1956 01 Voice Magazine
ft O £52S252S2SJ5SS2S25HSHS2Sffi2SJ5HS252S2S2S2S2SJ5j OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ■pull QctfpeL President DEMOS SHAKARIAN MEN'S 8413 Lexington Road, Downey, California Executive Vice-President EARL DRAPER 1609 Belmont Avenue, Fresno, California CtfZ5ZSZ5ZWW52WWS25HWW5E5ZSc^ Vice President, Chairman Finance Committee C. C. FORD Published Monthly by 715 Crescent Drive, Denver, Colorado FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN'S Vice-Presidents MINER ARGANBRIGHT FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL Box 367, La Crescenta, California Incorporated January 2, 1953 as a LEE BRAXTON Non-Profit Religious, Charitable and Box 507, VVhiteville, North Carolina Educational Corporation. GEORGE D. GARDNER 35 Collier Street, Binghamton, New York Editor and Publisher Secretary THOMAS R. NICKEL FRED J. FRIEDMEYER Box 367, La Crescenta, California EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION OFFICE Editor and Publisher THOMAS R. NICKEL Atlantic 9-5347 152 E. Garvey Ave„ Monterey Park, Calif. 152 E. Garvey Avenue Chairman Board of Directors Monterey Park, California HENRY KRAUSE 305 South Monroe St., Hutchinson, Kansas Entered as Second-Class Matter at the HENRY F. CARLSON 644 Echo Lane, Glenview, Illinois Post Office at Monterey Park, Calif. AL KONSMO Subscription Rate, Domestic and Foreign: 2415 South 12th St., Tacoma, Washington PER YEAR ..............................ONE DOLLAR JACK T. MOORE 6135 Dillingham St., Shreveport, Louisiana Printed in U.S.A. By The Foundation JEW EL W. ROSE Press, Santa Ana, California Box 313, Shafter, California LINWOOD P. SAFFORD JANUARY, 1956 8507 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, Maryland W. E. SHAW 611 E. North St., Greenville, South Carolina REGARDING CORRESPONDENCE BEN O. SMART All manuscripts, photographs, subscriptions Box 68, Texico, New Mexico and letters concerning Full Gospel Men’s CLAYTON E. SONMORE Voice as well as memberships in Voice One 707 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn.
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