. :', THE . ~ MICHIGAN REVIEW Vol. 11 No. 10 Gender Issues Nov. 11, 1992 Shattering the "Glass Ceiling" by Karen S. Brinkman may not operate in the same way or to the level positions." The report investigates might have hoped to at the University." "Smart young women (graduating same degree in academia as it does in the the glass ceiling in corporate America'to Sarah Humphreys, formerly a pro­ from college] are going into field s other corporate world. determine if it is a problem, what its fessor at the University College of Lon­ than higher education," according to Uni­ The term "glass ceiling" has been causes are, and how it can be fixed. don, joined the U-M department of his­ versity of Michigan Associate Vice Presi­ used to describe what some researchers tory faculty in 1985 as a full professor. dent for Student Affairs and Cruef Free­ see as an intangible barrier wruch allows Informal Case Studies from Asked whether the glass ceiling played a dom of Information Officer Virginia women and racial minorities to see into Around the U-M role in her career, she replied, "No, I Nordby. Some of tha;e women may want companies' board rooms, but keeps them Brief interviews with several women don't think so. It really doesn't seem to be to reconsider their career paths, how­ from being promoted to managerial and professionals at the U-M revealed a wide a problem." ever, based on the experiences of those executive positions. variety of opinions about how the glass Sexual Assault Prevention and who have gone before them. A Report on the Glass Ceiling Initiative, ceiling has functioned in their careers. Awareness Center Director Debra Cain If the personal experiences and opin­ issued by the U.s. Department of Labor Nordby, a graduate of Stanford law and U-M General Counsel Elsa Cole also ions of some women academics and ad­ in 1991, defined the glass ceiling as "those school, did not say whether her own said that they have not experienced the ministrators at the U-M are indications artificial barriers based on attitudinal or career had ever been affected by the glass glass ceiling, but they attribute their for­ of trends in academia, the so-called "glass organizational bias that prevent quali­ ceiling, but did comment that, "Given tune to the types of places at wruch they ceiling," which supposedly limits fied individuals from advancing upward my training and lack of academic ap­ have been employed. "I have not had women's advancement in the workplace, in their organization into management pointment, I have advanced as far as I o~casronto [experience the glass ceil­ ing1" said Cain. "Where I came from was a primarily female staff." Special Gender Noting the lack of a glass ceiling in Women's Services her career, Cole said, "I think that's largely because I've worked in the public sector Issues Issue! for my whole career." Cole believes that at UHS it is easier for women to be hired and advance in the public sector. Welcome to the Michigan Chemistry professor Seyhan Ege re­ Review's issue on -you guessed by Beth Martin yearly routine gynecological examina­ ceived her Ph.D. from the U-M in 1956 it - gender issues. No, it's not a Those women who have only tion from UHS. and returned in 1%5 to teach. In consid­ women's issue, or a gender role stopped in Health Services to get their Gynecology is the major area for ering her career, Ege was uncertain issue, or a polemic on homoerotic runny nose or sore throat inspected may women's health issues, according to Dr. whether she had experienced a glass ceil­ cross-dressing, but the not be aware of the extensive resources Caesar Briefer, Head of UHS. Whether or ing because "so many things go into a available to women at University Health not one wishes to obtain the pill or is career, especially an academic career." conservative take on what are Services (UHS). The complete health care sexually active, women of college age are She added that, "It may be more evident generally (and, as the editorial network at UHS is structured to meet just at the prime point in their lives to begin Please See Page 10 on page 4 argues, incorrectly) about every health care need of today's visiting a gynecologist. Trus is because called "women's issues." Inside college woman, including nutrition pro­ gynecologists deal with more issues than you'll find our resident science grams and safe sex counseling. just sexuality, according to Dr. Ronald maestros, Jim Elek and Brian A major service offered at UHS is Mulder, Director of Gynecology at UHS. Schefke, discussing the benefits Health Promotions Community Educa­ A routine exam, Dr. Mulder notes, "ad­ INSIDE and drawbacks of the so--<:alled tion (HPCE), a service which provides dresses the normality of reproductive students with counseling on contracep­ organs and rules out any disease that "abortion pill," RU 486; an tion and substance abuse. In fact, in order may be present, such as congenital ab­ Serpent's Tooth 2 interview of the Sexual Assault to get contraceptives from UHS, students normalities of the uterus and the repro­ Prevention and Awareness need to attend a mandatory contracep­ ductive tract" He added that "a majority Science 3 Center's (SAPAC) new director, tion education program facilitated ' of abnormalities are found during the Debra Cain; the latest installment through HPCE. The program is run by first exam. Therefore it is the best time to Poli Sci Letter 5 of the Fortnightly Federalist (this peer educators and presents a discussion pick up these changes." week's topic: sexual harassment); on the available options for contracep­ A routine gynecological exam usu­ Interview: tion. The educators do not recommend ally consists of a breast exam and a pelvic and a review of Camille Paglia's specific contraceptive choices, but instead eXaIl\ and is sometimes accompanied by Debra Cain 6 new book, Sex, Art, and American advise the use of some form of barrier a Pap smear, a lab test that detects early Culture. Many of your favorite protection to prevent the transmission of signs of cancer and also certain types of Federalist Paper 8 Review features appear as well. sexually transmitted diseases. In addi­ infections. Health Services currently con- Bon Apetit. tion, in order to obtain a prescription for 9 Please See Page 11 Paglia Review birth control pills, a woman must get a

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.r, THE Serpent's Tooth'" ,l~flCmG:4N - ~ ~EVIEW

According to the Detroit Free Press, "Dia­ boldly states, "Money for preventive are so ... phallic! The Campus Mfairs Journal mond Golf Company has created a golf health care. Money for evironmental s0- of the . t·; \~ .. ball especially for women. The Sunburst lutions. Money for day care. Money for At the American Psychological University of Michigan; ~---- ,~----~ balls are supposed to give their best per­ reparations to the Third World. No prof­ Association's annual convention this past formance with the typically slower swing its for arms sales. No profits for using a August, psychologist Ellen McGrath re­ We are tile Establishment of female golfers." Cmon. After years of woman's body. No profits for polluting. vealed an interesting fact: women's de­ fighting the evil, white male power struc­ No profits for drug sales. That's, that's, pression can actually be healthy. Said Special Issue Editor Tony Ghecea ture, the last thing women need is balls. that's SOCIALISM!" Yep, and that's, McGrath, it would be unhealthy not to that's, that's STUPID! feel victimized by "typical female expe­ Editor~in-Chief Adam DeVore Chalk one up for the "family values" riences." Oh? And what might those be? Publisher Karen S, Brinkman crowd. Professors William Axinn of the Continuing with MIM, they report in the Despair at not seeing the word "wymyn" University of Chicago and Arland in college textbooks? The emotional out­ Notes #66, July 1992: "[Flor the Summer Executive Editors Andrew Bockelman Thornton of the University of Michigan,· 1992 MIM Theory has brought out a rage of "physcological rape" (like when a Joe Coletti after conducting a study of couples, con­ double issue "Gender & Revolutionary male chauvinist pig smiles at you)? The cluded that people who live together Feminism" that sweeps aside the trite discrimination of being booted out of Contributing Editors Beth Martin before wedlock are more likely to get a feminism of Virginia Slims ads, appeals Drake's for loitering? Or is it the horror of Jay D. McNeill divorce than those who wait until mar­ to the old boys on the Supreme Court and playing with a Barbie doll that actually Tracy Robinson riage for cohabitation. We won't rub it in pointless marches to 'take back the night' has the gall to say, "Math class is tough"? Stacey L. Walker or anything, but Dan Quayle told you so. with more police and rape laws. MIM Fight the power! Chris Peters Theory No. 2 & 3 takes back the whole Music Editor Literary Editor Adam Garagiola A survey of women's investment skills day. It doesn't patronize 'women's is­ Quote of the issue: ''The reasonable man by Oppenheimer Funds of Denver, Colo­ sues.' It tells the truth: Patriarchy will adapts to the world around him. The Assistant Editors Ryan Boeskool rado, revealed that women tend to be only be crushed through an armed revo­ unreasonable man expects the world to Brian Schefke more adept at handling household money lution led by a vanguard party." That adapt to him. Therefore, all of the worl d' s matters (such as grocery shopping and would be an armed party of women, if progress is made by unreasonable men." Copy Editor Shannon Pfent paying bills) than they are at making MIM is Iwin2 to be consistent. But MTS Meister Doug Thiese long-term cash investment decisions. Systems Analyst Mitch Rohde Considering Congress' utter inability to II Business Assistants Peter Daugavietis balance even its own members' check­ Come, Mistress Judy. ChetZarko books, the election of Senators Diane Women aren't sup Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Carol Moseley Braun could prove to be a boon. posed to pl~y wi Staff , Eddie Amer, Eric Berg, Michele Brogley, Jerry In his November 5 sketch, liberal Daily Czarnecki, Erica DeSantis, James E. Elek, Joe dolls - wewouldn' Epstein, Frank Grabowski, Nate Jamison, Ken cartoonist Greg Stump noted that it was Johnston, Eric Lepard, Mary the Cat, Bud "Most likely the last cartoon on the 1992 want to gender social Muncher, Crusty Muncher, Dave Perczak, presidential 'election, I swear." Damn. Drew Peters, Dan Reback, Renee Rudnicki, We were hoping it would be his last ize you. What y Will Ryan, TS Taylor, Perry Thompson, Corey Tobin, Martin Vloet, Michelle Wietek, Matt cartoon, period. need are some build Wilk, Tony Woodlief. In Monday's Daily, Athlete-of-the-Week ing blocks and a littl Editors Emeriti Brian Jendryka Rachael Geisthardt was identified not John J. Miller once, but twice as a Freshman. Gasp! consbuction set." The Mi chigan Review is an independent, stu­ dent-run journal at the University of Michi­ After his first telephone conversation with gan. We neither solicit nor accept any dona· Russia's Boris Yeltsin, President-elect tions from the University of Michigan. Contri­ Clinton proclaimedt "We had no sub­ butions to the Mi chigan Review are tax-deduct­ stantive conversations." Yet it was re­ ible under Section 501(cl(3) of the Internal Rev­ enue Code. The Review is not affiliated with ported in Moscow that Yelstin had not any poli tical party. only offered deeper cuts in nuclear weap­ ons, he had invited the Slickster to Mos­ Run along, Millard. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of cow for a future summit. Worried yet? the editorial board. Signed articles represent Clinton did, however, affirm to'Yelstin the opinions of the author and not necessarily oU'veobjedifiedand those of the Review, We welcome letters and his support for "free-market economics articles and encourage comments about the in Russia." Now, wouldn't it be nice if arginalized my . journal 3.!'d issues discussed in it. Billy supported market principles in his own country? .ughters enough as ~{ SUITE ONE 911 NORTH UNNERSITY AVENUE ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1 265 Speaking of our new president-eled, we tIS, (Hmph! Men!}." . would like to thank the 57 percent of the T EL. (313)662-1909 electorate who didn't vote for him. FPC< (313)936-2505

Spotted: a recent flyer by the Maoist In­ Copyright 1992 ternational Movement (MIM), which

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"" . Sclet;Jtlflcal'y Speaking j,.. ¥ The Pros and Cons of RU 486 by James Elek and Brian Schefke administered 36 to 48 hours later Evidence also exists that RU 486 could plans to market RU 486 in this country A controversial drug in recent years increased the success rate to 96 percent. have applications outside the realm of due to the highly charged politics has been RU 486. The conflict over the It was also discovered that the 96 percent pregnancy. In test-tube studies, RU 486 surrounding abortion, despite appeals use of this so-<:alled U abortion pill" stems success rate could be achieved with has slowed the growth of tumors with from the legislatures of New Hampshire from its ability to expel an embryo from pregnancies advanced as far as seven progesterone ' and California.. a woman's uterus early in her pregnancy. weeks. receptors, such as wet! as New RU 486, which is now marketed in Despite these successes, there were as certain York City France under the name mifepristone, was , side effects. The expulsion of the embryo breast cancerS; mayor David synthesized in April of 1980 by scientists and uterine lining Was accompanied by RU 486 is also . Dinkins to working for the French pharmaceutical uterine bleeding. In 4 to 5 percent of the being studied prOvide RU 486 company Roussel-Uclaf. It arose fro":, subjects, this bleeding was heavy, as' it as a treatment for clinical the study of how steroids bind and often is in a typical miscarriage. In some for Cushing's w' trials. The activate receptors exceptional cases, . syndrome, a controversy (areas on ON A transfusions were disorder that continues: where gene necessary. In light leads to such transcription and of these risks, it symptoms as James Elek is a protein syntheSiS was suggested hypertenSion, junior , in begin). RU 486, as that the rapid fat physics and a a steroid, binds prostglandin be storage and staff writer for strongly to the adrrlinistered in a osteoporosis. the Review. progesterone ,facility where RU .486 is · Brian Schefke receptor ir cells. women could be . currently isa junior in Since it takes the monitored for available in France, Britain, Sweden, and chemistry and cellular and molecular place of proges­ several hours and China, although it is still'unavailable in biol!)gy cind an assistant editor of the terone on those DRUG GIST . t rea ted if the , even for research Review. . ,:';;""i!'" r e c e p tor s, i t I C om plica t i on s purposes. Roussel':;'Uclaf says it has no .. ' effectively blocks the activity of arose. Abdominal pain due to the progesterone in animals. . contractions was also re'ported . .. This blockage is significant because Furthennore, physicians in the field progesterone is an essential hormone in reported that three women had severe human and animal pregnancies. disturbances in. heart function after Progesterone promott'S the growth of the receiving the prostglandiri"orie of. which placenta; a thickening of the uterine wall resulted in a, fatality. This suggests a to which m.e embryo attaches ~uring . danger inperfonning the technique on . pregnancy, and it relaxes the . uterine women who either hilVe heart disease or muscle to f0restall contr.actions that could are at high risk for it, such ~s heavy expel the : ~'mbryo . If'the growth of ; smokers. · , . .. proge s t e ~one is blocked by . R ~J~ , an. As a result, eifprts to improve the embryo can more easily be-expelled, thus technique have begun. The World Health facilitating an abortion. .. Organization' (WHO) is researching the The drug was first tested on human ···· effectiven.ess oHower doses 9fRU 4S6, volunteers in October 1981 . Irlnine of the with ' apparentsucce ss~ The 'drug/ s ; eleven women given the drug, the embryo inventor, Etienne-Enlile Baulieu, has· was expelled from the uterus. Larger-experir1ented · withadif:f.~ i. en.l ' . . · scale studies were c;onducted in 1985, p,Ostgl

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From Suite One: Editorial \, , . Iff ~ . ,S" ". ,, Are There Really Women's Issues?

Partly due to the media and partly as a result of feminist usage, the phra~ maintain that such a right exists precisely because women have a right to control their "Women's Issues" has gained currency in many circles. Typically used to denote own bodies. Whatever the merit of their claim, it seems to stem from the intuition that topics such as abortion rights, the glass ceiling phenomenon, and gender equality in people are entitled to command significant autonomy and self-determination with the workplace, this phrase is but one symptom of an increasingly prevalent mindset, respect to their bodies and matters biological. It appears, then, that the question at a world view which not only condones, but actually encourages, the interpretation of stake is much larger than whether women have a right to abortions. The underlying social issues as consisting of conflicts between or among groups with divergent question if one accepts the our bodies / our choice argument should be seen as asking political interests. Aside from the air of separation and distinction that phrases such to what degree people should be allowed to exercise biological self-determination. as "gay rights," "black issues" and "women's issues" imply, they share at least two Consider, too, the issue of equality in the workplace. Many would say that features: each views "groups" as monolithic, and each presupposes that different shattering the glass ceiling is a women's issue, that ending racial discriminatipn is a groups withiJl society have competil}g, irreconcilable interests. black (or, more generally, minority) issue, and that ending so-called heterosexism is As a way of interpreting the world, such notions of group identity are hardly new. a gay rights issue. But if employers are not to discriminate against employees or job This "tribal thinking," as one might call it, has endured for eons in one form or another. applicants for arbitrary or irrational reasons, is it not sufficient - and preferable­ In the Old World: the Yisigoths evinced it literally pefore the Inquisition eVinced it simply to argue that all humans, being essentially equal, are deserving of fair and equal religiously. Hegel's idealistic dialectic gestured toward it, and Marx subsequently treatment under the law and by all institutions? Clearly it is. The former tactic reified it by turning the idealistic dialectic into a materialistic dialectic and defining Balkanizes society; the latter unifies it. It is more than paradoxical to strive for tribes in terms of economic classes. The new tribalism, however, is often more subtle universal equality while consistently defining one's self in terms of a group. Showing than its predecessors. Of course, one still sees outbursts of nationalism, a p<)triotic form such tacit reverence for tribalism, moreover, encourages separatism and indirectly of tribalism. Likewise, the ethnic conflicts which have recently erupted in regions of perpetuates the belief that different groups ultimately have divergent interests when, Europe, the Middle East and India. to mention but a few, all thrive on a tribalistic in fact, equality of treatment and expansive liberty, the true ends of the Good aqq Great notion of identity. , Society, are in everyone's interest. Rejecting tribalism in all its insidious forms, in The tribalism evinced by much modem political rhetoric, however, as subtle as it contrast, encourages society's members to unite and censure objectionable behavior may be, may ultimately threaten the very society which it is invoked to improve:As through widely held but individually advanced mores. , ' it elevates various notions of group identity to prominence, it de-emphasizes the The divisiveness wrought by tribalistic thinking, however, encourages peopre to important notion that we all share a common humanity. If a free and open society is think in terms of interest groups and faction while diverting their attention from a to endure, its members must refuse and resist the temptation to conceive of themselves granner, nobler human project. as constituting competing groups; instead, they must see themselves as individuals Tribalistic thinking, at root, is noup,Shed't:)y the fallacious belief that groups per se who share a common humanity and who ultimately share an interest in maintaining can act; although talking as if this were the case may be convenient and rhetorically a free society in which all participants are accorded their due respect and treated with inviting, it neglects to recognize explicitly that underlying all group actions are dignity. collections of individuals' actions. Although society has progressed toward equality The influence of tribalistic thinking is more prevalent than one might believe. while employing tribalistic precepts, it has done so in spite of, not because of, such When speaking of abortion as a "women's issue," for instance, a more fundamental thinking. One wonders; consequently, for how long our good fortune will persist. One question overlooked. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that whether to have an hopes, sim,dtaneously, that people abandon tribalistic thinking before it erodes the abortion is the soI~ prerogative of each pregnant woman. Many so-

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'''-,.,. •• ~~~ ; ~~-' ---.,-"'~.~-.., .... "'-"":_,..' " ,., ' ..,.· .. '~ ;·· ,.'--,. ..-~·.c'~ November 11, 1992 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW 5

Letter to the Editor ,*,'Y" Pali Sci Department Answers Charges

To the Editor: The Political Science profession currently paper from Mr. Brown she appropriately paper just to ensure that she had not When Homer writes the Iliad, he encourages scholars in the field to use sought counsel from Professor done so.) There is a difference between begins the story in media res; he can do so gender neutral language. Debbie Meizlish Rosenstone who is responsible for censorship and expressing concern over since the audience knows the context in handed out this sheet along with a "Guide helping teaching assistants in his course a student's mode of expression. Mr. which the story of Achilles is set. The to Writing Short Essays" in her section address all sorts of issues that arise in Brown did not have to withdraw from Michigan Review began its story of and noted that she would not grade down leading discussions, grading papers, Professor Rosenstone's class. By doing "Thought Policed in Poli Sci 111/1 in media should students use language that was counseling students. Professor so he denied himself the opportunity to res; the audience, though, does not know not gender neutral, though she might Rosenstone met with Mr. Brown. to learn from one of the leading scholars on the context - neither beginning nor end circle the word when reading he paper. explain why his actions and comments American politics in the country and from - and therefore cannot adequately assess Shawn Brown's response in class was to were unwelcome and offensive and to one of Michigan's most highly rated the events and words described. It is the slam down the handout and make several express his hope that this would be the teachers. His education will be the poorer purpose of this letter to prOVide that disgruntled comments to a neighboring end of the matter and that there would be for it. context. student, making evident his annoyance no recurrence. Prior to the first paper assignment, at this request for the gender neutral In no way was Mr. Brown being Sincerely yours, teaching assistants in a number of language that is expected as part of any censored. He was not graded down for Arlene W. Saxon house Professor Rosenstone's class[es] handed academic exercise in political science. his paragraph. (Indeed, Ms. Meizlish Chair, Department of Political Science out a "Checklist for Nonsexist Writing." When Debbie Meizlish received the asked other TA's to read and evaluate the AuthorResponds ______As Editor, I am grateful for Dr. abstract entity, cannot encourage anything perception of whatever Brown did might be real argument against Brown is based largely Saxonhouse's fonna\ response to "Thought only its constituent members, oc perhaps the ill--founded. It is her interpretation that Brown's on ~ that he allegedly said in da9s. If POOa:d in POO Sci Ill," and I ene, however, and I feel compelled to journal requires the use of gender neutral a connection between Brown's two actions is disfavcred speech. comment (as the article's author) on Dr. language where pa;able. It is faJse to pres.u:ne, a highly presumptuous interpretive exercise. Dr. Saxonhouse states, ''In no way was Saxonhouse's analysis. The issues at stake however, that APSA speaks with Whatever actually tran5pired, it is absurd Mr. Brown censored." It is true that Brown merit careful contemplation. ~onable authaity focthe entire pditical to suppa;e that Brown was in any pffition to was not stopped from penning his example, Dr. Saxoohouse intrOOUC€S several i$UeS science profession. One might also question intimidate Meizhsh. It is equally ridiculous to and it is presumably true that he would not which are at best extraneous to the the propriety of holding sophomores in suppose that a mere allusion to gender or literally be prevented from penning a similar ronsideration of Shawn Brown's case and at introductay rourses to the same standards as sexuality should be interpreted as 1.1ara%tnent. one in the future. He was, however, i$ued a worst diversionary. Recall that Brown used "scholars in the field:' The decision to enforce If all that is required for harassment is for scathing threat which plainly intended to the following example of a man refusing to this particular standard is at best aroitrary. someone to complain that she has been prevent even the merest allusion to ideas participate in a telephcne pou in an €$lY fa­ Dr. Saxonhouse' s poin~ however, is that offended, then the First Amendment becomes which Meizlish finds ut1&Atling. POOtical Science 111: MeizJish distributed various writing guides but a vestigial appendage to the Constitution. Dr. SaxCll'llulse rorrectfy states, however, Let's say DIve Stud is mtertaining three beautiful and indicated that failure to cemply with them Pemaps the most unfortunate aspect of that "There is a difference between censorship ladies in his penthouse when the phone rings .... But would not detract £rem a student's grade. As Dr. Saxonhouse's reply, however, is that she and expreBng e) gender inclusive language with Without even questioning the plausibility ci threatens to punish unwel.a:rne speech and to defend Meizlish's reaction to Brown's shOWing signs of being a latent but guilty such criteria, it is instructive to note that protect even ci:fensive, inflammatcry speech; paragraph and to vindicate Rcanstone. Let us sexual harasser - and that is absurd. Can we Rosenstone apparently found no need to refer and that the policy, as it is structured, actually a.'*- whether she succeeds. really say that his allegedly voci£eroos OOjection to Brown's alleged in-class ronduct to support undermines the fundamental presumptions Or. Saxonhouse notes that "The Political to Meizlish's writing guides is evidence that his interpretation of the example. of a free society. Science profession currently encourages his essay's example constitutes sexual The more seriously one takes Dr. IinviteDr.Saxonhouseto~tothe scholars in the field to use gender neutral harassment? Surely not Saxonhouse's contextualization of Brown's substantive i$ues ~ by Brown's case. ' language." The profession, however, 00ng an It is critical to remember that Meizlish's essay, ih~Ore, the dearer: it beCanes that th~ . , • . • ...... - Adam' fA? VOre

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Interview: Debra Cain JJ '" SAPAC Director Discusses Sexual Assault

On September 29, 1992, Tony Ghecea larly female or child victims, experience the way we dressed or because we chose isn't set up to accommodate the fact that interviewed Debra Cain, director of the when they encounter a system that is not to walk at night" - all of those ideas will when a child comes to sit on the witness University of Michigan's Sexual Assault only apathetic but often hostile to their continue to infringe on our rights and our stand and testify, they're sitting in a sys­ Prevention and Awareness Center case. I describe myself as a political activ­ feelings and put all responsibility for tem that was designed for adults. (SAP AC). Cain, who became SAP AC ist, but perhaps in a different capacity rape on us, rather than saying that the Those are just a few of the ways we director on September I, 1992, had spent than what you have described. rapist is responsible for his own actions, live with inequality. I'm acutely aware of the previous 15 years serving as director I believe very much because he used rape to that as the mother of a son. I've tried to of Help Against Violent Encounters that rape is a political is­ overpower, to dominate, raise him with different attitudes about Now (HA\'EN) in Oakland County. She sue. It's a reflection of to control, to degrade an­ women, and it's often a struggle, because holds a Bachelors Degree in psychol­ the way our society other person. no matter what you give him at home, it ogy from Iowa State University and a views women - as a isn't what he sees in school systems nec­ Master's Degree in Business Adminis­ piece of property - and REVIEW: So there is an essarily, it isn't what he sees on television tration from Central Michigan Univer­ the fact that we are de­ inherent power differ­ or in the media, it's certainly not what sity. valued, and not treated ence which allows men he's hearing in the popular music of the with due respect in court. to act on a desire to rape? day, and it's not what his peer group is REVIEW: Do you have a politically ac­ Is activism around that Do you have any ideas representing to him. It's a struggle to tive background, and if so, with what important? Absolutely. about how to alleviate create equality, but the inequalities are groups have you been associated? My personal approach the power difference there in so many ways that it's almost has been to do "systems you see? hard to enumerate what they all are. And CAIN: I have been involved in different change." As I said be­ so many of them are things that we don't political campaigns. Because of my work fore, the legal system and CAIN: Tons of ideas. think about on a day to day basis. at HA VEN with sexual assault and do­ the legislative process One would be to deal mestic violence, a lot of the work that I have been of real interest to me, as well as with the inherent sexism in advertiSing, REVIEW: How would you recommend, did revolved around the criminal justice sisterhood-types of organizations - I've the way women are objectified and used other than more sensitivity and atten- system, around women and children who been involved in the National Coalition as sexual objects in advertiSing. All youo. __·,,, tion, that we improve the prosecution of had been victimized either physically or Against Domestic Violence, the National have w do is turn on M1V or watch rape and sexual assault? sexually, and therefore were using the Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and movies and you'll see the powerful con­ court process. A lot of my activity re­ local coalitions that deal with those and nection - particularly with youth - CAIN: First and foremost, I think it's volved around judicial campaigns, children's issues. that we're making between sex and vio­ imperative that we elect people in the people running for the district or circuit lence. It's frightening. The fact that we're elected judicial system who are more courts, around those who ran for pros­ REVIEW: You allude to the idea that an extremely violent society to begin with representative of the population, so that ecutor, and to a lesser extent with some society's view of women is a root cause is of great concern to me, and also that more women are sitting as judges, more state representatives and state senators. of rape. Could you elaborate on that? violence is becoming a more accepted women are prosecutors, more women One of my personal areas of interest was mode of dealing with one's sexual frus­ are police officers, more women are hos­ judicial campaigns, because in my expe­ CAIN: Rape has to do with, in my vision, trations and anger. pital emergency room physicians actu­ rience, the majority of the public knows inequities of power between the gen­ We need to find ways of changing ally treating rape survivors, and more very little about whom they elect as judges ders. When I say rape I'm including the the inequities in things like work. It's people of color are represented in those and what those people think and how fact that astronomical numbers of chil­ very difficult - and I say this as a work­ positions. What I experienced when I they're going to be as judges. dren in this country have experienced ing woman with kids - to be a working first started at HAVEN, for instance, was sexual assault. For me, much of the rea­ person in this society and not have any that we had 16 circuit court judges, and REVIEW: Your predecessor, Julie son that this happens and continues to back-up systems in place. I happen to be only two of them were women. Now, Steiner, involved SAP AC in

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~ time to ptt into any individual case. Yet CAIN: I don't believe that women are women, and all the pictures of doctors people - and I'm not saying that that's you're talking about a client who's suf­ inherently better equipped to deal with are men. I'm sure that the people who what they did, I'm just saying that we all fered from severe trauma and the after­ it. I think there is a higher likelihood that drew those pictures in the context of that find our own way of trying to persuade effects of all the devastation of their as­ a female professional may be more un­ book would say "Oh, I didn't mean that people. I have my own way, and it's sault. They really need a lot more coach­ derstanding. Not all are understand­ women can never be doctors.~' And they probably very different from theirs. ing and understanding of what it means ing. But the odds are stronger that a probably didn't, but unfortunately it's to them to actually have to sit there - female profeSSional would be more un­ that whole barrage of messages - our REVIEW: Where do you stand o~ the especially with cases of incest - and face derstanding and would present a more language, the pictures that we see, and issue of psychological rape? not only their accuser, but in some cases empathetic presence to a survivor. Be­ all the ways that that's presented - that their accuser who's their father or stepfa­ yond that, however, regardless of how females pick up from the time we're very . CAIN: As a woman I know it exists, ther or uncle. That's very different, and the woman does or does not respond to small. I think that those types of images, because I have experienced it at various to just meet with that person once to go sexual assault, many sexual assault sur­ particularly because they're so perva­ times in my life. Do I think it contributes over the basics of the case is not enough vivors would prefer to talk to a woman. sive, are important to convey in a differ­ to why we live in a rape culture? Abso­ to really help shore them up and make I'm not saying that all female profession­ ent attitude with a different message. lutely. I see rape as happening on a wh~le the system work for them. als handle it the way I hope they would, continuum that goes from the psycho- : What I saw over and over again with and that no males do. I've seen men who REVIEW: Would you agree with gov­ logical end to the extremely physical form battered women was that they tended to have done a very fine job with it, and ernment regulation of the content of of aggression and rape. I t'1ink that you be very economically dependent on their women with whom I've been really dis­ speech, advertisement, and the like in can't deal just with the person who is batterer, and so at the point that they appointed. But I think that, all things order to enforce changes in language physically forced into some type of sexual separated from their relationship, he had considered, having a woman in certain and the media? For example, would you activity and ignore the psychological the money and he got the great attorney, roles tends to be a much better balance, support the regulation of ads that sup­ rapes that occur. I don't think they can be and she had no money and she got what­ and something that's more comfortable posedly objectify women? dealt with in the same way, however, ever she could afford or whatever she got for the survivor. any more than you can deal with slap­ through legal aid. Not to impugn any of CAIN: I feel that the constitutional rights ping someone in the face compared to those people's legal skills, but they tended REVIEW: I want to throw out a couple accorded us in this country are extremely shooting somebody thirty times. to have less time and less experience, and of things which have been suggested by important. I hate pornography, and I she got eaten alive in court. A lot of those different people, usually feminists, as don't care what any number of studies REVIEW: Do you find that the statistics inequities around class or economics, I "constructive" ideas on how the prob­ say, the bottom line is that I know from 15 which ~ often used to depict the prob- don't know how to reconcile, except to lem of rape can be attacked. Would you years of working with women and chil­ 1!'!l1l ofrape are selectively chosen so as say that it isn't a fair system, and unfor­ agree with male curfews? dren who have been physically and sexu­ to exaggerate the problem artificially? tunately so much of the criminal justice ally assaulted that pornography was a system is not about justice. CAIN: On some of these questions, let definite part. Over and over again I heard CAIN: No, I don't believe that at alL me first clarify that I'm giving you my women talk about the ways that their When I quote the statistic that one in REVIEW: So you don't have any solid answer. I'm not saying that that answer partners used pornography as a way of three or one in four women will be sexu­ ideas on how to create equality in, for represents SAP AC or the University, be­ debasing and degrading and humiliat­ ally abused at some point in her life, often example, legal representation? cause I don't know what the rest of the ing them. Would I necessarily want to I find that people will challenge it. It's a people here at SAPAC think about this, see that constitutionally banned? Prob­ pretty staggering statistic. When I first CAIN: One thing that can be done- and and I don't know what the University ably not, because the freedom of speech came Into the sexual assault m

.~--~-~~- __ mw... ' --' 8 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW November 11, 1992

\1 r' Fortnightly Federalist: Paper No. 7 ~"~ Defining Sexual Harassment ' by Kurt Schmautz bid office romances - even if they were entail liability under the harassment laws, tected speech? The fact that the victim is Not long ago, sexual harassment was both legal and desirable - would seem firing, transferring or disciplining the em- upset due to perceived sexual harass- considered merely a breach of etiquette, to be nearly, if not completely, impos- ployee may leave the employer liable for ment does not justify the restriction of the unfortunate habit of certain boorish sible to enforce. Thus, many sexual ha- wrongful discharge or sanction. Employ- the purported harasser's speech. People individuals. Thankfully, society has be­ rassment laws become clubs wielded byers will find it difficult to defend sanc- also become upset when Nazis march in gun to discard this intolerable attitude . disgruntled par- tions taken in their neighborhoods, but that does not and rec~ the harms caused by sexual ties rclther than WHAI YOIJ ..)\j$,, ' I h <'1.:'J2 ':-:' 1(0\. , t \. response to be- alter First Amendment rights. harassment. Laws and policies combat­ scalpels for pre- 5~IO c.o ul-D B e v ' 'A ";n.~ D f1,. havior which Finally, we might worry about the ting harassment have been gradually cisely separating I t--! \€Il-.PRE'if\) l{:; , 0U VJ ~ " . the t:'mployee effects of new sexual harassment laws on tightening over the last two decades. Last acceptable be- SC.Y.IJI\L + I"l \'\ \ L~ DUD.t? did not realize work relationships. The potential em- year, Clarence Thomas' confirmation havior (which HPRI\'S"\ \\ '" . . . • was harmful barrassment of even completely unwar- hearings elevated the sexual harassment should be kept and might gen- ranted allegations of harassment may be issue to national prominence. In the af­ private) from un- erally be con- sufficient to damage work relationships. termath of the hearings, politicians read acceptable ha- sidered inno- Male employees who are averse to risk- the public mood and jumped on the rassment. cent. This un- ing their reputations may be reluctant to sexual harassment bandwagon en masse, Conceptual avoidable Ii- socialize, travel, or work late with female enacting dozens of new laws to eliminate difficulties with ability will pro- employees. This may hinder the devel- harassment on the job. Although these many of the new vide another opment of beneficial work relationships laws probably advanced their drafters' laws created for powerful in- which are useful to both men's and political aims, they will likely achieve dealing with centiveforem- women's careers. Yet such seemingly little good and create a great deal of sexual harass- ployers to try to paranoid behavior may be a rational re- mischief in the fight against sexual ha­ ment highlight monitor their sponse to ambigous harassment stan- rassment. the limitations of em pi 0 ye e 's dards. When impropriety remains unde- Properly drafted laws, of course, play courts. Lawmak- sexual hilbit". fjned, avoiding the appearance of impro- . a necessary role in preventing harass­ ers have Next'_" '~'Priety becomes that much more impor- ment and punishing wrongdoers. What ~truggled, with littlf> success, to provide sexual hara<;sment laws m;1V. surprl"- t.lnt. we must recognize, however, is that the an objective definition of harassment. ingly enough, invoke senous First Criticizing the law, however, is much law has its limits. Lawsuits are very blunt They have generally allowed victims to Amendment concerns in some cases. easier than fixing it. We must work harder instruments for regulating behavior. They define harassment for themselves, vastly While threats directed at particular indi- to fight sexual harassment through edu- effectively deter outrageous conduct and expanding the potential for abuse of the viduals receive no protection, many ha- cation and moral suasion. When such enforce bright-line standards, but they legal process. In practice, these defini­ rassment cases do not involve such bla- strategies seem mundane or are much less useful under ambiguous tions encourage hypersensitive individu­ tant conduct. Can the law forbid employ- unpromising, it is useful to remember circumstances. Furthermore, lawsuits are als to make damaging and often ees from asking one another out on dates? that the law frequently fails. In our politi- expensive and slow, not to mention un­ unsubstantiated allegations. Can it punish a second or a third request cal culture, politicians often think that certain. They also invite unscrupulous Unfortunately, courts are turning to after a firm "no?" If such behavior consti- changing the law will always solve prob- parties (on both sides) to exploit the sys­ this new approach with some frequency. tutes harassment, the government turns lerns. But legal solutions, like the games tem, and they rarely satisfy the parties as Recently, in Ellison v. Brady, the Ninth employers into workplace censors. found in circus side-shows, are not as much as they satisfy the parties' lawyers. Circuit Court of Appeals adopted the Other First Amendment problems easy as they appear. Society pays up In sexual harassment cases, we ask perspective of the "reasonable woman" arise when a complaint is made about a front, but it rarely wins the prize. the courts to make a variety of fine dis­ in order to evaluate sexual harassment "hostile working environment." Can the tinctions for which they are ill-suited. claims. Without discussing the implica­ government bar locker-room language Kurt Schmautz is a third-year law stu- First, the law is often asked to deal with tions of its new approach, the court noted in offices and require that racy pictures dent and a member of the U-M Federal- hotly contested, uncorroborated testi­ that its "reasonable victim standard ... be removed? If so, how can this speech be ist Society. mony and conduct which is open to a classifies conduct as unlawful sexual ha­ distinguished from other forms of pro- variety of interpretations. Consequently, rassment even when harassers do not fine lines must sometimes be drawn be­ realize that their conduct creates a hostile tween permissible behavior and harass­ working environment." To justify this RE-ELECT: Brian S. ment under confusing and contentious approach, the court adopted the position conditions. Errors inevitably result More­ that federal law does not assign fault to over, the indiscreet courtroom drama in- . harassers, but seeks only to improve volved in such proceedings is likely to women's working conditions. This stance produce many messy conflicts -like the simply ignores the reality of harassment Thomas hearings - which embarrass charges. The employee who unwittingly both parties regardless of the outcome. "creates a hostile working environment" Second, sexual harassment suits in­ can, by the reasonable victim standard, Independent/or M.S.A. Engineering Rep. vite courts and employers to monitor be convicted of potentially career-end­ and criticize the sex lives of their employ­ ing and assuredly reputation-damaging Kight Supports: ees. Because employers are generally li­ charges. able for acts of sexual harassment by This new standard places additional • Professional Student Government their employees, employers will inevita­ employers in a n~win situation. Em­ • Fairer Engin. Group Funding bly have incentives to monitor and inter­ ployers will now need to deal with am­ fere in their employees' sex lives. Al­ biguous employee behavior which other • Fighting Codes That Violate Your Rights though many feminists favor the desexu­ employees consider harassment. While alization of the workplace, efforts to for- . allowing the conduct to continue may • Commission & Budget Reform ~;~~Db~\BDv~~t; ~ t=~ ~\; ·

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Book Review • '!ii''" Paglia Bashes Away

Sex, A~ and American Culture affairs and homosexuality. the Supreme Court. understanding of the basic disciplines of Camille PJ9l1a The report presents itself as expertly The next article, Rape and Modern Sex history, anthropology! and psychology Vintage Books researched, profound, and caring. Paglia. War, reiterates Paglia's critique of necessary for such work.!! Halperin! s Softcover,331 pages however, calls it "a repressive, feminism s naIve view of sex and gender work, in Paglia's opinion, is shoddy $13.00 reactionary document" with a naIve and and maintains that the sexes are, and scholarship made possible by his lack of sentimental view of human nature. The always will be, at war. She writes that' knowledge. Winkler, unlike Halperin! by Eddie Arner report claims that human nature and "academic feminism is lost in a fog of can write and research well! but he, too, Camille Paglia first crashed the sexuality are basically good. This is social constructionism. It believes that wanders too far outside his field of cultural s<;ene in 1990 when she published diametrically opposed to Paglia's view we are totally the product of our expertise to be a truly effective scholar. her superb book, Sexual Personae. Ol'\e ot of human nature, documented in Sexual environment." This Rousseauian view is The errors of Halperin and Winkler the most controversial and outspoken Personae as that of a dark force which is stupid and dangerous to women. " are repeated on a larger scale in the critics of the current state of American kept in check by civilization. Echoing Young women, "misled by feminism' humanities departments of American academia lind contemporary feminism, Freud, Paglia writes that" aggression and do not expect rape from the nice boys universities. Lacan, Derrida. and Foucault Paglia possesses a wide breadth of eroticism are deeply intertwined." She from good homes who sit next to them in are the current fad in literary criticism knowledge and razor-sharp wit which asserts that to understand "the dark class." Paglia advocates common sense circles, Paglia notes, but they are not make Sex, Art, and American Culture an drama of sex, you must absorb not only and personal responsibility over understood by the majority of people enlightening and enjoyable book. Freud, with his crucial theories of feminism's date rape slogans. She cafls teaching their theories. What we now Culture is a collection of essays by aggression, conflict, and ambivalence, but frat parties "Testosterone Flats," and have are "narrowly trained English profs and inter~e~s with Paglia accumulated Kraft-Ebing, who catalogs the eternal argues that a girl who gets drunk ,at a who know nothing of art history or pop over the past two years. Throughout her perversities and crimes of sexual desire." party and goes upstairs alone with a culture [but] think they can just wade in work she espouses a libertarian view of The report repeatedly quotes Kate brother is an utter moron who deserves a with Lacan and trash everything in sight" government, the restoration of common Millett (who considers freud a "~xist") good piece of the blame for what may Paglia writes, "Lacan! Derrida, and sense to feminism, and the extensive and Carolyn Heilbrun, both of whom ultimately happen to her. Whether or not Foucault are virtuoso wordsmiths reform of American universities. Culture Paglia sarcastically refers to as "those she considers the scenario itself a rape is without historical or political expertise, will disappoint neither her fans nor critics. intellectual giants." Paglia asserts that unclear. This idea of 'blaming the victim! even in their own country. Their She begins with a pair of articles on the report's "unctuous normaliZing of is heresy in feminist circles, but Paglia American popularity has been an asinine perhaps the only woman more dissident sex is imperialistic and has little fear of being burned at the stake. "~piS'O({e in the musty academic controversial than herself - Madonna oppressive. The gay world is stripped of "[T]he date rape controversy shows chronicles.1f - of whom she is incredibly supportive. its outlaw adventures in toilets, feminism hitting of its own This lack of cross-disciplinary The first artic~e of the book is both a alleyways, trucks, and orgy rooms .... broken promises,ff Paglia writes. liThe knowledge, Paglia claims, shared by these defense of Madonna's steamy "Justify Gay love is reduced to a hice, neat, middle­ women of my Sixties generation were the three Frenchmen and the majority of My Love" video and a critique of class couple moving in next door on Father first respectable girls in history to swear people reading and teaching their Madonna's own defense of the video. Knows Best." Says Paglia, "This is like sailors, get drunk, and stay out all theories, is the basis of Paglia! s Paglia describes the video as censorship in the, name of liberal night - in short act like men. We sought consequent suggestions for acad'€mic pornographic and decadent, and defends benevolence.'! total sexual freedom and equality. But as reform. She advocates the abolition of MTV's decision to ban it as indicative of Paglia is disgusted by the report and time passed, we woke up to cold reality. the Modern Language Association

II a corporate resolve lo~g overdue." correctly asserts that "the committee The old double standard protected conference culture and the dismantling She writes: "'Justify My Love' is truly seems to have jumped from the soft­ women. When anything goes! it's women of the "publish or perish!! standard which avant-garde,at a time when that word spoken, lily-white pre-Freudian WASP who lose,'! she adds. That is the central produces works like Halperin's. ' has lost its meaning in the flabby art world into the strident, petulant post­ lesson that feminists have not learned. In addition, Paglia suggests that" all world. It represents a sophisticated Freudian feminist camp without doing According to Paglia, the sexes are undergraduate teachers should be European sexuality of a kind we have not its homework in between." fundamentally different and there is no generalists. The curriculum should be seen since the great foreign films of the Paglia elaborates this view of way to change that. radically restructured.!' Paglia!s plan 1950s and 1960s. But it does not belong feminists in a pair of articles on the rape The articles Junk Bonds and Corporate would include three large areas: science! on a mainstream music channel watched debate and her piece on the Thomas/Hill Raiders and The M.l. T. Lecture are critiques social science, and humanities. All present around the clock by children." controversy . of the current state of academia, humanities departments would be Madonna! s defense of the video was She describes Hill's testimony as specifically the humanities. Junk Bonds is dissolved into each other. The M.l. T. to call it a "celebration of sex" and cite her "intelligent and sincere," but rejects her an 8O-page polemic which uses a pair of Lecture adds a few minor reforms: an end social acti'1sm. Paglia defends the video's claim of sexual harassment and her image book reviews as the basis for a wider of 'minority' designations, increased use artistic merits but asserts instead that art as a feminist heroine. She writes, "what critique of univerSity-level education, of part-time teachers! and the restoration and artists nave no "moral responsibility transpired between her and Clarence especially the current prominence of of order and discipline to public school to liberal social causes." This theme Thomas we can never know. That Hill theorists such as Derrida, Lacan, and education. reappear~ in her defense of Robert was distressed by references to sex may Foucault. The article begins ,With a Paglia's overall stress on a broad­ Mapplethorpe. indeed be the case. But since they were merciless trashing of David Halperin's based knowledge of liberal arts One of the book's most interesting never threatening and never led to One Hundred Years of Homosexuality and a throughout the book, however, comes articles is The Joy of Presbyterian Sex, in pressure for a date! I fail to see how they lesser whipping of John Winkler's The off like a R05S Perot ego trip. The criticisms which Paglia assaults the 200-page constitute sexual harassment." Constraints of Desire. are valid, but the self-referent~al style report, written by the Special Committee Of course, sexual harassment was Paglia sees Halperin! s work as having quickly becomes annoying. on Human Sexuality of the Presbyterian not really the issue at all, Paglia insists. It "only one coherent aim: the nomination Church, called Keeping Body and Soul was merely a "smoke screen, cynically and promotion of David Halperin as a Eddie Arner is a senior in English and Together. This report, which was exploited to serve another issue, abortion major theorist of sex.'! Paglia, however, political science and a staff writer for overwhelmingly rejected by the rights.1f Paglia is firmly pro-choice but notes that "Halperin, like most of the the Review. Presbyterian Church's General rightly asserts that there should be no American academics who have wandered Assembly, endorses both extramarital single-issue litmus test for appointees to into sex studies, lacks the most elementary .,

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\ :> Glass Ceiling """",

Continued from Page 1 it exists. 'There is a glass ceiling, but I profession, or funding sources. In terms she credits some of her success to the think I've broken through il" Goldenberg . of violence against women and children, women who were supportive of her when in a corporation where there is a struc­ joined the U-M faculty in 1974, worked women have a much different take on she came to the University and who made tural hierarchy. An academic career is her way up to full professorship in the that. They connect to the issue. My pre­ sure that she got on the tenure)rack. more personal and , department of p0- ~ntati.onstyle reflects that difference." Ege notes that the situatiohis not, not so hierarchical." litical science, and however, simply a matter of more women Ege also noted that was named LSA The Glass Ceiling Over Time being hired. "I have certainly noticeq an career advancement Dean in 1989. All the women interviewed said that improvement in the sense that more for anyone indi- since the time their careers began, they women apply for, are considered for, vidual may depend > Adapting to a have:noticed an -,--______-:- _____--, and are hired greatly on an aca- Male-Domi- improv~ment in . [The glass ceiling1 may be more for jobs. It's a demic department's nated Workplace' women s stand- 'd . . . . h change in the needs. Ofcourse, the ing in the work- evl ent ln a corporation were total atmo­ o th er influence ofa glass place. there is a structural hierarchy. An sphere. But it interviewees, how- ceiling. in a Nordby for.- ' d .. . . I works both ever, thought that woman's career merly Dire<:t'or ofaca emu career IS more persona ways: you can't the glass ceiling had implies by defini. the Office of Af- . and not so hierarchical. hire more played some role in tion the existence firmativeAction, -Seyhan Ege women if more their careers. of a male-domi- said, "If you go ..______.....;;...-..1 women don't Economics pro- nated workplace. back twelve apply." fessor Michelle Some women in- years, there have been tremendous gains White expres~d a terviewed felt that at the U-M. It has occurred because of a Raising the Roof . unique view of the if they had commitment on the part of the people Ege's comment makes'reference to glass ceiling in adapted -their doing U,le hiring. There h~s been a con- the. heart of the controversy over the academia. "I don't .. . . ' work or manage- scious effort to break down harriers. Af- glass ceiling. Proponents of the glaSs ceil- really think about Vlrgrma No~dby, Ass~Clate VP for ment habits or ter that, women advanced based on ing theory claim that the explanation for the glass ceiling in Student Affalrs a~d ChIef Freedom of styles to such a meril" the small numbers of women in manage- terms of the Univer- Information Officer situation, it was on Cole said that when she beganprClc- ment level positions is simply discrimi- sity. I think professors have two sides to a subconscious level. Others, however, tieing law in 1974 in.the state ofWashipg.... "'''·~> nation. Others, however, claim that the their careers - one is in the University have made more obvious - and some- ton, it was reasonably rare for WOrntm to effect of ~ .glassceiling is n~t ne~e s.,sarily arid one is outside of it In my own career, times creative - adaptations. be litigating. Often, she notes, when she due sole)y to discrimination ~4" ~~'more . I have focused more on the outside as- Nordby, who has been at the U-M filed a motion in court, the courtroom complex problems. peet of it in research, so I view the glass for approximately 20 years, said that she would fall silent as she made her presen- According to Cain, "The "Yay women ceiling more in terms of my profession as has consciOUSly adapted to a primarily· tation because it are forced to make a whole," she said. male workplace. "Over the years,"you was so rare to see · decisions that men "I have certainly felt at times that the make adaptations. I've followed. the a woman doing never face [stich as . glass ceiling has had an effect on my sports pages carefully. I've always been such work. choPSing pet~een a career, particularly in terms of getting interested in women's athletics, but I've Once a few career arldraising a papers published," White explained. followed men's sports so that 1 can be a women gain entry family 1 creaJes the "One area of dis(Timination which I . part of the conversation of a male-domi- to higher level po­ glass c€i~i~g:' . have noticed is that women economists' nated office. It dominates the office," said sitions, they pave Other ' factors work receives less publicity and is not as Nordby, Such adaptations, she noted, the wayfor other whiCh may h~t be as much in the have allowed · women, say·s . . evident; however, public eye. her to partici- ' Cam .."} have seen ' do playa role 'in the Women are I've followed the sports pages pate in thenon-.: . WOlnen gain ac­ numbers of women , rarely quoted in carefully ... so that 1 can be a part work,-rel.ated cess to posItions promoted to man­ the medIa on ,f h' . . I' · dISCUSSIons never before held . agement level posi­ economic top- OJ t .econver~attonof a rna e- ' that oc~ur Just by women Auring tions, In ~cademia, ics outside of. domlnated office. before and after my IS-year ca­ for example, 'a po­ issues .which -Virginia Nordby.' meetings when' reer,and they tential employee's deal dlrectly , . e mp loy ee's .haVelirollght in educational level is with women," gather wound' other women with . of primarY. impor­ White noted. the coffee' pot. them. I have felt tance, but advanced On the other hand, White pointed Hu~phreys, who specializes in an,. very .muc.h degrees are not be­ out that being a woman has. worked in 'dent and Greek history, said th.:ttone . me.tlto~by other . ing . earn~d by as her favor in other areas of her career. "I way women maywork against male COfYl-, women whom I · . Edie Goldenberg, Dean of the College of many women as think I have sometimes benefitted from petition is to take risks in their careers by have worked ' Literature, Science and.the Arts men. ;. '. being a woman in my profession. There going into less popular fields. "l'went with. I think The Chronicle of are co'1ferences which try to achieve a into an unconventional field. I felt I had women feel a responsibility to help other Higher Edut;ation Almanac shows that in gender balance and I think I have nothing left to lose," Humphreys said. women.'! 1991, only 36.8 percent of all Ph.D.s were benefitted from that," she said. Cain suggested that the subject mat­ Cole agreed. '1 think women are very being earned by women. In engineering, Dean of the College of Literature, ter of her work forces her to adapt to open to hiring other women. They know that figure is less than ten percent, and in Science and the Arts (LSA) Edie male-dominate.d situations. /I Anytime that what is important is the quality of the physical sciences, less than;20:P,ercent Goldenberg said that although she does I've dealt with male-dominated situa­ work done," she said. of all doctorates were being :a:¥.ic(rded to not believe the glass ceiling has impeded tions, I've adapted my style, whether it . Ege, who authored the textbook used . : ~ ~ -; ~ her career at Michigan, .she .does believe . .' . Please See PageJV; ~ ;! • be.wor.king with the police,.the medical for organic chemistry at the U-M, said , J '0 ." _ ',' " .~ ';' .: t{;~. November 11, 1992 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW 11

',. Music: Concert Preview ' ,ij>'" Whigs to Hit the Pig

by H. Rosa Muncher This genre has come into its own of revolving around domination and Expect a top-form live show. Dulli Afghan Whigs came to Washington, late, as the J. Mascis trademark begins to betrayal, hold their own in the often banters with the crowd between D.C. last summer on the same weekend show its influence on many young bands, circuit. Best of all, they come with no songs, guitarist Rick McCollum as and U2 . Yet in this from Buffalo Tom to . And pretensions attached. shoegazes behind his draping hair, bassist political town during a political year, the while Afghan Whigs fit bobs about a band with a semi-political name rather comfortably into cramped stage, and drummer remained non-political. Frontman Greg this category, they stand Steve Earle slams through Dulli strode on stage at the 9:30 Club at apart as probably the best each number. The Whigs will about 11 :00 p.m., wearing a black and able to craft a song. draw primarily from white "Born Again Lesbian" button. Congregation, which Congregation, but also pull a Without mentioning anything about the came out last spring, few gems from 1989's , elections or voting (thank goodness), he displays this ability again like the marveloc3 "Retarded" led his four-piece band through the best and again on tunes like the and its catchy riff. See them at 90 minutes of the Capitol had vampiric "I'm Her Slave," the Blind Pig on November heard for months. the vengeful "Conjure 12, before a major label gets a This outfit from is often Me," and the rousing clue, signs them to a sweet lumped together with the Seattle regulars, "Turn on the Water." deal, and they become the next mostly because the group has released a Dulli's vocal style has ex-Sub-Pop sensation. pair of on the Sub-Pop prompted half a zillion independent label. The sound, however, comparisons to Paul H. Ross Muncher is related comes much closer to something on the Westerber and his grainy, . to both H. Ross Perof and east coru,t fuzzcore. Afghan Whigs' walls controlled rage. He doesn't Crusty Muncher. He is of guitar noise owe a lot to Amherst­ share Westerberg's knack weaseling money out of the based Dinosaur, Jr. for aphorism, but his lyrics, The Afghan Whigs former, as the latter is poor. -.. Glass Ceiling UHS

Continued from Page 10 run, be able to succeed in their endeavor. Continued from Page 1 vices are coordinated with sororities and With relatively low numbers of residence halls. This programming is women. women earning Ph.D.s and with a di­ ducts apprOximately 10,000 gynecologi­ planned using two guidelines - what Asked what can or should be done minishing percentage of them going into cal exams per year, which means well UHS knows will work from previous about the glass ceiling; Goldenberg sug· academics as more are attracted to and over fifty percent of the university's fe­ experience and what services women's gested, "More women need to be chosen employed in the private corporate world, male population receives exams, accord­ groups request that UHS provide. for what are called 'line assignments:' it appears that America's colleges and ing to Dr. Mulder. The variety of staff available to assist chairs, deans, directors. We need for universities may be pursuing unreach­ In addition to gynecology and other women includes women clinicians, Gen­ women to be chosen to show leadership able goals. general medical services, UHS has nutri· eral Practitioners, board certified inter­ skills; then they will develop their skills Because equality in society must be tionists on staff to deal with women's nists, nurse practitioners, and physicians' and be visible to assume even higher assessed on a society-wide basis and not eating concerns. For women who are ex­ assistants. ApprOximately 70 peer health roles." merely by reference to certain profes­ cessively concerned with physical ap­ advisors are also on hand to deal with Nordby similarly thought that sions, one might, in fact, find reason for pearance, or for those who are concerned alcohol or substance abuse problems, as women must begin to receive increased optimism in universities' hiring plights. about developing any type of eating dis­ well as safe sex and contraception issues. recognition for the work tRat they do. "I It may be the case that where the num­ order, UHS offers a program entitled Any questions regarding UHS's ser· think it's important that we make a con­ bers of women are not increasirig in "(Too) Focused on Food." UHS refers vices can be answered by dialing their scious effort to bring in highly talented academia, they are gaining Significantly students suffering from anorexia or information number, 764--8320. To sched­ women as consultants, visiting profes­ in other fields. bulimia to counseling services or ule an appointment, call 764-8325. sors and guest lecturers," she said. Riverview, a psychiatric clinic in Ann Unfortunately, it is not always clear Karen S. Brinkman is a senior in French, Arbor, since UHS is not responSible for Beth Martin is a senior in English and a that academic institutions interested in communication and fine arts. She is the the mental health aspect of students. contributing editor of the Review. Karen achieving proportional gender represen­ publisher of the Review. Other programs within Health Ser· Brinkman contributed to this article. tation in the workplace will, in the long ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • MREV:Forum. Join the discussion. • • ., • ·• • Become a part of the Michigan Review's MTS • : computer conference and let your opinions : : be heard. If you need help signing on, just ask : • a computing consultant. • • • ...... ~ ...... "

- - --,_ ..... ,.. ",...... "._ .. " . ------~~--~~~~------~~ ~ 12 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW November 11, 1992

>-I:\l} Crusty's Corner , Ill'" White People Goin' Buck Wild

by Crusty Muncher programming soothing beats pleasing to short spurts when he could find the time. With the help of Ice Cube, Da Lench I'm hot a big techno/ dance fan, but I any PM Dawn or Soul II Soul fan. UK He has finally sold his pencils and text­ Mob have released an entitled am kind of excited about the Commun­ dance faves Orbital are also on the bill... books, found the perfect band, and re­ Guerillas in tha Mist. The title track is the ion Tour that makes a stop at Industry "It is exciting because things are tak­ leased his best work to date, the new first single and the group is on tour with ~; this Friday night. Meat Beat Manifesto ing off for us," says Down By Law vocal­ Down By Law album entitled Blue. the Beastie Boys and the Rollins Band. and lntramarine are a part of the show ist/ guitarist Dave Smalley. "We are sell­ Smalley grew up on the early me­ Group member J-Dee describes perform­ and they are two of the most exciting ing records so I'm too busy to go back to lodic British punk of bands like The Jam, ing for mostly white audiences: "It's cool groups in the genre. college. School Generation X, and and I'm happy Manifesto, comprised was fun, but The Clash, and is they like the mu­ of British musicians hopefully I'm quite a sic. I'm glad I ex­ Jack Dangers and done with all of fan. Hence, the perienced the Johnny Stevens, have that." record is a hybrid Lolapalooza tour a new LP available en­ As a mem­ of the California with Ice Cube be­ titled Satyriccm. A tour her both of Dag sissy-core sounds cause I would press release accu­ Nasty and All, of old (Descen­ have been rately dubs the two of the most dents, Dag Nasty) shocked. I'd never group's music as a popular West and the post-punk seen so many "bone crunching mu­ Coast sissy­ sounds of Minne­ white people go tant white punk ver­ core (read: me­ apolis (Hiisker Dil, buck wild like that sion of hip hop." The lodic pop­ Soul Asylum). in my life." beats are always abra­ punk) bands, Buy Blue today sive, but I could do Smailey fine­ and go see Down Crusty Muncher without the artsy-Brit tuned his pipes By Law with Wool . cut and tied your . vocals. Ultramarine, and song writ­ Fn 'd ay rug. ht at St . Da Lench Mob. J-Dee,_,.,,,,. Shorty, and T-Bone umbilical cord. " on the other hand, are a mellow duo ing talents while returning to college for Andrew's. It's only five bucks... ~- The Conservative Coalition Team. LS&A Engineering Timothy R. Morales Brenton L. House Steven E. Hunt Jr. Mark Biersack Ie Working to eliminate the Tracy Robinson University Speech Code. Kreg Nichols Education Brian Hunt \e Striving to make MSA Jeff Parker fiscally responsible. Jacob Stern Mike Christie Jr. Music Ie Taking action to improve Ryan Boeskool Mattie Mierzejewski the quality of education. Rackham Medicine Michael L. Fagg Mike Lee Vote NO on Speech Code and Fee Hike . ":lil!11!i!ilil!~\rillllllliii,\i:i\i!ii!iil'i:' •• MSA Elections •• ~",'''','''''''' """n""",",'", "," lues & Wed Nov 17·18 Students Firs=.:.::t.~ ____