Cinetorhynchus Fasciatus,Anew Shrimp from the Western and Central Pacific (Decapoda: Caridea: Rhynchocinetidae)
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CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH,NO .26: 16-25,1997 Cinetorhynchus fasciatus,anew shrimp from the western and central Pacific (Decapoda: Caridea: Rhynchocinetidae) Junji Okuno and Hiroyuki Tachikawa Abstract. - A new rhynchocinetid cies (Okuno,1997): C. concolor (Okuno, shrimp,Cinetorhynchus fasciatus,is de- 1994),C. erythrostictus Okuno,1997 ,C. scribed and illustrated from three male hendersoni (Kemp,1925) ,C. hiαtti specimens collected 合 omChichi-jima Is- (Holthuis &Hayashi ,1967) ,C. stri αtus land of the Ogasawara Islands,Japan , (Nomura &Hayashi ,1992) and C. reti- and Oahu of the Hawaiian Islands. The culαtus Okuno,1997. From the Atlantic new species closely resembles C. hiatti Ocean,two species,C. m αnningi Okuno, (Holthuis & Hayashi) and C. rigens (Gor- 1996 and C. rigens (Gordon,1936) ,are don) in the armature of the ambulatory known (Okuno,1996). pereiopods,carpi and dactyli in particu- In early 1996,one of us (HT) collected lar,but maybe distinguished by the com・ two specimens of an unusual form of bination of the fourth abdominal somite Cinetorhynchus 合omasubmarine cave on rounded on the posteroventral angle,the Chichi-jima Island,Ogasawara (Bonin) stylocerite not extending beyond the end Islands,southern Japan. Later,Mr. John of the antennular distal segment,the P. Hoover kindly donated to us an addi- meri of the third and fourth pereiopods tional specimen of the s出 ne species col- bearing two to four spines on the lateral lected by himself from asubmarine cave surface,the second maxilliped bearing a at Oahu,the Hawaiian Islands. In the developed podobranch,and the distinc- morphological aspects,the specimens ap- tive coloration. Amodified key 10 species pe町 close to C .hi αtti and C. rigens,while of the genus is proposed. in coloration they are similar to C. striatus. The material apparently repre- Introduction sents anew species,which is hereby de- scribed and illustrated. τもe genus Cinetorhynchus was origi- Thetypes 訂 e deposited in the Natural nally established by Holthuis (1995) as a History Museum and Institute,Chiba subgenus of Rhynchocinetes sensu lato. (CBM-ZC) and the Bernice P. Bishop Mu- Subsequently,Okuno (1997) elevated seum,Honolulu (BPBM S). 明1e method of 也前旬xon to full generic rank on account measurements follows Okuno (1 997). of the indistinct rostral articulation,lack Carapace length (CL) shows the postor- of supraorbital spine,presence of three bital c訂 apace length. teeth in midline of the c町 apace posterior to the rostral articulation,an acutely pointed posterolateral angle of the fi 此h Cinetorhynchus fasciαtus new species abdominal somite,and the ischia and (Figs.1-4) meri of ambulatory pereiopods armed with two rows of spines. To date the Indo- Type Material. - Holotype. Male (6.5 Pacific Cinetorhynchus contains six spe- mmCL ,CBM-ZC 3629),2T02.2'N ,142 。 NEWSHRIMP OFCINETORHYNCHUS 17 13.0'E,Tenno-ura beach,Chichi てjima 1s- ing posteriorly to upper orbital margin. land,Ogasawara 1slands,Japan ,5 m ,17 Abdominal somites (Fig.2C )covered February 1996,coll. H. Tachikawa.P 訂 a- with fine striae; pleura of first 3somites types.Male (4.8 mmCL ,CBM ・ZC3630), broadly rounded,that of fourth somite same data as holotype; male (9 .3mm CL , with posteroventral angle; 日fth 0 0 BPBM 811318),20 50.0'N,156 55.0'W, somite with small but acuminate postero ・ Lanui Lookout,Oahu ,Hawaii ,5 m ,25 ventral process; poster叫 ateral margin of January 1997,coll .J .P .Hoover. fifth somite with acute spine directed pos- teriorly; sixth somite 0.58-0.62 times as long as carapace,with 1acute postero ・ Cinetorhynchus fasciαtus new species ventral and 1strongly hooked preanal (Figs.1-4) spine.Telson (Fig. 2D) 0.65-0.73 times as long as carapace,1. 13-1. 21 times as long Type Material. - Holotype. Male (6 .5 as sixth abdominal somite,with 3pairs of mmCL ,CBM ・ZC3629),27 ・02.2'N,142。 dorsolateral spines; posterior margin end- 13.0'E ,Tenno-ura beach,Chichi-jima Is- ing in acute triangular process flanked by land,Ogasawara 1slands,Japan ,5 m ,17 3spines on each side ,median spine February 1996,coll .H. Tachikawa. P 訂 a- nent. types. Male (4.8 mmCL ,CBM-ZC 3630), Eye (Fig .2A) with comea large,globu- same data as holotype; male (9.3 mmCL , lar; stalk much more slender than comea. BPBM 811318),20 ・50.0'N,156・55.0'W, Antennular peduncle (Fig. 2E) reach- Lanui Lookout,Oahu ,Hawaii ,5 m ,25 ing proximal third of rostrum;stylocerite January 1997,col l. J.P .Hoover. reaching at least midlength of distal pe- Diagnosis. - Pleuron of fourth ab- duncular segment but barely extending dominal somite rounded posteroventral- beyond that segment; proximal segment ly .An tennular peduncle with stylocerite armed with distolateral spine reaching reaching at least midlength of ultimate proximal third of median segment and segment but not extending beyond that ventromesial spine; thickened part of up- segment; upper flagellum reaching near- per flagellum falling slightly short of ros- ly to subterminal dorsal teeth ofrostrum. 仕al apex. Ambulatory pereiopods with carpi armed Antenna (Fig.2F) with scaphocerite with 1spine; dactyli with 2accessory 0.72-0.75 times as long as carapace,2. 76- claws on flexor margin. 2.92 times as long as wide,with disto- - Carapace (Fig. 2A) cov- lateral spine distinctly overreaching end ered with fine transverse striae ,armed of lamella; carpocerite slightly overreach- with 3teeth in midline posterior to ros- ing midlength of scaphocerite; basicerite tral articulation,anteriormost tooth larg- with rounded process directly dorsal to est,2 posterior teeth incompletely articu- ventrolateral spine. lated with carapace; supraorbital spine Mandible (Fig.3A )robust; palp 3-seg- absent; antennal spine directed anteri- mented,distal segment broad,rounded , orly; pterγgostomi出 1 出 19le rounded. with numerous stiff setae; median seg- Rostrum (Fig. 2B) incompletely ar- ment slender,distally tapering,bearing ticulated with carapace,directed dorsally long setae distolaterally; incisor process in distal half,1. 39-1. 44 times as long as stout,truncate distally,bearing 8iπegu- carapace; dorsal margin armed with 2 lar blunt teeth; molar process obliquely basal and 2subterminal teeth; ventral truncate distally,with finely ridged cut- margin armed with 9or 10 teeth decreas- ting surface . ing in size distally; lateral carina arising First maxilla (Fig. 3B)with palp slen- 合omproximal two-fifths ofrostrum,lead- der,feebly bilobed distally,upper lobe 18 J.OKUNO &H .TACHlKAWA Fig.1. Cinetorhynchus fasciatus new species. A ,holotype male (CBM-ZC 3629,6. 5mm CL ),合 esh specimen,lateral view (Photo by H. Tachikawa); B ,pa町 r叫 ype male (BPBM 811318,9.3mm CL ), alive in field (Photo by J. P. H ∞ver ). with long setae distally,lower lobe with 出 lother row of dense short setae. long stout distal seta; proximal endite Second maxilla (Fig.3C )with palp rounded,with numerous stout setae on well developed,broadened basally; distal mesial margin and nearby ventral sur- endite bilobed,with dense long setae mar- face; distal endite truncate mesially, ginally,distal lobe broader and more bearing row of small movable spines and rounded than proximal lobe; proximal NEWSHRIMP OFCINETORHYNCHUS 19 E B 占旦 L → c F C 245笥t立政 f; 完;22u; お? 説 ::32 狩r325間三日 222.112PJthA abdoJ!l il!_al somites; D ,telson ;E ,antennular peduncle; F,-antenna. Scales :A , 15 mm; B,C ,F ,2 mm;D ,E ,1 mm . endite with sinuous mesial margin bear- proximal endite rounded; exopod well de- ing dense long setae; scaphognathite veloped,caridean lobe narrow,flagellum broad,posterior lobe elongate,tapering with dense long setae marginally; epipod posteriorly,marginally fringed with long large,rounded. setae,anterior lobe subquadrangular. Second maxilliped (Fig. 3E) with sub- First maxilliped (Fig.3 D) with 3・seg- oval epipod;podobranch small but dis- mented palp,median segment longest, tinct; mesial margin of dactylus nearly distal segment very small; distal endite straight,with dense long setae; propodus with slightly concave distal margin, with distal margin broadly rounded,with 20 J.OKUNO &H. TACHlKAWA ,t , 、 , _- -D 、 , A B C トーー一一一叶 D E F ト一一一一- - - i Fig. 3. Cineωrhynchu8 fasc臼tus new speci 伺. Para句pe male (BPBM 811318,9.3 mmCL). A , mandible; B. 貧rstma豆11a; C ,se ∞ndma豆11a; D ,自 rst maxilliped,portions indicated by dotted lines were broken during 必館館“on;E,鴎∞ nd maxilliped; F,也仕 d maxilliped. Scales: A ,B, C ,E , lmm;D,F,2mm. sparse long setae; carpus wi也 feeble prcト times as long as carapace,1. 24-1. 43 trusion distolaterally; exopod with well- times as long as penultimate segment, developed flagellum bearing numerous terminallywi也6 -7 dark corneous spines; setae 叫ongdis旬1half. penultima旬 segment 0.29-0.32 times as Third maxilliped (Fig. 3F) reaching long as carapace; antepenultimate seg- level of distal third of scaphocerite; exo・ ment armed with dorsodistal and disto- pod relatively short; ultimate segment lateral spines. covered with dense short setae,0.4 0-0.4 2 Branchial form叫a as shown in Table 1. NEWSHRIMP OF CINETORHYNCHUS 21 Table 1. Branchial formula in Cinetorhynchus fasciαtus new species . Maxillipeds Pereiopods I 11 III I 11 III IV V Pleurobranchs 1 1 一 1 I I Arthrobranchs 一 一2 1 l l Podobranchs 1 - - - Epipods 1 1 一1 1 Exopods 1 1 - - 1 1 一 一 一 First pereiopod (Fig,4A) chelate,mod- pace,2.00-2.25 times as long as carpus; erately robust,overreaching distal mar- carpus 0.25-0.31 times as long as cara- gin of antennal basicerite by length of pace; propodus 0.52-0.55 times as long as dactylus;chela 0.3 2-0.33 times as long as carapace,1. 75-2.08 times as long as car- C 訂 apace,1. 63-1. 91 times as long as car- pus. pus,fingers with darkly pigmented termi- Fi此h pereiopod generally similar to nal claw;carpus 0.17-0.20 times as long third and fourth pereiopods,reaching as carapace,distal margin straight, level of proximal fifth of scaphocerite; 仕inged with fine setae.