiana, R., Spain 38 59N 6 OW Hankau, China 31 ON 114 15E Heme Bay, England" 51 22N 1 lOE Hu(S, Annam 17 6N 106 .50E Gaadi.x, Spain 37 17N 3 HIT Hanle, Kashmir 32 48N 79 OB Heruosand, Sweden 62 35N 17 50E Hue, Indo-China 16 SON 107 35E Gnajahu, R., Brazil 4 203 45 OW Hanley, England 53 2N 2 12w Herschell Ra,, Australia SO OS 115 40E Huelva, Spain 37 17N 6 S9AV Guajara-mirim, R., Brazil 10 453 G5 15w Hauoi, ludo China 21 ON 106 5B Hertford, England 51 47N 5W Huesea, Spain 42 6N 26W , I., Pacific Oc. 13 30N 144 50B Hanover, Prussia 32 22N 9 50E Hertford, Co., England 51 45N 20w Hughenden, Australia 20 523 144 9E Guanajuato, Mexico 21 40N 101 OW Hanovi r, Prov., Prussia 52 SON 9 OE Hertogenbosch, 's, Netherlands 51 40N 5 ISE Hui-di, Bengal 23 6N 88 SOE Guapore, E.. Br.izil 12 30s 62 30W Haparauda, Sweden 65 52N 23 50e Hcrvey B., Australia 24 60S 152 40E Hugh, R., Bengal 21 SON 83 OE Guarda, Portugal 40 31N 7 19W Harar, Abyssinia 9 5N 42 28B Herzegovina, Dist., Bosnia 43 30N 18 OB HuiUa, Angola 13 2s 13 29E Guardafui, 0., Somali Coast 11 SON 51 5E Harbion, Manchuria 45 52N 127 50e Hcsban, Palestine 31 49N 35 48B Hull, Canada 45 SIN 75 45W Guatemala, Guatemala 14 45N 1 9 30w Harbour Grace, Newfoundland 47 39N 53 45w Hesbaye, Dist., Belgium 50 40N 6 OE Hull, England 63 44N 20W Guatemala, St., Central America 16 ON 90 Ow Hardaiiger Fd., Norway 60 On 6 OB Heshbon, Palestine 31 49N 35 4HE Hull, R., England 53 42N 27W Guaviare, R., Colombia 2 40N 72 OW Hardanger Field, Norway t,0 30N 7 SOE Hesse, G. D,, Germany 50 ON 9 OE Humausdorp, Cape Colony 34 5s 24 48 E Guaymas, Mexico 27 57N 110 57W Hardwai-, Agra and Oudh SO ON 78 lOlo Het Loo, Netherlands 32 14N 6 58E Humber, E., England 53 S6N 5E Guayana, Ter., S. America 4 ON 56 Ow Hare B., Newfoundland (inset) 51 16N 55 50w Heung-shan, China (insetl 22 29N 113 24E Humber, R., Newfoundland (insttj 49 8N Guayaquil, Bcuailor 1 553 79 51W Haringvliet, C)i., Netherlands 51 51N 4 UE Hexham, England 64 68N 2 6w 58 low Guayaquil, 6. of, Ecuador 3 03 82 Ow Harlech, Wales 52 30N 4 7w Heyst, Belgium 31 20N 3 15B Humble H., England 55 ION 2 SOW Guben, Prussia 51 65N 14 39E Harlingen, Netherlands 33 ION 5 23E Hielmar, L., Sweden 59 ION 15 40B Humboldt R., United States 41 ON 118 OW Guelpb, United States 43 35N 80 24W Harpers, United States 37 20N 77 43W Higham Ferrers, England 52 17N 36w Hu-nan, China 27 ON 112 OE Guernsey, I., Oliannel Is. 49 30N 2 40W HaiTis, Div., Scotland 67 60N 6 48W Hildesheim, Prussia 52 9N 9 55E Hungarian Ore Mts., Hungary 48 SON 19 SOlo Guildford, England 51 13N 34W Harris, Sd. of, Scotland 57 50N 7 19W Hill Tipperah, Bengal 23 48N 91 12E Hungary, King., Europe 47 ON 20 OE Guinea, Dist., W. Africa 7 ON 4 OE Harrisburg, United States 40 20N 76 50w Hillary Hr., Ireland 53 40N 10 OW Hungerford, England 51 24N 1 31w Guinea, G. of, W. Africa 2 ON Harrisnuth, Orange River Colony 28 17s 29 8 E Hillston, Australia S3 33s 145 33E , Ireland 61 40N 9 4SW Guinea, Lower, Dist., W. Africa 10 30E Harrogate, England 53 69N 1 36W Hiliswick, Shetland Ts..Scotlaud (inset) 60 2sn Hunsriick, Mts., Prussia 49 SSN 7 lOE

Guinea, Upper, W. Africa 8 ON Hart Fell, Mt., Scotland 65 28N S 20w 1 27w Hunstanton, England 52 57N '. 8E Guiret. France 46 9N 1 51E Hartcbcest R., Oape Colony 29 30s 21 Ob Himalaya Mts., India 30 ON 82 SOE Huustiinton Pt., England 52 59N 3lE Guisborough. England 54 SON 1 2W Hartford, United States 41 48N 73 38w Hinckley, England 52 SON 1 28W Hunter, R., Australia 33 OS 154 OB Gujarat, Dist., Bombay 22 36N 74 UE Hartlaud Pt., England 51 In 4 31W Hiudmarsh, L., Australia 36 OS 141 5SE Huntingdon, England 52 20N llw Gujranwala, Punjab 32 12N .4 6E Hartlepool. England 54 4SN 1 12W , Mts., Afglianistan 3G ON 71 OR Huntingdon, Co.. England 52 25N lOw Gujrat, Punjab 32 35N 74 5E Harwicli, England 51 56N 1 17 b Hinter Rbein, R., Switzerland 46 35N 9 23E Huntly. Scotland 57 27N 2 49W Gulbarga, Haidarabad 17 20N 75 55E Harz Mts.. Prussia 51 45N II) SUE Hippos, Palestine 32 44N 33 39E Huntsville, Uniteil States 34 40N 86 32w Gumbinnen, Prussia 54 34N 22 131'] Hasbany R., Palestine 33 2UN 35 S6E Hiroshima, .Japan 34 3SN 132 S3E Hunza, Kashmir 36 24N 74 24E Guna, Central India 24 35N 77 25E Hasbeiyah, Palestine 33 25N 35 40E Hir.schberg, Prussia 60 5lN 16 43B Huon G., Ger. New Guinea (inset) 7 OS 148 OE V., GunongApi, Vol.. Dutch E. Indies 6 40s 12G 45E H;rsboro' L. England 52 57N 1 42B Hirsuva, Romania 44 SSN 27 58E Hu-pe. Prov, China 31 30N 1 1 2 SOE Gurkha, Nepal 28 ON 84 3GE Hash Valley, Switzerlanil 4G 39N 8 15E Hissar, Bokhara 38 23x 68 40E Huron, L., N. America 45 ON 82 SOW Guthrie, United States 35 55N 97 25w Hassclb, Belgium 30 55N 5 19k Hissar, Punjab 29 12N 75 48E Huttenberg, Austria 46 SSN 14 33E Guyenue, Prov., France 44 40N 1 OB Hastings, England 50 5lN 3GB Hitchin, England 61 56N 17W Huy, Belgium 50 SIN 6 14E Gwadar. Oman 25 13N 62 20E Hastings, New Zealand 39 44s 176 IE Hoakhanas, Mt., Ger, S.W. Africa 24 2S 17 3510 Hwai, R., Oliina 33 ON 117 SOB Gwalior, Central India 26 22N 78 2E Hatfield Chase, England 53 35N 1 Ow Hoang Phn Kiang, R., China 31 ON 121 Oe Hwang-ho, R., China 36 40N UG 25E Gwatar, Persia 25 12N 61 17E Ha-tinli, ludo-China 18 25N 105 45E Hobart, Ta-smauia 42 6US 1 47 4E Hwei Chan, China (inset) 23 2N 114 2610 Gweebarra B., Ireland 54 52N 8 27W Hatteras, 0., United States 45 SON 7G Ow Hijchstadt, Bavaria 48 38N 10 39E Hwei-chau, China 29 6SN 118 lOB Gwvdir, R., Australia 29 263 150 UB Haura, Arabia 14 8N 47 S6E Hochstetter, Mt., New Zealand 42 32S 172 lOB Hyde, England 53 28N 2 6w Gympie, Australia 26 2U3 152 4810 Hauraki G., New Zealand 3G 303 176 OE Hodeicla, Turkey in Asia 14 52N 42 5UK Hydra, I., Greece 37 28N 23 27E Hausa, Tribe, Nigeria 12 UN 7 SOE Hodmezb Vasarhelv, Hungary 46 27N 20 22K Hyeres, France 43 9N 6 4E IIAAELEM, Netherlands 52 22N 4 3SE Haust, New Zealand 43 313 169 2E ILig's Back, England 61 12N 43W Hyeres Is., France 43 2N 6 20E Habab, Tribe, Eritrea 16 45N 38 55k Hautes Fagnes, iJist., Belgium 60 ON 5 451-; Holie Venn, Dist., Belgium 50 27N 6 OE Hythe, England 61 4N 1 4e Habsburg, Switzerland 47 27N 8 llio Hautlia, Arabia 13 35N 46 55E Hohenlinden, Bavaria 48 6N 11 54E Haddington, Scotland 65 57N 2 47w Havana, W. Indies 23 ON 82 41w Hohenzollern, Germany 48 ION 9 OH IBADAN, Lagos 8 ON 4 2E 12 Haddington, Co., Scotland 35 62N 2 40w Havel E , Prussia 62 43N OB Hojo, Japan (inset) 35 On 139 34E Ibar, R., Servia 43 2eN 20 SOE Hadendoa, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 17 30N :1G 10k Haverfordwest, Wales 51 48N 4 68w Hokianga B., New Zealand 33 25s 173 30E Ibarra, Ecuador 22N 78 22w Hadleigh, England 52 4N 54E Havre, Le, France 49 SON 3E Hokitika, New Zealand 42 44S 171 lOB Ibo, Dist., Nigeria G 42N 7 lOE Hadramaut, Dist., Arabia 16 ON 49 OE Hawaii, I., Pacific Oc. 19 SON 135 SOW Holdcrness, Pen., England 53 40N lOW lea, Peru 14 5s 75 35W Hagio Strati, I., Greece 39 31N 24 55E Hawaiian Is, Pacific Oc. 21 ON 157 OW Hollams Bird I., S.W. Africa 24 383 14 SSE Iceland, I., Atlantic Oc. 65 ON 18 Ow Hag's Head, Ireland 52 56N 9 27W Hawash R., Abyssinia 9 SUN 40 SOE Holland, England 52 42N IW Ichabo I., S. Africa 26 173 14 58B Zealand 39 35S 174 32E Prov Netherlands 52 2.5N 4 Hague, C. de la, France 49 54N 2 Ow Hawera, New Holland, , 33E Ichang, China 31 2N 111 3SK Hai-ohau, China 34 30N 119 25E Hawick, Scotland 66 26N 2 47W Holstein, Prov., Prussia 54 ON 10 OE Ida, Mt., Crete 35 12N 24 48 E Haidarabad, Haidarabad, India 17 29N 78 30B Hawke B., New Zealand 39 253 177 30E Holy I., Eneland 56 4UN 1 47w Ida, Mt., Turkey in Asia S'.l 53N 27 6E Haidarabad, Sind 25 SON 68 .S4E Hawke 0., Australia 32 10s 152 30E Holv I,, Wales 63 18N 4U 40w Idalio, St., United States 44 ON 114 Ow Haidarabad, St., India 18 ON 78 OE Hawkesbury R., Australia 33 2US 151 lOE Holyhead, Wales 53 20N 4 S7W Idle, R., England 33 2SN 58w Haifa, Palestine 32 49N 34 39E Hawes Water, England 64 31N 2 43w Holywell, Wales 53 19N 3 ICW Idria, Austria 46 ON 14 2B

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InrliimGa, Dist., PalPstine 30 O'.N 35 OE Ismail, Russia 45 SON 23 45E Jenin, Palestine 32 28N 35 17E Kamthi, Central Provs., India 21 12N 79 12E Isiili, Sahara 25 UN 7 Oiv Ismailia, Egypt 30 33N .32 16B Jenolau Oaves, Australia 33 36S 159 6E Kaoagawa, Japan (inset) 35 29N 139 42E li^lan, Austria 49 STjN 15 35B Ismid, Turkey in Asia 40 43s 29 56E Jerez, Spain 36 40N 6 8w Kanah, Palestine 33 ISN 36 17E lie de Fi-anoe, I'rov., France 4S HON 2 OE Isonzo. E,, Austria 46 ION 13 40E Jericlio, Palestine 31 5lN 35 26N Kanasawa, Japan (inset) 35 16X'" 139 40E IlfracorQbe, Eni^land 51 12N 4 Gw Issyk Kill, L., Buasian Turkestan 41 25s 78 30K Oity, United States 40 50N 74 Gw Kanawat, Palestine 32 46N 36 34E Hi, B., Asiatic Russia 45 OS 76 OE Isthmia, Greece 37 65N 22 59E Jersey. I., Channel Is. 49 12s 2 12iv Kanawha, R., United States 38 1?K81 3017 Illvestone, England 52 58N 1 20^" Istria, Prov., Austria 45 15N 13 45E Jerusalem, Turkey in Asia 31 45s 35 17E Kanazawo, Japan 36 40S 126 37E IllEley, EuKlan.l 53 56N 1 49W Itacolumi, Mt., Brazil 21 5S 43 30W Jervis, 0.. Australia 35 33s 138 lOE Kanburi, Slam 14 6N 99 SOE 111, R., Germany 47 SON 7 20E Italiy, B., Brazil 22 50s 52 40iv Jessore, Bengal 23 6N 89 12B Kan-chau, China 25 4.9N 114 40E Illampu, Vol., Bolivia IG IDs 68 Ow Itajahy, E., Brazil 27 30s 49 40Tr Jezzin, Palestine 33 33s 35 3SE Kan-ohau, China 39 ON 100 SOE Illawarra L., Australia 34 40s 150 55E Italian Somaliland, Col., E. Africa 5 OS 47 OE Jezreel, Palestine 32 33s 35 19E Kandahar, Afghanistan 31 37N 65 68E Ill-et-Vilaine, Dept., France 48 19N 1 35w Italy, St., Europe 43 ON 13 OE Jezreel, Plain of, Palestine 32 38s 35 14E Kandalaksha, Russia 67 lOK 32 SOE Illimani, Mt., Bolivia 16 26s 66 321T Itanibe, Mt., Brazil 18 54s 42 42TV Jhalawan, Dist., Baluchistan 26 40N 67 OE Kandavn I., Fiji Is. (inset 51) 19 OS 178 I6E Illinois, E. United States 40 30s 90 0-iT Itatiaia, Mt., Brazil 22 10s 45 lOW Jhalra Patau, Bajputana 24 SOS 76 12E Kander, R., Switzerhand 46 35 7 39B Illinois, State, United States 40 50s 89 Ow Itchin, R., England 67 Os 1 3w Jhang, Ponjab 31 20x 72 25E Kandy, Ceylon 7 42N 80 S7E Ilmen, L., Russia 58 30s 31 20E Ithaca, United States 42 25s 76 SOW Jhansi, Agra and Oudh 25 30N 78 36E Kanem, Sudan 14 ON 15 50E Ilorin, Nig-eria 8 45N 4 lOE Ituraa, Dist., Palestine 33 15N 36 On Jibuti, Fr. Somaliland 16 ON 42 40E Kangaroo I., Australia 36 50s 137 17E Ilsley, England 61 30N I 17 W Itzehoe, Prussia 63 63s 9 30E Jiddah, Turkey in Asia 21 8N 39 25E Kangean Is., Dntoh E. Indies 6 45s 115 25E Imbros, I,, Greece 40 8N 25 50E Iveragh, Dist., Ireland 51 55N 10 lOw Jiddin, Palestine 33 Ox 36 12E Kanh-hoa, Indo-China 12 20N 109 OE Imperial Can., China 35 ON 117 30E Iviza, Spain 38 52N 1 28E Jiloca, B., Spain 41 Ox 1 251V Kanin Noss, C, Eussia 68 SON 43 SOE In Salah, Sahara 27 5S 2 30E fviza, I., Spain 39 OS 1 2.5E Jilolo, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 7N 127 28E Kanin Pen., Eussia 68 ON 45 OE In Shan, Mts., Monsolia 41 10s 110 OE Ivory Coast, W. Africa 6 ON 6 OW Jisak, Russian Turkestan 40 5X 67 50B Kanizsa, Hungary 46 25N 17 2E Incu, Mt., Hungary 47 35N 25 15B Ivrea, Italy 45 27N 7 64E , B., Romania, 44 15N 23 48B Kanker, Central Provs. 20 18N 81 30E Indals, B., Sweden 63 ON 16 60E Jizan, Turkey in Asia 16 56s 42 36E Kan-kiang, E., China 27 ON 116 OE Indi R., Australia 36 OS 148 OE JABALPUR, Central Provs., 23 12N 79 50E Joachimstbal, Austria 50 2lN 12 55E Kano, Nigeria 12 15N 8 SOE Inilia, St., Asia 22 OS 80 OE Jabbok, B., Palestine 32 12s 35 48E Joaseiro, Brazii 9 25S 40 SOW Kansas Oity, United States 39 3N 94 3917 Indian Ter., United States 35 ON 96 Ow .labesh Gilead, Palestine 32 27N 36 37E Jodhpur, Bajputana 26 26X 72 58E Kansas E.,"United States 38 ON 100 Ow Indiana, St., United States 40 OS 86 5"W .labneel, Palestine 31 63N 34 44E Johannesburg, Transvaal 26 20S 28 13B Kansas, St., United States 38 ON 98 Ow Indianopulis, United States 39 45s 86 lOW Jaca. Spain 42 35s 33W John o'Groats, Scotland 68 SSs 3 417 Kan-su, Prov., China 37 SON 102 30E Indigirka, R., Siberia 66 OS 145 OE Ja-chu, R., Tibet 33 30S 98 OE Johnshaven, Scotland 56 48N 2 21w Kanturk, Ireland 52 12X 8 53W Indo-Oliina, Ter., Asia 17 30N 105 OE Jacobsdaal, Orange Elver Colony 29 13S 25 5E Johnstone, Scotland 65 51N 4 3117 Kanuri, Tribe, Nigeria 11 45K 11 45E Indore, Central India 22 58N 75 52E .Jacuhy, E., Brazil 30 OS 62 30w Johor, Straits Settlement 1 26s 104 7E Kanva, Bechuanaland 24 643 25 22E Indragiri, Jackson R , Sumatra 34S 102 SUE (Michigan) United States 42 17N Jokueam, Palestine 32 39X 35 6E Kaoko, Dist., Ger. S.W. Africa 19 OS 13 SOE Indrayati, R., Central ProY., India 19 ON 81 12E 84 25w Jokyakarta, Java 8 OS 110 22E Kapella, Mts., Hungary 44 45S 16 35E Indre, Dept., France 46 59N 1 30E .lackson (Missouri) United States 32 30s Jbnkc>ping, Swcien 67 48N 14 lOB Kapuas, B., Borneo 25S 110 SOE Indre-et-Loire, Dept., France 47 8N 43E 90 22w Joppa, Palestine 32 3N 34 46E Kapunda, Australia 34 213 138 55B Indus, R., India 28 36S 70 OE Jacksonville, United States 30 26N 81 50\v , R., Palestine 32 28n 35 38E Kara, R., Eussia 68 SON 65 OE Ineboli, Turkey in Asia 41 57N 34 48E Jacobabad, Sind 28 18s 68 30E Jotun Field, Norway 61 30s 8 OE Kara Gate, Str., Eussia 70 26s 54 OE Ingalele, B., Transvaal 22 25s 29 45 E Jade, R., Germany 53 42s 8 5E Joux L., Switzerland 46 42s 6 22E Kara Kum Desert, Eussian Turkestan 39 ON lugleboro, Mt., England 54 10s 2 27W Jaen, Spain 37 50s 3 4817 Joux Valley, Switzerland 46 40x G 14E 60 OE Ingoklmells Pt., England 53 llN 2lE Jaffa, Turkey in Asia 32 2N 34 52E Juan de Fuca Str., Canada 48 26s 124 Ow Karachi, Sind 24 48s 67 6E lugolstadt, Bavaria 48 42s 11 22E Jaffna, Ceylon 9 36N 80 OE Juan Fernandez, I., S, Am'^rica 33 45S 78 65w Karakoram Mts., Kashmir 35 30N 77 OE Inliambane, Port. E. Africa 24 IS 35 27E Jagdalpm, Central Provs. 19 3CN 82 2lB Jub, R., Br. E. Africa 4SN 42 30E Karakoram P., Kashmir 35 34s 77 55E Inishbofln, I., Ireland 63 38s 10 12W Jagersfontein, Orange River Colony 29 33s Jilcar, E,, Spain 39 ION 11 w Karabugaz, G. of, Russia in Asia 41 OX" 63 45e Inishkea Is., Ireland 54 8N 10 1217 26 48E Jucar, E., Spain 39 35N 2 lOlv Karakul, Mt., Eussian Turkestan 39 OS 74 12E , Dist., Ireland 55 14s 7 201V Jagganath, Bengal 19 48N 85 48E Judah, Mts. of, Palestine 31 SON 35 OE Karaman, Turkey in Asia 37 23N 32 55E luishshark, I., Ireland 53 37N 10 16W Jailan, Dist., Oman 22 35N 59 OE Judah, Wilderness of, Palestine 31 SON 35 15E Karamea B., New Zealand 41 40S 172 OE Inishtrahull, I., Ireland 55 2.5N 7 12iy Jaipur, Madras 18 54s 82 36E Judea, Dist., Palestiue 31 46N 35 OE Karas Berg, Mt., Ger. S.W. Africa 27 20s 18 4SE Inishturk, I., Ireland 53 42X 10 7w Jaipur, Bajputana 26 54s 75 54B Jujuy, Argentina 24 10s 65 2317 Karas Mts., Ger. S.W. Africa 27 SOS 18 40E Inkpen, Mt., England 51 23N 1 30w Jaisalmer, Bajputana 26 64N 70 54E J umet, Belgium 50 29N 4 28B Karategin, Dist., Bokhara 39 OS 71 SOB , R., Austria 47 15s 11 OE Jalalabad, Afghanistan 34 25N 70 26E Jumna, B., Agra and Oudh 27 ON 78 SOE Karauli, Bajputana 26 SON 77 6E Inn, B., Bavaria 48 10s 12 15E Jalandhar, Punjab 31 18N 75 36E Junagarh, Bombay 21 SON 70 36E Karawanken, Mts., Austria 46 26s 14 40E Ion B., Switzerland 46 48s 10 17E Jalapa, Mexico 19 42N 9G 45w Juuagarh, Central Provs., India 19 42N 83 OE Karee Berge, Mts., Cape Colony 31 14S 23 15E Inner Dowsing Shoal, England 53 15s 33l':i Jalna, Haidarab 19 48N 76 54s Jungfrau, Mt., Switzerland 46 32N 7 56E Kargil, Kashmir 34 SOS 76 12B Inner Sd., Scotland 57 30s 5 55w Jalomitza, E., Bomania 44 34N 27 OB Jura, Dept., France 46 44N 5 35E Karikal, Madras 11 On 79 30E Innerleithen, Scotland 55 37s 3 5W Jalon, R., Spain 41 25N 1 36W Jura, I., Scotland 56 67N 5 55w Karimata Oh., B. Indies 2 20S 108 OE Innsbruck, Austria 47 12N 11 20E , I., W. Indies 18 16N 77 30w Jura Mts., Germany (see Swabian Jura) Karimon Is., Dutch E. Indies 5 50s 110 20E Insterbarg, Prussia 54 3oS 21 45E Jamulpur, Bengal 24 64N 90 OE Jura Mts., Switzerland 47 Ox 7 OE Karkog, Egyptian Sudan 13 OS 34 34E Interlaken, Switzerland 46 42N 7 52E Jamary, B., Brazd 10 Os 62 lOW Jura, Sd. of, Scotland 55 57N 5 45wi Karlowitz, Hungary 45 9N 19 57E Inver, L., Scotland 58 6N 5 .5w Jambi, Sumatra 1 45S 103 42E Jurua, R., Brazil 6 SOS 68 017 Karlsbad, Austria 50 12s 12 55E Inveraray, Scotland 66 14N 5 4W James B., Canada 54 OS 81 Ow Jutland, Pen., Denmark 66 SON 9 SOE Karlsburg, Hungary 46 Ss 23 32E Inverarie, Scotland 57 17s 2 23w James, R., United States 37 40s 78 Ow Karlstadt, Hungary 45 25s 15 33E Invercargill, New Zealand 46 25s 168 23E Jammu, Kashmir 32 42N 74 54E KAAITI, Tribe, Arabia 14 10s 48 20e Karnal, Punjab 29 40S 77 OE Invergorden, Scotland 57 42s 4 lOW Jamnia, Palestine 31 53s 34 44E Kaap Gold Fields, Transvaal 25 29s 31 18E Karnnl, Madras 16 48N 78 6E Inverness, Scotland 57 28S 4 ISW Jan Mayen, I., Arctic Oc. 71 8K 8 30w Kaap Plat., Cape Colony 2a OS 23 30E Karonga, Br. Central Africa 9 693 33 25E Inverness, Co., Scotland 57 4s 4 43W" Janglaohe, Tibet 29 6s 87 30E Kababisli, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 16 5N SO Ol-; Karoo Plat., Gt., Cape Colony 33 OS 22 OB lona, I., Scotland 56 19s 6 29W Japan, Sea of, Asia 40 On 135 OE Kabadian, Bokhara 37 23N 68 lOE Kars, Bussia 40 35N 43 OE Ionian Is., Greece 39 OK 20 30E Japan, St., Asia 30 ON 135 OE Kabara, Fr. W. Africa 16 SON 2 4017 Karshi, Bokhara 38 55s 65 60B , Mediterranean S. 27 3N 18 OE Japho, Palestine 32 3s 34 46E KabiuJa, Poet, W. Africa 6 28S 12 20E Karun, E., Persia 31 30s 48 45E los, I., Greece 36 45E 25 23E Jarama, R., Spain 40 36N 3 3,517 Kabul, Afghanistan 34 35s 69 2 E Karwar, Bombay 14 48N 74 12E Iowa, St., United States 41 60s 03 30W Jarconnaught, Dist., Ireland 53 2lN 9 20w Kabul B., Afghanistan 34 40N 70 OE Kasai, R., Congo State 6 32s 21 20B j Ipek, Turkey 42 40s 20 15E Jaroslau, Austria 50 2N 22 39B Kachh, Dist., Baluchistan 29 OK 69 Uli Kasala, Egyptian Sudan 15 32K 36 40E Ipswich, Australia 27 42s 152 40E Jarrow, England 54 68N 1 2917 Kachi, DLst., Tibet 32 SGN 88 OB Kaschau, Hungary 48 35N 21 12E Ipswich, England 52 4S 1 lOE Jarvis. I., Pacific Oo 30S 159 38W Kachin, Tribe, Burma 25 ON 97 OE Kashan, Persia S3 65N 51 SOE tquique, Chile 20 22S 70 6W Jary, R., Brazil 83 low Kadei, B., Oamerous 5 ON 14 2GN Kashgar, East Turkestan 39 14s 75 56E Iquitos, Peru 3 65s 73 20w Jashak, Persia 25 45N 57 34E Katiristan, Dist., Afghanistan 35 SON 71 OE Kashgil, Egyptian Sudan 12 55N 31 2E Irak Ajnii, Prov., Persia, 35 On 60 OE Jashpur, Bengal 22 48s 84 OK Kafoe, H., Rhodesia 15 40S 27 SOE Kashkar, R., Kashmir 35 30s 72 OE Irak Arebi, Disf., Turkey in Asia 32 30s 45 OE Jaszbereny, Hungary 47 28n 19 58E Kagera, B., Ger. E. Africa 2 103 30 58E Kashmir, St., India 34 30s 76 30E Irawadi, B., Bumia 16 ON 95 OE Jath, Bombay 17 ON 75 18E Kagoshima, Japan 31 45N 130 40E Kasr Dongola, (.^e* El Ordeh; Irazu, Vol., Costa Bica 10 OS 84 lOW Jauf, Arabia 30 22N 40 28E Kai-feng, China 34 40X 114 40E Kassala, Sudan 16 8N 36 26E Irbit, Bussia 57 40s 63 OB Jauf, Dist., Turkey in Asia 16 30N 45 OE Kaikoura, New Zealand 42 26s 173 4lE Kastamuni, Turkey in Asia 41 32N 33 57E Ireland, Brit. Is. 53 OX 9 30W Jaulan, Dist., Palestine 32 45N 35 45E Kaikoura Ra., New Zealand 42 OS 173 40E Kastoria, Turkey 40 30s 21 15E Ireland's Eye, 1., Ireland 53 24s 6 4w Jaimpur, Agra and Oudh 25 50s 87 40E Kailas, Mt., Tibet 31 30x SO SOE Kastron, Turkey in Asia 39 5X 26 33E Iremel, Mt., Bnssia 54 30N 60 OS Java Hd., Java 7 2S 105 5E Kaimanawa Ea., New Zealand 39 OS 176 lOE Kasvin, Persia 36 lis 49 57E Iri, B., Greece 37 OS 22 33E Java, I., E. Indies 7 Os 110 OE Kuipara Hr., New Zealand 36 29S 174 8E Katahdin, Mt., United States 46 ON 69 Ow , Br. Is. 60 4N 4 Ow , E. Indies 5 03 110 OE Kairwau, Tunis 35 ON 10 5E Katanga, Congo State 11 20s 27 25E Irkutsk, Siberia 62 30S 103 OE Javca. Spain 38 46N 9E Kaisaria, Turkey in Asia 38 48N 35 26B Katar, Dist., Oman 25 OS 50 56E Bomania 44 42N 22 24E Jaxartes, R., Asiatic Iron Gate. Russia 44 30s 66 30E Kaisarieh. Palestine 32 SON 34 64E Katoliall I., Nicobar Is. 8 OS 93 24E Ironbridge, England 52 38N 2 27W Jebel Akhdar, Mt., Oman 23 20n 67 20E Kaiser Wilhelm Can., Prussia 64 15X 9 SOE Katim, Burma 24 12s 96 24E Irt. B., England 54 25s 3 27w Jebel Dahura, Mt., Arabia 15 15s 47 OE Kaiserslautern, Germany 49 27N 7 SOB Kathiawar, Dist., Bombay 22 18s 70 64E 65 2 3617 Irtliiug, B., England, OS Jebel el Shafah, Mts.. Turkey in Asia 27 30n Kaitangata, New Zealand 46 19S1G9 58E Katrine, L., Scotland 56 IGX 4 28lv 70 Irtish, K., Siberia 53 30S 30E 30 SOB Kaithal, Punjab 29 48X 76 24E Katsena, Nigeria 13 Ox 7 21 3GN 40w Irvine, Scotland 55 4 Jebel esh Sharki, Mts., Palestine 33 45s 36 16E Kalach, Russia 48 SON 42 67E Kattegat, Sd., Denmark 67 OK 11 OE 55 35s 4 27w Irvine, B., Scotland Jebel esh Sheikh, Mts., Palestine 33 26s 35 46E Kalahari Desert, Bechuanaland 24 SOS 21 OE Ka-u, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 lis 127 52E Irwell, R.. England 63 40S 2 20\T Jebel Haurau, Mts., Palestine 32 43s 36 Kalamata, Greece 37 4N 22 6E 36E Ka-u B., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 OS 127 52E 28 30 37E Isandhkina, Natal 44N Jebel Imarie, Mts., Arabia 22 OS 42 30E Kalat, Baluchistan 29 ON 66 36E Kaulung, Ohina (inset) 22'20N 114 14E 11., Bav.aria 48 12 6E , 35s Jebel Jermuk, Mt., Palestine 33 2s 36 32E Kalat, Palestine 32 6N 36 7B Kauriali, R., Nepal 28 ON 81 18B 13 62E Isohia, I., Italy 40 43S Jebel Libuan, Mts., Palestine 33 SON 35 30 E Ka)at-i-Ghilzai, Afghanistan 32 6N 66 55 E Kavala, Turkey 40 69s 24 23E Ischl, Austria 47 40s 13 40B Jebel Manakib, Mts., Arabia 22 20N 47 lOE Kalgan, China 40 63s 114 60E Kayes, Fr. W. Africa 14 20s 11 4G1V Isem, R., Russia 56 15N 63 OE Jebel Medob, Mt., Egyptian Sudan 15 26s Kalgoorlie, Australia 30 39S 121 lOE Kayoa, I., Dutch E. Indies (in.set) 3S 19E Isere. Dept., France 45 25N 5 30E 25 26E Kalhat, Dist., 25 26N 55 42E Oman Kazan, Russia 55 50N 49 1 OE Lscre, B., France 45 26N 5 40B Jebel Okdo, Mt., Oman 23 SON 56 OE Kalmar, Sweden 56 45N 16 18E Kazanlik, Bulgaria 42 37s 26 26E Persia 31 48N 51 30E Isfahan. Jebel Osbeh, Mt., Palestine 32 5s 36 olE Kalmuks, Tribe, Russia 47 15N 45 OE Kazbek, Mt., Russia 42 33s 45 15E Ishma, B., Bussia 64 ON 54 OE Sannin, Jebel Mt., Palestine 33 58s 35 48 E Kalocsa, Hungary 46 30s 18 38E Kazembe, Rhodesia 9 46s 29 19E Iskanderuu, Turkey in Asia 36 40N 36 14E Jebel Shammar, Mts., 27 Arabia 30s 12 SOE Kaluga, Russia 64 S6x 36 20E Kea, I., Greece 37 35N 24 22E Iskardo, Kashmir 35 12N 75 30E Jebel Soturba, Mt., Egyptian 21 Kaluin. 1., Dut<;h E. Indies (inset) Sudan 44s 2s 127 20B Kcbnekaisse, -lit., Sweden 68 OX 18 40B Isker, E., Bulgaria 43 26N 24 12E 36 lOE Kama, B., Eussia 55 SOX 60 OE Kecskemet, Hungary 46 48x 19 42E Islanialiad, Ka.shmir 33 42N 75 6E Jebel Tuweik, Mts., Arabia 22 30s 45 OE Kamaran, I., Rod S. 15 26s 42 26B Kedah, Malay Pen. 6 6s 100 24E Islands, B. of, Newfoundland (inset) 49 8N Jebel Zukur, I., Turkey in Asia 14 us 42 46E Kamchatka, Pen., Siberia 56 ON 159 OB Kedesh, Palestiue 33 9s 35 31E 68 low Jedburgh, Scotland 55 2 3UW 2SN Kamchik, E., Bulgaria 43 ON 27 12E Keeling Is., Indian Oc. 12 8s 96 SOE Islands, B. of. New Zealand 34 12s 175 lOE Jedur, ilist., Palestine 33 17s 36 GB Kamaiet, Russia 48 34s 26 -lOE Keen, Mt., Scotland 56 58K 2 6517 May, Peru 16 62S 72 30W Jehlam, Puuiab 32 54N 73 42E Berge, Kamies Mts., Cape Colony 30 20S 18 30E Keener, Mt., Ireland 52 45N 8 llw Islay, I., Scotland 55 45s 6 16TV Jehlam, E., Punjab 32 Os 72 lOB Kamorta, Nicobar Is. 8 12s 93 SOB Keetmanshoop, Ger. S.W. Africa 26 Sis 18 3E Islay, Sd. of, Scotland 5.') 48N 6 Ow Jehol, China 41 ION 118 4E Kampeu, Netherlands 62 33N 5 53B Keewatin, Dist., Canada 60 ON 100 OW Isle Royale, I. United States 48 ON 89 Ow Jellalabad, 34 2'IN Afghanistan 70 SOE Kampo, Indo-Ohina 10 34N 104 OB Keffl, Nigeria 8 66N 7 35E

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Kei Is., Dutch E. Tmlii's 5 H.'.s r:i3 UK lli.'eraiikir I'.. Se,,thind 5i; 13v 3 IIH- Komorn, ITouenrv 17 IGv IS 6e Kwin-boii, liido-riiina 13 55X 109 5B Kfighiev, Kiigiitiiii y.i ri'2N' 1 r].")\v' liinaiav I'ort. E, Africa 17 .51s 3i; 59i: Koiichalo, Ml., Ilii-,ia 5;i HON 60 lOE Kvailkill, liurnia IS ISX 95 24E ')? Keitli, SL-otiiiiiU :ilN :; .'.sw liliianiarn, Ilia-. ;i Biinua 10 24X 93 SOE 5[t., E. Africa 3 5s 37 10]': Kone, Ir. W. .Miira ox I 2;iw- Kvaiikpvu, Kelaiitan, M;il;iy I'cii. i; llx ]il'i l.')!'] Hill, Se^ll:lud5G27x4 Kvle, Dist., Seoffanil 55 SOX 1 27 W 21\y Kong-nnin, Cliiiij liii,.-l i 22 MS 113 IE KrUlt, liillllchlMtau L".t ON Ijli iltlh; I'.IW lularuoek, .Seotliiiid 55 37N 4 31w KiUiia, 'I'lirkrv in .\-n :i; 55X :;2 HE IvVfcof Domes-, Seotlaiid .58 S5x 1 Kt'lab i Ghil/.ai. A tVrlianisl.m ;iL' to^ i;i; ril,'|.; .5S hush, Srofland 32V I 25W Ireland 52 3SN 9 28\y lOiuigsgrilfz, ,\iHlriii 50 I IX 15 52E Kvle of Tongue. Kulls, Tivlaiiil :i;i i:iN i; :,iiv Isyth, Seotliiiiil :<:, 5Sx 4 3W lOilligslierg, l'riis

Kou, R., Cculral Iiali i ir, l)x Sll (.In 66 uiiueridgi', Hiiglarul 50 3SN 2 8U' Koraiiiia Land, Cape l oloiiy 27 .50s 20 50E La 1-lnaira, Tenezuela 10 30x 571V Kill, R., Srcitlaiid r

Dist., Fr. ."i Xmicilueu, \V. Africa IL' ON m\' ocliiiijiiiga, Mt., Sikkim 27 5lx s« I2X Koro Sea, Fiji Is. (inset 61) 18 OS 180 OE L;i Paz, Mexico 24 6N HO 15w Keneh, IC{,'ypt :2ti ION ;12 S!)!-: nderii B., Russia iu Asia 42 30X 52 30E Knroni.Gr c 36 47N 21 5SE La Perouse Str„ Pacifio Co. 45 30x 142 30E Keuia, Mt. Bf. E. Afi-ii'a 2S\ ;i7 X\\: '20 OIV ilderscout. Mt., England 53 22X 1 51 \y Kiiros, E., lliuigary 47 ON I5E La Plata, Argentina 36 20s 58 Keiiihvortli, ,l^n;4lauw llg I., Tasmania 39 .50s 113 55E Ivorosko, Egypt 22 3GN 32 (IB Laaland, L. Denmark 54 50N 11 SOE Keuuebcc, R., Uiiiteil l.'i lil) ." StatL-s ox iig Sd., Australia 16 Us 123 OE Koiciusko, Mt., Australia 36 26s 1 18 25E Labrador, Dist., N. America 64 Ox G2 05y Keuneily Oil., SO Arutic .\iiu'ri.-a ON 70 Ow llg Leopold Ra., Ailsiralia 16 30s 125 OE Ko-sliima,, I., Japan 33 6X 139 40E Ijabuiin, L, Borneo, 5 ISX 115 llB 0|i] Kenneiiy, Co., Australia -'1 Us 1 10 ingWilllain's Town, Cape Ooloiiy :i2 50s Kosi, R., N;ital 26 51s 32 lOB Lacciidive Is., Arabian Sea 13 ON 72 SOE Kenuet," E.. Eoii-laiul ijl ;^0N 1 low Kiislin, Prussia 51 lOX IG 12E Lacliish, Palestine 31 32N 34 43E Kent, Co., EuKlaiiil .51 13N :)0H King's Cli., Eiigland 51 40N I 21 E KiMOVo Polie, Dist., Turkey 42 40X 21 OE Laclilan, E,, Australia 33 4S 147 OB Keut, R., Eu-ianii 51 l.-iN 3 17\y King's Co., Ireland 53 IGN 7 30\y Kossler, Egypt 26 5N 31 ]8K Lacouia, Prov., Greece 37 6N 22 37E Keutisli Knock L.-V,, Euirlaoil .M ;10N 1 M li Kiiig's Lynn, England 52 46N 211-; Ko^ti iidil, .Bulgaria 42 12N 22 IGE Ladder of Tyre, C, Palestine 33 6N 36 6B Kentucliy, H., United Stales ;^7 ON Kl o\y Kingston, Australia 3G 52s 139 57E Kustrnma, Russia 57 52X 40 451; Lado, Oougo State 6 5X 31 33E Kentucky, Sr., Uniteil States :i7 :tUN S.'; ;:o\y Kingston, Oanaila 41 isx 76 .5S5y Knta llaja. Suiiiatrii 5 3(;n 95 lOB Ladoga, L,, Bussia 61 ON 31 SOB Ker;ik, Palestine 31 '.IN 3:< -1 IE Kingston, England 51 23N 17\y Kotali, Rajputalia 25 12X 75 51E Lailroiie Is., Pacific Oc. 17 l« 145 SOE Kerbela, Turkey in Asia 32 37N 1 1 7B Kiug.stun, .fainiiica IS 5N 76 .5.S5y Kntla:s, Rnssia 61 12X 46 37E Ladybrand, Orange tliver Colony 29 2os 2( lOE Kerch, Ru-sia t.'i 28N 3l1 2,S|.; Kingston, New Zealand 45 21s 168 JGE Korthus. Prussia 51 .15N 14 18B Ladysmitli, Natal 28 22s 29 58b Keren, Eritrea l."i r>'2'S 38 30E Kingston, United States 11 5SX 74 4\y Koviio. Russia 65 OX 21 Hi Laeken, Belgium 50 54X 4 21E Ker^-ueleu -in I., Iiulian Oc. 30s G'.1 40i.] Kingstown, Ireland 53 ISN 6 lOW K.iwlonii, Ullilia (inset) 22 20X 111 1 IE Lafayette, United States 40 UN 87 22\y Keruia. Egyptiau Sudan U' 3.'iN 30 2.5h: Kingussie, Scotland 57 5x 4 3\y Kozlof, Russia 52 6l)N 40 SOB Lagan, R., Ireland 54 2sn 6 12w Keniaidee is., Pacifle Oe. (inset el) 30 OS Kinibalu, Mt., Borneo 6 OX 116 32E Kra, Siam 10 SON 98 ISE Laggaii, L., Scotfaiid 56 55N 4 SOW 17.S UW Kinnairds Hd., Scotland 57 4.3N 2 0\v Kra Pass, Malay Pen. 10 S5X 99 25B Lagos, Portugaf 37 7N 8 4W Kerman, Pei-sia 30 28N ."ai ri.'iio Kinross, Scotland 50 12x 3 265y ICragnyevatz, S(a-\-ia 41 3N 20 5IE Lagos, W. Africa G 2GN 3 38E Keruiaiisliali, Persia 3-1 20n -llj r>SK Kiurnss, Co., Scotland 56 13x 3 23n' Kraka'tao, I., Dntcli B. Indies 5 55s 105 32E Laliore, Punfab 31 SON 74 23E Kerry, Go., Ireland .')2 ON lou" Kinsale, Ireland 51 43N 8 315y Krasnovodsk, Russia in .\sia 10 2.x 53 2E Lahoii, R., Fr. 5V. Africa 5 12x 5 Ow Kerry Hd., Ireland -')2 2(;x .">7\v Kinsha, E., China 26 20X 100 25B Krefeld, Prussia 51 12X 6 2SE Lahii, R., Prussia 50 SON 8 lOE

Keslio, Iniio-L'liina 20.">2N lo.'> laC Kiiityre, SeotlMinl 55 35N 5 35\y Kremenehug, Russia 19 KLX 33 f 7E Laihach, Austria 46 IN' 14 SOE Kesmark, Huin/ary 40 UN 20 27 L] Kintyrc, Mull of. Scotfaial 53 20N 5 49w Krenniitz. Hungary IS 4fX 18 53E Laing Neck, P., Natal 27 20S 29 60B Kesteveu, Eusrlanil ."t2 -i7x 30\v Kiiiiia, Mt., Greece 3s 3.5X 22 OE Kreins, Austria 4S'23x 15 31 K LLiirg, Scotland 58 IN 4 24w

.') Keswick, Eu,i,'iand 1 3.a.\' 3 ,s^y Kioto, .lapan 35 3X 135 40E Kremsicr, Austria 49 f2X 17 20E Laish, AfL'hanistau 31 44N- 61 30E Ketterin;;;, England r.2 2 IN 12\y Ivipiuire, Mt., Irclaud 53 ION 6 ICW Kreuziiach, Prussia 19 51x' 7 5fE Laish, Palestine 33 16N 35 37B Key Wesi, United States 21 40N ,S2 l.)W Kir Moab, Palestine 31 9X 35 14E Kronstadt, Hungarv 45 25X 25 33B Lake of Four Cantons, Switzerland 17 ON 8 SOE Keweenaw Pt., United States 47 2(jx S7 4a\y Kirgiz, Tribe, Rnssia 4S ox 55 OE Kronstadt, Rnssia 60 ION 29 16E Lakliimpur, Assam 27 12N 94 6E Khabarovsk, Siberia 40 ON 13.j ON Kiri, I., Dntoli B. Indies (insetl 54X 127 17E Krooiistad, Orange River Colony 27 4 Is 27 1GB Lakou, Siam IS 15N 99 45E Khat, Persia 34 40X 00 lOE Kirin. Manchuria 13 50N 126 45E Krotoschiu, Prussia 41 40x 17 21E Lalitpur, Central India 24 40N 77 60E Khaibar, Arabia 2.» 58N 40 OE Kirkby Lonsdale, England 54 12N 2 3aw Kru, Tribe, Liberia 5 Ox 80w Lambay, I., Ireland 53 SON 6 2(y Khaibar.P., N.W. Frontier 31 .3N 71 On Kirkfiy Moorside. England 54 IGX 56\\' Krushevatz, Servia 43 34N 21 19B Lanifiayaque, Peru 6 46s 79 645V Khairpur, Bombay 27 3UN ij8 48E Kirkcalily, Scotland 66 7X 3 105V Knlian, E., Rusda 45 25X 40 OE Lamia, Greece 38 5lN 22 25 E Khalasa, Palestine 31 2N 34 40E Kirkcudhriglit, Scotland 54 SOX 4 3W Kuliango, R., Angola 17 OS 18 15E, Scotland 55 SlN 5 8w

Kliam, Uist., Tibet 30 20N 07 30E Kirkcudbright, Co.. Scotland 55 5X 4 2U\y Knch Beliar, Bengal 26 20X :i'.l :-;0E Lammei-muir Dills, Scotland 66 50x 2 4.55V Khama's People, Tribe, Bechuanaiand 22 iOs Kirkham, England 63 47N 2 53\y Kuclian, Persia 37 ox 58 32 E Lampeter, Wales 62 7N 4 4W

2ii 12E Kirkintilloch, Scotland 55 5GN 4 low Kuching, Sarawak I 30X 110 20E Lam])ong, Dist., Sumatra 6 OS 106 OE Klianipur, Rajputaua 28 48N 7 2.')E Kirkwall, Scotland 58 59N 2 57\T Kiidat, Borneo 7 3x f 16 26E Lamu, Br. E. Africa 2 Ss 41 6E Khandwa, Central Provs. 21 4SN 76 IS:; Kirriemuir, Scotland 56 4lN 3 15\^ Kiifa, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 32 5N 44 15B Lanark, Scotland 55 4lN 3 42W Khanka, L., Siberia 4.o On 132 .SE Kish Bank, Ireland 53 llN 5 55iy Kiitra 0., Kgypt 23 ON 21 OE Lanark, Co., Scotland 55 40k 3 435V Kliaran, Baluchistan 28 20N 6.5 IGE Kish L.-V., Ireland 63 18N 5 58W Darbish, Jit., Persia 33 30x 52 30E Laneasfiire. Co., Bngfand 63 40N 2 305V

Kiiarkof, Russia 40 20N 36 2E Kishenet, Russia 47 Ox 28 45E Kuh i Baba, Mts., Afghanistan 34 2(lx 66 30E Laneuster, England 54 3N 2 485\'

Kharput, Turkey in Asia 38 .51N 30 3^K Kislim, I., Persia 26 44N 55 50E Knh i Bui, Mt., Persia SO 35N 5:; I5E Lancaster Sd.. Canada 74 ON 85 05V

Khartum, Ecjyptian Sudan llj 3on 32 381-: fvissingcn, Bavaria 50 12N 10 3E Kuh i Dinar, Mt., Persia 30 25X .50 lOE Lancava Is., Malay Pen. 6 24N 99 48E

Khash, Alghanistan 31 32N H2 41E Kisniayn, Br. E. Africa 25S 42 15E Kuh i Nanshada Mt,, Persia 28 23x 60 50E Laiideck, Austria 47 Ox 10 31E Kliasi Hills, Assam 2.5 30N 91 .5 IE Kistna. R.. Madras 16 ON 79 OE Knis, Biehuanalaud 26 SIS 22 OB Landes, Dept., France 44 4X 42W Khatanga R., Siberia 60 ON 103 OE Kita, Fr. 5V. Africa 12 44N 9 12iy Kuka, Nigeria 13 OX 13 2E Landes, Dist., France 44 On 1 105V Kbatm,andii, Nepal 27 40N 8.5 5E Kin-fn, Oliina 35 20X 117 9E Kulliarga, Haidarabad 17 6X 76 42B Land! Kotal, N.5y. Frontier Prov. 34 5N Kherson, Russia 46 50N 32 i>7K Kiadiiang, China 29 3,5X 115 57B Knlja, .Mongofia 44 OX 80 50E 71 lOB Kherwara, liaipntana 24 5N 73 40E Kiong-chau, China 20 2X 110 15E Kufm, Prussia 53 17x 18 22 E Laud's End, England 60 4X 5 42w Khingan Mts., Mongolia 46 ON 110 OE Kinsliiu, I., Japan 32 30x 131 OE Kufpa, R., Austria 45 26N 15 OE Landsberg, Prussia 52 45N 16 15E Khirtar Hills, Sind 26 On 67 OE Kivn, L., Congo ;^tate 2 IOS 29 12E Kuin, Persia 34 SOX 50 45E Landsborough, R.. Australia 22 OS 144 lOE Khiva, Russian Turkestan 41 ION GO 21 Kizil Arvot, Russian Turkestan 38 42N 56 20E Kumasi, Gold Coast 6 40X 1 39W Landshut, Bavaria 48 SlN 12 lOE Kbiva, St., Russian Turkestan 42 ON .59 Ol'^ Kizil Irmak, R., Turkey in Asia 41 40X 36 OE Knuar, Afgliauistan 34 SIX 71 OE Lang, Mt., Australia 18 los 143 46E Khogeut, Russian Turkestan 40 (IN 69 54E Kizil Knin Desert, Russian Turkestan 43 30n Kuuduz, .Ifgfianistan 36 44x Sr, 55E LauL'-cliau. China 36 OX 104 OE Khojak P., Afghanistan 30 40n GO OE G4 OE Kunone, E., Angofa 17 2GS 11 lOB Langdon Hill, England 51 S6N 20E Khokand, Russian Turkestan 40 19N 70 5.51.; Kizil sn, R., East Turkestan 39 14N 75 5GE Kunfuda, Turkey in Asia l(i 25x If 5E Laiige Berge, ills., Cape Colony 28 SOS 22 2GB Khong, ludo-Ohina 14 20N loj 40E Kizil Usen, R., Persia 37 ION 48 5se Knugrad, Enssian Turkestan 43 2x' 59 OE Langelaud, I., Denmark 65 On il 50l': Klioper R., Russia 52 ON 43 OE Kladno. Austria 50 ION 14 3E Kuiiia Urgeiij, Russian Turkt-stan 12 16N 59 9E Langenburg, Ger. E. Africa 9 46s 34 26B Khor el Sash, R., Egyptian Sudan IC 45N Klegellfurt, Austria 46 36N 14 16E Knloiig Ferry, Burma 23 2lN 98 4210 Langholm, Seotfand 65 9N 3 Ow 36 15E Klar, E., Sweden 60 2ax 13 2SE Kupaiig, Dutch B. Indies 10 los 123 15b Langkloof, Mts., Cape Colony 33 60s 23 40 E Khorasan, Prov., Persia 35 ON 57 30E Klaiiseubnrg, Hungary 46 43N 23 34E Knr, E.. Russia 41 ox fS OE Laiiguau. Switzerland 46 55N 7 471: fhorat, Siam 14 59N 102 lOE Klerksrtorp, Transvaal 26 50s 27 6E Kuram E. Alghanistan 33 ON 70 SOB Langness Pt., Isfe of Man 54 2n 4 SOW

hotan, Chinese Turkestan 37 6N 80 6E Kleve, Prussia {see Cleve i Kurdistan. Dist., Turkey in .\sia 37 40X 42 30E Langres, France 47 62X 5 18B Khuisib, E., Ger. S.W. Africa 23 SOS 15 ISE Klondike, Canada 64 6N 139 05V Knrenegala. Cevloii 7 SON SO 20E Lang-sou, Indo-Cliina 22 2x 106 50E

Khur, Persia 33 SON 55 53E Knapdale, Dist., Scotland 55 50x 5 35w Kuril', Is., Janan 47 Ox 153 OE Languard Fort, England 51 67x 1 17B Khurzistan, Prov., Persia 31 25N 50 OE Knaresboro', England 64 IN 1 28\V Kurisches Hall', Prussia 55 20X 23 50b Languedoc, Prov., Prance 44 Ox 4 OE Khyen, Tribe, Burma 22 Ox 94 OE Knighton, \'?ales 52 20N 3 3W Knrland, Div., Itussia 56 20X 23 OB Langsing, United States 42 4SN 84 32\v Kiakhta, Siberia 51 UN 107 30E Knight's Town, Ireland 51 67N 10 205V Kurua, Turkey in Asia 31 9x 47 f5E Lantan, I., China (inset) 22 14N 113 66E Kia-ling, E., Oliina 33 20N 105 20E Kiiockmealilown Mts., Ireland 52 13N S 05V Kursli, Eus>ia 61 55x 36 OE Lan-tsang, R., China 28 50x 99 6E Kiang-si, Prov., Oliina 28 ON 115 OE Knoxville, United States 35 58N 83 5Gw Kuruman, Cape Colony 27 f5s 23 20E Lao, Tribe, Siam 18 SON 100 OB Kiang-su, Prov., China 32 30N 120 OE Kuoydar-t, Dist., Scothrnd 57 4N 5 38W Kuslik, Eussian Tnrki'stiin 36 20X 62 461; Laoghal, L., Scotland 58 23x 4 24W Kiau-cliau Hr., China 30 20x 120 OE Knutsford, England 53 20N 2 235V Kursnaelit, Switzerland 17 5x 8 26E Lao-kai, Indo-Oliina 22 40N 104 6E Kicking Horse P., Canada .51 15N 116 12W Kohdo, Mongofia 4S20N 91 15E Ku-tenje, Eomauia 44 llx 28 37E Laon, France 49 35N 3 34B Kidderminster, England 52 22N 2 IGW Kolje, Japan 34 ON 135 OE Kilstrin, Prussia 62 3 IN 14 S2E Lapland, Div., Russia 68 ON 25 OE Kidwelly, Wales 51 43N 4 lOff Kochi, Japan 33 35N 133 lOE Kutahi.a, Turkey in Asia 39 SON 30 OE Lappa, China (inset) 22 13N 113 29E Kief, Russia 60 39N 30 25 E Koevorden, Netherlands 52 40N G 42E Kutais, Russia -12 8X 42 45E Ear, Persia 27 43N -54 4E , Prussia 64 17N 10 lOE Kohat, Punjab 33 36X 71 30E Kutno Lakes, Russia (15 20N 31 30E Laramie Mts., United States 42 22N 105 4G\y Killaloe, Ireland 52 48N 8 26\v Kohima, Assam 26 ON 93 50E Kuweit, Turkey in Asia 29 20X 48 OE Larantnka, Dutcli B. Indies 8 15s 123 OE Kilbrennan Sd., Scotland 55 30N 5 25w Koko Nor, L., Tibet 37 ON 100 16E Kwa, R., Congo State 3 19S 1611B Laredo, Mexico 27 26N 99 SUV Killarney, Ireland 52 3n 9 32 w Kola, Enssi.i, 68 56N 33 OE Kwando, R., Angola 17 OS 22 30:o Largo, Scotland 56 13N 2 575V Killarney, Lakes of, Ireland 52 IN 9 33\y Kola Pen., Rnssia 67 ON 37 30E Kwang-biiili, Indo-China 17 2Sn 106 2SE Largs, Scotland 55 49N 4 53\5^ Kildare, Ireland 53 ON 6 54^y Kolab, Bokhara 37 .50n 69 44B Kwang-chau B., Oliina 21 SlN 111 OK Larissa, Greece 39 3SN 22 22E los Kildare, Co., Ireland 53 18N C 455V Kolberg, Prussia 54 ION 15 32 E Kwang-ngai, Indo-Ohiua 16 5n :;2E Lark, R., Bngfand 52 20N 33E Kilhope Law, Mt., England 54 46N 2 11 Kolgnyef I., Rnssia 69 20N 49 SOB Kwango, R., Congo State 6 45s 17 20E Larkhalf, Seotfand 65 45N 3 6757 Kilia, Russia 45 30N 29 20E Kolhapur, Bombay 16 42N 74 18E Kwang-si, Prov., Oliina 24 ON 107 SOE Larnaka, Cyprus 34 55N S3 32 E Kilia Mouth, Russia 45 26N 29 42 E Kolima R., Siberia 65 ON 161 OB Kwang-tung. Prov., Oliina 2:j 20X 112 SOE Larue, Ireland 64 61N 5 49\5' R., 9 12 Kilif, Bokhara 37 2.3N 66 25E Koliii, Austria .50 2N 15 12E Kwanza, Angola 30s SOE Larvik, Norway 59 2x 10 2E Kilkee, Ireland 52 43N 9 38W Kolobeng, Ger. S.W. Africa 24 34S 25 22E Kwei.chau, China 31 15x 109 25E La.s Tres Marias, Is., Mexico 21 28N 106 4E Kwei-chan, Prov., Cliinii 2G 107 .30e , Ireland .52 39N 7 125V Kolomea, Austria 48 32X 25 20N Laso, I.. Denmark 67 15N 11 OE Kwei-hwa-clieng, Kilkenny, Co., Ireland 52 35N 7 155V Kolomna, Russia 55 5N 39 OE China 40 44N HI 32B Latherton, Scotland 68 17x 3 24w 23 34E Ohiiia 25 110 Kilkieran B., Ireland 53 18N 9 43 W Kolozsviir, Hungary 46 43N Kweidiug, ON 5e Latium, Prov., Italy 42 On 12 SOB 12E KiUala, Ireland 54 UN 9 liw ICom, Mt., Bulgaria 43 16X 23 Kwci-vang, China 26 58N 107 OE Latrobe R., Australia 38 9s 146 44 25 63S 30 40E Mts., Tibet 30 95 OB Killala B., Ireland 64 15N 9 85V Komati, R., Transvaal Kweu'Lim, Ox Latta, I., Dutch B. Indies (inset)

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Lauder, Scotland 5,'> UN 2 l.'iw Liddel, R., England 55 5N 2 51w Logan, irt., Canada 43 43N 66 Ow Lulea, Sweden 65 32N 22 15E Lanfeii. SwitziTl;iiiil 17 -KIN S :;r,E Liililisdale, Scotland 55 5N 2 55W Logan, Mt., Canada 60 22N 141 Ow Lulea R., Sweden 66 25X 21 OR LunrpnbLir^', l'ni.^-i:i ,">;! ISN lU odl^ Liechtenstein, Prin., Austria 17 18n 9 20I'J^purt, United States 40 43x 36 22H' Lulua, R., Congo State 5 30s 22 23E Lausjharne, Walrs .01 4SX i SOW Liege, Belgium .50 39N 5 S2E Logon, Nigca-ia 11 23X 14 43B Luluaburg, Congo State 6 5s 22 19E J^auUL'LStim, Enylauil Tjd ION 1 i?:Uv Lii-s!e, Prov., Bfdgiuni 50 SON 5 30E Logon, H., Suilan 9 ON 16 8E Lumsden, New Zealand 45 43s 168 27E LauiKX-ston, Tasiiiiuiia.H l.'is Ui; iSK Licgnctz, Pruss a 61 13X 16 lil|.; Lngrnno, Spain 42 27N 2 20w Lunil, Sweden 55 .50s 14 12E Laiiiic, SOE lu, IfelaiHl r.i3 lOx '.I low Lirsthal, Switzerland 47 29x 7 UU Lohcia, Turkey in Asia 15 42N 42 3GE Lnnda, Dist., Port. W. Africa Us 21 LaurtUL-L'kirk, Scntlaiiil 5G 51 N 2 28W Lirt'ey, R., Ireland 53 2UN 6 SOW Loir, R., Prance 47 43X 26B Lunily I., England 61 13N 4 40w Laiirioii, Gi'Lx-oe 37 43N 21 2l.: Lifford, Ireland 54 5UX 7 29^v Loir-ct-Clier, Dept., France 47 33x 1 6UE Lune R., Englantl 54 I2N 2 4.5W Lausanne. Switzeiiaml 4G 32x G ."iSl.; Ligny, Belgium 50 32N 4 34E Loire, Dept., France 45 40x 4 Ge Luiieburg, Prussia 53 9N 10 20E Lausit/, Giant Mt>., Prussia 51 UN !.'> 0]-: Ligor, Malay Pen. 8 25N 100 OE Loire, Haute-, Dept., France 45 ISx S ISj.: Liineburg Heath, Prussia 63 ox 10 30E Laval. France 48 4x 48 w Liguria, Prov., Italy 44 OX 8 3y|.: Loire-Inf6rieiu-e, Dept., France 47 33X 1 4SW Lunenburg, Canada 44 28N 64 2U\y Law, Mt., Scotlanil .')li 2N 2 4.5\r Ligurian Appenniues, Jits., Italy 41 34N 9 OE Loire, 1!., France 47 26N 2 52E Luneville, Prance 48 37N 6 30E Lawrence, United States 42 47x 70 'tOw Ligurian S., Italy 43 17x 9 OE Loiret, Dept., France 48 5s 2 SOE Lunga, I., Austria 44 ON 15 OB Laxford, L., Scotland .'")8 2.5N 5 8\v Libou Keef, Australia 17 10s 151 40E Loja, Ecuadcr 4 10s 79 27\Y Luni, R., Rajputana 25 24N 72 OE Lazaref, P., Oorea 3>J 35N 127 2."d.; Liim Fd., Denmark 56 4.5X 8 15E Loko, Nigeria 8 5n 7 24b Lurgan, Ireland 54 28n 6 20w Le Locle, Switzerland 47 4N G 4yJj: Lille, France 50 39N 3 OE Lokoja, Nigeria 7 54N 6 S4E Luristan, Prov., Persia 33 20N 47 30E Le Madouie, Mt., Italy 37 .52N 14 UE Lim, R., Turkey 43 25N 19 42B Lolo, Dist., China 27 SON 103 OE Lus, Dist, Baluchistan 26 40N 6G 20E Lea, R., England 51 40X 4«' Lima, Peru 12 OS 7G 28W Lom, Bulgaria 43 52N 23 18E Luse, Mt., Sumatra 3 SON 96 SOE Leadhills, Scotland 55 2GN 3 47\V" Liniburg, Belgium 50 37N 50 58E Lum, R., Bulgaria 43 43N 26 OE Luss, Scotland 56 6N 4 3S\V Leamington. England 52 17N 1 32W Limburg, Prov., Belgium 51 lUN 5 301-: Lomain, R., Congo State 5US 24 28E Lushai Hills, Assam 24 ON 93 Ob Leavenwortll, United States 39 30s 94 95w' Limerick, Ireland 52 39x 8 39W Lombardy, Prov., Italy 45 40x 9 40E Lussin, I., Austria 44 34N 14 24E , Dist., Turkey in Asia 32 30x 35 Oe Limerick, Co.. Ireland 52 28x 8 50w Lomblem, L, Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 123 40E Lutin, Germany 64 7x lo S5E Lebombo, Mts., Transvaal 2G 40s 31 57E Lininiat, R., S«dtzerland 47 25N 8 23E Lorabok, I,, Dutch E. Indies 8 20S 116 25|.: Lutm, England 51 52N 26w^ Lecce, Italv 40 18N 18 12E Limnges, France 45 5lN 1 15].^ Lambok Str., Dutch B. Indies 8 50s 116 50E Lutterworth, England 52 26X 1 14W Leclifelil, PI., Bavaria 48 OX 11 OE Linion, Costa Rica 9 65N 83 8W Lomond Hill, Scotland 56 14s 3 lOW Luxemburg, Luxemburg 4U 36x 6 7E Ledbury. England 52 2X 2 28\y Liniuusir, Prov., France 45 SUN 1 20E Lomond, L., Scotland 56 6n 4 34\y Luxemburg, Prov., Belgium 50 Ox 6 SOE Lee, R., Ireland 51 52x 8 48W Limpopo, R., S. Africa 22 15s SO 45E London, Canada 42 55x 81 llw Luxemburg, St., Europe 40 45N 6 5E Leeds, England 53 4KX 1 32w Limvidm, R., Transvaal 23 OS 30 54E Loudon, England 51 SON 5w Luzern, Swdtzerland 47 4N 8 15B Leek, England 63 Gx 2 Iw Linares, Spain 38 Sx 3 44W Loudouderiy, Ireland 64 69X 7 19W Luzern, L. of, Switzerland 47 On 8 25B Leer, Prussia 53 12N 7 23 E Lincoln, Australia 34 46s 135 44E Londonderry, C, Austialia 13 50s 126 45E Luzern, Prov.. Switzerland 47 On 8 20b Leeuwarden, Netherlands 53 llx 5 49E Lincoln, England 53 14X 32W Londonderry, Co., Ireland 54 55N 7 Ow Luzon, L, Philippine Is. 16 Ox 121 OB Leeuwin, C, Australia 34 OS 115 OE Lincoln, United States 40 5UN 97 27w Long I., Ireland 51 28N 9 35W Lybster, Scotlanil 58 18N 3 18w Leeward Is., W. Indies 17 30N G5 ow Lincoln, Co., England 53 12X 20n- Long I., United States 40 55N 72 50w Lyoaonia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 38 ON 32 30E Lefroy, L., Australia 31 20s 121 30E Lincoln Wolds, England 63 SOx 20\r Long I., W. Indies 23 SON 75 5W Lycia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 36 16N 30 OB Leghorn, Italy 43 33N 10 22E Lindau, Bavaria 47 34N 9 32E Long Island Sd., Uniterl States 41 ON 75 OW Lycian Taurus, Mts., Turkey in Asia 36 45N Legnago, Italy 45 9N 11 18E Lindesnaes, Norway 58 Ox 7 OE Long, L., Scotland 56 4N 4 61\v SO Ob Leii, Kashmir 34 16N 7? 40E Lindsay, Mt., Australia 28 27s 152 29E Long Mt., Wales 62 S8X 3 4W Lyck, Prussia 53 47N 22 17E Lehutitang, Bechuanalanil 23 50s 21 OlE Lindsey, England 53 22X 15^\' Long Mynd, England 52 SON 2 5Gw Lyild, England 60 56N 52E Leicester, England 52 38x 1 lOw Lingayen, Philippine Is. 15 58x 120 8E Long Peak. Uniteil States 40 58x 105 SOW Lydda, Palestine 31 57x 34 o4B Leicester, Co., England 52 38M 1 15w Lingen, Prussia 52 34N 7 17E Long Ra., Newfoundland (inset) 50 UN 57 OW Lydenburg, Transvaal 29 5S 30 26E Lei-chau, Oldna 20 53N 110 4E Lingga, I., Dutch E. Indies U 104 30E Long Sand, England 61 36N 1 24E Lydia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 38 60N 27 30E Leichhardt, Co., Australia 24 10s 148 OE Linjah, Persia 26 32N 54 .50E Longford, Ireland 53 43N 7 48W Lyme Regis, England 60 34s 2 56w Leichhardt, R., Australia 19 OS 139 5UE Linlithgow, Scotland 55 58N 3 36\y Longford, Co., Ireland 63 40x 7 45w Lymington, England 50 46N 1 33W Leiden, Netherlands 52 ION 4 2-^1-^ Linlithgow, Co., Scotland 55 56N 3 35w Longtou, England 52 59N 2 9W Lynchburg, United States 37 22N 79 12W Leighton Buzzard, England 51 55N 40\y Lin-ngan, China 23 SON 102 45E Longtown, England 55 ON 2 68W Lyiidhurst, England 50 50N 1 36w Leine, R., Prussia 51 42N 9 57E Linidie, L., Scotland 56 35X 5 27W Lous le Sauuier, France 46 40N 5 SOE Lyue Water, R., Scotland 65 46N 3 20w Leinster, Mt., Ireland 52 37N C 43w Lintli Can., Switzerland 47 lOX 9 OE Looe, Englanil .50 ISx 4 23w Lvnher, R., England 50 3SN 4 28w Leiuster, Prov., Ireland 52 53N 7 Ow , Austria 48 17x 14 19E Lookout, 0., United States 34 48N 76 31^v Lynn Oh., Alaska 50 On 135 SOW Leipzig, Saxony 51 20x 12 21E Lio, Porgvul, Mt., Tibet 32 ON 78 OE Lookout Mt., United States 34 9x 85 50w Lynn Well L.-V., England 63 2N 27E Leith, Scotland 55 5SN 3 lUW Lion G., Prance 43 3x 4 OE Loop Hd., Ireland 52 34N 9 6GW Lynton, England 51 ISN 3 51W Leith Hill, England 51 13N 22W Lipari, Italy 38 32N 14 48E Lopez, C, French Congo 45s 8 .60E Lyonnai-, Prov., France 45 61N 4 OE Leiria, Portugal 39 4GN 8 49\v Lipari Is.. Italy 38 30X 14 55E Lora, R., Afghanistan SO lOX 65 45E Lyons, France 45 4GN 4 60E Lcitha, R, Austria 47 43N IG OE Lippe, Prin., Germany 52 Ox 9 OE Lorca, Spain 37 42N ] 42W Lys. R., Belgium 61) 65N 3 25E Leitmeritz, Austria 50 32X 14 7E Lippe, R., Prussia 51 43 N 7 SSE Lord Howe Is., Pacific Oc. 31 37s 159 OE Lythaiu, England 53 45N 2 57w Leitr.m, Ireland 53 59N 8 2\\' Liptau, Dist., Hungary 49 5x 19 35E Loreto, Italy 43 2.5X 13 37B Lyttelton, New Zealand 43 38s 172 45E Leitrim, Co., Ireland 54 ION 8 lOw Lisbon, Portugal 38 42x 9 8W Loreto, Peru 4 OS 70 low Lek, R., Netherlands 51 5GN 4 45E Lisburn, Ireland 54 31N G 2W Lorient. France 47 44N 3 21w MAANSBLKA, Dist., Ru-sia 65 ON 30 OE Lemberg, Austria 49 49X 24 IE Liscannor B., Ireland 52 54X 9 2GW Lorn, Dist,. Scotland 5G 20N 5 19W Maas, R., Netherlands 51 15N 6 56E Lemnos, I., Turkey 39 62N 25 lOE Liskeard, England 50 29N 4 27^y Lorn, P. of, Scotland 56 IGX 5 38W Maastricht, Netherlands 50 5lN 5 42B , R., Siberia 66 SON 123 30E Lismore, Ireland 52 9x 7 56\y Lon-aine, Dist., Germany 49 ON G SOE Maba, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 47N 127 56B Lenkoran, Russia 38 40N 48 45B Liss.a, I., Austria 43 5N IG lOE Lorraine, Prov., France 48 34x 6 OE JIac Donnell Ra., Australia 23 20s 132 30B Lennox Hills, Scotland 56 2N •! 19W Listowel, Ireland 52 28x 9 27W Los Is., W. Africa 9 32N 15 50w Macao, China 22 SON 113 40e Leoben, Austria 47 22N 15 4E Lita, R., Palestine 33 20N 35 14B Los Angeles, United States 34 2UN 113 45w Macassar, Dutcli E. Indies 4 59S 119 26E Leominster, England 52 13N 2 44W Litang, Oldna 30 4N 100 32E Lossiemouth. Scotland 57 42N 3 16\Y Macassar Str., Dutch E. Indies 2 Us 118 OE Leon, Nicaragua 12 S3N 86 50w Lithuania, Dist., Russia 55 SOX 24 OE Lostwitliiel, England 60 26N 4 39\y Macclesfield, England 53 16N 2 4W Leon, Spain 42 35N 5 35\v Lithuanian Hills. Russia 53 SUN 25 OE Lot, Dept., France 44 50N 1 48E Macdonald Is., Indian Oc. 53 Os 73 OE Leun, Prov., Spain 41 SOX 5 50W Little Belt, Str., Denmark .55 Ox 10 OE Lot, R., Prance 44 SON 1 20E Macdonald, L., Australia 23 28s 128 3UB Lepanto, Greece 38 25x 21 48E Little Minch, Oh., Scotland 57 SON 7 OW I,ot^et^Garoime. Dept., France 44 32X 211: Macduff, Scotland 57 42N 2 29W Lepini, Mts,, Italy 41 34N 13 OE Little Rock, United States 34 43N 92 iUW Lotluan, Dist., Scotland 55 54N 3 Ow Macedonia, Dist., Turkey 41 On 23 OE Leopolfl II., L., Congo State 2 OS 18 20E Little Russia, Div., Russia 5U ON 35 01.: Liltzen, Prussia 54 2N 21 44E Maceio, Brazil 9 36s 35 42w Leopoldville, Congo State 4 23s 15 2Sb} Littlehampton, England 5U 4sx U UW Loudoun Hill, Scotland 55 34N 4 9w Macerata, Italy 43 14N 13 S3B «' Lerida, Spain 41 40N 30E Liverpool, Engalnd 63 24N 2 59 Loughboro', England 62 46X 1 13W Macgillicuddy's Reeks, Mts., Ireland 52 ON Lerwick, Shetland Is., Scotland (InsetJ 60 9X Liverpool B., England 53 SUN 3 30^v Loughrea, Ireland 53 14N 8 35W 9 50W 1 10\Y Liverpool Plains, Australia 3U 26s 150 OE Loughros B., Ireland 54 48x 8 32w Macgregor lU., Australia 27 Os 142 40b 35s UE Lesina, I., Austria 43 lOx 16 45E Liverpool Ra., Australia 31 150 Louisiade Is., Australia 11 10s 161 40E Machako's, Br. E. Africa 1 13s 37 23E Livingston, Guatemala 16 73N 89 5\v Louisiana, St., Leskovatz, t^ervia 42 53N 21 58 h3 United States SI UX 92 Ow Machynlleth, Wales 62 34N 3 61W Letaba, R., Transvaal 23 40s 31 30E Liviugstonc Mts., Ger. E. Africa 10 OS 34 SUE Louisville, Canada 45 57N 59 67\v Mackay, Australia 21 10s 149 8E Lethbridge, Uiuted States 49 25X 113 lOW Livlaud, Dist., Russia 57 SUN 2G SUB Louisville, United States 38 2X 85 35W Mackenzie, Dist., Canada 66 ON 126 Ow Lctterkennv, Ireland 54 57x 7 44W Livny, Russia 52 SOX 37 40E Loureuco Marquez, Port, E. Africa 25 58s 32 3Ui: Mackenzie, R., Australia 23 17s 148 27E Lcucas, I., Greece 38 40x 2U ISE Livonia, Russia ^see Livlaud) Louth, Ireland 63 56X 6 32W Mackenzie R., Canada 65 On 127 SOW Leuca, 0. di, Italy S9 45N 18 2UE Lizard Hd., England 49 57N 5 12W Louth, Co., Ireland 53 5Ux 6 30w Mackinaw, United States 46 38X 31 40w Leuk, Switzerlanil 46 18s 7 38E LjusneR., Sweden 02 ION 15 OE Louvain, Belgium 60 62N 4 41W Mackinaw Str., United States 45 40X 84 40W Leukerbail. Switzerland 46 21N 7 37E Llanberis, Wales 63 5X 4 4w Lovat, R., Russia 57 Us SO 50E Macloay R., Australia 31 OS 152 60E * Leuthen, Prussia .51 4N 16 49E Llandalf, Wales .51 29X 3 14W Low Arcli, Pacific Oc. 17 OS 143 Ow Ma(;ion, France 46 20N 4 60E Lowell, Levanger, Norway 63 40N 1 1 40E Llaudilo, Wales 41 53X 3 59W United States 42 SGN 71 20w Macon, United States 32 49X 83 30w Levant, 33 3l)x 34 SOi; LI indudno, Willes 53 20x 3 49W Lower California, Pen,, Mexico 28 ON 113 OW Macptierson R., Australia 23 los 152 40E Llandovery, England 51 3 4Sw Lowestoft, 46|.; Leveu, L., Scotland .56 12N 3 21W 69N England 52 29N 1 Macquarie I., Southern Oc. 54 108 159 60E Loven, L., Scotland 56 43N 5 low Llanellv, Wales 61 4lN 4 105T Lowthers, Mt," Scotland 55 22s 3 37W Macroom. Ireland 51 65x 8 56w 52 Is., LevSque, 0., Australia 16 25s 122 40E Llanfyllin, Wales .16N 3 IGW Loyalty Pacific Oc. 21 OS 1C7 OE Macumba R., Australia 27 9s 136 UB 4.'iE Llangollen, Wales 52 .5SX 3 12W Loz6rc, Dept.. Levuka, Fiji Is. (inset 51) 17 40S 178 France 44 27N 3 3GE Madagascar, I., Indian Oc. 19 OS 47 OB Llaindloos, .52 3 31w Lualaba, R., liCvi.c, Canada 46 51X 71 15w Wales 25x Congo State 7 40s 27 5E Maildalcna I., Italy 41 17N 9 36B Estacado, Pt., United States 33 5UN Luang-Praliang, Lewes, England 50 52X IE Llano Indo-China 19 55x 101 40E Maildy, L., Scotland 57 37N 7 Gw Lewis, Butt of, Scotland 58 31X 6 14w 103 OU' Luapula, R., Congo State 7 OS 23 lOE Madeba, Palestine 31 42N 35 47E Llanrwst, Wales 53 7N 3 49iy Liibeck, G-ermauy Lewis, Dist., Scotland 5S 14N 6 35w 53 53N 10 45E Madeira, I., Atlantic Oc. 32 55N 16 39w 3 25\v Lubliu, Lewi<, H., Canada 61 Ox 133 Uiv Llautrisaint, Wales 61 31N Russia 51 12s 22 SUE Madeira, R., Brazil 8 OS 63 OW Llobregat, Spain 41 17x 2 6E Lucca, Italy, 43 LewistoD, United States 44 4X 70 5w R„ 51s lU SOE Madison (Indiana), United States 33 47N Lexington, anitcd .-tatcs 38 4X S4 33W Lloro, Colombia 5 12N 76 45W Luce B,, Scotland 54 45N 4 50W 35 23W Loagulujii, R., Madras 12 ON 33 SUE Luce, R., Scotland Lej-te, I., Philippine Is. 10 35N 125 OE 56 UN 4 6GW Madison (Wisconsin), United States 43 ION Levton, England 51 32X IE Luanda, Angola 9 Us 13 14b Lucerne (.S'V Luzern) 89 24W Lnangn, Fr. Congo 4 29s 11 52E Lu-chu Is., Japan Lhasa, Tibet 29 46X 90 42E 26 ON 127 OE Madre de Dioa, R., Bolivia 11 26s 67 30w Rhodesia 14 1U3 3U 30 E Luckenwalcle, Liard, R., Canada 61 ON 124 OW Loangwa, R, Prussia 52 5n 13 13b Madras, Madras 13 4N 30 14B Lob-Nor, China 39 40N 90 OE Lucknow, Liau-ho, K., Manchuria 42 lOX 122 40B Agi-a and Oudh 27 2N 81 OE Madras, Prov., India 15 ON 79 30E Loljale, Dist., Port, W. Africa IS OS 21 OE Lud, Palestine Liau-tung. G. ol, Manchuria 40 35x 121 OE 31 67s 34 64E Madrid, Spain 40 26X S 40W Switzerland 46 ION 8 50E Ludhiana, Libau, Russia 5G SON 21 2E Locarno, Punjab SO 61s 75 .)4E Madura, Madras 9 50N 78 15E Luchaber, DL-t., Scotland 57 ON 5 uw Ludingtou, United States Liberia, St., W. Africa 7 OX 10 OW 44 ON 8G 24w Madura, I., Dutch E. Indies 6 15S 113 30E 22 Lochgilphead, Scotland 5G 3n 5 25w Ludlow, England 62 Libertad, P. de la, Salvador IS 30N 89 2lN 2 43w Mafeking, Cape Colony 25 4ilS 25 40E Locluiagar, Mt., Scotland 66 56N 3 12W Lug, H., England 62 2 Libourue, France 44 56X 13W 12s 42w Mafia. I., Ger. E. Africa 7 50s 39 50E Lochy, L. Scotland 56 o5N 4 55\v Lugano, Switzerland Libreville, Fr. Congo :'.2N 9 SUE 46 Is 3 53B Magdala, Palestine 32 49N 36 3lE Lockerliie, Scotland 65 6N 3 22W Lugnariuilla, Mt., Ireland 52 Libyan Deseit, E-vpt 27 SOX 27 30E 58N G 29w Magdalaqueen, R., Transvaal 22 40s 28 42E 30 25 OE Loddon R., Au-tralia 3G US 113 54E Lugo. Spain 43 ON 7 36w Libyan Desert Plat, Egyiit. SON Magdalen, Is., Canada 47 25x Gl 5JW Locli, Italy 46 15N 9 24E Logos, Hungary 45 Licaucaur, Vol., Bolivia 22 3US 67 18W 37N 21 66E -Magdaleua, R., Colombia 8 ON 74 OW Lodz, Russia 61 48N 19 SOE Luichart L., Scotland Licata, Italy 36 50N 13 57E 57 38N 4 46w Magdeburg, Prussia 52 6N U 35B Lofoten Is., Norway 6s 3UX 15 OE Lukmanier, Mt., Switzerland 46 Lickey, England 52 21x 3 IW 34N 8 53E Magee I., Ireland 54 49N 5 42w OX S3 38w Lofty, Mt., Australia 33 303 133 60B Lukuga, R,, Congo State 6 423 23 Licking, R., United States 38 SUB Magellan's Str., S. America 53 OS 69 Ow

(U ) B B EE B E


Maggia, R., Switzerlaml 4G 15N 8 38E Manitoulin I., Canada 45 38.N 82 64"W Masaawa, Eritrea 16 2N 39 5R Merkara, Mysore 12 24N 75 48E Maggiore, L., Italy 4.^ 4r)N 8 40E Maujira, R., Haidarabad of, Egyptian 17 Kin 31 7E 18 ON 77 OB Masterton, New Zealaird 40 563 1 75 40 . Moroe, Ruins Sudan Italy Magra, R., 44 6N 10 8k Mannheim, Germany 49 29N 8 30E Masirlipatam, Madi-as 10 15N8I 12h; Merom, Water of. Palestine 33 3N 35 3GB Magwe, Bui-ma 20 6N 95 Ol? Mannin B., Ireland 53 ,30N 10 lOw Matabele Land, Rhodesia 19 OS 29 OB , Mt., Scotland 55 SN 4 28 w Magyars, P. of the. Huns:ary 48 ISN 21 4lR Manning R., Australia 31 55s 152 30E Matadi, Congo Strte 5 51s 13 49E Merrimac, R., United States 12 51x 70 51w Maliadeo Hills, Oentral Trovs. 22 ON 78 301': Mans, Le, Prance 48 ON 12B Matale, Ceylon 7 2lN SO SHE Morse, The, Dist., ScoilamI 65 40X 2 25W Mabakkam, R., Borneo U ION 117 Ol: Mmslielil, Enghuid 53 ION 1 14w Matan, Borneo 1 52s 110 I8E Mer.sea, I., England 51 4Cx 57B Maliauadi, R., Bengal 20 SON 85 Ob Maji-shau, Mts., Obina 25 40N 112 OE Mirtanzas, Crrba 23 ON 81 65\y Merseburg, Prussia 51 20N 11 5(i: Maliass, Egyptian Smlan 20 15N 30 OE Jklausurn, Egypt 31 IN 30 22B Matapan, C, Greece 30 23N 22 30E Merse.v, R, England 63 33X 2 ISw MaliiS, Madras 11 33N 75 35 H Jlantua, Italy 45 ION 10 4SE Mataro, Spain 41 S7N 2 29E Mei-slua, Turkey in Asia 36 4JN 31 34 Mahebourg, Mauritius 20 22s 57 401: Mainikau Hr., New Zealand 37 os 171 32B Matese, iMts., Italv 41 17N 14 24E Mertliyr Tydfil' Wales 51 45x 3 22w Malii, E., 23 Bombay ON 73 42 B J\ianyara, L., Ger. E. Africa 3 3SS 36 12E JIatlook, iCnglrrnd 53 8n 1 32W Jfertoia, Portugal 37 39x 7 40w Maliia Pen., Zealand New 39 10s 177 55B Manzanares, Spain 38 58N 3 23 \y Mato Gr-osso, Brazil 15 (IS 00 OW Mertvvl Kultuk B,, Ru-sia in Asia 15 SON Malion, Spain 89 62N 4 9E Manzauillo, Cuba 20 20N 77 3w Mato Grosso, St., Brazil 13 SOS 5G Ow 53 45B Maidculiead, England 61 3lN 42W Manzanillo, llctico 19 7N 101 lOW Matoppo Hills, Rhodesia 20 OS 30 OE Meru, Mt., Ger. E. Africa 2 46s 36 28 1.: Maidens, The, Is., Ireland 54 6fix 5 42\y Maul na Ua, C, Scotland .55 31 N G 18w Matra, Mt., Hrrngai'y 47 54N 20 2li: Merv. Russian Tni'kertan 37 SON 01 lOE Maidstone, 51 England ION 32b JMaini, ralestin,- 31 2-lN 35 7b Mitsir-sliima, I., Jarian 37 SON l.So ISE Mesolongion, Gieece 38 23x 21 25E Maigurita, Mt., Venezuela 10 35n' f,n ]5\r Mapirni, Mexico 25 50N 101 22\v Matterhoi-n, Mt., Switzerland 45 58N 7 37E Mesopotamia, Dist., Tuidiey in Asia 36 ON Maikal Ra.. Central Provs. 22 42K 81 421i: Mar del Plato, Argentiua 38 55 57 39w Matini, Afghanistan 33 20N 70 Ob 42 OB Maikop. Russia 44 35N 40 lOE Mar Elias, Palestiile 32 5lN 34 6SE Maturirr, Venezuela 9 53.S' OS 22W Messeula, Pr-ov., Greece 37 3X 3] 15E Maimachin, Mongolia 00 12N lOfi 40B Mai-aea, I., Brazil 2 ON 50 22W Man,Centr-al Inrlia 25 12N79 21E Messina, Italy 38 UN 15 S2E ]\r;iimena, Afghanistan 35 52N 151 52 B Maraeaibo, Vejiezuela 10 30N 72 lOW llanch Berg, Mt., Tlirrrsvaal 25 IDs SO 45E Miisslna, Str. of, Italv 38 13x 15 35 E R.. 50 10 25 «• Main, Germany 2N Miu-aoaibo, G. of, Venezuela 1 1 20N 7111 Ma.iighold Hd., Isle of Man 54 18.N 1 20W Mesta. R., Turki-y 41 35N 21 OB Maine, Prov., Franee 48 9N Maragnaca, Mt., Venezuela 4 ON 67 OiV Marde, U., Chile 35 35s 72 Ow Meta, R., Colombia 5 40N 70 40W Maine, R., Ii-cland 62 ION 9 3S\r Marajo I., Brazil 1 O.s 50 OW .Manluiairr, Burma II: 3IIN 97 4GB Metaura, R,, Italy 43 43N 13 llB Maine, St., United States 46 ON GO 0\r Maranhao, Brazil 2 58s 43 59w .Maumee R., United Slates 41 20N 81 SSTV Metemmeh, Egyptlarr Sudan 10 5JX 33 30E Maine-et-Loire, Dept., France 47 IHN 2G"\V Maranhao, St., Brazil 6 OS 45 OW Manna Kea, Hawaiian Is. 19 35N l.")5 -lO^V Methverr, New Zealand 43 SOS 171 40E Mainland, Dist., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 10s Manmoa, Co., Australia 27 45,s 148 OE I\laures, Les, Mts., France 43 20N 2I)E Meto, Mt., Italy 41 5lN 14 Oe 127 60E Maranon, R., Peru 4 30s 75 30W Maurienne, Dist., Frajrce 45 25N G 12E Metz, Germany 49 GN 6 OE Mainland, Orkney Is., Scotland 59 ON 3 lOn- Marasli, Turkey in Asia 37 45N 37 15E -Mauritius, I., Indian Oc. 20 los 57 25E Meurtlie-et^Moselle, Dept., France 48 48x 6 55B Maiuland, Siietland Is., Scotlaml (inset) 60 20N Marat, Switzerland 46 56N 7 7i: Mawilrlach, R., Wales 52 4SN 3 51 w Meuse, Dept., France 48 67K 5 3SB 1 20n' iMaratlujnisi, Greece 36 45N 22 37E May, 1. of, Scotland 50 IIN 2 33w Meusc. R., Belgium .50 SIN 5 15 Ifaiupuri, Bengal 27 ION 79 6E Marazion, England 50 ION 5 29\V Maybole, Scotland 55 21N 4 42W Meuse, R., France 49 35x 6 25i: Mainz, Geruianv 49 59N 8 151!)- Marbellii, Spain, 36 33N 4 5(i\y Mayeirce, Germany (iY/e Maiirz) Mewar, Dist., Rajpntana 25 12N 74 OE Maipo, H., Chile 33 65s 71 15\y Marburg, Austria 40 32x 15 4lE Ma.venne, D.=Iit., France 48 lis lOW Mexlr», Jle.xlco 19 30N 99 0«' M.aipure, Colombia 5 GN H8 30"W Marburg, Prussia 50 47N 8 40E 51aynooth Ireland 53 2SN 3a\v Mexico, G. of, N. America 20 ON 90 Ow Maira, B., Italy 44 27N 7 24E March England 52 31N 4E Mayo, Ireland 53 47N 9 SW Mexico, St., America 23 Ox 101 Ow Maisi Pt., Cuba 20 15N 74 low March, R., Austria 4S 35N 17 OE M.iyo, Co., Ireland 53 52N 9 16W Mezeuc, Mt., Frauce 44 50N 4 SOB Maitland, Australia 32 64s 151 151J: Marche, Prov., Fraui'e 16 ON 2 OB Mayon, Vol., Philippine Is. 13 15N 121 30B Mczen, Russia 65 .50N 44 30E Majella, E., Italy 42 ON 14 ISE Marclies, Prov., Italv 43 20N l:! OE Mrrzanderan, Prov., Per-sia 36 18N 52 30E Mezen, R., Russia 05 ON 45 OE Majorca, I., Spain 39 .30N 3 OE Marcy, Mt., Unrted 'States 43 52N 74 48w Mazar i Sherif, Afglranistan 56 40N 07 5e Mezleres, France 49 4CN 4 40E Majuba Hill, Natal 27 303 29 58 E Mardin, Turkey in Asia 37 21N 41 -IE Itazatlan, Mexico 23 2iJX 100 OW Miami R., Unitei States 39 25x 84 44W Makalla, Arabia 14 35N 49 5E Mare I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 36N 127 21E Maxur-y, Dist., Prussia 53 34N 21 OE Miau-tse, Dist., Ciilna 26 20N 106 48B Makari-kari Salt Pan, Rhodesia 2 J 30s 25 40b Mareb, R., Eritrea 14 40N 38 lOE Mazzara, Italy 37 42N 12 32E Michigan, L., United States 44 Ox 87 Ow Mako, Hungary 46 13N 20 29E Marec, L., Scotland 57 40N 5 2S^y j\tbam, R.. Canierons 6 45N 11 42E Michigan, St., United States 45 ON 85 SOW Makran, Pro^J., Persia 26 12X 60 OE Marengo, Italy 41 5lN 8 36E McOlintock Oh., Canada 71 SOX 101 Ow Miirhmasb, Palestine 31 64N 35 16E Makyan, I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 20N Margarita, t., Venezuela II ON 64 Ow MeOluer G., Dutch B. Lrdies 2 40s 132 20E Mrcklc Fell, Mt... Enirland 54 35N 2 13W 127 19E Margate, England 51 23N I 24B MeKinle.y, Mt., Ala-ka 63 SON 151 0^v , Paciflc Oc. 100 OE Mai B., Ireland 52 52N 9 27 \y Margelan, Russian Turkestan 40 5N 72 OE Mealfour^vonie. Mt., Scotland 57 IGN 4 38W Middelburg, Cape Colonv 31 30s 25 OE Malabar Coast, India 13 ON 74 OE Maria Theresiopol, Hungary 40 5n 19 38E Meath, Co., Ireland 53 38N 6 38 w Mlddelbur-g, Netlierlarrd's 51 22N 3 36B Malacca, Straits Settleraoits 2 18N 102 ISE Maria Van Diemen, C, New Zealand 34 28s Mwldin, Belgium 51 2N 4 30E Middelburg, Transvaal 25 45S 39 S7E Malacca. Sti-. of, E. Indies 5 ON 99 Oi: 172 37E Mecklenburg, G.D., Germany 53 4S 12 OE Middle Roggeveld, Mt., Cape Colonv 33 153 Maladetta, Mt., Spain 42 37N 50E Maria Zell, Austria 47 44x 15 18E jMedeba, Palestine 31 42N 35 47E 30 30 E Malaga. Spain 36 43N 4 26>v Mariana Is., Pacific Oc. 17 ON 145 30E Medellin, Colombia 6 5N 75 43w Mlddlesborough, England 54 35N 1 llw M.alahide, Ireland 63 27N 6 low Marico. R., Transvaal 24 34s 26 21B Mediascb, Hurrgary 46 3N 24 22E Middlesex, Co., England 51 SON 20w Malar, L., Sweden 59 25N 17 OE Marienbad, Austria 59 58N 12 40E Medicine , Canada 60 5n 110 lOw Middleton, Englauri 53 3SN 2 low Ma/atia. Turkey in Asia 38 36X 38 35 Marienburg, Prussia 64 IN 19 OE Medina, Turkey in Asia 24 ION 39 58B Middlewich. England .53 12x 2 29w Malay Pen., Asia 5 ON 102 OB Marienwerden, Prussia 53 40N 19 OE Mediterranean Sea 36 ON 15 OE Midi, Can. du, France 43 18N 2 OB Malbay, Ireland 62 62N 9 22 w Marietta, United States 39 25N 81 25w Jledoc, Dist., France 45 ION 50w Midi, Pic du, Mt., France 42 50N 24w Maiden I., Paciflc Oc. 3 39s 155 25 w Mariguana I., West Indies 22 20N 73 15W Medway, B., England 51 12N 25b Midian, Dist., Turkey In Asia 27 SOX 36 OE Maldive Is., Arabian Sea 5 ON 73 OE Marin. Spain 42 23N 8 45W Meerut, Agra arrd Ouilh 29 lOs 77 45E Mldnapur, Bengal 22 24N 87 18B MaMon, England 61 43N 4I)E Spain 37 5N 6 20^T Meghna, 91 Miiur, Mt., Bulgaria 43 25N 22 36E Marismas, Dist., R., Bengal 22 SON Oe I Maldonado, Uruguay 35 Os 55 0\y Maritime Atlas Mts.. N. Africa 36 On 2 30E Megiddo, Palestine 32 28x 35 2Si: Milan, Italy 45 SOx 9 He | Mallorea, I., Spain 39 30N 3 OE Maritza, R., Bulgaria 42 I2N 25 OE Mehadia, Hungary 44 64N 22 22E Milazzo, Italy 33 13N15 12E | Malia, C, Greece 36 28N 23 17E Market Drayton, England 52 55N 2 31W Melding, R., China 25 15N 114 43E Mildura, Aus'tralia 34 10s 142 1 IE

Maliu Hd., Ireland 55 22N 7 22W Market Harboro', England 62 27N 55 \y Meiringen, Switzerland 46 42N 8 HE Milford, Wales 51 45x 5 2w 1 Malindi, Br. B. Africa 3 8s 40 2E Market Weightou, England 53 52N 42\y Meissen, Saxony 51 8N 13 24B Mllford Haven, Wales 51 41X 5 Ow Mallaig, Scotland 57 ON 5 49W Marlagne, Dist., Belgium 50 IGN 4 30E Mejarkon, R.. Palestine 32 5N 34 47E Milford Sd., New Zealand 44 35s 167 6lE Mallow, Ireland 62 9N 8 39w Marlboro', England 51 30N 1 45w Mejasanl, Mt., Bengal 31 On 86 OE Milk Hill, England 51 23X 1 48w Malmesbury, Cape Colony 33 27s 18 35E Marlboro' Downs, England 51 34N 1 30\v Heiillones, Chile 23 243 70 3Sw Milk River, United States 48 40N 107 SOW Malmesbury, England 51 35N 2 llw Marmara, S. of, Turkey 40 40N 28 OE Mek-ka, Turkey in Asia 21 20x 40 2(IE Mllos, I., Greece 36 42X' 34 27 E Malmb, Sweden 55 35N 13 OE Manuaros, Dist., Hungary 48 15N 24 OE Mekong, R., Indo-Chiiia 16 ON 105 40E Milwaukee, United States 43 ION 88 0\y Maloja, P., Switzerland 4G 22N 9 42B Marmenor, Spain 37 48N 43w , Pacific Oc. 10 OS 16 OE Mln. R., China 26 ON 104 20E Malpas, England 63 IN 2 47 \r Marmolate, Mt., Italy 46 17N 12 OE Melbourne, Australia 37 49s 144 59E Minahassa, Dist., Dutch E. Indies 35N 124 OE Malta, I., Mediterranean S. 35 62N 14 26E Marne, Dept., Prance 49 ION 4 6B Melrose, Scotland 65 36N 3 44w Minas Geraes, St.. Brazil 20 Os 40 U w Maludu, Borneo 6 33N 116 53E Marne, Haute-, Dept., France 48 17N 6 13E Melton Mowbray, England 52 46X 54W Minau, Persia 27 ION 56 52E

Malvasia, Greece 36 42N 23 4E Marne, R., France 49 8x 3 20E Melun. Frairce 48 34N 2 40 B Mlnchinhamptou, Englan i 51 43N 2 12^y Malvern, England 52 6N 2 20W Maroa, Venezuela 2 50N 67 20U' Jfelvllle, Cape Colony 34 4s 23 3E Minclo, R., Italy 45 17s 10 36].: Malvern Hills, England 62 6N 2 24W Maroni, R., Fr. Guiana 5 20N 53 55w Melville B., Australia 12 OS ISO 45B Mindanao, I., Philinplne Is. 8 Ox 125 Or: Main Soul, Mt., Scotland 57 16N 6 12W Maros, R., Hungary 46 22N 24 OE Melville I., Australia 11 40s 131 OE Minden, Prussia 52 16N 8 53b Mammoth , United States 37 12N 86 3w .Maros Ujvar, Hungary 46 20N 23 54E Melville Pen., Canada 68 ON S3 Ow Mrndor-o, L, PhiUpplne Is. 13 ON 121 IOe Mamore, R., Bolivia 16 2GS 63 30W Maros Vasarhelv, Hungary 46 27N 24 31B Melville Sd., Canada 74 ON 107 OW Mine Hd., Ireland 52 OX 7 34w Mamturk Mts., Ireland 63 28N 9 37 w Marquesas Is.. Paciflc Oc.,'8 OS 140 Sow Memel, Prussia 65 40x 21 2E Mineral Ra., United States 46 60s 99 Ow Man, Isle of, British Isles 64 ION 4 30w Marquette, United States 46 32N 8( 21'«' Mernel. R.. Prussia 55 5n 31 30E Mingan, Canada 50 20s 63 47w Managua, Nicaragua 12 2N 86 20w Marr, Dist., Scotland 57 6N 3 Ow i\Iemphis, Ruins of, Egypt 29 59X 31 15E Mingirrlsh, Dist., Scotland 67 15N 6 19w

Man.4os, Brazil 2 49S 60 12W Marsala, Italy 37 60N 12 37E Memphis, Urrited States 35 5x 90 Ow Mlngrelia, Dist , Russia 42 30N 42 SOE Manar, Ceylon 9 OK 80 OE MarseUles, France 43 17N 5 21 Menado, Dutch B. Imlies 1 30N 124 55E Minho, Prov., Portugal 41 30N 8 20w Manar G., Indian Go. 8 30N 79 OE Marshall Is., Paciflc Oc. 10 ON 170 OE Menai. Wales 53 16N 4 llw Minbo. R.. Portugal 42 OX 8 35w- Manasarowar. L.-, Tibet 30 42N 81 30e Marston, England 53 .59N 1 15 w Mcnal Str., Englarrd 53 ION 4 18w Min-kiang. R.. China 26 60n 118 OE Mancha, La, Dist., Spain 39 ION 3 Ow Martaban, Burma 16 36S 97 54 B IMenam, R., Slam 17 ON 100 OE Minneapolis, United States 44 48n 93 ISw Manohe, Dept., France 48 67N 1 20w Martaban, G. of, Bur-ma 16 ON 96 30E Meude, France 44 33K 3 28E Minnesota, St., United States 47 ON 94 0\y Manchester, England 53 29N 2 15w Martha's Vineyard, I., United States 41 30N Mcrrderes, R., Turkey lu Asia 38 ION 29 lOE Minorca, I., Spain (see Meuorca) Manchester, United States 43 3N 71 35W 70 33w Meiallp Hills, England 51 20x 2 38w Minsk. Hus-sla 54 ON 27 38e Manchuria, Ter., Asia 43 OS 127 30B Martigtrv, Switzerland 46 7N 7 4E Mendowel, Borneo 3 153 113 33B Miquelon, I., Newfoundlarrd 46 45N 56 lOw Mand, R., Persia 28 20N 53 30E Martirriqne, I., W. Indies 14 40N 61 OW l\lcndoza, Argerrtina 32 40s 08 40w Mlramlchl B., Canada 47 8N 65 Sw Mandal, Norway 58 3N 7 30E Marutse, Tribe, Rhoilesia 16 Os 24 OE Mengtse. China 23 26N 103 45E Miranda, Spain 42 40N 2 68w Mandalay, Burma 22 ON 96 16E Mary R., 26 OS 152 20E Menia, Dist., Ohina 30 Ox 100 50E Mirzapur, Agra and Oudh 25 12N 82 4Sb Mandingo, Tribe, Fr. W. Africa 9 30N 8 0^V Maryborough () Australia 37 Is Menominee, United States 45 12X 87 32W Misbml, Dist., Tibet 38 4.5X 96 15E Maudra, Mt., Romania 45 16N 23 36E 143 45B i\leuorca, I., Spain 40 ON 4 5E Miskien. 1., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 9X Mandsaur, Oentral India 24 GN 75 6E Maryborough (Queensland) Australia 25 32s Mentawel Is., Dutclr B. Indies 1 30s 100 30E 137 30E Mandvi, Bombay 32 48N 69 24E 162 43E Mentcitb, L., Scotland 66 ION 4 19W Miskolez, Hungary 48 6X 30 49E Manero Ra.. Australia 36 OS 148 55E Marvborough, Ireland 53 2N 7 ISw Mcnzaleh, L., Egypt 31 1.5N 31 15E Misol, I.. Dutclr E. Indies 3 OS 130 OE Manfredonia, Italy 41 35N 15 55 E Maryland, St., United Srares 3;i ION 77 Ow Menzics, Arrstralra 29 40s 120 .jOB Misslones, St., Argentina 27 30s 55 Ow Mangabeiras, Mts., Brazil 8 35S 47 SOff Maryport, England 54 33N 3 Slw Meppel, Netherlands 52 4Sn 6 12E Mississippi Delta, United Stales 29 20n S9 Ow Mangalia, Romania 43 60K 28 36E Masada. Palestine 31 18N 35 21 Mequlnez, iVlorocco 34 ON 5 40W Mississippi. R., United States 41 Ox 91 SOW Mangalore, Madras 12 48N 74 54 E Masai, Tribe, Africa 2 SOS 37 SOB Meran, Austria 46 40x 11 5E i\Iisslsslppi, St., United States 33 Os 90 ow Mangysblak Pen.. Russia in Asia 44 30K 51 OE Masen.ya, Su-'an 11 19N 15 4SE Merapi, Vol., Sumatr-a 1 ON 101 OE Missouri Hts., Plat, of the, United States Manic'a, Port. E. Africa 19 OS 33 OE Maseru, Basuto Laud 29 OS 27 56B Merawi, Eg\'ptian Sndarr IS S2X 31 45E 46 30s 100 Ow Manich, R., Russia 46 28N 42 OE Mashbad, Persia 36 15N 69 2SB Mei-gui, Malay Pen. 13 35N 98 50 e Missouri, R., United States 43 30s 97 Ow Maniluki Is.. 11 O.s 152 30ir Masliita, Palestine 31 45N SG 5E Mergul Ar-cli,, Malay Pen. 10 ON 98 OE Missiarri. St.. I'niteil States 38 ON 92 20w Manila, Philippine Is. 14 58N 121 OE Masbona Land, Birodcsia 18 os 31 30E Mrjrlda, Jlexieo 21 5x 89 40W Mitau, Russia 50 S5N 33 SOB 8 Manipur, Assam 25 ON 94 OE Mask, L., Ireland 53 36N 9 2iiw iMerida, Venezuela ION 70 55W Mltehrll, ,'\nst|-alia 2G 31s 1 17 .58E Manissa, Tnrkev in Asia 38 42N 27 21E j\laskat. Oinnu 23 SIN 58 30li Merlda, f'ordillera of, Mts., ( 'dlnrnliia 8 Ox Mltehidl. Hist., -\llstralia 23 Os 144 OE Manitoba, L., Canada 51 ON 98 30W Massa, Italy 44 IN 10 OE 72 Ow Miteliell R., Air^tl-alia 10 15s 142 40h Manitoba, Prov., Canada 61 ON 98 10^v Massachusetts, St., United States 42 20N 72 0^v Merioneth, Co., Wales 52 OUX 3 low Mrtehell R., Australia 37 403 147 20B

( 15 ) EE E INDEX

24 OE Mitchelstown. Ireliiiid 52 17N S 17w Moreton B., Australia 27 lOS 153 20E Mysore, Mysore 12 18N 76 42E Negroponte, I., Greece 38 30N Philippine Is. 10 ON 123 OB Mitbnnkot. I'linjiih 28 5 IN 70 24E Moreton I., Australia 27 ]us 153 SOE Mvsore, St., India 13 Ox 77 OB Negi-os, I., MitroviDz, Hun^fary 44 57N 19 3oE Morgan, Australia 34 4S 130 38 Mvthen, Mt., Switzerland 47 SX 8 .50B Neh, Persia 31 31s 60 56E Miti-ovitzii, Turkcv 42 53N 20 53E Morgan, Mt., Australia 23 40s 150 lOE Mytlio. Indo-China 10 ISN 106 25E Nehaliel, B., P.alestine 31 35N 35 40E Mitta 28N 17 2UE Mitta R., Australia 36 2liS 147 27E Morges, Switzerland 46 SIX 6 SUE Mytilini, I., Turkey in Asia 30 Ix 26 16E Neisse, Prussia 50 50 SOx 16 15E Mizen Hd. (Wicklowj, Ireland 52 SUN 6 31V Moriarty R,i., Australia 28 OS 145 20E Neisse, E. (Brandenburg), Prussia 14 SUE Mizen Hd. (Cork), Ireland 51 27N SOW Morlaix, France 48 36N 3 53w NAAS, Ireland 53 14N 6 40w Keisse, R. (Silesia), Prussia 61 SSX OE Mizpiih, Palestine 32 13x 3S 51 Morocco, Morocco 31 62.S' 7 SOW Naauw Poon, Cape Colony 31 18s 26 21! Nejd, Dist., Arabia 25 ON 47 18 26N 45 OE Mjosen. L., Norwiiy 60 40x 11 OE Morocco, St., N. Africa 31 ON 6 OW Nablus, Palestine 32 13N 35 16E Nejran, Dist., Turkey in Asia SO OE Mkiisi E., Natal 26 55S 32 65 E Morotai, I., Dutch E. Indies 2 20N 128 20E Nafa, Japan 26 20s 127 44E Neilore, Madras 14 24N 20E Moab, Dist., Palestine 31 ISN 35 50E Morpeth, England 56 ION 1 43w Naga Hills, Assam 26 Ox 04 OE Kelson, New Zealand 41 ISs 173 Mobile, United States 31 On 83 2V Morrison, Mt., Formosa 23 45x 120 471! Nagar, Rajputana 26 SON 74 OE Kelson, 0., Australia 38 40s 141 17E Modena, Italy 44 3!iN 10 64E lUortimer's Cross, England 52 20N 2 48 \y Nagasaki. Japan 32 38N 129 50E Nelson E., Canada 66 SON 05 OW Moilica. Italy 36 62N 14 45E Morvan, Mts., France 47 ON 4 UE Nagles Mts., Ireland 52 3N 8 27W Ken, E„ England 62 40N 2E Moel Siabod, Mt., Wales 53 5X 3 54\T Morven, Australia 26 26s 147 5E Nagova, Japan 36 IN 137 6E Nenagh, Ireland 62 61K 8 12W Moen, I., Denmark 55 ON 12 2UE Morven, Dist., Scotland 66 SON 6 45w Kagpur, Central Provs. 21 2N 79 14E Nepal, St., Asia 28 ON 83 OE Moerdyk, Netlierlands 61 SlN 4 38E Moiwen, Mt.. Scotland 68 llN 3 42w Nagy Varado, Hungary 47 2X 21 66E Mt., Ireland 54 ON 9 25W 4SW Moffat, Scotland 55 20x 3 2TX Moscow, Russia 55 4UN 37 40 E Naha el Auja, R., Palestine 32 5N 34 47E , Mt, Ireland 54 SN 9 116 36 136 6E Mogok, Bnrma 22 68n 44E Mosel, R., Germany 50 ON 7 OE Kahr el Awaj, R. Palestine S3 2SN 36 12E Neptune Is , Australia 17S MogoUon Mts., United States 35 Ox 112 30^Y Moselle, E., Franco 48 20N 6 28B Nahr el Kelb, R., Palestine 33 69X 36 3SE Ness, L., Scotland 57 17N 4 28w Moliaics. Hunf^ary 45 57>' IS 27E .Mosera B., Oman 20 UN 58 16E Nalir el Litani, R., Palestine 33 20N 35 MB Ness, R.. Scotlaml 57 24N 4 19W Moliammerali, Persia 30 30N 48 15 E jMosera I., Oman 2U 26N 68 65E Kahr el Mefjir, E., Palestine 32 2sx 34 51E Ketze. R,. Prussia 52 43N 16 SOE Mobave Desei-t, United States 35 Ox 117 0\Y Mosgiel, New Zealand 45 59s 17U 12E Nahr ez Zerka, R., Palestine 32 32N 31 SSE Ken Meeklenburg, I.. Pacific Oc. S OS 152 OE Mobawk R., Uniteil States 42 52X 74 36 \v Moskva, R., Russia 65 48X 36 lOE Nahr Iskanderuneh, R., Palestine 32 2SX 34 62E Ken Strclitz, Prussia 53 23N 13 IE Mohiief, Russia 63 59N 30 15E Moso, Dist., China 27 2UN 100 2UE Nahr Rubin, K., Palestine 31 66N 34 43E Keuchatel, S.vitzerland 47 UN 6 66E Slix Mojos, Tribe, Bolivia 13 OS 65 On" Mosquito G., Colombia 11 30x 80 OW Nahr Sukereir, R., Palestine 31 SSN SI SOE Keuchatel, L. of, Switzerland 46 6 SOE Mokau, New Zealand 38 2US 175 14H Mos.samedes. Angola 15 OS 12 24E Naiu, Palestine 32 38N 35 lOE Keuchatel, Prov., Switzerland 47 ON 6 56E Mokba, Turkey iii Asia 13 30x 43 15E Mossel B., Cape Colony 34 23s 22 OE Naini Tal, Agra and Oudh 20 24X 70 30B Neuqueu, R., Argentina 37 SOS 70 OW Mokopon, Beehuanaland 25 16s 23 OE Mossi, St., Fr. W. Africa 13 ON 2 Ow Nairn, Scotland 57 35N 3 52 w Nensatz, Hungary 45 14N 19 SSE Mokpo, Oorea 34 55N 126 20E Mostar, Bosnia 43 22N 17 49E Nairn, Co., Scotland 57 SON S 50w Neusohl, Huugary 48 44N 19 8K Mold, Wales 53 llN 3 lOw Mosul, Turkey in Asia 36 6N 43 ISN Nairn, R., Scotland 57 20N 4 1 Iw Keuss, Prussia 51 7N 40E Moldau, K., Austria 40 2JN 14 20E Motauioros, Mexico 25 60N 97 20W Nairobi, Br. B. Africa 1 16s 36 SSE Nenstedl, Hungary 47 SSX 16 45E Moldavia, Div., Romania 46 20x 27 50K Motherwell, Scotland 56 4SN 3 59W Naivasha, L., Br. B. Africa 58S 36 32E Nentra, Hnngaiaf 48 12N 18 2E

Mole, R., England 51 l;is 21w Motir. I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) SSx 127 21E Nitma Laufl, Cape Colony 30 OS 18 OE Nevada, St , United States 40 Ox 116 Ow Molfetta, Italy 41 8N 16 3I)E Motril, Spain 36 46N 3 34W Namangan, Russian Turkestan 41 On 71 25E Kevailo de Fauiatina, Mt., Argentina 20 los Mollendo, Peru IG 69s 72 18w Moudon, Switzerla}id 46 40K 6 47B Nam-dinh, Indo-Oliiua 20 18N 106 4E 67 SOW Mologa, E., Russia 58 SON 37 301! Moulins, Prance 46 34X 3 20B Namoi R.. Australia SO SOS ISO 40E Nevers, Prance 47 On 3 lOB Molopo, R., Oape Colony 27 2U,S 20 48E Mount Desert I., United States 44 17N 68 ISW Namsos, Norway 64 SON 11 40E Nevin, Wales 52 SSN 4 SlW Molopo, R., S. Africa 26 lOS 22 lOK Mount Risour, Switzerland 46 40N 6 Si! Namur, Belgium SO 2SN 4 52E New Amscerdam, Br. Guiana 6 16N 67 21W Molopolole, Becliuanaland 24 20s 25 23E Mount Terrible, Switzerland 47 23N 7 lOE Kamur, Prov., Belgium 50 lOx 4 40B New Bedford, United States 41 S6N 70 SSW Molucca Passage, Str., Dutcb E. Indies 1 ON Mountmellick, Ireland 63 8N 7 17w Nan Shan, Mts., China 38 SON 99 OE New Berne, United States 35 8N 77 low- 126 OE Sloimtrath, Ireland 53 ON 7 28w Nau-chaug, China 23 4X 116 SB New Brunswicic, Prov., Canada 46 30N 66 30W Moluccas, The, Is., Dutch E. Indies IMount's B., England SO SX S 25w Nancowr\-, Nicobar Is. 8 ON OS SOE New Calabar, Kigeria 4 28N 7 IE 128 OE Mourue Sits., Ireland 64 ION 6 4W Nancy, France 48 42N 6 lOE New Oaledouia, I., Pacifle Oc. 21 OS 165 OE Mombasa, Br. E. Africa 4 IDs 39 40E Mourne, R., Ireland 54 40N 7 24W Nanda Devi, Mt., Punjab 30 24N SO OE New England, Dist. United States 44 UN 71 OW Moraein, Clnna 24 55N 98 lOlc Moville, Ireland 56 ]2N 7 3w Nandair. Haidarabad 10 12X 77 13K New England Ba., Australia 30 OS 161 60E Mona Pass, Str., W. Indies 18 ION 67 SOW Mow Gap Mt,, England 53 6N 2 14W Nanga Parbat, Mt., Kashnur 35 12X 75 SOB New Forest, England 60 60N 1 38^y

Monach Is., Scotland 57 31N 7 40\v Moy, E., Ireland 1 54 6N 9 6W Nanking, China 32 4N 110 4E New Guinea, I., Australasia 5 OS 141 Ul! Monaco, France 43 43N 7 17E Moydart, Dist., Scotland 66 SUN S 40w Nannaimo, Canada 40 12N 124 23W New Hampshire, St, United States 44 ON M.nadbliatli Mts., Scotlaml 67 8n 4 ]9\v Moydart, L., Scotland 66 5UN 5 66W Nannlne, Australia 26 62s IIS 15E 71 sow Monaglian, Ireland 54 17N 6 SOW Moyobambo, Peru 6 12s 77 ow Nau-ning. China 22 SSx^ 113 8E New Haven, United States 41 19N 72 SSw 167 OE Monaghan, Co , Ireland 54 8N 7 Ow , Port. E. Africa 16 2s 4U 33E Nantes, France 47 13X 1 33W New Hebrides, Is., Paciflo Oc. 16 OS Monastir, Turkey 41 2N 21 ISE Mozambique Oh., E. Africa 18 OS 43 OE Nantucket, 1., United States 41 17N 70 Ow New Jersey, St., United States 40 3UX (4 SUW Moncabrer, Mt., Spain 38 46N 22W Mozdok, Eussia 4 3 SON 44 41 1! Nautwich, England 53 4n 2 31 w New Malton, England 64 ON 49W Moncayo, Mt., Spain 41 45N 1 42w Mpwapwa. Ger. E. Africa 6 27s 36 50E Nao, 0. de la, Spain 38 44N 14E New Mexico, St, United States 35 ON 106 Ow Moudego, R., Portu^^al 40 ION 8 SSW Mro-hauug, Burma 20 36N 93 lOB Nao, 0. di, Italv SO 8N 16 SSE New Orleans, United States 30 ION 90 6W Monfcrrato, Dist., Italy 45 ON 8 OE Msta, R., Russia 58 SOx 34 OE Napier, New Zealanil SO 3SS 176 51E New Passage, England 51 34N 2 39w Mongbyr, Bengal 26 24N 86 30E Muakhom, Burma 26 ON 96 OE Naples, Italy 40 52x 14 13E New Pitsligo, Scotland o7 36N 2 low Mongolia, ProT., Oliina 46 SON 105 On ]\Inata Yamvo, Congo State 8 IS 23 OE Naples, B. of, Italy 40 40n 14 ISE New Plymouth, New Zealand 39 Is 174 2E Mongunui, New Zealand 35 ]6S 173 241! Much Weiilock, England 62 34N 2 33W Napo, R., Ecuador 1 4Ss 76 Ow New Pomerania, Is., Australia (inset) 6 SOS Monmouth, England 51 40x 2 43W Muck, I., Scotland 56 52x 6 ISW Narakal, Madras 10 ON 76 OE 160 SOE i\Ionmoutli, Co.. England 51 40N 3 Ow Mucury, R., Brazil IS 16S 39 SOW Narandeia, Australia 34 363 146 HE New Providence Is., W. Indies 26 20N 73 OW Monnow, R., England 51 55N 2 62vy Mudania, Turkey in Asia 40 23X 28 60E Narbada, H., Central India 22 UN 75 Ul! New Quay, England 60 25N 6 6W Monopoli, Italy 41 ON 17 30E Mudge, Mt., Austi-alia 23 SOS 146 35B Narbonne, Prance 43 UN 2 SOE New Quay, Wales 52 llN 4 23w IVIourovia, Liberia 6 ION 10 SOW Mudgee, Australia 32 35s 140 35E Narenta, R,, Bosnia 43 ION 17 4SE New Radnor, Wales 52 13N 3 low Mons, Belgium 60 26N 3 68B Mugojar Hills, Russia in Asia SO ON 53 4SE Narrabri, Australia 30 16s 140 451! New Romne,v, England 50 60X 57B Monserrat, Mt., Spain 41 35N 1 25E MuiU-ea, Mts., Ireland 63 40x 45w Narwa, Russia 50 2S.X 28 OE New Ross, Ireland 62 23x 6 67w , Mt., Prance 45 52N 6 30i! Mukden, Manchuria 41 ON 124 20 E Naryn, Russian Turl;estan 41 36N 75 53E New Russia, Div., Russia 48 ON 36 OE Mont de Marsan, Prance 43 S7N 36W Muklialid, Palestine 32 20N .34 63E Naseby, England 52 2SN SOW New Shoreham, England 50 SlN 17W

Mont St. Michel, I., Pr.ance 48 38x 1 32W Mula, R., Baluchistan 28 30X 66 40E Naseby, New Zealand 45 4S 170 11 E New Siberia, Is., Arctic Oc. 76 ON 145 Ol! Montana, St., United States 47 ON 110 OW Mulahacen, IMt., Spain S7 12N 3 20W Nashua, United States 42 43x 71 SOW Nev/ South Wales, Dist., Australia 32 OS 147 OE Montaro, R., Peru 11 48s 76 Ovr Mulile, R., Germany 51 26X 12 45E Nashville, United States 36 SON 87 Sw New York, United States 41 OX 73 SSw Montanban, France 44 2N 1 31E Mlitliausen. German.v 47 4S.\' 7 lOE Nasik, Bombay 20 UN 73 54E New York, St, United States 43 UN 76^ SOW Moutauk Pt., United States 41 ON 71 54w Mnllieim, Prussia 50 SSn 7 5E Nasirabad, Ajuicre 26 18N 74 42E New Zealand, Col., Australaisia 40 OS 173 OE Montbeliard, Prance 47 28N 6 62E Mull, I. of, Scotlaml 60 SOX 6 Ow Kasirabad, Bengal 21 43x 00 SUE Newark, England 53 SX 1 HE , Mt., Switzerland 45 56N 7 5.5E .MuUaghareirk Mts., Ireland 52 ISN 9 OW Nassau, Baliamas 25 ION 77 Slw Newark, U'nited States 41 OX 74 2SW Montego, Jamaica 18 29N 77 ^liiw Mullet Pen., Ireland 54 ]6x 10 6W Nassau, Pi-ov., Prussia SU 17N 8 ISE Kcwbiggin, England SS IIN 1 S2W Montetijuar, France 44 3-IN 4 44E Mullingar, Ireland 53 SIN 7 ifSW Natal, Brazil 5 47s 35 22iv Newburi', England 51 14N 1 20W IMontcnegro, St.. Europe 42 SSx 19 20E Multan, Punjab 30 12N 71 31E Natal, Col., S. Africa 29 OS 30 SOE Newbnryport, United States 42 SON 70 54W Monterey, Mexico 25 15N 102 Ow Siimich, Bavaria 48 8N 11 SUE Natchez, United States 31 20N 01 16W Newcastle, Australia 32 66S 151 21E Montercv, Spain 41 68N 7 35W Munkacs, Hungary 48 23x 22 43B Natl, China 24 55X 107 2UE Newcastle, Canada 47 IN 66 SOsy Monterey, United States 36 40N 121 J7W Slunster, Prussia 51 68N 7 48E Natron Valley, Egypt 3U 20N Su 20E Newcastle, England 54 59N 1 S6W Montevideo, Uruguay 34 48S 55 S iw Munster, Switzerland 47 17x 7 2UE Nai.nna Is., liutcb E. Indies 3 SON 108 10k Newcastle (Down), Ireland 51 IIN 5 65\v Montgomery, United States 32 2SN 86 2'2\y Mnnster, Prov., Ireland 62 25N 3 SUW Natuna Is., S., Dutch E. Indies 2 SON 103 lui! Keweastle (Limerick), Ireland 52 28N 9 3W iMonti^omery, Wales 52 34N 3 9w Mur, II., HungLiry 46 32N 16 2SK Naturaliste, 0., AuotraHa 33 3SS 114 51E Newcastle, NiLtal 27 4SS 20 SSE JMontgoniery, Co., Wales S2 SOX 3 SOW .Murad Su., It., Tui-key in Asia 33 4SN 41 OE Nauplia, Greece 37 32N 22 54E Newcastle-under-Lyme, England 53 IN 2 17w Moutlueon, Prance 46 21N 2 31 MurchisonR., Australia 27 5US 114 15E Kauri, Mt., Fr. W. .Vfrica 11 SON 2 lOW Ncwfounilland, Col., N. America 43 SON 56 OW Muntpeiicr, United States 44 17x 72 25\y Murchison, 0., Oanaila 72 OX 95 OW Naufci, Peru 4 3SS 73 S4W New haven, England 50 48N 2B Montpellier, Prance 43 37N 3 53 k .Mhrcin, Spain S3 OX 1 ISW Navan, Ii-elond 53 SON 6 40w Newmarket Euglanil 52 15N 25E , Prov., Spain 38 1 Pro\-., Montreal, Canada 45 31N 73 45W 40N lOW Navarre, Spain 42 SON 2 Ow Newport (Isle of Wight), England 60 4Sx 1 20w Jlussian Montrose, Scotland 66 42X 2 2SW Jlurghab, R., Turkestan 36 12X 63 20E Naver, R,. Scotland 58 17x 4 low Newport (Monmouth), England 51 32N 2 60w .Monzim, Spain 41 54N n liMO Muri, Nigeria 9 17N 10 4IE Navigator Is., Paciflo Oo. 14 Us 142 Ow Newport (Shropshire), England 52 46N 2 25w Moonie, H., Australia 28 (Is 140 lOB IMuroran, Japan 42 SON 141 OE Kawa, Palestine 32 55N 36 2E Newport, Ireland 53 53N 33\y Moonta, Australia 34 5s 137 39E Murray R., Australia S4 Cs 111 61! Nawanagar, Bombay 22 2 Lx 70 6E Newport (Kentucky), United States 30 SN Moore, L., Australia 30 OS 117 30E Murrnmliidgee, R., .\ustralia 34 SIS 115 OE Nasos, I., Greece 37 6N 26 27B 84 23W Ida bail, S3 MuorEoot Hills. Scotland 55 44 X 3 51V Blnrsh Bengal 24 2N OE Nazareth, Palestine 32 42N 35 18B Nenport (Rhode Island), United States 41 2;x Moose Factory, Canada 51 35N SO 60«' i\lurzuk, Tripoli 26 20x IS SSi! Naze, The, England 51 SUN 1 18B 71 llw Moose E., Canada SO ON 83 low Mils Alia, Mt., Bulgaria 42 15X 22 60B Naze, The, Noi-way (see Lijalesnaes) Newport, Wales 62 IN 4 50w 10 Moradabail, Agra and Oudh 28 ISN 78 4SE Musgo, Tribe, Oanierous 20N 16 OE Neagh, L., Ireland 54 37N 6 2SAy Newry, Ireland 54 lOx 6 low Sits.. Australia 26 OS 132 Ul! Neapolitan , H., Servia 44 20N 21 12E Musgrave Appennines.Mts,, ltaly41 ON 16 IOe Kewton Stewart, Scotland 64 5SN 4 29w Jln.sgrave R:i., Br. (inset) 6 Morava, Bulgarian, R., Servia 12 SOX 22 01! New Uninea 3US Neatli, Wales 61 SOX 3 47w Kewtown, Wales 52 SON 3 18w lis Moravn, Servian, E., Servia 43 4UX 20 ISE OE Neatli, R„ Wales 61 60N 3 35 w Newtown Ards, Ireland 54 SUN 5 43w 3llx Jluskcgou, United States 43 17x 86 Moravia, Prov., Austria 49 17 UK 3w Nebo, Australia 21 62s IIS 44E Newtown Limavady, Ireland S5 4N 6 S2W Musselliurgh, Scotland 6S jMoravian Hills, Austria 40 2UN 15 Ol! SON S Sw Nebo, Mt., Palestine 31 46N 36 5IE Ngami, t., Becliuaualaud 20 28s 22 4UE So Mustagh, Mt.. Chin. Turkestan 33 Morawhaua, Br. Cuiana 8 4UX ssw SON 75 50B Nebraska, St., United States 41 Sox 100 Ow Ngan-hwei, Prov., China 32 SUx 120 OE Moray, Dist.. Scotland 67 30X 4 Ow Muotagb P., Kashmir 36 SN 76 OE Neby SLLUiwit, Mt., Palestine 31 40x 35 6 E Ngan.king, China SO SSX 117 OE i\rorav P., Scotland 57 46X 3 34W I\Iuttra, Agra and Oudh 27 StIN 77 42E Needles, The, England SO SON 1 34W Ngan-si, Cliina 40 32N 96 20E Mnzatfarpur, Bengal 26 6N 86 211! Morav, L., Scotland 56 57X 6 4r\y Nefud, Desert, Arabia 27 30.x 45 OE Ngaunilere. Camerons 7 25N 13 22E 3UE -Mwanza, Gel'. A.lrica :'.2s :\Iorbganj, Bengal 21 SIN S6 E. 2 32 SOE Negapatam, .Madras 10 4SN 70 SU! Ngigmi, Fr. W. Africa 14 23N 12 S6E 3' 2SE JUverii, l... Congo State 9 US 20 (IE Morea, Pea., Greei'e SOX 22 Negeb, Dist, I'alestine SI lox 31 SOE Niagara, United States 43 ON 79 OW Jloibihan, Dept., I'rance 17 SSx 2 52iy Bnnn:i 21 24N 05 211! Negoi, Mt.. Roinanhi 45 Sox 24 SOE j Niagara Falls, N. America 43 ON 70 Ow Si ux 3 .M'Mivdd K|nnt, \Vale^52 2X 3 20W Nigrais. .Mi.rccambe Bay, En-laud OW C, Burma 16 2x 91 20E Niani-K iam. Tribe, Africa 4 ON 27 SOB .Nu^tralia 20 3us 140 .5uE jMvnvdd Hnaetli, Wales 63 6X 3 lu\y Negro U., A-rgcutina .Morei', 30 SOS 66 0\y Nias, I., Dntcli E. Indies I ION 07 20E Morelia, Mexico 10 42K lUI 4W Myn'yild Pns( ley. Wales 51 SSx I r.iw Negro, Rio, R., Brazil 1 OS 63 ow Nicaria, 1,, Turkey in Asia 37 35N 26 IOE 40 36N MysiLi. Dist., Turkey in Asia 30 SSx 27 SUE Negro, Murella. Spain 2W Rio, E., Colombia 2 5N 68 SOW Nicaragua, L., Nicaragua 11 3UN 85 SOW


NiutiraKiia. St., Central AiiielicLL l:i llx sr. sow Notre DalLie Mis.. ( aiiiiiln 17 (is 7U uw 'ho;e.rli, Ireland 51 SCS 7 |s\r O.vhird, En land 51 lux 1 lOw"

Nice, Friiuce 43 12N 7 lUli Niiltillgham, llnglaiid 1 (.llo;ilia, 52 57N SW" Uliib'd States 41 35x '.Kj (liV Oxfocil, 1 II.. 1'ju.Hiinil 51 4.SS 1 SOW Nicotar I., lit., Nicoh.u- Ts, 7 ax •.>:', isk Nottinghain. Co., England 53 Klx 1 (IW (iniiiiuG of, Arabian Sr a 25 UN 58 OE Ovapnek, K., fr. Cuiiina 3 55X 51 18W Nicniiar I.. Little, Nienljar Is 7 :lliN 7:1 12K Notwaiii, 11, llL-elKiauaiand 21 Ills 2(1 I IK Oiiiai,, St., Asia 23 ON 57 OE Oykell. R., S';otlaliil 57 5BX 4 3KW Nioobar Is., B. nt Beii^;ii,l 7 ;iihN ii:; oDi^; Scotia, Nova I'njv , Canada 41 SUN 61 (.IW (linbai, I., Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 125 OK Oysterniouth, Wales 51 S3N 3 59w Nicopolis, Bulgaria 43 40N 2 I .').jhl Nov(H-a, Italy 48 46 28s S K (Imbrone. R., Italy 42 34N 1 1 OK Ozaka, Japan 31 35x 1S5 34K Nicosia, Cyprus 3.') IDN 33 1:21'; Noviiya Zelnlya, 1., Russia 71 OS 55 Ol'l '^((10, R., Abyssinia 6 3Us 36 SUE of, GoBta 1) 4l)N' Scl Niooya, G. Uiea Ow Novgorod, Rilssia 58 4(l.s 31 (IE Ouioa, Honduras 15 5u.vr 88 lUW PAARL, Cape Colony 33 48s 19 OE NictiniVov, Bi-a/.U L*2 rt.'>s 43 (l\v Novihazar, Turkey 43 3n 20 S2E llinsk, Siberia 61 59x 73 iOi'; I'abbay, I.. Seotland 57 48N 7 llw Kiilcl, R.,'Eu«liiiKl snilx 1 lllw Novo Chei'kask, lins^ia 47 3(ls 4(1 2B ( liiega, L., Russia 62 Ux 35 SOE Paeaslnayo, Peru 7 SUS 7'.l 34W Nieuien, R., Russia 53 l.'iN 23 3.'il,: Novorossiisk, Russia 1 1 42N 37 WK Onega, R., Russia 03 SON 39 OK Pachuea, Mexico 20 15N 98 45^y Niescn, Mt., Switzerland 4(1 3'.l.N 7 3Ul*; . Dist., B-vptian Sudan 18 us 33 OK 1 laega, B., Russia 04 ux 37 OE Padaug, Sniuatra 1 Us 100 32E Nieuport, Belgiuui 51 '.IN 2 4.'il': Nubian Desert, Egv|itia(i Sudan 21 SOS 32 301 ' insluw, Australia 21 S5s 115 4E Padaran, (J.. Indo Cliina 11 llx 109 OK Nievre. Dopt, France 47 15s 3 5k Nu-chu, R., Tibet SO 35s 97 UK 0((sluw B., United States 34 18X 77 Ow Padertjarii, Prussia 51 43N 8 50E Niewvelil Mts., Cape Colony 32 US 22 Ui; Nill'ellell, Mt., Switzerland 46 2UN 8 30K (lutario, L., N. America 43 3US 78 OW Padstow, Engl mil 50 S3N 4 57w Niger, R., Nigeria 7 UN 6 36li Nuklia, Russia 41 US 17 27(0 (intario, Prov., Canaila 47 UN 85 OW Padua, Italy 45 25N 11 51 E Nigeria, Ter., \V. Airica HI (IN 8 OB N((llarlHU- Plain, Australia 31 30s 128 OK Oodnadatta, Australia 27 32s 135 SOE Padueah, United States S7 8x 88 40w Niigata, Jaiiaii 37 35N 13H 5(IK Ndiiiaiieia, Ruins of, Spain 41 51,\ 2 2',iw Ophlr, Mt., Malay Pen. 2 ON 103 OE Pae Khol, Mts., Russia 69 OX 03 SUi: Nije, Mt., Turkey 40 54N 22 0(.; Nninea, 21 35s 1(15 5UK ("Jphlr, Mt. Suniatra 5N lUC 35E Pagan, Burma 21 UX 95 it; Nikki, Fr. W. Africa '.I 4',i.\' 3 SH Nun, R., Nigeria 4 4(IN 6 OK Oporto, Portugal 41 ON 8 S7W Painted Desert. United stites SO 45x 112 ow Nikolaistad, liu^ia (13 (IN 21 5i)i5 N(((ieatun, lOiigland 52 SOS 1 SOW Opotiki New Zealand 38 OS 177 SUE Palshan, Mt. Maucliuria 42 2UX 127 2ilK Russia 47 IN 31 5S(.; Nikolayet, Nunez, 11., Fr. W. Alrlra ill 52s 14 20w 1 Ippeln, Prussia 6U 37x 17 50E Paisley, Scotland 55 5LS 4 27w Nikolayevsk, S[beria 51 ON 1 1(1 OK Nupe, Dist., Nigeria 9 UN 6 UK Oran, Algeria 35 2UN U 22W Pak-chan, Burma lU SUN 98 54E 45i\ .556- Niksliich, Montenegro 42 IS Nureiuberg, Bavaria (.s.v NilrnbiTg) ( , Argentina 23 10s 64 25W Paknam, Slam IS lUX lUU S8E Nile, R., Egypt 2S ON 31 50L.; Nlirnbeig, Bavaria 49 27N 11 6E (Irauge, .Australia 33 14s 149 lOE Pa-kol, China 21 3.5N 1U9 24E Nilgin Hills, Madras 11 15N 70 30E Nnahkl, IJaluchlstiui 29 35N 66 OE Orange, France 44 9N 4 48B Palamau, Bengal 23 48N 84 18B Nimcs, Kranee 43 5UN 4 22lC Nutrias, Venezuela 7 33s 68 55w Orange, C, Fr. Guiaua 4 2UN 51 2ew Palamos, Spain 41 52x 3 9E Niinru(3,Huins of, Turkey in Asia 32 2UN 41 15]^ Nyaiigwe, Congo State 4 lus 26 5(1E Orange E., S. Africa 30 45S 36 OE Palanpur. Bombay 34 13N 72 SOE Ninety Mile Beacb, Australia 37 43S 14'.( OK Nyasa, L., 0(jiitral Africa 12 Us 34 30ic Orange Elver Colony. S. Africa 28 30s 27 OE Palapye, Bcehnaualand 22 S9s 27 16E Niug-sha, China 3S 20K 105 .|5k Nyeslian, Russia 51 2N 32 OE Oravlcza, Hungary 45 IN 21 40B Palar, R., .Madras 12 SOX 80 OE Ninguta, Maucliuria 44 3(IN 1211 40k Nviregyhaza, Hungary 47 5(:n 21 14E Orbe, R., Switzerlanil 46 45N 6 22E Palau Is., Pacific Oc. 7 SON 134 .SOE Nin'g-po, Cliina 29 58N 121 52K Nyitn^ Hun.gavy 48 12.S 18 2K (jrd R., Australia 15 35s 138 45E Palawan, L, Philippine Is. 9 SON 118 30E Niiiive, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 3(1 17N 43 2.S|.; Nylstroom, Transvaal 21 41s 28 20K Ord of Caithness, Scutlaud .58 SX 3 SOW Palembang, Sumatra 3 54S 104 50E

Niolirara, B., United Stiitcs 43 UN 102 Ow Nyniagi'e, Australia 31 57s 146 21 1-: Ordos,, Mongolia 39 35X 107 SUE Paleucla, Spain 42 IN 4 SSW Niort, France 46 22N 24\\' Nyiueg.Mi, Netlierlands 51 50N 5 62E Ore Mts., Saxony 60 SOX 13 OE Palermo, Italy 33 8N 13 SUE Nipigon L., Canada 40 40N 88 25w Nyon, Switzerland 46 22N 6 13K Orebro. Sweden 59 16N 15 6E Palestine, Dist., Turkey in Asia 31 40s 35 UE Nipissing, L,, Canada 4(i 17N 70 45"\y Oregon, St., United States 44 ON 131 OW Palghat, iladrsLS lu 48N 76 42E Nippon (see Japan) OAHU, I., Pacific Oc. 21 SOS 1.68 IOW Orel, Russia 63 ON 36 4E Palk Str., B. of Bengal 10 Ox 80 OE Niris, Pereia 29 2UN 54 5E Oajaca, Mexico 17 ION 90 SOW Orenburg. Russia 61 48N 56 2E Palll, Rajput.aua 25 -iSN 73 24B Nish, Servia 43 16N 21 58K Oakham, Englaml 52 40s U 44W Orense, Spain 42 18N 7 64w Palllser, C, New Zealand 41 38S 175 25w Nisliava, R., Servia 43 8N 22 2lE Uauiaru, New Zealand 45 2S 171 2E Orepnkl, New Zealand 46 183 167 48E Palma, Spalu 39 35N 2 40B Nishni Novgorod, Russia 50 2n 43 50k Oasis Dakhel, Etrypt 25 ISs 29 OE Orford, England 52 6N 1 36E Palmas, 0., Liberia 4 22N 7 44W Nislini Tagilsk, Russia 57 53x 60 OE Oasis Farafrah, Egypt 27 2ilN 28 20E Orford Ness, 0., England 62 6N 1 38 K Palmerston, Australia 12 28s ISl 2E Nitlisdale, Sootlaml 55 20N 3 56\v Oasis of Sellmab, Egyptian Sudan 21 18N Orlhuela, Spain 38 7N 69w Palmerston, New Zealand 45 30s 170 45E Niti P., Agra and Oudh 30 48N 79 54k 29 35b Orlng Nor L., Tibet 35 ON 97 lOB Palmerston, C, Australia 21 SOS 149 32E Ninafu, I., Pacific Oc. 16 3US 175 52W' Ob, (4. of the, Siberia 68 ON 76 OE Orinoco, Delta of tlie, Venezucda 9 Ox 6U OW Palmerston N., New Zealand 40 19s 175 S8K Niucliwaug, Manchuria 40 50n 122 3.8k Oil, R., Siberia 04 UN 64 20E Orinoco. R., Venezuela 3 4nN 69 3Uw Palmyra, I., Pacific Oc. 6 2N 162 40 iv Nivernais, Dist.. Prance 47 25N 3 15E Oba, Dutch E. Indies (Inset) 44K 127 37E Orlssa, Dist., Bengal 21 42N 86 OE Palmyra, Ruins of, Turkey In Asia 34 25N Nizwa, Omau 22 50n 57 OK Oban, Scotland 56 26N 6 28 w Oristano, Italy 39 61x 8 39E 37 58E No Ness, C, Shetland Is., Scotland (inset) Obbla, Italian Soinaliland 6 2lN 48 14E Orizaba, Mexico 19 6N 97 4UW Palmyras Pt., Bengal 20 56N 86 58E 59 58N 1 low Obchei Syrt, Mts., Russia 51 SON 50 OK Orkney Is., Scotland 59 lUN S 30w Palos, Spalu 37 ION 6 52w No Shima, Pen., Japan (inset) 34 54N 139 5lE Obdorsk, Russia 66 30N 66 30E Orkney Is. S., Southern Oc. 61 Us 46 Ov Palos, C. de, Spain 37 39X 41W Noagarh, Central Provs. 20 SON 82 12E Oberland, Plat., Sn ItzcrUrnd 46 SOX 7 45E Oileanais, Prov., France 47 50N 2 OB Pambam. Madras 9 ISx 79 18E Noakhali, Bengal 22 48N 91 6E Obi. Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 463 127 4UE Orleans, Canada 46 50x 71 low Pamir, Plat., Russian Turkestan 38 Ox 73 SOE Noddawav, R., Canada 50 ON 77 30\y Obidos, Brazil 1 61S 55 SOW Olrleans, France 47 55N 1 54E Pamlico Sd., United States S5 lOx 76 ow Nogat, R.', Prussia 54 UN 19 UE Ochll Hills, Scotland 66 15N 3 40w (Jrinara, Baluchistan 25 12x 64 S6E Pamphylla, Dist., Turkey In Asia 37 lux Noirmoutier, I., France 46 59N 2 18i\' Ock, R., England 51 40N 1 26 W Orinsklrk, England 53 35N 2 53w^ SI lUE Nonango, Australia 26 43S 152 3E Odakl, Japan (Inset) 36 14N 140 11 E Oruinz, Str. of, Persia 36 SON 66 lOE Pampas, Pis.. Argentina 36 SOS 66 Ow Nongkiii, Slam 17 45N 1U2 20E Odawara, Japan (inset) 35 14N 139 17B Orue, Dept., France 48 40N 12w Pauiploua, Spain 42 49N 1 40W Noniii, R., Mongolia 46 20N 124 20B Oilenburg, Hnugary 47 41N 16 4UE Orontes, H., Turkey In Asia 36 ON 30 25 e Panama, Colombia 9 Ux 79 SUW Nootka Sd.. Canada 49 25N 126 3Uw Odcuse, Denmark 55 22N 10 25 k Oroya, Peru 11 48s 76 Ow Panama, G. of, Colombia 8 ON 80 Ow

Nord, Dept , France 50 25K 3 15K Odenwald, Mts., Germauy 49 4UN 9 OE Orsk, Russia 61 8N 58 45 B Panama, Isth. of, t'olombia 9 OX 80 OW Norder Rheiu, R.. Switzerlanil 46 47N 9 12E Oiler, E., Prussia 5S ON 14 2E Orsova, Hungary 44 4SN 22 25E Panay, I., Philippine Is. 11 30X 122 SUE Norderney, I., (jermany 53 40X 7 15 E Oderberg, Austria 49 64N 18 17B Ortegal, C, Spain 43 45X 7 66W Pancsova, Hungary 44 63x 20 40E Nordliansen, Prussia 51 26N 10 451S Odessa, Euss.a 46 32N SO SOE , Mts., Austria 46 S6N lU 60B Panderma, Turke\' in Asia 40 20X 27 5se Nordkvn, Norway 71 12N 27 SUE Oelras, Brazil 7 OS 42 20W Oruba, I., W. ludies 12 3Ux 7U UW Panu'anl, R., Ger.'fi. Africa 4 40s 38 OB Norc L.-Y.. England 51 28N 48E Oels, Prussia 61 UN 17 19E Oruro, Bolivia 17 52s 67 SUw Panlpat, Punjab 39 24N 77 OE Nore, R., Ireland 52 45N 7 25\V Ofanto, E.. Italy 41 25N 16 12E Orwell, R., England 52 UN 1 UE Pauja, E., Afghanistan 37 lOx 71 20E Norfolk, United States 36 52N 76 14w Men P., Switzerland 46 39N 10 2lB Osel I.. Russia 58 SON 22 SOB Panjdeh, Russian Turkestan 36 18x 62 44E Norfolk, Co., England 62 46N 1 OE Offenbach, Germany 60 5N 8 44E Osh, Russian Turkestan 40 26N 73 36E Panjgur, Dist., Baluchistan 26 40X OS 45E Norfolk Is., Pacific Oc. 29 OS 1 67 48E Ofoten Pd., Norway 68 SUN 16 OE Oshkosh, United States 44 4N 88 S6W Panjim, Goa 15 30x 73 4SE Norham, England 55 41N 2 luw Ogden, United States 41 26N 112 Ow Osma, R., Bulgaria 43 8N 35 UE Pantar I., Dutch E. Indies 8 30s 124 lOE Norman, R, Australia 18 50s 141 50E Ogdensburg, United States 44 36N 75 3, h Osuabmck. Prussia 52 llx 8 IE Pantellaria I., Italy 36 48N 11 69E Ossa, Mt. (Jreece 39 5UN 22 45E Papa Stour, I.. Shetland Is., Scotland (insetl Normandy, Prov., France 48 SON Ogllo, R , Italy 46 8N lU 12B Normauton, Australia 17 45s 140 57E Ogost, R., Bulgaria 43 SON 23 35E Ossan, Dist., France 43 Ox 36W 60 19X 1 4UW Norrkopiug, Sweden 58 34X 16 5K Ogowe, E., Fr. Congo 10s 10 35K Ostende, Belgium 51 14X 2 50B Papa Westray, I., Scotland 69 20N 2 54w Norrland, Uiv., Sweden 64 30N 17 30E Ohio, R., UnltedStates 38 OX 88 OW Ostersund, Sweden 63 15x 14 50E Paps, Mt., Scotland 55 55x 5 55W North Bay, Canada 46 18N 79 28W Ohio, St., United States 40 UN 83 0..' , Turkey 40 41X 21 5ue Paps, The, Mts.. Ireland 52 3X 9 16W North Bi'rwicfc, Scotlanil 56 3N 2 44W Olch, L., Scotland 67 4N 4 47w Oswego, Unlteii St((ti(S 43 25N 76 SOW Papua, G. of. New Guinea 8 SOS 146 OE North, 0., Canada 47 4N 60 25\\' Oil City, United States 41 30N (9 SOW Oswestry, Englaml 51 51H 3 4W Para, Brazil 1 50S 48 60w North C, New Zealand 34 25s 173 OE Oise, Dept., France 49 47N 2 lUB Otago Hr., New Zealand 45 6US 17U 45 E Para, R., Brazil 40s 48 UW North 0., Norway 71 12N 25 30E Oise, R., France 49 SUN 2 5UE Otaru, Japan 43 2UN 140 58 E Paracels Reefs, S. China S -a 16 lOx 112 2UE North Carolina, St., United States 35 30N Oltoz P., Romania 46 Ox 20 24B Othrys, Mts., Greece 39 ON 22 30E Paragua, I., Philippine Is. 10 UN 118 SOK 78 SOW Oka, R., Russia 56 ON 42 20E Otley, England 63 4Cx Paragnana Pen., Yenezue a 11 46x 70 Ow North Ch., Ireland 55 Ox 5 SOW Okebamptun, England 50 45N 4 Iw Otrauto, Italy 4U lox 18 28 E Paraguay, E., S. America 16 OS 57 Ow Otrauto, Str.' of, Turkey 2(lx Paraguay, St., S. 57 Nortii Devon, I., Canada 75 UN 85 0"W Okhotsk, Siberia 59 40x 143 OB 40 19 OK America 24 Os U\y 52 North Downs, England 61 2UN U 30E Okhotsk, S. of, Asia 64 ON 150 UE (Jttawa, Canada 46 12x^ 75 W" Parahyba, Brazil 7 9s 35 lOw 79 E., North Foreland, 0., Euglaiid 51 22N 1 26E Okhrlda, Turkey 41 5N 20 4CE Ottawa, L., Canada 48 lox 2UW Parahyba, Brazil 22 SOS 42 SOW Ottawa, R., Canada 47 77 Parabyba, St., Brazil 6 37 North I., New Zealand 38 OS 176 UE Okkak, Labrador 57 SUN 62 OW 33N ow 42s 8W Paramaribo, 65 JS'orth Riding, England 64 20N 1 3UW Oklahoma. St., United States 36 UN 98 UW Otter, R., England 50 49N 3 ISW Dutcli Guiaua 5 16X ow England 55 3 Paramatta, Australia 33 150 North Ronaldsay, I., Scotland 59 23N 2 24W Olaud, I., Sweden 66 45X 16 40E Otterburn, 14N 14W 49s 48K Can., Netherlands 52 28N 4 36k Old Calabar, Nigeria 4 59N 8 20E Otway, C, Australia 38 61S 143 33E Parana, Brazil 31 63S 60 13^y 16 E., North Shields, England 65 IN 1 25W Old Dongola, Egyptian Suilan 18 20N 31 51.; Otyikango, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 Us 61E Parana, Argentina 28 OS 67 OW St., Brazil North Sd., Scotland 59 21N 3 45w Old Hd. of Kiusiile, Ireland 51 34N 8 31 w Otyimblngue, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 I4S 16 4E Parana, 34 Us 63 30w North Tvue, B., England 65 20N 2 iOw Old Man, Mt., England 64 22x 3 Uw Oudh (with Agra), Prov., India 27 40N 81 SOE Paraua-Panema, R., Brazil 22 20s 50 OW North Walsham, England 52 50N 1 24E Old .Meldrum, Scotland 67 I9N 2 19W Oucssant, I., France 48 28N 5 8w Paranagua, Brazil 25 50s 47 SSW Ondtshoorn, 33 35S 22 Parauabyba, Brazil 3 12s 41 Northallerton, England 54 21 N 1 26\y Old Pr.ivldeuce, I., Colombia IS lUN 81 19W Cape Colony SB 38W Northampton, Australia 28 lOS 114 SUE Oldham, England 53 32x 2 8W Ouudle, England 62 29N 28W Paranahyba, R., Brazil 6 OS 43 30w Northampton, England 62 15K 54W Oldenburg, Gei-many 63 8N 8 8E Ouro Prcto, Brazil 20 lOS 43 12W Paranabyba, R., Brazil 18 40S 49 OW Parbatl, Northamptou, Co., England 62 25N 1 Ow Oldenburg, G.D., Germany 53 Ox 8 lOB Ourtlie, R., Belgium 50 25x 6 28E R, Central India 34 4SN 77 OE Ouse, E., England 60 57X U 3B Paria Pen., Venezuela 10 SOX 62 Northern Ter, Dist., Australia 18 OS 133 OB Ol(iron, I., Prance 46 ON 1 24W SOW Northumberland, C, Australia 38 3S 140 40E Olllaut's R., Cape Colony 31 4IIS 18 20E Ouse, 14., England 63 49N 1 2W Parima, R., Brazil 3 UX 01 UW Ouse. R., Gt., 62 Paris, 48 2 Northuniberland, Co., England 66 ION 2 Uw Olifant's R., Transvaal 24 6s 31 14E England 35N 18W France 6UX 2lE Parkersburg, Northumberland Sd., United States 40 17N Olllaut's Vley.. L., Cape Colony SU 4S 21 45E Ouse, R., Little. England 52 Six SOW United States 39 16N 31 SSw 64 Ow Ohnutz, Austria 49 35X 17 SB Out Skerries, Is., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset) Parlaklmedl, Madras 11 48x 84 OE Parma, Italy 44 48X lU 21B North-west C, Australia 21 65s 113 55E Olney, England 52 9x 43w 60 34X 45W Dist.. S.W. Africa IS OS 10 SUE Paroo, R., Australia 29 144 26B Northwich, England 5S 15N 3 32W Olonek, R., Siberia 68 40N 113 OB Ovampo, Ger. OS Oveus R., Australia 36 20s 146 22B Paros, I.. Greece 37 OX 25 lOB Norway, St., Europe 63 ON 10 OE Olonetz. Russia 60 50N 33 UE , Arctic Regions 68 ON Olten, Swltzerlanrl 47 22N 7 45 B Oviedo. Spain 43 23X 5 58W Parret E., EU'-'land 511 5SX 3 49W Oweu Sd., Canada 44 32N SO 67W Parry Ls., Canada 76 SUx IIU Norwich, England 52 38N 1 18E Oltu, E. Romania 44 20N 34 24E Ow Overyssel, Prov., Netherlands 52 6 SOE Parry Sound, Canada 45 Nosob, E., Becbuanaland 25 46s 20 27 E Olut, Dist., Moneolia 41 ON 103 OB 25N 17N 80 OW Owen Stanley Ea., Br. Guinea (inset' 9 OS Parsonstowu, Ireland 63 8N 7 56W Noss Hd., S.'otland 68 28N 3 3W Ulympia, United States 47 5X 122 65W New Partabgarb, Eajputaiur 24 Noto, Italy 36 56N 15 7B Olympla, Ruins of, Greece S7 40X 21 20E 148 UE Ox 74 48E Owers L,V., England 60 39N 37w Paru, R., Brazil U U 53 64-w Notre Dame, B. of, Newfoundland 49 13N Olympus, Mt., Turkey 40 2N 22 23B 65 34W Cm Durman, Egyptian Sudan 15 42N S2 36B Ox Mts., Ireland 64 ION 8 6UW Pary's Mt., Wales 63 25N 4 23"W

( 17 1 E


I'iis-ile Ciiliiis,, Pnincp On 25N 1 UK Pescara, E., Italy 42 15N 14 OE Point ot Air, England 53 22N 3 20\y Poseu, Prussia 02 2lN 16 07E r;ispottiai-, (l;Lii;Lila IS I'l'x i;5 :.w Prsehiei-a. Italy 45 20N 10 56b Poitier.s, I'laiice 40 36N 22E Poscn, Prov., Prussia 52 25N 10 65E

l'n^s;un, B;ilin_'lii^t;ili i?-j l:)N Ij2 O.jL: Peshawar, N.-W. Frontier Pnir. 34 2:,- 71 35E P.iitiiu, Prov., France 40 SIN Posharevatz, Servia 44 36N 21 OE I'ii^siiu. Biivaria 4S :;'ls 13 ISk Pcsqnetio, H., Mc.\:ico 26 15N loi) 3o\y Tola, Austria 44 63N 13 60E Possession I., S.W. Africa 20 45s 15 2B Past^LTO. 0., Italy 30 -lliN la SB Peten. L., Gnateinala 17 lOX 89 50w , Div., Russia 61 30n 21 OE Potchefstroom, Transvaal 26 48s 27 HIE I'a-^to, (Jaloiuliia 1 UN 77 ;sl\v' Peter I., Antarctic Oc. 09 OS 91 Off Podolia, Dist., Russia 48 60X 28 OE Potenza, Italy 40 .SOX 15 50E I'ataLTODia. Dist., Ari,'rntina 46 (•^^ 70 0\v IVter the Great, Bay of. SihiTia 42 5UN 131 lUE Poldeu Hills, England 61 lux 2 15\V Poti, Russia 42 lux 1140E rata^'Oiiian Arch., Cliili? .30 Us 7.3 U\\^ Peterborough, England 52 .Jlx 14\y I'olicastro, Italy 40 2N 15 SOE Potomac, H,, Uniied States 30 SOX 77 OW 1 'atari, Bcimbay 24 UN 72 12E Peterhead, Scotland 57 30X 1 40\y Polino, Mt., Italy 39 50N 15 50E Potosi. Bolivia 19 40S 65 40W Pataiii, llal.ay Pen. r, .38N' lUl 19E PetiTinan Peak, Greenland 73 SUN 30 Ow Poltava. Russia 48 38N SO 40B Potosi, Mt., Bolivia 19 40s 05 S5w I'ati'a, Nl'W Zealand 31i I2.S 174 2(;['] Petersburg, United St,ates 37 ION 77 30\y Polynesia. Pacific Oc. 5 ON 10 OW Potsdam, Prussia 52 24N 13 2E I'atrivon. Uniteil States 40 ."'CN 74 8i? Petersfteld, England 51 ON 57w Pondiclierri, Madras 11 58N 70 381! Pottei-s I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 34N Patiala, rnnjab 30 ISN 76 24B Peterwardein, Hungary 45 ION 19 581! Pomerania, Prov., Pnissia 53 ISX 15 01! 127 21E I'atkai Mts., Burma 20 SON 1).') OK Pi:tra, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 30 2ux 35 47 1-; Pomona, I., Scotland 50 ON 3 SOW Poulton, England 54 5N 2 OOW Patinos. L.Tnrkev in Asia 37 Is.v 2G 331! Petro Alexandrovsk, Russian Turkestan 41 25N Ponce, W. Indies 18 5N 66 45w Poverty .B., New Zealand 38 4SS 178 OB Patna, Bengal 23 30x 85 IE 01 5E Pondo Land, Oape Colony 32 OS 29 OE Powder R., United States 45 ox 106 15E Patos, Lngoa ilo.s, L,. Brazil 31 30s 51 20W Petrolia, Canada 42 48N 82 12W Pongo, R., Fr. W. Africa 10 ON 14 9W Poyang, L., China 20 ON 116 35E Patras, Greeee 38 12N 21 48 E Petropavlovsk, Rnssia 60 15x 59 50 E Pongo de Manseriche, Peru 4 OS 76 7\y Prague, Austria 50 OX 14 261! Pattalam, Ceylon 8 ON 70 50E Petropavlovsk, Siberia 52 SON 138 52E Pongolo. B., Transvaal 24 83 28 8E Pratas, Is., Pacific Oc. 20 SON 116 51 E Pan, France 43 19N 23-sy PetroYSk, Russia 42 50N 47 24B Pontarlier, France 46 55N 6 20E Prilttigan, Dist., Switzerland 46 30X 451! Panillac, France 43 14N iSW Petrozavodsk, Rnssia 01 45E 34 15E Pontefract, England 53 42N 1 22W Pregel, B. 64 38N 21 SB Panniotu Arcli., Pacific Oc. 17 03 1 1.3 Ow Petuna, Manchuria 45 17N 125 22B Pontenedra, Spain 42 29N 8 S4W Prentzlau, Prussia 53 15x 13 53E Pann^f Laung, Ra., Bnrma 18 ON 97 OE Pevensey, England 50 50N 21E Pontianak, Borneo lOS 109 15B Preparis, Is., Andaman Is. 14 48N 93 42E Pan-tinf?, Oliina 39 2N 115 44E Pewsej', England 51 2lN 1 41w Pontine Marshes, Italy 41 26x 13 OE Prerau, Austria 40 23N 17 231! Pavia, Italy 4.3 13N 9 lOE Phaltan, Bombay 18 ON 74 SOE Pontine Mts., Turkey in Asia 40 40X 30 Ol! Presba, L., Turkey 40 65x 20 58 B Payta, Peru 3 15s 81 5^y Pharpar, R., Palestine 33 23X 36 21 E Pontresina, Switzerland 46 SON 62E Pressburg, Hungary 48 7N 17 5B Pc, R., Oliina 24 4UN 113 lOE Phaseolis, Palestine 32 3N 35 29b Pontypool, England 51 42N 3 2\y Presteign, Wales 52 ION 3 13y Peace R., Oanaila 58 35N 115'Ow Pliersala, Greece 30 12N 22 22E Pontypridd, Wales 51 36N 3 20\y Preston, England 53 45x 2 42\y Peak, Tlie, England 53 23N 1 r <\r Philadelphia, United .States 39 4.8N 75 22w Poole, England 50 41N 1 58W Prestonpans, Scotlanrl 55 58X 2 58w Peak Ha., Australia 22 303 148 uE Philippine Is., East Indies 12 ON 12J OE Poona, Bombay 18 32N 73 53 E Pretoria, Transvaal 25 563 28 14E Pearl Is., Colombia 8 15s 79 Ow Philippolis, Orange River Colony SO 20s 25 SUE Popayau, Colombia 2 9N 70 48W Preveza, Turkey 38 57X 20 46E Pechili, G. of, China 38 30N 119 30B Philippopolis, Bulg.aria 42 SN 24 51 E Popocatapetl, Mt., Mexico 19 Ox 98 35\v Prieska, Oape Colony 29 43S 23 35E Peohili, Proy., China 38 20N 115 Oe Philipstown Grand Can., Ireland 53 ION 7 OW Porbandar, Bombay 21 SON 00 48 E Prizren, Turkey 42 i2N 30 40 E Pechora, R., Russia 60 35N 51 32E Plioois, Prov., Greece 38 34X 22 50E Porrentruy, & Switzerland 47 26x 7 5E Prince I., G. of Guinea 1 40N 7 15E Pecos, Rio, R., United States 31 30N 102 Sow Phcenix, United States 33 S2N 112 OW Port Adelaide, Australia 34 48s 138 SOE Prince Albert, Canada 63 ON 105 SOW Pedee, R,, United States 34 20N 79 50\v Phoenix Is., Pacific Oc. 4 03 172 SOW Port .Albert, Australia 38 363 146 44E Prince Albert, Cape Colony 33 10s 22 Ob I'etlir, Sumatra 5 19N 96 12E Plirygia, Dist., Turkey in Asia S8 20N 30 OE Port Alfred, Oape Colony S3 393 20 60E Prince Albert Land, Canada 71 ON 112 Ow Peebles, Scotland 55 39N 3 14yy Phthiotis, Prov., Greece .38 42s 22 HE Port Arthur, Canada 48 8N 80 28w Prince Edward I., Canada 46 26N 63 OW Peebles, Co.. Scotland 55 35N 3 15w Piacenza, Italy 45 SX 45E Port Arthur, Manchuria 38 68n 121 20E Prince Edward Is.. Indian Oc. 46 OS 37 OE Peel, Isle of Man 54 13N 4 42ff Piauhy, R., Brazil 7 SOS 12 S03V Port au Prince, Haiti 18 35N 72 32W Prince of Wales 0., Alaska 05 SON 168 Ow Peel Pell, Mt., England 55 17N 2 30 ly Piaiihy, St., Brazil 7 .303 42 SOiy Port Augusta, Australia 32 20s 137 55E Prince of Wales L, Australia 10 403 142 lOE Poel R., Australia 30 lOS 149 lOH Piave, R., Italy 45 34N 12 12B Port Basque, Newfoundland (inset) 47 SON Prince of Wales I., Canada 72 SON 100 Ow Peeuc, R., Prussia 53 51N 13 45B Picanly. France 50 Ox S OE 6'.l 5e Princess Charlotte B., Australia 14 lOS 144 OE Pegasus B„ New Zealand 43 20S 173 OE Pickering, England 54 15N 46"W Port Blair, Andaman Is. 11 42x 02 12B Principe, I. do, G. of Guinea 1 40N 7 151! Pegu, Burma 17 18N 96 30E Picton, Canada 45 4Sx 02 53W Port Bowen, Australia 22 273 150 S8E Prishtiua, Turkey 42 36x 21 OB Pegu, Youia Mts., Burma 19 ON 90 OB Picton, New Zealanil 41 22S 174 2E Port Ohalniers, New Zealand 46 483 170 4lE Privas, France 44 44N 4 37E Peiho, R., China 39 ON 118 30E Pidirutalagala, Mt., Ceylon 6 SON 80 lOK Port Curtis. Australia 23 48S 151 ISE Progresso, Mexico 21 SON 89 40w Pcipus, L., Russia 5S 30N 27 30B Piedmont, Prov., Italy 43 ION 7 50E I'ort Darwin, Australia 12 203 130 58E Prome, Bnrma 18 48x 05 13B PeivvarKotal, N.W.Frontier Prov. 33 Six 70 OE Piel I., Englanil 54 4N 3 UW Port Deuison, Hi-. Australia 30 OS 148 18E Promise, PI. of, Australia 18 OS 140 OE Pekan, Straits Settlements 3 20N 103 15 B Pierre, United States 44 35N 100 12«' Port Douglas, Australia 16 503 145 25E Provence, Prov., France 43 SOX 6 OB Peking, China 39 55N 110 42E Pietermaritzljurg, Natal 29 32s 30 25E Port Elizabeth, Oape Colony 33 533 25 27 E Providence, United States 41 40X 71 24^y Pelew Is., Pacific Oc. 7 30N 134 30 E Pietersburg, Trausvaal 23 55s 29 31E Port Essington, Hr., Australia 11 SOS 132 5B Prussia, King,, Ger. Empire 52 SON 13 OE Pcling Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 303 123 OE Pietros, Mt.. Hungary 48 2N 24 SOE Port Fairy, Australia 38 10s 112 4B , B., Austria 48 SOX 24 54B Pelion, Mt., Greece 39 29N 23 OE Pictrosul, Mt., Hungary 47 UN 25 5E Port Florence, Br. E. Africa 10s 54 50 B Przemysl, Austria 49 47N 22 SOE Pella, Palestine 32 2nN 35 37E Pigeon R.. United States 48 8N 90 On' Port GlaSL.'OW, Scotlanil 55 56N 4 42w Pskof, Russia 57 68N 28 6E Pclla, Cape Colony 29 4s 19 lOE Pike's Peak. United States 39 ON 105 0^y Port Hamilton, Oorea 34 6N 125 lOE Ptolemais, Palestine S3 55N 35 SB Pelly R., Canada i32 ON 132 Ow Pilate, Mt., Switzerland 46 59x 8 lOE Port Hope, Canada 43 55N 78 103y Pudukattai, Madras 10 24N 78 4SE Pelotas, Brazil 31 503 52 45w Pilliarra. Aiistr.alia 21 35s 118 25E Port Huron, United Stntes 43 IN 82 24\y Puebia, Mexico 19 3N 08 4w Pemba, I., Br. E. Africa 5 OS 39 50E Pilcomayo, R., Argentina 23 SOS 61 O'V Port Jackson, Australia 33 50S 151 2B Pueblo, United States 38 S2N 105 Ow Pembroke. Wales 51 41N 4 57\y Pilibbit, Agra and Ondli 28 36X 79 48E Port Louis, Mauritius 20 Ss 57 32E Puerto Montt, Ohllo 41 203 72 SOW Pembroke. Co., Wales 51 50N 4 50vy Pillau, Prnssia 64 39N 19 .53E Port Macdonnell, Australia 38 23 140 44E Puerto Plata, W. Indies 10 45x 70 43w Penang, Dist., Straits Settlements 3 20N 103 lOE Pilsen, Austria 49 48N 13 19E Port Macquarie, Australia 31 36s 163 42B Puerto Princesa, Philippine Is. 8 48.N 117 65E Penang I., Malay Pen. 5 25N 100 2e Pind Dadan Khan, Punjab S2 36N 73 OE Port Moresby, Br. New Guinea (in.-etj 9 2Ss Puerto Principe, Cuba 21 20x 77 65w Pendle Hill, England 63 4BN 2 18w Pindns, Mts., Turkey 39 SOX 21 SOB 147 15E Puerto Rico, I. West Indies 18 SOx 00 40W Pene !o, Brazil 10 10s 30 30w Pill" Creek. Australia 13 47s ISl S6B Port Natal, Natal 29 54s 30 58E Puffin I., Wales S3 20x 4 2w Pemranga, U., Central Provs. 19 SON 7S OE Pinerolo, Italy 44 63N 7 24E Port Nolloth, Cape Colony 29 183 16 6SE Puget Sd., Unired States 47 SON 123 30w Penguin I., Ger.S.W. Africa 20 30s 15 lUE Ping-yang, Onrea .30 ION 126 lOE Port of Spain, Trinidad, W. Indies 10 38N Puigcerda, Spain 42 2 IX 1 631! Pcniche, Portugal 39 18N 9 21W Pinos, I. de. W. Indies 21 S5N 83 Ow 61 3SW Puket, Malay Pen., 8 ON 08 On Penicuik, Scotland 55 51N 3 9\y Pinzgan, V.alley, Austria 47 16N 12 SOE Port Patrick, Scotland 54 SOX 5 9w Pulioat. L. of, Madras 13 42N 18 12E Penmarch, 0.. Prance 47 52N 4 2.3W Pinsk, Russia 52 ON 20 OE Port Philliii, Australia 38 03 144 36E Pulo Konilor Is., Indo-ChinaS 32X lOo .SUE Penna, Mt., Itah' 44 30N 9 36E Piotrkow, Russia 61 20N 19 23E Port Pirie, .Australia 33 9S 138 4E Pulo Lant, Is., Dutch E. Indies 3 60s 116 lOE Penua, Puiita della, Italy 42 12N 14 50E Pirot, Servia 43 ION 22 38E Port Said, Egypt 31 15X 32 lOE Punakha, Bhutan 27 SON 80 64E Pcnnar, R.. Madras 14 30N 80 OE Pira-ns, Greece 37 .38N 23 43E Port Savanna, Mauritius 20 S2S 67 S5B Punjab, Prov., India 32 ON 74 OE Pcnnegent, Mt., England 54 9N 2 llw Pisa, Italy 43 42x10 21 Port Siinpsun, Canada 54 32X 130 20W Puno, Peru 15 52s 70 lOw Pennine Ba,, England 54 30N 2 20w Pisco, Peru 13 65s 76 lOW Port Stanley, Canada 42 47N 81 low Punta Arenas, Chile 55 OS 72 Ow Pennsylvania, St., United States 41 On 78 .SOW Pisck, Austria 49 20X U 9E Port Stephens, Hr., Australia S2 SOS 152 On I'unta Arenas, Costa Rica 56N 84 40w Penobscot B., United States 45 ION i;8 4S\v Pisgah, B., Palestine 31 44X 33 I2E Port Victor, Australia 36 SOS 138 SOE Purbeck I., England 50 39N 2 6W Penrlivn I., Pacific Go. 8 32s 1.38 20iy Pishin, Br. Kaliichistan SI ON 07 OB Port Victoria, England 51 'ifj:^ 41x Puri, Bengal 19 48N 85 48E Penrith, Ouniberland 54 39N 2 48\y I'istoja, Italy 43 55N 10 52l! Port Wakefield, Australia 34 103 138 15E Purniah, Bengal 25 4SN 87 SOE Pcnryn, England 50 1 IN 5 7\y Pisiierga, K., Spain 42 ON 4 SOW Poitadowii, Ireland 54 35N 27w Purus, B., Brazil 7 S2s 07 Ow Pensacola, United States 30 35N .87 I3\y Pitesci, Romania 44 51N 24 62K Portaferry, Ireland 54 3SX 5 SOW Pusegar Pt,, New Zealand 40 lis 166 111! O.N 221': Pentedaktvlon, Mts , Greece 37 22 Pitlochry, Scotland 56 42N 3 42W I'ortalegre, Portugal 39 ION 7 24W Puster Thai, Valley, Austria 46 40N 12 lui-; Pen Hand F., Scotland 58 43N 3 14\v Pitsanulok, Slam 16 45N 100 23E Portarlington, Irelaud 53 ION 7 12W Pnstozersk, Russia 67 32N 52 35 E Pentland Hills, Scotland 65 SON 3 2t\r Pittsburgh, United States 40 SON 79 SOW Porth Dinlle^n, Wales 52 55X 4 31W Putumayo, R., Colombia 3 9s 73 SOW Pentland Skerries, Is., Scotland 55 4U.N 2 55\\' Piura, Peru 5 9s 80 35«' Porthcawl, VValcs 51 28x 3 42W Puy, Le, France 45 2N 3 52K Pi'iiuel, Jtt., Palestine 32 5N 35 5lB , Mt., Switzerland 46 22X 60E Portishead, England 51 SOX 2 47w Puy-de-Dome, Dept., France 45 S9x 2 481! Peuzil, Russia 53 ON 44 59E Piz Linard. Mt.. Switzerland 46 48\- 10 '>;•: Portland, Australia SS 13s 141 38E Puy de Dome, Mt., France 46 45X 2 S5E Penzance, England 50 7N 5 31W Phicentia, Newfoundland (insetj 47 12N Portland (Maine), United States 43 59n 70 2w Pwllheli, Wales 52 53x 4 2Sw Poor, R., Palestine 31 41N 35 39E 53 58W Portland (Oregon) United states 45 SUN Pyrenees, Mts., Australia 37 17S 144 OE 34«' P.'oria, United States 40 48x S'.i Placentia B., Newfoundland (inset) 47 20.\ 132 53W P.yicniies, Mts., France 43 ON 1 OE Perak, St., Malay Pen. 4 30x 100 Jsk 64 4UW Poitland, Bill of, 0., England 50 33x 2 2Kw Pyrenees, Basses-, Dept.. France 43 18x 54W Perche, Le, Dist., France 48 23x 1 OIO Plainhy, Australia 24 553 150 OE Ponland Isle, England 50 Sox 2 SOW Pyren6es, Haut's-, Dept.. France 43 lox lOE Perche, La, Mt., France 42 50N 2 36E Planchon P., Argentina 35 S5S 69 20w Pnrto Alegre, Brazil 30 03 51 Ow Pyrcnijes-Orientales, Dept., France 42 SSx 2 SOE Perdu, Mt., France 12 50X 12E Plasencia, Spiiiii 40 4X 6 8W Portm.adoc, Wales 62 53.\ 4 7\y Pyrenees, Mts., Brazil 15 40s 48 60W Pcrigord, Dist., France 45 Ox 23e Pliissy, Bengal 23 42X 88 lOE Poi-to Cabello, Venezuela 10 22N 63 12W Pyrgos, Greece 37 40X 21 28E Perigneux, France 45 ]5x 45E Plata, Rio de la, B., ,S. America 35 OS 57 Ow Porto Lnperial, Brazil 10 7S 48 SOW Pyritz, Prussia 53 IN 14 53B Perim, I., Red Sea 12 39X 43 40E Platte B., United States 41 5N 99 25w Porto Novi-, Madras 11 SOX 79 48 E Platte B., N., .States Perim Dagh, Mts., Turkey 41 30X 23 32E United 41 lox 103 Ow Porto Rico, I,, W. ludii s 18 SOX 60 40w QUANTOCK HILLS, England 51 8n 3 12W Perm. Russia 57 50N 50 30 E Platte B., .S., United States 40 .30N 103 Uw Porto Seguro, Brazil 10 263 39 8W t)uarken Is, Rnssia 63 20X 21 SOE Pci-niyak, Russia 59 SOX Ho OE Plauen, Sa.xony 50 SON 12 5e Porto Torres. Italy 40 47N 8 19 E Qnarnero G., Austria 44 SOX 14 lOB Peruambnco, Brazil 8 5s S5 low Plenty, Bay of. New Zeulimd 37 45s 177 OE Portolicllo, Scotland 65 57x 3 6\y Quathamba Mts., Basnto Land 30 OS 28 401! Pernambuco, St., Bnizil 8 OS SO OW Pless, Prussia 49 54N 18 45E Porlonovo, Fr, W. Africa 6 39N 2 32E (Quebec, Canada 47 Ox 71 Ow Pcrnau, Rnssia 58 25X 21 30E Plettenberg B., Cape Colony 34 5s 23 33K Portree, Scotland 57 26x 6 I2W (Jiiebec, Prov., Canada 49 ON 70 Ow Perpiguau, France 42 43N 2 53E Plevna, Bulgaria 43 25x 24 42B Portrush, Ireland 65 12N 6 SOW CJneen Charlotte Is,, Canada 53 ON 132 Ow Ploek, 53 10 Persante R.. Prussia 51 ox 15 40E Biissia 39N 40E Portsay, Scotland 57 42N 2 40w Queen Charlotte Sd., Canada 50 50x 128 ow Persepolis, Ruins of. Persia 30 ON 63 OE Plocsci, Romania 44 60X 26 OE Portsmouth, England 50 48N 1 Ow ()ueen Victoria Spring, Australia SO 358 123 4 e Persia, St., Asia 33 ON 55 OE PUito, Mt., Australia 25 OS 140 40E Portsmouth, United States 36 52X 70 UW Qneensboro', England 31 26.N 45E Asia 27 51 Plym, B., England .50 Sus 4 4\y States 54 Persian G., ON 30E Portsmouth, United 38 47N 82 w (Queen's Ch., England 51 30X 1 2lE Piymoutli, Perth, Australia 31 373 115 .38E England 50 21X 4 lOW Portsmouth, United States 43 Sx 70 4Sw (Jiieen's O)., Ireland 52 56N 7 20\y Scotland 56 25N 3 I'hiiioutli Sound, England 50 15N 4 sw Portugal, King., 40 I'crth, 26W Europe Ox 7 Ow ()ueensberry, Mt., Scotland 55 14N 3 38w Perth, Co., Scotland 50 30X 4 Ow I'lvnlimmou, Mt., Wales .32 SUN S 68 ,v Portngalete, Spain 43 18X 3 Iw (.Queensland, Div., Australia 24 OS 144 OK

1 1 0\y I'liuiii Penh, Indo-Ohina 3ln; Peru, St., S. America 303 75 11 56N 101 Portuguese E. Africa, Col., Africa 17 SO.s 35 OE tjneenstowu. Cape Colony 31 56s 27 2E Itiily 12 Po. Mouths of the, Italy 45 12 Perugia. 43 9N 24B Ox 21E Portuguese W. Africa^ Col., Africa 12 OS 18 OE C^ucenstown, Ireland 51 52N 8 19w 43 54N 13 2E Pn, n.,Italy45 0N 10 23E 8 Pcsaro, Italy Portnmna, Ireland 53 7x 12W (Juelpart, I., Corea 33 20N 126 20E Pescailores, Is., Japan 23 30N 119 40E Piidgoritzn, Montenegro 42 20N 19 2lE I'oseidonia, Greece S7 58N 23 4E Queretaro, Mexico 20 48n 100 lOw

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Quotta, Br. Balucliistau 30 12x C7 30E Renfrew, Co., Sagra, La, Mt., Spain Scotland 05 19N 4 28w Roiia, I., Scotland 50 8N 5 blw 38 ON 2 SOW TjlN 7(; Qiiilon, Ti'iivaiicore 8 3liE Rennes, France 48 1 Sagres, Portugal 37 IX 8 555V 7N 45\v Roncesvalles, Spain 43 IX 1 20V7 Quimiier, Frauce 48 Ox 4 H\v Ren-), R., Sagua, Italv 41 32X 13 I5B Roiida, Spain 36 47x 5 low Cuba 22 55x 80 19"W yiiito, Eciiailor 20S 78 I.'.h- Ri'sht, Saguen

Raratonga, I., Pacific Oc. 21 IDS 159 39iy Uiriu, L., Ireland 53 53x 7 48\v Rugby, England 52 23X 1 16yy St. Ives (Hants). England 52 19X 4yy Hiis el Aiu, Palestine 32 6x 34 50B Rio, Straits Settlements 46X 101 40E Rugen, L, Prussia 51 35X 13 20E St. John, Canada 46 2X 66 5-sv Ras el Hadd, C, Oman 22 25x 59 46 E Rio Cirarto, Argentina 33 2s 64 1^Y Rtlgenwalde, Prussia 51 2.tX 16 20E St.. John, L., Canada 48 32N 72 Ow Ras el Kelb, 0., Arabia 14 15X 48 55E Uio de Janeiro, Brazil 22 50s 43 44\v Ruhr, R., Prussia 61 25x 7 lOE St, John, E., Canada 47 lUs 68 Ow Riis Madrak, 0., Oman 19 Ox 57 36E Rio de Oro, W. Africa 23 15x 15 30\v Rirkwa, L., Gel-. E. Africa 8 20S 32 45E St. John's. Newfoundland 47 20x 63 6W Ras el Millj, 0., Egypt 31 5UX 25 OE Rio Grande do Nortec St., Brazil 6 35s 38 25w Rum I,, Scotland 57 Ox 6 19w^ St. John's Pt., Ireland 54 36N 8 27 vy Ras Rawai, 0., Egyptian Sudan 21 5X 37 20E Rio Grande do Sul, Br-azil 32 10s 52 35w Runaway, 0., New Zealand 37 31s 177 59E St. .Tohn's R„ Cape Colony 31 3os 29 30E Ras en Nakurali, C, Palestine 33 5x 35 6E Itio Grande do Snl, St., Brazil 28 US 52 Stlw Runcorn, England 53 21x 2 46w So. John's K., United States 30 20x 81 3Un- Has Dashan, Mt., Abyssinia 13 25x 38 20K Riobamba, Ecuador 1 483 7S 55"\y Ruyiert House, Canada 51 20x 78 40Ay St. Joseph, United States 39 65N 94 suw Uaslieya, Palestine 33 32X 35 50E Riobrreha, Colombia 11 2Sx 72 46W Rup rt's Land, Canada 53 25x 81 Ow St. .Toseph 1., Canada 46 17N 84 Ow Hassay, Sd. of, Scotland 57 25x 6 5W Rioja, Argentina 29 30s 06 53^y Ruplria, R., Greece 37 30X 22 UE St. Lawrence, Australia 22 253 149 30E Ilatburi, Siam 13 35X 99 50E Riou, R., Rirssia 42 5X 42 30E Rurki, Agra and Oudli 29 64X 77 64E St Lawrence, G. of, Canada 48 25x 62 Ow Ratlidrum, Ireland 52 54X 6 14W Ripon, England 54 8x 4 32W Ruschuk, Bulgaria 43 49x 25 57E St. Lawrence, R., Canada 49 ux 67 OW Ratlikeale, Irelaml 52 31N 8 5SW Riu-kiu Is., Japan 27 3UN 127 30B Rushcliffe, England 52 52X 1 9W St. Leonards, England 50 53N 33E Bathliu I., Ireland .55 17N 6 iny Riva, Austria 45 64N 10 52E Russell, New Zealand 35 23s 174 llio St. Lo, Prance 49 8n 1 6w Ratldiu U'Birue Is., Ireland 54 39X 8 49w Rivacliio, Spain 43 29N 7 7w Russia, Empire, Europe 55 ON 40 OE St. Louis, France 43 28N 4 48E Ratibor, Prussia 60 4N IS 14 n Riverinii, Dist., Australia 32 OS 146 OE Rust, Hungary 47 48x 16 35E St. Louis, Fr. W. Africa 15 58x 16 28w Ratisbon, Bavaria 49 Ox 12 21-; Riviera de Levante, Dist, Italy 44 18X 9 15E Rustentmrg, Transvaal 25 353 27 7J': St. Louis, United States 38 55x 90 3UW Ratlam, Central India 23 21x 75 6E Riviera de Ponente, Dist.. Italy 43 50X 8 OE Rutherglen, Scotlan-i 55 5UX 4 13w St Lucia B,, Natal 28 Us 32 32E liatuagiri, Bombay 17 Ox 73 18E Rixhlift, Prussia 54 51x 18 OE Ruthin, Wales 63 7.x 3 19w St, Lucia L., Natal 37 553 32 26E

Ratnapura, Ceylon 6 42x 80 24 E Riyadh, Arabia 24 32X 46 29B Rutland, Co,, England 52 35x 35\y St. Magnus B., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset I Rattray Hd., Scotland 57 34X 1 49-n' Ru'ag, L., Scotland 5S 15X 6 'MW Rutland I,, Andaman Is., II 30X 92 42B 60 33x 1 33yy Ravenglass, England 54 2IX 3 25>T Roaune, France 46 3x 4 3B Ruweuzori, Mt., Br. E, ,Africa 26X 30 6e St. Malo, France 48 39X 2 Iw Ravenna, Italy 44 25x 12 910 Roanoke R., United Slates 36 33N 78 Ow Ryan, L., Scotland 55 Ux 6 4W St. iMare, W. Inrlies IS 20X 72 37w Ravenswood, Australia 2i) 21s 146 55E Hoba el Khali, Desert, Ar-abia 20 OX 47 3Ol0 Ryde, England 50 45x 1 Ulv St. Martin Is,, W. Indies 18 18x 63 15yy Ravi, R.. Puuiab 31 Ox 73 OE Robatat Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 18 55x 33 30IO Rye, England 50 59x 43E St. Mar.!', C, .MaJ.igasear 25 45s 45 UE llawal Pindi. Punjab 33 46X 73 4E Bolie, B., Irelaml 53 43N 8 52 iv Rye, R., Enslaud 54 12X 1 Ow St. Mary's B., Newfoundland (inset) 46 50x Kay, C. Newfoundland (inset) 47 43x 59 18W Robertsport, Liberia 6 52X 11 16W Rys.viek, Netherlands 52 2x 4 19E 63 50 w Hazgrad, Bulgaria 43 30x 26 34E Robeson Oh., Arctic America 82 OX 63 Ow •St. Mathieu, Pt, de, France 48 2lN 4 46w Re, He de, I., France 46 14X 1 27\y Robin B., England 51 25x o 31w SAALE, E„ Prussia 5] 12X 11 60E Sc. Maurice, Switzerland 46 llx- 7 2l-; Reading, England 51 28x 58^y Boca, 0. da, Portugal 38 46X 9 30W Saane, B., Swirzerlaud 46 36X 7 4B St. Maurice, R., Canada 47 Ux 72 5uw Reading, United States 40 21x 75 56"^ Hochdale, England 53 37x 2 1 IW' Saanen, Switzerland 46 2sx 7 16E St. Michael's Mount, England 5U sx 5 30W Heay, Scotland 58 34N 3 48 W Roche, La, France 46 40X 1 27iy Saarbriickeu, Prussia 49 llx 7 OB St. Moritz, Switzerland 46 30X 9 51 Reay Deer Forest, Scotland 58 18x 4 40W Rochefort, France 45 57X 57W Saati, Eritrea 15 35x :'.9 1510 St. Nazaire, Fi-ance 47 16x 2 14W Recife, Brazil 8 5s 35 lOw Rochelle, La, France 46 9X 1 12W Sahaki, E., Br. E. Africa 2 58s 39 .30E St. Neot's, England 52 llx ItiW Red R., Indo-Ohina 21 45X 105 20E Rocliester, England 51 23x 30B Salianilla, Colombia 10 46x 75 Ow St. Nicolas, Belgium 51 7x 4 8E Red K., United States 34 lux 99 Oiy Rochester, United States 43 12X 77 12W Sabat-iuati, E., Bombay 24 OX 73 OE St. Omer, Fl-anee 50 lOX 2 15E Red R. of the Morth, United States 48 Ox RockahUl L.-H., Ireland 53 30N 6 Iw Sabi, H., Port. B Afrirra 21 20S 33 OE St. Paul, United States 44 58X 92 55 w 96 30 w llockhamptou, Australia 23 12s 150 :12E Sable, R., Trirnsvaal 25 us 31 30E St. Peter, Channel Is. 49 30X 2 37 ^y Red S., Indian Oc. 20 Ox 40 OE Rockingham Forest, England 52 30X 36W Sabine Mts., Italv 42 20x 13 OE St. Peter, L., Canada 46 lox 72 55w Red Tower, P., Hungary 45 3tlx 24 llE Rocks PI., New Zealand 40 57s 172 9E Sabirrc R., United States 31 lUX 93 low St. Petersburg, Russia 60 2X 3u 2E 401 Redear, England 54 37x 1 3«- Rocky Mts,, N. America 48 UX 115 OW Sable, 0., Canada 40X 65 15w St, Pierre, I., Xewfoundland 46 43x 56 lOw Kediliteh, England 52 18x 1 5Sw Kodeu, R., England 52 50x 2 46W Sable, 0., United States 25 15X SI 10 St, Polten, Austria 48 lOx 15 33E Redruth, England 50 16N 5 15\y Rodez, France 44 22X 2 36E Sable I., Canada 43 15X 59 58w St, Quentin, France- 49 51X 3 16E Ree, L., Ireland 53 35N 7 5S)\' Rodosto, Turkey 40 57N 27 20E Sables-d'Olonuc, Les, France 46 32x 1 50w St. Sebastian B., Cape Colony 34 3Us 20 5210 Reggio, Italy 3S 2N 15 45 E Rodriquez I., Indian Oc. 19 40S 63 25B Sabw-azar, Persia 36 ISX 67 40B St. Thomas I,, W. Indies 17 59x 64 55w„, Italy 44 43N 10 33E Roebourne, Anstrirlia 21 IS 117 lOE Sabzawar-, Afghanistan 33 5x 61 5510 St. Thome (or St. TIrouras) I., G. of Guinc Regiiia, Caii;ula 50 34N 101 low Roebuck B., Australia 18 OS 122 lOE Saeo, United States 43 3lN 70 2 I \y lox 6 35E lleliubotli, Ccr. S.W. Afrii'a 23 23s 17 15E Rocr, R., Prussia (srx Ruhr, R.) Sacramento, United States 39 OX 121 12w St. Tropez, France 43 18X 6 33E Rehobotti. Palestine 30 59X 34 3110 Eoermoud, Netherlands 51 12X 6 Olo Sacramento E., United States 40 Ux 122 ow St. Tubwal's I., Wales 52 47N 4 29\\- Reichenberg. Austria 50 4SX 15 IE Roggeveld Mts., Cape Colony 32 2US 20 15i-; .Saddle, Pk., N. Andaman I. 13 12x 93 olo St. Valery, France 49 52X 4UE Heig.ate, England 51 13x llw Rokelle, R., Sierra Leoiie 9 ux 11 40\y Sadiya, Assam 27 4sx 95 1210 St. ! incent, 0„ Portu-.-al 37 2N 9 OW ISE 35 Reims, France 49 20X 4 OIO Roma, Australia 26 36s 118 Safe-d, Palestine 32 59x 30E St. Vincent I., W. Indies 13 lox 61 OlIIW Salfron il Reindeer L., C'anada 57 Ux 102 3I1W Roman Wall, Englaml 55 IX 2 5w Walden, Enr.'land 52 IX I5io St. Vincent, G of, Arrscralia 35 OS 138 Uio Reindeer Mts., Canaila 59 ox 114 U\v Romania, 0., Miday Pen. 1 ISX PU ISlo SaHd Knh, Mts., Afellan^^tau 34 8X 70 llio Saintes, Fronee 46 17x U 32W 15 OIO Sagami, Japan (inset) 35 3910 ReiiMisa, Mt., Spain 43 Ix 4 14\y Romania, St., ICurolle OX 26 C, 7X 139 Saiutonge, Dist,, Frallee 45 42X 1 IIW Rejaiig. U., Sarawak 2 .50x 113 2III0 Ronjaiishorn, Switzerland 17 3 IX 9 22E Sagan, Prussia 51 34X 15 19E Siiirrrsu, Mongolia 41 51x UIO 41E 3ino ISlo Remarkaldr, Jit., Australia 32 59s 13S 5ilE RoiuH, Italy 11 51X 12 Sugar, Ocutral India 23 50.x 78 Saio, R,, Huugarv 48 17X 211 3O10 i) States luv Rembaug, .lava 6 468 HI 15E Ilomford, England 51 35n 15E Sae-e PI., United 37 lox llu Sii'karia, li,, Turkey in .-Vsia 11 5x 3U 3210 Renilsburg, Pnr-sia 51 ISx 9 lUE Boiniiey Marsh, England 51 nx 52E Saginaw 1!., I.rnited Stati-s -11 Ox s:: L'lUy Sakhalin, I., Siberia 50 OX 1)3 HE Roinscy, Englanil .50 59x 1 3llw S.i-jinawDal I'itv, United States 1:; 25x S3 5 Salaga, Gold Const 3 18X 32W Renfrew, Scotland 55 53x 1 21\y

C 19 ) E E B


St., Europe 43 SON 31 OB Salamanca, Spain 41 Ox 5 44it Sandalwood I., Dutch E. Indies 10 OS 120 Oe Scatter I., Ireland 52 36N 9 30w Servia, Salambria, Sesheke, Rhodesia 17 263 34 39E R., Greece; 'Ml 40N 21 40E Sanday, I., Scotland 59 13N 2 3ow SchiifEhausen, Switzerland 47 42N 8 37B 37 HilS Salang I., Malay Pen. 7 5oN 08 15E Sandbach, England 53 8N 2 26W Schailhausen, Prov., Switzerland 47 44N 8 30E Setit, R., Eritrea 14 lOx Salatau, O., Uorneo 4 23b 114 42E Sandec, Hungary 40 30N 20 47E SohafEbausen Falls, Switzerland 47 41N 8 34E Settle, England 54 4N 2 18W 8 Salawatti 1., Dutch B. Indies 1 10s 130 OE Sandoway, Burma 13 30X 91 21 Schassburg, Hungary 46 lOX 24 52E Setubal, Portugal 38 3lN 53W iSalilanlia Se-ul, Oorea 37 67N 127 30e B , Oniie Oolony 33 12s IS 3li Sandringhain, England 52 4KN 30E Sohcidegg, Mt,, Switzerland 46 37N 8 7E Sail', Australia 3S 4s 147 V2\i Sandusky, United States 41 26x S2 38W sohelde, East, K,, Netherlands 51 37x 3 lOE Sevastopol, Russia 44 37N 33 31 t^aleui, 15N .Miulras U 36N 78 13E Sandwich, England 51 16N 1 21E Schelde, West, H., Netherlands 51 25x 3 30E Seven, R., England 64 61W Salon (Massixoliusutts), United States 42 2nx Sandwich Hr., Ger. S.W. Africa 23 lis 11 21E Schemnitz, Hungary 48 28N 18 50 E Sevenoaks, England 61 16N 12E 61 42N 2 70 Hw Sandwich Is., Pacific Go 21 ON 157 UW Scheveningen, Netherlands 52 6s 4 17E Severn Bridge, England 29W 91 Salem (Oregon), United States 44 3riX 123 20ff .Sandy, 0., Australia 21 41s 153 16E Schiedam, Netherlands 51 65N 4 25e Severn R., Canada 55 ON Ow 3 Salena, Nepal 28 24N 82 ISK Sandy Hook, B., United States 40 25N 74 0\y Schiermonnikoog, I., Netherlands 53 30N 6 14E Severn R., Wales 62 32N 15W 51 3 39-w Salerno, Italy 40 38s 14 50E Sandy I., Gt., Australia 25 OS 153 OE Sehlawe, Prussia 64 18N 16 3lE Severn Tunnel, England S4N Salford, Enitlaiid .IS 2'.)N 2 16\y Sanga, R., French Congo, 1 SON 16 5E Selileswig. Prussia 54 2SN 32E Sevier L., United States 39 ON 113 14W Saliiia, I., Italy 38 34N 14 36E Sangir Is., Dutch E. Indls 3 30N 125 35E Schleswig, Prov,, Prussia 54 30N 9 30E Seville, Spain 37 23N 6 OW Salina, Salt Marsh, Argentina 30 OS GCt 0\y S mgli, Bombay 16 64N 74 3CE Schneekoppe, Mt., Austria 50 48N 16 OE Sevres, Dept., France 46 35N 25W Salisbury, England 51 4X 1 48W Sangro de Cristo Ita., United States 36 On Schueidemlilil. Prussia 53 4N 16 45E Seychelle Is., Indian Go. 4 303 55 30E Salisbury Plain, Eiifjland 51 I.tN 2 Ow 105 Ow Schoutei Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 lOS 136 OE Sgurr na Lapaich, Mt., Scotland 57 22X 5 5W 57 5 Salisbury, Rhodesia 17 50S 31 lOli San-hsing, Manchuria 46 20N 129 55e Schiitt, I.. Hungary 48 ON 17 35E Sgurr Ruadh, Mt., Scotland 29N 22W Salkhail, Palestine 32 Ms 30 40K Sankura. R., Congo State 3 50S 2] 3oi.: .Schwarzhurg, Prin., Germany 51 17N 11 OE Sha-chau, China 40 ION 94 65E Sahnon R., United Stat&s 45 15X 115 Ou' Sanlucar de Santa Maria, Siiain 36 t6N G 22 iv Schweidnitz, Prussia 50 40N16 28E Shaftesbury, England 61 IN 2 13w Salmon River Mts., United States 11 lox San-munB., China 29 ION 122 lOE Schweinfurt, Bavaria 50 5N 10 12E Shahjahanpur, Agra and Oudh 27 61N 80 OE 30K 115 0\y San-nan Is., Japan 24 25N 125 OE Schwcrin, Germany 53 37X II 24E Shaikien, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 19 ON 32 Salonika, Turkey 40 40x 22 56E Sanon, China (insetj 22 32X 113 58E Schwerin, Prussia 52 35N 15 28E Shamo, Desert of, Mongolia 46 OS 113 OE Salsette, I., Bonihay I'J 12-X 73 OB Saii-po, R., Tibet 30 ON S3 2E Schwyz, Switzerland 47 3N 8 SOB Shan, Dist., Indo-China 21 20N 100 lOE Salso, R., Italy 37 12X 14 OE Siinquhar, Scotland 55 21N 3 56W Sehwyz, Prov,, Switzerland 47 ON 8 40e Shanghai, China 31 28N 121 28E Salt Lake Oitv, United States 40 55.x 113 Ow Santa Barbara Is,, United States 33 5N 119 3ow Scilla, Italy 38 14N 14 47E Shanklin, England 60 39N 1 12W' Salt Ra., Panjab 32 36x 72 OE Santa Gatharina, I., Brazil 27 los 18 20"\v SciUy Is,, England 49 55N 6 20W Shannon Bridge, Ireland 53 18N S Iw Salt, Valley of, Palestine 31 3X 35 25B Santa Oatharina, St., Brazil 27 OS 52 30w' Scioto, R., United States 10 31N 83 20w Shannon, R., Ireland 63 12N 8 lOw Salta, Argentina 24 49s 65 12w Santa Cruz, Bolivia 17 55s 63 25w Scone, Scotland 56 25N 3 26 w Shan-si, Prov., China 37 SON 112 30E Saltash, England 50 26N 4 14\T Santa Cruz, Brazil 17 313 48 39VV Soopelos, I., Greece 39 2N 24 HE Shan-tung, Prov., China 37 ON 120 OE Saltburn. England 54 34N 58w Santa Cruz Is., Pacific Oc. 11 OS 167 OE Scotland, Div., Britisli Isles 56 On 4 OTV Shap, England 54 SON 3 43ff Saltcoats, Scotland 55 40N 4 48\T Santa Cruz, I., W. ludi.s 17 41N 64 50w Serantun, United States 41 28X 75 44W Shapinsay, I„ Scotland 50 2N 2 oOW Saltee Ls., Ireland 52 8N C 37w Santa Fe, Argentina 31 40s 60 40w Scridain, L., Scotland 56 22N 6 5"W Shar Dagh, Mts., Turkey 42 2N 21 27E Saltees L.-V., Ireland 52 2N 6 39W Santa Fii, United States 36 21N 105 3S-.V Scutari, Turkey 42 6N 10 32E Shari, B., Oamerons 10 30N 16 30E Saltdeet, England 53 27N lOE Santa Lucia, I., W. Indies 14 27N 61 20w Scutari, Turkey in .isia 40 58N 29 IDE Sharja, Oman 25 16N 65 17B Saltillo, Mexico 25 2Sx 101 Ow Santa Marta, Colombia U lOX 71 17w Seyros, I., Greece 38 48N 24 34E Sharks B., Australia 25 35S 113 OE Salto Augnsto, Brazil los 58 IW Santa Marta, C, Brazil 29 5s 18 SOW Scythopolis, Palestine 32 29N 35 3lB Sharon, Dist.. Palestine 32 15N 34 64E Salto Guaira, Brazil 24 2SS 54 37w Sau' a Rosa, Peru 14 40S 70 40^v Seaford, England 50 48N 7E Shasta, Mt., United States 41 S2N 122 SOW' Salva lor, St., Gentral America 13 SON 80 0\V Santaretn, Brazil 2 40S 54 45W Seaforth, L., Scotland 57 54N 6 3SW Sha-shi, China 30 26N 112 6E Salwin, K., Burma 16 30N 07 36E Santarem, Portugal 39 17N 8 40W Seaham Harbour, England 54 48N 1 20w Shat el Arab, E., Turkey in Asia 30 ION Salzburg, Austria 47 47N 13 IE Santander, Spain 43 27N 3 52W Seattle, United States 47 5SN 122 50W 48 45E Salzkammer, Dist., Austria 47 25N 13 35E Santiago, Chile 33 20s 70 25w S^aview, Mt., Australia 31 26s 152 OB Shayak, B., Kashmir 35 ON 76 SOB Samailen, Switzerland 46 34N 9 52B Santiago, Cuba 20 5N 75 48"W Sebenico, Austria 43 56N 15 54e Shecliem Gerizim, Palestine 32 13N 35 16E SamakoT, Bulgaria 42 21N 23 3-'B Santiago, Spain 42 49N 8 39W Second Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudan Shediao, Canada 46 1 5N 64 SOW Samana, \V. Indies 19 20N 69 20ff Santiago del Estero, Argentina 27 50s 64 27w 21 49N 31 21E Sheelin, L., Ireland 53 48N 7 20W Samar I., Philippine Is. 12 ON 125 lOB Santo Domingo, Dominican Hep. 18 35N 69 51w Secunderabad, Haidarabad 17 24N 78 30E Sheep Haven, B., Ireland 55 14s 7 54>y Samara, Russia 53 15N 50 14B Santo Domingu, Rep,, W. Indies 19 UN 70 iiw Sedan, France 49 43x 5 OE Sheerness, England 51 26N 44E Samara, Turkey in Asia 34 30N 43 55B Santuna, Spain 43 28N 3 30w Sedgemonr, England 51 12N 2 50W Sheffield, England 63 23 s 1 23-w Sarnarang, .Tava 6 48s 110 35E Santorin, 1., Greece 36 22.x 25 28E Seeland, Dist., Switzerland 47 4N 7 lOE Sheby, Mt., Ireland 61 47N lOvf Samaria, Palestine 32 17N 35 IIB Santos, Brazil 24 4s 46 9W Segovia, Spain 40 57N 4 8W Shekka, Egyptian Sudan 10 16N 26 30E Samaria, Dist., Palestine 32 23X 35 15E Santuas, China 26 54X 119 51 Segre, R.. Spain 41 55N 1 OB Sheksna. E., Russia 50 ON 38 20E Samarind.a, Borneo 503 117 15E Sau-WUi, Ollina (in-et) 22 29N 113 IE Segura, B., Spain 38 lOx 35w Sheliff R., Algeria 35 SON 2 OE Samarkand, Russian Turkestan 30 SON 66 55E Sao Francisco, Brazil 26 3Is 48 35w Seine, Dept., France 48 53N 2 27E Shemakha, Eussia 40 2Ss 44 60E Satnljalpur, Central Provs. 21 30-\ 84 OE Silo Francisco, R., Brazil 11 os 41 Ow Seine, 11., France 49 2GN Shenandoah, E., United States 38 34N 78 33w Sarnbar, 0., Borneo 3 10s 110 ISE Sao Leopoldo, Brazil 29 40s 51 15"^' Scine-et-Marne, Dept., France 48 50.x 3 IB Shendi, Egyptian Sudan 16 54N S3 30E Sambhar, L., Rajputana 27 ON 75 OE Sao Paulo, Brazil 23 50S 47 lOW Seiue-et-Oise, Dept., France 48 38X 2 7E Shen-si, Prov,, China 35 On 109 OE Sambor, Austria 49 30.V 23 15 E Sao Paulo, St., Brazil 22 OS 50 IW Seine-Iuferieure, Dept., France 49 41N 1 4E Shephelah. Dist., Palestine 31 45N 34 60 E

Sambor, Itnlo-Oliina 12 47x 106 2E Sao Salvador, Angola 6 25s 1 1 40E Seistan, Dist., Persia 31 5X 61 30E Sheppey I., Englaud 51 2">N 50B Sambrerete. Mexico 23 45N 103 50\v Saflne, Haute-, Dept,, France 47 23X (' OE Scfurieh, Palestine 32 45N 35 17B Sherborne, England 50 58S 2 33w Samoa, Is., PaciHc Oc. 14 OS 172 0\y Saflne, R., Prance 47 30iX 5 30E Segal, Fr. W. Africa 13 21N lOW Sherbro I., Sierra Leone 7 29N 12 50W

Samos, I., Turkey in Asia 37 12.x 26 501: Saonc-ct-Loire, Dept., France 4C 40x I 20E Sehustieh. Palestine 32 17s 35 IIR Sherbrooke, Canada 45 21N 71 57W SLLmotbraci, I., Greece 10 25N 25 35E Sarafend, Palestine 33 27N 35 17E Sclangor, Straits Settlements 3 SOX 101 20 e Sherringham Shoals, England 53 IN 1 HE Samoyedes, Tribe, Russni 66 30N 55 OE Saragoisa, Spain 41 38N 581T Selayar, I., Dutch E. Indies 6 lOS 120 30 E Sherwood Forest, England 53 12.x 1 Ow Sani-sliwi, OInna (inset) 23 ION 112 .')3e Sar.iiycvn, Bosnia 43 5SX IS 22E Selby, Englaud ,53 48N 1 6W Slietland Is., Scotlaml 60 20x 1 15W Samsun, Turkey in Asia 41 18N 36 14E Sarakh, Persia 35 31N 61 4E Sele, C, Dutch E. Imlies 1 45s 130 50E Shevaroy Hills, Madras 11 4Sx 78 18E San Antioco, Italy 39 5x 8 29E Sarangaui Is., Philippine Is. 5 20N 125 23E Sele, R., Italy 40 32N 15 3E Shibam, Arabia 15 53s 48 45E San Antonio, 0.. Cuba 21 52N 84 58w Saratof, Russia 51 32X 46 OE Selenge, R., China 49 ON 09 OE Shichallion, Mt., Scotland 56 40S 4 eiv San Antonio, Portui-al 37 12x 7 29W Saratoga Springs, United States 13 12N 73 57w Sclrije, Turkey 40 7x 21 59 E Shi-chito Is., Japan 34 ION 140 OE San Antonio, United States 29 12N 95 25\v Sarawak, Ter., E. Indies 3 ON 113 OE Selkirk, Scotland 55 32N 2 aSw Slilckshock Mts., Oana-la 40 OS 66 Oiv San Antonio Palls, Brazil 9 10s 63 55\\' Sara wan, Bahlchistan 28 16N 65 2S1,; Selkirk, Co., Scotland 55 30N 3 5W Shiel, L„ Scotland 5G 48N 5 35W San Bernardino, Mt., United States 33 20N Sarawan, Indo-China 15 53N 106 lOE Selkirk, Ra., Canaila 50 OS 117 Ow Shifnal, England 53 40x 3 22W llS5iy Sarayacu, Peru G 43s 75 2w Sclsey Bill, C, England 50 43N 48w Shigatze, Tibet 20 18N 88 48E San Bernardino Str., Pliilippine Is. 12 55N Sardha, B., Nepal 30 ON SO ISE Selwyn Ra,, Australia 21 17s 140 OE Shiguau, Dist,, Russian Turkestan 37 15s 124 25E Sardinia, I., Italy 40 Ox 9 (IE Semendria, Servia 44 38N 20 58E 72 OE San Bias, Mexico 21 VIS 105 14W , Palestine 33 27x 35 17G Semcui, R., Turkey 40 45N 19 22E Shikarpur, Bind 27 54N 68 42E

San Carlos, Venezuela 9 32N 68 15Ty Sarepta, Russia 48 27X 1 1 38E Semeru, Mt,, Java 7 553 112 50E Slilkoku, I., Japan 33 45N 133 30E San Cristobal, Mexico 17 17x 92 low Sargnja, Bcn.'al 23 OX 83 12E Seuiipalatiusk, Sibei-ia 51 OX 80 20E Shillelagh, Ireland 52 46X i; Slw San Diego, Unitcil States .32 45xai7 low Kamish, L., Russian Turkestan 42 lO.x Semliki, R., Congo State 50N 29 50E Shillong, Assam 25 31s 91 58K San Eugenio, 0., .Me.tico 28 Ox 115 5w 57 ]6E Semlin, Hungary 44 48x 22 25E Shiloh, Palestine 32 3N 35 16E San Fernando, Spain 36 29x 6 12W Sarine, K., Switzerland 4C 3fix 7 4E Senman, Persia 35 SIN 53 21E Shinioga, jMysore 13 51N 75 36E San Franci.sco, United States .38 0,X 122 24W Sarnen, Switzerland 46 52X s 13E Semmering, P., Austria 47 ION 15 48E Shimonoscki, Japan 34 lOx 130 55B

San I'rancisco, C , Ecuarlor 12N 80 22\y Sarnia, Canada 43 5N 82 15W Semoy, E., Belgium 49 40X 5 40E Shin, L., Scotland 58 6N 4 30(y San Francisco, Mt., United States 35 50N Sanis, G. of, Turkey 40 34N 26 35E Sempach, Switzerland 47 8X 8 lOE Shinas. Oman 24 47N 56 21B 112 7W Sarthe, Dept,, France 48 4X 5w Sena, Port. E. .Africa 17 50s 34 50E Shiug-king, Prov., iVIauchnria 41 25N 121 OE San Ildelonsn, Spa'n 10 53.x 4 IW Saskatchewan Dist, Canada 53 30N 105 ow Sendai, Japan 38 SON 140 58 E Shipka P., Bulgaria 42 45N 25 16E

San Isabel, Brazil 10s 65 5W Saskatchewan R„ Canada 53 ON ItU nw Senegal, Dist,, Fr. W. Africa 14 ON 13 Ow Shipston, England 52 3N 1 39w San ,Ioar|Uin R., Uniicd States 36 45x 121 Ow Sassari, Italy 40 44N 8 37E Senegal, R., W. Africa 16 2N U Ow Shipwash Shoai, England 51 59x 1 37E San Jose, Costa Rica 9 30x 83 57 \r Savannah, United States 32 ON SI OW Senjen, I., Norway 69 30N 17 30E Shiraz, Persia 29 41 N 62 26E San Jose dc Gnatemala, Guatemala 14 IIN Satara, Bombay 17 42X 71 OE Senuar, Egyptian Sudan 11 45s 33 55E Shire, E., Central Africa 16 20s 35 15E 90 52 ff Satiiura Hills, Central Provs, 22 ON 77 OE Sennc, R., Belgium 50 5iJN 4 15E Stiirwa, L.. Central Africa 15 10s 35 451'; San Juan, Argentina 31 383 68 30w Saugine Ilr,, Canada 14 21N 81 28\v Sens, France 4S lox 3 17B Shitomir, Russia 50 35x 28 58E San Juan, Porto Rico 18 ION 66 llw Sanit Ste. Marie, Canada 46 27N 84 15w Sentes, Mt., Switzerland 47 14N 25E Shkiimbi. B., Turliey 41 Sx 19 26E Sjn Jnan R., United Suites 37 1.x 110 ow Sanniur, rranor- 47 14N o lOw Seo de Urgel, Spain 42 17N 1 29E Shlieb, Jit., Turkey 42 40s 20 24E San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua 10 55x 83 SOW Siiundrav, I., Scotland 56 51n 7 30',y Seoni, Central Prov.. 22 GN 79 54E Shoa, Dist., Abyssinia 8 50N SO OE San Lucas, 0., Mexico, 23 Ox ill) n\r Sanrii, Wiviv, Sahara 29 Ox Scptimer P., Switzerlind 16 4X 9 Gt: Shoalhaven R., Australia 34 47s 150 H E San Luis, Argentina 33 30s 66 20w S,Lvage Is., i?aciflc Oc, 19 5s 169 .I5w Soraing, Beleinnr 50 3iix 5 31 E Shoalwater B., .Australia 32 183 150 ll!': San Luis Potosi, Mexico 22 5X 100 31W Savalan, R., Persia 38 30X 17 50e Serampur, Bengal 22 48X S2 26E Shoeburyness, England 51 3lN 17E San Lniz, Brazil 2 383 14 12W Save, R., Hungary 44 50x H isr: Seres, Turkey 41 4N 23 3 Hi Sholapur, Bombay 17 42s 75 54E San Maruio, St, Itaiy 13 56N 12 2GE Savoie, Di'pt,, France 15 :'.2X 6 16E Screth, R., Romania 45 48x 27 25li Shoshong, Bechuanalaud 23 Is 26 39E

San .Mirtias, G. of, .\rgeutina 42 OS 6 1 30W Savoic, Haute- Dept,, France 16 2N 6 Str: Sergievsk, Russia oii 20.N 37 25E Shotts, Plateau of the, Algeria 35 OS 2 01'; San .Miguel, H., Bolivia 15 US 64 low Saynna, Italy 44 ISN 8 28E Sergipe, St,, Brazil 10 40s 37 SOW Shreveport, Qnited States 32 37x 93 55w San Remo, Italy 43 5-LX 7 52K Savoy, Prov., France 46 ON 6 26E Seringapataoj, i\[vsore 12 13s 76 40E Shrewsbury, Englaud 52 42N 2 llw Sni Knqne, Siiain 36 20.N 5 23W Sixnuy, Iving., Girinany 51 ox 13 or; Seriplms, I., Greece 37 ox 21 HE Shropshire, Co., England 52 36s 2 40w San R iquc, C!, Brazil 5 26S 35 221Y SaX' ny, Prov., Prnssia 52 lux 1 15E Serra Acaray, Brazil (iirset) 2 OS 57 llhv Shubba. Palestine 32 51N 36 36E Ban Balvailor. Brazil 13 2s 38 21W Sawel, Mt, Irelnid .51 15X 6 51 w Serra Cayapo, .Mts., Brazil IS os 53 iia' Shugr.a, Arabia 14 Son 45 30E San S.Uvador, Salvador 13 -t2N 80 20w Sawn. L, Dutch B. Indies 10 3iis 1;:2 3E Serra da Estrella, Jits., rcrtugul 10 15N 7 low Shukurie, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 15 lox 35 OE Sail Salvador. I., W. Indies 24 0.x 71 lOn' Sav, Pr. W. Africa 12 55N 2 OE Serra do Mantiqueira Estrella, Mts,, Brazil Shunila, Bulgaria 13 14N 27 OE San Sebastian. Spain 43 lOx 1 59w Sayan Mts., Siberia 54 Ox 95 or: 22 30s 42 SOW Shun-kiug, China 31 ION 106 5e San Stefano, Turkey 40 57.x 28 12 E Sea Fell Pike, England 51 SOX 3 20',v Serra do 3Iar, Mts., Brazil 26 OS 50 ow Shunucr Pell, Mt., England 54 20N 2 12W Sana. Turkey in Asia 15 29.N 41 36E Scaha Flow, Sd., Scutland 58 53N 3 5w Serra do Monchiquc, Mts., Portugal 37 25.x Sliuntak, China (inset) 22 48N 113 17E Sanaga. Pu, Camerous 4 30X 10 50E Scallawav, Shetland Is, Scutland (iiis-4) 60 8x 8 43W Shurem, Palestine 32 35N 35 18E Sanbok, Is., Japan 29 UN 120 OE 1 17 W Serra dos Parcels, Mts., Brazil 14 los 59 ow Shustar, Persia 31 57N 48 15E

Si-a 15 1 Sauda L, Si-'Otlaud 55 17N 5 35W Scarbor.i', L, S. China lux 1 7 55E Serra lieial, ,Mts., Brazil 12 OS 62 Siiw Shuswap L., Canada 51 5N 119 30w Sandakan, Burneu 5 58N US 2Ji Scarbormigh, Englaud ^yL 1/N 23\\ Serra of Tabatinga, Mts., Brazil 12 SOS 47 20w Shwebo, Burma 22 S6N 95 42E

( 20 ) K V K B


I Shwe-ffyiii, Burma IR ON 95 OE Sketric-, 53 Ireland S6N 6 7\y Southeni A Ip.s.Mts., New Zriiland 43 .SOs 170 3 Stour, R. (Kent), England 51 15x 1 OB Siali Kiih, Mts., Al>h;uiistiiu 31 rt'.N ort OK Skerries, Is., Hiigland 53 4 13W 37N Sonthern Oms.s, Australia 31 32s 113 r>'.- Sfoiir, R (Worcester), England 52 ON I Sow Siak, Sumatra 27N 11)3 110 Skeriyvo e, P, Sciitlaiid 56 19N 7 liw Smithm nstel", Ihlgiand 51 40N 19B Stonrliridge, England 52 25x 2 9w Sialkot, Punjab 33 30x 7i 3015 Skibberecn, Ireland 51 33N 3 I6w .Smithport, Fngland 53 3ilN 3 Ow Stourport. England 52 20x 2 18w G. of, Asia 11 3I1N 102 Siam, OB , Mt., Enuland ,54 37N 3 6u' Smith well. Miiglaud 53 57\y Stowniarket, England 62 12N 59E 5N I Siaiu, St., Asia 18 OM lOU OK Skiptoii. Kiiglaiid 53 2 57N 3W Snuthwold, England 53 20N 1 ISK Sti-abane, Ireland 51 50N 7 27W Siaiig, R,, Oliiiia 26 SON 112 SOU Sknnier L, Wales 51 .ISN 5 13\y Suuth west Is., Dutch 10. Indies 7 55s 137 55K Stracbar, Scotland 56 9N 5 4W Siaug-tan, Oliiiia 27 lOs 112 "iliK Skiiplic, Turkey 50)'; 43 lOM 20 Spa, Belgiiiin 50 28N 5 5I|.; Straits Settlements, Ter., Asia 2 ON 102 Solo Siao, I., Dutcli E. luilios 2 llIN 135 30B Skye, I., Sciit!-.iiid 57 30N 6 20 w S;jaii), King., Europe 40 on S Ow Stralsund, Prassia 54 18N 13 OB Siheria, Tn-., Asia CS ON 110 llio Slaney, R,, Ireland 5i 3SN 6 33W Spalato, Austria 43 SON 16 SOB Strangford, Ireland 54 2lN 5 33w Siberian Railway, Russia -")-> ION G2 :10r Slat?'^\]St, Russia 55 3N 59 31 K Spalding, England 53 48N 9W Strangford, L., Ireland 51 SON 5 S5W Siberut, I., Dutch E. Inilics 1 lios 1)8 50K Slave Coast, W. Africa 6 On S Ok S|iandaii, Prussia 52 33N 13 liiK strangways, Australia 29 4s 136 18E 211 SON 5 Sibi, Balucbistan 67 IK Slavonia, Piov., Hungary 15 ;ion 18 OE Sparta, Greece 37 2N 23 26K Stranja Dagli, Mis., Turkey 41 35N 38 Oh Sibilliiii, Mts,, Italy -13 OS 13 OB Sleaford, Eiejlaud 53 ON o 26w Spartel, C., Morocco 35 4KN 5 53W Stranraer, Scotland 54 54N 5 2U' Siiioga. Suiuati-a 1 oON DS 45i: SIcat, Dist. Smitland 57 5N 5 55, Spal-tivento, 0., Italy 37 55N 10 3)': Sti-itssburg, tiermany 48 33N 7 45io Sibsagai-, Assam 27 ON '.It 3i))-i Kleat, Sd. of, Scotland 57 5 4N .5Uw Spencer B., Ger. S.W. Africa 35 41s 11 5lK Stratford-npou-.\von, England 53 UN 1 43w Sicily, I., Ita-ly 37 30N 1 1 l)K Slieve Anghty, .Mts.. Ireland 53 7.\' S 35w Spencer 0., .Australia 35 39s 136 0.", Strath Dearii, Scutland 57 30N 4 Ow .'")6 Biilliiw Hills, Saitlaiiil 3I1N 3 llHy Slievo Beniagll. Mts.. Ireland 53 16N 8 3S\V Silencer G,, Australia 34 OB 137 OE Stratli Earn, Scotland 56 20N 3 50w Siiiuiout.h, Eiiglaiiil .'lU llN 3 Slieve 17w Bloom, Mts., Irclaud 53 ON 7 50w SpeiTin Mts., Irelaml 51 49N 7 5W Strath Spcv, Scotland 57 30N 3 SOW , ralcstiue 33 35 21 Slieve 33N Callaii, Mt., Iri-liind 53 51N 9 lllw Spessart, Mis., liermanx' 50 on 3 SOK strath Ulae, Scotland 58 8N 3 .50w Sieg, R., Prussia 50 ISN 7 Slieve 9.\' 50K Diiuard, Mt.. Iielaiid 51 5 5lw Spey, U., Scotland 57 15n 3 .50w Stratliaven, Scotland .55 41N 4 4W Italy -13 11 Sioua, SUN 23E Sliovo Pelilii, Mt,, Ireland 52 33.V8 3W Speycr, Germany 19 30.x 8 38B Str.athraore, Dist., Scotland 50 45N 3 Ow lie Mts., 20\ Sicri-a IJata, Spain 10 B 30\v Slieve Oiillion. Mt., Ireland 51 kn 6 35\v Sjiezia, Italy 41 SN 9 18k Strathy Pt.. Scotland 58 37x 4 Iw Sierra ilc Grcilo.s Mts,, Spain -11) I5n 5 20\v Slieve League, Mt, trcland 51 39N 8 3SW Spirdin-' L., Prussia 53 43N 31 SOB Streaky B., Australia 32 40S 133 .55K Sierra lie Guadalupe, Mts., Spain 30 2r.N 5 3S\v Slievo Mish, Mr., Ireland 53 13N 3 13U' Spithead, England 50 43N 1 Kw Stroni.a, I,, Scotland .58 41N 3 lOW Sierra ile Unailarrania, Mts,, Spain 41 -1 Ow ON Slieve Miskish, Mt.. Ireland 51 1 ».\ 10 ow S[iitza, Austria 43 IN !3 OK Strombnli, L, Italy 38 47N 15 12E 5\\" Sierra de la Demanila, Mt-i., Spai)i 42 IN 3 Slieve Naiiiau, Mt., Ireland 52 38N 7 38 iv Spitzbcrgen, Arcde Iti-gloiis 79 0.x 20 OK Strome Perry, Scotland 57 20N 5 38w Sierra de Santa Mart!"), Mts., Oolombia II ON Sligo, Ireland 51 16N S 3S\V' Spitzbergen Sea, Arctic Regions 75 ON 10 OB Stromiiess, Scotland 58 58N 3 13W 73 Ow Sligo B. Ireland 51 17N 8 43\v Splhgeu P. .Switzerland lOSOx 9 18B Strons,ay P., Scotland 59 4N 2 low Sierra do Piauhy, Mts., Biazil 10 OS 12 30u' Sligo, Co., Ireland 54 8N 8 olw Spokane II, Unite-d Statis, 47 20N 116 40W Strons.ay. I, Scotland .a9 4N 3 32W Sierra Leu)ie, Ter., W. Africa -S 30N 12 Ow , lit., Scotland 57 41N 5 17W Spoleto, It.aly 43 43N 13 41 K Stroud, England 51 16x 2 low Sierra Madre, Mts., Mexico 'lH ON 105 \y Slivuo, Bulgaria 43 S3N 36 30h; Sporade-, Is,, Greece 33 13N 23 40K Struma, R., Turkey 41 46N 23 15K

Sierra Madrc Plat., United States 33 ON 108 Ow Slvne Ireland 1 Hd, 5s 3lN 10 Iw Spratley, 1 , S. China Sea 8 40N III SOK Strumble Hd.. Wales 52 2N 5 4W .Mts., Sierra Maestra, Cuba 30 15N 7C SOW Smalls L,-U., Wales 51 44N 5 llw Spree, It., Prussia 52 32N 14 Oi: Stuart lla., Australia 23 lOS 135 OK Sierra jNlaniede, Mts.. Si>ai)i 31) 2fiN 7 6\v Siuerw Hr., ck Ireland 52 13N 10 3SW Spree Wood, Prussia 51 50N 1 1 OB, Stulilweisseubnrg, Hungary 47 13.x 18 26K Sierra Mojada, Mexico 37 37N 103 low Smith Sd, Ai-ctic America 78 .5i)N 70 Ow Springfiokfontein, Capo Colony 23 42s 18 OK Stimg-treng, Indo-Obina 13 50N 105 53K Sierra Muren;i, Mts., S|iaiu SS 20N 5 Ow Smithlield, Or.inge Uiver Ooluiiy 30 Ms 30 30K Spriuglicld, United States 42 9N 72 31 W Stura, R., Italy 44 26N 7 iiOB Sierra Nevaila, Mts., Spain 37 10\ 3 OW Smith's Bank. Scotlaiel .58 UN 2 52w Spriiiglield, United States S3 psN .S3 49w Sturt Creek, R.. Australia 18 SOS 128 lOE Sierra Nevada, Mt^., United States 38 0.\ Smitsdorp, Transvaal 21 5s 39 UK SiiringSeld, Uuited States 39 47N S3 llw Stuttgart, Wurtemberg 48 46N 9 11 B 118 Ow Smoky Mts., United Stales 35 ISN 83 21w Springfield, United States 37 25N 32 5lw Styria, Prov., Austria 17 20N 15 OK Sierra Pacaraim.a, Mts., Venezuela 4 ION Smolensk, llnssia .51 50N 33 1 K Spiu-u Pt., England 53 34N 7K Sn, China 31 30N 120 55E Suiolika, 62 30 w Mt , Turkev 10 9N 31 9E Squillace, Ualy 38 5SN 16 24K Snakin, Egyptian Sudan 19 ION 37 12B Sierra Parima. Mts., Brazil 3 ON 64 WW Sniyi tia, Turkey in Asia 38 34N 37 6)': Sriiiagar, Kashmir 31 14N 74 50b Succoth, Palestine 32 5N 35 33E Sifau, Dist., Tibet 32 ON 103 30K Suae Pell, Mt., Isle of Man 51 lil.N i S2n' Stack Skerry, I,, .Scotland 59 3N 4 31 w Sn-chau, Gbina 39 43N 39 IE Signiaringeii, Gernuiny 48 3N "J 18K Snake 1!,, United State's 43 SON 116 OW Stade, Prussia 53 32N 9 30E Su-cb .van, Prov,, Chiiia 30 On 105 OE Sibor, Bombay 31 43n'72 Ok Snehatta, Mt., Norway 62 20.\' 3 lOK Staft.a, I., Scotland 50 27N 33w Suck R., Ireland 53 36N 8 15W Sikar, Rajputana 27 36N 75 12k Snizort, L., ScotlanI 57 35N 6 28w Stafford, England 53 18N 2 Ow Sucre, Bolivia 19 12S 65 8w Sikato, Pr. \V. Africa 11 21N 5 12w Snow Mt., Dutch K, Imlh-s 3 ,50a 135 .50E Stallord, Oc, Bnglalnl 52 40N 3 Ow Sudan, Dist., Africa 12 ON 10 Ok Siktiota Alin, ifts., Siberia 45 on 135 OK Siiowdon, Mt., Wales 53 4N 4 Iw Stags, The, Is,. Ireland 51 22N 3 43W Sudbury, England .52 3N 57E Si-kiaiiK, U., China 23 20N 110 .50E Snowy E., Australia 37 OS 118 22E Staines, England 51 25N 3U\' Sudetes, Mts., Austria .50 ION 17 lOB Sikkim, St., India 27 SON 88 30B .Soar, R., England 52 48N 1 15W Staked PI., Uuited States 33 57N 103 Ow Suez, Egypt 29 58 N 32 22 E Sil, P,., Sp.ain 42 2lN 7 12n- Soasia, Dutch B, Indies (in^et) 12N 127 21l^ Stalybridge. England 53 39N 2 4\y Suez Canal, Egypt 31 ON 32 Ok Sila, Mt., Italy 33 17N 16 33E Sobat li., Sudan 3 ON 33 OE Stamford. Bnglanil 52 39N 28\i- Suez, G. of, Egypt 29 On 33 OK Silehar, Assam 24 18N '.)2 5lK Soliraon, Puniab 31 6n 74 54K Stamford Bridge, Kngland 51 ox 51w Suffolk, Co., England 52 ION 1 OE Silesia,. Prov,, Austria ."iO O.N' IR OK Society Is., PaclHc IJc 17 SOS 151 Ow Stanrlerton, Transvaal 27 IS 29 S3K Sugar Loaf Pt.. Australia 32 25s 152 22B Silesia, Pi'ov., Prussia 51 ON 17 OK Soconnsco, Mexieo 15 I5N 92 45w Stanislawow, Austria 48 53N 31 431': Siigarloaf, Mt., Enuland 51 53N 3 Ow Silistria, Bulgaria 44 ION 27 P.IK S.ieorro, Colombia 6 26.N 73 41W Stanley, Falkland Is., 52 OS 5S ;:0w Sngarloaf, Mt., Ireland S.^Ox OW Silloth, England 54 52N 3 24w Suda Spring, Anstrali.i 20 20S 131 41 K Stanley Kails, Congo State 20X 38 30 k Siiir, E., Irelaml 53 36N 7 SOW Silvermine ,Mts., Ireland 52 42.V 8 22W Sodanyoli, Dutch 111. Indies (insetj 56,\ Stanley Pool, Congo State 4 8S 15 SOK Snkbona, R., Russia 60 ON 42 SOB

Silverton, Australia 31 54s 141 lOK 127 34b Stanley tta , Australia 30 .50S 141 50B Siiktium Kule, Russia 43 ON 41 15E Silvretta, Mts., Switzerland 46 52N 10 4K Snderliamn, Sweden 01 25N 17 Ol-J Stanleyville, Congo State 39N 25 2i)B Siikknr, Sind 37 42N 68 .54K Simalu, I., Dutch B. Indies 2 JON 35 5">K Sofala, Port, E. Africa 20 5s 34 41E Stauovoi Mts., Siberia 00 on 140 OB Sula Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 .50s 125 30K Simaneas, Spain 41 36N 4 5SW Softa, Bulgaria 42 S3N 23 20K Stautborpe, Anstriilia 28 35s 151 5SE Sii-la-ho, E., China 40 40N 95 OE Simbirslt, Russia 51 13N 48 16E Sogne Pd., Norway 61 ON 4 OE Staple Hill, Englniid .50 .58x 3 Ow Snlainiau IIiIIs, Punjab SO ON 69 35K Simcoe, L., Canada 4-1 25N 73 21U' Sohar, Oiniin 24 33N 56 38B Starbuck I., Pacific Oc. 5 35s 156 Ow Side Skerry, I., Scotiand 59 5N 4 25W Simferopol, Russia 41 58N 34 OK Soignies, lielginm 50 SON 4 5E Stargari], Prussia 53 15x 15 Ob Snlina, Romania 45 ON 29 40K Simla, euujab 31 2N 77 2E .Soissons, Prance 43 25N 3 18E Start B., Eneland 50 ION 3 43W Snlitelma, Mt., Sweden 67 3X 16 28E Simonside, Englanil 5.') 14N 3 Ow Sokoto, Nigei-ia 13 ON 5 UK Start Pt., England .50 ION 3 40W Siilu Arch., Philippiue Is. 6 ON 131 OK Simoustown, Cape Colony 34 15s 18 25k Sokoto, St., Nigeria 12 ON 8 OK Start Pt., Scotland 53 I6N 3 32W , PhiUppine Is, 8 ON 121 OK Simplou P., Switzerland 46 17N 8 IK Sok.chn, R., Tibet 32 Ion 34 OK Stassfuit, Prussia 51 5lN 11 S4B Sumao, China 22 45N 101 14K Sinai, Mt., Eg\pt 2S 30N 34 OE Siikotra, I., Indian Oc. 12 35N 51 30E Stat, C, Nia-wav 02 15N 5 3B Sumatra, I., E. Indies 102 OB Sinaloa, Mexico 26 3N 108 15w Solent, The, Str,, England 50 45N I S3\v Stateu f., Argentina 55 OS 04 Sw Sumba, I., Dutch E. Imlies 9 SOS 12t) uio

Siuolaii-s B., Scotland 58 SON 3 .iw Solferino, Italy 45 35N 10 35B Staunton, United Siatis 38 12N 73 ow Sumbawa, I., Dutch E. Indies 8 3ns I IS Olo Sind, Div., Bombay 26 ON 69 Oic Solnliofen, Harvaria 48 5lN 10 5SE Stavauger, Norway 5,i ON 5 40K Snmburgh Hd., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset) Siuder, Pr. W. Afrl a 14 1.5N 1 31E Sologne, Dist., Prance 47 38N 2 OK Stavoren, Ne'therlaiuls 52 54N 5 2310 59 SIN 1 17W Sines, PortUL'al 37 57N 8 54\y Solomon Is., Pacific Oc. 8 OS 153 OB Stavropol, Kll^sia 15 IN 43 15K Sil-nan, China 30 .SON 110 2K ,\u&tr.ili.i Singapoi-e, Stiaits Si-ttlcmeuts 1 ION 103 50B Solar Is , Dntcb E. Indies 8 3Ss 123 lUK Stawell, 37 3s 143 5 IK Sunart, Dist., Scotland 56 41N 5 lOW Sitigkcp, I„ Malay Arch. CS 101 3 IE Solothurn, Switzerland 47 13N 7 Sll-; Steep Holme, L. EiiLdand 51 31N 3 7w Sunart, L., Scotland 56 40N 5 45w Singleton, Australia 32 37s 151 10k Snlothnrn, I'rov., Swiizerland 47 2nN 7 lO).: Steep Pt, Australia 26 los 113 Oio Snnda, Is., Dutch E. Indies 5 OS 104 OE Singora, Malay Pen. 7 12N loo SO).; Siilway I'irth, Sd., England 51 nN 3 Slw Stcfanie. L., Br. E. .V rica 5 ON ;iO 5S Siinda Str., Dntcli F,. Indies 5 3i,ls 100 OE Sinkat, Egyptian Suilan 18 .'i5n 36 50K Soinal, Tribe. Africa 2 ON 42 OB Siein, Switzcrlaud 4 7 38.x 8 51 K Sundarban, Bencal 23 ON 89 OlO Sin-kiang, I'rov., China 41 ON 1)5 OE .Somali Pen., B. Africa 8 ON 46 0|.'. S einamanger, Hungary 17 13N 10 S5K Sunday R., Capo Colony 33 4ns 35 41 Si-nsau, China 34 20N 108 41E .Sonialiland, Br. E. Africa 9 SON 10 SOB Steiukopf, Cape Colony 23 17s 17 57K Sunderland, England .54 54N 1 2lw Silling, China 36 42N 101 5K .Somerset, Australian OS 143 SOK Stellenbiisch, Cape Colnny 31 Ss 18 5SB Suiidsvall, Sweden 62 23N 17 lOK Siiiope, Turkey in Asia 42 2N 35 9B Somer.-ct Jllast, Ca[ic Colmiy 32 15s 25 40K Stelvio P., Switzerland 10 S3x 10 3SK Snugari, R., Manchuria 40 ION 127 SOlo Smon, Liberia 4 58N 8 52W Somme, Dept., Prance 43 56N 1 53B .-tendal, Prussia 53 SIN 11 50B Suiig-kiaug, China (inset) 31 2X 121 1 1 10 Sio, R., Hungary 46 45N 18 13K Souuue, R„ France 50 8N 1 4l))i Stettin, Prussia 53 37N 14 SIK Sunk I., England 53 JON 4w Siou, Switzerland 46 14N 7 22)0 Somosierra, Spain 41 ON 3 3IW Stewart L, New Zealand 47 OS 168 OK Sunk L.-V., Bngland 51 51N 1 31 Sioux, United States 43 40N 96 9w Sol), K., Burma 35 ON 81 13K SLeyr, Austria 48 iN 14 24E Superior, L , N. America 47 SON 88 Ow Sioux Falls, United States 43 33N 96 .13 »• Siiuilerbnrg, Prussia 54 50N 9 50K stickeen R„ Canada 57 40N 133 Ow Sur, Oman 24 5N S3 35 K Siracnsa, Italy 37 8N 15 13K Soidiat, Bengal 23 SON S3 SOB Stincliar, B., Sontland 55 ION 1 SOW Sura, E., Russia 55 ON 46 SOK Sira-ninren, 11., Mongolia 43 40N 133 30K Soiig-ka, H., ludo-Chiua 33 40N 103 OB Stiper Stmies, Mt., England 53 35X 3 56w Surabaya, Java 7 2s 112 30E Sirohi, Raj)iiitana 24 54N 73 51K Sonpur, Central Provs. 31 ON 81 OB Stirling, Scotland 56 7n 3 56W Siu-akarta, Java 7 30s 110 34K Sii-sa, Punjab 23 SON 75 6E Soriita, Vol,, Bolivia 16 10s 68 Ow Stirling, Co.. Scotland 56 3N 4 15W Surat, Australia 27 17s 149 18 E Siryan Russia 65 ON 55 OK Soria, Spain 41 4SN 2 31W Stirling R^i., Australia 34 OS 113 OB Snrat, Bombay 21 2N 72 50E Sis, Turkey in Asia 37 42N 35 59 K Soro, 1., Norway 70 40N 33 SOK Stockholm, Sweden 53 30N 18 OK Snrigao Str., Philippine Is. 10 35N 125 25 lo Sisal, Mexico 20 13N 30 5W Sonud, Tlie Deumark 50 ION 12 30 K Stockport, England 53 35N 3 llw Surimam, R., Dntc^li Guiana 5 ON 55 S^v Sistova, Bulg

( 21 1 E E 1 E INDEX.

Svir, n., Russia 60 r)ON 33 4(IK Tange, Mt„ Fr. W. Africa 12 20N 12 20W Tenimber Is., Dutch E. Indies 7 27s 131 SOE Tinto Hill, Scotland 55 35N 3 46W S\val)i;i, Upper, Pist., trennany IS (IN ItMli.] Tangier, Morocco 35 25.\ 5 4sw Tennessee, R., United States :'5 3ux 85 .iw Tinto, R., Spain 37 3.5N 6 43)y SuMhiaii Jura, Mis., (TeriiiaiiylS ilDx 9 UH Tanhoa, Indo-China 19 35X 105 35E Tennessee, St.. United S atus 36 ON 86 OW Tioman. I., .Malay Arch. 2 4Sx 104 12E Swnffham, BiielaUii 7,2 37N n"4i)l-; Tarjjore, Madras 10 48x 79 12E Tenterden, England 51 6x u 4UE Tipperary, Ireland 52 28x 8 9w' Swiiiii Ueets, Australia 31 -las l.'.a -lOlo Tipperary, Co., Ireland 52 SON 7 SOW Tannenberg, Prussia 53 26X 20 7li3 Tentci-lield, Australia 28 66s 1 62 2B Wwakop, R., Her. S.W. Africa 2^ 4ns la OR Tanta, Egypt 30 50N 30 57 Tepic, Mexico 21 25 X 104 55W Tipton, England 52 34N 2 4"W Su-aliopmuiifl, G.T. S. W. Africa 22 35s M 40n Tantalam I., Malay Pen. 7 SON 100 ISE Teplitz, Austria .50 36N 13 51E Tirlemont. Belgium 50 49X 4 5GE Swale, R., Eii:^lanil ri4 12X 1 24W Tantura, Palestine 32 37x 34 54E Ter, R.. Spain 42 3x 3 17 Tirnova. Bulgaria 43 9N 25 39E Swaledale, England at 23N 2 Ow Taoi-mina, Italy 37 49N 15 17E Tcramo, Italy 42 34X 13 48E Tirso, R., Italy 40 ON 8 48E Swan, R., Australia 32 as 117 2aE Tapajoz, K., Brazil 7 OS 57 OTT Terek, R., Rus-ia 43 5SN a OE Tirupati. Mad'ras 13 42N 79 24K Swanage, Eni^land 50 38n 1 5S\V Ta-pa-shan, Mts., China 32 ON 108 OE Teressa, 1., Nioobar Is. s 18N 93 OE Tirzali, Palestine 32 20N 35 23E Swansea, Wales 51 37K 3 oHw Tapti, R., Bombay 21 20S 74 OE Terim. Arabia 16 16N 49 25B Titicaca, L., Peru 16 OS 69 2UW Swansea B., Wales 51 26N 3 SOW Taquary, R., Brazil 18 65s 57 OW Termination I., Southern Oc. 64 Os 95 OE Titlis, Mt., Switzerland 46 47x 8 SOE Swat, R., N.W. Frontier Prnv. 34 r,N 71 4RB Tara, Ireland 53 34N 6 36 w Termini, Italy 37 57X IS 44e Tiverton, England 50 65N 3 31'W Swatau, China 23 42N 116 4S|.; Tara, R., Bosnia 43 40N IS 48E Termoli, Italy 42 Ix 13 3E Ti»oli, Italy 41 57N 12 60E Swazi, Tribe, S. Africa 26 3I1S 31 30K Taranto, Italy 40 28N 17 13E Tern, K., England 52 52N 2 36w Tixtla, Mexico 17 35N 99 lOW Swcrlcn, St., Europe 63 ux 15 OK Taranto, G. of, Italy 40 15N 17 OR Ternate Is.. Dutch E. Indies 45N 127 SOE Toba L., Sumatra 2 35N 98 35E Swelli'nilam, Cape Oolonv 34 123 20 31rs Tarapaca, Chile 19 55s 69 37W Terracina, Italy 41 17x IS 13B Tobago, I., W. Indies 11 32N 01 lOw Swilly, L,, Irclanil 65 15x 7 35w Tararua Ra., New Zealand 40 40s 175 30E Terranova, Italy 40 65N 9 29B Tobermory, Scotland 66 37N 6 4W Swindon, Ens^iand 51 33N 1 46\y Tarasp, Switzerland 46 46N 10 15E Terranova. Italy 36 56N 14 19H Tobol, B., Russia in Asia 53 ON 63 25E Swineniiinrle, Prussia 53 54X 14 121-: Tarawera, Mt., New Zealand 38 14S 176 35 E Terre Hante, Uuiled States 39 25x 87 27n- Tobolsk, Siberia 58 12X 68 SUE Swineslicaii, Englani] 52 57N n ilw Tarbat Ness, C, Scotland 67 SOX 3 48 w Terscbelling, I., Netherlands 53 25s 5 25E Tocantins, R., Brazil 4 OS 49 35\V Switzcrlanil, St., Europe 46 Ox 8 Oli Tarbert, Ireland 52 36N 9 23ff Teruel, Spain 40 23X 1 Ow Toeopilla, Chile 32 12s 70 165V Swonls, Irclanil 53 2»X 6 15w Tarbcrt, Scotland 55 52N 6 25W Test, R, England 51 15x 1 SOW Tocuyu, Venezuela 9 15x 69 41\V Sybil Hil., Irclaml 52 llx 10 2Hvr Tarbert, \7est, L., Scotland 57 57x 6 55ff Tcte, Port. E. Alrica 16 27S 33 25K Todi, Mt., Switzerland 46 48x 9 SSE Sychar, Palestine 32 UN 35 17B Tarbert, Bast, L., Scotland 57 52X 6 41W Teutoburg Forest, Prussia 52 ION 8 UE Todmorden, England 53 43X 2 Sw S.vdney, Australia 33 5'.ls 151 2E Tarbes, Prance 43 14N 2E Teviot, R, Scotland 55 20X S Ow Toggenborg, Dist., Switzerland 47 15x 9 7E Sydney. Canada 46 ux 60 Ow Tareutaise, Dist., France 45 3.5x 6 36 E Tewkesburj', England 51 59X 2 9^y Togo, Togo Land 6 22x 1 23E Sy.Ira, CI. of, Tripoli 31 ON 19 OE Tarifa, Spain 36 ON 6 36 \y Texa,s, St., United St.ites 31 ON 99 Togo Land, W. Africa 8 On 1 OE Syeno, Bsypt 33 50x 33 2lS Tarifa, 0., Spain (inset) 36 2N 5 35w Texel. I., Netherlands 63 5X 4 50E Tokat, Turkey in Asia 40 26N 36 35E Sylhet, Assam 24 50x 1)1 58F. Tarija, Bolivia 21 35S 04 42W Tez, Turkey in Asia 13 55X 44 8E Tokar, Egyptian Sudan IS 37N 37 42E Sylt. I., Germany 54 55N 8 23K Tarim R., Oliina 40 20x 83 SOE Thame, England 51 45x 59W Tokay, Hungary 48 8n 21 25E Sylvester, L„ Australia 18 50s 135 20E Tarn, Dept., France 43 48N 2 9B Thame, R., Engl mil 51 46N 1 3iv Tokelau Is., Paoifio Oc. 8 SOS 170 Ow Syr Daria, R., Russian Turkestan 41 41N 68 5li Tarn, R., Prance 43 58N 2 5R Tiiamas, New Zedand 37 5s 175 33E Tokio, .Tapan 35 4.5N 139 50B Syra, I., Greece 37 28x 24 5410 Tarn-et-Garonne, Dept., France 44 9X 1 lUR Thames. R., Englaiul 51 30x 45w Toledo, Spain 39 58x 4 OE Syracuse, United States 43 8X 76 lOw Tarnopol, Austria 49 32N 25 40B Tliaines, R., United States 42 35N 82 Ow Tolerlo, United States 41 40N 83 28w Syria, Dist., Turkey in Asia 32 4nx 36 45E Tarnow, Austria 50 2N 21 OR Tliaua, Bombay 19 12N 73 OE Toledo, Mts. of, Spain 39 SOX 5 Ow Syrian Desert, Arabia 32 lox 4U OiS Taroom, Australia 25 40s 1 19 SOB Thanet, Isle of. England 61 21N 1 20E Tolima, Mt., Colombia 3 55N 73 35\v

Syzran, Russia 53 7N 48 20k Tarragona, Spain 41 7N 1 16E Thar, The, Rajputan i 27 Ox 72 3UE Tolosa, Spain 43 7N 2 5w Szai) idka, H;unp:ary 46 5x 19 40R Tarsus, Turkey in Asia 30 57N 34 501-; Thargomindah, Australia 27 51s 143 35E Tolposis, Mt., Russia 63 SON 60 OE Szanios, R., Hun^'ary 47 4Sx 23 OR Tashkent, Russian Tnrkcstan 41 22N 69 OE 'I'basus, I.. Turkey 4U i2s 24 43K Toluca, Mexico 19 19N 99 37w

Szcgedin, HnuRarv 46 16X 20 2.

Tacoiua, Mt., Unitol States 47 ON 122 Ow Tavoy. Burma 14 16X 9S 12E Thorpncss, C. England 52 12x 1 40E Tonnes, R., Spain 41 ION G 23W Ta(aitu, R., Brazil 2 SON 59 law Tayy, R., England 50 37N 4 4W Thousand Islands, L. of the, United States Tornea, Russia 65 54N 24 14B

Tailciister, England 63 5 4N 1 19\y Tawaislia, Egyptian Sudan 12 SOX 26 32 E 4 1 Ox 76 Ow Turnea, L., Sweden 68 SOx 20 OE

Tadonsac, Canada 48 12x 69 1 ny Tawali, 1., Dutcli B. Indies (inset) 1.5S Thrace. Dii'., Turkey 41 SON 26 Sue Tornea, R., Sweden 67 SON 22 lOE Tafalla, Spain 42 29N 1 43w 127 5K Three King's Is., New Zealand 31 5s 172 5E Toronto, Canada 43 40N 79 2S\y Tagalo, Dist., Egyptian Smlan 12 2ax 31 45E Tawe, R., England 50 5Sx 3 S4w Three Points, C, Gold Coast 4 45x 2"W Torquay, England 50 29N 3 32W Tagam-og, Russia 47 15x 4S 37 R Tay, F. of, Scotland 56 27N 2 30W Tlirce Rivers, Canada 46 21N 72 18vy Torrens. L., Australia 31 OS 137 ISE Tagus, R., Spain and Portugal 38 26x 9 6\y Tay, L., Scotland 86 33N 4 7yy Thun, Switzerland 46 .tlx 7 3S1-; Torres Str., Australia 10 OS 142 OB Tahiti, I., Pacific Go. 17 .50S 149 40w Tav Por-t, Scotland 56 25N 2 53W Thuii, L. of, Switzerland 46 ION 7 43E Tories Vedras, Portugal 39 Sx 9 18W Tail', Turkey in Asia 21 Ox 41 3E Tay. R., Scotland 66 35N 3 SOW Thur, K., S\yitzerliiiid 17 35x s SHE Ton-cvieja, Spain 37 59X 42\y 'J'ai-hu. L., China 31 ION 120 OE laytao Pen., Chile 46 SOS 75 OK Thurgau, Proy., Switzerland 47 35N 9 OE Torridge, R., England 60 53N 4 16"5y Taimyr Pen., Siberia 76 Ox 100 UE Te Anau L., New Zealand 45 ISS 167 43E Tburingian Forest, Gcriuany 50 SON 11 OIO Torridon, Scotland 57 35N 5 SOW

Tain, Scotland 57 48N 4 3W Tearaght I., Ireland 52 4N 10 40W Thnrles^ Ireland .52 41N 7 47W ToiTidoii, Ij. , Scotland 57 S7x 5 45^v Tai-pe, Japan 24 58x 121 22E Tehesti, Dist., Sahara 19 ON 19 Ok Thurm B., Prussia 51 13s 18 .SOE Torrington, England SO Ssx 4 Sw Tai-ping, China 22 27N 107 lOE Tebuk. Turkey in Asia 27 62x 37 17B TJiiirsdav I., Anstr.alia 10 Ills 142 IIIE Tortola, 1,, W. Indies 18 '-SN 61 42\y Taiping, China (inset) 22 4ax 11:1 45R Tech, R., Fi-ancc 42 35x 2 25 e, Scotland SS 33x 3 31^y Tortosa, Spain 10 48x 38E Taiping, China 31 45N US 3I1K Tees, R., Kngland .54 S2N 1 5s\y Thurso, R., Scotland .58 23N 3 4Uw Tory I., Ireland 55 16X s ISW Tai-tsung, Chiiia (inset) 31 27x 121 6E Teesdale, England 51 35N 2 5w Thlisis, Switzerland 46 41 X 9 251] Towcester, Bngland 53 8N SOW Taiwan, I., Japan 23 12N 120 221': Teffe, Brazil 3 40s 04 5uw Ti Da, (.lliina 29 lux 95 SOE Totncs, Bngland 50 2aN 3 42W

T,ai-ynen-fu, China 37 5S,\ 112 40K Tegucigalpa, itonduras 1 I 32X S!) 62W Tian Shan, iMts., Russian Turkestan 40 ux Tool, Franco 48 42x 5 SSE Tajo, R., Spain 40 Sox 2 ISiy TehraiL Persia 35 46x 51 2UK 73 Ok Toulon, France 43 7x 5 56E Taka, Dist., Egyptian Sudan 15 30x 36 30E Tehri, Punjab 31 ox 78 OE Tibati. Camerons 6 SON 12 47E Toulouse, France 43 35N 1 3S|,; Takai, Japan 22 3S.\- 120 2 IE Tehuantepcc .\le-\ico H; 32X 95 27w Tiber, R., Itily 42 25N 12 SUE Touraine. Dist., France 47 lox o SOE Takata, Japan 37 ION 138 6E Tebuantepec. G. of, Mexico 16 2UX 95 Uw Tiberias, Palestine 32 17X 35 32E Tourcoing, France 50 44X 3 9E Takht-i-Sulaiman, Mt., Bahichistan 31 30N Tehuantepcc, Isth. of, Mexico 17 3UX 91 in\ Tihesti, Dist., Sahara 19 ox 19 OB Tonrnai, Belgium 50 37x 3 23E 69 30 k Tela, R., Wales 53 13x 4 2W Tibet, Ter., Asia 32 OX 90 OE Tours, France 47 23N 43E Ta-l

Talavera, Spain 39 58N 4 46\y Tejend, R , Persia 30 lUX 61 lUB Tidor I., Dutch E. Indies 2UX 137 20E Towy, R, Wales 51 52N 4 lUW Talca, Ohile 35 SOS 72 38^v Tejo, B., Spain and Portugal 3s 2Gx 9 6w Tidung, Borneo 3 SOX 116 45k Towyn, Wales 52 42x 4 4W Talcahuano, Ohile 36 40s 73 25w Tekape, L,, New Zealand 43 51s 170 34k Tientsin, China 39 3s 117 OE Trafalgar, C., Spain .36 16N 6 Iw Tali, China 25 5SX 100 OE Tekir llagli, ,Mt., Turkey 40 44X 26 .")0E Tierra del Puego, I., S America .54 OS 69 uw Tnijau's Gate, P., Bulgaria 42 4Sx 23 20B Tallahassee, United States 30 SON 84 10\y Tekoa, Palestine 31 .i7N 35 12E Tietar R.. Spain 4U 6N 5 14W Trajan's Wall, Itomania 41 32N 28 25^ Taltal, Ohile 2a 43s 70 37w Tel-el- Kcbir, Egypt 3 I SOX 31 15K Tieto, K., Brazil 20 Sus 51 ow Tralee, Ireland 52 17N 9 43W T.amar, R,, England .50 42N 4 22\T Tell Asur, Mt., Palestine 31 59N 35 ISE Titlis, Russia 41 .SON 44 SSE Tralee B., Ireland 52 17x 9 Slw Tamatave, MadaL^ascar 17 55s 49 OE Tell ed .Jena, Mt.. Palestine 32 3Sx 36 5 IK Tigre, IJist., Abyssinia 14 ON 38 30E Tramore, Ireland 52 lox 7 llw Tnmbo, R., Peru 10 52s 74 lOw Tell el Jlulh, Palestine 31 12N 35 IE Tigris, R., Turkey in Asei 35 3Ux 43 20E Trani, Italy 41 15x 16 20B danlhnf, Russia 52 40N 41 29R Tellioherii, .Madras 11 J2N 75 SOE Tibamaie Coastland, Red Sea 20 Ox 4U OK Tranqnebar, Madrixs 11 ON 79 54 B Tambon, Vol., Dutch E. Indies S ICs 118 OE Telok Teloiig, Sumatra 6 35s IU5 35E Xilburg, Netherlands 51 32N 5 5E Trans-Ca,spia,, Dist., Russian Turkestan 13 ON Tame, R.. England 52 34N 1 40\y Temtau Land, Cape Colony 31 27s 28 Uio Till, E., England 65 33N 3 Ow 56 OE Taaa'ga, H., Portugal 41 15N 8 12iv Teine, R., England 63 13X 2 22-iy Tilsit. Prussia 55 IN 31 .53B Transvaal, Col., S. Africji 25 OS 29 SOE Taninicrfors, Russia 61 30\ 23 2(iE Teniesvar. Hungary 45 .MN 21 si,; Tilt, R,, .Scotland 56 .Sux 3 47W Transylvania, I'rov., Hungary 46 17x 24 OE 4'alnpa, United States 28 15N 82 15W Temiscaming, L, (janada 17 26x 79 35\y Timan lla., Russia 65 ux 51 OE Transylvanian Alps, Mts., Hungary 45 35N Tanipico, Mexico 22 29N 98 2w- Ten Degree Ob , U. of Bciiiral lo ux 03 UE Tiniani, New Zealand 4 1 2us 171 31 E 24 OE Tamsni, .Japan 25 ION 121 17i: Teiia-serini, Burma 12 12X 98 soe Tinibo. Fr. W. Africa lu 43X 11 6W Trapani, Italy 38 ON 12 SOE Hist... Tanjwortb, Australia 31 4s 151 he Teiiasseriiu, Banna. 14 UN 98 .30E Timbuktu, Pr. W. Africa 16 5Sx 3 S2W Trasimena, L., Italy 43 sn 12 71-; Tamwortl], Ihiglaial 52 4nx 1 42W Teuby, Wales 51 llN I 4jW Timok, R... Servia 43 ION 22 15E Trayancore. SI., Mailras s 30X 77 Oe Tana, H., Br. E. Africa. 1 30.- 10 14E Tenda, Italy 14 5X 7 SOE Timor, I., E. Indies 9 os 125 Sue Travers. Switzerland 46 56X 6 II E f.9 Switzerland 16 3sx 2ni: Ls., T.iu;i. R , Norway 40X 26 OE Tcnrtre, Mt.. 6 Tiiiinr Laut Dutch E, Indieo 7 27s 131 3Uk Travuik, Bosnia 44 lux 17 SOE s I., Asia 39 ISN Ti ro, R., Italy 41 43X Ok Teuedos, Turkey in 26 UK Ti ;velli, Ma.lras 8 42s 77 42E Traz oz .Mniites. Prov., Portugal 41 Sox 7 Ow 'I'anc, R., England 51 Ox 3 22w Tenerifc I., Canary Is. 28 I5x 16 20-w Tiiios, I., Greece 37 35X 25 SE Trelibia, B., Italy 44 SIN 9 sTe Tala.'g.a, I., Japan 30 25X 131 OK Teug chau, China 37 46X 120 IDE Tinlagel, England SO 41N 4 46W Trebinye, Bosnia 42 4.4N 18 19E Tanganyika, L., Central Al'riea 6 03 30 OE Tengri Nor, L., Tibet 30 68N 9U S5E Tintcrn, England 51 43N 2 41 w Trebizond, Turkey in Asia 40 58N 30 5lE

( 22) E


Tredegar. EnKlani 61 62N 3 17W TuskarRook, Wales 61 27N 3 41W Utrecht, Netherlands 62 6H 6 lOE Victoria Nyanza, L, Central Airioa 1 08 33 OB Xremaaoe, Wales 62 BEN 4 9-w Tuticorin, Madr.a3 8 48s 78 I2E Utrecht, Prov., Netherlands 62 6s 6 8 IE Victoria Peak, Canada 60 1.5N 127 16W 42 Tremiti I., Italy llN 16 34B1 Tuwaim, Arabia 26 4s 45 56E Utsang, Tibet 30 ON 88 OE Victoria Ra., Austraha 28 40s US OB Trent, 46 11 IE Austria 2N Tuipan, Meiico 20 50N 97 25W Utto.xeter, England 62 65s 2 9W Victoria B., Australia 15 30s 130 30a 63 Trent, R., Bngknd 25N 45w Tuz Ohelu, L., Turkey In Asia 38 42N 33 5E Uvalli, Plat., Russia 60 ON 46 OE Vid, R., Bulgaria 43 20N 24 24E Trenton, United States 40 HN 74 44W Tver, Russia 56 6lN 35 58E Uibridge, England 61 34N SOW , Bulgaria 44 In 22 64E Treves, Prussia 49 45N 6 48)! Tweed, R., Scotland 66 36N 2 30w , Amtria 48 9N 16 21E 12 TreTiso, Italy 46 42N 14E Tweedmouth, England 55 44N 2 2W VAAL, B., S. Africa 27 353 26 30E Vienne, France 45 34N 4 S4B TreyoSB Hd., England 60 34N 5 3W Twelve Pins, Mt, Inland 63 32s 9 64w Vaigal, R., Madras 9 30N 78 30E Vienne, Dept., France 46 23N 18a Australia OS 163 Trial B., 31 lOE Twofold B., Australia 37 03 150 OE Val Tcllina, Italy 46 8n 10 OE Vienne, Haute-, 45 66N 1 lOE 65s Triohinopoli, Madras 10 78 27H Tyue, R., England 6i 6i)N 1 59W Valais, Prov., Switzerland 46 10s 7 20 E Vigo, Spain 42 16N 8 4.5W 45 13 Trieste, Austria 39N 47E Tyne, R., Scotland 66 ON 2 38W Valdai Hills, Bussia 57 37N 33 OE Vigten Is., Norway 66 ISN 12 OH Trikala, Greece 39 34N 21 45e Tynemouth, England 66 In 1 25W Valilezia, Transvaal 23 103 SO 9E Vilgoas, Hungary 46 16N 21 3lE Tringauu, Malay Pen. 6 9N 103 12E Tyre, Palestine 3.( 16N 35 12E Valdivia, Chile 40 OS 73 25W Vilaine, B., France 48 ON 1 48w TrlDidad, Bolivia 14 303 65 15w Tyree, I., Scotland 56 27s 6 66 W Valence, France 44 56N 4 56E Villa Beal, Portugal 41 14N 7 46w Trinidad, 21 48N 80 6w Tyrell, Ouba L , Australia 35 12a 142 50E Valencia (Estremadura), Spain 39 28N 7 16 w Villa Bica, Paraguay 26 453 56 35W Trinidad, I., W. Indies 10 40n CI SOW Tyrnau, Hungary 18 21s 17 30E Valencia (Valencia) Spain 39 38N 24W Villa Viciosa, Spain 40 23s 3 55W Triuity B., Nowfoimdland (inset i 48 15n 63 Ow Tyrol, Prov., Austria 46 50N 11 30E Valencia, Venezuela 10 6S 68 12W Villach, Austria 46 SSN 13 36E 95 Trinity R., United States 30 36N Ow Tyrone, Co., Ireland 64 32s 7 lOw Valencia, B. of, Spain 39 25N 30E Villeneuve, Switzerland 46 22N 6 66B Trinkitat B., Kf^yptian Sudan 18 48N 37 42E Tyrrhenian S., Mediterranean S. 40 OS 12 30E Valencia, Prov., Spain 39 30N 50W Villanova Portimflo, Portugal 37 9N 8 32TV Tripoli, Tripoli 32 25N 13 20E Tzaritzin, Russia 43 49N 4 4 30E Valencieones, France 50 2lN 3 SIB Villanuevadel Grao, Spain 39 27s 19w Tripoli, Turkey in Asia 34 40N 36 4E Valeiitla I., Ireland 51 65s 10 20w Vilna, Bussia 54 60s 24 18E Tripoli, Prov., N. Africa 30 ON 15 OK UBANGI, R., Congo State 4 36N 21 OE Valladolid, Spain 41 SON 4 50W Vindhya Mts., Central ladia 22 40N 76 OE Tripolitza, G reece 37 30N 22 28E Uberaba, Brazil 19 409 47 SOW Vallombrosa, Italy 43 48s 11 36E Vinh, Indo-China 18 50N 105 40E Trim, Ireland 63 36s 6 47w Uberava, L., Brazil 17 329 67 46w Valona, Turkey 40 29N 19 31 Vinh-long, Indo-Ohina 10 6N 106 OE Trincomali, Oeylon 8 38N 81 lOB Ucayali, R., Pern « 09 74 Ow Valparaiso, Chile 33 133 71 SOW Viosa, B., Turkey 40 39N 19 25E Triton, I., S. Oliina Sea 15 53N 110 63E Udaipur, Bengal 22 SON 83 18E Van, Turkey in Asia 38 SUN 43 18E Virgin la., W. Indies 18 20N 65 Ow Trivandrum, Madras 8 SOS 77 OE Udaipur, Rajputana 24 38N 73 35B Van Diemen G., Australia 12 OS 131 46B Virginia City, United States 39 2.5N 119 37w Troglal, Mt., Austria 43 62s 16 18E Udine, Italy 46 4N 13 12E Van Diemen B., Australia 17 283 142 SOE Virginia City, United States 46 15N 112 17W Trolhatta Palls, Sweden 58 ION 12 5K Udoog, Indo-Ohina 12 5s 104 40B Van Reenen's P., Natal 28 303 29 21B Virginia, St., United States 37 30N 78 SOW Trombetas, R., Brazil 1 20s 68 Ow Ufa, Russia 64 49N 66 .56E Vancouver, Canada 49 1 2s 123 OW Virunga, Mt., Oongo State 1 SOS 29 SOE Tromsii, Norway 69 39N 18 67E Ufa. R^ Russia 55 35s 55 28E Vancouver I., Canada 49 30s 126 Ow Visby, Sweden 67 43N 18 16E Trondhjem, Norway 63 25s 10 23E , Dist., Br. B. Africa SON 32 OB Vannes, France 47 42N 2 SOW Vishera, B., Buasia 60 OS 58 OE Tronahjem Pd., Norway 63 30s 11 On Ugie, R., Scotland 57 36s 2 low Vauua Levu, I., Fiji Is. 16 369 179 ISE Vishni Volochok, Bussia 67 SSN 34 SOB Troodos, lit,, Oyprus 34 60s 32 40K Ui, R., Russia 54 OS 62 Ob Vao do Paranan, Mts., Brazil 15 OS 46 SOW Viso, Mt., Italy 44 35N 7 OB Troon, Scotland 55 34s 4 40W Uintah Mts, United States 41 7N 110 OW Van, Depf., Prante 43 2eN 6 6B Visp, Switzerland 46 16S 7 4SE Troppau, Austria 49 56s 17 .50E Uist, N., I., Scotland 57 34s 7 30w Varanger Pd.. Norway 70 ON 31 OE Visp, R., Switzerland 46 8S 7 4SE TrosSiichs, Scotland 66 14s 4 22W Uist, S., I., Scotland 67 15s 7 25W Vardb, Norway 70 2iN 31 SE Vistritza, R., Turkey 40 20s 22 OB Trostan, Mt., Ireland 55 2s 6 lOW Uitenhage, Cape Colony 33 483 25 21B Vardar, B., Turkey 41 25N 22 28B Vistula, R., Prussia 53 25N IS 25E Trottau, I., Malay Pen. 6 42s 99 42E Ujiji, Ger. E. Africa 4 58s 30 3E Varela, C, Indo-Cbina 12 40N 109 25E Vitebsk, Russia 65 ION 30 20E Tiotternish, Dist., Scotland 57 35N 6 ISw Ujjaiu, Central India 23 12N 75 64E Vares, 0. de, Spain 43 42N 7 43w Viterlio. Italy 42 26N 12 llE Troops Hd., Scotland 67 42N 2 18w Ukraine, Dist., Russia 49 45N 34 OB Varinas, Venezuela 7 6N 70 3W Viti, Is., Australasia (inset 61) 18 103 178 OB Trowbridiie, England 61 20S 2 ISw Ulea, L., Buasia 64 15N 27 20E Varna, Bulgaria 43 16n 27 55E I., Fiji Is. (inset 61) 18 09 178 OE Troy, United States 42 66.V 73 36W Ulea,R,, Russia 64 SON 26 SOB Vartry, R., Ireland 63 S.s' 6 12W Vitoria, Spain 42 62s 2 41w Troy, Buins of, Turkey in Asia 39 60s 26 25 E Uleaborg, Russia 64 38N 25 32B Vasa, Russia 63 6.N' 21 3IIE Vitosh, Mt., Bulgaria 12 29N 23 OB Troyes, France 18 13N 4 OE Ullapool, Scotland 57 55s 5 low Vaternish, Dist., Scotland 57 30K 6 29iv Vittoria, Mexico 23 46S 99 20w Trucker Peak. United States 39 SON 121 36iv UlNwater, L., England 54 SSN 2 SOW Vatersay, I., Scotland 56 56N 7 32W Vivarais. Dist.. FrFiii.c 44 SON 4 30B Truiillo, Honduras 15 57s 85 50W Ulno, Wiirtemberg 48 23N 9 59E Vaucluse. Dept., France 44 6N 6 OE Vivero, Spain 43 40s 7 88w, Trujillo, Peru 8 lOS 78 53w Ulster, Prov., Ireland 54 25s 7 Ow Vaud, Prov., Switzerlind 46 35N 6 20B Vizag.ipatam, Madras 17 42's 83 18B Truiillo, Spain 39 27N 5 5.5W Ulverston, England 64 12s 3 6\v Veoht, B., Netherlands 62 2ss 6 25 s Vizfeu, Portugal 40 40K 7 6SW

Trumai, Brazil 11 53s 63 32W Urn el Ketef B., Egypt 23 40s 35 66E Vegen, I , Norway 65 46N 11 40E Vizianagram, Madras 18 6N 83 SOE Truro, Canada 45 19N 63 24W Umbria, Prov., Italy 43 OS 12 30E Veglia, I., Austria 45 6s 14 36E Vlaardingen, Netherlands 51 56N 4 19E Truro, bngland 50 16N 6 3w Umbrian Apennines, Mts., Italy 43 OS 13 OE Velay, Dist., France 45 Os 3 48E Vladikavkaz, Russia 43 6N 44 55B Truro, I., S. China Sea 16 28S 116 28B Umarkot. Sind 25 24N 69 48E Velebit Planina, Mts., Hungary 44 40B 15 35E Vladimir, Russia 56 OS 40 40E Tsad. L., Central Sudan 13 30s 14 OE Umea, Sweden 63 62s 20 20E Velino, Mt., Italy 42 8N 13 36B Vladivostok, Siberia 43 2N 131 45E Tsaidam, Dist., Tibet 37 20s 94 OE TJmea, R., Sweden 64 16N 19 40E Velletri, Italy 41 43N 12 47E Vlieland I., Netherlands 63 1.5N 6 OE Tsana, L., Abyssinia 12 OS 37 30E Umkomanzi R., Natal 30 8s 30 40E Vellore, Madras 12 64N 79 12B Vogels Berg, Mt., Germany 50 SON 9 lOE Tsaobis, Ocr. S. W. Africa 22 36s 16 IE Umlatoosi R., Natal 28 48s 32 OB Velukhi, Mt., Greece 38 68s 22 lOB Vola, Greece 39 2SN 22 68E Tsi-nan-fu, China 36 45s 117 lOE Umm el Jerar, Palestine 31 24N 34 26E Veluwe, Dist, Netherlands 62 16s 6 44E Volcano B., Japan 42 20s 140 46E Tsing-ling-shan, Mts., China 35 ON 104 OE Umtala P.. Cape Colony 31 55S 29 ISE Vendue, Dept., France 46 29N 1 34W Volga Heights, Bu.~sia 52 ON 46 OB Tsintau, China 36 27s 120 48E Umzimkulu B., Natal 30 37g 30 2IE Vendee, Dist., France 46 30s 1 SOW Volga, R., Russia 67 18N 42 OB Tsiu-san, I., Japan 26 40s 127 45E Umzimvubu R., Cape Colony 31 40s 29 30E Venetia, Prov., Italv 45 30s 12 lOE Volhynia, Dist.. Bussia SO 46N 26 SOB Tsoakhoub, R., Ger. S.W. Afi-ica 22 40S 15 OE Unaka Mt»., United States 36 34s 84 Ow Venezuela, St., S. Africa 7 Os 66 OW Volkhof, B., Russia 69 SON 32 30E Tsugaru Str., Japan 41 30s 141 OE Uncompahgre, Mt., U.S. 38 14N 109 20w Venice, Italy 45 26s 12 20N Vologda, Russia 59 10s 39 52E Tsuugmiij?. China (inset) 31 30N 121 36E Ungava B., Canada 59 ON 67 SOW Venice, G. of, Italy 45 26s 12 20B Vorarlberg, Prov., Austria 47 25s 9 SOB Tsu-shima, I., Japan 39 Son 129 20E Ungava, Uist., Canada 56 30s 70 Ow Venlo, Netherlands 51 22N 6 6E Voronesli, Russia 51 4SS 39 6E Tuam, Ireland 53 31N 8 50 w Ungvar, Hungary 48 38s 22 15E Ventimiglia, Italy 43 6lN 7 49B Volsk, Russia 52 ON 47 SOE 1 Tuareg, Tribe, Sahara 22 OS 4 OB Union Is., Paciflc Oo. 8 303 170 Ow Ventnor, England 60 36N 12W Volta, B , W. Africa 5 OS Tuat 0., Sahara 28 ON 1 OE United States, Rep., N. America 39 ON 96 Ow Vera, Spain 37 ION 1 58w Volta, Black, B., Gold Coast 10 OS 3 Ow Tilbingen, Wdrtemberg 48 SON 9 OE Unna, R., Bosnia 44 53s 16 OE Vera Cruz, Mexico 19 20N 96 SOW Volta, White, B., Gold Coast 10 ON 1 Ow Tubori, Tribe, Camerons 10 ON 14 20B Unst, I., Shetland Is., 60 46N 63w Verawal, Bombay 20 54N 70 54E Volterra, Italy 43 22N 10 52E Tucacas, Venezuela 10 42s 68 SOW Unstrut, R., Prussia 61 12N 11 45E Verbas, B., Bosnia 44 50N 17 12E Volturno, B., Italy 41 6N 13 46E Tucson, United States 32 20s 110 45w Unterwalden, Prov., Switzerland 46 56N 8 25E Vercelli, Italy 46 8N 8 24E Vosges, Dept., France 48 4N 6 25B Tucuman, Argentina 27 lOS 66 29W Unyamwezi, Dist., Ger. E. Africa 3 OS 3 4 OE Verde, 0., Fr. W. Africa 14 40N 17 ISw Vosges, Mts., France 48 ION 7 6E Tudela, Spain 42 4N 1 37w Uuyoro, Dist., Br. B. Africa 1 30N 31 LiE Verden, Prussia 62 52s 9 14B Vostok I., Paciflc Go. 10 OS 160 21 w Tugela, R.. Natal 29 15s 31 30B Upemivik, Greenland 73 8N 64 15W Verdon, Le, France 45 33s 1 3W Votyak, Russia 57 OS 52 30B Tula, Russia 54 17N 37 33E Upington, Cape Colony 28 429 21 18E Verdun, France 49 ION 5 23E Vranya, Seiwia 42 S4S 21 64E Tulare I., United States 35 63s 119 40w Upper Palatinate, Dist., B.ivaria 49 32N 12 OE Vermejo, B., Argentina 30 Os 68 20w Vratza, Bulgaria 43 ION 22 34E Tulbagh, Cape f'olony 33 20S 19 9E Uppingham, Enghand 52 37s 42W Vennejo, B., Argentina 25 OS 61 45w Vryburg, Cape Cplony 26 57s 24 49E , Romania 45 ION 28 46E Upsala, Sweden 59 50N 17 35E Vermont, St., United States 44 ON 73 Ow Vryheid, NatJil 27 50s 30 44E Tullamore, Ireland 63 16s 7 29W Uraga Ch., Japan (inset) 35 8N 132 46B Vernoi, Siberia 43 SON 76 40E Vnlcano I., Italy 38 24N IS OE Tulle, Fr.mce 45 14N 1 42E Ural Mts., Russia 59 ON 60 OB Verona, Italy 45 27N 11 OE Vultur, Vol., Italy 41 OS 15 45E TuUow, Ireland 62 47N 6 43W Ural, B., Bussia in Asia 48 60s 52 OB Versailles, France 48 49N 2 7E Vurla. Turkey in Asia 38 19N 26 49E Tumaco, Colombia 1 26N 79 5w Uralsk, Bussia in Asia 51 12N 51 2UB Versecz, Hungary 45 5N 21 13E Vyrnwy, B, Wales 62 46N 3 35w Tumen, R., Manchuria 42 20s ISO 20E Urbana, Australia 23 303 141 35E Verviers, Belgium 50 S6N 6 53E Tumlong, Sikkim 27 24s 8S 36E Urbino, Italy 43 46N 12 60E Vesdre, B., Belgium 60 35s 5 45E WAAG, B., Hungary 48 66N 18 lOE Tummel, R., Scotland 56 4l'S 4 OW Ure, B., England 54 16s 1 SOW Vesoul, France 47 41s 6 6E Waal, R., Netlierlands 61 48N 6 15E Tumuc Humac Mts., Gniana 2 SON 55 Ow Ures, Mexico 29 16N 110 12W Vesuvius, Mt., Italy 40 48s 14 SOB Wabash. R., United States 40 SON 85 OW Tun, Persia 34 2S 58 OE Urla, Turkey in Asia 37 12N 39 lOB Veszprem, Hungary 47 6s 17 56 E Waco, United States 31 62s 97 Ow Tunbridge, England 61 12s 12E Urga, Mongolia 47 60N 106 40E Vettore, Mt., Italy 42 SIN 13 42B Wadai, St., Sudan 13 OS 18 SOE Tunbridge Wells, EugLand 51 8N 16E Uri, Prov., Switzerland 46 4.5s 8 SOB Vevey, Switzerland 46 27s 6 62E Wadelai, Congo State 2 58X 31 2SE Tundra, Dist., Russia 67 ON 55 OE Urk, L, Netherlands 52 40s 5 36E Vexin, Dist., France 49 8N 1 40B Wadi Baraka, Eritrea 16 45N 37 25E Tung, R., China 30 S5s 102 40E Urnda, Persia 37 36s 45 7E Viana, Brazil 3 353 44 46w Wadi Dauasir, Arabia 22 30s 45 40B Tuugabhadra, R., Madras 15 42N 88 36B Urot, Dist., Mongolia 42 OS 107 30E Viauna, Portugal 41 43N 8 Slw Wadi Draa, Morocco 29 ON 7 SOW Tungkun, China (inset) 23 IN 113 53fc Urr, R., Scotland 65 i)^ 3 56w Viasma, Bussia 56 12N 34 lOE Wadi er Rumah, Arabia 26 ON 44 OE Tuug-kwan, China 34 35s 110 OE Urua, Dist., Congo State 7 303 27 30E Viat'ia, Bussia 68 28s 49 4SE Wadi Ermek, Egypt 28 30s 46 OE Tung-ting, L., China 28 55s 112 40E Umbamba, B., Peru 12 SOS 72 SOW Viatka, B., Russia 66 B5S 50 SOB Wadi es Sani, Torkev in Asia 27 SON 38 OE Tuuguska, Lower, R., Siberia 64 30s 100 OE Uruguay, R., S. America 30 03 56 Ow Viborg, Denmark 66 27s 9 27B Wadi Haifa, Sudan 21 46N 31 SOE Tunguska, Upper, R, Siberia 69 ON 98 OB Umguay, St., S. America 33 OS 66 30w Viborg, Russia 60 60s 28 40E Wadi Malik, Egyptian Sudan 16 30N 30 OE Tunis, Tunis 36 20N 10 24E Uruguayana, Brazil 29 459 67 3W Vicenza, Italy 45 32N 11 33E Wadi Bakhiya, Arabia 16 SS 47 lOE Tunis, Regency, N. Africa 34 ON 9 30E Drumtsi, Mongolia 44 20N 87 OE Vichegda, R., Russia 62 Os 48 30E Wadi Sirhau, Arabia 30 52N 38 OE Tnnja, Colombia 5 43N 73 34W Usboi, Russian Turkestan 40 15s 67 OB Vichy, France 46 9N 3 25E Wadi Turraba, Egypt 23 30s 43 SOB Tunja, B., Bulgaria 42 33N 26 6B Usedom, I., Prussia 54 ON 14 OB Victoria, Brazil 20 173 40 ISW Wady el Ajem, Valley, Palestine 33 26N 36 12B 48 123 28w Turbat i Haidari, Persia 35 8N 69 4B Ushant, I,, France 48 28s 5 8w Victoria, Canada SON Wady el Akib, Palestine 32 25N 36 SOE Turin, Italy 45 4N 7 48E Usk, R., Wales 61 50s 3 lOw Victoria, Hongkong (inset) 22 9N 114 12E Wady el Hesy, Palestine 31 S6s 34 SOB Turkestan, Dist., Asia 42 30N 65 OE Usknb, Turkey 42 IN 21 22E Victoria, Rhodesia 20 SS 31 lOE Wady el Hesy, Palestine 30 SSN 36 46E Turkey, St., Europe 42 ON 23 30B Ussa, R., Russia 66 15s 60 OB Victoria Desert, Australia 29 OS 126 OE Wady es, Palestine 31 ISs 34 45B Turk's ls„ West Indies 21 25N 71 20w Dst Turt, Plat., Russia in Asia 43 ION 65 OE Victoria, Div., AustraUa 37 OS 145 OE Wady esh Sheriah, Palestine 31 22s 34 36B Turnagain, 0., New Zealand 40 209 170 40H Uster, Switzerland 47 24N 8 40B Victoria Falls, Rhodesia 17 55s 26 OE Waiiy Farah, Palestine 32 ION 35 28E 6 403 161 Turnu Severinu, Romania 44 37s 22 36B Ustica, I., Italy 38 42N 13 HE Victoria I., Paciflc Oo. 12w Wady Ghuzzeh, Palestine 31 27N 34 22B Turon, Indo-Ohina 16 SON 108 16E Usunada. Bussia in Aaia 39 32N 63 47E Victoria, L., Australia 38 OS 147 60E Wady Kanah, Palestine 32 8N 36 OE Turriff, Scotland 67 32N 2 28w Usuvi, R., Siberia 46 ON 134 30E Victoria Land, Antarctica 74 03 150 OE Wady Kelt, Palestine 31 SON 35 SOB Tuscan Apennlaea, Mts., Italy 44 ON 11 OB Utah, St., United Stat' « 39 ON 111 SOW Victoria I^and, Canada 69 30s 105 Ow Wady Luwa, Palestine 33 5N 36 SOB Tuscany. Prov., Italy 43 25N 11 10b Utakamand, Madras 11 24N 76 42B Victoria, Mt., Br. New Guinea 8 659 147 55E Wady Zedi, Palestine 32 3.5s 36 I2E Tuskar Eook, Ireland 52 12N 6 13W Utioa, United States 43 SN 76 24W Victoria Nile, B, Br. K. Africa 1 16N 32 12B Wady Zerka, Palestine 32 13N 36 65E

( 23) E E B INDEX. zm

States 44 25K Wagaduffn, Fr. W. Africa 12 6N 1 iTW Wendover, England 51 48N 44"^ Winnipeg, L., Canada 62 SON 98 OW Tellowstone L, tJnIted Wager, E., Canada 65 On 30 Ow Wenen, L., Sweden 59 On 13 20E Winnipegosis, L, Canada 62 SON 100 OT 110 23W Yellowstone United States 46 36H 107 Ow Wagga Wagga, Australia 36 7s 147 27E Wenlook Edge, England 52 30N 2 45w Winsford, England 63 12N 2 34yy K, Asia 16 ON 44 OB Wah el Bebarieh, Egypt 28 26N 29 OE Wensan, Oorea 39 ION 127 38E Wlnterthor, Switzerland 47 30N B 43E Yemen, Dist., Turkey in Gold Coast 9 33N 27w Waliaiid, R., Hajputana 28 24N 71 OE Wensleydale, England 64 18N 2 9W Winton, Australia 22 173 143 SE Yendi, Siberia 68 84 OB WallBatch Mts., United States 39 On 111 25TV Wensnm, R., England 62 48n 56B Winton, New Zealand 46 78 168 27B Yenisei, R., SON OE Waiau, R., New Zealand 45 64S 167 65E Wentworth, Australia 34 OS 142 6e Wirral, Dist., England 53 20N 3 5W Yeniseisk, Siberia 68 SIN 91 61 2 37w Waigeu 1., Dutch E. Indite 183 130 35E Wepener, Orange River Colony 29 52s 26 47E Wisbech, England 52 41N 9B Yeo, R., England ON 2 38W Waikato, R., New Zealand 37 20s 174 45E Werra, R., Germany 61 20N 10 OB Wisconsin, R., United States 45 ON 90 Ow Yeovil, England 60 67N Ml., England 60 40N 4 OW Waimate, New Zealand 44 483 171 5E Wesel, Prussia 51 6lN 6 38B Wisconsin, St., United States 44 60N 90 OW Yes Tor, Asia 41 18N Walnfleet, England 53 17N 16E Weser, R., Germany 52 39N 9 2E Wishaw, Scotland 55 47N 3 55w Yeshil Irmak, R., Turkey in Waipawa, New Zealand 39 583 176 38E Weshm, Dist., Arabia 25 SON 45 OE Wismar, Germany 63 54N II 28E 36 16B Wairoa, New Zealand 39 43 177 30E Wesley Vale, Ger. S.W. Africa 23 253 18 42E Wisp Hill, Scotland 66 15N 2 64W Yen, Do d', I., France 46 42N 2 I8W 64 Waitaki, R, New Zealand 44 683 171 15E Wessel I., Australia 11 lOs 136 30E Witham, R., England 63 5N lOW Tezd, Persia 31 61N 16E Waitara, New Zealand 39 6s 174 19b West Australia, Div., Australia 25 OS 124 OE Witney, England 61 49N 1 Slw Yezo, I, Japan 43 ON 143 OE Brazil 26 60s 63 OW Waitzen, Hungary 47 49N 19 8E West Bromwich, England 52 S2N 1 59w Wittenberge, Prussia 62 59N 11 44E Yguasu, R., Wakatipu, L., New Zealand 45 OS 168 40E West Oalder, Scotland 55 62N 3 36w Witu, Br. B. Africa 2 103 40 35E Yo-ohau, Ohina 29 16N 113 20E SUE Wakayama, Japan 34 ION 136 8E West C, New Zealand 45 54s 166 SOB Witwaters Rand, Transvaal 26 73 27 30B Yokohama, Japan (inset) 36 SUN 139 Wakefield, England 63 40N 1 30w West Fd., Norway 68 ON 15 OE Wobum, England 61 59N 37^ Yokosuka, Japan (inset) 36 14N 139 42E Wakhan, Dist., Afghanistan 37 20N 72 30E West Point, United States 41 27N 74 OW Wogvre, R., France 49 20N 6 35E Yola, Nigeria 9 16N 12 26E Walachia, Div., Romania 44 ION 25 OB West Ham, England 51 SON Wokingham, England 61 24N 61w Yoma Mts., Burma 17 SON 96 OE Waldeck, Prin., Germany 51 16N 9 OE West Hartlepool, England 54 40N 1 12W Wollongong, Australia 34 26s 150 56B Tonne, Dept, France 47 60N S 46B Wales, UiT., Br. Isles 63 ON 4 SOW West Biding, England 54 ON 1 40w Wollin, Prussia 63 60N 14 SOE Yonne, R.. France 47 46N 3 30B Wallaroo, Australia 33 403 139 IE West Virginia, St., U.S. 38 SON 80 OW Wolverhampton, England 52 34N 2 6W York, Canada 66 49N 92 30w Wallen See, L., Switzerland 47 8N 9 lOE Westbury, England 61 15N 2 12W Woodbridge, England 62 6N 1 20E York, England 64 ON 1 4W Wallenstadt, Switzerland 47 8N 9 17E Wester VVald, Mts., Prussia 50 35N 8 OE Woodroffe, Mt., Australia 26 16s 129 27B York, C, Australia II 23 143 SOB Wallingford, England 51 30N 1 8w Western Port, Hr., Australia 38 263 145 16E Wood's L., Australia 18 OS 133 20E York Moors, England 64 20N 1 OW Wallsend, Australia 32 56H 151 16E Westland, Australia 23 60s 143 42E Woods, L. of the, Canada 49 SON 94 40W York Pen., Australia 36 08 137 lOB Walmer, England 61 12K 1 16E Westmeath, Co., Ireland 53 Sun 7 SOW Woodstock, England 61 62N 1 22w York Wolds, England 64 ION 34W Walney I., England 64 2N 3 15w Westmorland, Co., England 54 24N 2 36w Wooler, England 55 32N 2 IW Yorkshire, Co, England 64 6N 1 OW Walsall, England 52 36N 1 68w Weston-super-Mare, England 51 21N 2 59Ty Woodville, New Zealand 40 19s 176 55B Yoruba, Diet., Lagos 7 40N 4 IOE Waltham Abbey, England 61 4lN Westphalia, Prov., Prussia 51 40N 8 OE Woolwich, England 61 29N 4E , Ireland 61 67N 7 62W Walton (on the Naze), England 51 6lN 1 17B Westport, Ireland 53 48N 9 Slw Worcester, Cape Colony 33 403 19 27E Youngstown, United States 41 12N 80 33W Walvisch B., S. Africa 22 483 14 39E Westport, New Zealand 4] 623 171 54E Worcester, England 62 llN 2 13W Yperen, Belgium 60 63N 2 64E Wama, Dutch B. Indies ( inset) 8S 127 36E Westray, F., Scotland 69 14N 3 Ow Worcester, United States 43 13N 71 48"W Yssel, E, Netheriands 62 29N 6 OE Wan, Ohina 31 ON 103 20K We^tray, I., Scotland 59 17N 2 56w Worcester, Co., England 52 20N 2 16W Ystradyfodwg, Wales 61 41N 3 SOW Wan chau, Ohina 28 ON 120 45E Wetter, I., Dutch B. Indies 7 55s 12G SOB Worksop, England 53 18N 1 TW Ythan, E., Scotland 67 26N 2 18w Wanganui, New Zealand 39 52s 176 2E Wetter, L., Sweden 68 25N 14 30k Workington, England 63 37N 3 3SW Yucatan Bank, Mexico 22 SON 90 OW Wanaaiiui, R., New Zealand 39 253 175 OE Wetzlar, Prussia 50 28N 8 23E Worms Hd., Wales 51 S6N 4 19w Yucatan, St., Mexico 19 30N 89 Ow Wanlockhead, Scotland 55 24K 3 49w We.tford, Ireland 62 18N 6 28W Worodngn, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 8 ON 7 4017 Tucaton, Str., Mexico 22 ON 86 OW Wansbeck, R., England 56 9N 2 Ow Wexford, Co., Ireland 62 25N 6 35w Worth, Germany 48 56N 7 47E Yuen, R., Ohina 26 25N 108 SOE Wantage, England 51 37N 1 23w Wexford Hr., Ireland 62 19N 6 22W Worthing, England 60 49N 22W Yuen-kiang, China 24 ON 101 S5B Wanx, R., Nicaragua 14 30N 84 8W Wey, E., England 61 20N 32W Woso, Fr. Congo 1 46N 16 42E Tugor Str., Eussia 69 60N 61 OE War Mts., Sahara 23 30N 13 OE Weymouth, England 50 S6N 2 SOW Wrangell I., Arctic Go. 72 ON 180 OE Tukon, Dist., Canada 66 ON 135 Ow Warasdin, Hungary 46 17N 16 18E Whalsey, I., Shetland Is., 60 20N 57w Wrangel, Mt., Alaska 62 20N 144 SOW Tulion, R., Alaska 66 ON 160 Ow Warburton R., Australia 27 55S 138 OE Whangarei, New Zealand 35 40s 17i 22E Wrath, a, Scotland 58 37N 5 OW Yuma, United States 32 43N 114 40w Ward Hill (Hoy), Orkneys 68 64N 3 23W Wharfe, R., England 63 68N 1 S5W Wrekin, Mt., England 52 4lN 2 34W Yumrukohul, Bulgaria 43 ON 25 2;iE Ward Hill (Pomona;, Orkneys, 58 57N 3 9W Wheeling, United States 40 3N 80 38 w Wrexham, Wales 63 2N 3 Ow Yung-Chang, Ohina 25 18N 99 35E Ware, England 61 50N 2W Whernside, Mt., England 54 14N 2 22W Wu, R., Ohina 27 SON 107 SOE Tung-ning, Ohina 28 6N 100 44E Wareham, England 50 4lN 2 Sw Whitby, Biigland 54 29N 36w Wuchang, Ohina 30 33N 114 SOE Tun-ling, Mts., Ohina 31 ON 102 SOE Wargla, Algeria 32 ON 4 20E Whitchurch (Hants), England 61 ISN Wu-cbow, China 23 4UN 110 54B Yun-nan, Ohina 26 ON 102 38E Warkworth, England 52 21N 1 38iy 121W Wu-hn, Ohina 31 ION 118 20E Ynr Yeff, Eussia 68 25N 26 48E Warmbad, Q-er. S.W. Africa 28 263 18 42E Whitchurch (Shropshire) 52 58N 2 44W Wukari, Nigeria 7 65N 9 40E Tnrlnagua^, Peru 6 10s 76 5W Warminster, England 61 12N 2 13w White B., Newfoundland 50 ION 56 lOw Wu-ling, R., China 23 60N 107 SOE Yuruari, E., Venezuela 7 SON 62 20W Wamambool, Australia 38 243 142 33E White Horse Vale, England 51 38N 1 S6W Wulur. L., Kashmir 34 18N 74 24E Yutta, Palestine 31 27N 36 6E Warora, Central Provs. 20 12N 78 48E White L., Russia 60 3n 37 40E Wuntbo, Burma 23 54N 95 42E Tverdun, Switzerland 46 47N 6 39E Warrego, Dist., Australia 27 OS 145 OE White Mls., United Slates 44 SON 72 Siiw Wurno, Nigeria 13 14N 5 36E Warrego Ea., Australia 24 453 146 OE White Nile, R., Egyptian Sudan 12 30.\ 33 OE Wtirtemburg, King, Ger. Emp. 48 40N 9 SOE ZAANDAM, Netherlands 52 27N 4 46E Warrego, R., Australia 27 03 146 OE White R.. United States 36 15N 92 SOW Wurzburg, Bavaria 49 48N 10 IB Zab, E., Turkey in Asia 36 67N 43 48E Warrenpoiut, Ireland 54 7N 6 15W White Russia, Div., Russia 64 ION 30 OE Wushisbi, Nigeria 10 SN 6 49B Zab, Little, E., Turkey in Asia 35 60N 44 OB Warsaw, Russia 62 ION 21 5E White S., Eussia 65 SON 37 30B Wusung, Ohina (inset) 31 22n' 121 27B Zabara, Oman 26 4N 61 8E Warthe, R,, Prussia 62 35N 16 OE Whiteadder, E., Scotland 55 50N 2 27w Wycombe. England 51 39N 46w Zacatecas, Mexico 23 ON 102 20w Warwick, Australia 28 83 162 lOE Whitehaven, England 54 33N 3 S5w Wye, R., England 53 12N 1 4117 Zacynthos, I., Greece 37 45N 20 50B Warwick, England 62 17N 1 36-W" Whithorn, Scotland 54 45N 4 25W Wymoudham, England 52 S5N 1 7E Zagazig, Egypt SO 34N 81 31 Warwick, Co., England 62 23N 1 32T Whitney, Mt., United States 36 50N 118 Ow Wyndham, Australia 15 18s 127 SOE Zahleh, Palestine 33 6lN 35 54E Wash, The, B., England 53 ON 20E Whitstable, England 51 2lN 1 2E Wyoming, St., United States 43 On 108 Ow Zak E., Cape Colony 31 28s 21 40E Washington, United States 38 50N 77 15w Whittle, C, Canada (inset) 60 12N 60 4W Wyre, E., England 63 62N 2 4817 Zambesi, E., B. Africa 15 303 31 50E Washington L, Paoiflo Oc. 5 On 160 lOW Whittlesey, England 52 34N 6^ Zamboanga, Philippine Is. 6 5Gn 121 68E Washington, Mt., U.S. 44 ION 71 12W Whydah, Fr. W. Africa 6 17n 2 SE XINGU, R., Brazil 7 03 63 SOW Zambor, Hungary 45 47N 19 3 E Washington, St., United States 47 ON 120 Ow Wichita, United States 37 SON 97 7W Zamora, Spain 41 SlN 5 Slw Wasulu, Dist.. Fr. W. Africa 10 20N 8 ow Wick, Scotland 68 27N 3 Tw TABLONOI Mts., Siberia 63 ON 117 OE Zancara, R., Spain 39 35N 2 35w Watohet, England 61 llN 3 19W Wickham, Australia 19 353 147 24E Tablunka P., Austria 49 30N 18 45E Zante, Greece 37 49N 20 64E Water Crag, Mt., England 51 26N 2 Ow Wicklow, Ireland 52 68N 6 2w Yafa, Palestine S3 3N 34 46E Zanzibar, I., E. Africa 6 83 39 28E

Waterbury, United State? 41 34N 72 69W Wicklow Co., Ireland 63 2N 6 20w Takoba, Nigeria 10 15N 'J 48E Zara, Austria 44 9N 15 15E Waterford, Ireland 52 16N 7 lOw Wicklow Hd., Ireland 52 57N 6 OW Yaku, I., Japan 30 18N ISO SOE Zared, R., Palestine 30 66N 35 45B Waterford, Co., Ireland 62 ION 7 32W Wicklow, Mts. of, Ireland 63 ON 6 SOW Yakutsk, Siberia 62 7N 129 OE Zarafshan, R., Bokhara 40 On 66 OE Waterford Hr., Ireland 62 ION 6 57 vy Wleliozka, Austria 49 58N 20 4E Tale, Canada 49 43N 1 21 25W Zaragoza, Spain 41 38N 61W Waterloo, Belgium 60 44N 4 23E Wiener Neustadt, Austria 47 50N 16 12E Yalu, E., Oorea 41 ON 126 29E Zaria, Nigeria 10 55N 7 16E Watford, England 51 4lN 23W Wiesbaden, Prussia 50 2N 8 lOK Taman Tan, Mt., Eussia S4 SON 59 OE Zealand, I., Denmark 55 SON 11 40E Watling I., Bahamas 24 ION 74 62W Wlgan, England 63 32N 2 45W Tamba, Australia 29 323 153 20E Zebu, I., Philippine Is. 10 20N 123 SOE Watten, L., Scotland 68 28N 3 30W Wight, Isle of, England 60 40N 1 20iy Tamboli, Bulgaria 42 ::6N 26 32E Zeeland, Prov., Netherlands 51 36N S 60E Waube, R., Nigeria 13 ON 12 20e Wigton, England 64 49N 3 9W Yamdok-Tso, Tibet 29 On 90 SOE Zeerust, Transvaal 25 383 26 59E Waupfa, R., Colombia 53N 70 Ow Wigtown, Scotland 64 62N 4 27^ Tamethin, Burma 20 24N 96 12E Zeila, Br. Somaliland 11 16N 43 17B Waveney, R., England 62 22N 1 9E Wigtown B., Scotland 54 60N 4 20w Yanaou, Madras 16 42N 82 12E Zengg, Hungary 45 ON 14 64B Waygat, I., Russia 70 ON 60 OE Wigtown, Co., Scotland 64 6SN 4 48W Yanbo, Turkey in Asia 24 3N 38 20B Zerka, Palestine 32 6N 36 7B Waziri, N.W. Frontier Prov. 32 30N 70 OE Wilcaunia, Australia 31 303 143 27E TangKihau, China 32 SON 119 IOe Zermatt, Switzerland 46 SN 7 44B Weald, The, England 61 ION 30w Wildhom, Mt., Switzerland 46 20N 7 SOE Yang-tse-kiang, R., China 31 45N 122 OE Zeyst, Netherlands 52 5N 5 14E Wear, R., England 64 60N 1 30w Wilhelmshaven, Prussia 53 SIN 8 9E Taniua, Turkey 39 41N 20 49E Zezere, B., Portugal 40 ON 7 64W V/eardale, England 54 46N 2 Ow Wilkes Land, Antarctica 68 OS 130 OE Yankton, United States 43 6N 97 4W Zhob, R., Br. Baluchistan 31 On 68 SOE Weaver Hill, England 63 2N 1 68w William, Mt., Australia 33 23 116 OB , R., Bulgaria 43 25N 25 42E Zihl, E., Switzeriand 47 6N 7 16E Weaver, R., England 53 ON 2 36w Williamsport, United States 41 20N 77 Cw Yapura, R., Brazil 1 SOS 66 SOW Ziklag, Palestine 31 2N 34 45B Webi, R., Italian Somaliland 1 45N 44 15K WiUowmore, Oape Colony 33 13s 23 SOE Taie, R., England 52 37N 1 16E Zimbabye, Rhodesia 20 203 31 16E Weda, Dutch B. Indies (inset) 14N 127 44E Wilmington (Cal.), United States 33 48E 118 7w Yarkand, Chinese Tnrkestan 38 15N 77 OE Zimme, Slam 18 55N 99 5E Weda B., Dutch B. Indies 25N 127 49E Wilmington (Del.), United States 39 47N 75 37yT Yarkhand, E., Ohina 36 30N 76 SOE Zinder, Fr. W. Africa 13 45N 9 6E Wednesbury, England 62 35N 2 2W Wilson, Mt., Australia 20 243 128 6B Yarmouth, Canada 43 4lN 66 OE Ziria, Mt., Greece 38 On 22 33E Weenen, Natal 28 68s 30 OE Wilson Promontory, Australia 39 83 146 16E Yarmouth, England 62 36N 1 43E Zirknitz, Austria 45 47N 14 21 Wei-hai-wei, China 37 SON 120 20E Wilton, England 51 6N 1 52-w Yarmuk, E., Palestine 32 40n 35 3CE Zirreh, Swamp, Baluchistan 29 47N 61 52E Wei-ho, R. (Sheo-si), Ohina 34 36N lOS OE Wilton Beacon, England 64 SN 45yv Yaroslavl, Eussia 67 SON 39 67E Znaim, Austria 48 SIN 16 4E Wei-ho, R. (Ho-nan), Ohina 33 SON 120 OE Wiltshire, Co., England 61 20N 2 Oiv Yarra E., Australia 37 38S 145 16B Zoar, Palestine 31 48N 35 40B Weimar, Germany 60 59N 11 20E Wily, R., England 51 8N 2 OTT Yasin, Chitral 36 18N 73 18E Zofingen, Switzerland 47 17N 7 67E Weisenstein, Mt., Switzerland 47 13N 7 30E Wimmera, Dist., Australia 35 403 142 OE Yass, Australia 34 463 148 68E Zomba, Br. Central Africa 15 123 35 23E Weisskirchen, Hungary 44 62N 21 25E Wimmera, R., Australia 36 403 142 OE Yaunde, Camerons 4 IN 12 7E Zoutpans Berge, Mts., Transvaal 23 OS 30 Oj: Weld, New Zealand 43 3GS 169 35E Winburg, Orange River Colony 28 2SS 27 17E Tavary, E., Brazil 6 03 72 SOW Zueirah, Palestine 31 ION 35 21E Weld Spring, Australia 26 103 121 40E Winchelsea, England 50 57N 45E Yebnah, Palestine 31 53N 34 44E Zug, Switzerland 47 ION 8 SOB Welland Can., United States 43 ON 79 12W Winchester, England 51 4N 1 18w Yedo, Japan (inset) 35 S6N 139 49E Zug, L. of, Switzerland 47 eN 8 28E Well.ind, R., England 82 40N 27W Windau, Eussia 57 25N 21 15E Yedo B., Japan (inset) 35 25N 139 50E Zuider Zee, Sea, Netherlands 62 S5N 5 SOE Welle, E., Congo State 3 55N 25 30B Windermere, L., England 64 22N 2 5»w Yeisk, Eussia 46 40N 38 7E Zula, Eritrea 16 22N 39 35E Wellesley Is., Australia 16 453 139 25E Windhoek, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 20s 17 OE Yekaterinbuig, Eussia 56 50N 60 lOB Zulfeh, .Arabia 26 27N 45 16E Wclleslev, Straits Settlements 6 On 100 50E Windruah. R., England 61 49N 1 Slw Yekaterinudar, Eussia 45 5N 38 SOE Zululand, Dist., Natal 28 303 31 30E Wellington, Australia 32 42s 149 5B Windsor, England 61 28N 37w Yekaterinoslal, Russia 48 28N 34 56B Zumbo, Port. B. Africa 16 303 30 22E Scotia), 45 64 Yeletz, Russia 52 Wellington, England 52 47N 2 34W Windsor (Nova Canada ON Ow 37N 38 20E Zurich, Switzerland 47 22N 8 33E 20s 174 (Ontario), Canada 42 82 Yelisavetgrad, 48 Wellington, New Zealand 41 40E Windsor I9N 53W Russia 40N 32 20E Zilrich, L. of, Switzerland 47 15K 8 45E Indies 14 62 Yell, I.. Wells (Norfolk), England 52 68N 51 Windward Is., W. ON Ow Shetland Is., Scotland 60 36N 1 6w Zutfen, Netherlands 62 7N 6 12E Pass, Str., Indies 73 Yell Sd., Shetland Is., W«lls (Somerset), England 51 12N 2 38W Windward W. 20 OS 30w Scotland 60 35H 1 I2w Zwickau, Saxony 50 43N 12 29E 50 97 Sea, 35 Welshpool, Wales 62 40N 3 9W Winnipeg, Canada ON 5W Yellow China OK 123 OB ZwoUe, Netberlandl 62 30N 6 6E