Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 094214089





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 094214089




-Paulo Coelho-




I give my greatest gratitude for my Savior, my Father, and my best friend

Jesus Christ who has given me strength to struggle in accomplishing thesis. I would like to thank my grandmother, my parent and my sister for their support, their love and their pray.

For my thesis advisor Ms. Sri Mulyani, I would like to thank for guiding me until I can finish this thesis. It means lot for me. Thank you so much. Also I would like thank Mr. Hirmawan Wijanarka for always giving me chance for accomplishing this thesis.

For Agnes and Yuni who always support and believe me, thank you so much.

I also would like thank all of the members of Bethany Jogja Church and our Pastor for the pray and the support. Last but not least, for all of friends and families, I thank them for taking care me all the time.

Maulidya Pandansari




TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………… ii APPROVAL PAGE…………………………………………………………...... iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE…………………………………………………………………. iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH...... v STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY……………………………………………………….vi MOTTO PAGE…………………………………………………………...... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………… viii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………….. ix ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………….. x ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………………………… xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………… 1 A. Background of the Study……………………………………………...…………. 1 B. Problem Formulation……………………………………………...... 6 C. Objective of the Study………………………………………………………. 6 D. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………. 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE………………………………………… 8 A. Review of Related Studies………………………………………….………... 8 B. Review of Related Theories……………………………………...... 11 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ………………….. ……..……....11 2. Theory of Moral and Society …………………………………………………13 3. Theory of Moral and Moral Value …………………………………………...14 C. Theoretical Framework…………………………………………...... 18 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………… 20 A. Object of the Study………………………………………………………….. 20 B. Approach of the Study………………………………………………………. 21 C. Method of the Study………………………………………………………… 22 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………. 24 A. The Description of Major Character………………………………… …..... 24 B. The Description of Major Character’s Development……………….……... 28 C. Moral Values Reflected Through Major Character………………………...... 36

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION………………………………………………………. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………. 52




PANDANSARI, MAULIDYA. Moral Values Reflected through Major Character in Sara Shepard’ Pretty Little Liars. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016. Pretty Little Liars is a novel that talks about the life of a teenager. This novel tells the challenge that is faced by teenagers on their teen life. Teenager are the time for finding what they want, also finding their identities. This novel draws the challenge faced by teenagers and what they need on that time. Hanna Marin is a teenage girl that tries to survive in the society. She wants the society to accept her. Then, she changes herself to be what the society wants. Hanna changes herself to get love, attention, and appreciation from others. It is because she lacks love, attention, and appreciation from her parent. Through this study, the writer wants to reveal moral values reflected through major character. This thesis focuses in (1) the characteristic of major character, (2) the development of the major character’s characteristic, (3) the moral values reflected through major character. In this thesis, the writer uses library research method to answer the problem formulations. The writer collects literary resource for strenghtening the analysis. The writer uses theory of character and characterization, theory of moral and society, theory of moral and moral values in order to conduct the analysis. The writes uses the moral philosophical approach for guiding the writer reveals the moral values. The first analysis reveals the characteristics of major character. Hanna Marin is innocent, not confident, and honest girl. The second analysis reveals the development of major character’s characteristic such as becoming beautiful and popular, becoming lonely, becoming afraid, and becoming worried. The developments of character are positif in look but negative in personality. Hanna Marin follows the standard of society but she does not have good preparation mentally. It affacts the developments of characteristics of Hanna Marin. The third analysis revelas moral values reflected through major character. Firstly, Everyone need parent’s love. Secondly, Everyone should know who they are. We need to know who we are because we will not be influenced by others and do immoral action. Lastly, Everyone should be enjoying life and be happy. The writer concludes that someone who is full of parent’s love will not have difficulty finding their identities. Someone who knows their identity will know their purpose of life. Then someone who knows their purpose of life will be enjoying life and be happy.




PANDANSARI, MAULIDYA. Moral Values Reflected through Major Character in Sara Shepard’ Pretty Little Liars. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016. Pretty Little Liars adalah sebuah novel yang menceriterakan kehidupan remaja. Novel ini berceritera tentang setiap tantangan yang dihadapi oleh remaja. Masa remaja merupakan masa pencarian jati diri serta masa pencarian hal yang mereka inginkan. Secara umum, novel ini menggambarkan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh remaja dan hal mendasar yang sesungguhnya paling mereka butuhkan. Hanna Marin adalah seorang gadis remaja yang berjuang untuk bertahan di lingkungan sosialnya. Ia menginginkan lingkungan sekitar dapat menerima ia. Kejadian selanjutnya dari kehidupan Hanna Marin ialah ia berusaha untuk mengubah dirinya, sehingga ia dapat dikasihi, diperhatikan, bahkan dihargai oleh orang lain. Hal ini terjadi karena Hanna Marin kekurangan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan penghargaan dari orang tua. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengungkapkan nilai-nilai moral yang tercermin dari tokoh utama. Penelitian ini memiliki berfokus kepada (1) karaktertistik tokoh utama, (2) perkembangan karakterristik tokoh utama, (3) pengungkapan nilai-nilai moral yang tercermin dari tokoh utama. Penulis menggunakan penelitian pustaka untuk menjawab permasalahan- permasalahan yang ada. Penulis mengumpulkan data tertulis yang lain untuk memperkuat analisis. Penulis menggunakan teori karakter dan karakteristik, teori moral dan sosial, teori moral dan nilai-nilai moral dalam melakukan analisis. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan filosofi moral untuk menuntut penulis menguak nilai-nilai moral. Analisis pertama yaitu mengungkap karakteristik tokoh utama. Hanna Marin digambarkan sebagai seorang gadis yang memiliki kepribadian lugu, tidak percaya diri, dan jujur. Analisis kedua mengungkap perkembangan karakteristik tokoh utama. Tokoh utama berubah menjadi seorang gadis yang cantik dan terkenal, kesepian, penakut, dan khawatir. Perubahan yang bersifat positif hanya terjadi dalam perubahan fisik semata, sedangkan perubahan karakteristik lebih bersifat negatif. Hal ini disebabkan Hanna Marin hanya mengikuti standart tetapi tidak memiliki mental yang siap untuk menghadapi persoalan. Analisis ketiga mengungkap nilai-nilai moral yang tercermin dari tokoh utama. Nilai moral yang pertama, semua orang membutuhkan kasih sayang dari orang tuanya. Kedua, kita harus mengetahui siapa diri kita sesungguhnya. Terakhir, kita harus menikmati hidup dan menjadi orang-orang yang bahagia. Melalui analisis diatas, penulis menarik kesimpulan bahwa semua orang yang penuh kasih sayang dari orang tua tidak akan sulit untuk menemukan siapa dirinya. Orang yang tahu siapa dirinya akan tahu apa tujuan hidupnya, kemudian orang yang mengerti tujuan hidupnya akan dapat menikmati kehidupan dan menjadi bahagia.




A. Background of the Study

“I have a dream” is a strong statement by Martin Luther Jr. and this statement shakes around the United States even around the world. “I have a dream” is a simple word but it represents the nature of human being. “I have a dream” brings the spirit of freedom, right for chasing personal dream, and become ourselves which means an individual able to show their personalities, their thoughts, also their desires in free.The Martin Luther Jr.‟s statement gives people right to express theirselves and to be what we want. It does not matter even if society acts against someone will; it is because everyone has right for achieving their dreams and chasing their happiness.

Happiness always becomes the main purpose of life. Everyone in this world workshard or does anything he/she can it is because they want to be happy. Some people can say that they work hard to get a lot of money and become rich. It is true because, with money, people can live comfortable with no debt or worries. That is the definition of happiness according to people generally.

We cannot deny that happiness always becomes the end of thejourney of people life. Happiness is the sign of theending of suffer, struggle, and work hard.

Happiness is acomfort, leisure, safe, and no worried. There for, the spirit for reaching happiness inside an individual is something normal. It is because “happiness is the real end nature” (Kant,2002: 9).




Happiness is easy to be reached, but many people find that happiness is hard to find in reality. People tend to set thehighest goal in their life and do not easily to be satisfied as the result of people ambition. They can do everything to make their dreams, and their ambitions become true. There is law exists in the society. This law helps every individual inside the society live harmoniously and no harm one to another although every member tries achieving their goals.

Laws in the societies make boundaries on the individual personal matter and it creates uncomfortable feels. The reason of these uncomforting feels because there is values exist in the society. It means society makes the standards of good and worse according to the agreement are built by every individual in that society. The group of individual in the society builds the agreement for preventing clash of the personal interest ought to happen under some circumstances.

Moral values give good impact to society because it makes everything in good order. It also prevents a clash of interest of members. Although moral values give good impact, it can create clash inside an individual especially teenagers. Teenagers stand in the cross road to find the way for their futures, their true identities, and their dreams. Moral values which live in the society become their obstacles to achieve their dreams. Teenagers can do everything in their own ways to achieve what they want although it breaks values live in the societies. They just know how to achieve their dreams and to be the happiest person.



This condition can be the worse without a good moral ground. It means teenagers realize that society has their values of live but they try to ignore that, also they try to act ignorance. Teenagers aware with the values they live with, but they think it does not matter. The important thing for them is how to get what they want and be happy. They do not mind having asecret as long as they get their goals.

Teenagers can sacrifice everything in their lives for pursuit happiness. This condition strikes almost all teenagers even the teenagers come from a rich family.

People think that teenagers or people from high social class with a lot of money are the happiest people. In fact, the high social class has their own rules and values of life that tie their members more than middle and lower social class. Those values are the identity of their social status. People from high social class also have more responsibility than others. It is because of their occupations, for example businessman, politician, university professor, and many more. Because of their occupations and statuses, people tend to be demand the good quality of behavior, responsibility, and education from them.

These qualities of life push everyone (old and young people) in this society to act perfectly. This case becomes the problem faced by teenagers in high-class society.

Most of them are having money but they do not know what they should do with that money. Even they feel depressed because they cannot do anything they want to. They need to act according to the society standards. They cannot express their wills, spirits, even their personalities. Although these teenagers have money, they still need to be



accepted as who they are. They just want to be accepted as who they are and these teenagers also want to be happy like other teenagers.

Money cannot buy the happiness, dream, family, love, and future life. Sara

Shepard through her work Pretty Little Liars tries emphasise this issue. She puts high school students‟ life as the basic setting of her novel. She combines it with her observation about high social class life. She observed it when she lived in the elite estate at Philadelphia. Sara Shepard tries to draw social issues which say born in the rich family and live in elite society will be happy, also live without problems. Rather than that, Sara Shepard shows the problem, obstacle, achieve the dream, and also desire to be happy and to be loved.

Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars takes the story of four teenagers struggling for being themselves but also they try for do not violate values of society. Rather than showing acceptance of society, Sara Shepard shows the major characters live hiding the secret. It is because there are some actions do by the major characters that against the values on way reaching their dreams. The actions, the choices, and the thought of major characters cannot be understood and be accepted by society.

Pretty Little Liars draws common problem of a teenager but the society even the parents cannot understand it. Parents have standard of good life and happy life, on the other side children have their own. Parents think having a good house, a good environment, a lot of money can make their children happy. Sometimes parents forget that children have their own standard of being happy. Especially, they already have



their social life and their social challenge. The will for achieving a dream they dreamt and they effort to be accepted by society show clearly through action do by the major characters.

Sara Shepard reveals that showing our true self is the best way with no lie.

People can live in ease. The dreams, ambitions, goals; we can reach that in good ways.

The society cannot accept our perspective sometimes which means we must accept all the consequences. Even though there are the consequences, we still need to stand for reaching our dream and live a good life. Because of that, the writer tries to show moral values on Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars through major characters.

Major characters in Pretty Little Liars have different problems in their personal lives, but they face same basic problems. This book has four major characters. They are Hanna, Emily, Aria, and Spencer. They are teenagers coming from a rich family who live in the elite society, but they face problematic conflicts between personal will and society values. Although all of the major characters are interested to be analyzed, the writer will take one major character only to be analyzed.

She is Hanna Marin.

Hanna Marin has interesting characteristics. She is described as a common teenager. Even though she comes from elite society, she does not show the stereotype of the elite. There are some developments on her characters. Whereas the stereotype image shows in her character, Hanna‟s character also shows the inner conflict.



Looking for the characteristics of Hanna Marin, the writer finds that the character and the conflict are interesting to be analyzed. The writer wants to explore the character and the conflict more. Then, the writer can explore moral values reflected through major character in Sara Shepard‟Pretty Little Liars.

Based on that, the writer can conclude the situation and the curiosity into three main problem formulations. This problem formulation helps the write find the answer about moral values exist in Pretty Little Liars.

B. Problem Formulation

To be able to understand this novel, three problems formulation were formulated to follow.

1. How is the main character described in Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars?

2. How is the main character‟s characteristic development described in Sara

Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars?

3. What are the moral values reflected in major character in Sara Shepard‟s

Pretty Little Liars?

C. Objectives of the Study

This research tries to find and explores about moral values reflected in Pretty

Little Liars character. Specifically, this research has three main objectives. First is to see the characteristic of character. Second is to observe the characteristic



development of character. The third is exploring the moral values reflected in major character.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms used in this research to help the writer explains the content of this research. Using terms are helping the writer to share all the ideas; also can help the reader understand more the research.

1. Moral Values

Wellman said that “values” determine whether someone or society by their act of doing something which is morally good or bad. What makes an act morally good or evil is the value or disvalue of its actual consequences.(Wellman, 1975:135)

Moral can be explained as some actions can be judged as good or bad attitude.

This judgment can be given by individual or society. It is a standard by reference to which a particular action can be judged morally good or bad.(Gallagher,1985: 1)

Moral Values can be explained an important standard of the act is doing by person or society that can be judged as good or bad attitude and bring consequences for each action.

2. Character Development

Development is “a systematic change in behavior over time those results from interaction between the individual and the internal environment”.(Lemme 1995:8)

It can be said that character development is the change of character as a result of his/her personal interaction with environment and society.




A. Review of Related Studies

Pretty Little Liars is an interesting book because it has many contents that can be observed. This book brings the society concern, the important of making a good decision, psychology, moral value, and the important of social media for teenager, language, lifestyle, dreams, the pursuit of happiness, and education. Basically, this book reflects the real life that people lived in. There are many critics trying to bring up by Sara Shepard. Many people try analyzing this novel and the most popular topic is the character itself. The character can be analyzed from psychology state and figurative language exists in the book.

Psychology takes part in the decision making. Psychology influences the decision because it reflects the personality of the person itself. A person psychology is influenced by their surroundings. It results in the development of individual. The experiences have been received by someone that affects their ways of thinking. This reason also makes a person take a decision which can be different from others.

During the process of development of the individual, the psychological disorder can occur and influence the values that an individual believed.

Katelyn Redding on her writing AP Psych: Pretty Little Liars Style tells there are many factors that influence the psychology and the psychology disorder occur in




some individual.( She explains that Pretty Little Liars brings a lot of psychology cases occur in some individual that generally exists in the reality. Redding stated that Manipulation and perception are the way of a person to adapt, survive, and flourish. This is a mental process of a person which automatically switches on when they live outside their safe zone.

Character “A” in Pretty Little Liars tries to survive in the chaotic school condition. Accepted by some groups in school range is important for some students including “A”. “A” stands in the second line of the group and is being mocked by the stronger. Because of that “A” uses the dead of Allison to break down Allison‟s friend mental. “A” tries to manipulate the situation for seeing how far she can destroy the

Liars‟ trust. “A manipulates the Liars to see how far she can get them to crack.”(Redding, 2013:4)

According to Redding, Pretty Little Liars characters show psychological disorder. Each character shows the different kinds of disorder. She does not analyze major characters only, but also minor characters. Basically, she analyzes the characters that bring specific psychological disorder. Although there are specific disorders, Redding believes that the characters on Pretty Little Liars have been influenced more by the environment. In psychology, it called Behavior Genetics

Approach “A theory which determines how our environment influences our individual differences.”



Pretty Little Liars brings a unique way for analyzing the characters. It also can be seen through figurative language besides the psychology state. Sara Shepard as the author wants the readers to enjoy reading the book but also make them to realize that behind the beautiful language there are messages trying to deliver by the author. Then,

Sara Shepard gives a special touch of figurative language for each major character.

Novita Chang in her study An Analysis of Main Characters through

Figurative Languages in A Pretty Little Liars: Flawless by Sara Shepard mentioned figurative language as one of “tool” can be used for analyzing the characters through the problem faced by the main characters itself.(

IG%20Bab%201.pdf) The special touch of figurative language is given by the author indicates there is special implicit meaning tries to convey. Novita Chang catches that as opportunity to find the hidden message through the figurative language of the characters. Specifically, Novita Chang uses the second book of Pretty Little Liars titled Pretty Little Liars: Flawless on her research.

She uses figurative language to find the real secret hid by the characters. It is because finding the characters‟ secrets will lead her to the characteristic of characters.

Novita Chang wants to find the characteristic of characters because she realizes that the characters are the main breath of Pretty Little Liar book. The characters in Pretty

Little Liars are the main object in this book and understanding the characters lead to understand the book completely.



There are many figurative languages use in Pretty Little Liars: Flawless.

Novita Chang decides to bring her focus only on simile, personification, hyperbole, metaphor, symbol, and irony. Those kinds of figurative languages already help her to do her research for finding the characters.

Novita Chang research builds an understanding that language can influence the characters and the characters can be revealed through language. Basically, every single thing has contact with the characters give the influence toward the characters itself although the characters do not want admit it. Last, Sara Shepard through Pretty

Little Liars wants open the readers‟ mind that there are a lot of factors influencing the individual characters, their ways of thinking, the standard of good and bad, also the happiness.

Different from Katelyn Redding and Novita Chang, the writer will explore the moral values in Pretty Little Liars. The writer will analyze the moral values which are trying to tell by the author through major character. This focus makes the writer‟s analysis different from Katelyn Redding and Novita Chang.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The character is an important role in literature work. The characters create a lot of curiosities to the readers. Guth and Rico stated that an author will set the characters fascinating which represent a variety of people in the world. (Guth and

Rico, 1997: 68) Because of that the readers are willing to hear more from the



characters about their hopes and fears, their goals and self-doubts. The purposes of creating the characters are making the readers take sides, to care, and to get involved.

Then the main purpose of the author can be achieved.

We will find our self-moving from what to why in the characters. It is because the characters bring actions and motivations on it. We will find the form of a character (what) then moving to find the reason of character transforms becoming certain characteristic (why).

The characters cannot be separated with characterization. The characters and characterizations sound similar, but they are different. Characters give attention in building the curiosity of the reader which represents people in the world. Characters bring action and motivation on it. Characterizations give attention to the experience of the characters.

Abrams gives a definition of character in A Glossary of Literary Terms as a person who represents dramatic or narrative work. Character brings some qualities such as moral, intellectual, emotion, etc. The reader can understand the qualities of character through what the persons say and from what they do.

Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by interferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it- the dialogue- and from what they do- the action. (Abrams, 2009: 42)

Characterization is central to the fictional experience. Characterization allows the reader to understand and to experience people. The goal of characterization that is



making the reader feels the emotion and experiences the journey of the character.

Henkle through Reading The Novel explains “Characterization, therefore, is central to the fiction experience. And the principle objective of the creation of characters in novels is to enable us to understand, and to experience, people.”(Henkle, 1977: 86)

Henkle explains more about the characterization as the representatives of the human condition and the time which they live. Through characterization, the reader can understand more about the social condition, an important event occurs on the era of the work, and the issue. The purpose of writing is to teach some values for the reader can be achieved. Characters and characterizations are the way to build the communication between the authors and the readers. (Henkle, 1977: 87)

Characters and characterizations represent the real world but they are not.

Although the goal of the author makes readers enable understand characters achieved, the author always gives the limitation line of reality and imaginary. This line is needed by the readers for making them stay awake from imaginary world which offers in the literary work through characters and their characterizations.

2. Theory of Moral and Society

People need to be lived in some society because it helps them to feel secure.

People feel secure because everyone on the community has the common things to be protected then to become a guard for others. Bourke states society in Ethics: A

Textbook in Moral Philosophy as the union of people for the purpose of doing one thing in common. This unity also fills with a group of free and rational agents. It



means everyone in the group has their free will and has desire become a better person than others.

Some theorists have opinion that the individual is all important, that society or others cannot interference private life of another individual. It is not right because people as individual need a society for support. Society needs to build the standard of good and wrong to create a harmonious life of individual on the society also the punishment for the bad citizen.

Other political theorists have claimed that the individual is all-important, that the state or civil society has no right to interfere in any way with his pursuit of his private good. This is wrong, because society is needed by man and society must be granted the right to coerce and punish bad citizens. (Bourke, 1961: 417 – 418)

The conflicts between the right of the society and the right of an individual can be occurred many times because of that the standard of good and wrong are needed to build. The individual in the society still has their desires to be freed for doing anything and sometimes it walks in the different path with the society will. In this case, moral values are the problem solvers for the problems occur in society.

3. Theory of Moral and Moral Value

Many books explain moral as ethics and ethics as moral. Moral is the standard used to judge some actions are good or bad. According to Gallagher‟s The Basis for

Christian Ethics, he distinguishes factor in moral act becomes three. First, Judgment.

Some acts are said be good or bad depending on particular cases. Second is a choice.

Some people go to the dilemmatic condition if they face a condition that asks them



for following social judgment or their own choice. Lastly, the objective elements of a moral act, it includes the act itself and the realities which are affected by the act and will be decided whether the act is morally good or not.

Moral brings some goal for each individual. From the social laws live in the societies, moral expects each individual can find their true identity and their role in society. It is interesting because moral is also influenced by a culture which makes moral become rich and have difference standard. It shows that each individual is created uniquely. Moral expects each individual will find their uniqueness and gives respect to other through good action. “Values considerations enter into law making.”

(Fletcher,1967: 111) Because of that values of one place to another are different.

These differences combine with the difference standard of good or bad (moral) and create different moral values. Moral Values can be explained an important standard of the act is doing by person or society that can be judged as good or bad attitude and bring consequences for each action.

This reason makes the moral values have difference standard from one place to another. This creates the uniqueness of moral values and makes a lot of researchers want to analyze this topic more.

There is something else about moral values. The moral can develop inside individual as part of education and the process of life. Individual learns moral as part of adaptation in society and the ability of understanding moral can be said as development process of the individual. The big challenges are faces by adolescence in this process. Genetically, adolescence is the stage of a person finding their true



identity and the time for doing everything freely. In this process, they have to face up to moral values exist in the society. This reason makes moral development in the adolescence becomes big issues.

Daniel Hart and Gustavo Carlo in their Moral Development in Adolescence journal brings many issues related moral development in adolescence especially the factors influence the development of moral in adolescence.( opment.pdf) Hart and Carlo stated that environment gives big support of moral development. The life of adolescence has been already differenced than their childhood, and the successes of adolescence develop their morality and catch good moral values depended on the environment where they grow up.

During Hart and Carlo research, they find almost three-quarter American adult mentioned adolescence has bad moral values and only fifteen percents have an opinion that adolescence still has good moral values.

When asked in a recent national poll to describe adolescents, almost threequartersof American adults used words suggesting moral shortcomingssuch as „„rude,‟‟ „„irresponsible,‟‟ and so on. Only 15% of adults in the same survey described teenagers positively. (Hart and Carlo,2005 : 224)

The American adults come up with this opinion because they see the social reality of adolescence attitudes among others, especially to an adult. Generally, the attitude showed by someone reflected the values grow inside that person and the attitude among social member will be reflected as moral values. Adolescence that cannot give respect among social members will be judged having low understanding of moral



values. The lacking of moral values toward adolescence occurs in American society proved by the opinion of an adult.

Although moral values are always related with the social condition and development, Hart and Carlo also mention that it has relation with the family figure.

It means the family has an important role in the moral development of the children.

Some children have good moral during their childhood, but it is not guarantee that their moral will develop in good when they come to adolescence. It is because the quality of moral always developed.

The development process of moral from childhood to adolescence needs social control from the society especially parent. The adolescence grows with wrong moral values because they do not have the good control and the good example from the parent. The result of it, the adolescence grabs a lot of values from friends, environments, and their own understanding whether those are right or not.

One quality that generally separates adolescents from children is that the former spendmore time than the latter with peers. Moreover, adolescents spend less time with their parents than children. As a consequence, adolescents are probably more influenced by their peers than are children.(Hart and Carlo, 2005: 224-225)

Hart and Carlo give big attention on moral development in the adolescence as part of education should be learnt by human being naturally. The environment gives big support on moral development for adolescence. Hart and Carlo also take down on their research that narrative has the support to moral development. It is because



narrative gives a new perspective of the world. The adolescence learns something new about the world including their values.

The spirit of freedom of the adolescence makes them difficult to teach about the values that their parents or their societies are believed. The adolescences tend to find the values which they believed. The adolescence can find the good values which the world believes through narrative without force. Finding values in society are the nature of human being as an adaptation form. If others break this right, it creates some act against moral values and one of them was lying.

C. Theoretical Framework

Each theory is collected to help the writer analyze each element of the novel that shows the moral values. Every theory has a close relation with the research.

Theory of characters and characterization are needed to help the writer understand what character is, the quality and the experience have been experienced by the major character. Then, the writer can collect all data from the novel that is related to the character. From the theories, the writer can make the conclusion of the character and the characteristic.

Next is Moral and Society. Moral and Society theory is needed by the writer to understand the correlation between social condition, people who live in the society, and the moral values. This will help the writer to understand the situation and the



condition faced by the major character also the effort for chasing the happiness and the freedom in the middle of the strict society.

Last theory is moral and moral values. Moral and moral values theory used to analyze the values are believed by the society. The understanding of the concept of moral and values will make the writer goes forward easily in the exploration of the moral values which are lived by the Rosewood community which stated as a high class society in Pretty Little Liars.

Finally, the theory of characters and characterization, theory of moral and society, and theory of moral and moral values will work together to help the writer does the research, and all of the theories are chosen by the writer reveals moral values reflected through major character in Sara Shepard‟ Pretty Little Liars.




A. Object of the Study

The object of my study is Pretty Little Liars novel written by Sara Shepard.

Sara Shepard is brilliance young woman. She won second prize at the State College,

Pennsylvania. She grew up in Philadelphia‟s Main Line, Pennsylvania but she fell into unfortunate condition. She became intern for Elle magazine to struggle of the condition. She finally escaped from the unfortunate and she got an MFA at Brooklyn

College, started receiving evil text messages from someone only known as A, nearly got run over by her best friend's SUV, and kept thinking she saw dead people everywhere. This experience becomes a motif for her writing Pretty Little Liars.

The main source of my study is taken from the first series of Sara Shepard‟

Pretty Little Liars books titled Pretty Little Liars. The novel first published in 2006 by Harper Collins Publisher. In the short time, Pretty Little Liars becomes one of the popular teen books and goes to The New York Times Best Seller List. The success of the novel makes ABC Family station TV brings the series to the broadcasting world in June 2010. The tv series of Pretty Little Liars become a huge hit and win a lot of television awards.

Pretty Little Liars has many strong characters bring a lot of values to be analyzed through their actions. Although Pretty Little Liars has many characters, the major characters of this book become the main focus of my research. The major




characters are an important role of the story because the whole story is about them.

Sara Shepard makes major characters of Pretty Little Liars are very interesting. There is four teenagers named , Hanna Marin, , and

Emily Fields which have differ personality, problem, family background, and concern; but they become one in hiding the truth.

Even though there are four major characters, the writer will analyze one major character only. The major character will be analyzed by the writer is Hanna Marin. It is because Hanna Marin and her action bring values which are interesting to reveal.

This major character brings classic problems which faced by a teenager but this character brings important values that have start been forgotten by people. The reason of this forgetfulness is because people start thinking if those things are common.

B. Approach of the Study

It is important for analyzing the novel to get some understanding and values delivered by the author. Analyzing to get understanding, the writer needs approach as a guideline for doing analyze. The approach used for completing this thesis is Moral-

Philosophical Approach.

Guerin stated in A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature that literature must be entertaining yet teaching some values to the reader. The big portion of moral philosophical approach is literature teaches morality and to probe philosophical issues through literature (Guerin,1979:77).



The writer decides to use moral philosophical approach because this thesis focuses on the moral values which are trying to be conveyed by the author, especially through the major character. The writer wants to open the readers understanding about the moral values on Pretty Little Liars. The writer realizes some readers only focus on the story or the life of the character but do not think about the moral values delivered by the author. Because of that, the writer tries for bringing this issue to analyze

C. Method of the Study

The writer uses Library Research to conduct this thesis. Library research is methodology uses to collect all data from many books references, also other written sources. By collecting many written sources and data, the writer can get a lot of inputs, ideas, and thoughts from other perspectives. Reading a lot of references brings wide perspective to the writer, and this is very useful in research‟ writing. The writer uses library research to make a good research that can conclude all aspects and all details, so the writer can get the moral values in Pretty Little Liars.

The writer uses two kinds of resources to collect data for supporting the study.

The first resource is the novel Pretty Little Liars which also the main resource of this thesis. The second is many books and online sources that can be used for supporting the thesis. The writer collects some books and online sources about character,



characterization, and moral values. The writer also collects some critics and studies about the book to give more information about the book itself.

There are several steps taken by the writer for analyzing this study. First, the writer read the novel Pretty Little Liars many times to understand the novel completely. Then, the writer could find the characteristics of the main character and the development. After that, the writer decided to apply moral – philosophical approach which appropriated for this study. The first part of this study, the writer focused on the characters of major character. Then, the writer focused on the major character‟s developments. Lastly, the writer drew a conclusion.




A. The Description of Major Character

The character plays important role in literature. It shows the personality of the figure. The major character becomes the main role of literature work. The character that becomes the center of the world and it is always interesting for talking about the major character. The author uses the character to show human personality and its development, also brings some values to assert to the reader through major character.

There are four major characters in Sara Shepard‟ Pretty Little Liars but the writer takes one major character only; Hanna Marin. Hanna comes from rich family and lives in upper-class towns in the country. Her mom is a successful and ambitious woman also has a good figure.

People always have some stereotypes about upper-class society. For example, upper-class people live happily without worry and problem. It is because they can get anything they wanted or needed easily.

Rather than showing the stereotypes is right, the author through major character; Hanna Marin; shows that everyone in this world is the same. Sara Shepard depicts Hanna Marin as a common teenager with her personality, her changing, and her problem but those things make the writer wants to analyze this major character.

Hanna Marin is innocent, not confident, kind, and honest person.




1. Innocent

Hanna Marin is described as an innocent teenager. She is common girl who has an imagination about her ideal man and wants date that man. Like in the fairytale, the man is popular, handsome, and perfect. In the opposite, Hanna is not popular, chubby, and she only can dream about him.

She does not change her habit even though she falls in love. She is not hampered. She tries living in comfort and uses food to relieve her stress. She has a simple image about the world and she easily believes what people said.

The moment Ali tells her that Sean likes a girl who loves to eat; Hanna‟s expression is so bright and she responds the statement in bright. She also trusts the statement is correct. She believes that statement because it comes from people she believed, which that person is her best friend.

“You know what I heard?” Ali asked, flopping down on the couch. “Sean really likes girls who have good appetites.” Hanna brightened. “Really?” “No.” Alison snorted. Hanna slowly dropped the handful of popcorn back into the bowl. (Shepard, 2006: 9)

Hanna believes easily what her friend says. She does not say anything but we can analyze it from Hanna reaction. She turns bright when Ali said that Sean likes girls with good appetites. Then she puts back her popcorn when Ali said “No”. She is just an innocent teenager girl who believes what her friends say easily. It is because she thinks Ali as her shield and will never put her on disadvantage situation.



2. Not Confident

Hanna always thinks that she is embarrassing person. She thinks her size of the body makes her become embarrassing people and makes one of the reasons her parents‟ divorce. She thinks her father does not love her because of that reason and decides to leave her. “This was why Dad left, she thought. He wanted a daughter who wouldn‟t embarrass him.”(Shepard, 2006: 158)

Hanna feels that she is a useless person. She is an imperfect person and out of perfectness standard. Because of that, she does not feel confident about herself. Under that condition, she has nobody to comfort her. Rather than comfort, her father makes her more down. Her father called Hanna as Pig in front of her quasi-sister. This situation makes Hanna feels down with her imperfectness.

She can only imagine becoming confident. She cannot feel confident in herself because Hanna thinks there are no reasons for her to be confident. There are no facts make her confident. Being confident is a dream that she dreamt only. “But back then Hanna could only imagine what it would feel like to be so confident.”( Shepard, 2006: 89)

The one reason she can look stand up because of her popular friend, Ali, who has passed away. Ali is the standard of perfectness. She is beautiful, smart, and popular. “She was perfect. Beautiful, witty, smart.Popular. Boys wanted kiss Alison, and girls-even older ones-wanted to be her.” (Shepard, 2006: 3) Ali is not just popular, but the person that makes Hanna feels she is a perfect people. Then Hanna lives under

Ali‟s shadow rather than gathers her courage to become confident.



Hanna cannot leave Ali behind because she likes Hanna‟s shield. Ali teaches her how to gain the world when Hanna wants to hide from the world. She thinks Ali will not make her live on the bottom. She can feel safe at least.

3. Honest

Hanna can share everything with her friends including her deep secret. She cannot hide the secret from her close people. She admits that she takes jewelry to her mom honestly. People will keep the secret perfectly and will not admit their false or their secret usually. It is different for Hanna. She can admit her false in front of her mom although she does not admit it with the word, but she admits it with her action.

She does not tell to her mom directly that she takes jewelry from the shop.

When her mom tells her to give her bracelet, she gives it to her mom including the earring and all of jewelries that she takes from the shop. She is not denied it, but she gives all of the stuffs to her mom directly. This action makes her become an honest girl.

“Give it to me,” her mother whispered. “Huh?” Hanna squeaked. Ms.Marin held out her palm. “Give it here. I can handle this.” Reluctantly, Hanna let her mom unfasten the bracelet from her wrist. Then, Hanna reached up and took off the earrings and handed them over too.” ( Shepard, 2006: 93)

The other reason why the writer can tell her as an honest person, it is because she is very honest with her own self. One day, Ali told Kate that Hanna can eat everything without gaining of weight, she denies it inside herself. She realizes



everything Ali said is a lie. Rather than feels happy, she tells to herself that those things are a lie and that words are mean words according to her opinion.

“ Then Ali turned to Kate, her dad‟s girlfriend‟s daughter, and said, “ Hanna‟s so lucky- she can eat anything and not gain an ounce!” It wasn‟t true, of course. That‟s what made it so mean.”( Shepard, 2006:155)

B. The Description of Major Character’s Development

Hanna Marin is innocent, not confident, and honest girl; but there are some developments in her character. Her biggest changing happens after Ali is gone. Hanna personality changes 180% than before. She turns from the ugly ducky into a beautiful princess.

The transformation of Hanna is not just in her appearance but also her personality and her attitude. At the beginning, Hanna Marin is described as innocent, not confident, and honest girl. Then she changes become a popular, slim, beautiful, and confident girl. There are something contrast inside Hanna Marin. Even though she is confident, she has fear and be afraid inside her. She also feels lonely although she is popular. Also, she makes troubles sometimes.

There is development and change in Hanna Marin‟s character. After her friend,

Ali, missed; some changes happen in her life. She loses her shield and tries to gain the world by herself. She realizes she must defend herself first to survive in the world, especially in the world named the society.

Society is a huge and scary world for teenagers. There are some teenagers who surrender to their true self and their dream for surviving in the society. Teens



tend to want to be accepted by their surround and the society. Because of that, they can give up on everything including their personality to be accepted by the society.

Hanna changes herself in the purpose of being accepted by the society. She changes herself into the society standard and buries herself in deep inside of her heart.

Then, she decides become popular, beautiful, and confident girl with a coward, worries, and lonely characters.

1. Becoming Popular and Beautiful

A year before Ali is gone; Hanna is just a common teenager girl. She is not popular and chubby. The person who makes her seems popular and graceful is Ali.

After Ali is gone, she must fight for herself. Rather than giving up, she continues her effort to become beautiful and popular.

She realizes the way of making a girl becomes popular is be beautiful. Since then Hanna loses her weight drastically and becomes the Rosewood Girl. It is the same title got by Ali a year ago. After that she can date Sean, a man that she dreams to be her boyfriend a year ago, and Hanna can date the man a year later after her transformation.

Hanna is not a pig anymore. She is Rosewood Girl that is beautiful and popular. Her style changes too. In the beginning, Hanna is described as chubby and unfashionable girl. She loves to wear her old clothes even though the fashion style changes. “she‟d been steadily putting on weight and out growing her old



clothes”( Shepard, 2006: 3). Then, she becomes skinny, perky, and glamorous girl in style. She changes become fashionable.

2. Becoming Lonely

Unpopular girls always think that they will happy after they gain popularity.

A lot of people will know them. Many people will stay around them. They will not feel lonely anymore but Hanna faces the difference situation.

Hanna gains popularity but she feels lonely inside. She used to be friends with four other friends including Ali. After the accident, they separate and build their own life. Then, Hanna is becoming friend with Mona, the girl that they used to bully.

Hanna and Mona are friends now but Hanna cannot share her secret to Mona.

She is not trust Mona likes her old friends. Hanna is friendly to Mona because they have the same interest and stand in the same position. Hanna cannot become herself around Mona. She cannot show her true self to Mona.

Basically, Hanna does not have friends anymore, friends for sharing a secret, and friends for supporting her. Mona is a friend to show that she is not lonely. Mona is a friend to accompany her in her popular time, in happy time, and not in sad time.

Hanna realizes this condition and she thinks that it is fine.

Hanna‟s lonely life does not occur in the school only but also at home. After her parents‟ divorce, her father lives in the different city and her mother is very busy with her job. Hanna‟s mother only focuses on her job. It can be said her job is number one and Hanna is number two.



Hanna barely talks with her mother at home. It is because Hanna‟s mother only focuses on her job and talks to her phone almost all the time. She does not give

Hanna a lot of attentions and Hanna has already used to this situation. She acts like she does not care about this situation. She thinks that the important matter is her mom makes money to pay her school tuition and to buy everything she needs.

On the other hand, Hanna‟s father focuses on his new family; his girlfriend and his stepdaughter; than Hanna. One day, Hanna reads an article about her father and he takes a picture with his new family for that article. Basically, he does not know anything about Hanna and Hanna does not know anything about her father.

She does not have anyone for sharing her thought, for complaining about her school, her friend, and for helping her to solve the problem. She settles everything by herself and on her way.

3. Becoming Afraid

Settling or solving the problem by her can bring two consequences. First,

Hanna grows up becoming an independent person. She can solve everything easily because she has been experienced already. The second consequence is she grows up as a coward girl. The reason is she solves the problem with anyways including the wrong ways according to the society standard. She tries hiding this way and being afraid if someone knows the truth.

In this case, Hanna develops become a coward girl. She does not have courage to admit her action to other. The reason of her action is she tries to hide her weakness



from other. She hides her weakness because she does not want teased by other, left by her friends, and became nobody anymore.

Hanna is no one in her school a year ago and she thinks her condition which is chubby, ugly, and unpopular become the reason of nobody knows her. Now, she is beautiful and popular. She does not want to lose those things. She realizes if her secret (her unbeautiful attitude, her unbeautiful way of losing weight) leaks to the society, everyone will leave her alone. Then, she will become lonely again like in the past.

She feels happy with her condition now. Everyone knows Hanna Marin. She is surrounded and adored by everyone in the school. She gets a lot of attentions.

Those things are what Hanna dreams and live for. She feels that everyone likes her and loves her. She is afraid if everyone will leave her once they know about her.

Then, she will be back to her old self.

She could just see it: Everyone would find out, and she‟d be instantaneously friendless and boyfriendless. From there, she‟d recede back to dorky, seventh- grade Hanna in reserve evolution. She‟d wake up and her hair would be a yucky, washed-out brown again. Then her teeth would go crooked and she‟d get her braces back on. She wouldn‟t be able to fit into any of her jeans. The rest would happen spontaneously. She‟d spend her life chubby, ugly, miserable, and overlooked, just the way she used to be. (Shepard, 2006: 95)

She is afraid if her nightmare will come true. She is afraid to be friendless and lack of attention also lack of love. She wants people to accept her.

This reason makes Hanna always be conscious with everything around her.

She is also conscious of her action, especially the after effect. Hanna is a just common teenager. She does an action without thinking the effect sometimes. She is



in the panic mode when it comes to the consequences of her action. It is because she is afraid anyone who knows about her action will tell the story to the whole school, and her world will collapse.

This thought makes Hanna cannot face the problem bravely. She always hides behind someone. She never solves her problem by herself. She prefers to run or to hide from the problem until her mom comes and defends her. She only thinks how to hide the situation from others. She hopes noone will know about the incident and acts like nothing happen.

4. Becoming Worried

People who live hiding something will anxious with their surround. They will become worried all the time. They are worrying if people may know something which they try to hide. They are worrying if people know their secret, then people will leave them.

In Hanna cases, she is worrying if people find out her past life and it makes her travel back to her slum life again. She is worrying become unpopular, ugly, chubby, and lonely again. Basically, Hanna hates her old self and does not want to go back to that condition,

I‟m not jumpy,” Hanna said quickly. But she was: Ever since the police station and that e-mail she had gotten last night, she‟d been freaking. This morning, her eyes even seemed more dull brown than green, and her arms looked disturbing puffy. She had this horrible sense that she really was going to spontaneously morph back into her seventh-grade self. (Shepard, 2006:116)



She hates her old images and does not want to go back to her old images. She feels her condition now is much better. Everyone pays attention to her at school. She can date her dream man. She is slim and perfect now. These reasons make Hanna does not want to go back to her seventh-grade image.

For maintaining her condition, she always lives in worried. She is being worried that she will become chubby and unpopular again. Because of that, she has a habit of checking her appearance all the time. At the beginning, she is never worrying about her appearance even though she is chubby. Now her appearance becomes number one.

After her transformation, Hanna had been neurotically careful about not only looking cool and perfect at all times, but being cool and perfect, too. Terrified that the tiniest mistake would send her spiraling back to dorkdom, (Shepard, 2006: 121)

She always checks her appearance from time to time and gives the questions to herself that she still has a good body or something wrong happen to her body.

She stopped at the mirror in the hallway and pulled up her shirt to examine her taut stomach muscles. She swiveled sideways to investigate her small, round butt. Then she bent forward to look at her skin. Yesterday‟s blotchiness was gone. She bared her teeth. One bottom front tooth crossed over a canine. Had they always been that way? (Shepard, 2006: 154-155)

Hanna thinks that what people see more important. Because of that, she tries maintaining her appearance and hides her true self in the secret room. It is because

Hanna does not want people to know herself and her past life.



At the moment she steals jewelries from the shop, she picked up by the police.

She is really worried. It is not because she steals the jewelries from the shop but she worried if there is someone who sees her picked up by the police. Then those people tell the story in the school about what happens to Hanna. Next, her friend and her boyfriend will leave her alone. These things make Hanna worried and afraid all the time.

Hey Hanna, Since prison food makes you fat, you know what Sean‟s gonna say? Not it! –A She was so startled that she stood up, thinking someone might be across the room, watching her. But there was no one. She closed her eyes, trying to think who might have seen the police car at her house. (Shepard, 2006: 96)

Hanna efforts to keep her friend and her boyfriend stay around her make her worried all the time. The reason of her worries because she realizes she does not show her true self. She hides something and does not want people to know about it.

Hanna keeps it because she thinks herself is nothing without her beauty, her body, her friend, and her popularity.

Hanna considers herself lack of the quality which is demanded by the society.

When she has already achieved the standard demanded by the society, she does not want to lose that. She holds it tightly. If there is an opportunity will make her to go back to the lower position, she will be worry. This thing happens many times and makes her does not live in ease.



C. Moral Values Reflected through Major Character

Literature is used by the author to deliver many values, messages, and critics.

It proves literature plays important rule to teach some values and touches the heart of the readers. The authors have their purpose when they write literature works and it is interesting to analyze the literature works.

Sara Shepard through Pretty Little Liars also wants to deliver some values through major character. If we read the novel, it seems to talk about the life of the teenagers only. More than that, this novel brings a lot of values related to the life of the teenagers. A teenager faces some obstacle in the society and finds their true identity especially.

During this stage, a teenager needs a lot of support from their surrounding and their society. This stage is a crucial moment for a teenager. They need an extra attention from their families, their friends, and their societies are the case that almost happens all the time, a teenager gets the lack of attention at the time they need more.

This brings effect to the teenager personalities and their developments.

Pretty Little Liars brings some values that we need to pay attention more.

These values sound common in our ears. In fact, we neglect it all the time and we do not realize if this neglect action brings some impacts.

1. Everyone need parent’s love

Sara Shepard draws the major character as a teenager girl who looks like has everything in her life. Then a question pops up in the writer's head. What does make



this book and the character special? At the beginning, the writer thinks it is just a common story. A story about teenagers live and their naughtiness but the writer realizes that Sara Shepard wants to share the values that we must be realized.

Sara Shepard through Pretty Little Liars tries to tell some values should be existed in the society but the society tends to forget if they have walk away from these already. People are busy to make money for surviving in this world. They think wealth will bring the comfortable life because we will not live in worries. Because of this reason, people work harder than ever.

For achieving a better life, people can do everything especially someone who has already married and has children. They realize their responsibilities are big and hard. Parent tends to give the best thing to their children and this brings big effort.

For giving a good education to their children, parent needs to earn a lot of money. For making their children dream come true, parent needs to spend more time in workplace. These situations are the realities that we cannot deny and these realities also bring another concern.

If the parent spends more time at workplace, that mean their time for the children reduced. On the contrary, the children just do not need money from their parent but also love, care, and attention from their parent. At time the children lack of attention from their parents, they will try everything to get it. They can do good things to achieve acknowledgment from their parent or bad things to attract attention from their parent.



Hanna Marin is depicted as a teenager girl comes from a rich family but she lacks attention from her parent. It does not mean she cannot get what she wants in material but she lacks of love from her parent. Hanna‟s mother focuses on her job to make a lot of money for paying Hanna‟s school fee, their lifestyles, and their daily necessities. Meanwhile, Hanna‟s father focuses on his new family more than Hanna.

These things make Hanna feels losing her parent‟s love.

The condition faced by Hanna makes her lack of confidence. This condition is getting worse at the moment Hanna visits her father. Hanna realizes about her imperfectness, but she expects her father stands beside her. Rather than stands beside

Hanna, her father makes her more uncomfortable. When her father calls Hanna “pig” and it makes Hanna confidence‟s shatters.

The writer believes that the parent always loves their children. The situation between Hanna and her father can occur because the parent does not know their children and their problem well. High school is the period for the children become sensitive to their surround. It is the time for the children finding themselves and their identity. Because of that, the parent is needed by their children for helping them to face every obstacle.

Parent misses this period of time rarely. It is because this time is a time where their children need extra money for education and pocket money. This period of time is also the hardest time for the parent. These make the parent intends miss a lot of things including the important thing for their children, parent‟s love.



This thing also happens to Hanna. Her parent focuses on other things besides

Hanna. Hanna who lost of attention from her parent tries to find it from her surrounding with her way. She can do anything to get that love. She breaks the law sometimes. It is not because she cannot buy the thing, but she wants to feel the rush in her vain. She also can get attention from her parent.

If the children have new, expensive goods, the parent will ask where they get the goods usually. This reason makes Hanna break the law to be noticed but her mother does not notice that. She even does not ask about Hanna‟s activities during the day. Hanna feels she is invisible in front of her mother sometimes. She feels sad about this condition but she pretends if she is not care at all.

At the moment Hanna is red handed steals jewelries and brings to the police station, her mother just asks casually and covers it with no question. After they arrive at home, her mother does not ask anything either. She is not angry and just let it go.

On the other hands, she tries to protect her daughter but the anger of parent to the children after they do something wrongs are explained as love too.Hanna wants that reaction from her mother but she does not get it.

Anger, disappointment, gripe from parent is interpreted as love by the children sometimes. If there is too much griping, the children will get tired. At the end, they will realize if the gripes are the form of love from their parents. Because of that, the children who do not get much attention from their parent, they miss that thing.



Sara Shepard through her work tries to tell this message. The children do not grow up with money, friends, achievement they get, but also with their parent‟s love.

The competitions on the workplace are becoming high and that means the extra works are needed. Eventhough the extra works are needed, parent should not forget their children.

It is true that the children can handle their own problem. Yet, the children still need support and love from their parents. These supports and loves make them being confident to face every problem. It is because they feel secure and they know that their parent will back them up.

Parent forgets to give support to their children now. They are too busy with their own world. They think this matter just a small thing. In fact, it infects the children on their developments, their psychologicals, and their morals. Hart and Carlo said that family plays an important role on adolescent moral development. Moral on adolescent can develop because of the society, the story they are read, but the most important thing influencing adolescent moral development is family. It means parent plays an important role to their children. This thing starts to be forgotten by the parent nowadays.

Sara Shepard tries to remain the parent that adolescent still need attention and love from their parent through this book. She also remains the society does not judge adolescent‟s actions only by what they do. Sara Shepard tries to tell the society for giving attention to the adolescent about the problems might be faced by adolescent



and help them to solve their problems rather than give the direct judgment. It is because the adolescent want to be accepted and to be loved.

2. Everyone should know who they are

The second value tries to tell by Sara Shepard, someone needs to know who they are. If someone knows who they are, they will realize their purpose of life. Even though the society tries to change us; it does not matter because we know who we are.

It is easy in words but the fact is so hard to apply it.

Hogg and Abrams in Social Identications: A Social Psychology of Intergroup

Relations and Group Processes, explained that Identity was people's perspective about us, about who we are, also people opinion about our individual related to others to show the quality of the individual itself. ( Hogg and Abrams, 1988:2)

Identity talks about the perspective of us. Identity also related to other individual and their perspective. The problem usually occurs if we want others respect us but we do not respect ourselves because we do not know our values. It is important to know who we are and how precious we are. We can respect ourselves first, others will follow it then.

Hanna Marin gets confusion about how precious she is and how beautiful she is. She focuses on what other think more. This makes her lose confident to herself.

Then, she tries following the standard of the society but she does not look at the



inside of herself. She does anything to be accepted in the society in its standard. Soon, she changes herself according to the society‟s standard.

People need to be accepted by the society. It does not mean we need to change our identity to be accepted. We just need to adjust and adapt to the society and introduce ourselves to them. The uniqueness of an individual makes the society become beautiful. In fact, people intend to change and to forget their identity to follow the society. Then, they forget the enjoyment of life.

It happens to Hanna. She tries to change herself to follow the standard of the society. For teenager, beautiful is identical of slim and popular. We must be slim to be popular. The problem is nobody can get slim instantly. Hanna is someone who cannot get slim instantly and easily. After that she decides to take a short way which is poked herself.

She does anything to be accepted until she forgets herself. She does anything to impress other, to be accepted, and to be loved. She is accepted by the society finally, but she starts to forget herself and starts to forget to respect herself. It is because she follows the society and she thinks everything accepted by the society is common.

A lot of people lose their identity and forget to respect their self because they try to catch up with the society and its values. Hanna is one of an example of this situation. She does not respect herself anymore even though she thinks that she



respects herself. She does everything because she thinks that she respects herself although people do not think like that sometimes.

Hanna‟s boyfriend thinks Hanna does not respect herself. She does anything to be accepted by the society and thinks everyone has the same perspective with her.

The fact is not everyone has the same perspective.

He thought for a moment. “You‟re one of the prettiest girls I know, Hanna. Why don‟t you know that?” “What are you talking about?” Hanna asked, disgusted. “I just . . . ,” Sean started. “I just think that maybe if you could have a little more respect for yourself-“ “I have plenty of self-respect!” Hanna shouted at him. (Shepard, 2006: 188)

Sometimes others can see our values that we cannot see. In this case, we should feel shame because others can find it and we cannot.

We must know who we are, what are our strength and our weakness for surviving in life, also for optimizing our talent. We need to know who we are so we can give value to ourselves and respect ourselves. We tend to ask other for respecting us but if we still do not give respect to ourselves, how will people respect us?

Finding the true identity is not an easy task. We need to spend our half-life to find it but it is still worth to try. It is a difficult task but it will bring better future for us. Successful people can succeed because they know their identities already. They do not try to become others or imitate them. They know who they are and they know what they want. The most important of it, they know how to change the world rather than the world changes them.



This thing can be achieved by everyone who knows who they are. Someone who finds their true identities, they will know the purpose of their life. They will not be confused with their path and will not be confused by others. People who know their identities will live their life with confident and without worries. The reason is they show their identities all the time. They do not lie on their action. They know what their weaknesses and their strengths then they are not shame to it. It is because they realize nobody is perfect also they realize having some strengths did not have by other.

Hanna Marin comes from rich family and she faces this problem. Some people think if coming from the rich family will not have problem. It is because your future seem have been decided already. In fact, the children come from rich family also face the same problem. They prevent for realizing and imagining the kind of life they want to live. This situation makes teenagers do not have will to find their self and leave them in confusion. In conclusion, the identity‟s conflict will be faced by everyone; young, old, rich, or poor.

It means everyone must know themselves, what they want, what kind of life they want to live, also what are their strength and weakness. People need finding their identity and realizing their potential talent. Then we will live in freedom. We do not need worries about what people think about us. We just need to show who we are and the talent inside us. People who live trying to impress others and wear a mask will



live in worried because they realize people will know who they are, someday. After that, it will bring them down.

Hanna Marin lives in worried all the time. It is because she realizes that she lives wearing a mask. People think her life is perfect, but everyone has their imperfect side. She feels shame about that side and tries hiding it. This is the result of life in worry all the time. She cannot find her strength and only focuses on her weakness.

This situation occurs because Hanna still cannot find herself, her identity, and her purpose of life. Then, she lives to impress others than impresses herself. Identity is needed in the society because someone who knows their identity and their purpose of life will survive. It is because the society is unique and we need to be unique.

Remember! We are unique.

3. Everyone should be enjoying life and be happy

Achieving dream needs to work hard and sacrifices a lot of things in life.

Hanna can get what she dreams in a year. It is amazing for achieving a dream in a year. She dreams to be beautiful, popular, slim, and she gets that in a year. After that, she thinks she will happy. Rather than be happy, she feels suffocated with her life.

Hanna lives in worried all the time. She also lives hiding the secret and cannot enjoy her daily life.

Hanna thinks for enjoying her life after her changes. What happen next is she continues to pursue the happiness. She feels lonely even though she is beautiful, slim,



and popular. She traps herself in the standard of the society for being accepted. She sacrifices herself to survive in the society.

Hanna tries to put away herself. She hides until no one can find it. She is afraid everyone will leave her because of her true self. She pretends to be fine in every occasion. It seems nothing will affect herself and her decision. On the contrary, she feels lonely and feels suffocated. It is because she cannot express her true emotion. She cannot say I want to live in freedom. The reason is she concerns with other opinions too much.

We cannot blame Hanna‟s action because Hanna does a normal reaction to reach the happiness. She tries to protect herself for reaching her goal which is being accepted by the society. She feels precious and can live as a happy person after she was accepted by the society.

Bourke said that everyone has the desire to live happily, be happy, and enjoy the happiness. The standard of happiness means by people is self-perfection, personal ambition, and success in life.

The universal desire for happiness has been known under many other names: the urge for self-perfection, the drive of personal ambition, the desire for success in life.( Bourke, 1961: 3)

Self-perfection means people live perfectly according to the standard of society. For example, the standard of the beauty. The standard of woman called beautiful if she looks good, slim, and popular. If we have that standard, we will happy because we are perfect.



Next, personal ambition is the goal wants to be achieved by someone.

Everyone have a dream that they want to achieve. People work hard for achieving it and make their dream come true. If they can fulfill their dream and get what they want, this person considered as a happy person.

Last, the success in life. It means someone considered his/herself being a happy person if they can achieve anything what they want in life, also they are successful in very part of life and never fail in life.

People in this world consider the three standards above as the standard of happiness. We become happy if we achieve those standards. According to the standard of happiness above, it is not surprising if Hanna tries to change herself for achieving happiness. Almost all of people do the same thing like Hanna does actually.

They change themself to get what they want and become a happy person.

Happiness is an unconditional state. It means happiness and being happy should not be influenced by the situation which occurs around us. It is because the true happiness cannot be influenced by anything. Happiness is a situation which decided by yourself. If we want to be happy, we are happy. If not, we are not happy.

Happiness is the condition that could not rule by the society‟s standard. We cannot be happy because the standard cannot be achieved, or we can be happy because the standard is achieved. Happiness can occur if we decide to be happy and do not care with other thoughts.



After Hanna is rejected by Sean, she gets drunk and steals Sean‟s car. She drives the car in the high speed and involves in an accident. From the accident, the most surprising is Hanna‟s reaction. She is not afraid or worried. She laughs out loud and feels free. She does not care what Mona said. She just enjoys the moment. This moment occurs because she enjoys herself and be herself. She does not care with others although she realizes there are some consequences.

People can be happy if they accept themself and enjoy every moment of their life. We need to hear the others sometimes for helping us to get another point of view but that opinion should not control our life. It is because the final decisions are on our hands.




People have their dreams to be achieved. Sometimes it is too simple for others but it is important for us. Hanna really wants to be loved but she loses this thing in young age, and she can do anything. We cannot say that all things Hanna does are completely wrong. She only does what she can to receive love from other.

People can do a lot of things to attract attention from others. We can only say that she is a troublemaker if we see Hanna‟s actions from one side only. We need to look at the inside of Hanna before we judge. Hanna still has good personality inside her and we need to explore this quality more.

People usually only look at the outside then give the judgment. Sara Shepard wants us to look deeper than usual. She wants us for looking at an innocent girl who is struggling in the society then understanding a girl who is trying to survive in the world and receiving a lot of love.

Through Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shepard also wants to tell the importance of the identity and being ourselves. We need to know who we are. We need to know the purpose of our life and what we live for. We cannot conquer the world and make our dream come true if we do not know who we are.

We need to find our identity. After that, we will understand our strength and our weakness. If we know this, we can optimize the talent we have. If we know who




we are, we would not be controlled by the world. The world is full with strong and unique people. If we cannot find our uniqueness, we could not be strong.

We need to be strong. It is not because we want over-powering other but we need to be strong for standing on our feet. Someone who is not strong in personality will go where the wind goes. They do not have self- esteem and just go to follow the stream goes.

We need to know who we are and the purpose of our life. Then, we will live with ease. It is because we know exactly what we can do and not. We will not be influenced by others thoughts but we will influence them with our thoughts. This is possible if we know exactly who we are and be ourselves.

After knowing who we are, we can decide what we want to be. We can become anyone we want in life. We can become a happy person if we want.

Happiness is decided by you. If we want to be happy, we will. Happiness is a simple thing and we can get that if we want.

Happiness does not talk about self-perfection, personal ambition, or success of life. Happiness talks about a personal decision. The decision becomes yourself and enjoying yourself. The most important thing is the decision to appreciate yourself and to give high values to yourself.

The writer hopes this thesis can inspire everyone to enjoy every moment in your life. Everyone needs love in their life. Love talks about appreciation, attention,



and care. If someone full of love, they will not be confused about theirself. They will have confidence for finding their identity. Then they will become a happy person. It is because they know their purpose of life and confidence in every decision they made.

They become a happy person because their life does not control by others.

They will control their life even though the decision does not walk side by side with the values live in the society. This thing will not bother them because they realize that they are the center of the world with their uniqueness.

At the end someone who is full of parent‟s love will not have difficulty finding their identities. Someone who knows their identity will know their purpose of life. Then someone who knows their purpose of life will be enjoying life and be happy. Lastly, just be yourself, appreciate yourself, enjoy every moment in your life, and be happy.




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