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• T/7 .-....- -.----.-.-*...-...*.......-....-..---*.--•.•--..*------- *-*•*-*--- - ----*-. 7 • DANGER IN PUBLIC MONOPOLY i 2 THF WT 00aa01' CIA\ • "There is far more danger in a public monopoly than • , i r, 9• ux C, 1 there is in any private monopoly, for when government goes / : into business it can always shift its losses to the taxpayer. : 1 f,J271,- ....allifn '.. AICRON EDITION / The government never really goes into business, for it never < Zill' • makes ends meet, and that is the first requisite of business. 1 f'ICF.*tram r /ROTECT OUR COOD NAME -5- r It just mixes a little business with a lot of politics."-Thomas : I . I - .6 .6-J 'rimt' • A. Edison. ..I...'-Ill.....*.....-I.-Ill'.-I....I.....f.....-I....-....-I.-I.-I.-I.-I.-....#..............Il-..-.. Number -*r Volume 41 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1952 { Union Shop Election Set For Thursday Where Voters Will Cast Ballots In Union Shop Election Thursday ALL PERSONS IN Listed below are the locations of the eight district polling WILLARD STREET SECOND AVENUE BARGAINING UNIT places where employes eligible to vote will cast their ballots in GATEHOUSE GATEHOUSE the January 31 union shop election. Shown also under each polling Station 1: 106A, 121B, 121L, Depts. 111A, 111B, 111C, ELIGIBLE TO VOTE place are the numbers of the departments grouped in that district. 122, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 111D, 111E, 111F, 111G, 112, Each voter must vote at the location where his department num- 137K, 137L, 139B, 141, 141F, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119B, ber appears. 143, 150A. 119C, 121C, 148•, 1918, 191C. Management And Labor Agrie On Polling Places Where Employes At some of the polling places, embracing a large number of Station 2: 152A, 152F, 152M, May Cast Ballots departments, the latter have been sub-divided according to sta- 153, 193, 195E, 195X. KELLY AVENUE tions, numbered 1, 2, etc. In these instances voters must also *** GATEHOUSE SEIBERLING STREET vote at the proper station called for by their department number. Depts. 108F, 185B, 185F, 196, Thursday ( tomorrow), Janu- GATEHOUSE Stations and departments will be plainly identified. 197, 221G, 245. ary 31, is the date of the union 1 Station 1: 303F, 308D, 311B, shop election being sponsored ] * * * MARTHA AVENUE *** 311K, 311M, 312, 313, 314, 315, jointly by the company and the GOODYEAR THEATER GATEHOUSE PLANT C GATEHOUSE 317, 321, 322B, 345, 347, 371G, union for all employes of the Station 1: 206A, 208D, 220, All Plant C dep•rtments. LOBBY 379. 221A, 221B, 221F, 221L, 221M, bargaining unit represented by Station 2: 380, 383, 384C, Station 1: Depts. 102D, 102K, 211B, 211K, 211M, 212, 213, 214, Local 2, including both union 1 384D, 385A, 3858, 385C, 391A, RUBBER RESERVE 105D, 108B, 108D, 109B, 111K, 217, 219A, 225A, 225B, 225C, and non-union workers. 432A, 432B, 434, 435A, 436A, CORPORATION GATEHOUSE 111M, 116, 120, 121A, 121D, 225D, 225E, 225G, 225K, 225L, Outcome of the event will de- 437. All RRC departments. 137A, 137C, 137D, 137F, 142B 225M, 231B, 232A, 232B, 232C, termine whether the union shop and 144. 233A, 233B, 234A, 235B, 235A, provisions of the companywide contract shall become effective Station 2: 145D, 145E, 145F. 235B, 237. at Goodyear's Akron plants. 146, 148B, 151F, 151G, 152B, Station 2: 237K, 238A, 238B, 1 Sample Ballot For Thursday's Election Date, polling places and vot- 152C. 239, 241A, 241D, 242B, 243A, 1 0 243B, 244, 251A, 251D, 251E, 1 ing hours, together with other Station 3: 152D, 152E, 152T, 251F, 251G, 251K, 263, 271A, pertinent details, were worked 154D, 156, 156F, 157. 271B, 271D, 271F. out and mutually agreed upon Goodyear Akron and IJRCL & PWA, Local 2 by company and union late last Station 4: 160, 162, 163, 180, 1 Station 3: 272A, 272B, 272C, 1 week. 182, 183, 185A, 185D, 188, 191A, 1 273, 275, 282, 285A, 285G, 1 191E, 191G, 191R, 412A, 414, • 291A, 291G, 292, 293, 295E, OFFICIAL BALLOT ON UNION SHOP Eight polling places have been 501D, 502A, 505, 508D. • 295X, 2968, 424, 426. designated, with voting hours to be from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF A UNION The locations are: Goodyear r.-•*••.*.....%.I•..•.-....•.-•.-..-A Theater Lobby, off the arcade; Great Show Planned SHOP AT THE AKRON PLANTS? Willard street gatehouse, Sec- r2 5 By 25-Year Club On ond avenue gatehouse, Kelly i Weekly Review , avenue gatehouse, Martha ave- -OF- YES NO nue gatehouse, Seiberling street • Labor Relalions • gatehouse (Plant 3 ), Rubber 66 ' e set up for Saturday night, Feb- and the gatehouse at Plant C. ./ / 1•1 ......orpor".-gatehouse S ; Elections ' Polling Places n < Seven Decisions / e t The polling places are located L.-0.*I<•036.alv•pl.v••irv••.Ilit.4.•.lf*.I.•O=*.4*.J ' according to districts, each em- bracing the departments in the tainment. 1 Elections for district repre- 46 h S respective areas. Each voter sentatives and division chair- DIES AT AGE 51 must vote at the location spec- men of Local 2 have been in -B tinued McGovern, 6 n oy Scouts Sponsor ified for his department. progress recently and should nteresting Films Erma Shoemaker, 51, of 875 Employes who have transfer- 042be completed by Thursday (to- -I Hereford drive, employed in red since January 24, will vote morrow), the union reports. '' - warehousing and shipping, Plant at the location indicated for Some 300 district representa- Serving on the committee ar- mittee are C. L. Swartz, Harry anging the showing of (6 Hidden 3, died last Friday. She had been their department as of that tives and eight division chair- r Pastorious, E. C. (Pop) Weirick reasures," and 6:Dust Or Des- a Goodyearite twenty-six years. date. , men are to be elected. Names T iny " inspirational films from She leaves a daughter, mother Further details about where / of the successful candidates for 6 t tee has devoted considerabl he Moody Institute and spon- and two brothers. Funeral serv- the various departments vote '1 the chairmen posts will be an- time to the program setup to nounced in The Clan when the sored by the Goodyear Boy Scout ices were held on Monday, with appear separately on this page. roops, are representatives of burial in Mt. Peace Cemetery. In addition, posters giving com- election results are made known. :t Goodyear units, with William plete information about the 4 * *. * time will be 8 o'clock. T. Fisher, Airfoam, Plant 3, a election have been displayed on Decisions covering seven grievances have been received serving as general chairman· THE OLDfIMER SAM.' bulletin boards throughout the The films, will be shown Tues- plants. ( Continued On Page 2 ) t 2 : HONEST MAN day in Goodyear Theater at **•-- X<* All hourly-rated and piece- 2 7:30 p. m , work employes of the bargain- 6....I--*---#r.-*-I.-.-•-I'•.-*-I: C On the committee and the ,\A A l ing unit represented by Local • TODAY IN HISTORY • 2 Latest to join the Plant 2 2 section of the Honesty troops they represent are H. L. '-«i ·t 2 ( both union and non-union :2 • Club is Junius Brassell, 1 Caterson, 46; D W. Hardrnan, r members ) are eligible to vote. 44; A. M. Parrish, 42; P. M. An equal number of individ- • 1 On January 30, 1933, / 2 janitor service, who found Thompson, 40; W. L. Heid, 41; uals representing both the union i Adolph Hitler became ; 1.and returned a wallet lost ( : by G. 0. Lowry of the tire C. B. Alexander, 43; R. J. Couts, and the company will conduct i chancellor of Germany, i the election. They include a cap- • succeeding General • / room, Plant 2. 2 Sea Scouts; G. N. Sommers, Air , • Schleicher. ) Scouts, and C. W. Timms, Ex- 3,-IJ\ -1/0 tain and observers from each 2 plorer Scouts. party, to be stationed in each *** Scouts from Eastern District polling place. < On January 30, 1882, • HOME ON FURLOUGH Ezra, last night the engineer troops and their families are in- on the railroad was telling some Must First Register / Franklin Delano Roosevelt / Home on furIough recently vited to attend the showing. fellers down on Case Avenue Each voter must first register . 2 was born. and a visitor at Plant 1 was about his train running over a by signing his name on a serially 1.......,-....O.-*......0.-'-0.*.--*I.'-*...........i Pfc. William Ford, formerly employed in the tire room, DAVIS CONVALESCING cow. I asked him if the cow was numbered registration sheet, <5 Plant 1,,now stationed at Fort on the track and he said it the signature to be witnessed E. T. •Ted" Davis, fuel cell wasn't, but his engine left the by both a union and company *1 The life of an adventurer is Eustis in the transportation inspection, Plant 1, veteran of track and chased the critter ogserver. Then the voter's name t the practice of the art of the corps. His wife, Cleova, and twenty-two years' service, is through a cornfield just outside will be veri8ed by checking it impossible, but it is always the their infant son, Rodney Reynll convalescing, following an oper- of Kent. I didn't know them against the payroll list to de- adventurers who accomplish Ford, came to Akron to visit at .. ation at Excelsior Springs, Mo. engineers could do that. Feller termine his eligibility. great things. the home of Rodney's d- h- He will be absent from work learns something new every Employes in the Local 2 bar- about four weeks. day. ( Continued on Page 8 ) Send in that suggestion ' mover bands, Plant 1. -- _ IFr -I THE WINGFOOT CLAN - PAGE Z .