Parishodh Journal ISSN NO:2347-6648


1Dr. Pradeep Kumar, 2Dr. DeepshikhaBansla 1Assistant Professor & Head ,Dept. of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Veerbhumi Govt. P.G. College, Mahoba, U.P.,India. 2Center Head, Aptech Montana Pre International School, Mahoba, U.P., India

Abstract Introduction- Yoga is the ancient and oldest form of Exercise in the Universe. . In the yogic tradition, Lord Shiva, or Shankar or Mahadev is known as the very first yogi and known as Adiyogi, and he is the first Yog Teacher or Adi Guru. Yoga is a science which derive its basis from thousands years ago, even long before when the first religions or belief systems were born.not only in Hinduism but Yoga has its roots in Jainism and Buddhism also. If we talk about we see that in last 8 years Yoga have changed its fate. It has been evolved into several new forms such as, ,, Ariel Yoga, Corporate Yoga, Acro Yoga, Snake Yoga, Got Yoga, etc. Yoga is an ancient practice, whose important texts are found in the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain traditions. Maharashi Patanjali was the first man who introduced the eight parts of Yoga known as Ashtang Yoga to the world. Yoga is now an international trend,it is taken as an spiritual enlightenment for those seeking spiritual awakening and also a form of exercise for fitness freaks. Worldwide near about 300 million people practice Yoga. As of now India has 100 million Yoga practitioner and following India, America has the second highest number of Yogis today. There are near about 72% female and 28% percent Male Yoga practitioner worldwide. Hot Yoga is the most popular form of Yoga in Modern times. introduces Hath Yoga to the West. Nirmala Devi was the first women to Introduce Yoga to West especially in America. B.K.S. Iyengar and Swami , Swami Mahiesh Yogi are other famous Yoga Gurus who have introduced new Forms of Yoga to Western Worlds. In last decades Yoga has gained tremandous popularity in the world. In recent days many people like Sri Sri Ravishankar,H.H. Pujya Shri ChidanandSaraswati, Shri Jaggi Vasudev and Swami Ramdev are the profound promoters who are responsible for the renaissance of Yoga in India again. Swami Ramdev stands out of all the promoters as he is the one who made yoga reach to every single of this nation today because of his systematic approach for the introduction of yoga has been very effective and he becomes a reason behind the great popularity of Yoga and Pranayam. After the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts UN has introduced 21st June as International Yoga Day from 2014. Now not only in India but worldwide near about every country and religion is getting the benefits of Yoga. Yoga also has a number of opportunities for making career as Yoga experts. Key Words- Tradition, Belief System, Hot Yoga, Corporate Yfdsaoga, Ashtang Yoga, Hath Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar, Sivananda, Narendra Modi, International Day of Yoga.

Introduction: Yoga is the oldest form of systematic exercise practiced even today. It has its roots in Hindu Civilization. Yoga does not recommend a particular religion, belief system or community; rather Yoga has always been received as a way of improving lives. Whosoever

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practices, any form of Yoga, is entitled to get the related benefits, irrespective of one‘s faith, ethnicity or culture. Fundamentally, Yoga is a sacred discipline which is based on an abstruse science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body while connecting it to the the supreme authority at the same time. It is an art and science of well living. Yoga is an ancient practice, whose rational fundamental texts are found in the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain literature . The word ‗Yoga‘ is a derivative from the Sanskrit root ‗Yuj‘, which means is ‗to join‘ or ‗to yoke‘ or ‗to unite‘. As per the sacred texts the practice of Yoga can lead to the union of individual existence with that of the supremel Consciousness,which represents the perfect harmony among mind and soul which leads to further harmony between between Man & Nature. Any Individual who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga, and he or she is termed as a yogi, having attained to a state of freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana or moksha. Thus the final aim of Yoga is Self-realization, or we can say that to triumph over all kinds of sufferings which leads to 'the state of liberation' (Moksha) or ‗freedom‘ (Kaivalya). Yoga is just not a way of exercising but it is also an ageold ‗everliving cultural outcome‘ of our very famous Indus Saraswati Valley civilization – dating back to 2700 B.C., and it has proved itself providing to both physical and spiritual progression of humanity. Basic humane values are the very uniqueness of Yoga Sadhana.

Development of Yoga: A historical Perspective :- Historically it is very hard to say that when exactly Yoga was formulated but if we go through the ancient literature we found that Veda have the description of Yoga. The knowledge of yoga is very old and it is passing from one teacher to another teacher from ancient times. Yoga has been preserved from the starting of Civilization. The has its root thousands years ago, it has its root long before the first religions or belief systems were born. In the yogic tradition, Lord Shiva is known as the very first yogi and known as Adiyogi, and he is the first Yog Teacher or Adi Guru. Mahadev also called as the god of yog that is Yogeshwar, is said to rule over all the aspects of yoga, relative to body, mind and consciousness. According to historical literature on yoga and meditation it is found that Lord Shiva is the lord of meditation. Lord Shiva is the father of Jnana Yoga which is also known as the yoga of knowledge, through the power of the silent mind, Lord Shiva‘s first teaching of Yoga was to Mata Parvati, his wife. Lord Shiva taught 84 Asans to Parvati and he became Adi Guru or Adi Yogi. These 84 Asans of Yoga are from vaidiv Parampara. After that Adiyogi Mahadev poured his deep knowledge of Yoga and Meditation to ‗Saptrishi‘ Seven Rishis , thousand years back, at the bank of the lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas. Adi Yogi Lord Shiva is said to transfer this teaching himself to the rishis which used to be known as18 Siddhas later. After that, these 18 siddhas communicated the divine knowledge to us human being. After these divine teachings many traditions come into existence and these traditions still are in continuance. In the South, the Siddha Agastiar or Agastya Muni was said to be the first to spread this wisdom of yog and created the forbearers of Siddhas who excelled in many sciences along with yog such as Tantra, Medicine, Astrology and other relevant subjects.

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These great techniques of Yogic Science became advanced over the years through various yoga experts, who got perfection in this art and then pour the deep knowledge of it to their disciples. Today, yoga is the world's fastest rising wellness treatment because it presents spirituality as technology. The history of yoga has many places of insignificance and uncertainty because initially it was oral transmission of sacred holy texts and the secretive nature of its teachings and traditions. Old Yoga scripture was written on leaves of tress and called as Pandulipi, that was the only available means to store the information in written format but the drawback was that those pandulipi were very fragile and prone to decay if not preserved with utmost care, because of this many precious pandulipis have got lost. Some evidences proves that the advancement of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old. In modern times we can divide Yoga history into following main six period of Innovation, practice and development.


Pre-Classical Yoga- When we talk about Pre-Classical Yoga period first of all we come to know that Rig Veda is the first and Oldest Scared text which consists word Yoga. However the most well-known of the Yogic scriptures is the Bhagavad-Gîtâ, which was composed around 500 B.C.E. at the time of Mahabharata. Lord Krishna is also known as Yogeshvara, or "the Master of Mystic Yoga‖ discusses the key forms of yoga. Yogeshvara Krishna recommends the dynamic form of yoga, which was called karma-yoga. He explains how to accomplish karma-yoga in the sixth chapter of Gita. Existence of Yoga is available in Indian folk traditions, Indus valley civilization, Vedic and Upanishadic heritage, Buddhist and Jain traditions, Many Darshanas, The great and Historic Indian epics of Mahabharat and Ramayana. In addition, there was an ancient or pure Yoga which has been established in mystical traditions of South Asia. Suryanamaskara is

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Historical evidences of the existence of Yoga were seen in the pre-Vedic period (2700 B.C.), and thereafter till Patanjali‘s period. The most Important and reliable sources, from which we get the evidence about Yoga practices and the associated literature during this period, are available in four Vedas, 108 Upanishads, Smritis, Holy teachings of Buddhism, Jainism, Maharishi Panini, 2 Epics, and 18 Puranas etc.

Classical Yoga: The period of Karm Yoga and Period - The period between 500 BC - 800 A.D. is considered as the Classical period. This particular period is said to be the richest in terms of knowledge and wisdom relative to the nurturing of Yoga. Annotations of Vyasa on Yoga Sutras and the famous holy book Bhagawadgita came into existence during this period. Bhagawadgita has clearer concepts of Gyan yoga, Bhakti yoga and Karma Yoga. These three types of yoga are stillconsidered as the richest sources of human wisdom. In modern times also it is prominently relevant, it is said that people can attain peace and harmony by following the teachings of Gita. This period also can be dedicated to two great religious teachers of India who have given a new path of life to world –Mahavir and Mahatma Buddha. Mahavir gave the concept of five great vows – Panchamahavrata and Buddha gave the AshtaMagga or eightfold path to the world and these two can be well considered as early nature of Yoga sadhana. Maharshi Patanjali also structured the practice of yoga into an "eight limbed path" known as ―AsthangYog‖ which contains the steps and phases on the way to procurement Samadhi or enlightenment. Patanjali is contemplated as the father of yoga and the Yoga- Sûtras given by him firmly and predominantly influences most styles of the modern yoga.

Post-Classical Yoga: The age of Hath Yoga and Tantra Yoga:- This is the period of Hath Yoga and Tantra Yoga. The period between 800 A.D. - 1700 A.D. has been accepted as the Post Classical period or the period of hath yog. The knowledge of Adi Shankracharya, Ramanujacharya, and Madhavacharya were prominent Yogis during this historical period. After a few centuries of Maharashi Patanjali, most of the Yoga masters shaped a new system of practices which was planned to rejuvenate the body and prolong life. They rejected the traditions of the ancient Vedas based on wisdom of soul and involved the physical body as the way to attain enlightenment. In this new age they established Tantra Yoga, with fundamental techniques to cleanse the body and mind and to break the loops that bind us to our physical existence. The widespread Natha Yogis of Hathayogi Tradition MaharashiGorkshanatha, MahrshiMatsyendaranatha, Gheranda, Swatmaram Suri Shrinivasa Bhatt are some of the great personalities who popularized the practices throughout this period.

MEDIEVAL- 500-1500 AD.-During the era, diverse schools of yoga appeared. Bhakti yoga is one of them and is a spiritual path inside Hinduism that appeared during this time, Bhakti Yoga is a type of yoga that focused on living through love and devotion toward God. Tantra was also a form which evolved around the 5th century, and revealed in medieval Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu traditions.

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Modern Yoga or the Age of Raj Yoga-The period of eighteenth century and 20th century i.e.. between 1700 - 1900 A.D. is considered as Modern period of Yoga in which the great Yogacharyas like Ramana Maharshi, Maharshi Ramakrishna Paramhansa, ParamhansaYogananda, and the voice of Youth Swami Vivekananda have contributed for the development of . In fact this was the era when Bhakti yoga, Vedanta, Nathayoga or Hatha-yoga flourished. The Shadanga-yoga of Gorakshashatakam, Chaturanga-yoga of Hathayogapradipika, Saptanga-yoga of Gheranda Samhita, were the main tenents of Hatha- yoga. In this period most of the yoga masters initiated to travel to the West.the revolutionary change was initiated when swami vivekanand lectured the parliament of religions in Chicago and left them stunned with his yogic knowledge and wisdom about the universality of the world‘s religions. Perhaps we can attribute the popularity of Yoga in the West to Swami Vivekananda. And it is also true that Swami Vivekananda was responsible for bringing the Yoga Sutras more into the light, as well. And in 1919, Swami Kuvalyananda established a branch in New York for promotion a new perception on yoga; he created a new place for Yogis ―Kaivalyadhama.‖ According to Spirit Crossing, Kaivalyadhama is ―a group which came from India and the first line of yoga exploration from a very scientific point of view.‖ It is spiritual, therapeutic, and research centered with a specific aim to coordinate ancient Yogic arts and tradition with modern science. ParamahansaYogananda was the second popular teacher after Swami Vivekanand who popularize Hath Yoga in Western countries. ParamahansaYogananda arrived in Boston in 1920 and established the self-realization fellowship in Los Angeles. He left for heavenly abode in 1952; but his following is still undying and everlasting.Paramahansa wrote the famous book "". And the teachings of Paramahansa are called the ―Yogoda teaching”. T. Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda and other yogis promoted the practicing Hatha Yoga in India in the 1920s and 30s.During1924, due to the limited permeability of Indians in America as per the enforced restrictive law put a break in the entry of Indian in the country,which made Americans to move out of their own country towards India in search of yogic knowledge which they wanted to know and study.Thus India became a place of foreign visitors looking for yog gurus. In 1924 Krishnamacharya is said to open the very first school of Hatha Yoga in Mysore later Swami Sivananda founded the Divine Life Society in the year 1936 on the banks of the river Ganges.T. Krishnamacharya preached and prepared three of his students which were made responsible to enhance the popularity of Hath yog and maintained his legacy, those responsible students were B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V. Desikachar and PattabhiJois.Swami Sivananda was a brilliant author, has written over 200 books on yoga, and well established 9 ashrams and a number of yoga centers around the world. The transference of yoga from India to the West was still dripping until a Russian yogi began her yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947. Which made it gain more popularity and attracted western and Indian teachers which became pioneers in popularizing hatha yoga and making millions of followers? In modern time Hatha Yoga has many diverse schools or styles, all stressing on the changed aspects of this practice.

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In the mid 1960's, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced Transcendental Meditation to the west and soon gained many followers. The famous music band ―Beatles‖ is said to be associated with him.. In 1965, ShrilaPrabhupada arrived in United States and established an International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKON) which is still quite popular in US and in other parts of world too. He led a movement based on Bhakthi Yoga (yoga of devotion) across the world.

Spread of Yoga across The Globe Yoga in UK- Yoga arrived in Britain early in the 20th century. The BBC broadcast the first yoga television programmes in 1948 and 1949 to a small audience, Classes of Yoga began in 1960‘s. Yoga in UK grew with the help of television programmes and the entrance of main brands including and .Iyengar Yoga was the first yoga brands to arrive UK and it taught from 1970.The very first Iyengar Yoga Institute (IYI) outside India was founded in Maida Vale, London, in 1983. World famous music group ―The Beatles‖ visit to India in 1968 which led counter- cultural interest, travelling to India and practising Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his ashram at the "yoga capital of the world", Rishikesh drew the attention of many.

Yoga in Germany-German‘s first Yoga School was founded in Berlin in 1921. It educated the Rishikesh Reihe ("Rishikesh sequence") of 12 . Another Famous Indian Yog Guru Sivananad Yoga,opened Yogcentres in Berlin and Munich. In 1992, Sukadev Volker Bretz whomwas the student of Vishnudevananda, he started to teach his own new style of yoga to his disciples He alunched :Yoga Vidya‖ in 1995. This yoga style had near about 100 yoga schools and four seminar centres in Germany till 2017. In 1994, Iyengar Yoga Deutschland was founded in Germany. All the teachers from the central institute in Pune were then invited to come and teach/trained, leading to the formation of an annual convention, to which B.K.S. Iyengar came in 1996, and his daughter Yogini Geeta Iyrngar in 2002 and 2009. “B.K.S. Iyengar is known to establish his own style of yoga called as "Iyengar Yoga" he was known as one of the advanced yoga teachers in the world”. Now around 3.70 million people in Germany practiced yoga regularly, and some 12 million had tried it. When we talk about Yog studio in Germany among the major cities, there are some 400 yoga studios, while Munich had about 250. Yoga in Russia- Yoga is gaining popularity in Russia since the 1980s, predominantly it is in major cities. Yoga gradually improved in popularity; in 2007, the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, give a statement that "little by little, I'm mastering yoga". It is interesting that by 2015, yoga was widespread in Russia. Russia has now Yoga class in its gym and opening new yoga studios in every town.

Yoga in Sweden- The initiative of should be given toSwedish Gymnast pioneer PehrHemrik Ling (1776–1839). He came up with a system of gymnastics which, imitate the widening of modern Yoga as the daily Workout in the Western world.

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The arrival year of Yoga in Sweden was 1949, When the Indian yogi Shyam Sundar Goswami (1891-1978) visited the country for the Lingiaden gymnastic competition named for Ling.S.S. Goswami established Stockholm's Goswami Yoga Institute in that particular year: this school was the very first yoga school established in Europe by an iidian, and he himself taught in that school for the rest of his life. His followers still continues to run this institute. - Yoga was reached in Italy in 1990‘S and its gaining popularity day by day. Hatha yoga excerpts are found in Buddhist texts of around the 8th century, and its origin is said to be Tantra. Tantra is commonly known as ―psychophysical yoga,‖ which is basically a combination of bodily postures, breathing, and meditation possibly the closest, which can be associated with yoga. America:- The acceptance of yoga in the U.S. has improved throughout the decades, rising from 4 million in 2001 to 50 million in 2019. In America now a days, yoga not only has become a part of their life but it‘s their lifestyle also. actually, it was testified in 2016 that near about 90% of Americans have heard of Yoga and its styles, and now there are 36.7 million Americans who practice it regularly. Yoga in 21st century:- 21st century is the century of technological advancement. People are doing work like machines. Most of the invention or technological advancement reduces the physical work capacity which creates many health problems in Human being. Yoga is the best way to cope up from day to day physical as well as mental problems. Baba Ramdev ji has been widely travelling abroad, conducting Yoga Training Camps for the good of humanity but very extensively has been travelling inside India touching each state & UT and created a personal rapport with people residing there. The people of India got benefitted with his Yoga Training Camps extensively. His regular Yoga Camps are conducted at Patanjali Yogpeeth at Haridwar in Uttrakhand, India which has benefitted millions to cure their age old ailments. The 21st century mark the extensive arousal of interest of yoga wide number of world population. Around 5% of Swedess state that they practice yoga. Record says that yoga was Sweden's 8th most popular fitness method in 2017, and was the principal fitness activity for 12% of its women and 2% of its men. In the 21st century, it is seen that yoga is increasing, gradually in Italy, and the International day of Yoga (21 June) is celebrated across the country each summer. By 2017 there were some 830 recognised yoga schools and studios in the country. The 2018 Coop report (compiled by Nielsen in 2017) finds that, 11% of the women of Italy and 3% of the men of this country have practiced yoga; another survey reveals that 32% of the population consulted said they have planned to practice in future,which shows that yog his penetrating into the lives of people,. Among the many forms forms of yoga in Italy, mainly two hybrids Yoga Style are most popular and these are and Acroyoga. Italy is world‘s one of the famous and popular destination for it may be due to the beauty of this country, that people of various natives are easily attracted towards this destination and they tend to enjoy their stay with yoga retreats where yoga is taught in various languages.

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Declaration of international yog day Realizing the importance of growing popularity of yog across the globe for treatment of ailments to the attainment of spiritual awareness the idea of proposing a day for yog at the international level was incepted in the minds of prominent yog leaders like swami Ramdev Sri Sri Ravishankar etc. took the initiative to propose it the Primeminister of India.When proposing 21 June as the date, Modi said that the date was the longest day of the year in the mass northern hemisphere (shortest in the southern hemisphere), having special significance in many parts of the world. From the perspective of yoga, the summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayan. The second full moon after summer solstice is known as Guru Purnima.this day hold a more special significance as on this particular day was chosen by Adi yogi Shiva,to pass on the knowledge of yoga to the rest of the mankind through a chain of predecessors and became adi guru. The United Nations General Assembly announced June 21 will be known as International Yoga Day over the globe with a view to include yoga in everyone‘s life. Dalai Lama quotes: ―If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.‖ Yog undoubtedly has the power to change the face of world population if practiced extensively, with its properties of healing stress and ailments it ensures the mental and physical wellbeing of an individual thereby making it to contribute positively to its surroundings. As the world is dominated by the violence yog seems to be the cure. The generations can be shaped well if the children are made to practice yog since childhood. Yog has evolved into many formats and one‘s unique goals life experience and physical constitution inevitably predispose individual to choose one form over the other. There are many types of which are more popular disciplines found in yoga studios and in private practices. Even though some of these styles have been created by modern yogis, the core practices descend from the fundamental Hatha Yoga established by the yoga gurus centuries ago. When you find a practice plce that really works for you, you stick with it. Make your practice part of your life, and you will begin to harvest the benefits of your dedication and consistency. If you are determine to start afresh, go to your yog class with a receptive mind, and do not have a set of expectations; you might catch something which is pleasing and enjoyable and you never thought it the way it was working for youalways keep in mind to accept the change comfortably — it may be possible that your teacher might discourage you from straying,but sometimes it‘s good to mix it up, depending on what your body and soul may need during different phases of your life. Whatever is your yoga practice, just embrace it with love and grace. Following are some of the prominent forms of yoga practiced by people around the world.

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Yoga has grown massively in popularity over the past few years, with passionate yogis stretching around the world, Due to the benefits received and experienced by people all over the world, become a reason for its continuous growth. Talking in terms of figures there are a huge number of people who has come across yoga in one or the other way. The available figures related to yog have been compiled in the form of different graphs showing the statistics, about people searched yog and its different form, number of people who are performing yog in different countries and gender wise population performing yog. These statistics reveals a lot about the current position of yog around the world. Graph showing the popular yog form searches around the world - The graph estimates the number of monthly searches for each type of yoga to get a sense of what‘s the most popular types of Yoga people are looking for.

No one can say surely that which form of Yoga you want to practice or which style is best. The number of Yoga practitioner is increasing day by day DOYOU Global Survey conducted a online survey study from the ten thousand people—from 147 different countries—who participated in the Survey in 2016.

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When the data was collected from a pool of ten thousand people of different countries the website research reveals that Vinyasa yoga with 57% was on their first priority and hath yog with42% was on the second priority while followed other formats of yoga like restorative power Ashtang. Yoga Style Worldwide Yoga Popularity (in %) Vinyasa Yoga 57% Hath Yoga 42% 29% Power Yoga 29% Ashtang Yoga 24% 17% Bikram/Hot Yoga 10% Graphical Graphical Representation of estimated Practitioners of different varieties of yoga is given in image 2

57% 60% Worldwide Popularity 50% 42% 40% 29% 29% 24% 30% 17% 20% 10% 10% 0%

Image 2 The following figures and graph are showing the massive number of people practicing yog around the world .The figures clearly reveals that western countries along with other developed nations are highly influenced with the teachings and benefits of yog, No matter how advance their medical field is, the healing through yogic science is well accepted and approved here. The quest of western world for spiritual wisdom has been well satisfied by yog that is why the popularity of yog is ever increasing.

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Table 1:-Total number Yoga practitioners in Different Countries of World Country Total Number of Yoga Participants (in Millions) India 100.00 United States of America 50.00 Australia 2.18 Canada 7.89 Germany 3.70 China 30.00 Britain (UK) 22.08 Sweden 5.10 Italy 8.45 *Source: the, for illustration purposes only

Table2:-Percentage of Male and Female of Yoga practitioners worldwide Country Male Female Practitioner Practitioner India 30 % 70 % United States of America 28 % 72 % Australia 23 % 77 % Canada 24 % 76% Germany 10 % 90 % China 16 % 84 % Britain (UK) 18 % 82 % Sweden 26% 74 % Italy 23 % 77 % *Source:, for illustration purposes only

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The figures are quite surprising revealing that females are more in number overall when it comes to do it practically, the reason may be attributed that this does not require a prop necessarily to practice and it is quite flexible in nature when it comes to place and time of performing yog, with very less restrictions it becomes an ease to include this in one‘s lifestyle. Percentage of Male and Female Yoga Practitioners out of Total Yoga Practitioners in different countries of the world are shown in the Image

Now in the contemporary times, everybody has its own set of beliefs and opinion about yoga practices and their effectiveness in the preservation, maintenance and promotion of health. Yoga has now spread all over the world by the teachings and preachings of eminentyog gurus such as Swami Shivananda, Shri T.Krishnamacharya, , Shri Yogendara, , Sri Aurobindo, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Acharya Rajanish, Pattabhijois, BKS. Iyengar, Swami Satyananda Sarasvati and the like. Present days, Yoga is not only practiced but it‘s a part of Education one of the Indian state government has mandated yog education in schools, is one such example of rising popularity of yog practice among Indians, The foundation of PatnjaliYog Vidyapeeth is one leading example of training children in yog since primary level of education besides there are many renowned Yoga Centres, Institutions such as Iyengar Memorial Institute Pune, Ashtang Inst. Mysore etc, Yoga Colleges, Yoga Universities, Yoga Departments in the Universities, Naturopathy colleges and Private trusts & societies running across the country where foreigners as well as Indians joins to learn this art for their survival. Ministeries of Aayush also have recognized its efficiency of healing ailments and thereby appoints yogshikshak and assitants in every dist govt hospitals. Many Yoga Clinics, Yoga Therapy and Training Centers, Preventive Health Care Units of Yoga, Yoga Research Centers etc. have also been established by private bodies in private Hospitals, Dispensaries, Medical Institutions and Therapetical setups.

Conclusion: Yoga is growing very fast worldwide. The number of yoga practitioners is increasing very fast. Now days millions and millions of people are doing yoga worldwide.

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Statistics shows that in last four years there is near about 60 % growth in Yoga practitioners worldwide. If we talk about the average of male and female yoga practitioner worldwide we found that near about 72 % female and 28 % Male practice Yoga on daily basis. In modern age Hot Yoga is the most favorite form of Yoga worldwide. Kundalini and Hath Yoga are number second and third respectively. There are more than 100 million people in India who are practicing Yoga. Talking about foreign interest, America is the second country with more than 50 million Yoga practitioners. China Britain, Canada, Australia are the main countries where number of Yoga practitioner are growing very fast. The gender base figures reveals that in Germany 90 % Female and 10 % male practice yoga. In USA 72 % female and 28% Male practice Yoga on Daily basis .Where as In India, 70 % Female and 30 % male practice different forms of Yoga on daily basis. From AdiyogiBhagwan Shiv to Yogeshvara Krishna and now in Modern Age from Vivekananda to Swami Ramdev it has been proved that India not only has its origin but it is also the powerhouse and pioneer of Yoga. From Ancient Hath Yoga, Jnan Yoga, and other forms of Yoga India has introduced Yoga in trendy ways like Hot Yoga, Acro Yoga and Ariel Yoga to the world. India leads the world in spreading knowledge and benefits of yog across the globe.

References 1. Dr. Ishwar V. Basavaraddi,” grandmaster-of-yoga/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. James Mallinson (2012} Saktism and Hathayoga p. 2 "The earliest references to hathayoga are scattered mentions in Buddhist canonical works and their exegesis dating from the eighth century onwards, in which it is the soteriological method of last resort." 12. Newcombe, Suzanne (20 June 2019). "How yoga conquered Britain: the feminist legacy of Yogini Sunita and Kailash Puri". The Conversation. Retrieved 6 October2019. 13. Redfern, Helen (6 December 2017). "Stepping inside the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Maida Vale". Yoga Matters. Retrieved 5 April 2019. 14. SADHGURU, ―Yoga originated from Shiva‖ Shiva/articleshow/4170824.cms 15. Sadhguru, J (3 July 2012). "The first Guru is born". Times of India. Times News Service. Retrieved 23 February 2015. 16. Singleton 2010, pp. 26-27, Quote: "While there are references to tapas-practicing ascetics (called muni, keśin, or vrātya) as early as the Vedic Brahmanas, the first

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occurrence of the word 'yoga' itself is in the Katha Upanishad (third century BCE?) [...]". 17. Singleton, Mark (2010). : the origins of modern posture practice. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-539534-1. OCLC 318191988. 18. Sukanya Mohapatra, parvati-for-the-first-time-after-marriage/ November 24, 2016 19. Timothy Burgin, ― 20. Timothy Burgin, ―

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