Casco Bay Breeze
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VOL. OL NO. 19. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST MAINE, 19, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. A Bit Of Bailey's Past. Mindoro A Great Success ANECDOTE OF 8CARE GIVEN A YOUNG AMATEUR8 OF AUBURN Peaks Island House CONFEDERATE GUNBOAT COLONY GIVK ORIGINAL OPER- E. CREW. Vfelph <H&we cHanagtr, ETTA BEFORE FRIENDS. ¥e*ks Island, How Lobstsrmen Fooled The Cisco ®ay, Ward- Benefit Performance To Aid Harps- €M*ine. ens. The Boxer -and Enterprise well Library Association Proves FURNITURE Fight. Very Commendable. How many of the summer tourists An original operetta entitled "Mln- that visit Island are Bailey really ac- dcro or The Tin-Polled Plot; a surrep- quaintel with the island That is our and if itself, its in- titiously stolen Phlllpplnlan parody," and the it «as specialty teresting points, part has presented before a large and ap- in played past history? Few, and preciative audience In the Auburn you want the latest a design, only few, who have been taken in- Colony Association Hall at to the hearts of the should our "natives." and the South Harpswell last Saturday you inspect de- few have lucky heard many ta!es— evening, and was received with great tales that would furnish before excellent enthusiasm. The company was com- partments purchas- material for a for years for its un- novelist. posed entirely of the young people of In the ing. * * * * year of 1812. during the sec- the colony. The music and lyrics FAMOUSequalled location, liberal ond war with for England, the English the piece were the work of one management and fine shore din- ship Boxer and the American ship of their number, Mr. Jack Thomas; ners. we are Enterprise, met a few miles east of and absolutely no outside aid had to Everything modern. Elec- Remember, always Seguin Light, where the famous bat- be secured In order to make the tric steam tic was The lights, heat, private pleased to show you our fought. roar of the operetta the great success which It cannon etc. could be plainly heard from pieved to be. Under these condi- dining room, Accomodates stock Bailey's, where the few tions whether you purchase inhabitants only the warmest praise can 500 or not. ^ ^ ^ ^ 9^ates, booklets, and floor plans on application. THE Oar RATHSKELLER JUST OPENED. Cottage Furniture Numbers 12 and 14 Brown St. New England Telephone 1945 prices are the low- Portland, Maine. est in Portland. A Delightful Place to Dine. Auto Line To Harpswell. Peaks Island House. TO NORTH, CENTER, WEST ANO PREVIOUS RECORD FOR REGIS- 80UTH VILLAGES AND CUNDY'S TRATION FAR SURPAS8ED R. S. DAVIS HARBOR. LAST WEEK. F. t CO., HASKELL, Pitt, Promoters Of Company Were Through Good Times Enjoyed By Guests Re- The Section Some Ancient Fish Houses In Cove. Months Ago. main Uninterrupted As Season Mackerele Sold 8tock Locally. Advances. at tbat time lined the east Tbe new Auto shore be extended to the young people (or Line which began Times are as lively at the Peaks with fear in their as business hearts, they be- their efforts to provide an entertain- Tuesday has a large combin- Island House as they have been at held the smoke of the conflict drift ation passenger and ment Which was really commendable. freight automo- ! any time this season, and more peo- Uuily across the bile on a bay. Like at) real operettas,- "Ifindoro" running regular schedule ple are registered here now than at Later #1q the two were between Brunswick day, s^ips and South Harps- any period In the hotel's history, at seen to'round A* The car. oocpe, aifd ]of arose c!jell. will. make the this stage of the summer. On last in the hearts* of the Utile band ttnSJsraqfiMM! lit either 3ire< of enough dialogue between the num- trip Uou cm al- Thursday < night foqr hundred and watchers, as their ternate f Big Executrix' Sale through sea-glass- bers to carry along the semblance of days and will accommodate fifty-four guests were quartered in Mte es they made out the passenger and stars and a plot. To sum up tbe action, we freight business main house, the hotel annexes and the The Balance of the Stock of stripes flying triumphantly at the may uy, that we are introduced to through towns of North. Centre the affiliated cottages; breaking the mast of the foremost snd West ship, which was Col. Marmaduke Tewkesbury, U. S. Hsrpswell. A side trip previous record for the total number towing the other. at an will also be made to the of They passed A., early stage of tbe piece, Gurnet. Idle- persons accommodated here at any Rugged Island and went who wild Park and the route will through the bas come out with his daughter lie one time, by forty-four, truly a re- little channel between Island through Cundy's Harbor. IRA F. CLARK & CO. Jaquiah Flora to All the new position of gov- markable condition of things. In and This line is Baileys where, from the high ernor. He is opposed in his plans presumably the one spite of the large mass of office rocky shore, the could which was talked some people plain- by Lalapalooea, queen of Mindoro, being of work necessary when so many pa- look the months ly upon decks of both ships. and Bong-Bogey, a rebellious native ago. At that time the pro- trons are enjoying the accommoda- It was a terrible the moterp were on local : sight, decks chief. It soon develops that Flora calling business tions of the hotel with their many were covered men and it is with blood, the crews 1* in love with Lieut. Martin Flana- said considerable stock ! and varied needs, time is always of both ships was sold in com- 15 meeting heavy loss, both gan. U. S. A., while Queen Lata- Harpswell. The i found by the management to keep a Now Sold of Cost. commanders and pany is to be located at Being Regardless killed, each ship paloosa wishes to marry her daugh- Brunswick. ! careful account of the total enroll- comparatively ruined, and barely able ter. Huncamunca to Percival Per- ment of guests. In this manner it fa to float. Thus want to turn passed through this kins. a travelling salesman SHILOH YACHT interesting to look back over the every dollars little formerly RETURNS. channel, the two combatants of Peaksvllle. Vermont, now of New books and see the steady and decided that worth of into cash to were to go down in as York, who has to increase in the number of who WE goods history offered aid the Now at Anchor in Portland Harbor, people having fought one of the bravest rebellious natives. come to the season Belvidere, an- Rev. F. W. house, by season. settle the Estate. naval battles ever other Sandford on BoartJ. recorded. The young princess, has designs on This year's volume of business. Judg- boats reached Portland, where the the heart of a mysterious Russian After three years, passed in a round ing from the number of patrons alone Seasonable Summer-wear two commanders were laid to rest exile who is also in league with the tbe world voyage the yacht Coronet, will far exceed all previous records. side by side in the Old Eastern has been hard Ceme- rebels. bearing Rev. Frank W. Sandford and The program of weekly entertain- particularly hit tery. Soon we 23 others of his by learn that Col. Tewkes- Shiloh colonists ments which has proved so satisfao- At this time, the center the price cutter and unusual of business bury and Flora have been captured bar- of (Continued on page ten.) on Baileys, was at the south end. for and carried off by the native insur- (Continued page two.) are the rule in the little gains in these lines. cove, just opposite gents headed by Bong-Bogey, Lala- Jaquish Island, there was a large paloosa. and the Russian exile. Tli© wharf with numerous flsh-bouses. Then the valiant Hamilton American forces ap- Edgar M. Pain*. Proprietor. while at the head of this wharf was pear, headed by IJeut. a Flanagan. O-T. general store. kept by James The captives are released and the Oliotooaguo Island, Maine. who was then the tables are Open Jane 24 to 10. Ira F. Clark & Twotnley, leading turned, the real owners of 8ept. Co. business man of the the Island. Here islands again coming Into posses- tbc "natives" One Price, Spot Cash Clothiers, Hatters and brought all their flsh sion of their own "for might makes Furnishers. to be salted and cured, and these right" Now we learn of the were duplex 26 and 28 Monument afterward sent to the Portland role being played by the American Square. and Boston markets. drummer, who for reasons of state is If the Interested summer tourist | supposed to be In love with Hun- will but to this h«> journey site, or she j cemunca; but who. disguised as a will see a sort of breakwater of | Russian count Is really In love with stone, and a few broken piles. This i Ilo-llo, the charming daughter of is all Bradford that remains of the old wharf, Hong-Bogey, the native chief. Tolman, Furniture while a The Co., boathouse now stands upon I Important role of Perdval Per the land 17 and 17 1-2 Preble 8t. that was once occupied by kins, the hustling and versatile the store. | Dealers in American drummer, was capably filled Tbe count of r»v Mr. New and Second-Hand Maine, especially that J. P. Thomas, the author of Furniture, Antique Coods of all of Caiieo the klnde Hay.