• Vol. 23-No. 16 FloridoAtlan,ic Unir:er,iry. Boca Ro,on, Florida Tuesday, January 28, 1975 • On The Front Pa9-t- Q..oJ!riog~y Knocking Stereotypes ...... _ •••1...... dy .nlm...... 'ealu~ Twenty-Five Vears perl< up .1 the menlion Iltal the eire... milhl be • ely...... 1 fonn "lis lonI •• the movlN k""" ptoducina t,..... circuMS will conlin.... 10 fklttnah Salutes Peopae wanl to _ .- clean en· le.l.inmenl lien.....cit durllt. th.. ~d~didwdl 11·.notdy.... by .ny mea..:' "" ..Id Life In Circus n... faot ..Ik.... I'inCm..t.... potnted_1 that the pnncip10e .uraeuonor the circua Ia "y IJ()' tu:t:D mobile '-riC' IhIoI the)' I05tunale " • ...... ,. the "da~I" .... "thfiU" eI . and gftIUenN:a, _ .. to u.., II>rm $0._ mIla po1'_ ..t.a.s. ..•....e aU ""Ie w.d< I.. t !loman . It..__ Famlly 0...,... .• ~'.Joni "' ~~ry wben 1 mlM her:' People or ao to .ut obIIe ...,... 10 La..._ t.._ out ..lula sa,d La _ "V"hen _ ma..,.,ed I ...... ,t,. boom.,., w.tch the tft:b. '"'" thrill .cta I.. the ....-tI •• Ih. 'or the p"a' :15 yeo.... I.. -'gIlt her ln'o my whIp 8,,1." ."I~ circus .'" In lbe pme II...,." be !laid """'..11 ~111ell In both I"" UnilC!d Sta<"k .pln....t>e pari""" beca..... the R.....I.n Dhows.",.U For U:n montha out or the ,."•• 1..-••_ lil,.., 10 ""."'h the _'" on the thel' perform...... ha"-_ '"'" Miaalas,ppl" ..liminal« tI>e thfiU It· I sdUna If ..Cltic.IO. oh I Ilk.. Chicago." y.... know perf"""'''''' m.k mlatake ..""" N Orl dded JonL I'. be'. In • ha..-.nd c.n Jt-I try II 0'...... '· ....."l>enl.a '- lth the 1I ord cin:ua he ta. lot or cctkge m_ ~.- "All 01 out perl"",,,,", e the ...... "I....,., to ..11< to theoolko8e klda_ Tbey 'Illal la ...... t rna.... f« -at enl ...... Uy in_led in the d..,..... "" ..id. "Wdl," he aaid.crahlMnchla"lIl I<>p hat .nd m~...I·ve to be off F..... '''SomeUting Ihe)' .lways aoak ..... la how I ihuea to ...... care of _ the _:. thinll Am"";""'n d...,.... compa", W'lth the "LadlN .nd ...... Urmen .. ft.-iaN, U·. dl"lcult to m.ke a .,.....

clasaifi... himaer, hou~lngdlreclor...Id """nUng. saki. "I f....l poople up h....., he r.v,,", the .pilon of aI>ould decide who 10 ha..e in thel. room unlimited v.....Uon ''Tbe", I. obviously .nd wh"". I don't think people w""ld._ aludenl ...nllmenl f.vorlng unlimlled open ..W"lion .nym...... than they ._ vl.lt.lion .nd ylM th.".e • .., "I"denla who vlaltal\on ncrw And ~ don'l ._ I...... ,,1 no vW..tion prlvlleg...... WI~ &aid ha..inl wi...., on earn...... , "is I-Ie ree" ....1 lhe .ppropriale ann.... " 'i....,." to ' __ide .I""rnate '-'nI ..., thai we o.ovldllyde••",,1_ m.jor.nd ,.culty cooaId pnwide • wider """"-"'PI." He aald. acboIar Ii""" on the aecond floor In dru ''atudenta abOCJld be &1"_ the opUon ol ...... , wt>ert' 1J>t'no ..... no vlal..tion livina; iD an ... when! there \.I IImlled. prI'it...... _"HI ha__f .. time I can .....umi.ed••nd no "laItation p..h,U...... W.. .lwaya 100111. btIl I .....'1 Ita_ Ume r... can then moda"" st_ta' ,-," ....lImlted vbti..tlon'· R_ Sc~... "-tal ,U'K'-. f...... hkaUaco ~. w_. SChatn ·eber Aid .....mc wine 0/1 UYinc ... dorm en &Iv.. Hyde Ibe cam_'_ ha no eff",,1 on .--ldent ~unJly to "00 _ withoul ... -"-- ...... aliona bee _ ta .lready everyone ....11l.i... In .nd ""I." Ha..... Feelings Mixed - permllted in the awt ...... v.llable on e.m_ I. • "poetly Ellen La...... tV. f the weal end or aOOll ldea.'· ..id Hyde. ""'. up to !he iD· Utitd floor In dormitory 21 where ~ la d1ridual .tudent.'· IImil"" vlallation. said. "I think thef'C 8mi.. StnUh•• ~ m.jorIt>a;1n ~.I On Open Visitation abOCJid atill be pl.""" where.ludenta could .tud;"" educallon, &aid &he la "ro. ...y without rialtal\on. 'l'bc'" sh....id be unl1miled ..i.llaUon." M •. Smith.• By O~;IlBlt; KORFAGE 5C:heduled dale of !he ....,,,1 m"",Unl I. not th,,,,, diffe.enl In lhedorms one ....lth ~Idenl or dorm ZI &aId aIH'I "de qu..UonlI or Gardne...Id. If the mOll""" <:oI\Ci!ml,,& and nne wilh unlimited vl.llaUon.'· Jack We.l••Iso Idenl of donn &eVen ~Idenl .Uowlng unlimited vlaltaUon ro. unlimlled vlaltallon and the ..I.. or wi..... on She said h.vlnl wine lin campua la "a ald. "1'1n not ror unlimited vl.ltatlon. I'm .IUdoen\.l .nd of "".vinll wi...., on campu.. CIOmpua.", paoaed •• the ne"t BOIl llood idea., I Ilk.. wine. lot bett..r Ih.n_. In. non·vi.dorm bee...... ,,·•• qulel pia.... The laot Iwo las.... we", "'hed"led ror meeling. they willi" to the State Board 0' • nyway." M•. Land.. I•• """lor m.}orina; 10 .Iudy.'· ""'.".1. _ f.""lly ""hoi•• d'-lon at the F..bruary 3 meeUr\3 or Education r...... lhe••pprov.l or .cjoecuon. in aod.1 wei'• .., majoring in ed"c.Uon "Id, "If you''''' Ihe Bcatdo,Regenta in Orl.ndo but Jam... .., am open ,.... di>r<:uaslon on the dor· IOinl to have -...... cam...... ,. then why not .-i_t.. ~:.:,'d:i=c~=c...:80.::cR,-:m:~:::":""c::_U:::':':...:'_':~,-_-..:_,m,-'""",-,-_",-'~":""'_":.._...:G,._....._..:._u..:•..:_'_,.'-·...,;;;:..:M:'=~=..=c I>U~ , .... betrut bere I. thi..k thaI Ihe)' ean spot • py per-. • mile ....y_ ",.".., Ia 1>0 truth to Ihb OnBeing st....-ype. G.y men .nd ...... _ .'" 1>0 '- ..maacul,...... "femlnl..." than ..st....ighl" peopl.e n-e maaculJne women .nd .... Gay femi_1e m Iin& • __••nd while -..eUm they .'" usumed 10 be py. matl)' """,..ely he_I. W., do not monopolize on .n the alaalea. In the By MARK N. Stuu;.. MfnlJon hom_xuailly to a pet'D«l ~ •••,"",,,, ...... ether a"""",,,~ that have """. "Ilbenl" .... "hip" FAU .tudenl­ opprHHd pya ror .g.... One la that ..e .nd yc>u111et a onkk.... for a .eply. n­ 1001...1 am.n dtildren_ A child mol.,.l.,. la dII)'II when It I" I.shlonable to .u_1 the called • pedophile, ",Is Indlvld"al I• •'ruUI., for wOmen. Bladi., Am lcan almOllI al....ay•• m.n .nd hi. victim i. Indiana, and other minorlll r..w ,""ually .. liri. bul m.ny a'" not inte•.,.1ed ""t~x".ls would da'" mcnUon any in the child'. ""•... as 1001 18 th"y ...... tuleem for lhe Il"Y community dllldr"" G.y peoople .... sick. Sick 0' belnll en· A""lbe. millCO/tccpUon \.I 'h.t say m"n trapped.nd hacasaed by the pollc.., Sic. of .nd lubl.na .re ove.·.exed .nd bavl"tt 10 hlde.nd lead doubl.. 11 ...., Sick proml.cuo"., M.ny hold thl. belief of bod... a«ond cla.. eiU..,... But ma.l ot bee.u.e pe,h.p. on"" Ihey "ere .....perla.. belleYe Iltat hom"""",,,.bt .rc Utal.n enll.., booII; c.nnot cov.". tI>ern.ll aU, .kk of bet"ll called ".k .. adden..lly ....-iUoned by. py penon dcvi.t...nd 1ta.....tTeDted auual a;tOWlh bul I think that II \.I pertlnenl 10 note thai I .m not • Sociotosy .'udent dol"ll • Some coU.,.e "joo;b" on campu. think WI>ere did lhe)' 1t..1 their lnfonnal1Ceae "Jocb" M.ny or theIe "uper\.l" studied .nd In' ...... , ....,.. .nd -..n. _ .re of .ll I .10 • gay ~ A "queer". • often .ulfe' 'rom o.....in'.lted lerviewecI py people who.re inm.tea of ,.c.... ,eUglon•• e.hnlc b.ckaroo""". ·1 ~.. hec-xual m.loe "11:0 ~ .Dd ...... 1 '-PI'" who .utf.... _k: strata••nd ...... Aoeor~ to But I .10 uhamed of ...... 11 .m••nd n-e Ia ...... truth Utal ...... from varloua 10.1&_ despll.. their Ki.-y and the lnIUltlte he f....nded iD I·... IlOl a...... to ."""-iu ,... bftnlI: prorn~_ Bee...... "'"" labeled _lIty ...... ldllbe'.;rtojudae.11 indlanll, .bout It per """'I or the entire -....-.....1 I .10 ...... Inl...-ted In "1"'10...... 1". _ of .. "'joel putltan ~bt by • f..... In'erned in • WOI'td'. population ... pt1rnarlly ...... into. ",,-....1. baa._ r... ethk .ndean be ItKIn:tmiIIhlbt Utan the men..l iRslUuc-." ...._ u-e "uper\.l" d ...... y--..u.1 - .•IIeuc, ply I...... la the nlltunll... .traighl maJorily, BIll out betit'f _'1 ...... -chI to atue on Joeading happy. producU.... U...... In.1I the "":01 to YOU. the nu.... doc1...... 1 ..__ I Q-If:rcu...... -e to_ m t_or In ..... hnm_uallty _.., by paychl.ltiata .nd c_l·ve ...... ""', YOU' lir....~.ala1ft'. _.claugh"""•• ~t. cha a~ y wouldn'l notice can be found In Ihe ..Abn....m.l Th....., .,.. .0 m.ny myth" .nd e_ fr\eDd - ml&hl be py &ayih".. dlrt en••boul me Som.. people Payc:hol!llY··.....,_ of.ny lllw.ry. '"- .tereoty_ ...... ndl... hocnoauuallty But doea·,1 ....Ily mal!ft''' .~ ,J, I·.~"I.!' ;i'l'~ 1 i~i!!!it'l H j'. III Jill j:"11 ; "lfil!'1 ...,I I ""'! -; ~ .~~g~~I~l~~,. S 0) ;:r l!~~"l: '.,- .'I.' 'i' . E l! _jf.~: .,!.!t ' 1 ~~~.g!~~~i:li~' I'~C tof·~j! ,,'~ E I .... :!!o~f:' ~~ .. 1:1.0 .. ~.EiIl"=~· • ~,"!, •, a'fH jE]~ ,• e ,.l,l,h .. ~:5;.. ~£"-~S€j til .. = ttl UIl:~iEol!'iU •­ ! -'I! P.~Hd , i>"i! ~.. , - , ,I.c .=Ul.i~pJ " ~lJ'~i~h~'~ l'f' IJ]-z i !i!':~~'lIe ~1; U til." ~f:!;i .... ~I!t~'! ~-::~."~ !~~Q.'E~~b ~ :I:.".-~ .. CA) f ;Il!ll!i~;ii~~f;;~~I "'~;i·-, "§3 i ] I ';'1'.Ej-I'HJ J ;j:;j 5l:~~,2.~E.§ '::~. H ... s?:> ?;> S,j ' F:E I '~~E ...... <~I!.-t!.eC iHil ~ -"~8r/) "~";i ~'l'iii' ";;" !!) ~i~i!jiglllll~ ~~~~=p~:~'0 ~;~~:J Ir~J~U~~i~li~r§ ! ­ !' ~~;~~".!.~ --,-,. "'F'- .• 'Ill f'VA ~~.H.a.e~-5] ·1~t~"E;;i!;~j~! • =::::. !Ii, E = .i· !lJl i" ~;;.~e_"i-'!~.i,1 h., ~:~K~;5;~·;~i~ ~~;;J~ht'!!·.'la,i. lir'Uii~:';-¥:!!-t ~i""~F:"ih Io/Iol Q) .. 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I. '·~·"-"nIlIlr"~····"IIl;r,::z~.• ,. ATI.ANTIC SUN

Ill' 1l0~ "~:.:D he ia slill In lhe area. He "ltIler tulsn'l and then back down allbepiel",.., seema 10 Where. SUN sl.n Wrlter com.. in yel.,.. waa Jusl """'" huding ,'',,' be eathee di$eoneerling I" the aV""'le De. Ott" B..umann, dl",,'or of Ihe way. """""rby. Ilellmann Ar<:hlve in New Voek, is now Dr. Beumonn opes '0 keep poaled on his whe.eabouts. I'm of visual aids. I """'ghl I. would help will be lI>e b<'gJnnlnK of" piclorlal a.chlv.. "u'"" Ihat he'. veey busy will> his pro}, es"'bll""Si. i. small cOfl....latiOfl f<>l' someone laId "im I had located him by u.inS on". Theee weeka ago till••epor.er was looking lor ..n inlerview. I was looking f"rwanl'o talll;inS wltll De. a ...lgned a .tory 10 COve' Dr. Bellm"nn·. The pielureof Bellmann published in Ille I:I-ellmann. H..·• an e.<:Illng lnl...nallonal ~ 1""011"'''' In the ""deav"". SUN in December has been my Oflly pel'SOf1alily on a eampu. lhal is usually As of tIlia da'e, Dr. IleUm.nn has been weapOll. I can sll ...... nd the l..-R building deviod "f such. as ..asy to I""a'" as. workabl.. lypew.Uer lo<>king for a man who fllJl lhe pholO. I Pe.haps If my pielure 1""'" pubU."ed. ?? In I"" library. a...llcll_itlOlUl so as not 10 be 100 Obvloua. D•. Bellm"nn could also be on the look-f lI>e Othee people in Ihe building have gOllen to for me. Leal'Tling Resources building .nd "Is krHlw who I amand wlull I'm Iheeelor. es'enslon la 2982. Thus f.r Ihia viSIl has been 10 n" avail I'm ~· ..e '''at lOgel""'e 1"" ean work oul Thla ia Ihe es"'nl "r my ,..,pee'"rial in· olher '''an '0 make pe<>ple nervOUa as Ihey Ihe '.•'pres"lon around here Ihat h.. i. lI>e r"ema'ion, walk hy me LonkinK quickly all""lr f.""", "ho'''·Phantom.'' I ,..,.lIze 1"111 Dr Bellm.nn Is • r"..1 pce""n and ia indeed w"..king he.... On campua On a very exdllog.nd aignlncanl p...,jeel. Thia publle.tion ean 0 alory on The Gallery him in e.rly December tcomplel.. wilh plelurel Ihat would""""" to Ix.... e 'hi. oul. P<,:<>ple in v.rl"u.<>ffi""" in tile Leal'Tling R"""u,..,..,. BuUding hav...ssured m .. Ihot

how 10 recognl'" and how 10 avoid dangerous .lluolion. On H'" .Ieee'. while Women driving. ond In '''e ""me. A demon.,rllllon 01 "orne llC<;ueily hamweae will be p...... nled. Reeommendallona an hal I" FightCrime da If "".ually ossaulled ...m 01 be discussed The FAU Women'. R""ouree cenlee in A film will be .hawn. givIng a visual .,.,.,ju<><:Uon wnll Ih...."mplls poll"" and aid 10 Ihe prevention "nd d..rc"... tacllcs Ihe a""a Rolon Police iIl aponsoe a dlscUS$Cd. l"""""ol"lIon almoW "I p veo'lng ceimes ... f"male investigalor wlll Ttle pn>geam. '0 be conduc'ed on ~'eb. 7, a question .nd answ"r pcrlnd The at 12 noon In UC 21~ will consi., of roue p...."'eam will lasl I"". Ihan two twunl mojo. p.o.elJl: 1,,1101",,'<1 by en....lImenl foe women In­ An Introduclo.y speech. discuosin.lt leresled In oelf.d..fenoe e1""""".

Salurdaya...... eek eealize lhee.pcnae Involved, Driving lhe Unive....hy Reserves are being used. "U I••,ill In Ihe discussion slage," said to F"U four d ..ys 0 week "'ould save g••. Inceeased e.""n..... and a declin.. In Four Days Toni Swallow, sece"tary 10 Vic" Peesident lime. "nd ene'1!Y. In OIhe. words. ilwould alale revenues (rom Ihe sales tall have f".. Academic Aff..l.... Kenneth Michel•. Save money. been named .. Iwo cau""" of the P'"""""1 "Nolhing has been decided yet," The admlnlstraUon I" p...... "lIy Irylng 10 financial cri.is. ·1'hey've.enloul memos osking how we m"ke end. meel. Already, $42<5.000 hOB " foue.day week Is On" """"ible way of Considered feci. TheY've aaked us I" """,trucl heen slashed rrom Ihe budget. ~'und. from CUlling """ts. Chsnging I ....m a five 10 a four.day week schedul... as closely as ,,< dble (wlthou' is being """"idocred by campus "fflei.u. Feiday doo.aeal so Iheee on'l be any U.S.. In lhe Virgin Isrands. Puerto Rico, If ""ssed. Il>e propt>S-lll would mean probl..m If Ihe lI>lng d<>ea ""sa," esplaina Peace Corps and Amerie.n samoa. ""tended hou,." Monday lI>.ough Thue· Doris a,...,,,,n. seceetaey la William T....in. I':"ell service offers p."gram, in ....1'. Raillerll>.n f1ve ..lghl.f>our daya. Ihe chaieman of the Depar'menl of Ocean I'"a"" C<>epa and VISTA .....ruller. will agrieultu.e. health. educa.lon. busin..... univenity would be operoling On lI>e baals ~;nlllneedng. be 01 FAU Wed"""day and Thursday, Jan. ar<:hll""lure and rela'ed lields. Tbe Peace or foue len·h"ue d.ys. Too Id.... la several years ald. aceoeding 29-30. seeking volunIce..... Corps need. e.perleneed "".....ns In more Friday cia...... would be eliminated. 10 Roberl J. P ...... I.". Unlve••lly C<>n. The Pea"" Corpa ...ase-realed In 1001 and lllan 300 akl1l C"I'"1Iori"". More lhan 7.000 ~'acully, stalf. and sludents would enjoy 1....11.,... "I Ihink Ihe energy crisis makes cuerenUy volunl""rs are servinl In some volunleers are involved in 800 p...,;eeIS Ihr....day weckend., Ihe Ihoughl of a fo"e.....y week mOee GO countrl"" Ihr"ughnul Ihc w"rld from 'hraug!>oul Ihe world. Olbee parI. of '''e unlv..rslly mighl also Ilmely Ihan ...OOn we tl>oughl of il berore," Jam"leo, in I"e Wesl Indies. 10 Ihe P..a"" eo..... a""'lInments are foe a two­ clJange 'hek schedules_ Foe e.ample, Ihe he said. Micronesian island. in Ille Pa"lflc. y"..r span and VISTA volunteers sene for llbrsry mlgllt shu' IIJI doors Friday. and Tllose ...ho mual commule five daya a VISTA ""rsonnel wOrk Ihrougoul Ihe one year. BECOME ONE WITH THE SUN SALE BOOKSARE ~ Make lifelono SPORT SHOE LIMITED se(urity more 1821 HE 25th Str••t MIND EXPAND~ERS.... than a li.hth•••• Point "0. 0,.", $U"IJArs "pipe dream" (f'ompono, Just Eo.' 01 F"d"•.,I) 10-" 942-5414 New yo.k Lil,,'. in.urance prOIr~.'" fOe collelre otu, LI'ITLE d.nts e.n h.lp <>nnv..... you~ ,.~... e••y.r•• AU•••r d~e.'" of h"vlnll' Iltelan" ~c.' •••11...... 11 ...... PROFESSOR !In.net.l ."cu.l.y InlO " •• l..- -' plea..n' r_lily. BOOK ...,1'. , ., ,.I>on•... oe vial' All .'.....·AII e.l.r. CENTER ADIDA••• _DS ART MERKIN;C.l.U. eo..y SPECIAL AGE...T 2104 N, F.d. H .. , NEW YORl< LIFE • y INSURANCE COMPANY 10 AM-, "M ••••• '.r "HOMIl J91:SUO 9JE.IPALMETTO PARKRD 392-71500 R 391-3956 .aee••• T.""'•• T.ACK. THE WHOLE EARTH EPILOQUE .A.K.T.A..... 'OOT.A . ,''v' ".00 • .,1. 2.g9 PUBLIC WORKS ,''v. 10.00 001.8.49 .10••'''•••A •••A . ••••TU"••••CK ••0 •• Mony otlrer books on sole ATI..,\NTIC !jUS Tuu

a~ II.. h.a .old me lhal he n";ot.,,r "1'. ··The ,011' ot Ihe in a It.... Petsche Clears courallmands ,o'a/ In """.rd '0 the I"U..... ··Worki".. of • 01'_. ,nvol_men! in. lind ded'CallOll 10. Po-.- SlruuJe.·· I mldl say lloal It Ia BIll'. -' havi". .one Ovrr Iho Editorio.l Ihe problems wh,ch besel lhal ~ll.blethai ,he! leiter Imp.li... thai Bill .U _ with mO bef bn ,hem soc.e'y_P _ lohn S. Kmghl .nd I loa... not had ••ood ...... klng bet one _I" m k". 8u1 II reb.llonIb'p Afler the M.y el""'U-. DUI ahouJd not be ronalnoed 10 m".n thai he ..... the 0,.., 01 John'••u_,...... 10 com" .,..".pi...... me I bell....." that 8ill For ex.m"..,. II loa. -. POlnled _ .. .nd offer hi. auppoM and eooperation nolliedldnot. f'UrUIer.I.".1 repeal wha' I the SUN thai the edilor m ...... !lot 'nMt ...... In Bill and , had ~rned III. "'TOIe him In • memo I lOBI' him im· rtahl 10 cl- _Iy eertaln Iettera ,.. notdiaruMinattoe in~he! nq,-'ed mediately 'oIlow.... _ Now. 2. Sena'" Diametrics prinl It>al .re aubnolUed by Ita ~ al he ...... probably "eapec"..lIy. "..aibly east _Wul IIghl on dec1ed • ...... In thla i.....""". .I.",.. PdSorH burn him.1 the ...-itd!o CbtI re appointed .,,.do,n, aovernmeol offkoak Uoe publk ...... Id do .., "'vlng been II .ppeara ,..-.. 01 the pc-...... Jad,.nd m ...nd 109,,1 Uoef."ta lira, Ioand outraited•••ltrmpta by Ben lO..-arth the awly only in ,he! ~u.m pr-ol"_ Hollie On Letter It the)' _ •• havr the ..IAI.... '0 conr...... 1 _ .reluoic Canal,tu,ion .nd Ita Amrnd· .nd not to'- hili" ...., there-..loa ,_ 'he-)' ...... thrn 1 hav" no...... ,.....-- c.U at whal_ SUN under the "aption ··Wor"~ of • .vsUab"'lo m", in prolroclu.. my "hara"..... -- ..,rawhn. between 0 ....,..., conf...... ' aom...... bul f.".. wlll aecrelly m ..ke .ccuuU..... says 11 ...-ill be the "hotce of Uooar In P'>""ft" _reh for the .ynl_. Uoe .""'0..,.1Ii ... porUon which ....d. '"The.. haV" been •• 10 who dI.U _fit lrom lhe rt.hta l/ll~) lI...pectfully. 01 our hypo<:rUle.1 w.)'1I hard 1....lln..on the ".rl of.lolln whieh have been ouilined lind lJU'Iranleed Hoperully we wlllUnd lhal 0- w....·I ... nnd hi. alii. None" Guenther. Ken ~ 11111 110>11'", ~ 'I' ,.,., Con5Ull,n.....nd Am"ndm",nlS wronll and .reluoi", .tte••11 • nd IIllI Hnlll... who ..U r ..n and "am· !KiA T."'...... • pal.ned wllh John McGee:· As .. result of ~..nn.o' p.....v" 'hal' h..danythln. 10 lIo ..ILb Ihl•. II occur.ed 10 me lhot Iher" could be it. you ean'l "v"n Impll"al" m" Thai to "undor tbe I.bl.... poilU... involved," ar.. McGee Comments On Letter obvi."wy why you "h..... 1'01 10 fn~h"" wronll and 'he lr"plle.lIon. low..r(\lo me 'ro ·rh" Ed"a•• f..lIow s..natora. 0 .... of t~ Um... WDJO YOl1r nam". ..re mallei""" 11 .'rlk"" m .. as 'he ultlmale Irony th.' I~.". Ihan Iwo .....,.,k. ago. My r""....d wllh SGA .. on open booli; I !"Ira'. lei me"""he 10"'" 51nlghl lor Iho "f'l'r "",vlng on Ihe Stude,,1 Governmenl The """ond "nineld"""" "ned 10 Ihnt .m .vannbl.. to a ...wee for .ny of lOt N'Cl>rd I did nol run .nd "ampal.n wllh 1><'... for nMrly Iwo full y"""', and h..vlng N"oc" Guen'ber nod [ a .. ,.I"nda.•nd ..".iona .1'1' lim". Any member of Lbo John M"G«, oUhough lhe 1",11", impU... hullt. modral record of ..""ompll.hmen.... h..ve wor..rd tog,,'''er .1.,.... 10.[ M..y a,udenl _y who w.nta my .1.... 01 ...·e all r.n on. pl.lIorm logelhe•• During Ihot audd ly. my las. q ....."". h"r... I nnd W('II. 'ha'". nol qUlI'" true. W. mo" hk.. anything, .... wnn.. m", In,,,,pialn myself .. the ro ••t "Iecllon my name w.s nol ",v..., on m,...,lr bjoec'ed '0 'he! kind or abuar 'hal 5i""" Sl'pl"mbrr of U>e prevlou. )· r. W'" any poinl "an....."h m!!.' the SGA oWe", la ..... ballot. I ran unoopposrd and my only aPP<"'rrd ,n lhe IOSI i..u..·• I",ue. 10 lhe! • "" Irie-nd:o. th<: beal. and I hardly 'hy U>e Univrrsl.y C.."I... pl.'form w•• one of l"onanei.1 .....pon. t::o1d lhe nam", of i.. author Ou' .Ia•• "'ri~ ...... _tl~lly _ ..10k...... , M•. Ihee /wi. m."" il pJan '0 ",,, lhal It i. Our u <"O'·..r repor,.... lhen "",n...... 1 .I :,;",U :>.rG_ Jr. 1 did umpaign for John on ...... "l' not 'or '0 mess, ..,Ih the f.eedom 01 e .nd '.r as I k...... hi. _n 'he! ulISf.etion of Ihlnk I"" ..... allkinll me....ny ...... 0' ....illmal" ;n Ul'" S'-'''' ntaaUorad rrada "~ 51.', r....l...... ,oward m .. hom. been the same. ~-ll .OC my .....,. I ...·,11 m.k. lb,...... 1' of d"lrn.un'na It>al I 'ermlnated lhe ..e.....m , , _ r-oWrr .. w" ha.·.. had .n ""eel""" nd reply. 1' 1 I _ illo'- '.--auncl I..... relallonship. I would ..ve)'Oll .1I1he!_ .....,""'._ ,. I",U lek ..... __ ~I ...... UOnahip f.... lhe I.M , .... who ha a'- by m'" th...... my 'ri•• .... th.a, lillie numbrr If " wHe .n)·I>ody'. ",..d", la", wrlwr·••1 ' Tlo", ....-. qua...,.,.. TO Imply It>al fullUli... m, duly • nd , ..._tiona bu.ai...... "'Iud> ,I .. not. """..tlty ... 1lI _ e_ ~-.~ 10 be OnandaUy .-...poroa.ble 10 ,he! Flra, 01 .U Uoe "'Uer potn.. oul the Now ,he! impJ,e.l-. ia pert""'t1y clear; no., ,...~..) '" u.~ 1 1 '". Muden'" ...... lIIu... '"undr<" lhe ...bk """ncl<>nd. I Id 10"" 10 ehalle"",e the ,_ Wh7.tha,·.nocoincldrnee.tall I <:No1 ",y ...,.,...... 10 p... up .... ahul up r~I",_ ~ 110.. pa " ho SG.~ "...... who ..-0(", Uoe .rticle 10 .,.,..,...... 1 w.. "l'f!<:ted 10 It>al r-t. ,wi.,.. by my Lo-t lhe -'de""". Bud I e"'JJerce 'e.",.. and ....nl 'e Iy p lIB' y '0.,..,..-'" th.al I had anythl 10 do wI,h 'h",) ,,,,It to H tr_e. Tto.. S,",S .111 0'_ 11.1.11. And the """" 11m. y _ to I""~ only wh...... y _ ...... , writ", • bullshil Ie II.." 1 •. Mrc..,... , wlU ••ke It Ie aptl In my, , You dleln'l .Iv" any y_ - d...... 11.. I.... freed.m .... ""I"""",,,. .,...., lhent Ian', any. You p~~a.

As.soclatleSUN.,...·eaholh 1'0..""".00.1_ 10 ..... Ih..1 you han "hoaen 10 pril'l n lelle. an npology for 'hi. Ind....,."'"on. wh!eh 11M (by a penlOn who Inols'ed on r"mal"ln\{ ddaml'd th"m PI'••"nall~ In .. m.n...... nnonymoua) atta",klng th" pe...on..1 which is. and rl&hlly so. "n abomlnallon 10 m"'lva,lon."har.."I,,r.oI 1'00""0 O"cn'h"r ...... ponslbl" -""m'nlis", "ntI .John McGce. "In"~·"'l' By printing 'hla I"...... wrlll"" by • lJ",bra " ol.al "",raon who hn. appa."ntly ""Ver I'::dU ·• '\I..,~. Thoiol Na""". )' .... h••·", rtfecUv"ly .1I0 ·{'(\ doubl ",o,,,,,,,t 'ha' I. not llbel_ Any atudo!nl II '0 be "U' upon thr "hara"I..... or ltol' I...... ·",1eom", .01"",.lly ""aw- Uoelr oplolon 1fI pt.'Opl(' "'·hohavr. i" my op,nion. don" m ...... Ihe columna of 'he SUN I lhank )'OU Ipo"lon .,1011",,,. '-''''''rd upon our a'ud"nl II .ny &""",••1 .'.1"01....1 ...n be m."" r~n"'l1_ /wi"", .ppa....Uy O.H .'-'I-Sludrrll Go> ...... m.,... al th" pa. SGA lackS' I lor "or'uaUy "0<1",,& has bren." dl.""'I and .....10 _ .. To .e' the Cat a st ""mpliahed n."t'g bern aaaoct.'ed ..... th 1»11 roll here r.....u.....U_ Y Studenl Gov...... 1 'or -.... th.ee and. I £J<'end the rrfund date for d<'OJ'P"d ltv rll'" .... '1.1.£.. ~,J::''''I ..~~~~-.:'th~ =I~_~"'~::~:=:=::1,."" and have mywlf breD ...... 1 .lunnt'CI I nor preaen' c all"n"_ dn...... IO SGA.nd S'ud"'nl Gov"r"me'" I. furlh". I l"ush 'or re...ed ody" our day ".re een'er.•nd Incr",ased tkIr· y"'an aflo ~ Th'" prim.ry lun".lon 01 S'ud",nl milory .'iaI...U...... R.....Uully, very ~. I"'.... ror w,,,,,, 'I' lhe! n.1 '\0 Gov",rnmen, ~. 10 .....vr .nd repr , Ihr f",w 1_ not,ee. aUhough all of 1"-'" II. nuy new I",nnis cou.1 ""ta. lawn lur- ,. .~ SIUde,.' I.«ty .ny OCher fu"" are Impro,·..men....nd qui'", a loll more wu n,lure f.... Ihr pool.....·",ght m.chi"", I...... c.T" e...... ~ ,""eondary and .ub.ldl••y Elghl",,,,n n.,.,ompll._ in vlrl.....lly one yrer Th" Ibr Iield'- anti Iypewrlle.. ror Ute ,V' lj .~.. """"lora .Imo." 101.111' conlrol. budg", 0' polnl I. 'hat SGA m",mhen.re I""", I1k",ly Iobury • ~ .. ppro"lm"I~ly h.ll .. mllllon dollars per '0 ,ruly .eprrsen' 'he! .lllden'" I' "" one Th<'ae ... just a Irw l",u"," which ...-'~ y".r, ..hleh com... dlr""'''y ....' or aludrnl car"" who' they a"" do,ng. ..Iude,,'. want a"lion on. Slud",nl 1I0v"rn. e....,'" pock,,1a und"r ,he l"bel ..'.lud.",1 a,,'lvitly Th.. ~"..,,,, in p"rlkulor. on"n 'Inda lO"n' membrra ...." ..Inly hl'vr 'he! In· "7 r.,.,. U-..II "mb.....l1"" I" Intrrnal h.....I... which '''IIlIl"n"",. aa'u'",,,,,,,,,...nd en".MY 10 a,,· lf 'h" "",,,,,,,.Ibllity and I""eng" of o"r art! " .."nlly eng",,,,,r"" hy " f"w ..I 'h", ~'Ompllah many of the"" p""""",.. ir 'hey L ~trl,,'ly "ldonIY5'OI'f1.hllng~'a SGA wa. 1.....lr..yed In mo""tary ""PCI''''' or m.ny. 1I01l 'Iu:! m ....Unj(8 ..r" w.. ..holh".nndll'" termll r"laUv" 'n 'h~ .'V> of our 5tudenl pr~ot:..upled wllh v"rbal r ..port. by nnd I"" 0I1he! 01"" ...... erlul.tudenl o.ganluo'lOna I 11m" '••.,.,nl on debating 1,11'. whiCh Sen..le have 10 'org,,' '''''or dIU"r.,"".... In 'he Unltrd S1.t... ",npl,ly 'h""IlOOr lhe.jMlrISO<"& bul do little '",ry t....lr '"nder "Il...... nd ny I"" sam'" Jlm","-Ing •• lhal m.y ..,.,m. " I. rael, --In ""nvince 'hl' .'utSent bnO> ~io'i",,§g,~lia:!=i,~""'3~ Q;:> .. n !lg ..... _ < ~ "'::-~~!l;,~::r:a'i..~::i".g... -~ ~~a II h H': 3 ;';3;; -" .... 3 .. -_{.. • a~~~~~!'~Ei'i~~gg~~2lD , ?: ¢f"'~~~_~'-;;.~i·'~''''~'~I ~ g .... _., ":I~"'~.... :;.gz :'I~~;;~;o~, :l ," '''':I::r,<.::;;I~,,<:".~S-"" _. -"~"l" i",~g 0 '1 ..."'iii::>!l£o;"_ ",..=" - .. aC~~l~ &~""{R3~.Pc.-"_ .. o{ 0 ",,2."'=> '-0 , ~~i-l(~~"-~g,:~g1f~~b~ ~~._...,;>o ~2o[~§~g~Sg;~~;~~~ ~O"liu;a"~" "''''0 > (J) ~:> f~;:::s .. 2 .. · :;.~g§ga~.c __,,,,!, .J:_.-;;"",,< , 1IO_ .. !!.",!, :l _" .. <1,., if,,-g::r .. .. z "'jc"- '~I1"""_,;~o;~~_ L,,:>3~;:_1-08=£"110 ...... 'i~ 8,!.:!'g-J."o l~"·"""''''oo~» .,~--' lD ~~~~<3-~~;.g~_~~~~ n .. 0'1e:: ~ ;; ~a~:::~~"-e~O';$~~;: =' .. !!:::.;'~J:{... :!: •< ~':;a~lilH~g,ig-H:!:~~ ·'~l-l~"~~lo,«~~~ .. - "'O-o-::r::r_,,_-:l:I!-_i!S"",~ . 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0...... bringing prien down, He them m.lIe SeeI1>e rubber.nna of Cam..... se.e..rlt1 ele<:11omI lurn the funniesl e.rlw,-I. yO'U ...,ad> 10 aU cort>era of the cam.,..•• ""..... e ...ery """'" V;o;i' I1>e Ioall of mil"...... on lhe third fIoot­ Campus Is A Circus In the lell ring. See the Daring F.""ll,. of the Admln...... tion building wbere u.., "'ke on ferocious .nim.1lI like. Bor"'" Ilnly peraoo:1 yO'U can He .. y...... lf. and Ia Siudeo>... wild Dumb ~'1omI .nd e funny -'lions r-l IJy _NOY lCONIGSBURC ~-, morning grumpy _rsl W.tch I1>e """-inC office dud "'" SUN .!:II.II Writer In !be cen""" ring. of cou the So .depl .re .-.nlm.1 ....inen lMl c.feleria In the world'. f...I_1 r.ce to_ Admlniatr.I...... See the world f ...... I....y.- .Dd the """a" jul&1<'t the Ani...... jump through fb.mlna -... of W.iL ForOW"nexl perfonna",,",..., m_ improved perfonna""", thla _rt I do bt>da~! Wat<:h l!>em 6ely Klence will> fire whi~ trymc to lIel .w.y from ""rd ...... ,.,..,,,..,....11enee Ploeaae lurn y..... _lion theI.. pu_in bringing a el...".. their ..Nev.... ",.".... When You N..... yO'U c... visit OW" InternlolionllUy known _upward. 10 eam_ when In:ad)r ...... '"1'he 'lbem" dtsappearinc .cl. Tbey w,lI U1 -'de _ wtllch "". play"'" In .U !be Who a .... _ tmo..... _le.wtnaan._ C...... ~ ~...... perrormina ,..... will> CUICetl....1ion _ deep thai they m.joo" courts In £ ...... thai niJruoy ...._1 resul.oorly eYery day ....h' Itere. nev r yO'U when yO'U "'!k. lexl -.. See lhe F.",,"y m• .1Ie one Who are Ih""e e ....r ••ou. huma.. Aller .u. 1It1a whole earn_ .. a e1...... In lhe hl ring. He I1>e .'Ue .winglng precarlou.ly belween Ad. eomple... wi'" ...ild .nlm.1a. .Ide _. clow.. ee' hi' In the face wlUt .n 1m· words ••_ quiz" See !>ow the Vaeulty minlstralon .nd Cr.....T and yes. _ even ...... clowna. PEACIlmenl pie. See lhee dancer- el._ o. the wild Who ..... __Ie who 6ely .11 the lI..ny. lI..ny. lIunyl Step riah! ..p lhem c:ry. He .....m leap IOCOI>1• ~h~ are.leal el...,... See eYen" tha, will bafOe wlll_la..jlh.they·U ma..1leyO'U lauah.1 lhoo ~hl _ ...e),ow, ...ery ttY_. and r... .tu-I. WhY. 11'. me .nd )'<11.I. Ladles and and amau ,...... all rlghl _Ot"e your vet')' parki"" probie...... lhey'li .plil your .ides nominal fee more la five don.r ....alth fee) c..nU....,en You.nd Me A"IAZINC. I iItin.1l _ ·zf.- a eal'THld power 10 them With .Ior_ by old.Dd_ a. lhe ...hUe Pro...... _ e In the wrilenl. VERTEX I. a wei.,.,..,e __ ad­ FlUh Avenue SI>oppl"ii Cenler In Boca d,lion. ~,~ AMAZINC SCIENCF.: "ICYION Vt;RTEX ...... pet" y...r ,. I...... ' _ MdrOOle Aven..., t"ANTASTIC 1_ "nlt.,I.... C.llfornla ...... p"'r year II I ' Thoullht I'd flnlah up my disc.....lon of fonl••y. During Ihe 1....1 few years G.I"",. .".... poor ,..,,,r (It I.....,a) I'm reviewing lite Iwo togelher .I~ the prof....lonol selene.. FlcUon map Ihl. and I 1..ler public..Uon It'. """med 10 VI':ItTt;X 18 ,he newe!ll enlry InlO lhe St' 'hey often _m 11k" lit.. alIme m.gazlne. w""k. Sorr,. Ohoul lui "'eek'8 column) ....ve 1 laomeof 'hcir old .""rklo. several fll'td. having 81arled aboul .. y.,ar and a h.....lng Ihe "'me edllor and bcl"ll seem. 10 hav.. l>e la..... All VF.:RTI';X r 'u..... much "".vier em· raUter moribund.•ufferl.,. lhe Indlgnlly C.la"y ia Ute Ihlrd "big name" of St' In .U. an _jooy.ble 'ilne, pNo.l. On ar.w k and gn;>hlc I.youl. and Of only reprinling old .lorIes. Under U. ....p rlinc wiUtln a year or lwo of I .hould m_lion !he Idea of lite Iwo II i" Ute rnOllI Imp...... ive IOOklnc of "U of ~t edllonhip of Ted While. who I'<8r F&

.nd union ...-. emplo~ did not conlribule '0 Ute.,..1 of .Iimany...... includ.ble In her _ ,... Whal lhor eom"",..liow II lhe _Ion. anti not ta...ble .... h", .,.,..,e If they a ... In d..,...U" of U. Ia figured••ntI Ute form of paymenl a..., .....ployef'·.contribut ••• the lull • ..-utl h.....Dd·. oblipllon III under • e1'i1 Your Taxes Irnm.lerI.ai "T1>e tha, 1_~ of I.... m ...1 beinduded In hia ...... f....,. _ion decr<:oe 01 ctivOlr':'e • of """POrate maIO­ .nt merely r-rt-Urne. caAulll. --..1 OC" ~. lena",,",. ,:ll under • wrilletl _ra_ I .....__ry la also immalerial In Gross Income If eom~...... Ia paid I.tt • form other ••reemenl. If _Dd.Dd ....Ie ...... U.... SU.d....,.. who r-e<:eive ac:bolarahlr- ... than m«lIl)'. the fall" m.rlr. v.iue of Ute aP8rt and do not file. )oInl rei,,",; UI HyTOM HHU~S 'e1lowUlipa ~.n _elude .- a..-on.. _I,. .... the dale eived Ia the under a civil de<:ree I"'Ilqttlrin.l .... "-nd ft'Ont lheir cr- i e. aubjeel to t.... amounl included ... '...... U the 10 ma..1le the paymea.. ror I1>e _lie'. G .... ,,,,,,"",e Ia aU llema of Income no< llmi..11omI .-"'" _ . _I,. re<:eived loa. no f.1r ....n ... aupportormalnl_",,-. _kIed they ant .mona the _ci...i_ covered by ia_ (11)e if lhoo .I_nl ;0; a eandidate r...... ree. value. no income .. _."", In tha, eaae. ouch...... will be the aubjeel of ....al _raled aDd do no< tile a joInl return .nd I.... grant UlqUi"", him 10 .,..n"onn the enhre amounl received ...... n ..... "T1>e allrn y payme.... thai taxable ... weelt·. cotumn). C ..... Incom.. Includea I_ching. ..-areh, or _ aervl<:ea, I.... properl,. '" &<>kI ...-tId be .....ble. "ompen.aUon for peraooal .nd Ute wi'e a dedUChble by huaband profesalonal oen-Icea. __ I...... e. .mounl thai ...",...... iary f. U- All inlereal is ta...ble eJtcepl ."ci_ "T1>e porIlon of the alimony l!\at ill Hn'1<:ea Ia "'"able. B.., If I "",,""ice '- Inl.....1 on _ernmenl obl.igaUoroa. ",.. profi.. and ..lea of .nd. dealinp in. specifically pay.ble for Ute .uppor\ or requir"'" of.ll c.ndidales f a partlc..lar lneludes Inlere,., corpora... bonde. mi.- child...... of lhoo h nd Ia not .... properly, Inl .,.I.....nl. divlclenda. and d<:sree. the enUre amounl of Ute aranl I. mortgage honda. not nd bank depoalta. g.I profi and income derived from dudible in Ute wife'. g Income. If U. ...ci_ .nd Inl.,real recel...ed from la"..." .....pt .ny rce ""Iever ..n/eaa e>templ lrorn huabe e"eluaion I. lirnlled ta 1130O Ilen.. rnual be ineludedln 1I...... Income. aupporl up 10 lhe amounl .peclfl"'" for U. m 1 be inciu


...11 ~1·1951 lS5Souttt F-..! _ R......

~6/lFre. RECORD & TAPE CLUB r:::-n:i~'S~ ""ntt:n II OVV IlE_' ,.OSTflS S d I ,.•••I"H.II.1I. oun s, nco FEATURING ROCK~JAZZ QU.D _ ("'~Ll" ;~iKl .lBUMS .. TAPIS __ Charter flying is 11,••·t,.._. ,_.~. fI>I. 11,..·1,...... ~e 11a_~(_t !>iggest bargain -ItU ••W,:IM A_. __IU,UI4 In aD' travel today IITI.ANTIC SUN a My roommate'a Iraumatic IIln.... Back.1 the dorm. thinp IlOC w ...... ata.l.... out ..... ain"", infection SI>e told Ihe""""W....ty four_rsa alnua infection No Bad Days.Only Better me _ dkl not w ..nt 10 110 to the clinic tu..-In-....thiq ...... 1>1".. prolonc<>d bee...... _ doesn" trust """'IOn mornl... a~. But the only ...... 1l,1OlA1 • W.1t Disney f..n­ I her '0 take ad by M y. tr you Ttle clinic: ~ I"""",, ou' 10 be Vrrf .... 'ded to _ my .dvlce and return to ..... n. to a- how BIle n to take f... her rip-rOarinc A ...aUy """" nunet_ her into the back _"""",,...k1 '""",,",'aooauehlhinc My other BUI,,,,,,,,,.. """'.rne employed B1n,.Wect_. ..- ..nd dia...-.:t her trouble ..... •• bad daoy, the _ .. days ..... waa waili f... m .... __ tl:>an Olhen.··11".""1 Nowabc!·a II"''''''''''; her roomma'" has a WIt,.., _ the ldne. ..-cli.... to the ...-uu-omydn ma-n, ..nd ha' do I ha"",. I ha"., a al.... a you..... man in. frantle..lly 8<01 I'm ..... eomplalnina One of my TrY to beI_.. thai ..flOO" you flu.... 1"'0 fIatl•• Blc: ar. a alc:...... "'. and .. dead _I... ""Ip H.. had the l'oIc:c:u.. fri_speonl threeweeb l I... a job _ h _. nut your ear Into. palm Iro!e full of "1''1'' h..d 'h.. hiccupa all (hi.. 1 H.. flnally found _. theft _ way to hla -"''''.•nd find mold ...... 1...... y ...... I am Kleri... f1uahirlll e-o BUller ","-"end:' he lOkI the.....- "~I 11m.. fI...t day of ...... k (at 5 a.m I he rec:elved a _ pOec>r of _d' Imy ,.""', down the toiJe<. ,",y car '"1_ bIa thla happened Ihlel my t..mper..lu 1 aPHdi... 'lekOf. Once he IlOC there he found Sot ....eryone l.B ha"" _t.... Iud<. My to 11_ down the 'oi..... If I Uied to flush up 10 lOt e 'oile' _'d wenl aU Kt'OWy lYe tried .....erylhl... alar1<>d. w_ y..t, upon retutni... ~... E...e<')I ..-.n 'ha' prba....b..... prOi»bly flgb, bac"••nd I don', ....n' .0 Ihl..l. I _'1 ...... drink. pa.... (hlc" he found out be ....a heine .....lct<>d to m ..k.. P1'ioce Cbannlnc , ... Cinderell•.•• the k __ha' "me I. la anyway. H...... a ,"111 u...... _ BIle 1"'1 .-m lor hia landlady'. nephew

~"rrd c.. _. tI... director of Phyalc..1 w""'h ,he ....t...i ..ash oull'.y m.y be All theBe fadono tog..U- with other I'lan' who ""...- tt>e dev..iopm....t of lay by .. budgc' cu.. buildl... .eques"'. a...... sl~ in Teaching ""w bulld,nga. dlacussood the m..u­ ""'" ,...... be.. armnaBlum w pI..kf!d eommillee by the Stal.. whkh ,ben ...... In"o1"ed In """'Idh,. tt>e _. sigh, .nd f...,m .. Uat of building priorili IJlv..n 10 wha' I' w.nta '0 pay for aln for ..ach building. tho ata'.. "Ion.ll with other unlveraltiea. In An ....hl."'" haa no< yc' """'n apPOln'f!d """'... Ia • rormul. for c_Inll whal 11..., with tho ..pac<> utlU,."lion pl..n. we f"" tho I ..a ..""rs· fl.)'mnaaium bul it la Gym On lyll" <>f bulldinll la to be buill...ailed 'he My," d"YlBed • chart ahowlng !>ow our Impe" eona'rucllon wlll a'." In line. ~1M' ..e uUIIMllon plaal. offi« 61M' .... In ..la....t"OOma ar.. uBed by • A"hough a budJlCI "u' by 'ho SIlO'" may A""ordlng to 'his plan. the ...,,,, lacillty "C''lOin nun,be!' of people. TIle ..har' I" dcl.y du.. On Ih" m.ln compua I~ 'h.. '..a ..lKlr·a ...... ·...,f"r"....0><1 '0 """ If Ihe ""p""led O'her bulldin... to look forwMd '0 on 'h.. Waiting List gymnUlum lhal will be used in helping '0 It.owlh of .'""",nls will "how a d ...."IOI,lng ,naln c.mpua are .ddillon ,.. 'h.. IIbr.ry a"".edl' pIlyalc.1 -luc:aUon m.J...... and """'" for a building. The r..ultlng gr.pIlla faclllU... and on.. to lho coll..g" of lor gl"lnll U..",.,.mpua a 1..'"8" salhednll .n eomlM'red to lho national a'.nd••d of educallon The need for facully om""" and fly .·R~;I) "'t OWN pl..... for Iec:lu,..,.. II ia plarmrd 10 be .....r atuden'" ualng 0"" pa.'kulor type of c1aaaroom.. for """Io'ogy ia belnll "".m.... SU,.. Slall W.I""r 'he ""bllng pool fa...II..... tha' now houBe building The aiu ...... by the n..w ..... f'rood Card....r ..nd Fronk So.omy are th.. ,he P.E. eqUlpmcnt. building Is ,hen known and the pr/c:e Ia Oll mpwl en '0""" .boul lu'U.... f..dllll"" al F,",U. The plan baa .I....dy _n approv.... by lI11ured In .he pri.... prr aquar.. f t 'ho f"I udrrdal.. Com'''' Is now con· In.n inl...... 1ew wllh the SUN laal "'...... ,he "a'.. ieelal..'u.e bul t...... la. q"""'1on ...... much """.... i• .-de

Unl"ersl'y of Khartoum before ",tunll". 10 '''''ch In the U.S. "W..·l1 .....1_ tho '_n Uf.. In lbe S<.Klan Sudan Seen throuct> ,he phoIo alkHs:' Dr Lee ,...leI. "W..·11 ..bo diacuaa the tr.di,IonaI...,le'y Dr DR Lee. prof_ of led to ,be """'ure R_ a~ by tho In'...... lional Sh. from ..rea ..lem....tary ""'~Is ...... Concert For ...pee, '0 alieNI the _ram C. CIa.... Bell. mus.lc: profeasor will ""-'n theprOgram with a doemons'r."on of Children .. , ...... Il<>d .".., All...... and the "'AU and tho ~'1orIda AUanlk M_ Coon •. Culld ...... _Ing ...you.... People'a" Th.. ~'AU Communlly Symphony. <"Ilr>Cer' on Feb. 5 in the Univ..rBl,y direc'<>d by Dr Eu&~"" Crabb. will .bo TtM-.I.... pr...... t • program of muaic .nd corn..n· Appro"imat..ly 500 fourth. flfth.nd ai"'h , ..t)'.

.lao be ....1Ii..., ha...... 1_. '"'II pro<:eoeds Sorority Takes will be d_a'.... 10 Project HOPE Projec' IfOPE {hoallh opportunltlea for 1'''01'1.. e""rywber..' ""-an In IlI:IlI wilh 'he On Hope ahlp 8.8. HOPE 'raveled '0 d"Y"loplng '1'he ~'AU ..hnpl"r of Phi Mu aor""Uy ia <:Ortaorlnlt n Projeet HOP.; w ....k on Ireo'ment progrema. Currently. I'rojee' campua Monday. Jan. 27 '0 Thuraday. Jan IlOP~; Ion been e.len_ '0 land baaed ~ hospitala and Id 10 Be"enl In Ih.. United Sial"". ··Mnk.. a Wish fqr HOPE" al 'ho di"play Phi M .... In ....lIcgla'e ..hap,,,...... 'abl"..., upln 'be c.f..'..rl. b 1_.y. Thoe ,be coun'ry hav.. adop,.... Project \lOPE 'abl" will f....'u.... pampllie pl.,n,nl lOa thel' natlonai philanthrnphy ond hav.. ",oJo"<:t 1101'1;: and a wi"",ng well for raiaed appr""am",..ly 'I~.OOO 0'1.... 'he d"".U 'n 1101'1;: paa' I.... yea..... r -"""''''''-,.'OO, Tuesday. mcmhera will MAFIA EXPOSED WATCH IN WING-TV LOOKlNG BOCA RATON Monday thru Thursda, SOMETHING? GODFATHER MAKES 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. AN OFFER Channel II ntis Ad .. Your FAU 1.0. Gives You d.al~nJ{" $1.00 Discount On Any Utile Pizz. MY-OleAL ('()L..t:G t=:: II ....., ) ....·r.. _in" I.... ia .. ..nil .. "hanc.. 10110 .omrlhln" n,unlnllhll In h.man '"rm•. con.llI..r AIJ~II"SION I .... I'...~.. Corp••tu1 \'I""'1'A. Good Mon. Thru Wed. Or Antr 10 P.M. Thur. Thru Sun. TI-;;lJT C"lF:IlCATI III •. TlI.,. 11-12 Fri. It Sat, 11-2 Sill. 4-12 Th.. I· r (:orpo h.. l.)".r o"",,,,,,u ...I"omro" I.. .\1.1 'oie. l.a,ln Am"rI 011 'h" I'.eill... \'ISTA 175' •.W. bet A".·Boc..I 35..1330 D.;NTAI. AOMISSION .... ' ..I"n' r •••llIn",r ,,, ..illr....d r"ral c.....· TElfT ...unlll H .... , "'.S. '1'h. progr.. ",. arr I" 1I).A.'1'.' oll.'eullur". he.U d"e.Uon. bu.ln"••. .,ehlll,.""rr "",I m"n, ,,'h..r n ..ld•• Comp,..... 1I""I..w Co...... t:.­ $CRUSTY'S ""..oi".. I·...p.rallon T1oal!lM s.·.. 'hr "Ur' (·orp••nd \'I!'ITA rrcrult...a 0" can'I'"a by Sp....latla'a. M"dc.,·I)BI "' , .... ""Ik,,·..y "I .h.. ,,,,,I.. ".''''"rl. on "'"dn...d.y p,.,p. Sh"ldon N. no,,,. 1-••• ""II '1'10 ...... ". J." "lIt-:lO. ....uII. nl_flUI. II No Anaw.r PIZZA Call ."'taml l_e:U"'Ia:t. ,,,,1,,.1 u. 'h.. mnol "~I",,,,,I 'hln" you Il.,,',' ,01 I" ,h.. I, ~ yM ~ Job Hunting Harrowing F"rl""" J) I n·"·' .n) "r'''''''41 ..~ u",,,, IJI'(;(;t.1I ..fI'e<> for four "..... Ju lo a"l an ", I,nd " lou' "'h,,n I,.. ll>ld m" '0 el< _ Sl .... Sial( "·cll.... I" .." ..,. for" m,n,mum ""II" pIIrl-lm,,: Ill) " and mull,p'y "'.... lim"" 1"'..1,·... Ify...... aU_h'. 1"1,. h<-c.. ft. ~'Al' jolo. and I was no' ..10m- qu" I< I hit'", on) eOt>' "'her" .. m) pock..r-­ M .. ("lIlIm 1"~I. hk.. 1 non yo. In ~ day of Job " ..nUna I lI11ed "", " ....,""'"'or· II"", e." I l.>e a IUllco.perwon ;' I proboobly roU,nll In ....h Bfto...... ". nngirq;! from .-. In .11 un <...,,', mult'ply n"It· lIm". \ ... h·..• to",..., .. no ,d<'ftOd '0 t,...... , ..x ....h..".blr In> 1""11."'" whIch ...n"'Ii ... Ou, I .... h."k)', I />lod Hood .-..I"...,n"" ...... '".. un,,·..ro,l). many ,.luOoml,. ..,. '0 kn"" m,' communl.t .rriliaOD"•. "ndll'""_"",,, "f',o, ..n,)_..... ""rfto .., !let -l.<>n& "d'_' "'1<11>11 .,...1 loa... TItI.. I"')"h'....'" profn...nd 100..· mu"" III '" lU.n hour A' , ...., r.too I'll h."" ....x, mea'" lor mil")' of u., nnell..... 1"'1"1 llm...... ~,~ a' :J7 """ta pllU ....x "",,,lI ""QU'd quar''''''. ...'ll"" .nd 1_lrqt b) the job which ",·,11 no! eonmc' "1I1l your cia'" ..._ ..It< =, ",""",nina 0' M.y,,' I don"aptonpeful pia...... , anot....r '0 I",.. on b<-(",'roel, , Nr.•~ 1.A.tdt'·· 1.01 .....""'10 .rt.... -...... nal>li$hm",,'" loid m .. they "·er.. 101"""..11,1" I ,ry'o"""" "',lh buyU>a p. re'"...... my ~k,n. aCNIUnl \0 lin all Iay,ng off _Ie ...... doll.r.' a um..,.nd Ii..... ao balymR>I. Openi..... _inll. I'm aW"<" tha. ",.".., • ..., "'At Nroro..·...... ,.. thaI 1>1.-.""-. blue colloar "Don'1 (,.. oua.·· \he nl..... man IoId aludenta ,,'1>0 -.1<1 lik.. 10 _r._ 1\ I .._ ..... and fenuo'" !he ....-. bit m ... allochi.... V1lrioua cac!&.." ID my Nowl'FAU 1

California 'EARTH NEWS) - U·. cOmmon W)Ien OM w\n..... lerm !>elI:i.. th", month...... lq.. thaI et>d _ ma"y •• '" .,""""...... _~ted ID the bullr. ol thedcnta is ~ ID do u ...... -aIly .. ..,....""'i... Uona ....d 'ront ... I.r .w.y _ Japoon and canada A Ilimplir_...... In .--1 .., _ ... Tbe uni ,y '" oll.,,-;...... ha. .. _ ... olfered •• FAU bqtlnnl Jaa.. ~II"" Meanwbile,l.... eoune·.llts.gr.dwoling Clowning "-'11I>' '0 be e tJcil pla)"1l .., ''C1owDDIosy:' and a"" 'Utitte up d ..ol '" ••""""...... Uy wenl 'hrough to g... It>. Tbe wbol.. fhiDK: rtcd .... _ IhelrDWn duaU-....,...... ,... WeooriDtl. vi 1 ntI.. In .11 al le , ...... -.- I "K""I Eo M.1h Simptlnad.· credil .."perim..... in ..,.. ex_I"" ad><>nl ....nd·m.de um....nd clown m.ke-up ben...'h .r.dltlon.1 mo••rboard•. 'b.. '" deal.ltncd 10 ~ ,...,,_ .. IaalIOpr.ng thr«ch c: "",hoof ayslem who 11_ by cumslonce:' fel.llncd aI_ ...hll.. I".enlng more ..-_ ..... no",", Curty C\own '0••peed. by. uni.....-ally dean••nd then pr-<>bl basic ID 'M rodd. u... lUI I of \heclaaa will boloolll Rich _ or CUrly ~ who ...... been collec.l.....y launc""d InlD a blc. .,.-oductoon ~)' I ...... 1 to 10. iD GO '~a""ing child...,.. .bout downing. dec_ rmmb<:t- ol Coltt Poo-I....'. "_ A Clo...... ""'ogo KUm•• ")"11 ...... ,... OM COlI golrqt 10 be ••...... ,.... w...... - ""amlnali"" m pr-<>b . and '0 off ac...... lc "red,ta ." Rqtls'ra.ion I. _ • firM..,.,m... nr.­ .1""""" compl..Unlt iI. ""'" ""...... l~ Iaal .prlng he ..... named "oIficl.1 ...eek ""ur... includ". 1".'ru"U"" On ".mpu. clo...n" hy Uni..erslly P...".I""nl ...... ·ed ....i. wUI< enroUmen. llmU,"" 1011 •""hniqu~. 0' " ....umlnll. n'.k..·up. Ur.It" Golding. Or Golding made lI... The f"", i. )35. }o'or further Inform._ """IOm,m"•••ory t"lling. danc'ng. aleita. pnX'1.maU_ whll"hurll"II" pi.. In Curly'. caU Jolt" J. Koo:m.". CoII'"lI" or 0_ '''.II'C, and parly planning r.."". ..nd Puhll" " ..mlni....lion. ".1. 5"

So you can't go to the Bahomas. .?

Spend yout"' weekend in the RA THSKELLER Broken String Colieehonse eveR". Saturday Night

Live Entertainment

9 p m iii Disrotheqne eyeRY Sunday Night

Top Sounds 9 pm. iii


No Cover Charge!

"The Weekend Place To Be" ,\-rl.,\S-riC SVN a Conlnbullng III Ihllo mUtl:rpl_ 101 bo'lll.nt .nd poe.I" dl...,.,Uorl by Arthur Penn. di.....,tor of _al.... C1y"~ .nd noe Bi~ t...... ,. .nd ...perb ..,U", by ~'.,.. ( Thot's Entertoinment ) 'Little Duna....y .nd Chief Dan ~. o..-lIn Hoffrna 1ly ".pll... 1ea hla Man'Arnves .~ in lbe 1"Iint; role .. J."" Dun U1e 0>ec0nd Studenl ~'emmenl Cr.bb.~...... Ivor ofC\aaleo"" las< &land Crant'. Tomb. home off"", or lhe Bur...... 1':1..".1 ,he S'ud..n' I':nl....lnm.nl The film .. com_ed 01 Cr.bb·. or s.,"oIotl..,..1 Inf_allon_ F'romW.. lbet Dr. Roben oul .... h;s fac,-,b:>d:m,; 'our nd_r~ • .,..... Am ..,. _ ..},..aye _ .....n· thewl 1<1 be .",,1_ ... the \\<101er Ind..... Quart« CoIltemr-ary ~. Ull~ "I. Crabb·.bf~~_.W~ ,oil< ta_ ""'f"n I':..en Richard NI"... IS • __ 'I....,...... b)' • atzabloo m • .I~ily, """""'" with • .'y_ m',...... or .bounlb. .n ' 1 or the \\'lUte It...- 1"1. It Sex After _i_ to the VC Gold Coaat Room Thunday. J .... com«Iy .nd ._DIng lnpdy. a.ara,,­ III ha ...,. ... the While H ~ ..'. I.-a parodying Arnericao.. 'olklore """"'­ ~" » i. Tlo....., AI..... 0., ,. Ia .n No ImmoMSe.ly popular film. Uctory Americ..n ...."""'1 Vnlverai'yCenler. A."..Ia"'" f~~_" ."".ouid ....an. la"-if the...•• so>x .'ter Putlla ul _I th ..11I<:h ..00 once lried wlU be SO cen...... 1"-''' '1. _tho any••y· 10rep lv . "tulra"ter "'..... Abel. uny Inlmoris' and ...... 11_ Proed tlll~ and ...... ,.,Ieod by Abel 'on:ibly po..W>ed lnlo a ....,.,.,.1... or _ .. hoa" nledlo k...... so he ael and his .....f.. J_nne. 'h" X-ra'eod ..1I.a macabre .i....UOI1ll thai ...... ,k. amaw...... an Am i"a.. journey in his se,.· 1n<:lun·lho·lam Ith Ev. Marie Saint . ,....·U .... nl 10 kno.... ,he .na.....,.". Illm.maker. Buck H"",.y as a d3f1y bur..... u CIa..", Pear ac• ...,n Monday. ~·..b 3 ....lth lhe blonde Mala Hatl ....110 Ia ."""rently Sl..d..nl Enl..rl.lnm..n' Co..n"il I" a'aff..r. J"n Moran aa a ae"oI,,&I.I. and Norlh l\y North.....I. ..Idlnl 'he da.lardly vill.l". ,,""'.ina him...... nlinl • very .peelal enlerlalnm"nl Andy Warhol'. .up..r.'a.. lIolly Wllh • lonlue.ln-<:beek allilude and • Jam... Ma_ is properly .inl.l..r .. lhe pa"ka!;e ....ith lhe movie I~ Th Son AIl..r Woodla n b~Q' s"ns.. or humor. HI'"h<:ock I. oil In leader or lhe .py rl'13. lle•• ~~ and. l""lure: by Abcl, ho slara I.. I. Th ·"..~ ,ule. O.alh~ play. a11::10 hlSh I"'" right al Ih.. bell..nlnll ... 10.. Th;s HIl"h<:ock 'hrUler I. one you won', ~I. o ....n nkk a" D. Harrl n Rogers. u..d 10 I',m,. &llu.day. ~'eb. I In 'h.. .plns Ih.. lIOm....h..1 Improbabl" y.m of. ....anl 10 m ..... Admlulon '0 all CI I" no..,d aexperl U..lv"rglly Cenl... Gold CoaSI Itoom. • ue"....(ul. handsome M.dl_ Av..nue ~'"ar (11m. Is 'r"'" 10.11 Norll> lOy N ..... Wh..' ran only be "ailed a p""..do­ Admi."lon I. SO "",nla for aluden'" and '1 """"uUv" mlslak~n for a ~'eerll,.. a' for """"'ud."'I., IcllIll"""'" m.n by for..lgn .Il...... · II.. I. UC GOld C""S. Room. C,-_~_~_'at'_:>%e_~__) 'Tiny Alice' Presents Idea Of Anti-God

The ...... -.arealm off..,th in ..nythIOl- AI_. _ 01 I.... m ..1 d<5tlngulabrd and CCld. man ~ 00 _ delly pnwides ..-lrov..,."J..I dramal"" in America.....'11 S __aa "'..h-w.. as I.A. P""'k Aa. 1l~1I ... Cla-C;aa-8aa. __...... UIe...... ,..l f the faint or ....art read leave you ..&pi....I I...ucIa""y .nd ...... "1...... l y. p ..~pa 1_ .....1r India••_ la FAU'...... 1•• 110 ,"" 0>ec0nd pn>cIucl.... of the . ~h...1 lhe Intelleclual _.bilill... 11 u.. -TIny Al;.,.," lla'l«luln Players. Pori ...... _ 01 HM.d B .."uny ...... Or, if ~ou pref..... simply ai. """k.nd Ie' Lauderdal,,·. prof....Ion..1 r ...'d....1 - returnln" '0 Japan", '0 '.k.. Ma"'me thea' iIl """plor.. lha' In.rillUinll. orlen you....I' be """"inc:ecl thai Ih..- clevW. ••..., ". .nd ...... times frillh.eniOl ad"""al...... Inde<-d _n8 ..nd ..H..ly ltuu....ny·. "hlld. whl"h .... f.l....r..... boad< p..,,_U ...... ofan anll-God You m,lJ" even dec"lvlng lhe catholi" Chureh. OperaHeads 10 Amerie.. ~ '0 "..U ..... lhe devli Mll"hell C.tre)'. llo.lequln·. v ,uile AI... In lhe ca,,1 la Rich lIro...... a. Thl. gOlM" _ror .Iory by Ectward W..1ah ..",or. Is dl linl the .1>0 U Sharples. ,he Amerl"an """...." Debbie ... ploylnl Lawy Ituman 0. Olhe.wlse. Weekend ...... ghn as SU1U-kI ...... "n' I" a ..lle.ny, I...... y ... I... ""mplel., around...!. Sarato Clay Jam..... Ed Leln. Harv..y Wtoll", and Nail h.lnp lhe _uilfu, .nd dlaboll".l On January 3' and l\Iarch I. 'he ~',\U Gary Be.m MI.. AII« 10 li'e O ....;d SChmid, play.. Musl" lJoeparlm"n' ...ill p...... nl Pu"dnl'. The The.I..., Depar,m..nl h... I..nl a Ilr<>lh..r Julian, Ihe <:lerk who '"II. her M""am,, ilu"..rny, m"ha.d W.IShi Ia hell'lnll Mod on lhe I""hni"ol end of I.... "k,ltn dlr,..,llnll a ""sl 01 21 in Ihi. Io:nliloh vcr· I>eoen d...lilned by Th~ i,lny ope""d ~·rlh""lde' of ,'''' U.S, 'M,,, opera ...111 10llr In ~'..bru".y. ,.101" Ihrou8h Sunday. ~-..btulll')" 0. Curl.in i. III "."y ... ho ",arrl... " J""""""", IIlrl. 1,lnll "I lhe 8.".."tcI Counly Musl.. 8:30 plOW" de> nol .U""", 'hat you b.lnll Mada",,, a"""rny 'Ann flerrem II.. ~·t!lIU..al you"'llo ,'h"d"';''' I""v,,", her 10 ....Ium 10 Am....i"a and all... Ti"ket. an> r...... 10 FAil .,..drOll. and P~ I"'arma,ion and reserVl1UonS. <:aU 'IL."", ) ..... re'u.... '0 .....ailln. :>1...1"" n ~ for 0''''''''. CUr"ln Um.. I. 8:30 I' m 7113-i72.'l. C ...... p r..'es ...... a'·...l.bl.- .."" hi. Americ:an ....If" His In''''''I,'''' i.. ("...11 "~Iena,on ~I for ...... ,r..al'''''• Playwright's Life Short But Eventful

TIoe -\11 __ Carl R..ldl" Daa<:~ ~;ll')O"'" ...."1 1-. ..·hicto ..... 10 "'" the 10..1 .10_ 'I1ou••~ 1lI ...... _ .. I l.'C _ F ..~. II,. 0''"'' .. ...L'" St.ff Wrtler _Ian' lea. 01 h,s h'... ,~ thai y ....r ...... Z ~_...,. a _ksl>ap _ Anion Cl>ell;J>ov'. "arH'T a:s .. playw••l 1tJc, 'ound,... or"",," JlI_.._ An Taooo••r.. " 3 Ia Ik Call.."" M It....alUes. .pans a _I. bu' IOY",,"ul lei year pe.-iood K_I..nltn St."""''''''y. 'he fou"" of al lhe ' ..rn or lhe """"ury. In I." al II>C' 'he " ...."... ."" T~...... sha " . "£,,or~.hlafirat'ull·lengthpla)' ...._ •. ("h..khow·••bhor-r.n".. 0' Ihe ov~rly was "",b"shed.rod produt!ecI AliI>oulJ' I"" ''''''alr,,,al Slyleor acIlDll ...htch ...... k,lh... DanceCompanyptay ...... (:1',1",..1..--.Chek_ wu I...... 1 or drama d,....USI"'" wllh lhe " ...venl...... 1 proetho.. Slooclml Cov....nm"n, Auoelailon .nd lhe a""U$OliOl1ll. Chek""" ....ithd...... lhe p1.y. In 1900. ChC'kho" ro... V..d ....."ya, In CoU.J.. or 1l1ln..nll1ea or I'"AV will pr...... "1 only 10 ha"" h ..m"rll" ~IJ" yea.. I",er in 1901 he ....rol.. no.. Thr..., ,;...~..: In 1_ n. 1'••1 ...... UH n ..n.... Th...lr... an "h"r"'" " .....ion HS l.'n..I.. V...y •. he "omplel<.'d his LUI play Th ('h y TIle dane" company ..111 pe,'orm In lhe ,,, 1_. The "".."ull ...a. produ""'" by Ih.. IIr'''.. rol. The Vnleerally 'Thulr 111 Os,...... ity Theal... "I a'30 p.m on P ..b. 2, Ale""ndrl....ky TI>cla're In S. P"'ersbuTl\ prnen. lhelr produ"tlon or Th.. Ch..r.y ,\,,'on I:h••ho... a ho. 0' Tho c"....y lbo-y ..ill """"u,,1 a do"".. wor-kshop on 11 "·as t:."ht!khov's 1",,1 pl.y hef....e hi. ...""••d. ae"<". tJah''''o''y Th " y ll.:t:I. TIle II"r(orm.'r. f I. ...""" .,.,."pany Ind""" T.,.,na Mohr...... " hUll" (nllure T"'" I....alre b..,,,lll.d o.u.. lIluo. Bnd ...Irslnl. Barn"n TI>e mall«. 'he air ...... ""mp."".-I ",Uh Cha.I "'le'nUII will be dlr""lInll • " ••1 Pft'Ir.m ....'11 1n<:lIotlc musk raDlllng 'roll' h"'rf"d and. I" .""o.da""", ..ilh 'he I...·• or ,,( 13 hlle I""hnl"al dl,,,,,'or Ed Madden Join.. fore ilh "o.lum.. d ...llIne. Tl"k..la.....hl"ha.... fr lO.I..den.... go on ...... nli"i..m 10 Ih.. lales' in "1",,lronlc: phy.l.,.. I wu 'hr<>w" 0'" or 51. P"I..r.burtt ...Ie ~·eb. ~ S den "",,ourall"'O

llradu"',, e Rem...... ".,"·· In 'Il.. Rare Books ""minI! spring term. "We've ""Iccl..d th""" particular books An unusual ""1""led colleeUon or rare ror display 10 ahow lhe inter",,'ePCr Nile. 11. au,"or. York Clly dealer In anUtluated hoou. Hlob IAldolf. Wall one of the ("rem",,' Thomas W. Man", Jr.. assislanl Hebre"" scholar• .,f 'h" _"venIN,neh librarian and "keeper" 01 'he rar" books, """lUry and '" noted r".. hi. ""holarslltp of refused 10 pul " monelary vslue of Ihe "arly Cllrlallan wrltlngs_ holdings. The history or "Oenghl..,an 'h" <: ..,,,," "I'd ..,her Ju.1 aay IhM Ihe colleeUon wa9 a len·year labor of ~'rancl"" Pella, has a reasonably high mone'ary ,·"Iue." 1622·1695. the foremost Near_Eastern Mann said. "It's IIreal""t value. of cou,.".,. ""ho1<.. In ...,venteenU'~enturyFrance. He Is I",,,ll,,,,tual. dieOl au"mpt to ple'ed the work in 1710. The eopy on show aequlrot>ookafor Ih" "Sl'C"'lal Colleclion." is an }o;nglloh 'ranslaUon printed in 1722. Maoy 01 Ihe hooks came toto our Olher book" include woru by William _ ...... ion through 'he generoslly or ll,fta Gilpin. 1724·1llG4; John }o;nt;"k. 1103'1T1;'l; a YAUs CI•.,le K has lI.... uveral groups ar U.es .oge'hu to bund rubber .~. la In>m Irie"do University Cen,er alaff SChwa.11 and AssOciates Wesl N...... -toa, ....Id Ihat alnee the problem 01 sludenta Map.. and Lake Wo.th; Richard (; FAU p.""ldenl Glenwood L. C.eech haa pr""idency af }o'AU In 1ll7a. lie is a algnlng up for a eourse and Ihen ....1 ..I· 1;lmmona. We.t Palm Beacb 01'1 been nam~'" 10 the Hall of Distinguisl>ed apeeiaH.I in adminialraU"". exlenslon and tending w80 nOI encounlered lut quarter. m ..nage.. and George B. Van Zft; Alumni 01 tho UniversUy or Kentucky. adult edu""tlon. tbey believe that many studcnta signed up p.esldent. Hoy..1 Palm R""lty Corp. D •. creech. who earned tw<> degrees al He ""rved as a vlalting prof""""," al rOY Ihem bee...... Ihe courses were free The council meelS quarterly la pn>vaII UK. Is one of ZZ alumni seleeled for the Cornell Univeraity and an ....oclale and Ihen did n(>I 1"",1 obligated to "llend. advice and """islance 10 the coil... ; hanor Irom among 100 nomlnaUona. p....ressor 01 exlenslon educallon 01 'he Thl8 h..a caused pn>blema fO'r lho Members partleipal<> in "',,,ulea. oemi ,. .' A native. or Kentucky. Dr. Creech waa Unlvenily 01 Wisconsin_ III' also was Unlversily Cenle. ata" and Ihe <:lass In, and wo.kshops. asaia' in lund·..1oiol vi"" preslden' for universlly relallons a' program dlr""lor for Ihe WoK. Kenngg SlnlC'''''. ""0t'1S and provide "",,'acta rOY atu"",,b UK lOr ell.ht vea.. helore asaumlng the Foundation for six yean. }o'....m now on. the Universily Cenler and gradulltea. reporla a. 01 January 22. 197~. If your Caml'Ua Minlslriea Karl S. R8gan Meehanical Engineers Club 7...."""IJ orllani","i"" Is not lIa'ed. please """tact x2314 Van Voa.1 ~ 1167·709It Slud~ CIIea. Club _ Mike Spen"". :til<_ Reminder T O Ihe ....1 Activities om"" as SOOn as Omier"" Della Epsilon _ Shelly R. Oonej possible. -27tl-= Tbank you. .= P • .,heU"nic C....ncil - N"ncy Eckert- File Report Regislered organl.aUon. for 'he Wlnle. Chrl.Uan SCi"""" College Organl.atlon _ .~ Qu..rter "7~ are: Dia"" Peeplcs _ x2%W Phi Alpha ThoW. _ John Patton _ m-ars Cirele K- F.ank Seheber _ x2221 Phi Be'a l.amllda _ Bob Slerling _ 0:1111 OPEN LETTER 1'0 A"'L C"'UBS AND AC!'IVE ORGANIZATIONS AS OF )-21-75 Cycling Club _ Eugene "'aye _ 39S.274~ Phi Gamma Nu _ Carol A. ?_'en _ 771· ORGANIZATIONS Della G ..mma _ Amanda Trammell _ ~~ TI,I. is 10 remind all "'AU clubs and 10cll"(I, meaning Iho... 0.gaaI1.II"ns "'hl"h ha"" filed stalus reporls.) Phi Mu _ Miekey M"rlmdale _ x_I ....g.nl"""o"s lha. a alalus repOrl n,usl be oello SigmG Pi _ Wayne lllackbum _ 946- Phyaical Ed Club - Bellnda Gln'!>erll- filed eve.y quarter wllh Ihe Siudeni Ae­ .- NAME: 739-(;231 Iivilies om"" I""ated In room 2(11 of ,he I'ltgslDENT l>I.lribuliv" Ed Clubs _ Dustin Dunn Jr. 1'1 Mu Epsilon ~ Fred PIUbell Unive.sity Ce"ler. O.ganl...tiona nO' TE:I.EPliON., - I'olte.·a Guild _ Dik HaurJlan ~ 4Z8.:IolJ1 compleling Ihls form will not be coo· Alph. Tau Omega - David Griffin - 3l38­ Dorm Council ~ Linda Drekel _ x2077 Sigma XI Club _ F.ederiek Hoffman _ sld.,..ed regiale.ed Ot'ganl""UotlJl and will 0133 l;:eka"".-.-- Greg Valence - 782-~7li3 moo los" on l>'AU rlghls and privileges until Amaleur ltadl" ClUb ~ .....'" 1..,lehorl ­ ~'eneinll Cluh _ Dale Tryzblak _ x2273 Sky Diving Club ~ Tom Salano said 1000m is compleled. :l'.l5.0021 Flo.id.. Publle Inler",,1 Research Group- Sociely of Physic. SI..dents _ Tim(llhy Ills n""""""ry for Ihe S'udenl ""tlvltl... Amerlean Legion _ Charles W. Vincenl_ F:dw"rd Blumcnlhal _ x248(l Moore - x272' Ornce to k""p these lorms on HIe. Many 395-9'71 The O ...... p_ n..... Tboma...r. _ x~.U3 lelephone ealla are reeeived hy Ihls olllce Stu"""1 Council for ,"x«plional Chll_ Ame.l"an Markeli"g Aaooo:. _ Mark In.tilule or Eleclrleal and Elec Siudeni Unlon_ Maxine Snyder_ Vel.,..a"" AssoeiaUon _ OoIUgla. MilI",,­ U.led below are all ,,-;r"~!!.3t~ ... e. __ A o ::.~-S'~:.;,,=;:!;:.l,=/;;;t:'~.-;"- ,... , .. ~c~~~=I.~~~~i~.;(~:r.-~~- •< ! __ .. ~~~I"~'~.~~~.-'~i" 2 O~l_",~!;·~;~o~,.,,~r~-.'< . 0 ...... ~_ 00 '-03-~... --~ ;. ~=;~g;.~z.~~;ii..I~~;.~ _.! .... ~"'__ ,'~... _ O~_~.­ !:ri_:'~iPU;' :="'=:i-.i~3~Zii ~3l0~..~~;-~~~~2~~3~Z~~iT}g !it>Q'~_;:a.:"'i-[;'" ii'" ;::.;:r~~-" i·-:;j ~'151S''''- ~!i~i;[:~g~~~;~~:ai~.:~~ 'i:"ll. ""i" ...".,,0"'_ I! •. - B3( ~~,~~5,~~~,,~[g~~-,~~~~l~a~~ ::r _ _".c.. '" .....• 1-"_.,O:;"C ".0.0...... 0·"-" ~"Il:rI' f •• .. _~.. - - i'~0> .. ~~lU::r~~~:a::r ,,-'H "i 2,.-:.;:: _1_ o=a.c..~~=~:~'E=~. i~ .., ~~f~~;-~'<...:"'" l>"~-1~~; .. .. oiS.~~f;=-~,'}~; _,,_ _" -'~Co II;li' or

§!o "Il-~ __ '" ,,-- .',. a i ,11"--<::I .. ... ~ "',. ~!g~~~~~i~i~~gi~j~~~~'~~!-i; H~illil~i~i~i~~ Q. "l- - "-"i~.. ~,,~~:r"~-il.-'if (JJ J <8~ii:~;~";':!...7'~_;"5.~3~i~:I::- ~:-, ~---di-'0 H i~i~I~~~I~il!~!~lf:~il;1~;i-.,.- •••.••• -- 0 'iti ~!So-! ·s?Qi~~~i~s~~~ii~~!~·~a!i~2" 'r" Or- ''''-'-~l';_~""'i.. 'il l! '!' ..,... §~~§~-·~~~~~l!~~~~l~ilJ". [ g'& ~"-<[ ~H:ii ~ ~~~ ..:r~ "l~~- ~ q§'g-: '"i _.e !~'13 i ;~~~~;~iiga~~a32-:~ai-;." i·_ III ~. ... i!"", ~5"~~-~:o:..';~:1~!' .. ~ ~Z Ji,! ~l!..U"~i!:ht i~~lj ~.. ~~~ ~.<;o;:;!'",e.2':"ii"'~::''