Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-18-1897 R
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-18-1897 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-18-1897 R. A. Kistler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kistler, R. A.. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 06-18-1897." (1897). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. k'LSI AVAJLAClX COPV i ;. v 1 . I ll our CViuras n 111 hn I'IMilI Tour iiri"ti K- ul ol Auytiaiui. Uun Mnaey tub Ttw VUc. 1897:7- - LAS NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, no;ir VOL XVIII. EAST VEGAS, STARVING CUBANS Bank, MR. TELLERTALKING San filigiiel Jational First Nationar Bank. Ths International Convention Will b HoU at ' Zurich, Switzerland. or 143 VEUAE. LAS VEGAS. NEW MEXICO. hey Totter Through the Streets Colorado's Senator Introduces -- JOSHUA S. Fresldent New Yoitic, N. I , Jane 18 of Matanzas . for in - - 0100,000. RAYNOLD8, Crying Paid Vice-Fmiden- Grist of Bills for the Capital JOHN W. ZOLLAKS, t. A. B. SMITH, Cftshlef a Legis Advlue recclvtid from the secretary of Bread Consul Stoned. Mill. for - ' lative the Interna'lonal congross protejt- - - (S0,000. 5 L. ' F. ADAMS, Assistant Cashier; ive labor leglslatiun, which organiza. Surplus, held aouual WIFE MURDERER SUICIDES OSTIOKBSl LABORERS IN CONVENTION lion hat for several years - Accounts Received to Checl:. snssiocs at Swl'esrland, Joai-cat- e Subject will FBAJSX BPRINGEB, that this summer'.) gathering Banker Spalding's Case lias V. T. HOSKTNS, Cashier. A Wind Storm Creates Interest Paid on Time Terrible be tbe roost largely attended yet held. Been to the Jnry r. B. JANUAJiY, Assistant CasMn Deposit?, . IB J I Glen Havoc and Consternation in Th sessions win ue nem uurii for Final Action. EX UITKBEST PAID OH TTMJ0 lKIOBri USA the East. August, and will be opeo to all working olass organiztions and uu DEAL) i hKitai GoKC. Pre ... olubs, Irrespective oi tneir pouuuni JOHN M. FRANCIS IS Free. Tbe condition THE ' H. W. Kkixt, Vice THE REPORTER ACQUITTED raliiTloos views. only T. Treae. BROWNE & to which must conform is ft J). Hmkixb, delegates June 18. A VEGAS belief in tbe principle oi miiiouu Matakza. Cuba, LAS MANZANARES Washington. D. C, Juns 18. nn ha nui nf iha state in behalf ol the serious bread riot has occurred here, Paid up capital, $30,000. e nrkinir DV leirai v. Mr. Teller introduced thirty-on- bllU classes. hiuiwuvh 2,000 men and women SAVINGS BANK. of by prohibition f COMPANY them the hours labor, of tottered frWHare you aaralncs by 4epoaltta; them in lh8LA8 Vab BArwas Baste, whr in ths senate, Amoog lahnr. and bvsDeolal Droteotive practloally dying hoger la two aouars maaa. u""1"; " i , wUl bring yon aa Inooinei Every dollar aftved, Las and were bills for coin, and the f.i- - and the streets, demanding bread. hey East Vegas providing mnmin. Tourjc Dersotjs through Rb deposits reoeiTea or itwa mnn i. ot national bank notes; nhiiriran. Hprfltofore the repraseowi A private residence was broken into en all tleporlts of $B and over. Mexico redemption mu Itarast paid Socorro, New reserve In national States , at mese and stores looted oeior. providing for tloo from the Uolted grocery - to tne suu w bfieo verr limited, bat looal police witn orawn swurua ouu- banks; the riot. T rado for money expended In the sop. been'mautrurated this needed in quelling nraaainn nf the Uia Indian depreds. year to eond dlbgates representlngtbe Madrid. June 18. The United 8-f- oot steel wind mill Wholesale Grocers. Wool, Hides, fur tbe n n v An galvanized lions the year 1887; nrmn laDor oriraniauuus " 18 stoned Im-plemen- ts.r daring f i States embassy likely to be OI Plows and iha raiinf nf i li fiigt Colorado mounted country. on America Witn a 30 IOOt lOWCr same maivnai, Pelts, Agricultural - unless the attacks - 10 abolish the offloea of cum- again sta- ion on the A. T. & S. F. south militia; DEB'S SCHEME. re more moderate. Tbe Spanish gov. delivered at any Alfalfa, Grass, Cane missloner and assistant commissioner ever. lieu ernmeat is more watchful than of Las in New Mexico, for $48.00. North of affairs and to create in no Vegas, and Garden Seeds. Eastern Seed -- U Minister is in present danger, lr,-- f I ViCflft.. tCit SaO.OO. of five Indian com. social Democracy of America" the Taylor . &. xHlnnr aa . thereof, a board Th, hut ta nicii od'au.... 01 vua - OIIU au nlaainnara Society's Mama. rura im lliviuuilij, Wheat Uiioaiuuvi) haaeo has been troubled. Taylor looks furnished free The senile disposed of routine busi oase. Estimates and specifications for trouble over tbe liuix I A. law ai ness in a few minutes, io.ay, wuou Chicago. Illinois. Jubo 18. Dele- - on vy the tailff Dill was oalled op. Flax, sates from labor and reform societies A Carnival at PugllUti. lrngauon pianis llltfl RflhfidulBS WCTS 000- - Ranch Komn anil unions, gathered at Raw Frakcisci. Calif.. June 18. Chas BlanChard, and i a'.Harurl Tna fiUnilfiaiOn tOOk Wide and to assist Steve O'Donnell, the Australian heavy Senators Tillman, Baoon Ulrlcb hall, this morning, N. M. r .nge. Vest, knocked out of Las Vegas, Mining Supplies. and Stewart tooK pan. V. Dehs in launching his new weight, AlexGreggalns, Stfiwurt. of Nevada, an movement. Before the American rail- - Ran Frannlaoo. in eight rounds. Bill Smrnr naa nouncd that be would vote for the way union adi turned, last night, it Elmer, tbe pugiHstio actor, knocked and into historv as a labor orgaoiua in Fence Shov- tariff bill, that it might be tried n.,iiK . out Jim llpan. of Cinolnnali, the Wire, Nails, Pici;s and tne oonvinoeu ui in w- -' .tnn Th nnnvention voted almost iinrH rniind. and Jimmv Lawler. tbe oountry n and Giant ness. ananimou-l- y to change tbe organiza-,- Innal bantam, fought ft ten-rou- draw Askfor-- r els, Blasting Powder, i.Kimiiil Demooraoy of l.l.U V iha ' with Jimmv Anthony, the Australian brands of A Terrific Storm. of The following cigars: Cement, Sheep Dips, Sulphur, A America." and a declaration pnn Ahambton bantam. These were tbe Indiana, June 18. - DrOPOSfMl OC Dried Cali- Bloomingtojc, ll,.tl nmlintno-" th9 ' results at the Olympic club's boxing "Our Pointer." ,Wool Sacks, Fruits, south-boun- Monoo train " ,.L d passenger nnurai va eommonweaiiD. .iullu carnival in Mechanics' pcvllion, last fornia and Eastern Canned Fruits i & F." ArHoroit nrlnln.--- DUEDDOlti. loriu "B. 'My Choice," due here, this morning, enoonntered HUH in . a There were O.00U spectators ... .liatriKnf innf nigbt. an awful .uirrn near the oitv. The ex- - tUI UH . and among them were soores 01 wo "La.Libertad." and Vegetables, Farinaceous waicn... urn. runn incr at full when The convention openea, w men. Manufactured by Goods. nroa. speed, will rlnriB wsvs and mans to Navajo Blankets. almost H.rWT it ws struck: by a oloudborst, of ft A Chlcaae Suicide. rails. The nrrv cut the plans establishing sweeping the train from the oommonweann v.u Illinois, June 18 Deputy 8waknned ia the sleepers Chicago, The Amrirican passengers aiata. nrobiblv- Washington. Courca com Cigar Company and and in the " .rn- ' ' i . County Clerk William Imported were badly frightened, " is to ' Abiefieht, however, mitted suicide by asphyxiation in ft All floods are made at midst of the exoitement, lightning ae oi inn tha roar stunninz a nuno- - nn ncr tha ection i street house, this from artificial Domestic Groceries cir. .hinh to bppin operations, it may oe Randolph lodging home, free Vncrnra find knookine Coo nineteen-year-ol- d h.r nf naiia to rufar the whole matter to mnrninir. His .flavor. Pure Havana. rin-t- nr .T.ihnnton insensible. List inurv nno-ht- was making inoairios ia tbe aa nnmritlllAA Old P. O. Sii'th Street. was the most terrific ever clerk's office the Stand, night's storm Thla mnrniPfr'R 16831011 OI nQ A. tt county concerning "Bain;.VVagon3.- uritnaaauH In t.hljl ftftOtion. rr was Drier. missing father's whereabouts, wnen an A U. a uiswanf.ii Dpninnrftcvi . LU June 18 cyclone j to-m- officer who did not know tbe young Juijet, A til uirnmnnt WA9 taken until " ii mis announced tbe eui struak J Jt at aa early hour, an.n hoA IIUO Tit business oould be lady, entered and ft0d ' m ,rnin,r Th mSfCUrV fell 60 trar.'sioted committee on con oide. No cause is assigned. until the Oeo. W. Hkkoz Ca were not wrm. At 5 o'clock ' Oeo. W. Hlckox Hlxsea or.reiits is from. Blow Tne wind stiiutjon herd Mills Up. El Texaa. Santa Fe, N it was as dark as nieht.. 18. Paao, Stoves and Steel nlate-zla- ss " Conn., June The Ranges lilam fiurn t.rari. finft broke A Charitab e Convention, t Hartford, sirook IlMirdvllle com. windows, while tbe lightning ToitoKTO, Oataria, Jane 18. The mills of the powder Oeo. W. Hickox & Co. So'Id on. bouses in air pans oune eny.. inrnticnal conference of charities nanv blew bp "stt" boon; to-oa- killing , 8. Terrible Liuisvillk, Ky Janel will meet in Toronto, two workmen windstorm, are irom an over and corrections repirwa aDHalnn. nextmoolb. It is another accident. JbwBlers BilvBramit Middle West c maty, tnis aueruouu.