(At) the Vietnam Moratorium
Two thousand students cry ’End the war now’ Speaker Bonpane asserts Moratorium only beginning (Editor’s note: Pictures o f rally are on page 2). “ Ya basta! Stop the war or we’ll stop the United States.” These emphatic words o f Blaise Bonpane and Corky Gonzalez echoed the sentiments o f the first Vietnam Moratorium by condemning the injustice and imperialism which created Vietnam. Both Bonpane, a missionary who worked with the guerrilla forces in Guatemala, and Gonzalez, a militant chicano leader, have been integrally involved in Third World struggles. In the moratorium rally held yesterday noon, both emphasized the inability o f the U.S. to contain countries and peoples struggling for liberation. “ The violence which America has perpetrated on her own minorities and on other nations,” said Gonzalez, “ must come to a stop.” “ There will be more Vietnams,” he added, “ until it does.” Before an audience o f about 2,000 students, the speakers made a plea for rationality and humanitarianism during the most “ irrational and barbarous” period o f American history. “ I f you can’t express your rational stand through a democratic vote,” said Bonpane, “ then you have to find another way to make yourself be heard.” " A Day of Protest to End the War and bring understanding back to mankind." “ I f you have nothing to say about a selective slavery system Photo by Thom MacDonald which is forcing you to napalm people,” he continued, ‘‘then you napalm the draft boards o f that system. “ And if you have nothing to say about the declaration o f war in a supposed democracy, then you shut that democracy down,” he stated.
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