Submitted to the Board Examiner In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department


ROSA S NIM. AI.140269






Artinya : dan diantara tanda tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar benar terdapat tanda tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui.Q.R. Surat Ar-Ruum, ayat 22).1

Meaning: And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your langguages and colors. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge.2

1 Guruandroid, Al- Quran & Terjemahan 2 M.Taqi „Ud Din Al-HIlali, M.Muhsin Khan. (1984).Translation of the Meaning of the Noble Al-Quran in the . Madinah: King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran. P.518



بِسْمِاللََّهِ الرََّحْمَنِالرََّحِيم

I thank to Allah SWT, who has given me the guidance, powerful and blessing so that I can accomplish this thesis. Shalawat and salamto Prophet Muhammad SAW

who has brought human‟s life from Jahiliyyah to Islamiyyah.

Proudly, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved mother (Sarniwati), father (Abdul

Zabur), lovely sisters and brother (Rosi S, Nurazizah, and Peper S). They are the

one and only who never stop loving, praying and supporting me in the rest of my

life. They are the lights in the dark, the smile in the tears, and the warm hugs in

feeling down.

For the best lecturers and supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Tira Mariana,

SS, M.Hum, I am much obliged for your time, patience, advice, and knowledge

that you have given to me during finishing my thesis.

For my „Kumis‟ girls, (Asmarita, Kina, Nani, Widia, and Yuliana), I would like to say super double thanks for always being my human diary, human dictionary, crazy partner and supporter as long as my long journey in writing thesis. The last, for all of my friends and people that cannot be mentioned one by,

I would like to say „thank you so much for everything‟.

جَزَاكُمُ اهللُ خَيْرًا كَثِيْرًا وَجَزَاكُمُ اهللُ اَحْسَنَ الْج



Alhamdulillahirabbil „aalamiin.

All praises to Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful, who has given me the mercy, strength, health, and guidance in accomplishing the thesis entitled The Slang Word Used In The Film Hitch By Andy Tennant, which is submitted to fulfill the requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English

Literature, Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam are upon our Prophet and last Messenger,

Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to lightness as we feel today.

Then, I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The Deputy of Rector, Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD,

Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, and Dr. Hj. Fadilla, M.Pd, who allowed me to study

in the university.

2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. The

deputy of dean, Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr.H.M. Fadhil, M.Ag, and Dr.

Raudhoh, M.Pd.I

3. My great supervisors, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Tira Mariana, SS, M.Hum

who have been tremendous mentor for me.




Rosa S, 2018 :The Slang Words Used In The Hitch Film By Andy Tennant. Adab And Humanities Faculty The State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisors : 1. Dr. Alfian M. Ed 2. Tira Mariana, SS. HUM

Langguage has many variation in society which is used by many people in this world. One of the famous varieties of language that used by many people is slang words. Slang is one of varieties of langguage in sociolingguistic esed by society to interact each other based on context and used by some commonities. In this thesis discusses about The Slang Word Used In The Film Hitch by Andy Tennant. The purpuse of this research first to know the kinds of slang words, second to know the meaning of slang words uses in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant and the last to know the function of slang words used in the film film Hitch by Andy Tennant. In this research used the theory of slang words by Eric Partridge, Miriam Meyerhoff, the theory of meaning by Geoffrey Leech and theory the funcion by Alan and Burridge to answer the problem the research. This research is qualitative research that focused on qualitative research. The source of data is taken from the Hitch film by Andy Tennant The research findings are first, there are two kinds of slang words used in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant such as society slang (gonna, gotta, wanna, kinda,what‟s up, hook up, shit, damn, hell, yeah), and public house slang (guys, buddy, kids, baby, fuck off, dude). Second there are two meaning of slang words uses slang word in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant such as connotative meaning where it is not specific to language (baby, damn, shit, hell), conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterancee (what‟s up, pissin, fuck off, kids, gonna, buddy, sweetheart), and social meaning refers to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and to maintain social roles (guys, gotta and wanna). The last there are three function of slang words used in the fim Hitch by Andy Tennant susch as to initate relax conversation, to humiliate and to address.



Rosa S, 2018 :The Slang Words Used In The Hitch Film By Andy Tennant. Adab And Humanities Faculty The State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisors : 1. Dr. Alfian M. Ed 2. Tira Mariana, SS. HUM

Bahasa memiliki banyak variasi di dalam masyarakat yang digunakan oleh banyak orang di dunia ini. Salah satu varietas bahasa terkenal yang digunakan oleh banyak orang adalah kata-kata slang. Slang adalah salah satu jenis bahasa dalam sosiolingguistik yang disuarakan oleh masyarakat untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain berdasarkan konteks dan digunakan oleh beberapa kesamaan. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis membahas tentang Kata-kata Slang yang Digunakan Dalam Film Hitch oleh Andy Tennant. Tujuan dari penelitian ini pertama untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kata slang, kedua untuk mengetahui makna kata-kata slang yang digunakan dalam film Hitch oleh Andy Tennant dan yang terakhir untuk mengetahui fungsi dari kata-kata slang yang digunakan dalam film film Hitch oleh Andy Tennant.

Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori slang words oleh Eric Partridge, Miriam Meyerhoff, teori makna oleh Geoffrey Leech dan theori function oleh Alan dan Burridge untuk menjawab masalah penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi untuk mengumpulkan data.

Temuan penelitian ini pertama, ada dua jenis kata-kata slang yang digunakan dalam film Hitch oleh Andy Tennant seperti slang masyarakat (akan, harus, ingin, agak, apa kabar, menghubungkan, sial, sialan, neraka, ya), dan public house slang (kawan, teman akrab, anak-anak, sayang, pergi, laki laki). Kedua ada tiga arti kata-kata slang menggunakan kata slang dalam film Hitch oleh Andy Tennant seperti makna konotatif di mana tidak khusus untuk bahasa (sayang, sialan, sial, siapa), dan makna konseptual mengacu pada pengertian logis dari utterancee (ada apa, marah, pergi, anak anak, pergi, ,teman akrab, manis), dan makna sosial mengacu pada penggunaan bahasa untuk menetapkan dan mengatur hubungan sosial dan untuk mempertahankan peran sosial (cowok, harus dan ingin). Yang terakhir ada tiga fungsi kata-kata slang yang digunakan dalam fim Hitch oleh Andy Tennant seperti, untuk merilexkan percakapan, untuk mempermalukan, dan untuk alamat.




A. Background of Problem ...... 1 B. Formulation of The Problem ...... 5 C. Limitation of Problem ...... 5 D. Purpose of The Research ...... 6 E. Significance of The Research ...... 6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Sociolingguistic ...... 7 B. Slang ...... 9 2.1 Characteristic of slangword ...... 11 2.2 History of Slang ...... 12 2.3 Kind of Slang ...... 12 2.4 The function of slang words ...... 22 C. Kind of Meaning ...... 23 D. Communication ...... 27 E. Review of Related Research ...... 29



A. Design of Research ...... 33 B. Source of Data ...... 35 C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 35 D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 37


A. Finding ...... 39 B. Analysis ...... 39 1.Kind of slang words used in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant ...... 39 2. The meaning slang words used in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant ...... 52 3. The function of slang word used in the film Hitch by Andy Tennant ...... 62


A. Conclusion ...... 72 B. Suggestion ...... 72





A. Background of the Problem

Language is a basic tool in society. It is used to make communication.

Language allows some people to say thing to each other and express their communicative needs. Language is the cement of the society, allowing people to live, working and playing together.3 Sometimes it is used to merely keep communication channels open so that if any need arises to say something of importance a suitable channel is suitable. George Yule concludes language is system of sound, words used by humans to communicate thought and feelings.4 It means that language is the media for humans to communicate feeling and thought with other by using sounds and words.

People use language to accomplish some function such as to cooperate and interaction, people carry out these functions in a social context when people communicate with other.5 Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that language is need to communicate with other person, either verbal or nonverbal communication. Tools that community members as human individuals are thinking, feeling and willing. Thoughts, feelings, and desires tangible bam otherwise states, and it is a tool to express language.

3Victoria Fromkin, et al. An Introduction to Language. (Los Angeles: Universitity of California: 2011 ), p. 324. 4George Yule, The Study of Language, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), p.3 5Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum, (: Rineka Cipta,1994), p. 7.


Victoria Fromkin stated that sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of being a better understanding of the structure of language and how language function in communication.6 The definition above can be inferred that language and society is so closely related. Usually, in the informal word, young people choose a language variety which they want, they want to show intimacy in their group, in addition,

Willis says slang is the result of linguistic inventiveness, especially of young and lively persons who want fresh, original pungent, or racy terms which they can rename ideas, actions, and objects that they feel strongly about. In effect, slang is the result of combination of linguistic irreverence and a reaction against staid, stuffy, pompous, pretentious, or colorless diction. It means that slang is words that not a part of standard vocabulary and are used informally. These words are mostly used in speech and writing. Slang is important because people can know someone dialeg in both formal and informal communication. Slang can also show a person's cultures, habits, profesies in doing his job or in living his life in the community.7 It means that slang language can be tools to know the identity of someone.

In this thesis the writer is interested to analyze film the reason is contains some slang words that are ususlly used by milineal/now young generation, which the millenial used them, but they don‟t know the meaning of those words. So, by

6Victoria Fromkin, et al, An Introduction to Language, Harcount Brace & Company Australia, 1996, Third Edition, p. 147 7Dell Hymes, Language in Culture and Society, A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology, (New York: Harper & Row, 1964), p. 395


analysis this film I want to help and reveal the meaning of those slang words. Film also communicates information and ideas, and they show people place and ways of life we might not otherwise know. Amy Villarejo stated that film is structured like a language and it is telling stories. 8 It means that film offers us of seeing and feeling that we find and Anna Powell said film is inspired product of creative team and might well stimulate person fantasies.9 It means that film is working togetherness and series of live picture in a frame where a frame is projected by projector lens in mechanic so that the live picture will be seen as if it is alive. it gives great deal of pleasure to many people who does not necessarily that they are significant from the culture and historical evidence.

Using slang language has been spread event thought in hollywood, it has been being daily language also being culture, so slang is brought or used in the film to make the story naturally in conversation.

In this film, Alex uses the slang language is to make fun and to make a secret. As example below:

8Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the Basic, (New York: Library of Congres, 2007), Third Edition, p. 12. 9Anna Powell, Deleuze, Altered States and Film, (Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2007), p.3


Picture 110

Alex : come to get my foot outta my mouth,sweetheart.11

As seen in the picture above, it shows that Alex uses slang language in his conversation “ come to get my foot outta my mouth, sweetheart”. The sentence that used by Alex is the meaning of that sentences are Alex wold like to take the girl attention to talk with him. This is kinds of slang language in informal communication. Mean while, the next word like sweetheart is also slang and that is kinds of blend langauge.

The writer chooses film in this research for some reasons: First, this film is talking about how men just need that little push to get the woman of their dreams and how he helps them do that. All he needs is three dates and usually after that third date its love he pretty much can guarantee that. Hitch is a 2005 American romantic comedy film directed by Andy Tennant and starring . The film, which was written by Kevin Bisch, co-stars , Kevin James, and

Amber Valletta. Smith plays the main fictional character of the film, Alex Hitch

Hitchens, who is a professional dating consultant who makes a living teaching men how to woo women. The film was released on February 11, 2005 by

Columbia Pictures.

10 Duration: 00:12:51,116 --> 00:12:53,044 11 Duration: 00:12:51,116 --> 00:12:53,044


Second, this film got appreciations, such as: Nominated ALMA Award,

Outstanding Actress in a Motion PictureEva Mendes 2006, Nominated BET

Award, Best Actor Will Smith For I, Robot and Shark Tale 2005, Nominated BET

Comedy Award, Outstanding Theatrical Film Outstanding Lead Actor in a

Theatrical Film Will Smith 2005.

The reason why analyze the topic is slang is important , because from it we can know the way how communicate either formal and informal, it also identify, peoples, culture, habbit, profes, and life of people in community, by learning slang language we know when we can use formal language and informal language.

Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis entitle “The Slang Words Used in The Hitch Film by Andy Tennant”.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the formulations of the problems are arranged as follows:

1. What are kinds of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant?

2. What are the meanings of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy


3. What are the functions of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant?


C. Limitation of the Problem

Actually there are many aspects that the writer can analyze in the film, but in this case the writer analyze the kinds of slang words used in the Hitch film by

Andy Tennant. Therefore, the data are chosen from the word by all the characters in the film Hitch.

D. Purpose of the Research

Based on limitation of problem above, the purpose of this research is

1. To know the kinds of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant.

2. To know the meaning of slang words uses slang word in the Hitch film by

Andy Tennant.

3. To know the function slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant.

E. Significant of the Research

In this research, the writer would like to find the kinds of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant. The writer takes the data from the transcript of the Hitch film by Andy Tennant. The writer hopes this research will develop the kinds of slang, writing ability and give additional information and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially to the student and lectures English Literature

Department wants to watch the film and even who wants to analyze the same film.

The writer hopes this research will make other people easier to identify the kinds of slang and takes the positive side of this film.




A. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistics which studies just those properties of languages and languages which require reference to social, including contextual, factors in their explanation. Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society,12 it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity. Ronal Wardhaugh added that the way people talk is influenced by the social context in which they are talking.13 It matters who can hear us and where we are talking, as well as how we are feeling.

The same message may be expressed very differently to different people. We use different styles in different context. Sociolinguistic study concerns about language and the context in which it is used, solidarity between speaker and hearer, and people‟s relative social status.

The part of sociolinguistic study that is related to this research is language variation. There are two kinds of language variation,14 first language variation that focuses on users, second language variation that focuses on uses. Language

12Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, (New York: Simultanooesly Publisher, 2006), p. 1 13Ronal Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, (Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2006), Fifth Edition, p. 6 14Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, p. 8


variation that focuses on users explain detail about the users, like their gender, age, regional, ethnicity, social dialects and social networks. Language variation that focuses on uses explains detail about the uses of language itself like style, context, register, speech function, politeness and cross-cultural communication.15

This research discusses about the language variation that is associated not with group of language users but with situation of use. The writer explores the varieties of language that individuals in communities use in the course of daily life.

Register is the linguistic field which deals with how situational context affects our manner of speech. Register refers to a variation of a language which is determined by use. According to Oxford dictionary register is a variety of a language or a level of usage as determined by degree of formality and choice of vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax, according to the communicative purpose, social context and standing of the user.16 Guillermo Solano Flores said that register is a language varieties that are characteristic of particular situations of use.17 Registers vary along certain time and it reflect social processes. Guillermo

Solano Flores gives an example of it, people generally speak (and write) in markedly different ways in formal and informal situations. Formality and informality can be seen as opposite poles of a situational continuum along which forms of expression may be arranged.

15 Martin J. Ball, The Routledge Handbook Of Sociolingguistics Around The World, (London and New York: Taylor and Francis group, 2010 ), p. 7. 16 Martin J. Ball, The Routledge Handbook Of Sociolingguistics Around The World, p. 7 17Guillermo Solano Flores, “Language, Dialect, and Register: Sociolinguistics and the Estimation of Measurement Error in the Testing of English Language Learners”, journal teachers College Record, Volume 108, Number 11, November 2006, p. 2255.


B. Slang

Slang is informal language used by young people or in a particular social group for internal communication so the other group will not understand.

According to Hartam and Strok slang is a variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changed vocabulary, used by the young or by social and professional groups for ‟in group‟ communication and thus tending to prevent understanding by the rest of the speech community.18

Slang is something that everybody can recognize but nobody can define.

The literal meaning of slang according to the Oxford dictionary is a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.19 Miriam Meyerhoff, said that slang is particularly popular among teenagers and college students in general.20 Yanchun Zhou also added that slang has some salient features, first slang is part of casual informal styles of language use, second slang is like fashions in clothing and popular music, changes quite rapidly, third specific areas of slang are often associated with a particular social group, and hence one can speak of teenage slang, underworld (criminal) slang, the slang of the drug culture and so on.21

The speaker uses slang in order to achieve social dynamics with the people to whom he/she is speaking and slang outlines social spaces, and attitudes towards

18 Chaedar Alwasilah, Sociologi Bahasa, ( Angkasa: , 1985), p. 57 19 Naghmeh Mirzaie Hosseinzadeh, “New Blends In English Language” International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, Vol.2, No.2, pp.15-26, June 2014, p. 15. 20Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, p. 8 21Yanchun Zhou, “A Sociolinguistic Study of American Slang” Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 2209-2213, December 2013, p. 2210


slang helps identify and construct social groups and identity.22 It means that when you use slang, you expose your ideas, your feeling, your attitude as how you want to perceive the people that talk to you and how you want those people to perceive you, to infer what you mean. Jannis K. Androutsopoulos believed that slang can just as well be playful and a joking way of rebelling against standard language to mark the difference between e.g. parents and children (in-crowd versus out- crowd), but the children do not necessarily have wicked intentions with the use of slang. He also mentions that slang is not slang until someone recognizes it to be slang. It means that the addressee must be able to recognize the speaker‟s intent and to determine that what they are hearing is slang.

Slang is probably the most famous register if compared with jargon or argot.

The different function between slang and jargon is that slang is used to show speaker‟s attitude while jargon is used by speakersand addressee who have the same profession in communicating about their profession for example two doctors in hospital talking in medical terms. Besides, argot is a type of secret or code language because it is used to hide speaker‟s intention. Example: Lame is stupid or foolish, Chill out is relaxing, having fun, Geek is someone who is generally not athletic and enjoys video games; comic books; being on the internet and etc, Nerd is an individual persecuted for his superior skills or intellect, most often people fear and envy him/her Epic is being unusually large, powerful or wonderful.

22Jannis K. Androutsopoulos, Extending the concept of the (socio)linguistic variable to slang,(Debrecen: Kossuth Lajos University Press, 2011), p. 2


1. Characteristic Of Slang Words

Slang words began o creep into English Literature alhtought many writers and schools were fiercely againts it, saying that it was vulgar, corupted, uncultured, secret, and false, the dialect of the rabble, of beggars, of gypsie and of thieves.23

The following is the characteristics of slang language:

1. Creativity

Creativity means that slang language has cleverness, imagination, productivity and talent. It was created from a new term, so it needs creativity of the creator. The creator is encouraged to produce new terms.

The example of teenagers‟ creativity is creating slang terms from the existing words, but acquire a new meaning, which is different from its original meaning. Some of them is constructed from the kind of colors, animals, and numbers.

2. Flippant

Flippant means that slangproduced has irrelevant meaning with the context.

That makes this term considered as a rude, for instance, fucking chicken, bitch, motherfucker, and shit.

23 Susanti Deka. 2013. A Thesis. The Usage of Slang Words as Seen in Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Film By Malcolm D.Lee, Adab Faculty: English Literature of Adab Faculty, State Institute For Islamic Studies;Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, p.15


3. Fresh

It refers to slang expressions that are produced by new words, which are different from the existing word. For example, homie means close friend, walkie-talkie means a portable two-way radio, and moola means money.

4. Onomatopoeic

Slang produced by imitating certain sounds. For example:boo hoo, buzz, icky, yucky, dweeb, etc. boo hoo uses to express sadness. It is adapted from a sound of crying. 24

2. History of Slang Langguage

After the writer searches some materials or references from the books and browsing in internets that relate to slang language, the writer has assumption that slang appears for the first time in sixteenth century in Britain and at that time seem impossible that slang did not extend as widely through society then as it does today, but those early slang collections, more glossaries than dictionaries, concentrate purely on the villain‟s vocabulary. Lighter stated that there were five decades history of slang, which can be seen in those following era: 25

1. Sixteenth Century

Slang for the first time appeared in the society and became the strange

language, also only particular group using it. For example, thieves, beggar,


24 Eble, Slang And Sociability: In-Group Langguage Among College Students, (Chapel And London: The University Of North Carolina Press 1996). P.17

25 Lighter, Random House Historical of American Slang, (New York: Radom House, 1994), p.xxi-xxix


2. Seventeenth Century

In this century, slang rich of metaphors or figurative language and related to

immoral action. Moreover, slang began to present in popular plays event and

put the slang language on the stage for the first time, such as; in Richard

Brome‟s comedy A fovial crew and in one of William Shakespeare‟s poem in

the word hick.

3. Eighteenth Century

The rhetoricians had established for the first time, among the pupils and

schoolmasters alike, a key element in social conceptualization of slang.

Furthermore, slang recognized as part of English vocabulary.

4. Nineteenth Century

Slang was growing, it could be seen that the intellectual produced the first

slang dictionary. The world War I and II also influenced in slang language,

such as G.I, pissed off, brass.

5. Twentieth Century

Slang became a part of spoken language and not only used by thieves or

criminals but also used by ordinary people, and slang was used in daily

conversation because simpler and easier to speak it.

3. Kinds of Slang

Slang words is formed by linguistic process that isfound in morphology study such as: coinage, compounds, acronym, clipping, back-formation, abbreviation, blends, cockney, public-house slang, workmen‟s slang, commercial, and also standard slang. From that many kinds of slang, this research only focuses


on the four kinds of slang wordsthat are usually used and circulated in student college‟s communication according to writer‟s experience.

According to Eric Partridge in his book “Slang, Today and Yesterday” he states: “The different kinds of slang are numerous, and I propose to treat of only the twenty four most important: after all, there are limits 12 kinds of slang”.26

In this part, the researchers only will explain some kinds of slang language.

Some of slang kinds are:

1. Society slang

According to Partridge about society slang, he said “in society and in all close corporations, group, and sections of society. Jargon tends to develop in proportion to the degree of its own exclusiveness. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.27

There are the examples of the society slang:

a) Snowy means over-dressed

b) Vogue means fashion or mode

c) Thou mean a thousand pound sterling.

26 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, (London: Routledge & Regan Paul, 1950) p.148

27 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214


2. Public House Slang

As the part of kinds of slang, public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.28

The example of public house slang are:

a) Favorite vice, means strong drink taken habitually.

b) Liquor, A publican‟s euphemism for the water they use in

adulterating beer. In liquor, means drunk.

c) Straight dringking, means dringking while standing in the bar.

3. Workmen’s Slang

Slang has a link with the public house slang. It is very closely allied to

Tradesmen‟ s slang and also considered to people‟ s activity in working. Most of the users of workmen‟ s slang are labourers either town and farm labourers.

Moreover, there is a significant difference both of them that the town labourer is more ready with their tongues and fluent with their slang than the farm labourer which is not too modern instance.29 Here are examples of Workmen‟ s slang for the town labourer :

a). Screw up means without money, therefore unable to move about at


28 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159 29 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.162


b). Matey means a companion in labour.

c). Brass means money, this is very general term seems to have originated

the chopper and iron industries.

4. Tradesmen’s Slang

some of the words are related to origin slang and the users are the worker too, but the difference is the Tradesmen‟ s slang considers four as typical : tailors, butchers, chemist, and builders. The tailors have the largest number of slang terms. Here are examples of Tradesmen‟ s slang for tailors:

a). House of parliament means a meeting of tailor‟ s assistant and

apprentices in the shop, especially for a serious purpose.

b). Tradesmen‟ s slang for butchers : „Turkey buyer‟ means a person of

considerable importance.

5. Slang of Commerce

This slang is used in trade and the words are closely related to the trade or commerce. According to professor Collison this slang is “of business transaction of the various exchange the man in the street will have heard of the formation trusts and ring, concerning a commodity.30 It is often use by businessman mostly used in stock exchange. Here are the examples of the slang of commerce:

a). Take the rate means to borrow stock, likewise give the rate is to lend


b). Rig means a combined effort to rise the price of stock artificially and

without regard to its merits.

30 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.167


c). Shunt means to buy and sell securities between two home exchanges.

6.Slang in Public School and University

In these kind students becomes the main source, because they are fresh, full of spirit to move forward for their future. In public school as in board school and private, it happened about more than two centuries, there are two kinds of slang; a slang proper and gibberish. The other kind of slang is almost impossible to generalize. For every school has its special words known to no other school.

Here are some examples of public school slang:

a). Bonse means head, for example “look out, or I‟ll fetch you a whack

across the bonse”

b). Bung means a lie, example; “everything he said is a bung”

c). What‟s the mat? Means, what is the matter?

7.Slang in Art

Emerges in seventeenth century, it is quickly adopted by society. Moreover, it is considerable more difficult than other slang terms, the meaning is hard to be guessed even in the present day. Here are several examples:

a). Walled means same as hung, which, to some extent, it displaced.

b). Buniony means showing, in one‟ s painting, a very marked tendency to

lumpiness of outline. c. Crocks mean ornamental China.


8. Slang in Publicity

Slang in Publicity is often used for commerce, because much of modern commerce depends on publicity, a firms needs the catchy phrase or rhymes that can impress the public.31 Here are several examples:

a). Sunlight means soap.

b). Worth a guinea a box means Beecham‟ s pills. c. Glaxo baby means a

plump and healthy child.

9.Slang in Theatre

Slang in theatre is related with slang in art because theatre is one art term.

The exact origin of slang is not known, although given the nature of language as a living, changing entity, it is probably as old itself.

In theatre slang there are some familiar terms, such as actor by professional is called pro. The man who us occasionally hired at trifling remuneration to come upon the stage as one of a crowd, or when a number of factor are wanted to give affect is name a supe. The band or orchestra is generally spoken of as the menagerie. A ben is a benefit and sal is for salary.

There are others example of slang in art, here are the following:

a). Acting lady means an incapable actress. From the poor acting of great

majority of society women and girls that go on stage.

31 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.213


b).Paper house means theatre at a given performance has an audience

consisting mainly of those who have come with “paper” complimentary


10. Slang in Church

Slang not only appears from people in the street or in their daily conversation, but also can be found from a holy place such as, church. It come up that slang has long since penetrated in the forum, and now we can meet it in the senate, even the pulpit itself is no longer free from instruction. On the contrary, and in justice to the clergy, it must be said that the principal disseminators of pure

English throughout the country are the minister of our established Church.

Here are the examples of slang in church:

a). Holly Joe means shallow, circular that worn by clergymen and

clergyman who use the word.

b). Candle shop means A Broad Church term for either a Roman Catholic


11. Medicine Slang

Medicine Slang is, from the very nature of the case, more interesting to laymen than is law slang, but we will confine ourselves to example current in the present century. Below are examples of medicine slang:

a. Dope means an anesthetic; to dope, to give an anesthetic to.

b. Drinks mean medicine, at the four-hourly occasions for medicine in the

wards hospital.

c. Dippy means delirious.


From the explanation above it can be concluded that they are seventeen kinds of slang , they are; Blend, Acronym, New insights of pre-existing words and

Lastly, aphaeresis, compounding, society slang and public house slang, Medicine

Slang, Slang in Church, Slang of Commerce, Slang in Theatre, Slang in Publicity,

Slang in Art, Slang in Public School and University, Slang of Commerce,

Tradesmen‟s Slang, Workmen‟s Slang.

.The writer will use this theory to find kinds of slang words used in the film

Hitch by Andy Tennant.

4. The Function Of Slang Words

According to Allan and Burridge, there are tree different functions of slang: to address, to initiate relax conversation, and to humiliate. To Initate Relax

Conversation. a. To relax conversation

Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation. They have tendency to use slang word to initiate relax conversation in purpose of having smooth conversation in formal situation. Someone who has close relationship with other tends to use certain vocabulary in order to make the conversation run more relaxed so that they can feel more comfortable. b. To humiliate

The speakers has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them.


c. To Address

The first function of the use of slang words is to address. The word to address another speaker in order to maintain their close relationship. Someone who has close relationship usually tends to use informal kind of address because using formal address indicats to the speaker has distant relationship or has specific purpose with other speaker.32

C. Kind of Meaning

Geoffrey Leech said that there were seven kinds of meaning, they were;33

1. Conotative Meaning

Conntative is somehow incidental to language rather than an essential part of it, and connotative meaning is not specific to language, but is shared by other communicative systems, such as visual art and music. Connotative the word baby has can be conjured up by a drawing of a baby, or an imitation of a baby‟s cry.34

Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought. 35

Chaer claims that when a word has both positive and negative sense value, the word is called a connotative meaning word. Alwasilah point out that

32 Allan, K., Burride, K., 2006 Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language. Cambride : CUP, p. 10 33 Geoffrey Leech, Semantic;The of Study Of Meaning Second Edition,(New York: Pinguin Books, 1981),p. 8 34 Geoffrey Leech, Semantic;The of Study Of Meaning Second Edition, p. 9 35 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, (University of Leeds, 2014), p. 2


connotation meaning is subjective, in notion that there is a shift from common meaning because it has been added by sense and certain value.Connotative meaning is the communicative value that an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. It can vary from age to age, from society to society, and from individual to individual. 36

2. Conceptual Meaning

Leech states that conceptual meaning or denotative meaning or cognitive meaning is widely assumed to be central factor in lingguistics. Communication and the most important type of meaning among the ot hers. Denotative meaning is the „reference‟ of a sentence as opposed to its „sense‟. 37

Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation). This is the basic or universal meaning and can be represented at the lexical level, as well as that of the clauser or simple sentence. At the lexical (lexeme) level, conceptual meaning is represented as a set of distinctive features. The relevan set of distinctive features, otherwise described as semes or semes, depends on a given semantic field. The operant features for „people‟ lexemes are human, adult, male.


3. Collocative Meaning Collocative meanings usually get in touch with the use of some words in the same environment . Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word

36 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34 37 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum, p. 293 38 F. R, Palmer, Semantics, p. 34


acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment. In other words, it is that part of the word-meaning suggested by the words that go before or come after a word in question. Collocative meaning is the meaning of a word produced in the specific context. As a result of conventionality of collocation, a word will produce different meanings when collocates with different words: - heavy smoker (a person who smokes a lot). 39

4. Social Meaning

Lobner states that the term social meaning does not refer to this general aspect of verbal interaction, and is thereby not to be confused with the communicative meaning of a verbal act. Rather, social meaning is on par with descriptive meaning: it is part of the lexical meaning of certain words, phrases or grammatical forms. 40

Social meaning refers to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and to maintain social roles. This type of language use is alternatively described as social or phatic communication. In phatic communication the verbal interaction has little information value, but instead plays an essential role in oiling the wheels of social discourse. Social meaning is hence communicated through ritualistic use of language as found in greetings, apologies, blessings or condolences. Social meaning is the meaning which an

39 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum, p. 293 40 Geoffrey Leech, Semantic; The Study of Meaning Second Edition, p. 9


expression conveys about the contexts or social circumstances of its use. It chiefly includes stylistic meaning of an word. It is the formality of the expression. 41

5. Affective Meaning

In a manner comparable to social meaning, affective meaning is only indirectly related to the conceptual representation. Affective meaning is more directly a reflection of the speaker‟s personal attitude or feelings towards the listener or the target of the word. Such feelings or attitudes are usually negative or insincere in nature. They are normally expressed through such forms of language use as insults, flattery, hyperbole or sarcasm.

Affective meaning is largely a parasitic category in the sense that to express our emotions we rely upon the mediation of other categories of meaning: conceptual, connotative, or stylistic. The level of meaning that conveys the language user‟s feelings including his attitude or evaluation in shaping his use of language is called affective meaning or emotive meaning.

6. Reflective Meaning

Reflective meaning is the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meanings, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. It is the product of people‟s recognition and imagination. The examples are: He took the drugs, Enjoy yourself.

7. Thematic Meaning

41 R Umagandhi and M Vinothini, Leech‟s Seven Types of Meaning in Semantics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Vol 04 issue 3 march, p. 71-72


Thematic meaning is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organized the massage, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. It is often left, for example than an active sentence such as (1) has a different meaning from is passive equivalent (2) although in conceptual content they seem to be the same.42

Based on the explanition about it can be conclude that they are seven kinds of meaning denotation, conotation, Collocative, Social, Affective, Reflective and

Thematic meaning. But in this research the writer used two kinds of meaning, namely connotative and dennotative meaning, because the writer only find two kinds of meaning in the film Hitch by Andy Tennat.

D. Communication

Language represents the systematic means of communicating ideas or feeling by the use of sounds and symbols that have commonly understood meanings. In human communication, language is a way to deliver our ideas or feeling. Communication is a process between people to share information, ideas and feelings, Gert Rickheit and Hans Strohne said that it involves not only the spoken and written word but also body language, personal mannerisms, and style- anything that adds meaning to message.43 The process of communication is made up of various elements, which are sender and receiver, messages, channels, noise, feedback, and setting.

42 Geoffrey Leech, Semantic; The Study of Meaning Second Edition, p. 11 43Gert Rickheit and Hans Strohne, Handbook of Communication Competence, (New York: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication, 2008), p. 6


There are two ways to make a conversation in communication, formal and informal. Conversation is an interactive process involving speaker and listener. As a tool of social interaction, it is essential to be able to converse well in both informal as well as formal situation. Formal conversation is the type of conversation that peopleS have in formal situations, it may include making inquiries and exchanging information at public offices, shopping, and other official work. While informal conversation involves exchanges of personal information with friends and relatives including greetings and general inquiries during social interactions and everyday informal situations. There are many the differences between formal and informal conversation: 44

The differentces of informal and formal langguage can be seen in this table below :

Formal Conversation Informal Conversation Formal content Personal and emotional content Always factual May be emotional or factual Formal words and expressions Colloquial words and expressions Accepted rules and customs No accepted rules Fixed norms of behaviour associated No fixed norms with the conduct of official matters Formal elements of conversational No formal elements Interactions Structured transition and turns Abrupt transition Always formal in style Both formal and informal style Objective approach Both objective and subjective Logically organised and structured Not always struc tured

44Gert Rickheit and Hans Strohne, Handbook of Communication Competence, p. 6


E. Review of Related Research

In this thesis, the writer do the research about the kinds of slang word used

in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant., but there are researchers that have been found

by the writer who have discussed about slang they are.

Firstly, the student of Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies

University Of Sumatera Utara named Wilda Rahmawati Manik by thesis

entitled “Semantic Analysis of Slang Used In Paul Movie Script.45 This research

discussed about slang words in Paul's Film Manuscript. The formulation of the

problem;(1) what is the lexical and contextual meaning of slangs used in „paul‟

movie script ? (2) what is the most dominant slangs word used in „paul‟ movie

script? (3) what is the type of semantic change that has less or more dominant for

the lang used in „paul‟ movie script?. This study uses the theory of Eble (1996) in

Explaining slang, and using Lyons (1984) theory to know the meaning

Lexical and contextual on the slang word and using Palmer's theory in

Explains the kind of change in meaning that occurs in slang words.

This research using qualitative descriptive method using the method

Documentation as a data collection technique. The data are slang words

Sourced from Paul's movie script. Based on the analysis results found that

meaning Lexical is the meaning specified in the dictionary, while the contextual

meaning Is the meaning derived from the context of the sentence of the discovery

45 Wilda Rahmawati Manik, “Semantic Analysis of Slang Used In Paul Movie Script”, Department Of English Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara Medan, 2015, p. 4.


of the word slang. The most commonly found slang word is the word fuck, followed by the word shit, gonna, and damn. All the slang words found are classified into types change of meaning. There are four types of meaning changes in the slang words, generalization (67.9%), specialization (13.5%), pejorasi

(17.3%), amelioration (1.2%).

The second thesis is Deka Susanti one of student Literature Department

(2013) of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

She analyzed entitled “The Usage of Slang Words As Seen in Welcom Home

Roscoe Jenkins movie by Malcom D.Lee. in her thesis she has analyzed used

Maxim Theory and Grice‟s Theory, the purpose of this research are to find out

Slang words which were used in dialogues, to find out the time slang words were used, to find out the meaning of those slang words.46 The different Deka Susanti and the writer is Deka Susanti focused to find out Slang word used in dialogues and the meaning of those slang words in Welcom Home Roscoe Jenkins movie by

Malcom D.Lee, in contrast, is the researcher more focused to find out slang word used in Freedom Writers Movie, the types, and the reason they used it.

Thirdly, The Student of Literature Department (2006)S of The State

Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi named Ardani, Lili. By

Thesis Entitled “The Usage America Slang Word on C‟nS (Cool‟n Smart) English

46 Deka Susanti. 2013. A Thesis. The Usage of Slang Words as Seen in Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Film By Malcolm D.Lee, Adab Faculty: English Literature,The State Institute For Islamic Studies;Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


Teen Magizane.47 Langguage is one of the vital tool of communication that can‟t be separated from our daily life as social community. In communicating we have to be able to adjust and manage our style of langguage depends on the condition and whom we are talking to our interlocutor. Style of langguage involves formal and informal style.

One of the most popular and often used of informal style is slang, especially by teenage and young people. Slang often used in many occasion. But in this research, the writer just discusses and focuses to the usage of slang on one of the popular teen magizane that is C‟nS (Cool‟n Smart) English Teen Magizane especially on Chit Chat Rubric.

As a matter of fact, slang has many definitions. But shortly, slang is a form of popular langguage that change or created the new word without understanding the rules of lingguistics. There are number of other terms related to slang, one of them is colloquialism that involves contraction and pronunciation.

Based on the result of the research, the writer found that C‟nS (Cool‟n

Smart) English Teen Magizane especially in Chit Chat Rubric used many

American slang word such as Buck (money), pal ( friend), etc. And also used many contractions in its writing such as wanna (want to), whaddya (what do you).


47 Ardani, Lili. 2006. A thesis. The Usage America Slang Word on C‟nS (Cool‟n Smart) English Teen Magizane. Adab Faculty: English Literature,The State Institute For Islamic Studies;Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


Based on the example above, the writer can take the conclusion that the teen magizane is not only different from its vocabulary, but also from style of writing that used mani contractions and in fact, the colloquialism is not only appeared in oral speech but also it has been used in novel, comic, magizane, and kind of another written, especially on C‟nS (Cool‟n Smart) English Teen Magizane especially in Chit Chat Rubric.

From review related above it can be seen that the same point this research with them are on the used of the theory likes; Sociolinguistic Approach, the meaning lexical and contextual and at the same using the qualitative descriptive with the documentation as a collecting data. The difference of this research with them are on the focuses of the study were the writer focus on the kinds of slang word used by Alex, kinds of meaning of slang word used in the Hitch film by

Andy Tennant and the characters uses slang words in the Hitch film by Andy





A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method and descriptive research that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive form. The data were collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the research contained quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research.48 In this thesis, the writer uses qualitative research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistic analysis. Nyoman

Kutha Ratna stated that:

“Metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah, data dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya. Cara-cara inilah yang mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi metode sebab penelitian pada gilirannya melibatkan sejumlah besar gejala sosial yang relevan. Dalam penelitian karya sastra, misalnya, akan dilibatkan pengarang, lingkungan social di mana pengarang berada, termasuk unsur- unsur kebudayaan.”49

Its mean that, the qualitative research can be used in this research due to the qualitative method did not only involves the intrinsic aspect in literary work. But,

48John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America: California 1997), p. 15. 49Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi revisi, (: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47.


it can be related with the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. So, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi method. Because, the relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan bukan angka-angka, hal itu disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif.”50

According to Merriam in his book also stated that “Qualitative research is planning a research project can be compared to planning for a variation trip”.51

So, qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data and is it a process to do a research such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative method also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not right. Qualitative research method is the method that rely on research through libraries that rely on data that is almost entirely from the library.

In this theory, qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being researched. Moh

Nazir stated that “Metode deskriptif adalah ini bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi, gaambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki”52. It makes easy the research to get the right data. It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data who are used documentation in this research, by using this qualitative method, the writer felt easy to analyze the film.

50Hartinis Yatim, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan Sosial Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2009), p. 191. 51Sharan B. Merriam, Rualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education, (New York City,1998), p. 3. 52Moh. Nazir, Motode Penelitian, (Bogor: Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, 2011), p. 54.


Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research the writer had a rice answer about the question in analyzing the problem in The Hitch film by Andy Tennant.

B. Sources of Data

The data is the main data directly related to the discussion of the thesis.

The data in this research are taken from The Hitch film, a film which was

directed by Andy Tennant February 11, 2005, with the duration 00:56:59

minutes. The writer use the script, dialogues and picture on screen. The writer

also uses resources in writing proposal indirectly but closely related to the

discussion of the thesis, the data which support this research such as some

internet and cyber data, books, dictionaries, new papers, and the other source

that have correlation with the research.53

C. Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, in this research the writer uses documentation technique, the writer uses some documents that have correlation or support the problem of the research, because this research is descriptive that is why the writer describes and analyzes the data that has been found in The Hicth film to answer of the problems that has been formulated in the formulation of the problem.

53Tim Penyusun, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, (Jambi: Fakultas Adab-Sastra da Kebudayaan Islam, 2011), p. 14.


The instrument used in this study is a document analysis guide compiled based on the theoretical basis of the type of slang, type of meaning and function of slang. Guidelines for analyzing documents relate to the criteria of a data so that it can be included in certain classifications. The document analysis guide grid can be seen in the appendix III.

The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this research more specific. The steps in collecting data: a. Watching the film

The writer collects all data from any sources which are closely related to

the aim of the research and also the writer watches the film repeatedly and

comprehensively for some senses, dialogues, and symbol that exist in the The

Hicth film and articles in the cyber data as many as possible which show a

form of problem. b. Reading the film script

After the writer watches the film, the writer Reads the data about salng

langguages repeatedly, after getting all important sources, the writer reads it to

make sure that the data are correlated with the research. c. Marking the words or sentence

Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statements and

information, as well as afterwards, making a note of data. After reading the

sources carefully, the writer marks any important statements to make the writer

is easier to analyze process for the research. d. Identifying and classifying data


Identifying and classifying the data, after finding all the data completely,

the writer processed the data to analyze them. Finally, the writer makes a good

arrangement for the thesis proposal itself as the last in finalizing research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative research, technique analysis data uses to answer the formulation of the problem in analysis data, the writer uses a technique of data analysis. The writer has several steps from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific.

According to Susan Stainback, “Data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can be developed and ecaluated”.54 Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated that “Sesuai dengan namanya analisis isi terutama berhubungan dengan isi komunikasi baik secara verbal maupun non verbal…55 In line with this statement, the writer uses the method. According to

Nyoman Kutha Ratna:

“Isi dalam metode analisis terdiri dari atas dua macam, yaitu isi laten dan isi komunikasi. Isi laten adalah isi yang terkandung dalam dokumen dan naskah, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah pesan yang terkandung sebagai komunikasi yang terjadi. Isi laten adalah isi sebagaimana dimasudkan oleh penulis, sedangkan isi komunikasi adalah sebagaimana terwujud dalam hubungan naskah dengan konsumen.”56 In this research, the writer uses technique descriptive analysis because this research is descriptive. It is way the writer described, analyzed the data that has been found in the script The Hicth film to find the answer the formulation of the

54Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244. 55Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 48. 56Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 50.


problems that have been formulated. The writer has some steps in analyzing the data, in order to make this research more specific. The steps are:

a. Identifying the classified data

The writer identified the data and made assumptions or finds the slang

language are used in the film and some reasons he used it in The Hicth

film.The writer classified the pictures and dialogues the slang language are

used in the film which has correlated with the source and combined in The

Hicth film. Data presentation is a process of organizing data so that it is

easily analyzed and concluded. Presentation of data in research can be in the

form of narrative descriptions and can be interspersed with images.

Presentation of data in this study begins by categorizing data into data

presentation tables. To facilitate data search, each data is coded differently.

Society slang coded SS, Public house slang coded PS.

b. Describing and Explaining

The writer described the data about the slang language are used in the film

and the writer explans data about the slang language in The Hicth film.

c. Analyzing the data with the theory

The writer analyzed, described about the slang language are used in the film

and the writer analyzed data about the slang language in The Hicth film base

on Fromkin‟s theory about kinds of slang.

d. Making the conclusion


Conclusion is the result of analyzing that answers the research problem based on data analyzing. The conclusion is presented in descriptive or in the form of sentence. This phase is last phase of research. The writer concludes the result of analysis and the answer the formulation of problem in the form of descriptive data.




This chapter represents the finding and analysis of the data, analyzing through the words mean analyzing the words of the text of a story, another principle of analyzing the character are the actions of each characters to behave according to their characteristic in the story in this study the writer chose the theory of slang language and meaning for this study discusses. Based on the findings of the data, exposing data obtained, and discussing in accordance with the theory , it can be concluded the following results:

A. Kinds of Slang Words Used in the Hitch Film

The writer has found eighteen slang words used in the Hitch film and has mentioned above. Then , the writer classifies these wrods based on kind of slang word. There are two kinds of slang words used in the Hitch film, they are:

1. Society slang

Based on theory above, the researcher categorizes the utilized slang word who has characteristics belongs to society slang as follow: a. Gotta

After scolding his boss in the meeting room Albert‟s returned to his room and talked with Alex‟s. Albert‟s told Alex‟s about what he did to his boss, after he finished telling everything to Alex‟s he decided to go back to the meeting room to apologize to the boss.


Albert : I gotta (ss1) go back.57

Alex : No, I didn't tell you to quit.

From the conversation above, the word gotta belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.58 b. Gonna

Sara is buying a newspaper and she is again calling her friend named Casse.

While walking to his office they both cheered by telephone.

Casse : Are you kidding?

Sara : Of course I'm gonna (ss2) run it.59

From the conversation above, the word gonna belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the

57 Duration 00: 23: 08 -> 00: 23: 10,534 58 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 59 Duration 00: 07: 09 -> 00: 07: 10, 316


spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.60 c. Wanna

In this scene Sara‟s and Alex‟s are in front of the restaurant they get an invitation to dinner from the boss, before entering the restaurant Sara‟s returns

Alex's clothes left behind in the car when they go swimming, behind dinner there is a goal Sara‟s and her boss want to achieve, they want to know the profession from Alex‟s, is it true that Alex‟s is a dating doctor.

Sara : Hi. I wasn't sure

you got my message.

Alex :Well, I wasn't sure you called the right guy.

Uh... You must be a glutton for punishment.

Sara : Either that or I really wanna (ss3) pay you back61

From the conversation above, the word wanna belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects

60 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 61 Duration 00: 59: 09 -> 00: 59: 17,614


and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.62

d. Kinda

In this scene Sara and Alex were in a pervert, that morning they both went swimming in the river. after swimming Alex invited Sara to enter the museum and they met a museum guard named Larry then Alex showed a book where in the book there was the name of her grandfather Sara and she immediately cried.

Alex :you can't really know where you're goin' until you know where you been. Ain't that right, Larry? Larry : Amen, brother. Sara : Kinda (ss4)deep for a first date, don't you think?63 From the conversation above, the word kinda belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect

62 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 63 Duration 00:40:29,296->00:40:38,611


toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.64 e. What’s up

After Albert‟s scolded his boss he decided to go back to the meeting room to apologize to his boss, when he wanted to open the door Albert meet Sara‟s and they talked about planning a date together and Albert‟s replied he would arrange their meeting but not this week because this week he was very busy.

Allegra : it‟s Allegra Cole Albert : yes. Hi ... what’s up65 (ss5)

From the conversation above, the word what‟s up belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.66

64 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 65 Duration 00:24:21 -> 00:24:25,227 66 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214


f. Hook up

In this scene Sara‟s was in a restaurant for a date, but the atmosphere changed when Sara‟s scolded Alex‟s because Sara‟s thought that Alex‟s was the date doctor who was being talked about again and then Sara‟s told Alex‟s to leave the restaurant.

Sara : He might hook up67 (ss6)

with Paris Hilton.

Man : Wait, that's it. That's... You're the, uh,

you're the Date Doctor, right?

Casse : Oh, you're the Date Doctor?

From the conversation above, the word hook upbelong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.68

67 Duration 01: 33: 23 -> 01: 33: 37,981 68 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214


g. Shit

This woman is in a hurry to enter the elevator, suddenly the dog comes out of the elevator and runs very fast and this woman feels very upset about the incident that happened to her.

Women : Tobby.. Tobby

Shit !69 (ss7)

From the conversation above, the word shit belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the main characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.70 h. Damn

In this scene Alex‟s is being contacted by a client named Albert‟s. During the afternoon Albert‟s was meeting with his boss and he scolded his boss because of a woman he liked then Albert‟s returned to his room and randomly scrambled the contents of his room and Alex‟s scolded him.

69 Duration 00: 02: 51 -> 00: 02: 52,716 70 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214


Allegra : Great. Let me give you my number.

Do you have a pen?

Albert : I don't... think I have one.

Allegra : And... call me Allegra.

Alex : Albert..... oh, damn71 (ss8)

From the conversation above, the word damn belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.72 i. Hell

Max‟s is someone who has a gossip account where Sara‟s works when

Max‟s meet Sara‟s on the street after she reads the newspaper published that day and Max‟s ask Sara‟s who Albert‟s Brenemant was last night dating Allegra‟s

Man : Max is gonna...

Sara : Gonna be really irritated.

71 Duration: 00:25:10,375 – > 00:25:12,375

72 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214


Man : You know, when I got the train this morning,

I thought it was gonna be a good day.

Max : Who the hell (ss9)is Albert Brennaman?73

From the conversation above, the word hell belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.74 m. Sweetheart

In this scene Alex‟s is at a club with friends playing wild then Alex‟s meet a woman and asks the woman to deliver a drink for him.

Alex : come to get my foot outta my

mouth, sweetheart.75 (ss10)

73 Duration 00: 51: 06 -> 00: 51: 08,679 74 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 75 Duration: 00:12:51,116 --> 00:12:53,044


From the conversation above, the word sweetheart belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.76 n. Cool

In this conversation Alex asked Albert to go to the party with Allegra then

Alex told Albert to look cool like Allegra's preferred man criteria

Alex : Tonight, I want you to do meditate

on the image of an iceberg

Alex : Do you know why I want you to do that ?

Allbert : Because I cool77 (ss11)

From the conversation above, the word cool belong to society slang because based on the theories the word that come from the habitual society of the characters and used in their daily conversation. Society slang is concerned the spirit of universe, the world life, it also hovers, joyously, or jauntily over objects and the practice of slangster‟s own calling. With the different jargon treats that

76 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 77 Duration: 00:43:10,345 --> 00: 46:01,777


solemnity and respect the avocation it serve, but slang seldom retains respect toward it. Treats that avocation with the detached amusement that, viewed from a far, every human activity seems to invite.78

2.Public House slang

Based on theory above, the researcher categorizes the utilized slang word who has characteristics belongs to society slang as follow: a. Guys

In this scene Alex‟s is still in a club he tells a story about a man who hurts a woman and he said before he was not part of this man because he was once hurt by Alex‟s having the purpose of helping a man get a woman he likes.

Alex : Some guys (ps1) naturally develop a comfort

with the opposite sex.79

From the conversation above, the word guys belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness

78 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday, p.214 79 Duration 00: 12: 57 -> 00: 13: 00,847


of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.80 b. Buddy

In this scene Sara‟s was in a restaurant for a date, but the atmosphere changed when Sara‟s scolded Alex‟s because Sara‟s thought that Alex‟s was the date doctor who was being talked about again and then Sara‟s told Alex‟s to leave the restaurant.

Sara : Why don't you go hit a titty bar

with your buddy (ps2)Vance?81

Alex : Wow. I don‟t believe this

From the conversation above, the word buddy belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.82

80 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159 81Duration 01: 33: 49 -> 01: 34: 01,882 82 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159


c. Kids

Casse's a good friend of Sara‟s and they work in the same place. on that morning when he arrived at the office they talked to each other about their personal life problems at that time Casse‟s said that he wanted to have a good partner and have children. Casse‟s dreamed of a happy life.

Casse : He told me all these intimate things,

like... how he can't taste food...

and he wants three kids...(ps3)83

Sara : So, you slept with 'im.

Casse : I never seen anybody

dressed that fast.

From the conversation above, the word kids belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.84

83 Duration 01: 12: 54 -> 01: 12: 58,289 84 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159


d. Baby

In this scene Alex‟s was in a club he was challenged by his friend to seduce a woman who was surrounded by many men then Alex‟s approached the woman and got the attention of the woman.

Alex : Hey, uh, baby, (ps4)can I get a couple Coronas

over at the pool table, please? Thanks.85

Girl : Excuse me.

Alex : Excuse me.

Lime wedges in the bottle's fine.

Girl : Hey, asshole, I don't work here.

From the conversation above, the word baby belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.86

85 Duration 00:12:26,212 -> 00:12:34,184 86 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159


e. Dude

In this scene Alex was in the middle of the road when it was raining, he saw his girlfriend Cressida in a car with another man.

Alex : What are you doin‟?

Cressida : I-m I-m sory Alex

Alex : But I love you I love you

What just.. What did I do wrong

Just tell me what I did wrong.

Man : Dude, (ps5)you're doin' it right now.87

From the conversation above, the word dude belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.88 f. Fuck off

In this club for the first time Alex‟s meet Sara‟s. at that time Alex‟s who was sitting drinking a glass of beer saw Sara‟s who was sitting alone then Alex

87 Duration 00:14:39,815->00:14:49,015

88 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159


met Sara‟s and they got acquainted after a while Alex‟s said goodbye to Sara‟s that he had to go.

Alex : there's always the "fuck off" (ps6)

that you have stamped on your forehead.89

From the conversation above, the word fuck off belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.90 g. Yeah

In this job a man is he who is by the way he is a journalist. he worked one office with Sara at the time he was handing out one koren that was published today.

Man : I-m really sorry

Sara : oh god. Why

She was there?

Man : I left you bunch of massages my phone feel in the Hudson

89 Duration 00: 27: 30 -> 00: 27: 34,750 90 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159


Man : yeah, (ps7) gets worse91

From the conversation above, the word yeah belongs to public house slang because it has characteristic related with this kind of public house slang, which is used in informal occasion in the public, expression of the genial and cheery felling. Public house group words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. The definition of public house slang is considered as public house groups words and phrases make up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by nature the subject. It is the main, genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical.92

B. The Meaning of Slang Words Used in the Hitch Film

1. Connotative Meaning a. Hell

Max‟s is someone who has a gossip account where Sara‟s works when

Max‟s meet Sara‟s on the street after she reads the newspaper published that day and Max‟s ask Sara‟s who Albert‟s Brenemant was last night dating Allegra‟s

Max : Who the hell is Albert Brennaman?93

As seen in the dialogue above it show that the word hell is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “hell”

91 Duration 00:52:25->00:52:35,117 92 Partridge Eric, Slang Today and Yesterday,p.159 93 Duration 00: 51: 06 -> 00: 51: 08,679


means „destruction or dificulty”. In dialogue above is used for asking someone when

Max asks Sara who Albert Brennamant was, why Albert Brennamant could go with Allegra‟s in party or Albert Brennamant is Allegra‟s bodyguard. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought. 94 b. Shit

This woman is in a hurry to enter the elevator, suddenly the dog comes out of the elevator and runs very fast and this woman feels very upset about the incident that happened to her.

Women : Shit !95

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word shit is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “shit” mean “defecation”. In the conversation used the woman was upset when the dog went and ran from Lf and chased a dog deliberately released by Alex and Alex exchanged the dog and gave the dog to you and instructed the man to pretend to be hit by a car to save the dog and get the attention of the woman. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether

94 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, (University of Leeds, 2014), p. 2 95 Duration 00: 02: 51 -> 00: 02: 52,716


it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation.

Sometimes, people have the same or different thought. 96 c. Damn

In this scene Alex‟s is being contacted by a client named Albert‟s. During the afternoon Albert‟s was meeting with his boss and he scolded his boss because of a woman he liked then Albert‟s returned to his room and randomly scrambled the contents of his room and Alex‟s scolded him.

Alex : Albert..... oh, damn97

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word damn is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “damn” means “curse”. Based on the dialogue used the Alex an angry and annoyed expression with Albert because Albert made a mistake by pointing out his stupid attitude to Allegra. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought. 98 d. Baby

96 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, p. 2 97 Duration: 00:25:10,375 – > 00:25:12,375 98 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, (p. 2


In this scene Alex‟s was in a club he was challenged by his friend to seduce a woman who was surrounded by many men then Alex‟s approached the woman and got the attention of the woman.

Alex : Hey, uh, baby, can I get a couple Coronas99

over at the pool table, please? Thanks.

Girl : Excuse me.

Alex : Excuse me.

Lime wedges in the bottle's fine.

Girl : Hey, asshole, I don't work here.

Based on the dialogue shows that the word baby is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “baby” mean

“honey”. In dialogue above used the Alex wanted to look for the girl's attention by calling her affection, that was one of Alex's ways to approach women. he did it because the theme was impressed with him and challenged Alex to get her attention. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought.


99 Duration 00:12:26,212 -> 00:12:34,184 100 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, p. 2


e. Yeah

In this job a man is he who is by the way he is a journalist. he worked one office with Sara at the time he was handing out one koren that was published today.

Man : I‟m really sory Sara :oh god. Why ? She was there? Man :I left you bunch of messages Sara :my phone fell in the Hudson Man :yeah, gets worse101 As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word yeah is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “yeah” mean “yes” but in dialogue above is used the Man respond when Sara is asking hirself. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought.

102 f. Cool

In this conversation Alex asked Albert to go to the party with Allegra then

Alex told Albert to look cool like Allegra's preferred man criteria

Alex : Tonight, I want you to do meditate

on the image of an iceberg

101 Duration 00:52:25->00:52:35,117 102 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, p. 2


Alex : Do you know why I want you to do that ?

Allbert : Because I cool103

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word cool is conntative meaning because it is not specific to language. The meaning of the word “cool” mean “handsome”. This conversation was used by Alex‟s so Albert‟s cared more about his appearance. Tarigan asserts that connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. Based on it, the meaning depends on personal interpretation. Sometimes, people have the same or different thought. 104

2. Conceptual Meaning

Conceptual meaning (logical, cognitive, or denotative content). It refers to the dictionary meaning which indicates the concepts. In reading we can find many different words have the same conceptual meanings.105 a. Buddy

In this scene Sara‟s was in a restaurant for a date, but the atmosphere changed when Sara‟s scolded Alex‟s because Sara‟s thought that Alex‟s was the date doctor who was being talked about again and then Sara‟s told Alex‟s to leave the restaurant.

Sara : Why don't you go hit a titty bar

103 Duration: 00:43:10,345 --> 00: 46:01,777 104 James Dickins, Associative Meaning and Scalar Implicature: A Lingguistic Semiotic Account, p. 2 105 (11:07)


with your buddy Vance?106

Alex : Wow. I don‟t believe this

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word buddy is conceptual meaning because based on dictionary that refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word “buddy” mean “friend”. In conversation above used for asking someone asking Alex to go with Vance, because she thinks that Alex and Vance work together to be lier with the woman. So, she used the word buddy is conceptual meaning based on dictionary and logical. Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation).107 b. Kids

Casse's a good friend of Sara‟s and they work in the same place. on that morning when he arrived at the office they talked to each other about their personal life problems at that time Casse‟s said that he wanted to have a good partner and have children. Casse‟s dreamed of a happy life.

Casse : He told me all these intimate things,

like... how he can't taste food...

106 Duration 01: 33: 49 -> 01: 34: 01,882 107 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34


and he wants three kids...108

Sara : So, you slept with 'im.

Casse : I never seen anybody

get dressed that fast.

The conversation in the dialogue the word kids is conceptual meaning because based on dictionary that refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word “kids” mean “children”. In dialogue above used that day

Casse was furious because he felt fooled by the man he loved. before he went to

Scalinatella his attitude was very sweet and his attention to them they dreamed of having 3 kids, but after he dated the boy changed them no longer harmonious.

Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation).109 c. Fuck off

In this club for the first time Alex‟s meet Sara‟s. at that time Alex‟s who was sitting drinking a glass of beer saw Sara‟s who was sitting alone then Alex met

Sara‟s and they got acquainted after a while Alex‟s said goodbye to Sara‟s that he had to go.

Alex : there's always the "fuck off"

108Duration 01: 12: 54 -> 01: 12: 58,289 109 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34


that you have stamped on your


As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word fuck off is conceptual meaning because based on dictionary that refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word “fuck off” mean “go”. In dialogue above used Alex to impress Sara and laugh her laughter, Alex said there was a writing going on Sara's forehead. Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning

(denatation).111 d. Pissin’

Alex‟s is in a restaurant where at that time the owner of the restaurant has a date with the system every bell rings the person has to exchange a couple, on this occasion Alex‟s is cornered by Sara‟s who says that Alex‟s helped the man in stripes to get the woman he wanted to tighten Alex‟s did not accept on charges

Sara‟s then Alex‟s is angry then leaves.

Sara : And if Albert Brennaman has

to take a fall for it, so be it.

Alex : Why don't you say

110 Duration 00: 27: 30 -> 00: 27: 34,750 111 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34


what's really pissin' you off?112

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word pissin is conceptual meaning because based on dictionary that refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word “pissin” mean “angry”. In the Conversation above used Alex‟s confused what makes Sara‟s upset like that. and it turns out that Sara‟s misjudged Alex‟s because is not like what Sara think. Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation).113 e. Kinda

In this scene Sara and Alex were in a pervert, that morning they both went swimming in the river. after swimming Alex invited Sara to enter the museum and they met a museum guard named Larry then Alex showed a book where in the book there was the name of her grandfather Sara and she immediately cried.

Alex :you can't really know where

you're goin' until you know where you been.

Ain't that right, Larry?

Larry : Amen, brother.

Sara : Kinda deep for a first date,

112 Duration 01: 31: 45 -> 01: 31: 46,590 113 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34


don't you think?114

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word kinda is conceptual meaning because based on dictionary that refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word “kinda” mean “rather”. in dialogue above is used Sara‟s That morning they went to play in the river, after those who used them decided to go to the museum when they arrived in the museum Alex‟s invited Sararol to see what was inside the museum. Sara‟s was moved because she had been invited to visit the museum and Sara‟s said to Alex‟s this was the first date that meant that she was very happy to have been invited to the museum.

Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation).115 f. Dude

In this scene Alex was in the middle of the road when it was raining, he saw his girlfriend Cressida in a car with another man.

Alex : What are you doin'?

Cressida : I'm-I'm sorry, Alex.

Alex : But I love you. I love you.

What just... What

did I do wrong? Just tell me what

114 Duration 00:40:29,296->00:40:38,611 115 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34


I did wrong.

Man : Dude, you're doin' it right now.116

As seen in the dialogue above it shows that the word dude is conceptual meaning because refers to the logical sense of the utterance. The meaning of the word dude is (boy), in dialogue above is used Man wold like to he he told Alex‟s to leave his car because he was dating with his girlfriend, he used the word what‟s up is conceptual meaning based on dictionary and logical. Conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic component of grammatical competence. It is alternatively described as the cognitive or the denotative meaning (denatation).117

3. Social Meaning

Social meaning refers to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and to maintain social roles. This type of language use is alternatively described as social or phatic communication.118 a. Guys

this scene Alex is in a nightclub and he uses Guys slang to help men who

are really serious to women.

Alex : Some guys naturally develop a comfort

116 Duration 00:14:39,815->00:14:49,015

117 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34 118 R Umagandhi and M Vinothini, Leech‟s Seven Types of Meaning in Semantics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Vol 04 issue 3 march, p. 71-72


with the opposite sex.119

Based on the conversation above, the word guy includes to social meaning, because this is told about the social circumstances in Hitch film. Alex's literacy to talk to people who want to talk to the woman he loves Alex who has a high social spirit helps immediately, In this case the author uses the context of the conversation in the film to get the meaning. Therefore, based on social meaning, the meaning of “guys” mean “man”. Social meaning is the meaning which an expression conveys about the contexts or social circumstances of its use. It chiefly includes stylistic meaning of an word. It is the formality of the expression. 120 b. Gotta

After scolding his boss in the meeting room Albert‟s returned to his room and talked with Alex‟s. Albert‟s told Alex‟s about what he did to his boss, after he finished telling everything to Alex‟s he decided to go back to the meeting room to apologize to the boss.

Albert : I gotta go back.121

Alex : No, I didn‟t tell you to quit

Based on the conversation above, the word gotta includes to social meaning, because this is told about the social circumstances in Hitch film. When

Albert's compilation scolded his boss in the meeting room Albert felt guilty and he wanted to ask the boss for forgiveness, apologizing that Albert had a good

119 Duration 00: 12: 57 -> 00: 13: 00,847 120 F. R, Palmer, Semantics,( New York Cambridge University Press, 1971), p. 34

121 Duration 00: 23: 08 -> 00: 23: 10,534


social spirit. In this case the author uses the context of the conversation in the film to get the meaning. Therefore, based on social meaning, the meaning “gotta” mean “go to”. Social meaning is the meaning which an expression conveys about the contexts or social circumstances of its use. It chiefly includes stylistic meaning of an word. It is the formality of the expression. 122 c. Wanna

In this scene Sara‟s and Alex‟s are in front of the restaurant they get an

invitation to dinner from the boss, before entering the restaurant Sara‟s returns

Alex's clothes left behind in the car when they go swimming.

Sara : Hi. I wasn't sure

you got my message.

Alex :Well, I wasn't sure you called the right guy.

Uh... You must be a glutton for punishment.

Sara : Either that or I really wanna pay you back123

Based on the conversation above, the word gotta includes to social meaning, because this is told about the social circumstances in Hitch film. Sara asks if you took my message and then Alex answers why you want to punish Sara and I answer yes I really want to punish you, so Sara gives Alex's shirt left behind, so Sara shows that she has good social relations with people other. In this case the

122 R Umagandhi and M Vinothini, Leech‟s Seven Types of Meaning in Semantics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Vol 04 issue 3 march, p. 71-72 123 Duration 00: 59: 09 -> 00: 59: 17,614


author uses the context of the conversation in the film to get the meaning.

Therefore, based on social meaning, the meaning “wanna” mean “want to”.

Social meaning is the meaning which an expression conveys about the contexts or social circumstances of its use. It chiefly includes stylistic meaning of an word. It is the formality of the expression. 124 d. Gonna

Sara is buying a newspaper and she is again calling her friend named Casse.

While walking to his office they both cheered by telephone.

Casse : Are you kidding?

Sara : Of course I'm gonna run it.125

Based on the conversation above, the word gotta includes to social meaning, because this is told about the social circumstances in Hitch film. Casse's surprised to hear Sara said that Allegra was the most extraordinary woman in all of New York, and Sara would make a report on the gossip account that Allegra extraordinary woman was in New York. Sara and Casse have a high social spirit they care about others. In this case the author uses the context of the conversation in the film to get the meaning. Therefore, based on social meaning, the meaning

“wanna” mean “going to”. Social meaning is the meaning which an expression

124 R Umagandhi and M Vinothini, Leech‟s Seven Types of Meaning in Semantics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. p. 71-72 125 Duration 00: 07: 09 -> 00: 07: 10, 316


conveys about the contexts or social circumstances of its use. It chiefly includes stylistic meaning of an word. It is the formality of the expression. 126

C.The Function Of Slang Words Used In The Hitch Film By Andy


In this point the researcher describe above the function of slang words found in the film Hitch as follow:

1. To Initate Relax Conversation a. SweetHeart

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.127 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.

Alex : come to get my foot outta my

mouth, sweetheart.128

In this conversation occurs in a club. at that time Alex‟s saw a beautiful woman being mobbed by a lot of men. In the conversation in the script film,

126 R Umagandhi and M Vinothini, Leech‟s Seven Types of Meaning in Semantics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.p. 71-72 127 Marriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, (New York: Simutanoosly Publisher 2006), P. 1 128 Duration: 00:12:51,116 --> 00:12:53,044


Alex‟s uses slang to create a comfortable atmosphere and relaxed conversation with the woman. Alex approached the meeting and asked him to deliver a glass of drink to him. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.129 b. Baby Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.130 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.131

Alex : Hey, uh, baby, can I get a couple Coronas132 over at the pool table, please? Thanks. Girl : Excuse me. Alex : Excuse me. Lime wedges in the bottle's fine. Girl : Hey, asshole, I don't work here.

In this scene Alex was challenged by his friend to approach a woman who was not far from them then Alex began to approach the woman with very sweet

129 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language. Cambride 2006: p. 10 130 Marriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, p. 1 131 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 132 Duration 00:12:26,212 -> 00:12:34,184


words, Alex deliberately made her misunderstand by saying that the woman was a servant from the bar then she approached him and said that he was not a servant here. In the conversation in the script film, Alex‟s uses slang to create a comfortable atmosphere and relaxed conversation with the woman. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.133 c. Guys

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.134 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.135

Alex : Some guys136 naturally develop a comfort with the opposite sex.

133 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 134 Miriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, (New York: Simultanooesly Publisher, 2006), p. 1 135 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10

136 Duration 00:12:57-> 00:13:00,847


This dialogue tells the story of Alex before becoming a dating doctor. he told me about his problem being hurt by his girlfriend and preferring another man, he told other men how to approach a woman. In the conversation in the film script, guys means men and Alex uses slang to tell how to approach a woman.

Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.137 d. Buddy

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.138 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.

Sara : Why don't you go hit a titty bar with your buddy Vance?139 Alex : Wow. I don‟t believe this This scene Sara is in a restaurant for mass dating. before going to the restaurant Sara and Alex already had a problem with that date Sara used slang

137 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 138 Marriam Meyerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, p. 1 139 Duration 01: 33: 49 -> 01: 34: 01,882


Buddy's to soften her words to Alex and to improve the atmosphere that was not good. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.140 e. Yeah

In this job a man is he who is by the way he is a journalist. he worked one office with Sara at the time he was handing out one koren that was published today.

Man : I‟m really sory

Sara :oh god. Why ? She was there?

Man :I left you bunch of messages

Sara :my phone fell in the Hudson

Man :yeah, gets worse141

In this dialogue Sara was walking to her office, in the middle of the journey Sara met her coworker who wanted to show the news circulating in the news about Albert and Allegra who had attended an event last night. the man used slang yeah to show his familiarity with Sara. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.142

140 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 141 Duration 00:52:25->00:52:35,117 142 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of


f. Fuc off

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.143 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.

Alex : there's always the "fuck off"144

that you have stamped on your forehead.

In this scene Alex was at a night club here he first met Sara. he saw Sara who was sitting alone in a chair and Alex approached Sara after getting acquainted Alex said there was writing going to your forehead. Alex used the word fuck off slang to soften the language to go from the face of Sara, whom he had just known a while ago. In conversations in movie scripts, Alex prefers to use slang words to create casual conversations, compile them talk to others. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.145

Language, P.10 143 Marriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, P. 8 144 Duration 00: 27: 30 -> 00: 27: 34,750 145 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of


g. Kids Casse's a good friend of Sara‟s and they work in the same place. on that morning when he arrived at the office they talked to each other about their personal life problems at that time Casse‟s said that he wanted to have a good partner and have children. Casse‟s dreamed of a happy life.

Casse : He told me all these

intimate things,

like... how he can't taste food...and he wants three kids...146

Sara : So, you slept with 'im. Casse : I never seen anybody

get dressed that fast.

Casse's a good friend of Sara‟s and they work in the same place. on that morning when he arrived at the office they talked to each other about their personal life problems at that time Casse‟s said that he wanted to have a good partner and have children. Casse‟s dreamed of a happy life. In this conversation

Casse said subtly that he wanted to get married. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.147

Language, P.10 146 Duration 01: 12: 54 -> 01: 12: 58,289 147 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language,p.10


h. Pissin

Alex‟s is in a restaurant where at that time the owner of the restaurant has a date with the system every bell rings the person has to exchange a couple, on this occasion Alex‟s is cornered by Sara‟s who says that Alex‟s helped the man in stripes to get the woman he wanted to tighten Alex‟s did not accept on charges

Sara‟s then Alex‟s is angry then leaves.

Sara : And if Albert Brennaman has

to take a fall for it, so be it.

Alex : Why don't you say

what's really pissin' you off?148

In this conversation Alex was angry at Sara who had accused herself of being a dating doctor, to correct Alex's feelings using the pissin slang word 'to refine his language. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.149

148 Duration 01: 31: 45 -> 01: 31: 46,590 149 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


i. Hell

Max‟s is someone who has a gossip account where Sara‟s works when

Max‟s meet Sara‟s on the street after she reads the newspaper published that day and Max‟s ask Sara‟s who Albert‟s Brenemant was last night dating Allegra‟s

Man : Max is gonna...

Sara : Gonna be really irritated.

Man : You know, when I got the train this morning I thought it was gonna be a good day.

Max : Who the hell is Albert Brennaman?150

Max‟s is someone who has a gossip account where Sara‟s works when

Max‟s meet Sara‟s on the street after she reads the newspaper published that day and Max‟s ask Sara‟s who Albert‟s Brenemant was last night dating Allegra‟s. In this conversation Max asked Sara who Albert was, he used hell's hose to refine his language in front of Sara. Another function is to initiate relax conversation.

Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.151

150 Duration 00: 51: 06 -> 00: 51: 08,679 151 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


j. Hook up

In this scene Sara‟s was in a restaurant for a date, but the atmosphere changed when Sara‟s scolded Alex‟s because Sara‟s thought that Alex‟s was the date doctor who was being talked about again and then Sara‟s told Alex‟s to leave the restaurant.

Sara : He might hook up152

with Paris Hilton.

Man : Wait, that's it. That's... You're the, uh,

you're the Date Doctor, right?

Casse : Oh, you're the Date Doctor?153

In this scene Sara‟s was in a restaurant for a date, but the atmosphere changed when Sara‟s scolded Alex‟s because Sara‟s thought that Alex‟s was the date doctor who was being talked about again and then Sara‟s told Alex‟s to leave the restaurant. In a conversation in the movie script, Sara has a close relationship with Alex and they prefer to use slang to create casual conversations, compile them talk to each other. Another function is to initiate relax conversation.

Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.154

152 Duration 01: 33: 23 -> 01: 33: 37,981

154 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


k. What’s up

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.155 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.

Allegra : it‟s Allegra Cole Albert : yes. Hi ... what’s up156

After Albert‟s scolded his boss he decided to go back to the meeting room to apologize to his boss, when he wanted to open the door Albert meet Sara‟s and they talked about planning a date together and Albert‟s replied he would arrange their meeting but not this week because this week he was very busy. In conversations in film scripts, Albert used slang to make casual conversations with

Allegra to make him look more intimate. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.157

155 Marriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, (New York: Simultanooesly Publisher, 200), P. 1 156 Duration 00:24:21->00:24:25,227 157 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


i. Kinda

In this scene Sara and Alex were in a pervert, that morning they both went swimming in the river. after swimming Alex invited Sara to enter the museum and they met a museum guard named Larry then Alex showed a book where in the book there was the name of her grandfather Sara and she immediately cried.

Alex :you can't really know where

you're goin' until you know where you been.

Ain't that right, Larry?

Larry : Amen, brother.

Sara : Kinda deep for a first date,

don't you think?158

in this scene Sara and Alex were in a pervert, that morning they both went swimming in the river. after swimming Alex invited Sara to enter the museum and they met a museum guard named Larry then Alex showed a book where in the book there was the name of her grandfather Sara and she immediately cried. Sara uses kinda slang to look more relaxed in expressing her excitement because it has been under the museum. Another function is to initiate relax conversation.

158 Duration 00:40:29,296->00:40:38,611


Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.159 j. Gotta

After scolding his boss in the meeting room Albert‟s returned to his room and talked with Alex‟s. Albert‟s told Alex‟s about what he did to his boss, after he finished telling everything to Alex‟s he decided to go back to the meeting room to apologize to the boss.

Albert : I gotta go back.160

Alex : No, I didn't tell you to quit.

Albert scolded his boss because the boss didn't allow Allegra to invest on his own, Albert felt guilty at going to apologize to the boss with action Albert wanted to apologize to the boss showing the function of the hose to relax the condition. Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.161

159 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 160 Duration 00: 23: 08 -> 00: 23: 10,534 161 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


k. Wanna

In this scene Sara‟s and Alex‟s are in front of the restaurant they get an invitation to dinner from the boss, before entering the restaurant Sara‟s returns

Alex's clothes left behind in the car when they go swimming.

Sara : Hi. I wasn't sure

you got my message.

Alex :Well, I wasn't sure you called the right guy.

Uh... You must be a glutton

for punishment.

Sara : Either that or I really

wanna pay you back.162

Alex and Sara are in front of the restaurant to attend the dinner invitation from the boss. Sara has a special goal of approaching Alex to find out Alex's real work. Sara invited Alex to joke laughing to relax their conversation so Alex wasn't suspicious of his purpose. Another function is to initiate relax conversation.

Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation.163

162 Duration 00: 59: 09 -> 00: 59: 17,614 163 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10


2.To humiliate a. Dude

Miriam Meyerhoff said that the simple meaning of sociolinguistics is a study of relationship between language and society, it examines the way people use language in different social context and people signal aspects of their social identity.164 As explained above, the approach used in this analysis is sociolingguisic which this approach discusses the relationship of language and society. This thesis analyzes the slang language in which language is a tool for communicating between people with one another.

Alex : What are you doin'? Cressida : I'm-I'm sorry, Alex. Alex : But I love you. I love you. What just... What did I do wrong? Just tell me what I did wrong. Man : Dude, you're doin' it right now.165

In this conversation, Alex was seeing his girlfriend dating with another man in the car, then Alex approached the car and talked to his girlfriend, then he was not happy with Alex's presence and told Alex to leave. In a conversation in the movie script, the man used the slang dude to tell Alex to leave. The speakers

164 Marriam Mayerhoff, Introducing Sociolinguistics, P. 8 165 Duration 00:14:39,815->00:14:49,015


has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them.166 b. Shit

This woman is in a hurry to enter the elevator, suddenly the dog comes out of the elevator and runs very fast and this woman feels very upset about the incident that happened to her.

Women : Tobby.. Tobby Shit !!167

This woman is in a hurry to enter the elevator, suddenly the dog comes out of the elevator and runs very fast and this woman feels very upset about the incident that happened to her. The speakers has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them.168 d. Damn

In this scene Alex‟s is being contacted by a client named Albert‟s. During the afternoon Albert‟s was meeting with his boss and he scolded his boss because of a woman he liked then Albert‟s returned to his room and randomly scrambled the contents of his room and Alex‟s scolded him.

166 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P.10 167 Duration 00: 02: 51 -> 00: 02: 52,716 168 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P. 10


Allegra : Great. Let me give you my number.

Do you have a pen?

Albert : I don't... think I have one.

Allegra : And... call me Allegra.

Alex : Albert... Oh, damn.169

In this scene Alex‟s is being contacted by a client named Albert‟s. During the afternoon Albert‟s was meeting with his boss and he scolded his boss because of a woman he liked then Albert‟s returned to his room and randomly scrambled the contents of his room and Alex‟s scolded him. In the conversation in the movie script, Alex uses slang damn to mock Albert, because Alex is tired and tired of

Albert's careless behavior. The speakers has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them.170

169 Duration: 00:25:10,375 – > 00:25:12,375

170 Allan, K., Burride, K., Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of Language, P. 10




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data collection from in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant, the writer concluded as follow :

There are two kind of slang words used in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant such as society slang (gotta, gonna, wanna, what‟s up, hook up, shit, damn, hell, yeah, kinda, sweetheart), public house slang (buddy, guys, baby, kids, fuck off, dude).

There are three meaning of slang words in the Hitch film by Andy Tennant such as connotative meaning where it is not specific to language (baby, damn, shit, hell, yeah, cool), conceptual meaning refers to the logical sense of the utterancee (pissin, fuck off, kids, buddy, kinda, dude, sweetheart), and Social meaning refers to the use of language to establish and regulate social relations and to maintain social roles (guys, gotta, gonna, wanna).

There are two function of slang words used in the Hitch fim by Andy

Tennant susch as to initate relax conversation where it is not specific to langguage

(sweetheart, baby, guys, buddy, yeah, fuck off, kids, pissin‟, hell, hook up, what‟s up, kinda, wanna and gotta), and to humiliate The speakers has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them (dude, shit, damn).


The author concludes that there are 18 slang languages found in this film and the authors classify them into two parts, the first slang society and the public house slang of the eighteen slang words used in the film Hitch the author only found three types of meanings and the author also found some functions of the slang language used in the Hitch film.

B. Suggestion

After draw some conclusions, the writer would like to give some suggestion that are hopefully having a meaning for all lecturer and students especially in

English Literature Departmentand also general reader. The writer realize that this research is far from being perfect because of the researchs‟s knowledge.

For the student of English Literature Department of Islamic State

University STS Jambi may use Hitch Film by Andy Tennant as a reference for giving insights about the other side of the slang language, and influence to more attractive in literature.

For other research, this also can be used as refrences by other University students who are interested in literary study on Hitch Film by Andy Tennant based on sociolinguistics approach.

For those who like watching comedy movies, I consult to watch Hitch movies because in this film not only for comedy, there are lessons that can be learned from films such as helping others without waiting for anything.



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Synopsis of Hitch film

Alex "Hitch" Hitchens (Will Smith) is a professional "date doctor" who coaches other men in the art of wooing women, with a focus on long-term relationships. He is very successful at what he does. While coaching one of his clients, Albert Brennaman (Kevin James) - who is smitten with a client of his investment firm, celebrity Allegra Cole () - Hitch finds himself falling for Sara Melas (Eva Mendes). Sara is a gossip columnist and workaholic.

While Albert and Allegra's relationship continues to progress, Hitch finds it difficult to initiate a dialogue with Sara, finding that none of his romantic methods is working on her. Throughout the entire process, he keeps his career secret, claiming to be a generic "consultant."

Hitch meets with Vance Munson (Jeffrey Donovan), a shallow chauvinist attempting to enlist Hitch to help him land a one-night stand with Casey Sedgewick (Julie Ann Emery), Sara's coworker and best friend.

Although Hitch refuses to help, Vance misleads Sara into believing that he has used Hitch's services.

After finding out Hitch's true identity, Sara publishes an exposé, causing

Allegra and Albert to break up and Hitch's reputation to suffer. At a speed dating cafe that Hitch sneaks into, Sara and Casey confront Hitch and cite Vance as their source. Hitch explains that not only did he refuse to work with him -

Vance's personality type is why women protect themselves - but that same


protection also unintentionally made establishing genuine relationships difficult enough to create a demand for Hitch's services.

Hitch then tries to salvage Albert and Allegra's relationship. He confronts

Allegra, and realizes that he doesn't really do anything significant besides giving his clients confidence and allowing them to get the attention of the women, and that most of his customers, particularly Albert, really were successful just being themselves. Allegra reconciles with Albert. The film ends with Albert and Allegra getting married as well as Hitch and Sara resuming their relationship.171

171 Wikipedia. Hitch Film. Accessed on 28 October 2018. At 11:35. Retrieved from the htt://


Appendix II

Kinds of Slang Words Used in the Hitch Film

A. Society Slang

No Slang Dialogues Descripsion Duration Word 1 Gotta Albert : I gotta go Albert is angry with 00: 23: 08 -> (ss1) back. the his boss and he 00: 23: 10,534 Alex : No, I didn't want to go bact to the tell you to quit. meeting room apologize the boss.

2 Gonna Casse: Are you Sara is on the road to 00: 07: 09 -> (ss2) kidding? her work place and 00: 07: 10, 316 Sara : Of course I'm Casse uses slang to gonna run it ask about where your posision Sara‟s. 3 Wanna Sara: Hi. I wasn't In this scene Alex 00:59:09-> (ss3) sure you got my and Sara are in fornt 00:59:17,614 message. of the restaurant, Alex :Well, I wasn't then Sara takes Alex sure you called the in because the boss is right guy.Uh... You waiting for them in must be a glutton for the restaurant. punishment. Sara: Either that or I really wanna pay you back 4 Kinda Alex:you can't really Sara said this was 00: 59: 09 -> (ss4) know where you're her first date and she 00: 59: 17,614 goin' until you know felt very happy. where you been.Ain't that right, Larry? Larry: Amen, brother. Sara: Kinda deep for a first date, don't you think?


5 What’s up Allegra: it‟s Allegra Albert who was 00:24:21-> (ss5) Cole upset with the boss, 00:24:25,227 Albert: ye. Hii.. then heard Allegra what’s up tell you come to is room and to quit. he opened the door and asked what was wrong wityh you coming here. 6 Hook up Sara : He might They where in a 01:33:23-> (ss6) hook up plece to go on a date 01:33:37.981 with Paris Hilton. together and Sara wa Man : Wait, that's it. angry with Alex and That's... You're the, caused Alex having a uh, you're the Date relationship whit Doctor, right? Paris Hilton and she Casse : Oh, you're was using slang hook the Date Doctor? up.

7 Shit (ss7) Women :Shit !! In this scene the 00: 02: 51 -> women is in a 00: 02: 52,716 elevator and she feels upset when her pet dog leave the elivator. 8 Damn Allegra: Great. Let in this scene Alex 00:25:10,375 – (ss8) me give you my feels annoyed to see > 00:25:12,375 number. the careless attitude Do you have a pen? of Allbert. Albert : I don't... think I have one. Allegra: And... call me Allegra. Alex: Albert..... oh, damn 9 Hell (ss9) Max : who the hell Max is a gosib 00:51:06-> is Albert account where Sara 00:51:08,679 Brennemant ? work he uses slang hell to ask who is Albert Brennemant. 10 Sweetheart Alex: come to get Alex uses sweetheart 00:12:51,116 -- (ss10) my foot outta my hose to attract the > 00:12:53,044 mouth, sweetheart. attention of a women in fornt of him. 11 Cool (ss11) Alex : Tonight, I Alex told Albert to 00:43:10,345 -- want you to do look at the cool so > 00: meditate on the that Allegra was 46:01,777


image of an iceberg stunned by his Alex : Do you know appearance. why I want you to do that ? Allbert : Because I cool .


B. Public House Slang

No Slang word Dialogue Description Duration 1 Guys (ps1) Alex : Some guys In this scene 00:12:57-> naturally develop a Alex in a night 00:13:00,847 comfort with the club he uses opposite sex slang guys to replace the man 2 Buddy Sara : Why don't you In this scene 01:33:49-> (ps2) go hit a titty bar with Sara is angry 01:34:01,882 your buddy Vance? with Alex Alex : Wow. I don‟t because she believe this think Alex is a man who helps a man date a women. 3 Kids (ps3) Casse : He told me all Case loves a 01:12:54-> these intimate things, man who 01:12:58,289 like... how he can't doesn‟t love taste food... and he him. He longs wants three kids... to live with him Sara : So, you slept and 3 has with 'im. children. Casse : I never seen anybody dressed that fast.

4 Baby (ps4) Alex: Hey, uh, baby, Alex uses slang 00:12:26,212- can I get a couple baby tp attract >00:12:34:,184 Coronas over at the the attention of pool table, please? the women if Thanks. front of her. Girl : Excuse me. Alex : Excuse me Lime wedges in the bottle's fine. Girl : Hey, asshole, I don't work here.

5 Dude (ps5) Alex: What are you Alex saw his 00:14:39-> doin‟? girlfriend 00:14:49,015 Cressida: I-m I-m sory Cressida in a car Alex with a man, Alex: But I love you I then he told


love you. What just.. Alex to leave What did I do wrong the car Just tell me what I did wrong. Man: Dude, you're doin' it right now. 6 Fuck off Alex : there's always Alex met Sara 00:27:30-> (ps6) the "fuck off" that you for the first time 00:27:34,750 have stamped on your in a night club forehead and to get their conversation Alex using slang fuck off 7 Yeah (ps7) Man : I-m really sorry Sara met her 00:52:25- Sara: oh god. Why patner work on >00:52:35,117 She was there? the side of the Man : I left you road and her bunch of massages my patner work phone feel in the showed the Hudson news that was Man: yeah, published today gets worse and Sara asked if this was Albert and Allegra then her friend answered yeah.


Appendix III

1. Instrumen Data Analysis

No Variabel Analysis Aspects Analysis

1 Slang words What are kinds of slang words

What are the meaning of slang words

What are the functions of slang words

2. Instrumen Analisis Dokumen

No Variabel Aspects Analysis Indicator Analysis

1 Sl Slang Kinds of slang words: Words

1. Society slang Socioty slang: in society and in all close corporations, group, and sections of society. 2. Public house slang public slang in a public place and has a friendly, cheerful, materialistic, but not rude or cynical nature. 3. Workmen‟s slang Tradesmen's slang and also considered to be people 's activity in working. Most of the users of workmen's slang are laborers either town and farm labourers.


4. Tradesmen‟s slang Tradesmen‟ s slang considers four as typical : tailors, butchers, chemist, and builders. This slang is always deep 5. Slang in commerce business transactions of various exchange of money

6. Slang in public This slang language is usually used by teenagers and is especially used in the 7. Slang in art school environment This slang the meaning is hard to be guessed even in the present day.

8. Slang in publicity Slang in Publicity is often used for commerce, because much of modern commerce depends on publicity, a firms needs the catchy phrase or rhymes that can impress the public.

9. Slang in theater Theater slang is used by the community of art lovers

10. Slang in church Slang is not only a daily

conversation, but also can be found from a holy place such as, church and the used by minister in church.

11. Medicine slang Medicine slang is commonly used in a health community


2 Kinds of meaning:

1. 1. Conotative meaning connotative meaning is what people think about two words and find whether it is possible or impossible for the word to have two different meanings from its denotative meaning. 2. 2. Conceptual meaning This is the basic or universal meaning and can be represented at the lexical level, as well as that of the clauser or simple sentence. 3. 3. Collocative meaning Collocative meaning is the meaning of a word produced in the specific context. As a result of conventionality of collocation, a word will produce different meanings when collocates with different words Social meaning is hence 3 4. Social meaning communicated through ritualistic use of language as found in greetings, apologies, blessings or condolences. 55. Affective meaning Affective meaning is more directly a reflection of the speaker‟s personal attitude Such feelings or attitudes are usually negative or insincere in nature. 6. reflective meaning Reflective meaning is the meaning that appears in cases of multiple conceptual meanings and comes from recognition and imajination. 7. Thematic meaning Thematic meaning is communicated by the way in which the speaker or writer is organized the massage, in terms of


ordering, focus, and emphasis.

3 The function of slang words 1. To relax conversation The function of slang is usually used for conversation rile and to familiarize and melt the situation. The function of slang is 2. To humiliate commonly used to humiliate someone in a subtle way. 3. To address The function of slang is usually used to indicate the address usually used for people who are already known.









Full Name Rosa S Place & Date of Birth Pl. Langsat, 5nd December 1996 Address Alam Barajo, Kota Jambi. Phone Number 085380374040


2002-2007 Elementary School SDN 186 Sarolangun 2007-2011 (SMP) Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sarolangun 2011-2014 (SMK PP) Sekolah Menengah Kejurusan, Jambi